Property insurance in the Russian Federation. Property insurance Commercial risk insurance

Under a property insurance contract, one party (the insurer) undertakes to pay the contractual fee (insurance premium) upon the occurrence of the insured event compensate the other party (the insured) for the losses caused as a result of this event in the insured property or losses in connection with other property interests of the insured (pay insurance compensation) within the sum insured determined by the contract (Article 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The parties to the property insurance contract reach an agreement on the objects of property interests, on the objects of insurance, on insurance risks, sums insured, insurance premiums, as well as on the duration of the property insurance contract.

The objects of insurance include property interests related to:

possession, use and disposal of property (property insurance);

the obligation to compensate for the harm caused to other persons (civil liability insurance);

implementation of entrepreneurial activity (insurance of entrepreneurial risks).

The objects of insurance can be: buildings, structures, construction in progress, transmission devices, power, working and other machines, equipment, inventory, products, raw materials, materials, goods, household property, exhibits and other types of property. The property interests of the insured are always associated with one of the above objects.

The main purpose of property insurance is to compensate for damage.

If the policyholder wants to insure his property against any risks, he provides a list of insurance objects.

According to article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property is insured under an insurance contract in favor of the insured or beneficiary who has an interest in the safety of the insured property.

The contract can be drawn up in free form and contain the necessary information and details.

There are the following property insurance contracts for individuals and legal entities in case of its loss (death), shortage or damage:

Property insurance objects individuals:

1. voluntary apartment insurance;

2. voluntary insurance of country houses, dachas, garden houses;

3. voluntary vehicle insurance;

4. voluntary home property insurance;

Objects of insurance for legal entities:

1. voluntary insurance of ground transport means;

2. voluntary insurance of air transport means;

3. voluntary insurance of water transport means;

4. voluntary cargo insurance;

5. voluntary insurance of other types of property.

Attention should be paid to the main types of property insurance associated with the risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage, these include: property fire insurance; property insurance against water damage; property insurance against theft; property insurance against natural disasters; accident property insurance; property insurance against technical risks.

The insurance contract provides for the procedure for fulfilling all the conditions specified in it on the evidence provided of the existence of an insured event, on the payment of the sum insured, on disputes that have arisen between the parties to the contract, and so on. The contract is fixed by the signatures of the parties, the head of the insurance company and the insured himself.

Voluntary cargo insurance

Cargo insurance is also one of the most common types of insurance and is a set of types of insurance that provide for the obligation of the insurer to pay insurance payments in the amount of full or partial compensation for damage caused to the object of insurance.

The object of insurance is the property interests of the insured person related to the possession, use, disposal of cargo, as a result of damage or destruction of cargo, regardless of the method of its transportation.

In world practice, cargo insurance has been widely developed and has become a necessary condition for concluding international contracts. In Russia today, only 10 percent of transported goods are insured, but the situation is changing rapidly.

Any legal and natural persons who have entered into and are consignors or consignees can act as insurers. Who exactly concludes a cargo insurance contract - the seller or the buyer - depends on the terms of delivery.

The risk of loss of cargo, depending on the terms of the transaction, passes from the seller to the buyer:

When issuing cargo from the seller's warehouse;

Upon delivery of cargo to the carrier's warehouse;

When loading onto a vehicle;

When unloading at the destination.

To a greater extent, the risk of loss lies with the buyer, which means that he is primarily interested in insuring the cargo, but the insurance contract can also be concluded by the seller at the request of the buyer or with his consent, including insurance payments in the cost of the cargo.

An insurance contract can be concluded both for a single shipment of cargo, and for shipments carried out over a long period of time. Systematic insurance of different batches of homogeneous property under similar conditions for a certain period may, by agreement of the insurer and the insured, be carried out on the basis of one general insurance contract - a general policy (paragraph 1 of Article 941 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

When concluding a cargo insurance contract, the essential conditions are:

Determining the property that is the object of insurance;

Determining the nature of the event, in case of which the insurance is carried out;

The amount of the sum insured;

The term of the insurance contract.

By decision of the insurance organization, the contract may be concluded with the inspection of the cargo and the preparation of its inventory. Depending on the type of cargo, the inventory lists the name and inventory number of the cargo, quantity, price, brand, year of issue, and total cost.

If necessary, the insurer may appoint an examination of the cargo in order to establish its actual value, since sum insured must not exceed the actual value of the cargo (insurance value). The insured value of the cargo is its actual value at the location on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract.

