What is account 01 for? Conditions for recognizing an object as a fixed asset

Balance sheet for account 01- register accounting, in which analytical information on the synthetic account “Fixed Assets” is grouped and reflected. The article reveals issues such as the procedure and features of grouping information in statements for accounting purposes, and also analyzes the possibility of using it for tax purposes.

General presentation of the balance sheet for account 01

This register reflects information about the initial cost of fixed assets: at the beginning of the period, turnover and final balance. The balance at the beginning and end of the period can only be debit or absent. The balance is reflected in the “Balance/debit” column of the statement. This is explained by the fact that account 01 is active, and the balance on it is exclusively debit.

You can see an example of filling out a balance sheet (hereinafter referred to as TSA) for account 01 on our website:

Analytics in the register can be presented in groups and separately for each fixed asset object - for modern accounting software, presenting such detail is not a problem.

The need for analytics by groups follows from the requirements of paragraph. 2 clause 32 of PBU 6/01, which provides for the disclosure of data in financial statements about the initial cost by groups of fixed assets. Organizations must determine the grouping of objects independently.

In order to bring accounting and tax accounting It is permissible to take as a basis the classification approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2002 No. 1. This classification provides for the grouping of objects based on the “life of use”.

Turnover for the period shows the change in the original cost of fixed assets. An increase in the initial cost of fixed assets in accounting - turnover on the SALT debit - can occur in the following cases (clause 14 of PBU 6/01):

  • commissioning of a new facility;

About registration primary document for such an operation, see the material.

  • completion, retrofitting, reconstruction, OS modernization,
  • re-evaluation of the OS.

A decrease in the initial cost of fixed assets in accounting is reflected in the turnover on the SALT loan and can occur as a result (clause 14 of PBU 6/01):

  • disposal of fixed assets;

For information on drawing up a primary document for OS that has fallen into disrepair, see the material.

  • partial liquidation of OS;
  • OS revaluation.

The total on the statement in the column “Balance at the end of the period/debit”, minus the credit balance on account 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets”, is reflected in the balance sheet line “Fixed assets” in section I “Non-current assets”.

Using the balance sheet for account 01 for taxation

In tax accounting, taxpayers do not have the obligation to prepare reports reflecting their property status and the sources of its occurrence, the corresponding balance sheet. Data on the initial cost of fixed assets may be needed when calculating income tax and property tax.

When preparing income tax data, data on the historical cost of depreciable property is necessary for:

  • calculation of tax depreciation;
  • determining the financial result upon disposal of an object.

In tax accounting, there are a number of rules for the formation of the initial cost of fixed assets that differ from the accounting rules. Here are some of them:

Operations that have excellent reflection for accounting and accounting purposes

Impact on initial cost, used

Impact on initial cost, NU

Revaluation of fixed assets

Changes (clause 14 PBU 6/01)

Does not change since 01.01.2002 (paragraph 5, 6, clause 1, article 257 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

One-time write-off of capital investments in the amount of 10%, 30% (depreciation bonus)

Does not affect

Reduces (clause 9 of article 258 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

Capital investments in leased operating systems

Not a separate OS object

It is depreciable property (paragraph 5, clause 1, article 256 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)

For more information about the depreciation bonus, see the material

For the purposes of calculating property tax, in the general case, the tax base is determined according to accounting rules, and data on the residual value of taxable property can be generated from SALT in account 01, reducing the cost of fixed assets by the amount of depreciation. This procedure has exceptions, in the presence of which the accounting data must be adjusted:

  • when determining tax base for property tax at cadastral value (clause 2 of article 375 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • if there are objects not subject to property tax (clause 4 of article 374 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • when using property tax benefits (Article 381 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).


SALT for account 01 is an element of the information collection and processing system designed to reflect data on the initial cost of fixed assets in accounting. Using the statement for tax calculation purposes is possible only in special cases. When carrying out transactions that entail different accounting procedures, there is a need to adjust or prepare a new register for tax purposes.

Account 01 “Fixed Assets” is intended to summarize information about the availability and movement of the organization’s fixed assets that are in operation, in reserve, on conservation, in lease, in trust management.

Fixed assets are accepted for accounting under account 01 “Fixed assets” at their original cost. An item of fixed assets owned by two or more organizations is reflected by each organization in account 01 “Fixed Assets” in the corresponding share.

