Profitability of Internet investment projects. Reliable investments online

Greetings! This year cannot be called boring and predictable: neither for Russia nor for global financial markets. Indices in both Russia and the United States grew beautifully; over the past 10 months, my portfolio has grown by 20 percent.

What's next? How to preserve capital in a situation of high uncertainty? What to invest in in 2019-2020? For convenience, I divided the instruments by goals: not to lose, to make money on the growth of an asset and/or and to receive income in foreign currency.

Here I included tools with almost 100% reliability. “Almost” - because . All three assets only partially compensate for losses from inflation!

Bank deposits

If your investment horizon is too short for risky assets, you don't have much choice. Ideas will also have to be abandoned, so the only thing left for you is the banal ones. bank deposits.

If you need to try to save your capital primarily from yourself, your loved one, then it is better to open time deposits, without the right to replenish and withdraw (for example, the “Save” product from Sberbank). Such deposits always offer the maximum interest rate. And they are prohibited from withdrawing part of the deposit until it is closed.

The main thing is not to forget about the “limiter” in the form of 1.4 million rubles in one bank. This is exactly how much (and not a penny more) the Deposit Insurance Agency will return in the event of bank bankruptcy.

Reliable bonds

If you have a slightly longer horizon and a slightly higher financial IQ, you will probably be interested in these debt securities. Judge for yourself: the risks of bankruptcy of the state are much lower than the risks of bankruptcy of any one bank, even a large one. Plus, bond yields are almost always higher than bank deposits.

By the way, are you aware that with the money that you leave as a deposit, the bank almost immediately buys bonds and thereby earns the difference in interest without risking anything?

Bonds are considered the most reliable federal loan. Their repayment is guaranteed by the government Russian Federation. But it is better to form a bond portfolio from. Fortunately, the symbolic cost of the bond (only 1000 rubles) allows this.

You can advise something specific only knowing your specific investment plan, so below I will give a couple of papers that I think are interesting.

For example, OFZ-PK are bonds with a variable coupon. The coupon size is tied to the average RUONIA rate and is revised from time to time. OFZ-PD fixes the coupon size at a constant level (for example, 6-7% per annum) until maturity.

But I think the most interesting option in 2019 is . The face value of such bonds is constantly indexed to the inflation rate (calculated using the consumer price index for each day with a lag of three months). For OFZ-IN, the coupon is 2.5% per annum above inflation (CPI).



Unlike bonds, stocks are instruments with potentially high returns. Experts believe that in 2019 the MICEX index will further increase, the Central Bank will continue to lower the key rate, and oil prices will rise. Against this background, many Russian “giants” have good growth potential.

To make a profit in the future, today you can invest in securities of exporting companies: ALROSA (excellent company performance for last year), Protek, NLMK (Rosneft is not on the list of recommended companies). Analysts advise paying attention to the shares of LUKOIL and Sberbank, which were undervalued last year (even though it grew very strongly, its p\e is still low).

Some are betting on the rise of electricity companies that have floundered in the past year. The shares of Rosseti and IDGC of the South are of particular interest.

The main idea and advice is to pay attention to companies with growth prospects and.

Abroad, the high-tech sector looks more promising than others: Facebook, Alphabet, BYD Company, Google, Amazon, Netflix, NVIDIA and others.

Own business

Owning your own business is a profitable but very risky option. Initial capital is needed from the first day, and the return on investment can be obtained, at best, in six months to a year. Or not get it at all...

To avoid risking large amounts of money, start with an online project. Firstly, a lot of problems like renting an office, warehouse and logistics disappear. Secondly, the starting amounts here are much more modest than for opening your own.

To receive passive income

Real estate

Real estate generates passive income only when “square meters” are rented out. But you shouldn’t count on millions in profits from renting out ordinary residential premises.

I provide data for 2016 from the SRG analytical center. The average return on residential real estate in St. Petersburg is 7.7% per year (return on investment is 14 years). In Moscow, the average yield is lower: 5.8% per annum with a payback period of 17 years.

Real estate abroad brings even less - up to 5-6% per annum. In some cases, it is better to delegate the decision of all organizational issues to a professional management company. She will look for tenants, resolve issues with ongoing repairs and payments, etc. For this she will have to “donate” 15-20% of the rental price. But - real passive income!

On the other hand, if you have an apartment for rent, you can try to rent it out on a daily basis (via AirBNB, mainly to foreigners) and thereby increase your yield to 10-12% per annum with good occupancy.

To receive income in foreign currency

Of course, to receive income in foreign currency, you can simply buy shares or. This way you will partially eliminate the risk of being left with nothing. another collapse ruble But there are other ways.


Eurobonds boast all the advantages of ruble bonds. Plus they have additional protection against currency risks. After all, that’s why they are “euro”, because they are denominated in foreign currency: dollars, euros, Swiss francs and British pounds sterling.

Today, Eurobonds of such companies as AHML, Alfa-Bank, VTB Bank, Gazprom, LUKOIL, MTS, NLMK, Novatek, Russian Railways, Rosneft, Sberbank, PhosAgro and Uralkali are presented on the Moscow Exchange.

The average yield on Eurobonds is 3-5% per annum (paid twice a year). The minimum denomination of a security starts at $1000. The main problem with such securities is liquidity. But more about this some other time.

Unit-linked programs

I have already discussed unit-linked programs. Let me remind you: a foreign product combines savings, life insurance and investments.

Moreover, you can invest in a bunch of foreign instruments that are not available to private investors from Russia. For example, in the same mutual funds, where entry thresholds through a broker often start at $50,000.

By the way, since 2013, the Moscow Exchange has been successfully trading, which covers a fairly large part of the markets previously available only through foreign brokers.

For some of them, the average annual return from mid-2014 to mid-2016 (in ruble terms) was about 50%. For example, FinEx MSCI USA Information Technology UCITS ETF (shares of the US IT sector) grew by 49.8% per year.

But foreign currency deposits today bring mere pennies (up to 2% per annum). And no one is considered as a serious investment tool anymore.

In this article I have presented only some of the tools available to the average investor from Russia. Remember that only by collecting these kinds of assets can you be sure of achieving the challenges you face!

What assets do you plan to invest in in 2018-2019? Subscribe to updates and share links to fresh posts with your friends on social networks!

Hello! In this article we will talk about investing on the Internet.

Today you will learn:

  • About the features of investing on the Internet;
  • How can you start making a profit?
  • About the rules of online investments;
  • And how can you earn money with only 100 rubles.

The Internet has made many areas of everyday life much easier. But most of all he influenced the financial sector. Now you don't have to wait several days for money transfers, cash has almost completely disappeared from the circulation of companies, and banks are already issuing loans on the Internet in full force.

Investment activity is also gradually moving to the Internet, but the rules for investing on the World Wide Web are still just being formed. So what should you invest in on the Internet? How can you get maximum profit? And what risks await those who dare to invest on the World Wide Web? You will learn about all this below.

Features of investing on the Internet

Websites are made for several purposes:

  • Making profit from advertising;
  • Sale of goods or services;
  • Self-promotion.

The most popular way to make money on a website is advertising, and for this, dozens of websites are created every minute, only one of which will bring real profit to the owner. In order to do this, you will need minimal knowledge in the field of website development and promotion. But most of this knowledge is acquired along the way, and the main thing in creating a website is to start.


Investing in is a rather risky but profitable idea. There are many services online where people raise money for their new and ambitious projects. Investments in their business presuppose the presence of a share and, accordingly, a claim to the company’s income.

To understand the likelihood of receiving an investment, you need to look at the statistics:

20% of startups turn out to be profitable for investors. 60% reach the point of self-sufficiency and end their activities. 20% bring losses. Accordingly, 1 out of 5 startups will make a profit, 3 will return investments and 1 will be unprofitable.

This is why you need to invest in startups with a minimum amount of knowledge. First you need to carefully study the niche, then the project, and only then make a choice whether to invest your money in it or not.

Mutual lending platforms

Mutual lending among individuals is what the market has come to over the past few years. The emergence of microfinance organizations has left the niche of short-term and cheap lending open. And platforms have come into play, distributing money between investors and creditors. Most often by individuals. Interest rates on such sites are higher than in banks, but lower than in microfinance. They bring up to 50% per year.

There is another service for mutual lending– Debt Webmoney. There, users independently issue loans to each other. Interest on loans can reach 100% per day, but the risks are quite high. About 70% of loans through this system are not returned to creditors.