The sum insured under the insurance contract must not exceed the actual value of the cargo. According to Article 951 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an insurance contract is considered void to the extent that it exceeds the value of the property at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Neither the policyholder nor the insurer can dispute the insurance value specified in the insurance contract, unless the insurer is able to prove that he was deliberately misled by the policyholder.

The liability of the insurer begins from the moment when the goods are taken from the warehouse at the point of departure and continues throughout the entire carriage until the goods are delivered to the final destination specified in the contract.

The relationship between the insurer and the insured in the event of an insured event is determined in the following order. The insured is obliged to take all possible measures to save the cargo, as well as to ensure the right of the insurance organization to recourse to the guilty party. The policyholder must inform the insurer about the occurrence of an insured event within 24 hours, which, in turn, no later than three days after receiving the relevant documents, must begin to draw up an act and determine the amount of damage suffered by the policyholder.

In accordance with the concluded cargo insurance contracts, guarantees provided by insurance companies in the event of an insured event are divided according to the composition of the risks included in the contract:

Cargo insurance "Responsible for all risks". According to these terms and conditions of insurance, losses, expenses and contributions from general average, as well as damages from damage and total loss of all or part of the insured cargo, which occurred for any reason of an accidental nature, are subject to compensation. The exceptions are military risks, exposure to radiation, intent and gross negligence of the insured, special properties and qualities of the cargo and other risks associated with the specifics of the cargo and its transportation.

Cargo insurance "With liability for private accident". Under the terms of insurance, losses are indemnified from damage or total loss of all or part of the cargo resulting from an explosion or fire, a crash or collision of vehicles, destruction of bridges, tunnels, other transport communications, loss of a vehicle without a trace, natural disasters, etc. The basic principle of this insurance condition is that only what is specified in the insurance contract is subject to protection, everything else is considered uninsured.

Cargo insurance "No liability for damage except in the event of a crash." In terms of the amount of liability, the conditions of this type of insurance practically coincide with the conditions of insurance “with liability for a private accident”. The difference lies in the fact that under the terms of insurance "with liability for a partial accident" losses are indemnified from damage or total loss of all or part of the cargo. And under the terms of insurance “without liability for damage, except in cases of a crash”, losses are indemnified only from the complete loss of all or part of the cargo.

By agreement of the parties, the cargo can be insured under other conditions, including against additional risks. When insuring, the experience of insuring other property, as well as international practice of cargo insurance, can be used.

Voluntary vehicle insurance

Vehicle insurance is carried out on a voluntary basis and before concluding a motor vehicle insurance contract with an insurance company, you must familiarize yourself with its license, since insurance is a licensed type of activity. Particular attention should be paid to what specific type of insurance the insurer is entitled to carry out.

For some types of insurance, including vehicle insurance, insurers issue standard insurance rules containing the main insurance conditions, which should also be read before concluding a contract.

Note that when concluding an insurance contract, you should seek the help of qualified lawyers, since the insurance rules developed by insurers may have provisions that are contrary to law.

The main documents regulating insurance issues are the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4015-1.

In accordance with Article 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the parties to a property insurance contract are the insurer, policyholder or other person in whose favor the insurance contract is concluded (beneficiary). Essential conditions insurance contracts, according to which an agreement should be reached between the insurer and the insured, in accordance with Article 942 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, are:

definition of property that is the object of insurance;

definition of an insured event;

Determination of the sum insured;

Establishing the term of the insurance contract.

Under a property insurance contract, the insurer undertakes, for the fee stipulated by the contract (insurance premium), upon the occurrence of an insured event provided for in the contract, to compensate the insured or other person (beneficiary) for the losses caused by the insured event, or losses in connection with other property interests of the insured within the sum insured defined by the agreement.

The scope of liability of the insurer in the insurance of motor vehicles is the losses caused by the loss or damage to the insured vehicles as a result of:

Accidents (collisions, collisions, rollovers, falls);

fire, explosion of the engine or fuel tank;

earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters;

· theft and theft of vehicles and other illegal actions of third parties.

An exception to the scope of the insurer's liability are losses resulting from:

Intention of the insured or other persons at whose disposal the vehicle was with the consent of the insured;

Violations of fire safety rules or rules for the storage and transportation of flammable or explosive substances and objects;

Operation of faulty vehicles;

Driving vehicles by persons who do not have a driver's license, as well as persons who were intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.

