Quotes about money they are just a way. The best quotes and aphorisms about the money of great people

Between men and women. But it seems to us that the topic of money is very close to the TOP-10 and in our time we can’t get away from it, and therefore we decided to put together the wisest thoughts of the most prominent people on the topic of savings, the best quotes about money and wealth - perhaps to someone This will help you rethink your life position and make your existence even now more vivid and filled with meaning.

Best Wealth Quotes

No amount of wealth will make a bad person happy.

Too many people spend their hard-earned money on things they don't need to impress people they don't like.
(Will Rogers)

What is the power, brother?
- And here's the thing: all the power is in money, brother! Money rules the world, and he is stronger who has more of them!
- Okay, you have a lot of money. And what will you do?
- I'll buy them all!
- And me?..
("Brother 2")

He who loses money loses a lot; and he who loses a friend loses much more; but he who loses faith loses everything.
(Eleanor Roosevelt)

Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who always has little.

Sometimes money costs us too much.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Every time you borrow, you steal a piece of your own future.
(Nathan Morris)

That's right: a person needs money in order to never think about it ...

("Roadside Picnic")

If you want to have enough money for you and your family - work yourself ... If you want to provide for your future generations - make people work for you.
(Karl Marx)

How many millionaires do you know who built their fortune on interest on deposits? Here I am about the same.
(Robert Allen)

Wealth is like sea water, the more you drink, the more you want. The same applies to fame.
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

People spend their health to earn money and then spend money to restore their health.
Nervously thinking about the future, they forget about the present, so they do not live either in the present or for the sake of the future.
They live as if they will never die, and when they die, they realize that they never lived.

Don't waste money on clothes. Spend money on travel. What difference does it make how old your sneakers are if you walk around Paris in them ...

Funny quotes about money.

When I was young, I thought money was everything. Now I am 70 years old and I realized that I was right.
(Jim Rohn)

When there is money, it is somehow easier to agree that happiness is not in money.

I used to love summer, but then I realized that summer can be at any time of the year, if there was money ... Now I love money ...

I gave myself to work! I thought for money, but after the salary I realized ... that for love!

Money spoils people - so in our country the people are mostly good.

It's easier to become rich than to explain why it didn't work out.
(Jim Rohn)

The best parables (not quotes) about money

Finally, I suggest you familiarize yourself with two interesting but instructive parables in different ways.


One student asked his teacher:

“I give praise to the Lord every day. My neighbor does the same, but grace regularly descends on him, and I have never been able to achieve this state. What's the matter here?

How many times a day do you read a prayer?

- Exactly ten times - five in the morning and five in the evening.

– And how many times does your neighbor praise the Lord?

“I don't know, Master.

Find out and come back to me.

After some time, the student returned to the Teacher and said:

“All day I was watching my neighbor and it turned out that he says a prayer 144 times - a dozen dozen times.

See, you're putting in too little effort. How can you expect the same result as your neighbor?

A few weeks later, the student again came to the Teacher:

– I praise the Lord every day 144 times. My neighbor does the same. But grace still descends on him, but still not on me. What am I doing wrong? What's the matter here?

“It’s just that your neighbor doesn’t count how many times you do it.”


One day, a businessman stood on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman in a fragile boat catch a huge tuna. The businessman congratulated the fisherman on his luck and asked how long it takes to catch such a fish.

A couple of hours, no more, - the fisherman answered.

Why didn't you stay at sea longer and catch a few more of these fish? - the businessman was surprised.

One fish is enough for my family to live tomorrow,” he replied.

But what do you do the rest of the day? - the businessman did not let up.

I sleep until noon, then I go fishing for a couple of hours, then I play with my children, after that my wife and I have a siesta, then I go for a walk in the village, I drink wine in the evening and play the guitar with my friends. You see: I enjoy life, - the fisherman explained.

I'm a Harvard graduate, said the businessman, I'll help you, you're doing everything wrong. You have to fish all day and then buy yourself a big boat.

And then what?

And then what? asked the fisherman.

Then you will catch even more fish and you will be able to buy yourself a few boats, even ships, and one day you will have a whole fleet.

And then?

Then, instead of selling the fish to an intermediary, you will bring the fish directly to the factory, and by increasing the profits, you will open your own factory.

And then?

Then you will leave this godforsaken village and move to a big city, and maybe one day you will be able to open a huge office and be the director there.

And how long will all this take?

Years 15–20.

And what then?

And then, - the businessman laughed, - then the most pleasant will come. You can sell your company for a few million and become very rich.

And then?

Then you can stop working, you will move to a small village on the coast, you will sleep until dinner, fish a little, play with the children, have a siesta with your wife, walk around the village, drink wine in the evenings and play the guitar with your friends ...

Hello dear readers!

A person's attitude towards money can tell a lot about his development and attitude towards life.

So that you can make sure that your attitude to money is correct or correct it, we have selected wise quotes about money for you.

