What you need to know about investing in assets. Investing in Gold and other precious metals assets

  • World dividends in the second quarter of last year reached a record quarterly figure of $447.5 billion, which is 5.4% more than in the previous period of the year.
  • Base Height dividend payers amounted to 7.2%, which is the fastest growth since the end of 2015.

Hundreds of thousands of investors from all over the world, looking for a way to make money on stocks and securities, bet on dividend stocks to provide themselves with cash and were not disappointed. After all, there is potential for future increases in the value of capital. After all, just last year such world-famous giant companies as , Apple, AT&T and General Electric paid a total of almost 45 billion US dollars. Therefore, anyone who has a certain amount of free money in their pocket and a desire to earn money on securities can invest it profitably, ensuring themselves, if not a luxurious life now, then at least a well-fed and comfortable old age.

How to make money on stocks

Ultimately, any money that is invested in securities is designed to generate profit in two ways: earnings from exchange rate differences and from dividends. But these types of income include a lot of subtleties, which we will talk about below.

Trading shares on the stock exchange

As an example, we can take the shares of the famous giant Microsoft. By purchasing 1,000 shares in September 2012 for $29,760 (1,000 x $29.76), five years later the investor has the opportunity to sell those shares for $73,980 (1,000 x $73.98), earning a net profit of 44 $220. On average $8844 per year. The return on investment is obvious.

“Buy cheaper, sell more” - this earning algorithm is equally applicable to stocks and any other securities, foreign currency, and precious metals.

However, you can make money not only by increasing the cost, but also by decreasing ( Short). In this case, the trader borrows shares from a broker, sells them at a high price, then buys shares at a lower price and returns the difference.

But it must be said right away that only experienced and qualified specialists can make good money on short transactions. Therefore, an ordinary investor who has just begun to be interested in how to make money on stocks and securities is better off making long-term investments (at least for a year) in anticipation of an increase in value.

How to make money on stocks during reporting periods

In the international economy, there is such a phenomenon as the publication of information on the financial activities of enterprises (in particular, annual, quarterly and other reports). All companies that are listed on the stock exchange are required to disclose their reports publicly. This is done so that potential investors can evaluate the company equally.

  • In order to find out when the report will be published and by which company, you can use.

Quarterly reports become a valuable source of information for investors. By the way, buying shares is not the only way to make money on them. Now we will show you an example of making money on stocks using , where you need to indicate whether the price of the asset will rise or fall in the specified period.

Simple example: the report is scheduled to be released according to the calendar Alibaba. On the company's Google Finance page, we learned that the report is released before the start of trading. Soon the results appeared on the official website:

The numbers are impressive, and the report also stated that this is the fastest growing year ever. Do you think the stock will rise or fall?

We thought the same and decided to open a trade for stock growth. As soon as trading on the stock exchange was opened, we selected the shares Alibaba:

The option expiration date was set to an hour, meaning the deal will close automatically at 5:30 p.m.:

Since we predict growth, we also indicated the option conditions UP:

If after an hour Alibaba shares cost more than at the time of purchase, even by one point, then we will receive 75% of the profit, since the condition of the UP option will be met.

As you can see, these reports can help you make money on stocks even on short-term investments.

Earnings on stocks with dividends

Many investors who are looking for ways to make money on stocks primarily consider the possibility of receiving income in the form of dividends. They are paid in the form of cash by transfer to a brokerage account.

The very next day the shares increased noticeably in price, as did our profit:

To take profit, we need to sell the shares back, that is, close the deal:

As a result, we earned $125 on exchange rate difference:

This is an example of a short-term trade that is possible thanks to leverage from a broker.

  • By the way, here you can also receive dividend payments, which we talked about earlier.

Buying undervalued shares

A standard stock market investing strategy is to look for companies that are already experiencing high growth rates and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. For investors, this means a stable and sustainable increase in share price, leading to guaranteed wealth accumulation.

