Interest rate on Sberbank deposits today. Sberbank deposits in

What deposits for individuals are there in Sberbank in 2020

Sberbank deposits can be divided into three large groups:

All involve the possibility of capitalization of interest or their monthly withdrawal.

For premium clients who can open a deposit in the amount of more than 700,000 rubles, an increased percentage is provided.

Here, perhaps, and all the nuances. Let's move on to a brief review of the conditions for raising money and interest rates.

Interest on Sberbank deposits in February 2020

Sberbank's new deposit "Catch the Spring"

This is a seasonal promotional deposit that can be issued only from February 19 to March 14, 2020. Moreover, this can only be done via the Internet or at an ATM. The main advantage of the deposit is that it has an increased rate of 5%. True, the investment period is only 5 months.


Term: 5 months;
Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
Refill: no
Partial withdrawal: no.
Interest accrual: at the end of the term

Interest rate

5% per annum.

Contribution "Save"

This Sberbank deposit for individuals is distinguished by higher rates compared to other Sber deposits from the basic line. It is suitable for those who can invest a large amount in the bank without planning to use this money until the end of the contract.

The deposit does not provide the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of profitability, there is only interest capitalization.


Term: from 1 month to 3 years inclusive;
Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars;
Refill: no

Interest rates

In rubles

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

4,10 /

over 100000

4,35 /

over 400000

4,50 /

In US dollars

Term and amount

1-2 m.

2-3 m.

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 g

2-3 g

3 g

0.65 / 0.65

0.75 / 0.75

0.80 / 0.80

0.85 / 0.85

Deposit calculator: calculate income

Sberbank's online deposit calculator for individuals will help you calculate income depending on the interest rate and term. It allows you to find out the profitability, taking into account capitalization, replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

Deposit "Top up"

This Sberbank deposit for individuals will be convenient for those who prefer to save money in rubles or dollars. It can be replenished by depositing at least 1,000 rubles or $100 in cash into the account. The amount of non-cash replenishment is not limited. The interest rate will increase as soon as the amount of the deposit reaches the next sum gradation as a result of replenishment.


Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars;
Replenishment: provided;
Partial withdrawal without loss of profitability: not provided.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

At registration in the branch and online, the profitability is the same today.

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 1 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term / amount

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.30 / 0.30

0.40 / 0.40

0.45 / 0.45

0.50 / 0.50

Deposit "Manage"

This deposit is for individuals of Sberbank with partial withdrawal of funds, as well as replenishment of the account.

It is designed to securely store savings with the ability to withdraw part of the money before the deposit expires without losing interest. However, it must be remembered that not the entire amount can be withdrawn without loss of profitability, but only up to the level of the minimum balance - 30 thousand rubles, 100 thousand rubles, 400 thousand rubles, etc.

It is convenient to save money on this deposit, replenishing the account from time to time. But we must remember that an increase in the interest rate with an increase in the amount of the deposit to the next amount gradation will not happen automatically. It will be necessary to conclude an additional agreement to increase the size of the minimum balance.


Term: from 3 months to 3 years inclusive;
Minimum amount: 30,000 rubles, 1,000 dollars;
Replenishment: provided;
Minimum replenishment amount: 1000 rubles, 100 dollars in cash / Non-cash - unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of profitability: provided up to the minimum amount of the minimum balance.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

At registration in the branch and online, the profitability is the same today.

(without capitalization / with interest capitalization)

In rubles

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

from 30 000
with capital.


from 100 000
with capital.


from 400 000
with capital.


In US dollars

Term and minimum balance

3-6 m.

6-12 m.

1-2 years

2-3 years

3 y.

0.20 / 0.20

0.25 / 0.25

0.30 / 0.30

Deposit "Give Life"

This is a ruble deposit for those who are ready not only to save money, but also to help those in need - children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. Every 3 months, Sberbank transfers an amount of 0.3% per annum of the deposit amount to the Podari Zhizn charitable foundation.


