What are economic resources examples. Types of economic resources

The main direction of functioning modern economy Russia, its reform will be the elimination of constraints and the intensification of economic development. The main role in ϶ᴛᴏm is assigned to the development and improvement of the efficiency of using the total economic potential. This will create optimal conditions for ensuring active and at the same time sustainable economic growth. The formation of the aggregate economic potential will be a complex and multi-stage process.

Potential- ϶ᴛᴏ a certain set of resources, means that are available in the national economy and can be used if necessary in production. It is also the ability of the state, society to change a certain area of ​​activity.

The functioning and development of the national and, in general, the entire world economy is based on economic resources and factors. Economic resources - ϶ᴛᴏ what is extremely important for the production of goods - goods and services. The rate of its development depends on the quantity and quality in which the national economy disposes of them.

Compound economic factors and resources is the concept of the potential of the national economy. It is worth noting that it is quite diverse in terms of its specific content and characteristics, but in general it allows you to determine the possibilities of the national economy for growth.

Aggregate economic potential of the national economy- ϶ᴛᴏ the total ability of sectors of the national economy to produce certain benefits, differing in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, in a specific time period.

The main components of the total economic potential will be:

  1. human resources, namely their quantity and quality;
  2. the volume and structure of the production potential of the industry;
  3. volume and structure of potential Agriculture;
  4. length, quality and structure of the country's transport system;
  5. scientific and technical potential of the country;
  6. the degree of development of the non-productive sphere of the economy;
  7. quantity, quality and degree of rational use of minerals.

The total economic potential directly depends on the total productive forces and the wealth of the national economy. It is worth noting that it directly demonstrates the position of the national economy in the world economy.

The economic potential depends on the total production capabilities of all sectors of the national economy. The degree of completeness of its use distinguishes the degree of development of the national economy, since the determination of the total economic potential is carried out by correlating the volume and structure of the actual production of goods and the degree of use of production capacities - production potential.

The volume of economic potential indicates the level of economic independence of the national economy, its position in the world economy and the quality of life of the population. The main constituent element of the total economic potential will be human resources, namely their professional and qualification structure. In most ϲʙᴏem, the level of industrial development is of decisive importance for him.

The total economic potential should be analyzed from the following two positions:

  1. from the standpoint of the resources available in the national economy, which can be used;
  2. from the standpoint of the ability, with the help of the resources available in the national economy, to carry out specific economic activities for the production of goods.

Economic resources cannot be equated with economic potential, since for the purposes of economic growth it is extremely important to combine economic resources and their efficient use. This is due to the fact that the real volume of production of goods directly depends on the use of a combination of resources - natural, investment, scientific, technical and human.

Accordingly, the total economic potential is directly dependent on the generalized qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the volume and degree of use of all economic resources at the disposal of the national economy, and the direction of their application to ensure sustainable economic growth.

Note that this reflects the available resources that can be mobilized, and the possibility of their effective use. The increase and development of the total economic potential in qualitative and quantitative terms are associated both with an increase in the volume of resources involved in the national economy, and with an increase in the efficiency and rationality of their use for the production of goods and services.

The total economic potential consists of the following elements:

  1. material resources, for example, the volume of mining, specific production facilities;
  2. the degree of efficiency in the use of resources available in the national economy;
  3. forms of organization economic activity;
  4. the contribution of individual sectors of the national economy to the total economic potential.

To analyze the total economic potential, it is necessary to assess the state of economic resources in terms of quantitative and qualitative parameters, the dynamics of the development of the national economy, the sectoral structure of the economy, and the contribution of individual industries.

The total economic potential according to its structure consists of a system of potentials, which are characterized by various qualitative and quantitative parameters, trends and patterns of formation, factors that influence them.

The system of total economic potential consists of:

  1. natural resource potential;
  2. material and production potential;
  3. scientific and technical potential;
  4. institutional capacity;
  5. human potential.

Types of the aggregate economic potential of the national economy

The total economic potential will be the basis of the national economy, on which its normal functioning, as well as the pace and scale of economic growth, directly depend. According to its characteristic, it is heterogeneous and exists in several main forms.

The main types of the total economic potential of the national economy will be the following.

1. Resource natural potential– ϶ᴛᴏ the total set of natural resources that can be used at the present time or can be attracted for economic activity. Material published on http: // site

This indicator is heterogeneous in its composition and constantly changes in the process of functioning of the national economy, depending on specific economic reasons, such as the form, scale and orientation of business activities. Material published on http: // site

According to one of the classifications, traditional resources (mineral, water, biological) and non-traditional (wind, sun) are distinguished. They are also divided into renewable (biological resources, water power and solar energy) and non-renewable (mineral resources, soil, water) It is important to know that Of great importance is such a resource as the territory, the place of residence of the population and the location of production facilities.

The resource natural potential consists of such types of economic resources as:

  1. agricultural. These are all those resources that are necessary for the production of agricultural products, incl. land, climatic conditions;
  2. non-production. This is a set of resources that cannot be used directly in economic activity, but they are necessary for the normal life of the population, for example, nature protection zones, parks, squares, urban green spaces;
  3. industrial. This is a set of resources necessary for economic activity, for example, mineral resources, chemical.

In their composition, target and non-target resources are distinguished. It is important to note that single-purpose resources are ϶ᴛᴏ resources that can be used exclusively for economic activities. Material published on http: // site
They include, for example, mineral resources. Their distinctive feature will be their exclusive belonging to economic activity. Material published on http: // site
Non-target resources - ϶ᴛᴏ resources that can be used both for economic activity and for the benefit of the population - ensuring normal living conditions. They include, for example, water and forest resources, which can be used both for economic activity and for recreation of the population. Increasingly, the emphasis is shifting towards the use of non-targeted resources due to their limited nature - either for economic activity or to ensure the conditions for the normal life of the population. Today there is an active search for a balance in their use.

