How to quickly earn experience in tanks. How can you quickly accumulate free experience in world of tanks? Quick ways to gain experience

Many players who are just starting to master the World of Tanks are faced with the problem that it is very difficult to accumulate in-game currency on entry-level tanks and because of this they have to spend a lot of time to at least get 100 thousand credits.

At the same time, they play rather weakly, sometimes even going into wild disadvantages because they face opponents two or three levels higher. And if you are also a victim of art, then this is generally a sad case. Another reason for poor experience accumulation is when you are placed with newcomers who behave much worse in the game than you, this actually leads to a bad result in the battle.

One of the best ways in world of tanks to quickly gain experience is to buy a premium account for a month; it is inexpensive, but it will pay you back for possible victories and increase the rate of hitting enemy vehicles. It is recommended to buy if you have reached at least level 8, it is important to max out your tank’s skills in order to increase the damage and accuracy of hitting targets.

The more opponents you kill, the more experience you will accumulate.

Purchasing a premium account increases the accumulation of experience and credits several times. In fact, those who believe that spending real money on games is a stupid activity are wrong. Let's say we take the situation that you spend an hour of your time on the game. During a normal game, you earn ten thousand credits and several hundred experience points; with premium, this figure will double. Premium accounts are often distributed on New Year's holidays, February 23 or May 9, but they usually last only a few days.

But even during this time, with a positive result from battles, you can accumulate enough experience

Another proven way in world of tanks to quickly gain experience is to buy premium level 8 tanks; from the options you can choose the Soviet T34, KV-5 or the German “Lion” - well-proven combat vehicles for beginners and mid-level players. Thanks to the high efficiency rating of the listed tanks, you can gain several million credits and a decent amount of experience.

The main rule in WoT battles is to destroy as many targets as possible. Aim at all vulnerable spots, if the enemy gets you, hide in cover. The situation when you need to hide from enemy bullets sometimes helps if you are left alone in the team. The easiest way is to go to the base and wait for the enemy; when he is in sight, you need to knock him out.

You can try to capture an enemy base, but only if the enemy forces are weak, or there is only one weak target left there.

If you are going to join a platoon to gain credits or experience, then this is not a very good decision, because your team or a friend may be placed with strong opponents, then the process of getting a victory will be very difficult.


Determine what you want. Forget about not having what it takes or having the education. Just dream - where and who would you like? Make a decision right now. Even if you are not sure exactly about your choice, you still need to settle on something, otherwise you may doubt it for years.

Go work in your chosen field. If you know exactly what you want to be, but you lack experience, ask for practice. Apply to someone as an apprentice. If necessary, work, but ask for a recommendation. If you can’t work for free, then just get a job in a good company. Even if they hire you as a janitor, agree. In reputable companies, new directions are periodically opened, people are always needed. If you prove yourself well as a responsible, disciplined employee (if you are not late for work), you will be given the opportunity to prove yourself and get a promotion.

Work for the same organization for at least a year. Firstly, a year of work is already experience. Secondly, during this period, try to communicate with company employees. Ask more questions. Make friends with the HR department. Make it clear that you are a young and very promising comrade. Be energetic. Get your work done quickly and look into other departments of the company. Provide services to people, help with something. If a vacancy appears, they will remember you.

Take trainings and seminars. While you are working and gaining first experience, educate yourself. Read more books. Go to trainings, get more different certificates. And don’t forget to share this news with HR and other employees. Let them know that you do not intend to stay in a low position for long.

Get promoted. Don't be shy - ask if you have such an opportunity. What needs to be done for this? Be happy and enthusiastic about your options. Even if it's a small increase, consider it as another step up.

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If you work in a low position for a long time, you can get used to it. Don’t fall into such a dangerous state, don’t let yourself fall asleep. To do this, motivate yourself by reading good books on success. If you strive upward, the opportunity will appear sooner or later. This happens to everyone.

Helpful advice

Try to work next to a more experienced colleague. Absorb all his knowledge and skills. Watch what and how he does. Ask how to learn this.


