Trends in the development of bakery production at the regional level. Bakery production: structure and dynamics of development Analysis of the baking industry

  • Podloboshnikova Alexandra Vladimirovna, bachelor, student
  • Sycheva Alexandra Vasilievna, Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Volzhsky Polytechnic Institute (branch) of Volgograd State Technical University

This article contains information about the general characteristics of bakery production, the structure and dynamics of the industry, as well as current trends in the development of the bakery industry.

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One of the strategic sectors of the economy is the food and processing industry. The baking industry affects all layers of life in our society, being one of the leading food industries, providing about 10% of the revenue of the entire food industry. Bread is traditionally included in the food basket of Russians.

Archaeologists believe that people made the first bread not from wheat, but from acorns. Wheat seeds were first used to make bread only in the 15th century BC.

Bread is an essential product, containing almost all the necessary microelements for human health and functioning. Bread is also a product suitable for enriching it with vitamins and other substances necessary for human health. In this regard, it is possible to expand the range, taking into account different needs and taste preferences. Providing all categories of citizens of our country with high-quality bread and bakery products is the main indicator of social stability.

The industry is represented by both small private mini-bakeries and large bakeries. Large bakeries producing basic types of bread provide this product to more people by lowering prices. However, the distribution of competition is uneven, so if in large cities there are a large number of grain production facilities, then in small villages residents experience a shortage of bread and bakery products. According to experts, the bakery segment has huge potential for growth.

The assortment of most bakeries is represented by both traditional types of bread and premium products.

The products of small bakeries are usually aimed at a narrow group of buyers who have high quality requirements. The difference between small bakeries and large bakeries lies in the wider use of technical progress and unique advanced technologies and recipes, which makes it possible to produce premium products. In this regard, private bakeries work more effectively with retail chains that offer fresh bread to their customers. The mini-bakery format continues to actively gain popularity.

Grain yields have a direct impact on the bakery market, since flour is the main raw material for production. According to data provided by Rosstat, in 2014 the grain harvest in the Volgograd region amounted to 20.4 centners per hectare of harvested area. However, in 2015, due to unfavorable conditions, the harvest fell by 15.2% compared to 2014. The yield in 2016 was 24.0 centners per hectare of harvested area, which exceeded the 2015 figures by 38.7% (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Agricultural yield (centners per hectare of harvested area)

However, since 2011, the production of bread and bakery products has shown negative dynamics. If in 2011 7.07 million tons of bread were produced, then already in 2014 the volume of production was reduced by 2.5 thousand tons, amounting to only 6.82 million tons. In 2016, production volume continues its downward trend and amounts to only 6.69 million tons, which is 3.8 thousand tons lower than in 2011 (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Production of bread and bakery products in 2011-2016, million tons

The Russian market for bread and bakery products can be divided into two main segments. The first segment of the market includes products with long-term storage - these are semi-finished products and products with low humidity. Classic varieties of bread, loaves, rolls are non-perishable products that belong to the second main segment of the bakery products market.

In 2017 in Russia, the share of sold products with a short shelf life accounts for 92% of the market in physical terms. At the same time, the market share of low-moisture bakery products is about 4% and is constantly growing .

Figure 3. Structure of the market for bread and bakery products in physical terms.

In all regions of Russia, there is a decline in production, this is primarily due to a decrease in the population and income of Russians. The exception is the North Caucasus District, where production is growing in small shares, this is due to the peculiarities of the national preferences of the residents of this region. The most developed production in monetary and physical terms is in the Central Federal District (including Moscow). The share of production in this region of the total volume is 29% in volume terms. The Volga Federal District ranks second, where the production of bakery products in 2016 amounted to 1,351 thousand tons. The lowest figures are in the Far Eastern Federal District, where the share of bread and bakery products production is 4% (Fig.3).

Figure 4 Structure of production of bread and bakery products by region in 2016

The demand for bakery products directly depends on the time of year. So, for example, in the autumn-winter months the demand for bakery products increases, and in the spring and summer months it decreases by half. This can be explained by the fact that during the warm months of the year there are fresh vegetables and fruits on the market, which reduce the need of Russians for bread.

There is also a low level of concentration of competition in the industry. Leading manufacturers occupy no more than 2% of the market in volume terms. At the moment, this market niche is increasingly beginning to be occupied by small industries: private bakeries, bakeries.

