Gross income for deductions for children. What is a tax deduction for a child: who can claim a refund

The process of determining the amount by which the tax base will be reduced depends mainly on the number of children in the family. In this regard, we propose once and for all to figure out how to correctly calculate the size. We talk about how to calculate in this article.

If a minor child or children who are students are on the provision of an individual educational institution full-time, who have not yet reached the age of 24, then in this case, in accordance with tax legislation, he is entitled to the accrual of monetary compensation.

IMPORTANT! Return income tax, outstanding for raising children, is possible not only for parents, but also for individuals who have issued guardianship or guardianship of a child, as well as for adoptive parents.

List of documents

Since, depending on the circumstances, both the employer and the taxpayer themselves can process the deduction, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of necessary papers to receive monetary compensation related to the birth and upbringing of a child:

  1. . First of all, tax office it is necessary to notify for what reason the individual decided to collect a package of documents and send it for consideration to this body. This is done through an application that succinctly states the request for a deduction for the child.
  2. Financial reference. As a rule, this document is drawn up in the form of 2-NDFL and issued by the employer. The certificate reflects all information about the salary of the applicant for a tax rebate, as well as information about all tax fees withheld from it and from other sources of income.
  3. Certificate. In order to confirm that the registration of monetary compensation is really related to the child, the tax inspector must provide his birth certificate.
  4. Declaration. Such a document serves as a kind of reporting for tax contributions that an individual pays not only with wages but also from other income. The declaration is filled out on a form drawn up according to the model 3-NDFL.
In some cases, the above list of documentation is not exhaustive. For example, if a child who is over eighteen years old is receiving an education, and parents want to return part of the personal income tax for him, then a certificate confirming the status of the student must be submitted to the tax service.

At the birth of a child

For many parents, in whose family a newborn has recently appeared, the question automatically arises as to when it is possible to exercise the right to reduce the tax base. Tax legislation establishes that the deduction is issued from the month that is recorded in the certificate as the date of birth.

For example, if a newborn was born in April 2019, then monetary compensation of a tax nature for him can be accrued from April.

How to calculate deduction

The rules for calculating the amount by which the taxpayer's base subject to mandatory tax contributions will be reduced are quite simple. IN tax code Russian Federation, namely in article 218, the amounts that are monthly deducted from the salary of the applicant for a tax rebate are indicated. Moreover, for the calculation, it is necessary to take a monthly salary before removing personal income tax from it.

The amount of discounts for raising children

The amount of deductions depends on the number of children in the family, the category to which they belong, as well as on who is involved in their upbringing, and is:

Please note that there is a certain limit - 350,000 rubles, which prohibits the use of a tax rebate. If in some month, counted from the beginning of the tax period, the income of the applicant for the deduction is more than 350,000 rubles, then from that moment on, monetary compensation for him is no longer accrued.

1400 rubles

In order to figure out how to calculate the amount of the monthly salary after accruing the standard deduction, we propose to consider a specific case. A certain Andreeva Darya Sergeevna, whose salary, excluding taxes, is 29,000 rubles, gave birth to twins and wants to receive monetary compensation for them. You need to do the following math:

  1. 1 400 + 1 400 \u003d 2,800 rubles - this is the total amount of the tax rebate, 1400 rubles for one child and exactly the same for the second;
  2. 29 000 – 2 800 = 26 200 rubles- this is the total amount of wages, which will be subject to personal income tax in the amount of 13%;
  3. (26 200/100)*13 = 3 406 rubles- this is the amount of income tax, which is removed from the salary of Darya Sergeevna every month;
  4. 29 000 - 3,406 \u003d 25,594 rubles - this is the final monthly salary, taking into account the deduction and tax contribution, which the mother of two children will receive in her arms.

Now let's calculate the salary without taking into account the tax rebate, but with the withdrawal of personal income tax. Since the personal income tax is set at 13%, we find them from the amount of 29,000 rubles and get the figure 3,770 rubles. Subtracting the result from the total amount of wages, we get 25,230 rubles.

After comparing the salaries calculated with a tax discount (25,594) and without it (25,230), we come to the understanding that a mother of two children, when making a deduction, will be able to receive 364 rubles more every month.

Calculation of the deduction for large families

In those situations where there are more than three children in the family, the amount that reduces the tax base is calculated in the same way as for one child. However, there is still one difference - this is the amount of the total amount that is deducted from wages until the income tax is removed from it.

Deductions for parents with many children:

  • 5 800 rubles - the taxable base can be reduced by this amount if there are three children in the family;
  • 8 800 rubles - the amount of the deduction provided to parents of four children;
  • 11 800 rubles - tax credit for families with five children.

Further, to get the amount of the deduction for six children, it is enough to add an amount equal to 3,000 rubles to the amount of 11,800 rubles. Thus, in the event of the birth of each subsequent child, 3,000 rubles will simply be added to the amount of the tax rebate.

