Work in partnership. Affiliate programs: pros and cons

Today, earnings on affiliate programs is our main source of income. You can make money on affiliate programs even without your own website, you just need to know how to do it right

Greetings, dear friends! In touch Alexander Berezhnov - one of the founders of the business magazine

Now many people are looking for ways and tools to make money on the Internet without investments and special knowledge.

In the article, I told how we make money on affiliate programs and how you can do it with and without your site.

You will also learn what affiliate programs are, how much you can earn on them, and what is the best way for a beginner to start.

1. What are affiliate programs and how they make money

affiliate program- this is a type of commercial interaction between the manufacturer (owner) of a product or service and its partner (seller).

The essence of earning on affiliate programs is that you get a percentage of the sales of goods and services if buyers came to them through your recommendation (affiliate link).

How is the earning process

You find a contractor (an online store, an author of a training course, a service or a person) who sells goods or services and help him sell his product for a percentage.

Consider this scheme on a real-life example.

You have a friend Vasya who makes websites, you need a website and you turned to him.

Vasya did his job perfectly and you were satisfied with the result.

Now, if your friends need a website, you will naturally recommend Vasya to them.

There are a lot of such examples.

I am sure that over the past month you have somehow recommended something to your friends just like that (as they say, out of the kindness of your soul).

Thus, you have become a freelance sales manager in a variety of firms without sacrificing your personal time.

Now that's interesting, isn't it?

Let's just look at the numbers now, and you will immediately understand that earning on affiliate programs is a great opportunity to earn additional income or even make it your main one.

Suppose that some time ago you or someone you know made repairs to the house, using the services of a team of finishers.

You liked their quality, timing and price.

Just agree with these craftsmen that you will recommend them to anyone who needs to renovate an apartment or house, and they will pay you 10% of the amount of work performed as a reward for the recommendation.

Given that the cost of an average repair in an apartment costs people several hundred thousand rubles, and even by “selling” one repair per month, you can earn from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles on the “repairers” affiliate program alone.

And if you have recently installed built-in furniture - a closet, a kitchen, and so on ...

In general, you understand the principle.

And now let's look at how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet

Everything here is exactly the same as in real life.

And for starters, on the network you need to find someone with whom you will "partner".

Online stores (for example,, hosting, information businessmen (people who sell information on the Internet in the form of training courses), various automated services (for example, the mailing service or the commodity affiliate programs

This is where newbies have a question.

How does your contractor (the one who provides you with the affiliate program) know that the customer who made the purchase came from you (via your link)?

This is not difficult, because when you use the Internet on your computer, all the latest data is recorded in special "cookies" (cookies).

This is how the computer remembers the entire route of the buyer of a product or service who came on your recommendation.

If the person who came through your affiliate link buys something from your contractor, then you receive the percentage specified in the affiliate program in the form of a commission for such a recommendation.

It is curious that the amount of commissions under the affiliate program can reach up to 100% ! That is, the contractor gives you all the money received, for example, in exchange for a contact with a potential client.

This is especially common in the information business, where the information product has no cost. That is why, here, commissions for affiliate programs often reach 70% , 80% , 90% and more.

Usually the remuneration of partners varies from 10% before 70% depending on the type of product or service, as well as the price of it.

Unlike information goods, where your commission is often higher 50% , in product affiliate programs this value usually does not exceed 30-40% .

One of the powerful services that gives you the opportunity to earn on product affiliate programs is apishops (

Here you will find a bunch of different products (mostly exclusive) that you can sell by simply creating an advertising campaign, and all other actions - the purchase of goods and promotional materials for it, communication with customers and delivery will be taken over by the service.

For the sake of experiment, I sold Chinese watches here, in principle, I managed to make good money. Try it if you're interested.

There are also so-called CPA affiliate programs.

They charge you for actions, for example, for a confirmed user application for a loan or registration in an online game.

CPA affiliate programs are now gaining popularity. This is especially true for banking products, such as loans.

Surely you have heard about such a well-known bank as Tinkov.

He also has his own CPA affiliate program " Tinokoff».

Here are her conditions for rewarding partners:

  • Payment for applying for a credit card - 155 rubles
  • Payment for an activated credit card - 160 rubles
  • Payment for an application for a contribution - 952.52 rubles

2. How much can you earn on affiliate programs

This question worries many people, especially those who are just starting to look for ways to make money on the Internet.

Let's answer it right away. Personally, our result with Vitaly: more than 50 000 rubles per month.

Here is a screenshot of an example of earnings per month:

In short, everyone earns differently.

For some, earnings on affiliate programs are barely enough for ice cream, and someone is rowing loot with a shovel, raising hundreds of thousands of rubles a month.

So we have quite an average result.

By the way, if you want to know more about that, read our article.

Let me now tell you what income depends on or what needs to be done in order to earn in this way not only for bread, but also for butter and caviar.

So, the factors influencing the amount of income from affiliate programs:

Factor 1 Quality (interestingness) of the offer

The product or service that you have become a partner of must be in demand and interesting to consumers. They must have an adequate price, quality and characteristics that will withstand competition in the market compared to similar products.

For example, if you sell an iPhone through the affiliate program of the "N" online store, and at the same time its price is higher compared to other online stores, then the chance of buying it will be less, respectively, and your potential earnings will be small.

Factor 2. Number of offers

Factor 3. Quantity and quality of traffic coming to the offer

Suppose every 100th visitor who clicks on your link will order a product or service.

Then it turns out that you need to attract at least 100 people for one click on the link.

Read more about where to get potential buyers and how to advertise your affiliate link in the next section of the article.

Factor 4. Relevance (correspondence) of the offer to its location

These can be specialized forums, articles on your blog on a topic, groups on social networks with a target audience.

Factor 5. Commission size

Pay attention to the amount of commissions for your affiliate program. The higher they are in percentage terms and in net monetary terms, the better.

In trade, this is called the average bill, that is, it is the average income per customer.

At the same time, do not forget about all other factors, because if they are not observed, then it will not come to your receipt of a commission at all.

3. Earnings on affiliate programs - step-by-step instructions for beginners on the example of the service

Attention, all the technology described below is not "sucked out of my finger"! It really works and I'll tell you why later.

You will find out what steps you need to take and what I did to earn good money on affiliate programs (more than 50,000 rubles per month).

Such income on affiliate programs is now brought by the website, on which you are reading this article.

All money from affiliate sales comes to me through the instant payment service Using this service as an example, we will consider a step-by-step technology for making money on affiliate programs for beginners.

Step 1. Find an affiliate program

You can find it in different ways, but in the article we will consider the entire step-by-step algorithm from finding an affiliate program to withdrawing earned money from Glopart.

