Current liquidity ratio: how to calculate and analyze. Current liquidity ratio formula: balance sheet calculation, normative values, the concept of absolute liquidity Current liquidity ratio current assets

Liquidity is the ability of a company to pay commitments made both in the short term and in the long term. Also, liquidity refers to the ability and speed of working capital resources to turn into cash. This indicator is important for enterprises that use various types of loans, loans, payment deferrals, etc.

What is the current ratio

Current liquidity ratio (CR - current ratio) - a relative indicator that assesses the organization's ability to repay short-term (current) liabilities solely at the expense of current assets (working capital).

This indicator is also called coverage ratio And working capital ratio.

This ratio is necessary to correctly assess the company's ability to return borrowed money. As a financial instrument, it helps to correctly form the amount of liabilities, based on the volume of working capital, which is called " current assets».

From the point of view of analyzing the organization's activities, the liquidity ratio reflects the solvency of the enterprise in the short term(up to 12 months) - the higher the value of the indicator, the better the solvency of the organization.

Too high values ​​of the coefficient may indicate an imbalance in the company's funds (too much amount in working capital).

Current liquidity ratio: formula for calculating the balance sheet


To quantify the liquidity ratio, the following formula is required:

K lt \u003d OK / THEN,

where Кlt – liquidity ratio,

OK - the amount of working capital,

TO - the amount of current liabilities (with a repayment period within a year).

By balance

All the data necessary to calculate the liquidity ratio are presented in the organization's balance sheet. The quantitative measurement of the indicator is carried out on the following lines of the balance sheet:

  • line 1200 "Section II total"
  • lines 1510, 1520, 1550.

The balance sheet liquidity ratio is calculated once per period (year).

The calculation formula is as follows:

K lt \u003d s. 1200 / (s. 1510 + s. 1520 + s. 1550),

where K t is the coefficient;

With. 1200 = s. 1210 + p. 1220 + p. 1230 + p. 1240 + p.1250 + p.1260;

With. 1510 - "Borrowed Funds";

With. 1520 - "Accounts payable";

With. 1550 - "Other obligations".

Line 1200 indicates the total amount of working capital, which includes raw materials, materials in stocks, cash in accounts receivable, cash and non-cash form, short-term financial liabilities and others.

Lines 1510, 1520 and 1550 refer to section V "Current liabilities", that is, their maturity is not more than 12 months. This section also contains the line "Deferred income", but it does not affect liquidity and is not taken into account.

The formula can be written according to the degree of liquidity of current assets and the maturity of obligations:

K lt \u003d Ak1 + Ak2 + Ak3 / (Pa1 + Pa2),

A1 - lines 1240 and 1250 - highly liquid assets;

A2 - line 1260 - medium liquid assets;

A3 - lines 1210, 1220 and 1230 - low-liquid assets.

The higher the liquidity of current assets, the faster they can turn into cash.

P1 - 1520 - extremely urgent obligations;

P2 - 1510 and 1550 - current liabilities (short-term accounts payable).

Normative value of the current liquidity ratio

Data on standard values ​​are determined by guidelines, which underlie financial analysis activities of enterprises.

The normal value of the liquidity ratio is considered to be in the range one and a half to two and a half.

For most industries, a value less than one indicates existing problems with covering short-term debts.

In the spheres retail or Catering coefficient equal to one will be the norm, since these industries are characterized by high percent short term loans.

For industrial enterprises with a long duration of the production cycle, the value of the indicator at the level 3 and above, since such enterprises have a large amount of inventory and work in progress.

Video - what value of the current liquidity ratio can be considered the norm:

Hello, Vasily Zhdanov, in the article we will consider the calculation of liquidity indicators according to RAS. Each economic entity has data on its assets (property) and liabilities (sources of property). At the same time, some objects of property can be easily sold if necessary, and it will take a lot of time to sell others, or it is not possible to sell them at all. At one time, the company's obligations are long-term and short-term - that is, some debts need to be repaid in the near future, while others can be covered over a long period. To understand how much of the debt with a short maturity can be repaid if a set of assets characterized by a certain speed of sale is sold, liquidity ratios are calculated.

Liquidity of a commercial enterprise: definition, classification

In the broadest sense, liquidity is the ability of the object of study to turn into cash. If we talk about the efficiency of a commercial organization, liquidity is understood as the ability of an asset (or an entire company, that is, the totality of all existing assets) to be sold in a short time at a price close to the market. And the liquidity of a product is the possible speed of its sale at a nominal price.

