How to get a mortgage for maternity capital. Where can I get and which banks give mortgages for maternity capital: Rosselkhozbank, Primsotsbank and others Which bank accepts maternity capital

Money under the certificate can be used to pay the down payment and (or) repay the principal debt and interest on a targeted mortgage loan or a loan for the purchase (construction) of housing.

Mortgage lending for families with two or more children is one of the main opportunities to use funds secured by a maternity capital certificate. By using money from maternity capital for housing loans or loans, a family that needs to improve their living conditions can count on a payment from the state in the amount of up to 466 thousand rubles without waiting 3 years.

In the general case, under Russian law, a mortgage means pledge of real estate(apartment, house, room or share in property), which is received by a financial institution (mortgagor) until the moment of full settlement of the issued credit funds.

That is, the borrower

  • takes a home loan or a targeted mortgage loan;
  • the bank receives housing purchased or under construction as collateral until the debt and interest on the loan are fully repaid;
  • for the possibility of full disposal of real estate, the final ownership is issued after the pledge is removed from the living space (that is, after the full payment of borrowed funds, interest, commissions and penalties for delays).

At the legal level, mortgages are regulated by Federal Law No. 102-FZ of July 16, 1998 “ About mortgage (mortgage of real estate)". Not only housing, but also a land plot, an enterprise or other property can be provided as collateral.

A mortgage loan for maternity capital usually involves an apartment as collateral. Financial institutions are not as willing to lend to building or buying a house as they are to lending square meters in apartment buildings.

How to use maternity capital for a mortgage

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007 “ On the Rules for the allocation of funds (part of funds) of maternity (family) capital to improve housing conditions”, one of the possibilities to use the funds under the certificate is buying or building a home. If these procedures are performed with the conclusion of a loan agreement, then money from the mother's capital in a non-cash form can be transferred to the credit institution that provided the loan. However, this requires certain conditions to be met.

Funds under the certificate can be used for the following purposes:

  • payment of the first installment under a housing loan agreement, including mortgage, or under a targeted loan agreement;
  • depositing funds on account of the principal debt on the loan and paying interest.

It is allowed to pay with the funds of mother capital only targeted loans- that is, taken for the purchase or construction of housing. A loan agreement can be concluded both before the family has the right to maternity capital, and after. At the same time, not only the holder of the certificate, but also his (her) spouse has the right to be a participant in the transaction.


It is strictly forbidden to direct funds from mother capital to pay off fines, penalties or various commissions under loan agreements. The purpose of the use of funds must be indicated in the application for disposal to the Pension Fund (PFR) and confirmed by the relevant documents listed below.

It should also be noted that housing loans using maternity capital are often implemented through special banking programs, according to which the state subsidy can be invested in the payment of principal, interest or the first loan installment.

Pay off a mortgage loan. capital

If a mortgage has already been taken, and a second (third) child is born in the family, the family has the opportunity to contribute part of the funds as an early payment from the money provided for by the certificate for the mother's capital.

In practice, it is much easier to send money from maternity capital to an already taken housing loan than to apply for a new one.

Maternity capital for repayment previous mortgage, can be used after submitting an appropriate application to the FIU. The money is transferred from the PFR account to the account of a financial institution from which the purchased housing is secured.

Process repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital happens in the following sequence:

  1. If ready-made housing is purchased (and not in a house under construction), the borrower immediately registers the apartment as a property in Rosreestr. At the same time, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN) will indicate that the apartment has been mortgaged.
  2. In a credit institution (bank), a certificate of current debt on a loan is taken.
  3. The required package of documents is collected and submitted together with the application for disposal to the FIU for consideration.
  4. The application is considered by the Pension Fund within a month. If it is approved, then the mother capital will be transferred to the credit institution within 1 month and 10 working days from the date of registration of the application.
  5. After the money is transferred by the bank, a recalculation is carried out and a new payment schedule is drawn up.
  6. The borrower continues to pay off the loan.
  7. After the final settlement with the bank and the signing of all papers, the encumbrance is removed from the apartment, and the new owner makes it the property of all family members.

Loan repayment documents

The maternity capital for the repayment of a mortgage issued earlier is transferred by the PFR to the account of a credit institution after the submission of the documents listed in clauses 6 and 13 of Government Decree No. 862 of December 12, 2007.