The availability of Russia's natural resource potential is assessed by experts as sufficiently high and sufficient to ensure high rates of economic growth. Russia is in first place in the world in terms of reserves of raw materials - coal, manganese and iron ores, potash and phosphorite salts. Its share in the world reserves of natural gas, chemical raw materials and non-ferrous metals, oil and water resources is also relatively large.

Features of the placement of natural resource potential are:

  1. extreme unevenness of its distribution on the territory of the country;
  2. discrepancy between the structure of the geographical location of the population and its location;
  3. high concentration in small areas.

A high degree of concentration will remain, for example, in the fact that more than half of all natural gas reserves are concentrated in less than six fields. The concentration of the agricultural resource will be that most of the usable land is located on less than 20% of the country's territory. Only 14% of the territories combine the necessary climatic conditions for agriculture.

2. Human Potential will be one of the main types of aggregate economic potential and is distinguished by specific and qualitative characteristics. The required population size is distinguished by certain qualitative indicators (qualification and professional structure) and will be a necessary resource, without which not only the development of the national economy, but also its normal functioning is impossible. Accordingly, the greater the degree of provision with human potential, the greater the potential ability of the national economy to grow.

The total population of Russia in 2000 was 145.6 million people, which ranks sixth in the world. According to the State Statistics Committee, the average life expectancy of the population of Russia is 69.5 years, for men - 63 years, for women - 74. The decline in the birth rate has led to the fact that natural increase has decreased several times.

Since 2000, there has been a major shift in the structure of the population, consisting in an increase in the proportion of the urban population and an increase in the number of women involved in economic activities. Material published on http: // site

The qualification structure of human potential in Russia has changed significantly since 2000 - 274 people per 1000 employees, who have higher or secondary specialized education. This indicator differs significantly across the regions of Russia and is highest in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It is characteristic that there is a significant concentration of human potential in the central regions with a decrease in the regions of the North.

The main factor, under the influence of which the deployment of the country's human potential, will be the location of production. It is worth noting that it hinders the prospective development of production potential. It is necessary to redistribute human potential in order to create priority industries. Human potential is highly mobile. Migration flows are mainly directed to the central regions. The influx of people from neighboring countries is also significant, but in most cases it is illegal. It is worth saying that in order to curb migration, a ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ ruling law was adopted, which imposes a significant amount of fines on enterprises that use illegal labor.

The population of Russia is heterogeneous in terms of its cultural and national composition - more than 100 nationalities live on the territory of the country. But most of the population is Russian - 81.5%.

As a result of the unstable socio-economic situation in the country, the removal of the state from the regulation of most economic processes, there has been a significant decrease in the quality of human potential. It is important to know that most of it was irretrievably lost to the national economy due to leaving the country for permanent residence. The quality of life of the population has also decreased, which has become a direct reason for the decline in the quality of human potential.

3. Production potential– ϶ᴛᴏ the real ability of economic entities to produce public goods at an ever higher quantitative and qualitative level.

The crisis state of the national economy has affected the sharp decline in production potential. At the same time, it is influenced by the same factors that are characteristic of the production potential of the world economy, namely, scientific and technological progress. High rates of automation and mechanization of the production process are observed, which significantly changes the structure of the production potential.

Its distinctive feature will be the creation of fundamentally new sectors of the economy as a result of innovative scientific and technological developments.

All types of aggregate economic potential - natural resource, human and production - constitute its essence. Their distinctive feature will be interaction with each other (for example, the development of production potential is impossible without human)

Economic resources: their types and interaction

It is important to know that economic resources are of great importance in the national economy, which determine the nature of its functioning, the pace, structure and scale of development. It is worth noting that they represent the basis for economic growth. In fact, ϶ᴛᴏ is a kind of good that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources- ϶ᴛᴏ type of resources necessary for the production of goods - goods and services.

Exist the following types economic resources:

  1. entrepreneurial potential. This is the ability of the population to organize the production of goods in various forms;
  2. knowledge. These are specific scientific and technical developments that allow organizing the production and consumption of goods at a higher level than the previous one;
  3. Natural resources. These are specific minerals, for example, land, subsoil, as well as climatic and geographical position countries;
  4. human resources. This is a specific number of the country's population, distinguished by certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. Together, human resources will be the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the national economy;
  5. financial resources. This is the capital represented by specific in cash available in the national economy.

In the Middle Ages, great importance was attached to human resources, labor, which was regarded as the only economic resource. IN economic theory Physiocratism recognized the land as the only economic resource. A. Smith defined capital, land and labor as economic resources. On the basis of the ϶ᴛᴏth position, J. B. Sey formulated the theory of "three factors" - economic resources. A. Marshall supplemented this list with entrepreneurial potential - the fourth factor, resource. The merit of introducing knowledge as one of the economic resources belongs to E. Tofler; ϶ᴛᴏt resource is interpreted by him as specific scientific and technical developments, research, scientific and technological progress, information and science.