Larger representatives of this market are represented in the central part of Russia: OJSC Lipetskhlebmakaronprom, OJSC Karavay (St. Petersburg) and OJSC Fazer - the share of production in physical terms is respectively 10.6%, 4.5% and 3 %.

In the Volgograd region, the sales leaders are LLC “Russian Bread”, OJSC “Bread Factory No. 5”, LLC “Khleb Nash”, OJSC “Khlebokombinat-Volzhsky”.

Considering that most types of bread, due to their physical characteristics, has a short term implementation, the location of competitors depends on close cooperation between manufacturers and retailers, which allows for the delivery of goods to retail outlets in the shortest possible time.

However, recently market conditions have begun to change radically. Thus, according to official information, in the Volgograd region today there are 200-250 private bakeries and only a few can be classified as large productions. Small bakeries control about 30% of the total output of bakery products in our region.

Chains of small bakeries create worthy competition for large chain operators. The key advantages of this format are the optimal price-quality combination, accessibility for the mass consumer, and walking distance. The products of mini-bakeries of premium varieties of bread are more in demand and do not depend on seasonality or government policy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that, despite the fact that bread production in physical terms tends to decline, demand will continue to grow due to more expensive premium products.

According to experts, consumption of bread and bakery products will decline in the next 5 years. However, buyer interest in flour products will only grow. This is explained by the fact that recently Russians have preferred gluten-free, yeast-free baked goods, bread with the addition of fruits, nuts and unusual additives. Consumer preferences are also changing: the demand for “healthy” food has begun to grow, while a decline has been noticed in the fast food industry. Prices for traditional types of bread will decrease and remain at a minimum level, while products in the premium price segment will increase.

It is worth noting that recently there have been new development trends in the technology of this industry: freezing, the use of semi-finished products, the production of ready-made mixtures and improvers, fortifiers.

Despite its important social significance, the baking industry remains fragmented. Bakeries and bakeries work according to their own business plans; they do not have a goal to unite into large production chains to solve common problems for the development of production, which ultimately leads to increased costs and, accordingly, to an increase in selling prices, which ultimately adversely affects for all market participants.


  1. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators. 2017: P32 Stat. Sat. / Rosstat. M., 2017. 1402 p.
  2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2017: Statistical collection/Rosstat. -R76 M., 2017 – 686 p.
  3. Ivanova V.N., Seregin S.N. Food industry of Russia. Current state, problems, guidelines for future development: textbook. allowance / V.N. Ivanova, S.N. Seryogin. – M: Finance and Statistics, 2014. – 568 p.: ill.
  4. Kalinin N.N. – Statistical study of the consumption of bread and bakery products in Russian Federation/ News of Tula State University. Economic and legal sciences - 2014 No. 5-1.
  5. Naumenko, N.V. Possibilities of using biotechnologies in food production / N.V. Naumenko // Current biotechnology. – 2014. – No. 2 (5). – pp. 14–17.

The baking industry in Russia is one of the leading food sectors of the agro-industrial complex. The production base of the baking industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread factories and more than 5,000 mini-bakeries, which provide an annual production of approximately 21 million tons of bread products, including about 12.7 million tons produced at large bakeries.

Baking is a popular and profitable business.

The bakery industry is always attractive to investors because the demand for bread may change, but never decrease.

Over the past 3-4 years, in the domestic market, for objective reasons, there has been a tendency to reduce the production and consumption of bread by an average of 2-4% annually, and, conversely, a tendency to increase the production and consumption of butter and confectionery products by an average of 6% annually.

The level of average per capita bread consumption in Russia is 120--125 kg per year (325--345 g per day), including for the urban population 98--100 kg per year (245-278 g per day), for the rural population 195- - 205 kg per year (490--540 g per day).

These norms depend on age, gender, degree of physical and mental stress, and climatic characteristics of places of residence. The most popular types of products on the bread and bakery products market are rye bread, bread made from first-grade wheat flour, bakery products from premium wheat flour and wheat bread from premium flour, which account for about 80% of the total market volume.

Bread and bakery products are essential goods, and bread baking is a socially important sector of the economy: by producing traditional varieties of bread, enterprises provide cheap bread to a large number of people. Now on the Russian bread market there are main types of bread (black, white, round, loaf and loaf), and an emerging premium category (baked goods with a limited shelf life, content of minerals and organic elements, low-calorie varieties, etc.).

Currently, a decrease in consumption has been recorded, which occurs not only due to the slow reorientation of buyers from traditional bakery products to more expensive types of bread, but also due to an increase in the well-being of the population. The trend over the past few years has been a general decrease in bread consumption, with a simultaneous annual increase in interest in premium products.

