Mortgage calculator OTP Bank. OTP Bank mortgage mortgage calculator

OTP Bank offers mortgage for the purchase of real estate " Great opportunities", which assumes a floating annual rate. The base rate is 14.5% per annum. Subject to timely payment of payments within 8 calendar months further calculation of the loan occurs at a preferential rate - 10.5% per annum. In case of late payment, a return to the base rate will occur, and a penalty of 20% of the amount will be added to the total loan amount. The “Great Opportunities” plan involves a loan in the amount of 1 to 10 million rubles for a period of up to 10 years.

Fixed rate home loan

“OTP Special” involves issuing a mortgage loan for the purpose of purchasing real estate in the amount of 300 thousand to 1 million rubles with fixed rate, which is calculated individually based on the borrower’s reliability. The minimum rate in this case will be 11.5%, and the maximum – 19.9% ​​per annum.

Mortgage loan for the purchase of housing for large families

According to OTP Bank's credit default statistics, large families are more likely to successfully close loans, which increases confidence in them. Also, maternity capital, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be used to pay off debt or in the form of down payment. The Bank is also ready to individually provide a mortgage loan for preferential terms, which are specified when signing the agreement.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage at OTP Bank

Citizens can count on a mortgage loan from OTP Bank Russian Federation aged from 21 to 68 years, with permanent registration in the region where the Bank operates, and also have a permanent place of work for at least the last 3 months.

Required documents

To obtain a mortgage loan from OTP Bank, you must submit along with your application a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, information about the TIN of the organization in which the borrower works, as well as, if available, a certificate of tax registration of an individual and the SNILS insurance account number.

Mortgage calculator OTP Bank

On the official website the visitor will be able to use online calculator om, with which you can calculate the amount of the monthly payment by entering in the appropriate fields monthly income and the desired mortgage amount, as well as the loan terms. The monthly payment, annual rate will be instantly calculated and a list of necessary documents for obtaining a loan will be provided. Next, you will be asked to fill out a form and submit an electronic application for a mortgage.

Registration of a mortgage at OTP Bank

The basis for issuing a mortgage loan is a corresponding application, which can either be submitted electronically on the website, or written manually when visiting the nearest branch of the Bank, the addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours of which are also indicated on the official website. The Bank promises to respond within 15 minutes, after which, if the answer is positive, the client will be asked to open an account with the Bank and apply for a loan.


OTP Bank offers the opportunity to purchase real estate with a mortgage loan, allowing significant savings provided that monthly payments are made on time, which allows young families to acquire their own housing.

Today, a mortgage from OTP Bank has become much more profitable than before. The credit institution increased maximum size loan and the debt repayment period, and the advance payment is reduced.

A mortgage in OTP Bank can be issued on terms accessible to ordinary citizens. Any Russian citizen can take out a loan to purchase a home if he meets the necessary requirements.

Attention! Today OTP does not offer actual mortgage programs, but the borrower can take out a cash loan secured by real estate.

By using OTP loan you can buy an apartment in a multi-apartment building, a private house, land plot or an immovable residential property under construction.

Applying for a mortgage at OTP Bank is a real opportunity to buy housing in a new building or on the secondary real estate market without a very large burden on the family budget.

  • You can take out a mortgage at OTP Bank in Russian currency.
  • The minimum loan size is 300 thousand rubles.
  • The maximum mortgage amount is 4 million rubles.
  • The loan is issued if the mortgage amount does not exceed 80% of the price of the purchased home.

If a loan from OTP Bank is issued without a down payment, the maximum loan amount is calculated within 80% of the mortgaged property.

Mortgages from OTP Bank are issued for a maximum of 7 years. The advance payment is 15 percent. For your work in completing the transaction credit organisation does not take commission.

Interest rate

Mortgages from OTP Bank are issued to citizens with a stable income reduced rate. Setting a specific interest rate depends on many indicators. The minimum rate will be 10.5%.

The bank makes calculations depending on the mortgage repayment period, the loan amount, the type of property being purchased and other indicators. It is also important whether it is in the primary or secondary market.

Attention! For young families, military personnel and public sector employees, the credit institution provides preferential options for obtaining a mortgage from OTP Bank for the purchase of housing.

Benefits are also available to citizens who are salary clients of the bank, or borrowers who purchase housing in a real estate facility built with the help of bank loans.

The calculation of the OTP mortgage loan and interest is based on the loan amount and the loan term. It is also taken into account if maternity capital funds were used to obtain the mortgage.