Deposits in microfinance organizations

Microfinance satisfies the population's need for quick money, but own funds They often don’t have enough for this. That is why they attract deposits from individuals and in large volumes. You can become an investor by going to the website of any microfinance organization in the “investors” section. There will be all the up-to-date information about the amount of funds for depositors, interest rates and guarantees.

This method is very risky due to the fact that there is a high risk of non-repayment of funds from clients, and, accordingly, a delay in payments on the deposit.

Domain Investments

The most controversial of all investment methods. It can bring either 10 million in one transaction or not bring a single cent to the investor. Who invests in domains and why? Most investors assume that a company or individual will want to make a website on a topical domain, and buy it in advance to resell it.

Some domains that are now owned by global corporations have brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars to their original owners. And all so that the domain is remembered and associated with a specific company.

Pros and cons of investing on the Internet

Now let's look at all the pros and cons of investing on the Internet.

The advantages include:

  • Consistently high profits;
  • All operations are carried out from home;
  • Free schedule;
  • Minimum financial investment;
  • Ease of control;
  • Possibility to withdraw funds at any time.

But there is one minus, and for some it may cover all possible advantages. This disadvantage is the huge risks that the investor takes on. Having invested in any online project, regardless of whether it is a Forex broker, a startup project, or a mutual lending exchange, it is always worth remembering that there is a significant risk that the money will not be returned.

There are two categories of risks: trading and non-trading. Trading mistakes include many of the investor's mistakes in managing funds. Wrong choice of object, amount of investment, slow reaction to losses, and so on. All this leads to the fact that the investment account goes into the red, and the investor suffers losses.

Non-trading risks are everything that does not depend on the investor. Force majeure, hacker attacks and other events that occur by chance. They cannot be prevented, but you can react in time and minimize your losses.

Fraud by investee companies appears, at first glance, to fall into the second category. But that's not true. Investing in scammers is a direct mistake of the investor and his shortcoming. This means that the person did not collect all the data about the company and was unable to recognize the fraudster.

One of the rules of investment is that losses fall entirely on the investor. After all, he himself chose the object and the amount of investment. Therefore, from every loss of money he must learn lessons about what not to do. But we should not forget that profit is also the result of the investor’s activities, and it also needs to be analyzed and the same decisions repeated in order to receive income in the future.

The main mistakes of investors

It’s better to learn from someone else’s example, so let’s look at the top 5 main mistakes of novice and experienced investors:

  1. Lack of strategy. This is the main mistake that reduces investment to playing in a casino. Wins are possible, but losses will hit your pocket much harder;
  2. Investment in one project. Diversification (sharing) of risks is the key to making profits and minimizing losses. Divide your investment into 3 projects, and the failure of one will not hit you so hard at the expense of the others;
  3. Investing in untested projects. Returning to the previous topic - fraud on the part of the investment target company lies entirely on the conscience of the investor, because he himself chose and invested his funds there;
  4. Pursuit of profit. Especially on initial stage investors try to get everything at once by investing in high-yield, untested assets. And they naturally fail. Excessive greed benefits no one;
  5. Neglect of safety. Payments on the Internet must be protected to the highest level. Safety depends on this Money, especially in the current reality of constant hacker attacks.

In general, beginners just need to follow the simple tips indicated in this article and avoid mistakes in order to receive a stable profit with a high degree of probability.

Last update: December 27, 2019

Good afternoon, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Recently, investing on the Internet has become increasingly popular. Today’s publication will be about them.

Readers of our article will find a lot of interesting things in it, namely:

  • What are the features of investing using the Internet?
  • What are the advantages of online investing, and what problems may novice investors face?
  • What are the most popular ways to invest online?

We also tried to answer questions that most often arise from those who are interested in investing on the Internet.

This publication will be especially interesting for those who want to make money using modern methods investing using the Internet. Read about all this and much more right now!

About investing on the Internet: where to start investing and where you can invest money online, we will tell you in this issue

Many Not suspect that the Internet is not just an information space. Energetic and enterprising people, who also know how to think analytically, not only communicate and have fun on the Internet. The network provides such people with enormous opportunities to realize their potential. As a result, some people end up with quite serious money.

Do you want to earn money without leaving home, with only a computer and Internet access? Then promising financial instruments, allowing you to invest online just for you.

Any reasonable person wants to gain financial independence and work for himself. Ideally, income should be passive , that is, after a certain time, a person spends a minimum of time on work, while receiving maximum profit. This can be achieved if you make smart investments.

Using online investments, you can get:

  • stable income that does not require labor investment;
  • confidence in the future;
  • free time that you can spend as you wish.

Any adult should understand that the main wealth is time. If all of it is spent on earning a living, then years are wasted. There is no opportunity to communicate with loved ones, engage in creativity, travel, or engage in self-development.

This vicious circle can be broken if income does not depend on the time spent on work. Those who did not receive a huge inheritance from their ancestors can be advised to use investments. After all, they are an example of an affordable and very effective option. passive income .

However, it should be understood that it is not enough to invest in the first project that catches your eye. An important condition without which it will not be possible to achieve success is smart approach to investment .

In addition, you should not think that you will be able to get a lot of money without making any effort. In order for passive income to start bringing in money in the future, you need to make every effort in the present.

Every step in investment must be carefully considered and it is important to invest safely and after careful analysis.

We should not forget that any investment involves certain risks. And you need to be mentally prepared for this.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of investing online 📊

Investments using the Internet, like any financial mechanism, have their own advantages And flaws . Without knowledge of these features, it is impossible to competently manage invested capital.

Benefits online investment are:

  • high profitability;
  • opportunity ;
  • free work and rest schedule;
  • no need to have a big one sum of money to start making a profit;
  • ease of control;
  • the ability to withdraw funds at any time in the required amount.

Despite the significant advantages, investing via the Internet also has a significant disadvantage. It can be described as risk of loss of funds . In principle, such risks are inherent in all investment products, but they are especially relevant for online investments.

There are several components of this risk:

  • ineffective conduct of activities by the investment company;
  • investor mistakes;
  • bankruptcy of various companies;
  • hacker attacks;
  • unseen circumstances.

The first point relates to trading risk . An investor can influence it. It is enough to competently and carefully analyze investment instruments and companies before investing in them.

The remaining points relate to non-trading risk . Even experienced and very competent investors cannot influence it. But don't be afraid. The situations described do not occur very often. The likelihood that an investor will be exposed to non-trading risk with online investments is no greater than with other investments.

Thus, they highlight whole line benefits Internet investing. They are quite simple and intuitive.

Flaw such investments have only one - risks. It is important to know about them in order to take all possible measures to prevent them.

To make it easier to understand the risks, let’s summarize them in a table:

3. How and where to start investing on the Internet - 5 main conditions 💰

The main goal of beginners in the field of investing is Financial independence . Everyone wants to achieve it with the least financial and psychological problems. However, making a profit from investments is impossible without prior preparation.

At the same time, you need not only cash to start investing, but also a certain baggage of skills And knowledge. Read about where you can get money for investment.

It is also necessary to remember that there is a huge amount of scammers , who deceive money from gullible investors. It is important to be able to identify them and beware.

A huge number of investment options can drive beginners into a dead end. Moreover, some of them require serious financial knowledge, which means they are not at all suitable for beginners.

All these factors lead to the fact that a number of conditions are imposed on newcomers to the online investment market.

Basic requirements for beginners when investing online

Condition 1. Having at least minimal knowledge in the field of finance and economics

No one will dive deep unless they know how to swim. But a lot of beginners try to invest without understanding economics at all. As a result, instead of tangible profits, huge losses are obtained. This is why you should not invest even in a seemingly very successful project without knowledge of the basic principles of successful investment.

At the same time not necessary have a higher economic or financial education. It is quite possible to study the principles and mechanisms of profitable investing yourself. This won't take too much time.

It is best to start with the forums and blogs available on the Internet on relevant topics. After this, you can start studying specialized publications.

Don’t be afraid, a huge number of books have been written completely understandable And accessible language . And they are no less useful than most abstruse literature.

With a great desire and due diligence, it is enough to spend about two weeks.

A good example of useful literature is the book "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing", written by Robert Kiyosaki.