But there is another approach -. Having caught the moment of drawdown of unfairly undervalued shares or invested in one of the promising “ gray horses", an investor can catch the hype and recoup his investment many times over in the shortest possible time. Simply put, trading undervalued stocks involves more risk and a lot more money than regular trading.

Undervalued stocks are stocks that have:

  • Market value is lower than liquidation value;
  • Total capitalization is less than the company's book value.

The strategy for making money on undervalued shares is simple - they are purchased with the expectation that in the future the demand for shares will begin to grow and rise to an objective level. But there is a catch here - finding undervalued stocks with real prospects for growth is not so easy. This work can only be done by those who have succeeded in fundamental analysis, since technical analysis cannot help here in principle.

Most often, the assets of young and not yet very popular companies are undervalued. In this regard, early stage startups are one of the most promising areas. However, market giants are also subject to fluctuations. In this case, the task is to catch the moment of a large “ebb” in the price and buy shares at this moment.

  • Renowned investor Peter Lynch described his approach to finding and buying undervalued companies in his book. He described his personal experience of earning more than 10,000% from companies such as funeral homes, garbage disposal companies, cleaning companies, etc.

Investment ideas and forecasts from analysts

Collecting data on which financial assets are best to invest in now ( currencies, raw materials, stocks, goods) you can rely not only on your own analysis, but also on the recommendations and proposals of large investment companies. They can offer both simple analysis and ready-made investment solutions.

Fundamental valuation of companies

It is impossible to determine how much you can earn on stocks without them. To predict the market value of a company and its assets, various financial indicators are taken into account, as well as the type of its production activity. The analysis is carried out both for an individual company and for the entire industry, and the main task of the trader is to identify companies whose performance differs from the rest of their competitors for the better.

As a simple example, we can consider the successes of domestic oil producing companies in 2014. The obvious advantage here belongs to the Bashneft company. While all of its competitors experience either a very slight increase in revenue (~1–2%) or a decline, this company, on the contrary, demonstrates 10.8% growth.

Such excellent results could not but affect the stock quotes of Bashneft. The first half of the year alone saw shares rise by 20.23%. At the same time, the closest competitors showed growth of no more than 2.35%.

However, we must also remember that only those companies that not only show excellent production results, but also maintain good positions in their industry for a long time, are suitable for long-term investment.

Key indicators of fundamental analysis

To find out how much they earn on the shares of a particular company, you need to use the following indicators:

  • Company revenue;
  • Net profit;
  • Profitability.

In addition, for a qualitative fundamental analysis of stocks, it is necessary to evaluate a number of coefficients. First of all this:

  • Financial stability of the company;
  • Liquidity;
  • Market and business activity.

It is also highly advisable to pay attention to the analytical indicator EBITDA– the total amount of profit without deducting depreciation costs, as well as the payment of all interest and taxes. Most analysts consider EBITDA to be one of the most important indicators characterizing a company's performance. However, this indicator also has its drawbacks. The main one is ignoring depreciation expenses. Many financiers believe that because of this, EBITDA does not reflect the full picture of a company's performance.

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It’s more important to think about your money once a month
than 30 days to earn them.
J. Rockefeller.

Friends, we have already introduced you to. I hope our initial tips will help you find the 10-15% difference between your income and expenses so you can start saving and investing. In this step, we'll look at how to put your spare money to work. But before each of you can answer the question of where to invest money in 2015, let's look at the basic investment options and compare them with each other according to a number of criteria.

Let me remind you that we have already introduced our classification of investment instruments by type of risk and level of profitability:

Today we will draw up a more detailed map of financial instruments. Let's learn about the new parameters. Such as liquidity, starting amount, additional costs associated with investments. Let's break down the investment methods so you can understand what's right for you.

So, where to invest in 2015?

1. Bank deposits.

The very first and most understandable investment instrument for most people is a bank deposit.

Difficulty/Activity: The simplest and most accessible investment tool for everyone. No activity is required from the investor; now in most banks deposits can even be opened online.