Acceptance of fixed assets for accounting, as well as changes in their initial cost during completion, retrofitting and reconstruction are reflected in the debit of account 01 “Fixed assets” in correspondence with score 08"Investments in non-current assets."

Changes in the initial value during the revaluation of the corresponding objects are reflected in account 01 “Fixed assets” in correspondence with score 83"Extra capital".

To account for the disposal of fixed assets (sale, write-off, partial liquidation, transfer free of charge, etc.), a subaccount “Retirement of fixed assets” can be opened to account 01 “Fixed Assets”. The cost of the disposed object is transferred to the debit of this subaccount, and the amount of accumulated depreciation is transferred to the credit. Upon completion of the disposal procedure, the residual value of the object is written off from account 01 "Fixed assets" to score 91"Other income and expenses."

Analytical accounting for account 01 “Fixed Assets” is carried out for individual inventory items of fixed assets. At the same time, the construction analytical accounting should provide the ability to obtain data on the availability and movement of fixed assets necessary for the preparation of financial statements (by type, location, etc.).

Account 01 "Fixed assets"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on loan

03 Profitable investments in material assets
08 Investments in non-current assets

80 Authorized capital
83 Additional capital

02 Depreciation of fixed assets
11 Animals for growing and fattening
76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements
80 Authorized capital
83 Additional capital
91 Other income and expenses
94 Shortages and losses from damage to valuables
99 Profit and loss

Application of the chart of accounts: account 01

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    How do analytical accounts for fixed assets relate to the groupings of fixed assets in the new... it is necessary to group fixed assets accepted for accounting from January 1, 2017... in relation to fixed assets put into operation from January 1, 2017... for accounting ) after January 1, 2017. Fixed assets accepted for... accounting before January 1, 2017... are not committed. Instructions for using the Unified Chart of Accounts...

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  • Air conditioners as fixed assets: accounting and reflection of expenses The specified norms have been in effect since... dated 01.01.2002 No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as Classification), in depreciation... should be taken into account as part of fixed assets in accounts 0 101 ... produced in equal parts (1,500 rubles each) per.. . 25 730 1 500 Payment made... (KVR 244, KOSGU 225) 1 500 * * * To ensure... consider the following: 1) for accounting purposes, air conditioners are recognized as fixed assets; 2) ... and article 340 of KOSGU. SanPiN ...

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    Fixed assets after the start of use Federal standard“Fixed assets” are reflected on the corresponding balance sheet accounts... as of January 1, 2018, on account 0 101 00 000 “Fixed assets” are taken into account... of the property (on account 0 101 10 000 “Fixed assets - not movable property... fixed assets that form the analytics of the synthetic account (0 101 0X 000), individual fixed asset objects... reflected on balance sheet accounts before January 1, 2018...

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    No entries are made in the corresponding analytical accounts of account 101 00 “Fixed Assets”, ... rub. The object was preserved for 1 year (12 months). During this... the object's stay on conservation is equal to 1 year (12 months), and... the following correspondence: Dt 1 401.20 271 – Kt 1 104.34 411 ... reflect the correspondence indicated in table 1. Table 1 “Conservation expenses OS... of transport in the amount of the cost of 1,302.25,830 1,206.25,660 ... The previously transferred prepayment was offset 1,302.25,830 1,304.05,225 ...

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    Clause 333 of Instruction No. 157n, in addition to movable and immovable objects... is taken into account as part of fixed assets on the balance sheet account 0 101 00... by shipping documents executed properly: 1) invoices confirming the delivery of material... (clause 4 Order No. 538): 1) movable property, the book value of which... the founder writes off from the off-balance sheet account 21 fixed assets that are classified as special... for storage). Instructions for using the Unified Chart of Accounts...

Account 01 is used to reflect information about fixed assets: buildings, structures, equipment, computers, and so on. Refers to active accounts: for Dt they show an increase in the initial cost of a fixed asset, for Kt - a decrease (disposal).


Account 01 “Fixed assets” is used in accounting to collect information about the property (assets) of the company that is repeatedly used in the production of products (machines, machines, buildings, structures, land, etc.).

Account 01 is active, that is, the debit reflects an increase in the value of fixed assets (FPE), and the credit - a decrease.