WITH a brief overview You can familiarize yourself with the (contents) of the book by watching the video:

Condition 2. High-quality Internet access

An important condition for successful investment is stable and high-speed Internet. Often this factor has a significant impact on the success and profitability of investments.

It is not only the presence of a stable connection that is important. All payment systems and wallets used when working with money must be financially secure. This will help protect your funds.

Condition 3. Resistance to stress

To be successful, an investor must be able to tolerate high levels of stress. It is equally important to have the right psychological attitude.

Any normal person will worry if he has to lose his money. It is important that these experiences do not become an obsessive fear, otherwise they will prevent you from soberly assessing the situation and making an informed decision.

You should be prepared for the fact that it is impossible to make a quick profit from investments. It is important to be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait quite a long time for results (especially at the beginning of your investor journey).

The first successes may not appear until a few months later. Moreover, The rule of thumb in investing is: the longer the investment period, the higher its profitability.

Condition 4. It is important to be objective

An investor must be able to soberly assess the opportunities available to him. No one has yet managed to earn more than the chosen investment instrument allows.

Investments should be made gradually. Before doing this, it is important to set specific goals for yourself, as well as determine the time frame for achieving them.

Condition 5. The investor must be prepared for financial losses

Any investment involves the risk of losing part of the invested funds. For beginners, the level of risk is much higher, because they do not have experience in effective risk management.

Investors should understand that it is not possible that absolutely all transactions will be profitable. Some of them will be unprofitable in any case.

No one can get rid of losses, not even professionals. It is important to be able to treat losses calmly, not make spontaneous decisions and conduct a thorough analysis of the situation.

If all the above conditions are met at the same time, the likelihood of making a profit from the investment increases significantly.

At first glance, it seems impossible to fulfill them. However, with experience, the attitude towards them changes and the above rules seem to be self-evident.

Proven ways to invest money online

4. Investing on the Internet - TOP-15 ways to invest money online 📝

Those who have even a small amount of free cash tend to save it. But this is not enough. I would also like to increase them. We already talked about this in the last issue.

There are various investment options available today. Among them, investments via the Internet are becoming increasingly popular. They are extremely diverse.

Method 1. Forex

One of the most popular ways of online investing is investing in Forex. The trader deposits funds into the trading account and makes a profit by conducting transactions on foreign exchange market. Income is generated by changing exchange rates of currency pairs. You can start by reading our article.

On the one hand, investments in currency operations Forex is akin to investment. However, on the other hand, it is weakly similar to passive income.

To make money, you will need a certain amount of knowledge, as well as time spent on conducting transactions and analyzing the market situation.

At the same time, income can be obtained much faster than with other investment methods (in a good situation, even up to 1 month).

When trading binary options, an investor can pay attention to any, even minor, market changes. In any case, you can get tangible income. This is another thing advantage of binary options, since when investing in other instruments, you can earn a good profit only on significant fluctuations.

Binary options trading is easy to understand. It doesn't matter how many points the price changes. If it goes in the direction desired by the investor, even with a difference in 1 point the investor will receive a predetermined amount of profit.

A binary option is based on an asset. It can be Not only currencies, but also securities, precious metals, indices And so on. Thanks to this diversity, the investor has the opportunity to more actively pursue a policy of risk diversification. Moreover, the liquidity of binary options is at a fairly high level.

Without a doubt, for success when investing in binary options It requires significant effort and mastering a fairly large layer of information.

The use of such a financial instrument also attracts investors because in the binary options market you can actively develop, apply and test your own trading strategies. Moreover, even small market fluctuations can bring significant income.

Method 4. Shares (stock market)

Another investment method that undoubtedly deserves attention is investing in shares. However, there is no way to eliminate certain risks here. About trading on the stock market (market valuable papers) we wrote in a separate article “”.

Previously, online investing in stocks was associated with simple and large earnings. However, now, after financial crisis, stocks even largest companies which are called blue chips , have lost their positions. Moreover, in today's situation, it is becoming increasingly difficult to correctly predict their behavior.

Investors should understand that investing in stocks only brings tangible returns in the long term .

You can earn money in two ways:

  1. On the Internet, investors most often engage in speculation in stocks (they buy cheaper and sell more expensive). But such operations are associated with increased risk due to instability of quotes and the possibility of a fall in the exchange rate. Helps reduce risk choosing the right stocks for investment.
  2. Income from shares can also be obtained in the form of dividends . They are paid to shareholders every year. Before receiving income in this way, it is important to find out which shares pay dividends and in what amount.

To trade stocks online, you must obtain a digital signature. You can trade through a special interface on a specific website or in a program provided by the broker.

Depositing funds to the site is possible in cash and non-cash form. Electronic wallets (for example, WebMoney) are used much less frequently. You can most often withdraw funds only to a bank account.

The investor should not forget that taxes must be paid on the income received from trading shares. Individuals transferred to the budget 13 % of profit.

Online investing in stocks has both advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plus speculative transactions with these securities is high level arrived.
  • Cons somewhat more. This is the need to pay tax as well extreme market instability.

In addition, unlike most other ways to make money online, when trading stocks, it is almost impossible to withdraw profits to electronic wallets.

Method 5. Investment in gold

Gold is very interesting investment instrument. For many years now, its value has been continuously increasing in the long term. This is why gold can be used when need to save And increase a fairly large sum of money. But this metal is not suitable for quick receipt income. The fact is that today gold is already quite expensive, and the growth of its value has begun to slow down.

You can invest in gold via the Internet using WebMoney. Already since 2007 in this system electronic money There is a gold selling function. This function is implemented through the opening of a WebMoneyGold wallet, in which funds are stored in gold 995 samples.

The account currency is measured in wmg, the unit of this value is equal to 1 gram of gold. The guarantor of the transaction is the company WMMetalsFZE, which is located in the UAE. Its website contains all the information necessary to work with gold accounts.

There are several ways to buy gold in the form of wmg:

  • using online exchangers;
  • through the automatic exchanger;
  • by transferring money to your account.

The investor is given the opportunity, if desired, to exchange wmg for gold bullion. However, for this you will have to come to the WMMetalsFZE office.

But it is worth considering that purchasing bullion is less profitable than buying electronic gold, since bullion is taxed tax. Naturally, additional payments increase investment costs.

Thus, the benefit of online investing in gold is price stability. However, one cannot count on significant profits in today’s situation, because the value of the asset has almost reached its maximum today.

Method 6. Precious metals in the form of compulsory medical insurance

Various precious metals (eg gold, platinum and silver) If desired, you can buy virtually. This can be done by using impersonal metal accounts (OMS) .

Compulsory medical insurance is an excellent way to invest as this instrument is tax-free. In addition, compulsory health insurance guarantees a stable, reliable income. This is due to the continuous growth of precious metals over the long term.

Investing in unallocated metal accounts is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Opening a metal account in a bank;
  2. Depositing metal into the account in terms of monetary units.

Traditionally, compulsory medical insurance opens for 12 months . Subsequently, at the request of the client, such an account can be extended.

The profitability of impersonal metal accounts is determined by changes in the cost of metals on markets within the country and around the world. Taking into account the fact that the price of precious metals decreases very rarely, investing in compulsory medical insurance for a long period of time practically guarantees an increase in the amount in the account.

  1. "Ultima" has been operating on the Russian market since 1996. This company offers investors a large number of investment instruments to choose from. Among them there are investing in gold. Ultima's features include investment insurance. Investors are offered support with all the necessary information and analytics. Ultima guarantees that all operations carried out are completely transparent; if desired, the investor can receive a report on the status of his investments at any time.
  2. "SotsAgroFinance"– a company that deals not only with financial transactions. But also production. She specializes in investing in precious metals, and gold mining industry. Investors are offered deposits with a fixed return. The company attracts funds to the real production sector. Despite the fact that the project is still very young, experts consider the company to be a promising participant in the financial market.

Method 7. Websites

One of the most popular ways to invest money online is investments in internet projects(websites, online services) with subsequent monetization. For this it is necessary Create new(See) or purchase an existing website . It is important to evaluate the benefits of investing in such a resource, promote and monetize it.

The level and regularity of profits received are largely determined by how much effort (and money) is invested in its development. If you don’t take care of your website, it will very quickly stop attracting an audience, and your profits will dry up.

The downside to using websites as an investment tool is the need to invest not only money in it, but also some effort. That is, this tool is more akin to work than passive investing.

