How much does it cost to remove credit history. How to clean credit history in Russia? Clearing or deleting CIs

The question is how to improve credit history, is relevant for many today. There are many solutions offered, among them the strangest is the proposal to take new loan and honestly pay it on time and without delay. Despite its strangeness, many resort to this method, and, surprisingly, it works.

Another option for solving the problem of bad credit history is to clear it.

So, let's try to figure out how to clean your credit history and what is the essence of this method of solving the problem.

As practice shows, despite the high cost of individual loan offers, the number of those wishing to use them is not reduced. For many, a bad credit history is a hindrance. According to lawyers and experts, this fact can be completely corrected, while legally.

Here are instructions on how to legally clean your credit history in Russia:

  • We ask the Credit Bureau for information, you can do this for free, but once a year, or pay a small amount for that.
  • We study all the points of CI, it will not be superfluous to contact a specialist.
  • If, after studying, erroneous data are found, it is necessary to report this to the CBI in order to delete them.

The same powers can be delegated to a specialist, for example, a lawyer in the field of lending. Today this service is provided. And among the commercial offers of credit brokers, it is voiced quite often.

You should buy such a service from a trusted broker or lawyer, otherwise such offers are nothing more than the machinations of scammers.

How to solve the issue of correcting a credit history legally?

Legitimate ways to clean up your credit history are also present. So, today it can be cleared and challenged.

You can challenge the story in a judicial and pre-trial order. Consider the features of each of them.

  • A pre-trial way to challenge these CIs is to send an application to the BCI, in which you should express your disagreement with certain points in the history of lending. For example, if you did not take a loan from a particular bank, and the fact of non-payment on it is present. In this case, the BCI will conduct an audit by requesting all financial documents from the credit institution. If the applicant's facts are confirmed, the story will be cleared.
  • The court order provides for filing a lawsuit against the refusal of the credit bureau to correct the credit history of the client. So, if after the payment of the loan all financial documents proving the fact of payment and timely deposit of funds are preserved, it is quite possible to achieve that the court will oblige the BKI to make corrections.

Borrowing a little, but often, or how to correct CI?

Relatively recently, the well-known cellular salon Euroset launched a service for borrowers with poor credit scores, which examines the history of lending and develops a strategy for correcting it. It costs 499 rubles. Compared to the cost of a request to the BCI, it is quite an adequate and acceptable price.

This service is also available from experienced credit brokers who work officially. Its essence lies in the fact that Financial Consultant or a broker, having studied the history of a client's lending, determines the percentage of approval of a loan for him in the future, and also develops a program for preparing a client's history for a planned loan. For example, a client intends to take out a mortgage in 1.5-2 years or targeted loan for construction. But a negative CI guarantees failure. For a specified period credit broker picks up a few loan products which the client can be guaranteed to use. It is not uncommon for brokers to simply negotiate with credit institutions, acting as guarantors in a transaction.

A security measure for the client, the bank and the broker is that the client invests the funds on the approved loan in a guaranteed profitable project proposed by the broker, or opens a debit account in the bank where he actually took the loan. Such an account may include the accrual of interest, which gives the client the opportunity to partially reduce losses. It is also noteworthy that such a conditional loan can be closed ahead of schedule by withdrawing funds from the account, but not earlier than six months later.

Short-term loan strategy

Having the need to correct the story faster, you can use loans from MFIs. In this case, contact the broker.

So, monthly, preferably 3-5 days before the salary, you should take a small amount, for example, 5 thousand, and after receiving the payment, return it safely as soon as possible. It is not recommended to carry out such operations more than once a month, since you, as a borrower, may have the opposite opinion.

Short term loan + credit card

Another strategy for correcting or improving CI is the use of microloans and credit cards. So, it is necessary to issue a credit card for a small amount, for example, for 15 thousand, such a card is available in Sberbank. If you withdraw the entire amount, the payment per month will be no more than 1000 rubles. But when correcting CI, all funds should not be withdrawn. You need to work with it as follows:

  • We use from the card for non-cash payments no more than 5 thousand per month.
  • Spending must fall on the first week of the month.
  • At the beginning of the second week of the month, we take a microloan for 5 thousand and put them on the card.
  • After receiving a salary, we pay a microloan.

