What is a bank deposit? Types of deposits by terms. Term bank deposits

Bank deposit: what is included in this concept + 3 forms of deposits + 7 types of bank deposits + interest rate on a deposit + how to open a deposit account + 6 tips for choosing a bank + how to insure your money.

If a person has a large amount of money, then he will definitely have a desire to hide them, but where?

Keeping savings at home is not always appropriate, because theft is still rampant. It is best to give your money to the bank and make a profit at the same time.

In this article, we will tell what is a bank deposit and where is it better to open this account.

Bank deposit - what is it?

Bank deposit- this is a certain amount of money that the client transfers to a financial institution (commercial or state bank) for a certain time period.

For the storage and use of money of a legal or natural person, the financial institution undertakes to pay interest, which can be added to the deposit amount or transferred to a separate account. can be both individuals and legal entities.

Not only banks are engaged in registration of deposits.
Some microfinance institutions have also launched similar services, but due to the high risk of losing their savings, people refuse to trust MFIs.

There is such a two-valued expression: "Money is better to keep in the bank." On the one hand, this means that it is worth giving your savings to a financial institution, and on the other hand, it is better to leave it at home.

Many Russians still prefer to give money to the reliable hands of the bank and receive profit for it:

What is a bank deposit? This is a special account, but on which you cannot make transfers or cash out money at any convenient time.

For opening a deposit, the investor will receive profit. This source of income is also taxed. The profit will be more than you have to spend on state duty.

The essence of opening a bank deposit account is very simple ...

The client lends his money for a while in order to make a profit and keep his savings. The financial institution actively uses these resources, issuing loans to the population at a certain percentage.

It is for the use of the client's money that the bank pays interest to the depositor. Indeed, in the event that the creditor closes due to bankruptcy, all deposits will be lost.

Therefore, you need to carefully choose your financial institution.

There is also such a thing as a contribution. Some mistakenly believe that deposit and deposit are synonymous. This is not the case in practice, because there is a slight difference between the concepts.

Deposit- this is not only money, but also other banking assets, for example, metal, shares of a large company, etc.

Contribution- This is a sum of money that is deposited in order to receive additional interest as profit.

Criteria by which bank deposits are divided:

3 forms of bank deposits

There are many types of services in the banking industry, and each of them is divided into certain types, types, forms, etc.

In this case, it is a type that has its subspecies. In this section, we will look at what forms of attachments are.

A bank deposit can be opened in the following form:

    Cash account.

    The most common form that everyone knows about.

    The investor opens a deposit account, where he deposits his funds, and receives additional dividends for this, the amount of which is prescribed in the agreement.

    metal account.

    The client transfers a certain amount to his deposit metal account.

    The bank transfers this money into gold, platinum, silver at the current exchange rate of the value of the metal chosen by the depositor.

    Please note that this transfer of money into jewelry, in fact, is only theoretical, because all these metals are available only in informational form, they are not physically in the financial institution's vault.

    Bank cell.

    The depositor is given a key to a special box in which he can place his valuables: money, precious metal, important papers, antiques, etc.

    As a rule, money is not put into cells, because in this case interest on the deposit is not paid.

7 types of bank deposits

Each lender has its own deposit programs. Not all of the types listed below can be in the same institution.

What conditions to set for customers depends only on the policy of the financial institution.

Type of depositDescription
1. On demandBanks charge the minimum percentage for this type of deposits.
The client can cash out his savings at any time.
Such conditions are not suitable for lenders, so the rate is too low.
2. SavingsThe client can save his money, and the bank will also charge additional interest for this.
3.CumulativeYou can constantly transfer funds to a deposit account, but only a limited amount and a certain number of times a month.
4. UrgentSavings are kept in the bank for a certain period of time, most often up to 12 months (short-term) and from 36 months (long-term).
The interest rate here is the highest, but the client cannot withdraw his funds from the turnover until the end of the contract.
5.TargetedThis type of bank deposit is usually opened by parents to their children.
For example, the goal is tuition fees.
Parents must provide a document in order to receive funds, which confirms that a certain amount must be paid for the university.
6. CurrencyTransfers are made to the account in foreign currency or in rubles, and the bank independently transfers funds at the current rate.
7. MulticurrencyThis type is rarely used. Under this program, you can open 3 accounts at the same time in different currencies.
In addition, it is allowed to make conversion between deposit accounts, in this case it is not a violation of the agreement with the bank.