It must be remembered that the deduction is provided only for children under the age of eighteen, or for students of children under the age of 24. If there are three children in a family, and one child is an adult and does not study anywhere, then tax authorities Only two will be compensated.

All officially employed citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation today must pay income tax. Its value is fixed for everyone, but in the case of minor children, the amount of this payment may be slightly reduced. This issue is covered in as much detail as possible in the current legislation.

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General concepts

Today, all citizens driving on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to pay income tax.

This term refers to personal income tax - a tax on personal income. Its value is 13%. It is the main type of direct taxes.

Its value is always calculated as a percentage of everything total income individual for a given period of time.

In this case, the taxable base usually includes the following:

The list of taxable income is quite extensive. However, there are some types of payments for which effect of personal income tax it just doesn't spread.

For example, material aid during natural disasters and the like.

There are also various other ways to significantly reduce the amount of personal income tax.

One of the simplest and at the same time legal is to issue tax deduction due to the presence of minor children.

But before proceeding with the implementation of the procedure of the type in question, it will be necessary to deal with the following issues without fail:

  1. What it is?
  2. Who is charged.

What it is

Today, personal income tax is compulsorily charged precisely at the place of work of a particular citizen.

In this case, the employer is required to be a tax agent. It should be remembered that it is possible to significantly reduce, up to complete annulment, the amount of personal income tax with the help of special deductions.

They are of the following types:

  • standard;
  • social;
  • property;
  • professional.

The presence of a minor child is the basis for obtaining several types of deductions at once.

For example:

Today, there are a lot of reasons for receiving deductions of various kinds. That is why, in order to avoid confusion, it is necessary to study in advance all the NAPs (regulatory documents) affecting this issue in as much detail as possible.

The Russian Federation is fundamental in this matter. That is what you should always focus on first.

There are some restrictions on the possibility of receiving a deduction:

Who is charged

The following institutions are required to participate in the calculation and subsequent payment of this type of tax:

  1. Parent's employer.
  2. Regional branch of the Federal tax service.

Each employer, which is a tax agent for all of its employees, must make the appropriate deductions in favor of the state without fail.

They are personal income tax, as well as various contributions to insurance funds(PFR, FSS, CHI).

This requires the formation of special accounting and other reporting. Subsequently, the Federal Tax Service carries out its verification - if necessary.

It should be remembered that the regional tax service is directly involved in the calculation of personal income tax, as well as the application of various kinds of deductions to it due to the presence of minor children.

This procedure can also be implemented by the employer. The place where you will need to go to receive the appropriate deduction depends on the ability of the employer to provide it.

The procedure for issuing a deduction in the presence of minor children, as well as other grounds, is not indicated in the current legislation.

That is why, if any difficulties arise, it is worth contacting the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service. Employees of this institution are obliged to give all necessary advice on this issue.

Income tax with a minor child

In order to claim an income tax deduction due to the presence of a minor child, it will be possible to apply directly to your employer.

In this case, you will need to collect the following package of mandatory documents:

If a parent who is single applies for a deduction of the type in question, the following additional documents must also be attached:

Sometimes it happens that the employer does not want or for some reason cannot provide for income tax.

In this case, you will need to contact the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service directly.

The following documents must be attached to the special application:

After everything Required documents will be handed over to the Federal Tax Service, they must be checked within the next 3 months.

After that, the applicant will be able to receive a deduction. This moment is covered in the Russian Federation.

But before applying for a tax deduction from income tax, you should deal with the following questions:

  1. In what size?
  2. Is it possible to reduce.
  3. Main nuances.
  4. What is regulated.

The most detailed and detailed answers to all the above questions are available in the current regulatory framework in this regard.

Its study will allow you to avoid various kinds of difficulties and problems directly related to the calculation of personal income tax and deduction.

In what size

Today, personal income tax has a fixed amount:

It should be remembered that from January 1, 2015, dividends began to be taxed on personal income in the amount of 13%, and not 9% - as it was before.

At the same time, in relation to this type of income, the tax deductions indicated in Article No. 218 of the Russian Federation are not used.

The amount of personal income tax deductions due to the presence of minor children is regulated by the rules that were adopted on January 1, 2012.

The standard deduction amount is:

At the same time, it must be remembered that the amount of the deduction is not some monetary value in rubles that can be received.

Deduction - some part of the income that is not subject to personal income tax in the amount of 13%.

For example, for a parent of two minor children, the amount of the deduction will be:

(1.4 thousand rubles + 1.4 thousand rubles) × 13% = 364 rubles / month.

In some cases, the amount of the deduction may be more or less than a certain amount. It will be possible to understand the specific situation with the help of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Video: how to fill out a 3-NDFL declaration

Is it possible to reduce

In fact, the personal income tax can only be reduced through deductions for the child and in some other cases.

