Home credit debt department telephone. New home loan bank hotline phone number

The Home Credit debt collection service is a structural unit of the institution that interacts with borrowers who evade making payments.

Reviews and features of the structure of the Home Credit collection service

The Home Credit debt collection service, reviews of which are mostly negative, operates according to a clearly defined pattern. The staff of the structure consists of about 600 people, whose main activity is aimed at telephone interaction with debtors.

Graduation of employees

According to management, employees undergo special training and are graded at several levels:

  • Beginners: work with “first” level debtors with minimal overdue periods.
  • Specialists: influence debtors who have been avoiding payments for several months.
  • Experts: belong to the “hard” category. They enter into negotiations when the borrower stops answering phones, is rude, or openly refuses to pay debts.

Staff turnover

As employees note, the Home Credit collection service is not the best place for career growth. It occurs within “skills”, i.e. according to the degree of gradation. Having reached the last stage, the citizen mostly sees no prospects and often quits. New employees note the difficult nature of the work (in moral terms) and also often think about changing jobs, because the entire Home Credit collection service department is required to process about 190 thousand contracts per day. Service turnover today is about 20-30%.

The debt collection service of Home Credit Bank begins work immediately from the first month of delay. By gradually transferring the client's skills, an understanding of the debtor's intentions is achieved. If there is no result for a long time, the claim is transferred to the judicial authorities.

Operating procedure of the Home Credit debt collection service

As in any credit institution, the process of work of the Home Credit debt collection service is regulated and is divided into several stages.

Scheme of interaction with debtors

  1. Late payment up to 30 days. A reminder occurs that the borrower missed a payment and is charged a penalty. They advise you to pay the debt to avoid penalties. Usually, the reasons are: the client forgot, encountered emergency circumstances, or did not receive wages on time. Therefore, the collection service employee specifies the date when he is ready to make the payment and enters it into the database.
  2. If there is no payment after a few weeks, the second-level employees will contact you again. This is expressed in a reminder about the application of fines, as well as about making an appropriate note in the credit history, which will subsequently reduce the borrower’s chances of getting a loan from any institution. The Home Credit collection service telephone numbers also work for feedback. The borrower can always call and arrange a personal meeting to resolve the issue.
  3. If there is no response, the client’s “case” is transferred to subsequent departments, whose employees have more experience and undergo appropriate training to deal with “hard-core” defaulters. Often at this stage they also offer to repay the entire amount ahead of schedule, because the borrower has become one of the unscrupulous persons. At the same time, they offer a 20% discount on the entire amount when agreeing on a new schedule.
  4. There is a call to the numbers specified in the client’s application (for work, relatives) if the client avoids talking.

Main interaction tool

As you can see, the telephone number for the collection service of Home Credit Bank is the main means of communication with borrowers. An employee may travel to the place of residence only for the purpose of finding a client if his numbers are unavailable.

It is clear that the Home Credit collection service receives unflattering reviews due to the specifics of its activities. But there are also complaints against individual employees, which make it possible to stop inappropriate communication. The management of the structure insists on resolving such issues and tries to prevent violations.

1. At the request of Home Credit Bank, the court ordered me to pay the debt to the bank in a single payment plus legal costs. A total of 216 thousand rubles. I filed an application with the court with a request to pay 160 thousand in a lump sum, and to provide the remaining amount in installments. The court denied this request. The judge advised to try to conclude a deal with the bank settlement agreement about the installment plan. How to draw up this document correctly? Is it possible to resolve the issue of installment payment in the collection department of the bank, or does it need to be resolved with bailiffs? Please advise what I should do so as not to be deceived. Thank you.

Lawyer Kolkovsky Yu.V., 100689 answers, 46982 reviews, on the site from 07/05/2015
1.1. You need to resolve this issue with the bank,
If you need help in drawing up an application, you need to PM a lawyer to order the work.

Lawyer Sysuev A.A., 3997 answers, 2749 reviews, on the site from 11/21/2013
1.2. Greetings.
It is possible to resolve this issue directly with the bank. But banks rarely accommodate borrowers.
The court refused to allow you to execute the court decision in installments.
You can also resolve this issue with bailiffs.
In principle, it is even better to pay the debt through the bailiffs.

