Projects of houses measuring 10 by 12. Types, purpose and dimensions of premises, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba private residential building

Choosing any project for building your own home is a rather time-consuming process. Therefore, we have prepared for you detailed instructions to help organize your activities.

1. Plots where it is convenient to implement cottage projects 10 by 12.

However, if you really liked, for example, a house project made of 10x12 foam blocks, you can choose the necessary conditions for this design solution.

The plan of the house 10x12 will allow you to place it on a plot of almost any shape, if its area exceeds 4 drains.

2. How expensive are private house projects 12 10 to implement?

Of course, developers are in demand precisely those projects of 10 by 12 houses that correspond to their financial capabilities. The exact amount of the implementation of any of the projects you can get only when ordering a Tender Offer. The project of a two-story house 10 12 will cost differently depending on the technology used, the building region and the materials used. But in principle, all projects of houses made of 10x12 aerated concrete or other materials can be classified by cost, we wrote more about this in THIS material.

3. House plan 10 by 12: choose the number of floors of your dream house

If you have not yet decided exactly how many floors you want to build, choose options that take into account all their advantages:

  • A one-story house 10 by 12 is the concentration of all processes in one plane. Any part of the house can be reached comfortably, climbing the stairs will not become an obstacle. But the cost of building such a house is higher than for an attic of the same area, since the house will have a larger roof and foundation, which means that the most expensive sections of the estimate increase.
  • Projects of 10x12 houses with an attic are the most cost-effective to implement (in the absence of "cuckoos" and ends). They will please the delimitation of the common and private areas in the house. In addition, such housing will be better to retain heat. Due to their compactness, such cottages are best suited for small plots. But you need to think about how to beat roofing bevels and a low attic wall in the interior.
  • If the project of a 10x12 house is two-story, then you will have two full-fledged spacious floors ready for living. But in comparison with an attic house of the same area, it will be more expensive.
  • The project of a 10x12 house on one floor with an attic suitable for the subsequent improvement of the attic can successfully replace the projects of 10x12 houses with an attic or one-story cottages. By dividing the construction into stages, you can streamline your financial needs by completing the attic when needed.

When choosing a 10 by 12 house project, it is important to remember that both attic and one or two storey houses having the same size in plan will have a different area.

4. House plan 10x12 with an eye to the future

It's great if you know the necessary set of rooms and premises, on the basis of which you are looking for a 10 by 12 house plan. But will it remain just as convenient in a few years? A large living room or kitchen pantry, or vice versa, combined bathrooms that seem so necessary now, may seem completely different over time. Think about whether your children will stay with you under the same roof or maybe your elderly parents will move in with you.

5. Is it possible to make changes, for example, to the design of a 10x12 brick house?

In absolutely every typical project, whether it is a project brick house 10 12 or from any other materials for masonry, can be supplemented with any changes, but only those that affect the strength and reliability of structures.

If you would like to purchase a specific project of a 10x12 house with a garage, but you are not satisfied, for example, that it has an open terrace, but you would like a closed one, our designers will easily make the necessary changes to the project.

We will be glad if our article helped you make a decision when choosing a 10x12 house project!

When choosing a project for the construction of a cottage on a suburban area, first of all, you need to decide on the number of storeys of the building. This nuance has a direct impact on the budget for future construction and the functionality of housing. In turn, the choice of storeys of the building depends on the area of ​​​​the site. A small building area imposes some restrictions on the choice of building type, so a good plan one-story house will always come in handy.

Thanks to competent planning, even a very small cottage can be comfortable and cozy

Plan of a one-story house: advantages and disadvantages

Construction work on the construction of a one-story building has a lot of advantages, because building a house with one floor is much faster and easier than with two or more.

This type of development opens up ample opportunities for design development, its execution, and also ensures reliability and safety. finished building. But one-story cottages will not be able to solve the problem with the development of suburban areas, the owners of which have large families. In this case, you should pay attention to two- and three-story buildings.

Option for planning a one-story house with a small area

One-story buildings are popular not only because of their small size and low construction costs. They fit perfectly into the natural landscape. Nevertheless, the distribution of internal areas should be considered, since the building must ultimately fully meet the needs of all residents. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the photo, plans one-story houses as well as their characteristics. This will allow you to create a more complete understanding of how building designs are developed.

Advantages of projects with one floor

Like any type of building, a one-story building has both advantages and disadvantages. The best option is the one that has more advantages than disadvantages.

