Mat capital as a down payment up to 3. Mortgage with maternity capital as a down payment

Only a few young families manage to independently purchase their own housing, which would correspond to their wishes, with money set aside from their salary. Of course, this can be the help of relatives, their accumulated money, but the most common type of funds is mortgage lending. The state is interested in young families receiving separate housing, so it has developed a whole system of support for young families.

Maternal certificate for improvement of living conditions

Today, maternity capital is a significant help for families with two or more children. The program has been running since 2007. It can be spent on expanding living space, including paying off part of the mortgage debt, spending it on paying for the services of a higher educational institution or mom's pension. The most common way for Russian families to use such assistance is the first option. After the President signed Federal Law-131 in May 2015. capital as an initial fee mortgage can be used regardless of the age of birth or adoption of a second child. Since the action of this type of state. support, the rules for using such assistance are increasingly expanding. Previously, without waiting for the child to turn 3 years old, it was possible to take advantage of only the limited capabilities of such a certificate.

Can a mother's certificate be used as the initial year today?

The type of government support under consideration involves receiving a non-cash certificate, which cannot be exchanged and can be used by the family only in certain cases. Since 2016, the right to contribute maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage has been in force. The basis is Federal Law No. 131 dated May 23, 2015 .

If we talk about general rules, then maternity capital can be used both as an initial payment and as repayment of the main credit debt. This is a great opportunity for a young family to reduce their financial burden and pay off their mortgage a little faster than the payment schedule would suggest.

Unfortunately, here too it is impossible without difficulties. Not every banking organization easily arranges a mortgage with maternity capital. But there are also banks that process such transactions, providing profitable programs. As a rule, today in many organizations maximum size is 14%.

How to apply?

If a family plans to use maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage, borrowers must meet all the requirements of the banking organization. In most cases, the requirements for obtaining such a loan are practically no different from a regular consumer loan:

1. Candidates must have a permanent place of work and work experience of at least six months. Some banks impose as a mandatory requirement - at least one year in the last 5 years.

2. Previously, to calculate the mortgage offer, banking organizations took into account only the legal, confirmed income of the borrower. A “gray” salary could only act as a secondary income, but most often they did not pay attention to it. And large organizations still work according to this scheme. But there is a lot of competition among financial organizations can work to the benefit of borrowers. Some banks take into account any income of a potential borrower, including unofficial income. It is imperative to learn about the specifics of these conditions from the organization’s employees during the consultation process. Sometimes it is the indication of this amount that becomes decisive when approving a mortgage.

3. Lack of registered real estate ownership. This condition applies only to those who wish to obtain a mortgage under benefit programs subsidized by the state.

4. When repaying a mortgage with maternal capital is used, the allocation of shares to children is mandatory.

5. In order to get the opportunity to become the owner of a mortgage social program, the borrower must have a positive credit history.

How to get a mortgage with maternity capital?

Before initiating the procedure for transferring funds from a family certificate to repay a housing loan, you must go to the Pension Fund and receive this very certificate, which will be the official confirmation of this right.

When the certificate is in hand, future borrowers must decide which banking organization they will cooperate with and where to submit documents. It's best to visit several banking organizations and calculate a mortgage with maternity capital for all available programs. Only after a thorough analysis of the proposed loan conditions (interest rate, pre-approved amount, additional insurance, etc.) can an application be submitted.

Today there is no need to wait until the child, after whose birth the family received the right to a maternal certificate, turns 3 years old. If it is necessary to use the funds of the certificate, the owner (i.e., the mother of the children) must contact the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the appropriate application and package of documents.

Documents for repaying a mortgage with maternal capital

In order to use the certificate funds to fulfill your debt obligations, you will need a certain package of documents. Depending on the organization chosen, additional requirements may apply. But, as a rule, most banks ask for the following documents to pay off a mortgage with maternal capital:

  1. Passports of citizens of the Russian Federation and copies of documents. This is: INN, SNILS, a certified copy of the work book from the place of work. It will not be superfluous to provide a foreign passport or driver’s license or PTS.
  2. Certificate confirming the right to receive maternity capital.
  3. A set of documents that officially confirms the borrower’s earnings: a document confirming the absence of debt on mandatory payments, a certificate on the bank’s income form, or the standard 2-NDFL form can be used.
  4. Agreement for the sale and purchase of an apartment or house.
  5. Information about the purchased object: information about the condition of the BTI object, an extract from the house register, and a passport with an assessment of the technical condition are required.
  6. Official confirmation from the Pension Fund that there are indeed funds in the potential borrower’s account.
  7. Application for registration in fractional ownership.