The most important selection criteria for consumers when purchasing bakery products are product freshness, price, packaging and appearance. The main criteria for choosing a place to buy bread and bakery products is the proximity of the trading enterprise to the place of residence or work, as well as the possibility of purchasing other food products at one point, therefore three-quarters of purchases of bakery products are made in shops and supermarkets.

Against the backdrop of a decline in bread consumption in recent years, producers note the increased influence of chain retail, which is pursuing a policy of low prices and actively developing own production bakery products in mini-bakeries. These enterprises create serious competition for bakeries, offering a wide range of freshly baked products.

In Bryansk the largest specific gravity Baking enterprises occupy the structure of the food processing sector. In 2015, the city produced 58.2 thousand tons of bread and bakery products, which is 0.8% more than the 2014 level.

Today, the production of bakery products - one of the most important strategic sectors of the food industry - is going through difficult times. With the advent of reform and privatization, many production facilities in the baking industry were repurposed to produce more profitable, competitive and marketable goods, while others were liquidated. Some bakeries are currently in a state of bankruptcy or close to it, and low profitability does not allow more promising ones to develop successfully.

In the early 90s, the grain industry found itself in a market crisis. Almost all bakeries were federal unitary enterprises, but with the beginning of the so-called reforms, the state abandoned its strategic influence on the baking industry. Bakeries became closed or opened joint-stock companies, and only a few remained state unitary enterprises.

In addition to privatization and targeted bankruptcy, the grain industry was faced with acute problems of a systematic shortage working capital, the impossibility of updating equipment, solving social problems. The most promising bakery enterprises were those that were built in the 70-80s of the last century. Only a few enterprises over the last decade have managed to carry out large-scale reconstruction, update equipment, and open new production facilities.

In terms of pricing policy, the situation is complicated by mini-bakeries, which have low profitability in modern market conditions they simply will not survive due to the high cost of produced bread with the constant rise in prices for electricity, water, and raw materials. Nowadays, mini-bakeries can compete with bakeries only by reducing the quality of products: switching to “fast” technologies, changing the proportions of the original raw materials, etc. In market conditions, bakeries are reducing the production of bakery goods, and mini-bakeries occupy their market shares.

Negative market phenomena associated with the repurposing and liquidation of bakeries are manifested against the general background of a decrease in the production of agricultural products, including grain - the main raw material for the baking industry. According to experts, this year the country will produce 10-15 million tons of grain less than last year, when the yield was a record. But last year's grain reserves were sold abroad by resellers with a profit of 30 billion rubles. Moreover, the grain was raked out so thoroughly that bread prices in the country increased by a third, and the quality of bread began to fall everywhere. At all times in the world, speculation in bread has been ranked among the most serious crimes, but not in Russia.

Today the village, the main grain producer, is also suffering. Compared to last year, 10 million hectares of arable land remained unplanted. The agricultural machinery park has over 70% wear and tear. From a decrease in the level of mechanization in agriculture the country annually loses up to a third of its harvest worth 120-150 billion rubles. All this also affects the state of the country’s complex bakery industry, which is already going through difficult times.

Among the main difficulties experienced by bakery enterprises at present, the following most acute problems have been identified: high level taxation and high energy tariffs, and there is also the problem of underdeveloped market infrastructure, especially when supplying bread to remote settlements. This sector of the market has not yet been developed due to its unattractiveness due to high transport costs, lack of equipped sales points (many stores in small populated areas currently closed) etc.

Despite the absence of special measures to demonopolize such an industry as bread baking, the process of developing competition in the bread market is intensifying. Positive consequences can be considered the emergence of new business entities that bake high-quality bread and compete with bakeries, an increase in the range and availability of bread throughout the day, the absence of queues for bread, improved customer service - the emergence of a large number of retail outlets. However, positive changes in the bread market are accompanied by negative aspects: high rates of growth in prices for bread compared to other food products, and the fact that bread is mainly purchased in tents, where sanitary standards are often not observed, and not in bakeries or stores. To improve the supply of bread in remote settlements, it is necessary to provide benefits to business entities. Bread prices should be free, reflecting all costs of its production, from agricultural producers to the baking industry and trade.

The state order should apply only to those volumes of bread that are necessary to supply hospitals, schools, etc. Intervention government agencies into the economic activities of enterprises can lead to negative consequences for economic entities and the market situation.

