Characteristics of automated systems of the state real estate cadastre. Thesis: Automated information systems of the cadastre

Currently, in our state there is an automated information system of the cadastre. This is a legally full-fledged, organizationally formalized instrument for accounting and taxation, which is the most important component of the economic and social stability of the state.

The end product in the conduct of state cadastres should be cadastral information banks. They will work according to the Unified System of State Cadastres (USGC), and the users of information can be the administrations of cities, regions, territories, republics in the Russian Federation and federal governments.

One of the directions (ESGK) are Geographic Information Systems(GIS), which include inventories natural resources:

- land;

- water;

- mineral deposits;

– ecological;

- flora and fauna, etc.

One of the most important sources of mass data for the formation of databases GIS- This digital maps . They form a single basis for the positioning of objects, and a set of thematic data layers, the totality of which forms a common information basis. GIS.

One of the varieties GIS are systems based on:

– aerial photography materials, which are used mainly for topographic mapping, are also widely used in geology, in forestry, during land inventory;

– remote sensing materials.

GIS functions:

1. Data collection.

2. Data processing.

3. Modeling and data analysis.

4. Their use in decision-making processes.

GIS classified according to:

1. Engineering.

2. Property ( GIS for real estate accounting) intended for processing cadastral data.

3. GIS for thematic and statistical mapping.

4. Bibliographic, containing information about a variety of geographical documents.

5. Geographic files with data on functional and administrative boundaries.

6. Space image processing systems, etc.

However, the rapid variability and multiplicity of options for the problems being solved require the introduction of other classifications that take into account the structure and architecture. GIS. Developed and presented 3-component classification GIS on the following grounds:

- the nature of the problem-processor model;

– the structure of the database model;

– features of the interface model.

At the top level of the classification, all information systems are subdivided into spatial and non-spatial.

GIS, naturally, belong to the spatial, dividing into:

- thematic (for example, socio-economic);

- land (cadastral, forestry, inventory, etc.).

There is a division:

1. By territorial coverage (national and regional GIS).

2. By purpose (multi-purpose, specialized, including information and reference, inventory, for the needs of planning, management).

3. By thematic orientation (general geographic, sectoral, including water resources, land use, forest management, tourism, recreation, etc.).


Among the sources of databases widely used in geoinformatics, cartographic, statistical and aerospace materials are most often involved. In addition to these materials, data from specially conducted field studies and surveys, as well as textual sources, are used much less frequently.

One of the main sources of data for GIS are remote sensing materials. They combine all types of data received from space carriers (manned orbital stations, Shuttle-type shuttles, autonomous satellite imaging systems, etc.) and aviation-based (airplanes, helicopters and micro-aircraft radio-controlled vehicles) and make up a significant part of remote data, contact types of surveys, methods of obtaining data by measuring systems in conditions of physical contact with survey objects.

In recent years, among GIS widely used portable receivers of data on the coordinates of objects from the global navigation system (positioned) GPS, which make it possible to obtain planned and altitude coordinates with an accuracy of several meters to several millimeters (in the aftermath of natural disasters and man-made disasters).

Database concept- this is a set of all information data in the direction of activity (development, implementation and storage). Its main purpose is statistical reporting, which gives an idea of ​​changes in the development of various industries. National economy and other directions. Statistical reporting varies in frequency, it can be daily, weekly, semi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. In addition, reporting can be one-time.

The process of designing an information system database consists of three main stages:

– conceptual design;

– logical design;

- physical design.

Conceptual database design- This first stage of the process database design, characterized by the collection, analysis and editing of data requirements. For this, the following activities are carried out:

- examination of the subject area, the study of its information structure;

– identification of all fragments, each of which is characterized by a user representation, information objects and links between them.

During development, the conceptual data model is constantly tested and validated against user requirements. The created conceptual data model of the enterprise is the source of information for the stage of logical database design. At the end of this stage, we get a conceptual model. Often it is presented in the form of an entity-relationship model.

Logical database designsecond stage of design, characterized by the transformation of requirements for data data structures. Its purpose is to create a logical data model for the part of the enterprise under investigation. The conceptual data model created in the previous step is refined and converted into a logical data model. As a result, we get a DBMS - an oriented database structure and application program specifications. At this stage, databases are often modeled in relation to various DBMS and carried out comparative analysis models. The created logical data model is a source of information for the physical design stage and provides the physical database developer with the means to find trade-offs necessary to achieve the goals, which is very important for effective design.

Physical database designthird stage of design, characterized by features of data storage, access methods, the process of preparing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage devices. This step discusses the basic relationships, organization of files and indexes designed to provide efficient access to data, and any related integrity constraints and protections. Physical design is the last step in creating a database project, during which the designer makes decisions about how the database being developed will be implemented. There is a constant feedback between logical and physical design, as decisions made during the physical design phase to improve system performance can affect the structure of the logical data model. Typically, the primary purpose of the physical database design is to describe how the logical database design is physically implemented.

9.3. DBMS, their functions and structure.
Main characteristics of modern DBMS

The growth in the performance of personal computers provoked the development of DBMS as a separate class. By the mid-60s of the last century, a large number of commercial DBMS already existed. Interest in databases increased more and more, so this area needed standardization. The author of the complex database, Charles Bachman, organized a task force to approve the features and organization of database standards. Charles Bachman himself received the Turing Award in 1973 for The Programmer as Navigator.

Database management system (DBMS)- a set of software tools designed to create, maintain and share a database with many users. Modern databases store not only data, but also information.

Database(DB) - an organized structure designed to store information. Modern databases allow you to place in their structures not only data, but also methods (i.e., program code), with the help of which interaction with the consumer or other software and hardware systems takes place.

Database management systems(DBMS) - a set of software tools designed to create a structure new base, filling it with content, editing content and visualizing information.

Under database information visualization refers to the selection of displayed data in accordance with a given criterion, their ordering, design and subsequent issuance to an output device or transmission over communication channels.

There are many database management systems. They can work differently with different objects and provide the user with different functions and tools. Most DBMS are based on a single, well-established set of basic concepts.


Depending on the architecture of building a database management system, DBMS can be divided into the following types:

1. Hierarchical.

2. Multidimensional.

3. Relational.

4. Network.

5. Object-oriented.

6. Object-relational.

Computers have become closer and more accessible to every user. There are many programs designed for the work of unprepared users. The operations of copying files and transferring information from one computer to another, printing texts, tables and other documents have become simple and understandable. System programmers were relegated to the background. Each user could feel like a complete owner of this powerful and convenient device that allows you to automate many aspects of your own activities. And, of course, this also affected the work with databases. Newly appeared DBMS allowed to store significant amounts of information. These programs made it possible to automate many accounting functions that were previously carried out manually. The constant decline in prices for personal computers has made such software available not only to organizations and firms, but also to individual users. Computers have become a tool for keeping records and their own accounting functions.

Consider, What are the benefits for the user when using the database as a paperless technology:

1. compactness (information is stored in the database, there is no need to store multi-volume paper file cabinets).

2. Speed (the speed of information processing (search, making changes) by a computer is much higher than manual processing).

3. Low labor costs (no need for tedious manual work on the data).

4. Applicability (up-to-date information is always available).

Additional advantages appear when using the database in a multi-user environment, since it becomes possible to centrally manage data.

Modern systems database management provides both physical (independence on the storage method and access method) and logical independence of data (the ability to change one application without changing other applications that work with the same data).

Modern DBMS make it possible to include not only textual and graphic information, but also sound fragments and even video clips.

The ease of use of the DBMS allows you to create new databases without resorting to programming, but using only built-in functions. DBMS ensure the correctness, completeness and consistency of data, as well as convenient access to them.

The geoanalytical system "GeoS" is a multifunctional effective toolkit for accounting and analysis of tabular, textual and cartographic business data brought together to solve a wide range of information and analytical tasks with reference to spatial data.

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Test"Automation of the real estate cadastre"

  1. technology for creating an information geoanalytical system;

pages 3 - 6

  1. implementation of the FTP "Creation automated system maintenance of the state real estate cadastre and state accounting real estate objects";

pages 7 - 9

  1. composition and structure of the algorithm;

page 10

  1. creation of an algorithm by a graphical method (by the block diagram method) on the example of the lease of a land plot owned by the municipality;

page 11

  1. services of the Rosreestr portal (designing a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146);

pp. 12 -13

  1. Bibliography

page 14

1.Technology for creating an information geoanalytical system

Geoportal it is a single point of access to the geospatial information of the Russian Federation. The geoportal provides search, viewing, loading of metadata, as well as downloading and publishing spatial data and web services in accordance with access rights and the type of license to use materials.

Geoportal of Roscosmos free mapping serviceFederal Space Agency of Russiaprovidingsatellite imagery and earth maps.

Satellite images provided by Roscosmos and NASA , cartographic data OpenStreetMap and Rosreestr , search tools GeoNames and OpenStreetMap Nominatim . The main sources of data are Russian satellites " Resurs-DK1", "Monitor-E" and "Meteor-M1 ". Also on the service you can get acquainted with collections of data from foreign devices in remote sensing:

Alos, Ikonos, Geoeye, Formosat, SPOT, Quickbird, Rapideye, Terra, Worldview. The launch of information from satellites was planned for 2011. Kanopus-V" and "Resurs-P".

Before the creation of the Geoportal- Russian satellite data were stored in various archives and there was no complete cataloging, which significantly slowed down the execution of requests from satellite imagery customers. The geoportal was created to solve this problem.

Rice. 1: Saratov region(Geoportal of Roscosmos)

G geoanalytical system "GeoS"

Geoanalytical system "GeoS"- multifunctional effective tools for accounting and analysis of tabular, textual and cartographic business data brought together to solve a wide range of information and analytical tasks with reference to spatial data.

Geoanalytical system "GeoS" implementedin the form of a WEB solution based on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. "GeoS" is installed on a WEB server that interacts with the GeoServer and ArcGis Server mapping servers, the System can be accessed via a WEB browser from any workplace connected to the Internet, including mobile devices.

Tasks that solvesgeoanalytical system "GeoS":

  1. management of departmental cartographic material;
  2. interactive placement of location and various additional information about any point objects;
  3. binding to objects, in addition to text indicators, various media information, including photos, videos, broadcasts from a video camera;
  4. filling events in the database, with their identification on the map through mobile devices
  5. monitoring Vehicle enterprises;
  6. collection of any statistical or managerial indicators of state institutions and enterprises. Visualization and analysis of indicators on thematic maps;
  7. interaction with the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and authorities for maintaining the land fund of the Russian Federation;
  8. integration with accounting and technological sources of industry data;
  9. management of spatial infrastructure and engineering networks

Functions of the geoanalytical system "GeoS":

  1. use of various public substrates provided by world cartographic services, including: Yandex, open street map, google,;
  2. a mechanism for global location search on the map at an informally entered address;
  3. a mechanism for supporting the hierarchy of any system of management indicators that users can create themselves at their own discretion;
  4. granting limited access to third parties.

The advantage of the geoanalytical system "GeoS"

  1. open service-oriented architecture of geoanalytical systemBased on web services and standardized interfaces for intersystem interaction, GeoS allows you to quickly create complex applications of various functional areas for different industries and categories of employees from executive personnel to top management of the company;
  2. the system has ample opportunities for integration with other information systems, this is achieved due to the following properties:
  3. connection and configuration of new layers is performed at the user level in just a few clicks;
  4. the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform provides various methods of intersystem interaction, such as COM, SOAP, XML (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2: Intersystem interactiongeoanalytical system "GeoS"

The software product includes:

  1. base module "GeoS. Cartography";
  2. module "GeoS. Geoanalysis of target indicators”;
  3. module "GeoS. Transport monitoring”;
  4. module "GeoS. Cadastral registration.

Creation technologygeoanalytical system "AgroUpravlenie" (on the platform "GeoS")

Purpose of creation

  1. fulfillment of the tasks of inventory and monitoring of agricultural and other lands;
  2. agronomic accounting;
  3. organization of operational accounting of field work using GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation systems.

Subsystems geoanalytical system "AgroUpravlenie" (on the platform "GeoS"):

  1. geoinformation module;
  2. inventory, land use, planning, data accounting;
  3. interaction with external Earth remote sensing systems, agricultural report.

Creation technologygeoanalytical system "AgroUpravlenie" (on the platform "GeoS"):

  1. with the help of the SPOT-5 spacecraft, the ScanEx Engineering and Technology Center conducted a high-resolution space imagery of the entire Tambov region;
  2. the resulting mosaic of space images was used by CenterProgramSystems specialists to create land use maps for all agricultural producers in the Tambov region;
  3. created for each land user electronic card fields;
  4. information about each land user is stored in the AgroUpravlenie geoanalytical system (on the GeoS platform)and is used to conduct an inventory of agricultural land.

The results of the creation of the geoanalytical system "AgroManagement" (on the platform "GeoS"):

  1. prompt acquisition of satellite information to assess the state of crops, the dynamics of biomass growth;
  2. determination of fields on which the development of crops is at a reduced pace or vice versa is ahead of schedule;
  3. a database on arable land helps to identify land plots that are not used in agricultural circulation, to clarify the real areas on which each agricultural producer works;
  4. the information and consulting center of the agro-industrial complex of the Tambov region provides consulting services to agricultural producers, reaching each field in order to increase the productivity of the Tambov chernozems;
  5. database on inventory and monitoring of agricultural land use helps in the management of agricultural land to increase economic efficiency region.

Rice. 3: Geoanalytical system "AgroUpravlenie" (on the platform "GeoS")

2. Implementation of the FTP "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects"

Full name of the program- Federal target program"Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state accounting of real estate objects (2002 - 2008)" (within its framework, subroutine "Information support for real estate management, reform and regulation of land and property relations" and a subprogram - "Creation of a real estate cadastre system (2006 - 2011)").

