Types of deposits and calculation of savings. Presentation "bank deposits" Deposits and deposits of Gazprombank presentation


  • Bank deposit -
  • cash deposit,
  • accepted by the bank
  • for a certain period
  • on terms
  • fixed interest payments.
  • Deposits can be divided into 2 groups:
  • demand deposit- a deposit without specifying a storage period, which is returned at the first request of the depositor.
  • term deposit– a deposit made for a certain period in accordance with the terms of the banking agreement.
mutual funds
  • Mutual investment fund - PIF
  • form of collective investment.
  • Means of a group of people - shareholders– transferred to a specialized organization – Management company(UK) - in trust management.
mutual funds
  • Management Company:
  • provides maximum income within a certain investment strategy;
  • takes a fee for the service.
Types of mutual funds
  • open– Open fund units can be bought and sold on any day.
  • Interval- freely sold and bought in certain two-week periods - "intervals" - usually 1 time per half year or quarter.
  • Closed- are sold only when the fund is formed and are redeemed when it is liquidated.
  • You can only receive the accumulated funds:
  • upon reaching retirement age and
  • at the end of the accumulation period,
  • stipulated by the contract.
  • The longer the investment period
  • the greater part of the investment is paid out.
  • Sharing and transferring risks
  • property and non-property losses
  • a specialized organization
  • insurance company.
  • Types of insurance:
  • Personal insurance
  • Property insurance
  • Liability Insurance
  • Business and financial risk insurance
  • Types of insurance:
  • Accident and illness insurance
  • Life insurance in case of death, surviving to a certain age or the date of another event
  • Pension insurance
  • Life insurance with the condition of periodic insurance payments and the participation of the insured in the investment income of the insurer
  • Health insurance
  • Closely associated with
  • human life cycle:
  • In youth and during active life – accident insurance
  • In adulthood - endowment insurance
  • In old age - pension insurance
  • Lifelong health insurance
What determines the price of life insurance
  • Age
  • Health status
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Bad habits
  • Hobbies and lifestyle
Personal financial planning
  • Personal financial planning - PFP is the process by which individuals and families achieve their financial goals.
  • What is the process of LFP:
    • Definition and ranking of financial tasks.
    • Making decisions to achieve goals in conditions of limited resources.
    • Following the chosen plan or changing the plan if it does not work as expected.
Components of a personal financial plan
  • Personal financial
  • pension
  • planning
  • Planning
  • savings and
  • investment
  • Revenue Management
  • and expenses
  • Management of risks
  • tax
  • planning
  • Succession Planning
Income and expense management
  • Income
  • What you get
  • Expenses
  • what you spend
  • Assets
  • What you own
  • Commitments
  • What you should
Family or individual financial planning goals
  • Provide for current consumption: the cost of food, housing, and clothing.
  • Protect against the effects of loss of health due to illness or injury.
  • Protect against property loss and damage
  • Buy your house, apartment, car, etc.
  • Pay off loans.
  • Create a fund for future expenses.
  • Improve living conditions, raise your standard of living.
  • Organize your business.
  • To ensure that the current standard of living is maintained in old age (after retirement).
  • Transfer the accumulated funds to the heirs
Compound interest
  • Example: You put 1,000 rubles. to a bank account at an interest rate of 10% per annum.
  • The amount that you will receive in five years, provided that you do not take a single ruble before the expiration of this period, is called the future value of 1,000 rubles.
  • based on an interest rate of 10% per annum and an investment period of five years.
  • Need to calculate the future value
  • 1 000 rub.
Compound interest
  • PV (Present value - PV)- the initial amount on your account. In this example, 1,000 rubles.