Natural resources according to its composition, they are quite diverse and include land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, climatic resources. Their use is interconnected (for example, for the use of land resources, equipment is needed, and for its operation, mineral resources are needed - fuel)

Do not forget that an important type of natural resource will be mineral raw materials - coal, natural gas, oil, metal ores, phosphates, potassium salts. The distribution of the ϶ᴛᴏth resource is uneven both within the national economy and at the global level. Natural resources are divided into:

  1. explored. They are already being mined;
  2. reliable. Their existence is reliably known, but for various reasons their extraction is not carried out;
  3. forecast. These are minerals, which hypothetically should exist, but ϶ᴛᴏ is unknown.

According to experts, at the current rate of mining, their reserves will be exhausted in about 500 years. It is important to note that at the same time the need for them in economies is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. It is worth saying that in order to increase the efficiency of using ϶ᴛᴏth resources, the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies is constantly underway.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite high level unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources that differ in certain qualitative characteristics - professional and qualification level. There is an acute shortage of employees with certain qualifications and professions, which significantly slows down the development of the national economy.

The main feature of economic resources will be their limitedness, while the need for them is boundless for the production of goods and services. From ϶ᴛᴏgo ϲʙᴏstvo follows the natural need for the efficient use of economic resources to meet the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is extremely important to constantly make decisions about the appropriate distribution of resources, that is, about their application in such a way as to get the maximum result from ϶ᴛᴏ.

Another feature of economic resources will be their complementarity. For example, knowledge can be used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists in specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

Mobility economic resources is their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on a variety of both objective and subjective factors. For example, an economic resource - land - will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change its geographical position. The greatest mobility is characterized by human resources, which are able to move between national economies.

Do not forget that an important property of economic resources will be their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another. For example, in order to increase production efficiency, you can use both entrepreneurial potential - to change production technology, and knowledge - to train employees to more effectively perform their job duties. The ability to replace economic resources is limited and cannot be produced completely and totally. For example, capital cannot completely replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future, economic activity becomes significantly more complicated, and its efficiency may be reduced.

The main task of an economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within the framework of the national economy, the circulation of economic resources takes place in the markets that are related to them (for example, the capital market, the labor market) There is also a certain segmentation within these markets (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers)

National wealth is part of the total economic potential of the national economy

The main constituent element of the total economic potential of the national economy will be national wealth. Its volume largely determines the scale and rate of economic growth, which makes it relevant to evaluate it as one of the indicators of the functioning of the national economy.

national wealth- ϶ᴛᴏ the total volume of economic resources and material values ​​necessary for the normal production of goods - goods and services.

National wealth consists of the following main elements:

  1. non-reproductive element. This is a collection of resources that cannot be reproduced and will be exhaustible, such as minerals, monuments of culture and art;
  2. reproductive element. This is a set of resources, the volume of which can be increased in the course of economic activity, for example, non-productive and productive assets;
  3. intangible element. These are resources that do not have a material manifestation, for example, the intellectual potential of the country, the quality of life of the population, scientific and technical potential;
  4. volume of property obligations before other countries.

The volume of national wealth allows:

a) determine the volume of benefits - goods and services that are in the national economy at a certain time interval;
b) determine the total cost of natural resource potential, since the rate of economic growth directly depends on it;
c) carry out a comprehensive accounting of the intangible resources of the national economy.

When assessing the real volume of national wealth, only those of its components are taken into account, the value of which can be reliably determined - based on specific economic practice. Therefore, a total assessment of the real volume of national wealth is not common in the economic practice of the countries of the world, since ϶ᴛᴏ is associated with significant costs.

In the domestic practice of economic analysis, the assessment of national wealth at the state level was not carried out. Related data are presented only in terms of estimates of non-financial and production assets, household property. Due to the lack of a generally accepted methodology for assessing national wealth, the elements of the national wealth of Russia were not calculated by the State Committee on Statistics.

In practice, elements of the system of national accounts (SNA) can be used to calculate national wealth. This allows you to determine its approximate volume, but with ϶ᴛᴏm it does not require serious material and financial costs. It is worth saying that for ϶ᴛᴏ it uses such a component of the SNA as a set of institutional units by sector.

According to the estimates of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the World Bank, today the national wealth of all countries of the world is 550 trillion dollars, of which half is in France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, the USA, and the UK.

The national wealth of the USA is determined in the amount of 24 trillion dollars in current prices. The total national wealth of the CIS countries is $80 trillion.

The main trend of the national economies of developed countries will be that human capital accounts for more than half of the national wealth. An increase in the ϶ᴛᴏ ratio indicates the level of development of the national economy, since human resources form the basis of economic growth.

In Russia, the structure of national wealth is: 90% is fixed capital, and the remaining 10% is distributed between household property and working capital. The total amount of national wealth is estimated at 60 trillion dollars, more than 30 trillion dollars is natural resources. N. P. Fedorenko believes that in the period 1895-2000. the physical volume of Russia's national wealth increased 32 times.

The growth of national wealth was extremely uneven, under the influence of various both objective and subjective reasons. It should be noted that the rate of its increase was in direct proportion to the global economic crises and emerging political problems.

The destruction of the USSR and the formation of the Russian Federation due to inefficient economic reforms led to a decrease in the volume of national wealth in 1991-1999.

Stabilization of the volume of national wealth occurred only in 2000, it was connected with the approval of V.V. Putin as President of the Russian Federation. The policy pursued by M. E. Fradkov in relation to national wealth is connected with work on priority national projects, such as health care, education, agriculture, etc.

As practice shows, under no state regime that existed in Russia, an effective system for using and increasing national wealth was formed. The achieved indicators of its use in most cases consist of the natural resource potential. This is a simple exploitation of resources. In terms of the ϶ᴛᴏth component of the national wealth, Russia is many times superior to other countries of the world and is constantly increasing the ϶ᴛᴏt gap.

