How and where to pay utility bills without commission? Modern methods of paying utility bills without commission: where and how to do it? Where is the best place to pay utility bills?

In 2009, the government of our state adopted a Decree on the collection of commission interest on payment for housing and communal services. Previously, such a commission was included in the total amount of the utility bill. Where and how can I pay for these services in Moscow in 2019? This will be discussed in this article.

Calculation of utility bills: what is included in it in 2019

The Housing Code of our state regulates relations in the field of utilities, including their payment. In Moscow in 2019, for the correct calculation of the cost of housing and communal services, tariff indicators are taken as a basis, which exist in two types:

  1. State (those tariffs that are set at the state level).
  2. Local (tariffing adopted by local authorities, in our case, the administration of Moscow).

So, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • availability of individual or general house metering devices (their indicators are included in the calculation of the actual amount of payment for housing and communal services);
  • in the absence of such metering devices, state standards for the use of housing and communal services (common for all citizens of our country) are taken for calculations.

A Russian who is a user of housing and communal services cannot independently change the already established tariffs. Payment in size remains unchanged even when it changes:

  1. Type of ownership:
  • state;
  • municipal;
  • private.
  1. Type of residential building management:
  • ZhEK (housing and maintenance office);
  • HOA (homeowners association);
  • housing cooperative.
  1. Reasons for using the premises for their intended purpose:
  • rent;
  • possession, etc.

In case of dissatisfaction, the user of the provided housing and communal services, declaring their poor quality (for example, untimely water supply with significant interruptions), can contact the provider of these services directly, as a result of which the amount of money for their payment will be recalculated.

There are also cases when utility bills are officially changed on an individual basis for the user himself. This:

  1. A decrease in the amount due to a subsidy.
  2. An increase in payment at the initiative of the supplier (such a case can be considered a temporary removal of the meter and payment for the corresponding service in accordance with generally accepted state standards).

So, in Moscow in 2019, the practice is widespread when the consumer independently calculates the amount of utility payments. To do this, it is necessary to multiply the consumed volume (for example, water, gas or light) by the established standard tariff. At the same time, heating and maintenance of housing should be calculated based on the footage of living space, garbage disposal based on the number of people living.

Payment methods for utilities in 2019

In 2019, utility payments can be made in several generally accepted ways:

  1. In bank branches (Russian banks currently accept payments for all types of housing and communal services):
  • for heating;
  • for the world;
  • for water supply;
  • for water disposal;
  • for gas;
  • for the removal of household waste;
  • for the services of the company that manages the residential building as a whole.
  1. With the help of payment bank terminals (due to its simplicity, this method remains quite popular among elderly Russians), but such payment is always made only with a commission through a non-cash transfer of funds.
  2. Services of the Russian Post (such a service is available without a commission not to all Russians, but only to clients of Sberbank and the Bank of Moscow, other banking institutions require small commissions for their services).
  3. Through self-service banking machines (they will also charge a commission percentage, most often it is 1.5% of the transferred amount of money):
  • ATMs;
  • depositors;
  • information kiosks.

The following nuance should be taken into account: when paying for housing and communal services using the fourth method, there will be no commissions only if the funds are transferred by bank transfer from the consumer's bank card to the account of the supplier company.

  1. Using the Internet - online cashless payment services (the payment procedure is carried out quickly and without commission, and without interest):
  • Sberbank Online" (the "Mobile Bank" service is available if you register on the Sberbank website, it includes the generation and printing of a payment receipt);
  • AZ system (such payment without commission works only for owners of payment cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, it is enough to register in the Personal Account of this system, enter the personal account number of the utility service provider and transfer money by bank transfer);
  • Qiwi (QIWI) - such a payment system allows you to pay all possible utility bills without commission;
  • settlement center "Online" - payment is possible only after completing the registration procedure on this site in the subscriber's office, while Visa and MasterCard payment cards are accepted for work, and there is no commission for only a few services;
  • payment systems "Electronic money" (their principle of operation is similar to Qiwi - you register and open your virtual wallet, from which utility bills are paid without commission): WebMoney and Yandex.Money.

Experts warn: regardless of the chosen method of paying for housing and communal services, always try to print a check and keep it. This is necessary to confirm the perfect transfer of funds from the consumer to the service provider. The check must be kept for three years. Such a time period is not accidental, it is limited by the expiration of the limitation period - Civil Code, Article No. 196. If a utility service provider files a lawsuit in court for non-payment of consumed services, then the consumer can always present a check as evidence of his honesty. This situation is possible in two cases:

  • funds were erroneously received not on the account of the supplier, but on another account;
  • non-cash transfer "hung" in the banking system.

Therefore, it is best to save all utility bills for at least three years to confirm the payment made.

Is it possible to pay utility bills in Moscow without commission in 2019?

Experts answer this question in the affirmative: it is possible. True, if you decide to pay for utilities with the help of some bank, then he can set his personal percentage commission. There are several banking institutions in Moscow that do not charge commissions for their services:

  • Russian standard;
  • Home Credit;
  • PromsvyazBank.

Today, Russian citizens have the opportunity to pay for utilities without visiting financial institutions and without collecting additional funds.

When to deposit funds

The terms of payment for housing and communal services are clearly regulated by Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The first paragraph of this regulatory act states that citizens of the country must make payments by the 10th day of each month. Moreover, at this time, the user pays for the services provided to him last month.

The same document contains information on the appointment of penalties in the event of no payments. Thus, penalties are applied 31 days after the 10th day of the month. That is, for a whole month a citizen may not pay utility bills and at the same time he will not be fined for such actions.

This is convenient if a citizen is on vacation or is away from the place of permanent residence and, accordingly, cannot deposit funds in a timely manner. However, it is recommended to repay the debt on time. Moreover, now there is an opportunity to pay the rent without a commission.

Where to make payments

Today, there are a large number of ways to make payments for utility services. As before, citizens can use the services of a bank branch or one of the postal branches. In this case, you will need to pay a commission. It is calculated as a certain percentage of the payment.