For those who want to use maternity capital for a mortgage, the documents are provided according to the following list:

  • application for the targeted direction of funds (filled in the FIU);
  • a document proving the identity of the applicant and confirming his registration;
  • if the documents are submitted by a legal representative - his identity card and a notarized power of attorney;
  • if the loan agreement is concluded by the spouse of the certificate holder - the spouse's passport and his registration document, as well as a marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the credit (loan) agreement and, if available, a mortgage agreement with a mark on state registration;
  • certificate from the bank on the balance of the principal debt and interest arrears;
  • a document confirming the transfer of a loan (credit) to the account of the developer or seller of housing;
  • if the residential object has not yet been registered in the common shared ownership of all family members - a written obligation to complete such clearance within 6 months after:
    • removal of encumbrance from housing (with a mortgage);
    • its commissioning (in case of shared construction);
    • immediately after the transfer of funds from the FIU (in other cases).

The following documents are provided depending on the purpose of the loan and are required for confirmation of the intended use of money(improvement of living conditions):

  • extract from the USRN on ownership for the acquired object (if an already completed apartment was bought or the construction of housing for which a loan was issued was completed);
  • contract for participation in shared construction(if the owner of the certificate or his spouse purchases an apartment in an apartment building under construction);
  • housing association certificate(if the loan was issued to make an initial or share contribution to a residential complex, housing cooperative or housing cooperative);
  • permission to build a private house(if the bank has agreed to issue a loan for such a case, and the house has not yet been put into operation).

Maternity capital for the down payment

Until 2015, the opportunity to use funds for the first installment on a mortgage loan was provided to holders of certificates only after three years since the birth or adoption of a child.

Legislatively, the ability to send funds for a down payment on a loan up to 3 years appeared after the entry into force of:

  • Federal Law No. 131-FZ dated May 23, 2015 on amendments to Art. 7 and 10 of the basic law on maternity capital;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 950 dated 09.09.2015 on amendments to the "Rules for the allocation of maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions."
After the adoption of such a decision by the Government, the growth of the mortgage lending market was predicted by 5-30%, but there was no significant increase. In practice, certificate holders wishing to exercise this right have encountered technical difficulties.


According to the current legislation, the owner of the certificate for maternity capital can take the target housing credit or loan for the purchase or construction of housing. According to the application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the funds secured by the certificate are used to pay the borrowed money.

The indisputable advantage of such a targeted investment is that money can be disposed of immediately after obtaining the right to maternity capital, that is up to the child's 3rd birthday. In fact, this rule is valid so far only for the payment of mortgage loans already taken. In practice, mother capital is still used for a down payment on a loan, but usually after the child is 3 years old.

In addition, some Russian banks offer special mortgage lending programs involving mother capital at a reduced interest rate.


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How to get a mortgage loan for maternity capital? What documents are needed to apply for a mortgage? How to pay off a mortgage using mat capital?

We welcome our readers! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is with you again.

We continue a series of publications on maternity capital. In today's issue, I will pay attention to a topical issue for many families - the use of maternity capital in mortgage lending.

So let's get started!

1. Mortgage under maternity capital - advantages, benefits, interest

The solution of the housing issue is relevant for every family in which a second, third or subsequent child appears. Rising current costs significantly reduce the chances of buying or building a new home with personal savings.

Fortunately, there is an opportunity to remedy the situation with the help of government subsidies. The statistics of the Pension Fund shows that since the first year of the mother capital program, the most popular and relevant direction in the use of funds has been the improvement of housing conditions.

Of the 3 million families that used the mother capital at the beginning of 2015 to improve the status of housing, 70% of applicants implemented their projects using credit instruments (including mortgage agreements).

The popularity of loans for mother capital for the purchase or construction of housing is simply explained - spending funds on other areas is less profitable and more problematic.

Mortgage interest for families who have used maternity capital does not exceed standard rates (9-14% per annum), and in some cases even reduced. True, a positive decision on issuing a mortgage loan is not made in all cases.

Is it profitable to repay mortgage loans with maternity capital? The answer is yes, but in order not to be unfounded, let's give an example of calculations.


Let's say the size of the mortgage loan is 1,800,000 rubles. For this amount, the monthly payment is 20 068 rubles. A full maternity capital contribution is considered an option for early repayment of the loan and affects the amount of the monthly installment.

After signing the contract, the final amount of the debt decreases, and the interest on the loan decreases accordingly. Now they are about the same 16 500 – 17 000 thousand per month.

To obtain a mortgage under the mother capital, the borrower's family must meet the requirements of financial institutions.

Borrowers are required to:

  • the presence of a permanent income, confirmed by certificates;
  • work experience in the current position for at least 6 months (in some banks - 3 years);
  • impeccable credit history.

When applying, only the legal (“white”) income of the borrower is taken into account. Housing, which is acquired by mortgage, is registered in the ownership of all family members.