The pronounced unipolar structure of the world economy leads to the fact that Russia significantly loses the degree of control over its national wealth. It is worth noting that it is increasingly becoming the subject of redistribution between economically developed countries, as a result of which there is a real threat of turning the country into a “raw material appendage” - a concept that implies the orientation of the economy exclusively to the extraction and export of raw materials.

Orientation towards the extraction and sale of raw materials will be a hallmark of the economy of modern Russia. As practice shows, this kind of orientation leads to a dead-end development of the economy and makes it excessively dependent on the world economic situation. Such a mode of functioning of the national economy is focused not on the preservation and increase of national wealth, but solely on its use.

A distinctive feature of the use of the natural resource component of the national wealth of Russia will be that it rightfully belongs to the entire population of the country, but, in fact, only a small part of the population owns it. As a result, the population has been removed from most of the national wealth, it is directed exclusively to the enrichment of a small group of oligarchs, and not to the development of the national economy and human potential.

Quite objectively, there is a need to develop new mechanisms for the efficient use of the country's natural resource potential to ensure the infrastructural transformation of the national economy and bring it to the position of sustainable growth and development. There is a real need to change the functioning of the national economy from a raw-material orientation to an innovative one. Stimulating the development of knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy will increase the efficiency and rationality of the use of national wealth and increase the participation of human potential in it.

Russia's place in the system of using the planet's potentials

The increase in the degree of integration of the national economy of Russia into world economic relations raises the question of its real participation in the use of the potentials of the world economy.

It is important to note that it is impossible to unambiguously determine the place of Russia, since the total economic potential of the world economy seems to be a difficult object for analysis. Its definition is connected with the following main provisions.

1. The leading importance of Russia is evidenced by high GDP growth rates, which makes it superior to many countries, such as Italy, Japan. UN statistics indicate that in 2003 Russia's GDP amounted to more than $1 trillion 330 billion - more than $9,200 per unit of population. The volume of GDP is close in its value to those of Italy, France and the UK, but the per capita indicator is approximately equal to that of Mexico and Brazil.

Russia is one of the leading countries in power generation, production of mineral fertilizers, iron and steel smelting, ferrous metal rolling, oil and gas production. The total volume of gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2006 amounted to about 170 billion dollars. It is worth saying that the positive trade balance amounted to more than 88 billion dollars, and total exports amounted to 183 billion dollars.

The amount of external public debt as of January 1, 2006 amounted to $106.9 billion. The impact of external debt on the national economy is declining. The scale and pace of the telecommunications and computer industries of the economy significantly exceeded those of the leading countries of the world, and in 2004 the income of these industries increased several times.

2. This is the low competitiveness of the national economy, and ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙonly a small share in the use of the economic potential of the world economy. The export structure has not been transformed. For several decades, fuel and energy resources and crude oil have accounted for a large share in it. The share of industrial equipment is also minimal – less than 7%. The position of Russia as the largest supplier of raw materials has not changed significantly, and therefore a high volume of exports will not be an indicator of the state of the national economy. Exports of science-intensive products are about 14 times less than in Malaysia and Japan.

The indicator of development and use of human capital is significantly lower than in many developed countries, and according to some indicators, it is much less than it was in the USSR. The high degree of energy development is explained by the energy intensity of the production technologies used. It is important to note that along with the significant potential of transport communications, there is a problem of their low quality. The existing significant ecological potential of the country is not used in any way. The real place of Russia in the world economy is demonstrated by the volume of exports of resources - oil, timber, metal, gas.
It should be noted that other potentials practically cannot be used.

A small share of Russia in the system of using the potentials of the world economy is explained by:

  1. weak development of the institutional investment structure - underdevelopment of the banking and financial infrastructure;
  2. the lack of a stable, well-developed and objective legal framework - the underdevelopment of the legal field;
  3. inefficiency government controlled with a great influence of the state on economic processes.

The small participation of Russia in the use of the potential of the world economy is explained by the following reasons:

  1. the coincidence of the protracted crisis of the national economy and the active development of globalization processes, in connection with which Russia was unable to take a competitive position in the world economy;
  2. geopolitical position of Russia in the world process;
  3. historically determined by the isolated position of the economy of the USSR. Issues of involvement in world economy were set only with the collapse of the USSR, and therefore Russia could not take the proper positions in this direction;
  4. global privatization, which had a contradictory effect on the position of the national economy. Its positive impact is primarily due to the fact that it contributed to the active formation of such economic institutions as the joint-stock form of capital, financial market, banking system, stock markets. It significantly changed the forms of economic activity in the direction of increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. Under its decisive influence, the process of attracting foreign capital to the national economy and the entry of domestic producers to world markets intensified. The negative impact of global privatization is due to the fact that it contributed to the disruption of the main economic ties, undermining the production potential in the priority sectors of the national economy. As a result, the quality of domestic goods has significantly decreased, and their inability to compete with foreign counterparts has become obvious.

The low degree of development of the privatization process led to the fact that it contributed to the concentration of a significant part of the national wealth in a small number of the population (oligarchs), and ultimately led to a serious socio-economic differentiation of the population. The high degree of criminalization of production has reduced its investment attractiveness in the global capital market.

All these reasons have become an objective basis for determining Russia's place in the world economy, an obstacle in its taking a leading position in the use of the economic potential of the world economy. As a result, the national economy could not become an active subject of the world economy.

