Is it possible to receive maternity capital in monthly payments. Monthly allowance from maternity capital

Maternal (family) capital is a state social program to help parents who have a second child (born or adopted). The government rightly believes that the lack of funds for their decent upbringing is an obstacle to the birth of children in Russian families, and therefore it was decided to stimulate the birth rate by establishing additional support measures. The authorities allow maternity capital funds to be directed only for specific purposes, and therefore many families have not been able to use the certificate. Let's figure out how to get a lump sum payment of maternity capital in 2020.

Lump sum payment from maternity capital: how are things today

The size of the lump sum payment from the maternity (family) capital at the moment is 25 thousand rubles. The legislative act, which spelled out this amount, was adopted and entered into force on the same day that it was officially published. This is due to the fact that a one-time payment was recognized as an effective measure to support families during the economic crisis. In accordance with the provisions of this law, any family holding a certificate is eligible to apply for funds in the amount of the above amount.

The opportunity to receive one-time financial assistance from maternity capital is available to families who did not have time to send the money of the certificate for the needs specified by law and received the document no later than September 30, 2016.

The payment of 25,000 rubles became the second opportunity to receive money from a certificate for maternity capital - in 2020, families had the opportunity to apply for a benefit of 20,000 rubles. If the parents of the children took advantage of this opportunity and reimbursed their expenses for their maintenance in this way, this does not deprive them of the right to receive a second payment.

What remains of the amount of family capital will be allowed to be spent in the future for the same purposes that were originally provided for by law, or for one-time payments, if any continue to be provided.

One-time payment from maternity capital in 2020

Lump sum payments from family capital in 2020 will not be provided, despite the fact that the deputies of the LDPR party at one time proposed for consideration a bill on the payment of 50 thousand rubles from these funds. The project did not find support and was rejected, allegedly due to illiterate design and incorrect submission for study.

The Government has repeatedly mentioned that assistance will be provided to families raising children in the form of permission to withdraw maternity capital funds not only for the needs specified in the original law, but also to combat the economic crisis and its consequences. However, there is no talk of anything concrete yet, and payments for the current year have not been approved.

How to get a lump sum payment of maternity capital

In 2017, the Government announced that it would be impossible to issue one-time payments from maternity capital. The possibility of receiving funds in the future is silent, but this year it will not be possible to receive funds unambiguously.

It was necessary to apply for a one-time accrual of funds withdrawn from the certificate for family capital to the local branch of the Pension Fund before November 30, 2016. It was allowed to apply for a certificate at the same time, if it had not been received earlier, despite the fact that the right to receive it had already arisen, and for payment. Payments were made until the end of 2016.

Registered users of the official portal of the State Services were allowed to submit an application in electronic form. Photocopies of documents were attached in scanned form, and the questionnaire was filled out online.

What documents are needed to apply for a lump sum payment from maternity capital

In 2016, one-time payments from maternity capital were provided subject to the preparation of the following set of documents:

Maternity capital in 2018

Due to the economic crisis in Russia, maternity capital has not been indexed since 2015, so the amount of the payment remains at the level 453026 rubles. There is every reason to believe that maternity capital will also be provided to families in 2018, since the President has repeatedly received proposals to stop issuing certificates due to a lack of funds in the country's budget, but rejected such measures.

Federal Law No. 433 makes it clear that the Pension Fund will continue issuing maternity capital certificates next year. It is assumed that the program will end on December 31, 2018, but this is not certain, and, probably, maternity capital will be provided to families further.

When will it be allowed to withdraw money from maternity capital

Since the relevant ministries did not agree on the situation with the provision of payments to citizens from family capital, the Government took over the issue. The new bill on the withdrawal of one-time payments was studied by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of social issues. According to preliminary data, the program can be resumed in the spring of 2018 - it will not be possible to introduce changes earlier than this date, because people need to be given at least six months to submit applications.

