Deposits are the most profitable for 31 days. Where to open a deposit for a month at a high interest

Short-term deposits are usually called deposits with a fixed contract duration from 1 month to 1 year. In the market of bank deposits, it is very rare, but still there are products, the terms of which provide for the accrual of income for periods of several days, less than one month. Such ultra-short deposits are usually used by very practical people for whom the saying “time is money” is not an empty phrase. The opportunity to additionally earn any profit in just 10-15 days is usually used in a situation where there is less than a month left until the day of payment for a major purchase.

Some people prefer to leave cash at home these days, others place it on a current account. We propose to consider a more profitable option for saving and increasing money on time deposits, where the ruble interest rate sometimes reaches 7-9 per annum even in an ultra-short period. The liquidity index of term deposits for banks turns out to be higher, therefore, the profitability of such deposits is higher than for money in a current account or on a demand deposit.

Our review also includes termless deposits with a higher rate. Practice shows that the main part of the funds "on demand" is not withdrawn by depositors for a very long time. But the majority of time deposits with an ultra-short period of 10, 15 or 20 days are still withdrawn by clients on time, because they are placed on such accounts quite consciously with an understanding of the exact time when the money is needed. However, some depositors still use the terms of the automatic prolongation of the contract for an additional extended period.

Please note that for such short periods, income is paid at the end of the fixed-term contract or at the end of the calendar month at "on demand". Many depositors will find it useful to have the “auto-renewal” option in the terms of the deposit or the ability to replenish the deposit via the Internet so as not to waste time visiting the bank during this short period. Therefore, the review includes, among other things, deposits that can be opened or replenished through Internet banking.

Avangard Bank: "Multicurrency - Internet (at the end of the term)", "Basic - Internet (at the end of the term)" deposits

For periods of less than a month, you can earn profit on two deposits of Avangard Bank. Both products are opened not in the office of the institution, but via the Internet. "Multicurrency - Internet" is concluded for at least 20 days. During this period, it shows a yield of 3.5% for rubles, 1% for any of the two major foreign currencies. On the first day of the contract, you need to invest an amount in any currency, which can then be converted an unlimited number of times: from 10,000 rubles. or 300 euros or 300 US dollars. Another deposit "Basic - Internet" has the same minimum entry threshold, but different rates and terms, while the account is opened only in rubles. The shortest periods for which you can make a deposit are 10 and 20 days. In the first case, the rate is 3.5% in rubles, in the second case 4% in rubles. Let's calculate the amount of profit per 1 million rubles of the "Basic - Internet" deposit: in one decade, 956 rubles will be added, in two decades - 2,188 rubles. Both deposits cannot be partially withdrawn, and additional contributions are also not provided.

2T Bank: deposit "tVklad"

There is a very interesting product in the deposit portfolio of the high-tech 2T Bank. “tDeposit” is essentially unlimited, i.e. you can withdraw money at any time, and the term is not fixed in the contract. Despite this, a good profit is accrued in the form of interest on the account balance. It is possible to manage the account, including opening it, via the Internet bank.

The annual yield is as follows: for ruble investments it is 10%, for savings in European currency 4.1%, for dollars a rate of 4.5% is provided. The profit from savings in the amount of 1 million rubles will be as follows: in 10 days, the depositor will receive an additional 2,777 rubles, a deposit for 15 days will bring 4,166 rubles, and for 20 days - 5,555 rubles.

The minimum amount to open a contract is 1 ruble, 1 dollar or 5 euros. Interest is paid once a month, on the first day. If all funds are withdrawn before this date, then at least 1 ruble / 1 dollar / 5 euro must be left in the account in order to keep the income for the expired period. At any time, the account can be replenished or spent without restrictions on terms, amounts and number of transactions.

For 23 years of work in the banking market, 2T Bank merged several times with other financial institutions, changed its founders and name. A few years ago, the head office even moved from the region to the capital. The modern bank ranks 334th among 940 of its Russian counterparts in terms of assets. The amount of net profit is 324 million rubles, which corresponds to the 155th place. Favorable short-term deposits distinguish this bank from many competitors.

Mast-Bank: "Fast Money" deposit

Mast-Bank's line of deposits consists of seven products. One of them "Fast Money" accepts investments for the shortest periods of 10, 31 and 61 days. In this review, we will talk about the conditions for saving money within one decade of the month. For 10 days of the contract, ruble savings will increase by 2% per annum, in dollars and in euros by 0.1%. The deposit is opened with a minimum deposit of 100,000 rubles. or 5,000 US dollars or 5,000 euros. If we talk about the amount of return, then it will be as follows: for investments in the amount of 1 million rubles. at the end of the term - 546 rubles, the foreign currency deposit in the amount of 33,330 US dollars or 25,000 euros will increase in 10 days by 1 payment unit. The deposit is not replenished and is not spent in parts in this short period. It cannot be opened online.