Profitability: Low. By low yield we mean a level of interest rates that only allows you to save money from inflation, but not to increase it.

Income predictability: 100%. You see the bid before the trade begins. Rates, as a rule, do not change during the term of the contract.

: High. High liquidity means you can withdraw your money at any time.

Starting amount: from 1000 rubles.

Additional costs: as a rule, no, but they may issue you a debit card, which will have a paid service or will have an overdraft attached to it. The advice here is this: when you go to the bank for a deposit, ask only for the deposit – clarify everything else and ask how much it will cost, even if they immediately say it’s free.

    An airbag is a reserve in case of job loss or other problems, using which you can live peacefully for several months. It is better to form such a reserve on deposits, because with other assets there may be problems with the prompt withdrawal of funds.

    Intermediate storage location. For example, you are saving for a car or an apartment, putting aside 100 rubles each. per month. You have 4 months left until the required amount. At the same time, you are searching for the desired asset, and the money is on deposit. In any case, this is more profitable than storing them at home.

It is also easiest to apply the currency diversification rule to deposits. It is enough to open a multi-currency deposit or 2-3 deposits in different currencies. It is worth paying attention to the fact that inside such a deposit you can only move money at the rate of the given bank. For example, I once had a similar deposit in Svyaznoy, where the courses were not the most profitable, it was a shame. :-)

Let's consider other investment instruments.

2. Promotions.

Difficulty/Activity: High. The tool is more for professionals. Even if you are a long-term investor and not a trader, high activity is required to keep abreast of current events. Personally, it takes me from 30 minutes to 1 hour a day to read relevant news, view quotes and otherwise analyze information. Despite the fact that I do not consider myself a trader, but am engaged in medium-term investments. Active trading implies full employment only with this activity. This is a profession.

Profitability: Can be quite high. Prices for individual shares can change by up to 1000% over the course of a year. In general, for the Russian stock market, for example, profitability can be assessed as follows: over the past 10 years, from 2004 to 2014, the MICEX index (the average share price of 50 Russian companies) has grown 2.5 times. Those. roughly speaking, the growth was 25% per year from the original cost of the asset.

Income predictability: No predictability. Tomorrow the directors of the company may be imprisoned and the shares will depreciate 10 times. A mine, for example, will collapse and the exchange rate will also fall rapidly.

Liquidity (the speed at which you can pull money out of your asset): Relatively high. You can withdraw money from Russian sites the next day. If you trade on foreign platforms, as a rule, there are two brokerage companies involved - Russian and foreign. Deposits/withdrawals may take from several days to a week. In addition, if you urgently need money, there is a risk of losing greatly on the difference in the exchange rate, since there is a risk that it will not be the most profitable on the withdrawal date you need.

Risks: High. Both general systemic risks (economic situation in the country, etc.), and separately for a specific security (here there are risks associated directly with the issuing company).

Starting amount: There are shares at 6.7 kopecks, for example, this is the current price of VTB shares. But the minimum lot for selling VTB shares is 10,000 shares. In this case, a more significant limitation on the amount is not even the cost of one share or lot, but commission expenses and the threshold amount for entering the market from the broker company through which trading will be carried out. As a rule, it is 30-50 tr. lower is also possible, but it does not make sense, since the commission will be too high compared to the turnover.

Additional costs: May be significant. These include a broker’s commission on each transaction, a subscription fee for software (separately for a computer, separately for a tablet or phone), an increased commission for carrying out transactions over the phone, etc. Professional players still have paid access to analytical sites, etc. But you can get by with the minimum, for example, if you deposit 100 thousand rubles on the exchange. and make 1-2 transactions per month, the minimum commission will be on average about 2.5 tr. in year.

    Diversification of long-term investments, in cases where money is not needed by a certain date, but the task is to make it work.