The baking industry is one of the most material-intensive sub-sectors of the agro-industrial complex, which significantly increases the importance of measures for the rational use of all types of raw materials.

Economical use of resources in baking has always been a priority for industry and research.

In general terms, the consumption of grain resources is determined by the following factors:

  • - total volume of production of bread and bakery products;
  • - range of manufactured products;
  • - mass (weight) of a product unit;
  • - moisture content in bakery products;
  • - technological costs and losses;
  • - use of additives.

These factors are, in principle, known to all bakers, and they always take them into account when organizing production.

The priority areas of scientific research to solve the main problem are:

  • - development of a range of products with increased nutritional and biological value;
  • - use of non-traditional raw materials and food additives;
  • - creation of new progressive resource-saving technologies.

Bread and bakery products are the main food products of people; they contain almost everything that a person needs for nutrition and normal life. By consuming bread and bakery products, a person satisfies his energy needs by 40-50%, protein needs by 30-40%, and group vitamins. B by 50-60% and vitamin E up to 80%. According to estimates by the Russian State Statistics Committee, about 70 million people satisfy 80% of their food needs with bread.

The nutritional value of bread is determined by the content of individual components and energy value, taking into account the digestibility coefficient.

Bread made from various types of wheat and rye flour contains 40-50% moisture and 50-60% dry matter. The composition of dry matter includes carbohydrates (about 45%), a small amount of proteins (8-9%), as well as fats, minerals, vitamins and acids. The content of the main groups of nutrients in bakery products depends on the recipe.

The energy value of bread depends on the moisture content (the more moisture, the lower it is) and on the amount of individual dry matter components. Bakery products have a high energy value and, together with grain products, replenish more than 40% of the body's daily energy needs.

The nutritional value of bread is higher, the more fully it satisfies the body's needs for nutrients and the more accurately its chemical composition corresponds to the formula for a balanced diet.

Bakery products provide one third of the body's protein needs and a significant part of the body's need for carbohydrates and B vitamins.

At the same time, bread proteins are not complete: they are low in the essential amino acids lysine and methionine. Therefore, during the production of bread, its protein value is increased by enriching it with dairy products, proteins from legumes and oilseeds (soybeans, sunflowers). Thus, bread is a source of many essential amino acids for the human body: through it, the need for lysine is satisfied by 19-21%, methionine by 20-22%, and tryptophan by 36-40%.

The mineral and vitamin value of bread depends on the type of flour: the higher the flour yield, the higher it is.

In baking, one of the oldest branches of the food industry, the terminology and main groups of goods have historically developed by now. Over time, these concepts and definitions have moved beyond production and are now widely used not only in technological manuals, but also in regulatory documents.

The classification proposed below includes not only a simple list of the range of bakery products, but also a range of characteristics characterizing them, including weight, the main components of the recipe, and features of processing methods.

Bread is a product weighing no more than 0.5 kg, the recipe of which usually includes only basic raw materials. The group includes pan and hearth bread made from rye, wheat flour and mixtures thereof.

Bakery products - made from wheat flour weighing no more than 0.5 kg, the recipe of which, in addition to the main raw materials, usually includes sugar and fats in a total amount not exceeding 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes loaves, buns, challahs, braids, saikas, rolls, rush cakes, etc.

Butter products - from premium and first grade wheat flour; The recipe includes sugar and fats in a total amount of at least 14%, as well as other types of additional raw materials. The group includes baked goods, bakery mixes, bars, flat cakes, puff pastries, etc. Products of the group differ sharply in the types of additional raw materials and the content of sugar (from 7 to 30%) and fat (from 7 to 25%), and are specific to the type (grade) shape and finish.

Lamb products - low humidity (no more than 19%) with a characteristic ring-shaped (or ellipsoidal) shape; cooking ends with baking. The group includes bagels (weight of one product 20-40 g), dryers (weight 4-10 g) and bagels (weight 80-100 g).

Straws and breadsticks are products of low humidity, the preparation of which requires, after baking, holding for many hours at a certain temperature and humidity, cutting into slices and drying to a given humidity (8-12%).

The group includes crackers (product weight not less than 5 g), plain and rich, and crackers (product weight not more than 5 g).

Pie products - made from wheat flour; filling is added during molding. This group includes pies (product weight not less than 200 g), open and closed, and pies (product weight not more than 200 g).

In Russia today there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of bread in an assortment (more than 700 items), or 500 g of bread per person. Their capacity is approximately 25 million tons per year.