Mast-Bank received a banking license in 1995. Since then, the institution has acquired 6 branches in the regions and 10 branches in Moscow. The balanced policy of its managers allowed it to take a good position in the financial ratings among the country's depository institutions. The indicators for the beginning of 2014 are as follows: net assets 15 billion rubles. or 219th place among all banks in the Russian Federation, net profit of 22.2 million rubles. or 529th place.

Bank Oksky: "Settlement" deposit

There are 3 types of deposits in the bank. We are interested in the Settlement product, the terms of which provide for the accrual of profit, including for short periods of 1 to 30 days. Amounts from 100,000 rubles, 3,000 euros or dollars are accepted for deposit. Interest is paid at the end of any term. The following rates apply: 2.5% per annum in rubles and 0.1% in foreign currency for terms from 1 to 10 days, 3.5% in rubles and 0.2% in foreign currency for terms from 11 to 30 days. If we calculate the profitability for ruble savings in the amount of 1 million rubles, then it will be as follows: after 10 days - 683 rubles, after 15 days - 1,435 rubles, after 20 days - 1,915 rubles. Among other conditions, we note the impossibility of automatic prolongation and opening an account via the Internet. There are no incoming and outgoing transactions.

The regional institution has been successfully operating in the banking services market for 23 years. The headquarters is located in Alexandrov, Vladimir region. In Moscow, the bank is represented by 2 branches. Unfortunately, data on the financial activities of this bank is not publicly available.

IntechBank: deposit "Optimal +", "Demand deposit Pension"

For its clients, IntechBank offers a large number of deposits on different terms, for various categories of depositors. There are savings periods of less than a month in two products. The "Optimal +" agreement can be concluded for any number of calendar days within a two-year limit. The interest rate will depend on the amount and the exact term, and ranges from 0.05% to 1.4% for terms up to 30 days. So, the yield of 1,000,000 rubles after 10 days on the deposit will be 0.6% or 166 rubles, after 15 days - 1% or 416 rubles, after 22 days -1.2% or 733 rubles. The minimum contribution is 5,000 rubles. The account is opened only in rubles. Depositors, even in such a short period, can make additional contributions or spend the account in installments of at least 5,000 rubles. Automatic prolongation of the deposit agreement is provided, but there is no possibility to open a deposit remotely.

For pensioners, there is another opportunity to place funds at interest in a short period of time on a termless deposit “on demand pension”. Here, 5 annual interest is charged. The minimum deposit amount is 1 rub. You can withdraw money from the account at any time, income is paid on the first day of each month.

The headquarters of IntechBank is located in Tatarstan, but the Moscow branch operates in the capital. Among nine and a half hundred Russian banks as of January 1, 2014, this regional institution occupies a very good position, for example, 248th in terms of net profit (131 million rubles) and 175th in terms of net assets (21 billion . rub.).

Eurocity: "Short-term" deposit

The line of deposits is represented in Eurocity by seven products, each of which has its own duration of the contract. Deposit "Short-term" offers to make a profit on the shortest terms: 15, 32 or 64 days. The account works in rubles, US dollars and euros. Rates for ruble savings show values ​​from 4 to 5 per annum, for accounts in dollars and European currency from 0.05 to 0.2 percent. The minimum amount accepted for a deposit is 30,000 rubles or 1,000 in foreign currency. Capital income of 1,000,000 rubles will be 1,666 rubles in 15 days. The contract provides for automatic renewal. There is no possibility to replenish or spend the account ahead of schedule. You cannot open a deposit via the Internet.

Over the 21 years of its existence, the Stavropol bank has changed owners, name and even registration several times. Today there is 1 branch in Moscow. In terms of financial performance, the bank ranks 275th in terms of net assets (9.9 billion rubles) among 940 Russian banks, and 324th in terms of net profit (70 million rubles) in the country.

Baltika Bank: "Classic", "Social", "Monthly Income", "Wallet", "Multicurrency", "Venerable Age" deposits

The marketing policy of the bank is generally very loyal to any needs of customers. Here you can open a deposit, having very small savings of 1,500 rubles or 50 dollars / euros, in order to get additional profit. The minimum deposit term for 6 savings programs of this banking institution is 31 days. It is noteworthy that the client is allowed to independently choose and fix the exact number of days of his contract. Note that the maximum duration of deposits is 732 days.

The most profitable of the above deposits is the "Multicurrency" deposit, opened simultaneously in three currencies - rubles, dollars and euros. The minimum minimum balance in each currency when converting the deposit amount (or part of the amount) from one currency to another: 1 ruble / 1 US dollar / 1 euro.