But in most situations, citizens of the Russian Federation use the deduction for a minor child. Moreover, in some cases, it is allowed to immediately receive a double amount of the deduction.

But this is possible only if certain conditions are met:

Based on these documents, it will be possible to significantly reduce the amount of income tax.

But you should remember about the need to provide every month a certificate drawn up in the form of 2-NDFL. It will confirm the amount of monthly income.

At the same time, it must be remembered that in some cases the parent is not recognized as the only one - in the event of a similar kind of situation double deduction impossible.

Main nuances

It should be remembered that there is a rather extensive list of various nuances related specifically to income tax and receiving a deduction for it:

What is regulated

Last modified: January 2020

The tax deduction for children helps to recover a significant amount of money spent Money. The state encourages citizens to become parents in different ways. One way to increase the income of families with children is to reduce their tax payments. For the sake of this good intention, they were introduced. Consider the main tax deductions for children.

A tax deduction is a part of a citizen's income that is not subject to personal income tax. It is usually provided:

  • certain categories of Russians in need of special support - veterans, disabled people, philanthropists, military personnel, etc.
  • if the money earned by taxpayers is spent for certain purposes.

The first type of deduction is called standard. This is a fixed amount that is deducted from the taxable base, regardless of the amount of income.

Parents should note that both tax deductions are not granted by default. It is not enough for a personal income tax payer to know about his right to a benefit and wait until it is taken into account at the place of work. The tax deduction for children is declarative in nature, that is, it is applied only at the written request of an employee with children.

Standard tax deduction for the birth of a child

With the birth of each child, the non-taxable part of the earnings of his parents increases.

establishes the extent to which it occurs:

  • 1400 rubles - deducted from the salary (or other income) at the birth of the first child;
  • 1400 rubles (1400 + 1400)- deducted at the birth of the second baby;
  • 3000 rubles (1400 +1400 + 3000)- is deducted when the third child is born. For each subsequent "heir" the state will increase the amount of the deduction by the same amount.
That is, if there are four minor children in the family, their working mother or father is entitled to receive a deduction in the amount of 8800 rubles (1400 + 1400 + 3000 + 3000).
If at the same time the parent's salary is 40 thousand rubles, then the following arithmetic is applied: 40,000 - 8,800 \u003d 31,200 rubles.
From the resulting value, 13% tax will be withheld (31200/100 * 13 = 4056 rubles).
Without the deduction, it would be charged from full amount(40,000 rubles), and then the part of the salary given to the state would be different - 5200 rubles.

The right to a tax deduction for children is granted not only to biological, but also to adoptive mothers or fathers. Parents of children with special needs receive more significant tax preferences - 12,000 rubles per child with a disability. If a minor with health problems was adopted, the personal income tax deduction will be 6,000 rubles.

Back in 2015 Supreme Court expressed his position on the procedure for granting a tax deduction to the parents of a disabled child. He stated that they have the right to reduce the taxable base immediately for 2 reasons:

  • disability of a son or daughter;
  • how many children with disabilities were born in the family.

For example, if a baby with special needs is the third parent, they can take advantage of a deduction in the amount of 15,000 rubles (12,000 + 3,000). The Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service resisted this approach for a long time, but then their opinion changed. To date, they have given explanations that fully coincide with the position of the highest judicial authority. In particular, the Federal Tax Service withdrew its letters, which stated a different point of view.

When children are brought up not in a complete family, but by a single parent (including a foster parent), then each deduction is doubled. However, as soon as the taxpayer enters into an official marriage, he will lose the right to such a benefit.

Sample application for double payment:

Regardless of which children are brought up in the family (with or without a disability), the deduction is granted until they reach the age of 18. It can be extended until the child is 24 years old, but only if the grown-up "child" has entered and is studying full-time as a graduate student, student, intern, intern, cadet.

The taxpaying parent loses the right to standard deduction, if the year has not yet ended, and he has already managed to earn 350 thousand rubles. From the month when this limit was exceeded, the benefit will not be provided.

Social "parental" deductions

The parent can get social deduction, spending part of the income or treatment of the child - . At the end of the tax period (year), he can return part of the tax transferred to the budget. The total amount cannot exceed 120 thousand rubles, of which no more than 50,000 rubles is a deduction for paying for the education of a son or daughter.

But this does not mean that the taxpayer will be able to return the money in such a significant amount. Only 13% will be returned to him:

  • or from the declared amount (if it is less than the deduction limit);
  • or with a maximum - 50 or 120 thousand rubles (if real costs exceeded the upper limit).