    Often the stock market becomes a haven for capital when there is nowhere else to run. For example, in the current situation, the level of risk on ruble deposits has increased, you can switch to bonds (the risks are already comparable, but the yield on the second is higher).

    Obtaining speculative income during a crisis, when the market is falling and everything is cheap and most likely will rise in price later.

Separately, I would like to remind you that from January 1, 2015, it will be possible to open so-called individual investment accounts (IIA), through which it will be possible to issue a personal income tax refund. Those. It turns out that the state is ready to pay 13% per annum just for keeping money in an investment account. Thus, for the investor, it does not matter what kind of financial result he receives; in any case, if all the terms of the contract are met, a return of 13% per year is guaranteed.

3. Bonds.

A bond is a security that is issued either by an enterprise or by government agencies (federal, local, regional). Unlike a stock, it has a fixed return - the cost of repurchase at a certain time, or the cost of redemption. In addition, bonds pay coupon income - intermediate payments that the issuer pays to paper holders. Bonds, like shares, are traded on the stock exchange, and you can also buy them through a broker company. However, they have a market value.

For example, bonds of Russian Standard Bank at the beginning of 2009 were worth 33% of their face value. Those. their market price fell sharply due to the banking crisis and high risks for all banks. However, the bank resisted and fulfilled all its obligations under the bonds in full, and the owners of these bonds received a yield of 200%.

Difficulty/Activity: Not the simplest, but not the most complex tool either. The biggest time costs are at the stage of analyzing the issuer and selecting a security. Then you can relax and hold on until the end.

Profitability: Average. Strong fluctuations are possible only during periods of crisis. Therefore, now it is worth seriously considering this type of investment.

Income predictability: 100%. You know the purchase price of the bond and the yield before entering into the transaction. After the transaction, of course, the price of the bond may fall and those who buy after you will earn more. But that's another question. The final profitability is immediately clear.

Risks: Average. The main risk is the risk of issuer default.

Other parameters: Liquidity, costs, starting amount - everything is the same as with shares.

Suitable investment objectives:

    In stable times, a good alternative to deposits for temporary storage/accumulation of funds for periods of 1-5 years. In this case, bonds will be used as a conservative asset.

    In unstable times, you can get fairly high and predictable returns. In this case, the situation turns bonds into medium or high risk assets.

4. Structured (or structured) products.

These are products of banks and brokerage companies that simultaneously combine elements of risk and predictability. For example, you invest 300,000 rubles for 1 year and a broker or bank links your deposit to a specific asset. If the value of this asset in a year exceeds the value on the date of the transaction, then you receive an increased return on this asset. Otherwise, you only get your amount back or a minimum percentage of income. A kind of lottery. We'll have a post soon about how it works and how the bank makes money here...

Difficulty/Activity: Not difficult. The product is aimed at the “lazy”. The selling party will provide detailed advice on choosing the underlying asset. Activity is also minimal. You put it in and forget it, nothing further depends on you...

Profitability: You could say average.

Income predictability: Average. Although you will immediately know the minimum profitability 100%.

Liquidity (the speed at which you can pull money out of your asset): High. Although there are some products from which you cannot exit without losing part of your investment.

Risks: Average. Since the risk is not reflected in the entire investment amount, but only in the profitability.

Starting amount: High. As a rule, from 300,000 rubles.

Additional costs: As a rule, no.

Suitable investment objectives:

    A good alternative to deposits and bonds for temporary storage/accumulation of funds for periods of 1-5 years.

    Suitable for novice investors who want to take a little risk, but do not want to actively participate in the process.

5. Currency.

No preamble here. The whole country is professionals))

Difficulty/Activity: Average. Buying bucks, for example, is not difficult at all, doing it on time, and then getting out of it on time - that’s difficult. I recently gave an excellent example on .

Profitability: Average. Over the 10 years from 2004 to 2014, the exchange rate increased from 28.8 to 56.2 rubles. (see chart) or 19.5% per year. However, the growth was mainly during the crises of 2008 and 2014. From 2004 to 2009, or 5 years in a row, the dollar fell. From 2010 to 2013 it remained virtually unchanged.