The interest rate on savings in rubles is 9.4% per annum, with an investment amount of 3,000 rubles or more. In USD and EUR, the rate is 3.4% with a minimum deposit of USD/EUR 100. Therefore, by investing 1,000,000 rubles for 31 days, you can get approximately 7,800 rubles. The account can be replenished without restrictions, partial withdrawal of funds is not provided. Early termination occurs at the rate of "On Demand" accounts.

The head office of Baltika Bank is registered in St. Petersburg. There are 10 points of sale in Moscow. The institution ranks 148th in terms of net profit and 170th in terms of net assets among 940 Russian banks.

Bank deposits are still the most reliable way to invest your own savings and receive passive income from them. Today, each owner of equity capital has a unique opportunity to choose the most profitable offer in commercial banks, for the reason that the market for offers is quite large. The profitability of the deposit is determined by the interest rate on the deposit, but the highest rate is usually valid for long-term cooperation, although some potential clients need to invest money for a short period, namely for 30 days. Therefore, it is definitely worth reviewing current offers and determining where to open a deposit for a month at a high percentage.

Banking offers today

The peculiarity of bank deposits is that the bank does not limit the terms for placing funds on the account. But at the same time, the client must decide for what period he would like to conclude an agreement with the bank for one month or for 1 year, this is what determines the profitability of the deposit. Next, we will consider where the most profitable deposit for 1 month is, or rather, we will give an overview of current offers for today.

Moscow Industrial Bank

Here you can open a bank deposit for 1 month with an interest rate of 5.5% to 6% per year, depending on the amount of the deposit. The interest rate is determined as follows:

  • with an amount of 3,000 rubles or more - 5.5% per year;
  • from 100,000 rubles 5.75% per year;
  • from 1.5 million rubles 6% per year.

Among other conditions, there is no replenishment, early termination of the contract is not provided without loss of interest. For pensioners, an increase in the interest rate by 0.25 points is provided. Prolongation of the contract is carried out automatically, but not more than 24 times.

Please note that the bank indicates the annual interest rate, that is, to calculate your profit for 1 month, you need to calculate the interest using the following formula: the interest rate divided by 12. For example, if the annual interest rate is 5%, then for a month your profit will be 0.416% of the original deposit amounts.

Bank Avangard

If you are looking for a term deposit for 1 month, then the offer from Avangard Bank "Basic Internet" is ideal for you, according to the terms of which interest is paid at the end of the term without capitalization. By the way, under the terms of this offer, you can open a savings account for a period of 10, 20, 30, 90, 183, 365 days. If you make a deposit for 1 month, then an interest rate of 6.5% per year will apply, the minimum amount is from 10,000 rubles. But you can open a deposit and carry out various operations on the account only remotely, through Internet banking, respectively, the service is available only to existing customers of this financial institution.


The “Interest on Interest” program operates here, the minimum period for placing funds on the account is 31 days, while the interest rate is 6.9% per year, the minimum amount is 30,000 rubles. If you are already a client of the bank, you can open an account without leaving your home, through the Internet banking system, while your rate will be increased by 0.3%. The contract is extended for the next term automatically.


Here, among the numerous deposit offers, there is a “Profitable” deposit. According to its terms, a potential investor can place funds for a period of one month with an interest rate of 6.5% per year. The minimum amount is from 3000 rubles, interest is paid at the end of the term of the contract. Prolongation for the next term is carried out automatically.

Please note that when opening a deposit account via the Internet service, the rate increases by 0.2 points.

J&T Bank

Here, the bank offers its customers the Maysky deposit, according to its terms, the rate is 7.5% per year, the minimum validity period is 31 days. Amount from 500,000 rubles. By the way, there is no auto-prolongation of the contract for the next term, interest is paid at the end of the contract.

Bank "Revival

Here you can open a deposit for a period of 32 days. In this case, the conditions will be as follows:

  • amount - from 10,000 rubles, rate - 6.4%;
  • amount - from 500,000 rubles, rate - 6.6%;
  • the amount - from 1.5 million rubles, the rate - 6.7%.

According to the terms of the agreement, interest is paid at the end of the term. The extension of the contract is carried out automatically.

Marine bank

Here you can open a deposit for a month at an interest rate from 6.95% to 7.15% per month, depending on the amount. By the way, the minimum amount is from 3000 rubles per month, interest is paid monthly. The contract for the next term is extended automatically.

Denizbank Moscow

This is a commercial bank, the branch of which is only in the capital of our country. Here, a potential investor can open a term deposit for a period of 10 to 29 days in the amount of 600,000 rubles at an interest rate of 5.25% per year. Moreover, if you open an account for a period of 30 to 90 days, the interest rate will be increased to 8.25 percent per year.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, opening a deposit for a month at a high percentage is quite simple, because there are a lot of offers on the market. At the same time, short-term deposits have several advantages and disadvantages. Among the disadvantages is that the client cannot count on capitalization of interest insofar as most banks pay out profits at the end of one calendar month. If the client has not received the money at the end of the contract and, according to the terms of the bank, a prolongation is provided, then his profit will be added to the body of the deposit, respectively, in the next period, interest will be charged a large amount. In addition, short-term deposits cannot be replenished and partially withdrawn in cash, to be more precise, the money can be received at any time, but the bank will change the conditions and reduce the rate to the rate on the “Demand” account, which ranges from 0.01% to 0, 1%.

