Organizational and economic characteristics of the Savings Bank. Report

Sberbank of Russia was created to attract temporarily free Money of the population and enterprises and their effective placement on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency in the interests of the bank's depositors and the development of the economy.
The Bank concentrates a significant amount of deposits and transactions, such as complex banking services legal entities, settlements on behalf of the client, organization of payment acceptance individuals, servicing participants in foreign economic activity, cash service clients, operations with bills of exchange of Sberbank of Russia, implementation of currency control functions, documentary operations servicing corporate clients, corporate and personal plastic cards, salary card projects, depositary services, brokerage services in the stock market, customer service using the "Client - Sberbank" system, has a wide network of institutions, branches, and a significant number of personnel.
According to the form of organization, Sberbank is a credit institution operating on the basis of the Charter. The founders of the bank are the Central Bank of Russia (50% + 1 share), banks, institutions, organizations, joint ventures, employees and collectives of institutions of the system of Sberbank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank of Russia and the Russian Republican Collection Department of the Central Bank.
The activity of Sberbank is regulated and controlled by the meeting of shareholders, which is the supreme governing body of the bank, and in the intervals between meetings - by the Council of the bank, elected at the founding meeting. The executive body of the bank is the Board of Directors, which consists of the President, four vice-presidents and 15 members of the Board of Directors.
On July 1, 2007, the Supervisory Board of the bank was re-elected - one of its most important bodies, which determines, in particular, the personnel policy. It included eight representatives of the Central Bank.
The position of the Central Bank in the country's largest bank has seriously strengthened. People representing the former leadership of the Central Bank were withdrawn from the council, and representatives of the new team headed by Gerashchenko took their place. This meeting was only the final stage in a protracted struggle for influence over Sberbank.
Branches are the main structural element of Sberbank. They may have operations departments, customer service branches, and may also set up agencies in coordination with other organizations. On the territory of the Belgorod region, the number of branches of Sberbank as of September 1, 2008 is 13. In addition, Sberbank has the right to create subsidiaries with the right of a legal entity, own capital and a controlling stake owned by the bank both on the territory of Russia, other CIS states, and abroad.
The banks of Sberbank of the Russian Federation are headed by chairmen appointed by the President of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, and bank branches are headed by managers appointed by the chairmen of banks.
The main activity of the Savings Bank is to provide a variety of services. Sberbank carries out: acceptance and issuance of deposits; credit settlement service clients; issuance of guarantees, guarantees; purchase and sale of foreign currency.
The development of Sberbank's operations was significantly influenced by factors related to changes in economic conditions in society. The most important of them are: the elimination of the monopoly of Sberbank and the increase in competition between commercial banks for attracting funds from the population; dynamics of the price structure, supply of goods and corresponding expenditures of the population; increase in demand for credit; differentiation of the population by income level; interest rate policy of banks, opening privatization accounts of citizens for the acquisition of state and municipal enterprises from the state and municipalities.
The Bank seeks to maximally observe the interests of depositors and takes care of satisfying its own interests, seeking to obtain the greatest profit from lending and other activities.
Sberbank performs active and passive operations. The scale and nature of passive operations is determined by the level of commodity-money relations, the nature of the network banking institutions and cashless payment systems. These operations should be built in such a way that the bank's income from them exceeds the costs of their provision, that is, they are profitable. The profitability of banking operations is significantly affected by competition between banks, which leads, on the one hand, to equalizing the level of profitability in different banks, and on the other hand, to providing the required level of customer service at a lower fee.
Given the concentration of the vast majority of the population's funds in Sberbank and the real situation in the banking sector, today its institutions play a major role in servicing the population.
in the best way assessing the attractiveness of a bank in real Russian reality is the analysis of its main indicators during the financial crisis of 1998, since it was during this period that leading banks emerged, such competitive advantages as the bank's image, quality of services, the amount of authorized capital and assets, the value foreign exchange or general license, customer stability, payment system, advertising, competent management.
It should be emphasized that 2008 was a period of serious trials for the Russian economy and financial system. The outbreak of the financial crisis led to a systemic crisis banking system and destabilization of all segments financial market, loss of liquidity by the largest Russian banks and a sharp drop in confidence on the part of creditors and potential investors.
During the period of the most acute financial crisis, Sberbank remained one of the few Russian banks that continued to work stably and clearly fulfill all its obligations to depositors and customers.
The total number of shareholders is more than 270 thousand. The structure of shareholders of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is given in Table. 2.
table 2
Shareholder structure of OJSC Sberbank of Russia in 2009

The stable operation of Sberbank has significantly strengthened the Bank's position in the financial market. Sberbank ended 2008 with a profit of 92.7 billion rubles, 39.7% more than in the same period last year.
Along with servicing private depositors, Sberbank is actively expanding its corporate client base. Funds on ruble settlement and current accounts of legal entities with Sberbank account for almost 25% of the total balances of funds of corporate clients in Russian commercial banks.
The priority direction for Sberbank is lending to the real sector of the economy and expanding credit services for individuals. Sberbank is actively exploring the promising precious metals market, being the largest operator in this market.
The system of interbranch settlements created at Sberbank makes it possible to seamlessly make customer payments in any, even difficult crisis conditions.
In order to reduce unproductive costs, Sberbank is purposefully optimizing the structure of its regional network.
Let's analyze financial statements object of study. To do this, we will build tables of dynamics and structure of the main indicators (Tables 3, 4).
Table 3
Structure and dynamics of assets and liabilities of OJSC Sberbank of Russia
for 2007-2009 (million rubles)

Asset items


Deviation of 2009 from 2007 (+,-)

Growth rate, %



Thousand rub. Specific gravity, % Thousand rub. Specific weight, % Thousand rub. Specific weight, % Absolute, thousand rubles Specific gravity, p.p.
Loans and advances to customers 3921546 79,6 5077882 75,4 4864031 68,5 942485 -11,1 24,0
Funds in other banks 5071 0,1 2756 0,0 10219 0,1 5148 0,0 101,5
Loan portfolio before allowance for impairment 4038105 81,9 5282923 78,4 5454064 76,8 1415959 -5,2 35,1
Allowance for impairment loan portfolio -111488 -2,3 -202285 -3,0 -579814 -8,2 -468326 -5,9 420,1
Assets 4928808 100 6736482 100 7105066 100 2176258 0,0 44,2
Client funds 387762 9,1 4795232 80,1 5438871 86,0 5051109 76,9 1302,6
Individual deposits 2681986 62,9 3112102 52,0 3787312 59,9 1105326 -3,0 41,2
Funds of legal entities 1195634 28,0 168313 2,8 1651559 26,1 455925 -1,9 38,1
Commitments 4265964 100 5986320 100 6326130 100 2060166 0,0 48,3
Capital 637197 100 750162 100 778933 100 141736 0,0 22,2

The bank's assets for the year increased by 5.8% to 7,110 billion rubles. mainly due to the growth of the loan portfolio of corporate clients and the portfolio valuable papers. At the same time, loan provisions created by the bank significantly reduced the net loan portfolio and, accordingly, the bank's assets.
The Bank continued active lending to the real sector of the economy - over the year, Russian enterprises were issued loans in the amount of about 4 trillion. rubles, of which about 420 billion rubles. issued in December. The rest of the loan portfolio of legal entities increased by 6.7% since the beginning of the year to 4,249 billion rubles. (according to the internal methodology of Sberbank, since 08/01/2009, the loan portfolio of legal entities has included contracts for the assignment of claims on loans with deferred payment, hereinafter referred to as assignment contracts).
In order to actively develop lending operations and stimulate demand, starting from the second quarter of this year, the bank has been consistently reducing interest rates on loans in all currencies. However, the demand for loans due to the low business activity of enterprises remains low, which affects the dynamics of the bank's loan portfolio.
In addition, since the second half of the year, the global borrowing market has reopened to large Russian companies, as a result of which the bank faced significant amounts of early repayment of loans. In November and December, the total volume of loans repaid by corporate borrowers exceeded the volume of loans issued, which led to a reduction in the portfolio over these two months by almost 100 billion rubles.
Nevertheless, the bank is expanding its corporate loan portfolio at a faster pace than the market: according to the latest available comparable data for 11 months of 2009, the growth rate of loans to corporate customers of Sberbank (6.9%) significantly exceeded the growth rate of this segment of the Russian market (1. 3%). This allowed Sberbank to increase its market share from 30.5% to 32.2% within 11 months.
Low consumer demand for loans in 2009 led to a decrease in the retail loan portfolio by 6.9% to RUB 1,170 billion. In an effort to increase the volume of retail lending, since the second half of 2009, the bank began to lift the restrictions imposed in the midst of economic crisis. Thus, lending in foreign currency was resumed, the down payment on mortgage and car loans was reduced, the maximum amounts and terms of loans were increased for a number of programs, etc. In December 2009, the bank reduced interest rates in foreign currency on a number of consumer programs, introduced a new loan product for the purpose of restructuring debt on housing loans, and amended the conditions for granting Trust Loans.
The result of the measures taken was a slowdown in the reduction of the retail loan portfolio. The Bank plans to further increase the availability of retail loans by liberalizing lending conditions and offering new products. Already in the current year, 2010, the bank resumed lending to individuals in foreign currency for the purpose of purchasing housing, reduced interest rates on a number of loans for participants salary projects.
The control of accepted risks allows the bank to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio at an acceptable level. The share of overdue debt in the loan portfolio of customers as of January 1, 2010 amounted to 4.4% (both with and without assignment agreements). The volume of reserves created by the bank for possible losses on loans increased in 2009 from 230 to 589 billion rubles. As of January 1, 2010, the volume of reserves exceeded the volume of overdue loans by 2.5 times (2.6 times as of January 1, 2009).
Since the beginning of the year, the securities portfolio has increased 2.1 times to 1,052 billion rubles. mainly through the purchase of corporate bonds, OFZ and OBR. This made it possible to diversify the bank's assets and increase the share of income from operations with securities in total income. Since the beginning of the year, the bank has increased investments in corporate bonds by 3.5 times to 296 billion rubles. The Bank purchased bonds of leading Russian issuers in various industries, thereby financing the national economy. The peak of acquisitions of corporate bonds fell on the third quarter of 2009. In the fourth quarter, in order to place excess liquidity, the bank also purchased OBRs and OFZs for a total amount of about 320 billion rubles, which led to an increase in the portfolio of government securities by the end of the year by 2.0 times to 640 billion rubles.
In the structure of the bank's securities portfolio, the share of corporate bonds increased from 17% to 28% over the year, the share of government securities and sub-federal bonds decreased from 80% to 70%. The share of shares in the bank's securities portfolio is just over 1%.
The balance of funds raised from individuals increased over the year by 20.9% to RUB 3,776 billion. In absolute terms, the increase amounted to 652 billion rubles, of which 232 billion rubles fell in December, which was due to various payments made by Russian enterprises and organizations to their employees, timed to coincide with the end of the year. A stable inflow of funds from individuals ensured a high level of liquidity for the bank and made it possible to fully compensate for the outflow of funds from corporate clients (-76 billion rubles per year) and refuse to attract resources from the Bank of Russia, which took place in the first half of 2009.
Funds of corporate clients decreased over the year by 4.2% to 1,724 billion rubles. Bank funds decreased over the year by 31.3% to 645 billion rubles. As of January 1, 2010, only funds received from the Bank of Russia in the form of long-term subordinated loans at the end of 2008 in the total amount of 500 billion rubles remain on the bank's balance sheet.
In general, over the year, capital increased by 14.4% mainly due to the transfer of audited net profit for 2008 from additional capital to fixed capital, including in the calculation of additional capital the increase in the value of property according to the revaluation carried out as of January 1, 2009, as well as the net profit earned in 2009.
The bank's capital adequacy as of January 1, 2010 is at the level of about 23%.
Table 4
Structure and dynamics of income and expenses of OJSC Sberbank of Russia
for 2007-2009 (million rubles)



