How to enable or disable the Tinkoff insurance protection program. Refusal from the "voluntary financial and insurance protection program" under the general terms of the contract When they can refuse to pay insurance

Financial protection of a loan is a term that has recently appeared in banking practice. At its core, financial protection is a regular program voluntary insurance borrower, which, however, many clients find out when the question arises of refusing such a service in the process of fulfilling loan obligations. It can be assumed that this is what was calculated.

As practice shows, the vast majority of borrowers negatively perceive the very prospect of incurring additional loan costs associated with insurance. Therefore, at the mere mention of the term “insurance” by a bank manager, the borrower should refuse to take on unnecessary financial obligations. The bank has no right to impose insurance, clients draw up insurance contracts extremely rarely, and somehow it is necessary to promote the service - hence the emergence of financial protection programs. The term does not sound as repulsive as insurance, but as long as the borrower realizes what he “signed up” for, time will pass, during which the bank will receive quite a good additional income.

What is the catch of financial protection

To understand how and how a bank can cash in on the inattention of a borrower client, you need to know at least standard terms of financial protection:

  1. The amount of payment for the service, that is, for the provision of financial protection, is calculated immediately for the entire period (term) of the contract and taking into account all its key conditions - the loan amount and interest. As a result cost of financial protection- this is a specific amount that the borrower must pay at a time and immediately on the day the loan is received. It is clear that paying for all insurance at once is very beneficial for the bank, and regardless of whether the borrower can somehow save on early repayment loan.
  2. Payment of financial protection- it's not just the need to deposit the entire amount at once. It is clear that the borrower simply cannot have it on hand or on the account. And here a very important circumstance arises - the service fee will be deducted from the loan amount due to you. For example, if a loan is issued for 300 thousand rubles, in fact the borrower will be able to receive about 50-70 thousand less, and in some cases (it all depends on the conditions of insurance) a larger amount can be deducted. But interest will accrue, and the loan will be repaid on the basis of 300 thousand rubles. The disadvantage for the borrower of such conditions is obvious.
  3. It is no secret that bank corporate rules literally force credit managers to impose financial protection on clients. Since it is forbidden to directly impose a service on banks, the borrower may simply not be explained anything about the nature and conditions of financial protection. The standard approach for insurance is also practiced - either a loan and insurance are issued, or nothing, and the client is denied a loan. They can argue the need for financial protection and more stringent lending conditions in its absence. In this case, you need to analyze everything, but borrowers often do not have time for this. Good luck for the borrower - if he is legally and financially savvy, and the loan manager is inexperienced. But in this situation, again, they can simply refuse to provide a loan.
  4. You can opt out of protection, as well as from ordinary insurance, which is what financial protection is. But, firstly, minus the income tax, that is, all the same to their own detriment, and secondly, within the time strictly allotted for this. Usually the period does not exceed 14-30 days, sometimes it is less or more, in order to be able to return 100% of the payment made under the insurance. They missed the deadline - the insurance contract can be terminated, but there is no way to return the money or only in a multiple of a smaller amount.

Features of the financial protection of Sberbank

The conditions for financial protection of Sberbank are not very different from the standard ones, but it is worth specifying some points. According to the conditions of insurance against illness and accidents in force since March 2016 (source - the official website of Sberbank):