  • Where can you get solid work experience?

The first step on the career ladder is often complicated by the fact that employers mainly need specialists with professional experience. A person who does not have one can get it only by getting a job. This is such a vicious circle. However, it is possible to break it, and it all depends on the candidate himself.


If you think very carefully, you may already have some kind of experience: an internship, volunteer programs, social activism, a trip to a student construction team, frivolous, at first glance, pocket jobs. The presence of at least one of the above already distinguishes you more favorably from those who do not even have this in their soul. This means that you already know the working day, terms of reference, area of ​​responsibility, and have experience in building relationships and management. It turns out that you no longer need to teach (and sometimes even seasoned professionals have to retrain - and not only when changing jobs or moving to another position).

But even if all of the above doesn’t exist yet, you have to start sometime. It’s good if you know what profession you want to get (or are getting) and already know how to do something related to it. In this case, you should try, first of all, to pay attention to employment options that have one or another relation to the chosen field. And there may not be as few of them as it seems. In many companies, there are many opportunities for the application of effort that are simply unprofitable to distract experienced employees, but for a newbie, these routine and low-respect (and low-paid) activities will be an excellent start. An unpaid internship may not be the worst option, but it will bring you the very experience the lack of which prevents you from earning money.

Problems with work and income, especially for newcomers, in a particular area will often solve the enormous opportunities that the Internet holds. Many professions allow remote interaction, which makes it possible not to be limited to proposals within one region, and, if you know a foreign language, to the state. The portfolio, by which the customer evaluates a professional performer at first, can be completed with both student work and work done at leisure for the soul. Once your first order arrives, things will become easier.

In extreme cases, when a job related to the chosen profession cannot be found, all that remains is to remember that a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky, and focus on those offers that are real.
For example, McDonald's, which is probably in every regional center, takes everyone. This is, of course, not the best option, but not the worst either. There are other similar options.
It’s just that when the tit is finally in your hand, you should not forget about the desired crane.

Video on the topic

When looking for an employee for a vacant position, each personnel officer tries to take into account all the features of the work that the applicant will have to perform. In some cases, for example, in highly specialized activities, special work experience is required, without which even the highest quality theoretical education is of no value. And no matter how temptingly potential employees describe their experience, you should check whether you have the necessary experience, and there are several ways to do this.


First of all, carefully study the applicant’s resume. Make sure his education and work experience matches your requirements. Read what he had to do at his previous places of work.
Call the applicant's previous immediate supervisor and ask for a recommendation in terms of experience, if the candidate has not provided any. This way you will get much more accurate information about a potential employee.

If the previous stage of collecting information about the applicant confirmed that he meets your professional expectations, then invite him to an interview in order to clarify unclear points using specific questions. Here you can invite the specialist to demonstrate his knowledge and prove the validity of his proposal.

During the interview, offer the position a test task, which should be prepared in such a way as to give him the opportunity to maximally demonstrate his extensive knowledge in highly specialized issues. The proposed test is very important here, so ask a specialist in this field to write it. This could be a future immediate supervisor, for whom it is also very important to select the right employee. In addition, you can transfer the completed test work to him for evaluation.

And yet, the last point in identifying the experience you need is to offer the applicant a job with a probationary period. In this case, you will have the opportunity to find out in practice the professional skills of the candidate, offering clear criteria for determining his professional suitability. To do this, you should prepare the appropriate job description and conclude an employment contract within the framework of the proposed conditions.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Remember that the best way to find out a candidate's experience is to evaluate their skills in practice. So before you reject a candidate because you have doubts about competency after reading a resume, give them a chance to demonstrate their professionalism by using all four steps before making a final decision.


  • [Guide] Quick leveling up of Trade from Beginner to Master in a couple

In 2010, the Belarusian company Wargaming released the game World of Tanks, which immediately gained high popularity among gamers from all countries. Every day the game is visited by more than millions of players from all over the world. When you first get into the game, a person wonders how to earn money to buy a new tank?