2. I took out a loan from Home Credit Bank. Namely, a credit card of 40 thousand rubles. paid regularly. I received an SMS with the monthly payment amount. The phone had 2 SIM cards. I used 1 and because of this, 1 SIM was blocked, which was linked to the card. So the SMS stopped coming. I calmed down accordingly and did not pay, thinking that I had paid everything. After 2 years they call me and say that I have to pay 55 thousand rubles. For late payments. QUESTION: Is it possible to somehow reduce this amount? The collection department requires a minimum of 40 thousand.

Lawyer Osipova N.V., 19443 answers, 9793 reviews, on the site from 02/10/2016
2.1. Hello!
Send the collection department to court.
In court, ask to reduce the penalty, according to Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

I wish you good luck and all the best!

Law firm LLC "PRAVOPRO", 20568 answers, 12061 reviews, on the site since 05/18/2017
2.2. Good day!
Don't pay anything and wait until they go to court. In court, ask for the application of Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you will reduce both fines and interest for late payments.
Best wishes to you!

2.3. The payable penalty established by law or contract, if it is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of violation of the obligation, may be reduced in court.

Lawyer Derevyanko S.Yu., 155781 answers, 56963 reviews, on the site from 08/15/2012
2.4. Good day to you. It is very bad that you did not take a certificate of full repayment of the debt. Now you have to continue paying. Good luck and all the best.

Lawyer Piskareva N.V., 831 answers, 620 reviews, on the site since 03/15/2016
2.5. Hello. It will not be possible to reduce the amount, since it includes unpaid payments, fines and penalties. What you stated in the question will not be convincing in court. If you do not agree with the amount and do not intend to pay, wait for a lawsuit. In court, you can ask for the application of Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (reduction of penalties). Banks, knowing this, as a rule, charge a very small penalty and reducing it will not change the weather. A credit card is a very expensive banking product, so the amounts to be collected can be very large. One thing is certain - the bank will not reduce the amount.

3. I took out a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank, made the first 2 payments, then I got pregnant, no work, of course no money either, the delay is currently 100-something days, I received a letter about full early repayment, a demand was made in the amount of 25-something thousand . He already has a demand for full early repayment, he said that you can only pay in half, 1 amount within 2 days, if I don’t pay, he gives a refusal and specialists will come out to solve the problem with me personally, but why drive around me if I don’t I’m hiding nothing, I’m getting in touch, I’m trying to figure it out somehow, I’m pregnant, I don’t need this hassle right now, this inspector will call today to ask about the debt, of course there’s no money, I don’t know what to do.

Lawyer Chernetsky I.V., 60619 answers, 18720 reviews, on the site since 09/18/2013
3.1. If the penalty payable is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of the violation of the obligation, the court has the right to reduce the penalty. If the obligation is violated by a person carrying out entrepreneurial activities, the court has the right to reduce the penalty, subject to the debtor's application for such a reduction.

3.2. Good day!
Explain to him that you have no opportunity to pay now due to such and such a situation and ask him to go to court. She cannot come to you to inventory your property. He has no such powers.
I hope my answer will be useful to you.

Lawyer Sopko V.K., 23169 answers, 13308 reviews, on the site from 01/16/2017
3.3. Anastasia. Good afternoon. You have already experienced the worst. Ignore calls from debt collectors. Now we must expect them to go to court. Try to participate in court. There you will ask to install or postpone the execution of the court decision.

Lawyer Ligostaeva A.V., 237,160 answers, 74,614 reviews, on the site since November 26, 2008
3.4. I made the first 2 payments, then I got pregnant, no work, naturally no money either,
---why are you going to support the child? There is nothing to pay the debt with. Send them to court.