  1. Price financial protection is calculated according to the formula: sum insured × tariff for connecting to the program (1.99% per annum) × (term of insurance in months / 12). In the conditions of the Sberbank Insurance company, a different tariff is indicated - 2.99%, however, financial protection covers not only life and health, but also involuntary loss of work. As a rule, along with consumer loans, they offer to conclude just such an insurance contract.
  2. Term of insurance does not match the expiration date loan agreement. It begins to operate from the date of signing the insurance application and paying the entire insurance fee. If the loan is repaid early, the insurance contract will still continue to be valid until the end of the term indicated in its terms or until the day of early termination.
  3. Insurance fee entered (calculated) immediately. It is assumed that it can be repaid both at your own expense and at the expense of loan funds on the day of signing the contract or in the terms and conditions established by its terms and conditions. There are no clarifications on this subject in the insurance conditions themselves, so if you are confronted with the fact that the funds have already been deducted from the loan amount, this is already a reason to challenge such actions.
  4. Early termination of insurance possible upon written application and only upon personal contact with the bank. It is impossible to submit a document by mail or other communication channels, it will not be considered. True, in the conditions of Sberbank Insurance there is no such requirement, and the methods of filing (submitting) an application are not considered at all.
  5. Refund, paid for the service, is possible only in case of cancellation of insurance within a 14-day period, calculated from the date of submission of the insurance application. Subject to the non-conclusion of an insurance contract - 100% refund of the amount, if the contract is concluded - 100% minus income tax(personal income tax, 13%).

The Bank and the company "Sberbank Insurance" agree on the possibility of changing basic conditions and their specification in the preparation of an insurance contract concluded with a certain person. Therefore, the terms of the contract may differ from the basic ones. The tariff for connecting to the Program may also change, and hence the total amount of the service fee. Much also depends on which insured events will be covered by insurance.

To date, coverage of health, life and involuntary loss of a borrower's job is considered standard for insurance of Sberbank borrowers. All this requires an extremely careful reading of the documents when applying for insurance and signing the contract.

How to get a refund of money paid for insurance under the financial protection program

The specific procedure for the return of funds under insurance is regulated by the internal rules of the bank. The only thing mandatory for all banks in accordance with the instructions of the Central Bank- fulfillment of the requirement to establish at least a 5-day period for the return of 100% of the payment made under the insurance contract. This rule applies to all banks that provide financial protection for loans, and usually the standard term is longer - 14 days.

The action plan for the return of insurance should be as follows:

  1. Examine the current insurance conditions and the terms of your contract. The task is to understand the application procedure and the deadlines set for this.
  2. If you did not write (did not sign) an application for insurance, did not conclude an agreement, prepare and send a claim to the bank. The amount must be returned in full if it was deducted from the loan amount.
  3. To speed up the process and increase its efficiency, it is advisable to submit an application for cancellation of insurance in person, be sure to take a copy of it with a mark (date, signature, seal) of the bank on acceptance.

Refunds are usually made to the customer's deposit account, unless otherwise specified in the application. If a refund is refused, you will have to go to court with the appropriate claim.

When issuing credit cards, Tinkoff offers to use the bank's borrower insurance protection system. How useful is this service, what benefits does it give to the owner of a credit card, and how much does it cost? We will answer these and other questions.

How does Tinkoff borrower insurance work?

By issuing loans, banks want to protect themselves and completely eliminate the risk of non-repayment of funds. Unfortunately, in the life of borrowers there are situations that are difficult to foresee: illness, loss of income, death. Many commercial banks issue loans with the condition of collateral or guarantee, guaranteeing the return of loans in any case. This approach does not always find a response, as it is associated with additional bureaucratic procedures: execution of a pledge agreement, collection of certificates from guarantors.

Tinkoff Bank has simplified the issuance of card loans and offers customers to connect borrowed money insurance on a voluntary basis. How does the Tinkoff insurance protection program work, and what does it give the client?

These situations include:

  • Death of the owner of the loan as a result of illness or accident;
  • Loss of ability to work as a result of a disability;
  • Loss of permanent income due to dismissal at the initiative of the employer or other reasons beyond the control of the borrower.

Insurance can be issued by individuals aged 18 to 75 who have entered into loan agreements with the bank. The service is provided by Tinkoff Insurance.

According to the terms of the agreement, 100% of the amount of the debt to the bank is subject to compensation. The beneficiary is the borrower. In the event of his death, the heirs become the beneficiaries. To receive compensation, you need to inform the bank about the insured event and submit supporting documents.

Such conditions force Tinkoff borrowers to vote for the insurance protection program, especially when it comes to large loan amounts.

