Rules for opening a bank account for an individual. What do you need to open a bank account for an individual?

A current account is needed to pay and receive money by bank transfer, settle accounts with partners and pay taxes. A current account can be opened at any bank that works with legal entities. There are different types of corporate accounts. We have made instructions on how to open a current account.

The procedure for opening a bank account for legal entities

The procedure for opening an account for a legal entity depends on the bank. Each has its own document requirements. Choose a bank

call the bank

Find out at the bank who can open a bank account for an LLC and what documents are needed. Clarify where to certify documents - at a notary or at a bank. In some banks, employees themselves make and certify copies in others - they ask to bring notarized copies.

Some banks operate via the Internet and open an account remotely - they are called Internet banks. To open an account in such a bank, you leave an application for opening an account on the site and fill out the documents. You don't need to travel anywhere.

The procedure for opening a bank account for a legal entity begins with the submission of an application. You come to the bank, find a bank employee and say that you want to open a checking account. The bank manager will ask questions and give you an application form. The document can be filled out by the head of the company or an employee whom the company trusts to open and close an account - this requires a power of attorney At the end of the application, you need to put the company's seal.

Prepare documents

If the bank has no questions for the company, then you need to provide a basic list of documents.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The bank itself generates an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). But if you have recently registered a company, it may not appear in the register. You can check if the company is in the register on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

If the company is not yet in the register, take a tax statement or an entry from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The statement is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. You need to make a copy of the document and notarize it. At the bank, you will need both the original and a copy of the statement.

Constituent documents. This is the company's charter and memorandum of association. The charter is provided by all companies, and the memorandum of association is provided by general partnerships, unions, associations, limited partnerships. Check with bank representatives what constituent documents are needed.

Attach pages with all the changes that were made to the constituent documents on the date of submission to the bank.

Order on the appointment of a leader. The bank will ask for a document that confirms the appointment to the position of head. Check that the organization's charter and the document on the election of the head have the same position and name. Be sure to check the expiration date. If it ends soon, you need to make a document on the extension for a new period.

Legal entity card with samples of signatures and seals is needed to open and close an account for a legal entity. The document can be issued in the form offered by the Central Bank or on the letterhead of the bank. The card of a legal entity must have at least two signatures. For example, the head and chief accountant.

The card can be issued at a notary or at a bank, provided that everyone who has the right to sign will come with passports and orders for appointment to the position. You can fill out the card yourself or ask a bank employee to help you.

Passport the head of the organization and those who are authorized to manage the money in the bank account and all those indicated on the bank card.

The bank manager can additionally request the addresses, TIN and telephone numbers of everyone whom the head of the company entrusts with managing the account. Employees do not have to come to the bank, you can certify copies of documents at the notary and transfer them to the bank.

Power of attorney to open a bank account, so that the head of the company does not have to open an account on his own. Any employee can become a trustee.

Questionnaire (questionnaire) the bank needs to find out what the company earns on, with whom it cooperates, whether it is laundering money. Questions in the questionnaire on various topics. For example, one of the questions is who and when was appointed the head of the company.

Waiting for bank decision

What you need to open a legal entity account

  • Get a bank statement
  • collect documents,
  • sign an agreement.

If you open an account in Internet Banking, then:

  • apply on the bank's website,
  • send copies of documents
  • complete the contract.

On November 25, 2006, a new Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I “On opening and closing bank accounts, accounts on deposits (deposits)” came into force, which applies to accounts opened under bank account agreements , contribution (deposit).

M.N. Drakina, IMPEXBANK OJSC, Orlovsky Branch, Head of the Legal Department
O.V. Korotchenkova, IMPEXBANK OJSC, Orlovsky Branch, Chief Legal Counsel

From the date of entry into force of Instruction No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006 “On opening and closing bank accounts, deposits (deposits) accounts” 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) is recognized as invalid. Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2003 No. 1297-U, which determined the procedure for issuing a bank card. In addition, on November 26, 2006, the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of November 7, 2006 No. 1743-U came into force. 2 , which canceled, in particular, the Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR dated 10/30/1986 No. 28 "On settlement, current and budget accounts opened in institutions of the State Bank of the USSR" (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28), as well as the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 30.01.2004 No. 15-T "On the issue of opening bank accounts by a credit institution."