Regarding the use of world human resources: in the national economy, the course is taken to intensify migration flows. The need of the national economy for cheap labor can be satisfied by attracting migrants from neighboring countries, but for this it is extremely important to create comprehensive legislation that minimizes possible negative consequences. There was an urgent need to develop a flexible and ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙmigration policy that would serve the interests of the national economy. Today, there is none, and legislative act, which restricts migration flows, is of a local, non-systemic nature and cannot solve most of the problems that arise. The structure of expenditures on migration policy in the 2006 budget does little to encourage the state to take an active position in the ϶ᴛᴏth region - the total amount of funds allocated for the purposes of migration policy amounted to 6 billion 587 million rubles, including 4 billion rubles. directed to the maintenance of military formations and only 1 billion 897 million rubles. - to ensure a minimum standard of living for the population who left the territory of the Chechen Republic, and to pay compensation to them.

The high growth rates of investments and the degree of capitalization of production, observed in 2000, do not indicate an intensification of the growth of the national economy, but a revaluation of material and intangible assets, which were several times lowered during privatization.

To bring the national economy to high competitive performance in world markets, active state support is needed for economic entities operating in labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive industries, followed by state support for their competitive positions in world markets. This is due to the fact that in the conditions of the transformation of the world economy, only large economic entities can maintain their leading positions. With regard to foreign economic policy, it is expedient to unite the state and private business more closely, which is observed today.

In general, the passive position of the state in relation to the restructuring of the national economy, social and budgetary infrastructures contributes to Russia taking the place of a “raw material appendage” in the system of using the potentials of the world economy.






Department of Economics and Management

Abstract on the topic:

“Economic resources. The problem is their limitations. Opportunity Costs and the Production Possibility Curve”

Completed by: St. gr 14-IST

Zuev A.N.


Gavrilenko T.V.

Bryansk 2016

Introduction. 3

Economic resources and their types.. 4

Problems of limited resources. 7

Opportunity cost (opportunity cost) 10

Production Possibility Curve. 13

Conclusion. 16

List of used literature.. 17


The issue of limited resources and benefits in modern world is one of the most relevant. It is known that the stocks of many natural resources are already in short supply, and the fact that some have been preserved in sufficiently large quantities does not mean their infinity. Satisfying the needs of society directly depends on the creation of goods, and goods, in turn, require an increasing amount of resources for their production. It is clear that with a constant increase in the population of the earth, the benefits and resources will be limited, they will not be enough to meet all needs. At present, it can already be seen that a huge amount of resources is spent on the production of goods. It is necessary to limit the use of resources, because in the future the problem of their scarcity may turn out to be insoluble and lead to fatal consequences.

This topic is covered in the scientific literature, because it directly affects the further development of society. Some authors emphasize that the scarcity of resources and goods is relative, not absolute, that is, how long this or that resource will not be exhausted is determined by how effectively it will be used by society. Others believe that resources are both absolutely limited and relatively limited. The opinion of the first authors seems to be more convincing, because modern technologies are being improved at a tremendous speed and allow already now to use, for example, waste-free production, that is, they help to save resources.

The subject of the work is the limited resources and benefits, and the object is the resources and benefits.

Economic resources and their types

Economic resources are all kinds of natural and human capabilities that are used for production in order to satisfy needs. Modern production creates countless different goods - services and products. Therefore, the amount of resources used must be as huge as the volume of production. In essence, economic resources, which are also called factors of production, are various goods that are used to produce other goods. All of them are combined into several large groups.

Economic resources and their types

1) Earth. This name unites all types of natural resources: minerals, land areas, forests, water, flora, fauna, climatic and recreational opportunities. Natural economic resources are involved in economic activity in different ways: - as the operational basis of production, they represent the immediate territory on which production facilities are located; - as sources of mineral resources, they are used in the mining industry; - as objects of production activity they are presented in agriculture. Land is a limited and almost irreplaceable resource, so it needs to be cared for by users and state protection. Due to the careless attitude to land, more than six million hectares are withdrawn from agricultural circulation in the world every year. At this rate, in two and a half centuries, humanity risks losing all the land suitable for agriculture.

2) Labor. This type of resources covers people who are engaged in production (economic) activities. Despite technological progress and automation, the role of labor in manufacturing process does not decrease at all. The reasons for this, firstly, are the complexity of the tasks that are solved in modern production to meet growing needs. Secondly, labor is becoming more and more intellectual, that is, mental efforts are growing. Thirdly, in many areas of activity there are high risks and responsibility - for example, in nuclear energy, air transportation, etc. Since people are the direct bearers of specific technical and organizational knowledge and skills, culture, it is now generally accepted that labor economic resources are not only labor, but all human capital, which reflects the level of development of workers.

3) Capital. This type of resources includes means of production (equipment, machinery, equipment, transport, buildings and structures) and financial capabilities (funds that banks and individuals manage, giving them for use in the form of loans and investments).

4) Ability to entrepreneurship. These economic resources are separated from others in separate category and represent the ability to establish a profitable business and manage it effectively. Not every person has a natural ability to entrepreneurship, so not everyone can become successful businessmen. Successful entrepreneurial activity, in addition to knowledge of production technologies, also implies a propensity for risk, developed intuition, communication and persuasion skills.

5) Information. Information economic resources include knowledge about needs, opportunities, production and management technologies, prices, etc. In today's society, the following principle is fully implemented: whoever owns the information owns the world. Therefore, it is called the information society. Of decisive importance now are computer technologies, network systems for the accumulation and transmission of data.