Term: 1 year;
Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles.
Replenishment: not provided;
Partial withdrawal: not provided.
Capitalization: provided.

Interest rate

4.58% per annum with capitalization;

4.50% per annum without capitalization.

Deposit “Pension-plus of Sberbank of Russia”

This is a retirement income deposit. It is intended for individuals receiving a pension from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, non-state pension funds, as well as ministries and departments providing pensions. Opened only in rubles. It will not be possible to issue a Sberbank of Russia Pension Plus Deposit in dollars. Even those who in our country receive a pension in dollars, although we doubt that there are such.


Term: 3 years;
Minimum amount: 1 ruble;
Replenishment: unlimited;
Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: up to the level of the minimum balance amount;
Early termination: upon demand of the deposit, the rate set on the date of opening (prolongation) of the deposit does not change.

Terms of interest

Interest is charged every 3 months
Accrued interest is added to the amount of the deposit, increasing income in the following periods.

Interest rate

3.67% per annum with capitalization;

3.50% per annum without capitalization.

Sberbank savings account

For daily free disposal of money in the account.


Term: indefinitely.
Minimum amount: unlimited;
Replenishment: unlimited;
Partial withdrawal: unlimited.

Interest rates

up to 1.80% per annum in rubles;

0.01 in US dollars, euros, Canadian dollars, Hong Kong dollars, Singapore dollars, Chinese yuan and pounds sterling.

In an unstable economic time in our country, few people dare to make bank deposits. However, if you really make a deposit, then only in a reliable, stable bank, which was practically not affected by the times of crisis. This is exactly what Sberbank is, serving a third of the country's banking system.

If you open a deposit, then only in Sberbank. This is how the Russians think and trust the bank with funds. Consider the entire line of deposits of Sberbank of Russia in 2020 with interest rates for today.

Problems in the economy did not shake Sberbank and bank deposits remained profitable. There are new offers, with new conditions and rates.

The previously popular line of Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2020, “Save Online”, “Replenish Online”, “Manage Online”, “lost” a little as a percentage, but not everywhere. Rates for some types of deposits are lower by an average of 0.5–1%, but there is also an increase of 0.15–1.8%, especially for foreign currency investments. The rates for deposits opened online or at the bank office have become different. If you open a deposit online via the Internet on the official website of Sberbank, then your rate will be on average 0.15% higher than if you open a deposit with the same name, but at the bank office. Sberbank, thus, encourages its future and current customers to move to the Internet.

It is worth noting that the conditions for deposits for pensioners have become more interesting. In 2020, Sberbank increased rates on savings, savings deposits and accounts for receiving pensions.

Sberbank term deposits in 2020

Today, Sberbank offers six types of term deposits.


This deposit in Sberbank promises reliable preservation and replenishment of your savings. The interest rate on the deposit varies from 4.05 to 5.75% per annum, if the deposit is in rubles, from 0.01 to 1.85% in US dollars.

Deposit term from 1 month to 3 years. It is impossible to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw funds during the initially declared period. Minimum deposit amounts: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

Interest on the deposit is accrued every month and is automatically added to the deposit amount, so that in the next month they are already accrued on the increased amount. The accrued interest on the deposit can be cashed out or transferred to the Sberbank bank card account.


The interest rate on this deposit is from 4.6 to 5.3% per annum, for deposits in rubles. For dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 1.45% per annum. You can invest for a period of 3 months to 3 years inclusive. The deposit remains replenished. However, it is impossible to reduce the initially invested or replenished amount. You can easily withdraw interest on the deposit and transfer it to your card. Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

"Replenish" in the name of the child

Sberbank gives parents the opportunity to open a personal deposit for a minor child, which can only be closed upon reaching the age of 18. The minimum amount for placement is 1,000 rubles or $100, and the rate will be 4.6–5.15% for ruble deposits and 0.01–1.15% for dollar deposits. The account is replenished by any person without restrictions, but savings are cashed out only when the age threshold is reached or through permission from the guardianship authorities.