Thus, regardless of how much the parent spent on the education or medical activities of the child, the maximum that he is entitled to return in a year in the form of a deduction:

  • 6500 rubles (50000/100 * 13) - for study;
  • 15600 rubles (120000/100 * 13) - for medical services or medicines.
According to the same formula, the amount of social deductions will be calculated if the expenses were less than the maximum allowable amounts. For example, if a parent spent 90,000 rubles on a child's operation, next year he will be able to return part of the taxes paid in the amount of 11,700 rubles (90,000/100 * 13) from the budget.

The provision of these deductions is limited to the age of the daughter or son:

  • until the child's 18th birthday, it is allowed to draw up a deduction related to his treatment;
  • up to the age of 24 - a deduction is made for the costs of his education.

In order to receive a deduction, a number of other conditions must be met, in particular:

  • medicines purchased for a child must be included in a special government list (contained in Government Decree No. 201 of 19.03.2001);
  • paid medical services must also be included in a special List (see Government Decree No. 201);
  • medical and educational institutions, to whose account parental money was deposited, must have a license;
  • the child can study only full-time;
  • training expenses should not be made at the expense of the received maternity capital.
Also, Article 219 of the Tax Code specifically states that the deduction for the treatment of the child will not be provided to the parent if it was paid at the expense of the employer.

The procedure differs depending on which deduction the parent is claiming. The list of documents that the applicant will need also varies.

Rules for issuing a standard deduction

Wishing to receive this preference, the parent, at his own choice, has the right to apply:

  • or to the accounting department at the place of work;
  • or to the tax office of your area.

In the first case, he needs to write an application with a request to provide him with a standard deduction.

Attached to it are:

  • birth certificates (according to the number of children for which the employee is going to receive a deduction);
  • marriage certificate (or a photocopy of a passport page indicating marital status);
  • certificate of the child's disability (if any, and the employee claims a higher deduction);
  • a certificate from an educational institution stating that the son or daughter is studying there (in order to have a basis to extend the tax “rebate” until the child’s 24th birthday);
  • a written refusal to deduct the second parent and a certificate from work confirming the fact of his non-receipt (if the mother and father agreed that one person would issue the benefit, but in double the amount).

If a single parent claims a double deduction, he must prove his status. To do this, he needs to present one of the following documents:

  • death certificate of the father / mother of the child (children)
  • decision of the court on the recognition of the second parent as dead or missing;
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming the status of a single mother (form 25).

After reviewing all the documents submitted by the employee, the accounting department will calculate his salary, taking into account the standard deductions for children. And he will recalculate if, for example, the child was born in April, and the application was submitted in December. According to the Tax Code, the deduction is granted from the date of birth of the baby.

If a parent, instead of a monthly reduction in the tax base, wants to return the overpaid personal income tax in the form of real money, he needs to contact the tax service. Then, in addition to the above documents confirming the right to deduction, he provides additional papers:

  • completed tax return- 3-NDFL;
  • certificate 2-NDFL - on income for the last year;
  • an application for the return of the overpaid amount of tax (its amount is indicated) to the parent's bank or card account (its details are reported).

Tax inspectors have 3 months to study and verify the submitted documents. After that, the law gives them another 1 month to transfer money. If the tax authorities have grounds for refusing to refund the tax, they must notify the applicant in writing about them.

That is, by contacting the tax office, the parent has the opportunity to return the overpayment for the entire taxable period- in a year. Therefore, the taxpayer can submit documents only after its completion. In addition, if he did not file an application for a deduction in a timely manner, he has the right to return the tax for the last three years.

Applying for a social deduction for children

A social deduction for the treatment or education of a child can also be issued either at the place of work or at the regional Federal Tax Service. For those who choose the first option, the money will be returned through a salary that will not be subject to personal income tax until the amount of the deduction is repaid.

For example, an employee claimed a deduction for medicines purchased for a sick son in the amount of 10,000 rubles. At the same time, his salary is 35,000 rubles, and a monthly tax of 4,550 rubles is withheld from it. In this case, the first two months after the submission of documents for personal income tax deduction the parent will not be charged at all (4550 + 4550), and in the third month the tax amount will be reduced by 900 rubles.

To receive a social deduction at work, only one document needs to be submitted to the accounting department: a notification from the tax office confirming the employee's right to such a benefit.

But in order to become the owner of this paper, you need to visit the regional division of the Federal Tax Service with a set of copies and originals of the following documents:

  • metric (certificate) for the child;
  • an agreement with an educational or medical institution where the services were provided (it must contain the details of the license on the basis of which it operates);
  • prescriptions for expensive medicines (if the right to a deduction appeared in connection with their purchase);
  • payment documents confirming the taxpayer's expenses for these purposes;
  • application for the issuance of the relevant notification.

Within a month, such paper must be handed over to the parent, if the documents provided do not raise questions from the employees of the Federal Tax Service. Notification is enough to temporarily stop withholding tax from an employee at work.