How is interest calculated on a bank deposit?

The interest rate is a monetary thank you for trusting them with your money, and creditors can use it for a while.

Investors are valued and try to attract the most favorable conditions. If you put a large amount into the account, then you can live on the profit from interest and not deny yourself anything.

Payments on a bank deposit are made in the following ways:

    Monthly (quarterly, annually, etc.).

    On a certain date (usually this is the date when the agreement was signed), a percentage of the deposit amount is charged, but only to another account of the depositor.

    At the end of the contract.

    You can get your interest on a bank deposit only after the expiration of the current contract.


    Interest is added to the bank deposit.

    This is the most profitable, because interest is calculated from the current state of the account. The higher it is, the greater the profit.

If for some reason the client decides to withdraw his bank deposit prematurely, then the interest may not be calculated. It all depends on the terms of the contract.

Moreover, in order to receive your savings, you need to spend time writing an application at a bank branch (you need to have a Russian passport and the original contract with you), and then wait until they are withdrawn from circulation.

The terms in such cases are very different, it all depends on the speed of the banking system itself.

How to open a bank deposit account?

A deposit is not a loan, so no extra documents are needed. Moreover, now you can open such an account even while sitting at home, using Internet banking.

If you decide to work personally with bank managers, then contact the branch of the financial institution.

It is advisable to have your passport and mobile phone with you if you are opening an account for the first time. Then they will provide you with a list of deposits, tell you about the conditions and interest for each separately.

When you choose a certain type, you can immediately sign the contract.

The contract must include, first of all, the following information:

  1. Minimum information about the investor.
  2. Obligations of the depositor to the bank and the bank to the depositor.
  3. The following must be indicated: the interest rate, the term of the contract, the possibility of replenishment, profit, etc.
  4. In the contract, the side of the bank must prescribe a clause stating whether it is possible to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, and what consequences await the depositor after this.
  5. Possible solutions to controversial issues.

Bank employees are involved in drawing up the contract.

Before signing, it is better to consult an experienced lawyer who will tell you what items need to be removed or added in order to protect your funds as much as possible from all possible force majeure.

After the expiration of the contract, you need to break it and take the money. To do this, you must come to the bank on the agreed day with all the documents.

If you do not come on this day, then the money will be transferred to the category on demand. At the request of the client, the bank deposit can be extended.

How to choose a bank to open a deposit?

If, when taking a loan, you can miss some points when choosing a lender, then in the case of opening a deposit account, there should be no mistakes.

More than once, each of us heard from the news bulletins that depositors were deceived and their accounts were canceled. To avoid such troubles, you need to check the bank very carefully.

6 tips for future investors:

How to insure your bank deposit?

If the depositor has a large amount, then his worries about the fact that the creditor may go bankrupt are natural.

Since 2008, a law has been in force that all bank deposits that exceed 700,000 rubles must be insured without fail. This service is free, because it is the responsibility of the banking organization.

Therefore, if your bank closes, the deposit will be returned to you within 14 days from the date of the depositor's insured event.

Note! One bank will be able to return only 700,000 rubles as much as possible, even if your deposit was many times larger.
For owners of large bank deposits, it is worth spreading their savings among several organizations.
In each of them, the amount should not exceed the maximum compensation rate for insurance.

So what are the pros and cons of a bank deposit?

  1. Interest will be added to the principal amount, and this is additional money.
  2. Funds cannot be withdrawn earlier than stated in the contract.
    This makes it possible to refrain from spending and save more money.
  3. Some deposits can be replenished.
    In a very short time, you can increase the amount of the initial deposit.
  4. According to the conditions of some banks by types of deposits, you can withdraw money from the account, but only in a limited amount.
  1. There is a big risk of losing money if the bank is declared bankrupt.
  2. The interest rate is relatively low, especially for foreign currencies (up to 1%).
  3. If you urgently need to withdraw money, the depositor will have to pay a fine, or the bank will simply refuse to charge interest on the deposit.