  • i is the interest rate, which is usually expressed as a percentage per annum. Here 10% (or 0.10 in decimal).
  • n- the number of years over which interest will accrue. In our example, 5 years.
  • FV (Future value - FV) - future value through P years.
Compound interest
  • Let's calculate the future value in this example step by step.
  • First, how much money will you have at the end of the first year?
  • You will have 1000 rubles, with which this financial transaction began, plus interest in the amount of 100 rubles. (10% from 1000 rubles or 0.1x1000 rubles).
  • The future value of your money, therefore, will be equal to 1100 rubles:
  • FV= 1000 rub. x 1.10 = 1100 rubles.
Compound interest
  • Second, how much money will you have in five years?
  • We can find the future value five years from now by multiplying again:
  • 1000 rub. x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 \u003d 1000 rubles. x1.15 = = 1610.51 rubles.
Compound interest
  • Contribution at the beginning of the year (rub.)
  • Accrued interest (rub.)
  • Contribution at the end of the year (rub.)
  • 1000,00
  • 100,00
  • 1100,00
  • 1100,00
  • 110,00
  • 1210,00
  • 1210,00
  • 121,00
  • 1331,00
  • 1331,00
  • 133,10
  • 1464,10
  • 1464,10
  • 146,41
  • 1610,51
  • The amount of interest
  • 610,51
Compound interest
  • If i- interest rate
  • n - number of years,
  • then the future value of 1000 rubles. can be found using the formula:
  • FV=1000(1+i)n or
  • FV=PV(1+i)n
Family life cycle
  • E. Duval in 1950 was the first to publish a work on the problems of family development and divided the life cycle into eight stages:
  • 1. Married couples without children.
  • 2. The appearance of children in the family (the age of the child is up to 2.5 years).
  • 3. Family with preschool children (the age of the oldest child is from 2.5 to 6 years).
  • 4. Families with children, younger students (from 6 to 13 years old).
  • 5. Families with teenagers (older child - from 13 to 20 years old).
  • 6. Care of young people from the family
  • 7. Average age of parents (from stage 6 to care for
  • retirement).
  • 8. Aging family members
Joint Stock Companies and Shares Joint Stock Company
  • Joint-Stock Company -
  • the most common organizational and legal form in the world for large and medium-sized businesses.
  • Large business enterprises
  • more often exist in the form of open joint-stock companies.
  • Medium business enterprises -
  • in the form of closed joint stock companies.
  • The main characteristics of modern Russian joint-stock companies are:
  • division of capital into shares;
  • limited liability.
Joint-Stock Company
  • A company, the authorized capital of which is divided into a certain number of shares, certifying the rights and obligations of shareholders in relation to the company.
  • Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC)
  • Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC)
  • open
  • joint-stock company (JSC)
  • Closed
  • joint-stock company (CJSC)
  • OJSC has the right to carry out both open and closed subscription for shares issued by it and carry out their free sale
  • In an OJSC, it is NOT allowed to establish a pre-emptive right of a company or shareholders to purchase shares of this OJSC
  • Number of JSC shareholders
  • Not limited
  • The minimum authorized capital of OJSC NOT less than 1000 minimum wages
  • In a CJSC, shares are distributed ONLY among its founders (shareholders) or other predetermined circle of persons.
  • There is no open subscription for shares and are NOT offered for purchase to an unlimited number of persons.
  • Shareholders of a CJSC enjoy the pre-emptive right to acquire shares in this JSC
  • The number of shareholders does not exceed 50, if more - re-registration in OJSC takes place
  • Authorized capital not less than
  • 100 minimum wage
Creation of a joint stock company
  • By establishing (creating)
  • By reorganization
  • The decision is made by the constituent assembly
  • The founders enter into an agreement between themselves, which determines
  • The founding document is the CHARTER
  • Mergers
  • divisions
  • Allocations
  • Transformations
  • Society establishment
  • Charter approval
  • Election of governing bodies
  • The procedure for joint activities to create a company
  • Authorized capital