However, the production of bakery products, according to official statistics, has recently been declining: in 2012, 9.1 million tons of products were produced, or 98.9% of the 2011 level, in 2013 - 8.5 million . tons, or 95% of the previous year. In 2013-2014 the trend of a gradual reduction in the production of bread and bakery products has continued.

If we consider the sales volumes of bread and bakery products, we can see that in many regions of the country the share of bread consumption per person is much lower than the consumption standards for wheat and rye bread established by the standards: men - 520.5 g/day, women - 348 g/day , pensioners and children from 7 to 15 years old - 301.4 g/day, children from birth to 6 years old - 137 g/day.

A decrease in bread consumption may be a consequence of the following factors:

  • - reduction of raw materials in the baking industry;
  • - “underconsumption”, due to a significant decline in the standard of living of the population, in which it is impossible even to purchase the required quantity of everyday goods to maintain the vital functions of the body;
  • - the transition of part of the country’s population to home baking (for example, in a number of districts of the Omsk region, a vehicle delivering goods to rural stores brings bags of flour instead of bread);
  • - growth of average per capita cash income, reorientation of population demand towards the purchase of more expensive and nutritious food products.

The volume of bread production in Russia is decreasing to volumes that are unacceptable from the point of view of the population’s nutrition. The population does not receive the required amount of bread, although they spend up to 10% of their income on its purchase, compared to 4-5% 15 years ago. In addition, there is a widespread increase in flour consumption per ton of bread due to a decrease in the weight of the loaf. For example, when the industry at one time was transferred to the production of bread weighing 800 g instead of 1 kg, losses in Russia amounted to about 50 thousand tons of flour. Now, due to rising costs for raw materials, electricity and services, enterprises everywhere are reducing the weight of a loaf or loaf so that the price increase is not so noticeable.

At all times, the dynamics of consumption of bread and bakery products was considered an indicator of the standard of living of the people. On the one hand, if consumption decreased, this indicated that the population began to eat more rationally. On the other hand, the actual current level of bread consumption cannot be extremely low in a situation where “very many people can only afford bread and potatoes, or bread and tea.”

On the contrary, a decrease in the standard of living of the population leads to an increase in the consumption of bakery products. Bread and bakery products, as a rule, have inelastic demand, and even more so, in conditions of falling household incomes, the Giffin effect is observed: with an increase in the price of a product, the demand for it increases with a decrease in income.

These contradictions develop the idea of ​​distortion of statistical data and reporting, their inconsistency with the realities of today, and the legal functioning of the so-called “shadow” economy.

It is logical to assume the possibility of illegal production of the analyzed products within the framework of industrial and small baking. This point of view is shared by many experts. Illegal production of bakery products is possible in the form of:

  • - violations of technological operations of bakery production (under-incorporation of main and auxiliary raw materials, replacement of high-quality components with low-grade ones, uncontrolled water consumption when kneading dough, underestimation of product yields);
  • - the use of technologies that speed up the technological process (exceeding baking operations above the normative ones established for the working day);
  • - distortion of statistical and financial statements(concealment of part of the funds received from the production of products, submission of deliberately false data on the volume of bread baking, overestimation of data on production costs, establishment of an inflated rate of profitability in the calculation);
  • - lack of licensing and permitting documents.

Low-capacity bakeries are more susceptible to the production of illegal products. This is due to the possibility of using “opaque” operating schemes compared to large bakeries.

Today, the production of bakery products - one of the most important strategic sectors of the food industry - is going through difficult times. With the advent of reform and privatization, many production facilities in the baking industry were repurposed to produce more profitable, competitive and marketable goods, while others were liquidated. Some bakeries are currently in a state of bankruptcy or close to it, and low profitability does not allow more promising ones to develop successfully.

In the early 90s. 20th century The bakery industry found itself in a market crisis. Almost all bakeries were federal unitary enterprises, but with the beginning of the so-called reforms, the state abandoned its strategic influence on the baking industry. Bakeries became closed or opened joint-stock companies, and only a few remained state unitary enterprises.

In addition to privatization and targeted bankruptcy, the grain industry was faced with acute problems of a systematic lack of working capital, the inability to update equipment, and solve social problems.

The most promising bakery enterprises were those that were built in the 70-80s. 20th century

Only a few enterprises over the last decade have managed to carry out large-scale reconstruction, update equipment, and open new production facilities.