Advantages of low-rise projects:

  • The foundation is the most important part of the house. At the same time, the cost of its construction is very high in comparison with the prices for the remaining types of work. In most cases, one-story buildings have a simplified version of the foundation. Such a base is not designed to withstand the weight of several floors, therefore it can have a simple design and lightweight construction. Which, in turn, does not impose restrictions on the type of soil in the area allocated for development;

One-story house with bedrooms in the attic

  • during the construction of walls, you can save a lot, since their structures do not require additional reinforcement, since there is no second floor. The choice of building materials in this case is also practically unlimited;
  • engineering in one-story buildings is very simple. There is no need to carry out complex wiring of communications, heating systems, etc., with the expectation of special operating conditions at home. As it happens, for example, with houses where there is such an architectural element as a second light or there are many floors. Installation work is simplified as much as possible and is very cheap;
  • due to the simple design, building a house does not require large expenditures, and all work is carried out as soon as possible;

3D project of a one-story house with an attic and a garage

  • projects with one floor do not include the presence of a ladder structure, with the exception of layouts with an attic. This allows you to abandon the construction of an expensive and complex staircase, more rationally disposing of the internal living space.

Note! Of no small importance when choosing a layout is the psychological factor. For families with children, the aspect of unity and the optimal placement of living rooms in relation to one another is very important.

Disadvantages of one-story buildings and features of space organization

One-story buildings also have disadvantages, which are not so many:

  • buildings with a large area and one floor create significant difficulties at the design stage. In such conditions, when drawing up the layout, it is necessary to ensure that there are as few walk-through rooms as possible. Especially this requirement applies to rest rooms - bedrooms, guest rooms and children's rooms. The comfort of being in them will depend on this;

The layout of a one-story house with an area of ​​​​150 sq m, designed for a large family

  • buildings with one floor and large dimensions require significant costs at the stage of organizing the roof. Subsequently, a roof with such dimensions will more often need scheduled repairs and updates, which will cause new costs;
  • buildings with small dimensions limit the size of the interior. At the design stage, it will be necessary to create a layout that will simultaneously meet the needs of all residents and comply with building and sanitation standards.

Terrace with a seating area attached to a one-story house

Photos of projects of one-story houses and ways to increase space

Given the fact that one-story buildings are most often limited in size, many owners of suburban areas seek any accessible ways increase interior space.

Ways to increase the area:

  • arrangement of the basement floor, where you can place not only living rooms, but also the premises of a billiard room, gym or pantry;
  • construction of a mansard roof, which can be used to accommodate a guest room, bedroom or children's room;

Basement, first and attic floor of a small private house

Note! The cost of building an attic floor is only slightly higher than the costs that the organization of a roof with two slopes entails. Therefore, the attic can be considered as profitable investment funds.

  • installation of a roof with one slope for the purpose of further organizing an attic room or a hanging platform;
  • using a flat roof to create an additional seating area with a flower garden or patio;
  • organization of a garage or workshop.

All these elements will diversify the layout of a residential building and make it more interesting from an architectural and functional point of view.

Attic device - effective method increasing the interior space of the house

Plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 meters with a plinth

Such an element of the building as the basement cannot be considered as a full-fledged floor. Therefore, it does not affect the nominal number of floors in the house. But if the underground zone of the structure is improved and properly equipped, the basement area can be safely added to the overall size of the building.

The project of a one-story structure with a basement does not provide for the placement of living rooms on this site. Such difficulties are caused by the fact that there is no way to organize natural lighting in the required amount and a normal level of ventilation.

Basement plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 m: 1 - corridor, 2 and 3 - non-residential premises(billiard room, boiler room, laundry, gym, etc.)

Nevertheless, you can always move to the lower part of the building all the premises that have an economic and technical purpose. Even a small building measuring 8x8 m can provide the family with additional space to accommodate many things and household appliances on the basement floor.

Helpful advice! Use the plinth to install a water supply and heating system (boiler installation), organize a laundry, an ironing and drying area, store preserves and vegetables (instead of a cellar). Here you can move utility rooms, a pantry or a closet.

3D with basement

Large-sized projects allow you to place rooms intended for relaxation on the basement:

  • Gym;
  • billiard room;
  • workshop;
  • mini cinema;
  • sauna;
  • small swimming pool.

Features of the layout of a one-story house 10 by 10 meters with an attic

Regarding the cost of a cottage with attic floor almost the same as a house attic space. This point is due to the fact that materials for the construction of the attic require almost the same amount as they are needed for the attic zone. But in this case, there will be additional costs, since you will need to perform:

  • warming;
  • finishing;
  • run the heating system.

Layout of a one-story house 10 by 10 m with an attic

All this is necessary in order to organize a room on the attic floor residential type to ensure their comfort. Therefore, the costs are well justified.

As in the case of the basement, the attic, from the point of view of architecture, cannot be considered as a full-fledged floor, therefore, it is able to offer much less usable area than it could be in a two-story building. But this space makes it possible to make interesting and diverse layouts.

Most often, the attic conditionally appears on the building plan as the second floor. For this reason, in the upper part of the house, the owners tend to arrange bedrooms and small bathrooms. The area of ​​this site determines the number of bedrooms, their dimensions.

Cozy living room, arranged in the attic of a one-story house

The attic may include several small bedrooms, as well as a hall, a full bathroom equipped with a bathtub. Here you can also place a pantry.