Thus, a new procedure has been introduced for banks to work with clients on opening accounts.

It should be noted right away that banks are given a four-month period, which is calculated from the moment the Instruction comes into force, to develop and approve internal rules containing the following provisions:

  • on the procedure for opening and closing accounts;
  • procedures for receiving documents and the procedure for issuing a bank card;
  • the frequency of updating customer information,
and other provisions governing the opening and closing of accounts. Account types

The new Instruction establishes that bank accounts and accounts on deposits (deposits) are opened in the currency of the Russian Federation and foreign currencies, and also names the entities, the procedure for opening and closing accounts of which it applies.

Thus, the Instruction establishes the procedure for opening and closing bank accounts, accounts on deposits (deposits) of clients in rubles and foreign currencies for legal entities, individuals, individual entrepreneurs, individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (lawyers, notaries, etc.). .), credit institutions and their branches, trustees, as well as courts, bailiffs and law enforcement agencies.
However, it does not apply to cases of opening and closing accounts opened on other grounds other than a bank account agreement, deposit (deposit).

Compared to the previous Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28, the new Instruction more specifically defines the types of accounts that can be opened by a bank, and specifies the list of documents required to open an appropriate account.

In particular, the Instruction determines that settlement accounts are opened for legal entities, their separate subdivisions, as well as individual entrepreneurs and individuals engaged in private practice. The purpose of opening current accounts for these persons is to make settlements related to entrepreneurial activities or private practice. Current accounts are opened for individuals to make settlements not related to business activities; correspondent accounts and sub-accounts - respectively, to credit institutions and their branches; trust management accounts - to the trust manager for making settlements related to trust management activities; special bank accounts - to legal entities and individuals in the cases and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the operations of the corresponding type provided for by it; deposit accounts - to courts, divisions of the bailiff service, law enforcement agencies, notaries for crediting funds received for temporary disposal in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The previously effective Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28 contained the concept of a settlement subaccount, which enterprises could open at the location of their divisions - branches, stores, warehouses, etc. The new Instruction does not provide for the possibility of opening such an account.

It should be noted that Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28 (subclauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.3) also provided for the opening of a temporary account for the founders of a joint-stock company for crediting the initial contributions of the founders and persons participating in the subscription for shares, and for the participants of a limited liability company for crediting their contributions prior to the registration of the company, established the list of documents required for opening such an account, and the procedure for opening and closing it.
The new Instruction does not contain provisions for opening a temporary or savings account for a newly formed legal entity, however, in accordance with clause 1.16 of the Bank of Russia Regulation No. organizations have the right to open savings accounts for a certain period of time for legal entities and individuals (clients) on the same balance account on which it is planned to open a current account for crediting funds. Spending funds from savings accounts is not allowed. Funds from savings accounts upon expiration of the term are transferred to the settlement (current) accounts of clients drawn up in accordance with the established procedure.

Account opening procedure

The basis for opening a bank account, an account for a deposit (deposit) is the conclusion of an appropriate agreement and the submission of all established documents. According to the previously valid Instructions of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28, an account was opened by a permit inscription of an authorized official of the bank on an application for opening an account.

The client may be refused to open an account if documents confirming the information necessary to identify the client are not submitted, or false information is provided, as well as in other cases provided for by law. When opening an account, bank officials identify the client, and also check whether the client has legal capacity (capacity).

The requirements for the identification by credit institutions of the persons they serve (customers) and beneficiaries are established by the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2004 No. 262-P “On the identification by credit institutions of customers and beneficiaries in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism”.

The bank is obliged to identify not only its client, i.e. the person being serviced and performing banking operations and other transactions, but also to identify and identify the beneficiary, i.e. the person for whose benefit the client acts, in particular, on the basis of an agency agreement, agency agreements , commissions and trust management, when conducting banking operations and other transactions.