By insuring credit obligations, the borrower receives guarantees of full settlement with the bank in case of force majeure. In the event of death, the heirs will not have to take on the amount of debt: everything will be covered by the payment under the bank's borrowers' insurance protection program.

Considering the low economic growth rates, the unstable situation of some industries, citizens cannot be sure of the stability of their income: the risk of bankruptcy of the enterprise and the termination of the labor contract will leave the borrower without work and money. In this case, the bank will require the return of the debt with interest and there will be another risk: delays on the loan. Therefore, today they prefer to abandon the loan insurance protection program only with full confidence in their financial position.

The loan insurance service is beneficial to the client, as it gives confidence in the full settlement with the bank in the event of a critical situation. Knowing what it is payable service, every borrower wants to know how much such a guarantee will cost.

Such information is needed to make an informed decision: to connect or refuse the insurance protection program.

The fee for the insurance protection program is set as a percentage of the debt. According to the current tariffs of the bank today it is 0.89%. Every month, the bank writes off the amount from the credit card account.

Let's take a simple calculation as an example: if we assume that the balance of the debt is 100 thousand rubles, then the insurance fee will be 890 rubles per month. If the balance of the debt is reduced to 70 thousand rubles, the insurance fee will also decrease, amounting to 623 rubles.

It is important to know that when connecting insurance, payment is charged every month at the expense of credit funds. And if the loan amount is insignificant, then there is no need for insurance.

Instructions for Tinkoff customers on how to disable the service, we will provide further.

How to disable the service

It is easy to opt out of the insurance protection program: when submitting an application for a credit card, you need to select the appropriate option and mark the refusal. If there is no such mark, the bank will connect the service automatically. Therefore, the question of Tinkoff borrowers, how to turn off insurance, can be resolved even when applying for a credit card.

If the owner of a credit card wants to disable insurance while using the card, this can be done in the following ways:

  • By calling 8 800 555 10 10 to the bank's open line;
  • IN personal account, managing the settings of credit card options.

Note that the choice of insurance services - voluntary decision each borrower. The insurance protection program fee is not always the determining factor. If there is no confidence in a stable income, you should think about guarantees of repayment of debt to the bank.

Solution in a civil case


In the name of the Russian Federation

Magistrate of the judicial district of the Soviet judicial district of the city of Moscow

at the secretary

with the participation of the plaintiff's representative -

Considered in open court in the mountains.

case on a lawsuit against PJSC IKB Sovcombank on consumer protection,

u s t a n o v i l:

She filed a lawsuit against PJSC IKB Sovcombank to recover the cost of the service for connecting to the borrower protection insurance program. The requirements are substantiated by the fact that between her and the defendant concluded a loan agreement in the amount of 200,000 RUB. for a period of 24 months. The calculation of the full cost of the loan, along with interest, also includes a fee for inclusion in the insurance protection program for borrowers in the amount of 42,000 rubles, which the plaintiff paid in a lump sum on the day the contract was concluded, while 32.1% of this amount is compensation for the insurance premium paid by directly to the insurance company. Thus, the commission as the Bank's remuneration for the specified range of services for inclusion in the insurance protection program of borrowers is 28,518 rubles. (42000 - (42000 x 32.1%).

Taking advantage of her right, enshrined in the article of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", she sent a claim to the bank to cancel the contract for the provision of services for inclusion in the insurance protection program for borrowers and payment of the cost of the service minus the actual expenses incurred by the Bank, believing that, having reimbursed the contractor for the actually incurred their expenses until the moment of refusal to fulfill the contract, the paid cash.

Given that her rights as a consumer were violated, she asked to recover from the defendant the cost of the service for connecting to the borrower protection insurance program in the amount of 26,141.50 rubles, according to the presented calculation, compensation moral damage in the amount of 2000 rubles, a fine for refusing to meet the requirements of the consumer.

At the hearing, the representative of the plaintiff supported the claims in full on the grounds set forth in the claim.