Absolute Deviation of 2009 from 2007, thousand rubles (+, -)

Growth rate, %
2007 2008 2009
Net interest income 252761 378157 502717 249956 198,9
Net fee and commission income 65875 86194 101089 35214 153,5
Operating income before reserves 353146 449541 648073 294927 183,5
Operating income 335513 351660 259141 -76372 77,2
Allocations to the provision for impairment of the loan portfolio -17633 -97881 -388932 -371299 2205,7
Administrative and other operating expenses -195764 -221739 -229277 -33513 117,1
Profit before tax 139749 129921 29864 -109885 21,4
Net profit 106489 97746 24393 -82096 22,9

Operating income before provisions for possible losses increased by 30.2%. Net interest income increased by 36.4%. Net fee and commission income increased by 10.0%. operating expenses decreased by 2.8%. the costs of creating reserves for possible losses increased by 2.9 times. Profit before taxes from profit excluding events after the balance sheet date amounted to RUB 43.3 billion. against 136.9 billion rubles. for 2008. Net profit, excluding events after the reporting date, amounted to RUB 36.2 billion. against 109.9 billion rubles. for 2008.
Despite the difficult situation in the economy, in 2009 the bank achieved a significant increase in operating income while reducing operating expenses. Operating income before provisions increased by 30.2% compared to 2008 and reached 647.2 billion rubles. The basis for the growth of the bank's income was the increase in net interest income by 36.4% to 456.8 billion rubles.
Interest income increased over the year by 33.5% to 768.4 billion rubles, while their growth rate outpaced the growth rate of interest expenses. Growth in interest income was mainly due to an increase in income from lending to legal entities (+42.1%), while income from loans to individuals increased slightly (+4.4%) as a result of market contraction consumer lending.
A more than twofold increase in the securities portfolio during the year led to a significant increase in interest income on them (by 1.7 times). This made it possible to diversify the bank's income to a greater extent - the share of income from securities in the total volume of interest income increased from 5.6% to 7.2%.
Interest expenses increased by 29.5% to 311.6 billion rubles. mainly at the expense of expenses on funds of banks and funds of individuals. The most significant increase was in interest expenses on funds due to banks (by 3.9 times), which was due to the attraction at the end of 2008 of subordinated loans from the Bank of Russia for a total of 500 billion rubles. Growth in expenses on funds from individuals (+20.6%) was due to both an increase in the amount of funds raised and an increase in their value during the crisis. The volume of interest expenses on funds of legal entities decreased slightly compared to 2008 (-4.4%).
Net fee and commission income increased by 10.0% to RUB 143.1 billion. mainly due to the growth of fee and commission income received from settlement transactions, lending to legal entities, account management, operations with bank cards, operations with foreign currency and precious metals, operations with securities, bank guarantees. The decline in demand for loans from the population in the context of the crisis led to a reduction in fee and commission income from lending to individuals. The volume of commission income from cash transactions of individuals also decreased. The volume of commissions for documentary operations, maintenance of budget accounts, currency control, depository and agency services compared to 2008 has changed slightly.
Net income from operations in financial markets increased by 66.9% over the year to 42.2 billion rubles. Growth was achieved due to income from trading operations with securities and precious metals.
Strict control over operating expenses allowed the bank to reduce their volume in 2009 by 2.8% to 220.0 billion rubles. The bank achieved these results mainly due to the reduction of personnel costs due to the optimization of the organizational structure, as well as maintaining low growth rates of administrative and economic expenses. The ratio of operating expenses to income for the year amounted to 34.0% against 45.5% a year earlier.
The Bank continues to adhere to a conservative policy in terms of covering credit risks. In 2009, the bank allocated 383.9 billion rubles for the formation of reserves, incl. for provisions for loans - 361.5 billion rubles, which is 3 times higher than the expenses for provisions for loans in 2008. The reserves were created solely from operating income and did not reduce the bank's capital.
Due to significant provisioning costs, the bank's profit decreased compared to the previous year:
1. Profit before taxes from profit for 2009, excluding events after the reporting date, amounted to 43.3 billion rubles. (for 2008: 143.5 billion rubles excluding events after the reporting date and 136.9 billion rubles including events after the reporting date)
2. The bank's net profit for 2009, excluding events after the reporting date, amounted to 36.2 billion rubles. (for 2008: 108.2 billion rubles excluding events after the reporting date and 109.9 billion rubles including events after the reporting date).
In general, the economic situation of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is clearly reflected in Table. 5.
Table 5
Dynamics of the main economic indicators
OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" for 2007-2009



Deviation of 2009 from 2007
2007 2008 2009 (+,-) %
Share of non-performing loans in the loan portfolio, % 1,5 1,8 8,5 7,0 466,7
Share of allowance for impairment of the loan portfolio in the loan portfolio, % 2,8 3,8 10,7 7,9 287,6
Ratio of allowance for loan portfolio impairment to non-performing loans, % 1,8 2,1 1,2 -0,6 -34,8
Net interest margin, % 6,4 7,1 7,8 1,4 21,9
Spread, % 6,0 6,7 7,3 1,3 21,7
Ratio of expenses to operating income (before provisions), % 55,4 49,3 35,4 -20,0 -36,1
Loans/Deposits, % 101,1 105,9 89,4 -11,7 -11,6
Return on assets (ROAA), % 2,5 1,7 0,4 -2,1 -84,2
Return on equity (ROAE), % 22,5 14,1 3,2 -19,3 -85,8
Earnings per share, in rubles per share (EPS) 5,10 4,50 1,10 -4,0 -78,4
Share price on MICEX at the end of the period, rub. 102,30 22,79 83,14 -19,2 -18,7
Average number of employees, pcs. 251208 259999 252398 1190,0 0,5
Average number of shares for the period, mln. 20962 21585 21585 623 3,0
Capital adequacy ratio (Tier 1), % 13,9 12,2 11,5 -2,4 -17,3
Total capital adequacy ratio (Tier 1 and Tier 2), % 14,5 18,9 18,1 3,6 24,8

Analysis of the main economic indicators of Sberbank of Russia for 2007-2009. revealed the following dynamics.
The share of non-performing loans in the loan portfolio in 2009 increased by 5.7 times and reached the level of 8.5%. The share of the provision in the loan portfolio increased 3.9 times and amounted to 10.7%. The ratio of the provision to non-performing loans decreased by 0.6 p.p. and became equal to 1.2%.
The net interest margin in 2009 was 7.8%, up 1.4 p.p. above the level of 2007. The spread increased to 7.3%.
The ratio of expenses to operating income decreased by 20 p.p. to the level of 35.4%.
The ratio of loans to deposits in 2009 was 89.4% against 101.1% in 2007.
The return on assets decreased by 6 times, amounting to 0.4% in 2009. The return on equity decreased by almost 7 times, amounting to 3.2% in 2009.
Earnings per share also decreased by almost 4.5 times, and in 2009 the payment amounted to 1.1 rubles. The cost of a share on the MICEX in 2009 was 83.14 rubles.
The number of employees for the analyzed period increased by 1.2 thousand people. (by 0.5%). 623 shares were issued.
Adequacy ratios differ: core capital adequacy decreased by 2.4 percentage points, while total capital adequacy increased by 3.6 percentage points, and in 2009 they reached levels of 11.5% and 18.1%, respectively .