Similar to other property accounts, the price of the object is shown without VAT: the amount indicated in the invoice is divided into the actual price of the object (recorded in Dt account 01) and the amount of VAT (in Dt account 19).

Attention! Only organizations that work on VAT can accept VAT as a deduction, that is, those that charge tax on the amount finished products. As a rule, small businesses and individual entrepreneurs operate without VAT and cannot deduct it.

Accounting for fixed assets is carried out at original cost - a price that includes all costs of purchase, delivery, installation and bringing the property to working condition. Depreciation of assets is reflected on account. 02 and does not change the account balance. 01, except for cases of write-off, disposal and revaluation.

Attention! In the balance sheet, line 1150 “Fixed assets” shows not the initial value (account 01 balance), but the residual value (balance sheet). It is calculated by subtracting the account from the balance. 01 account balance 02 "Depreciation".

Subaccounts used

To correctly reflect information about the write-off, sale, donation, liquidation (including partial) of fixed assets in accounting, use the “Disposal” subaccount: in Dt of the subaccount the amount of the asset is written, in Kt - the accumulated depreciation, thus forming the residual value.

Normative base

The use of the account is regulated by the Chart of Accounts established by the Instruction of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94, PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and other documents.

What are fixed assets?

OS is an object of labor that has a material form that meets the conditions:

  • can be used in production as an independent object (not a spare part);
  • purchased for long-term use (longer than a year);
  • not used in production as raw materials;
  • acquired for profit (not for sale);
  • meets the criteria of initial cost (in 2016, in accounting, assets worth more than 40,000 rubles are classified as fixed assets).

Attention! For tax accounting purposes, the minimum initial cost of fixed assets is 100,000 rubles.

For accounting and tax accounting, it is very important to understand the differences between fixed assets and assets related to inventories, since the line between them is thin, and accounting and document flow are strikingly different. The main difference in accounting is that the assets recognized material reserves, are written off to production at the time of acceptance for accounting (for micro-enterprises) or as they are released into production, and fixed assets transfer the amounts to expenses gradually through depreciation.

Incorrect determination of the type of asset entails, in addition to fines for errors in accounting, incorrect calculation of income tax and property tax.

Receipt of fixed assets

As stated above, OS is accepted at its original cost. In accounting, receipts are recognized when costs associated with the acquisition of property, installation, transportation, payment for the services of builders, adjusters, intermediaries, etc. have been incurred and documented.

Acceptance of an object for accounting is documented by the following transactions:

  • Dt 08 Kt 60 - the costs of purchasing the asset are taken into account;
  • Dt 08 Kt 10 (70, 69) - material costs are taken into account ( wages And insurance premiums), related to the creation (construction) of an asset;
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 - input VAT allocated;
  • Dt 01 Kt 08 - the initial cost of the asset has been formed.

From the postings it is clear that the account. 01 does not directly participate in the formation of property value. It is used only when all costs are collected in the account. 08.

In cases where an organization is engaged in the construction of buildings, complex technical objects and structures, an invoice is used when registering the receipt of fixed assets. 07 “Equipment for installation”. All expenses for installation and connection to communications are collected on the account, then debited from the account account. 07 at Dt. 08, and further from count. 08 in Dt ch.01.

OS sales

When selling fixed assets, the accountant forms the residual value by reducing the original price of the object (account 01) by the amount of depreciation (account 02):

  • Dt 62 Kt 91 - the sale of property is reflected;
  • Dt 91 Kt 68 - VAT allocated;
  • Dt 91 Kt 01 - residual value written off.

Records must be kept in such a way that it is possible to identify financial results from each sale of an item of fixed assets: if the residual value is higher than the sale price, the operation is considered unprofitable, if less - profitable. Thus, the sale of an asset affects the formation of the economic results of the enterprise.

Liquidation of OS

The liquidation operation is formalized according to a scheme similar to transactions for the sale of fixed assets - the residual value is formed and written off as expenses:

  • Dt 02 Kt 01 - depreciation written off;
  • Dt 91 Kt 01 - the residual value of the object is written off as other expenses.

As a rule, liquidation is carried out when the property has expired its useful life, is completely depreciated, is morally and physically obsolete and is unable to bring economic benefit. In such a situation, the account balance. 01 is equal to the account balance. 02, and the write-off will not affect the formation of profit or loss.