There are 2 currencies in the game - gold, or as gamers call it gold, and silver.

How to earn silver in World of Tanks

Silver coins can be earned in several ways. You need to analyze during the game which tanks bring the most profit. Most often these are combat vehicles of levels 5 and 6. These include premium tanks purchased for real money. Such machines, even if you lose, bring a little silver. If you need quick leveling, then it is best to buy several level 5 or 6 tanks. An important factor in the game is how you conducted the battle. The more damage done to the enemy, the more in-game silver is given for it.

Silver can be purchased with real money. To do this, in any payment terminal, simply enter your login in the world of tanks and the payment amount. To pay via SMS, on the official website in the “buy currency” section, select the required amount of money. In the menu that opens, enter your phone number and wait for a response. You need to respond to the message you receive. Payment will then be made.

Purchasing a premium account increases the silver earned in battle by 50%. Some players who do not have the patience to earn money on their own resort to hacking the game using cheats downloaded from the Internet. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for others, this method is prohibited and severely punished by the resource administration.

How to get golda, or gold, in tanks

It is quite difficult to get gold in the game World of Tanks. After all, it has many advantages over silver currency. Using gold, you can buy a premium account or tanks, which will bring more earnings and experience. There are several ways to get gold coins:
- Deposit real money into your game account. But, unfortunately, this method is not suitable for everyone. After all, game gold is quite expensive.
- Gold can be earned by capturing provinces on the global map. This method also has its limitations; a beginner cannot do it.
- Participation in various competitions held by the administration of the World of Tanks game. You can see what competitions are taking place right now on the official website of the game. For the first place taken, the winners receive not only in-game gold, but also pleasant gifts from the company.
- There are services that give players the opportunity to earn currency. Such services include COINSUP or WASD. They are designed to earn in-game currency, which can be instantly transferred to the game.

Good day everyone! This topic is dedicated to how to earn experience! But first, let's discuss what experience actually is. As with any MMO, experience matters a lot in World of Tanks. Only with the help of experience is it possible to move up the “tank ladder.” For combat experience, the player can research tank modules or equipment that is available for research. Combat experience can only be gained in battle, by killing or highlighting the enemy. However, there are other criteria that affect the total amount of experience earned in battle. As you know, experience in World of Tanks is divided into two categories: free and combat.

As for combat experience, it is awarded for the following actions in battle:

  1. Dealing damage to enemy tanks - the vehicle class and enemy level are taken into account. For example, for 2000 damage, a firefly will be given much more experience than a tank destroyer or artillery gun, since the main purpose of a light tank is not to cause damage to the enemy, but to illuminate enemy positions. The level of the enemy to whom the damage was dealt is also important. Thus, by killing high-level enemies, you will gain more experience than by shooting low-level tanks. Additional experience is also given for destroying tanks, but it is better to deal 400 damage than to finish off a tank with 5 HP.
  2. There is also a bonus of sorts for causing critical damage to an enemy. Setting fire to the engine or tanks, crit of the ammunition rack or the turret turning mechanism, track derailment and concussion of crew members are also taken into account when calculating experience.
  3. The initial exposure of the enemy (detecting enemies) counts towards experience. Moreover, they give more experience for detecting self-propelled guns than for spotting another class of tank. If, due to the light of the tank, enemies were destroyed or damaged, then a kind of bonus to experience is given for this - “damage with your help.”
  4. In the latest patches, another criterion was introduced, according to which additional experience is also given for pushing/drowning tanks.
  5. Capturing an enemy base or shooting down a capture is rewarded with experience.
  6. Additional experience is awarded for active combat operations, worthy resistance, survivability in battle and received medals. Moreover, for winning a battle, teams give the most experience: +50% experience for each player.
  7. Many people prefer to finish off their opponents, since the more damage the team inflicts, the more experience the winning players will receive.