Figure 2 - Organizational structure of Sberbank OJSC

Sberbank governing bodies:

General Meeting of Shareholders– the supreme management body of the Bank, which makes decisions on all major issues of the Bank's activities.

The Supervisory Board - in accordance with the Charter of the Bank, carries out general management of the Bank's activities. Its tasks are: determination of priority areas of the Bank's activities, formation of the Bank's collegial executive body (the Management Board), issues of convening and preparing General Meetings of Shareholders, recommendations on the amount of dividends and the procedure for their payment, periodic hearing of reports of the President, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank on the financial results of the Bank's activities. A complete list of issues within the competence of the Supervisory Board is reflected in the Articles of Association. Supervisory Board of the Bank consists of 17 directors, including 6 representatives of the Bank of Russia, 2 representatives of the Savings Bank of Russia, 1 external and 8 independent directors.

Committees of the Supervisory Board are bodies established for preliminary consideration of particularly important issues within the competence of the Supervisory Board and preparation of recommendations on them. Committees are formed annually from among the members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank. Each committee is composed of independent/external directors. The committees facilitate working interaction with the Bank's governing bodies. Committee decisions are advisory in nature.

1. The Audit Committee - carries out a preliminary assessment of candidates for the Bank's auditors, considers the opinions of the auditor and the Audit Commission, evaluates the effectiveness of the Bank's internal control, preliminary reviews annual reporting Jar.

2. Human Resources and Remuneration Committee - develops principles and criteria for determining the amount of remuneration for members of the Supervisory Board and executive bodies of the Bank, prepares proposals for determining essential conditions contracts with members of the Supervisory Board and executive bodies of the Bank, evaluates the activities of members of the executive bodies of the Bank.

3. Strategic Planning Committee - carries out preliminary consideration of issues related to the strategic management of the Bank's activities in order to improve the efficiency of its activities in the long term.

Management Board - the President, Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank and collegial executive body managing the current activities of the Bank. The procedure for electing the President, the Chairman of the Board of the Bank and the Board of the Bank is reflected in the Charter of the Bank. Board of the Bank consists of 13 members.

The Committees of the Bank are a number of collegiate bodies whose tasks are to resolve issues and implement a unified coordinated policy in various areas of the Bank's operations.

The Collegium is a platform for active discussion of strategic issues of the Bank's development and development of optimal solutions that take into account the regional characteristics of the Bank's activities. The Board of the Bank includes members of the Management Board of the Bank, heads of territorial and subsidiary banks.

Branches of the Bank (territorial banks) are headed by chairmen appointed by the President, Chairman of the Board of the Bank, branches (departments) - by managers appointed according to the established nomenclature. In the branches of the Bank collegiate management bodies (board of a territorial bank, council of a branch) are created, which operate on the basis of standard provisions approved by the Board of the Bank. Chairmen of territorial banks, branch managers act on the basis of powers of attorney.

Landmarks in improving the management system and personnel work:

Development of human capital: creation of a structured personnel management system that meets the requirements of the business;

Development of information resources: laying the foundations for effective use information, building information and analytical systems to solve the problems of the Bank;

Development of the management system: creation of a management system adequate to the increasing complexity of the business and the volatility of external factors.



Banking is a special area of ​​business activity. The leading principle in the work of commercial banks is the desire to obtain greater profits. However, the activities of commercial banks, as well as other financial and non-financial institutions, are always associated with risks.

The first chapter considered the organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

Sberbank of Russia is largest bank Russian Federation and CIS countries. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is central bank Russian Federation, owning 50% of the authorized capital. Founded in 1841, today Sberbank of Russia OJSC is the leader of the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets. The bank is the main lender Russian economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market.

Analysis of the bank's income and expenses showed that the amount of net income in the period from 2010 to 2012 had an upward trend. In 2012, their growth rate was 155.47%. Fee and commission income from 2010 to 2012 increased by 41,371,353 thousand rubles. Interest income in the analyzed period was received from the placement of funds in credit institutions; from loans to customers other than credit organizations; from the provision of financial lease (leasing) services; from investments in securities. The growth of interest income testifies to the purposeful actions of the bank in the field of credit and interest policy. The growth rate of interest income in 2012 amounted to 137.27%. The growth rate of operating expenses in the period under review is 124.67%, and interest expenses - 135.67%.

In general, in the analyzed period, there is a constant profit, which from 2010 to 2011 increased by 136516348 thousand rubles. and from 2011 to 2012 by 35679608 thousand rubles. As a result, the growth rate was 198.98%.

The assessment of the bank's profitability showed that in the period under review, the return on assets increased from 2010 to 2011 by 0.9% and decreased from 2011 to 2012 by 0.5%. This dynamics suggests that the bank's management should manage its available funds more efficiently and control operating expenses. Return on equity also increased by 7.4% from 2010 to 2011, and decreased by 3.8% from 2011 to 2012. This means that from the point of view of the use of capital, the bank should work more efficiently.

In the second chapter, the operational and credit risk of OJSC Sberbank of Russia was assessed, and ways to improve the risk management system were proposed.

Thus, an approximate assessment of the damage from the realization of operational risks in Sberbank showed that if all the risks materialize, the bank may incur losses. The greatest attention should be paid to such threats as insufficient competence and lack of experience among staff, internal fraud, failures information system and equipment failure, information system hacking and virus infection.

The assessment of the individual credit risk of CJSC Energomash was carried out on the basis of the bank's current method for determining the borrower's credit rating. CJSC Energomash lending risk belongs to category 3, i.е. this is the average level of risk. Thus, Sberbank states that the issuance of a loan is quite likely.

Improving the risk management system is a strategically important area for improving the efficiency of financial and economic activity in conditions of growing uncertainty of the external environment.


1. I.O. Lavrushina, N.I. Valentsev. Banking risks. Textbook. M. KNORUS, 2010

2. Balabanov I.G. Risk management. M. Finance and statistics. 2011

3. J. K. Van Horn Fundamentals of financial management: Per. from English. M. Finance and statistics. 2010.

4. Serdyukova I.D. Methods for analyzing financial risks // Accounting. 2012. No. 6.

5. Utkin E.A. Risk management: tutorial. M.: Infra, 2011.

6. P.O. Voevodskaya. Theoretical aspects of banking risks. Vestnik OGAU. 2013. V. 40. No. 1.

7. Zakharov V.S. On the risks of the banking system // Money and credit. 2011.

8. G.G. Fetisov, O.I. Lavrushin, I.D. Mamonov. Organization of the activities of the central bank. Textbook. M. KNORUS, 2010

9. Zharkovskaya E.P. Banking M.: Omega-L, 2011.

10. M.Yu. Pechalov "Organization of risk management in a commercial bank". Management in Russia and abroad. 2012 No. 1.

11. Gruning H. Wang, Brajovic S. Analysis of banking risks. System for assessing corporate governance and financial risk management / per. from English; intro. sl. K.R. Tagirbekov. M.: All world, 2013.

12. Lavrushin O.I. Banking risks. M.: KNORUS, 2012.

13. Galanov V.A. Fundamentals of banking. Textbook. – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2013.

14. Shevchuk D.A. Bank operations. Principles, profitability, control, risks. – M.: Gross Media, 2011.

15. Pronskaya N. Conceptual provisions of banking risk management. ITKOR, 2010.

16. Samofalova E.V. State regulation of the national economy: textbook. allowance. M.: KnoRus, 2012.

17. On typical banking risks: letter from the Bank of Russia dated 23.06.2004. No. 70-T.

18. On Amendments to Bank of Russia Regulation No. 313-P dated November 14, 2007 “On the Procedure for Calculating Market Risk by Credit Institutions”: Bank of Russia Instruction No. 2321-U dated November 3, 2009.

19. On the mandatory ratios of banks: instruction of the Bank of Russia dated 16.01.2004 No. 110-I.

20. On the procedure for the formation by credit institutions of reserves for possible losses on loans, on loan and equivalent debts: regulation of the Bank of Russia dated 26.03.2004 No. 254-P.

21. On introducing amendments to Bank of Russia Instruction No. 110-I dated January 16, 2004 “On Mandatory Banking Ratios”: Bank of Russia Instruction No. 2324-U dated November 3, 2009.

22. On the Procedure for Calculating Operational Risk by Credit Institutions: Bank of Russia Regulation No. 346-P dated November 3, 2009.

23. On the organization of operational risk management in credit institutions: Letter of the Bank of Russia No. 76-T dated May 24, 2005.


25. Vasiliev V.A. Mathematical models for assessing and managing financial risks of business entities / V.A. Vasiliev, A.V. Pilots, V.E. Lyalin // Audit and financial analysis. - 2011. - No. 4.