The state customer-coordinator of the program is the Ministry economic development Russian Federation, namely : Federal Real Estate Cadastre Agency And Federal Agency for Federal Property Management.

Program goal:

  1. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state accounting of real estate objects, providing effective use land and other real estate;
  2. engaging them in circulation and stimulating investment activity in the real estate market in order to meet the needs of society and citizens;
  3. creation of a state cadastre system that provides guarantees of property rights and other real rights to real estate;
  4. formation of complete and reliable information about real estate objects;
  5. improvement of public services provided to organizations and citizens;
  6. improvement of services rendered to state authorities and local self-government bodies.

Expected results of the program:

  1. creation of a scientific and methodological base for the rational use of land and other real estate objects owned by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities;
  2. creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects, which is a set of state databases built on uniform methodological and software and technical principles, containing lists of objects of registration and data about them and subject to registration in the State Register of databases and data banks;
  3. creation of an automated system for managing real estate, reforming and regulating land and property relations;
  4. creation of a system of electronic exchange of information between bodies (organizations) for the formation, cadastral registration, technical inventory, assessment, registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, management bodies of state and municipal, tax and other bodies;
  5. demarcation state property to land and registration of ownership of land plots of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and entering the information received into automated databases containing up-to-date information on land plots and real estate objects strongly associated with them;
  6. training of personnel in the field of real estate management, maintenance of the state land cadastre and real estate accounting;
  7. increase in income land tax and rent for land to the budgets of all levels through the implementation of program activities in 2002-2007 up to 292.5 billion rubles, including federal budget- 78.9 billion rubles, in order to ensure the cost recovery for the implementation of the program in 2 - 3 years.

Terms of the program implementation(2002 - 2008):

  1. Stage I - 2002 - 2003;
  2. Stage II - 2004 - 2005;
  3. Stage III - 2006 - 2008.

Implementation of the FTP "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state registration of real estate objects" in the Saratov region

On the territory of the Saratov region, the program is being implemented through the creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).

Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal servicesis a state institution in which maximum conditions have been created to improve the quality of the provision of state and municipal services.

Citizens have the opportunity to receive free advice and a set of services from various departments federal bodies executive power, executive bodies of state power of the Saratov region and local governments.

The center is based onprinciple of "one window"", i.e., simplification of the procedure for collecting certificates and documents necessary for obtaining a particular service (package of documents) by the applicant in the process of applying to the executive authorities for an informed decision when considering documents. As well as transparent and controlled passage of documents at all stages of provision services.

The purpose of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services iscreation of a new format of relations between the population of the Saratov region and the executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

Terms of service for applicants in the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services:

  1. applicants are accepted 6 days a week;
  2. the work schedule provides for the possibility of applying for state and municipal services in the evening until 20.00 and on Saturday until 17.00;
  3. the waiting time in the queue for submitting documents and receiving the result of the service is minimal;
  4. all units are accessible to people with limited mobility.

Addresses of the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

  1. 50 let Oktyabrya prospect, 120 "v";
  2. Sovetskaya, d. "9";
  3. Vavilova, d. 6/14;
  4. Svobody Square, 15 "b" (Engels).

Shortcomings of multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services in the Saratov region:

  1. does not provide Rosreestr services for registration of rights;
  2. there is no interaction with state authorities, local governments and various organizations providing public services(submitted an application and after some appointed time came for the result - a waste of extra time of a citizen);
  3. not all centers have an electronic queue and an electronic scoreboard;
  4. lack of a unified methodology and a systematic approach to the creation of centers;
  5. lack of a clear organization of training and certification of specialists of the centers;
  6. insufficient informing the population about the work centers.

3. Composition and structure of the algorithm

Algorithm a precise set of instructions describing the course of action to achieve the result of a task.

Algorithm representation methods:

  1. formulaic verbal -is based on setting instructions to perform specific actions in a clear sequence, combined with verbal explanations;
  2. algorithmic - a set of rules and notation used to write an algorithm:
  3. mathematical expressions;
  4. text;
  5. service words (full or abbreviated words of the Russian text, standing in a certain place in the algorithm, which must be underlined);
  6. graphic (flowchart method) -with this representation of the algorithm, each stage is displayed in the form of geometric shapes-blocks, the shape of which depends on the operation being performed, and the block connection line shows the direction of the data processing process, each direction is called a branch;
  7. tabular way.

4. Creation of an algorithm by a graphical method (flowchart method) using the example of a lease of a land plot that is in municipal ownership

compilation by municipal authorities

list of plots for rent

carried out by representatives of municipal authorities

auction to determine future tenants

No Yes

winning bidding

determination of the terms of the lease of plots,

municipally owned (4 years)

drawing up a lease agreement

No Yes

negotiation of the terms of the lease agreement

between representatives

municipal government

and tenant

Conclusion of a lease agreement between representatives of the municipal

Power and tenant

Rice. 4: Algorithm generated by graphical method (flowchart method)

5.Services of the portal Rosreestr

Rosreestr ( federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography) - federal agencyexecutive powerwhich performs the functions of organizing a unified system of statecadastral registrationreal estate, state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, as well as infrastructurespatial dataRussian Federation.

Services of Rosreestr:

  1. public services:
  2. state supervision;
  3. cadastral valuation;
  4. other activity.

Designing a land cadastral database for a land plot using the example of a plot with a cadastral number 64:48:040221:146

Land cadastral database for a plot with cadastral number 64:48:040221:146:

  1. status - registered;
  2. address - Saratov region, Saratov, SNT "Voskhod-85", section No. 24;
  3. specified area - 1,147 sq. m.;
  4. cadastral value - 1,740,549 rubles. 56 kopecks;
  5. date of registration - 22.06.2011;
  6. quarter - 64:48:040221;
  7. district - 64:48;
  8. district - 64;
  9. date of updating the attributes of the site on the control panel - 19. 08. 2014;
  10. date of renewal of the boundaries of the site at the PPK - 04. 06. 2013;
  11. category settlement land (land settlements);
  12. permitted use:
  13. by classifier (code) 141004000000;
  14. according to the classifier (description) for gardening and horticulture by citizens;
  15. according to the document for gardening;
  16. serves - managementFederal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography:
  17. Saratov department (410009, Saratov, pr. 50 years of October, 34/56, tel.: (845-2) 55-33-78);
  18. Saratov department (410009, Saratov, st. Traktornaya, 43, tel.: (845-2) 55-04-30).

Rice. 5: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)

Rice. 6: Land plot 64:48:040221:146 (Public cadastral map)


  1. FTP " Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and state accounting of real estate objects»;
  2. Varlamov. A. A. Land Cadastre. In 6 vols. T. 1: Theoretical basis state land cadastre / A. A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2007. - 383 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0102-8;
  3. Varlamov. A. A. Land Cadastre. In 6 vols. T. 1: Management of land resources / A. A. Varlamov. - M.: - Publisher: KolosS, 2005. - 528 p. - ISBN 5-9532-0143-5.


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Automation of the GZK. The world community at the beginning of the 21st century adopted a declaration "On the informatization of society", according to the cat. Every resident has the right to comprehensive information. This information applies not only to the activities of the governing bodies, but also to transactions with NJ property. By order of the Government 363-R, the program “Creation of automation. systems GZK "and state. Accounting for NDJ Property for 2002-2007”. The main goals of this program were:

1) development of regulatory and methodological documents in the field of land and property relations;

2) delimitation of state. property for private, municipal property of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation;

3) the creation of an AS for accounting for NDZH property and training in the field of land management.

In the process of implementing this program, a significant place is given to links with international projects (TACIS), which are created to achieve specific goals. For example, the creation of modern technological equipment, the development of a normative and methodological base for maintaining a cadastre. From April 2004 work has begun on the reorganization of the Russian cadastre service. The goals and objectives of the automation program have not changed, but the issues of the formation of the OH market have been added to them. All efforts of Rosnedvizhimost are aimed at meeting the needs of clients in the field of transactions. To do this, fundamentally new GKU systems will be introduced in stages, to which the fathers can connect. and abroad. org-tion. Tech. accounting of capital construction objects is carried out on the basis of the cadastre of ON. Recently, through the efforts of various specialists, a number of software systems have been created: a single state. register of capital construction objects (EGROKS), Taganrog-South USRZ software package, St. Petersburg USRZ PC, Nsk Geopolis, Nsk Geocad, Yekaterinburg In addition, there are developments on the formation of land surveys. affairs and cad. OH assessment. Automating inventory management not only reduces consumer concerns, but also provides strong data protection. In present time, the program “Creation of a cad. real estate” for 2006-2011. Within the framework of this program, AS GZK and OH accounting are proposed. This system provides in an automated mode the receipt and issuance of documents, GKU and the maintenance of directories. The introduction of this system eliminates the separate accounting of memory and OH, forms a single state. information a resource for accounting and evaluation of personal property, eliminates the loss of budgetary funds by creating a single database and simplifies the procedure for processing transactions with personal property. Information about OH, including coordinates, will come to central authorities electronic. In present time in pilot mode, automation is being introduced. OH inventory system - one system cadastre NJ (EKON), which is a hierarchical system, consisting, like the SLC, of ​​3 levels: federations, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. levels. The main subsystems of EKON are:

1 .OH formation:

1.1.Preparation of data and compilation of technical. assignments for conducting s / devices. works

1.2.Automated processing of s / devices. and

1.3 Control of coordinate determination and area calculation

1.4.Identification of restrictions in the use of objects

1.5. Maintaining databases of intersigns and reference network

1.6. Information exchange with other subsystems

2 .GKU ON, cat. intended for:

2.1. Accounting for the main characteristics and assignments of cad. numbers

2.2. Maintaining the DCC (desk cad. card.) and the history of OH

3. Cadastral valuation, cat. provides:

3.1 Information economy support. zoning of territories and exchange of information

4. Formation and accounting of territorial zones:

4.1. Accounting for applications for the formation of territorial zones

4.2. Formation of the characteristics of those. assignments at the request of authorities

4.3. Accounting for those ass and dissemination of information about them

5 .Creation of prerequisites for the formation of the real estate market:

5.1. Clarification of regulations for each memory

5.2. Concentration of information about OH

6 .Providing information to legal entities and individuals:

6.1. Providing information about OH in the form of passports.

Geodetic support of cadastral works

End of form

25. Designing geodetic thickening networks for the purposes of the state real estate cadastre.

1. The design of the GSS for the purposes of the frame is built up. ter-ry.

GSS is intended for thickening geodes. justification and bringing the plot of all points to the standard 1p. per 1km 2 for unbuilt. ter-rii and 4p. per 1 km 2 for built-up. ter-rii. GSS are created by the polygon method, in the form of singles. moves or systems of moves with one or several nodal points. As ref. isp-Xia OGS points or points polyg-ii old. class. the course of the polyg-ii (a), from the nodes. paragraph (b)


When the area of ​​the territorial zone<10 км 2 ОГС не создается и 1-ая ступ. ГСС проек-ся в мест. сис-ме коо-т с одним исх. пунктом и 1 или 2исх. дир. углами.

1st Stupa GSS only with<10 км 2

Requirements for the design of HSS



4th grade


Limit stroke length (km)

Number of parties in progress

No more than 15

No more than 15

No more than 15

Length of the sides in the course (km)

0.25 – 2.0

0.12 – 0.80

0.08 – 0.30


RMS angle measurements ()

Pre-angular misclosure (before)


10.0” n


Linear accuracy(mb/ B)

Accuracy score

Prev.lin discrepancy in the course of polyg-ii ( / ΣS)

Features of building polygraphs in the city. conditions: 1. When constructing half-way moves, incomplete angular binding to the original base is possible, due to the loss of visibility m / y ref. OGS points 2. In some cases, the need is increased. measurement accuracy corners. 3. It is possible to fix the points of the polygraphy of the system of wall signs. classes, their coordinating binding to ref. wall signs are higher. class

A) full angle binding

B) One-sided (incomplete) angular binding

B) Coordinate binding

In moves with incomplete

Scheme of transferring coo-t from the ground polyg-ii center to the wall sign

Given: X A, Y A, a A-B

Measured: b 1, b 2, b 3; S A-1, S A-2, S A-3, S 2-3, S 1-2.

Find X 1 Y 1, X 2 Y 2, X 3 Y 3,

Condition: length of lines from ground. center to the walls. know-

kov should not exceed the length of the measuring device.

Solution: 1) a a-1 \u003d a A-B + b 1 a a-2 \u003d a A-B + b 1 + b 2 -360 0

a a-3 = a A-B +b 1 +b 2 +b 3 -360 0 2) ∆X A-1 =S A-1 *cos a A-1

∆ Y A-1 \u003d S A-1 *sin a A-1 similarly the rest

3) X 1 \u003d X A + ∆X A-1; Y 1 \u003d Y A + ∆Y A-1 similarly X 2.3; Y 2.3

4) S 2-3, S 1-2 for control

|S meas1-2 – S calc1-2 |≤3 ms ; |S meas2-3 – S calc2-3 |≤3 m

The system of the state land cadastre is the most important element of the country's land management, which serves as the information basis for the state management of land resources and the economic regulation of land relations. The information database of the state land cadastre is based on the accounting system of land plots and their main characteristics. Due to the significant amount of information, the system of the state land cadastre is automated and is conducted according to uniform rules, and the data is entered in the established legislative forms.

