Five year old group. Five-year plans (introduction of five-year plans for the development of the national economy) Three main directions for mobilizing capital were identified

Date of birth: The team was created in 2002 by music producer Alexei Bryantsev (group Butyrka, group Far light, group Patsanka, etc.).
Career: By 2007 the band had released 4 albums, BEST album and MP3 album. All albums were released by Classic Company.
The sound of the group is distinguished by powerful energy, dance rhythms, modern sound. The group's repertoire includes more than 50 songs. The group successfully tours in Russia. Songs are rotated on radio chanson Moscow and other radio stations, they are regularly released in popular chanson collections.
Vocalist - Valery Voloshin
On stage, the group works only live: vocals, rhythm guitar, solo guitar, keys, drums, bass guitar. On concert tours, to make life easier for local organizers, Pyatiletka mostly travels in a reduced composition: vocals, guitar, keys, drums.
Most famous songs:
"On the stretch Shira-Abakan"
"At the season"
"Let's light candles vagrants"
"Student", etc.
The history of the creation of the group, in general, is rather unsophisticated and especially not replete with miraculous transformations of Cinderella into a princess. St. Petersburg musicians Dmitry Bykovsky and Eduard Kharlamov quite often flashed in many nightclubs as performers of tavern songs, until, as they say, they were in the right place, at the right time and in the right company. As a result of such a concentration of several creative personalities at once, an alliance arose in the composition: Dmitry Bykovsky - vocals, Eduard Kharlamov - keyboards, Alexei Chetverikov - backing vocals, Alexei Bryantsev - arrangements. The result of the team's work in 2003 was the songs, which were later included in the first album of the group, the name of which was actually given by the first recorded track - "Pyatiletka". This song practically determined the style and manner of the band's performance. Well, we, in turn, hope for mutual interest in our work on the part of you - our listeners, because songs written and performed by people who love and understand this music have always been a success with our people.
In 2007, its soloist Dmitry Bykovsky left the group and a new vocalist of the Pyatiletka group appeared - Valery Voloshin.
Bykovsky Dmitry Anatolyevich - was born on October 5, 1969.
Until the age of 14 he lived in Central Asia. He served in Hungary in an airborne reconnaissance company. Graduated from the Voronezh State Academy of Arts - Theater Institute (course of V. Topolagi) in 1998. The first film in 1999. He graduated from GITIS (workshop of A.V. Borodin). In the group "Pyatiletka" Dmitry performed under the name "Dmitry Bykov".
Today the actor of the theater BDT them. Tovstonogov in St. Petersburg, starred in famous television series: "Cop Wars" parts 1, 2, 3; "Mine" parts 1 and 2; "The Life and Death of Lenka Panteleev", etc., performed a solo song "Guys" on the stage of the Palace of Culture named after. Gaza in St. Petersburg.
The new composition of the group "Pyatiletka": vocals - Valery Voloshin; guitar - Sergey Lazarev; keyboards - Alexander Khvorikov; drums - Alexander Sechenykh.
Currently: chanson group.

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Chapter 1.

Chapter 2





My work is devoted to five-year development plans National economy USSR or, more simply, five-year plans. The beginning is not the most interesting for an abstract, but wait, maybe I can draw your attention to this topic. What do we know about the USSR and its formation? This state began its existence in 1922 and ended it in 1991. The beginning of the formation of the USSR was the revolution of 1917, which entailed a change of power. A radical transition from the Russian absolute monarchy to a provisional government and then to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the USSR five-year plan influenced not only the economic, but also the social and public spheres, and I will consider this influence. This period of our country is a huge field for study. It is not for nothing that hundreds of Russian and foreign historians to this day publish books describing that time, bringing their judgments to them. One of these books was V.M. Simcher "Development of the Russian economy for 100 years". It was from it that I took statistical data for the period of the five-year plans. I also contacted for more information. study guide"History of the World Economy". And another indispensable source of information for me was the site # "justify"> five-year plan soviet union economic

Chapter 1

First of all, you need to understand what five-year plans are. Five-year plans are a five-year plan for the economic and social development of the USSR - the main form of planning the development of the national economy, improving economic and social relations in the country, the basis of the organization economic activity ministries and departments, all levels of government.

It is also worth noting that when developing a five-year plan, its compliance with the requirements of the objective economic laws of socialism is ensured: these laws are based on modern achievements and prospects for the development of science and technology, taking into account the needs of the public and the possibilities of satisfying them. Five-year plans were approved in 1928. The following tasks are defined in the five-year plans: determining the rate of production growth, introducing the latest technologies in the national economy, developing concentration, expanding cooperative production, rational distribution production forces, the development of foreign economic relations, measures to improve the material well-being and cultural level of the people and the solution of existing social problems, as well as actions to improve planning and management.

One of the most important requirements for the content of the five-year plan includes: increasing the efficiency of social production by accelerating the growth rate of technical progress, as well as financial and labor resources; reducing the cost of production; growth of labor productivity; increasing production capacity; reducing the cost of raw materials and fuel; reduction of materials per unit of production; improving the quality of products and services, and other features.

The goals and objectives of the five-year plans are outlined in the annual national economic plans, taking into account the economic situation in the country, changes in the needs of society, and financial and material resources. The five-year period turned out to be optimal for the medium-term plans set, although some five-year plans were completed ahead of schedule. This is due to the strong unity of the people who want to work for the good of their country. The forced industrialization and collectivization helped to achieve this effect. Establishment of a totalitarian regime. Suppression of free thought and dissent.

The five-year plans were developed in two stages. The first stage includes the development and forecasting of the main directions in the development of the national economy for five years ahead. The challenge is to identify problems that may be encountered in the implementation of the plan and eliminate them before it is implemented. Forecasting involves scientific and technical institutions that monitor such indicators as population growth, labor force growth, and mineral reserves. Proposals for the project are being prepared by the union republics, production associations, ministries, and local Soviet bodies. Their proposals and forecasts for the fulfillment of the five-year plan form the basis for the development by the State Planning Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of a draft of the main directions for the development of the national economy of the USSR. All previously obtained data are entered into the draft Directives of the CPSU Congress. Further, the draft Directives are considered by the Central Committee of the CPSU and submitted for discussion, after which its results will be considered at the next congress of the CPSU. The directives are a program that will help implement the party's economic policy and solve socio-economic, scientific and technical problems in five years.

The second stage consists in distributing the set goals according to the time of their fulfillment and dividing them among the union republics. Tasks between ministries and union republics are distributed by the State Planning Committee of the USSR. He also provides a balanced five-year plan to the government of the USSR. Further, the project is in the hands of the Councils of Ministers of the USSR, and they already make changes and amendments to the five-year plan, after which they send it to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from where the plan comes into force. Further, the tasks of the project are brought to the performers.