The bank must develop and approve the program for identifying customers, establishing and identifying beneficiaries. The identification program should include the procedure for identifying clients, establishing and identifying beneficiaries, including the procedure for assessing the degree (level) of the risk of the client performing operations for the purpose of legalizing (laundering) proceeds from crime or financing terrorism and the grounds for assessing such risk. The identification program provides for the collection and recording of information about the client, his activities, transactions that the client carries out through the bank, etc., as well as the identification and collection of information about the beneficiary.

The requirement for identification is considered fulfilled if the bank can confirm, on the basis of relevant documents and information, that reasonable and accessible measures have been taken in the circumstances to identify and identify beneficiaries.

In order to identify a client, establish and identify a beneficiary, a credit institution collects the information and documents specified above, as well as documents that are the basis for banking operations and other transactions, as well as other necessary information and documents.
When opening a bank account, a deposit account, a bank official must not only identify the client (beneficiary), verify that the client has legal capacity (capacity), but also establish whether the person who applied to open the account is acting on his own behalf or on behalf of on behalf of and on behalf of another person who will be the client.

If the person who applied to open an account is a representative of the client, bank officials are required to identify the client's representative, as well as obtain documents confirming that he has the appropriate authority.

One of the innovations of the Instruction is the use of an analogue of a handwritten signature when establishing the identity of persons who applied to the bank. So, when establishing the identity of persons entitled to the first or second signature, as well as persons authorized to dispose of the funds on the account, bank officials can use an analogue of the handwritten signature of the above persons, codes, passwords and other means confirming the existence of these powers.

This provision of the Instruction corresponds to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Art. 160 and paragraph 3 of Art. 847 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), allowing the use of both the signature itself and its analogues when making transactions. Paragraph 2 of Art. 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, among the analogues of a handwritten signature, is the facsimile reproduction of a signature by means of mechanical or other copying of an electronic digital signature or another analogue of a handwritten signature.

The instruction obliges banks to have copies of documents proving the identity of a person identified by the bank or whose identity must be established when opening a bank account, deposit account, document the information established by the bank when opening bank accounts, and also systematically update information about customers and beneficiaries.

Documents required to open a bank account

Compared to the previous regulations, the new Instruction contains detailed requirements for the execution procedure and the list of documents submitted for opening a bank account.

Firstly, to open a bank account, a deposit account original documents or their copies are submitted to the bank certified in the manner prescribed by law, that is, notarized or certified by the authority that issued the document.

The instruction provides for the possibility for the bank to use other methods of issuing copies of documents. So, for legal entities, it is possible to make and certify copies of documents by the client himself, while the bank establishes that the copies correspond to the original documents, checks for the presence of the signature of the person who certified the copy of the document, his surname, name, patronymic and position, as well as the imprint of the client's seal. After that, on the copy of the document made by the client, the bank official makes the inscription “verified with the original” and affixes his signature indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and position, as well as an imprint of the bank’s seal or stamp established for these purposes by the bank’s administrative act.

In addition, a bank official can independently make and certify copies of the documents submitted by the client by making the inscription “correct copy” on the copy of the document and affixing his signature indicating the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) and position, as well as an imprint of the seal or stamp of the bank, established for these purposes by the administrative act of the bank.

Secondly, the Instruction contains a special instruction regarding documents submitted in a foreign language - documents drawn up in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into Russian, certified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the documents submitted when opening a bank account, a deposit account must be legalized.

Currently, the following procedure for legalization of documents is in force.

Documents sent (imported) from abroad must be legalized at the embassy (consulate) of the Russian Federation abroad or at the embassy (consulate) of a foreign state in the Russian Federation. Legalization of documents is not required if these documents were issued in the territory of:

    — member states of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents of 1961 (in the presence of an apostille affixed by the competent authority of a foreign state); — States Parties to the 1993 Convention on Legal Assistance and Legal Relations in Civil, Family and Criminal Matters; - states with which the Russian Federation has concluded agreements on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases.
Documents drawn up in a foreign language shall be submitted with a translation into Russian. The authenticity of the translator's signature is certified by a notary.