From the definition of “liquidity”, we can conclude that an asset will be considered the more liquid, the easier and faster it can be sold, while gaining its full value. Thus, values ​​are usually divided into:

  • illiquid(which are either completely impossible to sell, or very difficult),
  • low-liquid(which are possible but difficult and time consuming to implement) and
  • highly liquid(the implementation of which is possible in a short time).

Liquidity of the balance sheet, grouping of assets and liabilities of the balance sheet

Consider the order of grouping Assets and Liabilities balance sheet Russian enterprise - Assets are ranked from most to least liquid, and the order in which Liabilities are placed depends on the maturity of the company's obligations:

Grouping Assets in the Balance Sheet Grouping Liabilities in the Balance Sheet
A1 Highly liquid

(money, short-term investments)

P1 Most urgent obligations

(current accounts payable to counterparties, banks, employees, etc.)

A2 Quickly implemented

(short-term "receivables" - debts to the company, settlements for which must be received no later than 1 year after the reporting date)

P2 medium term liabilities

(short-term loans and borrowings, provisions for future expenses, other short-term debts)

A3 Slowly implemented

(current assets not included in groups A1, A2)

P3 long term duties

(obligations taken from s. IV “Long-term liabilities”)

A4 Difficult to implement

(non-current assets - all)

P4 Permanent liabilities

(own funds of the company)

According to the balance sheet, you can understand whether it is liquid by comparing the results for each of the groups of Assets and Liabilities. The following situation speaks about absolute liquidity:

Inequality What does
A1 > P1 If you sell the existing highly liquid assets, the company will be able to pay off the most short-term liabilities.
A2 > P2 After the sale of quickly realizable property of the company, it will be possible to pay off debts with an average repayment period.
A3 > P3 With the proceeds from the sale of slow-moving assets, it is possible to pay off debts with a maturity of more than 1 year.
A4< П4 The total value of hard-to-sell assets of the enterprise is less than the total amount of its own capital.

Liquidity ratios: types, meaning, interpretation

Calculation of liquidity ratios is carried out in order to obtain characteristics of the ability legal entity to the fulfillment of all his obligations at the expense of everything he owns.

The purpose of liquidity ratios is to compare the value of the company's assets with the amount of short-term debts on the same date. In other words, each liquidity indicator shows how much of the available debt with a short maturity can be covered if each set of assets is sold.

The property owned by an economic entity can be divided into 3 categories depending on the possible speed of its implementation. Based on this gradation, 3 liquidity indicators have been introduced:

  • Quickly realizable assets (money, short-term investments). From their value, the absolute liquidity ratio is calculated.
  • Sufficiently quickly sold assets (accounts receivable with a short repayment period). From the amount of fast-selling and fairly quickly-sold assets, the average liquidity indicator is calculated.
  • Relatively quickly sold assets (company's reserves). From the value of the total value of all current assets, the value of the overall liquidity indicator is calculated.

So, liquidity ratios are designed to demonstrate the following points:

  1. The current liquidity ratio shows how many rubles of current assets account for 1 ruble of current liabilities.
  1. The absolute liquidity ratio shows what proportion of the company's short-term debts can be repaid at the expense of Money and their equivalents in the form of marketable securities and deposits.
  2. The overall liquidity ratio shows whether current debts can be repaid through the sale of current assets.

To summarize, the calculation of liquidity ratios is necessary for analysts who want to get an idea of ​​the company's ability to repay its debts with their reference to time. An expert with such data can find out whether the enterprise under study is solvent, what is the dynamics of its solvency in retrospect, and what are the forecasts for this organization.

How is the liquidity ratio of an enterprise calculated according to general formulas and according to the balance sheet

For each liquidity indicator, the following statement is true: the liquidity ratio is calculated as the ratio of the value of a certain type of property (according to the classification by the terms of sale) to the sum of short-term obligations. Information for calculations can be found in the balance sheet of the company (usually for this purpose its aggregated form is compiled - enlarged, generalized).

Important! Information on short-term liabilities can be defined as a result of section V, but only if the estimated liabilities and deferred income are not material, they are not actually debt.

If the values estimated liabilities and the amounts of deferred income on the balance sheet take on significant values, in the formulas for calculating indicators, the amount of debts to creditors and obligations on borrowed funds, taken from the lines of Section V, should be used:

General formula Balance Formula

Calculation of liquidity ratios (current liquidity)

Current liquidity ratio (coverage ratio, total liquidity ratio, CR – current ratio)- this is a financial indicator that reflects the ability of the enterprise to pay off short-term debts by selling its current assets (all or only some). By the value of the current liquidity indicator, you can determine whether the organization is solvent.

