The procedure for buying and selling a house with a land plot: from real estate appraisal to the transfer of money. Purchase and sale of a residential building with a land plot: drawing up an agreement and important nuances Which government agencies are provided with a contract for the sale of a house

purchase and sale of a residential building
and land

Russia, the city of Rostov-on-Don, the sixteenth of January, two thousand and twenty

We, the undersigned: citizen Petrov Petr Petrovich, born on November 20, 1968, passport: series 60 03, No. 150345, issued on 10.04.2003. Department of Internal Affairs of the Pervomaisky district of Rostov-on-Don, subdivision code 612-054, registered at the address: Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoarmeyskaya street, house No. 61, apt. No. 10, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", on the one hand

And citizen Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, born on March 15, 1978, passport: series 60 05, No. 280567, issued on 07/05/2005. Department of Internal Affairs of the Kirovsky district of Rostov-on-Don, subdivision code 612-052, registered at the address: Rostov-on-Don, Gazetny lane, house No. 75, apt. No. 23, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:

1. The Seller sold, and the Buyer bought a land plot with an area of ​​950 (nine hundred and fifty) sq.m., within the boundaries of the plan attached to this agreement and located on the specified land plot, a one-story residential building with a total area of ​​98 (ninety-eight) sq.m., including living area of ​​73 (seventy-three) sq.m., located at the address: Rostov-on-Don, Lekalnaya street, house No. 87 (eighty-seven).

2. The above alienable land plot with an area of ​​950 (nine hundred and fifty) sq.m. belongs to the category of land settlements, has a special purpose - for individual housing construction and has a cadastral number 61:55:0030245:18:4/4, which is confirmed by the cadastral plan issued on 01/09/2020 by the Office Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography in the Rostov region.

3. The above alienable one-story residential building consists of three living rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and three corridors, with a total area of ​​98 (ninety-eight) sq.m., incl. living area of ​​73 (seventy three) sq.m., which is confirmed by the cadastral passport of the premises, issued on 01/09/2020 by the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Rostov Region and the technical passport issued on 01/11/2020 by the Bureau of Technical Inventory of the city Rostov-on-Don.

4. The above alienated residential house and land plot belong to the Seller on the basis of the Purchase and Sale Agreement of the residential house and land plot dated March 05, 2005, which is confirmed by the State Registration Certificate of the right: series 61-AN No. 112234, issued on April 23, 2005. Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Rostov Region.

5. The seller guarantees that at the time of signing this agreement, the above alienated residential building and land plot have not been sold, donated, pledged to anyone else, are not in dispute, under arrest and prohibition and are free from any rights of third parties.

The seller also guarantees that there are no persons retaining the right to use the residential premises on the basis of the law or the contract.

6. At the time of signing this agreement, there are no citizens registered in the alienated residential building as at the place of residence or at the place of stay, which is confirmed by ___ (supporting documents) ___ dated 01/15/2020.

7. The Seller sold, and the Buyer bought the above residential building and land plot for 2,760,000 (two million seven hundred and sixty thousand) rubles.

At the same time, the cost of a residential building is 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand) rubles, and the cost of a land plot is 1,260,000 (one million two hundred and sixty thousand) rubles.

The specified cost of the alienated residential house and land plot is established by agreement of the parties to this agreement, is final and, in the future, is not subject to change. The specified amount was received by the Seller before the signing of this agreement.

8. The transfer of the alienated residential building and land plot by the Seller and their acceptance by the Buyer took place before the signing of this agreement. The land plot transferred to the Buyer corresponds to the description of the cadastral plan.

The residential building transferred to the Buyer corresponds to the description of the cadastral passport, is in a habitable condition, is suitably landscaped, meets the technical and sanitary requirements established for residential premises.

The buyer was given the keys to the specified residential building, as well as the cadastral passport of the residential building, the cadastral plan of the land plot and documents confirming the payment of utilities.

9. The buyer has familiarized himself with the condition of the residential building and the land plot transferred to him, has no claims to their condition and agrees to accept the above residential building and the land plot as his property.

The parties have established that from the moment of signing this agreement, the visible shortcomings of the above residential building and land plot are not grounds for subsequently applying Article 475 Civil Code RF.

10. The parties to this agreement have agreed that this agreement has the force of an act of acceptance and transfer of the above alienated residential house and land plot, and from the moment of signing this agreement, the Seller's obligation to transfer the above alienated residential house and land plot to the Buyer is considered fulfilled.

11. In accordance with Articles 8.1, 131 and 551 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of ownership of the above alienated residential house and land plot is subject to state registration with the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Rostov Region.

12. The right of ownership to the above alienated residential building and land plot arises from the Buyer from the moment of registration of this right in the Unified state register rights to real estate and deals with it.