Method 8. Startups

Those who are interested in investing in startups should remember that no one can guarantee that the project will bring profit. Moreover, Experts consider the following indicators normal: 20 % of invested projects bring profit, 60 % - pays off the remaining investment 20 % fail completely.

By the way, in one of the previous articles we talked about it in simple words.

The volume of investment in startups is unlimited. You can deposit several thousand rubles or millions of dollars. It is important to remember that the amount of investment should be determined in accordance with objective assessment, both the project itself and its team.

It is best to invest in those projects that are already developing and beginning to bring certain results. In this regard, startup projects that have just appeared or are even at the planning stage are less preferable.

It is important to remember that investing money in new projects is quite risky. However, if successful, such an investment can bring much greater profits. At the same time, the huge amount of resources on the Internet has led to the fact that in order to achieve success, a project must be inimitable and unique.

When searching for a promising startup, experts recommend paying attention to those resources whose topics correspond to an area in which the investor is quite well versed.

When the project is selected, you should discuss the terms of cooperation and investment with its owner. It is at this time that two important investment points are determined:

  1. In what form will the investment be made? This could be cash, a domain, or other investments.
  2. How will the investor receive income?, for example, in the form of a return of invested funds with interest, or the investor will take a certain share in the startup.

It turns out that investing in startups has significant disadvantages. This is a high level of risk as well as a significant investment. At the same time, the success of the project will allow you to make huge profits.

Method 9. Online stores

IN modern world The Internet provides the opportunity to actively trade almost anything. At the same time, you can quite successfully promote not only various goods and services, but also websites, as well as various intellectual products and information.

However, the development of online platforms requires investment of funds, which can sometimes be quite significant. However, their owners do not always have such funds.

As a result, in order to implement the project and start receiving income from it, its owners are looking for investors. For investing their money in the project, the owners pay investors fairly high interest rates.

Method 10. Investing in domains

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet. Therefore, many beautiful domain names have been taken for a long time. That's why it appeared the new kind generating income - buying and selling domains.

The profit from such investments can be quite significant. Those who bought website addresses at the beginning of the 2000s for about 500 rubles, they can sell them today more than 20,000. It turns out that the profit from such a transaction is about 250% per year.

If you manage to purchase a two-letter domain, you can sell it for about 10 000 dollars. Meaningful website names even cost several tens of thousands of dollars. Stories are known and transactions for exorbitant sums are known - near million dollars.

Register a beautiful website name today almost unreal, because most of them have been occupied for a long time. You can make a significant profit if your domains are associated with popular events. But you will have to react incredibly quickly.

It turns out that online investing in domains can be done exclusively on the secondary market. In other words, you can buy domains at online auctions or from their direct owners. True, after this you will have to be able to sell them at a higher price.

It is almost impossible for a non-specialist to invest in domains. This requires not only spending a huge amount of time, but also making every effort. It is important be able to assess the prospects of the purchased domain. If you do not do this correctly, situations are possible when investments not only will not bring income, but will not pay for themselves at all.

Therefore, investing money in domains is most often done professionals. If an ordinary investor decides to use this tool to make money, he should take into account the following rules:

  1. You should not invest in domains from exotic countries. They are quite expensive, but the prospect of their prices increasing is rather doubtful. Experts are considering the possibility of increasing their prices after the good addresses in the zone run out com. But no one can guarantee that a new English-speaking zone will not appear. That is, purchasing such domains involves significant risk.
  2. When purchasing, it is best to choose names that carry meaning. English words are popular, as well as high-quality transliteration of Russian words, especially if they relate to commercial topics. Two- and three-character combinations, as well as beautiful combinations of letters and numbers, are also valuable.

Based on these criteria, the investor must be prepared for significant financial expenses, which usually start from five thousand dollars. More affordable options are often offered on domain forums.

Thus, investing through the acquisition of domains is characterized by significant profits over a long period of time (more 5 years). The downside of such investments is that the best site names have long been purchased, while investing in the secondary market is associated with significant risk.

Method 11. Online debt service WebMoney Debt

You can choose another interesting instrument for investing - debt service which the system offers electronic wallets WebMoney.

There are several advantages of this option:

  • high interest rates (often reach 25 -100 % per annum);
  • there is no need to spend a lot of time.

All this makes such investments an excellent option for passive income.

How it works

The borrower opens a line of credit, the size of which can reach 10 000 wmz. He also receives trust limit , which allows you to characterize how wealthy and reliable he is.

The borrower can choose the appropriate loan terms: amount, term and interest rate. In this case, the settings are made through the service WMTransfer.

Loans can be issued both to those whom the investor knows and to complete strangers. To minimize the risk of issuing a loan, you need to carefully study the data of the borrowers to whom the investor plans to issue a loan.

Particular attention should be paid to the size TL. This indicator determines degree of trust to the borrower from other users of the service. Especially large borrowers have a limit that exceeds 50 000 points. But lower values ​​can also be quite good indicators.

Debt service has another way of protecting creditors. If the borrower for some reason does not repay the loan, its payment will be made at the expense of the funds of other creditors who have opened a trust limit for this borrower. That is, the insolvent borrower will be opened new loan, with which the old one will be closed.

Also for loans in the WebMoney system important indicator is the so-called business level (B.L.). It allows you to determine for what purposes borrowed funds are used.

An investor who decides to invest money in loans through this service needs to take into account several points:

  • As soon as the borrower is selected, the conditions for issuing a loan are set through the WMTransfer service. It is on the basis of these conditions that the investor will be able to claim his funds.
  • Next, the money is transferred to the borrower’s account. For this, the electronic wallet system charges a commission - 0,8 % from the sum. When repaying the loan, the commission will be paid by the borrower.

However, there is also a disadvantage to this type of investment. It lies in the fact that after the borrower has been determined with a trust limit, he may not use it immediately or may not take out a loan at all. There are many reasons for this, For example, at this moment the borrower does not need money or he has other trust limits (quite possibly on more favorable terms).

Method 12. Issuing money to an online lending service

With this method of investing, the investor can no longer determine the terms of the loan himself. He selects loan services with parameters that he considers optimal. After this, the investor lends his money to the resource. Most often, the loan term is from 1 to 6 months, A interest rate is about 25 %.

It turns out that in this option the borrower is some service online loans . May also borrow funds and resources for currency exchange in the Internet.

To search for this type of borrower, an investor can use search engines or statistical data provided by the WebMoney electronic money service.

Thus, issuing loans to various services represents good way passive income. However, do not forget that he has a high level of risk. This is due to the fact that there is a possibility of non-repayment of the loan.

Method 13. Budget machines

Another interesting way to invest online is budget machines (BA). It is provided by WebMoney through the portal

Budget machines use electronic currency unit wmz. There are BAs closed And public. For investment apply public . They look like joint stock companies selling their shares in the public domain.

By going to the above-mentioned portal, an investor can see which shares of budget machines are put up for sale and at what cost. Most often they offer their shares Services online lending , as well as various exchangers .

By analogy with shares, an investor who purchases a share receives the right to vote on decisions regarding the management of the budget machine. The BA that has placed the shares undertakes to buy them back at a price that is below the market price. In addition, the investor who purchased the shares is entitled to dividends , which make up 25 -40 % and may be paid several times during the calendar year.

In general, participation in budget slot machines is a fairly profitable online investment tool. The risks include the possibility of a fall in the market value of the share, as well as fluctuations in exchange rates.

Method 14. Private online lending

You can invest money online through private lending . This can be done either directly or by using the loan exchange offered by the WebMoney electronic money service.

The operating principle is quite simple. Borrowers place loan applications on the exchange. Investors, studying their list, select those borrowers who are most suitable for them. It should be borne in mind that the best applications are processed very quickly. Therefore, investing your money in a short time can be quite difficult.

When searching for a borrower, an investor should pay attention to a number of important parameters:

  • BL of the potential borrower (must be not less 200 );
  • the presence of a so-called personal certificate, which means that the borrower has confirmed his personal data in the system;
  • does the user have positive story borrowing.

This approach helps the investor to significantly reduce the risk of non-repayment of funds. Moreover, lenders who have quite a lot of experience develop their own ways to check the borrower. They also create blacklists, which include users who are considered unscrupulous. This allows investors to significantly reduce the possibility of fraud.