Let's summarize the first chapter. The five-year plan is a complex project aimed at improving the social, economic, technical, industrial, and other areas in the USSR. From the beginning of the project to the implementation stage, the five-year plan is constantly reviewed by various departments responsible for the successful implementation of the plan. The five-year plan embodies the economic and social policy of the CPSU.

In the next chapter, I will present each five-year plan in detail. I will answer main question: "What did the USSR manage to achieve during the years of five-year plans?". And I will also give a detailed report on the tasks I have set.

Chapter 2

I will begin this chapter by describing each five-year plan. I will pay more attention to the first, second and third five-year plans, since it is in my opinion that they are fundamental to the future economic development. It was the years from 1929 to 1941 that were among the most difficult in the history of the USSR. These are not only problems in the economic sphere, but also problems in the social sphere.

Although some of the five-year plans were completed ahead of schedule, the CPSU was not able to realize everything that was conceived. Let us now consider what has been achieved in the first five-year period.

First Five-Year Plan (1928-1932)

The tasks that were set in the first five-year plan were to increase growth industrial products by 136%, labor productivity by 110%, reducing production costs by 35%. Also, at the end of such buildings as the Dneproges and Turksib by 1930, it was decided to build over 1200 factories (according to one of the delegates to the 5th Congress of Soviets, when these plans were approved, it seemed that Rykov was sitting on a huge chest with money and distributing factories to everyone who wishes). The advantage was given to heavy industry, 78% of the budget was invested in it. Despite the excessive increase in the productivity of products, at the Sixteenth Party Congress it was decided to fulfill the plan in four, not five years. It was to be expected that not all plans came to fruition. By 1930, the construction of hundreds of objects was frozen. There was a shortage of raw materials, technical equipment and labor. Due to the lack of resources, it was decided to transfer their distribution into the hands of administrative structures. It was they who decided which enterprise and in what order would receive the materials they needed. Of course, this led to the decline of many enterprises that were at the bottom of the list, as they were not involved mainly in the five-year plan. The enterprises that were the first to receive everything they needed, such as: the metallurgical plant in Kuznetsk and Magnitogorsk, tractor plants in Kharkov and Chelyabinsk, etc., set an example for the whole country in production.

The system of priorities worked, but it was not a way out in the current situation; rather, it was a half-measure that did not allow the economy of the USSR to collapse in the early 30s of the twentieth century. Another problem was the shortage of qualified personnel. This problem was created by the party itself. From 1928 to 1931 A campaign was launched against the "bourgeois specialists". This decision was made in order to strengthen the power of his party in the country, since almost 80% of the top leadership held their posts under the old government. In total, about 300,000 workers were "cleansed" during this time. And this is 300 thousand skilled workers. The power in the enterprises began to belong to the chief director (necessarily a member of the party), and the education of "such" directors usually did not exceed even the initial one. Communist workers were promoted to responsible posts.

Add to all this mass arrests arranged because of "sabotage in the workplace." If the enterprise did not fulfill the plan, then the responsibility fell not only on the head of the enterprise, but also on all its employees. From this I conclude that an atmosphere of fear and oppression was created at the enterprises.

What can be learned positively from the first five-year plan? And the fact that despite the loss of qualified personnel, the party government has created institutions for advanced training of workers. So from 1928 to 1932. the number of students in workers' faculties increased from 50,000 to 285,000. Approximately 660,000 communist workers "departed from the machine" and took up higher positions or went to refresher courses. The CPSU promised promotion to those communist workers who received the appropriate education, thereby recruiting more skilled workers. Thus, the campaign to promote new workers to positions of responsibility, who are members of the Communist Party, was successful. In view of this, the face of the working class has changed. Unemployment among the working class also disappeared. In industrial and construction enterprises, the number of workers increased from 3.7 million to 8.5 million.

In 1930, a mass migration of peasants to the cities for enterprises began, which entailed new problems. In general terms, this is a decrease in labor productivity, due to new unskilled workers.

An increase in staff turnover, riots, industrial injuries - all this led to defective products, as a result of which the five-year plan was not fulfilled.

But timely measures were able to resolve the problem. The specialists of the old school were called up again. Internal passports were introduced at enterprises to reduce staff turnover and absenteeism at the workplace and piecework wages. Tougher penalties for absenteeism. This is not the whole list of measures that led to a new social system to raise the economy of the state. As planned, the five-year plan was completed in 4 years and 3 months.

In my opinion, despite such a variable economic situation in the country, the first five-year plan was able to achieve some successes, although not those that were set. The table shows the planned indicators before the amendment, which increased them significantly. (See Table No. 1.)

Table number 1.

Indicators in natural termsPlanned (according to best option) Actually achieved in 1932 Electricity, billion kWh. hours 2213.2Coal, million tons 7564.0Oil, million tons 2221.4Iron, million tons106.2Mineral fertilizers, million tons80.3Steel, million tons m47002694Woolen fabrics, million m27088.7Sugar, thousand tons2600828Industrial output2.8 times2.8 times

Planned average annual growth rate for 1928 - 1932. the actual amounted to 11.9, which in the end is 41% of the implementation of planned targets.

Three other factors are worth noting:

The production of light industry goods was not given so much attention and the plan was only 70% fulfilled.

The volume of capital investment in industry in relation to the gross national product has increased 3.5 times in five years. True, to the detriment of the standard of living of the people.

Also, the goal was to increase labor productivity by 110%, but this indicator did not move (according to some reports, it even fell by 8%).

Having reviewed the first five-year plan, I will move on to the second.

Second Five-Year Plan (1933-1937)

At the end of the first five-year plan, the new five-year plan was already adjusted. Having learned from the bitter experience of the previous five-year plan, the new project did not overly raise the bar for the industrialization of the country. True, the new indicators were higher than the previous ones, but it was believed that after a relatively successful first five-year period, this plan could be implemented, since it turned out to be more balanced. Another difference from the first five-year plan was the increase in the budget for light industry, which amounted to 18.5% and 14.5% growth per year. The main emphasis was placed on improving the standard of living by increasing wages and reducing the retail price by 35%. It was supposed to raise the level of consumption among the population two or three times.

New methods were developed for industrialization in the country. Heavy industry switched to work without subsidies, based on the example of the Makeevka Metallurgical Plant. In 1936, the experience of economic settlement was expanded. People's Commissars were allowed to manage the funds of an industrial enterprise, also have an account with the State Bank, and sell products. But the new policy did not mean the legalization of private capital.

In industrial production, a separate wage is introduced, where wages depend on productivity. This is a new system to stimulate the working class, forced to improve their skills of people employed in the enterprise. It becomes prestigious to be a specialist in your field. The main motive is to "catch up and overtake the developed countries in order to prove that the Soviet worker is in no way inferior to the workers of other countries." Already in 1935, the result of such a policy was noticeable, expressed in the growth of labor productivity.

The ruble was not left without attention, a policy was carried out to strengthen it. On January 1, 1935, ration cards for bread went out of use, followed by ration cards for meat, fats, granulated sugar and potatoes on October 1 of the same year. In January 1936 the rationing system was abolished.