What should be included in the pension fund?

It is important to understand that a mortgage using maternity capital is not a quick procedure. Especially if the buyer does not use the services of real estate agencies and completes the transaction independently.

After the bank has been provided with all the documents, statements and other requested documents, you need to go to the Pension Fund and provide them with some papers. Typically this is:

  1. An official document from a bank indicating that the borrower actually intends to enter into an agreement to purchase a mortgage. As a rule, this document is issued by the bank in the usual form.
  2. All general information about the housing property, which will become the subject mortgage lending.
  3. All documents, as in the case of a bank, belonging to the borrower (passport, SNILS, INN).
  4. It is mandatory to write an application for transfer Money indicating the bank details.

Mortgage conditions from the most popular banks

Any financial institution is interested in executing as many contracts as possible large loans. This includes a mortgage for maternity capital. Banks, as practice shows, have different attitudes towards processing a loan that involves taking into account family capital. Therefore, before deciding to use a mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is worth studying the conditions of financial institutions. Experts recommend first turning to large organizations that are very popular among borrowers.

Mortgage with Sberbank

Perhaps this is the same bank that is ready to provide a mortgage for housing, regardless of its category. Thus, each borrower can draw up an agreement for the purchase of secondary housing, a private house or an apartment in a new building. A mortgage against maternity capital is also possible here. The main requirement of the bank is the mandatory transfer of funds from the certificate within six months after the conclusion of the transaction.

Official Terms:

  1. The loan is provided only in national currency.
  2. The mortgage lending rate is 14.5%.
  3. The maximum loan term is thirty years.
  4. The down payment amount must be at least 20 percent.
  5. The transaction cost is no more than 40,000,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

The second most popular bank with which borrowers cooperate when applying for a mortgage. The contract can be concluded for absolutely any housing, regardless of its category. That is, it could be private property, secondary housing, new building. This factor is not decisive for the bank. A mortgage for maternity capital is also available here. Basic conditions for concluding an agreement with VTB 24:

  1. Operations for the purchase of mortgaged housing are carried out only in national currency;
  2. Medium interest rate is 15.95%;
  3. The maximum term for concluding a mortgage is 30 years;
  4. The minimum contribution for the transaction is 20%;
  5. The cost of housing should not exceed 30,000,000 rubles.


If you want to apply for a mortgage at Delta Credit Bank, you need to remember that registration is possible only for primary and secondary housing. Transfer of funds from the moment of conclusion of the contract is possible within a year from the date of signing.

Conditions under which you can apply for a mortgage using family capital:

  1. All transactions and transfers are possible only in the national currency - rubles.
  2. The average lending rate is 15.25%.
  3. Entry fee 30%.
  4. The maximum possible loan term should not exceed 25 years.

Down payment calculation

As a rule, not every bank provides information about what the amount of the down payment will be. Each family wants to know what conditions it can meet, and therefore wants to calculate the amount of the down payment independently. In reality it turns out not to be that difficult. To do this, you need to know the exact cost of housing and the part, expressed as a percentage, that the bank requires as a down payment. So, for example, if an apartment or house costs 3,000,000 rubles, and the bank requires you to deposit at least 20%, the result is 600,000 rubles. In the event that the family plans to use the mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage, it is quite logical that in any case it is necessary to pay an additional amount in cash.

If a family relies solely on the help of a certificate, then you can calculate the cost of housing for which it can qualify. The formula is simple: size mat. capital x 100 / down payment indicator.

It is important to understand that maternity capital is a type of state support, so the amount that is given out can only be used for specific needs. It is impossible to go and spend it whenever you want. If you plan to use the mat. capital as a down payment on a mortgage or as a payment to repay the principal debt, then it is necessary to notify the Pension Fund about this six months before the conclusion of the transaction. The state budget and payments are scheduled every six months.

In the event that part of the maternity capital has already been used, then the remainder cannot be used as a down payment. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the debt under the existing mortgage agreement.


Before contacting the bank, you need to decide for yourself which construction program to give preference to. And although with participation in shared construction the risk is several times greater, while the family can win a considerable number of meters, as well as get a mortgage at a better price in terms of monthly payments.