Thus, two loans for 5 thousand are repaid at the same time, while the client falls into the grace period on the card and does not pay interest, and on a microloan, interest is accrued in no more than 7-10 days, which in the end is no more than 500 rubles ( this is a very rough calculation).

Cunning credit card strategy

The principle of this method of improving credit history is that the client uses a credit card, but does not use credit funds.

So, having issued a credit card, you can spend 500 rubles from it, and during the grace period, deposit 100. As a result, the amount on the card will be 500 rubles more. In the next grace period, we repeat the operation, thus increasing the limit on the card, but keeping the body of the loan. So, the user will always have access to funds on a credit card, while there will be no interest, but card transactions will be in CI.

If negative points spoil your CI, you need to know how to clean up your credit history in the general database. The report is generated on the basis of all loans that you have taken. If one of them was overdue, non-compliance with the schedules - this will ruin the overall report from the BCI. Sometimes there comes a point that the only way out is to erase the available information on debts.

What is a credit history?

CI submits a report from the credit bureau, which contains complete information about the fulfillment of the requirements of the borrower throughout the loan. The credit history of an individual includes a title, main part and notes. The title describes the borrower directly, and the main part contains information about the amount and terms of the loan, the repayment schedule, debts, and more.

Database for storing credit histories

In the territory Russian Federation you can count 16 institutions that deal with credit histories, including bad ones. These organizations are not allowed to disclose information about your credit history. It can only be obtained by the banking institution in which you wish to apply for a loan, as well as directly by you.

There is a misconception that credit histories are stored in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories. This institution has information about where your credit history is stored, but the CCCH does not have the CI itself. This office deals normative documents all bureaus, and also regulates the legal component.

A single base is not quite the right definition. Your credit history may not be stored in a single bureau.

Banking institutions cooperate with various credit bureaus. Depending on how many banks you registered with and who was the partner, you can conclude how many bureaus have information about your reputation.

How to clean up your credit history?

And again, many citizens of the Russian Federation return to banks in order to issue new loan. Many people get rejected due to bad credit history. CI begins to deteriorate even when you are only a couple of times overdue with payment.

Now many are thinking about cleaning up their credit history. If you are confident in yourself, then it is worth double-checking the information first before paying for the cleaning of negative points or the complete removal of CI. A financial institution may mistakenly send data that is not yours or data that has not been updated. And the credit bureau considers them reliable.

A bank employee, filling out forms for a loan, entered incorrect details - the money went through another credit line or did not go through at all. Credit reputation is already tarnished, but we remind you that you will always have time to change your CI or clean it for money.


You can check the accuracy of the data by sending a request to the credit bureau. According to the law of the Russian Federation, a report is issued once a year free of charge.

How to cure a credit history from “ailments”?

Is it possible to get rid of delays? How much does it cost to remove a corrupted CI from the database? When is the credit history cleared? This is an incomplete list of questions from those who are already in debt and dreaming of a miracle - pure CI.

You can't do without full prepayment. Will have to list cash, for which “pseudo-employees” guarantee to close the issue of your damaged reputation.

The following happens online:

  1. Personal data is specified so that the “cleaner” has access to the report.
  2. Heading off sum of money in the amount of 10,000 rubles.
  3. An e-mail is indicated to which a clean credit history will be sent.

After 24 hours, a cleared CI arrives by e-mail. You do not expect a catch, but the problems start anew. When you apply for a loan again, you will understand that the old data exists.

Fraudsters will be hard to punish. They do not leave coordinates for communication, saying that they will be punished for such actions.

How to improve your credit history?

It becomes clear that cleaning is not an option, you need to look for other ways to solve the problem. After all, the credit history is in the bureau for up to 10 years, including the latest changes.

New solutions:

  • At the end of the 10th term, go to a financial institution and start a new credit history
  • Improve your credit history and get a new loan much faster.

Options for improving your credit history are presented in the table below.