The higher the amount paid, the higher the commission. Given the constant increase in the cost of rent, such an additional financial burden can become a problem for citizens. Therefore, the question becomes relevant - how to pay for housing and communal services without a commission? You can do this with:

  • ATM
  • Internet banking services;
  • electronic payment systems;
  • website of public services;
  • mobile banking.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that not all banks provide their customers with the opportunity to transfer funds without charging a commission. In some terminals, additional funds are charged for such actions. Sometimes the commission is not charged only for individual payments. For example, any resident of Moscow can use the Mosenergosbyt website to pay an electricity bill at no additional cost, but other services will have to be paid with a commission.

ATM use

Where to pay utility bills without commission? Many large banks give their customers the opportunity to pay without commission through ATMs. In this case, it is enough for a citizen to use the appropriate ATM, select the item related to payment for services, and then fill in the required fields.

But before using an ATM, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the bank to which it belongs. Not all financial institutions provide such opportunities. The country also has a large number of terminals. Their advantage is the ability to deposit funds in cash, which may be needed if there is no plastic or funds on it. However, most of these devices charge a fee for making payments.

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Electronic payment systems

You can pay for utilities without commission also in the case of using electronic payment systems. This is possible, for example, in the case of using the Rapida and services. So:

  1. In order to use the Rapida service, you need to register on its official website. In addition, in order to transfer funds without a commission, you must have a plastic card of this system. After going to the site, you need to go through the authorization procedure, go to the "Rapida-online" tab and select the appropriate section. Next, you need to select the recipient and check the correctness of the details.
  2. You can also make a payment without charging a commission through the service. To do this, the user must have a plastic card of any banking organization. Commission when using the service for rent is not charged, however, to connect to the system, you need to pay 150 rubles. Payments are made through a personal account.

It should be noted that not all services provide the opportunity to pay rent without charging a commission. In some services, this is done as recurring promotions, such as in the QIWI service.

Internet banking

Modern financial institutions offer their customers to become users of Internet banking. In some banks, the transfer of funds to pay for utility bills through Internet banking is not subject to commission (for example, in Citibank). In this case, you can make a calculation without additional financial costs.

However, payment of utility services without a commission is not valid in all financial institutions, therefore, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the terms of transfers before carrying out the operation. For example, in Sberbank Online you cannot pay rent without a commission. However, if in a bank branch it is 3%, then in Sberbank Online it is only 1%.

Mobile banking

If for the transfer of funds through Sberbank Online it is necessary to pay a commission in the amount of 1% of the transferred amount, then in the case of mobile banking from Sberbank, no commission is charged. It is enough for the user to activate this option after registering in Internet banking.

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After the user registers in the system and connects the mobile bank, you need to go to the "Housing and communal services ..." section, select a specific organization in the list, enter the details, information from the meters. After all the fields are filled in, it is necessary to confirm the payment using the code sent to the client's phone. You can print a receipt by going to the "Executed" category and selecting the appropriate payment.

Using the service "Gosuslugi"

With the help of the “Gosuslugi” service, you can not only apply to various government agencies, but also pay rent. At the same time, the service does not charge its customers a commission for making payments. However, it must be understood that it can be charged by the bank or service provider.

For example, owners of plastics from the Bank of Moscow banking organization have the opportunity to pay rent without any additional costs, however, for other banks, the commission may be 0.8%. Also, the site is a bit awkward to use. In some cases, service interruptions may occur.

Thus, payment of utilities without a commission is possible. Today, citizens do not have to stand in queues at the bank and incur additional costs. To transfer funds, you can use ATMs, electronic payment systems, Internet banking / mobile banking, public services website. At the same time, a citizen is advised to carefully read the terms of service before making a payment. Not all financial market participants provide such services to their clients. In some cases, special conditions apply only to payments for certain housing and communal services.

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Modern methods of paying utility bills without commission: where and how to do it?

The Government Decree, which entered into force in 2009, legalized the collection of additional commissions from payers of utility services.

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Although 2-3% is not a particularly significant amount, many do not want to overpay. Prior to this, the commission was 1.9% and was included in the total cost of services, and therefore was simply not noticed by citizens.

Today, many are looking for a way to save money and pay for services without additional expenses.

How are utility bills calculated?

Relations in the housing sector are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to its norms (namely, Article 157), the amount of payment for services is calculated. When calculating the amount, state or local tariffs are taken into account.

  • in the presence of metering devices (individual, common house) - the actual volume of the service;
  • without a device - consumption standards determined by the state.

The amount of the fee remains the same regardless of the situations:

  • change of form of ownership - state, private, municipal;
  • change in the form of house management - ZhEK, HOA, housing cooperative;
  • grounds for the use of residential premises - rent, ownership, etc.

It is impossible to change the size of the board on your own, both in the direction of its decrease and increase. In case of low-quality services, their supply with interruptions that exceed the norm, you can contact the service provider for recalculation.

A reduction in payment is also possible after certain categories of citizens receive a subsidy.

The fee increase is made at the initiative of the supplier in some cases, for example, the temporary absence of a meter and the need to pay according to the standards.

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Existing methods of payment for utility services

Paying utility bills today is easy. To do this, there are several simple and convenient ways.

At bank branches

In the branches of almost any bank, they accept payment for all kinds of services: heating, electricity, water supply and disposal, services of management companies, gas, garbage collection, and so on.

At the cash desk of the bank, payment can be made in cash. The difference is that some banks charge a fee and some don't.

Payment will require a billing statement, which is often delivered to consumers at home. It already indicates the amounts for each service that you need to pay.

Payment terminals

They help save time, but not everyone can use them. They are located in crowded places: near the subway, in supermarkets.

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The scheme is as follows - a person enters a unique number, which is indicated on the utility bill, the amount in rubles, deposits cash through a special hole.

Payment is made by non-cash transfer of funds to the supplier's account via the Internet.

Via Russian Post

Only clients of the Bank of Moscow or Sberbank who have entered into an agreement on the transfer of funds pay for services here without a commission.

The rest are charged a commission - 1-3%.

Self-service devices

This segment is represented by numerous information kiosks, depositors, ATMs. You can meet them everywhere.

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The commission from the client is charged in the amount of 1.5% of the amount.

With a non-cash transfer directly from a personal bank card, there is no commission.

Where and how to pay for a communal apartment without a commission?

Most consumers in banking institutions and post offices are forced to overpay, because without concluding a special agreement, a commission is charged.