Plan of a one-story house 8 by 10 meters with a garage

The presence of only one floor in the house cannot be an obstacle to creating a garage or workshop under the same roof with living quarters. At the same time, plans for one-story houses with a garage can have a completely symmetrical layout or, conversely, a certain number of rooms located freely.

Symmetrical building options offer layouts in which the garage space is separated from residential-type rooms with the help of powerful main walls. Outwardly, such a building looks symmetrical, perhaps a conditional division in half into two zones: a residential part and a plot reserved for a garage. With a free distribution of spaces, the garage room simply adjoins one of the outer walls of the building.

Layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 m with a garage and a large terrace

Helpful advice! It is recommended to draw up a layout so that access to the premises is not only from the street, but also from the side of the house. Thanks to this, the car owner will not need to get wet in the rain and snow in bad weather when he wants to go to the garage.

To increase the free space in the house, it is not at all necessary to be limited to just one garage, basement or attic. You can use all these elements to make your home comfortable and convenient.

The project of a one-story house 8x10 with a garage

Development of a one-story building project

The comfort of living in a house is influenced by many different factors. But the primary of them in importance is the nature of the placement of rooms, as well as the features of their interaction with each other.

The rational distribution of spaces is determined by:

  • room sizes;
  • appointment of premises;
  • accommodation;
  • connections between rooms and other types of rooms, such as verandas, corridors.

The foundation of the house is the basis for creating the layout. Today, based on standard projects, the possibilities for creating layouts have expanded significantly. Developers use pre-designed drawings that include typical design and layout solutions. This reduces the cost of the design phase, and not only reduces the consumption Money, but also time. Ideas are implemented in a short time, they are as close as possible to the needs of most of the owners of suburban areas.

Compact one-story house with an original design

The stage of planning the building and its interior

The building planning phase includes several mandatory requirements that must be followed.

When planning a plan, do not forget about the following points:

  • location in relation to the wind rose;
  • features of the surrounding landscape and the direction in which the flow of groundwater moves;
  • location in relation to the cardinal points;
  • buildings located on the territory, their features and remoteness from the site allocated for construction;
  • availability of binding to engineering and communication systems;
  • features of binding internal communication systems to the premises of the building;
  • the form of the building;

An example of the layout of a one-story house intended for a family of 2-3 people

  • the ability to identify hidden spaces suitable for use as usable areas, subject to minor changes to the standard project;
  • the number of rooms, their purpose, the connection between the interior of the house and the features of future operation.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to reduce the elements of communication systems into nodes. This will reduce costs and get rid of the installation of unnecessary parts. For example, the kitchen and bathroom should have adjacent placement. This eliminates the need for additional piping.

Three-dimensional project of a small one-story house

Useful information for the design phase

Communication systems should be thought through very carefully. It is better if you can keep the length of the pipeline to a minimum, since the installation of long pipes is accompanied by the installation of many connections. The more connections, the higher the risk of leaks.

The sewer system needs a good outflow of water. It should be calculated in order to be able to normally accept the volume of liquid if the dishwasher and washing machine are operating at the same time in the house, as well as the bathroom or shower stall is being used. This moment depends on the number of permanent residents in the house and the needs of each of them (as well as household appliances) in water.

Option for planning a one-story house for a family with a child

The binding of a residential building to communication systems must be carried out in full compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. As a rule, effluents are sent for processing in a natural mode, which involves the use of gravity. Drainage is carried out exclusively in a place intended for these purposes. You should obtain a special permit from the sanitary service and properly organize a pit for drains.

Important! It is unacceptable to use storm drains and reservoirs to drain wastewater. This can lead to a fine from the sanitary inspectorate or a subpoena from the utility company, as well as pollute the environment and groundwater. Carefully study the rules and requirements put forward for the process of organizing a sewer system in a suburban area.

Plan of a one-story house 8 by 8 m with one bedroom

The local network company may also have certain requirements regarding the use of household appliances. Find out in advance what the limit is and, taking into account this data, commission electrical appliances.

Plan of a one-story house up to 100 sq m: interesting solutions

With the optimal location of the house on the site, the wind should be directed to the roof slopes. Due to this, resistance and wind load are reduced in case of strong gusts and bad weather. Moreover, precipitation will not fall into the gables.

If it is planned to build a residential building in a region where there are sharp and frequent changes in the direction of the winds, it is recommended to use half-hip or hip-type roofs. Thanks to these structures, it becomes possible to form additional canopies and planes that provide effective protection of the walls from the effects of precipitation.

If you remove the internal partitions, combining the kitchen, dining room and living room, this will visually expand the interior space of a small house

Do not forget about the features of the landscape terrain. It is not recommended to locate the building at the most extreme points, that is, to carry out construction in the highest and lowest zones of the site.