All of the above applies to lending using the WebMoney service. If the investor decides to issue a loan directly, he can use a variety of professional resources to find a borrower - communities And forums . The advantage of this option is that the investor can communicate with the potential borrower directly, after which he forms his own opinion about him as a person.

Regardless of how the borrower is searched, there is a certain risk that the loan funds will not be returned. The so-called risk diversification.

In other words, the investor can distribute the funds that he plans to invest, between several borrowers. It turns out that even if one of the borrowers does not repay the loan, the investor’s losses will be covered by the income that he will receive from other loans issued.

Experts do not recommend this method of investing for beginners. This is explained quite simply– lending to a small number of borrowers is accompanied by a high level of risk, and the income is significantly lower than desired.

To really get big profits from online lending, you need to spend a lot of time working with them and minimizing risk.

Method 15. Hype

There are other interesting investment projects on the Internet - these are HYIPs . This concept was formed as an abbreviation from the English phrase H igh Y field I investment P rogram. Translated into Russian this means investment program that brings high income .

HYIP is a project that promises investors a high level of income. As with any other investment product, high returns for hype come with significant risks.

Some people believe that hype represents usual fraudulent scheme. However, many investors manage to earn significant profits from them. To do this, it is enough to select a project in which the circulation of funds will be as transparent as possible.

It's important to understand that any hype has a limited lifespan. Especially honest companies openly tell investors about this.

To make good money on hype, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • funds should be invested as early as possible from the moment the project appears;
  • investments must be divided between several HYIPs (at least three);
  • It is best to withdraw profits in parts;
  • Before investing in a project, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the principles of the project.

Compliance with all these rules will help you get good money from investing in HYIPs.

Thus, you can find a large number of investment tools on the Internet. They all have How advantages, so flaws . To make good money, it is important to choose the right instrument.

The choice of investment object also depends on how much money the investor has. In one of our publications we talked about (half a million), a million or more to earn.

To make it easier to choose an investment instrument, we summarize their main features in the table.

No. Investment instrument pros Minuses
1 Forex High potential incomeRequires a lot of time and effort to trade
2 PAMM accounts Money is transferred to the management of a professional traderThe risk of choosing the wrong trader
3 Binary options Easy to understand Possible gains and losses are predeterminedKnowledge required to correctly predict the situation
4 Stock High profitMarket instability The need to pay tax on profits
5 Investments in gold Precious metal price stabilityThe price of gold has almost reached its maximum
6 Precious metals in the form of compulsory medical insurance In the long run, making a profit is inevitableLow profitability
7 Web sites With due diligence you can get quite a large incomeYou will have to work continuously, otherwise the site’s profitability will disappear
8 Startups If you are successful, the profit will be hugeHigh level of risk Significant amount of investment
9 Online store High profitabilityIt is difficult to find a promising project
10 Domain Investments Significant profitAlmost impossible to buy a domain on the primary market High risk
11 Debt service WebMoney High profitabilityThe borrower can use line of credit not immediately Risk of non-refund
12 Issuing money through services High-quality passive incomeHigh risk
13 Budget machines High profitabilityRisk of falling share values ​​and falling exchange rates
14 Private online lending High profitabilityRequires a large amount of investment High risk
15 Hype High profitabilityHuge level of risk Similar to a financial pyramid

5. TOP 7 golden rules of online investing 💎

Many people perceive online investing as a great way to make significant profits. It is quite natural that a large number of beginners decide to start investing. However, many of them make the same common mistakes.

However, most problems could be avoided if you follow a number of investment rules, which experts call gold. As soon as beginners learn, understand these rules and begin to actively use them in their activities, the profit from investments increases significantly, while the risks are reduced.

So, what rules should you remember and follow?

Basic rules for online investing

Rule 1. Do not invest funds that do not belong to you

You should never invest money that you borrow. If there is any mistake in choosing an instrument, you will not only lose money, but you will also have to pay back the funds to the lender. Therefore, for those who do not have money, it is best wait and collect the amount necessary for investment.

Rule 2. Don’t invest your last money

You can't invest all the money you have available. It is important to remember that investments always involve significant risks of losing funds. Therefore, the investor should always have a certain financial reserve, the so-called airbag .

Then, even in the event of an unsuccessful investment, he will not be left without a livelihood and will not lead his family to a situation where it will not be possible to pay even mandatory payments and there will not be enough money even for the most necessary things.

Rule 3. Develop an investment plan

An investor is unlikely to succeed if Not develop an investment strategy. Moreover, the absence of a pre-developed strategy leads to the fact that the investment cannot be called a full-fledged investment.

It is important not only to carefully consider your action plan. It is advisable to write it down, and then try not to deviate from it. Any changes to the strategy should be made only after a thorough analysis of previous investment results.

You cannot change the plan at the time of investment based only on emotions and momentary desires.

Rule 4: Continuously increase the amount invested

All investment instruments involve investing money with the aim of making a profit. Naturally, the level of income depends on invested amount. Therefore, you can increase your income only regularly increasing invested capital .

You can increase your invested capital by saving money from your main source of income. There is another option - not withdrawing the earned profit in full. Part of it can be used to increase the invested amount.

Investors are constantly debating how much to increase their capital each month. Like all other parameters, the amount of increase should be set purely individually. Somebody believes that in order to quickly achieve financial independence, one should invest all available funds. To others It’s difficult to save even a small amount.

Real estate, business.

Bank deposits

This is the simplest, most basic and reliable way investments. You give yours to the bank under a certain percentage. Bankers “scroll” this money by investing in other financial instruments. For which you receive a pre-agreed percentage of profit.

For example, you invested money in a bank for a year at 10% per annum. Bankers immediately give this money to another client in the form of a loan, but at 20% per annum. As a result, the bank returns your funds to you with accrued interest after a year, and pockets the remaining difference.

The advantage of investing in a bank is that you know exactly how much money you can get after a certain period of time, while other financial instruments cannot boast of this. You can calculate the profitability of a particular deposit using a deposit calculator, and if you need to calculate the amount of overpayment on a particular loan, then use loan calculator.

On the topic of bank deposits, read:

Mutual investment funds (mutual investment funds)

This is the second most popular way of investing. In short, mutual funds are a collective financial instrument when investors’ money is invested in one large pot and then professional managers increase this one large amount of funds using various methods.

The funds of shareholders (as those who have invested their money in a mutual fund are called) are usually invested in stocks, bonds, gold, currency, etc. More precisely, they are not just invested, but managed. Any fool can just buy shares. The task of professional managers is to find stocks that have fallen in price at the time of purchase and are likely to rise further.

In order to determine this probability, technical and fundamental analysis is used, the economic situation is studied both in the world and in a particular region, news is monitored, as well as many other parameters that are too complex for the average person.

This is the essence of mutual funds, to save people who are ignorant in these issues from all these difficulties. If you have free funds and you do not have the opportunity to trade on the stock exchange from morning to evening, then it is easier to transfer this money to those people who are immersed in the topic of investing headlong and have extensive experience behind them. At least at the initial stage.

Further, as your experience in financial matters, you can start buying stocks, bonds and other investment instruments on your own. We will talk about this in more detail a little later, but for now let’s return to mutual funds.

Compared to other financial instruments, investing in stocks is more profitable in the long term, but at the same time it is also very risky.

Here you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, monitor the situation in the markets, so as to prevent the loss of capital due to a strong fall financial markets, which occur during all kinds of crises.

To more clearly understand what kind of profit you can get from shares, watch the video “How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares.”

Video: How to earn 678% profit on Sberbank shares


This financial instrument is designed for people who are risk averse. It is very difficult to make a big profit on it. Typically, the return on bonds is no higher than the return on bank deposits. Therefore, this financial instrument can hardly be called a profitable investment.

However, this does not mean that money should not be invested in bonds. The point is that it is not recommended to “keep all your eggs in one basket.” Experienced and successful investors always distribute their funds across several different instruments in order to reduce their risks.

Imagine, you invested all your money in shares, but after some time there was a crisis in the market and their prices fell. At the same time, the amount of your capital will decrease. To prevent this from happening, you need to invest part of the money in deposits, part of the money in bonds, gold, and so on.

In this case, you will lose on one instrument, but will win on other instruments. But let's get back to bonds:

A bond is a debt security that confirms its owner’s right to receive a certain amount of money from the issuer.