If the consumer is a client of the bank and receives a salary or other payment on a plastic card, it is possible to pay bills through remote banking.

To do this, you need to register in the system, create your personal account and from there make payments for utilities - choosing the right company, transfer funds from the card to its account.

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Using the self-service terminal, you can pay with a minimum commission. For example, in Sberbank it is only 0.5% when using the terminal.

At ATMs of some banks, it is possible to make a "commission-free" payment for housing and communal services from a personal card.

MTS users can use the Easy Payment service. True, not all payments can be paid without a commission. You can pay on the MTS website or by calling the short number *115#.

Free Internet services for paying utility bills

With the help of the World Wide Web, you can pay for housing and communal services in a non-cash way, transferring money from your card to the supplier's account.

Without a commission using the Internet, you can pay for services using a number of services.

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Sberbank Online

To do this, you need to connect the Sberbank card to the Mobile Bank service and register in the system, gaining access (password).

To pay through Sberbank Online, you need to select the Utilities tab, specify the recipient, payment period, amount and meter reading (if any).

If desired, you can generate and print a check.

A3 system

Provides payment for some services without commission for Visa/MasterCard/Maestro cardholders from the phone or the card itself.

To make a payment, you need to know your personal account number, have access to your personal account and have funds on your balance.

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Internet portal (available only to residents of some regions of the Russian Federation)

Here you can pay for all utility services without exception through your personal account from a bank card.

QIWI payment system

Provides account holders to pay for any services for housing and communal services without commission.

For payment, registration, a password to enter your personal account and the presence of money in the account are required.

Settlement Center Online

Payment is accepted with Visa and Master Card.

Registration on the site is required. In the "Subscriber's Cabinet" you can see the status of the account, the payments made earlier.

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Only some utility services can be paid without a commission.

Electronic money

With the development of e-commerce, the method of paying for utilities online through electronic money systems is also gaining more and more popularity.

The following payment systems are most common in Russia:

Why and for how long should I keep a receipt for payment?

If the consumer pays at a bank teller, ATM, or terminal, they will receive a check upon completion.

When paying online, the check must be printed on the printer. It must be kept for at least three years.

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This can happen if the money "left" to the wrong current account, to another supplier, or simply "stuck" in the bank's system.

However, even after three years, the court has the right to accept a claim for the protection of the violated right.

Therefore, it is advisable to keep receipts for as long as possible. This will help save the consumer from collecting proof of payment in the event that payment is not received by the supplier company.

Video: What is the most profitable way to pay utility bills?

The story tells what are the alternatives to standing in queues when paying for utilities.

Explains what benefits a citizen receives. when making payments for housing and communal services through branches of commercial banks, through ATMs, as well as through various Internet services.

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Tips are given on how to avoid fees for transferring money to utility providers.

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Of course, in big cities there are more payment options. You can choose how and where to pay utility bills. But if you have to live in small suburban villages, there is less choice. Nevertheless, our family has been paying utility bills via the Internet through the Webmoney payment system for about six months now. It is very convenient - without leaving your home, you put a certain amount into your account and sleep peacefully.

Sberbank online takes a commission for paying utility bills from 0.5 to 1%%, except for Rostelecom and MGTS.

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How to pay utility bills without commission?

Every month, many of us are faced with the need to pay utility bills.

Nowadays, there are many ways to make a payment: at the bank's cash desk, at the post office, through a terminal, sitting at home, in front of a computer or on the road using a mobile phone.

Everyone can choose a convenient way for themselves. We will tell you about paying utility bills without a commission.

You can find out whether you need to pay for the overhaul of an apartment building from our article.

All possible ways

When choosing a payment method, it is important to know what interest is charged and how long the payment will be delivered:

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  1. Bank cashier. Payment through the cashier is the most well-known method for everyone. Many banks provide this service. Moreover, when choosing this method, the interest for the service is taken quite large. The exception is a small number of banks that offer zero commission for their customers. Another disadvantage of this method is that you can end up in a huge queue among the same payers.
  2. Post office. The problem of large queues is also relevant when choosing this option. Customers are charged a postage fee.
  3. ATM. This method is suitable only for those who own a plastic card. ATM interest rates are minimal. There are banks in which the percentage for their customers is zero. ATMs work around the clock, which means that payments can be made at any time of the day. The number of people in line is almost reduced to a minimum. Please note that not all ATMs of banks have such a service.
  4. Terminal. This method is identical to the option with an ATM with a slight difference that the amount is paid into the device in cash. Terminals are located at every step: in shopping centers, large stores, at gas stations.

The downside of this method is that no change is given. The remaining amount will be credited to the next month's account.

  • Auto payment. The payment is made from a bank account on a specific date. You must come to the bank branch in person and apply for such a service. Also in this bank you must have an account opened from which payment will be made. We must not forget to replenish it. The service is provided free of charge and the commission is zero. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that a double write-off of the amount may occur. In addition, a fixed amount is usually debited for payment; it is constantly changing in the payment receipt itself. There may be an underpayment, and penalties will be charged accordingly.
  • Internet banking. Almost all major banks have such a service on their official websites. The method is very convenient for those who are friends with the computer. Without leaving your home, you can perform the operation at any time of the day. To do this, you need to have an entrance to your personal account and a card of this bank. For such an operation, interest is taken at a minimum. In this case, there is a risk of falling into the hands of scammers.
  • Mobile bank. It consists in making a payment by sending SMS. This operation requires connecting a bank card to this type of service. It is sent to the bank by SMS with the specified amount and the bank transfers funds from your account to the recipient.

    When choosing this method, it is not possible to print a receipt.

  • Payment systems. With the help of payment systems "Yandex.Money", WebMoney, QIWI, "Rapida" and others, payment is also made if you have a computer connected to the Internet. Virtual wallets must contain real money. Service fees are charged at a rate of 0.8% to 2.5%.
  • Payment in the management company. Payment is made only in cash and without commission. You don't have to worry about shipping. You can check with an accountant to clarify the debt. The negative aspects of this method include a personal visit during the accounting hours of the Criminal Code, which is not always convenient for a working person.
  • Samples of complaints about the management company to the housing inspection can be downloaded here.

    Commission amount

    What percentage of the commission is charged at Sberbank and at the post office when paying for utilities?