To determine the location of the building, you should visit the local administration and get a map there that reflects the geodetic zoning of the area and all the features of the nearby terrain. Such a map will include information on the location of groundwater, its direction, soil features and other data useful for construction.

One-storey house with an attic up to 100 sq m

Plan of a one-story house 6 by 6 meters

Made of wood or any other materials, it is based on the parameters and features of the form. Square structures, which is the house of 6x6 m, are considered optimal.

Note! The symmetry of the building allows you to create interiors of premises balanced and harmonious. This is due to the increased popularity of projects with the same side length.

Plan of a small house 6x6 m with one floor

Taking into account the fact that the dimensions of the building 6x6 m are small, such a house can be used as a country cottage. Its construction will be accompanied by lower costs than the construction of a larger or two-story structure. Using the tools and technologies of modern design, here you can organize all the conditions necessary for a comfortable stay.

Considerable savings can be achieved through the competent organization of the heating system, if a fireplace equipped with radiators or a boiler with a small capacity is used as a replacement for it.

Cottage 6 by 6 m can be used as country house or year-round use

In a space of 36 square meters, you can place the premises:

  • living room;
  • bedrooms;
  • kitchens;
  • small bathroom;
  • boiler room;
  • hallway.

A good option would be to combine the kitchen and living room like a studio. Thanks to this solution, you can increase the usable area.

House plan 6x6 m with attic floor

Plan of a one-story house 9 by 9 meters

One-story buildings 9x9 m in terms of layout have similar characteristics as square-shaped buildings smaller. The advantage of buildings with a side length of 9 m is that the usable area increases, which makes it possible to diversify the interior design of rooms.

As an example, consider door structures. The limited spaces of the cottage with a total area of ​​36 sq m require the installation of interior sliding doors in order to save space. Installation of structures with sashes that are hidden in a special box placed in the wall will allow you to achieve maximum space savings. While a residential building with dimensions of 9x9 m allows the installation of classic doors with hinged doors.

Layout options for a one-story house 9 by 9 m

Helpful advice! With the help of the attic floor, you can partially solve the problem of tightness in small buildings. In this case, the attic area is used to accommodate a large bedroom, which frees up space for organizing a larger kitchen and living room. However, you will have to look for a place to install a ladder structure, which will not cause problems if the attic is included in the layout of the 9x9 m house.

The layout of a one-story house 8 by 10 meters

The choice of layouts is quite extensive, so you have every chance to choose a really convenient and suitable option for you. Construction on a suburban area of ​​​​a house with parameters of 8x10 m will allow you to acquire:

  • four bedrooms;
  • living room;
  • kitchen.

3D project of a one-story house 8 by 10 m

And that's just the main living quarters. We must not forget that in such a cottage, in addition to the listed rooms, you can organize bathrooms and utility rooms. The layout may include a veranda or vestibule, which will provide additional protection from the cold in winter.

When drawing up a house plan of 8 by 10 m, in order to save usable space, you can refuse to organize long corridors that steal free space. In addition, a profitable solution would be to combine the areas of the kitchen and living room by removing the wall separating these rooms.

Plan of a one-story house 8x10 with an attic, four bedrooms and a balcony

Projects of one-story houses up to 150 m2: photos and popular layouts

Some projects may have additional structural elements that enhance the architecture of the building.

These elements include:

  • bay window;
  • balcony;
  • terrace;
  • veranda.

Note! All these elements look like external extensions (the exception is the bay window), which are designed for operation in the warm season and in good weather conditions.

The terrace and veranda are good for organizing a recreation area. In the evening, this space can be used for tea parties with family or friends. The balcony will be a great place to relax and contemplate the beauty of the landscape around the house.

The layout of a one-story house with a fairly large area

The bay window has a more complex functional meaning for the building. It effectively decorates the house from the side of the facade, and is also able to make the interior layout more interesting. In addition, the bay window allows you to install large windows. Due to this, the flow of natural light that enters the house from the street increases.

The drawings of buildings with bay windows show how interesting an ordinary rectangular or square building box with standard parameters becomes. Most often, bay windows are installed in structures made of stone or wood. In this case, the type of material has a direct impact on the shape of this element.

Large one-story house with attic space

Plans of a one-story house 10 by 12 meters and 10 by 10 meters

One-story cottages with dimensions of 10x10 m or more are already beyond the scope of projects up to 100 sq m. Most often, owners of land plots with a large area think about the construction of such a building. Such a structure can be used not only as a country house for the summer season, but also capable of performing the function of a full-fledged housing for the permanent residence of a family of several people.

The advantage of square rooms is that they contribute to a convenient distribution of furniture and are optimal for organizing a good level of lighting.

Plan of a one-story house 10 by 12 m with three bedrooms

In a building with dimensions of 10x10 m, a family of 4-5 people can be accommodated. Speaking in general terms, the layout of such a cottage allows you to create living conditions similar to those offered by a three-room apartment in the city. Heating is provided by the boiler room in such a house.