4. I took money from the bank and paid regularly until March 2015, then I turned to the banks with a request to pay a slightly smaller monthly fee, but after that they sent me postcards, SMS, threatening calls, I turned to panic through Internet at Finzaschita LLC, but in vain, every month they asked me to send some documents, then others, in the end: Tinkof deducts 50% from my pension, Home loan their letter was generated on 05/17/2016, but I received it in September, since I do not live at home, I asked them to write via email, they send an SMS in English, in this letter they write: as of 05/17/2016, the total amount of overdue debt under credit agreements is 208,035.52 rubles. When an amount of 41,607.10 is received in your accounts, the bank is ready to stop collecting the remaining debt amount in the amount of 166,428.42 rubles and confirm in writing that the debt collection actions have been completed; the letter does not say until how long this will be in force. I started calling, then one employee from the debt collection department talked to me, as if I was a criminal, that they would transfer my debt to collectors, then I would find out how not to repay the debts, that they would take the house, and on the phone they said that I would pay under one agreement 81595, 50 rubles, but otherwise you need to immediately deposit 103710 or pay 126451 rubles, what to believe? After all, I have 5 children, 8 minor grandchildren, and not one of the children has their own home, they all rent, the youngest buys things for this house, since she will later return and live in the house, how can she save everything she bought? I helped my eldest daughter, she promised to pay, but at work they cut her salary, and she has 3 children, her son-in-law works 2 jobs, but their salaries are small, 3 sons also have families, the eldest also works 2 jobs, since there is no work such that they would pay well and on time, and 2 more sons live in rural areas, it was raining all September and they didn’t work, which means there is no money, and you won’t earn much in the countryside anyway, in the winter they will look for work again, but there are places in Moscow. That they don’t pay on time, or even throw you away altogether. I beg you, tell me how I can apply here, my pension is 7774.50, 50% of them are already being calculated, although I have not been summoned to court, they will be calculating until 07.2017. The remaining 50% is not enough for me to pay for the home loan.

Lawyer Titova T.A., 113285 answers, 49840 reviews, on the site since 02/17/2012
4.1. most likely they will calculate it according to the order, you have the right to get it in court, raise objections - the order will be canceled

Lawyer Mikhailovsky Yu.I., 79744 answers, 29763 reviews, on the site from 06/28/2013
4.2. You can apply to the Court.
Article 37 of the Federal Law "On enforcement proceedings" dated 02.10.2007 N 229-FZ. Granting a deferment or installment plan for the execution of judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials, changing the method and procedure for their execution 1. The claimant, debtor, bailiff has the right to apply for a deferment or installment plan execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official, as well as changes in the method and procedure for its execution to the court, other body or official who issued the executive document. 2. If the debtor is granted a deferment in the execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official faces executive actions are not committed and enforcement measures are not applied within the period established by the court, other body or official who granted the deferment. 3. If the debtor is granted an installment plan for the execution of a judicial act, an act of another body or official, the executive document is executed in that part and within the time limits established in the act on granting the installment plan. Article 99 Federal Law“On enforcement proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ. Amount of withholding from wages and other income of the debtor and the procedure for its calculation 1. The amount of deduction from wages and other income of the debtor, including from remuneration to the authors of the results of intellectual activity, is calculated from the amount remaining after withholding taxes 2. When executing an executive document (several executive documents) with a debtor-citizen may be withheld no more than fifty percent of wages and other income. Withholdings are made until the requirements contained in the executive document are fulfilled in full.

Lawyer Kugeiko A.S., 86,702 replies, 38,690 reviews, on the site since 12/05/2011
4.3. The recovery percentage can be reduced in court. Contact a lawyer in person, with all documents

Lawyer Titova T.N., 2816 answers, 1131 reviews, on the site from 07/19/2016
4.4. First, your creditors have no right to threaten you, much less say that they will take your house (they have no right to do this). In addition, the law directly stipulates that any messages and information must be sent to you in Russian; the number of messages and calls to debtor clients is strictly limited. You can safely tell creditors that you will resolve all further issues with them through the court, and, as a last resort, you are ready to consider written claims on their part with a debt calculation attached. Threaten to contact the police and prosecutor's office with a complaint about their actions.
I don’t quite understand how they already calculate 50% of your pension. Are you currently paying 50% of your pension to pay off your debt?
If the creditor does not make a concession to change the loan repayment terms and you don’t have enough money now, wait for the trial and in court demand a reduction in the amounts of penalties and fines under Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and also apply for a deferment (installment plan).
Good luck to you!

Lawyer Lepilin D. Yu., 15747 answers, 6927 reviews, on the site from 05/31/2016
4.5. Hello, Olga Vasilievna!
Regarding the penalty, you should receive a court order and appeal it.
You need to refer to Art. 333 Civil Code RF, if the court of first instance did not apply it: if the penalty payable is clearly disproportionate to the consequences of violation of the obligation, the court has the right to reduce the penalty.
Regarding the principal debt, you should submit an application for a deferment/installment plan for the execution of the court decision. By virtue of Art. 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court that heard the case, based on statements from persons participating in the case, a bailiff, or based on the property status of the parties or other circumstances has the right to postpone or extend the execution of a court decision, change the method and procedure for its execution.
The applications specified in part one of this article are considered at a court hearing. Persons participating in the case are notified of the time and place of the court hearing, but their failure to appear is not an obstacle to the consideration and resolution of the issue raised before the court.