The indicator of general liquidity is calculated as a quotient of the company's current assets and its current debts:

Important! From the amount of current assets involved in the above formula, it is necessary to exclude long-term receivables (it was indicated in the balance sheet until 2011).

The economic interpretation of the values ​​of the current liquidity ratio is quite simple:

  • the value of the indicator within the interval 1.5-2.5 is considered normative in world practice (varies depending on the field of activity);
  • for enterprises in the Russian Federation, the normative value is CR>2;
  • if CR>3, this most often indicates that the company's managers are irrationally structuring the company's capital;
  • a coefficient value of less than 1 indicates the presence of a large financial risk, since the company is unable to consistently repay its debts.

Calculation of liquidity ratios (quick liquidity)

Quick liquidity ratio (quick ratio, intermediate liquidity ratio, QR - quick ratio) is a financial indicator that reflects the ability of an enterprise to repay all existing current liabilities in a situation where, for some reason, it was not possible to sell manufactured products.

This indicator is calculated as a quotient of highly liquid current assets and current liabilities (obligations with a short maturity):

Important! In contrast to the case with the calculation of the current liquidity ratio, when calculating the quick liquidity indicator, the assets do not take into account the inventories (inventory), because if they are sold due to a great need for cash, in comparison with other working capital, these will be maximum loss for the company.

If the value of the quick liquidity ratio turned out to be equal to one or turned out to be more than 1, this is a good sign.

Calculation of liquidity ratios (absolute liquidity)

- not recognized in the West economic indicator, showing whether the enterprise is solvent or not, namely, whether the company is able to pay off debts with a maturity of less than 1 year.

The calculation of the absolute liquidity ratio is made by dividing the amount of cash available to the company and financial investments implemented for a short period, for the amount of all obligations with a short period of performance:

Important! As part of the assets involved in the above formula for calculating absolute liquidity, only money and assets close to cash in essence are subject to accounting.

Based on the information of regulations relating to Russian enterprises, the normative value of the absolute liquidity indicator is a value of 0.2 and higher.

Normative values ​​of liquidity ratios: economic interpretation

Let's consider what are the normative values ​​of each of the liquidity ratios of organizations, and how to correctly interpret them:

Liquidity ratio Standard value Economic interpretation
Total liquidity ratio Greater than or equal to 1, but not much greater than 1. A value equal to 1 or slightly higher than 1 indicates that short-term debts can be repaid after the sale of current assets.

If the value is significantly higher than 1, the owners of the company inefficiently use the available working capital.

Absolute liquidity ratio From 0.2 to 0.5. If the value of the indicator is within the specified limits, then the owner can repay 20-50% of short-term debts in a short time.
From 0.7 to 1. The company has the ability to quickly pay off 70-100% of short-term debts.

An example of calculating the liquidity indicators of an enterprise

Let's imagine that we know some data from the balance sheet of a hypothetical "Prince and the Pauper" LLC:

Let's calculate the liquidity ratios of Prince and the Pauper LLC:

liquidity ratio Calculation formula Value interpretation
Absolute liquidity ratio K1 \u003d (171 + 138): (216 + 204) \u003d 0.7357 The norm is considered to be more than 0.2.

The company will be able to cover 73% of its debts at the expense of available funds in the accounts.

Quick liquidity ratio K2 \u003d (171 + 138 + 231): (216 + 204) \u003d 1.2857 The value must be at least 0.8.

If the company decides to use all its funds, including "receivables", this amount will be 1.28 times the total amount of debts.

Critical liquidity ratio K3 \u003d (171 + 138 + 231 + 269): (216 + 204) \u003d 1.9261 The value is much higher than 1, probably the company is unwisely managing its working capital.

Answers to frequently asked questions about the calculation of liquidity ratios

Question: What liquidity indicator most accurately characterizes the degree of solvency of a company that is part of a holding group?

Answer: It is desirable to identify the level of solvency by the values ​​of the indicator of absolute liquidity. At the same time, when calculating the value of the liquidity ratio, it is not necessary to take into account the amounts of internal receivables and payables.

Question: Are illiquid stocks taken into account when calculating the value of the current ratio?

Answer: No, illiquid stocks should not be taken into account.

Liquidity formula is calculated by the ratio of highly liquid assets, marketable assets and slowly convertible and the most urgent liabilities and medium-term liabilities.