In addition to the mandatory rooms, the owner can organize other rooms that provide increased comfort:

  • arrange an office;
  • increase the dimensions of the bathroom with the subsequent installation of a bathtub instead of a shower stall;
  • install jacuzzi.

Helpful advice! If you increase the project to 10x12 m, it will be possible to add a room for guests and a dressing room to the general plan.

Example successful planning one-story house 10x10

Plan of a one-story house 11 by 11 meters

One-story log houses are a great alternative to brick and concrete. Cottages made of wood are not only low cost, but also environmentally friendly. It will not take very much time to build a building from a bar 11x11 m. In return, you will receive about 102.5 sq m of usable area and a sufficient number of premises.

The design of buildings 11x11 m may include:

  • several living rooms;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • hall;
  • veranda, vestibule, boiler room.

One-storey house 11 by 11 m with an attic and a large garage

As building material it is recommended to use a beam with parameters 150x100. The horizontal type of construction allows you to abandon the installation of stairs, which in itself has a complex structure and construction technology, and even occupies part of the usable area both on the first floor and on the second. With one-story buildings, there is no such problem.

Plan of a one-story house 12 by 12 meters

A one-story building with dimensions of 12x12 m can be an excellent basis for creating a comfortable layout. Housing dimensions allow you to organize:

  • several bedrooms;
  • living room;

Layout option for a one-story house 12x12 m

  • kitchen;
  • dining room
  • two full bathrooms.

Projects 12x12 m allow you to organize a basement or attic. An extension in the form of a terrace or a garage will be able to expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

There are many options for creating a convenient and comfortable building plan for building a suburban area. The choice is only limited by your imagination and budget.

First floor:

Entrance through a small porch (2 m²).

Tambour - 2.27 m² (room for heat regulation of air from the street). On the left along the wall there is a place for a hanger - here we leave outerwear and shoes in which the owners have just arrived and are going to go again (for example, you take care of the garden and went in for something for a minute, the children are walking and came to drink water, etc. .). To the right is the boiler room. It's convenient that it's near the entrance. Plus there is access from home (no need to get dressed and go out). The plan shows the opening of the door, the door is always closed, it is often not necessary to go to the boiler room.

Corridor. On the left at the entrance there is a place for a bedside table / shelves for a handbag and keys. Along the right wall are wardrobes with sliding doors. In the center of the closet there is a passage to the dressing room. Fur coat / coat, which is actively worn this season, is hung in these wardrobe cabinets (sections on the left and right). The dressing room (6.86 m²) stores clothes and shoes from other seasons. You can also leave the clothes of a large number of guests in it if they came to the event all at once.

Bathroom - 3 m². Accommodates shower, sink and toilet. It can be used as a guest at the entrance, a day room for residents of the house and the owners of bedroom 1.

Bedroom 1 - 10.22 m². Can be used as a guest room, grandmother's bedroom, adult child's bedroom, study or children's playroom. There is a double bed with a mattress 1.4 m wide with comfortable passages on both sides of the bed (the mattress can be 1.6 m wide, there will be room for passage) and a wardrobe.

Living room - 25.65 m². Separated from the entrance area and the guest (sleeping) area. The door to the living room is located in such a way that when it is opened, the toilet is not visible to those sitting on the sofa or at the dining table (if someone gets up from the sofa and passes the door to the bathroom, it is provided that the toilet in the bathroom is not visible - only the sink is visible). The living room is divided into 2 zones - relaxation (sofas + armchairs + coffee table + TV) and a dining area (instead of a separate dining room). The dining area is well lit - opposite the table on both walls of the window. Relaxation area with subdued artificial lighting, there is no window opposite the TV - there will be no glare on the screen.

Kitchen - 16.34 m². There is a passage to the kitchen from the corridor: right from the entrance, in order to immediately bring food, for example. The second entrance to the kitchen is through the living room, separated by double doors. Doors can be sliding or hinged, glass or wooden. The door can also be single leaf. The partition between the kitchen and the living room can be omitted at all at the request of the owners. In the kitchen, the working area is marked with the letter G. In this situation, a round breakfast table for 4-5 people freely stands in the square kitchen. The table is placed by the window, there is a glass door to the terrace.

Terrace - 25.79 m². The plan is open, without a canopy. Maybe with a canopy, partially glazed, steps can be located in the place where it is most logical in a particular area. You can mirror the kitchen onto the terrace and make a summer kitchen with a barbecue there. Terrace may or may not be done. Make a second porch or not make a door to the street from the kitchen at all.

Second floor:

3 bedrooms - 22.28 m², 16.04 m² and 19.58 m². Bedroom 2 and Bedroom 3 have double beds with a 1.8 m² mattress, and Bedroom 4 with a 1.6 m² mattress. All bedrooms have bedside tables, 2.5 m wardrobes, computer or work desks. Opposite the bed there is a reserved place for a TV.