The prerequisite for the creation of an information database of the state land cadastre (LC DB) was the Federal Target Program "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2007)", where the need to create a single LC database was declared, which would include information not only about land plots, but also about other real estate objects closely related to them. The result of the formation of this information system should be a database of economically justified taxation and part of real estate, as well as improving the real estate management system. This program is based on the principle that one of the most important strategic goals of the state policy in the field of creating conditions for sustainable economic development of the Russian Federation is the effective use of land and other real estate of all forms of ownership to meet the needs of society and citizens.

The basis for creating a unified database of cadastral data on land plots and other real estate objects closely related to them, according to the program under consideration, is the land cadastre system. This is due to a number of reasons:

  • 1. A land plot is a unique non-reproducible and non-transferable accounting unit covering the entire territory of Russia, which eliminates the possibility of gaps in the accounting system (presence of unaccounted land plots).
  • 2. A land plot is a basic piece of real estate, with which all other real estate is connected (buildings, constructions, structures, perennial plantings, etc.).
  • 3. The maintenance of the state land cadastre is carried out by the federal executive body, which has a strict vertical line up to the municipality, which greatly facilitates the movement of information flows in the system.
  • 4. At the moment, the automated information system of the state land cadastre (hereinafter AIS SLC) is the only system in the Russian Federation that operates in accordance with federal law and according to uniform rules, and also contains information about other real estate objects.

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly define the concept of other real estate. Article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines the following criteria for classifying real estate, according to which all real estate objects can be conditionally divided into three groups:

  • 1) real estate in terms of its physical characteristics (land plots, subsoil plots, isolated water bodies);
  • 2) immovable property firmly attached to the land, which cannot be moved without disproportionate damage to their purpose (forests, perennial plantings, buildings, structures, structures);
  • 3) real estate according to the law, i.e. those things that, by their physical nature, are movable, but referred by the rule of law to immovable property (air and sea vessels, inland navigation vessels, space objects, etc.).

Thus, before proceeding with the creation of the LC DB, it is necessary to issue a number of legal acts containing lists of other real estate objects and their characteristics that will be included in the LC DB. Such objects of immovable property, in addition to land plots, should include buildings, structures, structures, perennial plantings, isolated water bodies. This list does not include the third group of real estate, which is real estate by law, but not by its essence. This is due to the fact that at the moment there are other accounting systems for these real estate objects, the maintenance of which requires special education and qualifications. Moreover, the presence of information about these objects in the SC database will make it too voluminous and difficult to use. In addition, one of the management principles will be violated - the principle of information balance, according to which any information system should contain the optimal amount of information about the control object. At the same time, optimality is determined by the minimum of data and characteristics about the object, but which at the same time is sufficient for making a rational management decision. For a similar reason, the above list did not include subsoil plots.

To implement the normal functioning of the SC database in order to achieve the maximum economic effect, it is necessary to solve many problems, including:

  • - organization of data transfer and exchange between automated databases of various departments,
  • - implementation and maintenance of special automated programs, their improvement,
  • - creation of a single information and communication space for state cadastral registration, technical inventory, registration of rights to real estate, tax authorities, government bodies, etc.

To date, the legislation provides for the possibility of using software systems to automate the maintenance of the state land cadastre.

As part of the work on the implementation of the Federal Target Program, the Southern Branch of the Federal Cadastral Center "Earth" has developed a software package (PC) USRZ as a tool that automates the processes of state cadastral registration and builds an automated database containing information about cadastral registration objects.

PC EGRZ has the following features:

  • 1) export of tabular and spatial information in a number of common data formats,
  • 2) support for display style libraries,
  • 3) the ability to add and edit styles;
  • 4) the ability to provide each user with an individual set of access rights to operations with databases;
  • 5) support for simultaneous work of several users with data from the same geodetic database, including the possibility of their joint editing, etc.

The USRZ PC, as a tool for conducting state cadastral registration, automates four main processes for maintaining the state register of land in the cadastral region:

  • 1. The process of entering information about previously recorded land plots - entering descriptions of land plots in accordance with the Inventory List and a description of land plots that are state-owned and not assigned to specific persons.
  • 2. The process of conducting state cadastral registration of land plots:
  • 1) individualization of land plots - assignment of unique cadastral numbers in accordance with the established procedure;
  • 2) duty of graphic information about land plots - checking the consistency of information about the location of land plots and the passage of their borders;
  • 3) entering information in accordance with the Description of land plots submitted for state cadastral registration;
  • 4) preparation and printing of documents included in the state register of lands of the cadastral region;
  • 5) preparation and printing of the cadastral plan of the land plot.
  • 3. The process of state cadastral registration of changes in the characteristics of land plots, including:
    • - adding new information,
    • - changing existing information while maintaining the history of changes.
  • 4. The process of preparing extracts from the state land cadastre on the basis of submitted applications.

The USRZ PC as an automation tool allows you to avoid accidental errors when entering information into the State Register of the Kyrgyz Republic. This is achieved:

  • a) using directories and classifiers;
  • b) the possibility of automatically entering the characteristics of the original land plot into information about newly formed plots (for example, location, category of land);
  • c) the presence of a mechanism for confirming the actions performed in the USRZ PC;
  • d) the possibility of previewing documents;
  • e) the presence of a record status mechanism.

The USRZ PC as a mechanism for creating data banks containing information from the documents of the state land cadastre provides:

  • a) entering, accumulating and storing data on accounting objects;
  • b) organization of data protection and safety;
  • c) processing and preparation of analytical, statistical and other derivative documents containing generalized information of the state land cadastre.

Despite the fact that the use of automated systems for maintaining the state land cadastre is provided for by law, the technology for maintaining the state land cadastre using automated systems is currently under development.

All spatial information about accounting objects is displayed in graphical form using the ObjectLand geoinformation system, which has the following capabilities:

  • 1) advanced tools for spatial data analysis;
  • 2) displaying maps on an arbitrary scale;
  • 3) means of input and editing of spatial information by setting the coordinates of objects;
  • 4) copying, merging and moving maps, layers and individual types of objects between different geoformational databases;
  • 5) search for information in tables according to arbitrary criteria;
  • 6) statistical calculations based on information in tables;
  • 7) establishment of arbitrary links between spatial and tabular information;
  • 8) obtaining information about the object selected on the map, etc.

1.1 History of the development of the state real estate cadastre

1.2 The procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre

1.3 Overview of modern computer technologies used in the maintenance of the state real estate cadastre

Section 2. Characteristics of the object of study

2.1 Natural and economic conditions of the Zaigraevsky district

2.2 Structure of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district

Section 3

3.1 Using the software package for receiving and issuing documents of the PK PVD in the Zaigraevsky district documentation structure

3.2 Cadastral registration of the property

3.3 State registration of rights to the property

Section 4. The effectiveness of maintaining the state real estate cadastre using computer technology

4.1 Types of effectiveness of the state real estate cadastre

4.2 Automated GKN system

An example of calculating the economic efficiency of the creation and implementation of the AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Section 5 Life Safety

5.1 General

5.2 Personnel requirements

5.3 Provision of protective equipment

5.4 Requirements for the organization of safe field work

5.5 Sanitation and hygiene in the field

5.6 Fire safety requirements during work

5.7 Protection of the public in emergencies


List of sources used

Section 1. Theoretical foundations for maintaining the state real estate cadastre and the process of its automation

1.1 History of the development of the state real estate cadastre

The history of the development of the state real estate cadastre in Russia is determined, first of all, by the level of economic development and the nature of property relations. And this story begins with the formation of the state and the development of taxation. The first censuses of lands with characteristics of their quality and quantity date back to the 12th century.

The most vivid and complete description of land holdings in Russia refers to the period of the elimination of feudal fragmentation and the emergence of a centralized state. The descriptions provided information about the amount of land in the possessions, and an assessment of these lands was given by bringing them to certain conventional units.

To describe the land in the XVI century. A special institution was created - the Local Order, which became the nationwide leading center, uniting all land surveying, cadastral and serf work. The scribe's order of 1622 entrusted the scribes with the measurement of arable land, fallows, hayfields, forests and other lands.

The next stage in the development of the real estate cadastre was due to the policy of Peter I, he destroyed the estate system, equalized the former estates with estates and introduced a poll tax. The first general land surveying was started in 1754. It was based on a scribe's order of 1684 and, in addition to taking into account lands, was aimed at deprivation of ownership rights and seizure of lands that did not correspond to documents.

Further development and improvement of the system of accounting and evaluation of land resources was stimulated by such landmark reforms as the abolition of serfdom in 1861, which provided for the redemption of land by peasants from landowners, the abolition of the collection of redemption payments in 1905 and the Decree of 1906, giving peasants the right to allocate or leaving the communities.

New agrarian policy of Russia 1906 - 1910. associated with the name of Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin. On November 19, 1906, the Decree of Emperor Nicholas II - "On the amendment and addition of certain resolutions on peasant land ownership" was issued. The main content of the reform was the destruction of the community and the planting of private peasant land ownership.

The law of 1910 even more rigidly pursued the line of liquidation of the community and the transition to private peasant land ownership. It provided for the obligatory transition to personal ownership of land in communities. In these communities, the peasants automatically became the new owners of their allotments.

After 1917, land relations in Russia changed dramatically. One of the first legislative acts on land was the Decree "On the Socialization of Land" of 1918, and this act secured the national ownership of land, the labor nature of land use, and established an equal right to use land, based on the consumer-labor norm of land use on agricultural land. And the provisions "On socialist land management" and "On measures of transition to socialist land use" of 1919 fixed two main forms: state and collective. At the same time, the land actually ceased to be an object of taxation. At the same time, the state needed information about the land. This need determined the composition of the information of the land cadastre and the procedure for its maintenance.

The cadastre was a single book of registration information on land users, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of land.

After the nationalization of Russian lands, until the time when amendments were made to the 1976 Constitution of the RSFSR in 1990, they did not know the right to private property. They were transferred without payment to individuals and legal entities for perpetual, indefinite use.

Between November 1989 and March 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted laws on rent, property and land. These laws allowed citizens to rent land both inside and outside collective farms and state farms.

In December 1991, the Decree of the President "On urgent measures to carry out land reform" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for the reorganization of collective farms and state farms" were issued. On the basis of these documents, collective farms and state farms had to decide on the transition to private ownership.

On October 11, 1991, the Law "On payment for land" was adopted, which established that the use of land in the Russian Federation is paid. The forms of payment for land are land tax, rent, payment for temporary use of land, payment for acquiring land in ownership, payment for acquiring the right to lease land, compensation payments for losses in agricultural production, payment for the use of land when establishing an easement.

August 1992, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On improving the maintenance of the state land cadastre in the Russian Federation" approved the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the state cadastre, recognized the need to coordinate the maintenance of the land cadastre, ensure a phased transition to an automated method for obtaining, processing, storing and providing its data . In addition, the need to conduct an inventory of the lands of settlements was indicated.

Important were the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 27, 1993 "On the regulation of land relations and the development of agrarian reform in Russia" and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which classified land plots and everything that is firmly connected with them as real estate. In December 1993, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were issued: "On Taxation of the Sale of Land Plots and Operations with Land"; "On the state land cadastre and registration of documents on the rights to real estate"; "On strengthening state control over the use and protection of land during the land reform"; Regulations on the procedure for exercising state control over the use and protection of land in the Russian Federation; Basic provisions on the pledge of real estate - mortgage.

The adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on December 12, 1993 resolved the main controversial issue in the field of land relations. The Constitution enshrined the right of private ownership of land in the Russian Federation and the freedom to dispose of land as one of the fundamental inalienable human rights protected by law.

The first normative, legal document was the Federal Law "On the State Land Cadastre", which was adopted on January 2, 2000.

The content of the land cadastre includes obtaining reliable information about land plots and territorial zones as the main units of cadastral registration. All other activities (main and current accounting of land, drawing up a balance of land, valuation of soils and economic evaluation of land, state management of land resources, etc.) are included in the land information system [!].

In July 2007, the law "On the State Cadastre of Real Estate" introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted. This law gives the basic concepts of what the formation of real estate objects is, i.e. the process when a real estate object is separated from the material world and becomes legally fit, legally capable, including for the subsequent registration of rights to this object.

computer technology real estate cadastre

The cadastral system provides copyright holders with guarantees of property rights, tax authorities - with up-to-date information about objects of taxation, the real estate market - with reliable information about land plots and related improvements, the system of state and municipal authorities - with data for the formation of state policy in the field of land use, real estate accounting and development of territories.

The adoption of a new law on the state real estate cadastre, which came into force on March 1, 2008, poses new challenges for the development of appropriate approaches and methodologies for practical application. The law has several changes and innovations. In particular, the law clearly and in detail fixes the provision on the process of formation of objects of cadastral registration.

Since March 1, 2009, there has been a merger of organizations: the Federal Agency for Cadastre of Real Estate<#"564525.files/image001.gif">

Figure 1 - Production structure of the Zaigraevsky district, 2011

Onokhoy Oil and Fat Plant IP Kungurov Andrey Nikolaevich (147.7 million rubles);

LLC "Agro-V", head Sinyavina Galina Lifanovna (42.0 million rubles);

"BMF" LLC, head Maria Filippovna Bogomolova (26.7 million rubles).

The area has an impressive natural resource potential, which makes it possible to develop mining enterprises and such a promising area as the construction industry. Significant reserves of dolomites, perlites, limestones are concentrated in our bowels.

The extraction of minerals is carried out by Mining Company LLC, which is part of Siberian Cement Holding Company OJSC, 000 Perlit, Dolomit Quarry OJSC. Today Zaigraevskaya Mining Company is the main supplier of raw materials for cement and carbide production. There are also great prospects for the Mukhortala perlite deposit.

Small business has been developing in the region lately, IP Kungurov, 000 "Kolosok", OOO "Agro-V", whose products are in constant demand not only in the region, but also in the republic, are especially successful.