In the pricing policy, the situation is complicated by mini-bakeries, which with low profitability in modern market conditions simply will not survive due to the high cost of produced bread with the constant rise in prices for electricity, water, and raw materials.

Nowadays, mini-bakeries can compete with bakeries only by reducing the quality of products: switching to “fast” technologies, changing the proportions of the original raw materials, etc.

In market conditions, bakeries are reducing the production of bakery goods, and mini-bakeries occupy their market shares.

Negative market phenomena associated with the repurposing and liquidation of bakeries are manifested against the general background of a decrease in the production of agricultural products, including grain - the main raw material for the baking industry.

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The current state of the bakeryindustry of Russia

bakery economic agro-industrial

Most domestic enterprises, as a result of the uncompetitiveness of their products on the world and domestic markets, especially due to the appearance on the market of higher quality products from Western companies, are poorly adapted to the requirements of the modern market. Problems of business efficiency are of particular importance for socially significant industries focused directly on meeting the needs of the population: food and light industries, housing and communal services, etc.

The Russian food industry unites about 30 industries, which are characterized by certain biotechnologies for manufacturing products and various organization of production. The economic and food security of the country and the health of the population largely depend on the results of the work of food industry enterprises. The goal of developing the food industry from the standpoint of national interests is to meet the needs of the country's population for high-quality food products. Thus, the food industry is a strategic industry.

The baking industry is one of the leading food sectors of the agro-industrial complex and performs the task of producing essential products. In Russia, bread is an essential product; everyone buys it regularly, everywhere. The supply of the most affordable food product for all segments of the population depends on how efficiently the industry functions and develops.

In Russia there are more than 10 thousand bakeries (including 1.5 thousand large ones) and bakeries, capable of producing about 70 thousand tons of bread every day, or 500 g of bread per person. At the same time, up to 90% of the industry’s production capacity is concentrated at 990 enterprises.

One of the features of the baking industry is the concentration of production capacity on large enterprises and, at the same time, the presence of a large number of small enterprises of various forms of ownership. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries, and former state bakeries, which were corporatized during privatization. In Russia, the main volume of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. More than 80% of all bakery products are produced here. However, the drop in output at enterprises in this group amounted to 2.8% in 2006.

Baking enterprises of relatively small capacity, which are commonly called mini-bakeries, have become widespread. At the same time, at small bakeries, production increased by 11% (from 715 thousand tons to 772 thousand tons), but this volume is less than 10% of the total production in Russia.

In the last decade, approximately 200 bakeries out of 1,500 have ceased to exist. Some bakeries found themselves in a very difficult situation; a number of enterprises in the regions have been repurposed for the production of vodka; many dozens of bakeries have reduced bread production several times. The production of bakery products, according to official statistics, has been declining in recent years: in 2000, 9.1 million tons of products were produced, in 2003 - 7.8 million tons. There is, albeit an insignificant, increase in production volumes (8.1 million tons and 8.4 million tons, respectively). However, in 2006, there was again a drop in the analyzed indicator to 7.7 million tons.

A decrease in the production of bakery products throughout the country, a drop in demand and rising costs, naturally, negatively affects the economic performance of enterprises. The profitability of bakery production was less than 10% in 2006, and the number of unprofitable enterprises, i.e. Essentially, bankruptcies are constantly increasing. Low profitability directly affects the development prospects of the industry as a whole. Thus, there is a tendency for the performance indicators of the Russian baking industry to deteriorate.

The main reasons that determined this development of the baking industry were :

1. A fall in consumer demand for bakery products, primarily for low-grade bread due to the cessation of feeding it to livestock feed.

Consumption of bread and bakery products in Russia is traditionally at a high level. Bread contains many of the most important nutrients needed by humans; among them are proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. By consuming bread, a person satisfies almost half of his need for carbohydrates, a third for proteins, and more than half for B vitamins, phosphorus and iron salts. For most peoples of the world, bread has moral significance, and has always been a measure of human values. , added 10/08/2010

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Status, trends and problems of development of the baking industry in the Russian Federation

N.D. Zavodchikov, Doctor of Economics, Professor,

A.S. Zemlyankina, graduate student, Orenburg State Agrarian University

The baking industry in Russia is one of the leading food sectors of the agro-industrial complex. The production base of the baking industry of the Russian Federation includes about 1,500 bread factories and more than 5,000 mini-bakeries, which provide an annual production of approximately 7 million tons of bread products, including about 5 million tons produced at large bakeries.