Plus, even if the law is adopted, it will be necessary to wait until it is drawn up and published. Using the example of studying the bill on payments from maternity capital in 2016, you can see the dynamics of the decision-making by the authorities:

  • 28.04 the project was approved at a meeting of the Government;
  • On May 18, the law was adopted at the 1st reading by the State Duma;
  • On June 8, amendments were made, the law was adopted at the 2nd reading;
  • On 23.06 the law was signed by the President, it was published;
  • a week later, the Pension Funds prepared to receive applications from the public.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: The family refused to issue a payment of 20,000 rubles in 2016, because at that time they had not yet issued a certificate for maternity capital.

Maternity capital in 2020 is provided in accordance with the new Federal Law No. 418. The law specifies the amount of state benefits equal to 453 thousand rubles. The funds are allocated to families with two children and parents with many children who had children between 01/01/2007 and 12/31/2021. You can receive money from a mother's certificate for purposes established by law. The legislator regularly expands the scope of the legal application of the allocated funds and simplifies the scheme for obtaining material support.

Changes in 2020

One of the positive innovations is the receipt of monthly amounts of cash until the child is 1.5 years old. It will become easier for parents in material terms at the initial stage of raising a child. The decision was made at the numerous requests of interested citizens, it is valid for the date of birth of the baby after 01/01/2020.

Main amendments to the current regulations:

  • the upper bar by date of birth was raised until the end of 2021;
  • the right to receive cash monthly is possible at 1.5 minimum wages per family. Money is provided for the maintenance of children under 1.5 years old;
  • how to use the certificate.

Restrictions on some areas of application of parental tools have been removed. The rights of parents have been expanded and the procedure for paying maternity capital has been simplified.

Since this year, the following opportunities have appeared:

  • preschool education from birth. For example, you can pay for babysitting services, documented;
  • Restrictions on the choice and payment of school education have been lifted. If the student attends a non-state institution, this does not serve as a reason for refusing to withdraw funds.

A one-time allowance in the amount of 25 thousand rubles from the money of the mother's certificate has been canceled since 2020.

The certificate is issued in the amount of 453,026 rubles, the amount is the same for all recipients. The surcharge for women who gave birth to children under 35 years of age has been canceled and has ceased to operate. The money that can be cashed out from a certificate for a child under 1.5 years old is different in each case. Payments depend on the average monthly income of a family living in a particular region. For the current year, data for the 2nd quarter are taken into account. 2017. On average, the amount of the benefit is about 10 thousand rubles for most federal subjects.

Payments are provided to citizens who have applied to the FIU and confirmed their rights to monthly deductions. You will need to provide income statements for the last year, including the financial income of all family members. The list of funds taken into account when assigning state support is approved by the government. If desired, the list can be found in the PFR department at the place of residence. Most of the compensation payments are not included in the total amount of family income.

Maternity capital: requirements for the applicant

You can apply to the Pension Fund for the due certificate at a convenient time until the age of majority of the children. Parents who meet the following requirements can receive state support:

  • the child was born in the period 2007-2021;
  • mother and child have Russian citizenship;
  • the family is registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Additional requirements will need to be met for the monthly allowance:

  • the second or subsequent child is less than 1.5 years old;
  • a certificate of income confirms a coefficient of 1.5 minimum wages in a given territory. The figures for the previous year are taken into account.

The listed requirements must be supported by documents, current information is accepted for verification. In doubtful situations, the registration of maternity capital is postponed until the disputed points are clarified. For example, the applicant's passport may be expired, after the restoration of legal significance, the document is accepted for consideration.

After the birth of the child and receipt of administrative documents, the mother can apply to the MFC or the FIU. In both cases, a package of documents is required:

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates of all born and raised children;
  • SNILS of the whole family;
  • Marriage certificate.

If we are talking about foster parents, then documents on adoption (adoption) are attached. The father can claim his rights in cases prescribed by law. Maternity capital is issued to the father, if the mother is not alive, she is deprived of her rights or is an incompetent citizen. Applicants may apply in person, by mail, or by submitting data online through government services. After checking for a certificate, you will need to appear in person at the PFR office at the place of registration of the recipient.

Employees of the pension service are given three months to strictly check the submitted package of documents. Obtaining a certificate is allowed to be obtained by a legal representative with confirmed authority. If doubtful information is revealed during the check, the applicant will be asked to clarify this point. The received certificate is a legal document of strict accountability. In case of damage or loss of the document, a duplicate is issued at the request of the owner.