13. The parties to this agreement have agreed that all costs associated with the state registration of the transfer of ownership of the alienated residential building and land plot to the Buyer shall be borne by the Buyer.

14. This agreement is considered concluded from the moment of its signing by the parties to the agreement.

15. This agreement is drawn up and signed by the parties to the agreement in three copies, of which one copy is the original, and the other two copies are copies.

The original contract is handed over to the Buyer, one copy is handed over to the Seller, and the second copy remains in the affairs of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Rostov Region.



Buyer- _ _ _ (signature) _ _ _ : _ _ _ _ (last name, first name, patronymic in full) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Here you can view and download a template for the purchase and sale of a residential building in a format convenient for you. Remember that you can always get our legal assistance, including filling out this form, by contacting us at the numbers listed on the site.

New sample 2020

Contract for the sale of a residential building

(date of conclusion of the contract - in words)

(place of conclusion of the contract)

We, (full full name of the citizen, date of birth, type and details of the identity document), issued by (date of issue, name of the authority that issued the identity document), residing at (address of permanent place residence or preferential stay), hereinafter referred to as " Salesman» on the one hand, and (full full name of the citizen, date of birth, type and details of the identity document), issued (date of issue, name of the authority that issued the identity document), residing at the address (address of permanent residence or primary residence), hereinafter referred to as " Buyer» on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the parties), have concluded this agreement on the following:


1.1. The Seller has sold, and the Buyer has acquired ownership of residential building No. ___ on ____________ Street in the city of ____________, which at the time of the conclusion of this agreement belonged to the Seller on the right of ownership, which is confirmed (indicate the type, date of issue, number and other information about the title document).

The residential building specified in paragraph one of this clause is located on a land plot with an area of ​​______ (sq. m), which at the time of the conclusion of this agreement belonged to the Seller on the right (indicate the type of right), which is confirmed (indicate the type, date of issue, number and other information about the title document).

1.2. Simultaneously with the transfer of ownership of the residential building, the Buyer under this agreement acquires the right (ownership, lease, other right) to the part of the land plot occupied residential building and necessary for its use, with an area of ​​_____ (sq. m).

1.3. Residential information:

Address ____________________.

Appointment ____________________.

general characteristics ____________________.

Floors ____________________.

Area _________, including residential _________.

Other parameters (materials from which the foundation is made, load-bearing structures, roofing, the presence of loggias, balconies, stairs, heating systems, water supply, sewerage, power supply, interior decoration- by premises, etc.).

Note. Other information is also indicated that makes it possible to definitely establish the immovable property to be transferred to the buyer under the contract, incl. data that determines the location of a residential building on the corresponding land plot.

1.4. Information about the land plot, the right (indicate the type of right) to which the Buyer passes under this agreement:

Cadastral number ____________________.

Location (address landmarks) ____________________.

Purpose of use ____________________.

Total area ____________________.

Cadastral map(plan) of the land plot, issued (date of issue and name of the cadastral registration authority), is an annex to this agreement.

1.5. Prior to signing the contract, the residential building and the land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this contract were inspected by the Buyer with the involvement (representatives of construction, repair organizations, an independent appraiser, etc.). At the time of inspection by the Buyer, no shortcomings or defects that prevent the use of the residential building and the land plot for their intended purpose were found.

1.6. The Seller guarantees that before the conclusion of the contract with the Buyer, the residential building and the land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this contract are not alienated to anyone, not pledged, not promised, not in dispute, in trust management, for rent, as a contribution V authorized capital legal entities not transferred, not encumbered with other rights of third parties.

Note. In accordance with Art. 558 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation essential condition of the contract for the sale of a residential building (part of a residential building) in which persons live who, in accordance with the law, retain the right to use this residential premises after it has been acquired by the buyer, is a list of such persons indicating their rights to use the residential building (part of a residential building) being sold. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to include appropriate rules in the contract.

Under arrest or prohibition, the residential building and the land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this agreement, according to the certificate (name of the authority) dated "___" ___________ 20___ No. ____ do not appear.

The residential building specified in section 1 of this contract is not a monument of history and culture (architecture).

1.7. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, no one was registered in the residential building specified in this section, which is confirmed by (type and details of the document), issued by (name of authority) “___” ___________ 20___


2.1. According to the certificate (name of the authority that issued the document), the cost of the residential building specified in section 1 of this agreement is (amount in figures and words) rubles.

2.2. The parties to this agreement have agreed to evaluate a residential building in (amount in figures and words) rubles. The price of a residential building includes the price of a land plot (rights to land) transferred to the Buyer simultaneously with the residential building.

2.3. The Buyer pays the Seller the cost of the residential building (in cash, by bank transfer, in one-time or periodic payments with an advance payment, etc.) no later than ______ from the date of signing this agreement, but before the state registration of the transfer of ownership in (name of the authority, implementing state registration).