Online calculator

Amount of credit

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated

Interest rate, %

Maternal capital

date of issue

Credit term

0 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years old 26 years old 27 years old 28 years old 29 years old 30 years old

0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months

Early repayments

Reducing the term Reducing the amount Monthly reducing the term Monthly reducing the amount


Mortgage calculator For mortgages, OTP Bank helps calculate the amount of payments, the permissible loan period and the amount of overpayment on the loan.

It must indicate the purpose of the loan, the type of property and its location, the loan term, the amount of the down payment, the value of the property and the rate. You must specify:

  • Will the borrower apply for a loan based on the certificate? bank form or 2-NDFL;
  • whether he will enter into personal and title insurance contracts.

After calculating the size of the mortgage at OTP Bank, the client will be able to see his potential opportunities for obtaining a loan.

Requirements for the borrower

A client of a credit institution can apply for a mortgage at OTP Bank if he meets the key requirements of the financial institution. The main indicators for which financial institution determines whether a borrower is eligible for a mortgage loan.

For citizens, important requirements are the client’s age and income. To receive a loan from a credit institution, a citizen must be 21 years of age (or older). The age of the borrower at the date of repayment of the mortgage at OTP Bank should not exceed 68 years.

To receive a loan from a financial institution, a citizen must provide documents confirming official employment at the current place for three months or more.

Important! According to the loan agreement, three citizens (or less) can act as co-borrowers. In this case, their income will be taken into account to determine maximum amount loan .


To obtain a mortgage from OTP Bank, a credit institution requires the provision of a minimum list of documents. They can be collected in a short time and provided to the financial institution in one go.

If the applicant wants to purchase an apartment or Vacation home, you must immediately decide whether the citizen will confirm his income with a 2-NDFL certificate (in another way) or not.

Depending on whether the document on the sources and amounts of income will be provided by the borrower or not, the list of documents required by the credit institution is also selected.

In any case, the applicant will be required to have a passport, which must indicate the citizen’s registration, and fill it out at home or with an employee of the credit institution. You can download the loan application form.

The main list of documents additionally includes the following papers:

  • a second identification document (driver's license, military personnel ID, government official ID) federal bodies, military ticket, foreign passport, SNILS, pension certificate);
  • a certificate confirming the amount of income of the applicant and his place of employment (a completed application form from the co-borrower, a passport of the second borrower with registration, a certificate of financial security of the applicant and the co-borrower, a document from the official place of work).

If, when applying for a mortgage at OTP Bank, another real estate property is used as security for the loan, the client financial institution must provide documents on the property.

After approval of the preliminary loan, the bank must submit documents for the selected mortgaged apartment, and papers confirming that the borrower has money for the down payment.

If the loan is issued to families with young status, the credit institution additionally requires the presentation of a certificate of marriage registration and birth of children. If, in addition to the borrowers, their relatives are involved in the transaction, the bank must submit documents confirming the existence and degree of relationship.

How to apply online

Through a special service on our website, you can apply for a loan from OTP. To do this, you must fill out an application indicating the term and amount of the loan. After pressing the receive money button, you need to enter your data and features credit history.

To speed up the process of obtaining a loan, you need to enter your passport details, information about your job and contact person.

A mortgage at OTP Bank is issued in a short time on favorable terms for borrowers. Clients of the financial institution are very satisfied with the work of the bank, so the credit institution annually increases the number of clients.

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Have you been dreaming of buying an apartment for a long time, but can’t raise the necessary amount? OTP Bank offers comprehensive mortgage lending programs especially for you. There have never been such favorable conditions anywhere else

You will be able to purchase property in a multi-storey residential complex, private house, land, townhouse or cottage. A variety of services will allow you to choose what suits you.

OTP Bank operates under the following conditions:

  • Forbidden share building;
  • You can take out a loan in any currency;
  • For foreign currency lending interest rate will be floating;
  • Low interest rates;
  • Long debt repayment period;
  • Some programs have no entry fee.

The company takes care of its customers, choosing only the best for them. You will never be left without the manager's attention. Specialists accompany consumers at all stages of the transaction, answer questions, give advice and resolve emerging problems.

When you take out a mortgage, you can immediately take out insurance. For some tariffs this condition will be mandatory. For what? This question is asked by many users, but it is worth understanding that the bank needs guarantees. Like the client, the financial institution wants to be sure that in the event of an unforeseen event it will be compensated in full.