Wise quotes about money

If you only think about money, you may or may not be able to spend it.

Money is not an end in itself, it only reflects your creative energy and self-confidence. Ernie Zelinsky

You want to earn money in order to live happily, and in the end, all your strength, all the color of life goes into getting it. Happiness is forgotten, the means is taken for the end. Albert Camus

Money is often like people: when needed, they are not around; appear - when it's too late; when you do not appreciate them, they disappear; when you treat them with care - there is always. Bakhtiyar Mammadov

Making money is the biggest mistake in life. You need to do what you feel an inclination and talent for, and if you succeed in this, the money will be. Greer Garson

The first lesson we must learn is that money in and of itself is not evil. It is just a tool, like a pencil, for example. A pencil can be used to write a beautiful love letter or a complaint that will get you fired. When the pencil was designed, it was made in such a way that it became convenient both for writing and for hitting the eye with a sharp end. It's not about the subject itself, but about the motivation of a person holding a pencil or money. Robert Kiyosaki

Those who think that money can do everything, in reality they can do everything for the sake of money. George Savile Halifax

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it. John Rockefeller

People work to get money. Money is a means of achieving freedom. If the money you earn with pleasure allows you to fill your life with impressions and satisfy your passion for knowledge, life is a success. If you work in such a way that you do not see white light, why are you working? Evgeny Chichvarkin

Honor money neither more nor less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master. Alexandre Dumas son

Money just makes life more comfortable, but does not replace life itself! Vin Diesel

Money for smart people is a means, for fools it is an end. Paul Decourcelle

Getting money is fun. Doing what you love is a joy. Getting money for doing what you love is happiness. Alexander Makhnev

: You can't have a lot of money, but you can't eat all the sausage and all the barbecue.

Dmitry Nagiev:
Many actions seem much more moral if you look at them through the fingers that hold the money.
Benjamin Franklin :
Before consulting a whim, consult your wallet.
Benjamin Franklin :
Time is money.
Benjamin Franklin :
Remember that money has the ability to multiply.
Benjamin Franklin :
Whoever claims that money can do everything, it is likely that he himself can do everything for the sake of money.
Rudyard Kipling :
Money is something that passes from hand to hand and does not get warmer.
F.F. Ushakov:
In his own money he should be generous, in government money he should be stingy.
Tristan Bernard:
Bankruptcy is a legal procedure in which you put money in your trouser pocket and give the jacket to creditors.
Irina Khakamada:
Give the stolnik - and they will love you, and will love you forever, if someone does not give two hundred.
Wilhelm Schwebel:
Money can be both good and evil, depending on whose pocket it goes into.
Wilhelm Schwebel:
Money is a cowardly road to power.
When you spend money on things you don't need, you won't have enough money for things you need.
Jason Statham :
People who believe that money can do everything, they themselves are able to do everything for money.
Sergei Lozunko:
Happiness is not in money, but FOR money.
Sergei Lozunko:
Happiness is not in money, but in money.
Etienne Rey:
It was the rich who invented that talking about money is tactless.
Georges Elgosy:
The lucky ones live with money, the unlucky ones live without, and the rascals live for.
Ted Turner:
Life is a game and money is a way to keep score.
Will Smith :
Money and success do not change a person. They bring out what is already there.
Mark Twain :
A bank is an institution where you can borrow money if there is a way to convince you that you do not need it.
Money should be managed, not served.

Human sense of humor appeared before money. He learned to laugh when his cave chief slipped on a banana peel. The first money appeared about three thousand years before our era. Can you imagine, thousands of prehistoric generations existed without money at all! How did they get out?

It is clear that for a stone ax, for the fur of an octopus, or for going to the cinema, one could pay with a shell. How about buying a car? To buy a car you need to give a bag of shells. But in order to bring a bag of shells, you need to already have a car. Vicious circle. Apparently, this is why primitive people did not have cars.


I don't like money! I just love what they can buy!

Ilf and Petrov


If you set aside a little every month, then in a year you will be surprised how little you have accumulated.

Ernest Haskins


For money, you can, of course, buy a charming dog, but no amount of money will make him wag his tail happily.

John Billings


I want to live like a poor man with money.

Pablo Picasso


Money can't buy one thing - poverty. Here you need to turn to the help of the stock exchange.

Robert Orben


Saving is a way to spend money without pleasure.

Armand Salacrou


With age, the desire to earn turns into a desire to save.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky


A woman can make any man a billionaire a millionaire.

Charlie Chaplin


If the problem can be solved for money, then this is not a problem, these are expenses.

Jewish wisdom


The lucky ones live with money, the unlucky ones live without, and the rascals live for.

Georges Elgosy


A person can live for a long time on the money he is waiting for.

William Faulkner


Money is needed even in order to do without them.

Honore de Balzac


Whoever wants to get rich in a day will be hanged in a year.