There are 3 types of liquidity ratios:

  • current liquidity,
  • Fast (urgent) liquidity,
  • absolute liquidity.

The very concept of liquidity means the ability of an enterprise's assets to quickly transform into cash that can be directed:

  • Pay wages,
  • Payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budgets,
  • Dividend payment,
  • Payment of debts to creditors, contractors, etc.

Liquidity is often equated with solvency, that is, the ability of an enterprise to sell its own assets at a market price. The term liquidity itself comes from the word liquidate (sell or sell). Liquidity is the basic concept of financial analysis, which reflects the speed at which a company's assets are converted into money.

Current liquidity formula

Current liquidity ratio is one of the three main criteria characterizing the liquidity of the enterprise.

Current liquidity is a key indicator financial condition any enterprise, it must be constantly monitored.

The growth of the coefficient makes the enterprise more investment attractive for investors and creditors, which gives it more additional leverage and financial resources while increasing the market value, including profitability.

There are several types of assets and liabilities of the company that make up the liquidity formula.

Asset classification:

  • A1 - Highly liquid assets (line 1250),
  • A2 - Marketable assets (p. 1230),
  • A3 - Slowly convertible assets (p. 1220).

Liabilities are classified as follows:

  • P1 - The most urgent liabilities (p. 1520),
  • P2 - Medium-term liabilities (p. 1510).

When this classification is taken into account, the (current) liquidity formula has the following form:

To current =(A1+A2+A3)/(P1+P2)

If we take into account the balance lines, then the formula will take the following form:

To current =p. 1200 / (str.1510+str.1520+str.1550)

Quick (term) liquidity formula

The quick liquidity ratio is an indicator that characterizes the company's solvency in the medium term. Using this indicator, you can determine whether the company will be able to pay off short-term liabilities if it uses liquid assets.

Liquidity formula (quick) in general:

K is fast. \u003d (DS + KV + KZ) / TO

KV - the amount of short-term financial investments,

KZ - short-term receivables,

TO - the amount of current liabilities.

Another version of the liquidity formula:

K is fast. = OA-Z / TO

Here, OA is the sum of current assets,

Z - stocks,

TO - current liabilities.

Absolute liquidity formula

The absolute liquidity ratio shows the share of short-term debt that can be repaid using the company's most salable property in a short time.

The liquidity formula (absolute) is determined by the ratio of the amount of easily marketable property to the amount of short-term debt:

To abs. = (DS + KFV) / KO

Here DS is the amount of money,

KFV - short-term financial investments,

KO - short-term liabilities.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Determine the current liquidity ratio of the enterprise if it has the following indicators for the past period in the balance sheet:

The amount of funds - 50 thousand rubles,

The amount of short-term financial investments is 32 thousand rubles,

Debtors' debt - 126 thousand rubles,

Creditors' debt - 115 thousand rubles,

Stocks of production - 158 thousand rubles,

Short-term loans in the amount of 98 thousand rubles.

Solution The liquidity formula for solving this problem is as follows:

Kcurrent =(A1+A2+A3)/(P1+P2)

To current =(50+32+126+158)/(115+98)=366/213=1.72

Conclusion. The company for the past period worked with a current ratio of more than one. This means that there is no real threat of bankruptcy. A coefficient of 1.72 means that in this number of times, current assets cover the amount of short-term liabilities. That is, this company can be considered solvent.

Answer To current =1.72


Exercise Calculate the liquidity ratio (absolute) at the beginning and end of the year, while making a conclusion about the state of the company.

Amount of easily marketable property

Beginning of the year - 312 thousand rubles,

End of the year - 398 thousand rubles,

Short term debt

Beginning of the year - 645 thousand rubles,

End of the year - 689 thousand rubles.

Solution Formula for absolute liquidity:

To abs. = Marketable property value/Short-term debt

To abs. (beginning of the year)=312/645=0.48

To abs. (end of the year)= 398/689=0.58

Conclusion. The normal value of the absolute liquidity ratio is from 0.2 to 0.5. We see that its value has increased over the year. An increased value of the indicator may indicate a higher solvency of the company, but may also indicate unjustified costs when using highly liquid assets.

