Investments in the year with a high percentage. Profitable deposits

During 2013, deposit rates steadily decreased. The average rate at the end of 2013 was 8.4% per annum, which is close to official inflation. The question is: “Do deposits provide at least some kind of profitability at all?”.

Answer: in 2014, the average rate will continue to decrease due to the limitation of consumer rates. According to experts, the fall will occur by 1 - 1.5%.

“As the banking sector recovers from the events of December 2013, we will see a continuation of the downward trend in rates. Rates are pegged to the level of inflation, in the outgoing year there was no decrease in it, however, there is every reason for this to happen next year. As inflation rates fall, the refinancing rate and deposit rates will decrease.”, - comments Alexander Cherstov, a member of the All-Russian Association of Entrepreneurs "Club of Leaders". The banker also believes that by the end of next year, rates may fall by 1.5-2%.

Stanislav Duzhinsky, an analyst at Home Credit Bank, explains that the decline in deposit rates in 2013 was caused by a reduction in lending to individuals. “As a result, banks, seeking to balance the growth of their assets and liabilities, reduced deposit rates. Starting next year, a new law “On Consumer Credit” comes into force, which provides for limiting the upper value of interest rates on loans, as well as changing the procedure for accruing reserves and calculating capital adequacy for individual loan portfolios, the growth rate of loan portfolios will continue to slow down. According to preliminary estimates, in 2014 it will be 15-20% against 28-29% expected at the end of 2013. This allows us to assume that the trend of reducing deposit rates in 2014 will continue.”, - emphasizes S. Duzhinsky.

“Most likely, in early 2014, rates will slowly decline, continuing the trend of last year. It should be borne in mind that now banks are not striving to greatly increase deposit rates, even taking into account the pre-New Year's hype, and they offer fewer seasonal deposits. So, even taking into account a slight seasonal increase in rates in March-May 2014, deposit rates will continue to decline.”, - says Maria Chetverikova, head of the insurance and passive products department of Otkritie Bank.

Pavel Sakadynsky, director of the Moscow branch of CB "Energotransbank" draws attention to three important points. First, the Central Bank takes part in the regulation of deposit rates. And he gives instructions that must be followed. The main benchmark is the average deposit rate for the top 10 banks in the country, some of which have already lowered their profitability levels.

Secondly, the pace of consumer lending slowed down, and deposit portfolios were invested in lending.

Thirdly, you need to remember about the state of liquidity in the banking system. The flow of deposits from small and medium-sized banks to the state deprives the first funds, and the second does not stimulate the growth of deposit rates. Therefore, the former will either raise rates, or at least not change, sacrificing the overall profitability.

Where is the best place to keep money? Houses in the form of cash, or leave them on the salary card? And if you want to save a certain amount, but do not like it when the funds are “eaten up” by inflation? After all, prices are rising almost weekly, and the amounts that are kept idle simply become smaller before our eyes, if we evaluate their purchasing power.

There is a simple and affordable solution - a bank deposit, or a deposit for individuals. But, trusting the money to the bank, I want the funds to be insured, so that the interest outruns inflation, and the capitalization of these interest occurs monthly. It is worth paying attention to deposits for individuals of Plus Bank, which can be found.

Many of those who choose the type of deposit find it difficult to choose one of the banking offers. No matter how bank deposits are called in a particular organization, it is easy to understand them, knowing the main types of bank deposits and understanding what certain definitions and terms mean.

Interest deposits for different banks may be different, but the general trend remains the same: the longer the period during which the bank can dispose of your money, the greater the annual interest on deposits. However, there is a reasonable limit to everything: interest on deposits in 2014 is always limited by the Central Bank. Therefore, the annual interest on deposits that exceeds the regulator's restrictions cannot exceed the value set by the regulator. For example, one of the most reasonable and optimal offers on the market is the Zolotoy Plus Standard ruble deposit, the terms of which can be read on the official page of the bank.