Entrepreneur A.N. Kungurov is engaged in the production of mayonnaise, sour cream. In 2001, he installed equipment for the refining and deodorization of vegetable oil and its bottling, began the production of five types of soft oils, margarine products. Currently, the enterprise produces over 40 types of products - butter, margarine products, mayonnaise in assortment, sour cream 25%, packaged whole milk powder, refined deodorized sunflower oil, unrefined sunflower oil. The production is being updated, new technological lines are being introduced, workshops for the production of butter, production and bottling of vegetable oil, storage facilities have been built, equipment is being replaced with a more productive one. Not only the range of manufactured products is expanding, but also its volumes, gross income is increasing every year, for example, in 2007 it increased by 140% and amounted to 122,950.3 thousand rubles. This year, new equipment was purchased, it is planned to organize the production of fat-free cottage cheese, processed cheese "Nezhenka" and smoked sausage cheese.

Among other processing enterprises, Agro-V LLC, which produces canned vegetables from its own local raw materials, has good prospects. The quality of canned vegetables "Agro-V" is excellent. Among them, pickle occupies a special place. It is thanks to the excellent taste qualities of these products that Agro-V LLC became the winner of the republican contest "Best Product - 2006". In 2007, the company produced a variety of tasty products for 18816.0 thousand rubles. The program of socio-economic development of the republic for 2008-2010 and until 2017 provides for the implementation of investment projects to create new industries, including the processing of wild plants.

LLC "Kolosok" since 2006 has been operating under the trademark "Schedroff" in the district in the village of Zaigraevo. It produces over 100 types of environmentally friendly natural food products. These are meat and meat and vegetable semi-finished products, boiled, smoked and semi-smoked sausages, confectionery and bakery products.

The volume of agricultural production in 2011 in current prices amounted to 981.7 million rubles, for the program - 108%, by 2010 - 106%. Figure 2 shows the dynamics of production of the main agricultural products:

Figure 2 - Dynamics of agricultural production in the Zaigraevsky district

From the figure, we see that only grain production has decreased in the region, the reason for the decrease is the drought in June-July 2011.

State support for the development of agricultural production in 2011 amounted to 52.25 million rubles, which is 3.1 times more than in 2010. 33.29 million rubles came from the federal budget, 18.96 million rubles from the republican budget. State support has been received for the following activities:

for the development of the livestock industry 22.13 million rubles;

14.82 million rubles for the development of the plant growing industry;

for measures to improve the living conditions of citizens within the framework of the FTP "Social Development of the Village until 2013" - 0.68 million rubles;

to subsidize the interest rate on loans received from credit institutions - 14.57 million rubles.

The district administration has developed a program of socio-economic development for the short term - three years, and - long-term until 2017, which is linked to the district budget. There are programs at the settlement level, where emphasis is placed on the development of small business and agriculture. All this should give a real improvement in people's lives, solve the problem of employment of the population of the region.

2.2 Structure of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district

The territory of the district is located in the central part of the Republic of Buryatia, borders on the city of Ulan-Ude, Tarbagatai, Ivolginsky, Pribaikalsky, Mukhorshibirsky, Kizhinginsky, Khorinsky districts and the Chita region. There are 43 settlements on the territory of the Zaigraevsky district.

The area of ​​the Zaigraevsky district within the administrative boundaries of the district is 660224 hectares, including by category:

Agricultural land - 147240;

Lands of settlements - 4499;

Lands of industry, transport, communications, defense and other purposes - 19771;

Forest fund lands - 468860;

Reserve lands - 19872;

including the redistribution fund - 8594;

Figure 3 - Distribution of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district by land categories

567,279 hectares are state-owned, 83,321 hectares are owned by citizens, and 9,642 hectares are owned by legal entities.

The land of settlements in the total area is 4499 hectares. Of these, 2,971 hectares are owned by citizens, 19 hectares are legally owned, and 1,509 hectares are state and municipal property.

The lands of industry, transport and other special purposes amount to 1977 hectares and are in state and municipal ownership.

Of these, industrial land is 1567 hectares; transport land - 2374 hectares, including railway - 1416 hectares, automobile - 958 hectares; communication lands are 28 hectares; defense and security lands - 15114 hectares; land for other special purposes is 668 hectares.

Figure 4 - Distribution of the land fund of the Zaigraevsky district by forms of ownership

The lands of the forest fund occupy 468,860 hectares and are in state ownership.

Agricultural land is 147,240 hectares, of which 80,350 hectares are owned by citizens, 9,623 hectares are owned by legal entities, and 57,267 hectares are state and municipal property.

Agricultural land is land used or intended for the cultivation of agricultural products. They make up 14% of agricultural land - 92275 ha, including: arable land - 26427 ha, fallow land - 8979 ha, perennial plantations - 1772 ha, hayfields - 13451 ha, pastures - 41646 ha.

Compared to 2010, the area by type of property remained unchanged, except for the fact that 12 hectares of land were transferred from the property of legal entities to the property of citizens.

In total, in 2011, the Committee processed more than 3,000 applications from legal entities and individuals on issues of land relations, on which 1324 decisions of the Committee on the provision of land plots were prepared and adopted, of them:

· in the property free of charge - 100 solutions;

· for rent - 180 solutions;

· into property for a fee - 1003 decisions;

· for permanent perpetual use - 41 solutions.

Table 2 - Number of provided land plots by years

For permanent perpetual use

Ownership for free

Ownership for a fee

Total granted

Figure 5 - The number of provided land plots by years.

The list of categories of citizens entitled to receive land plots free of charge in the territory of the Zaigraevsky district has been expanded. At the same time, the number of applications to the Committee on the issue of free provision of land plots also increased.

If in 2010 there were 120 appeals, then for the reporting period as of January 1, 2011. the Committee received 350 applications, which is 3 times more than in the previous year. Thus, at present, the total number of those in need, taking into account 2011. is 560.

Section 3

3.1 Using the software package for receiving and issuing documents of the PK PVD in the Zaigraevsky district documentation structure

The operational documentation for the software package contains general information about the PC PVD: its purpose and functionality, principles of organization and architecture, dialog environment and ways of user interaction with the system.

The documentation set consists of two basic manuals - the Administrator's Guide and the User's Guide.

The administrator's guide describes the features of installing the HPHP PC, setting up its interface, setting default values, working with user accounts, and also contains a description of the principles of working with entities common to all technological procedures, the features of adding, modifying or deleting them.

The user manual consists of the following components:

General characteristics - describes the purpose, nature of use and general functionality of the complex; indicates what is needed to start working with the PC PVD; explains the key concepts of the complex, the principles of organizing data and control in the PC PVD, describes the structure of information objects and the organization of program modules designed for their processing, as well as the basic concepts and elements of the user interface of the PC PVD: windows of various types, information fields and their types, structure menus, command buttons

Call processing stages - describes the process of receiving, processing and recording calls.


PC PVD is designed to accept documents for the implementation of actions related to state cadastral registration and state registration of rights in unified reception offices, as well as to issue documents based on the results of accounting or registration actions. The operator workstation provides the following functions:

Registration of accepted documents;

Information support for making a decision to suspend or refuse to conduct cadastral registration, including the analysis of information about the accounting objects available in the adopted documents drawn up in electronic form;

Monitoring the execution of registered appeals to the CMO or USRR (applications or requests);

Registration of applications for the provision of information to the State Property Committee and the USRR;

Print receipts, applications and requests, notices of refusal and notices of suspension, etc.

Printing of created documents intended for issuance to applicants;

Fixing the facts of receipt of documents by interested parties. In addition, the PVH PC client provides the ability to set up and configure

software package (in accordance with the rights assigned by the user).


Information object structure

An information object is a description of a document (for example, a title document), an individual (for example, a copyright holder) stored in the database of the complex. An information object is characterized by attributes.

Object attributes are used to represent in the database the characteristics of accounting objects, title and other documents, elements of classifiers and directories, as well as to reflect information links between objects.

An example of attributes for a land plot information object:

Cadastral number.

Mailing address.


The attribute can be composite, i.e. consisting of separate parts. An example of a composite attribute Postal address in a land record: Postcode, Region, District, City, Street, House, etc.

In addition, some attributes may be plural in nature (multiple attribute), i.e. consist of several records, which themselves are information objects.

BOOKS accounting

Books of accounting, in which appeals and outgoing documents are registered, are of the following types.

To account for incoming applications, requests and documents submitted with them, the following is maintained at the offices for receiving and issuing documents:

Call book;

Book of accounting for incoming documents (EGRP);

Book of registration of applications (GKN);

Book of registration of requests (GKN / USRR).

To record the facts of the issuance of documents formed by the bodies that maintain the State Property Committee and the USRR, a book of records of issued documents is maintained at the offices for receiving and issuing documents.


Software package interface

The interface of the PC PVD is based on the Windows application user interface standard and involves the use of menus, tabs and an advanced system of prompts.

POU window

The main windows of the program modules that are part of the PC PVD have common features. In each such window, several parts can be distinguished (Fig. 6).

The title bar of the main window is used to move, minimize,

maximizing and closing the window.

The menu is used to provide access to module commands.

The work area, which contains internal (working) windows that provide access to the information objects of the complex, or to information about received, executed and completed cases on appeals.

Fig.6. Window of the module "Receiving and issuing documents"

Work with requests is performed in windows, an approximate view of which is shown in Fig.7.

Each window contains the following elements:

The page panel in the left part of the window contains a list of operations that must be performed during the technological procedure. Switching between operations can be done either by pressing the Back and Forward buttons in the lower left part of the screen, or by directly selecting an operation using the mouse or keyboard.

The tab bar, which occupies the main part of the window, is intended for entering data in accordance with the current operation.

The menu bar at the top of the screen, as in the previous example, provides access to commands for the current operation. For some operations, the menu field may not be available.

The buttons for completing the operation - Finish and Cancel - are designed to complete the procedure with saving the entered data or to cancel the data entry for the procedure and exit it without saving the entered information.

If the operation associated with the button has several options, then the button has an icon, clicking on which opens a drop-down menu with a list of available options.

To select a field value from the drop-down list, press the I. button; to the right of this field.

To close the working window, press the L button in the right field of the working window strip. Clicking on x is equivalent to clicking on the Cancel button.

In the event that the information in the window is presented in the form of a table (Fig. 3), then there are the following options for setting up information in the table:

Editing a table row. Record editing mode is activated by pressing the left mouse button on the field to be edited or by pressing F2.

For entries, the functions Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All are available. The editing context menu is called by pressing the right mouse button in the editing mode on the field to be edited (Fig.3).

Adding table rows. To do this, move the cursor to the bottom line of the table. The bottom line is empty and is the line to add. It must be put into edit mode, enter data and move to another line.

Removing lines. To do this, select a table row and press the Delete key.

Table columns can be arranged in any order; To move a column, just drag the column header to the desired position while holding down the left mouse button.

To delete a table column, just drag the column header into the window field (drag and drop will display a strikethrough header)

To copy the contents of a cell in the table, click on the desired entry (the cell will change the fill color to white) and press the key combination Ctrl - Ins.

To sort records, left-click on the column heading (sorting sequentially switches to "Descending" and "Ascending" modes),

To group records in the window, you need to move the mouse pointer to the column header by which you want to group, click the left mouse button and, without releasing the button, drag the header to the inscription "To group records, move the column header into this field" (the so-called "Group area "); the same operation is performed by the context menu command Group by this column.

Fig.8. Reference book tab

After the command is executed, the data will be grouped by the selected field, they can be viewed either in collapsed mode (only the value of the grouping field is displayed) or in expanded mode (all rows of the table corresponding to this field are displayed under the grouping field value); switching modes is performed by pressing the ± and i buttons, respectively. Multiple field headers can be provided to organize the grouping tree.

Main menu

The main menu contains the following set of commands:

F isle - PC control

Settings- PC settings

Exit- exit from the software package

View- control the display of windows and tabs of the PC

Reception of appeals- a list of technological procedures that the current operator can start

Received- view a list of tasks that are on a route step that can be completed by the current user

Executable- view the list of tasks performed by the current user

Completed- view a list of cases whose steps were completed by the current user, but not taken by anyone else

Search- open search window

Background tasks- list of background tasks that are currently running

error reporting


Service- group of service commands

Users- opens a window with a list of accounts


accounting books- opens a window with a list of accounting books

Log of obtaining information from MD

Journal of sending information to MD


Issue by barcode

Attach images to case by barcode

Directory of appeals

Calendar of holidays and weekends

Window- management of open windows PC

close all- closes all open windows

List of open windows(including search box as well as report

about errors and warnings)

Autofill fields

The PC PVD implements the function of auto-completion of fields. This function is provided for any field from the group Document address and activated by pressing hotkeys Ctrl+Space or by pressing the button for autocomplete, located to the right of the field, with a hint Copy from structured address (Ctrl-Space).


To call the search form, select the menu item View and run the command Search(hot key F3). A window will open in which you need to specify the search parameters.

The search can be carried out for the following objects:

It's a matter of work

Closed case

The search type is selected using the drop-down list.


When processing requests, the following actions are available: Reception- designed to receive and record applications.

Scanning- designed for scanning and linking scanned images of documents to the description of the document in circulation

Seal- designed to print outgoing documents received electronically in one of the following formats (HTML, PDF, JPG, GIF, TIF, RTF).

extradition- designed to record the fact of issuing a document with the preservation of information about the person who received the document, the date and time of receipt of the document, the person who issued the document.

Entering Case Details

Depending on the selected actions, the user will have access to forms for entering information on the corresponding actions (hereinafter handling information).

When performing this stage, you must enter information on the following pages:

Information about applicants

2. Information about the object

Submitted Documents

Payment documents



When uploading data, they are verified. All errors that can be detected fall into two classes: predictable and unpredictable.