In accordance with Article 930 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, property may be insured in favor of a person who has an interest based on law or other legal act or contract in the preservation of this property. The insurance contract in the absence of the policyholder's interest in the preservation of the insured property is considered invalid. Thus, the basis for concluding a vehicle insurance contract is a document confirming the right to own a vehicle. If the policyholder is not the owner of the vehicle, he must present or a power of attorney for the right to drive the vehicle. The data of these documents are entered into the insurance contract.

The insurer, when concluding an insurance contract in accordance with Article 945 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, has the right to inspect the vehicle, and, if necessary, appoint an examination in order to establish its actual value.

The amount within which the insurer is obliged to pay insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event, in accordance with Article 947 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is determined by an agreement between the insured and the insurer, while the sum insured should not exceed the actual value of the insured property.

The main types of motor vehicle insurance are insurance of the vehicle itself, as well as insurance of additional equipment installed on the vehicle. In addition, it is possible to insure the life and health of the driver and passengers, as well as the driver's liability to third parties for causing harm to their life, health and property in the event of an insured event.

The insurance contract is concluded, as a rule, for one year, and enters into force in accordance with Article 957 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation at the time of payment of the insurance premium or its first installment, however, the insurance contract may provide otherwise. Unless the contract provides for a different term for the entry into force of the agreement, the insurance covers insured events that occurred after the entry into force of the insurance agreement. From this article of the Civil Code it follows that the liability of the insurer comes from the moment of making Money by the insured to the cash desk of the insurer when paying in cash or from the moment the funds are received by the insurer.

Article 958 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides early dissolution of the contract, if after its entry into force the possibility of an insured event has disappeared due to the loss of the insured property for reasons other than the insured event. In this case, the insurer is entitled to a part of the insurance premium in proportion to the time during which the insurance was valid.

The policyholder has the right to voluntarily cancel the insurance contract, if by the time of cancellation the possibility of an insured event has not disappeared. In this case, the insurance premium paid to the insurer is non-refundable.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insured, in accordance with Article 961 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is obliged to immediately notify the insurer of its occurrence. The method of such notification and terms should be stipulated in the insurance contract.

For getting insurance compensation the following documents are submitted:

an insurance contract;

application in the form prescribed by the insurer;

In case of a traffic accident, a certificate from the traffic police of the established form;

· in case of vehicle theft, a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, confirming the fact that the policyholder applied to the police about the vehicle theft;

certificate of registration of the vehicle;

insurance act drawn up by the insurer;

Estimate for repairs.

The estimate for the repair should include only those costs that are associated with the occurrence of an insured event. The contract or insurance rules should provide for who will make the estimate - the policyholder or the insurer.

Analyzing the legal foundations of property insurance related to such a type of property as vehicles, we note that all types of property insurance of vehicles are voluntary, with the exception of civil liability insurance of the vehicle owner, which is mandatory.

Main normative document, which determines the legal, economic and organizational foundations of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners is the federal law dated April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ "On compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners).

According to article 6 of the said law:

“The object of compulsory insurance is property interests associated with the risk of civil liability of the owner of the vehicle for obligations arising from damage to life, health or property of the victims when using the vehicle in the territory Russian Federation».

The rules for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2003 No. 263, determine the standard conditions in accordance with which a contract for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners is concluded.

You can find more details about the above issues in the book of the authors of CJSC "BKR-INTERCOM-AUDIT" "Motor transport and transport services".

Learn more about questions related to order accounting and taxation of expenses under voluntary insurance contracts, you can find in the book of the authors of CJSC "BKR-INTERCOM-AUDIT" "Voluntary insurance as expenses".

Property insurance is a type of insurance activity designed to protect the property interests of a person. The main risks under this property insurance include loss, death, threat to life and health, as well as financial risks. The amount of insurance payments always depends on the value of the property when assessed by the insurance company.

Based on the subject of the insurance obligation, property insurance is divided into two categories:

  • private property insurance;
  • corporate property insurance.

The main objects of property insurance of citizens are:

  • houses, apartments and buildings;
  • valuable items and papers;
  • household items;
  • vehicles;
  • animals.

Enterprises, organizations and institutions, as a rule, insure those means of production and values ​​that are used in their activities:

  • transport;
  • means of production;
  • specialized equipment;
  • agricultural crops;
  • cargo.