At the same time, the Stakhanovite movement was born, consisting in a narrow distribution of labor, when each worker specialized only in his own work. Such a distribution at times increased the quality and speed of the plan. The stimulation of the Stakhanovites was not only moral, but also monetary, thanks to which their number grew relentlessly. "Stakhanovite schools" appear, in which more experienced workers pass on their knowledge to less experienced ones. This is another factor in increasing labor productivity.

Unfortunately, the second five-year plan was not without its drawbacks. Forced labor was still used. After the first five-year plan, the number of prisoners only increased, and at the end of the second five-year plan their number was 1,668,200. The labor of special settlers was also used. Such work could be called almost free. The incentive for such "workers" was early release, material rewards, medals and orders. In my opinion, it was precisely such work that played an important role in the development of industrialization. Over two million workers who work, one might say, on incentive alone. It was with their help that the Moscow-Volga Canal, Magnitogorsk and the White Sea-Baltic Canal were built. Of course, the result of such labor was high mortality.

Now let's turn to the statistics (table No. 3), see Appendix.

From it we see what a leap was made during the years of the second five-year plan in comparison with the end of the first.

Table number 4.

Five-Year PlanPlanned Average Annual Growth RateAverage Annual Actual Growth Rate% of Plan Targets FulfilledSecond Five-Year Plan20,914,670

The percentage of fulfillment of planned targets increased by 29% compared to the previous five-year period. Both in the first and in the second five-year plans it was not possible to achieve the planned average annual growth rate, but nevertheless it was possible to increase it noticeably.

Table number 5

Assessment of the second five-year period

Indicator Implementation of the plan compared to 1932 Labor productivity Increased by 55% Construction program Decreased by 4.1% Volume of capital construction Increased 2.5 times Electrical constructionGrowth 1986 thousand kW. Coal industryIncreased by 1.5 timesFerrous metallurgyIncreased by 1.5 times, against 2.3Food industryIncreased by 2.3 times

By observing the growth of indicators, it can be said with accuracy that economic policy The USSR was on the right track. The second five-year plan did not repeat the mistakes of the first, but created other problems for itself. Such as declining living standards on collective farms, declining growth rates Agriculture, long queues for food and "blat". But if you close your eyes to all these disadvantages, the USSR created a powerful military-industrial complex. Ranked first in Europe in terms of production volume.

Now consider the third five-year plan.

Third Five-Year Plan (1938-1941)

This is the last five-year plan, which I will talk about in more detail, in the future I will give dry statistics and, based on it, I will draw a conclusion for the period from 1946 to 1991.

Let's start with the fact that the beginning of the five-year plan fell on the beginning of the Second World War. The defense had to allocate a quarter of the state. budget. In 1940 appropriations were increased to 1/3, and in 1941 almost to half of the country's budget. According to official data, the average annual growth rate of military production was 39%. The production of tanks was doubled. Even non-military enterprises received orders for military equipment. Main geographic location new factories became the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia.

The objective of the Third Five-Year Plan was to catch up with the developed countries in terms of industrial output per capita. The main indicator was quality, not quantity. The chemical industry developed and the first steps were taken in the automation of production. In just 3 years, production increased by 34%, a figure close to fulfilling the five-year plan, but not enough.

A new problem, which took us by surprise, is the shortage of qualified personnel, the need for which has grown in comparison with the second five-year plan. So on October 2, 1940, a system was created for the preparation of state labor reserves. Workers of the highest and middle qualifications were still taught by institutes and technical schools.

Education has become more accessible. By 1940 the number educational institutions was 4600. The number of other cultural institutions also increased. The level of healthcare has risen. In my opinion, all these achievements were crossed out by hunger, a housing crisis and a decline in purchasing power. Wage grew, but grew along with prices. Despite the industrial leap, society was fed worse than in 1913.

In 1940, the number of workers grew to 23-24 million people.

At the beginning of the winter of 1941, gross industrial output dropped 2.1 times. Such sudden jump associated with the occupation of the USSR by German troops.

The third five-year plan was destined to be interrupted because of the war. Having considered the third five-year plan, I conclude that the government of the USSR, although it made plans for 5 years ahead, did not look into the future. In the third five-year plan, the same problem with the shortage of qualified personnel as in the first one arose. But it is also worth noting that the placement of new industrial plants as far as possible from the front line played an important role in the Second World War. Even after the war, these factories continued to function and develop. And it was on them that the production of new military equipment was mastered.

It's time to move on to the rest of the five-year plans. I will present the conclusion for each of them in conclusion.

Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946-1950)

By 1948 the level industrial production managed to approach the pre-war. More than 6,200 large industrial enterprises have been rebuilt and restored. 1946 On December 25, the first nuclear reactor in the USSR was built.

In 1948, the building of the first atomic industrial reactor "A" of plant No. 817 was built and on June 18 of the same year the reactor "A" was launched. The successful test of the first Soviet atomic bomb was carried out on August 29, 1949 at the constructed test site<#"center">Fifth Five-Year Plan (1951-1955)

The task is to restore the national economy. More than 3,000 large industrial enterprises have been built in the USSR. National income increased by 71%, output by 85%, agricultural output by 21%, capital investment by 1.9 times.

Increased growth in coal production. An oil refinery was built in Omsk. In 1952, the Volga-Don shipping canal was opened. The world's largest gas pipeline Stavropol - Moscow was built. About 13 million hectares of new land have been put into circulation.

Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1960)

The main task of the sixth five-year plan, like the fifth, was to raise the national economy. 2400 more large enterprises have earned. The growth of national income increased by 0.5 times, gross industrial output increased by 64%, gross agricultural output by 32%. The world's first artificial satellite was launched into space on October 4, 1957. Europe's largest plant in Ivanovo began its work. Gorky, Irkutsk, Volga, Kuibyshev hydroelectric power stations were built. Obtaining a nuclear missile shield.

Table No. 7, No. 8 (see application)

Seven-Year Plan (1959-1965), Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970), Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971-1975)

I combined one seven-year plan and two five-year plans, since the development of the national economy remained a priority. A comparison of the indicators of the three plans is shown in Table No. 9.

Table No. 9 Comparison of the indicators of the development of the national economy in the 9th Five-Year Plan (1971-1975) with the indicators of the 7th and 8th Five-Year Plans

National income used for consumption and accumulationTotal volume for the 9th five-year plan, billion rubles. Total volume for the 9th Five-Year Plan to the total volume, % of the 7th Five-Year Plan (1959-1965) of the 8th Five-Year Plan (1966-1970) Nat. income used for consumption and accumulation1563186134Products of industry2308218145Products of agriculture455137113Volume of investments502203142Commissioning of fixed assets469202144Retail turnover933206140Payments and benefits received by the population from companies. consumption funds (in actual prices) 393225143Money income of the population (in actual prices) 1178213142

Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-1980)

National income grew by 24%, gross industrial output by 43%, gross agricultural output by 10%. In another source, these figures are understated - the national income increased by 21%, the volume of gross industrial output by 24%, the volume of gross agricultural output by 9%. Such dispersion in the data is due to the fact that after the failure to fulfill the plan of the first five-year plans, data on them were not published.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1976-1980)

National income grew by 16.5%, gross industrial output by 20%, gross agricultural output by 11%. Almost 50 million people have been provided with housing.

Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986-1990)

Although at the beginning of the five-year plan more than 400 large enterprises had been built and the construction of 36,000 new ones had begun, a decline in construction production in the country is nevertheless outlined. Decreased volume housing construction, unit costs grew, efficiency decreased, the industry plunged into a systemic crisis.


Having considered the tasks in the main part, I will go straight to the purpose of my essay - to identify the positive as well as the negative aspects of this process. I consider the positive side of the five-year plans to be the huge leap in the economy that has been accomplished in a relatively short period of time. It is hard for me to imagine what would have happened if the USSR had not deployed a policy on nuclear weapons on time. Thanks to the industrial and technical rise, the launch of the world's first satellite became possible. Another plus is the growth of knowledge from 92.1 million people (total 151.6 million in 1928) to 287.4 million people. (total 288.0 million in 1990). The negative side is the Stalinist repressions. Despite the fact that this political sphere rather than economic, but in the Stalinist five-year plans this factor had a huge impact. In my opinion, it was these repressions that prevented the USSR from developing further. How many valuable personnel were lost because of them, and these are not only skilled workers, but also professors, doctors of science, etc. If the attitude towards people in a non-party was the same as for those who are in it, I think it would be possible to avoid so many deportations and emigration of the "bourgeois" educated population, so important for the development of the country. From the history of five-year plans, I learned for myself that I need to look a few moves ahead. The recommendation will be the conclusion that for the same problem, you need to immediately look for several alternative solutions, since in the future it may repeat itself and half measures will not help to cope with it.

In conclusion of my work, I would like to note that the period of the USSR five-year plans is one of the most interesting periods in the history of Russia, not only from an economic, but also a social point of view.


1.Kuzakova O.A., Bobko E.I. History of the world economy: Proc. Benefit. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIEU, 2011.

2.Simchera V.M. Development of the Russian economy over 100 years: 1900-2000. Historical series, secular trends, periodic cycles. - M.: Economics, 2007.

.Nicolas Werth, History of the Soviet State, 1900-1991


Table #3

Production of certain types of machinery and equipment

Equipment 1932 1937 1937, % to 1932 Machine tools, thousand units 19.748.5246.2 Forging and pressing machines, pcs. 11253125277.8 Metallurgical equipment, thousand tons 6.918.4266.7 Coal cutters, pcs. 298572191.9Oil equipment, thousand tons1.95.3278.9Steam and gas turbines, thousand kW239.01068.0226.9Hydraulic turbines, thousand kW59.588.3148.4Steam boilers, thousand m ² 163.3268.2164.2 Diesel engines, thousand liters With. 95.8259.7271.1 Electric motors over 100 kW, thousand kW300.0612.0204.0 Electric motors up to 100 kW, thousand kW1358.01221.089.9 units 8281528191.1 Cars, thousand units 23.9199.9836.4 Tractors in terms of 15-horsepower, thousand units 50.866,% 130.9 Grain combines, thousand units 10,043,9439.0 Excavators, pcs. 85522614.1Food engineering, million rubles 26.685.0319.5

Table number 7

The volume of capital investments in the national economy of the USSR in 1946-1958

Total Including in million rubles mln. residential buildings and apartments. 163,399 74,311 65,234 5,775 15,553 18,479 49,281 17,188 15,389 100 45.5 39.9 3.5 9.5 11.3 30.2 34,096 15,707 13,651 1,108 2495 4,976 9,810 3,150 3,915 65,731 31,394 28,098 2,260 6,359 7,050 18,668 6,727 5,251 63,572 27,210 23,485 2,407 6,699 6,453 20 803 7 311 6 223

Table No. 8

Commissioning of fixed assets of the national economy in the USSR, production capacities and facilities in 1946-1958.

Unit of measurement Total for the period 1946-1958 Including 1 including Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946-1950) Fifth Five-Year Plan (1951-1955) Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1958) Large industrial enterprises. Fixed assets of state and cooperative enterprises and organizations Production capacity: cast iron steel coal power plants New railways Electrified railways Residential buildings: state and cooperative ... built by the population at their own expense and with the help of a state loan Schools and boarding schools Kindergartens and nurseries Hospitals and clinics Sanatoriums and rest homes Number of enterprises billion rubles. mln. t/year mln. kW thousand km mln. total area the same thous. places thousand places thousand beds "12,090 146.2 27.9 23.5 311.4 42.4 7 7.3 300.1 118.7 4545 966.7 226.9 211.16200 29.7 8.9 8.9 107.3 8.4 2.3 1 72.4 30.4 1181 101.8 63.5 142.23200 57.7 10.3 8.9 116.1 17.6 3.1 2.2 113 38.8 1912 416.5 77.3 48.62690 58.8 8.7 5.7 88 16.4 1.6 4.1 114.7 49.5 1452 448.4 86.1 20.3

Table number 10

This is how the USSR developed

Years 1940194519671990Population (million people) 191170236290Electricity (billion kWh) 48n/a5891. 728Coal (million tons) 16649495703Oil (million tons) 3119288570Iron (million tons) 15958110Steel (million tons) 1812102154Gas (billion cubic meters) -159815Automobiles (thousand) 145 1027292. 120 Tractors (thousand) 12915405494 Combine harvesters of all types (thousand) 4010101121 Cement (million tons) 5.73.885137 Fabrics of all types (million sq. m) 3. 3002. 1006.20012. 700Leather shoes (million pairs) 21163522820Total sown area (million ha) n/d/a188208Cereals (million tons) 9647136218Cattle head (million heads) and goats9670 138140Meat (million tons) 531220Milk (million tons) 332680109Park (thousand): tractors6843973. 4852. 609 grain harvesters 182148553655 trucks 228621. 0541. 443Doctors (thousand) 1551865981. 305Hospital beds (thousand) 791n/d2. 3983. 896Club institutions (thousand) 118n/a129136Theatres908892518713Museums518n/a1. 0122. 311 Public libraries73. 63454. 329123. 382133. 700Scientific institutions1. 821n/d4. 7248.172


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The Civil War, imposed on the people by the bourgeoisie after the Great October Socialist Revolution, with the active support of the interventionists of England, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, the USA, Turkey, Finland, and Japan, brought the country to complete economic ruin. But already in 1926, with the complete economic blockade of the West, industrial production reached the level of 1913 - the period of the "highest development" of tsarist Russia. At the same time, electricity production exceeded that level by 80%, engineering products - by 33%, ferrous metallurgy products - by 13%. After the monetary reform of 1922-1924. the ruble became high and stable. The XV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in December 1927 approved the Directives for the preparation of the First Five-Year Plan. From a speech by I.V. Stalin in November 1928: “It is necessary to catch up and overtake the developed capitalist countries. Either we achieve this, or we will be overwhelmed.”