As we see, bank deposit has more advantages than cons.

Wondering how to choose a bank deposit?

This and many other questions will be answered by a bank employee:

If you do not make a mistake with the bank, then you can not only save money, but also make a small profit.

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Today, the most conservative and less risky method of investing money is a bank deposit. Its essence lies in the fact that you enter into an agreement with a bank, according to which you invest a certain amount of money for a specific period (term deposits) or without a period (demand deposit), respectively, at a specified interest. With the help of bank deposits, you have the opportunity to receive not high, but guaranteed income received by investing your own capital.

Now in the banking services market, there are a lot of offers to open all kinds of deposits. Banks are trying in every possible way to lure customers to themselves: high interest rates, unique profitable programs, prize draws and gifts. And all this in order for you to make your deposits with them. But what are the deposits and how to choose a deposit that is right for you?

All deposits are divided into two groups: urgent and on demand.

Term deposit

Term deposits are opened for a fixed term: 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 and 36 months. The longer the period for which you put your savings, the higher the interest rate on the deposit. To date, interest rates on deposits are: in rubles - 9-13% and in dollars / euros - 5-8%. But you still have the right to receive funds on demand, but in this case the bank charges interest at the demand deposit rate, which is from 0.2% to 1% per annum.

Also, term deposits are divided into several types:

  • Standard deposit. At the end of the deposit period, interest is charged to a separate demand account. For example, by depositing 200,000 rubles into the account for 12 months, at 11% per annum, in a year you will be able to withdraw 222,000 (200,000 from the main account and 22,000 from the demand account.
  • Deposit with capitalization. On the principal amount, the bank calculates interest, once a month or once a quarter, while the interest is added to the principal amount of the deposit. In the next period, interest will no longer be accrued on the initial deposit amount, but on the amount with accrued income for the previous period. For example, you invested 200,000 rubles, at 10% per annum. After 3 months, the bank charges 10% per annum for the first 3 months, i.е. approximately 2.5% - this comes out to 5000 rubles, and plus them to the main amount. In the next 3 months, the bank is already accruing interest in the amount of 205,000 rubles. etc. before the end of the contract.
  • Multicurrency deposit. This deposit allows you to open accounts simultaneously in different currencies and before the expiration of the contract, freely distribute funds between them. For example, if in the financial market, one of the currencies began to fall sharply in price, then you can transfer funds to an account in another currency, thus you will save your savings.
Another difference between time deposits is that in some deposits you can withdraw money, but leaving a limit on the account, discussed in the agreement, while in others you cannot withdraw money at all before the expiration of the agreement. It is also possible to deposit additional funds to the account with certain restrictions specified in the agreement.

Demand deposit

Another thing is demand deposits. Here you get the opportunity to keep your savings on a personal account and receive accrued interest and, on demand, receive the necessary amount in hand, it is also possible to replenish your account. But interest rates on demand deposits are minimal and they vary from 0.2% to 1% in rubles, because. this type of deposit is not very profitable for banks, because of the possibility of calling funds at any time. Yes, and for investors, such a contribution is also not very profitable because this type of income is not profitable enough, and it will not save money from inflation.

Typically, demand deposits are used to transfer and receive funds (salary, pension and student accruals) or for their temporary storage, so that you can receive your savings at any moment.

Perhaps this information will help you not to get confused when choosing a deposit and choose the bank deposit that suits you.

For each person it is important not only to save, but also to increase their savings. Financial institutions offer Russians various deposit programs. Before choosing an option for a profitable investment, it is worth considering the available deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum percentage with different conditions, rates, terms of placement of funds and available operations. All deposits differ in currency, the presence or absence of capitalization, the method of paying interest and other parameters.

Profitable deposits in Moscow banks

There are more than 50 different financial institutions in the Russian capital offering various types of deposits to the public, so it is difficult to choose the best option for yourself. To put money at the maximum percentage, you need to determine the important parameters of the future account:

  • currency;
  • the possibility of replenishment;
  • the possibility of making expenditure transactions;
  • the reliability of the financial institution.