The difficulty is that not all banks are ready to work with maternity capital, so those who want to use the certificate do not have much choice.

In all cases, the issue is resolved on an individual basis after a preliminary conversation between the potential borrower and representatives of the financial institution.

For more information about all types, read in a separate article.

Important news on the topic:

Vladimir Putin took the initiative to extend the maternity capital program until 2022. In addition, he proposed to introduce monthly payments for the first child in an amount that will be calculated based on the subsistence minimum.

The reform will also affect the way the matcapiatla is used. From 2018, it will be possible to spend it not only on improving housing conditions and education, but also on caring for preschool children.

With regard to the support of the mortgage program, parents will be able to take loans secured by purchased housing with state support. If the average mortgage rate is 10%, then the state will pay 4%.

Watch a video on this topic:

2. Options for using maternity capital in a mortgage

The general rule, regulated by law, is:

Family Capital Certificate funds can be spent NOT earlier than 3 years after the birth of the 2nd (third or subsequent) child.

There is an important exception to this rule: capital can be used without waiting for three years when it comes to debt repayment the applicant to a bank or other financial institution. The exception also applies to loans secured by mortgages.

In general, family capital can be used both to repay an existing loan, and to apply for a new one. True, these loans should be obtained exclusively for housing needs.

Repayment of the down payment

So, the child has reached the age of 3 years, and his parents decided to direct public funds to improve living conditions. Now they can weigh all the pros and cons and apply to a bank that issues mortgage loans for maternity capital.

The right to use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage became available in May 2015, when the relevant law was passed.

New opportunities, according to representatives of the State Duma, will improve the living conditions of families who cannot get a positive decision on a mortgage due to the lack of the required amount of money to make a down payment.

Other benefits from the entry into force of the new law:

  • increasing efficiency in the use of maternity capital;
  • reduction in the amount of the monthly payment and interest rates on loans;
  • support of the real estate market during the economic crisis.

Since the amount of family capital since 2015 is 453,026 rubles, in many cases this money is enough to pay off the down payment, which usually amounts to 10-20% of the entire loan.

To complete this transaction, you need to submit an application to the local branch of the Pension Fund, and then conclude an agreement with a banking organization that provides the relevant services.

Repayment of principal

You can repay the main debt only on loans taken for the purpose of acquiring (constructing) housing. Any other loans, including those issued by microfinance organizations (MFIs), are prohibited from repaying with the help of mother capital.

This ban has legal force and is enshrined in the relevant article of March 2015. The adoption of the ban is associated with a large number of abuses by MFIs and other companies using illegal cashing schemes for MSCs.

Fines, delays, commissions and penalties for late payments and non-fulfillment of debt obligations cannot be repaid with the help of family capital.

3. How to get a mortgage under maternity capital - 3 easy steps

The procedure for applying for a mortgage under maternity capital is standard:

  1. The apartment (or other housing) is registered as a property.
  2. The bank transfers the money to the seller's account.
  3. The apartment remains pledged (under a mortgage) until the entire amount of the debt is repaid, together with interest.

Before proceeding with the purchase of an apartment on a mortgage, it is necessary to reach an agreement with the Pension Fund and the bank. It may take 1-3 months or more to complete the transaction: to reduce the time, it is worth collecting all the documents and studying the algorithm of actions in advance.

Step 1. Collection of necessary documents

The following documents are required to be submitted to the bank:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • maternity capital certificate;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • documents confirming solvency (certificate of basic income with the seal of the employer, certificate of additional income);
  • certificate of no outstanding utility bills.

We also need documents confirming the transaction for the purchase / sale of an apartment or house, certificates from the BTI and other technical papers.

Step 2. Applying to the Pension Fund

If the bank agrees to issue a mortgage, the decision to transfer funds is made by the Pension Fund. The organization has the right to consider the application and carry out verification for several months (2-3), after which it agrees to the procedure or refuses the borrower.

Copies of personal documents, data on the residential premises purchased under the contract, bank statements must be provided to the Fund. All loan documents from the bank must meet the established requirements, otherwise the application will be denied.

Step 3. Registration of the contract

The contract for registration of a mortgage under maternity capital implies the consent of the parents to the full or partial transfer of family capital to the bank to pay off the down payment or current debt.

After the transfer from the Pension Fund, the bank changes the loan repayment schedule and reduces the amount of monthly installments.

In the contract, the spouses are registered as co-borrowers. The Bank and the Pension Fund jointly control the legal integrity of the transaction.