  • Categories of issued shares and the procedure for their placement
The authorized capital of the company
  • fixed in the charter of a joint-stock company its initial capital in monetary terms, formed from the proceeds from the sale of shares, or private investments of the founders, state investments.
  • Contribution to the authorized capital can be made not only in the form of cash, but also in property form:
  • in the form of buildings
  • land,
  • objects of intellectual property: patents, licenses, projects.
  • The authorized capital creates the tangible, monetary, scientific, technical, informational basis for the activities of the established organization.
  • Ordinary
  • Privileged
  • The par value of the shares must be the same
  • The total nominal value of shares should not exceed 25% of the authorized capital
Shareholders who own
  • Ordinary shares are entitled
  • Preferred shares are entitled
  • Votes at the general meeting of shareholders when resolving all issues
  • To receive dividends
  • To receive part of the property upon its liquidation
  • For preferential dividends
  • For preferential receipt of liquidation value
  • The amount of the dividend and the liquidation value may be determined
  • In hard cash
  • As a percentage of the nominal value
  • By approving the procedure for their calculation
  • Votes at the general meeting of shareholders when resolving issues
  • Affecting the rights of shareholders-owners of preferred shares
  • About the payment of dividends
  • On the reorganization and liquidation of the company
Preference shares
  • Convertible
  • cumulative
  • simple
  • Provides the right to exchange shares
  • Unpaid dividends are accumulated and paid out
  • Preferred shares of various types,
  • not cumulative or convertible
  • Types of share prices
  • There are several types of stock valuation:
  • The share has a par value (initial value) , which is reflected in the conditions of release. The par value of all ordinary shares must be the same. In developed countries, shares are often issued without specifying a par value.
  • At the initial public offering, the issue price, according to which it is acquired by the first holder (first buyer, investor). Payment for the shares of a joint-stock company upon its establishment is made by the founders at their nominal value. For all subsequent issues, the sale of shares is carried out at the market price. The excess of the issuance price over the nominal price of shares is called share premium or share premium. The issue price may be lower than the market price if the placement is carried out through an intermediary.
  • In the secondary market, shares are sold at market price . The market price depends on the volume of the market, supply and demand conditions, the quality and reliability of the security, current and expected payments of dividends, interest, etc.
  • From the beginning of the functioning (work, activity) of a joint-stock company, the share of capital attributable to one share changes, therefore the share is characterized by a book (accounting) value , which is calculated according to balance sheet data as the ratio of net assets minus the par value of preferred shares to the total number of issued ordinary shares.
  • Liquidation value shares are determined at the time of liquidation of the company. It shows what part of the value of assets at prices of possible sale, remaining after settlements with creditors, is accounted for per share.
  • Net assets is a value determined by subtracting from the amount of assets of a joint-stock company accepted for calculation, the amount of its liabilities accepted for calculation. The assets involved in the calculation are monetary and non-monetary property of the joint-stock company.
  • A share is an issuance security that secures the rights of its owner (shareholder) to receive a part of the profit of a joint-stock company in the form of dividends, to participate in the management of a joint-stock company and to a part of the property remaining after its liquidation.
  • The action certifies the mandatory rights of a member of a joint-stock company in relation to the company.
  • A share is a registered security.
  • The established form is a registered non-documentary security.
  • Shares have the right to issue only a joint-stock company.