In addition, the most profitable deposits in Moscow should be chosen according to the conditions. For those who would like to quickly accumulate a significant amount, banks develop time deposits for 2, 3 and 6 months. Another investment option is partnership programs with insurance companies. In this case, the client draws up a life and health insurance policy and receives attractive deposit conditions. Russians can open deposits in Moscow at a high percentage in banks that service their salary cards. Issuers are constantly preparing special programs with increased rates for their clients.

Profitable deposits in rubles

It should be noted that the rate for ruble deposits is much higher than for foreign exchange programs. If the client plans to spend money in Russia in the future, then it would be inappropriate to choose dollars or euros for investments. Financial institutions of the capital offer a wide range of deposits for individuals. Before placing your money on your account, you should not only read the terms and conditions, but also check. Sometimes high interest rates on deposits are offered by unreliable financial institutions in order to raise capital.

When choosing an organization for storing and increasing savings, it should be borne in mind that ruble deposits in Moscow banks with rates of more than 11-12% per annum, as a rule, are just a publicity stunt and should arouse certain suspicions. Large financial institutions, such as VTB 24, Sberbank of Russia, Alfa Bank, offer rates on ruble accounts of no more than 8.5%.

Specify profitable deposits in Moscow for today in the table:

Bank's name


"Moscow City"


Rate up to 9.25%, monthly capitalization, additional contributions are available.

"Premier Credit Bank"

"Beneficial cooperation"

Rate up to 9.5%, replenishable.

JSCB "Peresvet"


Up to 9.3% per annum, replenishment.


The rate is up to 9.25% per annum, without credit and debit transactions.



Up to 8.45% per annum, without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal.

"TransCapital Bank"

"Spring hit"

Up to 8.95% per annum, capitalization, replenishment.

Deposits in foreign currency at a high interest

Modern financial institutions offer a wide range of services and products. Deposit programs provide for the opening of not only ruble accounts, but also currency ones. This investment option is especially relevant for those who plan to spend their money abroad, avoiding unfavorable conversion. Foreign currency deposits at a high percentage are offered by many financial institutions in Moscow. However, the rate for such programs is much lower than for ruble deposits. The table below shows the most attractive offers for residents of the capital:

Maximum deposits in Moscow banks (currency - US dollar)

Bank's name


"UniCredit Bank"

"For life"

The rate is 2-3%, monthly capitalization, without replenishment, debit transactions.


"tradition of success"

Rate up to 1.05-2%, replenished, with capitalization of interest.

"Gold standard"

Up to 1.5-2.5% per annum, replenishment, capitalization.

High deposits in Moscow banks (currency - €)

Bank's name




The rate is 0.55-1.8%, no additional fees, partial withdrawal.

"Prime Finance"


The rate is 0.4-1.6%, without replenishment, partial withdrawal.

"Your savings"

Rate: 0.5-1.8% per annum, replenishment, monthly capitalization.

Pension contributions

Most credit institutions offer special conditions for deposits to pensioners. For this category of the population, maximum interest rates and preferential options for early account closure are available. A pension deposit with a high percentage is opened only if there is an appropriate certificate and passport. If the client receives a pension through a financial institution, then you can invest money through the issuer's remote service system.

Before making a final decision, compare the best offers of Moscow banks for this category of citizens. See the table for specific deposits in Moscow banks at the maximum interest rate for pensioners:

The best deposits in Moscow banks

Each potential investor is primarily interested in the profitability of the deposit. All investments up to 1.4 million rubles are protected by the state. However, the best interest on deposits in Moscow banks can be found among the offers of far from the most reliable financial institutions, subsidiaries or franchises, which have recently opened and for a short time. Rules:

  • Before you start drawing up an agreement with an issuer, you should make sure that it is in the top 10, 20 or 50 of the best.
  • Placing funds at a higher percentage guarantees a decent income, and cooperation with a reliable issuer - peace of mind.

Up to a year

For those who plan to get the maximum income in a short time, there are term deposits. Such products are designed for 3-6 months, after which the depositor receives his money along with accruals. Deposits for 6 months at the maximum percentage are especially convenient when you need to save up for a vacation, purchase of a car or repairs, because they allow you to save and increase your savings.