The problem is this: I took out a loan from a home bank for 2 phones, after which after some time I lost my job and was unable to repay the loan, the collection service department sent documents to full repayment loan, they set an amount of 60 tr, paid 10 tr, tomorrow I will pay another 10 tr, I wanted to agree on an installment plan of 2 weeks for full repayment, but they won’t make concessions, what should I do and how to talk to them? Read answers (1)

5. My wife has home credit in the bank. Because of the delay, they call and write from the collection department demanding full repayment of the debt ahead of schedule. They are threatening to take him to court. We call and say that we do not refuse to repay the debt, but all at once... well, no way. We have neither real estate nor a car, in a word, like a Latvian... Because of debts and loans, we had to sell everything, and even then we could not cover everything. We moved to another region... We live in rented apartment, permanent registration with parents in the region from which they left. In the new region, we temporarily registered in a rented apartment. We called the bank and we’ll tell you if you will judgment(executive) then let the bailiffs bring it according to the temporary registration. Our question is what to do in such a situation? We also want to ask, my wife’s salary is 17 thousand rubles. A monthly payment for 4 loans it is 23 thousand rubles. What decision will the court make regarding Home Bank's claim? Please give us some good advice...

5.1. Good afternoon. The court will collect the debt.

Lawyer Danilova E.V., 5054 answers, 2111 reviews, on the site from 03/09/2016
5.2. There will be only one solution: the court will impose penalties. But, we need to look at your contract. This bank has a lot to beat. It is advisable for you to have a lawyer in court. The amounts can be reduced. Bailiffs will collect 50 percent of your salary. There is no property in the form of a single apartment, land, dacha, cars or current accounts. The bank needs this. But if not, they won’t charge you anything. Let them go to court.

If you find it difficult to formulate a question, call the toll-free multi-line phone 8 800 505-91-11 , a lawyer will help you

6. I had the following situation: I was paying a loan to Home Credit Bank, most of the loan had already been paid off and due to family circumstances it became difficult for me to pay the monthly payment, at this time the bank offered me restructuring; closing the paid amount and opening a new loan with a reduced amount and for a longer period. I regularly paid the payments, but after 2 months I was forced to apply for a deferred payment with installment plans, since I couldn’t make ends meet at all. In June, the payment arrived several days later than the scheduled payment date and the bank demanded that I pay an amount of 385 thousand rubles within a month, although the loan was for 170,000 rubles and of which 32,000 had already been paid. I came to the bank to find out the situation and somehow resolve the issue, they sent me to the department for working with non-payers. In the evening, a representative of this department came to my home with a pre-trial claim, demanding payment of the amount of estimated losses that the bank would incur. And at the same time, this representative of the debt collection department began to offer help to reduce the interest rate and take out a loan from another bank to repay 205,000 rubles (allegedly he agreed with the bank to reduce the payment amount). As a result, this representative began to regularly come in the evening and enter my yard without permission, making demands and at the same time offering to help me take out a loan from another bank. After his next visit and phone call I told him that I was forced to write a statement to the police about illegal actions; the visits and calls had stopped for now. But now I have such a question, since my financial position so far it has not improved much and I have a dependent minor child, and I am a widow, (all the problems arose from the moment I became a widow) can I stop paying the bank, or do I need to make minimum amount payment, since I cannot understand where my payments are now going to pay off the debt or whether the bank will now charge me all sorts of fines and I will only have time to pay these fines. Although, until the payment arrived later, I did not have a single fine and not a single late payment. Thank you in advance for your answer and explanation of what I should do next.

Lawyer Semenov A.F., 35053 answers, 12311 reviews, on the site from 03/29/2015
6.1. If there is not enough money to pay the entire debt, then interest and principal must be repaid first. No fines should be paid. Ask the bank for decryption of the debt.

Lawyer Ternovykh I.A., 22807 answers, 6377 reviews, on the site from 06/23/2014
6.2. In your situation, it is necessary to study the nature of the formation of debt. Most best option its permission is a judicial procedure. The algorithm of actions depends on a number of circumstances, in particular, the order of distribution of funds from the account and the terms of the agreement, as well as the presence of financial sanctions. For a more correct answer, please contact us personally.