ADVANTAGES Possibility of a client contacting any branch of the bank, 13 of which offer their services in the Tomsk region Gazprombank is a member of the deposit insurance system Crediting of wages, pensions and other payments to deposit accounts is carried out by the branch on the day the funds are transferred by the organization The bank offers its customers a wide choice deposits, which include accumulative, pension, savings and others You can manage your funds at any bank office, regardless of the place where the deposit was opened

Gazprombank – Snezhny deposit Conclusion of deposit agreements is made until February 29, 2012§ Deposit term - 181 and 367 days§ Interest paid is retained even in case of early termination of the deposit§ The minimum amount of the initial contribution is rubles § Interest is accrued on the last business day of each calendar quarter with payment optional: by adding to the deposit amount to another deposit/bank card account opened in the name of the Depositor § The minimum amount of the additional deposit is not limited. Debit operations on the deposit are not carried out. § Amount of down payment Interest rate, % per annum 181 days367 days 3,000.00 – .997.007.10 From.007.207.40

Gazprombank - Individual plan Choice of the term by the Depositor accurate to the day (from 31 to 550 days) § Payment of interest at the end of the term § Minimum amount of the initial contribution - rubles § Acceptance of additional contributions is carried out. The minimum amount of additional contribution is not limited. Debit operations on the deposit are not carried out § Initial payment amount Interest rate, % per annum From 31 days to 90 days From 91 days to 180 days From 181 days to 270 days From 271 days to 366 days From 367 days to 549 days 550 days 3,000, 00 – .99 4.405.305.40 5.505.00 – .99 4.655.505.60 5.705.00 – .99 4.907.50 5.805.906.00 From.00 4.907.75 5.805.906.00

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Perhaps, each person thought about increasing his capital by saving in the bank. We decided to demonstrate the possibilities of obtaining real benefits through investments in the bank, as well as tell you how to choose the right bank and deposit.

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In our work, we set ourselves the task of understanding the work with bank deposits, the main task of which is to receive a percentage of profit from the amount deposited in the bank for storage for a certain period. To do this, we will analyze how an individual works with banking deposit systems, show how to correctly calculate the exact profit from your deposit and how to proceed in order to receive a permanent income, while taking into account inflation and deflation of the currency in which the bank is working.

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Types of main deposits:

There are several criteria by which bank deposits are classified into types and subspecies. Deposits may differ in such parameters as terms of placement, purpose of banking products, functionality, as well as currency.

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Demand deposit

Demand deposit. Under such an agreement, the credit institution undertakes to return the invested funds at any time at the first request of the client. But with such a significant plus, the contribution may have a significant minus. The interest rate on the deposit may be minimal (1% - 3%), so there may not be significant revenue compared to other deposits.

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Term deposit

Term deposit. Such deposits are placed for a certain period specified in the agreement. The most common deposits are for one, three, six months or one year. In order to receive the full interest rate, which for the summer of 2012 reaches 10-12% per annum, it is necessary to keep the money on deposit during the entire term of the agreement. Otherwise, the bank will return the deposit, but with a significantly reduced interest rate - as a rule, at the level of the rate on demand deposits.

Slide 7

Term deposits can, in turn, be divided into separate subspecies according to their purpose: savings, savings or settlement. The simplest of them is savings. For such a deposit, replenishment and partial withdrawal operations are prohibited. Savings deposits tend to have the highest rates. Savings deposits are designed for those who would like to replenish the deposit during the term of the agreement. They are intended for those who would like to save up some large amount (for example, for an expensive purchase). The settlement deposit allows the client to maintain control over his funds to some extent, manage his savings by making incoming or outgoing transactions. Another name for this type of deposit is universal deposits. Settlement deposits can also be expense-replenished and expense.

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Deposit for individuals

The deposit for individuals is intended for ordinary citizens. Such deposits are protected by the deposit insurance system.

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Deposit for legal entities

Deposit for legal entities - a type of deposit designed for organizations. With the help of it, companies place temporarily free cash. By agreement between the bank and the legal entity, early withdrawal of funds from the deposit may be prohibited, and this does not contradict the current legislation. In addition, deposits of legal entities are not subject to the deposit insurance system.

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As a result, we can safely assume that the most profitable deposits are savings and savings. A savings deposit has a high interest rate, so the depositor will receive a stable income from his investments in the bank. But in the savings deposit, you can constantly increase the initial amount of investments, thereby increasing the profit for the month, and also, if necessary, you can withdraw the necessary amount from the account. But such a deposit has an interest rate and a shorter term than a savings deposit.

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To find out in what specific situation this or that deposit will be beneficial, consider examples with the most popular banks in Russia, which also guarantee the safety of high interest rates. Such banks are: Sberbank, VTB24, Moscow Industrial Bank.

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Bank "Sberbank"

Deposit "Save" Deposit "Manage"

Slide 14

Bank VTB24

“Favorable” deposit “Cumulative” deposit

slide 15

Bank "MIB"

Deposit "Classic" Deposit "Cumulative"

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As we can see, among all the deposits, deposits in the ruble equivalent of the Moscow Industrial Bank are definitely in the lead. However, we should not forget about the impact of inflation on the amount we contributed. Let's analyze in what currency it is more profitable for us to make a deposit, taking the highest indicators of accrued amounts in foreign currency among savings and funded deposits. Let's transfer the money back to the ruble equivalent, assuming that we made a deposit in 2014, and withdraw money in 2015. At the same time, we need to know the inflation rate of each of the currencies over these years in order to calculate how the value of one currency has changed relative to another.