Thirdly, when opening a bank account, a deposit account, the client is obliged to submit all documents containing reliable information and necessary for opening the corresponding account in accordance with Ch. 3-6 Instructions. As already noted, the failure to provide documents confirming the information necessary to identify the client, or the provision of false information, may serve as a basis for refusing to open a bank account for a client, a deposit account.

It should be noted that the list of documents listed in the Instructions is not exhaustive, since clause 1.12 emphasizes that the client is obliged to submit other documents in cases where the opening of a bank account, a deposit account is conditioned by the legislation of the Russian Federation due to the presence of documents not specified in the Instructions.

Unlike the requirements of the previous Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28 on the mandatory execution of an application for opening an account, the new Instruction does not contain such a provision. According to the Instruction, an account is open from the moment an entry is made in the Book of Registration of Open Accounts. The bank must make an entry about the opening of an account no later than the business day following the day the relevant agreement is concluded.

Card with samples of signatures and seal imprint

One of the obligatory documents submitted for opening an account is a card with samples of signatures and seal imprints. Now a card with samples of signatures and an imprint of the seal is also issued by individuals when opening current accounts, deposit accounts.

The new Instruction invalidated Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1297-U dated June 21, 2003 “On the Procedure for Issuing a Card with Sample Signatures and Seal Imprints” and Bank of Russia Ordinance No. 1403-U dated March 25, 2004 “On Amendments to Bank of Russia Ordinance dated June 2003 No. 1297-U “On the procedure for issuing a card with samples of signatures and seal imprints””.

At the same time, the Instruction provided that reissuance of cards submitted to the bank before November 25, 2006, that is, before the date the Instruction comes into force, is not required.
The new Instruction, along with the previously applicable requirements, generally retained the form of a card with sample signatures and a seal imprint (form 0401026 is used according to OKUD of the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents OK 011-93), with the exception of minor changes. The field "Short name of the account holder" was renamed to "Abbreviated name of the account holder", the field "Term of office of persons temporarily using the right to sign" to "Term of office", the field "Position" was excluded.

The exclusion of the last field, in our opinion, is quite reasonable, since, firstly, neither the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2002 No. 2-P "On cashless payments in the Russian Federation", nor the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 01.04.2003 No. 222-P “On the procedure for making cashless payments by individuals in the Russian Federation” does not establish that authorized persons must indicate their position in order to make a payment; secondly, in the event of a change in the name of the position of an authorized person, as well as when transferring an authorized employee to another position, the need to replace the card with sample signatures and seal imprints is eliminated.

The provision has also been preserved that the card is filled out using a typewriter or electronic computer in black type or with a pen with black, blue or purple paste (ink). The indicated approach to filling out a card with samples of signatures and a seal imprint is similar to the procedure for filling out settlement documents, provided for in clause 2.8 of the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 03.10.2002 No. 2-P “On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation” and subclause. 1.1.9 Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 01.04.2003 No. 222-P “On the procedure for making cashless payments by individuals in the Russian Federation”.

According to the general rule, which was in force before, card forms can be produced both by clients and by the bank independently. The bank also makes the number of copies of the card necessary for use in the work.

The list of persons entitled to certify copies of cards has been supplemented with a new Instruction. These copies can currently be certified by the signature of both the chief accountant of the bank or his deputy, and the bank employee authorized by the bank's administrative act to issue the card, but only if the card with sample signatures and seal imprints is issued in the presence of an authorized employee of the credit institution (branch) or subdivision of the settlement network of the Bank of Russia.

It should be noted that neither the new Instruction nor the previously effective Ordinance of the Bank of Russia dated June 21, 2003 No. 1297-U allow the application of this structure in cases where the client presents a notarized card with sample signatures and a seal imprint. Some authors propose to amend the procedure for issuing bank cards and give the right to an authorized employee of a credit institution (branch) to certify the required number of copies of cards with sample signatures and a seal imprint both in relation to cards with sample signatures and a seal imprint issued in his presence, and in in relation to notarized cards with sample signatures and seal imprints 3 .