At the request of the mother, an opportunity is provided to receive benefits from the amount of maternity capital. You will need to provide a certificate of income for the previous year from the employer of the father and mother. Employees will make a calculation, according to the results, they will respond to the possibility of obtaining funds.

The special conditions are:

  • the age of the child up to 6 months at the time of application will allow you to receive accruals starting from the moment of birth;
  • after six months, the money is transferred from the moment of application.

This approach is due to the fact that the mother is extremely busy in the first months after childbirth. Payments are not automatically assigned, the certificate owner herself must prove and declare her right. If it is impossible (income more than 1.5 minimum wages) or if there is no desire to receive material support immediately after childbirth, the amount secured by the certificate will remain unchanged.

What to spend maternity capital on

The rules of use remained the same, the scope of children's expenses for education and medical services expanded. The debate over the acquisition of a family car did not receive a positive decision.

Directions for the use of funds were determined:

  • purchase of housing;
  • study and educational purposes;
  • rehabilitation measures for the disabled;
  • mother's pension.

Participants of the program are given the opportunity to independently choose the optimal goals. Many families spend children's capital on buying an apartment or overhauling an existing area. The program provides for options for acquiring capital real estate; a land allotment cannot be bought with the allocated money. Maternity capital can be spent on paying off mortgage interest, the first installment on a mortgage on a new building.

There is an order: employees check the presented object, control the transaction. After the conclusion of the contract and registration of the transaction in Rosreestr, the money is transferred to the seller. The phrase “buy / sell for maternity capital” has become familiar, the scheme has been worked out and is transparent for execution. The acquisition of a mortgage object in a new building is possible taking into account maternity funds. Most banks meet the needs of families with children and conclude deals on the acquisition of a capital object.

State funds can be used to educate all children in the family. You can pay off the tuition fee from kindergarten to institute at the request of the owner of the certificate. Money is transferred to the educational institution by non-cash payments upon application to the FIU. Restriction: the organization must be located in the country and have the appropriate licenses. An agreement is concluded for the provision of pedagogical services, after approval by the controlling department of the PFR, translations begin.

The funded pension for the mother will be increased by the amount of the allocated state aid. When retiring, a woman can count on an increase in pension savings. Having a child with a disability, you can spend money on treatment and rehabilitation. Maternal funds are spent on any child of the family, confirming payment documents are provided to the fund.

Receipts and checks allow you to cash out a given amount from software tools. The rules apply to an adopted child with a disability if there are two or more children in the family. Several minors with disabilities will be able to receive individual financial assistance if they have a medical condition.

The use of illegal cashing methods will lead to criminal prosecution. The legal scheme is the following possibility: to take a bank loan for the purchase of housing and close the obligations with the money of the certificate. If the loan amount is equal to or less than public money, then a transparent and legal scheme will solve the family's housing problems.

Options with the purchase of a property at a fictitious price are calculated by employees of the state body. The woman is deprived of her certificate and held accountable. Employees have the right to control a suspicious transaction, go to the place of purchase. It is recommended to carry out the reconstruction of the dwelling, purchase a country house for a family vacation, or take the necessary actions. Do not go against the law, money has a special purpose. It is impossible to legally receive cash, you should remember the requirement not to violate the order of the federal program.

How to get maternity capital in 2020?

In 2018, on behalf of Putin, the government introduced new opportunities for using the maternity capital certificate. Low-income families receive monthly payments for a second baby up to a year and a half.

The appointment procedure and the list of documents are established by the order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 29, 2017 No. 889n.

Who is granted

The monthly allowance will help support a family that has a second baby. A woman (or her husband) can receive a subsidy on the basis of a certificate to which they are entitled in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”.

An important condition from 2019 is that the average per capita income should not exceed two living wages established in the region for the 2nd quarter of last year.

To calculate the average per capita income, all family income before taxes for the last year is used. Income includes: wages, salaries, pensions, rewards and incentives, allowances, scholarships, compensation from the state, monetary allowances for military personnel.