To get started, go to the site and register.

The registration procedure is intuitive and should not raise any questions.

Now read the description of the product, choose the one you like the most.

At the same time, we pay attention to the cost of the goods and the amount of commission deductions.

In order to make sure that the offer (product) that you want to advertise is adequate, go to the selling website of the product and carefully study it.

To assess the adequacy (quality) of the proposal, be guided by the following criterion - would you buy this product yourself? Yes/No and why?

Only after that make the final decision whether you will promote it.

To add this product to your affiliate list, click the "become an affiliate" button:

After clicking on this button, you will see a window in which you will see your affiliate links.

Step 2. Get an affiliate link

You can choose any of the two links:

  1. Link to the product page (selling page);
  2. Link to the payment page.

Step 3. Promote the link

So, you have chosen an interesting product, received a link, and it's time to advertise (promote) it so that sales go through it and you start making money.

  • on thematic forums;
  • on your own or someone else's website/blog (in an article);
  • in groups and publics VKontakte and Odnoklassniki;
  • using contextual and tezier advertising, set up through your affiliate link to the course author's website;
  • by creating a separate website (landing page) and advertising this course there, driving traffic through advertising to it.

Eyeliner- this is a piece of text that precedes an affiliate link and motivates a person to follow it. The eyeliner should be short, contain intrigue and benefit for the user.

This will increase the number of clicks on your affiliate link.

Step 4. Making a profit

If a potential client purchased a product through your link, you are charged a commission, the amount of which was indicated as "affiliate deductions".

After a certain period, for example a week, you will see how many products and which ones you have sold.

So you can focus on them and further increase your income by selling more profitable products and getting rid of unprofitable ones.

Step 5. Withdraw earned money

In the Glopart service, the money you earn can be withdrawn both manually and automatically.

In the second case, the funds will be transferred to your Webmoney wallet, and then you can dispose of the earned money at your discretion.

For example, pay for goods or services via the Internet, withdraw your money to a bank card (for example, to a Sberbank card) and cash it out at an ATM. This is how we do it.

4. Pros and cons of earning on affiliate programs

Dear reader, so that you have a complete picture of making money on affiliate programs, I decided to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of this method of making money on the Internet.

pros "+" earnings on affiliate programs

  1. Availability. Almost anyone with average computer skills can earn in this way and get the first money in the very near future (sometimes after a few minutes of advertising an affiliate link);
  2. High income. Compared to other ways of earning, affiliate programs provide an opportunity to get really good profit in the first month (from $100 to $1000 or more);
  3. The ability to start without investment (from scratch). Since you can advertise an affiliate link on forums, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and other social networks, it will not cost you anything other than your personal time. This is your personal business, which you can really open completely without investments and start earning decent amounts from scratch.

In general, I wrote about how to open a business from scratch in.

Minuses "-" earnings on affiliate programs

  1. income instability. In some month, with the same efforts, you can earn $500, and in some affiliate programs they won’t even bring $100. It depends on the seasonality of the topic of the proposed product and its relevance at a given time.
  2. Risk of loss of time and money (in the case of paid link advertising). You do things to make money. But the truth is that they may not bring the desired result.

If you lose time and gain experience - it's not scary. Although, it will be frustrating if you invest a solid budget in advertising your affiliate links and they don't work.

To minimize financial risks, once again I advise you to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing an affiliate program (the first paragraph of the article), which I called factors that affect the amount of income from affiliate programs.

Hello dear visitor!

In this article, you can get an idea of ​​how to make money with affiliate programs and how you can get started in affiliate marketing.

What are affiliate programs

Affiliate programs, the so-called "affiliate programs" - are rightfully considered one of the most popular types of earnings on the Internet. Promotion of affiliate programs is also called "affiliate marketing". This type of earnings, in fact, can be attributed to intermediary services, where some help sell someone else's goods, while others reward them for these services.

The essence of this income is simple. Each owner of any goods or services seeks to increase their level of sales. One way to increase sales is to use third-party online resources to attract potential buyers. To do this, he creates his own affiliate program, and as a Customer invites everyone to contribute to the sale of his goods. For this, he undertakes to pay commissions to partners acting as Contractors for each sale.

In this case, the owner of the site, blog, etc. registers as a partner of the owner of goods or services, places sales addresses on his pages and receives his percentage from everyone who made a purchase using the link posted on his website.

One may ask, why does the owner of the goods need all this, because in this case he will have to share his profits with someone else?

The fact is that each seller has limited opportunities to promote their products on the market. Therefore, if his business is based only on his own sales, then his volume will be much less than in the case of attracting partners.

There are statistics that on average 20% of sales are own sales, 80% are made by partners. These figures clearly show why it is beneficial for the Customer to attract partners. So, even if he pays a fairly large commission, say, in the amount of 50%, then his income will increase by 200% of his own sales. With a 10% percentage of deductions, his income will increase by more than three times. As they say, the numbers speak for themselves.

Why are affiliate programs good?

Affiliate marketing is a type of business on the Internet that has the significant advantage that it does not require any large material costs to start. Most affiliate programs offer ready-made business solutions. These can be both simple affiliate links and full-featured online stores that allow you to earn a considerable income.

It is also important that affiliate programs are everywhere! These are practically any types of goods, training programs, educational books and CDs, various trainings, services of travel companies and insurance companies, etc. Everyone can work on affiliate programs, as they cover most areas of human life and everyone can find their niche according to their knowledge and interests, if there is a desire!

Do you need a website or can you do without it?

To work in this type of business, first of all, it is necessary to decide how potential customers of the advertised goods and services will be attracted. All further steps in the development of this business will largely depend on this.

Having your own website is an optional condition for working on affiliate programs. You can work without your own Internet resources, for example, post links on thematic forums, in accordance with the rules of forums for advertising. You can also use social networks when communicating in different interest groups, or any other means of distributing referral links.

At the same time, you should especially pay attention to the fact that in no case should spam be used for advertising purposes, since for this they will simply be excluded from the programs and it will not work to make money with this method.

Despite the fact that without a website it is to some extent possible to engage in affiliate marketing, however, in order to attract customers in the amount that can provide a constant high income, you still need to have your own website.

Your Internet resource, when used correctly, allows you to constantly attract customers and receive income, almost automatically. To do this, you only need to support the work of the site in this direction and ensure its good attendance.

How to Choose a Niche to Work in Affiliate Marketing

The issue of choosing a niche for work is also important. It should be borne in mind that the competitiveness of the topic, i.e. the volume of sales, and, accordingly, the income received, largely depends on the demand for the offered goods and services.