Answer To abs. (beginning of the year) = 0.48, K abs. (end of the year)=0.58

What is liquidity? This question arises among people who are far from economic realities and experienced businessmen. Liquidity is the ability to quickly turn assets into their cash equivalent at good prices. There are highly liquid and low liquid values, as well as illiquid assets. The concept of liquidity can be applied to any firms, securities, real estate, vehicles and various property owned by an enterprise or individual. Usually the highest liquidity has the money that rotates in a given economic system.

liquidity ratio

The liquidity of any organization and company is calculated according to several financial indicators, one of which - the liquidity ratio - is calculated using special formulas. Using this ratio, you can compare the value of current assets, which have a different degree of liquidity, with the amount of current liabilities. There are coefficients:

  • general liquidity or coverage, which shows how the company is able to meet its short-term obligations;
  • current or quick liquidity, which show what part of the company's obligations can be repaid at the expense of cash, financial investments;
  • absolute liquidity, allowing to determine short-term obligations, the debt on which the company can repay urgently.

Current liquidity

To find out what part of current liabilities a firm or organization can pay off from available cash or cash equivalents, investments and receivables, you need to know what fast or current liquidity is. The quick liquidity ratio is calculated using a special formula. The indicator of this type of liquidity indicates how solvent an organization or firm is, how quickly it can pay off current liabilities, paying off debtors on time. Usually a quick ratio of 0.6 is considered acceptable.

Balance liquidity

The financial indicator - balance sheet liquidity - shows the extent to which the company's liabilities are covered by assets that can be converted into money within the timeframe corresponding to the maturity of the liabilities. The solvency of any firm and enterprise depends on this indicator. To find out how good financial position enterprises, it is necessary to know how much the value of current assets exceeds short-term liabilities. The larger this value, the more prosperous the company in terms of liquidity. Of particular importance is the determination of the liquidity of the balance sheet during liquidation in case of bankruptcy of an enterprise or company.

Liquidity analysis

To analyze the liquidity of the balance sheet of a company or organization of any form of ownership, assets are grouped according to the degree of liquidity - from the fastest to assets with slow liquidity. The correct analysis of the liquidity of assets is carried out in the following order:

  • the most liquid assets;
  • quickly implemented;
  • slowly implemented;
  • hard-to-sell assets.

With regard to liabilities, the most urgent liabilities are analyzed first, then short-term liabilities, long-term and finally, permanent liabilities.

Absolute liquidity

If you need to calculate the reliability of a company or quickly liquidate it, you need to know its financial performance. One of them - absolute liquidity - is a ratio showing how much of short-term debt can be repaid immediately. The absolute liquidity ratio or Cashratio shows how much a firm or enterprise is able to repay short-term immediately. This indicator is calculated as the ratio of current assets that can be immediately sold to the current obligations of the debtor.

Liquidity indicators

Liquidity is the most important indicator of the efficiency and reliability of the enterprise. It shows how creditworthy the company is. In order to know exactly how promising a particular company is, it is necessary to analyze their work. When analyzing the activities of any company, it is necessary to take into account the liquidity indicators of the balance sheet. The main coefficients are:

  • absolute liquidity;
  • critical evaluation;
  • maneuverability of functioning capital;
  • current liquidity;
  • security own funds.

Liquidity of assets

The company's assets that can be quickly and profitably turned into money are called liquid. The most highly liquid asset is the funds that the company has on hand, on accounts, deposits. Good liquidity of assets in securities that can be profitably sold on the stock exchange at any time. The least liquid are stocks of raw materials, materials, the cost of work in progress. Accounting analysis liquidity of the balance sheet is built on the principle of increasing liquidity, the most important when compiling the balance sheet are three coefficients:

  • absolute liquidity;
  • quick liquidity;
  • current liquidity.

Bank liquidity

Any organization can be considered in terms of liquidity, including financial ones. Such a concept as the bank's liquidity - its ability to quickly fulfill obligations to depositors, investors, creditors - is very important when choosing a bank. Commitments financial organization are real and potential or conditional. Bank liquidity factors are external and internal. Internal factors are:

  • bank management and its image;
  • the quality of the funds raised;
  • the quality of the bank's assets;
  • conjugation of assets and liabilities.

External liquidity factors are;

  • the state of the economy in the country;
  • development of the securities market;
  • effectiveness of Bank of Russia supervision;
  • refinancing system.

Enterprise liquidity

The liquidity of the enterprise is the ability to pay off its debts quickly and profitably. The degree of liquidity is determined by the ratio of the asset balance and liabilities and determines the stability of the enterprise. A company's liquid assets are all those assets that can be converted into cash and used to pay off debts. This is money in cash, on accounts and deposits, securities, which are listed on the stock exchange, working capital that can be quickly realized.