Foreseeable errors are associated with errors in the attributes of the input data and must be corrected by the operator at the previous stages of working with the case. If errors of this class are detected, the entire package proceeds to the stage of correcting information, corresponding to the first technological operation - Receiving an appeal. An error message is entered in the exchange error log with the dispatch module. After the correction, the data packet is re-verified. If the error has been corrected, then the error record is removed; if the errors persist, the error record is updated and the batch goes back to the data correction stage.

Unpredictable errors mainly include errors related to the technical organization of the process of uploading and transmitting a data package (for example, insufficient free disk space or lack of connection to the required server). If such an error occurs, an error message is entered in the exchange error log with the dispatching module, but the matter remains at the data upload stage, and the software will try to repeat the problematic operation in the future, with the specified data upload frequency.

3.2 Cadastral registration of the property

An application for state cadastral registration of a real estate object contains the following basic details: addressee, i.e. abbreviated name of the organization that carries out the setting of land plots for cadastral registration - TO FGU ZKP for the Zaigraevsky district; the applicant's questionnaire, drawn up in the form of a table, containing information about:

the applicant (the person who submitted the application);

land plots, the legal owner of which is the applicant;

documents attached to the application;

addresses, phone numbers of the applicant or his representative;

method of obtaining a cadastral passport;

signature of the applicant (or representative of the applicant for legal entities).

Article 22 of the Federal Law "On the State Cadastre of Real Estate" dated July 24, 2007 No. 221 contains a list of documents required for cadastral registration. In the absence of one of the documents required for cadastral registration, the applicant is verbally explained that, in accordance with Part 4, Clause 1, Article 26 of the said Real Estate Cadastre Law, cadastral registration will be suspended until additional submission of the missing documents.

A certified copy of the registered application acts as a receipt issued to the applicant. On the copy of the territorial department of the Rosreestr Office, a mark is placed on receipt of the receipt (copy of the application) by the applicant.

To register the received documents, separate books of records of documents are entered indicating the time and date of receipt of such documents.

In accordance with paragraph 32 of the Procedure for maintaining the state real estate cadastre, approved by order of the Ministry of Justice dated February 20, 2008 No. 35, from March 1, 2008, the cadastral registration authorities, when performing cadastral procedures, must verify the documents submitted for cadastral registration. The results of the verification are documented in the form of a document verification protocol.

The document verification protocol contains a conclusion on each type of verification, as well as all identified grounds for suspending or refusing to conduct cadastral registration.

Documents are checked in the following areas:

verification of the credentials of the applicant;

checking for completeness of documents;

verification of documents in the form and content of the information required for cadastral registration;

checking for compliance with the information of the State Property Committee, including graphic display.

The protocol also reflects the identification number of the registration file, which coincides with the number of the application, the applicant, the name of the cadastral procedure (state cadastral registration of the property), the official who conducted the inspection and the date of the inspection.

Registration of a real estate object, in particular a land plot, is carried out within a period of not more than twenty working days from the date of receipt by the cadastral registration authority of the corresponding application for cadastral registration.

Cadastral registration is carried out at the location of the property in the cadastral district within which the property is located.

After entering information into the documents of the State Property Committee, all information must be checked for compliance with the documents of the case on the application. In the course of the audit, all information in the documents of the State Property Committee is certified.

The cadastral passport of a land plot, intended to provide information from the state real estate cadastre, necessary for state registration of rights and restrictions (encumbrances) of rights, includes sections B.1 - B.4. If there are no coordinates of characteristic points of the land plot boundary in the state real estate cadastre, section B.2 is not drawn up. Sections B.3 and B.4 are drawn up only if the relevant information is available in the state real estate cadastre. In our case, sections B.3 and B.4 are not drawn up.

The next stage is the formation of the cadastral file. All documents on the basis of which the procedures for the formation of a land plot and its accounting were carried out are transferred to the cadastral file with the number of the land plot. The composition of the cadastral file necessarily includes an inventory of documents.

The cadastral file is a set of duly completed documents confirming the fact of the emergence or existence of a land plot as an object of state cadastral registration.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 23 of the Law "On the State Cadastre of Real Estate" when registering a land plot as a real estate object, in the event that an appropriate decision is made on the implementation of cadastral registration, starting from the working day following the day of expiration of the specified law period (20 days), is obliged to issue to the applicant personally against receipt of the cadastral passport of the property. In our case, the cadastral passport of the land plot.

The date of completion of cadastral registration is the day when the cadastral registration authority enters into the state real estate cadastre:

) information about the cadastral number assigned to the relevant property (when registering the property);

) new information about the relevant real estate object (when taking into account changes in the real estate object, accounting for a part of the real estate object or taking into account the address of the right holder);

) information about the termination of the existence of the real estate object (when deregistration of the real estate object).

When registering a real estate object, accounting for changes in a real estate object, accounting for a part of a real estate object or deregistering a real estate object, the cadastral registration authority, in the event that an appropriate decision is made on the implementation of cadastral registration, starting from the working day following the day of the expiration of the period, is obliged to issue to the applicant or his representative personally against receipt:

) cadastral passport of the real estate object (when registering such a real estate object);

) a cadastral extract on a real estate object containing new information about such a real estate object entered into the state real estate cadastre during cadastral registration (taking into account changes in such a real estate object);

) a cadastral extract on a real estate object containing information entered into the state real estate cadastre during cadastral registration on the part of such a real estate object that is subject to restriction (encumbrance) of property rights (when taking into account a part of such a real estate object);

) a cadastral extract on a real estate object containing information entered into the state real estate cadastre on the termination of the existence of such a property (when deregistration of such a property).

The number of registered real estate objects in the Zaigraevsky district of the Republic of Belarus is presented in Table 2 and Figure 3.

Table 3 - Number of land plots put on cadastral registration

Figure 6 - The number of land plots put on cadastral registration in the period from 2005 - 2011

The increase in the number of land plots put on the cadastral register until 2009 can be justified by the influence of key factors, primarily changes in legislation: the federal law "On the State Real Estate Cadastre" that has entered into force, various targeted programs at the federal and local levels, the adoption of Chapter 31 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which introduced fundamental changes in the procedure for calculating the tax base for land tax (the tax base is the cadastral value of a land plot). The main factor in increasing the number of registered land plots is the formation of collective non-profit associations of citizens in the form of DNT, SNT. After 2009, the formation of such associations decreased, which was reflected in the total number of registered land plots.

3.3 State registration of rights to the property

State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is a legal act of recognition and confirmation by the state of the emergence, restriction (encumbrance), transfer or termination of rights to real estate in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

State registration is the only evidence of the existence of a registered right, which can only be challenged in court.

State registration of rights is carried out throughout the territory of the Russian Federation according to the system of records of rights to each real estate object established by the Federal Law in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It. In the Zaigraevsky district, the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Republic of Belarus Zaigraevsky department is responsible for registering rights to real estate and transactions with it.

The grounds for state registration of the existence, occurrence, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights to real estate and transactions with it are:

acts issued by public authorities or local self-government bodies within their competence and in the manner established by the legislation in force at the place of publication of such acts at the time of their publication;

contracts and other transactions in relation to real estate, made in accordance with the legislation in force at the location of real estate objects at the time of the transaction;

acts (certificates) on the privatization of residential premises, made in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of privatization at the time of its completion;

certificates of the right to inheritance;

judicial acts that have entered into force;

acts (certificates) on the rights to real estate issued by authorized state authorities in the manner prescribed by the legislation in force at the place of publication of such acts at the time of their publication;

other acts of transfer of rights to real estate and transactions with it to the applicant from the former right holder in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of transfer at the time of its completion;

other documents that, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, confirm the existence, occurrence, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights.

A mandatory annex to the documents required for state registration of rights is the cadastral passport of the land plot.

Documents establishing the existence, emergence, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights to real estate and submitted for state registration of rights must comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and reflect the information necessary for state registration of rights to real estate in the Unified State rights register. These documents must contain a description of the immovable property and the type of registered right, and in cases established by law must be notarized, sealed, must have the proper signatures of the parties or officials determined by law.

The cadastral passport of a land plot must be certified by the body engaged in maintaining the state land cadastre, and plans for other real estate - by the relevant state body (organization) that carries out state accounting and technical inventory of real estate objects.

In the event of a dispute between the body engaged in the maintenance of the state land cadastre and the right holder, updated data on the boundaries and area of ​​the land plot may be entered into the Unified State Register of Rights on the basis of a judicial act that has entered into legal force.

Documents required for state registration of rights, expressing the content of transactions made in simple written form, and which are the basis for state registration of the existence, occurrence, termination, transfer, restriction (encumbrance) of rights, shall be submitted in at least two original copies, one of which after the state registration of rights must be returned to the right holder, the second - is placed in the case of title documents.

State registration of rights is carried out on the basis of an application by the copyright holder, the parties to the agreement or a person authorized by him (them) if he has a notarized power of attorney, unless otherwise established by federal law.

Together with the application for state registration of rights and documents on rights to real estate, a document confirming payment for registration is presented. An individual presents a document proving his identity.

Upon receipt of title documents for state registration of rights, an official of the Federal Registration Service makes an appropriate entry in the book of registration of documents.

The applicant is issued a receipt in receipt of documents for state registration of rights with their list, as well as indicating the date of their submission. The receipt confirms the acceptance of documents for state registration of rights.

Registration actions begin from the moment of receipt of documents for state registration of rights. State registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it is carried out in the sequence determined by the procedure for receiving documents. The transaction is considered registered, and the legal consequences are considered to have occurred from the day the transaction or right is entered in the Unified State Register of Rights.

State registration of rights is carried out in the following order:

acceptance of documents required for state registration of rights and meeting the requirements of this Federal Law, registration of such documents with the obligatory attachment of a document confirming payment for registration;

legal examination of documents and verification of the legality of the transaction;

establishing the absence of contradictions between the claimed rights and already registered rights to this real estate object, as well as other grounds for refusal or suspension of state registration of rights;

making entries in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate in the absence of these contradictions and other grounds for refusal or suspension of state registration of rights;

making inscriptions on title documents and issuing certificates of state registration of rights.

State registration of rights is carried out no later than one month from the date of submission of the application and documents required for state registration.

The form of certificates and a special inscription is established by the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights. Forms of certificate of state registration, introduced by individual subjects of the Russian Federation and city administrations before the establishment of a single form of certificate, are recognized as legally valid.

The date of state registration of rights is the day of making the relevant records of rights in the Unified State Register of Rights.

The Unified State Register of Rights contains information on existing and terminated rights to real estate objects, data on these objects and information on copyright holders.

The case of title documents is opened for each object of immovable property. All documents received for registration of rights to the specified object are placed in the file.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights containing records of rights to a real estate object, the emergence, transfer and termination of such rights, restrictions (encumbrances) are identified in the said register by the cadastral number of the real estate object. The case of title documents is identified by the same number as the corresponding section of the Unified State Register of Rights.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights, cases of title documents and books of records of documents are subject to permanent storage.

The rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights, cases of title documents and books of records of documents are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with this Federal Law.

The Unified State Register of Rights consists of separate sections containing records about each real estate object. The section opens at the beginning of registration of rights to a real estate object and is identified by the cadastral or conditional number of this object.

Sections of the Unified State Register of Rights are located in accordance with the principle of a single object of immovable property. Sections containing information on buildings, structures and other immovable property objects strongly associated with a land plot are located immediately after the section containing information on this land plot. Sections containing information about apartments, premises and other objects that are part of buildings and structures are located immediately after the corresponding section related to the building, structure.

Each section consists of three subsections.

Technical errors in the records made during the state registration of rights are corrected within three days by decision of the registrar of rights after the discovery of an error or after receiving a written statement from any interested person about the error in the records.

In the cases indicated above, state registration of rights may be suspended for no more than a month. If within the specified period the reasons preventing the state registration of rights are not eliminated, the registrar of rights is obliged to refuse the applicant the state registration of rights and make an appropriate entry in the register of documents about this.

The registrar of rights is obliged, within a period of not more than five working days from the date of suspension of state registration of rights, to notify the applicant (applicants) in writing about the suspension of state registration of rights and the grounds for suspension of state registration of rights.

Also, state registration of rights may be denied in cases where:

the right to an object of immovable property, the state registration of which is requested by the applicant, is not a right subject to state registration of rights in accordance with the Federal Law;

an improper person applied for state registration of rights;

documents submitted for state registration of rights do not comply with the requirements of the current legislation in form or content;

an act of a state body or an act of a local self-government body on granting rights to immovable property has been declared invalid from the moment of its issuance in accordance with the legislation in force at the place of its issuance at the time of issuance;

the person who issued the title document is not authorized to dispose of the right to this real estate object;

a person who has rights limited by certain conditions has drawn up a document without specifying these conditions;

title document on the real estate object indicates that the applicant has no rights to this real estate object;

the right holder did not submit an application and other necessary documents for the state registration of a previously arisen right to an object of immovable property, the presence of which is necessary for the state registration of the transition of this right that arose after the Federal Law "On Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It" came into force, its restriction (encumbrances) or a transaction with an object of immovable property made after the entry into force of this Federal Law;

the documents required in accordance with the Federal Law "On Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It" for state registration of rights have not been submitted;

there are conflicts between claimed rights and already registered rights.

The presence of a judicial dispute about the boundaries of a land plot is not a basis for refusing state registration of rights to it.

When a decision is made to refuse state registration of rights, the applicant in writing, within a period of not more than five days after the expiration of the period established for consideration of the application, is sent a message about the reason for the refusal and a copy of this message is placed in the case of title documents. Refusal to state registration of rights may be appealed by an interested person to a court, an arbitration court. Data on registered rights to real estate objects in the Zaigravsky district are presented in Table 11.