According to which maternity capital can now be used to pay down payment on mortgage when buying or building housing. Previously, when applying for a housing loan or a loan, mother capital funds were allowed to be used only to repay the principal and interest.

Since the maternity capital certificate is not considered a reliable confirmation of the applicant’s solvency, many banks provide additional own funds. For a mortgage you need to collect Required documents(the list of which may vary) and provide them credit institution. After concluding a credit agreement (loan), you must submit an application for disposal to the Pension Fund (PFR). Sometimes before contacting the bank you need to get a certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of unspent funds certificate for maternal (family) capital (MSC).

Terms of use of mat capital as a down payment on a mortgage

Although the law allows it to be used to pay a down payment (PD) on a mortgage, in practice banks may refuse to issue such a loan or loan. The fact is that a borrower who provides MSC funds as a down payment may be considered insolvent.

The bank may have other difficulties, for example:

  • If the bank has an apartment with minor owners as collateral, then inevitable difficulties will arise with the subsequent sale of such housing.
  • A mandatory condition for using the funds from the MSK certificate to improve housing conditions is the registration of housing purchased or built for maternal capital in common shared property of all family members. That is, a transaction involving the purchase of housing for maternal capital can be challenged by any interested party (guardianship and trusteeship authorities, the prosecutor's office, children of the owners) if the owner has not fulfilled the obligation to allocate shares to the spouse and children.

However, every year more and more banks accept maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage, and special advantageous offers are developed for clients.

It is necessary to understand that the down payment cannot be less 10% of the assessed value purchased housing. Often in order to pay for it, in addition to the MSC, you need to pay additional funds. Many banks issue a mortgage upon deposit 15% of the cost of housing at the expense of capital and are additionally required to provide at least 5% own cash.

For example, if the borrower is going to purchase a one-room apartment worth 3 million rubles, then a certificate in the amount of 453,026 rubles will only be enough to pay 15%; an additional 150,000 rubles will be required (the remaining 5%).

The size of the contribution from the borrower’s personal savings often depends on what document was used to confirm solvency. If you confirm your income 2NDFL certificate, then depositing your own funds may not be required. When income is confirmed bank certificate, most likely the borrower will need to make an additional payment 10% own funds(from the cost of the apartment).

To use maternity capital to pay the down payment on a mortgage, you do not need to wait until your second or subsequent child is three years old; this can be done immediately after receiving the certificate. Housing may be purchased as per primary, so on secondary real estate market.

The procedure for paying the down payment with maternity capital

Standard procedure for maternity capital to pay the down payment mortgage loan or the loan looks like this:

  1. Receipt from the Pension Fund certificate of the balance of unused maternity capital funds(it is not always necessary to apply for a certificate before submitting an application to the bank; the document can be provided within 90 days after approval of the loan application).
  2. Submitting the required documents to the bank for consideration of the application.
  3. If the decision is positive, the property will be selected.
  4. Providing documents on the property to the bank.
  5. Signing loan documentation.
  6. Registration of the right to housing in Rosreestr.
  7. Obtaining a housing loan.
  8. Contacting the Pension Fund with an application for disposal and the necessary documents.
  9. Transfer of maternity capital funds to the bank within a period not exceeding a month and 10 working days from the date of registration of the application.

The list of required documents may vary depending on the banks, the general list looks like this:

  1. Certificate for maternal capital.
  2. A certificate from the Pension Fund about the balance of unused funds in the certificate is valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
  3. If income and employment not confirmed:
    • Borrower application.
    • Additional identification document (passport, driver's license, military ID, etc.).
  4. Upon confirmation of income and employment:
    • Application from the borrower (co-borrower)
    • Passport with registration mark.
    • For temporary registration - confirmation of registration at the place of stay.
    • Confirmation financial condition and employment of the borrower (co-borrower) - a certificate in form 2-NDFL or a certificate in the bank’s form. The document is valid for a month from the date of issue.
    • When registering a pledge on another property, provide documents on the pledge.

Documents on the loaned property can be provided within 90 days from the moment the bank makes a positive decision to issue a loan.

The following documents must be provided to the Pension Fund:

  • Application for disposal of maternal capital.
  • MSK certificate.
  • Passport and SNILS of the applicant.
  • A copy of the agreement (credit or loan) for the purchase or construction of housing.
  • A copy of the mortgage agreement that has passed state registration.