    When choosing different methods of payment for housing and communal services, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the commission.

    Even paying in the same bank, but using different methods, shows that the percentage of the fee for the service will not be the same.

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    In Sberbank, you can use the following options:

    • cash service. Depending on the type of utility payment, the largest fee of 3% is taken, for the EPD - 2% and for Mosenergosbyt -2.5%;
    • self-service device: ATM when paying with a card of another bank or terminal when paying in cash. The service fee is 0.9% for payments under the UPD, for electricity - 1.5%, for other payments - 2%. The minimum amount of commission is taken in the amount of 10 rubles. When using a Sberbank card, the interest for paying utility bills for the EPD is 0.5%, for all other payments the commission is 1%;
    • mobile bank, Sberbank Online, Auto payment. Connecting any of these options is free. The commission fee for payment of housing and communal services under the EPD is 0.5%, for all other payments the commission is 1%. Payment is made by Sberbank card. There is an instant transfer of funds to the recipient.

    When paying by Russian post, it is possible to use several methods:

    1. Acceptance of payment by a post office employee. There is a 3% service charge. Exceptions are clients of Sberbank and the Bank of Moscow, who have a concluded agreement. No commission is taken from them. The amount is credited within three days.
    2. Terminal. Not all post offices have these devices. The percentage for service must be specified at the post office.
    3. Mail Online. It has an additional security system. The commission is 0%.

    Who to call if the power went out without warning? Find out the answer right now.

    Payment without commission

    There are several ways to pay for utility services without a commission:

    • portal of public services;
    • portal PGU.MOS when paying with a VTB24 card;
    • Bank of Moscow for all holders of social cards;

    Moreover, both at the bank’s cash desk and when making a payment through an ATM, interest is not charged. The most convenient and safest way to pay utility bills for pensioners.

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  • payment via the Internet with special payment systems: A3, Paypal, Online settlement center.
  • Free internet services

    1. Sberbank Online. This method allows you to make a payment in real time. The system is protected: at each entrance, in addition to entering the main password, an additional one is sent via SMS notification. The percentage for the provision of services is taken at a minimum.
    2. A3 system. Without a commission, it is possible to pay utility bills to cardholders of international payment systems Visa, MasterCard, Maestro. It is necessary to register in the system, enter the payer code, card number, amount.
    3. Internet portal. The State Service Portal transfers payments for housing and communal services in real time and without commission fees.

    PGU.MOS also provides the opportunity to pay utility bills without commission for VTB 24 bank cardholders, for other banks the commission is 0.8%.

    The payment will be made within 24 hours. After the transaction, you can print a receipt.

  • QIWI payment system. This system allows you to pay utility bills with a commission fee of 2%. The payment amount is credited the next day. It is possible to print the receipt.
  • Settlement Center Online. Payment is accepted by Visa, MasterCard. The minimum payment amount must be 250 rubles. There are no fees for utility bills. It is possible to print a receipt.
  • Electronic money. An example of electronic money is PayPal and Yandex money. There is no fee for utility bills. Payment is usually received the next day. For greater security when paying with an electronic money system, it is better to include additional protection. It is also better not to transfer too large amounts at the same time.
  • About what should be the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season according to SanPin, read here.

    How more profitable?

    When choosing a payment method, you should pay attention to the following factors:

    Free legal advice:

    • reliability of the payment system;
    • convenience of receiving payment;
    • the delivery time of the paid amount to the utility service provider;
    • commission fee for the rendered service;
    • the possibility of confirming the payment in the form of a printed receipt.

    When making a decision when choosing a method of making a payment, everyone sets priorities for himself. There is no one-size-fits-all method that is perfect for everyone.

    Receipt storage

    Storage of information on payment of utilities in paper form is necessary to confirm the process itself.

    Checks are also needed when clarifying disputes with housing and communal services that may arise as a result of confusion with shifting tariffs, a failure of the payment program, and simply because of fraud.

    Paid receipts using ATMs, terminals, mobile banks must be in paper form. They may be needed in case of sale of housing.

    The retention period can be attributed to the law on the limitation period for such documents. It is 3 years old.

    There are several ways to pay utility bills without a commission.

    But when choosing each of them, it is worth paying attention to other important factors: the security of the operation, the term for transferring funds, the ability to print a receipt.

    After weighing all the pros and cons of each payment acceptance system, you can choose a payment option specifically for your case.

    You can find out which method of paying for housing and communal services is the most profitable from the video:

    Clause 9. Payment in the UK does not work, because the UK does not want to take payment. I pay through the bank, a separate receipt for cap. repair and separate for everything else. And it turns out that I give the bank a commission equal to cap. repair, about 500 rubles. Robbery ...

    Payment of utility bills without commission in 2017

    Recently, for many Russians, paying utility bills has become quite burdensome.

    The growth of tariffs for utilities makes us leave more and more money at the payment acceptance points.

    And if you still have to pay an additional commission - in general, at least cry!

    In this article, we will look at the most affordable ways to pay for utilities without commission and additional fees, learn how to pay for utilities via the Internet without a commission, as well as other options for "duty-free" payment of utilities.

    Payment of rent

    Living in cozy, comfortable apartments, we use all the benefits of civilization - electricity, water, gas, etc.

    Our entrances are clean and lit, the courtyards are well-groomed and blooming, the elevators work properly, and the cars are parked in specially equipped parking lots.

    All this daily work to make our dwellings civilized and comfortable must be paid for.

    It is the obligation to pay for utilities that is the primary concern of homeowners and tenants.

    The Housing Code of the Russian Federation strictly regulates and regulates all relations between the participants in the housing and communal services.

    The obligation to pay utility bills in a timely manner and in full is set out in Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

    What is included?

    All housing and communal services, which are monthly prescribed in our receipts, can be conditionally divided into two groups:

    • sewerage - a drain of household waters, and also their further purification and/or further utilization;
    • electricity - the supply of electric current to our apartments with the necessary voltage (at the request of the owner and the technical capabilities of the electrical network or 360 volts);
    • water supply - continuous access to water resources, which are preliminarily cleaned and disinfected;
    • gas supply - the supply of natural gas through communication systems or the provision of cylinders with liquefied gas
    1. Hallway cleaning.
    2. Lighting stairs, basements, porches, courtyard area.
    3. Garbage removal.
    4. Correct operation of the elevator and garbage chute (if any).
    5. Landscaping and cleaning of the yard area.
    6. Maintenance and overhaul of an apartment building.
    7. Maintenance of common property in proper condition

    Legal justification

    The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that each owner or tenant of housing is obliged to pay for mandatory utilities within the strictly allotted time.