One of the features of the baking industry is the concentration of production capacity in large enterprises and at the same time the presence of a large number of small enterprises of various forms of ownership. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries, and former state bakeries, which were corporatized during privatization. In Russia, the main volume of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. More than 70% of all bakery products are produced here, and less than 20% in small enterprises.

Bakery production is a socially significant sector of the Russian economy. Most bakeries that produce basic types of bread solve the important strategic task of providing cheap bread to as many people as possible. New trends in baking technology are also important: freezing, the use of under-baked bread with further baking in a bakery store, the use of ready-made mixtures and new types of fortifiers. Bakery production, like any business, tends to update and develop.

Despite its important social significance, the baking industry remains fragmented, and each bakery or bakery, joint stock companies or private entrepreneurs work according to their own plans, which are not linked to the general tasks of production development. This ultimately leads to an increase in costs and a decrease in the efficiency of baking production, and to an increase in selling prices.

In recent years, according to Rosstat, there has been a clear downward trend in the production of bread and bakery products in Russia. In general, the volume of production of bakery products in Russia has been constantly declining over the past few years. However, in 2011 the market showed positive dynamics, grew by 1% and amounted to just over 7,089

million tons. Figure 1 shows data on the volume of production of bakery products in the Russian Federation in the period from 2007 to 2011.

According to data provided by the regional statistics center, the market for bread and bakery products in the Orenburg region grew in 2011 by 10% compared to the previous year and amounted to approximately 1% of the all-Russian bread market (Table 1).

Experts cite a number of reasons that determined the observed increase in the production of bread and bakery products, the main ones being the expansion of the range of bakery products produced, a change in the structure of food consumption under the influence of rising prices and the gradual approach of bread consumption to scientifically based consumption standards.

Almost the entire market volume in physical terms is represented by products of domestic manufacturers. The share of foreign supplies of bread products in 2011 amounted to 0.15%. During 2009-2011. the share of imports on the Russian market of bread and bakery products ranged from 0.11 to 0.15%. In the current year 2012, in connection with Russia's accession to the WTO, the share of imports in the market is projected to increase to 0.18%.

The Russian market of bread and bakery products is conventionally divided into two groups: the first - bread made from wheat, rye flour and a mixture of different varieties, which accounts for 70% of the market volume, and the second - bakery products.

Data presented by Rosstat allow us to note that in the commodity structure of retail trade turnover, the share of bakery products has been constantly declining since 2005. The share of expenses for bakery products in the total cost of purchasing food for household households decreased from 2005 to 2011 from 2.6 up to 2.4% (Table 2).

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Rice. 1 - Dynamics of production volumes

bread and bakery products in Russia for 2007-2011, thousand tons

1. Dynamics of market volumes of bread and bakery products in the Orenburg region in 2007-2011.

Indicator 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 as a percentage of 2007

Production of bread and bakery products, tons Share of bread and bakery products in total production in Russia, % 77124 0.9 75648 1.0 73714 1.0 71886 1.0 79025 1.1 102

2. Retail trade turnover of bread and bakery products in Russia for 2005-2011.

Indicator 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Retail turnover of bread and bakery products, billion rubles. 180.3 207.1 249.9 314.8 349.2 379.0 436.1

Retail turnover of bread and bakery products as a percentage of the total cost of food products 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4

Bread and bakery products made from premium wheat flour


Rice. 2 - Average consumer prices in the Russian Federation for 2005-2011, rub.

The volume of retail turnover of bread and bakery products in Russia is estimated at 436.1 billion rubles. (according to 2011 data). A significant share (at least 70%) comes from the sale of mass-produced varieties of bread.

According to Table 2, retail trade turnover of bread and bakery products over a six-year period increased 2.4 times, or by 255.8 billion rubles, which is primarily due to rising prices for this group of products. Thus, average consumer prices in Russia for bread and bakery products made from premium wheat flour increased during the period under review from 22.24 to 45.36 rubles, i.e. 2 times (Fig. 2).

At the same time, the increase in prices for bread and bakery products significantly outpaces the increase in prices for wheat flour, for the period from 2005 to 2011, the price increase for which was 66%. Consequently, grain prices remain low today. Low prices on grain weaken the economy of agricultural organizations and farmers, hinder the possibilities of modernizing agricultural production and improving the quality of raw materials for processing.

For a number of years, the largest producers of bread and bakery products in Russia have been and remain OJSC Karavay and OJSC Khlebny Dom (St. Petersburg), CJSC Peko Bakery Plant (Moscow), OJSC Lipetskhleb-

macaroniprom (Lipetsk), OJSC Rostov Bakery No. 1 (Rostov-on-Don).