The Ministry of Labor proposed extending the maternity capital program for 5 years, until 2023. According to statistics, more than 60% of families invest this money in improving their living conditions. Some use maternity capital to pay off mortgage debt, others spend everything on the down payment for an apartment. Let's consider which of these options is more profitable.

Terms of Use

You can spend maternity capital to pay off the debt on a mortgage loan, regardless of which bank you are dealing with. But not everyone agrees to accept funds allocated by the state as a down payment. financial institutions, so it may be difficult to find suitable mortgage terms.

If a family decides to buy expensive housing, maternity capital may not be enough even for the down payment, which means they will have to pay extra. Since the beginning of the year, the amount of maternity capital has been 453 thousand rubles, and you should not count on indexation of this amount in the coming years. The down payment on a mortgage is 20-30%, so those who want to live in a new Moscow building will start with an amount exceeding 600 thousand. Prices two-room apartments in the capital they start at 3 million rubles, which means that even if you are lucky enough to find cheap housing somewhere on the outskirts, you will have to pay at least 150 thousand extra.

Immediately after joining the family, it will not be possible to spend maternity capital on a down payment. According to current rules, this money can only be used in this way when the child turns 3 years old. But they are allowed to repay the existing mortgage immediately after receiving the certificate.

Maternity capital will not help undisciplined borrowers get out of. These funds cannot be spent on paying fines, fees or penalties for loan agreements. If there is a delay, it must be repaid, and only after that it will be possible to use the certificate. The purpose of using the funds will have to not only be indicated in the application for disposal, but also confirmed with relevant documents.

The procedure for making maternity capital as a down payment is associated with certain additional costs. First, the bank must issue the borrower a loan for a down payment in the amount of maternity capital. Credit rate in this case it is equal to the Central Bank refinancing rate (at this moment 10% per annum). The Pension Fund will repay this loan only a couple of months after the transaction is concluded, and the interest will have to be paid out of its own pocket. If you pay off the debt on an existing mortgage, then additional costs it won’t, so this method of using the certificate is more profitable.

Real life example

The Vasenin family took out a mortgage in the fall of 2016. They received a certificate for maternal capital in 2012, but were in no hurry to use it. Spending this money as a down payment was, at first glance, a tempting idea, but certain difficulties arose. Firstly, in this case, they would have to apply for a mortgage through Sberbank, and the family would overpay, since their developer cooperates with VTB 24. Secondly, why give the bank an extra 8 thousand if this can be avoided?

In accordance with the entered into force federal law* maternity capital funds can be used to pay the down payment on a housing loan or loan without waiting for the third birthday of the child who has given the right to receive a maternity capital certificate.

It was possible to use maternity capital funds to repay housing loans before the child’s third birthday, but this rule did not apply to the down payment. This restriction has now been lifted.

In addition, currently the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund Russian Federation are accepting applications for lump sum payment from maternity capital in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Families living on the territory of the Russian Federation who have received or will receive the right to a maternity certificate as of December 31, 2015 and have not used the entire amount of maternity capital for the main areas of capital expenditure can exercise the right to receive a lump sum payment. If you decide to receive a lump sum payment, an application to the Pension Fund must be submitted no later than March 31, 2016.

All holders of a maternity capital certificate residing in the Russian Federation can submit an application, regardless of how much time has passed since the birth of the child who gave the right to receive the certificate.

The application must indicate the SNILS number, as well as the series and number of the maternity capital certificate. You must also have with you an identification document and a document confirming the opening of an account containing information about the account details, to which 20,000 rubles or the amount of the balance on the account of the certificate holder will be transferred in a single payment within two months, if it is less than 20,000 rubles . Families will be able to use this money for everyday needs.

Currently, the number of Russian families who have received pension fund certificate for maternity capital, exceeded 6 million, while 48% of them have already been disposed of the full amount maternal capital.

The most popular area for spending maternity capital continues to be improving housing conditions: more than 3 million Russian families have allocated funds for this purpose. Of these, 2 million families partially or fully repaid housing loans worth 760 billion rubles with maternity capital. More than a million more families improved their living conditions by using maternity capital funds in the amount of 368 billion rubles for the direct purchase, construction or reconstruction of housing without using credit funds.

The Pension Fund of Russia accepted more than 200 thousand applications worth 10 billion rubles for the education of children; to transfer funds to funded pension mothers - 2.7 thousand applications for 539 million rubles.