See the table for offers for a period of 6 months:

Bank deposits for a year

Most financial institutions are ready to offer maximum interest on bank deposits, subject to long-term placement of funds in accounts. Offers for 12-36 months offer high returns and great opportunities. When choosing the best option, you can make a comparison by:

  • conditions;
  • minimum amounts;
  • availability of capitalization and other parameters.

Residents of the capital can open a deposit for 1 year using one of the offers from the table below:

Reliable deposits in Moscow banks

All metropolitan banks have their own line of deposits. When considering various offers, some clients pay more attention not to possible income, but to the rating of the issuer's company. You can choose a reliable bank with high interest rates on deposits from the list below. All organizations are included in the official top 10, have an impeccable reputation, and a high rating.

Offers from the most reliable banks in Moscow:

  • Profitable online from VTB 24 provides for an income of up to 7.55% per annum. The account is opened for a period of 3 months to 5 years, subject to placement of at least 100 thousand rubles.
  • "Classic" from Rosselkhozbank. The product is designed for different categories of customers, so you can open an account in any currency for a period of 1 month to 7 years. The client must deposit at least 3 thousand rubles into the account. The yield under the program reaches 8.2% per annum.
  • "Perspective" from Gazprombank. To open a deposit, the client needs to deposit an amount of at least 15 thousand rubles into the account. Domestic or foreign opening currency is available. The rate is calculated individually, up to 8%. The term of the deposit is up to 3 years.
  • "Memory of generations" from Sberbank. This product is designed specifically for the Victory Day. Clients can simultaneously increase their savings and help war veterans. The rate is calculated individually, the maximum available income under the program is 7% per annum. To open a deposit, you need to deposit at least 10 thousand rubles on it.

Rating of deposits in Moscow banks for today

Those who believe that savings should provide additional profit should consider the current offers of financial institutions. Maximum rates can be obtained within the framework of current promotions, seasonal offers. The rating of deposits in Moscow banks is formed on the basis of customer feedback and conditions offered by issuers. Although it is difficult to combine reliability and maximum profitability, it is important not to neglect the reputation of issuers. Below are the popular offers of Moscow banks with a detailed description of the parameters.

Asia-Pacific Bank - "Investment" deposit

One of the most attractive offers is the ATB product. The deposit options are as follows:

  1. The offer is available to customers who have issued an ILI policy with a bank partner.
  2. The term for placing funds on the account is 6 or 12 months.
  3. The amount is not less than 167 thousand rubles.
  4. Currency - national.
  5. The maximum rate is 10.5%.
  6. There are no outgoing or incoming transactions.
  7. In case of early withdrawal of funds from the account, all accruals are canceled automatically.

Inkarobank - deposit "High Interest"

This offer will be an excellent option for those who plan to accumulate a decent amount over time and increase it. The deposit options are as follows:

  1. The account is opened in domestic or foreign currency - to choose from.
  2. The initial payment must be at least 200 thousand rubles.
  3. Additionally, you can deposit funds with restrictions (at least 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Interest is paid every month to a separate client account.
  5. Deposit term: 1-12 months.
  6. Debit transactions on the account are not available.
  7. In case of early cash withdrawal by the client, the issuer recalculates accruals at the minimum rate.

Krosna-Bank - term deposit

This offer for residents of Moscow differs in that the bank's interest grows along with the amount in the account, so the client can receive a maximum income of up to 9.33%. The conditions are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 30 thousand rubles.
  2. Placement term: 6-18 months.
  3. Accruals are paid to the client quarterly.
  4. Interest capitalization available.
  5. Replenishment without restrictions, no later than 3 months before the end of the deposit term.
  6. Rate: 8.26-9.33%.

Bank Krylovsky - deposit "Suitable"

This offer is no longer relevant for residents of Moscow. However, those who previously opened a deposit continue to receive income on the following conditions:

  1. Amount: from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Term of placement of funds: 91-540 days.
  3. Replenishment from 30 thousand rubles is available.
  4. Interest capitalization is provided.
  5. In case of early closing of the account, interest is recalculated only for the current quarter.