Requirements for the borrower

Each company gives itself a clear definition of which category of clients it will work with and which it will not. Likewise, OTP Bank sets requirements for potential borrowers, which they must exactly meet:

  • Minimum age 21 years.
  • Maximum age 65 years. According to the bank's rules, the client cannot take out a mortgage at 63 or 62 years old. If you do the math, then after 25 years the borrower’s age will already go beyond the required limit. The age threshold is set taking into account that by the end of the loan repayments a person should be no more than 65 years old.
  • Work experience of at least 2 years.
  • The borrower must have worked officially for at least 4 months at his current place of work.
  • Having a credit history, it must be positive. A person who has had a lot of delinquencies in the past will 100% not be approved for a loan from OTP Bank.
  • Full package documents.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Registration in the city whose branch the appeal was recorded.
  • Guarantor. It is advisable that this be a close relative.

It happens that nuances arise. The client really wants to take out a mortgage, but cannot be approved due to previous late payments. Is it possible to solve this problem? Sometimes the bank meets halfway and allows the consumer to borrow, but at a high interest rate.

Each case is individual, so you need to consult with managers by phone hotline, in OTP representative offices.

Mortgage interest rates

Every bank tries to attract a client. Advertising campaigns try to tell the consumer about the benefits that he will receive from cooperation. OTP Bank is gaining a flow of users by reducing interest rates. There really are the best deals here. There are organizations that deliberately increase interest rates, but approve the product for everyone. This is a guarantee of their protection in unforeseen circumstances.

It may be noted that OTP Bank will not approve a loan for all consumers; candidates undergo a strict selection process when contacting the office. The more information about you, the lower the interest rate. Managers work with each individual individually, trying to help the person reduce the interest rate as much as possible.

For information:

  • OTP opens up the opportunity to receive any type of rate: fixed, floating.
  • The floating type is issued in ruble and foreign currencies.
  • Foreign currency should be equal to Libor, and Russian currency to Mosprime.
  • When purchasing an apartment, the down payment will be 20% of the total cost, and if you are purchasing a house, you must pay 30%.
  • If the client takes out a loan for 10 years, then the lowest rate will be 13.5% per annum.
  • If the loan period is from 20 to 30 years, then the bank offers from 15.5% per annum.
  • For a mortgage issued in foreign currency, OTP approves 9.1% per year for a period of 10 years.
  • When a client refuses property and personal insurance, his rate increases by 14%.

Early repayment of mortgage

At OTP Bank you can repay all loan funds ahead of schedule. If some companies are charged with huge fines, then OTP will not impose a moratorium and impose sanctions on the client.

You can split payments into several times. Deposit more amount, then the manager will recalculate, your monthly payments will decrease in size.

Young Family Program

In 2019, OTP Bank took part in an excellent project that provides tremendous support to newly-made families. In accordance with the main provisions, families that meet the program requirements can take advantage of a unique offer - receiving an interest rate of 9%.

Current conditions:

  1. A second child was born in the family within the specified year. This may be three years from the date of registration of the mortgage.
  2. If a third child was born in the family during the above period, then the period will be 5 years.
  3. If two children were born within the allocated time period, then the period is 8 years.

The preferential rate of 9% of the bank's OTP can be extended if there are grounds for this. New parents must submit a number of documents that confirm the birth of their next children during their participation in the Young Family program. After graduation grace period the interest rate may increase by 2%.

If you plan to contribute part of the money from maternity capital to a mortgage loan, then use this program from OTP. Tariffs are available with the following conditions:

  • With a down payment of 20%;
  • Without entrance fee, but with an increase in interest rates.

The loan repayment period will be extended to 300 months if the client wishes. The amount consists of: the main loan, a loan for the initial contribution and maternity capital. The smallest benefit amount can be 100,000 rubles.

When participating in the program, the borrower is required to contribute 10% of the cost if it is less than 2,000,000 rubles. If the price is higher, then 5% is paid.

You can get a mortgage using maternity capital by following the following algorithm:

  • Get a certificate.
  • Design mortgage credit lending to the OTP, present a certificate, a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the presence of the balance.
  • Submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to receive cash from maternity benefit.
  • Pay off the initial contribution with funds allocated by the Pension Fund.

Large families

OTP Bank provides support not only to young families, but also to large families. For those who have more than 3 children, the company offers the best conditions to start settling in:

  1. Low interest rate from 8%;
  2. Extended mortgage repayment period;
  3. Possibility to transfer payment (limited number of times);
  4. Bonuses;
  5. Loyalty card for a regular customer from OTP Bank;
  6. Assistance in property insurance;
  7. Services for registration and filling out documents (free of charge).