You can use the right to Putin's monthly allowance from the mother's capital only at the birth of a second child. If a third or fourth appears in the family, on them, which is equal to the subsistence level in the region.

Payout amount

The amount of monthly benefits depends on the subsistence level in the region. Depending on the subject, the amount of monthly assistance can vary significantly.

Average amount:

  • in 2019 - 10,800 rubles;
  • in 2020 - 11,400 rubles.

The rest of the maternity capital amount can be used for other purposes provided for by law.

How to issue

You can apply for a subsidy at the Pension Fund at the place of residence, where they will inform you about the required list of documents or through the multifunctional centers "My Documents".

If two or more children were born, then a monthly allowance is issued for the first baby in the social security authorities, and for the second in the Pension Fund, since funds for the second will be allocated from the mother's capital.

An application for a maternity capital certificate and an application for a monthly payment for a second child can be submitted at the same time.


Application for funds is issued for 1 year. After that, you will need to once again issue payments for a period of six months and re-submit the necessary information.

List of documents:

  • Statement.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Applicant's passport.
  • Bank account information.
  • Statement of income of each family member for the 12 months preceding the month of application.

When to apply

You can apply for Putin's payments at any time until the child is 1.5 years old. If the documents are drawn up during the first 6 months of a child's life, then it will be possible to receive benefits from the moment of his birth for a period of 1 year. If the documents are submitted after the child is six months old, then the funds will be paid from that moment until one and a half years.

Payments stop:

  • if the child has reached the age of 1.5 years;
  • if the recipient of payments has changed his place of residence (it will be necessary to draw up documents again in another territorial body);
  • if the recipient refused the monthly payment based on the application;
  • if the child has died;
  • if the recipient of payments has died, he has been declared missing or deprived of parental rights;
  • if the mother's capital is completely spent.

Payments can be re-assigned if:

  • the court will cancel the decision on the death, loss or deprivation of the recipient of parental rights;
  • the recipient, on the basis of the application, decides to receive payments again.

All benefits begin and end in these cases on the 1st day of the month following the current one.

What can you spend on

Payments are transferred to the recipient's bank account and can be spent for any purpose. Do not require a report.

Additionally, you may need:

  • Documents confirming the death of a woman, declaring her dead, depriving her of parental rights, canceling the adoption.
  • Documents confirming the dissolution of marriage.

Need to remember

  • the average per capita family income should not be more than two sizes established in the region;
  • the amount of the allowance is equal to the subsistence minimum in the region, on average in the country it will be about 10,800 rubles;
  • funds from maternity capital can be received until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years;
  • Monthly cash aid usage reports are not required.

Cash payments of 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2018 will not be produced. Instead, at the initiative of Vladimir Putin, families at the birth (adoption) of a second child are now in the amount of a living wage for a year and a half, which can be considered a new alternative to traditional lump-sum payments, not provided since 2016. In fact, now this is the only way for citizens to withdraw “real money” from mother capital, which they can spend at their own discretion.

However, new monthly payments not for everyone- only families in which, starting from 2018, a second child was born, will be able to dispose of them, provided that their average per capita income per family member does not exceed 1.5 subsistence minimums of the able-bodied population.

For comparison, in 2015 and 2016 lump-sum payments and all families could get who have an unspent balance of funds under the certificate, regardless of family income and age of children. At the same time, the funds paid could be used in any direction (in particular, many used them to prepare children for school and kindergarten, to pay for summer vacations, to purchase seasonal children's clothing, etc.).

Is it possible to withdraw 25 thousand from maternity capital in 2018

In 2018 Government has not considered the possibility of receiving a lump-sum payment in the amount of 25,000 rubles by families whose maternity capital certificate has unspent funds. One-time annual payments were a measure of support during the crisis period and were established as part of the anti-crisis plan. After 2016, such assistance measures, since officials have repeatedly announced the end of the economic crisis.

Thus, despite the popularity of this support measure, the law on lump-sum payments from maternity capital was not extended for 2017. However, in 2018 families the opportunity arose again receive part of the maternity capital in cash.