Those. Currency itself as an asset does not have growth potential. Therefore, the presence of currency in an investor’s portfolio is intended to achieve other goals, namely, protection against currency risks.

Income predictability: Average. And although the fluctuations here are much smaller in amplitude than in the stock market, it is also difficult to guess the direction of movement.

Liquidity: High.

Risks: Average. It’s difficult to lose all your money here, but up to 10% in calm years and up to 50% in periods of turbulence is easy...

Starting amount: Anything, even 10 euro cents lost in your pocket, is also currency.)))

Additional costs: It's interesting here. Usually people do not pay attention to this, but the difference between the purchase and sale prices of currency at the bank is very high. Now, when the market is unstable, this difference reaches 20%. On December 16, on Black Tuesday, the difference (or spread) was 100%. This is a cost, because when you buy currency from a bank with a difference of 20%, you immediately lose 20%; you will still need to win it back on growth. There is a way out: buy currency on the exchange directly through a broker. Here the spread is minimal and commission costs are small, but when working with amounts over 100,000 rubles, the commission is not noticeable. In our article we examined this issue in more detail.

Suitable investment objectives:

    Protection against currency risks. The principle of currency diversification.

    In unstable times, currency becomes an aggressive and investment asset, suitable for short-term earnings on speculation. At the same time, you should also not get carried away and put your eggs in one basket. It is necessary to remember about currency diversification and speculate only with part of the funds.

6. Real estate.

Traditionally, real estate is considered the most attractive investment instrument. However, there are many pitfalls. No one will deny that, for example, owning an exclusive commercial space is a very attractive asset from all sides (profitable, reliable, even liquid, etc.). Only the total mass of real estate includes such unique objects as needles in a haystack. Therefore, consider the characteristics of the property on average.

Difficulty/Activity: High. There are a lot of pitfalls at the stage of choosing a property. There is often a need to involve professionals - lawyers, intermediaries, appraisers, etc. At the stage of profitability management, it’s practically a business with all that it entails.

Profitability: Average.

The profitability of real estate consists of 2 components:

    Rent. For residential real estate, our national average yield is 4-5% per annum. For commercial 7-10%.

    An increase in the value of the property itself. The graph shows the dynamics of growth in value, for example, of residential real estate on average in the Russian Federation over the last 10 years: from 20.8 tr. up to 52.3 tr. (2.5 times over 10 years or 25% of the original cost per year).

Income predictability: Average. As for rental income, it’s clearer here; there are average market rates. The task is to hand over the object at the appropriate rate. As for the growth in the value of an asset, there are rarely sharp fluctuations, so you can also use the average % growth.

Liquidity: Low. If you sell quickly, there will be a high discount, but at the price at which you want you can sell for a long time.

Risks: Average. Legal risks. Commercial risks.

Additional costs: Tall. Both the costs associated with choosing an object and its design, and the costs of maintaining the object

Suitable investment objectives:

    Long-term investments with the aim of obtaining passive income now or in the future.

    Investments for the purpose of subsequent resale and earnings due to rising prices.

7. Gold and other precious metals.

Gold, along with currency and real estate, is one of the most popular and attractive objects for investment in our country. However, gold, despite its brilliance and beauty, has a number of disadvantages! Let's look at everything in order.

Difficulty/Activity: High, at the level of working with shares.

Profitability: High. Over the past 10 years, the price of gold in dollars has changed 2.9 times (see chart). At the same time, in rubles it increased from 171 rubles. up to 2168 rub. – 12.6 times. (+126% to the original cost every year). However, as can be seen from the graph, in the last 2 years there has been a downward trend in the value of gold in dollars.

Income predictability: Everything is the same as with stocks.