The main property of economic resources is their limitation with the boundlessness of the need for them for the production of goods - goods and services. From this property follows the natural need for the effective use of economic resources to meet the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions about the appropriate distribution of resources, that is, about their application in such a way as to get the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists in specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

Mobility economic resources is their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on a variety of both objective and subjective factors. For example, an economic resource - land - will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change its geographical position. The greatest mobility is characterized by human resources that are able to move between national economies.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another.

For example, in order to increase production efficiency, one can use both entrepreneurial potential - to change production technology, and knowledge - to train employees so that they can more effectively perform their tasks. official duties. The ability to replace economic resources is limited and cannot be produced completely and totally. For example, capital cannot completely replace human resources. The initial replacement of resources can bring a positive result, but in the future, economic activity becomes significantly more complicated, and its efficiency may be reduced.

The main task of an economic entity is to constantly increase the degree of efficiency and rationality of the use of economic resources, for which their properties are involved - interchangeability, complementarity, mobility.

Within the framework of the national economy, the circulation of economic resources takes place in their respective markets (for example, the capital market, the labor market). Within these markets, there is also a certain segmentation (for example, the labor market consists of a segment of managers, economists, engineers).

Economic goods exist, as we said, in limited quantities. Therefore, in order to obtain them, additional fundseconomic resources.

Economic resources - means for the production of goods and services, conditions and necessary components of economic activity.

These include:

1. Work in the form of a conscious activity of people aimed at creating the product they need.

2. Natural resources in the form of land, water, air, minerals, flora and fauna involved in economic circulation by people. In general, they are united in the concept of "land".

3. Means of production in the form of means of labor and objects of labor used in economic activity. The means of labor are all that with the help of which man influences nature. Objects of labor (raw materials) are substances of nature that a person acts on in the process of labor in order to adapt them for personal or industrial consumption.

4. Cash for which and with the help of which material, material and labor resources are acquired, attracted.

5. Informational resources in the form of scientific, design, technological, statistical, managerial information and other types of spiritual and intellectual values ​​necessary to create a social product.

6. Time- a special economic resource that people use in their production and economic activities. It is a limited and non-reproducible resource.

The relationship of individual types of resources changed as society developed.

Along with the concept of economic resources, economic theory operates with the category of factors of production.

Factors of production- this is an economic category that denotes the resources actually involved in the production process, that is, the factors of production are a narrower concept than economic resources. Economic resources are the resources that society has, and the factors of production are what society directly uses in the production process.

Unlike economic resources, factors of production are always in a certain interaction, they become such only within the framework of interaction. Thus, the factors of production cannot be identified with resources, since resources are what enters, enters into production, feeds it, and the factors of production are what is involved in production, is used by it (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Scheme of the production process

Resources are the flow entering production, while factors of production are the parameters that determine the course of the production process.

Economic science traditionally refers to the factors of production of land, labor and capital. Recently, entrepreneurial activity and information have been referred to as factors of production (Figure 2). This is a special kind of human activity associated with the coordination, combination of factors of production, as well as their management.

Figure 2 - Main factors of production

IN economics for a number of centuries there has been a discussion about the role of each factor in creating the value of a product. So, A. Smith and D. Ricardo recognized the priority of work. Marxism, on the other hand, interprets value as the result of only labor in its abstract expression. This discussion has not yet been completed, especially since the scientific and technological revolution, taking a person out of direct production, especially complicates the solution of this issue. In practice, Western economists proceed from the theory of three factors of production of the French economist J.B. Say. This theory states that each factor is able to bring income to its owner. Land brings rent to the landowner, capital to its owner - interest, the worker receives wages, and the entrepreneur - profit.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Atyrau Engineering - Humanitarian Institute

Topic: Economic resources and their types

Subject: Economic theory

Atyrau 2011


1. Economic resources and their types

2. Natural resources

3. Material resources

4. Labor resources

5. Financial resources

6. Information resources

7. Raw materials



For the implementation of economic activities, a person uses the appropriate resources. The word "resource" (from French) means "everything that can be used for management"

All types of resources that are used in the production process are called economic resources or factors of production.

Recall Robinson, who ended up on a deserted island and was forced to live like a primitive man. With the help of a creeper, a stick and a fragment of a large stone, he made an ax, which became his hunting and labor tool. Then he used vines, tree branches, trunks, leaves and other objects to build a hut.

The found seeds became a necessary condition for Robinson to start gardening on a plot of land prepared for this. And having tamed animals, he got the opportunity to have meat. Of course, Robinson would not have survived in such false conditions if he fell into despair and did nothing.

His ingenuity, physical labor and optimism helped to endure the test and became good example for many other people in trouble. Robinson saw in the things around him their useful properties, the opportunity to be useful to him, that is, he used them as resources.

Types of economic resources. Economists divide economic resources into two large groups:

material resources - land and capital

human resources - labor, intelligence, resourcefulness and entrepreneurial talent of people, their ability to entrepreneurship.

Jean-Baptiste Sey (1767-1832) most clearly formulated the theory of economic resources. In the XX century. English economist Alfred Marshall (1842-1924) proposed to consider the fourth factor - the entrepreneurial ability of people.

Economics deals with the problem of choice - that is, such decisions that we are forced to make due to the insignificance of our resources compared to our desires. However, choosing one thing means giving up something else. Due to limited resources, having one thing means having to do without something else. To denote the best alternative, which we have to do without in order to get what we have chosen, there is the term opportunity cost.