Pay current debtFirst, pay off small debts, gradually reaching large ones and paying them off. If on this moment If you are insolvent, then contact the financial institution for a loan review (reduction of the discount rate, increase in terms or installment plan). Relief on the household budget will make it possible to pay bills on time. If this point is not met, then the rest do not matter.
Get small loansSmall loans are provided by MFIs without CI verification. On hand you need to have a regular passport of the Russian Federation. But you have to pay exactly on schedule. The situation will have a positive effect when applying for small loans will be a couple of times. Then you can contact larger organizations. They will supplement the credit history with positive marks. In 1.5 years, come to one of the largest financial institutions. The chances of approval will increase many times over, as information is viewed for the last 3 years.
Rely on ready-made programsCollaborate immediately with the largest bank. Improvement will take a certain period of time. You are given the amount of money discount rate. A clear implementation of the program is required - and then large amounts from the bank will be available in the future.


It should be emphasized that it is impossible to get rid of a damaged credit history without making efforts. There is no single data storage base. It can only be improved by choosing one of the proposed options.

Even with the assumption of small delays in loan payments, the payer's credit history will be "spoiled". It does not matter if they happened recently or several years ago, details of late payments will be known to the bank where you apply for a loan. All data on the fulfillment by individuals of their debt obligations to financial institutions is stored in the BKI, in the personal file of the borrower. There are several ways to improve your credit score, each with its own pros and cons. We will figure out how to clean up your credit history in order to avoid problems with issuing loans at Sberbank.

Any financial and credit institution scrupulously notes the actions of the borrower in relation to debt repayment. Banks record the number of delinquencies, unpaid loans for any reason, the facts of partial and complete closure of loans, litigation, if any, and transfer the collected information to the Credit Bureau. It is impossible to remove this information from the general database, only scammers can offer to perform a complete cleaning.

Data on all activities individual and transactions performed within the framework of each loan agreement are stored in the BKI for 15 years, and upon expiration they are destroyed.

If you have a bad credit history with Sberbank, you should do everything possible to “reanimate” it. This can be helped by microfinance organizations that offer loans at a higher interest rate, but do not pay much attention to the client's credit rating. By taking out a few small loans and repaying them on time, you will regain your status as a trustworthy payer by improving your loan history.

You can also take advantage of short-term lending programs from Sberbank. So, if the FKU has an offer to issue up to 5-10 thousand rubles and it is allowed to repay the loan within a week, you need to grab this opportunity. In a few days, you can easily get a couple of positive entries in your credit history, thereby raising your status.

To correct the history of credit relations, there are several more options. We list them below, but we immediately warn that some methods will require more time than the method of using microloans.

Commodity loans

Correcting your own history can begin with the purchase of household appliances, smartphones, laptops. Large stores are always happy to issue a loan for the purchase of goods. It doesn’t matter at all how much the purchase will be made for, you can choose both an expensive plasma and an ordinary electric kettle.

After the amount calculated for the purchased equipment is paid in full, information on the repayment of the loan will be transferred to the BKI. This information will certainly affect the borrower's credit rating, and it will be more likely to get a loan from Sberbank. In order not to aggravate your situation, carefully monitor the terms of payments, this will prevent unfortunate delays.

Using installment cards, such as Halva or Conscience, to pay, you will also improve your credit reputation.

credit plastic

A bad story in Sberbank will help to reanimate a issued credit card. When actively using the card for purposes cashless payment goods, and timely introduction borrowed money at the expense, your CI will gradually improve.

You can apply for a credit card at any financial institution. The plastic limit can be small, about 10-20 thousand rubles. The annual interest rate is determined individually, depending on the conditions offered by the bank. Processing a credit card usually takes a few days.

The active use of credit plastic will help not only raise the financial rating of the owner, but also increase the possible amount of the future loan.

Small loan from a trusted bank

Apply for a loan at banking institution even for a small amount with a spoiled status, it will not be easy for the payer. Most likely, the lender will ask you to provide any guarantees for the return of funds, for example, indicate guarantors or transfer property on security. But even if all the requirements of the organization are met, it is more likely that a loan will be denied.

However, it's worth trying. A potential borrower can send loan applications in the following FCUs:

  • OTPBank;
  • Tinkoff Bank;
  • Renaissance Credit, etc.

Also, you should try your luck at Sovcombank, Promsvyazbank. The listed credit organizations are known for their loyal attitude towards their customers. But if everything is very bad with your credit history, then even these banks will surely refuse to apply for a loan.

Paid recovery of CI in the bank

Credit history cleaning can be done using the software used by some banks. The main disadvantage of this method of increasing the status of the payer is the need to pay for the service.