What interest on deposits depends on their types. Thus, a term deposit is placed for the period specified in the agreement, for example, for six months or for a year. Interest on deposits in banks, when it comes to time deposits, is the highest. In turn, time deposits are divided into savings, accumulative and settlement. A savings deposit does not imply early replenishment or withdrawal of funds, however, bank interest on such deposits is as high as possible. Savings deposit allows you to deposit funds into the account, the interest on such a deposit is usually lower. The current account allows both replenishment and withdrawal of funds, the interest on such deposits is lower.

Demand deposits are also popular. Unlike term deposits, such deposits are placed for an indefinite period, and the financial institution undertakes to return such deposits at the first request of the client. Interest on such deposits is usually low. However, such deposits are interesting if you need to save money for the long term, and when they may be needed is not entirely clear. Such contributions often include specially designed financial products, for example, placement of funds in favor of children.

Each person saves money for different purposes. However, many do not understand that keeping savings at home is not the best solution. Instead of generating income for their owner, they only lose their real value due to inflation. In addition, often people do not hold back and spend money. However, deposits in Moscow will help you not only save your finances, but also increase them in accordance with the agreement.

Today this product is a universal investment tool. Unlike stocks or precious metals, you don't need special knowledge or constant analysis of the economic situation. You just find a suitable offer and sign a contract. At the same time, most organizations do not have any restrictions on minimum contributions, and if they exist, they are small.

The contract itself is very important, so before signing it, you need to read the text personally. To do this, ask the bank employees to give a sample in printed or electronic form and carefully read all the points, especially those written in small print and marked with an asterisk. With the help of such tricks, unscrupulous organizations try to mislead a potential client and prescribe unfavorable conditions for him in the agreement.

Description of important points

The main advantage of the service, in addition to a stable income, is reliability. Consumer accounts are protected by the state at the legislative level through the compulsory insurance program. Therefore, in the event of liquidation or revocation of the license, you will be compensated. However, it is limited to 1.4 million rubles, which does not prevent you from dividing the amount exceeding this limit and placing it in several organizations, eliminating various risks.

The next aspect we will look at is account types. The first one is urgent. In this case, you place funds for a certain time period. Of course, you have the right to apply for early withdrawal, but with a high probability the bank will refuse to pay the accumulated interest. At the same time, this type of deposit is divided into savings and accumulative, which is provided for periodic replenishment (popularly called a "piggy bank").

The second option - on demand - comes at a low rate. The thing is that it is unprofitable for an organization to keep finances at home, knowing that the owner has the right to demand their return at any time. Such a product is preferred by that category of customers who are satisfied with the fact of reliability, and they are of little interest in potential profit.

Online Assistant

On the site you will find products that are currently on the market. It contains reliable information, which our experts check and update daily. By comparing the services by their main parameters - and this is the interest rate, the cost of opening and commission, you will be able to make the right decision, and the ratings section will help you in choosing an organization. the site is the largest financial supermarket in Runet, which has been successfully operating for more than ten years. All offers displayed on this page are the best or profitable only according to the experts of

The profitability of ruble deposits over the past month has increased significantly. Today, investors can catch a good moment and open a deposit at 20 percent or more per annum. presents a rating of the most profitable deposits offered by banks from the top hundred.

To search for the most advantageous offers on the market, it was used, which calculates the amount of income on savings in 400 banks in Russia. The average deposit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, placed for 1 year, was chosen as the basis.

Top 20 most profitable deposits

Bank The product's name Income (rub.) Interest rate
1 Rosinterbank 19 269,54 20,10
2 Intercommerce 19 135,39 20,00
3 Trust 18 387,71 21,00
4 Vneshprombank 17 989,26 18,35
5 Rosinterbank 17 759,08 20,03
6 Renaissance Credit 17 734,14 20,00
7 IBA-Moscow 17 618,01 18,00
8 Peresvet 17 442,50 19,70
9 Alfa Bank 17 316,67 17,60
10 FC Otkritie 17 150,00 19,25
11 Binbank 17 034,04 19,00
12 Yugra 17 312,50 19,50
13 Bank Rosgosstrah 17 723,30 18,00
14 Eastern Express Bank 16 251,56 16,05
15 Uralsib 16 214,04 16,00
16 Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 15 902,40 17,00
17 Probusinessbank 15 882,09 16,00
18 Credit Europe Bank 15 816,44 17,00
19 Yugra 15 810,86 17,04
20 IBA-Moscow 15 687,50 17,00