A feature of this deposit is the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds in the process of deposit, while not closing and not losing interest. Deposit interest rates are 4.3–5% for ruble deposits, depending on the amount of the deposit. Interest rate for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.35% per annum. Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years. The deposit can be replenished and partially withdrawn. You can manage the movement throughout the term of the deposit, hence the name. Minimum deposit amount: 30,000 rubles or 1,000 dollars.


Special deposit for children left without parental care, and depositors with the status of a veteran or disabled veteran of the Second World War. It opens for 3 years, replenishes in free mode and is consumed if necessary. Interest is set at 4.75% per annum and accrues at the end of each quarter. Funds “earned” in excess of the initial capital can be transferred to a third-party account or returned to a deposit for subsequent capitalization. The minimum amount for making a deposit is 1 ruble.

"Gift a life"

This is a charitable contribution. Every 3 months, 0.3% per annum is transferred from the deposit to the fund for helping children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. The interest rate on the deposit is 5.65% per annum. The deposit is exclusively in rubles, and the minimum amount is 10,000. The deposit is issued for a period of 1 year, during this period it is impossible to replenish or partially withdraw funds.

Online deposits

In the line of deposits of Sberbank: "Save", "Replenish" and "Manage" - there are options for opening deposits with the same names via the Internet. The conditions are similar, but slightly different.

To open a deposit, go to the Sberbank Online or Mobile Bank system, select the "Deposits and Accounts" section, then "Opening a Deposit". Be sure to read the conditions for placing and withdrawing funds on deposit accounts, then select the conditions and interest rates that suit you and click the "Continue" button. Fill out the application, where you indicate the amount and term credited to the deposit, then click "Open". After that, you can consider yourself a contributor.

Interest rates on deposits opened online via the Internet are higher by 0.15% per annum.

"Pension Plus"

The "Pension Plus" deposit - why is it special? The essence of the contribution is that the pensioner does not withdraw the entire pension when he enters the account, but leaves part of the funds there for accumulation at 3.5% per annum in rubles. The term of the deposit is 3 years, during the entire period the “fireproof” amount can be replenished and partially withdrawn.

Deposits with higher rates

For owners of the Sberbank First or Sberbank Premier service package, deposits with increased annual interest rates are available. The standard annual rate increases by 1%, which, with an amount of at least 700-5000 thousand rubles. or 50-150 thousand c.u. bring the investor a high return. A similar deposit is made with a personal manager or in a personal online account for an individual period and with special conditions.

Special Accounts

In addition to standard consumer deposits, special deposits can also be issued at Sberbank. Among them:

  • for social payments for the maintenance of the ward. The minimum initial payment for line activation is not set, replenishment and spending is free, and the rate is fixed at 3.5%;
  • for the formation of the electoral account. No additional income on the balance and no restrictions on spending and creating an account;
  • for the bidder. It is opened ahead of schedule, replenished unlimitedly and spent within the deposited amount with a yield of 0.01% annually.

savings account

It is an account for free and confident disposal of savings. Opened indefinitely, replenished and spent at the request of the depositor. Available in three currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Annual rates range from 1-1.8% for ruble deposits and 0.01% for foreign currency investments. The higher the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate.

Current account

For daily use, a termless deposit in rubles without restrictions and accrual of 0.01% every year is suitable.

Poste restante

The basic deposit of Sberbank, which is valid indefinitely and offers unlimited movement limits on the account. Suitable for any world currency, including rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling, crowns and yen. The minimum amount and minimum balance is 10 rubles, 5 c.u. or other banknotes equivalent to 5 US dollars. The deposit is replenished for any amount throughout the entire period of existence, and withdrawn up to the minimum entry fee. Interest in the amount of 0.01% is accrued quarterly, and in case of early demand, it is calculated according to the actual storage period.