Many users do not know how experience is awarded in WoT. They are often mistaken that you can gain experience for damaging allies. On the contrary, for a team kill or damage to allied vehicles, you will be deducted part of your earned experience and credits in proportion to the damage caused. Also, damage is not awarded for non-penetration or ricochets and for receiving damage. There is no bonus for a loss or a draw. As a result, if you want a lot of experience at the end of the battle, you must win.

However, World of Tanks is protected from experience cheating. For example, if you leave a battle and do not enter until it ends, then experience will ultimately not be awarded. True, this is only if your tank is not destroyed.

To summarize, we can say that to get the maximum amount of experience you need to destroy enemies, deal damage and, most importantly, win the battle while remaining alive. In this case, it is advisable to have a premium account, since if you have one, you can receive 50% more experience in each battle, regardless of the outcome of the fight

Many people play the fairly well-known online game World of Tanks with the goal of feeling like the driver of a real combat vehicle. But sometimes, opening a new combat vehicle and trying it out in action becomes a real problem, because the amount of experience gained is so small. Therefore, many of these fans of tank battles were wondering “how to get more experience in World of Tanks?” After all, we need to somehow move forward in the research of new combat vehicles? Today, in this article we will look at several possible ways to get more experience in wot per battle.

Important aspects of gaining experience

I think everyone will agree that in order to gain more experience, you need to win? And win not once or twice, but regularly. But sometimes this is not as simple as it might seem, because the game is very situational and the outcome of the battle can change literally in a second. First of all, we need to increase the frequency of victories, because winning a battle will increase the amount of experience by as much as 50%! In my opinion, a great way to increase your win rate in a game is to join a well-coordinated team where everyone knows each other and everyone has roles. After all, a well-coordinated team acts as one, unlike a group of strangers who are likely to act independently of the team.

Constantly try to give light to your team, for this you will be awarded experience separately. If you have a good radius of light, you will regularly be awarded experience for helping your team.

Help your team, contribute to your overall victory, this is also well appreciated. On top of everything else, try to survive the battle, because they also pay well for surviving the battle.

Not many people know, but there is a rather important aspect regarding gaining experience, depending on your “aggressiveness” in the game. Your “aggressiveness” in the game is expressed by how close to your opponent the fight takes place. If you destroy the enemy from somewhere far away, from cover, then you will receive much less experience if you come close to him. Sometimes, while on the road, we don’t have the opportunity to play our favorite tanks, but there are no less exciting games on phones and tablets, for example, Epic Forces, here you will find epic forces gift codes that will give you a lot of useful advantages during the passage.

Components of success

The next way to increase the amount of experience you gain per battle is to stop chasing frags! Seriously, stop trying to finish off some poor guy with 3% of his total durability left. You will receive more experience not for the number of tanks destroyed, but for the total amount of damage caused during the entire battle. So, for six killed you will get much less experience than for six wounded. Use this and try to shoot the fattest member of the enemy team, thereby causing him as much damage as possible. Also, you will be paid for knocking out various modules of the enemy tank, so you will have to work hard and remember the structure of those tanks that you most often encounter.

Capturing an enemy base is also a very important aspect of the game and an aspect of gaining experience in particular. Try to capture the enemy base, stand in a circle as long as possible! The longer you stay in the circle with the goal of capturing a base, the more experience you will subsequently receive after the match. In addition to capturing an enemy base, the defense of your base is assessed. The principle of gaining experience for defending a base is similar to the principle of gaining experience for capturing a base - the more capture percentages you knock down, the more experience you will subsequently receive.

Also, you should not forget about the World of Tanks premium account, this is undoubtedly a good way, it will increase the amount of experience and credits you receive by 50%, but you should also not forget that without all of the above you are unlikely to get a lot of experience. After all, a 50% increase is felt not when you get 1000 experience, but, for example, 5000, etc.

I hope my advice will help everyone who reads this, good luck, tankers.

In the online game World of Tanks, experience or exp is a special resource that allows you to unlock new tanks and modules. Gaining experience in battles is, in fact, one of the foundations of this game. This article will tell you everything you need to know on this topic.