Most types of insurance are voluntary.

The risk classification of insured property includes three subcategories:

  • the risk of losing the right to own property;
  • risks directly related to the property itself;
  • liability to other persons when using property.

The policyholder may insure property only against certain types of risks or against several at once.

The main essence of property insurance is that it is inextricably linked with the right to own, use or dispose of it.

Attention! It is important to remember that, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, risk insurance from participation in games and lotteries is not allowed; unlawful interests, as well as monetary or other personal expenses that a person may incur as a result of the release of hostages.

  1. Fire and other disaster insurance. An insured event occurs in case of fire, intentional arson, explosion, lightning strike or other causes of ignition. In addition, damage caused by hurricanes, storms, hail, landslides, accidents on structures can become a condition for paying out the insurance amount. A feature of the variety of such insurance contracts is that the document specifies cases when payments are not made.
  2. Transport insurance. One of the three types of this category (OSAGO) is mandatory for all vehicle owners. CASCO and CARGO insurance (cargo insurance) in Russia is carried out on a voluntary basis. If the parties show interest in introducing other types of insurance risks, they are included in the contract as agreed.
  3. Production stoppage insurance. The content of such contracts is additional to the contract of insurance of the main and additional funds companies. The main task of insurance is to prevent losses from forced downtime of the enterprise.
  4. Commercial risk insurance. Provides an opportunity to protect the company from losses caused by various changes in market conditions or external circumstances. Since there is a rather voluminous list of commercial risks, and their characterization requires deep economic knowledge, this is one of the most complex insurance mechanisms. But thanks to payments under such insurance obligations, the company can compensate for the financial losses incurred.

Attention! According to the form of insurance, it can be compulsory, voluntary or compulsory state.

Regardless of the type and form of insurance, there is a general procedure for complying with the obligations of each of the parties. Thus, the insurer must explain to the client the rules of the operation, in the event of an insured event - make the necessary payments, reimburse the client's expenses to prevent or reduce the damage caused, keep all information about his client in secret.

The insured must pay premiums in a timely manner, inform about the insured risks known to him, and contribute in every possible way to prevent or reduce the damage caused.

Types of property insurance contracts

The concept of the type of property insurance contract is inextricably linked with the definition of property interests:

  1. The property insurance contract is aimed at protecting the interest of owning things, money or other valuables. Such a document, as a rule, is concluded in favor of a specific person who has the right of ownership or possession of the relevant property. The contract can also be drawn up for the person responsible for the storage of material or other property values. There is also a type of contract in which the beneficiary is not indicated. Usually, such documents are used when insuring goods or items, the owner of which changes many times. With the so-called insurance “at the expense of whom it follows”, the basic principle - the presence of a property interest - is preserved. Thus, the policyholder is interested in preserving the property, and the insurer, upon the occurrence of an insured event, has every right to demand documents. Which confirm the ownership of the object of insurance.
  2. The civil liability insurance contract allows you to protect yourself from risks that are caused to the health, life or property of another person. A feature of this type of documents is that if in case of damage insurance, the insurant himself or another person indicated by him can be the subject of insurance, then in case of contractual insurance (for example, bank insurance of deposits of individuals), only the insured is the subject. With the insurance option under consideration, liability can be insured, both one that does not depend on any particular person, or based on someone responsible.
  3. Business risk insurance contract, the main element of which is the ability to provide for losses, non-payments, and the release of hazardous products. The right to this type of compensation for an insured event is enjoyed only by citizens who are entrepreneurs. A variety of insurance for this type of risk is the insurance of risks that arise in the course of the activities of the insurers themselves (known as reinsurance). During the transaction, the reinsurer does not contact the primary insured, and the obligations under the concluded contracts with each insurer remain in full.

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The property of individuals and legal entities is often exposed to various risks, as a result of which it is damaged or becomes unsuitable for further operation.

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Owners of real estate may be in danger even at the stage of the purchase and sale transaction, as they may suffer from the criminal actions of intruders.

A timely issued insurance policy, which can be purchased at any Russian insurance company, will help to minimize the likelihood of financial losses from property damage.

What it is

Property insurance is quite complex system relationship arising between an individual or legal entity with an insurance company. Close interaction between the insurer and the insured person begins at the moment of signing the relevant contract.

This document prescribes the main tasks of the insurance company, which are to protect all property rights of individuals or legal entities from various risks.