And in order to understand how to correctly distribute funds between various financial instruments in order to reduce risks and increase the profitability of your investments, read these articles:


Forex (Forex, sometimes FX, from English.FOReign EXchange- foreign currency exchange) is a market for interbank currency exchange at free prices.

The essence of Forex is speculation with the currencies of different countries. For example, you bought 100 euros for 90 dollars. And after some time, these 100 euros were sold for 120 dollars. Thus, earning $30 on this transaction.

Forex trading is always ongoing currency pairs, as in the example above. Changes in the value of currencies occur constantly and depend on many factors. For example, in Greece the economy is not developing, the state is not receiving profit, but the country must be supported somehow. Since Greece is part of the European Union (EU), everything in this country is bought and sold in euros.

Thus, the instability of the economy of one state influenced the attitude of investors towards the entire EU. Investors felt a threat to their capital and urgently began to get rid of the euro. All this led to a fall in the value of the euro relative to the currencies of other countries. It is on such movements that money is made in Forex.

This method of investing can only be called profitable if you trade Forex yourself, when you already have extensive experience, your own strategy for entering and exiting the market, as well as an iron will.

There are only a few people who have made a fortune on Forex. But there are millions of those who tried to get rich from this and went broke. Draw your own conclusions.

Endowment life insurance

This method of investing can hardly be called profitable. As the name implies, this is insurance in case of any unforeseen circumstances. Its difference from conventional insurance is that it is a combination of human life and health insurance with a program for accumulating, preserving and increasing your capital.

If regular insurance simply pays you a certain amount if insured event, then in this case, if nothing happened during the entire period of the contract, you will be able to receive either the entire amount accumulated over these years, or receive monthly payment until the end of life.


OFBU stands for General Funds of Banking Management. In essence, these are the same mutual funds, but with broader investment functions. On the one hand, this is a plus, since by investing money in OFBU you have the opportunity to increase profits through wider combinations of investment funds. On the other hand, it is more risky.

There were cases when OFBU showed a profitability of 600% per annum. However, the main problem is that the activities of OFBUs are little regulated by law, which is why they are less subject to control, unlike the same mutual funds.

There are also cases where the short-sighted activities of managers led to the complete collapse of the OFBU.

More information about the activities of general funds banking department you can read here: . On my own behalf I will add that in this moment It is best to invest in OFBU such an amount of money that you will not mind losing if something happens.

Hedge funds

I’ll say right away that in our country this is a relatively new and not sufficiently developed financial instrument, which is available only to wealthy clients.

Minimum amount Entry here starts from a few hundred dollars to a million. In the West, hedge funds are extremely popular.

Hedge funds do not have a clear regulatory regulation, which allows them to freely choose enrichment strategies and use a wide range of financial instruments when investing money in various markets. The result of the work of hedge funds can be both super-profits and colossal losses.

One of the most striking examples of hedge funds is the Quantum fund, whose founder is the notorious, who was able to make a profit of $1 billion in a day!

Structured (structured) products

A structured financial product is a complex financial instrument that is issued, as a rule, by commercial and investment banks and created to meet the specific needs of clients.

This financial instrument became especially popular during the crisis. After all, when you invest money in a growing market and constantly receive good profits, this is one thing, but when the situation in the markets is not stable, especially during crises, many investors try to find reliable ways to invest funds, which will give them greater profits than bank ones deposits.

The essence of a structured product is simple - part of the funds, usually 80-90%, is invested in bank deposits or bonds, but the remaining 10-20% is invested in futures and options.

All this allows, in the worst case scenario, to stay with your money and not lose anything; in the best case, make a profit of about 20-30%. This is not very much, but it is higher than the yield on bank deposits.

Although, again, what to compare with. For example, the most successful investor in the world, Warren Buffett, has provided his clients with about 24% per annum over the past 35 years. 24% per annum doesn’t seem like a lot, but only Buffett and no one else can receive such a profit consistently for many years.

Gold and precious metals

For many people, wealth is associated with a mountain of gold. Since ancient times, this metal was a symbol of wealth and power, so it became the cause of quarrels, robberies, murders and even wars.

Gold should not be considered as the most profitable way investment, despite the fact that in recent years it has risen in price. The fact is that most often gold acts as a refuge for investors in difficult times.

When crises dominate the world, in order to wait them out, investors withdraw their savings from stocks, bonds and other financial products, and then invest in gold.

As soon as the crisis subsides, investors immediately look for more profitable ways to invest their funds. This is what causes gold prices to rise in difficult times. But then, the price of precious metals inevitably falls.

Real estate

Real estate has always been a profitable way of investing. Not only does real estate itself not depreciate in value and, as a rule, only increases in price from year to year. But real estate also allows you to receive passive income from renting it out.

True, there is one serious “but” here, which is the high cost of real estate. Essentially, this is an investment for wealthy people. This is why this method of investment should be considered not at the initial stage, but when you already have big capital and you have the opportunity to invest in various financial instruments.

True, there are exceptions. For example, you can profitable investment to real estate at the stage of its construction. At this time, as a rule, there is no need to pay the full price for housing and you can pay a certain part monthly.

Thus, if you have the opportunity to contribute the required amount and this will not affect the quality of your life, then you can safely look for suitable options. The fact is that at the construction stage, a square meter of housing costs much less than later, when the construction is completed.


Each of the above financial tools, has a certain degree of risk (reliability). Depending on this, the range of possible profits changes. The riskier a financial instrument, the greater the return it can bring. However, as well as a loss.

Each of these financial instruments has its own advantages and disadvantages. And under different life circumstances, it is worth choosing optimal ways investing. But, for myself personally, I have already determined the most profitable way To invest money– this is business!

Why? Because business is unlimited dividends! And they will depend only on you. From your efficiency, imagination, diligence, ingenuity.

Any other financial instruments are not up to you. They depend, for example, on the current market situation, on conditions determined by other people, on financial results a specific company, from the actions of speculators, from marketers developing certain financial products.

Creating your own business is entirely yours.

Here you set the rules by which you will play. Here you decide what income you will receive. Of course, business also largely depends on various external circumstances. But, in any case, the last word remains with you, even if you decide to sell it.

In 2007, I opened my own business for the first time. It was a small tanning studio. More precisely, it was a small room in one of the hairdressing salons, in which I installed a solarium, all the necessary accessories, appointed an administrator and began to earn money.

This business has many advantages. I will talk about them in the next issues. For now, I just want to draw your attention to the fact that this business has brought me good dividends. I received more than 100% per annum in a year.

It was a great challenge in which I was able to showcase many of my talents. Organizational skills, management skills, design talents, tested my advertising vision.

Investment projects on the Internet: the essence of the concept + the pros and cons of investing in Internet projects + 7 selection criteria + TOP 10 best investment Internet projects + 9 tips for beginners.

Investing money is an important step towards passive income. The constant development of the network market infrastructure forces users to find new ways to make money on the Internet. One of these methods has recently become investment internet projects.

Today we will touch on this topic in more detail and understand most of the nuances of this area.

Investment projects on the Internet – what is it?

The key word is investment. It is implied, but, unlike analogues in real life, where you came to an organization, signed agreements and worked with other accompanying papers, everything is much simpler on the Internet.

This is both a plus and a significant disadvantage of investing money through the World Wide Web.

1. The concept of an investment project.

In the vastness of Russia, the virtual investment niche has not yet been fully filled. The level of competition is not so high, but the increasing dynamics show that in 2-3 years the number of investment methods will increase by at least 5 times.

The impetus for such rapid development is the gradual transition to electronic currency, which expands opportunities for both businessmen and ordinary citizens of the country.

Soon, even in remote corners of our country, people will be able to use non-cash payments. The number of potential investors will increase sharply, which means that business opportunities will expand.

Investment projects– a type of project based on investing money in social or economic sphere activities. Working with them through the network frees up the hands of ordinary users, since the choice is not tied to geography - you can invest your hard-earned money in absolutely any project, even outside our state.

Main directions of Internet projects:

  • economic;
  • financial;
  • commercial;
  • social.

The highest profit figures are shown by financial and economic ones, while social ones are more aimed at supporting citizens rather than directly generating benefits for investors.