FIRST FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1929-1932). The volume of gross industrial output for 4 years has grown DOUBLE. Including: electricity, sulfuric acid - 2.7 times, coal and oil - 1.8 times, steel - 1.4 times, cement - 2 times, machine tools - 10 times, tractors, cars - 30 times. From the speech of I.V. Stalin: “... we have done more than we ourselves expected ... the tractor, automobile, aviation industries, machine tool building, agricultural engineering have been re-created, a new coal and metallurgical base in the East has been re-created ...” , in Kharkov and Stalingrad - tractor factories, Uralmash ... Trains went along Turksib to Central Asia. By the end of 1930, there was no unemployment in the country. With the beginning of collectivization, machinery came to the village. There are practically no illiterates left in the country. From the speech of I.V. Stalin on February 4, 1931: “We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We have to run this distance in 10 years. Either we do it or we will be crushed.”

SECOND FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1933-1937). During the five years, the national income increased 2.1 times, industrial output 2.1 times, and agriculture 1.3 times. Uralo-Kuzbass was built - the second coal and metallurgical base in the country. In 1935, metro lines were put into operation in Moscow. The Stakhanovist movement "For Impact Labor" was widely developed in the country. In 1937, he gave the first current to the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station, the construction of the Moscow-Volga navigable canal was completed, the Papanin expedition landed at the North Pole and deployed the first polar station SP-1, the crew of the ANT-25 aircraft V. Chkalov, G. Baidukov, A. Belyakov made a non-stop flight from the USSR to the USA through the North Pole. By the end of the five-year plan, 97 out of every hundred peasant households were in collective farms. On December 12, 1937, for the first time, direct and secret elections were held in the country to the Union Parliament - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

THIRD FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1938-1941). During the first three years of the Third Five-Year Plan, industrial production grew by 45 percent, and machine building by 70 percent. In the face of the aggressive policy of fascist Germany, special attention was paid to strengthening the country's defense capability, developing and mass production new types of military equipment and weapons. By 1939, the USSR had more universities and students than all the countries of Europe combined. The five-year plan was interrupted by the perfidious Nazi attack on June 22, 1941. At the beginning of the war, 1,310 large industrial enterprises, one and a half million wagons of cargo, and 10 million people were evacuated to the east. During the war, the Nazis: burned and destroyed 1,710 cities and towns, 70 thousand villages and villages, over 6 million residential buildings, depriving 25 million people of shelter, 31,850 industrial enterprises, 65 thousand km of railways and 4,100 stations, 40 thousand hospitals and other medical institutions, 84 thousand schools, colleges, technical schools and universities, 43 thousand libraries, 36 thousand post offices and telephone exchanges; destroyed or removed 239,000 electric motors and 175,000 metal-cutting machines; ruined, plundered 98 thousand collective farms, 1,876 state farms, 2,890 machine and tractor stations; 71 million heads of cattle, pigs, sheep and goats, horses, 110 million heads of poultry were stolen to Germany. In the shortest possible time in the east of the country was deployed military industry, which gave the front 138.5 thousand aircraft (of which 115.6 thousand were combat), 110.2 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 526.2 thousand guns and mortars, 19.8 million small arms. The industrial base created during the war in the east was further developed in the postwar period.

FOURTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1946-1950). Already in 1948 it was basically achieved pre-war level industrial production, and by 1950 the fixed production assets increased to the level of 1940: in industry - by 41, in construction - by 141, in transport and communications - by 20 percent. The pre-war level was surpassed by 73 percent in terms of gross output: industry. Agriculture in most indicators also reached the pre-war level. By the end of the five-year plan, not only the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant, but also all the power plants of the Dnieper, Donbass, Chernozem region, and the North Caucasus were put into operation again. The giants of metallurgy and mechanical engineering of the South have started working again. From 1947 until 1953, there were major cuts in retail prices for food and consumer goods in the spring. In 1950, the USSR stripped the United States of its monopoly on atomic weapons.

FIFTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1951-1955). During the five-year plan, the national income grew by 71 percent, the volume of industrial output - by 85 percent, agricultural output - by 21 percent, the volume of capital investments (investments) in domestic economy- almost doubled. In 1952, the Volga-Don shipping canal was put into operation. In Ivanovo, the first stages of factories for truck cranes, boring machines, and precision instruments were put into operation.

SIXTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1956-1960). During the five years, the national income increased by more than 1.5 times, the gross industrial output by 64 percent, that of agriculture by 32 percent, and capital investment more than doubled. Gorkovskaya, Irkutskaya, Kuibyshevskaya, Volgogradskaya hydroelectric power stations, Europe's largest worsted plant in Ivanovo were put into operation. The development of virgin and fallow lands of Kazakhstan, the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia has begun. On October 4, the USSR launched the world's first artificial Earth satellite. The country received a reliable nuclear missile shield.

SEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1961-1965). The five-year plan began with the April flight of Yuri Gagarin into space and was crowned with an increase in national income by 60%, fixed production assets - by 90%, gross industrial output - by 84%, and agriculture - by 15%.

EIGHTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1966-1970). During the five years, the national income increased by 42%, the volume of gross industrial output by 51%, and that of agriculture by 21%. The Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, Saratov hydroelectric power stations, the Volga Automobile Plant were put into operation ...

NINTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1971-1975). During the five years, the national income grew by 28 percent, the gross industrial output by 43 percent, and that of agriculture by 13 percent. With the development of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia, petrochemical and oil refining enterprises were intensively built, 22.6 thousand kilometers of main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, 33.7 thousand km of main gas pipelines and branches from them were laid.

TENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1976-1980). During the five years the national income grew by 24 percent, the volume of gross industrial output by 23 percent, and that of agriculture by 10 percent. The Ust-Ilimsk Hydroelectric Power Station and the Kama Automobile Plant were put into operation. Correspondingly, the length of main oil and gas pipelines increased by another 15,000 and 30,000 km. In August 1977, the Soviet nuclear-powered icebreaker Arktika reached the North Pole for the first time in the history of navigation.

ELEVENTH FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1981-1985) The XXVII Congress of the CPSU defined the most important general party, nationwide task for the 11th five-year plan to give the country's development even greater dynamism due to even more effective use production assets, their further development and renewal, the introduction of advanced technologies and the achievements of scientific and technological progress, especially in heavy industry. In the light and food industry, along with the creation of new capacities, the expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises was actively carried out. The total length of the main oil and gas pipelines and branches from them reached 54,000 and 112,000 km, respectively. On the whole, during the five-year period the national income and the gross social product increased by another 19 per cent. Real incomes per capita, payments and benefits to the population from public consumption funds increased by 11 and 25 percent, respectively.