The market for most types of bakery products has a pronounced regional character. This is reflected in fluctuations in per capita production in the federal districts of Russia. Thus, for bread made from rye and rye-wheat flour, the highest value of this indicator is observed in the Central and North-Western districts (over 28 kg/year), the lowest - in the Southern, Far Eastern and Siberian federal districts (less than 10 kg/year). The Southern Federal District is the leader in bread and bakery products made from wheat flour - over 42 kg/year, including over 36 kg/year for bread weighing 500 g and above; the lowest figure is in the Central Federal District - 24.2 kg/year.

Russia's accession to the WTO will undoubtedly affect the further development of the Russian market of bread and bakery products. It is predicted that the bakery products market will be divided into two segments: the segment of natural bread and bakery products and the segment of bread-containing products. This process began with the abolition of mandatory product certification, which resulted in consumer expectations of low-quality products appearing on the market for bread and bakery products, and information

in the media about cases confirming such expectations. Manufacturers have significantly increased the use of substitute ingredients, complex food additives, emulsifiers, baking powders, freshness and shelf life extenders, preservatives, flavor enhancers, starter cultures, bread improvers, etc. in the production process of bread and bakery products.

As a result, a new trend arose that embraced a certain layer of consumers who left the bread and bakery products market, who, having purchased bread machines, began to bake bread and bakery products for their families exclusively from natural ingredients. At the same time, the range of bread machines on the household appliances market has expanded. They are supplied to Russian market already 26 well-known foreign manufacturers of household appliances. This trend is gradually expanding its geography.

There are many problems facing domestic enterprises in the baking industry, but the main ones today are:

Obsolescence of equipment, when completely worn-out equipment already accounts for 20% of the production stock;

Increasing competitiveness in front of Western companies in the context of the country's accession to the WTO. For example, to produce one ton of bakery products of 7-10 types on foreign equipment, 3 people are required, in our country, most often - from 6 to 8;

The bakery industry remains fragmented and the impact of chain stores on the market is increasing;

There is an acute shortage of investment resources, which characterizes the state of the baking industry as critical. The profitability of domestic enterprises is on average only 2-3%.

Thus, the monitoring carried out economic activity five bakery enterprises

Orenburg region allowed us to identify the above-described problems in their activities and establish that the pace of innovative renewal of some of them is insufficient for effective functioning and sustainable development (Table 3). One of the most important factors influencing the low level of production capacity utilization (27.7-66.8%) for the enterprises under study and, as a consequence, the increase in unit costs, is the high level of competition in the market of bread and bakery products. In addition, a high degree of physical wear and tear of a significant part of the main production assets(at some enterprises up to 75%) leads to an increase in the cost of repair maintenance of equipment, excessive consumption of energy resources and, accordingly, an increase in the cost of a unit of production.

Monitoring the activities of bakery enterprises showed a steady upward trend in the share of production costs in the cost of products. The high material intensity of production and rising prices in raw material markets indicate the need to increase the efficiency of use of material resources. This requires improvement technological schemes and modes that provide better preliminary preparation of raw materials, deep and complex processing, as well as the use of new types of raw materials and components (flour from sprouted grains, starter cultures with cultivated microorganisms, etc.).

The modern market for bread and bakery products dictates strict requirements for the manufacturer. Today it is not enough to produce only mass-produced varieties of bread and bakery products. To survive and be successful, it is necessary to produce a wide range of products. Representatives of the baking industry should pay special attention to the quality of their products, and also take into account the specifics and habits of consumers. Quality improvement

3. Comparative assessment of the activities of enterprises representing the baking industry of the Orenburg region for 2011.

Enterprise Indicator

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5

Integral indicator use production capacity, % 48,1 47,3 56,4 66,8 27,7

Cost intensity of commercial products, rub/ruble 0.89 0.79 0.92 0.81 0.97

Capital-labor ratio, thousand rubles/person 46.4 162.3 42.3 132.1 36.4

Capital productivity, rub/rub 6.8 2.1 3.6 4.2 1.7

Labor productivity, thousand rubles/person 303.5 498.2 346.7 698.0 297.2

Profit, million rubles 5.3 58.7 6.0 62.8 4.4

Product profitability, % 6.2 18.3 8.7 32.5 4.6

Innovative activity (-, + low, high) - + - + -

Development directions * ** * ** *