The special program for resuscitation of CI operates as follows: the client is formally given a small loan at a rate of 33%. Periodic payments must be made according to a specific schedule. The repayment scheme is quite confusing, it consists of 3 stages. This method of changing credit history can lead to both the desired and the opposite result. If at least one payment is not made on time, then the formal loan closing report sent to the BKI will contain unflattering information about the payer.

Forced restoration of CI through the court

In certain cases, the history of credit relations of an individual deteriorates through no fault of the borrower. The reason for this may be inaccurate information transmitted by the bank to the CI Bureau. Errors in a client's credit file may occur due to a technical failure, a simple human factor.

To improve the situation, the client needs to collect all contracts, invoices, receipts and other documents proving the correctness of the borrower. The specialists of the Bureau, on the basis of the accepted papers, conduct an audit, which can last up to 30 days. If the decision is positive, then the employees will remove incorrect data from the payer's personal file, thereby returning him the status of a trustworthy borrower.

If the BKI specialists refused to correct the CI, you can file a lawsuit in court.

Improving financial attractiveness

At the end, summarize the information provided. Cleaning your credit history is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If PJSC Sberbank refuses to grant you a loan, you can improve your personal credit score in the following ways:

  • close all existing credit obligations;
  • try to get a loan financial institution, for which you are a payroll client, and, therefore, have some advantages;
  • open a deposit in a savings bank;
  • apply for a microloan for a small amount and quickly close it;
  • open a salary account in Sberbank.

To restore the reputation of a trustworthy borrower, very often it is not enough to use one of the described methods. It is better to try to follow a few tips: for example, and pay off all past debts, and get a status payroll client. Banking specialists carefully study the applicant's candidacy for a loan, looking at a whole set of factors. Existing debts on utility bills to mobile operators, the presence of unpaid fines or accumulated alimony debt will greatly lower the financial rating of a potential client.

Every adult and able-bodied citizen has the opportunity to receive loan funds loan from a bank. All information about the terms and procedure for repayment of the debt form the overall credit history of the client. If a citizen regularly delayed the payment of a loan, then his credit reputation will be negative. This factor greatly affects the further possibility of working with banks, because in obtaining new loans, unscrupulous borrower rather refuse. In the article, we will consider how to remove credit history from the database via the Internet, through the court and through additional lending.

Reasons why credit history becomes bad

As indicated above, information about the procedure for repaying the debt by the borrower is constantly recorded by the bank and transmitted to the credit bureaus. Why is this being done? So that an unscrupulous payer does not have more opportunity borrow money from other banks.

In Russia, there is no single bureau of credit histories, but there are private credit bureaus located in various regions of the Russian Federation, there are five of them in total. Each bank enters into an agreement with the bureau for data storage. However, one bank can cooperate with several CBIs at the same time, this is not prohibited. When analyzing a client's application, the bank can send a request even to all bureaus operating in the Russian Federation.

Factors in the formation of bad credit history:

  • occurrence of regular delays in payments (more than 5 days) or complete non-payment of debts;
  • refusal to repay a loan for which the client acted as a guarantor, this is possible if the main borrower does not comply with the terms of the agreement;
  • the delay arose due to the fault of the bank employees (the payment was not made to the account).

In the first two cases, the debt must be repaid without fail. Otherwise, the bank will seek payments through the court.

Important! In banking structures, dishonest clients can be blacklisted. However, this factor has nothing to do with credit history. Such a client is not deprived of the opportunity to apply for a loan in another financial institution .

Step-by-step instructions on how to get information about your CI

If the client is faced with regular refusals to apply for a loan, then he needs to find out what actually caused the damage to the CI. To do this, you should find out in which bureau the required CI is located. You need to go to the website of the Central Bank and request information about your credit history.

Important! The borrower should find out their subject code. It is usually formed during registration loan agreement. But you can also get this code yourself, this is one of the types of paid banking services.

  1. Having found out in which bureau the CT is located, you can submit a request for information. Once a year, such a certificate is issued free of charge. A fee is charged for each subsequent reference.
  2. You can go to the BKI in person, the certificate is issued on the day of application.
  3. You can also send a request by registered mail or telegram. The signature of the borrower in the document is certified by a notary or post manager (this is important).
  4. The response time is 7 to 30 days. It all depends on the duration of the transfer.