TWELVE FIVE-YEAR PLAN(1986-1990). Determining the main directions of the economic and social development of the USSR for the 12th five-year plan and for the period up to 2000, the 28th CPSU Congress set the task of doubling the national income used for consumption and accumulation, payments and benefits to the population from public consumption funds, industrial output, and increasing real per capita income by 1.6-1.8 times. And at the start of the five-year plan, the planned pace of transformations was maintained. The pace of housing construction was especially growing, which made the task set by the Party to increase the country's housing stock by one and a half times by the year 2000 and provide each family with a separate apartment quite realistic. This continued until Gorbachev, who was plagued by the “reformist” itch, actively pushed from the outside and the internal “fifth” column, started an active “perestroika” under the banner of “more glasnost, more socialism”, which turned into a “catastrophe”.


1913 1920 1940 1945 1967 1990
Population (million people) 174 n/a 191 170 236 290
Electricity (billion kWh) 2 1 48 n/a 589 1.728
Coal (million tons) 29 8 166 49 495 703
Oil (million tons) 10 4 31 19 288 570
Pig iron (million tons) 4 0,1 15 9 58 110
Steel (million tons) 4 0,2 18 12 102 154
Gas (billion cubic meters) - - - 159 815
Cars (thousand) - - 145 102 729 2.120
Tractors (thousand) - - 129 15 405 494
Combines of all types (thousand) - - 40 10 101 121
Cement (million tons) 2 0,03 5,7 3,8 85 137
Fabrics of all kinds (million square meters) 3.100 100 3.300 2.100 6.200 12.700
Leather shoes (million pairs) 68 2,6 211 63 522 820
Total sown area (million ha) 105 85 n/a n/a 188 208
Cereals (million tons) 51 21 96 47 136 218
Livestock (million heads)
cattle 61 46 55 47 97 116
pigs 21 12 28 11 51 76
sheep and goats 121 91 96 70 138 140
Meat (million tons) n/a n/a 5 3 12 20
Milk (million tons) n/a n/a 33 26 80 109
Fleet (thousand): tractors - - 684 397 3.485 2.609
combine harvesters - - 182 148 553 655
trucks - - 228 62 1.054 1.443
Doctors (thousand) 19,8 n/a 155 186 598 1.305
Hospital beds (thousand) n/a n/a 791 n/a 2.398 3.896
Club institutions (thousand) 0,2 n/a 118 n/a 129 136
Theaters 177 n/a 908 892 518 713
Museums 213 n/a 518 n/a 1.012 2.311
Mass Libraries n/a n/a 73.634 54.329 123.382 133.700
Scientific institutions 289 n/a 1.821 n/a 4.724

The exploits of five-year plans
Now let's go back 70 years to the Soviet Union of 1928-1941. During those incomplete 13 years of the pre-war five-year plans, industrialization unprecedented in its scale was carried out in the country, as a result of which about 9,000 new plants, factories, mines, power plants, and oil fields were put into operation; hundreds of new cities were built, and as early as 1930 unemployment was completely eliminated. The country overcame technical and economic backwardness, and in terms of the structure of industrial production, the USSR reached the level of the most developed countries peace. The increase in production, for example, only for ahead of schedule (4 years and 3 months). The second five-year plan was 73%, and the average annual increase was 17.2%! (Is it conceivable, has this been seen today?) In terms of industrial output, we have taken second place in the world, second only to the United States, and in terms of industrial growth rates we have surpassed their figures. Labor productivity, for example, in large-scale industry increased by 82% over the five-year period. And most importantly, the country has become economically completely independent. We learned to be able to do everything and began to do everything ourselves! Specific gravity imported products by 1937 did not exceed 0.7%.

This is how the words of I. Stalin, spoken on February 4, 1931, were put into practice: “We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we will be crushed.” And after 10 years there was a war. Great and Patriotic. But thanks to the mass labor heroism of the Soviet people in the pre-war and war years, they "ran the distance", did not allow themselves to be "crushed" and won this war.

Well, after the war, during the years of the Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946–1950), the pre-war level of industrial production was already reached by 1948, and by 1950 the volume of engineering output exceeded the level of 1940 by 2.3 times. The pre-war level of gross industrial output was also surpassed by 73%. In agriculture, most of the indicators also reached the pre-war level, and since 1947, every spring, large reductions in retail prices took place. New power plants were built, a new building of Moscow State University, and most importantly, in 1949 the Soviet atomic bomb was created and all the necessary conditions were laid for an early Soviet spacewalk.

Today, everything that the Soviet people were able to do then is perceived as a fairy tale. Just as it is simply impossible, unthinkable to imagine what we would do if that terrible war were to happen now. And where, and with what would have ended up after it. But then, thanks to the feat of the people and the planned management of the five-year plan, everyone survived, endured everything and left the second superpower of the world to the descendants.

We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it or we will be crushed. This is what our obligations to the workers and peasants of the USSR dictate to us


The first five-year plan in the USSR lasted from 1928 to 1932 as the first stage of the country's industrialization. The main task at this stage was to catch up and overtake the Western countries. The slogan " overtake and overtake” was official and used everywhere. Therefore, it must be understood that the main task of the 1st Five-Year Plan was to create a base for heavy industry, on the basis of which it would be possible to improve quality in the future. In fact, the first five-year plan was the pursuit of quantity, and the second five-year period following it was the pursuit of quality.

Today we will talk about what the five-year plan for the development of the USSR from 1928 to 1932 was, what was achieved, and what results were achieved. There will be a lot of numbers, but I recommend that everyone read them. This will be useful to those people who today say that 5 years is not enough time to evaluate the activities of the leaders of the party. Officially, the first five-year development plan was completed in 4 years and 3 months. That is, everything we will talk about below was achieved in just over 4 years. It was the time of the final victory of Stalin over Trotsky, so the country moved away from the development of an exclusively military complex to the development of industry and civil engineering.