What is experience in WoT, why is it needed and how is it awarded?


As mentioned above, experience is needed in order to upgrade equipment and its modules. There are four types in total in World of Tanks:

  • Combat - individual for each individual tank. When playing on any vehicle, 95% of the experience earned in battle goes only to it, to pump out its modules and the next equipment in this branch.
  • Free - you can spend it on upgrading any tank or module that interests you. Makes up 5% of the resource received in battle.
  • Crew experience - after the battle, each crew member receives the same amount of experience as the tank itself.
  • Combat experience accumulated on premium tanks and elite vehicles is available for conversion into free experience for in-game gold at the rate of 1 unit of gold = 25 units of free experience.

Accrual principles

In World of Tanks, to earn a lot of experience, you need to perform as many useful actions as possible during the battle. For some of them more experience is given, for some less. Here is a complete list of useful actions:

  • Causing damage to enemy tanks;
  • Disabling modules and crew members of enemy equipment, and the higher the level of enemy equipment relative to you, the more experience you will receive;
  • Causing damage to an enemy by your highlighting - you are given 10% of the experience received by an allied player for the damage he inflicts on the vehicle you illuminated;
  • Causing damage to an enemy standing on a track you knocked down;
  • Detection of enemy tanks, and for detecting an Artillery SPG you will receive 50% more experience;
  • Drowning or pushing enemy tanks;
  • A separate bonus for destroying an enemy tank - only to the one who earned the frag;
  • Capturing an enemy base - only for those who are on the capture, the more base points you have, the more experience you will receive;
  • Knocking down a capture from your base - the more capture points you knock down, the more experience;
  • An added bonus if you survive the battle;
  • Active combat operations - when enemy tanks fire a large number of shots near you, you are awarded a little experience;
  • The total number of damage points inflicted on enemy vehicles - have you ever noticed that when you win by quickly capturing a base, a very small amount of experience is awarded? The reason for this is precisely the influence of this coefficient. Damage is taken into account only for those tanks that were subsequently destroyed. There is also a widespread myth that if you destroy all the enemy's equipment, the team will be given a little more experience. This is not true - There is no separate bonus provided for the fact of complete elimination of the enemy team;
  • For winning you get +50% to the final experience;
  • If you lose for receiving a “Battle Hero” medal, an epic medal or a platoon medal, you will receive a bonus of 50%;
  • A premium account allows you to receive an additional +50% experience and credits for each battle.

The fastest ways to earn experience

In fact, there is not much advice that can be given on enhanced farming. You just need to play well, preferably, pull out all the battles; play with a premium account, which will significantly increase your earnings level; Also, with patch 0.9.9, it became possible to use personal reserves to quickly upgrade equipment.

Every day, “X2” stars appear on all tanks in your hangar - this means that for the first victory that day on this vehicle you will receive a double bonus. Often during in-game promotions conducted by Wargaming, this coefficient increases to X3, or even to X5.

How to upgrade your crew faster?

When you play with premium or elite vehicles, you can transfer all the experience the tank gains in battle into upgrading tankers. To do this, check the box next to “Accelerated crew training”:

Also, the least upgraded crew member, indicated by the “Tank Academy” badge (in the picture this is mechanic driver Lieutenant Kozlov), will receive twice as much experience as the rest. In addition, premium vehicles themselves have a 50% bonus to crew experience.

How to earn free experience?

The amount of free experience in World of Tanks directly depends on combat experience, and you can earn it in any battles. However, if you are ready to invest a sufficient amount of real money in the game, then you can transfer it from elite and premium equipment to free equipment for in-game gold. The conversion rate is 25 units of freedom for 1 unit of gold. In this way, playing exclusively on premium vehicles, you can explore entire branches of vehicles without having to fight a single battle on them.

To sum up this issue, we can say that the only way to earn as much experience as possible in World of Tanks is to play very well and win, because, let’s say, there are no cheats for it. Stick to battles, and leveling up your equipment will become a quick and enjoyable experience.