One of the novelties of the Instruction is the use of an interlinear indication of the translation of the fields of the card in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as in foreign languages, when making a card.
An arbitrary number of lines is now allowed not only in the fields “Account holder”, “Last name, first name, patronymic” and “Sample signature”, taking into account the number of persons with the rights of the first or second signature, but also in the field “Bank account number”.
The filling of the "Account Owner" field has changed:
- in the case of opening an account for a legal entity for transactions by its branch, representative office, in particular, first indicate the full name of the legal entity in accordance with its constituent documents, and then after the comma - the full name of the separate subdivision in accordance with the regulation on the separate subdivision approved by the legal entity (according to the previous procedure, the name of a separate subdivision of a legal entity was indicated);
- a client - an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law (lawyer, notary, etc.), indicates in full his last name, first name, patronymic (if any), date of birth, details of an identity document, and also indicates the type of activity.
The instruction introduced a new rule for making changes to the fields of a bank card. Such changes can be made both at the request of the client and by the bank itself. At the written request of the client, the bank has the right to make changes to the fields “Location (place of residence)”, “tel. No. ”,“ Term of authority ”of the card issued by an authorized person of the bank in the prescribed manner. Cases when it is allowed to make changes to the fields “Location (place of residence)”, “tel. No. "cards are determined by the bank in the banking rules.

The Bank has the right to independently make appropriate changes to the fields "Bank account number" and "Bank mark" in the case when the change in the client's account number is due to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The procedure for making changes to the indicated fields of the card is determined by the bank independently in the banking rules. When making changes, the text shall be struck through by an authorized person with a thin line so that the strikethrough can be read.

Particularly noteworthy are the provisions concerning the signing of a bank card.

1. Allowing the use of analogues of a handwritten signature by a client representative or a person authorized to dispose of the funds on the account, as well as persons entitled to the first or second signature, the Instruction does not extend this rule to a bank card.

Following the previous Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2003 No. 1297-U “On the Procedure for Issuing a Card with Sample Signatures and Seal Impressions”, the Instruction prohibits the use of such an analogue of a handwritten signature as a facsimile signature. The prohibition is quite justified, since it will be extremely difficult, if necessary, to conduct a handwriting or technical and forensic examination in cases of debiting funds on a false payment order.

2. Prior to the entry into force of the Instruction, the right of first signature belonged to the head of the client - a legal entity for which an account is opened, as well as other persons with organizational, administrative and administrative functions and authorized on the basis of a written order (order) of a legal entity or a corresponding power of attorney. Now, along with the head, other persons may be vested with the right of the first signature, regardless of the function performed, with the exception of persons vested with the right of the second signature.

The circle of persons with the right of first signature has been supplemented with new subjects. The right of the first signature in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation may be transferred to the managing organization, the managing organization or the sole executive body of the managing organization. In connection with these changes, the signature of the manager or the head of the managing organization is affixed in the field of the card “Customer signature”, respectively.

The right of the second signature, as a general rule, belongs to the chief accountant of the client - a legal entity and (or) persons authorized to maintain accounting, on the basis of an administrative act of the head of the legal entity.

An interesting clause is included in the Instructions regarding third parties with the right of a second signature. According to the Instruction, third parties may be granted the right of a second signature on the basis of an administrative act of the head of the client - a legal entity, but only in cases where accounting has been transferred to them in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the head of the client - a legal entity maintains accounting records personally, then the head’s own signature is affixed to the card and an entry is made in the “Second Signature” field that the person entitled to the second signature is absent, instead of the previously made entry “the accountant in the state is not provided."

An innovation of the Instruction is the requirement to indicate the number and date of the power of attorney when filling in the “Client Signature” field, in cases where the bank is contacted by a client representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney to open an account.

The procedure for certifying the authenticity of the signature of persons entitled to the first or second signature has not changed in general: the authenticity of the signatures of these persons can be certified by a notary public or by an authorized person of the bank.