26. Falin G.I. Mathematical analysis of risks in insurance. -M.: Russian legal publishing house. 2012.

27. Securities Market: Textbook / Ed. V.A. Galaganova, A.I. Basov. M.: Finance and statistics, 2010.

28. Mamedov F.M. Mathematical models for measuring financial risks// Business in Law No. 1, 2011.

29. Tkachuk M.I. Fundamentals of financial management M: Interpressservice: Ecoperspective, 2010.

30. Balabanov I.T. Fundamentals of financial management - M .: Finance and statistics, 2009.

31. Banking: strategic guidance - M.: Consult-banker, 2011.


Chapter 1. Organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank OJSC ... .5

1.1. General information about Sberbank OJSC…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.2. Organizational structure of Sberbank OJSC………………………...10

1.3. The financial analysis Sberbank OJSC………………………………….14

Chapter 2. Risk assessment and management of Sberbank OJSC………………..……..22

2.1. Operational risk assessment of Sberbank of Russia OJSC………………22

2.2. Assessment of the credit risk of Sberbank of Russia OJSC…………………..28

2.3. Improving the risk management system …………………...36




Over the past two years, forecasts regarding the development of the banking system were rather pessimistic. The themes of the onset of another crisis and default were exacerbated in connection with the socio-political and economic processes taking place in the world. Despite the negative situation abroad, in our country, many experts suggest a slight development of small and medium-sized businesses. Undoubtedly, an increase in lending rates is also expected, the process of increasing the cost of attracting funds, and increasing deposit rates will continue.

The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that in such conditions of economic instability, special attention should be paid to the category that accompanies each type of activity - risks. Risk is an integral, permanent, sometimes insoluble part of entrepreneurial activity, including banking.

success banking directly depends on the reasonableness of the level of risks taken, and, consequently, on the quality of the analysis and forecast of possible causes of risks, their types and sizes, as well as on the quality of control and risk management in the banking sector.

To make science-based decisions on banking risk management, it is necessary to use methodological support, which is a set of techniques, procedures, methods, financial and organizational tools for developing measures to identify, prevent and reduce risks.

This term paper is to disclose the main methods for assessing and managing risks, as well as identifying ways to minimize them.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work:

The first chapter gives a brief organizational and economic description of Sberbank of Russia, analyzes the main economic indicators of its activities for 2010-2012.

The second chapter is computational and analytical. The operational and credit risk of OJSC Sberbank of Russia was assessed, and recommendations were developed aimed at improving the risk management system;

The theoretical and practical basis for writing a term paper were the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors, materials of periodicals, as well as reporting data.


2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics activities of PJSC"Sberbank of Russia"

Historically, PJSC Sberbank of Russia counts its foundation from the date of the decree of Emperor Nicholas I on the creation of savings banks, signed on October 30 (November 12), 1841. “In respect of the benefits that Savings Banks can bring both in economic and moral terms,” the Decree said, “We command: to establish, on the basis explained in the Charter, Savings Banks for the first time under the St. Petersburg and Moscow Safe Treasuries.” The opening of the first savings bank took place in St. Petersburg on March 1, 1842 in the building of the Board of Trustees at 7 Kazanskaya Street. In this building, built in 1810 by the architect G. Quarenghi, the St. Petersburg cash desk worked until 1917. On the opening day, the cash desk was visited by 76 depositors who issued invoices in the amount of 426.5 rubles. The first client of the savings bank was Nikolay Antonovich Kristofari, a court adviser, assistant to the Director of the Expedition of the St. Petersburg Loan Treasury, who, with his 10-ruble contribution, laid the foundation for the Russian savings business. He was issued a savings book under No. 1. The Moscow cash desk opened its doors to clients on April 5, 1842 in the building of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage on Solyanka. Until 1862, it remained the only savings bank in the city that did not have branches, as well as Petersburg.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia continues to actively develop remote sales channels, in particular, by expanding the network of self-service devices. Another remote service is successfully developing - Sberbank of Russia PJSC OnL @ yn. The number of its active users exceeds 9 million clients. Clients were provided with new versions of Sberbank Online applications for iPhone, iPad and Android, as well as an application for Windows Phone. PJSC Sberbank of Russia has a unique branch network, which currently includes 14 regional banks and more than 16,000 branches in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation located in 11 time zones. The Bank's foreign network consists of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices in the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe, Turkey, Great Britain, the USA and other countries.

The main activities of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are banking operations:

Operations with corporate clients: maintenance of settlement and current accounts, opening deposits, providing financing, issuing guarantees, servicing export-import operations, cash collection, conversion services, Money transfers in favor of legal entities, etc.

· Operations with retail clients: acceptance of funds in deposits and securities of the Bank, lending, servicing bank cards, operations with precious metals, purchase and sale of foreign currency, payments, money transfers, storage of valuables, etc.

· Operations in financial markets: with securities, derivative financial instruments, foreign currency, etc.

The financial and economic performance indicators of PJSC Sberbank of Russia are presented in Table 1. The data in Table 1 allow us to formulate the following conclusions:

· Net profit for the 1st half of 2016 was at the level of 229.4 billion rubles, which is almost 3 times higher than the result of the 1st half of 2015 (81.6 billion rubles). The main driver of profit growth is the growth of net interest income due to an increase in the volume of working assets, as well as a decrease in the level of interest rates in the market and the replacement of government financing with customer funds.

Table 1

Financial and economic performance indicators of Sberbank of Russia PJSC

· The total capital of the Bank, calculated in accordance with the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated December 28, 2012 No. 395-P "On the methodology for determining the amount own funds(capital) of credit institutions ( Basel III)”, increased compared to January 1, 2016 by 117.2 billion rubles, to 2,775.3 billion rubles. Earned profit became the source of capital growth. The return on assets increased from 0.8% to 2.0% due to the growth in net profit.

Return on equity for the 1st half of 2016 increased from 8.0% to 18.9% due to an increase in net profit .

· Net assets decreased compared to January 1, 2016 by 3.7%, or by 0.8 trillion. rubles, up to 21.9 trillion. rubles. The dynamics of net assets was strongly influenced by the negative revaluation of foreign currency balance sheet items as a result of the strengthening of the ruble. Thus, the net loan debt compared with the beginning of the year decreased by 0.7 trillion. rubles, or by 4.0%, which was the result of the revaluation of foreign currency loans to legal entities and non-resident banks. Also, the dynamics of net loan debt was influenced by the investment of part of the funds previously placed in loans to banks in more profitable instruments, in particular, in securities. Net investments in securities and other available-for-sale financial assets increased by 16.1% or $0.4 trillion. rubles to 2.7 trillion. rubles. The growth of investments in subsidiaries and affiliates is associated with pre-capitalization subsidiaries. Reduction of cash balances since the beginning of the year by 0.3 trillion. rubles, or by 34.4%, which took place mainly in January, due to a seasonal decrease in demand for cash compared to the period new year holidays. 12

· Clients' funds remain the basis of the Bank's resource base. Since the beginning of the year, their balance has decreased by 0.7 trillion. rubles, or by 3.9%, to a value of 17.0 trillion. rubles. The negative revaluation of currency balances affected the dynamics of customer funds.

· Financial result (including other total income, from the revaluation of securities for sale) amounted to 295.1 billion rubles, which is 89.3 billion rubles, or 43.4% more than the same period last year.

Liquidity indicators of Sberbank of Russia PJSC are presented in Table 2. commercial Bank deposit

In the 1st half of 2016, the total assets of Sberbank of Russia PJSC decreased by 831 billion rubles and in the 2nd quarter amounted to 21,876 billion rubles (against 22,707 billion rubles at the beginning of the year) .

The main factors that determined the dynamics of assets were:

· decrease in the amount of net loan debt (decrease over the year by 682 billion rubles to the level of 16,188 billion rubles);

· decrease in the amount of cash by RUB 252 billion due to lower demand for cash from customers;

revaluation of assets at fair value through profit or loss (for 2015 - by 155 billion rubles),

· Growth in investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale, as well as an increase in investments in subsidiaries and affiliates (total by 598 billion rubles over half a year).

table 2

Liquidity ratios of Sberbank of Russia PJSC

Symbol (number) of the standard

Name of the regulation

Permissible value of the standard

The actual value of the standard

Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy

Adequacy of own funds (capital)

Instant liquidity

current liquidity

Long-term liquidity

Maximum exposure per borrower or group of related borrowers

Maximum size of large credit risks

The maximum amount of loans, bank guarantees and guarantees provided to shareholders (participants)

Cumulative insider exposure

Use of own funds (capital) for the acquisition of shares (shares) other legal entities. persons

The main reason for the decrease in the amount of liabilities in the 1st half of 2016 by 1,062 billion rubles was the outflow of funds from customers that are not credit institutions (for the 1st half of the year - 696 billion rubles) and the outflow of funds from credit institutions by 194 billion rubles. Client funds remain the main source of the resource base. In addition, the Bank completely abandoned expensive borrowings within the framework of the main refinancing instruments of the Bank of Russia - direct REPO and loans secured by non-marketable assets under 312-P in the amount of 200 billion rubles - which was the result of the Bank's flexible interest rate policy and effective management of active and passive base in the 1st half of 2016. On January 1, 2016, a new mandatory ratio of the Bank of Russia came into force - the short-term liquidity ratio (“Basel 3”) N26. N26 is calculated for the Group of PJSC Sberbank of Russia. The minimum allowable value of the standard for 2016 is 70%, followed by an annual increase of 10 percentage points until reaching 100% from January 1, 2019. The value of the standard in the second quarter was 99.9%11. The business plan of Sberbank PJSC provides for unconditional compliance with the Bank of Russia limit on the short-term liquidity ratio throughout 2016.

The Bank's instant liquidity ratio (N2) regulates the risk of a bank losing liquidity during a business day (the Bank of Russia limit is 15%). Compared to July 1, 2015, the H2 ratio decreased by 2.46 and as of July 1, 2016 amounted to 105.01%.

Standard current liquidity Bank (N3) reflects the risk of the Bank losing solvency within 30 days (the limit of the Bank of Russia is 50%). Over the year, the N3 ratio decreased by 17.30 p.p. and as of July 1, 2016, amounted to 148.93%. The Bank's long-term liquidity ratio (N4) reflects the risk of the Bank losing liquidity as a result of placing funds in long-term assets (the Bank of Russia limit is 120%). From July 1, 2015, the N4 ratio decreased by 5.42 and as of July 1, 2016 amounted to 63.87%. The bank respects limit values mandatory liquidity ratios established by the Bank of Russia.

