Instructions for an accountant: Sberbank salary project. Salary project in Sberbank: business rates, types of cards, online application and reviews

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The non-cash method of making payments to your employees using the international card of Sberbank of Russia is today the most effective for both government agencies and small commercial enterprises.

More than three tens of millions of people use this method quite successfully. How does Sberbank's salary project work? We'll talk about this in our article.

Sberbank salary project for legal entities (employers)

  • Sberbank has the most developed office network and the largest number of ATMs in the Russian Federation, which greatly simplifies the procedure for using banking services.
  • When using a bank card, the procedure for issuing salaries to employees is greatly simplified for the employer: there is no need to come to the bank for large sums of money, deal with their recalculation, transportation and storage.
  • The functional activity of accounting employees is limited only to the preparation of statements of calculations, where the lists of employees indicate the amounts of money that should be credited to each person's salary cards.
  • All money due to the employee during the month is credited in a single payment.
  • With a significant number of workers, there is no need to organize huge queues at the cash registers.
  • Salaries are paid at the same time to everyone, regardless of where the employee is: at work, in the hospital or absent on business.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, the use of the Sberbank salary project allows them to abandon the position of cashier.

Advantages of the Sberbank salary project for employees of organizations

  • By using the card to receive salaries, enterprise employees receive significant savings in free time, freeing themselves from long periods of idle time at the cash register.
  • When servicing salary cards at Sberbank ATMs in any Russian settlements, no commission is charged.
  • The client withdraws from the card any amount available on it at a time convenient for him.
  • Transfers funds to other cards without commission or overpayment.
  • Through the capabilities of a salary card using an information and payment terminal, it is convenient to pay any bills: for taxes, for housing and communal services, Internet, telephone, TV, and the like.
  • The card can be used for cashless payments in retail chains and online stores.
  • For a small fee, it is possible to connect to "" - a service that allows you to control in real time every operation that is carried out on the card.

Sberbank of Russia provides special benefits to regular customers. A Sberbank salary client who has been using a salary card for at least six months gets the opportunity to:

  • obtaining mortgage and consumer loans at a reduced interest rate;
  • obtaining a credit card in a shorter time;
  • providing a minimum documentary package when receiving loans.

In addition, such clients no longer need to provide a certificate of average salary.

Tariffs and cost of servicing a Sberbank salary card

Sberbank of the Russian Federation usually uses two types of salary cards:

  1. MasterCard;
  2. Visa Classic.

How much does it cost to service a Sberbank salary card:

  • The Visa card is always serviced free of charge.
  • For the first twelve months MasterCard is charged 750 rubles, and for the next and subsequent years 450 rubles are calculated.

Both types of cards are reissued for regular or early replacement absolutely free of charge; 150 rubles are charged only if the card or PIN code is lost.

Money for both types of cards within the same region is transferred free of charge. When replenishing your account from another region, a commission of 1.25% of the transferred amount is charged. The minimum commission is 30 rubles, and the maximum is 1000.

Withdrawing funds through a Sberbank ATM is free of charge. When using another bank, one percent of the withdrawn amount is charged. In this case, the minimum commission is 100 rubles.

For requests for statements from accounts of both types of cards through ATMs, 15 rubles are withdrawn.

In case of dismissal, the employee has the opportunity to keep the card.

Sberbank's salary project is a modern, convenient tool for paying salaries and crediting them to employee accounts in the shortest possible time. The banking tool will help the client company reduce financial costs and labor costs in the process of paying employees. At the same time, the company will be able to take advantage of preferential connection conditions and appreciate the advantages of banking technologies.

What are the benefits of the Sberbank Salary Project for legal entities?

  1. There is no need to pay for the service of cashing the total amount of the company's wages;
  2. Sberbank has provided flexible tariffs for account servicing, crediting funds to a client’s card, as well as providing other services as part of the company’s salary project. The cost is discussed individually;
  3. The procedure for concluding a contract has been simplified. A constructor agreement developed for these purposes will help with this;
  4. Large clients can submit a request to install a Sberbank ATM directly on the premises of the enterprise. Employees will be able to withdraw funds without leaving the premises of the enterprise.