What was built

The first Five-Year Plan (1928-1932), which was completed in 4 years and 3 months (4.25 years), made it possible to build a serious industrial base of the USSR. In total, approximately 1,500 enterprises were built throughout the country, and the largest construction projects of this period are as follows:

Table: The largest construction projects of the first five-year plan
Industry facility Commissioning Peculiarities What is happening with the company at the moment
DneproGES The first units were introduced in 1932 For the construction, equipment from Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA was used. Later, on the basis of this plant, a mechanical repair plant, a coke-benzene plant, dneprostal, a chemical plant, a dneprosplav and other plants were built. Works
Chelyabinsk Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works Construction started in 1929. In 1932, the enterprise began to function Works
Stalingrad Tractor Plant The laying of the plant began in 1926, in 1930 the first STZ-1 tractor was produced. The design capacity of the plant was mastered in 1932, that is, following the results of a five-year development plan. Bankrupt in 2007
Kharkov Tractor Plant October 1, 1931 Initially, the plant specialized in the production of wheeled tractor SHTZ-15/30 Works
Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant The official opening of the plant took place on June 1, 1933, but on May 15, 1933, the first tractor was produced. The plant specialized in caterpillar tractors Works
Gorky Automobile Plant (Nizhny Novgorod Automobile Plant named after Molotov) January 1, 1932 The plant was founded by VSNKh and Ford. He specialized in the construction of GAZ vehicles. Works
Rostselmash The first workshops at the plant started operating on July 21, 1929 In 1930, the first Russian collective farm combine was produced. Today, the Company is one of the five largest global manufacturers of agricultural machinery. Works
Kerch (Crimean) metallurgical plant The company started operations in 1900. It suffered during the Civil War and by 1925 the plant was almost completely destroyed. The first five-year plan made its reconstruction and in 1930 the Kerch Metallurgical Plant began to function. The plant specializes in casting steel and iron Works
Novokuznetsk Iron and Steel Works (KMK) April 1, 1932 One of the largest iron smelters in Europe. More than 46,000 people worked at the construction site, equipment came from abroad. Works
Moscow Ball Bearing Plant 1932 One of the largest factories in its niche Eliminated during perestroika
Uralmashzavod - Ural plant of heavy engineering 1933 Initially, the plant specialized in the manufacture of excavators, blast furnace and steelmaking equipment, hydraulic presses, crushers, rolling machines and the like. One of largest enterprises Russia
Zaporizhstal November 16, 1933 A city-forming enterprise specializing in rolling, iron and steel smelting. Works

According to the results of the first five-year plan, the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Turkestan-Siberian Railway (Turksib) were put into operation. And all these are only large construction projects, which were actually completed in 4 years and 3 months.

The first five-year plan actually created anew entire segments of industry: automobile, aviation, machine-tool building, tractor, metallurgy, agricultural engineering, and the chemical industry. As a result, the Soviet Union laid the foundation on which the further development of the country took place.

Krizhanovsky's report

When we talk about the first five-year plan for the industrialization of the USSR, for most people this breakthrough is associated exclusively with the strength of the Soviet people and the genius of Comrade Stalin. This is partly true, but there were people who directly promoted this plan and were its ideological inspirers. One of these people was Krizhanovsky Gleb Maksimovich, who since 1925 served as Chairman of the State Planning Commission under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. At the 15th Congress of the Plenum of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which was held on October 23, 1927, Krizhanovsky and Rykov made a report on the preparation of the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR. It was from this time that the first five-year plan began its existence. The report noted that the USSR was under pressure from external factors ( the threat of war and the possibility of crop failure), which force the country to industrialize at an accelerated pace. For this, the goals of the 1st Five-Year Plan were outlined: to expand production and consumption, to ensure industrial growth rates faster than in Western countries, and to actively attract foreign specialists.

Priorities Krizhanovsky outlined the following:

  • Industry. Reducing the cost, introducing new technology, reducing the length of the working day due to quality.
  • Finance. The growth of deposits from the population, as a means of obtaining additional funds for industrialization.
  • Agriculture. Export of goods from the countryside to the city in a volume that meets the needs of industrialization.
  • Social sphere. Construction of residential buildings, schools, technical schools, systems Catering, clubs, nurseries.
  • Education. Increasing the education of workers.
  • Transport. Development of transport lines in areas of intensive development of the commodity and national economy.
  • Trade. Reduce costs, increase turnover, simplify sales.

These were the main directions of development of the 5-year plan. In the future, the plan was repeatedly adjusted, but the essence did not change.

Legislative part of the five-year plans

The development of any important direction occurs with support along the legislative line: laws, decrees, instructions, and so on are adopted. It was the same with the first five-year development plan. Its main papers are as follows:

  • Resolution on drawing up a five-year plan for the development of the national economy - December 19, 1927.
  • Resolution of the economic choice of the organization of work - January 7, 1928.
  • Resolution of the 3rd All-Union Congress of Planned Workers - March 14, 1928.
  • Order of the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR on the timing and procedure for the implementation of the first five-year plan - April 27, 1928.
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of National Economy - May 19, 1928
  • Circular of the Supreme Council of National Economy to all economic bodies - June 26, 1928
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Economic Council on the target figures for the first five-year plan for the development of industry - August 13, 1928
  • Order of the Supreme Economic Council on the active use of the working masses and organizations - January 3, 1929.
  • Report of the State Planning Committee on the main problems of the five-year plan of the USSR for 1928/29 - 1932/33 - March 7, 1929.
  • Resolution of the 16th Conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy - April 29, 1929.
  • Decree of the 5th Congress of Soviets of the USSR - May 28, 1929.

This is the main course of events. Actually, these documents formed the basis of this material. Often, after reading these paragraphs, the question arises - why is the year 1928 considered the start of the five-year plan, if the actual approval of the plan took place in May 1929? The point is that the Fifth Congress of Soviets should approve the final plan with all the changes and additions. The actual implementation and development of the original plan began as early as 1928 according to the initial draft.

Five-Year Plan

The first five-year plan for the development of industry in the USSR provided, first of all, for an increase in capital investments in the branches of the national economy. These investments were measured in the amount of 64.6 billion rubles. For comparison, over the previous 5 years, this amount was 26.5 billion rubles. These investments were supposed to ensure an increase in the country's fixed assets to 128 billion rubles compared to 70 billion rubles in 1927. That is, the investment of money was supposed to ensure an increase in fixed assets by 82%. At the same time, fixed assets by sectors increased: industry by 2.5 times, electrification by 5 times, railway transport by 70%, agriculture by 35%. It was assumed that the country should double the volume of output in all industries. Once again I emphasize this trend, goals and tasks for the five-year plan that were set before the USSR - to build up industrial potential. Quality didn't matter at this point.

Table: Construction plans for the first five years
Industry facility Construction plans Planned tasks
Electrical construction Build 42 power plants (DneproGES, Sivirskaya, in Bobriky, in the Donbass, and others). Increase the amount of energy received from 5 billion kW/h to 22 billion kW/h.
Ferrous metallurgy Magnitogorsk, Telbes, Dnepropetrovsk, Krivoy Rog and other plants To increase pig iron smelting from 370,000 tons to 10 million tons.
Coal Factories in the Donbass, in the Urals, Kuzbass and in the Moscow region. Increase coal production from 35 million tons to 75 million tons.
mechanical engineering Automobile factories, tractor factories in Stalingrad and the Urals, Rostselmash, the Sverdlovsk heavy engineering plant, tool factories. The increase in the gross output of mechanical engineering by 3 times, and the output of agricultural engineering by 4 times.
Chemical industry Construction of plants in the Donbass, on the Moscow Egorievsk phosphorites, and the Berezniki plant. increase in the production of chemical fertilizers from 175 thousand tons to 8 million tons

Separately, the plan stipulated the construction of railways. For 5 years, the country had to increase the length of railway lines from 76 thousand kilometers to 92 thousand kilometers. At the same time, a program was being developed to improve sea and river routes.