2 bathrooms - a toilet with a sink and a small storage system (1.84 m²) and a bathroom (4.28 m²) with a toilet, sink and bathtub.

Laundry room - 4.41 m². There is a washer and dryer, a large storage system, a worktop, an ironing board. Linen does not have to be dried in the bathroom or on the terrace.

This 10 by 10 layout is universal. It has all the necessary standard functionality for a comfortable life for a family of 4-5 people.

Houses with an area of ​​10x12 provide a sufficiently large space for zoning rooms. Despite the spacious dimensions, it is not so easy to carry out a rational layout. In order to distribute the interior space of the house as efficiently as possible, the help of an experienced architect is needed. As a rule, in construction companies, a 10 by 12 house project is presented in several versions, and thanks to this, you can choose in advance the most suitable layout option.

The catalog of ready-made solutions contains one-story, two-story and attic houses with dimensions of 10x12, the layouts of which are distinguished by ergonomics and aesthetic appeal.

Ready-made layouts are a great way to solve a housing problem quickly and economically. Such projects have been tested by real people and meet all building standards. Modern project houses 10 by 12 one-story is very practical and provides for a standard layout with all the necessary premises. If desired, you can adjust the size and location of the rooms.

New solutions in space planning

Most standard layouts provide for an optimal set of premises: a kitchen-dining room, 1-2 bathrooms, a living room, an entrance hall and several bedrooms. This layout of the premises is perfect for both large and small families. If you plan to purchase a 10 by 12 house project with an attic or a second floor, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will increase significantly, which will make it possible to equip additional rooms or utility rooms.

The 10 by 12 project is good because it can be implemented from any building material, and at the same time it will be comfortable for living, even in a one-story version. Construction a two-story house will provide more spacious and comfortable housing, in which it will be possible to equip a sauna, swimming pool or home theater. New design possibilities make it possible to translate into reality suburban projects with comfortable layouts at an affordable cost. Thanks to this, it is quite possible to improve living conditions even for a family with an average income.

Advantages of a one-story building

For a family that dreams of their own home, building a 10x12 project is an excellent option. The spacious area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house provides a sufficient amount of personal space for each family member, especially if it is planned to build a two-story house project 10 by 12 or with an attic. Despite the popularity of two-story and attic projects, many families with young children and elderly relatives prefer one-story houses. A one-story building has a number of advantages:

Simplicity of the foundation and implementation of the project. In such a project, the wiring of communications, interior and exterior decoration, as well as repair and maintenance of the building are cheaper;

Ample opportunities in choosing the architectural style of the house, the design of the facade and roof;

Any building material can be used to build a house;

Convenience of project implementation with a garage;

Various interior layouts;

The absence of an interfloor staircase, which is a potential source of danger for children.

The key to success in the implementation of any construction process is a properly designed real estate project. When choosing house projects 10x12 one-story option, you can see how original and functional such projects are. The dimensions of the interior of a 10x12 house look something like this:

Spacious hall - 10 sq.m;

Kitchen-studio - 15 sq.m;

Technical room for a boiler or boiler - 4 sq.m;

Bathroom - 5 sq.m;

Living room - 20 sq.m;

Bedrooms - 12 sq.m, 10 sq.m, 12 sq.m;

Office - 10 sq.m;

Storage room - 5 sq.m;

Dressing room - 12 sq.m.

Depending on the needs of the owner of the house, the size, purpose and location of the premises may be slightly changed.

Choosing a house layout 10x12

Most of the plans for a house of 120 sq.m are made in approximate versions. Tentative plans help to quickly determine the layout. For example, some people need to have a built-in garage in the house, while others may not need it at all. Some families make their choice in favor of functional layouts with maximum size living area. Each project of a 10x12 house is interesting in its own way from the point of view of rational planning of the interior space.

Any type of planning is based primarily on the needs of a particular family and their lifestyle. Not always, standard projects will be able to satisfy all the wishes of future owners. In such cases, construction companies provide an individual design service. The development of a new project by the joint efforts of the architect and the customer allows to achieve the maximum level of planning comfort in terms of the following indicators:

Convenience of the location of all premises;

Profitability, due to the absence of the need for redevelopment;

Original solutions in the design and arrangement of the interior.

In addition, a carefully selected layout will allow you not to think about changing living conditions and re-planning the wiring of communications. The optimal size of the house 10x12 allows it to be easily placed on non-standard land plots and used for both temporary and permanent residence.

Living in a private house outside the city is not only about fresh air and the absence of noisy neighbors. This is, first of all, the choice of the most comfortable conditions, which consist in a convenient layout of the premises in the house and their sufficient area. And at the same time, one should not assume that in order to satisfy the needs of each member of the family, it is necessary to build a very large cottage. For this, a 10 by 12 house project is quite suitable, in accordance with which the building will be erected, especially if you perform the correct zoning of all rooms and use one or more ways to increase the total and living area.