Just a month ago, the maximum yield on a deposit under the same conditions was a maximum of 12,644.34 rubles, and now the leader of the rating, Rosinterbank, offers to open a Champion (online) deposit at 20.1% per annum and receive 19,269.54 rubles in 12 months. If you open a deposit not via the Internet, but at a bank office, the rate will be 20%.

In second place was the bank Interkommerts, offering a deposit at 20% per annum. The yield on this deposit will be 19,135.39 rubles. And in third place is Trust Bank with a rate of 21%. The bank will be sanitized, but this does not prevent customers from opening new deposits in it. In some branches, where depositors are having difficulty getting their deposits, employees suggest not to withdraw money from the bank, but to put it on a new deposit at a high interest rate. It is quite possible that for them now this would be a completely reasonable decision, given that while there is no money in the bank's cash desk, and the insured event has not occurred, the procedure for obtaining a deposit may be delayed, and the money does not yet generate income.

4 FC Otkritie ₽ 42 870
$ 265
€ 210 5 Khanty-Mansiysk Bank RUB 42,864.25
$ 324,38
€ 299,04

After the rapid collapse of the ruble, many investors began to think about opening multi-currency deposits. Such deposits help protect money from fluctuations in exchange rates. When one currency depreciates, others automatically rise in price. As a result, the owner of the deposit does not lose anything with the correct ratio of the amount of currency. Experts advise opening such deposits to those who constantly keep abreast of the banking system and monitor currency fluctuations.

Since the beginning of 2014, we have published monthly a selection of offers on bank deposits, choosing the maximum interest rate as the main criterion, not forgetting to take into account capitalization. In this publication, we analyze the change in the average interest rate throughout the year.

For averaging, we took five maximum (taking into account capitalization) interest rates on ruble deposits and three on foreign currency. The results are shown in graphs 1-3.

Chart 1. Change in average interest rates on ruble deposits in 2014

22.75%(average) and 21.93%(average effective)- at the end of December

Chart 2. Changes in average interest rates on deposits in US dollars in 2014

10.00%(average)And10.00%(average effective)- at the end of December

Chart 3. Change in average interest rates on deposits in euros in 2013

10.00%(average) And10.00%(average effective)- at the end of December

As can be seen from the graphs, the dynamics of changes in interest rates over the past is as follows: for the period from the beginning of the year to mid-December, they increased by 10.4%, and by the end of the year - by another 84.1%. The total increase for the year was 103%. At the same time, until August, rates practically remained at the same level. The dynamics of ruble rates this year was determined by the rather strict requirement of the Central Bank for banks, which was expressed by the formula: the rate on deposits should not exceed the average rate of the TOP10 (the average rate on deposits in the 10 largest banks) plus 2%. This parameter was published by the Central Bank every two weeks. Starting from the end of September, the parameter began to grow, and banks began to raise interest rates within one or two days. The fantastic jump in interest rates at the end of the year is explained by the fact that due to the sharp devaluation of the ruble, depositors panicked and rushed to withdraw their money. To stop this process, banks were forced to sharply increase interest rates on deposits. The maneuver succeeded. Depositors, who had previously taken deposits en masse, took their money back. The queues of those wishing to withdraw deposits were replaced by queues of those wishing to put money on a deposit. At the same time, many lost their interest by terminating deposit agreements ahead of schedule.

It should be noted that the effective rate at the end of the year turned out to be lower than the interest rate, which is associated with the need to pay personal income tax.

The growth dynamics of interest rates on foreign currency deposits is also impressive. In terms of US dollars, they increased in total by 53.8%, in terms of euro - by 56.2%.

Some banks in the struggle for customers even raised interest rates on previously opened deposits.