The defendant's representative did not appear at the hearing, submitting a written request for consideration of the case in his absence and written objections to the claim, in accordance with which he asked to refuse to satisfy the claims in full, referring to the fact that PJSC Sovcombank has two type of lending - with insurance (voluntary group life insurance against accidents and illnesses) and without it. Thus, insurance is not a prerequisite for granting a loan and an imposed service, but is provided only with the consent of the borrower. The plaintiff as a consumer, prior to the conclusion of the loan agreement, had full information about the service offered to him and voluntarily, in accordance with his will, assumed all the rights and obligations specified in the loan agreement, where he indicated with his own hand that he was connected to the borrower's insurance program. In addition, in the terms of lending by the bank to individuals, there is an indication that the borrower, within thirty days after being included in the program, has the right to submit to the bank an application for withdrawal from the voluntary insurance program, and the right to return the amount of the insurance premium. The borrower did not use this right, which also indicates his agreement with the insurance condition.

The court, having heard the representative of the plaintiff, having examined the materials of the case, comes to the following.

At the hearing found that between PJSC ICB «Sovcombank» and concluded a loan agreement for a loan in the amount of 200,000 RUB. for 24 months.

This agreement was concluded by sending the application-offer to the bank by the borrower and its acceptance by the bank.

In addition, on the day the loan agreement was concluded, she signed an application for inclusion in the voluntary life and accident and illness insurance program, from which it follows that she understands and agrees that by signing this application, she will be an insured person under a voluntary agreement group life insurance and against accidents and illnesses, and in case of survival before the event - involuntary loss of work, concluded between PJSC IKB Sovcombank LLC and Aliko CJSC. Application personally signed

The same statement also states that detailed information about the Program of voluntary financial and insurance protection of borrowers is contained in the terms of the Agreement consumer credit, in accordance with which, he is aware that he has the right to independently conclude an insurance contract against similar risks with any other insurance company; she understands that voluntary insurance is her personal desire and right, and not a duty; she understands and agrees that participation in the voluntary insurance program does not affect interest rate for the loan and for the bank to make a positive decision in granting a loan, which is confirmed by the Application-offer with insurance.

From the account statement it follows that the Bank debited the amount of 42,000 rubles from the borrower's account at a time as a fee for inclusion in the program of voluntary financial and insurance protection of borrowers.

These circumstances confirm that when lending, the insurance service was not imposed on the borrower, the latter had the opportunity to conclude a loan agreement with the bank even without the named condition, when concluding the agreement, the borrower was fully informed about the procedure and conditions for concluding a loan and insurance agreement.

In addition, the court found that she applied to PJSC IKB Sovcombank with a claim in which she asked for a refund of the fee paid by her for connecting to the insurance program, minus the actual expenses incurred by the Bank. Claim received by the Bank 1, voluntarily not satisfied.

In accordance with Art. The consumer has the right to refuse to execute the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor of the actually incurred costs associated with the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

Paragraph 1 of Art. , according to which the customer has the right to refuse to execute the contract for the provision of services for compensation, subject to payment to the contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him.

As follows from the content of the above legal provisions, they apply in cases where such a refusal of the consumer (customer) is not associated with a violation by the contractor of obligations under the contract, and impose on the consumer (customer) the obligation to pay the costs incurred by the contractor in connection with the performance of obligations under the contract.

The terms of lending by PJSC IKB Sovcombank to individuals for consumer needs stipulate that the borrower is included in the borrower insurance protection program on the date the borrower signs the application-offer. The borrower has the right, within thirty calendar days from the date of the borrower's inclusion in the borrowers' insurance protection program, to submit to the bank an application for withdrawal from the insurance protection program. In this case, the bank returns to the borrower the fee paid for inclusion in the borrower insurance protection program.

The borrower is also entitled to submit to the bank an application for withdrawal from the borrower insurance protection program after thirty calendar days from the date the borrower was included in the borrower insurance protection program. In case of filing an application for withdrawal of the borrower from the borrower insurance protection program after thirty calendar days from the date of inclusion of the borrower in the borrower insurance protection program, the service for including the borrower into the borrower insurance protection program is considered provided, and the paid fee for inclusion in the borrower insurance protection program is not refundable .