Table 4 - Data on the number of land plots for which information was received on the registration of rights in the Zaigraevsky district

In total, from 2009 to 2011, as can be seen from Table 11, rights to 23,850 land plots were registered in the Zaigraevsky district.

Section 4. The effectiveness of maintaining the state real estate cadastre using computer technology

4.1 Types of effectiveness of the state real estate cadastre

The State Real Estate Cadastre is designed to provide up-to-date legally significant information to such essential needs of society as guarantees of property rights and reliable protection of real estate ownership rights; support of the land and real estate taxation system; mortgage loan guarantees; development and control of land turnover; state control over the use and protection of land; consideration of land disputes; land reform, including land privatization; development of territories, planning and efficient use of their land resources; rational use of the environment; collection of statistical data on the state and use of land resources.

An effective land cadastre system is created by organizing the land use system and the territory of the regions, creating optimal proportions in the structure of the land fund and land use, their territorial distribution, improving economic, tax, and investment policies in the territories, which ultimately affects the efficiency of material production.

IN system of the state real estate cadastre, there is such a thing as the effect, which is understood as the result of land cadastral actions, expressed in absolute and relative indicators calculated according to certain formulas, and under the efficiency understand - carrying out a certain amount and type of land cadastral actions to improve the quality and volume of use of land and information resources.

The efficiency and effect of the SCC system can be divided into economic, environmental, organizational and technological, informational and social components. Depending on the coverage of the territory, the period of development, the degree of impact and other factors, the effectiveness of the GKN system can be divided into a number of subsystems.

Environmental efficiency The land cadastre is characterized by the level of use of land and natural resources, their reproduction based on land cadastral information, the degree of influence of the State Property Committee on the formation of an ecologically balanced and sustainable land use, and the improvement of the environmental conditions of the population.

Criteria of ecological efficiency - prevention of deterioration of the natural and anthropogenic environment, reduction of morbidity of the population and increase in life expectancy. The following are the factors that affect the effectiveness of land management:

Ecological effect state real estate cadastre depends on the period of development of the system. It can be primary, intermediate and final:

the primary effect is to reduce the negative impact on the environment, improve its condition, reduce the volume of pollution and the concentration of harmful substances in soil and water, as well as in the air to the maximum permissible limits, increase the area of ​​usable land, reduce noise levels, gas pollution and etc.;

intermediate effect - reduction of pollution of the natural and anthropogenic environment to the minimum allowable standards;

the end effect is to increase the life expectancy of the population, reduce the incidence of people, the efficiency of social production and increase the country's gross national product.

Under economic effect The State Property Committee understands the effectiveness of state and municipal activities in the creation and maintenance of the land cadastre system and land management, characterized by the ratio of the economic effect (result) obtained to the cost of resources, as well as the achievement of the largest volume of land cadastral production when using resources of a certain cost.

The economic effect of the activities of the bodies of the Federal Land Cadastre Service that maintains the state real estate cadastre (for example, the cadastral bureau or land chambers) is determined by the ratio of the results obtained to production costs.

Given the functioning of various objects and subjects of land relations in the country under the new economic mechanism, the presence of many economic, technological and social relationships between them, the effectiveness of the land cadastre must be considered from three sides: at the country level - economic, at the regional level (oblast, district) - regional, at the level of specific land ownership (land use) - self-supporting (commercial) efficiency.

From a methodological point of view, this differentiation of land cadastre efficiency types allows us to draw the following conclusions.

In the first and second cases, the land cadastre system acts as a state action for distributing the land fund of the country and the region into categories, subjects of land relations, lands and regulating the economy of the country and regions in order to ensure economic and land policy. Therefore, the cadastre, from the point of view of its national economic and regional efficiency, should be considered as an integral part of social production, without which it is impossible to organize the economic activity of the country and the region. The national economic significance of the land cadastre is also determined by its relationship with national economic planning, the formation of a market mechanism in the economy, and an increase in employment and the standard of living of the population.

The self-supporting (commercial) efficiency of the land cadastre reflects the possibilities of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency of the State Property Committee, the development of land cadastral enterprises at the expense of funds received in the form of fees for providing information from the state real estate cadastre, the provision of services and other sources not prohibited by law.

Distinguish between absolute and direct, actual and estimated economic effect of the land cadastre system.

The direct effect is obtained through real economic returns from land cadastral activities (increased collection of land tax, payment for information and services, etc.).

The absolute effect of the GKN system consists of the direct effect and part of the indirect, mediated effect resulting from the adoption of an economically efficient management decision on the development of the territory based on land cadastral information. In this case, the options for using information can be different and, accordingly, a different effect.

The actual effect of the system is determined by the existing one-time costs and annual costs for the development and maintenance of the GKN system.

The calculated effect determines the size and composition of expenditures, their return on the future, taking into account standard indicators.

The actual and calculated effect may not coincide due to economic, organizational, administrative, legal reasons.

The absolute environmental and economic effect can be expressed through the increase in gross output, net income and profits due to the development, transformation and improvement of land, the introduction of an environmentally sound crop rotation system. In addition, this effect can be expressed through a reduction in production costs, savings in human and social labor losses, a reduction in the cost of production, and a decrease in the depreciation of fixed assets.

The social efficiency of the land cadastre is expressed in two aspects: national and individual.

In the first case, the result of the social efficiency of the cadastre is the formation of land relations, the creation of diverse subjects of land relations and the protection of their rights. It follows from the importance of land as an object of socio-economic relations and is aimed at developing and improving the social conditions of the country, society and an individual or legal entity.

In the second case, the social efficiency of the cadastre ensures a high level of satisfaction of the needs for land cadastral information and services in the consumer market; minimizing the time spent by consumers on obtaining information and services; high quality service; equal accessibility of all members of society to the land as the basis of their livelihoods.

The social effect is measured by the ratio of natural indicators expressing the social result to the costs required to achieve it.

Social results can be an improvement in the physical development of the population and a reduction in morbidity, an increase in life expectancy and a period of vigorous activity, an improvement in working and rest conditions, maintaining an ecological balance, preserving natural monuments, protected areas and other protected areas, creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of the culture of the population and other indicators.

The information efficiency of the land cadastre is largely formed due to its information support.

The information support of the GKN is built as a logical consequence of the functional structure of the system, must comply with its intended purpose and the following principles of functioning:

· formation, storage, automated processing and issuance, upon request, of indicators of various aspects of information about lands in the form of specific and generalized references for timely system analysis of data for the development of management decisions;

solution in an automated mode of typical management tasks: statistical reporting, planning and forecasting, land management, etc.

The organizational and technological efficiency of the land cadastre reflects the efficiency of the process of planning, organization, management and technical and technological support of the land cadastral process. The criterion is the degree of development of the state real estate cadastre and is characterized by indicators of achieving a reasonable level of technological efficiency of the system.

The types of efficiency of the constituent parts of the state real estate cadastre are shown in Table 6.

The main indicator that determines the economic feasibility of costs is the annual economic effect.

Table 5 - Determination of the types of efficiency of the components of the GKN

Types of efficiency

Revenue part

Cost part

State cadastral registration


Fee for providing information to the State Property Committee, rub.

Costs for preparatory work (inventory of previously recorded land plots, cadastral division of the territory, land surveying)

Payment for copying information, rub.

Costs for providing and copying information, rub.

Payment for documentation of information, rub.

Expenses for analytical processing of information, rub.

Insurance premiums, rub.

Information storage and insurance costs, rub.

Increasing the collection of land taxes, rub.

Costs for documenting information, rub.


Fixing the status of the land owner

Expenses for wages of employees, for the payment of taxes, rub.

Reducing the number of land disputes

Costs for communication services, rub.


Confidence of land market participants in stability

The cost of training a new technology for conducting the State Property Survey, rub.

Equality in obtaining land cadastral information

Fixed assets depreciation costs, rub.

State cadastral valuation of land


Increase in tax collection, rub.

Land valuation costs, rub.


Reducing the negative impact on the environment

The cost of training specialists, rub.


Improved living conditions

Research costs, rub.

Reducing the incidence of the population

Efficiency of automation of conducting GKN


Wage fund savings (due to a reduction in the number of employees), rub.

Capital expenditures (equipment and software), thousand rubles

Savings of budgetary funds when performing the functions of the State Property Committee in an automated mode, thousand rubles.

Loss of time due to underloading of equipment (due to the lack of software for the technology of conducting GKN, non-optimal use of the potential capabilities of equipment), hour.

Reducing the time spent on processing and issuing information, hour.

Loss of time waiting for a response to requests and additional processing of information, hour.

The cost of working time for maintaining AIS GKN, hour.

Database conversion costs, rub.

R&D expenses, rub.

Software development costs, rub.

Efficiency of land cadastre investment


Net income, rub.

Need for additional financing, rub.

Net present value, rub.

The cost of the investment project, rub.

Internal rate of return

Investments in fixed assets, rub.

Return on Investment Indices

Material costs, rub.

Payback period of investments, years

Salary, rub.

Deductions for social needs, rub.

Information Support Efficiency

Organizational and technological

Rationalization of workflow

Costs for collection, processing, systematization and storage of information, rub.


Funds from the sale of information, rub.

Costs for automation of information processing, rub.


Meeting the needs for land cadastral information


Minimizing the time spent by consumers on obtaining information

When determining economic efficiency, a prerequisite is the comparability of all indicators over time, at prices and tariff rates of wages used in determining indicators, by cost elements. Economic indicators are determined on the basis of wholesale prices, tariffs and wage rates in force at the time of calculation. The economic effect for each group of indicators is determined on the basis of an analysis of statistical, accounting and operational reporting, special surveys or forecast results.

Determination of the economic efficiency of activity is carried out taking into account the object of capital investments for its creation, which are calculated using the time factor in cases where these investments are realized over a number of years. Social, environmental, political and other results that cannot be valued are considered as additional performance indicators and are taken into account when making management decisions.

4.2 Automated GKN system

A "Federal Target Program for the Creation of an Automated System for Maintaining the State Land Cadastre and State Registration of Real Estate" was created.

This subprogram began to be applied in the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Republic of Buryatia from March 10, 2011 to July 1, 2011.

The purpose of creating and developing an automated system of the state real estate cadastre is to increase the efficiency of decisions made in the field of land and real estate, as well as the quality of technological processes and stimulate investment activities in the real estate market in order to meet the needs of society and citizens.

Main activities:

Development and improvement of the regulatory and methodological framework that ensures the implementation of state policy in the field of maintaining the state real estate cadastre, reforming and regulating land and property relations;

2. creation of an automated system of the state real estate cadastre as a unified system that functions at all levels of state real estate management, ensures the consolidation of information about real estate objects at the levels of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the central office of Rosnedvizhimost, and also provides the possibility of public access to information from a unified real estate cadastre;

Creation of automated systems for state cadastral registration, state cadastral valuation of real estate, state land control, state land monitoring;

Implementation of an automated information system for cadastral registration of real estate objects:

complex analysis of cadastral division in electronic form, semantic and graphical databases of USRZ;

verification in the scope of the test loop of the readiness of the information infrastructure of the city of Ulan-Ude for the implementation of an automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

installation of test circuits;

installation of a test server of districts;

consulting users on technological procedures for preparing information support for the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

consultation of system administrators of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" on the issues of applied and system administration of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre.

Implementation of an information and reference system, including in the territorial divisions of Rosreestr:

test installation of software for maintenance and software and technical support;

initial analysis of the availability and condition of software and hardware (servers, Oracle 10g DBMS) required for the installation of ISS;

departure of specialists to the territorial divisions of Rosreestr to carry out work on:

Deployment, installation and configuration of the ISS software package (server and client parts);

2. debugging and checking the performance of ISS according to the established methodology;

3. initial filling of the database;

4. consultation of system administrators and users on the issues of applied use and system administration of ISS.

The complex of technological works and the provision of services for technical support, maintenance and operation of subsystems of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre:

monitoring the performance of the Oracle database of the industrial circuit of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre: analysis of memory structures, wait events, various statistics. Development of recommendations to eliminate slowdowns in the work of the DBMS;

analysis and monitoring of the events of the "System" and "Application" logs, as well as the parameters of the Performance Monitor log, in order to identify trends in reducing the performance of application servers / databases of the industrial circuit of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

visits to the production site of the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber" in the Republic of Buryatia;

preparation of non-standard SQL-queries to the database, not provided by the regular means of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre, at the request of system users;

participation in the work of the service of chief technologists on the operation of the automated system of the state real estate cadastre;

processing requests from the support site.

An example of calculating the economic efficiency of the creation and implementation of the AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Tables 6 - 7 present the cost estimates for each type of work on the implementation of the AIS GKN at the level of the cadastral district (Zaigraevsky district).

Table 6 - Costs for information support of the AIS GKN (K 1)

Type of work


Norm of time

Rate, rub

Cost, thousand rubles

Cadastral division

Section Quarter


Entering information from the keyboard

Total costs

Table 7 - Training costs for the operation of AIS GKN (K 2)

Table 8 - Costs for the implementation and development of AIS GKN (K 3)

Table 9 - Operating costs for the operation of the AIS GKN (K 4).

№ p / p Name of cost items Cost, thousand rubles.

Social security contributions (39% of item 1)

Repair and auxiliary materials (2.5% of the cost of equipment)

Cost of operating materials

Depreciation deductions (10% of the cost of equipment)

Electricity costs

Other costs

Let us determine the savings from the automation of information transformations based on the fact that in the base system the time spent on executing one request is 4 hours, in the automated system it is 1 hour, the number of documents issued per request is 2. Then the cost of the issued document in the base system is 71.1 rubles, in automated - 17.6 rubles. With the number of requests served per day equal to 6 requests, taking into account that the system performs other functions, the number of requests served per year will be about 4500.