Leonardo da Vinci


If you don't have money, you think about money all the time. If you have money, you only think about money.

In every country with money circulation the beginning of life and activity is the desire for money, the destruction of which entails the death of the state.
Claude Helvetius

Life is a game and money is a way to keep score.
Ted Turner

Money is an idiotic measure of human achievement, but it is, alas, the only universal measure we have.
Charles Steinmetz

Money is time.
George Gissing

Money, of course, is a despotic power, but at the same time it is the highest equality, and this is all their main strength. Money compares all inequalities.
Fedor Dostoevsky

You can't buy happiness with money, but you can rent it.
American saying

Money does not give happiness, but everyone wants to see for himself.
Stefan Kiselevsky

Everything I do, I do for a reason, and usually that reason is money.
Susie Parker

I know you can't have everything at once, so I'll start small - with money.
Janusz Wasilkowski

Money is soaked through with our blood.

Since money is in honor, nothing else has a well-deserved honor: becoming one by one the sellers, then the goods, we ask not "what is the thing." and "what's the price?".

They say that money is the root of all evil. The same can be said about lack of money.
Samuel Butler

The only thing you can do without money is debt.
Heinz Schenk

Not worrying about money is almost the same as not worrying about.
Mario Puzo

There is always money, only pockets change.
Gertrude Stein

Money is that. that passes through our hands on the way to the state treasury.
14 Quips & Quotes LLC

If they tell you that it's not about the money, then it's none of your business.
Bill Clinton

You can not chase money - you need to go towards them.
Aristotle Onassis

The one who pays late never pays twice.
English saying of the 17th century.

Only money can help us forget that. that we are poor.
Philippe Bouvard

Money is an evil that is destroyed by the purchase of good.
G. Malkin

Money is an evil, the absence and even lack of which greatly upsets many.
V. Zubkov

Money is like manure: if it is not scattered, it will be of little use.
F. Bacon

Money is the best gift. Everything else is too expensive.
author unknown

Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
F. Bacon

Money is a kind of sixth sense, without which the other five are incomplete.
S. Maugham

Money is what limits and limits our possibilities, but dulls our abilities.
V. Zubkov

Money and time are the heaviest burden in life. The most unhappy are those who have more of them than they know how to use.
S. Johnson

Money and stupidity give the greatest chance of winning an election.
"Walton's Rule"

Money either dominates its owner or serves him.

Money does not bring happiness, but it helps a lot to do without it.
author unknown

Money has not made a fool of anyone, it only makes fools out.
K. Hubbard

Money spoils a person, the absence of them - even more.
author unknown

Money, if there is any, is grass; if not, starvation.
D. Lawrence

The money you have is the instrument of freedom; those whom you are chasing are the instrument of slavery.
J. J. Rousseau

The easiest way to explain what money is is to not have money.
author unknown

I always say: the Phoenicians invented money, but exactly one week after the invention, money was no longer enough.
A. Tuleev

You borrow someone else's money and pay your own.
M. Svetlov

Big money can be made in two cases: when creating a new state and when it collapses. During creation, this process is slower; during destruction, it is fast.
M. Mitchell

Public finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it disappears.
R. Sarnoff

For me, money is nothing, if only a man were cheerful. But how will he be cheerful without money?
I. Ipohorskaya

If you lend, you either lose money or make an enemy.
Albanian proverb

People who think that money can do everything, they themselves are able to do everything for money.
P. Buast

One money gives freedom, others make slaves.
V. Zubkov

Wherever money reigns, the money that the people give in order to maintain their freedom always serves only as an instrument of their own enslavement; and what he pays today of his own free will is used to force him to pay tomorrow under compulsion.
J. J. Rousseau

Keeping your money costs more work than getting it.
M. Montaigne

I understand that you can love people, you can love science, I also understand, I even understand fanatic people who are terribly religious. But I really don't understand a person who loves money.
V. Ginzburg

In the marketplace, in order to make money, you need money. And only very great abilities and tremendous willpower can break this chain.
V. Zubkov

There is not enough money even to understand that happiness is not in them.
B. Krutier

The more money, the more they are missing.
V. Zubkov

If you can fix the problem with money, then you don't have a problem.
X. McKay

If you want to get rid of a guest who bothers you with his visits, lend him money.
B. Franklin

There are things more important than money, but without money you cannot buy these things.
P. Merimee

Greed for money, if it is insatiable, is much more painful than need, because the more they grow, the more needs they generate.

You cannot fight against money without money.
D. Steinbeck

It is believed that the love of money is the root of all troubles. The same can be said about the lack of money.
S. Butler

An amazing paradox: citizens are much more willing to sacrifice their lives than their money.

A penny can obscure the brightest star if you keep it in front of your eyes.
S. Grafton

When the main value is the dollar, then no churches of Christ the Savior will help.
author unknown