The instruction contains a number of new rules regarding affixing a seal on a bank card:

    — the field “Sample seal impression” should provide for the possibility of putting a seal impression with a diameter of at least 45 mm, without going beyond the boundaries of this field; - the bank card shall be stamped with the seals of the provisional administration for the management of the credit institution or the bankruptcy trustee (liquidator); - if the legislation of a foreign state does not establish the obligation to have a seal, a legal entity established on the territory of the said state has the right not to affix a seal imprint, indicating that there is no seal in the “Sample Seal Imprint” field.
The instruction changes and supplements the list of grounds for replacing a bank card. So, the client presents a new card in the following cases:
    - replacement or addition of at least one signature; - replacement (loss) of the seal; - changes in the surname, name, patronymic of the person indicated in the card; — changes in the details that allow identifying the client (change in the name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity, but there is no reference to a change in the location of the legal entity, — authors' note); — early termination or suspension of the powers of the client's management bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The instruction defines the validity period of the card - the card is valid until the termination of the bank account agreement, closing of the deposit (deposit) account or until it is replaced by a new card.

Closing a bank account, deposit account

The basis for closing a bank account, deposit account is the termination of the bank account agreement, deposit account.

Unlike the Instruction of the State Bank of the USSR No. 28, the new Instruction does not list specific cases when an account is closed (at the request of the account holder, by decision of the body that created the organization, upon liquidation), limiting itself to only one reason - the termination of a bank account agreement or a deposit agreement . This provision is quite understandable, since at present the current legislation describes in sufficient detail the cases and conditions under which obligations are terminated, including the above-mentioned agreements. In this regard, in this situation, one should be guided by both the general provisions (Chapter 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation “Termination of Obligations”) and special norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which provide grounds for terminating a bank account agreement or a deposit agreement (Articles 835, 840, 859) .

Upon termination of the bank account agreement, the following legal consequences occur:

    — credit and debit operations on the client's account are not carried out; - the funds received by the client are returned to the sender; - before the expiration of seven days after receipt of the relevant written application from the client, the balance of funds on the account is issued to the client or, at his direction, transferred by bank payment order (the specified norm of the Instruction corresponds to clause 3 of article 859 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation); - the client has an obligation to hand over unused cash checkbooks with the remaining unused cash checks and stubs to the bank in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Closing of a bank account is carried out by making an entry on the closure of the relevant bank account in the Book of Registration of Open Accounts no later than the business day following the day of termination of the relevant agreement, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the Instruction emphasizes that the presence of unfulfilled settlement documents does not prevent the termination of the bank account agreement and the exclusion of the bank account from the Book of Registration of Open Accounts.

The exclusion of an account on a deposit (deposit) from the Book of registration of open accounts is carried out by the bank on the day when a zero balance appears on the deposit (deposit) account, unless otherwise provided by the deposit (deposit) agreement.

legal case

The instruction determines that a legal case must be formed by the bank for each open bank account, deposit account of a client. If the client has several accounts opened with one bank, it is allowed to form one legal case on these accounts. The legal file must store the documents submitted by the client when opening an account; agreements defining the relationship between the bank and the client on opening, maintaining and closing an account, with all changes and additions; documents relating to the bank sending messages to the tax authority on the opening (closing) of a bank account; expired cards; bank correspondence with the client and other documents.

The bank is obliged to develop rules that exclude unauthorized access to the legal affairs of clients.
Thus, the new provisions on opening and closing bank accounts will undoubtedly contribute to the effective interaction of banks and their clients, especially since the banks themselves must do the work on regulating the rules regarding the procedure for opening and closing accounts. 1 Bulletin of the Bank of Russia. 2006. No. 57.

2 Ordinance of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 07.11.2006 No. 1743-U “On non-application on the territory of the Russian Federation of certain acts of the State Bank of the USSR and on streamlining certain acts of the Bank of Russia”.