It is worth noting that Sberbank deposits, of course, provide for early withdrawal of funds if you need them. However, it is not recommended to withdraw money ahead of schedule, as you will lose the accrued and future interest on the deposit. Interest rates for early withdrawals and closing the deposit are immediately reduced to 0.01%, regardless of how long the money has already been in the account. You violate the terms of the deposit agreement, so the bank has the right to lower rates. Even if you have previously withdrawn or capitalized already accumulated interest, you will be given back the money, taking this interest back.

Every day, millions of people use the services of Sberbank of Russia. They open new deposits, withdraw cash interest, transfer funds from one account to another, and perform more than a dozen different operations. As you know, money should work for its owner. One of the most reliable ways to provide a person with additional income is to put money in Sberbank, at one of the existing tariffs.

Choosing the right deposit is a strictly individual process. Need to rely on several criteria:

  • the amount a person is willing to pay. To date, you can open an account with Sberbank from 0.00 rubles;
  • the period for which a person is ready to deposit the amount. Usually from 1 month to 3 years;
  • additional functions. These include the possibility of replenishment and withdrawal;
  • acceptable interest rate. Its size directly depends on the three previous points.

Overview of the most profitable Sberbank deposits for individuals

Today, the following types of deposits can be opened in Sberbank:

Memory of generations

  1. Currency: Russian ruble only (other chosen in 2013).
  2. Minimum entry fee: 10.000 rubles.
  3. Deposit term: exactly 3 months
  4. Interest rate:

Incoming external transactions are prohibited, i.e. additional contributions are not provided.
Monthly interest is charged to the deposit account or to another account (including a bank card) of Sberbank selected by the client in full or in part.

In case of early demand of the “Memory of generations” deposit, before the day of accrual of income for the current month, the entire percentage is burned.

The prolongation of a bank deposit (i.e., the extension of its validity period) is provided for under the conditions in force at Sberbank at the time of the prolongation. According to the contract, the number of renewals is possible repeatedly.

Savings account

  1. Currency: both Russian ruble and foreign currency.
  2. Minimum entry fee: 0.00 rubles.
  3. The deposit is perpetual, with the possibility of closing at any time.
  4. The interest rate depends on the deposited amount:
  • from 0.01 to 29.999 rubles - 1.50%
  • from 30.000 to 99.999 rubles - 1.60%
  • from 100.000 to 299.999 rubles - 1.70%
  • from 300.000 to 699.999 rubles - 1.80%
  • from 700.000 to 1.999.999 rubles - 2.00%
  • from 2.000.000 rubles - 2.30%

Regardless of the amount of the deposit, if the account is opened for currency savings and savings, the interest rate is fixed - 0.01% per annum.

Account replenishment is allowed both in cash and non-cash, there are no restrictions on the amount.
Monthly interest is accrued to the Sberbank account chosen by the client and in full for the current calendar month when the Savings Account deposit is closed.


  1. Currency: Russian ruble, US dollar, euro.
  2. Minimum amount to open a deposit: 1.000 rubles, 100.00 $, 100.00 euros.
  3. Deposit term: from 1 month to 3 years (there are exceptions that are associated with the use of currency).
  4. The interest rate, in this case, directly depends on the declared term and the deposited amount:
  • from 1 to 2 months when deposited from 1,000 to 1,999,999 rubles and more - from 4.45% to 5.15%
  • from 2 to 3 months 4.85% to 5.55%
  • from 3 to 6 month c, upon depositing the same amounts, from 5.40% to 6.10%
  • from 6 months to 1 year, when making the same amounts, from 4.95% to 5.65%
  • from 1 year to 2 years, when making the same amounts, from 4.95% to 5.55%
  • from 2 to 3 years, when making the same amounts, from 4.75% to 5.35%
  • on 3 years, when making the same amounts, from 4.55% to 5.15%

An account in dollars can be opened for the same terms as a ruble account, the interest rate will be from 0.01% to 1.25%.

Incoming external transactions are prohibited, i.e. replenishment is impossible.