Enterprises in the context of their cost and locations of operation. Each movement of an asset is recorded and reflected in accounting documents. Amounts for fixed assets must be shown in the balance sheet.

Characteristics of account 01

An object can be recognized as a fixed asset provided:

  • it is intended to be used in production;
  • period of use – more than a year;
  • the object will bring economic benefits;
  • they are not going to resell it.

Account 01 is intended for accounting for assets with a value of 40 thousand rubles; items with a lower price are classified as inventories and are immediately written off as expenses. Account 01 in accounting is active, and in the Chart of Accounts it is located in the section of non-current assets. The debit turnovers show:

  • receipt of fixed assets;
  • increase in asset value.

Credit turnover indicates the disposal of objects or their depreciation. Account 01 involves reflecting the value of assets at their original cost excluding VAT. The initial cost may reflect not only the purchase price, but also the amounts paid for delivery, assembly, installation, and customs duties.

Subaccounts to account 01 “Fixed assets”

Each type of object has its own subaccount. What subaccounts does account 01 have:

  • 01.1 – assets related to production fixed assets are shown;
  • account 01.2 is intended for other production facilities;
  • 01.3 for non-production objects;
  • 01.4, taking into account livestock;
  • 01.5 applies to perennial plantings;
  • 01.6 relates to land plots and environmental management facilities;
  • 01.7, taking into account assets with non-inventory properties;
  • 01.8 for inventory accounting with household supplies;
  • 01.9 for leased fixed assets;
  • 01.10 to reflect the value of other assets;
  • 01.11 when registering the disposal of fixed assets.

It is important to distinguish the purpose of the asset, since account 01.01 “Fixed assets” reflects only those objects that are used in production process according to the main type of activity of the enterprise.

Analytical accounting for account 01

Account 01.01 in accounting and other subaccounts require maintaining inventory cards. The document reflects assets by location and depreciation groups. Account card 01, a sample of which is presented in the unified form OS-06, is created and maintained for each asset separately, including leased objects. Basic information is entered from acceptance certificates and technical documentation. If there are precious metals in the accounting object, the mass of these metals must be indicated.

For analytical accounting purposes, a standard account card 01 can be used, a sample of which can be filled out in any accounting program. It reflects the balance at the beginning of the period, debit and credit turnover, and the resulting balance at the end of the selected time interval.

The balance sheet for account 01 is needed to correctly calculate the amount of income tax and determine the base for property tax. In the first option, the emphasis is on the amount of depreciation and the proceeds from the sale of the asset. In the second case, the specifics of the formation of the residual value of each object are taken into account.

The balance sheet for account 01, the sample filling of which assumes the presence of only debit balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period, can be formed separately for each object or in the context of groups of assets. To bring tax and accounting data closer together, it is recommended to use a classification of fixed assets depending on their service life.

Typical transactions for account 01

To reflect the receipt of a new fixed asset, correspondence D01 - K08 is used. Costs associated with the acquisition of an asset, bringing it to working condition and the allocation of VAT amounts will be reflected in the debit of account 08, after which account 01 can correspond with K08.

The depreciation of fixed assets is reflected by posting D91.02 - K01, the revaluation involves the creation of correspondence between D01 and K83.

In the case of the sale of a fixed asset, it is necessary to form its residual value. If the residual value is higher than the sales price, the transaction is considered unprofitable; if the residual value is lower than the sales income, the transaction will be profitable. Postings to account 01 “Fixed Assets” will look like this:

  1. D62 – K91 for the amount of the transaction for the sale of property.
  2. D91 – K68 in the amount of VAT on the object being sold.
  3. D02 - K01 when forming the residual value by writing off depreciation.
  4. D91 - K01 to reflect the fact of write-off of the residual value of the sold property.

Account 01: postings as an example

Within a month, the company modernized its existing production equipment in the amount of 7,000 rubles. and purchased new fixed assets to increase production volumes in the amount of 90,000 rubles, excluding VAT. The cost of delivery of new assets was 2,500 rubles. Postings for account 01:

  • D01 – K08 in the amount of modernization performed for 7000 rubles.
  • D08 - K60 in the amount of the cost of the new asset received by 90,000 rubles.
  • D08 - K60 to reflect the costs of delivery of purchased equipment in the amount of 2,500 rubles.
  • D01 – K08 when accepting a new object for accounting at a cost of 92,500 rubles. (90,000+2500).