3 Article-by-article commentary of Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 21.06.2003 No. 1297-U “On the procedure for issuing a card with samples of signatures and seal imprints” // edited by Golubev S.A. Legal work in a credit institution. 2006. No. 4. S. 27.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to open accounts in financial institutions involved in attracting free funds (banks), both legal entities and individuals as individual entrepreneurs or ordinary citizens. The client of the bank can use his account as:

The procedure, like, is simple, but quite specific. And all because, having come to the bank, a rare client knows exactly what type of account he needs and for what purposes it is intended.

The most common accounts and their characteristics

There are currently the following types of bank accounts:

  • Current account. It serves to store funds and carry out the necessary settlement or other financial transactions. It is also called a worker because it is used almost constantly to receive and send money, make payments and other transactions.
  • Card account. All card accounts are linked to the current accounts of their customers and are designed to increase the ways to access funds. All plastic cards are divided into 2 types:
  1. Debit. These are cards designed for all kinds of payments (wages, scholarships, pensions, alimony, various types of social benefits) or simple replenishment. With their help, the client can withdraw from ATMs the amount within the balance of money on the card, and he also has the right to pay for goods and services without exceeding the available balance of funds.
  2. Credit. In this case, the client can pay for goods and services, withdraw money at the cash desk or from an ATM within the limits set by the bank. For example, a card limit of 3,000 rubles means that a subject can use an amount from the card that does not exceed the specified limit.

Opening a bank account for an individual, whether it is a debit or credit, will not be difficult. The whole procedure takes a matter of minutes. The client should first find out how much it will cost him to open such an account and receive a card, what percentage will be charged for withdrawing cash from an ATM or cash desk, whether it will be possible to use it abroad.

If, it is imperative to ask if there is, and what is the mode of its application, what are the interest rate and the minimum monthly installment.

  • Deposit accounts. This type is intended for those people who care about preserving and increasing their funds, therefore such accounts are called or. Funds are deposited into the account for a specified period. The longer it is, the better for the user, since the level of the deposit interest rate depends on the duration of the contract for servicing a deposit account. If the client wishes to withdraw the amount before the agreed period, then this percentage can be significantly reduced: it will be recalculated based on the current rate on demand deposits, and it is always very low in banks - about 1%.

Many financial experts are convinced that it is the last two types of accounts that have become the most popular among individuals.

What do you need to open

To open a bank account for an individual, you need to choose the most suitable bank and collect a package of documents necessary for opening. Required Documents:

  • assignment certificate.

They are necessary for the bank to be able to identify its future client. If an individual is going to open a credit account, then in this case, in addition to the standard set of documents, the bank has the right to require the provision of a certificate of income and family composition in order to verify the financial reliability of the applicant. An important role is also played by the client's education and credit history - whether he had delays in previous payments.

Opening a bank account for non-resident individuals is accompanied by the submission of the following documentation:

  1. Passport - indicating the opening of a visa or with a permit for temporary residence in Russia.
  2. If the client wants to deposit a certain amount in the created account, then he will have to indicate the sources of the formation of these funds. For example, receiving moral compensation for damage to health or property, appropriation of an inheritance, etc.

To open one of the above types of accounts, an individual must conclude an agreement with the bank on the provision of such a service.

Many people can devote a very long period of time to whom they can entrust their money. Usually preference is given to the oldest and largest financial institutions.

However, if you are an employee of a large company, then when applying for a debit card for paying wages, you, like other employees, will simply be confronted with the fact that the company has entered into an agreement with a certain bank. The situation is not critical. As a rule, organizations try to choose the most reliable banks in order to protect their employees from unforeseen financial conflicts, for example, the loss of money as a result of a bank failure.

The state took care of the creation of special funds that will guarantee payments to bank customers in the event of its bankruptcy. This is the Deposit Insurance Agency. Therefore, before opening an account with the selected bank, make sure that it is a member of this organization.

The most common problem of all individuals is the conclusion of an agreement with the bank. You need to read each paragraph of the document very carefully. Do not just read every line, but also demand an explanation of a moment that is incomprehensible to you. If you do not adhere to this rule, then in the future you may encounter a number of unforeseen and rather unpleasant situations for both parties.