In recent years, PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" has done a lot of work, which ensured the final formation of the main groups of competitive advantages, namely:

· Significant customer base. Sberbank of Russia PJSC successfully works with clients in all segments (from retail clients and individual entrepreneurs to the largest holdings and transnational companies) in all regions of the country.

Huge scale of operations. PJSC Sberbank of Russia has undeniable advantages both in terms of business scale (size of transactions, access to resources, international ratings) and in terms of the size and quality of physical infrastructure (in particular, a unique distribution network for retail and corporate clients, including physical offices, ATMs and payment terminals, digital service channels).

· A wide range of financial products and services. Due to the presence in the Group's product line of a full range of operations for all groups of clients in all countries of presence, PJSC Sberbank of Russia can provide comprehensive services to each client, both in Russia and abroad. The Bank also has a unique opportunity to provide high-quality services to both individuals and legal entities at the same time.

· Industrial technologies. Over 5 years, Sberbank of Russia managed to create a solid foundation for further innovative development: an industrial risk management system was built, the operational function was consolidated, and IT processes and systems were significantly streamlined.

· Powerful brand. The competitive advantage of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is based on the trust of all categories of customers, which is supported by the quality of service and positive customer experience. Over the past 5 years, the brand of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, along with our traditional attributes of reliability and stability, has increasingly become associated with modern technologies and innovation, and has become a symbol of the Group's success.

· International presence. In recent years, PJSC Sberbank of Russia has significantly expanded its international presence and has become a truly international group. Our presence in 22 countries of the world gives us the opportunity to replicate the best technologies and practices within the Group, diversify risks, strengthen the brand on international markets, develop an international team of employees.

· Team and management technologies. Over the past 5 years, the Group's team has been significantly updated, strengthened its skills, and gained a unique experience of large-scale transformation. Also, PJSC Sberbank of Russia paid considerable attention to the development and large-scale replication of modern management technologies, for example, building a function for working with personnel, implementing tools of the Production System of PJSC Sberbank of Russia, and improving the efficiency of managing current activities.

The medium-term development plans of PJSC Sberbank of Russia are determined by the Development Strategy for the period 2014-2018. In accordance with the Strategy, over the next five years, the Sberbank of Russia Group plans to double its net profit and assets, significantly improve the efficiency of cost management, increase the Tier 1 capital adequacy ratio, and maintain the return on equity at a level above world peers .

It is planned to achieve these results through work in the following key areas:

· Strengthening competitive positions - maintaining or increasing the share of Sberbank in most markets. This will ensure growth rates of the Bank's business volumes exceeding the average market indicators. In this case, the products will be especially significant settlement and cash services, work with small and medium businesses.

Ensuring a faster growth rate credit income- as a result of developing relationships with customers and expanding the product offer, increasing the number of products per customer by an average of 50-70%.

· Ensuring high efficiency in cost management - as a result of the implementation of large-scale transformations in the organization of the sales and customer service system, improving the efficiency of operations and processes, aimed at a significant increase in labor productivity.

· Maintaining a high quality of assets - building an optimal ratio of profitability and risk in lending operations.

Achievement of the financial objectives of the strategy is closely linked to the successful progress of the Bank in the five main areas of development or strategic themes, also formulated in the Strategy:

· With a client for life: we will build very deep trusting relationships with our clients, become a useful, sometimes invisible and integral part of their lives. Our goal is to exceed our clients' expectations;

· Team and culture: we strive to ensure that our employees and the corporate culture of Sberbank of Russia become one of the main sources of our competitive advantage;

· Technological breakthrough: we will complete the technological modernization of the Bank and learn how to integrate into our business all the most modern technologies and innovation;

· Financial performance: we will increase the financial return of our business through better good governance costs and risk-return ratio;

· Mature organization: we will develop organizational and management skills, create processes that correspond to the scale of the Sberbank of Russia Group and our level of ambition.

Analysis of the use of borrowed capital of the enterprise (on the example of JSC "Syzrangruzavto")

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Taxation of banks on the example of the branch of PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" Rostov branch No. 5221, Rostov-on-Don

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working capital and their role in managing the finances of an enterprise (on the example of OOO "StroyKompakt")

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Selection in the database: FEDERAL AUTHORITIES OF STATE REGULATORY OF THE ECONOMY AND THEM , Theoretical characteristics of children's dosage forms.docx , QUALIFICATION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MASTER.docx , General characteristics.docx , 5. MEDICAL AND TACTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EPIDEMIC FOCI OF INFECTS , General characteristics of Olympic sports skiing..docx , LECTURE 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE AND ITS , Modern semiconductor light-emitting diodes characterize , General characteristics of HRMS BOSS-Kadrovik.doc , Arkhangelsk region characteristics.docx .

Chapter 1. Organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank OJSC ....... 5

Chapter 2. Analysis of lending to individuals in the Dmitrovsky branch of Sberbank of Russia No. 9040/00400……………………………………………………...9

2.1.Analysis of the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals……………..9


Chapter 3. Improving lending to individuals at the present stage…………………………………………………………………………………………20


List of sources used……………………………………………....24



A bank is an organization created to attract funds and place them on its own behalf on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency.

According to banking legislation, a bank is a credit organization that has the right to raise funds from individuals and legal entities, place them on its own behalf and at its own expense on terms of repayment, payment, urgency, and carry out settlement operations on behalf of customers.

Modern commercial banks are banks that directly serve enterprises and organizations, as well as the population - directly to their customers. Commercial banks are the main link in the banking system.

The largest commercial bank specializing in work with the population is Sberbank of Russia.

Pre-graduation practice was passed by me in the department for servicing individuals additional office No. 9040/00400 of Sberbank of Russia since January 19, 2015 The term of undergraduate practice was 12 weeks from January 19 to April 12.

The purpose of the undergraduate practice was to consolidate in practice the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the learning process, as well as to collect information for the thesis.

Tasks of undergraduate practice:

    • describe the activities of the bank,

    • describe the activities of the structural unit
the bank where the internship took place,

    • explore bank lending individuals,

    • analyze the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals,

    • offer recommendations for improving lending to individuals.
During the internship, the following main stages were passed:

  • safety briefing,

  • receiving an individual task,

  • collection of materials provided by the assignment for practice.
The structure of the report on undergraduate practice consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources and applications used.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form joint-stock company open type in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR". The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (over 60% of voting shares). The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

The Bank is a legal entity and with its branches is single system Sberbank of Russia.

Firm (full official) name of the bank:

Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Open Joint Stock Company).

Abbreviated name of the bank:

Sberbank of Russia.

  • capital - 947.6 billion rubles;

  • profit - 143.7 billion rubles;

  • net profit - 113.0 billion rubles;

  • cost-to-income ratio (Cost / Income) - 42.7%;

  • loan portfolio (including loans to banks) - 5,202.1 billion rubles, including lending to legal entities (excluding loans to banks) - 3,828.3 billion rubles;

  • investments in securities - 497.8 billion rubles;

  • the balance of funds on the accounts of individuals - 2,908.0 billion rubles;

  • share of Sberbank (as of October 1, 2014):

      • in the assets of the banking system - 24.4%;

      • in the capital of the banking system - 24.9%;

      • in the market of deposits of individuals - 50.8%;

      • in the market for attracting funds from legal entities - 19.8%;

      • in the retail lending market – 31.1%;

      • in the corporate lending market – 29.8%;

  • the balance of funds of legal entities - 1,836.7 billion rubles;

  • branch network, units:

      • territorial banks - 17;

      • branches - 766;

      • internal structural divisions - 19,639.
Sberbank of Russia (open joint stock company) was established in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of the Bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). He owns over 60% of the voting shares. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, incl. foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital testifies to its high investment attractiveness.

Today, Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and Central and Eastern Europe, holds a leading position in the main segments of the Russian financial market and is one of the largest banks in the world in terms of capitalization.

Sberbank has a unique branch network: it currently includes 17 territorial banks and almost 20,000 structural subdivisions (branches) throughout the country 1 .

Economic indicators activities of Sberbank of Russia

The active work of the Bank in all areas of activity, constant interaction with all categories of customers, the introduction and development of new products and services allowed Sberbank of Russia to achieve significant financial results in 2014 and show high business efficiency.

Figure 1- Dynamics of the Bank's net assets (billion rubles)

Net assets of Sberbank of Russia increased by 41.6% over the year and exceeded RUB 5 trillion. rubles, while the increase in assets by more than 90% was provided by lending operations - the main activity of the Bank. At the end of 2014, the Bank earned a balance sheet profit of 153.1 billion rubles, which is 35.7% higher than in 2013. Net profit amounted to 116.7 billion rubles, having increased by 32.8% compared to the previous year.

Figure 2- Dynamics of the Bank's net profit (billion rubles)

Record value of profit of Sberbank of Russia for reporting year clearly shows its resistance to crises in international markets.

The almost two-fold increase in capital in 2014 was ensured both by the amount of profit received and, to a large extent, by the issuance carried out in the first quarter ordinary shares, during which 230.2 billion rubles were attracted to the Bank's capital. As of January 1, 2015, the Bank's capital amounted to 681.6 billion rubles, and its share in the total capital of the Russian banking sector amounted to 25.5% against 20.5% at the beginning of 2014. The capital adequacy ratio increased from 11.7% to 15.1% as a result of the additional issue of shares.