Bank Standard-Credit - "Term" deposit

For those who are looking for maximum income that grows with the amount placed on the account, the offer from the Standard Credit Bank will be very tempting. Credit transactions are available on the account, regular capitalization of interest and progressive accrual are provided. The main parameters of the product are shown below:

  1. Term: 1-12 months.
  2. Amount: not less than 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Replenishment is available with restrictions (from 20 thousand rubles).
  4. Monthly payment of interest to a separate account is available.
  5. The interest rate is constantly growing, the maximum income is 9.93% per annum.
  6. In case of early account closure, interest is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Bank Modern business standards - "Urgent replenishment"

For those who are planning to save a substantial amount, this product will be an excellent solution. The deposit provides for incoming transactions, an increasing rate, the maximum amount of which is 8.5% per annum and the payment of accruals after the account is closed. Below are the main conditions for residents of Moscow:

  1. Term: 1-2 years.
  2. Currency: domestic, foreign.
  3. Amount to open an account: at least 15 thousand rubles.
  4. The interest rate depends on the chosen currency: 8.25-8.5% (rubles) / 1.45-1.6% (dollars) / 0.55-0.60% (euros).
  5. In case of early closing of the account, income is recalculated at the minimum rate.

Inbank - Constructor deposit with interest paid at the end of the term

This offer is suitable for those residents of Moscow who want to constantly make a profit from their savings. Interest is paid every month to a separate account of the owner. The main parameters of the program are as follows:

  1. The minimum amount to open an account is 700 thousand rubles.
  2. Deposit term: 1-36 months.
  3. Incoming/outgoing transactions are not provided.
  4. Rate: 7.55-9.38%.
  5. In case of early closing of the account, the income is recalculated at the minimum rate of 0.1%.

Bank Round – “Classic” deposit

This offer will suit different categories of citizens. The account is opened when placing a small amount and can bring income up to 8.3% per annum to its owner. The advantage of the product is attractive rates on foreign currency accounts. The conditions for the "Classic" deposit are as follows:

  1. Currency: national, foreign (euro, dollars).
  2. The first installment is at least 1100 rubles (or equivalent).
  3. Deposit term: from 1 to 36 months.
  4. Additional contributions, capitalization of interest are not provided for by the program.
  5. Early withdrawal is not available without loss of accruals.
  6. Maximum interest: 8.3% (rubles), 5% (euros) or 5.5% (dollars).

Bank Our home - deposit "Profitable"

This offer is universal for different categories of customers. The client can choose the appropriate currency, term and other parameters, taking into account his own preferences. For foreign currency accounts, the deposit does not provide for high incomes, but the ruble deposit brings the owner the maximum accrual of up to 9.5% per annum. The program conditions are as follows:

  1. Term: 1-36 months.
  2. Currency: rubles, dollars, euros.
  3. The minimum deposit for opening an account is 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Income: 7-9.5% per annum.
  5. Interest is paid after the account is closed.


If you reveal the meaning of this word using a translation from Latin, then a deposit is the storage of a specific thing. In the modern concept, such an object must necessarily be a value: cash or securities. One of the most common types of deposits is a deposit, hence the name "deposit".

Deposits can be placed in the form of investments in banking institutions and commercial organizations. Contributors (investors) are both ordinary citizens and enterprises.

The main characteristic of any deposit is:

  • It must necessarily return to its owner, and this right must be guaranteed by the contract.
  • During the placement of a deposit, its owner must necessarily receive benefits in the form of interest on the use of valuables.

The legislation of the Russian Federation considers all deposits under the guise of deposits, therefore, the adopted laws and regulations use this particular name and decide:

Contribution (or deposit)- securities, cash, in foreign or national currency, placed for the purpose of maintaining or making a profit. At the first request of the depositor, the deposit must be returned in accordance with the concluded agreement.

Only banks of the Russian Federation that have a license for this type of activity and participate in the All-Russian Deposit Insurance Program are entitled to accept deposits for storage.

Therefore, only banking institutions can guarantee the return of investments and the timely implementation of agreements. Partnership with non-banking institutions is considered quite risky, in this case no one can fully guarantee the return of funds to the depositor.