    The same legal act informs that the obligation to pay money for the rent arises from the owner of the property immediately after the registration of the right.

    The rules for paying utility bills are governed by the following documents:

    Where to pay utility bills without commission in 2017

    Paying utility bills without a commission is not just a dream, but an opportunity provided to payers by individual financial organizations and modern payment systems.

    You can pay for your monthly consumption of utilities without additional "charges" in the following ways:

    You can find an institution or payment method that will not charge additional fees.

    It is important to decide what is preferable for you: the speed of payment or the convenience of depositing funds.


    If you want to pay utility bills in cash and do not want to overpay, you will need to be prepared to stand in line for a while.

    The only way to pay for housing and communal services without charging additional commission fees is a visit to the Housing Office or a bank branch.

    Through the terminal

    The modern pace of life forces us all the time to look for options to reduce certain manipulations and actions. This also applies to utility bills.

    The appearance of payment terminals makes life much easier for those who are used to being always at work, not knowing either sleep or rest.

    These mechanical "purses" are located almost everywhere - in the underpass, in the subway, in a small store across the street from the house and in a huge supermarket.

    It is necessary to learn how to use them correctly, and then it will be possible to pay utility bills almost everywhere and without any commission.

    All payment terminals that come your way may be different, but they all have the same mechanism and system of work:

    • indications of an individual consumption meter;
    • date of payment;
    • last name, first name, patronymic, etc.

    Bank card

    If you are a holder of a bank card of any financial institution, whether it is debit or credit, "duty-free" utility payment options are available to you.

    There are several ways to pay for utility services using a card:

    Payment for utilities by credit card via the Internet without commission. This can be done if you have installed the Mobile Bank (Online Bank) application of the institution that issued the bank card for you on your mobile phone (tablet, computer).

    The following procedure must be followed:

    Payment by credit card via the Internet is convenient because it is possible to save the template.

    Read more about utility bills for major repairs here.

    That is, the next time you can go to "My payments", see the previous payment transaction and, if necessary, repeat it, changing, for example, the payment amount.

    Post office

    In large cities, the services of the Russian Post and postmen in the field of utility bills are almost never resorted to.

    But on the periphery and in small settlements (villages, villages, urban-type settlements), the post office building is often the center of the settlement.

    Residents of small towns receive and send parcels and telegrams, pay utility bills, receive pensions and social benefits.

    For the elderly and the disabled, as well as for everyone, the Russian Post has organized the delivery of pension accruals to the recipients' homes.

    In the same place, when receiving a pension, citizens can pay utility bills without leaving their homes.

    If you are at the post office for the first time and do not know how to pay bills, proceed as follows:

    Depending on the region, when paying for utilities by Russian Post, commissions for certain utility services may be charged.

    For example, in many regions of our country, an additional 2% is taken from each receipt for water supply.

    This is due to the deplorable state of water communications in the Russian hinterland.

    In online mode

    For many "advanced" citizens of the Russian Federation, there is no longer a question of prompt payment of utility bills.

    They know perfectly well how to pay utility bills via the Internet without commission.

    To do this, it is enough to create an electronic wallet and have the necessary amount of money on it.

    Then at any time, no matter if you are at home or at work, you can pay utility bills from this wallet.

    The most common in our country are:

    The payment process is very simple and accessible to everyone. The main thing is to know your personal account number and have a certain amount of money in the account.

    other methods

    In addition to the above methods, there are also alternative and less popular options for paying for utility services:

    Whatever payment method you choose, the main thing is knowing your personal account.

    Then you can pay the rent, even without having the necessary receipts with you.

    Receipt Form

    Valid receipts are approved and regulated by the Rules for the provision of public services.

    The appearance and individual items of receipts may vary, but there are certain details that are required for all payment documents plying in our country:

    and the final amount

    This form of receipt allows payers to visually see for what and how much they pay.

    Sample Fill

    The receipt used by various management companies and housing and communal services organizations has the same content, although it may differ in color, size and the presence of information of an advertising or social nature.

    Any receipts for utility bills are filled in the same way.

    There are certain fields that must be filled in:

    and payer's signature

    In places where payment is made with the help of cashiers, unfilled receipts for payment are not accepted.

    To pay at terminals and ATMs, you will need to enter your personal account number, as well as meter readings and the date of payment.

    Possible nuances

    There are situations when something happens to our usual monthly receipts.

    What to do in such cases:

    Many payers do not know how long it is necessary to keep payment documents.

    Unpleasant situations may arise related to the transfer of ownership, change of legal entity, etc., when documentary confirmation of previously made payment for utilities may be required.

    The realities of modern life force us all to try to be economical and frugal.

    Read more about the due date for utility bills here.

    What is included in utility bills in 2017, read here.

    Recently, every third Russian has tried to carve out free money on something ordinary.

    The easiest option to keep your honestly earned income to yourself is not to pay financial institutions fees for accepting utility payments.

    Installment debt on utility bills

    List of utility bill debtors

    Utility bill notice

    September 29, 2016

    Check Also

    Subsidy for utility bills

    Housing and communal services must be paid in a timely manner, and this should be done not only by owners, but also by employers.

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    There are several ways to pay for housing and communal services without commissions.

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    Choosing a convenient option for yourself, you must take into account the reliability of the procedure, the timing of the transfer of money and the availability of a receipt.