Only a few goods are available in such large quantities that not a single person will give a penny for them. Such benefits are called "free". However, most goods are still "rare" - they can be obtained only by giving up something else. If we want to have them, we have to face economic problem, and therefore they are also called "economic goods". Society also faces a choice of what to produce and in what quantities. Because Since the factors of production are limited, as the volume of production of some goods increases, the possibility of producing others decreases.

1. Economic resources. Their types and limitations

Economic resources constitute the economic potential of society as the ability to ensure the highest possible level of production of goods and services.

Economic resources are divided into:

1. Material

2. Natural

3. Labor

4. Informational

5. Monetary

6. Financial.

Material resources include:

· Means of labor

· Objects of labor.

Among the means of labor, tools play a decisive role.

Objects of labor (materials undergoing processing) are divided into 2 types:

1st - substances that are first separated by labor from nature and converted into a product, for example, coal.

2nd - raw materials, or raw materials, substances that have been processed.

Properties of economic resources

The main property of economic resources is their limitedness while the need for them is boundless for the production of goods - goods and services. From this property follows the natural need for the effective use of economic resources to meet the needs of the population as fully as possible. In this case, it is necessary to constantly make decisions about the appropriate distribution of resources, that is, about their application in such a way as to get the maximum result from this.

Another property of economic resources is their complementarity. For example, knowledge is used to rationalize the use of natural resources - an economic resource that, based on scientific and technological developments, makes complementarity more efficient and optimal. In turn, knowledge forms the basis of human resources and consists in specific knowledge, skills, and professional skills of employees.

The mobility of economic resources consists in their ability to move between industries, regions, countries. With regard to each economic resource, the degree of mobility will be different and will depend on a variety of both objective and subjective factors. For example, an economic resource - land - will have minimal mobility, since it is impossible to change its geographical position. The greatest mobility is characterized by human resources that are able to move between national economies.

An important property of economic resources is their interchangeability, which consists in the ability to replace one economic resource with another.

economic resource demand commodity

2. Natural resources

Natural resources are a set of objects and systems of animate and inanimate nature, components of the natural environment that surround a person and are used in the process of social production to meet the material and cultural needs of man and society.



Resources of natural components (mineral, climatic, water, plant, land, soil, fauna)

Resources of natural-territorial complexes (mining and industrial, water management, residential, forestry)

By type of economic use:

Resources of industrial production

o Energetic resources(Combustible minerals, hydropower resources, biofuels, nuclear raw materials)

o Non-energy resources (mineral, water, land, forest, fish resources)

Resources of agricultural production (agro-climatic, land and soil, plant resources - fodder base, irrigation water, watering and maintenance)

By type of exhaustion:

· Exhaustible

o Non-renewable (mineral, land resources)

o Renewable (resources of flora and fauna)

o Not fully renewable -- recovery rate below economic consumption (arable soils, mature forests, regional water resources)

Inexhaustible resources (water, climate)

By degree of substitution:

· Irreplaceable


By usage criteria:

Production (industrial, agricultural)

Potentially promising

Recreational (natural complexes and their components, cultural and historical sights, economic potential of the territory)

3. Material resources

Material resources - a set of objects of labor that are involved in the production process (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, semi-finished products, etc.).

Material resources are involved in the production of any type and are the necessary basis for the production of products or the provision of services.

According to the form of existence, they distinguish:

· Available resources (reserves finished products and reserves).

· Potential resources (can be obtained in the process of production, import and reuse).

According to their purpose in the production process, material resources act as:

· Objects of labor.

· Means of labor.

By function in the production process, material resources are:

· Basic materials.

Auxiliary materials.

· Fuel and energy.

· Semi-finished products.

· general characteristics material resources of the enterprise is given on the basis of an analysis of the primary reporting of previous periods and with a view to the future. Rational consumption of material resources contributes to the improvement of the financial performance of the enterprise.

4. Labor resources

Labor resources - a part of the population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities, general educational and professional knowledge, practical experience for engaging in socially useful work. Labor resources are fundamentally different from all other types of economic resources. They are the determining and active factor of social production. The boundaries of the working-age population are established by law. The change in the number of labor resources is directly determined by the birth and death rates of the population, the duration of education, the ratio of the number of people entering working age and passing into retirement age. A special role is acquired by intellectual capital - the basis of new sectors of the economy with intensive use of knowledge.

In the structure of labor resources from the standpoint of their participation in social production, two parts are distinguished: active (functioning) and passive (potential).

5. Financial resources

Financial resources-the money at the disposal of the enterprise and intended for the implementation of current costs and the costs of expanded reproduction, to meet financial obligations and economic incentives for workers. Financial resources are also directed to the maintenance and development of non-production objects, consumption, accumulation, to special reserve funds, etc.

Financial resources are intended:

· to fulfill financial obligations to the budget, banks, insurance organizations, suppliers of materials and goods;

· implementation of costs for the expansion, reconstruction and modernization of production, the acquisition of new fixed assets;

· remuneration and material incentives for employees of enterprises;

financing of other expenses.

Availability in sufficient quantity financial resources, their effective use, predetermine good financial position enterprises, solvency, financial stability, liquidity. In this regard, the most important task of enterprises is to find reserves for increasing their own financial resources and their most efficient use in order to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

The effective formation and use of financial resources ensures the financial stability of enterprises and prevents their bankruptcy.

6. Information resources

Information resources - a set of information stored in various documents, reports, massive data received and accumulated in the process of people's practical activities and used in social production and management. They are tangible renewable resources. IN modern society information resources determine not only the economic, but also the political and military power of their owner.

7. Raw materials

All material resources used in industry as objects of labor are conditionally divided into raw materials and fuel and energy resources.