In this case, it is preferable to choose what is more consistent with your knowledge and skills. You should not be scattered and try to work simultaneously in all areas, especially in completely unfamiliar ones. The principle does not work here - the more, the better, since the effectiveness of such an approach will be low and low-income. Practice shows that those who concentrate on certain areas, in which they have their own specific level of competence, work better.

Particular attention should be paid to the correspondence of advertising offers to the place of their placement. For example, you should not place ads for the sale of children's toys on car repair sites, or any other topics that are completely inconsistent with the advertised items. Obviously, in such cases, there will be no big sales from such work.

The best option for choosing a niche to work in affiliate marketing will be a combination of its following features:

  • the chosen topic will contain a large number of goods and services that are highly popular and in demand among a significant part of the population;
  • the topics of the offered goods and services will be familiar at such a level that in this area one can consider oneself a good, competent specialist, able to answer any questions of potential customers.
  • the thematic content of the site or any other Internet resource will fully correspond to the profile of the advertised goods, which will ensure the selective attraction of potential customers, and, accordingly, a large percentage of sales from their total number.

How to choose affiliate programs

The choice of partners also plays an important role in the result of work. You need to choose the best ones according to your theme. The selection criteria are reliability, favorable conditions for calculating commissions and timely payments, as well as the quality and completeness of promotional materials.

The number of partners is constantly increasing, they even began to compete with each other. Now you can find a lot of commercial offers for working on affiliate programs for any topic.

However, there are many who use gray and sometimes fraudulent methods, for example, financial pyramids, gambling, etc. Such affiliate programs should not be paid attention to and used, as they negatively affect the trust of potential customers, which naturally leads to their reduction.

In addition to individual programs, there are also special affiliate networks, the so-called affiliate program aggregators. These are services that immediately offer a large number of affiliate programs for sites of various topics, which is quite convenient for those who use them in large numbers. Thus, by registering in one affiliate program, you can have a large number of different offers, which allows you to cover a significant number of affiliate programs from one place.

You can get acquainted with the work of affiliate program aggregators by the example of two services that are quite popular among webmasters, such as Cityads "" and Admitad "". It should be noted that the conditions for connecting sites to the Cityads program are very simple; no checks by site quality service moderators are required here. After registering in this system, you can immediately start working.

If you do not have your own website, you can also use the E-AutoPay and JustClick services, where you can find quite a lot of different affiliate programs with fairly advanced options for working with them.

If you wish, you can get acquainted with a large number of affiliate programs using search engines by making the necessary queries, for example, "Affiliate Program Catalogs", and looking through a lot of different options, choose the most suitable for yourself in terms of topic and working conditions.

How to get paid for your work

Naturally, in order to earn something, you need to have your own accounts to be able to receive money for your work through electronic transfers, since all Runet affiliate programs use electronic payments.

Most affiliate programs work with Webmoney and Yandex.Money payment systems. Therefore, if you open wallets only in these two systems, then this will be enough to work on affiliate programs. If, nevertheless, there are some programs that do not have the ability to make such payments, then it will obviously be easy to open accounts in the payment systems indicated by them.

In general, there are no difficulties in opening accounts in payment systems, you yourself can go to the sites of these systems and get acquainted with their conditions and rules for registering wallets.


Here are the basic affiliate marketing questions that provide some insight into the steps required to get started in this business. This can be summarized as follows:

It is clear that in order to learn affiliate marketing, you need to be trained in this type of activity. There are all sorts of paid courses and seminars to teach how to work on affiliate programs.

However, I think that it is always better to start with free or low-cost methods of obtaining information. And the purchase of paid training materials should be left only in the event that there is a need for a more thorough study of any issue. Don't waste your money again and again.

Therefore, for beginners, I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the free video course How to start making money on affiliate programs, which tells about the affiliate marketing scheme itself and gives practical exercises on its development.

Well, in the future, if necessary, it will be possible to professionally increase your level in paid courses and seminars.

Sincerely, Nikolai Grishin

For those who do not have a lot of capital (monetary savings) to start their own business, working with affiliate programs is a real opportunity to get good profit without investments in the coming 2019. For modern bloggers, webmasters, owners of various Internet projects, affiliate programs are the main source of income. This type of business is associated with its own specific features and nuances. They need to be studied step by step before you start working in this direction.

What is an affiliate program?

An affiliate program is a certain type of commercial cooperation between a manufacturer/seller of products/services and its partner.

The essence of any affiliate system is the promotion of products/services by attracting an additional flow of consumers/clients through intermediaries (partners) who are paid bonuses (commissions). In simple words, this is assistance in organizing a financial transaction for a fee.

"+" earnings on affiliate programs is the ability to:

  1. receive income from scratch (without the need to invest);
  2. carry out sales, offer services, both without a website and with the help of a personal resource.

How it works, examples

A company offering products/services/work on the Internet provides a partner with a special code. This code is called referral. For each unique consumer who clicked on the identifier and signed a contract/purchased a product/ordered a service, the partner receives a reward.

For example, on content exchanges, a partner receives a profit (commission) for each attracted copywriter. Moreover, interest is charged not at a time, but for each article written / sold by him.

In affiliate systems, the amount of remuneration varies depending on factors such as:

  • type of Internet business;
  • the cost of the offered products/services;
  • seller's premium.

Currently, there are various sites on which the process of concluding a transaction and paying interest is fully automated.

Popular ways to generate income through affiliate systems

There are two main methods for successful work with affiliate programs - with or without your personal website.

If there is a site

If you have your own website, a network entrepreneur can install on his resource:

  • Advertisement(banner of a certain size). For each viewing, the partner company pays a commission. This type of cooperation is beneficial for webmasters who have very popular resources (high traffic).
  • Special promotional code, by clicking on which users will go to the advertiser's portal (% is charged for each click made by the client). At the same time, the level of income will vary depending on the cost per click, CTR of the ad, the subject of the web resource, and the number of visitors. The user/visitor is not required to perform any manipulations, except for the transition to the referral code.
  • affiliate link, which brings profit for the action performed by the client. By recommending a partner's Internet service, the site owner will receive income in the form of a percentage of sales / completed work. This method is considered the most profitable, and at the same time difficult. , since a potential buyer must not only follow the identifier, but also conclude a deal (register, etc.). Internet resources, trying to find future customers in this way, are ready to pay partners up to 40% of each transaction. To get high profits, the site owner will need to not only place a referral code and wait for interest to accrue. A competent approach is needed to attract real (real) customers who are ready to make a deal with the advertiser. To do this, you need to make an unobtrusive text eyeliner (an intriguing article) that encourages a future client to place an order..