Many banks can submit a request to the CBI at the request of the client. This service is also paid, but it will take much less time. Just go to the nearest branch banking organization and express your request to the manager.

Bad credit history due to the mistake of a bank employee

A particularly unpleasant surprise for the borrower is the discovery of the fact that a negative credit history has formed through the fault of a bank employee. The root causes and consequences of such errors are further in the table.

Error type Consequences How to fix
The payment made at the cash desk of the bank was credited to another account. The monthly payment according to the schedule will not be paid, which means that a debt is formed, plus a fine and a penalty are charged. If you find out the fact of erroneous crediting, you need to contact the bank's cash desk and write an application for the return of erroneously credited funds. It is required to present a receipt to the bank where the loan was issued, indicating that the payment was made, but it was not made, the fine and the penalty fee should be written off.
At early repayment The employee incorrectly entered the amount due. An unpaid debt is formed, the loan agreement is not closed. If there is evidence that the amount is incorrect, then fines can be written off. For example, if the manager has generated a statement in which the wrong amount is indicated.

Data is transmitted to the BCI on a monthly basis, but often, even if a bank employee admits his errors, the data in the credit history is not corrected. To do this, you need to contact the bureau yourself and present evidence that payments were made regularly.

About the possibility of deleting a credit history through the court

Before submitting an application, each client is offered to sign a consent to the processing of personal data. This requirement is not mandatory, but if you do not sign the document, then the probability of refusal to provide the service is 95%.

There is a chance to remove all credit history legally. This procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The client takes a loan from the bank, but does not give his consent to the processing of personal data.
  2. Then, you need to contact lawyers and file a lawsuit, the claim must contain a requirement to remove the client's data from the BKI database.
  3. With a positive outcome, all information about the credit reputation is really deleted.

The meaning of this procedure is that if a loan has been issued, then the bank, without permission, transfers information about the repayment of the debt to the CBI, thereby distributing personal information about the client, and this is a violation of the law.

Important! This procedure is very costly. Among the many lawsuits, a positive outcome will be in 1 out of 10 cases.

Practice shows that now it is almost impossible to get a loan without giving consent to the processing of your data. Those people who have already formed a negative CI are more fortunate, but at the time of processing the already repaid loans, they did not sign such consent to data processing.

The period of storage in the credit history archive is 15 years, then the case is reset to zero. However, it will also be difficult for a citizen with a clean CI to get a loan from a bank, because there is no information about how conscientious a borrower he is.

About scammers

There are a lot of offers on the Internet where they offer to clear the CI. All of these methods are illegal, so they pose a big risk.

The table discusses two schemes of fraudulent activities:

The essence of the scheme How does this happen Consequences
Fraudsters offer to hack the database in the BKI and delete customer information The programmer promises to hack BKI's software security system, but this is almost impossible to do. Most often, citizens are simply deceived, scammers receive funds, but they do not even attempt to delete data.
Bribery of employees of credit bureaus is carried out in order to reset data Such a service costs a lot of money. It is assumed that an unscrupulous employee will deliberately commit a crime. The client deliberately takes such measures, which means that he promotes fraud. Such actions are regarded as a criminal offence.

A lot of people try to fix CI by deception. However, it is worth remembering that such actions are a violation of the law, for which you will have to answer.

Interesting fact! Some borrowers even try to change their passport details and identification code in order to reset their credit history. However, these data are also transmitted to the BCI, so such attempts are futile.

How to improve your credit history

Theoretically, you can fix your credit history. A prerequisite for this is the repayment of all existing debts, including accrued penalties. Improving your CI is difficult and a rather lengthy process. Much also depends on what delays were allowed. For example, if a citizen deliberately took loans, but did not repay them at all. Such a borrower is practically hopeless, he is listed as a malicious defaulter, with whom no one will contact credit organisation. At the same time, the bank will still receive its funds through the court, a part of the client’s property and accounts may be seized to pay off the debt.

If the client repaid loans, but with delays, then his credit reputation will also be negative, but there is still a chance to fix it. There are more legal options on how to correct your CI so that you can use loans in the future.

Applying for a loan from a microlender

Now, you can get loans with a bad CI only in a microfinance organization. These loans are issued for a short period of time and have fairly high interest rates.