The bank has no other grounds for returning these funds after the expiration of the period specified in the lending conditions, since the bank fully and properly provided the service that is the subject of the agreement concluded between the parties, while the bank provided intermediary services, ensuring the participation of the plaintiff in the program insurance, however, the bank did not provide independent services for life and health insurance of the plaintiff and his participation in the insurance program.

The article of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" does not provide for the right of the consumer to demand the return of funds paid by him under the contract for the provision of services for compensation.

At the same time, paragraph 2 of part 3 of the article also provides that in the event of early refusal of the insured (beneficiary) from the insurance contract, the insurance premium paid to the insurer is not refundable, unless the contract provides otherwise.

Thus, the insured has the right to terminate the insurance contract ahead of schedule. At the same time, according to general rule he is not entitled to demand the return of the insurance premium paid under the contract. Part of the insurance premium must be returned to the policyholder only if the relevant provisions are contained in the insurance contract.

Since the terms of the insurance contract do not provide the policyholder with early cancellation of the insurance contract the right to claim the insurance premium paid to the insurer, the borrower remains insured until the expiration of the insurance period.

Plaintiff's reference only to Art. The court considers the law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights” establishing that the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (provision of services) at any time, provided that the contractor pays the expenses actually incurred by him, related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract, unreasonable.

Along with the article of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the conditions for early termination of the contract are regulated by a special law - an article to be applied in resolving this dispute.

Since the conditions for the return of the insurance premium are not provided for either by the loan agreement or by the application for inclusion in the Program of voluntary financial and insurance protection of borrowers, the service has already been performed, the court concludes that there are grounds for satisfying the claims against PJSC IKB Sovcombank for the recovery there are no funds (fees for connecting to the insurance protection program).

Given that the claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage and a fine are derived from the main claim, there are also no legal grounds for satisfying these claims.

Based on the aforesaid and guided by Article. - , world judge


Deny the lawsuit against PJSC IKB Sovcombank on consumer protection.

The decision may be appealed by the parties on appeal to district court g. through the magistrate of the judicial district of the Soviet judicial district of g. within a month.

The persons participating in the case and their representatives have the right to apply to the court with an application for drawing up a reasoned court decision within three days from the date of the announcement of the operative part of the court decision.

If the persons participating in the case, their representatives were not present at the court session, they have the right to apply to the court with an application for drawing up a reasoned court decision within fifteen days from the date of the announcement of the operative part of the court decision.

Magistrate: signature

The decision is made by the court in the final form

Magistrate: signature.

Copy is right. World judge:

On the onset insured event funds to close the debt are transferred within 10 days.

  • The fee for the insurance program is 0.89% of the debt.
  • To cancel insurance at the time of applying for a loan or credit card, you must check the box on the last page in a special checkbox with a text that implies cancellation of insurance.

Insured persons- individuals aged 18 to 75 who have entered into a loan agreement with Tinkoff Bank JSC and confirmed their consent to be included in the insurance program on the terms provided for this category of individuals.

Participation in the Insurance Program is voluntary for borrowers, is carried out only at their own request and is not a prerequisite for concluding a loan agreement with Tinkoff Bank JSC. Borrowers are free to choose insurance organizations and can be insured at will in any insurance organizations. The non-participation of the borrower in the Insurance Program is not a basis for changing the terms of credit or for refusing to issue a loan or refusing to conclude
loan agreement.

If the borrower canceled his disagreement with the connection to the Insurance Program in the Application-Questionnaire for issuing a credit card, he can be included in the Insurance Program by contacting the Bank by phone 8 800 555-10-10, via the Internet Bank or Mobile Bank. The insurance coverage begins on the day following the day of the end of the Settlement Period, in which the borrower of the loan agreed to join the Insurance Program. Billing period- the period from the date of the generated Invoice Statement to the date of formation of the next Invoice Statement.

What is an insurance protection program?