In the absence of a site

In the absence of a personal website, you can make a profit by attracting customers (referrals) in the following ways:

  1. purchase of advertising spaces in contextual, teaser and social networks;
  2. invitation of relatives, acquaintances, friends;
  3. posting information about the advertiser on various information resources, forums, social networks or by e-mail. This manipulation, otherwise called SPAM, does not require training, it can be performed even by beginners. At the same time, frank advertising should be avoided, it is better to use an attractive, effective description of the affiliate program.

Instructions: important rules for successful work with affiliate systems

There are several nuances that you should pay attention to when working with affiliate systems:

  • When advertising a service / product of a partner company, one should describe all the advantages of the advertiser as truthfully and accessible as possible.
  • For a detailed, real description of the advantages of the advertised site, it is advisable to personally verify the quality of its services / products. To do this, you need to purchase a test product, order a service, or register on the portal/project and work on it.
  • A business project should be advertised only on thematic portals (care products on women's resources, fishing tackle on men's sites). Materials that are not related to the subject of the site can lead to the loss of regular visitors / readers who, disappointed, will find another Internet resource among numerous competitors.

The level of income depends on the effectiveness of attracted targeted traffic, so referral ads are placed in the optimal amount on several thematic resources. The more users will be involved in the affiliate network, the higher the earnings.


As in foreign exchange transactions, advanced network entrepreneurs advise diversifying sources of income. It is necessary to expand the affiliate network, cooperate with different companies, do not focus on one advertiser.


In order to increase the conversion of existing traffic, it is recommended to use landing pages - special landing pages that allow you to analyze the actions (activity) of users (purchases, registrations, reviews, filling out questionnaires, etc.).

Working with the target audience

According to the opinion of advanced webmasters, when earning income through affiliate rewards, you need to constantly increase your own target audience, preventing its reduction. In pursuit of high profits, do not forget about the source of income - your site, which should be constantly filled with relevant, interesting content (articles).


Maintaining statistics on the Internet resource will allow you to analyze the effectiveness and profitability of the selected affiliate program. If an affiliate program causes a negative reaction from users, then you should think about the advisability of using it.

How to choose a profitable affiliate system?

The profitability of an affiliate program is quite difficult to predict in advance, therefore, in order to minimize risks, it is necessary to choose an advertiser based on the following criteria:

  1. originality, novelty. Potential buyers/customers are always interested in novelties and fashionable goods.
  2. Availability of services/products free of charge. Most potential customers do not want to pay for author's courses, goods, etc., which are freely available on other resources.
  3. Dubious reputation. Little-known companies offering products / services of dubious quality will not bring the desired income.
  4. Target orientation (topic). Selecting an advertiser taking into account the range of interests of your site's audience will help promote it and increase profitability.
  5. Size and frequency of commission payments. Reputable advertisers, as a rule, offer profitable% and frequency of payments (1-2 times in 14 days).
  6. Popularity. A well-known, popular, time-tested advertiser should be trusted.
  7. Availability of promotions, attractive banners, promotional materials. Large business projects are interested in promoting their brand. They provide their partners with comprehensive information and technical support.
  8. Terms of cooperation for potential customers. Consumers prefer and have more trust in companies that provide guarantees, have flexible payment terms, send orders by cash on delivery, etc.
  9. Uniqueness. When choosing an affiliate program that advertises a previously unknown product / service, pay attention to the terms of the proposed cooperation (tariffs and terms for paying commissions, reviews about the company, etc.).

Instead of output

For best results, do not advertise all existing affiliate programs indiscriminately. Financial stability and high incomes are achieved through a rational, balanced approach to the way of earning.

Hello, dear visitors of the business magazine site! In this article, we will tell you in detail about making money on affiliate programs from scratch, how you can make money without a website, is it possible to make quick money on affiliate programs on the Internet.

No one will hide the fact that at least once in their life they dreamed of finding a job that would not involve complex tasks or could even be performed automatically and bring good profit.

Earning from scratch with the advent of modern technology and the Internet, it has become more real, because access to the network in our time is practically unlimited. This means that for the arrangement of the workspace you will need a computer connected to the World Wide Web.

At the same time, there is one interesting method of making a profit, which allows, - earnings on affiliates. In fact, it will be necessary to engage in attracting people to various projects, and many resources are willing to pay for new users in our time.

Partnership programs provide an opportunity not only to receive momentary profit in the form of bonus for bringing a new person to this or that project, in which he himself will be able to earn, which means it will be interested in registration, but very often they offer permanent deductions.

Their essence will be discussed further, but already now I would like to note that at their expense, with a thoughtful approach, it is possible, even following the example of some lucky ones, to abandon the main place of work and establish income from the Internet on an ongoing basis.

So, from this material you will learn:

  1. What are the average affiliate programs;
  2. How can you use them to receive both one-time and regular profits;
  3. Is the income limited by something when working with affiliate programs, or does it all depend on the abilities of a particular person;
  4. What types are divided into all existing affiliate programs, as well as what features they have;
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of making a profit;
  6. How to start from scratch? Do I need a website to participate in affiliate programs? Is it possible to attract people without their own resource?

In addition, will be considered common beginner mistakes, as well as recommendations for an effective start.

Special attention will be paid examples, which will allow you to visually see the whole process of earning on affiliate programs from scratch, as well as its main points, which are pay attention as well as those who first faces affiliate programs, and those who already for a long time works with them.

At the very end of the article, an overview of the most common questions that people have on this topic will be made, as well as exhaustive answers to them will be given.

Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch - a complete guide to working with affiliate programs

There are several definitions of this concept, but we will focus on the most used. Thanks to him, it becomes clear what an affiliate program (or affiliate program) is.

affiliate program(Eng. Affiliate program) is a kind of cooperation or commercial relationship between the owner of a product (or service) and a person who becomes his partner, which means that to some extent he can be called a seller.

If we discard dry definitions, then it all comes down to one thing: a person receives certain commission deductions from the organization for a transaction that was carried out on his recommendation.

In fact, the partner has special link , on which the user must go and perform certain actions specified in advance by the rules. The resource that received a new visitor (buyer) shares with the person who brought him a part of his profit.

1.1. The essence of making money on affiliate programs - general meaning + example

Let's take a look at the whole process in a little more detail. Of course, the origins of such cooperation "manufacturer-partner" are in real life.

Quite a long time ago, it occurred to smart companies to enter into special contracts with people who promised to bring new clients. For this they could count on a certain percentage of profit.