This type of lending is suitable for those who have a difficult housing situation: there are many people in the family, and they urgently need to purchase real estate. Then the citizen contacts the OTP to choose a more convenient program.

  • Loan term up to 30 years;
  • The loan amount can reach 30,000,000 rubles;
  • The down payment amount will be 10% of the value of the property;
  • The interest rate fluctuates between 16% and 25%;
  • There is a system of discounts;
  • For salary clients, OTP employees, Premium card holders are entitled to a deduction of 0.6% of the rate;
  • Platinum card holders receive a 0.7% mortgage reduction;
  • Partners who use a gold card will receive a 0.4% discount.

This program will be relevant when purchasing an apartment from the previous owners, the conditions are almost the same:

  1. Loan term up to 30 years;
  2. The amount can reach 30,000,000 rubles;
  3. The initial contribution will be 15% of the total amount.

OTP offers a program secured by real estate with reduced interest rates:

  • Salary card holders receive a mortgage with interest of 13% per annum;
  • A 13.5% tariff is available to all users.

How to get a loan from OTP Bank

You need to decide what type of real estate you want to purchase. They come to the bank with a clear choice. Consultants provide a list of documents that are required to obtain a mortgage:

  • An application in the form of a questionnaire, which is written according to the bank’s form;
  • Russian Federation passport;
  • Those who are married must bring a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • If you have children, you need their birth certificates;
  • A high-quality copy of the work record;
  • Males present a military ID;
  • Certificate of income in accordance with form 2NDFL;
  • A complete package of information about previous loans, possible debts;
  • Documents on the ownership of existing movable and immovable property.

The bank does not consider certificates of unofficial income; only official sources are accepted.

Businessmen and individual entrepreneurs must present:

  1. Russian Federation passport;
  2. Registration certificate;
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  4. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  5. Income in the form of 3NDFL.

If the focus of the business is narrow, then you must additionally provide a document for permission to engage in this type of activity.

How to apply online

If you have definitely decided that you are taking out a mortgage in OTP, then you have two options:

  • Come to a bank branch, fill out documents together with the manager;
  • Fill out an application on the website and wait for approval from the administration.

To fill out an application online, you need to:

  1. Go to the OTP website.
  2. Register a personal profile, create a login and come up with a password. You will not share this information with anyone.
  3. Find the “lending” section and go into it.
  4. Select the “mortgage calculation” item.
  5. Beforehand, you will be able to objectively assess your strengths and find out your chances of getting a loan.
  6. The system will offer you several lending options.
  7. You will have time to think whether to accept the bank's offer or refuse.

If you decide to take out a mortgage from OTP through the website, you can put an electronic signature on the documents and print out the papers.

The application can also be submitted at the representative office. After reviewing the application, the manager calls the client and provides the necessary information to further go through all stages.

The transaction is carried out:

  • First, the bank employee collects the necessary documentation;
  • An assessment report is prepared;
  • The contract is signed in advance;
  • The submitted documentation is being verified;
  • Insurance is taken out;
  • Subscribes loan agreement;
  • Ownership rights are registered in the State Register.

OTP will definitely offer you to take out insurance. This is a guarantee of protection of your property, health and life.

Exist the following types insurance:

  1. Real estate. This service will provide compensation for the debt to the bank and funds for the real estate in case of fires, floods, robberies, robberies and other insured events.
  2. Your health and life. The company will reimburse you for all expenses for medical services. If you are recognized as completely incapacitated, the company pays the debt to the bank for you.
  3. Title. It will protect you in case of threat of recognition of the transaction as invalid.

Loan repayment

The client decides with the manager when concluding the contract how payments will be made. The following nuances are discussed together:

  • Monthly payment amount. There are several different tariffs. You can pay more in the first few years, then further amounts of deposited funds will be lower. Sometimes an equal threshold of funds is immediately established.
  • Early repayment.
  • Types of payments. You can bring money once a month to the office, you can deposit it through a terminal, some people have a separate reloadable card from which the bank debits credit funds in automatic mode.

Advantages and disadvantages

Mortgage lending at OTP Bank is a type of service when a borrower comes to the bank to buy real estate with a loan. Now different companies are offering their own programs, trying to compete with competitors. Sometimes a borrower wants to avoid defaulting on a loan or ease their financial situation.

The client turns to OTP Bank because there are many advantages:

  • Favorable lending conditions;
  • Small down payment;
  • Friendly managers;
  • Competent administrators;
  • Possibility of obtaining insurance at a discount;
  • Financial savings;
  • Time saving;
  • It is possible to extend the payment period;
  • The interest rate decreases.