2. Advantages and disadvantages of investment projects.

Passivity of profit.
Investing money takes much less time than regular active work. Here it is not the employee who works for the sake of receiving money, but the money I work for his sake.
The risk of losing everything.
Every year, more than 20% of Internet investment projects fail. The percentage of losses can be leveled through diversification, but a loss of 20-30% of profit may be in order.
Profit diversification.
Investing money in several Internet projects at the same time will reduce the likelihood of complete collapse. Losses from a “busted” project will be offset by other sources.
Many Internet projects are inclined to a floating rate of profit - this means that the amount of income will constantly change, both positively and negatively.
Unlimited profit.
When actively working, the employee receives a fixed rate + possibly a % of some sales indicators.
In Internet projects, no one sets the highest bar for you; your income will grow as long as your project is successful.
When investments are your main source of income, it is very difficult to keep your emotions under control at all times. Any changes in the situation bring stress, which negatively affects a person’s overall health.
Interesting and educational.
Although the projects position themselves as passive sources of profit, no one forbids you to explore the market on which your money is spinning.
Need for capital.
The main disadvantage is for people who want to start their own business without investment. The principle of many Internet projects is that the more a person invests, the more they will receive.
Investment projects on the Internet provide an opportunity not only to earn a stable income - they can serve as an impetus for changing activities and mark the beginning of a successful career in one of the areas of business.
Literacy in the matter.
There is no point in pouring money into binary options if you don’t even know what they are. A general idea is the minimum that everyone who wants to invest in an Internet project must have.

In fact, Internet investment projects are the same network companies, and investing money is a loan at interest. The result of your work largely depends on the level of reliability of the project, which results in passive income.

What types of investment projects exist?

The issue of investment must be resolved gradually. The first priority is to decide in which direction you want to work.

Today, there are three types of projects on the Internet that can serve as good sources of passive income.

1st variety– PAMM accounts.

For those who do not understand the issue, but have money that needs to be put to work. The point is to entrust your hard-earned money to others so that they can force them to work for a percentage of the profit.

Algorithm for PAMM accounts:

  1. Transfer of investor finances to trust management to an individual/company.
  2. The trader uses the money received to make money on the exchange. It depends only on his skill how much he can increase initial capital.
  3. Profit is distributed monthly between the investor and the trader in a ratio of 50% to 50%. If the success of the enterprise was not so noticeable, it is possible to increase the investor's percentage by 10% -30%.

Scope of work: all types of exchanges. Priority - stock Exchange, since the probability of losing money on stocks is the least likely. Most companies organize PAMM portfolios, which, through diversification, offset traders' losses and almost always bring the investor into the black.

2nd variety– investment funds.

One of the most stable options for investing money through online investment projects. The Fund acts as an intermediary between the customer of the service and its provider.

What is the benefit:

    For the investor.

    Although the interest rate of such projects is low, the stock companies provide guarantees, which means that if the customer loses money, part of the investment losses will be reimbursed.

    For the customer.

    With large amounts of funds, the number of small investments can reach 1000 or more, which is very difficult to control yourself. Hiring the services of such companies will help you save a lot of time.

Investment projects on the Internet operating through funds are the most popular among people offering users startups (potentially profitable ideas that require money to be implemented).

3rd variety– banking projects.

Investment Internet projects that cooperate indirectly or directly with banking system. The principle of operation is similar to a regular deposit, but here you can invest money in a greater number of areas of activity.

This is the rarest type of project, since the benefit for the intermediary is minimal.

Whatever direction of work you choose, always be extremely attentive to the project on the Internet. Choosing a quality resource is 90% the key to enterprise success.

Risks in working with investment projects

Money + Internet – a combination of these words always brings with it a long trail of scammers who strive to snatch hard-earned money from the hands of ordinary people. When investing money online, you should be wary of 2 main dangers that absolutely anyone can face.

Danger 1 – Scam.

(HYIP), which has acquired a new name in Internet projects. It is based on inflated profit figures - up to 12% per day of the investment amount. As long as users pour in money, the project lives. But as soon as the flow of money dries up, the site bursts like a soap bubble.

Scam operation scheme:

  1. Fraudsters create a website and promote it online as a profitable online investment project with high profit margins.
  2. Initial user deposits are collected and through them interest is paid by the “old men” - those who made the first investments in this project. This principle works until the influx of people willing to participate begins to decrease.
  3. Payments stop abruptly and the site ceases to exist.

If the “old people” of such projects can partially compensate for losses from interest on investments, then recently registered investors are left with nothing. Lifespan of similar investment projects on the Internet is no more than 12 months.

The main signs of Scams include a very aggressive advertising campaign and sky-high annual investment rates - about 4000% and above.

Danger 2 – Financial pyramids.

Every online investment program and project has a referral system. For some companies, this component plays a key role.

The principle of operation of a financial pyramid:

  1. A person registers on the resource.
  2. Activates an account by depositing a fixed amount.
  3. Searches for and attracts new users, which will give him additional profit from the referral system.
  4. Victims repeat steps 1-3 and so on in a circle.

The pyramid cannot be considered a full-fledged investment project, since the amount of profit depends on the activity of the investor himself. Some scammers very skillfully disguise themselves as ordinary investment projects. A person, without knowing it, gives money to deceivers + unknowingly becomes an accomplice in the scheme, luring referrals into the pyramid.

Remember: successful project must have a stable source of income. If the description does not contain clear arguments regarding this issue, do not invest there under any circumstances, otherwise losing money will be a matter of time for you.

Having eliminated the two dangers described above, you can immediately begin choosing an investment project on the Internet. We will describe below what criteria should be used to select.

The best investment projects on the Internet: analysis

There are dozens if not hundreds of projects on the Internet that are ready to accept investments at any time. Choosing a worthwhile resource is not an easy task and requires a lot of time.

Our editors have selected a list that presents the best investment projects on the Internet, however, if you want to make your own choice, pay attention to the next paragraph of the article.

Criteria for selecting an investment Internet project

You need to know which indicators are important when selecting projects on the network. There are a lot of criteria, but only seven are the most important. Let's study each of them in more detail.

Criterion No. 1. Basic profit indicator.

An Internet project must have a minimum interest rate of 5-6% per month, otherwise the investment risk simply will not be justified. Most companies with such indicators are old-timers in the market, which have been bringing stable passive income to their investors for many years.

An interest rate below 3-4% may be a sign of problems for the organization, or it may simply be a project that has a lot of clients. The maximum profit rate is in the range of 26-28%. Everything above should already raise suspicions about the honesty of business on the part of the organization.

Criterion No. 2. Time.

A sore subject for all Internet investment projects. It is very rare to find companies operating in this market for a year or more. High interest rates for depositors, internal financial difficulties– this and much more can become an insurmountable barrier to the further development of an Internet investment project.

Choose young companies that have only recently set foot on the path of accepting investments. Having kept finances in a project for 5-6 months with a gain of +50-80%, you can leave the business and start looking for a new source of passive income.

Criterion No. 3. Marketing.

According to the marketing plan, experienced investors can read Internet investment projects like an open book. What can a beginner pay attention to?

Stable resources set a number of conditions for the return of money or percentage of profits. You shouldn’t be afraid of such features - they make it possible to clearly control the progress of affairs for the company, which means that consistently paying their investors is not a problem for them.

Criterion No. 4. Official web resource.

The website design is like a candy wrapper. And not always, the brighter it is, the more stable the resource works. Investment projects on the Internet should be informative + convenient functionality. Personal Area must provide a wide range of opportunities.

What should raise suspicions:

  • low functionality of the resource - this means that the site was created in a hurry, and it is possible that for fraudulent purposes;
  • not all links are working;
  • empty sections/subsections of the website;
  • the translation is very lame (foreign projects may be an exception).

Criterion No. 5. Internet project affiliate program.

A significant additional source of passive income when investing in Internet projects is. Depending on the type of affiliate program, referrals can bring, in addition to the standard 5-20% of investments, another +5-10% of funds.

If the affiliate program has too high income indicators, be careful - it is possible that the site may belong to scammers. Study additionally user reviews about this investment Internet project and do not deposit large sums, at least at first.

Criterion No. 6. Reputation.

What is the best way to check the reliability of an Internet project? Only based on the reviews of others - the same investors who have already managed to use the services of the site and made money/burned out in business.

Where to look for opinions is a rather complicated question. Some resources hire people through services who promote the project with the help of reviews and positive reviews on the Internet. So not all reviews will be real. It is best to read responses on popular thematic forums, for example here:

Pay attention to the structure of each comment regarding the project. Pretense and presenting the service only in a positive light is a clear sign that the review was written by a person who is not directly related to this investment project.