At the same time, for a person who decided to try this kind of activity on himself, the task is to find a kind of contractor, that is, some store, service or even an individual, and conclude with it agreement . Thanks to the Internet, the whole procedure is greatly simplified.

Real life example 📌

So, let's consider all of the above with a small example.

Suppose your store needed to develop an online version. To carry out these works, an acquaintance Misha was involved, who did everything at the highest level.

Of course, after successful cooperation, you will be able with a clear conscience to advise him as a specialist to other people who also have a need for their own website. And they immediately fall on a professional, and not on some unverified one, and Misha thus receives gratitude from you in the form of new clients.

And this is just one example out of a thousand, because such situations occur everywhere.

Every day, each person shares his personal opinion with his surroundings about the purchased goods and services, and also wants to recommend something that justified his own expectations.

Very often you can hear from friends, acquaintances and relatives: “Don’t you have a good dentist in mind, to whom you could trust your teeth without fear?” Or something like this: “Can you tell me the phone number of the auto repair shop, in which you restored the body so efficiently and inexpensively?”

To understand the principle of affiliate programs in this example, it is enough to imagine that in this situation all organizations and individuals who have received new clients (dentists, auto repair shops, lawyers, etc.) will give back for your actions, For example , 10% from the profit received from new visitors. This situation is quite understandable, because without a recommendation, these people would not have ended up in a particular company or competitive specialist.

According to this principle, you can become a kind manager who sells certain services in his spare time. Read about other methods in a separate article of our magazine.

In fact, you share with your loved ones advice on where it is better to fill a tooth, which workshop will repair the body faster and cheaper, and also why it is worth contacting Misha for a website. At the same time, as a freelance manager, you managed to simultaneously receive income and not spend on the process of earning personal time .

It all sounds very attractive, but for greater confidence in the reality of all these words, you should pay attention to the real numbers. And they, in turn, affirm the following: in this way, you can either get a nice bonus to your monthly basic salary, or even refuse to work at all.

How does it work in practice?

Eg, a group of craftsmen did repairs in your apartment. The result of their work was very high quality so you decide reach an agreement with them that you will recommend them to your neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues at work (after all, they really did an excellent job with their tasks), and in return receive, for example, 10% from future work.

A new client will order a kitchen renovation from this team on your advice. Depending on the complexity of the work, as well as whether it will be necessary to purchase and transport all the tools and materials, the profit of the craftsmen can vary quite widely.

If a person decides to completely change the appearance of his home, you will receive from the brigade from 10 to 100,000 rubles! Based on this, even one recommendation for the entire month can provide you with both a small income and a profit that even many metropolitan residents can envy.

If you have turned to other specialists, for example, to replace windows or furniture, then the potential amount of money deducted for recommendations only increases. Thus, this whole principle is simple and clear, especially after analysis real situations .

1.2. How to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet

On the World Wide Web, it is even easier to make a profit in the way described above, because there is no need to independently look for real contractors, and it also becomes possible to cooperate even with those companies and services that you have not encountered before, because you did not need their services.

Don't forget and about all kinds of automatic systems that are engaged in mailing lists or offer affiliate programs for cooperation with various systems and commodity platforms.

Of course, the following question immediately arises: how can the contractor know that the client was received from concrete partner?

In this case, everything is quite simple. Firstly, the link may contain the answer to the question (very often it may contain partner's nickname or some of his identifier, which will be received by the contracting site after a unique visitor clicks on it). Secondly, all information about visiting certain resources is always stored on a person’s computer using technology cookies, which means nothing prevents you from counting it and simulating the client's route.

According to the scheme described earlier, everything happens as follows: a person is interested in the product on the partner’s website and following its link to the resource of the contractor (manufacturer or owner), performing certain actions there. After making a profit, a real seller shares part of it with his "assistant", who brought a new buyer.

No matter how strange it may seem, but sometimes real income can be up to the full cost of purchased goods or services. Perhaps this is the case if the contractor offers some courses or useful information, which in itself has no price.

Often, it is in the information business that the percentage of commissions can vary from 70% to 90% and higher.

Of course, in product affiliate systems, the reward is less. Its size depends on several factors:

  • the cost of a product or service;
  • their appearance, as well as features of acquisition and use;
  • seller markup.

There are online resources that automate the process of both concluding an agreement and paying profits. A fairly popular system is the site On it you can find various offers for the sale of all kinds of goods.

Almost everyone has heard of Tinkoff Bank, which specializes in remote services and attracts partners everywhere. To make a profit, you need to recommend financial services to some person and make sure that he performs certain actions.

The bank has the following rates:

  1. For writing an application for a credit card, you can get 155 rubles.
  2. For its activation by a new client, the partner will receive 160 rubles.
  3. After filling out an application for registration of a bank deposit, 952 rubles are paid as a reward. and 52 kop.

Thus, affiliate programs are a real way to earn . It actually consists in attracting new customers for various stores, services and information businessmen who are ready to give part of the profits.

Anyone who wants to can organize small extra income and constant stable earnings by advertising certain goods or services, or by attracting people to perform certain actions.

What are affiliate programs - popular types according to the payment scheme

2. Types of affiliate programs 📑 - 4 main categories

This field of activity, like any other, contains its own specific classification.

As is clear from the material that was discussed earlier, it is quite difficult to cover the variety of affiliate programs with a couple of proposals. That is why we consider main types of affiliate programs by payment type available to the modern Internet user:

Type 1. Pay per click

In fact, the contractor (the one who provides the affiliate program) pays for all the people (unique visitors) who follow the affiliate's referral link to his site.

Thus, you can not only increase the attendance of your resource without any extra effort, but also acquire in the future new customers who will make purchases and spend money.

The person who placed the link on their site receives a reward per click, but it is often very small and fluctuates. from 1 to 3 cents. (Read the link -). And the thing is that the visitor can simply get acquainted with the resource and register on it, or he can immediately close the tab and forget that he visited something. That is why advertisers not interested in serious pay through such affiliate programs.

On the other hand, most modern services that place links and banners on a huge number of resources around the Internet allow their customers to specify certain display criteria for which they charge a fee.

Type 2. With pay-per-impression

In this case, the partner places an advertisement of a certain size on his resource, and the contractor rewards him for every person who views this banner. All this sounds very tempting, especially for sites that have a large number of unique visitors per day, however per 10,000 views give just about 5$ .

As a result, less effort is spent, but such earnings are suitable only for very popular resources.

Type 3. With payment for actions

This type of affiliate program is more complex than the previous 2, but it implies better pay . The reward will only be received if the person does something.

Almost always he needs either register by filling out a form, or watch video, or download specific file. Very often they pay for completing surveys, which are pre-adapted to the visitor.