The Buyer's obligations to pay the cost of the residential building are considered fulfilled (on the day the payment is credited to the Seller's account, money is deposited into the cashier, money is received on receipt, etc.).

2.4. In case of delay in payment, the Buyer shall be liable in the form of ____________________.


3.1. The Buyer's ownership of the residential building purchased under this agreement arises from the moment of state registration of the transfer of ownership of this residential building in (name of the body responsible for state registration of rights).

At the same time, the Buyer acquires the right (property, lease, other right) to a land plot occupied by a residential building and necessary for its use, with an area of ​​______ (sq. m).

3.2. From the moment of acquiring ownership of the residential building that is the subject of this agreement, the Buyer exercises the rights to own, use and dispose of this residential building in accordance with its purpose and the requirements of housing legislation Russian Federation, assumes the burden of expenses associated with the maintenance of a residential building and the land plot on which it is located, including the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments.


4.1. The transfer by the Seller of the residential building specified in section 1 of this agreement and its acceptance by the Buyer are carried out on the basis of a transfer act signed by the parties to the agreement. After signing the deed of transfer, the obligations of the parties under this agreement are considered to be fully fulfilled.

4.2. The Seller is obliged to release the residential building from the items and other property belonging to the Seller located in it no later than ____________________.


5.1. Disputes of the parties arising from this agreement or related to it, including disputes arising from the interpretation of the agreement, are resolved in the court of ___________________.

5.2. Amendment and termination of this agreement may be carried out by the parties on the grounds and in the manner prescribed in Art. 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

5.3. This agreement is subject to (is not subject to) notarization (at the request of the parties).

5.4. The contract and the transfer of ownership are subject to state registration in (name of the authorized body).

5.5. This agreement is considered concluded from the moment of its state registration.

5.6. The costs associated with the execution of this agreement, the state registration of the agreement and the transfer of rights shall be borne by (the Buyer, the Seller, the parties in equal shares).

5.7. This agreement is made in ______ copies of equal legal force, one of which is stored in ________, one - (name of authority), one - from the Buyer, one - from the Seller.


Salesman ___________________________

Buyer __________________________


Seller (signature, full name)

"___" ___________ 20___

Buyer (signature, full name)

(date of conclusion of the contract - in words)

(place of conclusion of the contract)

We, , issued by , residing at Salesman on the one hand, and (Full name of the citizen, date of birth, type and details of the identity document), issued (date of issue, name of the authority that issued the identity document), residing at the address (address of permanent residence or primary residence), hereinafter referred to as " Buyer» on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the parties), have concluded this agreement on the following:


1.1. The Seller sold, and the Buyer acquired the ownership of residential building No. ___ on ____________ Street in the city of ____________, which at the time of the conclusion of this agreement belonged to the Seller on the right of ownership, which is confirmed.
The residential building specified in the first paragraph of this clause is located on a land plot with an area of ​​______ (sq. m), which at the time of the conclusion of this agreement belonged to the Seller on the right (specify type of right), which is confirmed (indicate the type, date of issue, number and other information about the title document).

1.2. Simultaneously with the transfer of ownership of the residential building, the Buyer under this agreement acquires the right to a part of the land plot occupied by the residential building and necessary for its use, with an area of ​​_____ (sq. m).

1.3. Residential information:

Address ____________________.
Appointment ____________________.
General characteristics ____________________.
Floors ____________________.
Area _________, including residential _________.
Other Options (materials from which the foundation is made, load-bearing structures, roofing, the presence of loggias, balconies, stairs, heating systems, water supply, sewerage, power supply, interior decoration - by premises, etc.).

Note. Other information is also indicated that makes it possible to definitely establish the immovable property to be transferred to the buyer under the contract, incl. data that determines the location of a residential building on the corresponding land plot.

1.4. Information about the land plot, right (specify type of right) to which the Buyer passes under this Agreement:

Cadastral number ____________________.
Location (address landmarks) ____________________.
Land category ____________________.
Purpose of use ____________________.
Total area ____________________.
Cadastral map (plan) of the land plot, issued (date of issue and name of the cadastral registration authority), is an appendix to this agreement.

1.5. Prior to signing the contract, the residential building and the land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this contract were inspected by the Buyer with the involvement (representatives of construction, repair organizations, an independent appraiser, etc.). At the time of inspection by the Buyer, no shortcomings or defects that prevent the use of the residential building and the land plot for their intended purpose were found.

1.6. The Seller guarantees that before the conclusion of the contract with the Buyer, the residential building and the land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this contract are not alienated to anyone, not pledged, not promised, not in dispute, in trust management, for rent, as a contribution not transferred to the authorized capital of legal entities, not encumbered with other rights of third parties.