Liquidity (the speed at which you can pull money out of your asset): If we are talking about metal bills - high. As for ingots, it’s more complicated. The quality of the metal is also assessed there and is not accepted everywhere. Therefore, we will still write liquidity as average.

Risks: High. In addition, metal accounts are not included in the deposit insurance system. Therefore, in addition to the risk associated with fluctuations in the value of gold, there is an institutional risk associated with the intermediary bank.

Starting amount: If we are talking about metal accounts, then it’s the same with deposits from 1000 rubles.

Additional costs: Tall. Firstly, when opening metal accounts, precious metals traditionally have very high spreads (the difference between buying and selling), about 20% currently. Secondly, when purchasing metal in ingots, you must pay VAT (value added tax) - 18%

Suitable investment objectives (for novice investors):

    Protecting funds from economic shocks.

    An excellent asset for portfolio diversification, since it has dynamics that differ from the exchange rate of the national currency and the stock market.

Investor chessboard.

So, to summarize: we looked at 7 basic investment assets. As a result, we get this kind of investor chessboard. It will help answer questions about how to invest money profitably, and which assets are better or worse based on certain characteristics.

In addition to the investment instruments indicated in the table, there are, of course, futures, mutual funds, ETFs, hedge funds, savings insurance and other scary words. There are tens of thousands of financial instruments and something new is constantly being invented. But we have covered all the basic things. All the rest can, with a slight stretch, be attributed to one or another segment.

In this article we tell you how to use the investor's chessboard in practice.

If the article was useful to you, like it and share it with your friends!

Good luck with your investment!

Tangible and intangible, as well as financial resources, the use of which can provide a certain benefit over a specific period of time, which allows the investor to increase the amount of capital invested, are called investment assets.

Return on investment is achieved by increasing the price of a product or service in the future. However, not every asset can be an investment. This largely depends on how economic relations have developed in the existing society. And the IQReview team will help you understand all this more deeply.

What does investing give?

Where to start investing?

Before deciding where to invest your funds, you need to analyze your financial capabilities. You can consider different options only when you have available funds and regular income. If you invest in assets for a long period of time, you need to be prepared for the fact that they can both rise in price and lose value. Often, beginners, when there are sharp fluctuations in the value of assets, try to get rid of them. This strategy is wrong and will only lead to loss of profit, so it is very important not to give in to your emotions.

When planning investment activities, a number of points are very important and should never be ignored.

Before choosing an idea for investing your own funds in an asset, it is tedious to decide on the goal. This could be saving a pension, some kind of major purchase (apartment, house, car, etc.), opening your own business, or enrolling in a university. In other words, you need to determine the specific amount that you need to earn by investing in assets. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the savings goal may become more expensive, as well as annual inflation.

Determining the purpose of investment activity

You can invest money without a specific initial goal, but then you need to determine where the profit will be used. In this case, the goal will be to protect funds from inflation and the effects of external factors.

Calculation of the payback period of assets

One of the important aspects of investment activity is the calculation of such an important parameter as the payback period of assets. This parameter shows the approximate deadline when the total profit will be the same value as the initial size of the asset in which it is planned to invest. In this case, all possible costs are taken into account, such as storage, use, depreciation, taxes. Only after the payback period has ended can we consider that the investor actually receives income.

In reality, it is extremely difficult to calculate the exact payback period for investments in assets, because the world of finance is influenced by many different factors. Based on this, the calculation of the period when a full return on investment can be expected will be conditional.

This parameter is very important, because if the payback period turns out to be longer than expected, this will entail additional costs, as in the case of an overdue loan.

Will the investment be profitable?

Return on investment in assets shows the ratio of profitability to investment and is expressed as a percentage. Thanks to this indicator, it is much easier to decide in which asset it is more appropriate to invest your funds, regardless of the size and liquidity of the investment.

Investment size

Such a parameter as the entry threshold for investing funds is significant when making a decision. It shows the smallest amount of money that can be invested in the selected asset to make a profit.