    All ways

    When choosing a method, you need to know the interest rate and the payment delivery period. The choice of payment options is huge:

    • Bank teller is the most common way. Many banks provide this service. But the interest is high. Some banks do not charge fees. The disadvantage of this method is a considerable queue of payers.
    • Post office. The queues are also huge, there is a commission.
    • ATM. Suitable for owners of plastic cards. The interest rate is the lowest. Financial institutions offer their own customers a free service without charging interest.
    • The ATM operates around the clock, so you can pay utility bills at any time. But not all banks offer this service.
    • Terminal. The option is similar to paying through an ATM, but there is 1 difference - the money is paid in cash. The terminal can be found in shopping malls, shops, gas stations. The downside is they don't give change. The excess amount will be paid at the expense of the next month.
    • Automatic payment. It is carried out from a bank account on a specific date. The service is issued personally at the branch of the bank. An account will be opened from which payment will be made. It will need to be replenished. You don't have to pay for the service, no commission is charged. The disadvantage is the likelihood of writing off the sum in double size. For payment, a specific amount is withdrawn from the account, and it may be different in the receipt. As a result - and the accrual of penalties.
    • Internet banking. There is a similar service on the official website of major banks. The operation is carried out at any time of the day, within the house. You will need a computer and internet. To carry out the procedure, you need to have a bank card and a "personal account". The interest rate is minimal. Risk - the possibility of getting into criminals.
    • Mobile bank. Making a payment via SMS. For the operation to be carried out, it is necessary to connect a bank card to this service. A message is sent to the bank indicating the payment amount. The institution debits the funds from the account and transfers them to the recipient. The disadvantage is the inability to print the receipt.
    • Qiwi payment system, Yandex.Money and others. Interest - up to 2.5%.

    The payer chooses the payment method independently.

    Commission amount

    When choosing a payment method, you should consider the size of the commission. In the same bank for a particular payment method, it may be different. At cash services, the commission fee ranges from 2% to 3%. In the case of self-service, the commission can be from 0.9% to 2%. The minimum amount is 10%.

    If the payer pays for utilities at the post office, a 3% commission is charged from him. The exception is the clients of Sberbank and the Bank of Moscow - they have an agreement. They do not charge a commission, and the payment is credited within 3 days.

    If this is an online mail, then there is no commission.

    Payment of utilities without commission

    No fee is charged for the payment of rent if the procedure is carried out through:

    • public services portal;
    • portal PGU.MOS by payment by VTB 24 card;
    • Bank of Moscow - for social card holders.

    Interest is not withdrawn regardless of the method of payment - by mail or terminal. This is the most convenient and safe option for pensioners.

    Through ATMs and terminals

    Large banks provide their customers with the opportunity to pay utility bills without commission using an ATM. A citizen chooses an ATM and a special point for paying utility bills, enters the required information. Before using a particular ATM, you should study the conditions of the bank. Not all financial institutions provide this opportunity.

    Also in the Russian Federation there are many terminals through which you can pay for housing and communal services in cash. The method is convenient because a plastic card is not needed.

    But most terminals charge interest. The account number, date of payment and personal data are entered into the terminal. After completing all the steps, the terminal will issue the amount for payment.

    Post office

    In large cities, Russian postal services for paying utility bills are practically not used. In villages, villages and settlements, this method is common.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. A free window is selected.
    2. The operator specifies the possibility of paying utility bills.
    3. The completed receipts are handed over to the post office employee.
    4. The operator credits the payment and issues the second part of the receipt.

    In some regions, a utility fee is still charged.

    Through the Internet

    An equally common method of payment is via the Internet. But these are not private systems, but Internet banking or a personal account on the service provider's website.

    The function is convenient in that you can see how much and when it was deposited. Payment is made at any time, there is no commission.

    Registration in these systems is required 1 time. Access to them is possible from any corner of the Russian Federation.

    Sberbank Online

    Payment for housing and communal services is carried out through Sberbank Online without commission. This is the most convenient and. Data is stored in a personal account, all transactions are tracked. After payment, the check is stored electronically.

    The course of action is:

    1. Mobile banking service is activated. With its help, payments are made, messages with a code for depositing funds are sent to the phone.
    2. Visiting a private office.
    3. The required section is selected - "Payments and transfers".
    4. The name of the organization for money transfer is selected.
    5. Information is entered -, testimony and others.
    6. Funds are being transferred.

    The status of the operation is also monitored in the personal account.

    public services

    With the help of the State Services service, you can also pay utility bills. no commission is charged from own clients. But the bank or service provider has the right to collect it.


    Settlement center website

    Every homeowner needs to know how to pay utility bills, payment deadlines, and the consequences of non-payment or delay.

    Only in the case when the homeowner pays the rent on time, he is provided with a full set of utilities.

    Important! If he refuses to pay his bills or does it inaccurately, it is possible to turn off water, sewerage, as well as suspend the provision of other utilities.

    What utilities you need to pay for, and in what order to do it, is regulated by the relevant provisions of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, while according to Article 153, payment for these services is the direct responsibility of the owner of the dwelling.

    The total amount of paid utilities includes payments: for the supply of electricity, for thermal energy, for gas supply, for water disposal, for the supply of cold and hot water

    Currently, this type of payment includes current repairs and maintenance of housing; public utilities; building overhaul.

    The total amount of paid utilities includes payments:

    • for the supply of electricity;
    • for thermal energy;
    • for gas supply;
    • for water disposal;
    • for the supply of cold and hot water.

    Moreover, if the apartment is rented out, the tenant does not pay, the utilities are paid by the owner, which should be established by the agreement concluded between them.

    The Housing Code establishes a deadline for making payments - before the 10th day of each month

    Also, the Housing Code establishes a deadline for making payments - up to the 10th day of each month. The basis for payment is the corresponding receipt addressed to the owner of the dwelling from the managing organization.

    Important! In the event that the owner does not pay for utilities or delays in making payments, action can be taken.

    So, for example, the managing organization has the right to limit the provision of public services to the non-payer or even refuse to provide them. In addition, it is possible to recover the amount of unpaid invoices in court along with penalties and fines for late payment.

    It is possible to recover the amount of unpaid invoices in court along with penalties and fines for late payment

    Many homeowners ask if they need to pay utilities for a second apartment or a house. There is only one answer here - yes. The fact is that the current legislation does not exempt the owner of a dwelling from paying utility bills if he does not live in it. Thus, even if your apartment is empty, you still have to make some payments for its maintenance.

    It is also worth knowing that the existing benefits for utility bills must be confirmed by the relevant documents: certificates, decisions, extracts from regulatory legal acts. At the same time, the service is first paid for, and then its amount is compensated to the beneficiary within the framework of subsidies provided by the state.