If the parent wants to return the deduction in a single amount, then at the end of the year during which the tax was overpaid, the father or mother applies directly to the Federal Tax Service. But instead of claiming to issue a right of deduction notice, they add to the above list:

  • tax return for the past year;
  • certificate 2 personal income tax (for him);
  • application for a refund of overpaid personal income tax;
  • Bank details.

All copies of documents submitted to the tax office must be certified in advance. Like the standard deduction, the social deduction is returned no more than 4 months from the date of submission of documents.

Registration of a personal income tax deduction through the portal of the State Service

The website of the State Service is gaining popularity, as it allows you to receive many public services, without leaving home. Parents can also use it to file tax deductions. But first, you need to register on the portal and get an electronic signature. Only after that the user gets access to various services.

To apply for a tax deduction through the site, you must first fill out an electronic declaration. It is formed in the section "TAXES AND FINANCES". When filling out the document in the "DEDUCTIONS" section, "checkmarks" are put in the corresponding fields, indicating that the citizen asks to provide them. Scans of documents are attached to the declaration, which confirm the user's right to deduct personal income tax.

After sending all the electronic "papers", the parent will receive a receipt of their receipt, which will indicate the registration number of the application. It can be used to check at what stage of consideration the submitted documents are.

Before sending the declaration and scans, the parent in a special form indicates the details of the bank - for transferring money. They will go there if the check confirms the legality of the applicant's claim.

Do you have any questions? Ask! Our lawyers are ready to answer all your questions, as well as provide qualified assistance in preparing applications to various authorities.

A tax deduction for a child is a state support for citizens with children in the form of compensation for part of the costs of their maintenance, education and treatment. The calculation of compensation is enshrined in the Tax Code and depends on various factors. Familiarization with the stages of paperwork by the taxpayer, the conditions and rules for calculating compensation will help you find out what the tax deduction for a child will be in 2019 in Russia.

Accrual rules

The deduction for a child is due to persons who have official employment and are payers of personal income tax. In 2019, the program, as before, is aimed at supporting families with low incomes. This is clearly spelled out in the Tax Code: the benefit applies to the annual income of a citizen, which does not exceed the threshold of 350 thousand rubles. That is, if a person's official earnings are 40 thousand per month, then he will receive compensation for the first 8 months, before passing the milestone of 350 thousand.

The exemption is for each parent of children under 18 years of age. It is also issued for full-time students, residents, interns, graduate students until they reach 24 years of age.

The tax deduction is usually registered by the employer. To do this, it is necessary to provide the accounting department with a copy of the birth certificates of all children, even if they are already over 18 years old, since the chronology of their birth is taken into account to calculate the amount of compensation.

Individual entrepreneurs who pay personal income tax at 13% of their income are entitled to receive a state benefit. This applies to those who use common system taxation. With a simplified system, a patent or the payment of a single tax on temporary income, you cannot receive a payment.

The taxpayer can apply for compensation of part of the money that he spent on the education or treatment of the child. The amount will be refunded from taxes paid for the year. At the same time, the cost of education and treatment should not exceed 50 and 120 thousand, respectively.

Examples of applying the deduction for children

For one child

The employee receives a salary of 36 thousand rubles a month and she has one child. The calculation will be as follows (36,000 -1,400) * 13% = 4,498 rubles, without applying a deduction, she will pay 4,680 rubles of personal income tax. Thus, the savings will amount to 182 rubles per month and 1638 rubles per year. But the lower the level of wages, the stronger the effect of applying the deduction.

Deduction for one child
Month Personal income tax, without deduction, rubles Savings, rubles
January 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
February 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
March 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
April 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
May 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
June 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
July 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
August 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
September 36 000 4 680 4 498 182
October 4 680 4 680
November 36 000 4 680 4 680
December 36 000 4 680 4 680
Total 432 000 56 160 54 522 1638

For three children

If there are three children in the family, then the first two are entitled to a deduction of 1,400 rubles, and the third 3,000, in total, the taxable base can be reduced by 5,800. We get (36,000 - 5800) * 13% \u003d 3926. Without deductions, the tax would be 4,680 rubles. Savings per month is 754 rubles, and for the year 6,786 rubles.

Deduction for three children
Month Gross income, rubles Personal income tax, without deduction, rubles Personal income tax, without deduction, rubles Savings, rubles
January 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
February 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
March 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
April 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
May 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
June 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
July 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
August 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
September 36 000 4 680 3 926 754
October 36,000 (revenue exceeded base limit) 4 680 4 680
November 36 000 4 680 4 680
December 36 000 4 680 4 680
Total 432 000 56 160 49 374 6 786

per disabled child

If the family has a disabled child, then the amount of the deduction will be larger - 12,000 rubles, if he is native, and not adopted, plus 1400 standard deduction. In this case, we will get (36,000 - 12,000-1400) * 13% = 2,938 rubles of income tax. Without the deduction, it would have been 4,680 rubles. Savings per month is already 1,742 rubles, and over the year it will be 15,678 rubles.

Deduction for a disabled child
Month Gross income, rubles Personal income tax, without deduction, rubles Personal income tax, without deduction, rubles Savings, rubles
January 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
February 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
March 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
April 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
May 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
June 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
July 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
August 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
September 36 000 4 680 2 938 1 742
October 36,000 (revenue exceeded base limit) 4 680 4 680
November 36 000 4 680 4 680
December 36 000 4 680 4 680
Total 432 000 56 160 42 120 15 678

Attention! If an employee has acquired housing, then he has the right to return the income taxes paid to the state by submitting a 3-NFD declaration for receiving a property deduction.

How to get a tax deduction for a child in 2018 from an employer

If a citizen is employed and works according to employment contract, then it is easiest for him to receive a deduction directly from his employer.

To do this, the following documents are transferred to the accounting department:

  • Application for a tax deduction for a child. It is drawn up in the accounting department in the name of the director;
  • A copy of the document that confirms the right to receive a deduction (copy of a certificate for a child or a certificate of adoption);
  • Marriage document (copy of the certificate, copy of the page from the passport with a stamp);
  • If the deduction is requested for a disabled child - a relevant certificate;
  • If the child is studying full-time - a certificate from the university. The Ministry of Finance determined that the geographical location of the institution does not matter - the child can receive education both in Russia and abroad. In addition, the deduction is provided for training on a paid basis.

How to apply for child benefit

If a single parent or guardian receives the deduction, then he must also include in the package of documents:

  • A copy of the document on the death of the second parent, a certificate of recognizing him as missing, etc.;
  • Certificate No. 25 to confirm the status of a single mother;
  • Confirmation that the single parent has not remarried.

The accountant usually provides a ready-made template for a child deduction application. The employee only needs to enter the total number of children and the requested deduction amount.

Important! It must be remembered that if an employee works not only in his organization at the main place, but also part-time, then he has the right to receive a deduction only for his main job.

How to get a tax deduction for a child in 2018 through the tax

Sometimes a situation arises that an employee cannot take full advantage of the deductions that are due to his children. This may be, for example, due to an accountant's error.

In this situation, it is still possible to receive a deduction. Only the worker will need to independently prepare required package forms and apply with them to the tax office. This body examines them and then returns the overdeducted the amount of personal income tax. However, this can be done only after the end of the next calendar year.

It is very important to pay special attention to the preparation of documents. They must not contain errors. In addition, if the package contains copies, then upon delivery, you will need to show the inspector the originals.

IN full package deduction documents include:

  • Form 3-NDFL. It is filled out for the year when the employee either did not use the deduction at all, or was not provided in full. You can fill out this form manually on a printed form, or print it out on a computer, use special programs, Internet sites;
  • The document that establishes the benefit - a copy of the birth certificate or adoption certificate;
  • Application for the transfer of the amount excess tax to a bank account with its full details;
  • Certificates in the 2-NDFL format from all organizations where the applicant worked in the specified year;
  • Copy of the first and second pages of the applicant's passport.

Documents can be handed over in person or sent by mail. However, a deadline has been set for this - until April 30 of the current year. After submitting the forms to the inspector, he must complete the verification procedure within three months.

Attention! Further, he is given another 10 days to inform the applicant about the results of the consideration. If it was decided to make a refund, then the funds will be credited according to the details from the application within one month.

The amount of the deduction per child in 2019 in Russia

The amount of tax compensation is regulated by a number of factors - the number of children, their parents from all existing marriages, children's disabilities and others.

The deduction for the second child in 2019, as well as for the first, will be calculated monthly in the amount of 1400 rubles. The deduction for the third and each following it will be made in the form of a refund of 3,000 rubles.

  • up to 18 years old,
  • up to 24 years for students of all full-time forms of study.

On a note:In Austria and Germany, tax benefits are extended to parents up to the age of 27 for student children. In the Czech Republic, the number of children affects the mother's retirement age: each child reduces this period by a year.

Social allowance for a child

In addition to the standard, there is a second type of deduction. A parent can receive this type of compensation if he has spent part of his income on the treatment or education of children. There are age limits for receiving social benefits:

  • 18 years of the child in the case of compensation for expenses for his treatment,
  • 24 years upon receipt of a refund of the amount spent on education.

To return the funds transferred to the budget for the year, the parent, at the end of this period, can provide the employer or the tax office with documents on spending on the child's education or treatment. An indispensable condition here is the amount of money spent during the calendar year for these purposes: the amount of expenses should not exceed 120,000 rubles, of which spending on education can be no more than 50,000 rubles.

An application for extradition is submitted to the department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. The originals or pre-notarized copies are attached to it.

  • birth certificates,
  • contracts with medical educational institution who provided services on a paid basis (indicating in the contract for the existing license for the provision of this type of service by the institution),
  • payment documents on expenses for these purposes,
  • prescriptions for expensive drugs in case of claiming a deduction due to medical expenses.

The tax authority is obliged to issue a permit to the parent within one month if he meets all the requirements and after verifying the information provided. For changes in the amount of taxes accrued by the accounting department of the enterprise in the future, the presence of this conclusion will be sufficient.

The amount of the deduction per child in 2019 for the taxpayer is determined by the number of children, the amount of income, the type of taxes paid and the relationship of each family member to certain categories of citizens, legally fixed. In addition to the standard one, a parent can also apply for another type of deduction - a social one. The amount of this type of compensation depends on the amount of money spent by the parent on the education and treatment of the child.

Amount of tax deduction in 2019

According to preliminary data, deductions for children in 2019 remain unchanged. According to the state code, compensation is due to each parent or legal guardian, and depends on the number of children in the family and the order of their birth. The amount of the tax deduction will be:

  • for the first child 1400 rubles;
  • for the second - also 1400 rubles;
  • for the third and each subsequent - 3000 rubles.

The amount of tax compensation is regulated by a number of factors - the number of children, their parents from all existing marriages, children's disabilities and others.

A special article for calculating compensation is the deduction for a disabled child. Parents of such children are entitled to 12,000 rubles, and guardians or trustees - 6,000 rubles. and added to the regular deduction.

Existing children of this category also fall under the qualification of age gradation. Compensation is provided to all parents who have children with disabilities belonging to groups I or II, age

  • up to 18 years old,
  • up to 24 years for students of all full-time forms of study.

One of the unmarried parents can claim double the deduction in the event of the death or disappearance of the other. This type of compensation is also received by single mothers with a missing entry on the father's birth certificate.

On a note: In Austria and Germany, tax benefits are extended to parents up to the age of 27 for student children. In the Czech Republic, the number of children affects the mother's retirement age: each child reduces this period by a year.

It is important to know! The tax deduction does not imply that the above amounts will be returned to the taxpayer. They just don't count in the process. personal income tax charges at 13%.

Calculating the benefit from this benefit is quite simple. For example, a family has two children under the age of 18. In this case, the compensation will look like: (1400+1400)*13%= 364 rubles. That is, the family's savings per month will be 364 rubles, if both parents are personal income tax payers, then 728 rubles.

Reimbursement can be received monthly or once a year. If payments have not been received before, then an appropriate request for the transfer of the due funds should be submitted to the tax administration at the place of registration. It is legally established that unaccounted payments are returned only for the last three years.

Making a tax return

Standard deductions for children in 2019 must be issued by the employer, in the manner prescribed by law. To do this, the taxpayer must:

  1. An application of the appropriate sample (the form can be clarified with an accountant).
  2. Copy of birth or adoption (guardianship) certificate.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. Copy of marriage certificate.
  5. Proof of disability (if any).
  6. Certificate from an educational institution (for students, graduate students, interns).

If the father or mother is the only parent (guardian), then the relevant documents confirming this fact should be provided: a death certificate of one of their spouses, a certificate of assignment of the status of a single mother, etc.

When making a deduction by an individual entrepreneur, the documents listed above are sent to the tax office at the place of registration. Also, the taxpayer provides a completed 3-NDFL declaration.

The following documents are required to receive reimbursement for the costs of education and treatment:

  • an agreement with a medical or educational institution providing paid services;
  • payment documents (checks) confirming expenses.

The amount of money that will be reimbursed to the parent will depend on the amount spent by him.

You are owed 15.04.19 158 352 48

What is this

The state wants to support parents with small salaries, so it allows them not to pay part of the taxes. This is the tax deduction.

18 096 R

parents are owed a year if there are three children in the family and the salary of each parent is less than 350,000 R per year

If one of the parents is employed, then in the accounting department they begin to pay less taxes for him, and the saved difference is added to the salary. Thanks to the deduction, parents of three children can receive 9,048 rubles a year and even more.

Who is supposed to

The child deduction is due to parents, adoptive parents, guardians and trustees from the moment the child is born. Both parents can claim the deduction, the main condition is to work and pay with personal income tax salaries.

You can get a child deduction even when renting an apartment, garage or other property, but only if you pay 13% personal income tax on these incomes.

How much do they give

The amount of the deduction depends on the number of children: the more children, the greater the deduction.

The first and second children reduce taxable income by 1,400 rubles each - this amount will be deducted from the salary when the tax is calculated. Each next child reduces taxable income by another 3,000 rubles a month. If the spouses have a child from previous marriages, then their common child can be considered the third. Thus, the stepmother, stepfather, guardians, adoptive parents, trustees and divorced parents can receive the deduction if they financially support the child.