A sum of money or a deposit transferred to a bank account is considered a financial investment. These investments, when placed, are displayed as transactions in their original amount, which is equal to the amount of funds credited to the deposit account.

All funds that have been deposited for safekeeping may appear on the debit side of the following accounts:

  1. No. 55, special bank accounts;
  2. No., deposit accounts;
  3. No. 58, deposit investments.

Accounting for interest on a deposit in transactions

Interest on the deposit, which is accrued every month, is included in the section of other income of the organization. They should also be displayed in accounting on a monthly basis until the term of the banking agreement expires. According to the provision on accounting "income of the organization":

  • The reflection of the accrual of interest on the deposit is carried out in the debit of account No. 76 “settlements with various creditors and debtors”.
  • When creating a posting, the credit of account No. 91 “other expenses, income” or No. “other income” is used.

In taxation, the amount placed on a deposit bank account will not be considered an expense of the enterprise, just as it will not be regarded as income when the money is returned to the depositor.

Displaying the return of the deposit to the depositor

If the period of deposit placement has come to an end, the bank is guaranteed to return the deposit amount back to the owner of the funds. In this case, a record is made opposite to the receipt of money when opening a deposit, that is:

  • debit () credit .

Deposit agreements may differ in their terms. There are also deposits on which interest is paid after the expiration of the contract, upon return of the principal amount of funds. In this case, the accounting entries will be different from those when payments are made every month.

Account No. is kept individually for each deposit. Since the deposit is recognized as an investment, accounting can also be kept on account No. 58 (“financial investments”).

Postings when placing a deposit, accruing interest and returning a deposit

Account Dt Account Kt Wiring Description Posting amount A document base
() Deposit amount Bank statement
76 Calculation of bank interest for the use of deposit funds Amount of accrued interest Bank statement
() 76 Actual receipt of interest on the deposit Amount of accrued interest Bank statement
() Refund from deposit account Deposit amount Bank statement

Interest calculation transactions on a deposit

76 Transfer of funds from the main or foreign currency account for storage Deposit amount Bank statement

Deposit (bank deposit)- this is the amount of money placed by the depositor in the bank for a certain or indefinite period. The placed funds are used by the bank as working capital, which are used to make a profit. Regardless of the result, for the use of these funds, the bank pays the depositor a premium in the form of interest.

During a crisis, this is the most reliable way to invest personal funds. All banks that accept money from the population for deposits are required to be members of the state, which guarantees the depositors of such banks the payment of compensation on deposits of up to 1.4 million rubles if any problems arise in this bank (bankruptcy or license revocation).

The lack of liquidity was the root cause of the crisis. Banks are taking serious steps to raise funds from outside. One of the measures is to increase interest rates on the entire line of their deposits. Banks are beginning to actively advertise their deposits, attracting funds from ordinary people to the bank.

Since during the crisis they have nowhere else to take money. Placing money in the bank, you are guaranteed to receive your income. in the form of the interest rate promised by the bank.

Today it is easy to find a bank deposit at 15-20% per annum in rubles, which seemed unrealistic just a year ago. This is a pretty big number. And given the inflation rate, we can safely say that you will not only save your money, but also increase it.

A crisis is a time of profitable investments and purchases, including in the market of bank deposits . On deposits today you can both earn and lose. The result depends on the parameters of the deposit and your goal.

To make these words more clear, let's look at the table below:

  • at an interest rate of 14% per year

In this example, we considered a bank deposit, with an interest rate of 14% per annum, with monthly capitalization and the possibility of monthly additional contributions.

14% is the rate that existed before the crisis. In the spring of 2009, when the lack of liquidity in banks was especially sensitive, there were offers on the deposit market much more interesting than 14% per annum.

For example, I invested 250,000 rubles at 20% per annum for 200 days in one of the banks. Deposits in this bank are insured, so I am calm about my money. After 200 days, the amount of interest accrued for the entire term of the deposit will be 27,397.26 rubles. Of which 958.90 rubles is a tax. Net I will receive 26,439.36 rubles.