Monthly interest is accrued automatically at 00:01 Moscow time with the onset of the declared calendar day, to the Sberbank account selected by the client.


  1. Available currency: ruble, dollar, euro.
  2. Minimum entry fee: from 1,000 rubles, from $100, from 100 euros.
  3. The interest rate directly depends on the chosen term and the deposited starting amount:
  • from 3 to 6 months, when deposited from 1.000 to 1.999.999 rubles and above, from 4.90% to 5.60%
  • from 6 months to 1 year, from 4.45% to 5.15%
  • from 1 year to 2 years, from 4.35% to 4.95%
  • from 2 to 3 years from 4.15% to 4.75%
  • 3 years, from 3.95% to 4.55%

A dollar account can be opened for the same terms. In all cases, the interest rate will be from 0.01% to 1.05%.

Receipt transactions are allowed both in cash and non-cash.

Monthly interest is accrued on the Sberbank account chosen by the client, both in full and in part.

Repeated prolongation is possible on the terms and conditions in force at Sberbank at the time of expiration.


  1. Currency: ruble, dollar, euro.
  2. Minimum entry fee: 30,000 rubles, 1,000 $, 1,000 euros.
  3. Deposit term: from 3 months to 3 years (there are exceptions).
  4. The interest rate will depend on the chosen term and the deposited starting amount:
  • from 3 to 6 months, when deposited from 30.000 to 1.999.999 rubles and above, from 4.60% to 5.30%
  • from 6 months to 1 year, from 4.15% to 4.85%
  • from 1 year to 2 years, from 3.80% to 4.40%
  • from 2 to 3 years, from 3.55% to 4.15%
  • 3 years, from 3.25% to 3.85%

When opening a dollar account, the terms of which are identical to the ruble, the interest rate will be from 0.01% to 0.70%.

Receipt transactions are allowed both in cash (from 1,000 rubles) and non-cash.
The accrual of monthly interest is made to the Sberbank account chosen by the client in full or in part.

Multiple extensions are possible.

The most profitable, in all respects, deposit in Sberbank today is "Manage".


Important! If interest from the deposit is transferred to the same account, the deposit is capitalized (i.e., future accruals are recalculated).

Attention! An account in euros can be opened in the tariffs "Save", "Top up", "Manage" only for a period of 1 to 3 years (including from 1 to 2 years, from 2 to 3 years). The interest rate, for any deposited amount, is always 0.01% per annum.

How to make a deposit

You can make a deposit two ways:

  1. With personal presence in any branch of Sberbank through an operator. In this case, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or any other identity document. The agreement is drawn up in two copies, one of which, after signing, is sent to the archive, the other remains with the depositor.
  2. On the Sberbank-online website(You need to register there first). You will need a personal mobile phone number. The rest of the data will already be indicated in your personal account.

The depositor has the right to have any number of deposits in Sberbank.

Gone are the years when we were afraid for the safety of our money and kept it under the mattress. Now it is much safer to keep money in a bank and at the same time it is possible to increase it.

Open deposits, now it is already possible without leaving home using a personal computer and an online bank service. Sberbank provides this opportunity to its customers who have already connected to the system Sberbank Online .

To open a deposit, you need enter your personal account and go to tab " Deposits and accounts". Next, you will need to select the required contribution and fill in all the required fields.

Those who have already opened deposits probably know that Sberbank offers you a line online deposits. We will help you understand them and briefly describe which contribution has which features.

- this contribution brings the highest income, in comparison with the rest. But it has its drawbacks. This is a ban on withdrawing funds until the end of the deposit period and the impossibility of replenishing it. Interest rates on deposits from 6.50 to 9.5% per annum.

– a deposit that can be replenished during the entire term of the deposit. Suitable for those clients who prefer to regularly save money and at the same time receive an increased interest rate in the amount of from 7.05 to 8.69 per annum.