Property insurance covers not only the process of selling and buying property, but also all the interests of its owners associated with its operation, possession and disposal.

The economic essence of property insurance is as follows:

  • receipt of timely insurance premiums from insured persons;
  • payment of monetary compensation to the victims in the event of an insured event specified in the contract.

At present the Federal Russian legislation allows individuals and legal entities to insure their property interests against any risks.

Most often, insurance policies indicate the following risks that entail damage to property:

  • any kind of damage;
  • a loss;
  • theft;
  • lack;
  • intentional damage;
  • damage to property as a result of entrepreneurial activities, etc.

In the event of an insured event insurance policy the following payments are made:

  • the full value of the property of an individual or legal entity that was damaged as a result of an insured event specified in the policy (in some cases, insurers pay money to insured persons to carry out all necessary restoration measures, after which the property will become suitable for further use);
  • the amount of lost income by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs as a result of damage to property (related to the insured event).

What types are there, their features

In recent years, the following types of property insurance have been very popular on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • from commercial risks;
  • from fire;
  • from losses caused by interruptions in production;
  • transport insurance;
  • from the risks of new equipment and technologies;
  • other types.

Today in Russia, insurance participants can issue a policy that will protect the following property interests:

  • , dachas, garages, unfinished objects, utility buildings, industrial and commercial buildings, etc.;
  • and industrial premises;
  • furniture, household appliances and other items used in everyday life by every person;
  • personal motor vehicles and motor vehicles;
  • art objects;
  • harvest;
  • livestock;
  • pets (cats, dogs, exotic animals, etc.);
  • various equipment operating from the electrical network is insured against damage caused by voltage surges;
  • property involved by Russian citizens in their business activities, etc.

The following property cannot be insured if:

  • stored in premises in emergency condition;
  • malfunctioning or has any other external signs of an emergency condition;
  • does not belong to a person who has decided to take part in property insurance.

Contracts between insurance companies and legal entities and individuals for insurance can be concluded on special conditions the following types property:

  • Money;
  • valuable papers;
  • any documents and manuscripts;
  • indoor plants;
  • birds, etc.


Most often, Russian citizens, as well as leaders commercial organizations insure their property against fire. This is explained by the fact that most of the insured persons face this type of risk.

By purchasing an insurance policy, individuals and legal entities provide comprehensive protection for their property:

  • from fire (spontaneous combustion, deliberate arson, electrical wiring failure, etc.);
  • from a lightning strike;
  • from an explosion, etc.

Insurance companies offer Russian citizens and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to include additional risks in their insurance policy that may damage their property:

  • any form of theft;
  • natural disasters;
  • accidents in communication systems that caused damage to property;
  • traffic accidents, etc.


In recent years, vehicle owners, as well as entrepreneurs and commercial companies that regularly organize the transportation of their products to their counterparties, have been actively involved in transport insurance.

This is due to the fact that various troubles can happen with any car, truck, air, rail or river transport. If the owner of the cargo has an insurance policy, the insurer will reimburse him for all losses incurred.

Two types of policies can be involved in transport insurance:

  • CASCO, vehicles and motorcycles participate in this type of insurance;
  • CARGO, this type of insurance policy is issued during the transportation of goods.

Legal entities and individuals who wish to take part in transport insurance should take into account that the cargo insurance procedure can be carried out under certain conditions:

  • the insurer bears full responsibility for all risks;
  • the insurer indemnifies the owner of the cargo only in case of a private accident;
  • the insurer is only liable in the event of a vehicle crash.

From losses due to interruptions in production

Many Russian businessmen often suffer heavy losses caused by production shutdowns. Today they have a real opportunity to protect themselves from this type of risk. Thanks to participation in property insurance, the damage incurred by them will be compensated by the insurance company.

legal entities and For individual entrepreneurs one must take into account important nuance. The amount of monetary compensation paid under the insurance policy will directly depend on the downtime of production.

This nuance is necessarily negotiated by the insurance company with each client and is prescribed in the corresponding contract. The maximum period of allowable downtime is 12 months (it can be reduced at the request of the insured).

In this case, to calculate insurance rate the total value of gross output produced at the insured's enterprise will be taken into account.

Rates for insurance payments are set as a percentage of the total cost of gross output. Depending on the subjective conditions of the production cycle, the insured may differentiate insurance premium(tariff).

Commercial risks

Starting a commercial activity, Russian businessmen must be prepared for any surprises and risks.