6.3. Victoria, if there is any uncertainty regarding payment, it is best to stop payments so as not to throw money away. To clarify the situation, you need to contact the bank directly in writing and develop an action algorithm to establish the reason for the formation of this debt, and so on.

Lawyer Kot F.E., 22314 answers, 7962 reviews, on the site since 08/18/2015
6.4. In the evening, a representative of this department came to my home with a pre-trial claim, demanding payment of the amount of estimated losses that the bank would incur. And at the same time, this representative of the debt collection department began to offer help to reduce the interest rate and take out a loan from another bank to repay 205,000 rubles (allegedly he agreed with the bank to reduce the payment amount). As a result, this representative began to regularly come in the evening and enter my yard without permission, making demands and at the same time offering to help me take out a loan from another bank.
solution issue in court ok.

7. I am in arrears on my loan from Home Credit Bank and haven’t paid for a year now.

I was thinking about waiting for the trial, and then they called me from the debt collection department and offered me an installment plan for 24 months with monthly payments.

Lawyer Saraychuk A. A., 20074 answers, 9161 reviews, on the site from 01/08/2016
7.1. Hello, let them go to court.

Lawyer Shishkin V.M., 62633 answers, 25520 reviews, on the site from 02/11/2013
7.2. really a catch. Don’t be fooled. Require the installment plan agreement in writing.

Lawyer Piskareva N.V., 338 answers, 119 reviews, on the site since 03/15/2016
7.3. Hello. In fact, there is no installment plan! As soon as you make the payment, the bank will begin to demand full repayment (optional). It is possible that in this way the bank is delaying the expiration of the term limitation period. Either insist on concluding an agreement, or don’t pay and wait for a lawsuit! It is advisable to stipulate a number of points in the agreement that will protect you from further unlawful actions of the bank.
All the best!

Lawyer Matveeva K.B., 23456 answers, 10899 reviews, on the site from 04/08/2013
7.4. It is more profitable for the bank to receive payments from you and accrue interest. If you are unable to pay, it is better not to pay, since the interest amounts are repaid first, and then the debt.

Lawyer Kostenko O.V., 47227 answers, 20248 reviews, on the site since 05/17/2014
7.5. It's better to go to court

8. I am in arrears on my loan from Home Credit Bank and haven’t paid for a year now. I was thinking about waiting for the trial, and then they called me from the debt collection department and offered me an installment plan for 24 months with monthly payments.
I asked, “To conclude this agreement, do I need to come to the bank branches?”
To which the answer was “No. We will send you a payment schedule by email. And you just need to pay a certain amount within 10 days, so to speak, to fix the installment agreement.”
Me: “Can they print out an installment schedule for me at a bank branch?”
The answer to me is “No. We have a single database, but not a single employee will see your schedule.”
Tell me what to do? What's the catch?

Lawyer Kalashnikov V.V., 188672 answers, 61686 reviews, on the site since 09/20/2013
8.1. The catch is that they may not sign anything with you.

I am the owner of a credit card from Home Credit Bank. By coincidence, for a long time I could not pay either interest or repay the debt. When I contacted the bank to resolve this issue, I was redirected (by phone) to the debt collection department. There was only one answer to all my questions - either I pay off the entire amount of debt on the card + 5,000 (%) or my debt is resold to third parties. I don't have that kind of money. Please tell me the right way out. Read answers (2)

9. My bank has an overdue balance of 4650 (remaining debt) of the amount of 10,000. The bank itself does not call me. But his employees write messages to my common-law husband on social media. networks with the following content: “We inform you that a civil lawsuit has currently been filed against her
proceedings in the Judicial Department of Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC. Also
materials about you will be transferred to Law Enforcement Agencies in order to
initiation of a criminal case against you for fraud in banking sector according to
Article 159.1." Please tell me, can this even happen? And what should I do? I also receive messages with the following content: "The Federation Council has allowed banks to collect the property of debtors without court
Council of the Federation
approved the law according to which Russian banks will have the right to collect
debts on loans out of court.
From the law
it follows that banks will be able to contact bailiffs directly
if the borrower does not pay the loan for more than two months
and violates the payment schedule. It is clarified that the executive inscription
notary on the loan agreement will serve as the basis
to collect the debt." In addition, they insult and threaten that they will send the case to guardianship regarding the child? Please help! What should we do? And what should we do?