- a type of deposit that allows the client to write off funds without losing interest. Very versatile and suitable for absolutely everyone. Deposit rates from 6.15 to 7.72% per annum.

savings account

It's like a savings book. There are no restrictions on deposits and withdrawals. But unlike bank cards, where the money just lies, here you will receive from 1.5% per annum.

Incidentally, upon opening online deposits through Sberbank Online, the interest rate on deposits will be up 0.5% in relation to deposits opened in bank branches.

Interest rates on deposits may change and may not correspond to those indicated on our website. For more up-to-date information, please contact Sberbank branches.

The financial company regularly updates the line of investment proposals offered to clients. This applies not only to credit or mortgage offers, but also to investments. Many clients of a financial institution are interested in term deposits of Sberbank for individuals in 2020. This is due to the fact that the bank periodically releases high-yield deposits available to various categories of citizens.

The financial company provides various rates, among which there are several options that are most suitable for pensioners. The line for the elderly in 2020 is represented by two deposit options.

Refill Online

The first of them is "Top Up Online". The peculiarity of this tariff plan is that you can open it with an amount of a thousand rubles and gradually replenish an unlimited number of times.

The main requirements for opening are as follows:

For pensioners there is a bonus in the form of a maximum rate, it does not depend on the amount of the deposit and corresponds to the term of the deposit.

Thanks to the proposed conditions, active users of the bank's services can activate the Piggy bank service and, by setting the parameters, do not think about missing a replenishment.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

pension plus

The next type of investment that will be of interest to the elderly is the pension plus. The main feature of this deposit is that the client can not only replenish, but also withdraw funds if necessary. The main requirement is that the money should not be less than the minimum balance.

Deposit terms:

  • Only in Russian currency.
  • The minimum amount, which is also the minimum balance, is 1 ruble.
  • Possibility of regular deposits and withdrawals.
  • Period up to three years with the possibility of extension.
  • Interest 3.5% per annum.

Such an offer allows you to accumulate funds, while making it possible to use almost the entire amount of accumulated funds. In case of early closing of the account, the interest is calculated in full, excluding capitalization.

Unfortunately, the second product can no longer be opened. Today it refers to archival tariffs.

Sberbank term deposits of individuals

Charges increase depending on the amount of money and the duration of the use of investments by the bank. The maximum percentage will be charged to a client who has opened an investment account in the amount of 2 million for a period of three years.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Is it possible to close the deposit ahead of schedule? This possibility is available for all investment products, the client can demand his money back at any time. The amount of accrued interest will depend on the actual period of use of funds, while investments withdrawn earlier than six months after opening will have practically zero profitability.

Drive and Manage Online

As in the previous case, the difference between the products is only in the method of opening an account and the increased interest rate when using Internet banking to manage funds.

A characteristic feature of this product is that the maximum yield will be within the first six months from the date of investment, with an increase in the term, the interest rate decreases. Thus, having invested 30 thousand for 6 months, the client will receive accruals on the balance in the amount of 3.25% per annum, with the same parameters, but for a three-year period, the percentage will be 2.5%.

Deposit rate options:
Sberbank online, rubles
Sberbank online, dollars
Bank branch, rubles
Bank branch, dollars

Special offers

In addition to standard rates, Sberbank has special offers that have a special purpose. These accounts are intended not only to save and accumulate personal money, but also to provide charitable assistance to those in need.

Gift a life

This investment involves deductions to help children with severe oncological diseases. The mechanism of action is that 0.3% per annum of the amount of invested funds are transferred to a fund with the same name.

The main conditions are as follows:

  • Yield 4.15% per annum.
  • Term 1 year.
  • Does not provide for withdrawal and replenishment.
  • Opening from 10 thousand.

Interest is calculated every three months. Capitalization is taken into account only when the investment is closed within the agreed time frame. In case of early closure in the first six months, the investment will have zero profitability, after 6 months interest will be calculated at the rate of two-thirds of the rate established by the agreement.

Memory of generations

This contribution was seasonal and is no longer active today. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning it as an example of a deposit offer with interesting conditions.