If you have already used mother capital for any purpose (for example, to educate a child), you will not be able to apply for a mortgage from scratch. In this case, you can use the certificate only to pay off the existing debt.

4. How to avoid fraud when applying for a mortgage under mat capital

The first rule that will help you avoid fraud: work only with official organizations - large banks and directly with the Pension Fund.

Scammers may present themselves to you as employees of well-known companies: you should check their documents or ask banks and the FIU if such employees work for them.

Schemes of fraud with MSC are quite numerous:

  • conclusion of fictitious loan agreements and withdrawal of commissions for mediation from certificate holders;
  • obtaining consent to withdraw the certificate and withdraw it from the owners;
  • purchase of housing under construction with the help of matkapital with the subsequent resale of rights.

We will not mention the options when the holders of certificates themselves, who purchase housing for the purpose of its further sale, turn out to be swindlers.

And a few more important points:

  1. If you plan to use maternity capital in a mortgage, you must notify the Pension Fund of Russia 6 months in advance or earlier, since all payments in this organization are planned once every six months.
  2. Decide in advance what kind of housing you want to buy - finished or under construction. In the second case, you will win in price, but the timing of obtaining housing will be more uncertain.
  3. The apartment is registered for all members of the family in equal shares.
  4. The right to dispose of the apartment (sale, exchange, donation) appears only after the fulfillment of payment obligations.

An obligatory condition for the execution of an agreement with a bank is insurance. For some financial institutions, insurance is sufficient in case of disability or dismissal of the borrower.

Other companies require life insurance and property damage insurance from the client. In case of early repayment of the debt, it will not be possible to return the paid part of the insurance.

5. Which banks issue mortgages for maternity capital - TOP-7 most reliable banks

In 2018, several dozen Russian banks work with maternity capital. We have selected the seven most reliable financial institutions and present them to the attention of readers.


Previously, this financial institution issued mortgages against mat capital only for ready-made objects. However, now Sberbank provides support to families wishing to purchase housing under construction, and even helps to find funds for the reconstruction and repair of houses and apartments.

Bank DeltaCredit

The Bank issues loans to improve housing conditions with a minimum down payment (5%). Family capital funds are accepted as the initial amount for debt payment and as repayment of the main mortgage loan.

VTB 24

Directions for investing public funds are standard: covering the initial contribution, reducing the amount of the contribution, repaying the principal debt. A loan is issued for the purchase of primary, secondary or under construction housing.

Bank of Moscow

This financial institution does not accept maternity capital as a down payment, but repays them the principal debt on a mortgage loan and interest on it.

Nomos Bank

Relatively recently, it has been working with maternity capital, but it offers its clients several quite high-quality financial products designed to improve the living conditions of families with 2 or more children.

Bank UniCredit

The company has been working with family capital since 2009. The scheme for providing services has long been worked out - all possible options for using the state certificate for mother capital are available to borrowers and are processed as quickly as possible.


Works under two programs "MK" and "MK plus". Those wishing to purchase a home on credit can cover part of the debt or make a down payment. Decisions on the issuance of a mortgage loan are made within 1 day.

Summary table for all banks:

Bank's name Average interest on a loan Exclusive Products
1 Sberbank 12% Housing loan
2 Bank DeltaCredit 11% Loan "Delta-variant" with a minimum down payment
3 VTB 24 11,5% Acquisition of secondary housing
4 Bank of Moscow from 11%Only standard options
5 Nomos Bank 12%-14% Loan "Apartment + MK"
6 Bank Unicredit 12%-13% Loan for the purchase of a cottage
7 Primsotsbank 11%-14% Loan "Maternity Capital Plus"

6. Help for those who want to take or pay off a mortgage with the help of maternity capital

In addition to banks, there are other companies and financial organizations that offer their assistance (of course, not free of charge) to holders of state certificates. We have already talked about the possibility of running into scammers, here we will talk about honest companies operating legally.

Sometimes these are representatives of specific construction companies who want to sell real estate quickly and for the intended purpose. Such firms offer families to provide their certificates as a down payment and receive a discount on the cost of housing.

The decision to use the offer of intermediary companies is made only by the owner of the certificate, after weighing all the pros and cons. It is unlikely that you can get a big benefit on credit terms, but sometimes there are really interesting options.

In 2019 majority large ones work with maternity capital. Many of them provide the opportunity not only for a loan, but also at the expense of mother capital - for this you need to submit the necessary documents to a credit institution and the Pension Fund at any time after the right to a certificate appears - wait 3 years no need.