Organizations can open settlement and current accounts in banks.

The settlement account is the main account of the organization through which all monetary transactions are carried out without limiting their list.

Current accounts are opened in all cases when there is a separation of any operations.

Current accounts include: currency accounts; loan accounts; accounts for operations with special-purpose funds; accounts due to the peculiarities of settlements, etc.

Organizations have the right to open a current account in any bank to store funds and carry out all types of settlement, credit and cash transactions.

To open a current account, the organization submits the following documents to the bank:

Application for opening an account;

Document on the legality of the formation of the organization (the decision of the founders on the creation of the organization, notarized);

Charter of the organization (copy certified by a notary);

Certificate of registration of the organization;

Certificate from the tax inspectorate on tax registration;

Certificates of social funds on registration;

Card with samples of signature and seal imprint (2 copies).

The account is opened with the permission of the bank manager.

When opening a current account, the chief accountant of the bank makes a note on the original copy of the charter that the current account is open indicating the account number and certifies with a stamp.

An agreement for settlement and cash services is concluded between the bank and the organization, which, as a rule, stipulates:

The cost of opening a current account;

The cost of services for settlement and cash services;

The cost of cash circulation;

Interest paid by the bank to the client for the funds in the accounts.

Acceptance and issuance of money from a current account or non-cash payments are made by the bank on the basis of documents approved by it. The most common of them are: an announcement for a cash contribution, a cash check, a payment order, a settlement check, a payment request-order.

To receive cash, the organization receives a checkbook from the bank, for which it draws up an application in the prescribed form. The check book is issued from the bank's cash desk against a receipt on the application. Money checks pay money to the person named on the check.

More on the topic Procedure for opening a current account:

  1. § 2. The procedure for opening and maintaining settlement and other accounts in banks
  2. The mechanism for lending to trade organizations in the form of a loan in case of a lack of funds on the settlement (current) account of the borrower (overdraft).

According to Art. 5 of the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, a credit institution opens a current account for a legal entity on the basis of a certificate of its state registration, as well as a certificate of registration with a tax authority.

In addition, the client is obliged to submit to the bank constituent documents, a card with samples of the seal and signatures of persons entitled to manage the account, documents confirming their authority, etc.

The full set of documents required to open a current account may be different in different banks, as each credit institution approves its own list. The composition of the package of documents depends on the type of account being opened and the legal status of the organization.

The requirements of financial institutions to the form in which documents must be submitted to the bank may also differ. For example, in the form of copies certified by the head of the organization (with the obligatory presentation of original documents for verification) or certified by a notary or registration authority, as well as in the form of originals from which the bank will make copies.

An indicative list of documents includes:

- application for opening a current account in the form of a bank;

– bank account agreement;

- constituent documents, depending on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity (charter, memorandum of association, etc.);

– certificate of state registration of a legal entity. For organizations registered before July 1, 2002 - a certificate of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). In both cases, if there are changes or additions to the constituent documents, organizations also submit a certificate of their registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

– certificate of registration with the tax authority;

- a valid extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if any);

– bank card with samples of signatures and seal imprint. Issued in accordance with the requirements of the instructions of the Bank of Russia dated September 14, 2006 No. 28-I "On opening and closing bank accounts, accounts for deposits (deposits)";

- documents on the appointment of the head and chief accountant. If the bank card contains the signatures of other persons, it is necessary to submit documents confirming their authority;

- documents proving the identity of the head and other persons indicated in the card, with samples of signatures and seal imprints;

– licenses for the right to carry out activities subject to licensing;

- an information letter on registration in the Statregister of Rosstat indicating the current statistical codes of the organization (OKPO, OKVED, etc.);

– documents confirming the location of the organization (lease agreement, certificate of state registration of ownership of the premises, etc.).

It should be noted that in some cases, a credit institution has the right to refuse to open a current account for a client - for example, if he submitted false documents to the bank or an incomplete or incorrectly executed set of documents.