How to get maternity capital in cash in 2018

On December 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin signed law on monthly payments families with children (No. 418-FZ). According to it, families in need, in which a second child has appeared since January 1, 2018, will receive assistance every month until they reach 1.5 years of age in the amount of the child subsistence minimum, which is established in a particular region of residence for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

It is important to understand what is due only to those families in which the amount of income per person does not exceed 1.5 times the living wage working-age population for a specific subject of the Russian Federation for the 2nd quarter of the year preceding the year of applying for payment (see by region).

Funds from maternity capital are paid to the family before the child is 1.5 years old:

  1. Since the birth of a child- if the owner of the certificate applied to the FIU no later than 6 months from this date (payments for the missed period from the moment of birth will be transferred in full).
  2. From the date of application- if the appeal was made later than 6 months from the birth of the child.

How is the average per capita family income calculated?

To understand whether a family can receive new monthly payments from maternity capital, it is necessary to divide the amount of all income for the last year by 12 and the number of family members (including children). If the amount received is less than that established for the working-age population, then the family can apply for certificate payments.

What is the total income taken into account:

  • salary and work bonuses;
  • pension, allowances, sick leaves, scholarships and alimony;
  • insurance payments to successors of pension recipients;
  • remuneration for the performance of labor or other duties;
  • compensation for the time of execution of state or public duties;
  • military salaries.

In November 2018, the Ministry of Labor proposed amending the current rules for providing monthly payments, according to which state child benefits will not be counted as family income. The changes should come into effect on January 1, 2019.

How to make monthly payments

An application for the provision of monthly payments from mat capital in 2018 is submitted to branch of the FIU at the place of residence in person or through the MFC. The following documents must be submitted along with the application:

  • documents proving the identity of the applicant and all members of his family (passport, birth certificate);
  • documents certifying the place of residence of the applicant and all members of his family;
  • documents proving the residence of the applicant in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS of the applicant and his family members;
  • information about the composition of the family (certificates of marriage or divorce; documents confirming the birth or adoption of children; certificate of name change);
  • certificate of details of a bank account opened in the name of the recipient of the certificate;
  • information about the income of the applicant and his family members;
  • documents confirming the grounds not to take into account the indicators of a certain family member when calculating the average per capita income (certificates, information, court decisions);
  • documents confirming the absence of the second parent (if the applicant applies as a single parent);
  • court decisions and other documents on the recognition of a citizen as dead, missing, on deprivation of his parental rights or decisions to cancel them;
  • court decisions on the restoration of parental rights;
  • documents proving the identity and authority of the authorized person (if the representative of the certificate holder applies to the FIU);
  • in the case of a child’s guardians applying to the FIU:
    • documents confirming the registration of custody of the child;
    • permission from the guardianship authorities to spend the MSC.

The Pension Fund will consider the application within a period not exceeding 30 days from the date of its submission, and the first funds will be transferred to the bank account of the recipient of the certificate no later than 10 working days after the application has been approved.

set for one year, after which it is necessary to re-apply to the FIU or the Multifunctional Center.

Payments from maternity capital in 2018: changes, latest news

In addition to receiving monthly payments for children under 1.5 years old, the following were made (the amount of which is 453,026 rubles - this amount has not been indexed since 2015):

  • Now it is possible to direct funds from mother capital to preschool education (services for babysitting and child care) without waiting 3 years- that is, immediately after the rights to obtain a certificate arise. Previously, it was possible to use it only after the youngest child was 3 years old. You can pay for the maintenance of a child in a nursery and kindergarten, including private ones (working in the form of a legal entity, that is, organizations).
  • The action of the state program itself is extended on the current terms (previously its completion was planned on December 31, 2018).

In addition, according to the decree of Vladimir Putin, at the birth of a second or third child, from January 1, 2018, you can get a mortgage on favorable terms -

Maternal, or family, capital is a measure of state support for Russian families in which from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019 born or adopted second child or from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2026 inclusive born or adopted first child. A born or adopted child must have Russian citizenship.

The amount of maternity capital today is 466 617 rubles.

At the same time, if in the family from 2020 to 2026 inclusive Hereinafter, "born" means, among other things, "was adopted."

"> two children were born, then in addition to the maternity capital for the first child, you will receive 150 000 rubles for the second. For just two children - 616 617 rubles.