Get a loan if maternity (family) capital (MSK) was (is) used for its registration, it is forbidden, since the non-cash transfer of credit funds to the account of the certificate holder or his spouse is required condition order approval. also at interest not allowed, since matcapital is target a measure of state support, and a citizen can dispose of it only in the areas established by law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006. on measures of state support for families with children, which not provided use of MSC for the formation of a bank deposit.

Which banks issue mortgages for maternity capital?

In 2019, most large banks in the Russian Federation issue mortgage housing loans against maternity capital, and also allow you to repay previously issued loans with its funds. According to part 6.1. Art. 7 of federal law No. 256-FZ, you can apply to a credit institution at any time after receiving a certificate - wait three years no need.

The table shows conditions on which a loan with maternity capital can be taken in some large banks in Russia.

BankProgramsTerms (in years)Down payment (in %)Rates (in %)
Buying a home on the primary marketUp to 12 - on special. programs;

Up to 30 - on general terms

From 158.50 to 10.50
Buying a second homeup to 30From 15From 10.20 to 11.60
Acquisition of primary housingup to 30From 10From 9.7
Acquisition of secondary housingup to 30From 10From 9.7
Gazprombank Mortgages from major developersup to 30From 10From 10.50
Purchase of apartments from KP "UGS"up to 30From 10From 10.50
Buying a townhouse from Gazprombank-Investup to 20From 20From 10.50
Acquisition of housing in the primary marketup to 30From 10From 10.50
Buying a home on the secondary marketup to 30From 10From 10.50
Rosselkhozbank Young family and maternity capitalup to 30From 15From 10
Bank opening" Buying a second homeup to 3010 to 80From 10
Acquisition of a primary residenceup to 3010 to 80From 10
Promsvyazbank Buying a home on the primary marketup to 25From 10From 9.8
Buying a second homeup to 25From 15From 10.2
Alfa Bank

Finished housingup to 30From 15From 9.99
Housing under constructionup to 30From 15From 9.79

On the possibility of repaying a loan (taken under a particular program) by mother capital, it is necessary learn employees of a particular bank.

Is it possible to direct the mother's capital to pay the down payment?

According to paragraph a) part 3 of the Government Decree No. 862 of December 12, 2007 on the rules for directing family capital to improve housing conditions, certificate means can be used for payment by target credit (loan) for the purchase or construction of housing (including mortgage). In 2019, the following large banks of the Russian Federation accept MSCs for the first installment:

  • Bank opening ";
  • and others.

Before directing maternity capital to the down payment, it is necessary read the terms credit institution, some banks set restrictions on the use of MSCs for this purpose.

Bank VTB. The initial contribution, in addition to maternity capital, must necessarily include personal funds. In addition, matkapital can be paid no more than 15% the cost of housing, and own funds need to repay at least 10%. At the same time, use the certificate to pay the down payment in the "Victory over Formalities" program it is forbidden.

Gazprombank. When providing a certificate for MSC, the initial payment may be reduced by its amount, but not less than 5%.

Promsvyazbank. The initial payment can be paid by maternity capital with a delay up to six months. At the same time, the certificate holder should not have other existing loans for improving housing conditions.

Bank opening". Taking into account the funds of the MSC, the minimum amount of the initial contribution may be 10 % .

Rosselkhozbank. The initial payment can be paid in full maternity capital, if its amount is:

  • 10 % from the value of the property;
  • 15 % from the price of primary housing.

DeltaCredit. When using the certificate, the down payment can be less than 10% compared to the conditions of standard bank programs.

Alfa Bank. If maternity capital is used for a down payment, then at least 5% the cost of real estate the borrower must repay with personal funds.

To direct mother capital for a down payment, you first need contact the bank with the required list of documents for obtaining a loan, and after apply for disposal to the FIU.

If the Pension Fund approves the order, then the funds of the certificate will be transferred to the credit institution without cash within 1 month and 10 working days from the date of registration of the application.

List of documents for obtaining maternity capital by a bank

In order for maternity capital to be sent to a credit institution as a down payment, you must contact it to receive a loan with the following list of documents:

  • application form;
  • identity cards of the borrower and co-borrower - one of them must be the owner of the certificate;
  • confirmation of their place of residence (stay);
  • documents confirming employment and income (certificate of wages, a copy of the work book, etc.);
  • certificate for MSC funds;
  • a certificate of the balance of the mother's capital issued by the PRF authorities.

Exact list needed specify at the chosen credit institution.

to the Pension Fund by providing:

  • order statement;
  • marriage certificate and spouse's passport (with proof of residence), if he is a co-borrower;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • a copy of the registered mortgage agreement;
  • notarial obligation to allocate shares to the spouse and children.