Raw materials are a set of objects of labor available in the country, which are used directly for the production of various industrial products.

Under the raw material (raw material) is understood any object of labor, for the extraction or processing of which labor has been expended and which has undergone certain changes under its influence.

Raw materials usually include products of the mining industry (ore, oil, coal, sand, crushed stone) and agricultural products (grain, potatoes, beets), and materials - products of the manufacturing industry (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cement, flour, yarn).

There are basic and auxiliary materials. The main materials are those that in their natural form are part of the finished product, constituting its material basis. Auxiliary materials are not included in the composition of the finished product, but only contribute to its formation.

Fuel and energy in their own way economic nature refer to auxiliary materials, but due to their special significance, they are allocated to an independent group of resources.


If a country wants to achieve the highest possible standard of living for its citizens, then attention should be paid to:

Resource placement. Since resources can be used in several ways, one must carefully choose which one to choose, which one to send to agriculture, and which one to industrial production, stopping at the combination that will bring maximum satisfaction.

Full employment of resources. A country cannot produce such a combination of industrial and agricultural goods that would correspond to a point lying above the production possibilities curve (for example, point A). On the other hand, if the combination of goods produced is below the curve, i.e. closer to the origin, then the output will not be maximized, and some of the resources will be idle. Combinations of goods on the production possibilities curve correspond to the state of full employment of all resources.

Quantitative growth of economic resources. Over time, the production possibilities curve shifts up and to the right - the country gets the opportunity to produce more both industrial and agricultural goods.


1. Article on the topic: Essence and types of economic resources


2. Economic Theory: Textbook for High Schools Ed. prof. I.P. Nikolaeva. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2002. - 510 p.

3. Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

4. Information educational portal of Khanadeeva E. A

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Of great importance in the national economy are economic resources that determine the nature of its functioning, the pace, structure and scale of development. They are the basis for economic growth. In fact, this is a kind of goods that can be used to produce other goods.

Economic resources is a type of resources necessary for the production of goods - goods and services.

There are the following types of economic resources:

1. entrepreneurial potential. This is the ability of the population to organize the production of goods in various forms;

2. knowledge. These are specific scientific and technical developments that allow organizing the production and consumption of goods at a higher level than the previous one;

3. Natural resources. These are specific minerals, for example, land, subsoil, as well as the climatic and geographical position of the country;

4. human resources. This is a specific number of the country's population, distinguished by certain qualitative indicators - education, culture, professionalism. Collectively, human resources are the most important economic resource, since without it it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the national economy;

5. financial resources. It is the capital represented by the specific monetary resources available in the national economy.

Natural resources are quite diverse in their composition and include land, energy, water, biological, forest, mineral, recreational, climatic resources. Their use is interconnected (for example, for the use of land resources, equipment is needed, and for its operation, mineral resources - fuel) are needed.

Natural resources are divided into:

1. explored. They are already being mined;

2. reliable. Their existence is reliably known, but for various reasons their extraction is not carried out;

3. forecast. These are minerals that hypothetically should exist, but this is not known for certain.

According to experts, at the current rate of mining, their reserves will be exhausted in about 500 years. At the same time, the need for them in the economies is constantly increasing by an average of 10% annually. To improve the efficiency of the use of this resource, the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies is constantly underway.

Human resources in our country are limited. Despite the high level of unemployment, there is a shortage of human resources that differ in certain qualitative characteristics - professional and qualification level. There is an acute shortage of employees with certain qualifications and professions, which significantly slows down the development of the national economy.

9) the needs of society and their types

The needs of society and their types

Needs - lack or need for something necessary for the life of people.

Human demands evolve along with changes in the economy and culture of society. Thus, the creation of useful things contributes to the satisfaction of various needs of people. Scientific and technological progress at enterprises renews the objective world and the way of life of members of society, causes them qualitatively different needs. For example, when VCRs were first released and sold, many people had a desire to purchase them.

We can, in a certain sense, consider the entire history of the economy as the history of the formation of needs. Modern civilization (the current stage of development of the material and spiritual culture of society) knows several levels of needs (Fig. 1.2):

physiological needs(in food, water, clothing, housing, etc.);

needs for security(protection from external enemies and criminals, help in case of illness, protection from poverty);

needs for social contacts(communication with people who have the same interests; in friendship and love);

needs for respect(respect from other people, self-respect, in acquiring a certain social position);

needs for self-development(in improving the capabilities and abilities of a person).

The pyramid of needs to some extent reflects the stages of formation and development of an individual. It's one thing - a baby who was born, experiencing mainly physiological needs. And it is completely different - for example, a student of a technical school, in whom the whole complex of normal human requests is formed.

The socio-economic progress of society is manifested in elevation of needs. This process goes in two directions / Firstly, horizontally. The prevailing demands are spreading among an increasing mass of the population, for example, a car ceases to be a “luxury item” and becomes a “means of transportation”. Second, needs change. vertically. In this case, there is a transition from their lowest level to a qualitatively higher one.

However, the rise of needs does not consist in a simple proportional growth of all their types. Needs of a lower order are most quickly saturated and have a certain limit of development. Requests of a higher order - social and intellectual are essentially limitless.

The level of needs increases very noticeably with the change of generations. Take the people who lived at the beginning of this century. They had no idea of ​​what seems mundane to our contemporaries about televisions, tape recorders, refrigerators, subways, jet planes, space rockets, and much more.

Therefore, the totality of social needs is a specific reference point for creative economic activity. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account both traditional and newly emerging types of people's requests.