Choosing the best investment

For people with average incomes, this parameter makes it impossible to effectively use extremely expensive assets. Such assets are attractive and profitable, and the risks are quite low, but investments in them must be significant, which is many times greater than the capabilities of a person with an average income.

At the same time, there are many different assets, the threshold for entry into which is quite low. This makes them accessible and effective for a wide range of investors who want to invest their funds to generate income. However, it must be taken into account that competition among such assets is much higher.

Where to look for investment ideas

Everyone dreams of investing their existing savings profitably in order not only to preserve and secure them, but also to increase them. To do this, you need to have financial literacy, which should be constantly improved by obtaining information from books, websites, and articles on financial topics. Understanding the basic terms and mechanisms of action of different investment products will allow you to wisely choose investment ideas that will be most effective and bring profit.

Only wisely selected objects for investment will allow you to make money by investing your own funds in tangible, intangible and financial assets.

Funds in assets mean making a profit, but, unlike speculative operations, it will not be quick. The invested funds are returned with a profit only if the transaction itself is profitable, but there is always a risk of losing money. At the same time, investing in assets is a more convenient business tool compared to lending, because it has no restrictions on the interest rate and repayment period. Investments in long-term assets should not be viewed simply as a source of profit, but as a value, as shown by the difference between the market value of equity and liabilities.

Video on the topic: Where to invest money in 2018

In order to start making money on binary options, you need to decide on the choice of asset for which the forecast will be made. However, many do not know which asset to start trading with and how to choose the most profitable and reliable asset.

Financial instruments can be primary or otherwise basic ( stock, bonds, raw materials, etc.) and secondary or derivatives (futures, options). In the first case, trading (with or without delivery) is carried out directly by the instrument, and in the second - by an obligation for future delivery (futures) or the opportunity to make a forecast for an increase or decrease (binary option).

What is an asset for binary options

The underlying assets of a binary option are those instruments whose value will be predicted. These can be various indices, securities, goods etc. Taken as a whole, they can all be divided into four large categories:

  • securities ( shares of companies like Apple, Boeing, Microsoft);
  • goods and raw materials ( gold, wheat, oil);
  • currency pairs ( EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD);
  • various indices ( S&P 500, Dow, MICEX, dollar index, etc.).

The concept " better, more profitable and profitable“Asset is very subjective and depends on the trader, his knowledge, previous experience, depth of market monitoring, and character. In order to make a correct forecast and at the time of expiration end up with a profit and not a loss, you need to know well what factors influence the formation of the price of the selected instrument.

  1. For currencies, these are, first of all, statements and decisions of the heads of the Central Bank, monetary policy, the economic state of the country, the geopolitical and geoclimatic situation.
  2. Corporate shares are influenced by news related to the company's activities: its purchase, sale, merger, demand for products, investments, general situation in the industry, etc.
  3. Stock indices are formed on the basis of a group of several companies, united according to a certain characteristic (success, economic sector, industrial, IT, etc.).
  4. The price of goods and raw materials is determined by their demand - demand, supply, yield (for agricultural crops), explored deposits for raw materials, geopolitics.

How to choose a profitable asset for binary options

When you get to the trading platform, you see more than a hundred assets, including the most famous stocks, more than 25 currency pairs, a dozen indices and commodities. How to decide on an asset and transactions? What to analyze with such diversity?

Start from your inner self.

If you are closer and to your liking, or if you are interested, even if you don’t know anything about stocks, but you like to think about it and just like it - then this is your most profitable asset at the moment!

Many people, out of ignorance and simply confusion, begin to scatter deals, opening deals in stocks, currencies, commodities within a week... that is, in all markets at once - this is a big mistake.

Those who have websites are probably familiar with the concept of SEO(website promotion), and there are many branches in this matter, for example, in the SEO studio there is a person who advertises the site only on Facebook, and someone only on classmates, that is, each of them promotes the site only in one social network, and not in all at once. You also need to approach the market analysis. You need to choose only one market and work with it deeply and thoroughly.