How does the salary project work?

After signing the documents, the company and the bank will organize the issuance of plastic cards to employees, as well as the opening of accounts for each employee. The principle of the project looks like this:

  • The company's accounting department transfers the total amount of wages (monthly fund) to a single bank account opened in the name of the client company.
  • A statement indicating the salary of each employee is provided to the Sberbank branch.
  • Sberbank, within the period specified in the agreement, credits the transferred funds to employees’ salary cards (according to the enterprise statement).

Important! The client company is recommended to register in the Sberbank Business Online service. There you can submit statements remotely and independently control the presence of funds in the company account. To interact with a banking institution, an accountant does not have to visit a Sberbank branch.

How to submit information as part of the Salary Project? Instructions for an accountant

You can send salary information remotely. To do this, fill out a form on the Sberbank website indicating all the information about the company:

  • Full title.
  • The total period of activity.
  • Number of employees.
  • Amount of monthly wage fund.
  • Address and telephone numbers of the enterprise.
  • The contact person.

After receiving the documents, the organization is assigned a specific bank employee who will deal with the preparation of documentation and resolving issues that arise during the period of servicing the client company.

Sberbank of Russia has developed a convenient tool for issuing salary cards for individuals. The registration process has become as simple and convenient as possible.

Instructions for registering:

  • The file “Register for opening accounts” is downloaded to your computer. It can only be downloaded from the official website of Sberbank of Russia.
  • All fields in the Register are filled in. Provide information about employees. The “Export” button is pressed.
  • An electronic digital signature (EDS) is affixed to the document, and the Register is sent to Sberbank.


  • Issuing a Sberbank card, the cost of annual maintenance is free.
  • Cash withdrawals from ATMs within the daily limit are free.
  • The card opens an overdraft line with a rate of 20% per annum. In case of delay – 40% per annum.
  • The daily withdrawal limit is set based on the card type (Classic, Gold, Platinum). The Classic card has a daily limit of 50 thousand rubles. Platinum – 1 million rubles.
  • A commission is charged on funds withdrawn in excess of the established limit.

The employee register in the salary project contains the following fields:

  • Employee profile data (full name).
  • Full name of each employee in Latin. This information is filled in automatically after specifying the information in Russian.
  • Date of birth, city of residence, country.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence.
  • Passport data (series, number).
  • A secret code by which a person will be identified.
  • Employee telephone numbers (at least two).
  • The position that the employee holds in the company.
  • Email address (personal).
  • The type of banking product being issued is Sberbank Salary Project cards (Classic, Gold, Platinum).
  • Information about the bank (branch name, branch code).

After entering information about employees, the register is exported. For this purpose, there is a corresponding button on the Sberbank website. The document is endorsed with an electronic digital signature of authorized persons of the enterprise and sent to Sberbank.

If changes are made to the instructions, Sberbank will develop new services, and the client company will be automatically connected to them.

Undeniable advantages for employees of the institution:

  • You can issue additional bank cards for relatives and loved ones.
  • Individual clients of the Sberbank salary project will be able to obtain loans, credit cards, take advantage of mortgage lending and car loan offers on preferential terms.
  • Employees take part in special offers with discounts from Sberbank partners.
  • Each client will be able to take part in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program.
  • While staying abroad, bank clients will be able to pay using an international bank card anywhere in the world where products of international payment systems are accepted.
  • If your Sberbank card is lost or stolen, it is enough to make one call to the hotline or to the nearest Sberbank branch and the card will be blocked. Client funds will remain safe.
  • You can access your own funds around the clock. Sberbank has the largest network of ATMs throughout Russia.
  • By accumulating funds on a card account, the client will be able to receive additional income in the form of interest from Sberbank.
  • The “Mobile Bank” service allows you to receive information about the account status and any movements of funds by sending an SMS message to the client’s mobile phone.
  • Internet banking (Sberbank Online) will allow you to make transfers at any time of the day, pay for services, traffic police fines. Internet banking service is provided to clients free of charge.