Tinkoff Bank is trying to protect itself by reducing the risk of delays and complete disregard for obligatory payments by customers. Banks have different methods of reinsurance.

  1. They conclude a contract on the pledge of property.
  2. Sign an agreement if the client has a guarantor.
  3. Tinkoff Bank, chooses Alternative option– drawing up an insurance contract.

The service is optional and is connected on a voluntary basis. Activate it when you make an online application for a credit card. The column displays the name of the insurance product, put a tick in front of it.

Some credit cards from Tinkoff offer automatic free activation of the "insurance program", so there is no activation clause in the application.

The program, like loans, is issued on individual who has reached the age of 18 (but not older than 70) and agreed to the terms of the loan. The program is signed by clients and representatives of the joint-stock company.

The borrower insurance protection program is connected to Tinkoff by default.

Tinkoff debt insurance is a program that provides financial protection for just such a case. Upon the occurrence of risks, the insurer - Tinkoff Insurance - will cover the client's loan debt or credit card in front of Tinkoff Bank.

Loan debt insurance - what risks are included

The set of specific risks included in credit or credit card insurance is limited by the general terms and conditions of insurance.

  • death as a result of illness or accident - the insurance pays 100% of the debt;
  • obtaining disability of 1 or 2 groups due to an accident - similarly, translated total amount the remaining debt of Tinkoff Insurance to the client's account;
  • loss of a job as a result of the liquidation of the employer, downsizing, relocation of the enterprise, reinstatement of the previous employee in the workplace, etc. (does not apply to cases where the borrower resigned of his own free will or was fired due to violations, i.e. "under the article").

As part of the borrower insurance protection program bank Tinkoff from job loss, the company offers its clients a payment in the amount of 1/30 to 115% of the average monthly earnings of the insured person. The amount of income must be confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate. The money is transferred to the borrower's current account, and they can be used at your discretion. Payments are made within 91 days.

When can insurance be denied?

Insurance payout Tinkoff loan not performed if:

  1. the payer at the time of the accident was in intoxicated state of any kind;
  2. the insured suffered from mental illness or died as a result of an illness diagnosed before the conclusion of the insurance contract;
  3. insured cumshot suicide life;
  4. accident occurred during air travel (there has its own insurance), military training, military service, professional sports or while in prison.

The same rules apply to other types of policies, including mortgage insurance at Tinkoff.

How to disable the Insurance Protection service

Shutdown algorithm Tinkoff programs Online Insurance (TOS) (if possible, return insurance).

The bank transfers the amounts to the client's account within 10 days from the date of cancellation of the program. It is important that the deactivation of the product is carried out within the first 30 days from the date of registration.

Documents for receiving compensation

The procedure for receiving a cash payment depends on which insured event has occurred.

Refused at Tinkoff? Card 100 days without interest from Alfa-Bank -

In case of death

So, in the event of the death of the insured person, the heirs should apply for compensation.

They will need documents:

  • a copy of the death certificate;
  • a copy of the pathological epicrisis;
  • copies of documents on the occurrence of an accident or illness as a result of death;
  • confirming the powers of the successor.

In case of disability

In case of disability, in order to receive payments to Tinkoff under the insurance protection program, you need:

  • certificate of disability from a medical institution;
  • a copy of documents from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, recording the occurrence of an accident;
  • an extract from the medical card, if the insured became disabled as a result of illness;
  • an accident report at work, etc.

When you lose your job

In the event of a job loss:

  • work book and contract with the employer;
  • an order for dismissal, staff reduction, liquidation of an enterprise, etc.;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax to determine the amount of payments.

The procedure for obtaining insurance compensation

The general procedure for paying compensation for insurance on a credit card or a loan at Tinkoff is as follows:

  1. the applicant himself or the assignee collects the above documents;
  2. sends their copies by electronic channel or originals by mail to the insurance company;
  3. draws up an application for receiving a payment indicating the details of the account where the money needs to be transferred;
  4. awaiting receipt of the amount.