Advantages can also be found, for example, if you have free funds, then you can deposit them into the account for a short time and get a small benefit from them. In addition, if you do not dispose of your money in a timely manner at the end of the contract, the bank will automatically extend the term for you, only the nuance is that during the prolongation, the rates on the day of the prolongation are valid. That is, if the bank during this period, while the funds were placed on the account, reduced the interest rate, then for the next period your savings will be placed at a lower percentage.

Please note that all conditions in the bank are strictly individual and regulated by the deposit account maintenance agreement.

Thus, each potential depositor has the opportunity to place his funds in a bank account for any period. Opening a deposit for 30 days will be quite simple, for this you need to choose only one of the many offers of the bank and personally contact the branch or use the remote service.

For 1 month - this question interests many residents of the capital. The economy in the country, and throughout the world, is unstable, inflation devalues ​​the “lying cash”. In Moscow, deposits for 1 month are the most popular deposits in 2020. If you have an impressive amount of money on hand, you can make it make a profit in a short time. By placing a deposit at high interest, in a month you will receive additional profit, which you can dispose of at your discretion.

How interest is calculated on short-term deposits for a month in Moscow

If you have a large amount of money that will soon be used somewhere (business expansion, buying real estate, etc.), it is better not to waste time, but to make a deposit for 1 month in Moscow. What is the benefit:

  • considerable interest is expected, because interest will accrue and grow, taking into account the size of the amount;
  • insurance guarantee will allow you not to worry about the safety of funds;
  • short-term deposits are automatically rolled over, with the capitalization of the amount and the preservation of the interest rate.

On the day of the expiration of the term of the deposit (after 30 days) you are guaranteed to receive the amount invested by you and plus additional income - for a few percent.

The highest rates on deposits in Moscow banks from the top 10 are presented on this page. You can compare and choose a deposit at the maximum percentage for today, in 2020.

A bank deposit for individuals today is one of the most accessible tools for investing savings. By opening a deposit, you keep your money in a safe place, receive a small income from it, and also have quick access to it if necessary.

Most deposits that are issued at maximum interest have common features. They cannot be replenished, partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest is also prohibited. The only exception is short-term deposits for a period of 1-3 months. But they, in general, are not term deposits, but savings accounts with no time limit for investing savings.

When choosing a deposit, of course, first of all, everyone looks at the percentage offered by the bank. Below are the most profitable deposits for individuals today in Russian banks from the top 10, as well as their breakdown by terms:

  • 1 month;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months (six months);
  • 1 year (12 months).

Deposits with the highest interest rates today

Thinking about where to invest money in 2019 so that it works, many are wondering: which bank has the largest percentage of deposits today. But when opening a deposit account with a bank, one should pay attention not only to the percentage, but also to the conditions of this deposit, such as the minimum amount and term of the deposit.

Deposits at the maximum percentage in top 10 banks

"New Year's Dreams" - MKB

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

"Your success" - Gazprombank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % at the end of the term

"Fix your income" - Rosselkhozbank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

"Reliable Promo" - FC Otkritie


750 000

1 year

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

"150 Years of Reliability" - Rosbank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

"Even higher" - Alfa-Bank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Capitalization monthly
  • % monthly

"My income" - Promsvyazbank

  • Without replenishment
  • Without partial removal
  • Without capitalization
  • % at the end of the term

Deposits with maximum interest for 1 month

Deposits with maximum interest for 3 months

High interest deposits for 6 months

High interest deposits for 1 year

If you need to withdraw all the money from the deposit before the expiration date, you can do this at any time. However, interest will most likely not be charged!

Deposits with maximum interest for 3 years

What is the safest amount to open deposits?

According to Russian legislation, deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured if the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. In the event of revocation of a license from such a bank, the Deposit Insurance Agency, through agent banks, fulfills obligations to its depositors within the established limit. This is the meaning of the guarantee of the safety of savings entrusted to the bank.

In a word, if you invest less than 1,400,000 rubles, then you can choose the highest percentage of deposits in banks- if the license is revoked, of course, you will have to be nervous, but the money will still be returned.

Refunds in excess of the specified amount are not guaranteed, so if you keep more than 1,400,000 rubles in the bank, then you are taking on an increased risk.

Find out the exact conditions and interest on deposits in branches or on the official websites of banks. The data is presented for informational and educational purposes and is not a public offer.