If the first child was born in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, and the second - in 2020 and later, you will receive an increased maternity capital for the second child in the amount of 616 617 rubles.

If the first and second child were born before 2020, you will only receive maternity capital for the second child - 466,617 rubles. Even if you did not use the right to receive maternity capital for a second child until 2020 and after 2020 your third and subsequent children were born, the amount of maternity capital will still be 466,617 rubles.

If, before 2020, you did not have the right to maternity capital (for example, you have two children born before 2007), then with the birth of a third and subsequent children, starting in 2020, you can receive maternity capital under the new rules in the amount of 616 617 rubles.

The certificate can be issued either immediately after the birth or adoption of a child, or later, at any period convenient for the family.

2. Who is entitled to maternity capital?

The following have the right to receive maternity capital:

  • a woman who has the citizenship of the Russian Federation, who gave birth or adopted a second or The right to maternity capital for one of the children born after the first child in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, in the amount of 466,617 rubles, can be used only once. from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019 or first child from January 1, 2020;
  • a man who has the citizenship of the Russian Federation and is the sole adopter of the second or The right to maternity capital for one of the children adopted after the first child in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, in the amount of 466,617 rubles, can be used only once. if the court decision on adoption came into force from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2019, or the first child, starting from January 1, 2020;
  • the father or adoptive parent of the child, regardless of the citizenship of the Russian Federation - in the event For example, in the event of death or deprivation of parental rights in relation to a child, in connection with the birth or adoption of which the right to receive maternity capital arose, the commission of an intentional crime against a child related to crimes against a person. on the maternity capital of a woman who has given birth or adopted children;
  • a minor child (if there are several such children, then they are all in equal shares) or an adult child studying full-time (or children in equal shares), But no longer than until the age of 23.">until graduation upon termination of the right to additional measures of state support for the father/adoptive parent or the woman who is the only parent or adoptive parent.

When the right to receive maternity capital arises, children for whom parents were deprived of parental rights or for whom adoption was canceled, as well as adopted children who at the time of adoption were stepchildren or stepdaughters of persons applying for maternity capital, are not taken into account.

In confirmation of the right to receive maternity capital funds, a state certificate is issued.

3. What documents are needed for registration of mother capital?

To obtain a state certificate for maternity capital, you will need the following documents:

  • application for a certificate for matkapital;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificates of all children; for adopted children - adoption certificates;
  • documentation, Birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the child's parents or is stamped by the passport and visa service on the citizenship of the child, an insert in the child's birth certificate, if received before February 7, 2007. Russian citizenship of the child (children) born (s) or adopted (s) after January 1, 2007 - for the second and subsequent children, or starting from January 1, 2020 - for the first-born or for the second and subsequent children to apply for an additional payment for the second child;
  • documents proving the identity and confirming the place of residence and authority of the legal representative or authorized representative - if the application will be submitted by the representative of the applicant.

In addition, you may need In some cases, you may need documents confirming:

  • the death of a woman who gave birth or adopted children, the announcement of her death or the deprivation of her parental rights;
  • commission by a woman in relation to her child (children) of an intentional crime related to crimes against the person;
  • death of parents, declaration of their death or deprivation of their parental rights;
  • commission by parents or adoptive parents in relation to a child of an intentional crime related to crimes against a person, the abolition of the adoption of a child, in connection with the adoption of which the right to additional measures of state support has arisen.
"> additional documents.

4. How to apply for matkapital?

You can apply for a certificate of maternity capital:

  • online on the public services portal;
  • online on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR); for this method of applying, you will need full registration on the public services portal;
  • during a personal visit to the Pension Fund of Russia. If you are a citizen of Russia, but have moved to a permanent place of residence outside the country and do not have registration at the place of residence / stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, please contact the PFR office in Moscow and the Moscow Region. In all other cases, you need to contact the territorial office of the PFR at the place of residence, stay or actual residence.
  • during a personal visit to any
  • provided false information (for example, incorrect data on the order of birth / adoption and on the citizenship of the child).

The refusal can be appealed to a higher body of the Pension Fund of Russia or in court.