Figure 3- Dynamics of the Bank's capital (billion rubles)

Against the backdrop of a significant increase in capital and business volumes, the performance indicators of Sberbank of Russia decreased slightly, but still remain at a high level. Return on assets (ROAA) for the reporting year was 2.7% compared to 2.9% in 2013. Return on equity (ROAE) has decreased since the beginning of the year from 28.6% to 20.4%.

Achievement of high financial results was largely facilitated by the existing structure of operating assets and borrowed funds of the Bank.

The key factor in the growth of the Bank's business is the development of lending operations - the share of loans to corporate and private clients in working assets accounts for about 87% in total. Investments in securities are carried out by the Bank mainly in order to maintain the required level of liquidity. As of January 1, 2015, investments in securities amounted to only slightly more than 11% of operating assets, which reduces the dependence of the Bank's financial results on changes in prices in the stock markets 2 .

2.1. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals

In 2014, Sberbank followed the priorities credit policy defined in 2013, when, under the influence of the financial crisis, a more conservative approach was formulated to assess the risks, financial condition and prospects of borrowers. At the same time, financial uncertainty and rising unemployment led to a significant decline in demand for loans from the population, which was especially pronounced in the first half of 2014. The volume of loans issued decreased with a simultaneous increase in the volume of early repayments of existing loans, which led to a reduction in the loan portfolio by 6.3% over the first half of the year.

In 2014, the bank developed and introduced new loan products: Mortgage Standard loan; a loan for the purpose of repayment (refinancing) of housing loans issued by other credit institutions; a loan for the purchase of real estate using individual safes.

Figure 4 shows the dynamics of consumer lending in 2013-2014.

Figure 4 - Dynamics of the volume of consumer lending in 2013-2014, billion rubles

It should be noted a significant increase in the volume of consumer loans provided - by 12.1% in 2014 compared to 2013.

Sberbank of Russia remains the leader in this segment, holding over 30% of the retail lending market.

Housing loans, including mortgages and loans to young families to improve housing conditions, were in high demand. During the year, the bank issued more than 300 thousand housing loans in the amount of 291 billion rubles. As a result, the portfolio of housing loans increased by 1.7 times and amounted to about 500 billion. rub. At the same time, housing loans accounted for two-thirds of the growth in the entire portfolio of retail loans.

The Bank continued lending to private clients under individual programs within the framework of agreements with the administrations of the subjects of the Federation and local authorities and with companies - corporate clients of the Bank. Most of the programs are aimed at improving the living conditions of young families, public sector workers, rural residents and provide for the removal of the burden on borrowers to pay interest on loans through subsidies from the budgets of executive authorities or employers. During the year, the number of programs increased from 242 to 316; 21,000 loans were issued for more than 24 billion rubles.

The bank developed car loans at a high rate. But only until 2013 - in 2012, more than 200 thousand loans were provided for the purchase of cars in the amount of 89 billion rubles, which ensured the bank's leadership in this market segment. Success is largely ensured by the development and strengthening of partnerships with companies - participants in the automotive market. By the end of the year, the car loan portfolio almost doubled and exceeded 100 billion rubles. As for 2013 and 2014, the volumes of car loans decreased significantly.

Credits for urgent needs still remain the most popular product of the bank - they account for more than 46% of the total loan portfolio. However, their share continues to decline as a result of the bank's development of targeted loan products.

The structure of the loan portfolio of individuals in the context of loan products of Sberbank of the Russian Federation in 2009-2010 shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5- Structure of the portfolio of loans to individuals, billion rubles.

As we can see, the largest part in the portfolio structure is occupied by consumer and other loans both in 2013 and in 2014 – 48%. As for housing lending, in 2013 its share was 44%, and in 2014 it was 44%. increased to 46%. The smallest share is occupied by car loans - 8% in 2013 and 6% in 2014.

As already noted, the growth of the portfolio of loans to individuals in 2014 amounted to 142 billion rubles. or 12.1%.

Figure 6- Structure of the consumer loan portfolio by maturity.

As we can see from Fig. 6, loans to individuals are mainly issued for the medium term, that is, for a period of 1 to 3 years, while there is a positive trend towards an increase in the share of this particular group of loans from 31.7% in 2013 to 35 .7% in 2014. Loans for a period of more than 3 years are in demand (housing loans). Their share in 2013-2014 remained unchanged - 29.1%.

The smallest loans are issued for a period of less than 6 months - 19.3% in 2013 and 17% in 2014, and loans for a period of 6 to 12 months - 19.9% ​​in 2013 and 18.2% in 2014.

It should be noted that Sberbank was actively involved in restructuring and refinancing loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties. Together with the Agency for the Restructuring of Mortgage Loans, programs were implemented to provide "stabilization" loans.

As part of the bank's own programs, in order to reduce the debt burden, borrowers were provided with a deferment in repayment of the principal debt and the possibility of extending the loan term. There was a program that allowed converting the balance of urgent loan debt from foreign currency into rubles.

In September 2009, Sberbank launched the Credit Insurance project, under which the technology voluntary insurance life and health of borrowers and insurance of collateral. At the same time, the execution of an insurance policy in the bank for property that is the subject of pledge, or connection to the life and health insurance program is voluntary. At the same time, the bank does not restrict the client in choosing an insurance company.

In December 2009, a project was launched to sell accumulative and risk insurance life of VIP-clients of the bank.

Clients with a good credit history will receive additional opportunities when obtaining new loans. In 2015, it is planned to introduce a new customer-oriented product line with unified and simplified key conditions for loans.

With regard to individuals, in 2015 Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC will follow the following priorities:

Increase the availability of loans by offering various ways to repay them - equal monthly (annuity) or differentiated payments, with the obligatory explanation to customers of all the possibilities and limitations of a particular type of payment;

Maintain the entire line of retail loan products and will continue to optimize it, taking into account the need to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio;

Ensure the improvement of the financial literacy of the population, consultations and explanations on all products and services of the Bank;

Strengthen efforts to maintain and improve the quality of the loan portfolio.
2.2. Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals in OJSC Sberbank of Russia

The assessment of the creditworthiness of an individual is based on the ratio of the requested loan and his personal income, the overall assessment financial position borrower and the value of his property, family composition, personal characteristics, study credit history.

There are three main methods for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual, which take into account these factors:

  1. scoring;

  2. study of credit history;

  3. assessment based on financial indicators of solvency.
The essence of the scoring method is to determine a system of criteria and the corresponding indicators of the borrower's ability to repay the bank principal and interest, to evaluate these indicators in points within the maximum assessment limit set by the bank, the overall creditworthiness score (the total score for individual indicators).

The credit scoring model of an individual can take different forms.

With the scoring model under consideration, the significance of indicators of the creditworthiness of an individual is determined through differentiation of the level of the maximum score. In our example, the most significant indicators are the duration of the bank account and the average account balance.

With regard to the overall score, not only the maximum limit is set (in the above version - 1000 points), but also the minimum. Excess actual assessment creditworthiness of an individual established bank the minimum is one of the grounds (but not the only one) for a positive decision on the issue of a loan. The scoring assessment can be considered as preliminary. It can be supplemented by a more detailed analysis of the financial position of the borrower, the collection of additional information.

In addition, if the overall score is below a set minimum, a loan may be issued when the borrower presents additional motivation for their creditworthiness not taken into account in the scoring system.

Based on the scoring model, it is possible to determine the creditworthiness class of an individual, for example, five classes:

Creditworthiness is excellent




Depending on the class, the bank determines the scale of deadlines and the amount of the loan (usually as a percentage of the client's annual income).

Domestic commercial banks use different models of scoring assessments of the creditworthiness of an individual, adapted to Russian conditions. For example, the first form of the model, due to the need to take into account a large number of factors, can have two levels (stages).

At the first stage, a preliminary assessment is made of the possibility of issuing a loan for the purchase of housing, which is based on the data of the test-questionnaire of the client. The test questionnaire allows you to assess risk factors such as general information on the education and employment of the client, his income, on the acquired property, guarantee.

Based on the results of filling out the test-questionnaire, the number of points scored by the borrower is determined and the protocol for evaluating the possibility of obtaining a loan is signed. If the sum of points is less than 30, then a refusal to issue a loan is recorded in the protocol. The protocol and the completed test questionnaire are transferred to the client.

When the sum of points is more than the accepted level, for example, 30, the second stage of assessing the risk of issuing the requested loan begins. The risk is assessed more carefully, taking into account the following additional facts: the nature of the client (gender, age, marital status, field of activity, social status, relationship with the bank), his financial capabilities (the ratio of income, expenses and living wage), sufficiency of unmortgaged property, loan security, lending conditions.

To introduce a scoring system into the practice of lending to individuals by a bank, it is necessary to ensure:

1) the choice of criteria for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals, which is determined by demographic factors (certain types of consumer loans are actively used by certain groups of the population), the nature of the lending object (acquisition of housing, a car, vacation expenses, education, etc.), loan term and etc.;

2) highlighting the main (backbone) criteria that should have the greatest impact on the overall score of the creditworthiness of an individual;

3) determining the number of points that can be assigned for each selected criterion, and the system-forming criteria should have higher scores,

4) selection of indicators within each criterion, for example, the criterion "marital status" corresponds to the indicators: single, married (married), divorced, family status; the criterion of "education" is met by indicators: secondary, technical, higher, scientific degree;

5) development of a test-questionnaire of the client in accordance with the selected criteria and the procedure for evaluating the indicators corresponding to them;

6) creation by the bank of its own information base on customers and card indexes of the credit history of borrowers;

7) development of scoring software;

8) determination of the organization for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals and the procedure for making a decision.