Of course, the more complex the action, the higher the commission, but in this case, not every person will have the desire to do something more complicated than just following a link.

Type 4. With payment for sales

most perfect and profitable way enter into a partnership agreement. Despite this, this method has obvious disadvantage: you need not only to attract a visitor to the contractor’s website, but also to force him to do something there buy , and to do this is often quite difficult, unless you think in advance something like an advertising campaign.

At the same time, a project that is trying to get new customers in this way is ready to pay up to 40% off every purchase, if it does not itself remain in the red. And the thing is that if the partner had not brought a buyer, then there would have been no deal. In this case, his merit in making a profit for the contractor is obvious.

It is worth noting that the last option is actually familiar to all people from life, but on the Internet it is much easier and more efficient to engage in such activities.

Of course, attracting buyers (both goods and certain services) is more difficult than simply placing a banner and waiting for site users to see it by loading the page. Despite this, a reasonable approach will attract not just people who will commit one purchase, but the real regular customers . In this case, the contractor will continue to pay a commission percentage every time a visitor orders something, even if this time he himself went to the site.

It is also worth noting that it is impossible to single out from the above list the best a way to make money on affiliate programs, because the more income per person, the more difficult the actions need to be performed by the partner.

Often, the owners of personal or advertising sites organize A complex approach to cooperation with various shops and with those who offer any services. They place both links to go to the contractor's website and its banner, and also recommend purchasing any product after performing a certain action.

3. Working with affiliate programs - 8 important rules for working with affiliate programs on the Internet 📝

Although at first glance everything is quite simple, do not forget about some simple rules , which will make it possible to quickly start as newbie, who had never dealt with affiliate programs before, and experienced people who have earned more than a dozen (and maybe hundreds) of thousands of rubles in this business.

So, you should always remember the following points:

Rule 1 All projects must be advertised exclusively on thematic sites. This is the only way to attract new customers and not lose old visitors who may be disappointed in their favorite resource if irrelevant extraneous materials appear on it.

Rule 2 In order to describe in detail the service offered or to present in a qualitative and interesting way all the advantages of the site to which people should go, better check it out for yourself:

  1. purchase a test product yourself;
  2. order something from a contractor (very often, partners are given discounts);
  3. register on the resource yourself so that the advertising process looks as good as possible natural and convincing.

Rule 3 You should not immediately conclude a deal with an offer (as contractors are called in professional circles by those who specialize in affiliate programs).

Beforehand, it is better to find out more about his reward system, as well as read reviews .

Not always large payments for an attracted client indicate that it is more profitable to cooperate with this service, because the actions required by it can be very complex, which means that not all people will be able to complete them, which will lead to the cancellation of remuneration.

Rule 4 To increase the conversion of existing traffic (this term means the ratio of users who performed the required action, that is, registered, filled out a questionnaire or bought something, to all visitors) it is often customary to use special landing pages (English landing pages or landing pages). Read more about them in the article and how to create it for free.

It is with the help of such “landing pages” that it will be possible to get maximum the number of people who will be interested in the described offer, which means the chance that they will do everything necessary (registration, purchase and other actions), is growing.

It is best not to engage in independent development of landing pages without special experience, but to entrust this business professional web-designers, layout designers and marketers who know how to properly influence visitors.

Rule 5 As mentioned earlier, the higher the “useful” (targeted) traffic, that is, the greater the number of people who have fulfilled all the requirements of the contractor (offer), the higher the partner’s income.

That is why, Firstly, you need to place the optimal number of links. Secondly, you can create several resources with similar topics in order to involve them in the affiliate program. More traffic sources - more visitors for which payment will be made.

Rule 6 As in the foreign exchange market, and in the field of affiliate programs, experts advise diversify source of income. About what trading strategies can be used to make a profit, we have already told in one of our articles.

To do this, you need not to focus on individual projects, but to expand your own base. The owner of his own site should be interested in participating in several affiliate programs at once.

Important this is primarily because in which case income will not fall to 0 , but will only decrease by a certain percentage if cooperation with one of the offers (contractor) is terminated overnight.

Rule 7 Cooperating with any organizations and placing new links and banners, Don't Forget About Statistics.

All actions must be analyzed to identify their effectiveness, as well as their impact on income.

If, For example , statistics show that due to a highly paid affiliate program that does not thematically coincide with the site, visitors leave, then it’s worth immediately think on further actions, because the priority in any situation should be to increase traffic, not reduce it.

Rule 8 According to experts whose main source of income is cooperation with stores, services and various systems, the main task of an experienced site owner who decided to make money by attracting customers to another project is growing your own target audience .

Thus, there are a number of simple rules that are relevant both for those who have long tried cooperation in the "contractor (offer) - partner" format, as well as for those who have only recently become interested in this.

The most important - do not forget about visitors to your resource in pursuit of money. Periodically, they need to be pampered with original gifts and constantly fill the site with interesting materials.

Do not forget that the theme of the affiliate project should be similar to that of the resource on which banners, links and offers will be placed, because otherwise you can lose traffic due to the disappointment of regular visitors.

In addition, affiliate programs are available to those who do not have their own website. You can use special advertising networks to promote a contractor's service or product by analyzing the target audience and calculating the expected ratio of income and expenses.

How to choose the right affiliate program to make money on the site or without a site

4. How to choose affiliate programs for making money - 9 basic selection criteria 📋

For any person who decides to start earning money by using affiliate rewards in various projects, it is very difficult to predict how beneficial this or that cooperation will be.

In fact, it is almost impossible to say with complete certainty which system will be more profitable to work with. However, there are several nuances due to which you can choose a project with the least risks and with the highest predicted profit.

Each partner should select a program for cooperation, taking into account the following important selection criteria, which will be discussed below.

Criterion 1. Uniqueness

First of all, you should pay attention to those goods and products that differ in their novelty and originality .

Firstly, this way you can attract more people, because they are always interested in getting to know something new. Secondly , competition will be much less, which means it will be easier to get the target audience and increase profits from the affiliate program.

Criterion 2. Unavailability in free form

Do not pay attention to products or services for which you can not pay. For example, it is better not to join the affiliate program of a service that sells any author's courses if they have been online for a long time in free access.

Note! People simply won't want to pay money for things that can be found. for free.

You should not particularly trust services with a dubious reputation, as well as with obviously unpopular services. For example, everyone knows that finding out the user's ip-address is no problem, so if they are trying to make money on it, then it is better to bypass such "information" systems, because they simply will not be popular.

Criterion 3. Preference is given to master classes

The most relevant in our time are affiliate programs for the sale of access to all kinds of training programs.