What does a client company need to know before signing a contract?

  • By signing a cooperation agreement, the client agrees to adhere to the public conditions indicated on the company’s website.
  • If changes are made to the terms of provision of the “Salary Project” service, an additional agreement with the client is not signed.
  • Any legislative changes and technological improvements are put into effect for all clients who have signed the Design Agreement. In this case, the additional agreement is not signed.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly improving products for private clients and partner companies. This also applies to the Salary Project. Using the program from Sberbank will significantly simplify the process of paying wages to employees, as well as reduce the company’s expenses to ensure this process.

We are often asked how to get a Sberbank salary card, and we always say “As part of the salary project.” Today we will decipher this term in detail.

First, let’s define the very concept of “Salary card”. As a rule, this is a regular debit card ordered by an organization from a bank in the name of an employee, intended for transferring wages, compensation, bonuses, and travel expenses.

And immediately a question: what kind of Sberbank salary card is it? Is it really impossible to use your current card?

The account for the salary project is a regular settlement (debit), but sometimes banks offer a small credit limit for it -. All employee cards (for the salary project) are replenished from the organization’s single account, to which it transfers the total amount to be issued, accompanied by a list. The list contains information on employees: full name and salary. This eliminates the need for accounting to make single transfers to each person. Just imagine - how many days would it take for an accountant to transfer payments to a staff of, say, 20,000 employees?

This is why large organizations prefer to open a salary card with Sberbank as part of a special project and work using an automated system.

Naturally, if we are talking about a private company with 5-10 employees, it is easier to make payments on your own through Sberbank business online. A salary project and instructions for an accountant will not pay off with such a staff.

Speaking of instructions. At Sberbank, the procedure for registering a salary project is as simple as possible, see for yourself:

How to make a Sberbank card for salaries of your employees:

  • Conclude (list of documents);
  • in Excel format, fill it with employee data;
  • Export data, certify with an electronic signature, transfer to the Bank.

Throughout the entire duration of the project, you will be accompanied by a personal consultant, who will personally present each employee with their own Sberbank salary card.

The cost of account servicing for an organization depends on the chosen tariff: from 1200 rubles/month to 6900 rubles/month.

Opening an account is free as part of the current promotion from 08/18/2015 to 02/29/2016.

How much does it cost to service a Sberbank salary card?

The cost of service depends on the tariff chosen by the organization and the type of card. As a rule, most often companies choose Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard with a corporate tariff. The maximum service price for such cards is 700 rubles per year. And by the way, many large companies independently pay this amount for the employee.

Corporate tariffs provide good conditions for employees - interest accrual on the minimum balance, the possibility of an overdraft, free Internet banking and SMS notifications about account replenishment, etc.

If you are unlucky enough to be an employee of a large company that is serviced by a salary project, but you want to receive your salary on a card, arrange it yourself.

How to apply for a salary card at Sberbank yourself?

  • Select the appropriate tariff and;
  • Write an application and pick up the card free of charge in 2 weeks;
  • Submit account details to your organization with an order to transfer your salary to this account.

At the moment, the most convenient way for organizations to pay salaries to their employees on bank cards has been developed. You should familiarize yourself in more detail with what constitutes a salary project at Sberbank - instructions, conditions of application and current tariffs.

project at Sberbank - terms of cooperation

Thanks to the use of this project, organizations (individual entrepreneurs, LLCs, etc.) will be able to provide a simplified procedure for issuing salaries to their employees. It is enough to conclude an agreement with Sberbank on a salary project.

The procedure for its registration can be carried out even as a result of an online application and is considered to be as simple as possible. Then the bank opens accounts and issues cards for employees of this company. The conditions for carrying out all required operations are reflected in the PDF instructions. The procedure for issuing money for salary projects:

  • the organization transfers the entire amount for the monthly period to a general account;
  • Sberbank is notified of the amount of payments for each employee of the company;
  • within the agreed period, the bank transfers the specified amounts to the employees' accounts.