By participating in property insurance, representatives of medium and small businesses can protect financial losses that will occur in the following cases:

  • in an unfavorable situation in the conjecture of the domestic market;
  • deterioration of conditions for the development of economic and investment activities;
  • influence financial crisis on the business of the insured, etc.

Other types

Individuals and representatives of medium and small businesses also take part in other types of property insurance:

  • cash at the time of their transportation;
  • construction of residential and industrial facilities;
  • cash deposits placed in domestic financial institutions;
  • water transport, etc.

Recently, another type of property insurance has become very popular - against political risks.

Property insurance obligations

Each insurance company has certain obligations to the insured person, which must be fulfilled upon the occurrence of any of the insured events specified in the contract.

Any property of Russian citizens and representatives of medium and small businesses can act as an object of insurance.

The procedure for making settlements between insurers and policyholders is regulated by the legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the insurer, after appropriate verification and registration, will have to carry out compensation payment the owner of the damaged property.

Types of contract

Between the parties participating in property insurance, an agreement is mandatory concluded that defines their rights and obligations.

As required Civil Code Russian Federation for registration of property insurance, Insurance companies can conclude the following agreements with legal entities and individuals:

  1. Property insurance contract.
  2. Civil liability insurance contract.
  3. Business risk insurance contract.

Under property insurance, property is understood not only as a specific item, thing, but also as a group of things, items, products, as well as means of transport, cargo, state property and property of citizens, financial risks, etc.

Under special insurance contracts, individual insurers accept for insurance:

  • a) various collections, paintings, unique and antique items, if the policyholder has a document confirming their assessment by a competent organization;
  • b) articles made of precious metals, semi-precious and ornamental stones;
  • V) Construction Materials, including those located on the land;
  • d) walk-behind tractors, other gardening equipment, inventory, spare parts

property insurance natural person

In insurance practice, property insurance includes any insurance that is not related to personal insurance and liability insurance.

The variety of values ​​accepted for insurance, the differences in the set of events against which insurance protection is carried out, make it necessary to classify this insurance sub-sector. The classification can be based on various criteria.

Two classifications are used: according to the objects of insurance and according to the type of danger. The first classification is general, the second is partial, covering only property insurance.

It is also important to subdivide the types of insurance depending on who acts as the insured. Based on this criterion, two groups can be distinguished:

insurance of property of legal entities (industrial property);

property insurance of individuals (personal property).

In turn, these groups, depending on specific objects, can be divided into separate types. In particular, in the first group, property insurance of enterprises, cargo insurance, insurance of water and air transport are distinguished. The second group includes insurance of buildings and apartments owned by citizens, home property insurance, pet insurance.

The form of insurance can be mandatory or voluntary.

Compulsory insurance is carried out by virtue of law, based on social expediency. When it is carried out, insurance liability is unlimited in time for the objects of insurance established by law and the circle of insurers, it occurs automatically.

Compulsory insurance includes:

compulsory insurance of property owned by citizens ( residential buildings, buildings, etc.), the destruction or damage of which affects not only personal, but also public interests;

state compulsory insurance of passengers against accidents in air, rail, sea, and road transport;

Voluntary insurance is carried out by virtue of law on a voluntary basis. The law determines General terms, and the specific terms of insurance are regulated by the insurer in the insurance contract. This form provides an opportunity for free choice of services in the insurance market.

Property insurance protects the interests of the insured related to the possession, use, disposal of property:

agricultural insurance (crops and animals);

property insurance of citizens;

insurance of property of enterprises of various forms of ownership.

All links of the classification are arranged so that each subsequent link is part of the previous one.

property insurance- this is an industry that provides insurance protection for the property interests of policyholders and insured persons, associated with the possession, use and disposal of their property, material values.

Under a property insurance contract, one party (the insurer) undertakes, for the fee stipulated by the contract (insurance premium), upon the occurrence of an event (insurance event) provided for in the contract, to compensate the other party (the insured) or another person in whose favor the contract was concluded (the beneficiary), caused as a result of this events, losses in the insured property or losses in connection with other property interests of the insured (to pay insurance compensation) within the amount specified by the contract (sum insured) (clause 1, article 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

It should be noted that under a property insurance contract, the insured or beneficiary has a special interest - property - in concluding the contract. Such interests are listed in paragraph 2 of Art. 929 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, these include:

Risk of loss (destruction), shortage or damage to certain property;

The risk of liability for obligations arising from causing harm to life, health or property of other persons, and in cases provided for by law, also liability under contracts - the risk of civil liability;

The risk of losses from entrepreneurial activities due to breach of their obligations by counterparties of the entrepreneur or changes in the conditions of this activity due to circumstances beyond the control of the entrepreneur, including the risk of not receiving expected income - entrepreneurial risk.