Also, you should not constantly rely only on the opinions of others - it is better to ask for advice from an experienced investor (on the same forum or from a personal acquaintance), or rely on your own work experience.

Criterion No. 7. The reality of the information provided.

Company registration, hot phone support, office location in the country - this and other information must be 100% verified. If there is an opportunity to meet with a company representative, this is only a plus for the project.

Fraudsters will not spend much on offices and other elements of a real investment enterprise. Documentation with other facts about the real existence of the company will give a significant “+” for the project on the Internet (you can find it, for example, on the project’s website).

Adhere to the “aware is forearmed” tactic. Only by observing all of the above 7 criteria when selecting an investment project on the Internet can you find one worthy of your attention.

Better yet, don’t take unnecessary risks, but use our ready-made rating.

TOP 10 investment projects on the Internet: in detail

Now that you and I have already drawn up a picture in our heads of how to select an Internet investment project, we can proceed directly to the choice.

Our editors have selected the best investment projects on the Internet from a huge list of resources on the Internet, which best meet the criteria and consistently pay money to their investors.

No. 1.

With the growth, Internet investment projects of this type have received a second wind. This resource is one of the brightest representatives in the field of bitcoin trading. The site has been operating since November 2017, and the company itself was registered in Scotland back in 2014.

Deposits for 1 year, an advanced affiliate program, withdrawal of money in more than 15 ways - this is not the entire list of advantages of this investment Internet project.

Every month the company pays bonuses to the most active partners (those who bring the most referrals). Withdrawals are made to popular payment systems in our country.

No. 2.

The investment project carries out all its operations through the Forex exchange. The resource is new - registration occurred in September 2017. The direction itself is very promising + there is the opportunity to work with PAMM accounts. The trading process occurs automatically, and the level of income is directly proportional to the amount of investment.

The minimum amount for payments is from $5 to Perfect Money, Bitcoin and Payeer wallets. The duration of the transfer depends on payment system, but not more than 5 days from the date of filing the application. The amount of profit fluctuates within the deposit package that the investor purchases at the beginning of his journey on the project.

No. 3.

The investment project has been operating on the Internet since October 2017. Specialization - investing in commercial real estate. Basically, these are 4-5 star hotels, or promising restaurants for the “high society” in developed countries Europe.

The deposit has no expiration date, and the percentage of income on the invested money is accrued every 24 hours.

Money is withdrawn through standard corporate electronic wallets (PerfectMoney, Payeer and others). For small transfers (up to $40), funds are credited to your wallet instantly. The deadline for withdrawing large sums from a project, according to the regulations, does not exceed 2 days from the date of submission of the application.

No. 4.

An investment project on the Internet, operating since January 2017. Offers 4 areas of investment - two are related to lending to large and medium-sized businesses, and the other two are related to trading in the securities market.

A big plus for the company is the insurance fund, the size of which reaches $3,000,000,000, which indicates the reliability of the project and the possibility of stable payments to investors.

The deposit is made with a minimum period of 3 months, and the maximum period reaches 14 months. Interest accrues daily. The system holds periodic promotions for bonus offers and awards bonuses to the most active investors.

The referral system consists of 5 levels + a fixed bonus is awarded for each person referred. Withdrawal of money is carried out both through electronic wallets and with the help of a bank.

No. 5.

A young investment Internet project, operating since November 2017 and specializing in investments in Bitcoin. You can also invest money in foreign currency - investments are automatically converted into BTC. The project has open statistics, tracking which you can monitor the state of affairs of the company.

The project's referral system is accompanied by a career - promotion entails additional bonuses and increased rates of return on investment. The duration of the deposit is fixed – 4 months.

Payments are made in dollars or bitcoins to popular electronic wallets. Enrollment period is from 4 to 6 days.

No. 6.

An investment project on the Internet, positioning itself as a deposit fund for microcredit and issuing loans to medium or large businesses. The company has a personal network of pawnshops throughout the country, which gives more confidence in the long term of the enterprise.

Upon registration, all users receive a bonus of $10 to their system account, but to carry out the operation they must write to the administrator’s mailbox, which is listed on the site.

Deposit funds work for the investor for no more than 1 year, and their return is included in the interest payments themselves, the amount of which is very good for a project of this type. affiliate program works on the career principle - the higher the position, the better the bonuses.

Withdrawals start from $0.5. Up to $1000 the process is carried out instantly, above - according to the regulations of the system.

No. 7.

Internet project operating since June 2016. The main sources of financing for the company are tourism and stock market. Since December 2016, “In China” began investing money in the industrial complex of China, and this area is planned to be a priority.

Short deposit periods (up to 5 months) allowed hundreds of investors to complete the cycle, who gave positive feedback on the work of the project. Although the affiliate program consists of only 3 levels, the percentage of income from referrals completely covers this drawback.

Withdrawals are available on popular Russian systems electronic money (WebMoney, QIWI and others).

No. 8.

An investment Internet project that has been operating on the Internet since November 2017 and is engaged in providing funds for game development. In addition to investing in other gaming projects, the company has its own department, which has already proven itself quite successfully in the gaming industry. The level of profitability is average.

The deposit lasts from 1 to 4 months, after which the investor withdraws his money from the system. Maximum size investment is not so high, so this resource is worth your attention if you plan to create investment portfolio with several projects at the same time.

Minimum payments start from $1 and take no more than 2 days from the date of application.

No. 9.

Investment project operating since November 2017. The company is engaged in the implementation of communications in the People's Republic of Korea. A special feature is the floating rate of earnings. Depending on the investment, a special department carries out monthly calibration and issues the exact percentage of profit to each investor.

The deposit is not issued until the profit is 150-220% (depending on the chosen tariff). The affiliate program consists of only 2 levels, but the bonus is a 10% bonus on binary profit from the referral’s active deposit. Money is withdrawn through Payeer or PerfectMoney, starting from $2 and only on Saturdays.

No. 10.

An investment project promoting and investing money in the production of asynchronous motors on the world market.

The company offers to purchase shares at a discount with huge discounts - a package of 240 thousand shares can be purchased for only $500. When trading on the stock exchange, the cost of each security increases to $1, which means that an investor can earn up to $200,000 with the right strategy within a year.

The affiliate program is based on a career ladder - the higher the indicators, the steeper the interest rate. Payments are made to popular foreign payment systems, cryptocurrency wallets and through standard bank transfers. Minimum size payouts start at $45.

To successfully start your activity as an investor, you must adhere to many rules. Selecting a project for investment is only 20% of the entire journey. Below we will provide tips that will help beginners get comfortable in this area and prevent losing their hard-earned money.

Make a strict allocation of funds - which ones you allocate for personal needs, and which ones you are ready to invest in an investment project. Establishing clear boundaries will allow you to avoid getting into debt and limit losses, if any.

The following condition from the first tip. Limiting yourself and not being influenced by excitement is your first priority. It’s clearly not worth going into debt for the next tranche.

From each interest payment on investments, you should put 20-30% into your personal pocket. Investing for the sake of investing is not the best the best option conducting investment business. Passive income must generate income, otherwise there is simply no point in it.

A salary increase is a psychological factor that always affects a person negatively. More money means you can afford to spend more – so we think.

If you can control yourself and not get inflated in terms of purchases, it will be easier for you to visually feel the increase in passive monthly profit.

Do not take loans and microloans to invest in Internet investment projects. It is not a fact that the money will pay off, and risk insurance in the field of network investing is not provided.

We have already talked about diversifying risks into benefits. The loss of money in one project can be offset by profits from others, so do not neglect this advice.

Try to get your invested money back as quickly as possible. It is unknown when the project will collapse, all the remaining money will disappear and it will not be possible to return it.

Once you make money on a project, don’t stop. You can keep part of the money received for yourself, and invest the rest in other investment programs. This way, you can gradually achieve high results without making additional infusions from your own pocket.

Review of investment projects. Where to invest money?

How can you make money on the Internet?
Profitable investment of money.

Sites that offer you gains without any problems are outright lying. Investments via the Internet already imply certain risks, and if everything is presented to a person only from a positive point of view, it is worth thinking about the integrity of the resource

By adhering to these principles, even the most inexperienced will be able to properly invest in Internet investment projects and receive passive profit from them in the shortest possible time.