Architectural design of a classic house 10x12

One or two floors

Having chosen a 10 by 12 house as the main place of residence, you need to decide what the building will be like - one- or two-story. And in order to make the right decision, you need to understand all the advantages of both the first and second options. The main thing is to realize that during construction two-storey cottage financial investments, both at the construction stage and during operation, will be much larger.

Advantages of a one-story house 10x12

The main advantages of a one-story house 10x12 include:

  • financial saving, which consists in the absence of the need to lay a solid foundation, since the load on it from a one-story building will be significantly lower. The amount of costs for basic building and finishing materials is also significantly reduced;
  • convenience operation. All rooms in a one-story house are located on the same level, so cleaning the house will require less time and effort. In addition, in order to move from one room to another, you do not need to use a ladder, which, in addition to saving time and effort, will reduce the risk of accidents, especially if children and the elderly live in the house;

An example of the layout of a one-story house 10x12 with four bedrooms and a kitchen-living room

  • reduction in heating costs, since it is possible to heat the air on one floor much faster.

Advantages of a two-story house 10x12

The main advantages of using a 10x12 house project in a two-story version for construction and life include:

    increase in living space at home, while maintaining the basic parameters of the structure in the plan. Placing a two-story house will not require an increase in size land plot and at the same time, inside it is possible to organize premises not only for family members, but also for guests, for whom, in the absence of a second floor, the construction of guest houses was required;

    device capability balconies on the second floor, which will give you the opportunity to admire the picturesque views of the surroundings;

    presence in the house the most comfortable rooms, which are located On the second floor. In them, the air remains warm much longer and at the same time the humidity level corresponds to normal indicators;

    more solid appearance buildings.

Architectural design and layout of a two-story house 10x12. If necessary, it can be ported as a house plan 10 by 10 two-story

Ways to increase the living space of the house

Even the fact that a one-story 10x12 house is spacious enough and acceptable for an average family to live in, any owner wants to expand it. Having access to all the premises necessary for life, a person wants to arrange a billiard room, a library, a gym and much more in his home to increase the comfort of life. And all this is possible using certain methods that must be taken into account at the design stage. In most cases, the living area of ​​​​the house is increased due to the following tricks:

  • redevelopment and arrangement of the basement floor for the required premises;
  • attic floor extensions, the enclosing structures of which are combined with the roof;
  • shed roofing devices, due to which the height of the attic near one of the walls will increase, making it possible to equip an additional room. In addition, near a high wall with a shed roof, it becomes possible to add a small shed, which can be used as a balcony or as an additional room on supports with its own roof;

In some cases, a shed roof allows you to place a full-fledged second floor under it.

  • flat roof device, which at the same time can be a place to relax in the summer, by installing reliable fences, and possibly a canopy, such a roof can be used as an outdoor terrace.

One-story house with attic or basement

The most rational way to increase the living and total area of ​​​​the house is to arrange a basement or basement with its redevelopment for premises of a certain purpose, as well as the addition of an attic floor. In addition, it is quite possible to consider a slight decrease in the area occupied by the building, with a simultaneous increase in the number of floors - take, for example, a house 10 by 10 one-story project and add an attic to it. On financial expenses this will not significantly affect, but at the same time it will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building by 2 or more times.

The basement floor is an ideal place to set up not only your own mini gym or billiard room, but also allow you to store food for a longer time when organizing a cellar in it. It is in such rooms, the floor of which is below the ground surface, that it will be easiest to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity for storage. Also in the basement you can place utility rooms for equipment or a garage for vehicles.

House layout 10x12 with garage

At the same time, leaving the garage can be arranged from any convenient side of the house, having previously arranged a special congress.

The disadvantage of the attic is the incomplete height of the floor, which reaches its maximum value in the center and decreases near the building envelope. This does not allow to use all its space completely, which leads to a decrease in area compared to the first floor. But the fact that the 10x12 house is quite spacious, even the reduced area of ​​​​the attic floor will be quite sufficient to accommodate bedrooms, an office and even a dressing room.

Premises of a private house 10x12

The standard layout of a private house 10x12 includes the following premises:

  • hallway or vestibule;
  • living room;
  • kitchen;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • WC.

Depending on the number of people living in the house, the purpose of the premises may be changed. For example, if there are no children in the house, the children's room can be replaced by an office. In addition to these premises, a boiler room or boiler room is required.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

The layouts of houses without a basement provide for the presence of a boiler room. In fact, this is a 10 by 10 house plan, one-story, but with a terrace and a boiler room.

When arranging an attic or second floor in a house the best option there will be an increase in the number of bedrooms, even if they are not in constant use. They can be designed as guest rooms. In this case, all the bedrooms are located on the top floor, and the study is also transferred there.

In order for the living room and kitchen not to be very large, the space obtained from moving the rooms can be used to expand the corridor or increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sanitary unit. Also, do not forget that when building a 10 by 12 house plan in a two-story version, you will need a staircase, the design of which will also take away part of the living space. It is also very convenient to arrange a sauna and a swimming pool on the ground floor of the house. In this case, the house will have an ideal place to relax.