The standard term for consideration of all applications and transfer of payment is 10 days.

Download official documents Tinkoff.Insurance:

Payment for the insurance program in Tinkoff

Naturally, you need to pay a certain amount every month for connecting insurance, and this is what usually causes people to look for how to opt out of the Tinkoff insurance protection program.

The amount of insurance is not fixed, it depends on the amount of debt. The bank charges a fee once a month along with writing off the interest on the loan.

The fee for the Tinkoff insurance program is 0.89% of the debt. For example, if your debt is 10 thousand rubles, then 89 rubles will be written off in favor of the insurer. Accordingly, the less debt, the less insurance.

The service is activated "by default" at the time of signing the contract. In order to immediately refuse it and not have difficulties in the future, you must check the box on the last page in a special checkbox with the text implying the refusal of insurance.

If this is not done, the bank will charge the fee for the insurance protection program and transfer the money to the insurance company on the date of the next payment.

Important: while the grace period of 55 days lasts, the insurance fee is not deducted, but the protection itself continues to operate. And if an insured event occurs at this time, the insurer will be obliged to fulfill its obligations.

Can insurance premiums be refunded?

In addition, you can cancel the insurance and get the money back if you do it during the so-called "cooling off period" - within 14 days after the activation of the service. However, given that the bank debits the fee once a month and only after the end of grace period, it usually turns out that there is no refund.

Another thing is if you voluntarily connected insurance shortly before debiting funds.

In this case, you will need within 14 days after activation:

  • submit an application for cancellation of services;
  • send it to the Tinkoff Insurance office with a request to reimburse expenses;
  • expect funds to arrive.

The bank in its rules indicates a 10-day period for considering the application and transferring money to the client's account.

The sum insured is set at the rate of 100% of the amount of debt on the loan specified in the Invoice - statement as of the date of the beginning of the Insurance Period of the Insured Person.

The insurance payment is made within the limits of the Sum Insured determined for each Insured, in the amount of the Insured person's debt on the loan on the date of the insured event or on the date the event was recognized as insured.

Very often employees credit organizations impose insurance, which causes negativity among customers. Although it Insurance Company"rescue" the client in the event of a force majeure event (death, illness, job loss, etc.) and assume the obligation to repay the existing loan. For the most part, it is precisely the misunderstanding of this fact that causes a sharp negative of customers who hear the word "insurance" when applying for a loan.

In essence, the financial protection program is credit insurance, and usually it is an agreement to join the insurance program, i.e. collective insurance. It can be canceled within 14 days according to the law. You can contact the lawyers and get a free consultation on the return

Quick refund for insurance

Differences between collective protection and individual insurance

A collective financial protection program is insurance for a group of people under the same conditions and against the same risks. At the same time, the initiator of insurance and the insurer is the bank, which concludes an agreement with the insurance company. The policy is issued in the name of a credit institution, and the client receives, at best, a certificate.

In essence, the financial protection program is an imposed loan insurance. Refuse the program and most likely they will not give you a loan (or they will, but at a rate twice as high). The main disadvantage of the program is the contract between the insurance company and the bank.
Although you pay for the program, you are not a party to the contract.

The essence of the collective insurance agreement is that a credit institution buys a financial protection program from the insurer for all its clients (current and future) at once. The bank's clients do not conclude separate agreements with the company, but join the already existing collective insurance agreement concluded between the bank and the organization.

Also, with collective insurance, the client cannot choose insured events, companies, or change the terms of an existing contract, choose its validity period, etc. Because he only joins the already concluded agreement.

With individual insurance, the borrower can choose a company from the list accredited by the bank, choose a specific package of services offered by the organization, term, payment procedure, etc. In this case, the insurance company will be the insurer, and the borrower will receive a full-fledged policy of the insured.