Lawyer Karnaukhov T. A., 453 answers, 165 reviews, on the site from 06/27/2016
9.1. Good day!

First, if possible, pay off the loan debt.
Second, do not take all insults and other threats personally, there is no such authority.
They won’t report fraud, because... You paid off your loan initially, but now you’re in a difficult situation and can’t pay it off!
and there are no such laws, all these are fictions!
In case of insults, record your conversation with the bank and hand this recording along with the statement to the police!
All the best to you!

10. My bank has an overdue balance of 4650 (remaining debt) of the amount of 10,000. The bank itself does not call me. But his employees write messages to my common-law husband on social media. networks with the following content: "We inform you that civil proceedings have currently been initiated against her in the Judicial Department of Home Credit and Finance Bank LLC. Also, materials regarding you will be transferred to Law Enforcement Agencies, with the aim of initiating a criminal case against you on the fact of fraud in the banking sector in accordance with Article 159.1." Can you please tell me if this can even happen? What am I supposed to do? There are also messages with the following content: “The Federation Council allowed banks to collect the property of debtors without court

The Federation Council approved a law according to which Russian banks will have the right to collect loan debts out of court.

It follows from the law that banks will be able to contact bailiffs directly if the borrower does not pay the loan for more than two months and violates the payment schedule. It is specified that the notary's execution signature on the loan agreement will serve as the basis for debt collection." In addition, they insult and threaten that they will send the case to guardianship regarding the child? Please help! What should we do? And what should we do?

Lawyer Dubov N.Yu., 1995 answers, 659 reviews, on the site from 01/09/2016
10.1. Good afternoon. Banks cannot directly contact bailiffs. They receive a court order and if you do not cancel it, they turn to the bailiffs with it.
For more detailed advice, you can contact any lawyer on this site as a personal consultation.

11. Just yesterday I received an SMS from Home Credit Bank asking me to repay the debt dated June 2008. In 2008, was taken out on credit mobile phone, but at that moment I was leaving the city and did not pay for several months, because there was no way to make the payment. After a call from the bank, I paid everything, along with penalties. And now, 7.5 years later, I receive an SMS with this request. After this SMS notification, I called back the specified number collection department, and there they told me that not a single payment had been made, and it was necessary to make a payment in the amount of 15,000 (!) rubles. But what’s strange is that my credit history was not damaged and over the years I have been given loans from other banks, and what is most striking is that Home Credit Bank did not receive notifications in the form of letters or calls until today. Tell me what to do in this situation. Thank you in advance!

Lawyer Antyukhin A.V., 328986 answers, 123201 reviews, on the site since 08/16/2011
11.1. Good afternoon In your case, either write an application for loan restructuring, if the banks refuse to restructure and you have arrears, wait until the banks go to court. In court, according to Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you have the right to file a petition to reduce the penalty, thereby reducing the debt to the creditor. You also have the right to write an application for an installment plan or deferment of debt payment. Courts usually accommodate borrowers halfway.

Lawyer Isaev A.V., 1022 answers, 366 reviews, on the site from 05.11.2015
11.2. Hello! Don’t pay anything, don’t acknowledge the debt...If the matter comes to court, refer to the expired statute of limitations of 3 years.

12. I was overwhelmed with calls from the employees of the collection department of Home Credit Bank, they call every 10-15 minutes throughout the day, and sometimes they call at night. They constantly threaten me and my family. They call my parents and threaten them. What can you do to stop them calling with threats? I can’t go to the bank branch myself because the branch in our city was closed, the nearest branch is 600 km away. At the moment I am unemployed and am registered with the Employment Center. I can’t find a job, there are no vacancies at all. I also do not receive benefits from the Employment Center due to lack of funding and lack of funds in the regional budget; according to the paper on the information stand.