Note. In accordance with Art. 558 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an essential condition of the contract for the sale of a residential building (part of a residential building), in which persons who retain, in accordance with the law, the right to use this residential premises after its acquisition by the buyer, live, is a list of such persons indicating their rights to use the residential building being sold (part residential building). Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to include appropriate rules in the contract.

Under arrest or prohibition of a residential building and a land plot specified in clauses 1.1-1.4 of this agreement, according to the certificate (name of body) dated "___" ___________ 20___ No. ____ do not appear.
The residential building specified in section 1 of this contract is not a monument of history and culture (architecture).

1.7. At the time of the conclusion of the contract in the residential building specified in this section, no one is registered, which is confirmed (type and details of the document), issued (name of body)"___" ___________ 20___


2.1. According to help (name of the authority that issued the document), the cost of a residential building specified in section 1 of this contract is (amount in figures and words) rubles.

2.2. The parties to this agreement have agreed to evaluate a residential building in (amount in figures and words) rubles. The price of a residential building includes the price of a land plot (rights to land) transferred to the Buyer simultaneously with the residential building.

2.3. The Buyer pays the Seller the cost of the house (in cash, by non-cash payments, instantaneous or periodic payments with an advance payment, etc.) no later than ______ from the date of signing this agreement, but before the state registration of the transfer of ownership in (name of the body carrying out state registration).
The obligations of the Buyer to pay the cost of the residential building are considered fulfilled (on the day the payment is credited to the Seller's account, money is deposited at the cash desk, money is received against receipt, etc.).

2.4. In case of delay in payment, the Buyer shall be liable in the form of ____________________.


3.1. The Buyer's right of ownership to the residential building purchased under this agreement arises from the moment of state registration of the transfer of ownership of this residential building in (name of the body carrying out state registration of rights).
At the same time, the Buyer acquires the right (property, lease, other right) to a land plot occupied by a residential building and necessary for its use, with an area of ​​______ (sq. m).

3.2. From the moment of acquiring the ownership of the residential building that is the subject of this agreement, the Buyer exercises the rights of possession, use and disposal of this residential building in accordance with its purpose and the requirements of the housing legislation of the Russian Federation, assumes the burden of expenses associated with the maintenance of the residential building and land the site on which it is located, including the payment of taxes and other obligatory payments.


4.1. The transfer by the Seller of the residential building specified in section 1 of this agreement and its acceptance by the Buyer are carried out on the basis of a transfer act signed by the parties to the agreement. After signing the deed of transfer, the obligations of the parties under this agreement are considered to be fully fulfilled.

4.2. The Seller is obliged to release the residential building from the items and other property belonging to the Seller located in it no later than ____________________.


5.1. Disputes of the parties arising from this agreement or related to it, including disputes arising from the interpretation of the agreement, are resolved in the court of ___________________.

5.2. Amendment and termination of this agreement may be carried out by the parties on the grounds and in the manner prescribed in Art. 452 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

5.3. This agreement is subject to (is not subject to) notarization (at the request of the parties).

5.4. The contract and the transfer of ownership are subject to state registration in (name of authorized body).

5.5. This agreement is considered concluded from the moment of its state registration.

5.6. The costs associated with the execution of this agreement, the state registration of the agreement and the transfer of rights shall be borne by (Buyer, Seller, parties in equal shares).

5.7. This agreement is made in ______ copies of equal legal force, one of which is stored in ________, one - (name of body) one - from the Buyer, one - from the Seller.


Salesman ___________________________
Buyer _____________________________


Seller (signature, full name)
"___" ___________ 20___

Buyer (signature, full name)
"___" ___________ 20___

Gr. , passport: series , number , issued by , residing at the address: , hereinafter referred to as " Salesman”, on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series , number , issued by , residing at the address: , hereinafter referred to as " Buyer”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:
  1. I, gr. , sold, and I, c. , bought a residential building located at . The residential building consists of a total usable area sq.m., including living area sq.m., which is confirmed by a certificate from the Bureau of Technical Inventory.
  2. The alienated residential building belongs to me, , on the basis of , issued by .
  3. The inventory valuation of a residential building is rubles.
  4. The residential building was sold for rubles, paid in full upon signing the contract.
  5. Prior to the conclusion of this agreement, the alienated residential building has not been sold to anyone, not mortgaged, is not in a dispute and is not under prohibition (arrest).
  6. The parties pay the costs of concluding the contract in equal shares.
  7. Simultaneously with this agreement was certified standard contract purchase and sale of the land plot on which the house for sale is located.
  8. The contract is made in copies, one of which remains in the affairs of the notary's office, and the other is issued


Salesman Registration: Postal address: Passport series: Number: Issued by: By: Phone:

Buyer Registration: Postal address: Passport series: Number: Issued by: By: