Purchases of the trading platform Sberbank Ast. Sberbank electronic trading platform

ZAO Sberbank AST- this is a structural unit of the country's largest bank "". This subsidiary company specializes in conducting remote auctions. The specified trading platform makes it possible to become a participant in the procurement processes carried out by public and private institutions and various auctions in certain sections (44-FZ and 223-FZ).

In addition to all of the above, ZAO Sberbank AST provides training services for people working on site. In addition, the possibility of electronic document management is presented.

If you plan to participate in a tender at the Sberbank AST site, then you must log in to your personal account on the ETP. Go to the official website at http://www.sberbank-ast.ru/ and in the upper right corner, click the "Login" button. To enter the system, a combination of login and password or an electronic digital signature (EDS) can be used. You can enter the site in both ways, but to perform significant procurement transactions, you must use a qualified electronic signature.

Advice! If you are unable to enter your personal account using your login and password the first time, then you need to check that the details are entered correctly. If it is not possible to enter the system by EDS, then it is necessary to check the correctness of the EDS settings on the computer, and also check the validity period of the signature.

What is Sberbank AST and why do we need such a service

ETP "Sberbank AST" allows you to ensure compliance with the law on contracts. With its help, the principle of full openness of doing business and the work of public institutions is fully implemented (at least in the field of procurement of goods and services aimed at ensuring the activities of the organization). Possibilities of ETG "Sberbank AST" allows you to perform the following actions:

  1. Receive comprehensive advice on the functioning of the site and work on it.
  2. Learn and improve the skill level of work on the ETP.
  3. Issue bank guarantees that secure the contract with the help of system partners.
  4. Receive banking and insurance products.
  5. Study information and participate in the procedures provided for by Articles 44 and 233 of the Federal Law as a supplier.
  6. Create auctions for municipal, state and even private institutions.
  7. Participate in auctions in a number of sections.
  8. Buy up material values ​​and the rights of bankrupt organizations.

Sberbank AST is one of the top three in its segment. Its main competitor is EETP.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sberbank AST

The main advantages of Sberbank AST include:

  1. Full compliance with all rules and laws.
  2. Modern technical possibilities.
  3. Affordable, practical and convenient functionality.
  4. Lots of procedures available.
  5. Acceptable rates.

Along with the advantages, Sberbank AST, however, like any other trading platforms, has certain disadvantages. The main ones include:

  1. Inability to generate declarations automatically. This refers to the declaration of compliance with the requirements and belonging to small businesses.
  2. Frequent maintenance work.
  3. Long time to download documents that are large.

All of these shortcomings are not significant. At the same time, they are much smaller than other platforms of this type.

Registration on the site Sberbank AST

To register on the platform Sberbank AST' must be accredited. To do this, you need to fill out a questionnaire and provide the documents requested by the system. All documentation must be in PDF format. A package of documents is collected depending on the desired status in the system.

According to the Federal Law, accreditation is provided within five working days. After approval has been received, the system participant will have access to all the features of the platform. Suppliers get the right to offer goods, customers can create auctions.

To date, Sberbank AST can register:

  • organizations registered in the Russian Federation and having an EDS. For such organizations, registration at Sberbank AST is carried out with the provision of the following package of documents: Unified State Register of Legal Entities, statutory documentation of the organization, a paper confirming the authority of the person working on the site;
  • organizations that do not have an EDS. The composition of the package of documents does not differ from the above option. The main difference is that the entrance to the portal and the conclusion of various agreements will be carried out without an EDS. Some bidders are not happy with this;
  • individuals with and without an electronic signature. An individual registers on the portal by providing an individual taxpayer number and a passport;
  • foreign companies and citizens. For foreign companies, an extract from the USR and a copy of the assignment of the UNP must be added to the package of documents. Foreign individuals, in addition to a passport, must provide a document confirming their registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • IP. Individual entrepreneurs are registered in the system after providing an extract from the USRIP and a passport.

In general, the registration process is quite simple and does not take much time. Any person interested in working at the ETP can pass it.

Sberbank AST tariffs

Sberbank AST offers registered users participation in bidding and auctions, as well as a host of additional services. The following tariffs are provided for the creators of auctions:

  1. Base. This tariff allows you to make purchases within the standard electronic functionality. The plan is free. The customer can choose any procedure that does not imply the signing of paper documents;
  2. paper procedures. Bidding organizers who have connected this tariff can hold tenders that require submission of documentation in the traditional form. The cost of the tariff is 7,000 rubles per month.

Bidding organizers are provided with a number of additional services. These include marketing analysis and advising on any issues of the site 24 hours a day.

The basic tariff for suppliers is paid. They are charged a deposit, the amount of which depends on the amount of the transaction:

  1. 5,500 rubles with a contract value of up to half a million rubles;
  2. 1% of the contract amount (but not less than 2,000 rubles).

If the organizer of the auction posted an auction according to the tariff plan "Paper procedures", then the commission from the supplier is not charged. This is quite beneficial for both parties.

Functions of ETP "Sberbank AST"

Speaking about the work of the platform in simple words, it is required to indicate the following. The system provides an opportunity to make transactions after the auction using the EDS. When listing the functionality, first of all, you need to specify:

  1. selection of a suitable lot and submission of an application for participation in the auction. To select a suitable procedure, the supplier needs to visit the section of interest to him. If there is a desire to participate, then you need to go to the "Auctions" tab and then "List of active auctions". Advanced search allows you to select the region and industry. Having studied the conditions of the auction and decided to participate in it, you need to click the "Apply" button. After that, a field will open in which you need to transfer an electronic copy of the documents provided for by the terms of the potential contract;
  2. auction and bidding. Bidding for the right to become a supplier of any product is carried out for a fall. In simple terms, the winner is the supplier who offers the lowest cost of goods or services. If the winner has not attached the required documents or refuses to fulfill certain obligations, then the contract is transferred to the next participant on the list, who offered a lower price. Separately, we should talk about bankruptcy tenders. This section is quite popular. To date, over 90,000 auctions are presented on it, for a total amount of over 800,000,000,000 rubles. Of course, in this section the trades are on the rise. Quite often, the initiator of the auction is the court, and the recipients of the benefits are commercial organizations that have provided loans to the bankrupt.

Only legal entities can be participants in certain auctions. First of all, this concerns the area of ​​public procurement.

Popular sections "Sberbank AST"

To date, the most popular sections on the Sberbank AST platform are:

  1. "Post office". Here, purchases are made for the needs of the FPS. The company creates equal conditions for suppliers and selects winners exclusively on a competitive basis.
  2. Aeroflot. This section is perhaps the most extensive, because to ensure the work of the company, it is necessary to make purchases in a variety of areas: from the food and textile industries to mechanical engineering and oil refining.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that any individual or legal entity that has something to offer government and commercial organizations can become a member of Sberbank AST. Also, companies wishing to ensure their activities at the lowest cost are registered here.

CJSC Sberbank-Ast (Sberbank-AST) is an electronic trading platform for public procurement. AST - automated trading system. Participants can be both individual entrepreneurs, individuals, and large commercial firms. The essence of the work of the ETP is that sellers put up for sale their services and goods (in the form of auctions, tenders, etc.), and buyers have the opportunity to profitably purchase what they need online.

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To participate in public procurement auctions, you must be accredited and registered on the trading platform. This takes time, as the procedure takes place in several steps:

  1. Obtain an EDS (electronic digital signature). Estimated time is 7 days.
  2. Submit an application for accreditation and wait for its consideration and approval (within 5 days).
  3. Register on the site.

The services of the Sberbank-AST trading platform are provided on a paid basis.

What is Sberbank-AST

Sberbank-AST is a closed joint stock company, a subsidiary of the Russian bank Sberbank. It has been operating since 2009, recognized as one of the best universal trading platforms (USP). The company's activities are regulated by Federal Law FZ-223. The main office is located in Moscow.

The Sberbank-AST electronic trading platform is universal. Since February 1, 2017, it has been operating under a new regulation, according to which public procurement is carried out in various forms (auctions, tenders, qualified selection, purchase from a single customer, request for prices, MICEX quotes, proposals).

There are different types of trading sections on the platform, the main of which are:

  1. Electronic auctions for the sale, privatization, lease of state and municipal property.
  2. Electronic trading on the property of bankrupts.
  3. Purchases of PJSC Sbebrbank.
  4. Fish market. New section on trading in biological resources and products.
  5. Personal marketplaces. The largest organizations, such as Russian Railways, Gazprom, Central Bank of Russia, Russian Post, have their own trading platforms on the platform for the purchase of one customer.

The Sberbank-AST trading platform was created to facilitate government procurement procedures. Customers are given the opportunity to save time (you can buy or sell via the Internet) and money resources (according to various sources, from 10 to 30%). All auctions are conducted openly and transparently.

The immediate tasks of the ETP Sberbank-AST are:

  1. Providing high-quality technical support and improving the platform (readily accessible information, user-friendly interface, improving functionality).
  2. Ensuring the protection of information and electronic documents.
  3. Search and implementation of new technologies to support and improve the quality of service.

How to get started with an e-commerce platform

Sberbank-AST is a universal electronic trading platform. Certain requirements are imposed on candidates for participation in the auction, since auctions on the site involve working with electronic documentation. Therefore, the difficult registration procedure on the platform is designed to ensure maximum information protection and security, both for the platform itself and for the client.

To be able to buy or sell goods and services on the Sberbank-AST site, the client must go through the following steps:

  1. Get an EDS (since the work is done online, and the documents are stored in a personal electronic account).
  2. Set up a workplace (the trading platform requires the presence and maintenance of certain programs on your computer).
  3. Get accredited.
  4. Register and get access to your personal account.

To get started with the Sberbank-AST platform, follow the link http://www.sberbank-ast.ru.

How to get an EDS

An electronic signature replaces your regular paper signature. On the site, it is needed to verify your identity and authorization.

In the horizontal menu, click on the "Home" tab and select the item "Obtaining an EDS". On the new page you will find some general information and a list of authorized certification centers where you can order an EDS. The procedure for obtaining an EDS includes the following steps:

  • selection of a certification authority authorized by the Sberbank-AST platform;
  • filing an application;
  • receipt and payment of an invoice (average cost is 5000 rubles);
  • appearance at the center, providing the original documents for verification (usually this is an application, passport, TIN, SNILS). Here you will receive an EDS.

If you have any difficulties choosing a certification center (after all, it must be located in your city and be authorized by Sberbank-AST), you can call the hotline +7 800 333-60-03 or 8 800 2000-100 and employees of the nearest of a suitable vial, they will contact you and help you in resolving your issue.

The procedure for filing an application, processing data and issuing an EDS can take up to 7 days.

How to set up a workplace

The requirements that your personal computer must meet to work on the trading floor are given on the Sberbank-AST website in the "Main" - "Instructions" section. Here are all the instructions for installing your EDS on a computer for further work.

  1. Once you have received an EDS certificate, you need to install the CIPF issued to you (cryptographic information protection tool) on your computer.
  2. Next, you need to install the EDS directly on the computer.
  3. If you don't, then download and install Internet Explorer version 8.0 and above.
  4. You will also need to download and install the Capicom library.
  5. After completing all the installations, you need to check the operation of your EDS. To do this, on the Sberbank-AST website, go to the section "Main" - "Checking the EDS". If all is well, you can proceed to the next step. If an error occurs that you cannot fix, contact technical support for help.

How to apply for accreditation

In the horizontal menu, select the "Participants" section and select the "Registration" line. Here, first read the summary of the information provided. Then proceed to apply:

Poll: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


  1. Select the appropriate trading group (IP, legal entity, individual, etc.).
  2. Start filling out the application. Here you need to fill in general and personal information about the applicant, indicate contact details, information about the place of residence, provide bank details, create a login and password (think up on your own) and attach high-quality copies or scans of the necessary documents (usually this is an identity passport and a certificate of registration or TIN).
  3. After filling in all the data, complete the procedure by clicking the "Sign and send" button.

Your application will be considered within 5 business days. Notification of the results of the verification will be sent by e-mail.

Working with a personal account

After passing the accreditation, you will have access to your personal account. On the Sberbank-AST website at the very top in the left corner there is a button "Enter the account". Enter your username and password, or an EDS certificate, and you will be taken to your personal account.

To facilitate the work, the Sberbank-AST trading platform provides various technical instructions and training materials for trading and making profitable deals (the training program and seminar schedule can be found in the "training" section). Here you can read the latest news, find out general information about the company, view the register of customers, suppliers, current auctions, participants (lists of current auctions with the name of the organizer, maximum prices, terms of placement are given on the site). Also on the site there is a technical support of Sberbank-AST. If you have any difficulties or questions, please call 8 495 7872997 or write to e-mail:

- an electronic trading platform, which has become the largest in the domestic Internet space.

It will help to conclude profitable deals without territorial restrictions, and accreditation once every 3 years will not create additional problems for organizations with the collection and execution of documents.

Registration in Sberbank AST: entrance to your personal account

Authorization in the electronic trading system from Sberbank allows you to save, according to various sources, from 10 to 30% on a transaction. But before participating in the auction, the supplier must go through and obtain the right to electronic signature.

The next steps are to set up the user's workplace of the universal trading platform.

How to get a certificate for electronic digital signature?

All certificates that make it possible to conduct transactions are issued by a CA (Certifying Authority). The list of operating organizations is located on the main website of Sberbank in the section "Obtaining an EDS", menu "Home".

Before receiving a digital signature, the user's workplace must be configured. For this:

  • Get a hidden data protection tool from the Certification Center, which also acts as a certificate installation tool, and install the CIPF on the computer;
  • Adjust the browser to the needs of the digital signature;
  • Install the Capicom library.

The cryptographic information protection tool, browser settings and electronic library installations are carried out according to the instructions posted on the main page of the Sberbank website in the "Instructions" menu.

After successfully setting up the Personal Account, go to the menu "Main" - tab "ETS verification", if all actions are completed successfully, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen and you should proceed to the accreditation of the platform participant.

How is accreditation for Sberbank AST carried out?

  • On the website, go to the "Participants" tab and select the category corresponding to the activity at the auction;
  • Click "Apply";
  • In the form that opens, fill in all the free fields. Carefully check the correctness of the entered information!
  • Create a username and password;
  • Attach high-resolution copies of the required constituent documents to the application. A complete list of papers required for each category is located on the application registration page;
  • Please wait up to 5 business days for your application to be processed.

The test results will be sent to the email address provided during the application process. If the decision is positive, the applicant will receive a new account number that will be used to participate in auctions, the supplier is automatically entered in the list of users, if the verdict is negative, the reason for refusal.

ATTENTION! Confirmation of the current accreditation is a record about the participant of the electronic trading platform in the section of the site "Registers - Registers of Participants"

Entering your personal account on the Sberbank AST trading platform and submitting the first application?

To start bidding, click "Entrance to office", then select Yes in all pop-up windows, enter your login and password or certificate number. If the password cannot be entered correctly, click on the special link and follow the instructions to reset it.

  • To select the auction of interest, open the "Auctions" tab - "Register of announced auctions".
  • From the list of active trades, select the one you need and click "Apply".

On the application page, pay attention to the paragraph "Amount of bid security"- the amount indicated in it cannot be less than the one on the balance of a potential bidder. If the necessary funds are available, study the requirements of the customer.

  • Since information about the company is classified in the first part of the application, sign an agreement to fulfill the requirements of the customer in case of winning and provide specific indicators of the goods supplied, if it is in the requirements.
  • Also attach the documents required in the second part of the application

The customer will see information about the company after the admission of the company that sent the application to the auction. But both parts of the application should be filled in before sending the application for participation in the auction.

Hotlines and technical support

In case of problems at the stages of registration, login or start of participation in the auction, technical support consultants and the hotline of the auction site.

The main contact addresses of the organization and its e-mail are located on the website of the distance trading system, and in case of questions and problems with registering a user or participating in transactions, call the numbers:

(Average rating 5,00 out of 5)

  1. Elena March 15, 2019 at 13:27

    Good afternoon!
    1.Where can I see information on a special account in my account? there is no special account tab in the account deposit.
    2. What is the difference between a special account and a personal account?

  2. Ekaterina February 27, 2019 at 10:27

    Do I need to transfer money to the AST Sberbank platform to participate in the auction?

  3. Nurbek February 18, 2019 at 17:11

    how can I participate in car auctions in the cheat,

  4. Gayane October 1, 2018 at 18:42

    Good morning!
    I have a question for the leaders of Sberbank.
    why payments are debited from the special account for a very long time, (namely) it takes more than 10 days to wait for them to be debited ... this very seriously affects the work at the facilities (TsKAD-3).
    Your employees refer to the fact that they do not have time to consider all payments because there are few employees.
    I think these are your problems, not Sberbank's clients. Even if they are written off within 5 working days, then why wait until the last (5th) day to write off.
    Can you fix this problem somehow.

  5. Lily September 27, 2018 at 11:39

    How is information about a special account opened by an organization for electronic trading transmitted to Sberbank-AST?

  6. Anton September 4, 2018 at 06:40

    Good afternoon How can I find out if our organization is accredited on the site or not?

  7. Elena May 22, 2018 at 00:29

    Good afternoon
    I read about a pilot project from Sberbank when a bank employee goes to the homes of people with disabilities (disabled people) for home service. Interested in obtaining a social card at home, a disabled person of the 1st group. When will this project be launched or has it already been launched in Tula? How to make a call to a bank employee? Thank you.

Sberbank AST celebrated 7 years in the status of the national operator of electronic trading (since January 25, 2010). The sole shareholder of ZAO Sberbank-AST is Sberbank of Russia.

The operating bank of the site, of course, is Sberbank. The trading platform enables the bank to place the funds of state order suppliers deposited to secure an application for participation in electronic trading, issue bank guarantees to ensure the execution of the contract, and lend to public procurement participants.

Electronic public procurement platform Sberbank AST

Of all types of public procurement in electronic form, according to the law 44-FZ, only an auction is held at Sberbank AST. P The Sberbank-AST platform holds every second auction under 44-FZ and maintains the status of a technology leader. The largest IT employer in Russia is Sberbank. The tender site is no exception.

According to the results of 2016, the Expert rating agency awarded the automated trading system Sberbank AST the first place with 9.9 points out of 10 in the nomination “technical stability and speed of the ETP”.

Official website of Sberbank AST

Electronic platform Sberbank of public procurement. Official site - sberbank-ast.ru

The official website of Sberbank AST contains the following sections:

  1. Section of accreditation of participants in an electronic auction on an electronic platform
  2. Register of auctions, including planned and completed auctions
  3. Current electronic auctions by industry
  4. Register of customers placing purchases on the site
  5. Register of accredited participants
  6. New Supplier Accreditation Section

Entrance to the electronic platform Sberbank AST

The entrance to the Sberbank AST electronic trading platform is located at the top of the site using the active link Sign in.

The personal account is available for participants who have passed accreditation for Sberbank AST. Entry to the site is possible with the help of an electronic signature certificate or by login and password.

If you cannot enter the site using the Sberbank AST EDS and have forgotten your password, you must recover your password using the passphrase entered during accreditation. If you need a tender site of Sberbank, the electronic signature and the passphrase are lost, send a written request to the AST site.

Registration on Sberbank AST

The Sberbank AST electronic trading platform is the largest electronic platform designed for trading in the field of public procurement. Thousands of trades take place daily on it in accordance with the laws of 44-FZ and 223-FZ. Based on our personal experience, we can say that the site is convenient and intuitive, even for a beginner in the field of procurement. Let's figure out how to use the Sberbank-AST ETP, namely, how to get accredited and log in to your Sberbank AST personal account.

I would like to note that the site is equally good for both customers and suppliers. On the part of suppliers, one can note savings on bidding compared to traditional methods, and on the part of the service provider, the opportunity to find the most suitable tender for oneself among hundreds of thousands of purchases of organizations throughout Russia. And at the same time remain mobile - after all, you can participate in the auction from anywhere in the world - it is enough to have an electronic digital signature (EDS) and a computer with CryproPro installed and Internet access. Let's talk about everything in order.

Registration on Sberbank AST

Registration on the site takes place at: http://sberbank-ast.ru. But first of all, before starting registration, we need to get an EDS to be able to identify ourselves on the site and successfully pass accreditation.

Obtaining an EDS for trading on the Sberbank AST site

An EDS can be made through any of the many organizations that issue EDS. Depending on who you want to register as, the set of documents required for submission will depend. Take for example the case where you want to become a bidder (service provider). You can register on the site as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC. For individual entrepreneurs, documents need to be submitted much less - the issuance of an EDS is simplified as much as possible.

The easiest way to find a reliable EDS manufacturer is to go to the top menu in the section "Information" - "Obtaining and verifying an EDS".

We made our EDS in Tensor. It turned out very quickly - only 1 day from the beginning of the collection of all necessary documents.

What documents are needed to obtain an EDS

For a legal entity, this is a standard set of documents:

  1. A copy of the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity, certified by a notary or by a Certification Center upon presentation of the original of the specified document
  2. A copy of the Certificate of registration with the tax authority, certified by a notary or a Certification Center upon presentation of the original of the specified document
  3. A copy of the document on the appointment of the head, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization
  4. A copy of the certificate holder's passport (photo + registration), certified by the owner's signature
  5. A copy of the insurance certificate of state pension insurance (SNILS) of the certificate holder, certified by the holder's signature
  6. Signed and certified by the seal of the organization Application for the production of EDS (1 copy)
  7. If it is not the owner who arrives to receive the ES key, then it is also necessary to fill out a Power of Attorney for obtaining a certificate
  8. To obtain a key carrier, you need a seal of the organization or a power of attorney to receive inventory items (Form M-2)

You don't need any additional paperwork. Now all that remains is to pay the invoice for payment for the issuance of an EDS and, after receiving the funds, go to the office of the company issuing the EDS, and leaving a seal and signature on a couple of papers, get your new EDS - this will take about 10-15 minutes.

After receiving the EDS, you must configure your computer to work with the EDS.

Setting up your workplace for working with EDS

The process itself is relatively fast, but a beginner may have difficulties, because there are some nuances. In a nutshell, then you need to perform the following steps in order of priority:

  1. Install the Crypro Pro software on your computer (usually provided with a digital signature). Attention! This program needs a license, if it is not available or if you are receiving an EDS for the first time, then when you receive an EDS, ask to include a perpetual license for the Crypro Pro program in your bill. Otherwise, the EDS will not work.
  2. Perform the installation of certifying certificates of the centers that issued the EDS.
  3. Install the EDS key of their container. It is usually done through Internet Explorer.
  4. You check the correctness of the software configured to work with EDS using the Sberbank AST website, for this, just go to: http://sberbank-ast.ru/TestDS.aspx and click the "Check" button.

In a nutshell, this is everything. If you are unable to configure the EDS correctly, then you can ask a question in the comments to this article and we will try to help you. In addition, the company that issued your EDS can also advise you on setting up a trading participant's workplace in real time (by phone or through a special program).

Accreditation of the auction participant for Sberbank AST

To register on the Sberbank AST site on the site's official website, go to the "Participants" section and then to the "Registration" subsection.

A bidder registration form will open, where you will need to attach the required documents for accreditation at the site.

Fortunately, accreditation at the Sberbank AST site is valid for 3 years, so every year you don’t have to bother with re-accreditation.

An application for accreditation at the Sberbank AST site is considered within 5 working days. Keep this in mind!

Hooray. Registration on the site was successful. Now let's go to the supplier's personal account and see how everything works there.

Login to the Personal Account Sberbank AST

The site entry button is located in the upper right corner of the sberbank-ast.ru website.

You can log in in two ways: using the login and password received during registration, or through the EDS (this method is recommended).

The fact is that without an EDS it is impossible to sign or attach any document. EDS in this case acts as a kind of passport of a legal entity. And by logging in through the login and password, it will only be possible to view the available information without the right to take any action. We strongly recommend that you enter the Sberbank AST platform using the Internet Explorer browser in browser compatibility mode with version 9 - this way, working with the Sberbank AST platform is more stable and the site layout is displayed correctly, unlike other browsers.

How to find available trades on Sberbank AST

This can be done in several ways. Either press the "Find procedure" button at the top of the site, or select "Auctions" - "Register of announced auctions" in the menu below and search for a purchase there, sorting according to the criteria you need. The simplest criteria can be considered the region of Russia where the tender is held and the amount of the contract.

Types of procedures at the Sberbank AST site

There are different types of procedures on the Sberbank AST site: these are state auctions, commercial auctions, as well as the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises. Some procurement procedures on the site take place in two stages: pre-qualification of the participant and then an auction among those who have passed the selection. Usually Sberbank itself likes to do this type of procedure. After all, the bank is interested in competent contractors to fulfill its contracts.

What you need to participate in the auction at the Sberbank AST site

Depending on the type of procedure, different requirements are imposed on the procurement participant. Usually this is the security of the application for participation in the tender (the amount is indicated on the purchase card), as well as standard requirements, in accordance with 44-FZ or 223-FZ. The entry of the security of the application for participation is made according to the details of the Sberbank AST site. They are listed on the site in the "Participants" - "Details" section.

Please note that funds will be received within 1 business day. Therefore, deposit funds to participate in the auction in advance! At least two days prior to the application deadline.

How to participate in tenders for Sberbank AST

To participate in the tender, it is enough to prepare all the necessary procurement documentation and attach it to your personal account. It looks something like this:

We attach the first and second parts of the application, as well as the required possible documents, such as:

  • Non-belonging of the procurement participant to Turkey
  • Approval of major transactions on the site
  • SMP Declaration

At the end, after making sure that all the necessary documents are attached and signed with an EDS, press the button at the bottom of the "Sign and send" page.

The system will notify you about the successful submission of the application and will duplicate this event by sending a letter to the e-mail box specified during accreditation.

Then it remains to wait for the time of the auction and place your bid. Next comes the sending of the second parts of the applications to the customer, their verification and determination of the winner. Next, the purchase is summed up - the protocol is published and 5 to 10 days are given to conclude a contract in the personal account of Sberbank AST.

How to submit application security to Sberbank AST

Enforcement of an application for the Sberbank AST ETP can, unfortunately, be made only by transferring money to the personal account of the site by bank transfer, necessarily from the account of your company specified during accreditation at the site. You cannot transfer money from another company, they simply will not reach your account. At other sites, the situation with securing an application is simpler - there you can make a bank guarantee to participate in the purchase.

How to secure a contract for Sberbank AST

The contract can be secured at the Sberbank AST site in several ways:

  • Deposit money by bank transfer from the company's account to the site's account
  • Make a bank guarantee for the period specified in the tender requirements

Choose the method of securing the execution of the contract that is convenient for you. The whole difference is that if you deposit funds by bank transfer, they will be blocked on the site until the successful completion of the contract. And if you choose a bank guarantee, then you spend about 1-2% of the amount of the real contract security, but this money is not returned by the bank and is a bank commission for the service provided. Pay attention to the terms - it will take 1 business day to transfer money to the site, and from 2 to 5 business days for a bank guarantee. And the signing of the contract takes from 5 to 10 days.

  • Important! Do not delay the signing of the contract, in order to avoid being included in the register of unscrupulous suppliers for a period of 2 years.

How to sign a government contract if you do not have time to deposit security?