There is a general (current) and urgent liquidity of the enterprise. The total is the ratio of the sum of current assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the year. Analysis of the liquidity of the enterprise is determined by the coefficients. If the current liquidity ratio is below 1, this means that the company does not have stability. The normal indicator is over 1.5.

Market liquidity

Liquidity - important indicator any market. To transact on stock market or such a popular Forex market, it is necessary to find out which exchange instruments can be bought quickly and sold just as quickly. Market liquidity is the ability to make a profitable deal with stocks, futures, currency pairs without sacrificing cost or time. In other words, the market participant will receive any asset at the best market price as quickly as possible. Money has the highest liquidity - it can be instantly exchanged for goods. Real estate has low liquidity.

Liquidity of securities

The liquidity of securities is the ability to turn them into money quickly and profitably, and this opportunity is constant. It is this characteristic that is taken as the basis for understanding how effective certain securities are. High liquidity will allow the investor to instantly receive cash for securities.

The main characteristic of the liquidity of securities is the spread - the difference between the prices for sale and purchase. The smaller the spread, the higher the liquidity. Liquidity is influenced by the attractiveness of securities of a certain issuer in investment plan. It can be calculated if the performance of the enterprise and the market valuation of its securities are known.

Liquidity of money

Money has the highest, one might say, perfect liquidity. The liquidity of money means that it can be used at any time to get the goods or services that are needed. Money is a means of payment in any country in the world. They are most protected from fluctuations in their value. Universality as a means of payment, that is, liquidity, makes money the most sought-after asset. Cash has the highest liquidity, then funds on the current deposit. In last place are securities that still need to be sold on the stock market.

Calculate by division current assets for short-term liabilities(current liabilities). The initial data for the calculation contains the balance sheet of the company.

Sometimes used as a synonym for overall liquidity ratio. However, in the general case, these are different coefficients and are calculated using different formulas. Since the first does not use long-term liabilities in current liabilities, which are present in the second.

Current liquidity ratio - what does it show

Shows the company's ability to repay current (short-term) liabilities at the expense of current assets only. The higher the value of the coefficient, the better the solvency of the enterprise. This indicator takes into account that not all assets can be sold urgently.

Liquidity ratios are of interest both to the management of the enterprise and to external subjects of analysis:

  • absolute liquidity ratio - for suppliers of raw materials and materials;
  • current ratio- for investors;
  • quick liquidity ratio - for banks.

Current liquidity ratio - formula

General formula for calculating the coefficient

Average statistical values ​​by years for Russian enterprises

RevenueValues ​​by years, rel. units
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Micro enterprises (revenue< 10 млн. руб.) 0.979 1.079 1.022 1.047 0.942 1.010 0.976
Mini-enterprises (10 million rubles ≤ revenue< 120 млн. руб.) 1.123 1.170 1.122 1.084 1.109 1.061 1.086
Small enterprises (120 million rubles ≤ revenue< 800 млн. руб.) 1.237 1.206 1.115 1.173 1.158 1.191 1.256
Medium enterprises (800 million rubles ≤ revenue< 2 млрд. руб.) 1.228 1.189 1.255 1.220 1.217 1.285 1.312
Large enterprises (revenue ≥ 2 billion rubles)1.399 1.350 1.311 1.368 1.325 1.308 1.346
All organizations1.334 1.272 1.235 1.268 1.239 1.246 1.285

Table values ​​are calculated based on Rosstat data

Current liquidity ratio - scheme


  • total coverage ratio
  • total coverage ratio
  • conversion factor
  • debt coverage ratio
  • liability coverage ratio
  • debt coverage ratio
  • total coverage ratio
  • total short-term debt coverage ratio
  • total liquidity ratio (sometimes used as a synonym)

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  16. Use of economic analysis methods in the diagnosis of financial insolvency 8.7 times
  17. Standards for the financial stability of Russian enterprises: industry specifics Order No. 175 dated April 18, 2011 introduces minor adjustments to the current liquidity ratio by setting Kt > 1 as the standard value, which will be chosen
  18. Statistical Analysis of Relationships Between Capital Management Indicators and Market Value of Public Companies in Russia
  19. Matrix in working capital management The ratio of the total value of current assets to the estimated allowable value of short-term liabilities forms the current liquidity ratio acceptable for this enterprise.
  20. Balance liquidity as one of the main areas of the financial condition of Nalchik Cannery LLC showed that the current liquidity ratio in 2015 was 1.169, in 2016 - 1.947. In 2015