Slide 17

Table of inflations of various currencies for 2014-2015

  • Slide 18

    It should be recalled that we can also call negative inflation the term "deflation", in other words, this currency is strengthening in the commodity turnover market. The benefit converted into rubles can be calculated using the formula: where S is the amount of income, P is the accumulated amount in foreign currency, n is the ratio of foreign currency to the ruble, i is the indicator of how many times the ruble depreciated relative to another currency. For the ruble-to-dollar ratio, for the ruble-to-euro

    Slide 20

    Accumulative deposit: Benefit in dollars ($) converted into rubles at the new rate will be: Accumulative deposit, Bank VTB24

    slide 21

    As you can see in the above “table of inflations of various currencies for 2014-2015”, the dollar and the euro did not lose their value over this period, that is, the same product costs approximately the same amount of euros or dollars at the end of the year, while in rubles its value increased by more than 10%. To see this clearly, consider the following example.

    slide 22

    At the beginning of 2014, three citizens wanted to buy a new Mitsubishi SUV for exactly 2 million rubles, but one of them had only rubles (2 million rubles), the second had only US dollars ($ 35,200), and the third had only euros ( 32310€). The dealership where the cars are sold accepts all kinds of currency, and also declares that the cost of the car will be kept in accordance with the value of hard currency. All three citizens decided to make deposits the size of the current cost of an SUV for a year, each made a deposit to the bank on the best terms for their currency, so that after the purchase they would have as much money as possible in rubles. Who will make the better purchase?

    slide 23

    In this situation, it would be best to choose a savings deposit, of course, for one year, since this is required by the condition of the problem. Then, referring to the above calculations of the most profitable deposit, a citizen with rubles in a year will have 2,291,420 rubles, a citizen with dollars $36,616, a citizen with euros €33,576. Now you need to determine the value of the car in relation to each currency after a year. Let's calculate according to the following formula: ,

    slide 24

    For the ruble: For the dollar: For the euro: After making a purchase, the citizens will have: 1) 2) 3) Answer: The citizen who bought the car for the euro will receive the greatest benefit

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    General description. Department for work with GSP DOROiP CA 3 Today Our Bank offers one of the most interesting lines of deposits of individuals with the most convenient and profitable options for customers. So, Deposits have two main types: Two types of deposits Deposits Term Deposits Deposits - for creating short-term and long-term savings and generating income Deposits - for daily use - making payments, transfers Demand deposits

    Contributions. Distribution of Contributions according to criteria. Department for work with GSP CA DOROiP 5 Term deposits Term deposits deposit name criteria With the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal With the possibility of replenishment rubles, euros, US dollars "Manage" "On demand" "Pension +" "Universal" Without replenishment and withdrawal Demand deposits Demand deposits

    Advantages of Vladov Sberbank. Department for work with GSP ROADCA 7 The easiest choice of deposit - whether you plan to replenish or withdraw part of the Deposit There is no need to worry about the safety of the deposit and the reliability of the Bank. Preservation and increase of savings in the most reliable Bank For many deposits, a preferential rate in case of early termination of the deposit The ability to make deposit transactions in any branch of the city where the deposit is registered The ability to use the Mobile Bank on the deposit

    About Gazprombank. Gazprombank is one of the largest and leading banks in Russia dealing with individuals. More than 2 million people in Russia use the Bank's services. For individuals, Gazprombank offers comprehensive financial services - our clients can manage their savings and increase them using the most advanced work technologies. The bank offers a wide range of products and services: deposits, loans for the purchase of real estate, purchase of a car and consumer purposes, settlement and cash services, bank cards, investment in the stock market. The reliability of Gazprombank is confirmed by the high ratings assigned to the Bank by the leading international rating agencies. Working with one of the leaders of the Russian banking system, you get a modern, reliable and convenient banking service. 2.

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