Is it possible to repay a bank loan with maternity capital?

According to Part 3 of Decree No. 862, mother capital Can partially or completely targeted loan taken from a bank for the purchase of housing. To do this, you must notify the credit institution in 30 days, since part 2 of Art. 810 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes that a citizen has the right to early return credit funds taken at interest if he warns the bank about this within the specified period. Also, the certificate holder must take certificate of unpaid balance.

Credit institutions may set a different period in which it is necessary to report early payment of the loan.

To fully or partially repay a housing loan with maternity capital, to the bank must provide:

  • identity card of the borrower/co-borrower;
  • application for early repayment;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the balance of the mother's capital;
  • certificate for MSC.

After that, the owner of the certificate needs to contact to the Pension Fund by providing:

  • order statement;
  • Russian passport with registration mark;
  • spouse's passport and marriage certificate, if he is a co-borrower;
  • a copy of the loan agreement;
  • a copy of the mortgage agreement that has passed state registration;
  • title documents for residential premises:
    • extract of ownership from the USRN;
    • a copy of the equity participation agreement registered with Rosreestr;
    • an extract from the register of members of a housing cooperative;
  • certificate of the amount of the unpaid balance on the loan;
  • confirmation of non-cash crediting to the account of the owner of the certificate (spouse) of credit funds;
  • share obligation.

The appeal is considered by the FIU one month. If the order is approved, then the maternity capital is transferred to the credit institution within 10 working days.

According to paragraph c) part 3. Decree No. 862, maternity capital can be used to repay refinanced target loan for the construction or purchase of housing.

Cash loan for maternity capital

A loan that is issued with the involvement of mother capital, receive in cash it is forbidden, because cashless transfer of funds to the owner of the certificate (his spouse) is obligatory condition for the order of the MSC.

P. 7 h. 2 art. 8 of Law No. 256-FZ establishes that if the Pension Fund is not provided with a document proving cashless receipt of credit funds, then circulation will not be satisfied.

This proves Clause 8 of the “Review of judicial practice in cases related to the exercise of the right to maternity (family) capital”, approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on 06/22/2016. To a citizen who received a loan for the purchase of a two-room apartment in a limited liability company by cash order, first the Pension Fund, and then the Court of Appeal denied disposal.

This decision was made because the loan agreement was concluded after the entry into force current changes that approved the confirmation of the non-cash transfer of funds.

Any transactions and operations carried out with the aim of cashing out the funds of the certificate, illegal and are punished in accordance with Article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation " Payout Fraud».

Is it possible to put mother's capital in a bank at interest?

Use maternity capital for a bank deposit at interest it is forbidden, since the funds of the certificate are a measure of state support, which is provided for disposal in the areas established by Part 3 of Art. 7 of Law No. 256-FZ. The specified article not provided use of mother's capital as cash for a bank deposit. In 2019, MSC funds can be directed to:

  • improving the living conditions of the family;
  • payment for children's education;
  • formation of a funded pension for the mother or adoptive parent;
  • payment for the goods (services) necessary for the adaptation in the society of a disabled child;
  • receiving a monthly payment for the 2nd child up to one and a half years.

In 2017, bill No. 070471-6 " About construction savings banks”, which would allow, among other things, the use of MSC funds as a construction savings contribution. Subsequently, the owner of the certificate could apply to the savings bank to provide him with a targeted loan to improve his living conditions.

Each family that has the right to receive assistance from the state will have to choose the best option for a financial institution. The information in this article is intended to facilitate it to some extent. First of all, it is worth listing banks that work with maternity capital.

This list includes:

  1. Bank of Moscow;
  2. Delta Credit;
  3. Unicredit;
  4. Bank opening".

Criteria for the work of banks with maternity capital

Bank DeltaCredit- the smallest down payment - 5%. As part of the "Lending with maternity (family) capital" program, you can use a mortgage loan to purchase a home. State aid is directed to partial early repayment of the loan.

The loan amount, taking into account family capital, should not exceed the maximum possible loan amount provided by the bank.

Bank "Unicredit"- maternity capital can be used as part of own funds when obtaining a loan to buy housing in the secondary market in accordance with the program "Loan for the purchase of an apartment or cottage". The certificate for maternity capital allows you to increase the amount of the loan issued by the amount of maternity capital, provided that state assistance will be used to repay the loan after registering the ownership of the collateral object.

Sberbank Back in 2012, he worked exclusively with secondary housing. Since 2013, there is the right to connect new buildings. In addition, maternity capital can be used as a down payment for the purchase of an apartment, and not just to repay existing loans.