Each bank has in its arsenal a fairly extensive range of deposits. As they say, for every taste and color. Although, often, this fact plays a bad service to banks.

It is explained simply. Most people in our country are financially illiterate. They already do not understand banking instruments, and here they are also offered a wide choice.

However, a wide choice is not only a problem for banking structures. How many customers leave the store empty-handed, just because they were offered too many choices!

For example, in the bank where I worked before, there were about 8 types of deposits, of which there were only two or three workers. A similar number of deposits is more necessary for sales.

This technique is borrowed from retail, where 20% of products bring 80% of revenue. Or in other words, 80% of the goods are necessary for the main 20% to sell well. Therefore, if you undertook to study the deposits of any bank, keep this in mind.

But nevertheless we will return to detailed consideration of bank deposits. If we approach this issue from an anatomical point of view, then all contributions have a skeleton.

The skeleton is the very essence of the deposit. Namely, the ability to save and increase their funds with the help of a bank. But each contribution has different properties. Depending on these properties, financial results differ. The properties are determined by the needs of the customers. The properties of the deposits are:

  • Interest rate
  • Capitalization of interest (order and cyclicality)
  • Deposit term
  • Deposit currency

Interest rate

The higher the interest rate, the better. The final amount of money you earn depends on its size. However, this is not a key indicator of the profitability of the deposit.

Possibility to replenish the deposit during the term

For me personally, this is an important indicator, since I try to set aside 10-20% of my income every month. And if the deposit allows you to make deposits, then I try to use it, since interest is charged on the amount of the deposit. At the same time, some banks do not allow you to replenish your deposits, especially for deposits with a high interest rate.

Interest capitalization

This is one of the key indicators by which you should choose your deposit in the bank.

Capitalization- this is when the interest earned is added to your originally invested amount of money.

The more often capitalization occurs, the higher the final amount of the deposit will be, since interest is added to the total amount.

There are the following types of capitalization: monthly, quarterly and capitalization at the end of the term. Although there are quite unique capitalization conditions.

For example, one of my deposits capitalizes twice a month. In the middle and at the end.

In the figures you can see in detail the principle of capitalization. For example, I took 100,000 rubles, at 14% per annum, for a period of one year.

There are also different ways of calculating interest. They can be added to the deposit, or credited to a separate account, from which you can then withdraw them.

Deposit insurance

Here it is important to know whether the bank is included in the mandatory deposit insurance system or not, since.

Deposit term

This is a rather "tricky" setting. Let's say you made a deposit for a period of three years at 15 percent per annum. The agreement of many banks states that in case of early termination of the deposit, the interest rate will be charged at the rate of the deposit "On Demand", which usually does not exceed 0.5-1% per annum.

I rarely use deposits where the term of the deposit is more than a year. Circumstances change, conditions change, and it is important for me that I can manage my money quickly.

Deposit currency

Three main currencies are common in Russian banks: rubles, dollars and euros. The interest rate on deposits in rubles is usually much higher and fluctuates at the level of 13-20% per annum at the time of writing.

In dollars and euros, the interest rate is between 6 and 9%. It is worth noting that people who made deposits in foreign currency before the crisis earned very well. Given that from November 2008 to the present day, the value of the euro and the dollar has increased by an average of 30%.

Add to that the interest rate. Let me explain with my own example: on November 6, 2008, I opened a deposit in one of the banks, in dollars, at 9% per annum, for a period of 222 days. The deposit amount is 1000 dollars. I contributed 27510 rubles.

Interest is calculated at the end of the term. It will be 1054 dollars, which in terms of rubles, at the rate of 31 rubles per dollar (the dollar exchange rate on May 23, 2009), will be: 32674. The yield will be about 18%. The contract expires on June 16, 2009.

Possibility of partial withdrawal of the deposit without loss of interest

This is another interesting setting. If we continue to consider the previous example, I forgot to mention that my dollar deposit does not have the possibility of partial withdrawal or withdrawal of the deposit without losing interest.

Otherwise, I would have withdrawn money when the dollar was worth 35 rubles. Also, this parameter will be useful in other cases. For example, I have a deposit in another bank, where the possibility of partial demand exists.

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