In the United States, the basis for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual is the study of his credit history associated with the purchase of goods on credit in stores. The bank uses the information contained in the loan application: name, residential address and social security card number. Based on these parameters, you can collect data from banks, credit card companies, home owners about all cases of non-payment. The bank is interested in the number and size of non-payments, their duration, the method of repayment of overdue debts. Based on this information, a credit history is compiled.

In addition to credit history, the system for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual by American banks includes the following indicators: debt-to-income ratio, income stability and duration of work in one place, length of residence at one address, amount of capital.

In order for banks to obtain information about the credit history of an individual in Russia, a specialized bureau of credit histories has been established on the initiative of commercial banks.

Solvency indicators are based on data on the income of an individual and the degree of risk of losing this income. For example, when issuing a one-time loan, Sberbank of Russia calculates the solvency of an individual borrower on the basis of data on the average monthly income for the previous six months, which is determined by a certificate and salary or by tax return. Income is reduced by mandatory payments and adjusted by a coefficient that is differentiated depending on the amount of income (from 0.3 to 0.6). The greater the income, the greater the adjustment.

The solvency of the Borrower is determined at the time of his application to the Bank as follows:

R \u003d Dh * K * t, where

Dch - average monthly income (net) for 6 months, minus all obligatory payments (for pensioners - the amount of pension they receive).

The amount of net income of citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, or in private practice, or having another source of income permitted by law, is determined on the basis of financial documents provided by them.

K - coefficient depending on the value of Dh

K = 0.5 with Dh in the amount of up to 45,000 rubles (or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency) (inclusive);

K = 0.7 with Dh in the amount of more than 45,000 rubles (or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency)

t - loan term (in months).

The amount of the loan and interest cannot exceed the level of solvency of an individual. From this ratio, the maximum amount of a loan for a period that can be issued to an individual at a given level of income is determined. Since the solvency of an individual borrower is not the only factor and indicator of its creditworthiness, additional protection against credit risk is required with the help of guarantors, whose solvency is also calculated. Liquid property can also serve as security for the repayment of a loan.

The average monthly income of a client is 50,000 rubles.

Loan term 60 months.

We calculate the solvency of the client

P \u003d 50,000 x 0.7 x 60 \u003d 2,100,000 rubles.

Determining the maximum loan amount:

The maximum amount of the loan (S P) is determined based on the solvency of the Borrower (P) at the time of his application to the Bank.

t is the loan term (in whole months).

S P = 2 100 000 = 2 100 000/1,458 = 1 440 329,218

1 + (60 +1) x 18/2x12x100
At the time of applying to the bank, the maximum amount of the loan provided will be 1,440,000 rubles.

From year to year, Sberbank of Russia OJSC improves and simplifies lending to individuals. Loans are becoming more affordable, easier to process, and interest rates are becoming more competitive. Sberbank of Russia OJSC has approved 12 types of lending for individuals, including 2 types - related loans. Related loans are loans for goods and cars purchased in a network of companies and car dealerships that have entered into a cooperation agreement with Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

3.1. Recommendations for improving lending to individuals

The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is one of the oldest banks in the country. In addition, he is the only one who retained his device after the collapse of the USSR. Union collapsed, came new era for Russia, market reforms broke out, so there was an urgent need to change the way the bank worked, in other words, a quick reaction to change was required. First of all, it was necessary to maintain the integrity of the system of the Bank of the Russian Federation, holding a position in the market of retail banking services, as well as household deposits, to ensure right conditions for customer service. In other words, it's time improvement of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The Bank adheres to the principle of openness, and this leads to the disclosure and strict observance of the following points of corporate policy in the Bank's activities:

  • improvement of customer service policy, seeks to protect their interests

  • strictly comply with laws and ethical standards, as well as rules, conduct honest business, maintain our reputation

  • observance of neutrality in relation to financial and industrial groups, political parties, to carry out their activities, only taking into account the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders

  • adhering to conservatism, think over new operations and directions

  • creation of comfortable and favorable conditions for the activities of their employees
All these methods and principles can fully help in improving the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

It's no secret that the Russian economy is experiencing great difficulties. Marketing, which is a versatile, purposeful and complex action in the field of production and the market, can lead to the solution of certain market problems and in the most rational way in this case.

With regards to bank marketing, it is strongly tied to the entire activities of the bank and its management, this includes operations management and personnel management. Nowadays, many branches of various banks are being opened, the services of numerous banks are provided to the population, in various fields of activity, for various operations, customers are becoming more demanding.

In other words, in our time there is a very big competition, which forces banks to resort to marketing more and more often, developing all kinds of marketing plans. This can help with adaptation to new conditions and lead the Bank of the Russian Federation to a successful, competitive activity. This is one of the ways to improve the Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

To better understand this situation, consider the primary tasks banking marketing who are able to improve Sberbank of the Russian Federation:

  • study the demand in the capital market and in its sectors of interest to the bank.

  • analyze and study the percentage policy, advertising

  • develop a banking planning system

  • quality management of staff.

  • on highest level arrange customer service for the bank.
    In order to expand its client base, the bank actively resorts to advertising, distribution of booklets, notifications. The number of services provided by the bank is increasing, and their quality is also improving. We are increasingly dependent on the bank, and our success and well-being directly depends on the successful conduct of the bank's activities, its competitiveness and reliability. Therefore, before the marketers of the bank, there is such an important task, to find ways to improve the activities of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.
    It is difficult to overestimate the role of Sberbank in the entire banking activity of the Russian Federation. It became the universal bank of Russia. Today, the activity of this bank is more successful and competitive than the activity of other financial institutions of the Russian Federation. The bank's management system has undergone major changes, the powers of the lower level of the bank have been expanded, and the centralized management of development and risk management has been strengthened. At the same time, clear and well-coordinated work to improve the activities of the Bank of the Russian Federation did not harm its customers in any way..
Sberbank is the undisputed leader among other banks in Russia, based on the size of the balance sheet, the volume of attraction of money from the population and legal entities, the amount of investment in the Russian economy. It should be noted that the controlling stake is held by national bank Russia.

The strategic goal of the bank is to reach the most advanced level of customer service, maintain its position among other banks, and increase its competitiveness. Also, it is very important to attract as many clients as possible to the bank and make them permanent, to come to capital growth. But the main goal is to reach the world level. Therefore, it is so important for Sberbank of the Russian Federation to improve its activities 3 .


OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" is one of the largest in the world financial institution¸ which carefully refers to the choice of its employees. All branches of the bank work and develop in step with the times, there are shortcomings and shortcomings in management, which are typical for large enterprises.

So, during the internship, I found out that the main purpose of the bank is to mediate in the placement of funds from the owners of free funds to borrowers. The Bank, and in particular the department of operational services for individuals, provides settlement services, accepts payments and transfers, ensures the payment of pensions and benefits, wages, opens and maintains bank cards, conducts currency exchange, concludes loan agreements(for personal purposes, for the purchase of a car, for housing), exchanges banknotes, etc. For convenience, there are also self-service devices in the hall, where customers can perform most of the operations, often with a lower commission than through controllers. Advisors can help clients make payments through self-service devices, as well as inform them about the terms for crediting funds, transfer limits, etc.

The promoters are outside the bank's staff, their main task is to connect Sberbank Online and Autopayment services to customers.

was acquainted with normative documents on lending to individuals; with the organizational structure of the bank and its divisions; with the types of banking services provided to bank customers; with major banking operations. She analyzed the bank's annual balance sheet and made the main conclusions characterizing the bank's activities.


  1. L.A. Drobozina, L.P. Okuneva, L.D. Androsova and others; Ed. prof. L.A. Drobozina. - M.: Finance, UNITI, 2008.-479 p.

  2. Senchagova V.K., Arkhipova A.I. / Finance, money turnover and credit - M. : Prospect, 2009.

  3. Krupnov Yu.S. On the nature of bank consumer credit. // Business and banks, 2011, No. 8, p. 1-3.

  4. Kolesnikova V.I., Krolivetskaya L.P. M.: Banking: A textbook for universities / 2010. - 464 p.

  5. O.I. Lavrushin, O.N. Afanasyeva, S.L. Kornienko; ed. well-deserved Sciences of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. O.I. Lavrushina. - 3rd ed., add. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.

  6. Rules for lending to individuals by Sberbank of Russia and its branches (Edition 3) No. 229-3-r dated May 30, 2011

Internet resources

  1.;base=LAW;n=166040- Consultant Plus

  2. - Official website of the Bank of Russia

  3. Lending in OJSC Sberbank of Russia

  4. - Reporting of OJSC Sberbank of Russia

Table 1- Offers on loans to individuals from Sberbank of Russia in 2015

Individual lending program

Maximum amount loan

Base interest rate in rubles (%)

Credit term



consumer credit without security

Up to 1,500,000 rubles

20,0 - 35,5 %

3 months to 5 years

without collateral and guarantee


Consumer loan secured by individuals

Up to 3,000,000 rubles

19,5 - 34,5 %

3 months to 5 years

Guarantees of individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2)


Consumer credit to military personnel - NIS participants

RUB 500,000 and 1,000,000 rubles.

21.5%; 22.5% (without collateral)

from 3 months to 5 years

without collateral (up to 500,000 rubles); with the issuance of a guarantee persons (a) (over 500,000 rubles)


Educational loan with state support

up to 100% of the cost of training

7.06% - calculated based on ¼ of the refinancing rate of the Bank of Russia (8.25%) plus five points

For the period of study, increased by 10 years allocated for loan repayment

Not required. For persons under 18 years of age, loans are provided only with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities and the written consent of legal representatives.