  1. The owner of the certificate for the right to receive maternity capital is obliged to submit the certificate itself;
  2. The housing that is planned to be purchased must be registered in the common shared ownership of all members of the borrower's family (spouse / wife and all children).

Bank of Moscow- there is a program "Mortgage + maternity capital". Maternity capital can be used when buying a finished or under construction housing

VTB 24- maternity capital in it can be used to fully cover the down payment on the mortgage or to reduce the amount of the contribution, or to partially pay off the debt on the mortgage.

The following conditions are required:

  1. An applicant who is a citizen of the Russian Federation must have a certificate of the right to maternity capital;
  2. The loan is provided in rubles;
  3. The loan is allocated for the purchase of housing under construction or secondary housing.

Bank opening"- The interest rate on the loan depends on the term of the loan and the size of the entry fee. The Maternity Capital program in this bank is a pledge of loans partially repaid by maternity capital and issued at a rate of up to 11.75% per annum.

How can I get maternity capital?

Before applying to banks where a mortgage is issued for maternity capital, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate for the provision of this type of state assistance. The organization that issues it is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The mother and child for whom the capital is issued must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory package of documents:

  1. Passport of the mother of the child;
  2. Birth certificate of the child;
  3. The presence of registration or registration in the area in which the PF (Pension Fund) is located, i.e. Form No. 9;
  4. Application for a certificate, written in the prescribed form;
  5. Certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Copies will be made of all submitted documents in the Pension Fund and the application will be considered within a month. If copies are sent (for example, by mail), they must be certified by a notary.

In the case of adoption, an adoption decision is required.

All originals remain with the owner, the Pension Fund only needs copies.

What can maternity capital be spent on?

  1. Improving housing conditions, for which you can contact banks that give a loan for maternity capital;

Brief description of banks working with maternity capital

  1. Bank of Moscow. It is one of the five largest banks in the Russian Federation. Provides financial services to legal entities and individuals.
  2. The main shareholder of the Bank is VTB Group (95.52%). Particular importance is attached to innovative and high-tech products and services.
  3. DeltaCredit Bank is the first specialized mortgage commercial bank in the Russian Federation. The main task of DeltaCredit is to assist in solving housing problems.

The bank offers:

  • Mortgage loans for a period of 7 to 25 years in rubles and dollars;
  • Free consideration of the initial application - up to 3 days;
  • Operational registration of the transaction - from 5 days;
  • Special offers.

DeltaCredit provides mortgage loans in its own offices and in the network of partner banks.

  1. UniCredit Bank- commercial Bank , carrying out financial operations in Russia since 1989. It is the largest bank in the Russian Federation with foreign participation, it is in 8th place in the top 100.
  2. Sberbank of Russia- one of the largest and oldest banks in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. Founded in 1841. A wide range of services: deposits, various loans, issuance of bank cards, money transfers, bank insurance and brokerage services.
  3. VTB bank is VTB Bank itself, its subsidiaries, credit and financial organizations. Carrying out banking operations, securities market services, insurance services or other services of a financial nature. VTB-24 Bank is part of the VTB international financial group and serves individuals, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  4. Bank opening" is a universal commercial bank that offers a line of traditional banking products, investment, pension and insurance services to individuals, small and medium-sized businesses and large corporate clients.
  5. The amount of the allowance in 2017 amounted to 453,026 thousand rubles.

News regarding the issuance of maternity capital

YearAmount of Parent CapitalDifference from previous yearMC growth percentage
2007 250000 - -
2008 276250 +26250 10.5
2009 312152 +35902 12.99
2010 343378 +31226 10.00
2011 365698 +22320 6.5
2012 387640 +21942 6.0
2013 408960 +21360 5.5
  • Apartmentacquired at the expense of family capital must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Housing is registered in the common shared ownership of all family members.
  • State assistance can be used to pay the down payment when obtaining a loan and to repay the principal and interest on loans that were provided before January 1, 2011.
  • Since 2011, it is not necessary to wait for the child to reach the age of 3 in order to apply to banks that work with maternity capital and use state assistance to eliminate loan debt.
  • When applying, you need to compare the offers of several banks. Large financial and credit institutions work with capital on the basis of the Federal Law on Mortgage and other regulations.

    If the owner is going to pay off the mortgage debt, including interest, then. To apply for a loan for which the capital will be transferred as a down payment, expecting a three year old.

    Each bank has its own requirements for obtaining a mortgage loan. The term "social mortgage" does not yet mean that the loan holder will be able to purchase housing without any problems. Experts recommend applying for a mortgage in large federal banks.