Lawyer Markin S.V., 26483 answers, 10096 reviews, on the site from 01/11/2016
12.1. Contact the police to report a threat to life from debt collectors

I have this problem. On February 16, 2015, Home Credit Bank offered me an installment plan. I paid monthly according to schedule. In September I didn’t pay an additional 100 rubles. They called me on October 27 and said that the installment plan was canceled and that I had to pay 99 thousand. Please tell me if I can continue to pay according to the schedule. I have a little baby. I am a single mother, they call me and say that the documents are being prepared for collectors or will be transferred to the department for collecting the entire amount, what should I do, please tell me. Read answers (1)

13. I have a question, I have two loans, one is 11500, the second is 8500, I was left without work and did not pay for loans for 2 months, one bank, that is, Home Credit, called and calls, writes SMS, as befits bank employees, polite and adequate people, but Trust Bank has made my life unbearable, they call from 7 in the morning until 10 pm without a break, my battery runs out all the time because of their calls, I have to walk around with a charger, they talk disgustingly, boors, rude people, I Yesterday I went and paid 5500, everything I could, today the bank called me and said that I have to pay another 11 within 3 days, if not, then the bank charges me the entire amount of 150,000 tons of rubles, if I don’t pay, and I don’t pay and They know this and voice it themselves, then the bank will apply for a seizure of my only home, and next month I won’t be able to pay the entire amount, because I need to work for a month to get a salary, and I still need to live on something. Please tell me what you can advise me, they have already handed me over to the collection department, imposed a fine, can they take away my housing or, worse, put me in prison?

13.1. The only housing will not be taken away according to Art. 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, they will certainly not be sent to prison.

14. My mother took out a home loan, paid it off for a while, then stopped, and died not so long ago! Now calls are coming to me from the bank's collection department! I went to the tax office and found out that my mother owns a car (2104), after which I went to the natary and wrote a statement of refusal of inheritance! The apartment was state-owned, my mother and I lived together, after her death I checked her out and a month later I submitted documents for privatization (one of these days I should receive documents! After her death, I found out that my mother got married a year ago (I didn’t know) Her husband is not Russian ! And I get calls from the bank every day! I tell them that I handed over the death certificate to the bank, to which they tell me that I still have to pay my mother’s debts, are their demands legal? If I refused the inheritance! And what should I do in such a situation? situation? Thank you.

Lawyer Surikova T.I., 16445 answers, 5164 reviews, on the site from 08/01/2014
14.1. You are not responsible for your mother's debts if you did not inherit. Ignore bank calls.

Lawyer Miroshnikov A.S., 1475 answers, 541 reviews, on the site from 06.11.2015
14.2. You did everything correctly and the bank’s demands are not legal

Lawyer Bystrov N.V., 2046 answers, 442 reviews, on the site since 11/04/2009
14.3. The inheritance includes things that belonged to the testator on the day the inheritance was opened, and other property, including property rights and obligations (Article 1112 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Debt loan agreement is also included in the inheritance.
To acquire an inheritance, the heir must accept it (Clause 1, Article 1152 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
The heirs who accepted the inheritance are liable for the debts of the testator. Each of the heirs is liable for the debts of the testator within the limits of the value of the inherited property transferred to him (clause 1 of Article 1175 of the Civil Code).
The testator's creditors have the right to present their claims against the heirs who accepted the inheritance within the limitation periods established for the relevant claims.
Thus, if the borrower has heirs and they have not abandoned the inheritance, then the obligation to repay the loan falls on them in shares proportional to their shares in the inheritance. Refusal of part of the inheritance due to the heir is not allowed (clause 3 of Article 1158 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). That is, you cannot refuse the inheritance in terms of the obligation to pay off the loan debt and agree to the inheritance in terms of acquiring any property of the testator.
If the deceased borrower was included in the life and disability insurance program, but the bank did not exercise the right to demand payment insurance compensation, then the heirs can contact the insurer with a demand for payment of insurance compensation in favor of the beneficiary - the bank (Appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated 04/08/2013 in case No. 11-11027/2013).
If the borrower does not have heirs or the heirs refuse to accept the inheritance, then the bank will not be able to present its demands for repayment of the loan and will suffer losses in the form of unpaid credit funds and interest on them.

Lawyer Sokolov D.G., 142251 answers, 33019 reviews, on the site since November 23, 2008
14.4. No, they are illegal. Never mind.