Acquisition of finished housing

basic 14.00 - 15.00%, for 2 documents 14.0 - 15.00%

Up to 30 years old

On the security of a loaned or other residential property


Acquisition of housing under construction

Not more than 80% of the contractual or estimated value (the lower one is taken)

basic 14.50 - 15.50%, for 2 documents 15.0 - 15.50%

Up to 30 years old

On the security of a loaned or other residential premises + pledge of land under an individual house


military mortgage(2 programs)

Up to 2,400,000 rubles - no more than 80%

10,5%; 9,50 - 10,9%

Up to 10 years and 10 to 20 years

Credited residential premises, guarantee of the spouse


contractual or estimated value (the lower is taken)

Not more than the balance of the principal debt on the refinanced loan and 80% of the appraised value; An initial fee- from 50%

12,25; 12,50; 12,75 %

/ wife of a soldier

Pledge of a dwelling for the acquisition/construction of which a refinancing loan was granted, or another dwelling, surety


Home loan for refinancing

Not more than the balance of the principal debt on the refinanced loan and 80% of the appraised value; Initial payment - from 0%

15,25%; 15,50%; 15,75%

up to 10 years; from 10 to 20 years; 20 to 30 years old

Pledge of residential premises, for the acquisition / construction of which refinancing was provided, other residential premises, a guarantee of physical. persons


Consumer loan for refinancing

1,000,000 rubles.

20,0 - 28,5 %

from 3 months to 5 years

Not required.


Credit cards (8 types credit cards)

Up to 150 tr. or up to 600 tr.

from 25.9% to 33.9%

3 years

Not required



3 Banking: modern system lending: account. allowance / O.I. Lavrushin, O.N. Afanasyeva, S.L. Kornienko; ed. well-deserved Sciences of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economic Sciences, prof. O.I. Lavrushina. - 3rd ed., add. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.


This report focuses on the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia. "Sberbank" of Russia today, almost nothing reminds of the savings banks, the functions of which he performed throughout a significant period of its history. But today, "Sberbank" of Russia has little resemblance even to itself just a decade ago. The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent "sports" form in which Sberbank of Russia is today. The title of the oldest and largest bank in Russia does not prevent it from openly and honestly competing in the banking market and keeping abreast of financial and technological changes. Sberbank not only keeps pace with modern market trends, but also stays ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences. The purpose of the educational practice is to consolidate and apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained during training at the Department of Finance of Organizations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

give a general description of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia;

consider organizational structure PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia;

· conduct a feasibility study of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· to analyze the financial condition of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia.

The training practice was held at Sberbank of Russia in the Bank of Tatarstan Branch No. 8610, from 03/28/2016 to 04/09/2016.

General characteristics of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia

Sberbank financial organizational

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (hereinafter - PJSC "Sberbank of Russia") is a modern universal organization, one of the largest Russian commercial banks in Russia and the CIS countries.

Sberbank of Russia has a huge branch network: 17 territorial banks and more than 18,400 branches. It provides services in all 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. Remote service channels have recently been introduced. There is a development of applications "Sberbank Online" and " Mobile bank» with a wide client base .

Also recently, Sberbank has significantly expanded its area of ​​international presence. Previously, it was limited to the CIS countries, but recently the distribution area has increased significantly. Representations appeared in Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank EuropeAG) and in Turkey (DenizBank). The acquisition of DenizBank was the most significant in the entire 170-year history of the bank. In addition to the previously listed countries, Sberbank also has representative offices in China, India and Germany, and is managed by Sberbank Switzerland AG.

"Sberbank" of Russia was established in the form of an open joint stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR" in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

The supreme governing body of Sberbank of Russia is general meeting shareholders.

The Bank is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms a single system of Sberbank of Russia.

The history of the development of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia began, on November 12, 1841, the Russian Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia "for the delivery of funds for savings to faithful and profitable way". This date began to be considered the birthday of Sberbank.

A few months later, on March 1, 1842, an employee of the Loan Treasury, Nikolai Christofari, crossed the threshold of a newly opened cash desk in St. Petersburg. He could not even imagine that at that moment he was becoming the first client of a financial institution whose history would be inextricably intertwined with the history of Russia.

Sberbank is the historical successor of the Savings Banks, founded by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Then they grew into a network of savings banks that operated throughout the country and even in difficult times helped to maintain the stability of the Russian economy. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks. And in modern times, they have turned into a modern universal bank, a large international group, whose brand is known in more than twenty countries of the world.

Table 1.1 below shows the stages of development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

Table 1.2. Stages of development of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia

Foundation and development of banking in Russia. The first client of the first bank in the country. Growth to 500 clients per day

"Golden Age" of the first bank of Russia and the development of financial literacy of the population.

3875 savings banks

2,000,000 issued passbooks

The first revolution and global changes in the policy of Sberbank. Savings banks began to make money transfers, issue their own loan certificates, and conducted operations with interest-bearing and securities.

Sberbank during the Great Patriotic War and after the war, participation in projects of national and global importance. A new Charter of state savings banks was established.

Development and transformation of Sberbank during the “thaw”, “stagnation” and “perestroika”. The number of savings banks has doubled: from 40,000 to 79,000. The number of bank customers increased 12 times.

Global changes of Sberbank of Russia: life according to new economic laws. The first ATMs began to function. The Non-State Pension Fund of Sberbank was created. Sberbank Online service launched.

Activities and measures of Sberbank of Russia in a difficult financial situation: the crisis has been overcome. The Sberbank Business Online system began to work. Sberbank entered the top 20 largest banks in terms of market capitalization. The Bank became the general partner of the Sochi-2014 Olympic Games.

A new stage in the history of Sberbank of Russia: the introduction of innovative solutions, new programs and advanced technologies. New future of the country.

Sberbank canceled all commissions for consideration and issuance of loans. Interest rates were reduced twice.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, including foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital testifies to its high investment attractiveness.

Today PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia, as one of the market participants, occupies a leading position in the Russian banking sector, as well as in the lending market, this rating shown in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1.

The main goal of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is to ensure the growth of investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian market financial services by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, Sberbank of Russia's activity is aimed at improving the client policy, creating a flexible and effective system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia is a universal commercial bank that meets the needs of various customer groups in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia.

Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, PJSC Sberbank of Russia strives to effectively invest the attracted funds of private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lends to citizens, contributes to the stable functioning of the Russian banking system and saving household deposits.

The main activities of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia:

attracts funds of individuals and legal entities in deposits;

Places funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

Opens and maintains bank accounts for individuals and legal entities,

Performs settlements on behalf of clients;

collects bills, cash, payment and settlement documents and provides cash services to individuals and legal entities;

buys and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

attracts deposits and places precious metals;

issues bank guarantees;

· carries out money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts;

Carries out leasing operations;

provides brokerage, consulting and information services;

· issues and maintains bank cards;

· carries out issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities, and much more.

Funds for the implementation of these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: shareholders' funds; deposits of private clients; funds of legal entities; other sources, including borrowings in international financial markets.

Educational practice was completed in the department of lending of medium and big business branch "Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610.

Providing services to medium, large and private individuals is a priority activity of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610.

"Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610 is actively developing lending programs, offering its customers profitable loans for project and investment lending to business, improvement of living conditions, acquisition Vehicle, higher education and solutions to many other financial matters. Sberbank of Russia helps to carry out payment transactions, takes responsibility for storing and increasing the funds of its depositors.

Each client of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610 can always count on the help of qualified specialists, an individual approach and attentive attitude.

The reliability of PJSC Sberbank of Russia and its impeccable business reputation in Russia and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies.

SWOT analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. SWOT-analysis of PJSC "Sberbank" of Russia


Sberbank of Russia is a reliable credit institution. The Bank has high ratings, both in Russian and international rating agencies, and is also one of the largest companies in Russia; The controlling stake in the bank belongs to the state. In case of problems with the bank, it can count on the help of the main shareholder; It has a developed regional network of branches throughout Russia; The publication of quarterly reports in accordance with international standards testifies to the high transparency of the bank's activities; It has high liquidity of its securities, which for a long time were perceived by the market as a protective paper. The Bank has a diversified resource base, which gives it stability.

Weak sides:

The low flexibility of the bank to changes in external conditions will contribute to a gradual decrease in the market share attributable to it; Increasing competition in the Russian market for the provision of banking services.

Features: -

Sberbank of Russia seeks to strengthen its position as a leader in the retail sector; The bank plans to issue global depository receipts (GDRs) for existing shares on the London Stock Exchange. Withdrawal of shares to Western trading platforms will further increase the liquidity of securities.

Threats: -

The possibility of a conflict between the development of the business of Sberbank of Russia and the interests of the main shareholder; Increased competition in the market for the provision of banking services in the event of accession to the WTO and entry of foreign banks into Russian market; Possible increase in the volatility of stock prices due to personnel changes in the bank's board.

We present the main technical and economic indicators of PJSC Sberbank of Russia from 2013 to 2015 in Table 1.3, which is presented below.

Table 1.3. Key technical and economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

Basic indicators


Main indicators of the income statement

Operating income before reserves

in billion rubles

Profit before tax

in billion rubles

Net profit

in billion rubles

Main balance indicators

Provision for loan portfolio impairment

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Client funds

in billion rubles

Key quality indicators

The ratio of loan impairment allowance to non-performing loans