Savings from automating the process of consumer information service with cadastral information will be equal to:

Ea \u003d (Cp - Ca) x Nn x r x d, (4.2.1)

where Nn - the number of consumers of AIS GKN information; - the average number of requests received from one consumer; - the average number of documents issued per request;

Cp - the cost of one issued document for manual preparation;

Ca - the cost of one issued document using an automated system.

As an integral indicator of economic efficiency, the ratio between the costs of implementing the system and the economic results obtained (coefficient of economic efficiency), as well as the payback period for these costs, is taken.

Ea \u003d (71.1-17.6) * 4500 * 2 \u003d 482 thousand rubles.

Annual savings from automation of information transformations:

E = Ea + Rex, (4.2.2)

where - Ea - the total savings from automating the process of information service for consumers with cadastral information;

Rex - the difference in operating costs for the manual method of creating and maintaining a land cadastre and for an automated one.

Since there are no operating costs in the basic system,

then ΔRex = - 241.27, then E = 482-247 = 235 thousand rubles.

One-time costs for the implementation of AIS GKN will be:

K AISGKN \u003d K 1 + K 2 + K 3 + K 4 \u003d 85.99 + 37.17 + 30.04 + 241.27 \u003d 394.47

Table 10 - Indicators of economic efficiency of the implementation of AIS GKN

The economic efficiency coefficient is determined by the formula:

Ep \u003d E / C AISGKN \u003d 235 / 394.47 \u003d 0.6 (10)

If the calculated efficiency coefficient is greater than the normative one, then the system can be considered effective.

The payback period is determined by the formula:

Current = 1/Er. = 1/0.6 = 1.7 (10)

Since Ep>En, (0.6>0.15), the system can be considered efficient. However, due to the fact that when calculating the savings from implementation, the approximate values ​​of the initial data were used, the value of the economic effect will be approximate.

At the same time, the approximate value of the annual economic effect allows us to conclude that the introduction of AIS GKN is economically feasible. In addition, when deciding on the feasibility of the implemented AIS GKN, it is also necessary to take into account the achieved increase in the technical level of production, stabilization of technological processes, improving the quality and reliability of the information issued, by maintaining it at the current level, eliminating unjustified duplication of information in its collection, processing and storage. , as well as the social effect, consisting in the replacement of manual labor with electronic more highly skilled.

3 Cost analysis for the implementation of the State Property Committee using the site ""

The Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal) is a federal state information system that provides:

access of individuals and legal entities to information on state and municipal services, state functions of control and supervision, on the services of state and municipal institutions, on the services of organizations participating in the provision of state and municipal services, posted in the federal state information system that maintains the register of state services in electronic form;

provision in electronic form of state and municipal services, services of state and municipal institutions and other organizations in which a state task (order) or a municipal task (order) is placed, in accordance with the lists approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the highest executive bodies of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation Federations;

accounting of citizens' appeals related to the functioning of the Single Portal, including the opportunity for applicants to leave feedback on the quality of the provision of state or municipal services in electronic form.

A single portal is part of the infrastructure that provides information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.

The Government of the Russian Federation has appointed the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation as the operator of the Single Portal.

Information on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) is posted within one business day from the Consolidated Register of State and Municipal Services (Functions) formed by federal and regional authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments that are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of information about services ( functions).

The single portal is available to any user of the Internet information and telecommunications network and is organized in such a way as to provide a simple and efficient search for information on state or municipal services.

All services posted on the Unified Portal are correlated with a specific region of the Russian Federation: the place of receipt of the service determines both the availability of the service itself and the conditions for its provision.

The first step to gain access to the capabilities of the Single Portal is to select the region of interest, after which the services provided by both the territorial bodies of the federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, and the local governments of the selected subject will be available.

State and municipal services are classified according to a number of characteristics (by departments, by life situations, by user categories, by popularity - the frequency of ordering a service) and are presented in the form of a catalog.

The information card for each service contains the following information:

Name of service;

the name of the public authority or local government providing the service;

the necessary documents to be submitted by the applicant to receive the service, the methods of obtaining documents by the applicants and the procedure for their submission, indicating the services, as a result of which such documents can be obtained;

information about the compensation (gratuitousness) of the provision of the service and the amount of the fee charged from the applicant, if the service is provided on a reimbursable basis;

the result of the service;

terms of service provision;

grounds for suspension of the provision of the service or refusal to provide it;

information about the place of provision of the service;

information on the admissibility of a pre-trial (out-of-court) appeal against the actions (inaction) of officials providing the service, and the results of the provision of this service;

contacts for obtaining additional information (telephones of the state authority or local government responsible for the provision of the service, telephones of the places where the service is provided);

forms of applications and other documents, the completion of which by the applicant is necessary for applying to the federal executive body, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the local self-government body for receiving state or municipal services (in electronic form).

The concept of a user's "personal account" has been implemented on the Unified Portal, which provides the following features after registration on the portal:

familiarization with information about the state or municipal service (function);

providing access to application forms and other documents necessary for obtaining a state or municipal service (function), filling them out and submitting them in electronic form;

appeal in electronic form to state bodies or local governments;

monitoring the progress of the provision of state or municipal services or the performance of a state function;

receipt of accruals and the possibility of paying state duties, fines and fees;

storage of user details;

obtaining the results of the provision of state or municipal services in electronic form on the Single Portal, unless this is prohibited by federal law.

Currently, there are two authorization methods for accessing services on the Unified Portal:

using login/password,

using an electronic signature.

The unified portal is in constant development: new electronic forms of applications for public services appear weekly, previously for which only reference information was posted and there were application templates.

In addition to information about state and municipal services, the Single Portal publishes up-to-date news and analytical materials on a particular service (heading News).

For additional information on the information provided on the portal, a telephone hotline is available around the clock.

Due to the fact that today it is possible to make a request for information from the State Property Committee and apply for state cadastral registration via the Internet on the website ""

Consider the following options:

The owner of the property lives in the most remote place from the district center (Zaigraevo village) - with. Khara-Kutul (120 km).

2. The owner of the property lives in Zaigraevo village itself.

Table 11 - Analysis of the costs of providing information from the Civil Code and applying for the Civil Code


Costs for a trip to Zaigraevo

Costs for applying and making inquiries through the website……

With. Khara-Kutul


Time saving

Other expenses

Zaigraevo settlement


Time saving

Other expenses



Time saving

Other expenses

We conclude that via the Internet it is more profitable to provide information from the state real estate cadastre and submit an application for the state cadastral registration of land because the owner from the village. Khara - Kutul spends 270 rubles for 1 trip, and the owner from the village. Novoilinsk spends 195 rubles per trip.

Section 5 Life Safety

When performing topographic and geodetic works, which are carried out at all stages of land management, in surveys, design, construction and operation of land management facilities and structures, certain rules must be observed to ensure the achievement of the desired results, the correct use of instruments and the preservation of the health of workers and engineering and technical personnel. The totality of such rules and measures constitutes safety precautions.

Safety measures, as well as the creation and use of technical safety equipment, are carried out on the basis of duly approved regulatory and technical documentation (standards, rules, norms, instructions).

The situation in the field of labor protection conditions in the Republic of Buryatia remains tense. The proportion of workers employed in jobs with working conditions that do not meet labor protection requirements continues to remain high.

The organization of a system of safe working conditions in order to exclude industrial injuries and occupational diseases should develop and implement various measures for labor protection. It is impossible to create completely harmless and safe working conditions at each production site. Therefore, the task of labor protection is reduced to, through the implementation of diverse measures, to minimize the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise in the workplace, to minimize the likelihood of accidents and diseases of workers, to ensure comfortable working conditions that contribute to high productivity.

5.1 General

Regulatory and legal support of labor safety

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected in the country, everyone has the right to freely dispose of their abilities to work and work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene; wage discrimination is prohibited and its minimum amount is determined, the right to health care, medical assistance, as well as to pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection is established.

The most important document is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines labor protection - this is a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the course of work, including legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, medical, preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Observance by managers, engineering and technical workers of duties and responsibilities for the state of labor protection

Managers and engineering and technical employees of organizations must follow the established procedure for monitoring the state of labor protection at workplaces and in departments of the organization, over compliance with safety regulations and the fulfillment by managers and performers of their labor protection duties.

Each performer of work is responsible for violating the rules and regulations on labor protection.

Workers who are guilty of violating labor protection requirements, failing to fulfill labor protection obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements, labor contracts (contracts), or hindering the activities of representatives of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as public control bodies, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2 Personnel requirements

Employment in topographic and geodetic organizations for field work, as well as in office workshops with difficult, dangerous or unhealthy working conditions, of persons under 16 years of age is prohibited.

When carrying out field topographic and geodetic work in taiga, high-mountain regions, as well as when surveying water areas and performing other high-risk work in all regions, it is prohibited to hire persons under 18 years of age.

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations are mandatory. Employees undergo medical examinations (examinations):



An employee undergoes a preliminary medical examination upon admission to work before concluding an employment contract. This examination determines the compliance of the employee's health with the work assigned to him.

Periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out in order to monitor the health of employees, timely establish the initial signs of occupational diseases, identify common diseases that prevent the continuation of work in the same production conditions, as well as prevent accidents at work.

Upon employment, all applicants must undergo an introductory briefing on labor protection.

Persons who have been trained in occupational safety and instructed at the workplace on the types of work performed are allowed to perform topographic and geodetic works.

Types of briefings on labor protection:

Ø Introductory briefing;

Ø Primary briefing;

Ø Re-briefing;

Ø Unscheduled briefing;

Ø Targeted coaching.

An introductory briefing on labor safety is carried out with all newly hired, regardless of their education, work experience in this profession or position, with time frames, business travelers, students and students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.

An introductory briefing at the enterprise is carried out by a labor protection engineer or a person who is entrusted with these duties by order of the enterprise.

After passing the introductory briefing, the employee must undergo an initial briefing directly at the workplace.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe techniques and working methods.

All employees, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, nature of the work performed, undergo repeated briefings at least once a quarter.

Repeated briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers serving the same type of equipment and within the general workplace according to the program of primary briefing at the workplace in full.

Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

upon the introduction of new or revised standards, rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes to them;

when changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

in case of violation by workers and students of labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion, or fire, poisoning;

at the request of the supervisory authorities;

during breaks in work - for work for which additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed for more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 days.

Targeted briefing is carried out when performing one-time work that is not related to duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the enterprise, workshop, etc.); elimination of the consequences of an accident, natural disasters, production work, for which a work permit, permit and other documents are issued; conducting a tour of the enterprise.

Before admission to independent work, the employee must receive a job description against signature, familiarize himself with its contents and comply with all the requirements set forth in it.

The results of testing the knowledge of the management and engineering staff of the safety rules are documented in protocols of the established form.

5.3 Provision of protective equipment

All workers and engineering and technical workers are provided with special clothing (overalls, jackets , trousers, suits, raincoats, sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats, vests, armlets), special footwear (boots, boots, low shoes, galoshes, boots) and other personal protective equipment.

All of the above, as well as collective protective equipment and items of camp equipment and equipment, must comply with the nature and conditions of the work performed, meet the requirements of applicable standards and ensure labor safety.

Equipment, tools and mechanisms issued to field teams must be in good condition and have an appropriate certificate or passport confirming their technical condition and compliance with the type of work performed. Each employee who notices a malfunction of tools and equipment is obliged to take measures to eliminate it, and if it is impossible to eliminate it, immediately inform the head of the brigade or party about this.

5.4 Requirements for the organization of safe field work

Prior to the start of field work, organizational and technical measures should be taken to create safe and healthy working conditions during their implementation. In the process of their implementation, special attention should be paid to the issues of working and technical design of work based on the data obtained on the areas where the objects are located. During the drafting period, organizational issues related to labor protection should be taken into account.

All types of field topographic and geodetic work must be carried out in strict accordance with safety requirements.

Requirements for mechanical and optical-mechanical devices.

1. Devices and accessories to them should not have sharp corners and protrusions that could injure the operating personnel.

The moving parts of the instruments must have devices to prevent spontaneous movement during operation, repair, and transportation.

Instrument parts used for adjustment and repair, the position of which cannot be changed during operation, should be placed inside the instrument or fixed with stoppers, paint, fuses, etc.

A separate wearable place in the set of measuring equipment for topographic and geodetic work should not be more than 30 kg. Components of instruments and equipment weighing more than 12 kg must have devices for ease of movement in the stowed position, loading and transportation.

Illumination of working scales and places for displaying information on control panels must be at least 150 lux.

6. The moments of starting the working controls of geodetic instruments must comply with the requirements of GOST P 53340-2009, standards and specifications for specific types of instruments.

When working with two hands, the controls are placed in such a way that there is no crossing of the hands.

Requirements for optical-electronic and radio-electronic devices.

1. Devices containing sources of optical, electromagnetic, thermal, ultrasonic radiation must be equipped with means for absorbing radiation intensity to acceptable levels.

The equipment of workplaces and the placement of devices equipped with video display terminals and PCs must comply with the "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and the organization of work." SanPiN .

The electrical circuit of the device must exclude the possibility of its spontaneous switching on and off.

The design of the device should exclude the possibility of incorrect connection of its current-carrying parts during preparation for operation.

For safety reasons, in the design of optical-electronic and radio-electronic geodetic instruments, it is preferable to use:

insulation of current-carrying parts;

elements for grounding metal non-current-carrying parts that may be energized;

warning labels, signs, coloring in signal colors (in combination with other security measures);

blocking the functions of parts and assemblies to prevent erroneous actions and operations;

protective shells to prevent accidental contact with current-carrying, heating parts of devices;

safe voltage in electrical circuits.