There are even more deductions for disabled children. Parents and adoptive parents do not pay tax on 12 thousand rubles, and guardians and trustees - on 6 thousand rubles. This deduction is cumulative with the regular child deduction. For example, if a disabled child was born first or second, each parent will receive two deductions: for 1400 and 12 thousand rubles.

Please note: 1400, 3 thousand, 6 thousand and 12 thousand rubles are the amounts of the deduction, and not the amount that you will receive in your hands. The deduction is, as it were, deducted from the taxable base, and only the tax on the balance is paid - 13%. For example, if you are entitled to a monthly deduction of 12 thousand rubles, the payment will be 12,000 × 13% = 1560 R.

The deduction is provided until your income from the beginning of the year exceeds 350 thousand rubles. The deduction will be canceled from the month in which the income exceeded the limit. From the new year, the limit is reset to zero and you can again receive a child deduction.

Calculation example

Alice and Nikolai have three children: 9, 4 and 2 years old. Alice is on maternity leave and does not claim a deduction. Nikolai works under an employment contract and receives 30,000 rubles a month before taxes.

If Nikolai takes the deduction application to the accounting department, then for the first and second child his deduction will be 1,400 rubles each, and for the third - 3 thousand rubles. From January to November, Nikolai will earn 330 thousand rubles and receive 8294 rubles more than if there were no children:

(1400 R + 1400 R + 3000 R) × 13% × 11 months = 8294 R

In December, Nikolai's annual income will exceed 350 thousand, and he will lose the right to deduct before the beginning of next year.

How to get

You can get a tax deduction for children right at work. To do this, you need to come to the accounting department, write an application and attach documents to it:

  1. A copy of the child's birth or adoption certificate.
  2. A copy of the passport with a marriage mark or a marriage registration certificate if the parents are married.
  3. A certificate from an educational institution stating that the child is a full-time student, if he is a student.
  4. Certificate of disability if the child is disabled.
  5. Certificate of birth of a child in form 2 and a copy of the passport page on marital status for a double deduction for a single parent. Such a certificate is needed if information about the father is included in the certificate from the words of the mother. If the father is not mentioned in the certificate initially, the certificate will not be needed.
  6. Death certificate of the other parent or an extract from the court decision declaring the parent missing if the other parent is dead or missing.
  7. Documents of guardians and trustees confirming their right to raise a child.

The deduction is renewed automatically every year, you do not need to write a new application. But you will need it when you have another child or your life situation changes: you change jobs or, for example, start a new family and provide for non-native children.

If you changed jobs in a year, bring a 2-personal income tax certificate from your previous job to the accounting department. The accountant will take into account your past income for this year and check whether you have exceeded the limit of 350 thousand or not.

Take yours from the state!

How to receive deductions, benefits and benefits, we tell in our mailing list twice a week

Underwater rocks

Children's age. The deduction is due until the child turns 18. Moreover, if the child turns 18 in the middle of the year, the right to deduction will be valid until the end of the year. For children who continue their full-time studies for a fee or free of charge, the deduction will be extended for the entire period of study - up to a maximum of 24 years.

Collaboration work. The deduction will be given only for one place of work, even if you work part-time for several employers.

Sole proprietors and self-employed. Individual entrepreneur on a simplified tax, patent or imputation, he does not pay personal income tax from his income, so he will not be given a deduction. The same is true for the self-employed. But an individual entrepreneur in the general regime can claim a deduction, since he pays 13% of personal income tax from his income.

Parents are divorced or in a civil marriage. Unmarried parents are also eligible for the deduction. There are two conditions: parents must be recorded in the birth certificate of the child and financially support him. For example, if the child's father does not live with the mother but pays child support, he may be entitled to child deduction. You can confirm your participation in providing for the child by a written application of the other parent who lives with the child, an agreement on the payment of alimony, writ of execution or receipts with a clear purpose of payment.

How to get more

Double deduction per child for single parent. The single parent has the right to a double deduction if the other parent is dead, missing, or if the child's birth certificate does not contain an entry about the father or it is entered from the mother's words.

A parent who divorced or did not formalize the relationship may also qualify for a double deduction. To do this, the second parent, who works and pays personal income tax from his salary, must refuse the deduction in favor of the first. But for this, the second parent will have to take a 2-NDFL certificate from work every month.

Accounts for previous years. If you haven't applied for a deduction before, or if your employer has deducted but not for all of your children, you can claim a tax refund for the past three years. IN personal account fill out the 3-NDFL declaration on the website and upload the following documents:

  1. Application for a standard deduction.
  2. Copies and originals of documents giving the right to deduction.
  3. Certificate 2-NDFL from work on income for previous years. Help can be ordered in your account on

The IRS will take three months to review. The status of the check can be tracked in your personal account. If the return is approved, the money will come to the bank account within a month.