This is a convenient service that benefits users. It allows you to reduce the financial burden on the consumer, relieve him of delays and charges of pennies on top of the loan. The only downside is the reluctance of banks to cooperate in such a transaction. It is not always possible to break a contract with them.

Mortgage terms from OTP Bank are favorable:

  1. Reduction of interest rate to 9.1%;
  2. Possible approved amount is up to 30 million rubles;
  3. The payment period is up to 30 years.

Among the disadvantages of OTP are:

  • It is not possible to serve a large number of clients;
  • Not all cities have offices;
  • Lack of bright, media advertising.

Financial advisors speak highly of OTP. They provide high-quality services that meet state standards.

Mortgage calculator OTP Bank allows you to calculate the mortgage amount for individuals as of 2020. If you want to choose the most profitable proposition mortgage, buy an apartment in a new building or another residential real estate with a minimum overpayment, then be sure to use a calculator.

OTP Bank is a well-developed bank that occupies a leading position in the financial sector of the Russian Federation. Key areas of activity - customer credit, servicing corporate accounts, mortgage lending, attracting deposits from individuals. Low interest on a mortgage loan make this bank popular among borrowers who want to purchase their own home.

Today, OTP Bank offers favorable mortgage lending conditions.

Purchasing a mortgage property is a very serious step for every family, since you need to take on obligations monthly payment debt. The size of these payments will depend on how competently you calculate the mortgage and how correctly you choose the mortgage program (at what interest rate, for how many years).

Our OTP Bank online mortgage calculator will automatically help you determine:

  • Maximum mortgage loan size
  • Monthly payment amount
  • The amount of accrued mortgage interest for each month
  • Amount of total overpayment in monetary terms
  • Amount of total overpayment as a percentage
  • The total amount of mortgage payments for the entire period
  • Possibility of early repayment

Using this information you can get full view about the selected mortgage program, assess your capabilities in repaying the loan and paying debt contributions, and decide on the advisability of applying for a mortgage.

OTP Bank provides potential borrowers (including public sector employees and military personnel) with the following opportunities to obtain a mortgage loan:

  • With down payment
  • With a guarantor
  • With proof of income
  • No down payment (0% down payment)
  • No guarantors
  • Without certificates of income from work
  • Personal conditions (for young professionals or young families)

When applying for a loan, the bank can offer two options for repaying the debt: through annuity payments or differentiated payments. Mortgage calculator OTP Bank calculates annuity payments, since they are in greatest demand among the population.

The calculator is really convenient and modern way calculating all mortgage parameters online. For an accurate calculation, finally decide on the type of property.

You can get a mortgage loan from OTP Bank:

  • On a plot of land for individual development
  • For secondary housing
  • For a new building
  • For the construction of a private house

Already at the bank branch, be sure to ask the bank employee if it is possible to get a mortgage with early repayment in OTP Bank, with government support or maternal capital. We also remind you that if the borrower has an open salary card at the bank, this will significantly improve lending conditions.

OTP bank offers a list of mortgage loans. It is your right to choose an acceptable option.

You don't have to contact bank employees to get payment information. There is an online calculator for this. To make an accurate calculation, decide on the type of property:

  • for a land plot where individual development will take place in the future;
  • for the purchase of secondary housing;
  • for the purchase of a new building;
  • for the construction of a private home.

Using a loan calculator, you can calculate the order in which payments are made. Using the numerical data provided by OTP Bank on the mortgage, the borrower decides whether it is profitable to take out a loan.

By opening the page with the calculation scheme, you:

  • indicate the amount, the interest rate will correspond to it;
  • indicate the loan term;
  • click the “calculate loan” button;
  • all data will appear in the table, which shows the payment schedule, the quantitative ratio of the amount issued and its overpayment.

The maximum duration of the mortgage reaches 30 years.

What defines a virtual miscalculation?

  • the largest loan amount provided by OTP Bank;
  • how much to deposit monthly;
  • monthly mortgage interest accrued;
  • what is the overpayment in terms of money and percentage;
  • the likelihood of repaying the loan early.

What you need to get a mortgage

At the bank’s office you will have to fill out a standard form and they will explain what package of documents is required for a mortgage loan. The organization double-checks the information provided. Next, a contractual agreement is concluded with the bank.

Got cash? Now buy a home!

Attention! All information on this site is presented for informational purposes only. The site does not collect or process personal data. the federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” is not violated.