    In Russia, a housing loan is provided by:

    • Gazprombank;
    • Promsvyazbank;
    • other lending institutions.

    Please note that mortgage offers of banks and loan conditions may change from time to time. Reliable and up-to-date information can also be obtained by directly contacting the bank's specialists directly or through a mortgage broker.


    Sberbank cooperates with the state and willingly accepts, as well as a means of paying the principal and interest. The bank has programs "Purchase of finished housing - one rate" and "Purchase of housing under construction". The minimum loan rate is 8.6%. The average rate is 13%. Borrower age requirements are 21-75 years old.

    There are also requirements for the presence of insurance experience. He must make at least six months at the current job. The total experience must be at least 1 year for the last five years. There are no requirements for seniority if the client is transferred wages to an account with Sberbank.

    The maximum down payment for a mortgage is 85%. The minimum is 15%. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles. Real estate insurance against the risk of death or loss is mandatory. A young family can take advantage of the bank's support. For her, the interest rate can be reduced to 0.5%.


    Rosselkhobank has extensive lending programs for holders of family capital certificates. It is possible to purchase an apartment, townhouse or private house with an entry fee of at least 15%. The minimum contribution for shared construction is 20%.

    If a private house with a land plot is purchased, then you need to pay 25%. The minimum mortgage amount is 100 thousand rubles. The largest amount is 20 million rubles. Loan term - up to 30 years. Pledge of real estate and its insurance of the acquired object for the entire term of the loan is also mandatory. The term for consideration of the application is up to 3 days, but, if necessary, can be extended. At least three individuals can be involved as co-borrowers on a mortgage.

    Bank VTB24

    VTB24 has mortgage programs “More meters - lower rate”, etc. With the help of mother capital, you can pay the down payment on the loan, which is at least 20%. The age of the borrower at the time of repayment must be at least 65 years.

    The maximum amount of a mortgage loan in budgetary areas is 5 million rubles. Property insurance is also considered a prerequisite. The minimum loan amount is 200 thousand rubles.


    From February 28, 2018, Gazprombank (GPB) offers to purchase apartments at a flat rate of 9%. The minimum mortgage amount is 500 thousand rubles. You can pay the loan with maternity capital for the current debt, i.e., the bank will not accept the certificate as a down payment.

    The minimum age of the borrower is 20 years. The initial payment is from 10%. The average interest rate is 15%. It increases by 0.5% if the client does not receive wages on the Gazprombank card. The period of lending to citizens is up to 30 years.

    Raiffeisen bank

    The minimum interest rate on a mortgage with maternity capital is 9.25%. Loan term 1-30 years. The maximum loan amount is 25 million rubles. The borrower must have an official or verified income. The minimum age for a certificate holder is 21 years old. At the time of approval of the mortgage from the borrower should not have any home loans regardless of their duration and amount.


    Promsvyazbank offers to issue a mortgage loan under maternity capital for a period of up to 25 years. The minimum interest rate is from 9.2% and depends on the income level of the borrower, his agreement to provide credit insurance and real estate. The bank has programs "New building" and "Secondary market". The minimum mortgage amount is 200 thousand rubles. The down payment is mandatory and cannot be made at the expense of maternity capital.

    Table of basic lending conditions

    Using the table, you can find out the main indicators of lending. The borrower is recommended to apply for a mortgage in several banks at once. If the application is approved, then its validity period is usually 3 months.

    Bank Minimum amount Average interest rate Minimum down payment amount (%)
    Sberbank 300 thousand rubles 13% 15
    Rosselkhozbank 100 thousand rubles 12% 15-30
    VTB 24 200 thousand rubles 13% 20
    Gazprombank 500 thousand rubles 15% 10
    Raiffeisen Bank 300 thousand rubles 14% 20
    Promsvyazbank 200 thousand rubles 16% 15

    The terms of the loan can be found on the website of the selected bank. The portal of almost every financial and credit organization indicates that information on mortgages is for reference and does not have the character of an offer. This means that the bank itself decides to whom to issue a loan and to whom not. It reserves the right to refuse mortgages without giving reasons.

    The presence of maternity capital in the amount of 100 does not mean that the certificate holder will be able to immediately get rid of housing problems. With this kind of money, without a long repayable loan, in a provincial town, but often banks refuse to issue a mortgage to buy a room.

    Almost all banks require that the borrower and his family have fixed income with which you can pay your mortgage. Loan conditions depend on the bank, region, family and legal status of the borrower. Each application is considered on an individual basis.

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