Features of the layout of bedrooms and children's rooms

Despite the fact that most of the time the residents of the 10x12 house will spend in common areas, such as the living room and kitchen, it is very important to approach the organization of bedrooms and children's rooms very responsibly.

The house is 10x12 large enough to accommodate a spacious children's room.

It is here that a person will fall asleep and wake up, and children will play in their rooms, do school homework, and therefore their mood and well-being throughout the day will depend on their proper organization. The main rules for the arrangement of children's and bedrooms can be called:

  • the orientation of the windows to the south or east, as this will allow more frequent penetration of natural light in greater quantities;
  • the location of the bedroom in a quieter place, for example, in the back of the house or on the second floor, then the rest will be more relaxed;
  • meeting or exceeding the minimum allowable room dimensions. For comfortable accommodation of one person, a minimum of 8 square meters is required, so a bedroom for two people must be at least 16 square meters. m. Children's room, which is filled with a sufficiently large amount of furniture and other items, should not be cramped and, among other things, have a large enough space for games;
  • lack of passage through the room to another room in the house;
  • the minimum height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.5 meters;

Ceiling heights of 2.5 meters are enough even to accommodate sports equipment

  • the shape of the rooms in the plan should be either square or rectangular, but at the same time its length should not be much greater than the width.

Since most often rest rooms and children's rooms are located on the second or attic floor, and the delimiting structures are not bearing walls, then it is best to arrange the furniture during the drafting of the project and only after that accurately indicate the location of the internal structures.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Rational organization of space at home 10x12

Since a 10x12 house is designed for people's lives, every effort must be made to ensure that the organization of the space is convenient and comfortable. A person should not, when performing daily activities, spend a lot of time moving from one room to another. So, for example, the descent to the basement, namely to the cellar, is best organized from the kitchen or in close proximity to it, and the entrance to the bathroom is best done from the corridor or hall on the ground floor. If the layout of the house 10 by 12 in a two-story version implies a large number of rooms on the top floor, then the bathroom should be arranged there as well.

An example of zoning the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house 10x12

Very simple, but very comfortable layout one-story house 10x12. The spacious living room will allow you to comfortably accommodate not only all family members, but also guests who come to the house. Next to the living room there is a kitchen-dining room and a hall, forming together a daily area. The private area, consisting of two bedrooms, is located in a secluded area in close proximity to the bathroom. This example implies the location of all utility and household premises on the basement floor away from living rooms.

Video description

An overview of the Finnish-style timber house 10 by 12, see the video:

New solutions in space planning

One of the new solutions in the planning of premises is their combination, depending on the purpose. So most often they combine a kitchen, a dining room and a living room, as well as a bathroom with a bathroom. This allows you to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, avoid cramped conditions and at the same time make life more comfortable and convenient. So in order to cook, the hostess does not need to be alone in the kitchen, as family members can be with her in the living room. Cleaning in a combined bathroom will be done much faster and easier because all plumbing fixtures that need constant thorough cleaning are next to each other.

Modern layout - common areas on the first floor, and bedrooms and additional bathrooms are taken out on the second

Proper zoning and layout of the premises, although it is a very important point, is not the only one that affects the comfort of living in the house. The interior of all premises, which is developed in the design project, taking into account all the wishes of the owners, also plays a significant role. Everything that fills a private house, should be harmoniously combined with each other and not cause discomfort. In order to achieve this, there are a few rules to follow, namely:

  • interior decoration of all premises should be made in the same style, using different colors and decor elements. Significant areas of the premises allow the use of both bright and dark colors, which can visually make the premises smaller. Modern methods and finishing materials will help prevent this, which include glossy stretch ceilings, self-leveling floors and much more, which creates a mirror shine in the room, visually expanding the space;
  • the possibility of using various architectural elements such as columns, stucco or fireplace. Each of these elements can be placed in different rooms but made in the same style, which will make the interior harmonious, cozy and beautiful;
  • use of furniture from one collection;
  • multi-level lighting device.

Examples of houses 10x12 in the photo and video

Video description

See several architectural projects of one-story houses in the video:

Two-storey house 10x12 with a balcony and an open terrace

House 10x12 with an attic floor

House 10x12 with an attic, a balcony and a garage in the basement

Increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house 10x12 due to the installation of a pitched roof

Arrangement of additional premises in a house 10x12 with a flat roof

The device of an open area on a flat roof of a house 10x12

House 10x12 with attic floor, balcony and veranda


The layouts of 10x12 houses are spacious enough so that not only all family members, but also guests feel comfortable in such a house, for whom there is always a place for both relaxation and entertainment. If for some reason you want to choose a slightly smaller project, for example, a 10 by 10 house plan, then the basic planning principles remain unchanged.