    It is worth knowing that the existing benefits for utility bills must be confirmed by the relevant documents: certificates, decisions, extracts from regulatory legal acts

    The main methods of paying utility bills

    Despite the fact that paying for an apartment is a completely natural and understandable procedure, many homeowners and members of their families sometimes simply do not know where and how to pay for utilities with a minimum commission and without queues. The thing is that recently completely new payment methods have appeared that are far from clear to all representatives of the older generation. In connection with this circumstance, when asked where to pay for utilities, they usually answer that this should be done at the box office of the Housing Office.

    ATM for payment of utility bills

    This statement is partially true, since payments through the cash desk of a management company or a multifunctional center are made by the bulk of tenants, but recently, payments directly to the organization that provides you with certain types of services have become more common. Therefore, it will be possible to answer the question of where to pay utility bills only after you carefully study the receipts that come to your mailbox. Otherwise, you may make a mistake and make a payment to the wrong person.

    Despite the fact that many citizens believe that it is best to pay utility bills in cash, almost all management companies and specialized organizations also accept payments in a non-cash way. Therefore, you should not save and save cash by the end of the month, but it is better to pay immediately after receiving a receipt. This will avoid the imposition of penalties for late payment by companies working in the housing and communal services sector.

    Internet banking for paying utility bills

    If we consider directly the methods of how to pay for utilities, then they can be divided into main groups:

    • cash;
    • non-cash.

    The group of cash payment methods includes payments made at the cash desks of the management company and resource-supplying organizations, as well as at Russian Post offices. Such payments are known to most citizens and are available even to elderly homeowners. At the same time, if you pay rent at the cash desk of the management company, you can resolve some issues along the way, for example, how to pay utilities in a communal apartment.

    Mobile bank to pay utility bills

    As for non-cash payments, you can use modern methods, this group includes:

    • ATM;
    • blitz payment;
    • Internet banking;
    • mobile bank;
    • electronic money.

    Such types of payments are preferred by young people who are versed in modern technologies.

    Electronic money to pay utility bills

    Thanks to them, you do not have to visit the cash desks and accounting departments of housing departments or resource-supplying organizations.

    Cash payments for utilities

    If we analyze in detail payments for housing and communal services with the help of cash, then the first answer to the question of where to pay for utilities will be the cash desk of a housing office or a multifunctional center. In addition, you can pay for receipts at the Russian Post. But Sberbank, which for many years accepted this kind of cash payments, has recently switched to non-cash forms of work and has not accepted such payments for a long time.

    If we analyze in detail payments for housing and communal services with the help of cash, then the first answer to the question of where to pay for utilities will be the cash desk of a housing office or a multifunctional center

    This type of payment is great for those who do not know how to pay utility bills without using cash. In addition, it allows you to do it on time, does not depend on power outages and failures in computer programs. It is also very important that the payments made in this way immediately go to the account of the recipient organization. As a result, you do not have debts to resource supplying organizations and the management company.

    Payment for utilities at the Russian Post Office

    Of the minuses of this method, one can name the presence of long queues at the places of receipt of payments for housing and communal services, as well as the slow progress of such a queue, since payers can pay several receipts at once. In addition, Russian Post may charge a percentage for this service (1.5% of the amount). This is important for those citizens who are worried about how to pay less for utilities.

    Terminal for payment of utilities

    Separately, it is worth mentioning payments using a payment terminal. Outwardly, this device resembles an ordinary ATM, only payment here is made using cash sent to a special bill acceptor. As a result, you do not visit the cash desks of specialized organizations and at the same time pay in cash.

    The advantage of this payment method is a significant time saving, since usually there are no queues at the terminals, they work around the clock and on weekends. In addition, you receive a bank check in your hands, and not another document, which is important in case of any conflicts over utility bills.

    The owner of a payment terminal can take a very substantial commission for payments made through it.

    Of the minuses, one can name the fact that the machine does not take and does not give coins, but only accepts banknotes. As a result, you have to pay. In addition, the owner of the payment terminal can take a very substantial commission for payments made through it.

    Non-cash payments for utilities

    Non-cash payments for utilities are of interest to those payers who know how to pay for utilities via the Internet. The fact is that most of these payments occur precisely due to the use of the resources of the World Wide Web. Their pluses include the fact that you can pay without visiting the cash desks of the management company or resource-supplying organizations, while being, for example, at home.

    Payment of utilities via the Internet

    So, for example, many banks provide their customers with a service such as Internet banking. It is a clear example of how to pay for utilities via the Internet. To do this, you will need to get a login and password from your personal account on the bank's website using a bank card. With their help, you can enter it, pay the necessary amounts from a card or your bank account.

    In our time, when technology is so well developed, standing in long lines to pay utility bills is torment without any sense. It is much easier to pay online. No need to wait in line, and payment can be made at any time, even at 5 o'clock in the morning.

    In order to transfer rent via the Internet, you need to know the following information:

    • Personal account for all types of utility payments;
    • Details of service providers (they are indicated in the receipts).

    How to pay rent online?

    The payment itself can be made in several ways:

    • Through the website of the State Service;
    • Through online banking;
    • By QR code;
    • Through a mobile phone;
    • Through electronic money.

    public services

    Thanks to this multifunctional service, many issues can be resolved, including paying utility bills. Website:

    To gain access to the functions of the site, you must go through the registration procedure. After that, follow the instructions:

    1. In the upper right corner, click on the button leading to your personal account.
    2. By clicking on it, you get to the menu with the following items:
      • Services;
      • Support;
      • Payment;
      • My health.
    3. By opening the first item, you will see the categories of services that you can pay for. Among them is "Apartment, construction, land."
    4. If you click on the above line, a list will open - select the item "Housing and communal services payment" in it.
    5. Next, a page with instructions will appear. It details how to pay.
    6. After reading it, click on the "Get Service" button. A list of providers selected based on the city of your registration will be displayed.
    7. By selecting the desired company, you will be taken to a page where you need to enter data for the payment:
      • personal account;
      • instrument readings;
      • amount of payment;
      • date of reading.
    8. Choose your payment method and enter your payment details.

    Important: after checking the details, check the box "consider meter readings" so that they are counted. When the payment is made, you can print a payment receipt.