Criterion 4. Prospects for long-term cooperation

Particular attention should be paid to those affiliate programs that involve long-term relationship "offer-partner".

Often, cooperation with hosting, marketing and electronic mailing services, as well as with all systems offering reusable goods or any services, is more profitable. Such projects are always needed by people, and with their help, you can forget about looking for an offer for a long time.

Criterion 5. Topic

Be sure to look for affiliates with products and services from the same area, which is the resource itself, on which they will be promoted.

The target audience has certain range of interests , which means he wants to see on his resource a certain kind of content of a specific orientation.

If you start advertising and offering to buy women's cosmetics on a men's site dedicated to car tuning, then traffic will begin to fall over time.

Criterion 6. Contribution percentage

When choosing an affiliate program, do not forget about the amount of remuneration .

In some cases, site owners decide to enter into cooperation with some project and start promoting it using contextual advertising, thus placing the necessary links in banners. About and how it works, we wrote in a special article.

Of course, this way you can attract a lot more people even without your own resource, but the most minimal Yandex.Direct package will cost about at 10 dollars, which means the total amount of commission must exceed this figure. At the same time, the difference should suit the partner himself, because it will be his income.

You can read more about and how it works in a separate article.

Criterion 7. Best conditions for potential buyers

If there is a desire to independently promote the product, receiving from its manufacturer or wholesaler a reward for each unit given to the buyer, then you should take care to offer potential customers the best conditions for cooperation .

An important factor is the ability to order a parcel by cash on delivery, because many people do not trust stores that want to receive money first, and only then send something.

Criterion 8. Frequent commission deductions

Payments of financial rewards for referred clients must go to the wallet at least once every 2 weeks. Otherwise, it is worth considering whether it is worth cooperating with a project that pays very rarely, or maybe even wants to do so deceive their partners.

Criterion 9. Availability of promotional materials and various promotions

It is very difficult to independently promote a product or a whole brand. It is best to give preference to a project that helps in the creation of promotional materials or does them entirely on its own.

In that case it will easier start a business and attract the first potential customers faster, enticing them with promotions and all kinds of gifts, booklets, technical and full information support.

When choosing, do not forget about such a factor as popularity . The most famous affiliate programs are systems that time tested, which means they won't let you down.

At the same time, the most famous projects that offer to cooperate with them include: Alawar, Ozon, the LovePlanet dating service, and also well-known YouTube.


If you want to try something original, then, based on the criteria described above, it is best to stay on an affiliate program unique product or previously unknown service. At the same time, they must match the theme of the site itself, and also have no free analogues.

In addition, the offer should offer optimal rewards for the actions of attracted buyers, and payments should be made regularly(at least 2-3 times a month).

If, at the same time, the affiliate program implies the assistance of the seller of the service or product in promotion, and also provides for long-term cooperation, then you should pay attention to it. special attention and prioritize it.

How to make money on affiliate programs - 5 easy steps

5. Earnings on affiliate programs from scratch - a step-by-step guide for beginners (on the example of the My Business affiliate program) 🖇

The previously described method of making a profit allows you to get a fairly profitable job using the Internet. To really make money on affiliate programs (and to do this really really) and receive at least the average metropolitan salary, you must adhere to the previously stated tips, as well as act according to a certain algorithm.

Among other things, it is very important to find verified service (network/catalog of partner programs), which will allow not only to communicate with potential contractors, with whom a decision on cooperation will be made in the future, but also to receive regular payments under partner programs.

Consider a small sequence of actions that is needed in order to start earning as a partner, using an example affiliate program "My business".

This affiliate program is considered only because it has already integrated all the necessary tools for the interaction of both parties and provides for the possibility of receiving partner rewards.

Step 1. Search for an affiliate program

There are many “affiliate programs” that have nuances and features, but since we have already chosen an affiliate program, you need to register in it.

The process of creating an account itself does not raise questions, because it requires a minimum of information from a new user. To do this, go to the official website of the service " my business «

Rice. 1 - After switching to the PP "My business" you need to click on the button - Become a partner

Rice. 2 — After clicking the "Become a partner" button, you must correctly fill in all the fields and register in the affiliate program

Rice. 3 - Go to the "Promo materials" section and select promotional materials with which you can attract customers of the service. After clicking the "Create referral link" button, your affiliate link will be presented to attract customers. To attract partners, take a link from the section - Affiliate Network

Attention! In the affiliate program, you can attract both service customers and partners who will attract customers or other partners. That is, it operates in 3 circles. They have different links.(be careful)

You can also read the terms of the affiliate program, where conditions And remuneration amounts for attracting customers.

Step 2. Defining an affiliate link

In the same window (Fig. 5) a partner web link is presented, which will be followed by new customers.

Step 3. Promotion of the "affiliate program" (affiliate link)

After passing the previous two stages, the partner already has everything on hand to start work. In fact, the transition to the most interesting and complex process begins - advertising of the chosen partner (affiliate link).

So, experts identify a number of platforms where you can effectively promote something:

  • on a personal resource (blog/website);
  • on forums and communities of relevant topics;
  • in social networks, creating groups in them;
  • through contextual advertising;
  • on a landing page created for a specific product (landing page).

The latter option involves the development of a special resource, but it makes it possible to accumulate targeted traffic, attracting only interested people.

At the same time, the most popular, of course, is the method in which the link is placed on the partner’s own site, which frames it with a thematic eyeliner text .

Text eyeliner involves writing a short article in order to interest a future client and recommend him to purchase the promoted product, after creating a little intrigue.

Thanks to a concise and useful eyeliner for the visitor, the chance that he still clicks on the link and makes a purchase increases.

Step 4. Income generation

In the case when a person nevertheless registered and used the PP service, the partner is credited remuneration because he was able to find a new client. The amount of deductions depends on the figure that was indicated in the description of the affiliate program at the very beginning (this was discussed in the first step).

Already about in 7 days we can talk about some statistics: about how many visitors there were in total, and about how many of them took active actions.

Step 5. Withdrawal of received funds

After enrolling the first commission, you want to immediately get them in your hands. To do this, "My business" offers various ways to withdraw the money earned, for example, crediting them to the wallet webmoney .

Thus, there is a simple algorithm of actions that allows any novice person to earn income on affiliate programs.

You can earn on affiliate programs even without your own website. To do this, you can use both paid and free channels to attract traffic - we'll talk about them further.

6. How to make money on affiliate programs without a website - TOP 5 sources of attracting customers to earn money on affiliate programs 💻

Partnership programs- a tempting form of earnings, because with their help you can reap the fruits of the once vigorous activity for a long time, being content with deductions from attracted regular customers.