In this case, businesses save money, which is spent on issuing cash. Large-scale companies also have the opportunity to install self-service machines within their own territory.

To ensure convenient service, organizations can undergo appropriate registration in Business Online. According to the current instructions for the Sberbank salary project, it is expected that it will be possible to transfer funds conveniently, send registers and control accounts remotely. Thanks to such interaction with the bank, representatives of enterprises will not need to personally visit a bank branch.

Benefits for company employees

Employees of enterprises are provided with international cards. Thanks to remote services, their use and account management are simplified not only in the country, but also abroad.

Card features:

  • use of credit offers, including targeted ones, on more favorable terms;
  • ordering additional cards for relatives attached to one account;
  • obtaining mortgage loans, the terms of which differ in advantages;
  • receiving discounts and participating in promotions offered to MasterCard and Visa holders;
  • accumulation of Thank You bonuses, with the help of which payments are available on the Internet and at established retail outlets;
  • receiving additional interest on the Savings Account;
  • blocking the card if it is lost and receiving a new plastic card with the old account.

Cooperation within the framework of salary project - instructions for joining a company

Submitting an application for participation in the project is possible online. It is necessary to indicate the required information in a special form: name, address, period of activity, monthly payroll, number of employees, authorized representative, telephone. The application received by Sberbank must be approved within a certain period of time. After reviewing it, the bank representative contacts the contact person.

If you send an online application for a salary project to Sberbank, you will also need to provide a list of employees. It can be found on the banking website.

Information for filling out the register:

  • FULL NAME. company employee in Russian and Latin letters (appears automatically);
  • passport details;
  • country, city, date of birth;
  • special code for client recognition;
  • E-mail address;
  • actual address and registration;
  • position held by the employee;
  • several phone numbers (work, mobile, home, etc.).
  • type of card (Gold, classic, Platinum);
  • bank details (branch and branch number).

When all the necessary information about the employees is completed, an electronic signature is affixed to this document. The finished register should be transferred to the bank by pressing a special key. In the event of the introduction of new technologies, changes in instructions or the use of the latest systems, the enterprise connects to them automatically.

Cost of servicing salary cards (tariffs)

Salary project in Sberbank - instructions, conditions, full list of tariffs for servicing debit cards - in PDF format.

Cost for organizations participating in the salary project

The cost of servicing organizations and legal entities (IP) is set individually depending on many conditions. Details can be obtained from a Contact Center specialist, or by submitting an online application. An employee will contact the contact person within 24 hours and offer the most favorable conditions.

Sberbank's salary project is a very convenient tool that allows enterprises and organizations to pay their employees wages to a bank card of the largest Russian bank.

Sberbank salary project: operating principles

Companies that have chosen this tool from Sberbank significantly simplify the procedure for paying employees salaries. To do this, you should conclude an appropriate agreement with the bank, and no difficulties should arise here, because the scheme for concluding the document is simplified to the maximum: it, in particular, even provides for the possibility of online contacting any of the Sberbank branches.

If an enterprise or company has previously collaborated with Sberbank, then in order to join such a convenient toolkit as a salary project, it will be enough to submit the appropriate application. If the company that liked the project has not previously cooperated with the bank, then it will be required to provide a full package of documents.

In most cases, the financial institution reserves the right to change existing options or introduce new ones without entering into any additional agreements. However, in practice, the bank still informs clients about such changes, at least in the form of an email or SMS message.

After successful completion of the contract registration procedure, the next stage begins, at which the company and the bank arrange for employees to receive debit cards and open bank accounts. Employees of large enterprises receive cards directly at their place of work, while employees of small companies will need to visit the bank, however, this will not take much time.