Requirements for grounding elements, blocking, warning signaling and insulation of current-carrying parts - in accordance with GOST .

The working controls of the devices must be provided with inscriptions or symbols that characterize the purpose or state of the functional unit or provide the necessary information for a particular case of its operation.

The use of controls in a sequence other than the one specified must not lead to dangerous situations or must be excluded by the introduction of an interlock.

Plug-in connectors must be marked to identify those parts that are to be connected to each other; mating parts of the same connector must have the same marking. The marking must be on the surfaces of the mating parts of the connectors in a visible place.

Geodetic instruments with laser emitters with a continuous power of more than 1 mW in the visible part of the spectrum must be equipped with a poster with a warning inscription "Caution! Laser radiation" during operation. When working with them, it is necessary to ensure that the laser beam does not fall into the eyes.

When preparing batteries and gasoline-powered units for operation, the requirements of the instructions for their operation should be observed.

Features of conducting topographic and geodetic works. Labor safety requirements when using topographic and geodetic equipment.

Instruments and equipment intended for performing topographic and geodetic works must be designed and manufactured in such a way that there are no prerequisites for dangerous and harmful production factors.

To work with topographic and geodetic instruments, persons who have undergone special training, meet the established qualification requirements and have passed an exam (test) for knowledge of safety regulations should be allowed.

All workers sent to field work must be trained in first aid in case of accidents (burns, bleeding, fractures, etc.). In each field team, one of the workers must have knowledge of first aid within the requirements of the health instructor.

In the workshops of cameral production, safety corners with visual agitation and safety instructions, industrial hygiene and fire safety rules should be organized.

The dimensions of the production premises must comply with the requirements established for the given production of works. The room must maintain a normal temperature of +17 - 20°C, with a humidity of at least 40% and not more than 75%.

To optimize working conditions, the illumination of workplaces is of great importance. Industrial lighting must be uniform and stable, have the correct direction of the light flux, exclude glare and the formation of sharp shadows.

For the normal work of a land cadastre specialist, a noise level not exceeding 40-60 dB is adopted.

The working conditions of computer operators working with video terminals (VT) when processing materials on a personal computer are characterized by the possibility of exposure to the following production factors:

1) noise;

2) heat release;

3) static electricity;

4) ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

5) insufficient illumination;

6) parameters of technological equipment and workplace.

The main sources of noise in rooms equipped with video terminals are typewriters, duplicators and air conditioning equipment, in the VTs themselves - cooling fans and transformers.

In accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83 "Noise. General safety requirements", the noise level at the workplaces of VT operators should not exceed 50 dBA. Normalized noise levels are ensured by using low-noise equipment, using sound-absorbing materials. Ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems must be made in accordance with the chapter SNiP P-33-75 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning".

Visual display devices emit x-ray, radio frequency and ultraviolet radiation. The irradiation intensity of BT is 0.01 mlrem/h, which is significantly less than the maximum permissible value for consumer electronic equipment (0.5 mlrem/h at a distance of 5 m). As a precaution, it is recommended to limit the duration of work with the BT screen, do not place them in a concentrated area in the work area, and turn them off if they are not being used.

During continuous operation, the screen should be located in the center of the field of view, documents - on the left on the table.

The plane of the table, as well as the operator's seat, must be adjustable in height. The height of the table plane must be adjusted in the range of 65 - 85 cm. The height of the seat from the floor must be adjusted in the range of 42 - 55 cm. At the request of the operator, a footrest measuring 40x30x15 cm is installed. The area of ​​light openings should be 25% of the floor area. It is recommended to supply windows with light-diffusing curtains, adjustable blinds or a sun-protection film with a metallized coating.

Artificial lighting in rooms and workplaces should create good visibility of information on the BT screen. The normalized level of illumination for work with W should be 400 lx.

To protect personal computer operators from ionizing radiation and to eliminate light reflections, the VT screen must be equipped with a protective filter. The time of continuous work with VT should be limited to 4 hours with an 8-hour working day. After every hour of intensive work, it is recommended to take a 15-minute break.

The number of processed characters (characters) on the VT should not exceed 30 thousand for 4 hours of work.

5.5 Sanitation and hygiene in the field

Direct control over the personal hygiene of workers and cleanliness on the territory of the base is assigned to the head or head of the complex unit. Overalls issued to employees, special footwear, as well as pastel accessories must be kept clean. At least 4 times a month, each employee must wash the entire body with hot water and soap. When working in sparsely populated areas or far from settlements, a bath should be arranged in a tent.

Providing first aid to the injured. All engineers and workers must be trained in first aid before going to the field. First aid in case of an accident or illness (until medical assistance is received) is provided on the spot. In cases of severe injury or illness, the victim should be sent to a medical facility immediately. The provision of first aid is impossible without the presence of a minimum set of dressings and medicines. Therefore, all production sites, buses, cars must be provided with first-aid kits. All engineering and technical workers and workers providing assistance should be able to: assess the condition of the victim and determine what kind of assistance he needs in the first place; correctly perform artificial respiration and closed heart massage; stop the bleeding; apply a bandage in case of damage; help with burns, frostbite, bruises, etc.

5.6 Fire safety requirements during work

The enterprise must be provided with reliable means of warning or signaling in case of fire, which must be in good working order, employees must be familiar with the evacuation plan, special smoking areas are allocated.

The organization must develop and approve an instruction on fire safety measures, an organization order establishes a fire regime, appoints those responsible for fire safety, and approves the composition of a voluntary fire brigade.

All employees should be allowed to work only after passing a fire drill with registration in the appropriate log. Locations of fire equipment should be marked with signs. Approaches to fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing equipment should be convenient and not cluttered.

In buildings and structures, evacuation plans in case of fire should be developed and posted in prominent places, and a fire warning system should be provided.

Each employee who discovers a fire or its signs is obliged to: immediately report it by phone to the nearest fire department, while clearly stating the address, the place of the fire, as well as his position and surname; activate the fire warning system.

Rules of conduct in the field.

During the preparation for field work, pay special attention to the rules for safe work in fire hazardous areas, as well as the behavior of personnel when extinguishing forest fires in extreme conditions.

Fire safety.

For the purposes of fire safety, it is forbidden to smoke in tents, chambers and living rooms, light candles, kerosene lamps and lanterns for lighting, use faulty stoves.

2. If electricity is used, then the wiring, electrical appliances and fixtures must be in good condition and checked by the fire department.

It is strictly forbidden to make fires on the territory of the settlement.

When organizing a field camp, bonfires (for cooking) are allowed to be lit in specially designated places, with the obligatory observance of fire safety norms and rules. Fire pits are dug in or fenced with stones. In the immediate vicinity (from the fire) there should be a container with water. A special shield is installed on which are placed: shovels, axes, hooks, buckets; as well as serviceable and tested by fire authorities, fire extinguishers.

During field work, it is prohibited to smoke at the workplace, smoke on the go, throw away unextinguished matches and cigarette butts.

Smoking is allowed only when stopping for rest in compliance with all fire safety measures.

In the event of a fire in the work area (in case of spontaneous combustion, thunderstorms, etc.), it is necessary to take urgent measures to eliminate the source of ignition, with the involvement of all available human resources and technical means. It is also necessary to notify the fire department in charge of the area.

Fire extinguishing equipment includes the simplest devices. These include: internal fire hydrants equipped with sleeves and trunks, hand-held fire extinguishers, and fire shields with the necessary set of fire equipment must be installed: a shovel, a bucket, a hook, boxes of sand, etc.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment is placed at production sites, buildings, structures and handed over according to the inventories to the head of the department, site, installation, who is further responsible for their safety and constant readiness for action.

5.7 Protection of the public in emergencies

The main tasks of civil defense are:

Teaching the population how to protect themselves from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions, as well as in emergency situations caused by accidents, catastrophes, natural, environmental and other disasters;

Notification of the population about the dangers arising from emergencies of wartime and peacetime and about the procedure for actions in the current situation;

Evacuation of the population, material and cultural values ​​to safe areas;

Provision of shelters and personal protective equipment to the population, priority provision of the affected population;

Carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the lesions and emergency zones;

Development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the sustainability of the functioning of the economy; urgent restoration of vital public services; survival of the population in wartime;

Ensuring the constant readiness of control systems, forces and means of civil defense, as well as reserves of civil defense property.

Protection of the population during an earthquake

Warning residents about the threat of an earthquake is very difficult, since it is still impossible to accurately predict its place and time. However, knowledge of the indirect signs of its approach can help to survive this situation with the least losses. These signs include: unreasonable, at first glance, restlessness of birds and domestic animals (this is especially noticeable at night), as well as a mass exodus from the habitats of reptiles. In winter, lizards and snakes crawl out into the snow in anticipation of danger. The notification of the population is carried out by transmitting a message over radio broadcasting and television networks .

To attract attention in emergency cases, sirens, as well as other signaling means, are turned on before the transmission of information. Sirens and intermittent beeps of enterprises, vehicles mean a signal of civil defense "Attention to all". In this case, it is necessary to immediately turn on the loudspeaker, radio or television receiver and listen to the message of the civil defense headquarters. With the threat of an earthquake, such a message may begin with the words:

"Attention! This is the headquarters of the city's civil defense... Citizens! Due to potential earthquake...".

In case of a sudden earthquake, the main thing is not to panic and protect yourself from debris, glass, heavy objects. From the first shocks (dishes ringing, objects falling, whitewashing crumbling) to the next ones, from which the building begins to collapse, there are 15-20 seconds. During this period, you need to choose a reasonable way of behavior: either try to leave the building, or take an optimally safe place inside it.

If, during a strong earthquake, a decision is made to leave the building, it is necessary to plan in advance the path of movement (taking into account 15-20 seconds) to the greatest vibrations and shocks. When evacuating, you can not create a crush and traffic jams in the doors, jump into the windows. When leaving, it is forbidden to use the elevator. After running out of the building, you should move away from it to an open place. When the situation does not allow leaving the building, it is necessary, while remaining in it, to take refuge in a pre-selected, relatively safe place. If there is a danger of falling pieces of plaster, lamps, glass, you need to hide under the table.

With the onset of an earthquake, you need to put out the fire, you can not use matches, candles and lighters during or immediately after tremors.

At enterprises, institutions and organizations, measures should be developed and taken in advance to reduce the risk of an earthquake and protect personnel in case of its occurrence.

In buildings, premises of enterprises and institutions, corridors, passages, stairwells and internal doors should be freed from obstructions with unnecessary objects. Massive cabinets and shelving should be securely attached to the walls. Do not place heavy items on the upper shelves. Each employee is required to know the location of electric switches, fire and gas valves.

After an earthquake, it is necessary to make sure that there are no injuries, to examine the surrounding people and, if necessary, to provide assistance to them, and also to release the victims who have fallen into easily removable rubble. It is forbidden to move the seriously injured from their place, unless they are in danger (fire, building collapse, etc.)

Upon entering the building, a mandatory condition is to check the water supply, gas, electricity. If there is a power line failure, disconnect it. A gas leak can only be detected by smell, and if it is present, then all windows and doors should be opened, immediately leave the room and report the incident to the appropriate services.

If the water supply lines are damaged, repair the problem or turn off the water supply. You can drink water only after boiling and in a closed vessel. If there are fires, they must be extinguished. If this fails, the fire department must be contacted.

Clearly damaged buildings must not be approached or entered. We must be prepared for strong aftershocks. Such shocks occur after several days, weeks and even months. The first few hours after an earthquake are the most dangerous. In this regard, at least in the first 2-3 hours, it is forbidden to enter the building unless absolutely necessary.

It is unacceptable to transmit any fictitious information forecasts, guesses, rumors about possible shocks. It is necessary to use only official messages on this matter. To obtain information about the situation, you should turn on the radio broadcast (radio receiver), obey the instructions of local authorities and the headquarters for the elimination of the consequences of a natural disaster.

For the direct preparation, planning and implementation of evacuation measures, evacuation bodies are created by the decisions of the heads of the Civil Defense of territorial and sectoral (object) management bodies, which work in cooperation with the relevant management bodies of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations.

The evacuation is carried out as soon as possible. Its completion is considered to be the removal of the population from the danger zones.

In a safe zone, the evacuated population is placed on the territory assigned to organizations. Each organization has its own region. In wartime, areas are determined in advance.

In case of partial evacuation, the areas of population accommodation are determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and local executive bodies. In the case when a population can no longer be placed in the safe zone of one area, then part of it can be withdrawn to neighboring areas.

Dispersal - organized removal from cities and placement in safe zones of workers and employees of organizations continuing to work in wartime. Being in a safe zone, they come to work in shifts. For the transportation of work shifts, each organization is allocated a place to be located near railways, roads and waterways, taking into account the minimum time spent on moving work shifts from the place of stay to the work site and back.

The entire population subject to distribution and evacuation is included in the evacuation lists, which are compiled for organizations and CSCs in triplicate in advance and are specified upon receipt of an order for evacuation measures.

Family members not employed in production or the service sector are entered in the lists at the place of work of the head of the family.

For the direct implementation and planning of the dispersal and evacuation of the population, evacuation bodies are created:

Evacuation Commission;

Evacuation selection committee;

Prefabricated evacuation points (BOT);

Intermediate evacuation points (PPE);

Reception evacuation points (PEP);


In the modern world, during the scientific, technical, economic, electronic process, while observing all the safety rules and elementary precautions in various conditions, a person can, on his own, protect his life from undesirable consequences of a different nature.

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Report on the availability of lands and their distribution by form of ownership, categories, lands and users as of 01.01.2012;


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