General results

The results of the first five-year plan can be summarized briefly by the fact that this plan was completed in 4 years and 3 months. This was the official position of the Soviet authorities, which stated that the plan was fully implemented. It is difficult to assess it realistically, since in the Soviet period all statistical indicators were greatly inflated. Nevertheless, the main characteristics are that the plan was executed ahead of schedule, and in numbers it was expressed as follows.

Table: Results of the first five-year plan
Index At the start of the five years Plan for the end of the five-year period Actual indicator at the end of the period
Industry indicators
Growth in industrial output in percent by the beginning of the five-year plan - 230 224
Share of heavy industry 44,4% 47,5% 54,1%
Share of the socialist sector:
in industry 79,5% 92,4% 99,5%
in agriculture 1,8% 14,7% 76,1%
in retail 75% 91% 100%
in national income 44% 66,3% 93%
In agriculture
Percentage of peasant farms that have passed collectivization 1,7% 20% 61,5%
Share of grain production by state and collective farms 7,5% 42,6% 84%
Share of domestic products
in the supply of equipment 67,5 % - 92%
in the supply of machine tools 33% - 46%
Number of unemployed in cities, thousand people 1133 511 0
Agrarian overpopulation in million people 8,5 2,6 0

*- data are presented according to the materials of the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

The pace of industrialization in the USSR was gigantic. To demonstrate, just look at the data on iron smelting. From 1929 to 1935 the USSR tripled the volume of iron smelting. For comparison, the United States took 18 years (1881-1899) to achieve the same indicator, and Germany 19 (1882-1907). This does not mean that the Soviet people worked much better or were smarter than everyone else. It should be taken into account here that the Soviet Union carried out industrialization when other countries had already passed it long ago and we could use the experience accumulated by others. For example, we take the same data on iron smelting starting from 1929. The starting segment in the USA and Germany was 1881-1882. That is, we lagged behind Western countries by about 47-50 years. As a result, the main task of the five-year plan was reduced to this - to “catch up and overtake” in a short time, using the existing world experience. Actually, Western experts were invited for this. And the first five-year plan of the Soviet government laid the foundation for this.

Sources of financing

Considering the plans for the first five years, we have already said that the state planned to invest 64.6 billion rubles in the development of industry. Taking into account the exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar, this amounted to about 33.3 billion dollars. The amount was gigantic in those days. For understanding... Only on inflation from 1928 to the present day the dollar has lost about 85%. Therefore, only taking into account inflation, the first five-year plan cost 61.6 billion modern dollars. To this we must add a general increase in the cost of energy (for example, in 1930, 4 liters of gasoline in the United States cost 10 cents - today 1 liter costs 83 cents) and life (the average cost of housing in the United States was 7.1 thousand - today 1 square meter costs 1.9 thousand). In general, economists recommend increasing the prices of 1928-1929 to modern prices by an average of 120 times. That is, just for the development of industry for the implementation of the plan for the re-equipment of industry for the first five-year plan in the USSR, almost 4 trillion dollars were allocated in modern money!!! To understand how much it is - 4 trillion dollars is the modern US budget.

What were the sources of financing for the first five-year plans? Basically, these were internal reserves, which were very expensive for the country, but without which it was impossible to make a qualitative breakthrough. The main sources of funds for industrialization and the first five-year plan:

  • Redistribution. This was the easiest option. Savings on everything, due to which most of the money could be thrown at the industry.
  • Obtaining cheap agricultural products. The state took away agricultural products for nothing, directing them to the needs of industrialization.
  • Increasing taxes.
  • government loan program. The state offered favorable interest to the population for opening deposits.
  • Rising inflation. This is what the USSR later coped with, but during the first five-year plan, 4 billion unsecured rubles were issued.
  • Use of free and cheap labor. The labor force itself in the USSR was cheap, along with it the free labor of prisoners was used. Here you can add a high moral preparation of the population. Citizens of the USSR were ready to work literally for food in order to overtake the West.
  • Increasing the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. This was hushed up, but for example, in 1927, 500 million rubles were earned from alcohol, in 1930, 2.6 billion rubles, and in 1934, 6.8 billion rubles. The population was soldered ....
  • Sale of resources. Oil, timber, furs, grain and so on. Everything was sent to the West. We remind you that the famine, which is so fond of remembering in Ukraine, forgetting that it was on the entire territory of the USSR, happened due to the fact that Western countries agreed to take into account only grain from the USSR for the supply of equipment.

Considering financial side five years, it should be noted that this was the time when the Great Depression began in the United States. Because of this, many prominent specialists found themselves without work and came to the USSR with pleasure. Almost all Soviet factories that were built during this period were built by foreigners and on foreign equipment. We didn't have specialists back then. They appeared later. Suffice it to say that the Stalingrad Tractor Plant was completely built in the USA, then it was dismantled there and delivered in parts to the USSR. The Ford plant took an active part in the development of the industry of the USSR, substituting its equipment, in particular, for the Gorky Automobile Plant.

Americans carried out our industrialization?

More and more often in modern society one hears the idea that if foreign companies participated in the construction of Soviet enterprises and were engaged in the supply of equipment to the USSR, then all Soviet five-year plans were carried out by the West and at the expense of the West. In fact, there is not even a grain of truth in this. First, you need to understand the realities of those days. 1929 - Great Depression in the USA. The entire industry of the country stops because it has no market. The USSR seems to be such a sales market. Therefore, several factors converged here at once, but in the end, both the USSR and the USA were interested in each other. Therefore, when they say that industrialization and the Five-Year Plans in the USSR were held with American money and with their permission, this is not true. Of course, they could not sell equipment and machine tools to the Soviet country, but then the Depression would have lasted much longer. Then the entire industry of the West, which they like to boast so much, would have practically no sales markets. The West was ready to sell, the USSR was ready to buy. That's the whole truth.

The situation is similar with skilled workers who came from the West. The Soviet government understood that the young Socialist country did not have qualified labor reserves. Scientists and skilled workers who were in the Russian Empire during the years of the Revolutions and the Civil War either died or left. The proletariat was at the disposal of the USSR. These are excellent people to fight, to do small rough work, but they cannot build a science-intensive enterprise. This should have been done by foreigners. They did this. And they were paid very well for this (they paid so well that the specialists lived in the former noble estates and had servants). These workers went to the USSR not because of their love for the country of the Soviets, but because there was simply no work in the west. In the USSR, there was work and money was paid so much that they were enough to go here as if to earn money. For example, Albert Kahn, who actually designed the entire industrialization of the USSR, was known as a developer of Ford factories, but in 1929, after the start of the Great Depression, he was left without work.