Recently, MFIs have begun offering their services to improve CI. The bottom line is that these organizations, just like banks, cooperate with BKI and transfer data about their borrowers there. A borrower with a poor CI must periodically take out loans from MFIs and repay them on time. In this case, the borrower will gradually correct his CI.

Consumer credit for goods

Commodity loans are less profitable than money loans. However, lenders often issue loans to purchase goods to people with a bad credit history. This is due to the fact that these types of loans are processed in a shorter time and data verification is carried out less carefully.

The client can take several commodity loans in succession and repay them ahead of schedule. Accordingly, the information that payments were made on time will improve the picture of the overall credit history.

Getting multiple credit cards

A less expensive option is to issue several credit cards. Cards are suitable even with a minimum credit limit.

The scheme is this:

  1. It is necessary to transfer funds from one card to another (you can use an online transfer). That is, it is required that a debt is formed on one card.
  2. Then you have to wait Grace period and pay off the debt on time according to the schedule without delay.
  3. Such operations can be carried out from card to card, countless times. For convenience, you can have online wallet and temporarily place funds from cards on this account.

Free funds can be used. It should be taken into account that according to credit cards a fee is charged for monthly (annual) maintenance, usually this amount ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles per year.

Making a deposit

Regular customers of the bank always make concessions. If a citizen has a deposit opened in a certain bank or a salary project, then how a loyal client can make an exception for him. The same deposit or salary account acts as a guarantee. By the way, you can write a statement that payments on the loan are removed immediately after the receipt of salary.

Submission of documents to the bank on solvency

If the client does not have the opportunity to repay the loan, for objective reasons, then sometimes the lender is ready to make concessions (make a restructuring or prolongation of the loan). For example, if a citizen was fired from work or was on sick leave and this caused delays in payments. It is enough for the borrower to present documents to the bank (work book sick leave) indicating that the delay occurred for established reasons.

When applying for a new loan, you should present documents proving your current solvency. These may include:

  • certificate of income from the place of employment;
  • payroll account statement;
  • receipts for proper payment of utility bills;
  • documents proving the borrower's personal property (house, plot, car).

In some cases, the borrower agrees to pledge his property under a loan agreement. This acts as a guarantee of debt repayment.

During the years of the crisis, many Russians had problems with repayment of debts on loans (especially foreign currency mortgages). Now these borrowers are owners of a negative credit history. The longer the delay, the more difficult it will be to correct the CI in the future. In some cases, it will no longer be possible to clear this data, it remains only to wait until the information is transferred to the archive (after 15 years).

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Even a solvent client with a secure job and liquid assets may have trouble getting a loan from a bank. One of the reasons for this situation is a bad credit history.

If the client had difficulties with paying debts in the past, then for the bank this means the presence of increased risks, which leads either to a refusal to issue a loan or to tightening credit conditions. Therefore, before applying for money, you should think in advance how to clear your credit history in the general database.

The concept of credit history

Credit history - a collection of data about a potential borrower that displays the repayment of past loans. What amounts and how often were borrowed, their purpose, the presence of delays in interest payments - all these factors testify to the financial discipline and good faith of the client, giving guidance to banks about his future behavior.

An example of an individual's credit history

In extreme cases, financial institutions can even blacklist a client, blocking his path to obtaining loans on acceptable terms. This shows how important it is to understand how to clear a credit history and what obstacles exist for this.

It includes the following parts:

  1. Title - basic information about a potential borrower.
  2. The main part is data on past debts and their repayment: terms and amount, goals, payment schedules, etc.
  3. Closed section - sources of information and confidential information.

The credit history is stored for 15 years from the date of the last change. Information about delays and fines is not deleted from it.

How can you mess up CI?

The main factors that worsen the credit history are as follows (given in ascending order of importance):

Problems with loan repayments can occur even for conscientious borrowers:

  • The payment is made on time, but due to problems with the transfer, the money to the lender arrives with a delay.
  • The debtor accurately lists last payment, but forgets to check whether the debt is fully repaid: for various reasons, amounts of a few rubles may remain outstanding, which will still be perceived as a failure to pay the debt.
  • Unforeseen delays cause delinquencies, which result in penalties that create unexpected financial burdens and make it difficult to repay the principal loan.