Sizes of insurances of various banks

Below is a table of the approximate amount of insurance for the TOP 10 largest banks in the Russian Federation with a loan of 200 thousand rubles

Bank Amount of credit Compulsory insurance Insurance/Loan amount
ICD 200000 50000 25%
Opening 200000 30000 15%
VTB 200000 24500 12,25%
Post Bank 200000 24000 12%
Citibank 200000 19200 9,60%
Alfa Bank 200000 18000 9%
Sberbank 200000 13200 6,60%
Binbank 200000 8,23%
Unicredit 200000 15700 7.85%
Raiffeisenbank 200000 15120 7,56%
Rosselkhozbank 200000 10560 5.28
SMP-Bank 200000 10509 5.2545%
Gazprombank 200000 31220 15,61,%
Promsvyazbank 200000 40000 20%

As you can see, Promsvyazbank and MKB are the most greedy in this case, insurance is a fifth or a quarter of the loan.

Collective insurance on the example of Sovcombank: how to join it?

Sovcombank is one of the few credit institutions where collective insurance is very actively used, rather than individual insurance. Moreover, according to clause 3.5. "Insured Person's Reminders" payment for participation in the collective financial protection program is carried out at the expense of the received loan.

That is, if a person needs to receive 100 thousand rubles, and the insurance premium is 25% of the loan body, then the bank approves a loan for 125 thousand rubles, of which:

  • 100 thousand rubles issues to the client
  • 25 thousand rubles retains itself as an insurance premium, and even accrues interest on this amount according to the rate established for the borrower.

Many experts believe that the collective financial protection program allows banks to hide the real cost of the service. If we turn to the terms of individual insurance agreements of large banks, then annually the client pays about 2-3% of the loan body for insurance, while under collective agreements banks rip off 25-30% of the loan body from people, regardless of the loan term.

This is due to the fact that the commission for participating in the financial protection program is not set by the insurance company, but by the bank. He has already entered into an agreement with the insurance company, paid “his” money for the service and can charge absolutely any fee for adding the borrower to the insurance program. In fact, financial protection is a typical rip-off and you don’t need it.

If we talk about the cost of participation in the collective insurance of Sovcombank, then it will not work to name a specific amount. The docs don't say anything about the size. insurance compensation or cost of services. This can only be guessed from the reviews of borrowers.

For example, Elena L. applied for a loan in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. for 5 years and paid 32 thousand for insurance for the entire period. According to the documents, Elena L. took out a loan for 132 thousand rubles.
Another borrower of Sovcombank received a loan for 250 thousand rubles. of which he gave 60 thousand rubles for insurance.

Moreover, almost all Sovcombank clients in their reviews on reputable resources claim that “voluntary” insurance was originally imposed by a bank specialist. Borrowers say that employees directly say that if you refuse insurance, the loan will not be approved.

A positive decision comes only if you join the collective financial protection program, which contradicts several laws of the Russian Federation at once (the right to choose, freedom of contract, the law on consumer protection, etc.)
And a person who urgently needs money in debt has no other choice but to agree to all the conditions of collective insurance, without even reading them, in order to receive money as soon as possible.

Why do you need insurance? What does she give?

The collective bancassurance agreement is most often used to insure the life and health of borrowers, although there are precedents for job loss, fraud, etc. In the event of an insured event, the insurance company assumes all obligations to repay the loan.

In view of this, insurance is needed so that the burden of paying the debt does not fall on the direct heirs of the borrower, which is provided Russian legislation. In the event of the borrower's death credit debt passes by inheritance along with all property, and only by refusing to inherit, you can refuse to pay the loan.

Also, collective insurance will be useful in case of temporary or complete disability, if the corresponding reason is on the list. In this case, the loan will be paid by the insurance company and the borrower will not be disturbed by collectors, litigation and bailiffs, but credit history will remain positive.

Is it possible to return the insurance?

First, all borrowers who have entered into individual contract insurance can terminate it within 5 days in accordance with the decree of the Central Bank, which entered into force on June 1, 2016. The five-day "cooling off period" does not apply to contracts with legal entities and on the agreements of the collective program of financial protection, since the insured is not the borrower, but the bank. So it is impossible to refer to this point and refuse collective insurance.