In fact, in order to become a partner of a project and start promoting its goods or services, you don't have to have your own website (own web resource) to place advertising information and links on it. There is at least 5 effective sources that provide every opportunity to offer something.

In order to discern unusual approaches, it is enough to recall the principle of any partnership agreement: the most important thing is attract customers, but how it was done no longer plays a special role. That is why placing a link on your site is not the only method of promotion, if you try to abstract a little from the classical approaches.

In any case, before you start looking for alternative ways to attract traffic to a partner project, you must study the rules of cooperation , considering 2 important points:

  1. the system may be able to accept new visitors from multiple sources;
  2. there should be a well-established and transparent way to determine the identity of the partner who brought the next client.

Given all the nuances, you can avoid the mistakes made by beginners. So, For example, the affiliate program can block its participant, if he decided to promote the product through email spam. That is why is a must acquainted with partnership rules .

Let's consider 5 alternative traffic sources with which you can earn money without a personal blog or a full-fledged resource.

Source 1. Social. networks

Now almost every Internet user has a personal page, or even more than one. And few people think that it can become a place for promoting goods.

Of course, the personality must be more or less popular in order to draw attention to the same link as many people as possible. However, it is not necessary that a person actually exist.

For example, you can come up with a believable character and create a realistic page for him with your personal or even photos downloaded from the Internet.

The most interesting thing is that they have already come up with programs that eliminate the need to maintain a page on their own and even respond to messages. Everything is done by an automatic application, for example, Viking Botovod.

The second method involves the creation of thematic groups and public pages with links to the product and periodically published interesting materials. The more interesting the public will look, the more its traffic, which means the more customers will be able to attract. We recommend reading our article on how to make money on it.

Source 2. Guest posts

In this case, it means placing a thematic text with an eyeliner and a link to a partner project in someone else's blog.

Of course, the material should be as interesting as possible and contain a minimum of advertising. The reader should not be forced to buy something, but made so that he wants to do it himself.

Many even well-known bloggers willingly take on posting such posts, because they themselves receive a certain profit from this and can diversify their daily publications with something unusual.

Despite this, the more popular the page, the more stringent will be the requirements for the posted content and its advertising.

  1. CPS - here you get income for purchases of goods or orders of any services made with your help.
  2. CPA affiliate programs with payment for any one-time actions performed by the visitor.

It happens that one affiliate program combines several options. Regardless of the type of system, you have one goal - advertising and attracting customers, in order to achieve it, you should choose the way of working that suits your needs the most:

  1. Placement of advertising materials on the pages of your website or blog. If you want to achieve the highest return, make sure that the theme of your platform matches the theme of your affiliate program. On a computer site, no one, I'm sure, will be interested in advertising hamburgers and cheeseburgers, but a banner with offers to buy new headphones at a discount will fit perfectly. If you, when creating your project, are guided by this type of income, you should choose a topic that is relevant for consumers.
  2. Creation of a site only for affiliate promotion. For example, when promoting an affiliate program of a bank, you should create a website about loans and deposits, where you will describe in all its glory the advantages of that very bank and leave an affiliate link to familiarize yourself with it. Do not forget to run your site for relevant queries in search engines, the higher it will be in the search results, the larger the target audience.
  3. Placement of advertising on the Internet manually. Any places where there are potential consumers are suitable here: forums, pages on social networks, chat rooms, message boards. Doing this manually is very laborious both in terms of time and effort, think about it, maybe it’s worth hiring intermediaries yourself?
  4. Buying advertising space for affiliate programs. The main thing is to choose an affiliate program in such a way that advertising costs are not higher than the profit from work. Most promote their affiliate link through popular contextual or teaser advertising services like Begun or Yandex Direct.
  5. Earnings with the help of doorways. This method does not apply to "white" ones, since it does not carry targeted traffic to the advertiser's website, so the owners of affiliate programs often ban webmasters using it. Doorway is a page or site that does not bring any benefit to users and contains text specially optimized for certain search queries. These sites usually contain scripts that force users to redirect to a landing page - in our case, this is an affiliate page. Search engines have already learned to recognize automatic redirects, so you can use more tricky methods, for example: attach a link to the "Register" button or other popular link. It is very simple to do - you need to find this button in the page code and replace your link (url = link text replacement]) with an advertising one.
  6. Earnings on affiliate programs by sending email spam. Another "bad" way, although it can bring income. Your task is to force the average Internet user to purchase a product, service, or at least go to a partner’s website in a letter. The method justifies itself by being cheap and time-consuming, but do not expect a large influx of customers from it, people treat such letters from unknown sources with distrust and simply delete them without reading them, some of them get into the spam filter. It all depends on your credibility.

Comments and reviews

In order to earn in CPA, you need not a small investment. It is better to start with the promotion of information products of other authors. Not such a big investment. Not much time and effort.

I worked on affiliate programs for a small income.

Still, I think that the best option is a website, even if the website is specifically for affiliate programs, because if you send it yourself anywhere, then there is very little trust (I tried it somehow, it didn’t work out very well, although I sent out a lot), and mailing so no one pays any attention to it. What do you think, for example, under the video on YouTube is the option? (of course, if it makes sense)

One of the best ways. Free, Ready Audience.
The main thing is to choose the right keywords (which will be used to search for videos).
Sometimes you can just play entertaining videos (animals, humor, etc.), and put links to offers in the description. There are tests that showed big profits.

Recommend some good affiliate program. I would be very grateful.


There is simply for the registration of a person you will be given a certain reward, and there is a task or tasks for your referral to complete. It seems to me that there is no point in working with such projects if you don’t have your own team or don’t have money to invite them.

If you want to make good money on affiliate programs, then it is best to do it on your website. Without a website, your income will be small, and if you want more, it will be laborious work. But I heard that they earn big money there. Probably, this takes years, experience and good practice in this case.

I agree, no matter how many cases I’ve watched, everywhere those who know how to create websites and do SEO promotion can net get a couple of hundred thousand rubles a month from a couple of hundred thousand.

There are also a lot of pitfalls here, you need to be able to optimize the site, have a budget for promotion and content. There are those who successfully promote their affiliate links on social media. Merezha and on the forums.

TonyMontana, can you tell me a free plugin for WordPress, with which you can make an affiliate online store (showcase / catalog) from the XML upload of the affiliate network?

And what about a way to promote affiliate links using promoted groups and pages on social networks? I personally use this method of promoting affiliate programs.

There are several options for such plugins, depending on which affiliate unit you want to work with.
For example, you can view affiliate-shop plugins in the WordPress section.