The object of insurance in property insurance are material values which may be insured. For example, buildings, crops, cars, household items.

The term of property insurance is set based on the interests of the insured, usually from 1 month to 1 year or more - with voluntary insurance. The property insurance contract shall enter into force from the moment of payment of the insurance premium or the first insurance premium, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

With compulsory insurance of property, its insurance protection continues for the entire period of operation (use) of the objects. The economic content of property insurance lies in the organization of a special insurance fund intended to compensate for damage to its participants, which arose as a result of harm. The insured property may be property that is the property of the insured (member of the insurance fund), or that is in his possession, use and disposal. The insurers are not only the owners of the property, but also other legal and natural persons, responsible for his safety. The conditions for insuring someone else's and one's own property can vary significantly, which is reflected in the specific rules of insurance.

There are many types of property insurance. All of them can be grouped as follows:

1) agricultural:

agricultural crops;


Other property of agricultural enterprises;

2) transport:

Cargo insurance;


3) property insurance of legal entities (everything that is not included in agricultural and transport insurance);

4) property insurance of individuals:



home property;

Vehicle citizens.

The objects of insurance are fixed and circulating assets for industrial and non-industrial purposes, crops, animals, products, vehicles, equipment, inventory, household items, a collection of paintings, etc. Property insurance occupies a leading position in the field of foreign insurance operations in the Russian Federation: export insurance -import cargo, ships, aircraft, construction and installation risks, etc.

Property insurance is to provide compensation, primarily direct actual damage, restoration of dead (damaged) objects. In addition, property insurance provides for the implementation of measures to prevent or reduce losses, to ensure the safety of the insured property. The fulfillment of this role is achieved by the application of legal norms that require the insurer to perform certain preventive work, by stimulating these measures through a system of discounts and discounts on payments and limiting indemnity payments, as well as by deducting part of insurance payments to finance appropriate preventive measures.

To encourage policyholders who take good care of their property, some insurance companies make a discount on insurance rates when re-concluding insurance contracts if there were no claims under the old (previous) contracts.

Property insurance is divided into the following types.

Vehicle insurance is a type of insurance in which the objects of insurance are mechanized and other means of transport. Insurance of means of transport of the population is carried out on a voluntary basis. According to the current rules, vehicles subject to registration by the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as water transport registered in the prescribed manner, are accepted for insurance.

Payment of insurance compensation is carried out in case of damage or destruction of the means of transport as a result of an accident, fire, explosion, hurricane, impact, earthquake, collapse, landslide, flood, flood, damage to the plumbing or heating system and other disasters, as well as theft of means of transport or an outboard boat motor and their death or damage in connection with theft or theft.

Cargo insurance is one of the most important types of marine insurance. In international practice, standard conditions have been developed for this type of insurance. The main thing in cargo insurance is the insurance condition “with responsibility for all risks”.

When cargo is insured with liability for a private “accident”, losses are compensated: from damage or complete loss of all or part of the cargo as a result of the following reasons:

Missing ship;

Losses, expenses and contributions to general average in connection with the necessary and expediently incurred expenses for the write-off of the cargo;

Reduction of loss and determination of its amount, if the loss is compensated under the terms of insurance.

When insuring buildings owned by citizens, buildings (residential houses, garden houses, dachas, outbuildings) owned by citizens on the basis of personal property rights, put in a permanent place and having walls and a roof, are subject to insurance. Dilapidated buildings are not subject to insurance if they are not used for household needs, as well as buildings, the address of whose owners is unknown.

Buildings are insured in case of their destruction or damage as a result of a fire, explosion, lightning strike, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, tsunami, downpour, hail, collapse, landslide, flood, mudflow, outflow of groundwater, prolonged rains unusual for the area and heavy snowfall, failure of the heating system, water supply and sewerage systems, and also when, in order to prevent the spread of fire or due to the sudden threat of any natural disaster, it was necessary to dismantle the buildings or move them to another place. The events listed above are insured events.