The instructions for accountants, created by Sberbank specialists to make using the salary project tool even simpler, explain in detail how to carry out this or that operation. To put it very briefly, the process looks like this:

  • the company transfers the total amount of employee wages for the month to Sberbank into a single account opened there;
  • the bank is provided with information about the amount of accrued salary for each employee - the company's accountant carries out all calculations in the program with which he works, after which the salary slips are sent to the financial institution - either using the register in the Sberbank Business Online system, or by mail to an electronic mailbox with an attached file certified by an electronic signature;
  • Sberbank employees transfer the amounts specified by the company to staff accounts. The period for transferring funds is indicated in advance.

Benefits for companies that choose Sberbank’s salary project

The advantage for a company that has chosen the Sberbank salary project is significant savings in funds previously spent on cashing out money. In addition, there is no need to count large sums of cash every time a salary is issued, which also attracts unnecessary attention from the criminal world.

Moreover, a large organization even has the opportunity to request the bank to install an ATM in the office or on its own territory, through which its employees can cash out money received on the card. This solves the problem of long queues that previously lined up at the cash register on payday, because employees can withdraw funds on any other day or even use the card to make non-cash payments. Small companies receive tangible savings for them, because a cashier responsible for material assets is no longer needed, which means they can save on wages.

All the work of the accountant will be reduced here only to the correct calculation of employee salaries, sending the corresponding statement to the bank, and transferring a single amount to the financial institution.

It is also worth noting such a moment as registration with Sberbank Business Online. Having done this and choosing a salary project, the company gets the opportunity to remotely submit registers to a financial institution and control the situation under a single account: in other words, the entire interaction process is transferred to the virtual space, and a physical visit to the bank no longer becomes optional.

Benefits for employees

In addition to the company, employees also benefit from participating in the salary project of the largest bank in the Russian Federation. Firstly, they receive bank cards of an international format, that is, they can use it outside the Russian Federation. In addition, it is possible to carry out various financial transactions using the card remotely. However, these are not all the advantages, because with a Sberbank card you can:

  • obtain a mortgage loan on very favorable terms;
  • obtain a loan, including a target one, at an interest rate that is more favorable for the borrower, which is lower than the rate provided for ordinary clients;
  • issue an additional bank card for a relative to the same account: for example, your significant other can use funds from the family budget while being at a considerable distance, and will not need to make any additional money transfers;
  • pay with points accumulated on the card as part of the “Thank you” program in certain online stores and traditional points of sale;
  • take advantage of discounts provided by MasterCard and Visa.

It is also worth noting such an important point as the security of your funds. Even if you lose your wallet, you do not lose anything financially, since the bank card is blocked by the bank, and, accordingly, all the funds that were there will continue to remain in the account - no one else will have access to them. And finally, such a pleasant moment as the rate of income - you are required to transfer funds to your savings account, where they gradually increase.

By receiving wages on a card, employees save their time. After all, as mentioned above, you no longer need to wait in line at the treasured window with the inscription “Cashier”: the money is simply credited to your account, after which you can use it at your own discretion - withdraw it on any convenient day, pay utility bills, pay for Internet, top up your balance on your phone. In fact, there are a lot of options, because a Sberbank bank card opens up very wide opportunities, making the life of its owner more comfortable. You should also remember that Sberbank bank cards are serviced by all financial institutions in the Russian Federation without any commissions.

Almost any company can apply to participate in the salary program of the country’s largest state bank. Previously, cooperation with small companies was uninteresting for banks - bankers focused all their efforts on working with large holdings, but now priorities have changed, and today even a company with a staff of several dozen people that pays wages officially can join the project.

To summarize, I would like to note some other points, such as, for example, the overdraft provided for in the Sberbank salary project. The usage rate here is 20 percent, and in case of violation of payment terms, a 40 percent penalty is imposed. For organizations, monthly servicing of cash settlement services will cost 3.5 thousand rubles, while there is no monthly fee for annual servicing of an account by a financial institution.

An employee, in case of dismissal from the enterprise where he received a salary card, can refuse it - to do this, he should contact the relevant department of Sberbank. But there is a second option - the card can continue to be used, only its owner will have to contact the bank to change the tariff plan to a standard one, since now it will no longer be the company, but himself, who will pay for its service.