For beginners, the easiest option would be commodity market assets - oil, gold, silver (you need to choose one of them). For each asset there is clear data for analytics, analytical sites and forecasts that are released during the planned period, for example, for oil you can easily follow important data in, where each event plays a big role for the market.

In general, oil is a fairly predictable asset for which you can easily collect a base for analytical material, for example, specialized sites with sources of information and news from this market.

If the underlying asset is promotion, then you need to analyze its schedule and read the reports, statistics and news for the company to which it belongs.

If options on currency pairs, then it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the fundamental and technical data on them. For the most common pairs there seems to be the most information, but this does not mean that CAD/CHF It’s harder to make money, it all depends on you - whether you like to look for something that few people can find.

Everyone decides for themselves how to choose an asset, but there are also a number of objective reasons which tools are undesirable to use. Since we are talking about a forecast, if possible, you should not get involved with unpredictable, littlepredictable and highly volatile underlying assets, because even with high-quality analytical work there is no certainty about where exactly the price will be at the time of expiration - higher or lower.

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Just as if you take the brush of a famous artist, you cannot immediately begin to paint well like him, and if you choose a profitable asset of a successful trader, you will not necessarily succeed in it yourself. It is necessary to find your own path through trial and error.

A good solution would be to try different markets, but not immediately, but one by one, and based on the results of such testing, select the best and most profitable asset or several of the most promising ones, and then, depending on the current situation, turn to one or the other.

  • The question itself of whether to work with only one underlying asset or several at once is rhetorical, and the debate on this topic has not stopped to this day.

What's your favorite asset?

I decided to touch on a rather interesting topic, about assets and liabilities, and also a little about.

Financially successful people never live on a salary, even a high one. Only a competent policy in the field of asset formation can help you reach certain heights in business. Investing in assets can guarantee you a constant income.

What are assets?

Most adults work and receive wages. If a person stops working, he does not receive money. A person's dependence on work is built. And the size of the salary does not matter. The higher it is, the higher and stronger the dependence on it.

A person with a large salary increases his opportunities and demands, and the opportunity to obtain loans appears. And to avoid such a not very pleasant dependence, you need to have an idea of ​​​​your assets.

An asset is usually called a certain resource that provides you with regular income. And assets cannot be equated to wages.

If you lose your job, your assets will still provide you with income. Your asset can be a rental apartment.

What are liabilities?

In fact, there is nothing complicated about this concept. If something brings you income, then it is an asset. If not, then it's a liability. The apartment we live in is a liability. Or the car in which you ply the roads of your hometown. As soon as you start renting them out and receiving income, it immediately becomes an asset.

Why is it profitable to invest in assets?

Try to figure out for yourself whether you have more assets or liabilities. If you have a higher return on assets, then you can safely relax, quit your job and get active or active.

If your assets bring you as much as your liabilities take, then you need to consider whether the situation can be changed.
But, as a rule, liabilities always outweigh assets.

It turns out that if you do not invest money in assets, then you spend your whole life working on liabilities. And you will never be able to achieve financial independence from your own state or company.
There are real and intangible assets. Real are land, various funds, construction, reconstruction and repair, everything related to the expansion of production. Various experiments, research, and licenses are usually called intangible assets.

About the difficulties of investing money in assets

Any investment involves some risk. Naturally, it may be different. You risk the least by investing your savings in anything related to increasing production efficiency, as well as in forced investments. Your greatest risk is when new production or research begins.

You can invest your money in different ways. For example, open a bank deposit. But in this case, the income will be equal to inflation, so it is a very weak asset.

On the other hand, you risk virtually nothing. You can purchase shares. In this case, the higher the income, the higher the risk. You can invest in real estate and get a lot of income from it. But if your new acquisition is locked up, it's not an asset. This area needs to be either rented out or used for business development.

What percentage can you get as a result?

It all depends on what you decide to invest in.

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