    Online banking

    Perhaps this is the most popular way to pay for an apartment via the Internet. Almost every bank provides the opportunity to pay utility bills in your account on your website.

    Consider payment using the example of Sberbank Online. In order to make a payment, you need to do the following:

    1. Execute . If you do not register, you must complete it. To do this, click on the "Register" button located under the window for entering login information:
      • After clicking, a page will open where you will be prompted to enter the card number. You will receive a password on your phone to confirm the registration operation in the system.
      • Create a username and password to access your personal account. Now you are registered and can pay for an apartment without queues.
    2. After entering the password and login to confirm the entry, you will receive a password via SMS. It must be entered in a special window.
    3. On the page that opens, select the "Payments and transfers" tab. By default, organizations in the region in which you are registered are shown.
    4. By clicking on the tab, you go to the payment menu. Here you can pay for various types of services, including rent.
    5. You can select a service provider through the search bar located in the center of the page. To do this, enter the name, TIN or current account of the desired company.
    6. Find the line with the desired organization and click on it. The menu for paying for the apartment will open.
    7. Here you select a card for debiting funds and enter the personal account number (it is in the receipt for payment).
    8. A menu appears in which you need to enter the meter readings and the payment amount. Check your details carefully before clicking the Continue button.
    9. Next, you will receive an SMS with a password to confirm the operation. After its introduction, the payment goes into processing and after a couple of seconds receives the status "Executed".
    10. You can print a payment receipt by clicking on the "Print receipt" line, located just below the "Payment amount" column.

    Thanks to the Sberbank Online system, paying for an apartment via the Internet is easy and simple.

    Important: "Thank you" bonuses are awarded for paying utility bills through your personal account. can pay for other services.

    Service "Rent"

    In order to pay for utility services without a commission, you can use the "Rent payment" service. The Internet address is

    You can pay without registration, but users who have a personal account have a number of additional options available:

    • Introduction of meter readings;
    • Tracking the state of the personal account;
    • Saving the history of operations;
    • Receipt of electronic receipts.

    To pay for an apartment, follow a few simple steps:

    1. On the main page there is a window in which you can enter a personal account and payment period. You can also find the menu for payment through your personal account.
    2. After entering the data, click "Proceed to payment".
    3. Choose the appropriate way to transfer money:
      • bank card: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Mir or Yandex.Money;
      • non-cash payment (from a bank account);
      • through SMS messages.
    4. Enter your details: personal account and payment period. Then click "Pay" following the prompts of the system.

    The system does not charge a commission for housing and communal services.

    Advice: if you have any problems with payment or the work of your personal account, click on the line "Need help?". It contains all the current user questions and answers to them.

    Electronic money

    Today there are dozens of electronic payment systems, and all of them have approximately the same principle of operation. Consider payment using Yandex.Money as an example.

    To pay for an apartment using a Yandex wallet, you need to perform several steps:

    1. Go to the site -
    2. In the upper left corner, select "Payment for services". There will be a large list of services that can be paid for. Find the item "Housing and Public Services" there.
    3. Here you can select a utility company from the list or find it by TIN by entering it in a special search bar.
    4. Then you should indicate the number of your personal account, written in the receipt.
    5. After checking the correctness of the entered data, click "Continue".
    6. An SMS with a code to confirm the operation will be sent to the phone number linked to the account. Enter it on the site.
    7. After a couple of seconds, the payment receives the status "Successfully completed".

    Payment is made up to 3 business days. The maximum amount for making a payment is 14,999 rubles. There is no commission.

    Advice: follow the status of the payment. When it is completed, you will be able to print a payment receipt. To do this, go to the "My transactions" section and select the required payment.

    Mobile phone

    You can also pay for services for an apartment via the phone if a card is attached to the number. It is enough to send a special SMS. Consider how this works, using the example of Sberbank.

    To use the service, it must be connected. You can find out about its status by going to your personal account on the website of the servicing bank. The "Mobile Bank" service allows you to quickly track the balance of a bank card. In order to pay the rent, you will need a mobile phone with a number attached to the card and an individual payer code (it is on the receipt).

    Let's consider payment using the example of EIRC for Sberbank's Mobile Bank:

    1. You need to write an SMS with the text "EIRC code", where the code is the number of the personal account in the Unified Information and Settlement Center (available on the receipt), and send it to the bank number - 900.
    2. In a response message, you will receive information about your debts for utility bills, the amount due, commissions and the transaction code.
    3. To confirm the action, send an SMS with the operation code to number 900.
    4. In response, a notice is received about payment of utility services for an apartment.

    In order not to send such SMS every time you receive a new receipt, you can activate the "Auto payment" service. Thanks to her, as soon as the receipt is generated, you will receive an SMS with an offer to pay for it.

    How to pay by QR code?

    QR code is the representation of information in the form of a code. A similar icon can be found on any receipt.

    Important: in order to pay in this way, you must have a phone with Internet access and a camera, as well as download and install a bank application (for example, Sberbank Online). You can do this through the official stores on the App Store or Google Play (depending on the type of phone).

    Payment instruction:

    1. Turn on the Internet and enter the bank application (for example, Sberbank-Online).
    2. Find the "Payments" section and select from the list the services that need to be paid.
    3. Find the "Scan barcode" button and click on it.
    4. The mobile device will ask you to give the app access to the camera. Allow it.
    5. Using the camera window that appears on the screen, you need to zoom in and focus the image. A clear picture needs to be photographed.
    6. Check the details that appeared after the code snapshot. They will be filled in automatically based on the image.
    7. Confirm the payment, in a couple of seconds the payment will receive the status "Completed".

    This method allows you to quickly and without commission, without even entering the details of the receipt, pay for utilities.

    Summing up

    As you can see, paying for an apartment via the Internet is quite simple. For this you need to have:

    • Internet-enabled device: computer, phone or tablet;
    • bank card or electronic money;
    • payment details (they are in the receipt).

    When making a payment, it is important that it be without commission. You can solve this problem in several ways:

    • pay utility bills through the website of the State Service;
    • use Internet banking;
    • pay with funds from an electronic wallet;
    • send a special SMS to the number of the servicing bank (in this case, the "Mobile Bank" service must be activated);
    • scan the QR code in the bank application.

    All these technologies will allow you to significantly save time and nerves.