The lender, of course, can accept the explanation for the delays, but in computerized scoring systems (which are used by banks to assess the risks of issuing loans), the borrower will worsen his status, guaranteeing himself unnecessary borrowing problems in the future.

It is recommended to plan payments with a certain margin of time and not bring the situation with payments "to the last". It is better to pay in advance, protecting yourself from risks, than to find that due to unforeseen failures, the payment did not reach the deadline.

credit history bureau

In Russia, there are 16 organizations that maintain credit histories. Access to this data is either the financial institution to which they apply for a loan, or the consumer himself.

There is no centralized organization uniting different Credit Bureaus. Therefore, financial institutions cooperate with different credit institutions, focusing on the place of the client's loans, his creditors and other factors.

You can get your credit history for free, online, on the Central Bank website in the "Credit History" section.

How to clean up credit history?

In addition to objective factors that worsen a credit history, there are also subjective issues associated with possible errors of employees and computer systems:

  • Misinformation. The dossier contains incorrect data on the place of birth, registration, repayment dates of past loans, and the like. This problem can lead to confusion when drawing up a loan agreement, but it can be solved simply if the necessary documents are available.
  • The presence of loans that were not actually issued. This trouble arises due to the fault of employees of financial organizations who made a mistake when filling in the data. In this case, it is better to contact this organization, asking to confirm the fact that the loan was not issued.
  • Having outstanding debts. This problem may arise in liquidated banks, whose employees did not transfer information about the conscientious repayment of the loan.

To correct errors, it is recommended to contact the BKI with a written notification, attaching notarized copies of certificates and other documents. In accordance with the law, the BKI is obliged to check the information of the applicant and officially notify him of his decision one month in advance.

If the Credit Bureau, despite the submitted documents, does not want to correct the data, then you can consider the option of a judicial settlement.

Risks in Informal CI Clearing

In recent years, there have been more and more proposals for cleaning credit history for money in the general database of the BCI. Fraudsters act like BKI employees offering to quickly remove problematic moments with loan repayment from the database.

They offer to send them their personal data and send them a certain amount of money. After that, the client is shown a supposedly clean credit history. In reality, it does not change, which is not difficult to understand by contacting the bank for money.

How to clear credit history in the general database?

Here are options that can help you clean up data on past debts on your own:

Basic waysCharacteristic
Pay off all existing debtsIf there are unpaid loans, especially large ones, it is recommended to pay them off before applying for new ones. In case of unforeseen situations (disability, etc.), it is better to contact the bank and explain your situation. Many banks are ready to meet them halfway by offering special programs to optimize payouts.
Arrange and pay off small loansTo do this, you need to contact MFIs that are ready to issue loans with a minimum of documents. More recent data on disciplined repayment of loans can cover outdated unfavorable data.
Access available programsIn this case it is better to use big bank, especially the one in which it is planned to receive money in the future. Cleaning takes place in several stages, at each of which it is necessary to repay the loan in a disciplined manner. At each subsequent stage, credit conditions improve and credit history is cleared.

There are many institutions in Russia that offer credit improvement programs. For selection the best option it is better to study reviews about them on financial aggregator sites.

Basic methods for improving CI

It is not achievable to completely remove information about debt repayment problems from the database, but it is quite possible to improve the situation. The bank must make sure that the client has realized his mistakes and is ready to cooperate in the future in good faith.

To do this, you can use the following options:

  • Provide documents illustrating the accurate repayment of debts. Their varieties can be very diverse: utility bills, consumer loans etc.
  • Prove a high degree its solvency. If the new job pays better, or if there is a solid entrepreneurial income, then this will help the bank forget about past sins.
  • Provide bank employees with documented information explaining the difficulties in repaying debts for good reasons (illness, job loss, etc.).
  • Provide loan repayment guarantee. Either a reliable guarantor or a valuable and liquid pledge is suitable for this.
  • Become a regular customer of a financial institution. The presence of a salary or pension account, a deposit, favorably affects the decision to issue a loan.

It will not work to erase your past credit history, but having received a loan using these methods, you need to try to repay it on time and without penalties - this The best way leave financial misunderstandings in the past.


Can I remove my credit history and how much does this service cost? Obviously, it is impossible to completely get rid of a bad credit history, but it is quite possible to improve it using one of the above methods. And when the credit history is cleared, the chances of approval of new loans and the conditions for issuing them improve.