15. Two weeks ago, the bailiff of the city of Khabarovsk called me, saying that I had received a court order to collect debt on a loan from Home Credit Bank. The amount of debt is 253 thousand, I took 100 thousand. The bailiff told me that if I pay 10% of the amount, that is, 23 thousand, then the bank will arrange a restructuring for me and they will send me a new payment schedule. The bailiff also informed me over the phone that the order contained a requirement to initiate criminal proceedings against me for the fact of misappropriation Money(I don’t know the article). That is, if I cannot pay 10% of the amount, they will send a resolution to the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur where I live and other bailiffs will work with me there, a request will be made to the Education Department (this is how I work as a teacher in kindergarten), Juvenile Justice will also work with me, check whether my children eat cottage cheese every day, and so on... If you cannot prove legally (as the bailiff said) for what reasons I could not pay the loan for half a year, then all these measures will be taken against me. I asked him why they simply didn’t want to deduct some amount from my salary, they told me that they would deduct it anyway, but the bank still demanded that a criminal case be opened. I personally have not yet received a copy of the court order. Can I file an objection to the court order once I receive it? And can they really initiate a criminal case? I had no intention of embezzling money; I paid the loan for half a year. I have never been hired anywhere, I have been working as a teacher for 9 years. I wouldn't want to lose my job.

Lawyer S.V. Myshyakov, 118,780 answers, 38,678 reviews, on the site since 04/17/2014
15.1. There is no crime in your actions.

Lawyer Timoshenko A.D., 6864 answers, 2114 reviews, on the site from 03/07/2015
15.2. It was not the bailiff who called, but either a bank employee or a collector. Their task is to “extract” money from you. I do not advise you to continue your relationship with this “bailiff”. There is no corpus delicti in your actions. So, there can be no WOOD.
As for debt, try to resolve this issue directly with the bank.

16. I received an SMS notification that, at the request of the bailiffs, my salary card, which also receives alimony for the maintenance of 2 minor children, was blocked. I pay 50% from my salary to repay the debt to Sovcombank, but the bailiff, after looking at the information about the arrests, did not find information about the blocking on their part, it turned out that the Sberbank card was blocked by an employee of the collection department of the Home Credit Bank, where I have a debt, I called this specialist, she answered me referring to court order which I have never seen and Article 108, she has the right to block cards; until I pay the debt, the card will not be unblocked, what should I do?

Lawyer S.V. Myshyakov, 118,780 answers, 38,678 reviews, on the site since 04/17/2014
16.1. file a complaint against the actions of the bailiff to a higher bailiff or in court.

Article 123. Filing a complaint in the order of subordination

1. A complaint against a decision of a bailiff or a deputy senior bailiff, with the exception of a resolution approved by a senior bailiff, against their actions (inaction) is submitted to a senior bailiff, under whose subordination is the bailiff or deputy senior bailiff.

2. Complaint against the resolution of the bailiff, approved by the senior bailiff, the resolution of the senior bailiff, the deputy chief bailiff of the subject Russian Federation, their actions (inaction) are submitted to the chief bailiff of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation under whose subordination they are.

2.1. Complaint against the decision of the bailiff of the unit Federal service bailiffs, approved by the senior bailiff, the resolution of the senior bailiff of the specified division, on their actions (inaction) is submitted to the deputy chief bailiff of the Russian Federation.

3. A complaint against a decision of the chief bailiff of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a deputy chief bailiff of the Russian Federation, and against their actions (inaction) is submitted to the chief bailiff of the Russian Federation.

4. A complaint against a decision of an official of the bailiff service, his actions (inaction) can be filed either directly to a higher official of the bailiff service, or through an official of the bailiff service, the decision, actions (inaction) of which are being appealed.

5. Officials of the bailiff service, decisions, actions (inaction) of which are being appealed, forward the complaint to a higher official of the bailiff service within three days from the date of its receipt.

6. In cases where an official of the bailiff service who has received a complaint against a decision, actions (inaction) is not competent to consider it, the said official is obliged to forward the complaint within three days to the official of the bailiff service authorized to consider it, notifying about this to in writing by the person who filed the complaint.

7. The person who filed the complaint may withdraw it before a decision is made on it.

17. I received an SMS notification that, at the request of the bailiffs, my salary card, which also receives alimony for the maintenance of 2 minor children, was blocked. I pay 50% from my salary to repay the debt to Sovcombank, but the bailiff, after looking at the information about the arrests, did not find information about the blocking on their part, it turned out that the Sberbank card was blocked by an employee of the collection department of the Home Credit Bank, where I have a debt, I called this specialist, she answered me Referring to a court ruling which I have never seen and Article 108, she has the right to block cards; until I pay the debt, the card will not be unblocked, what should I do?

Lawyer P.S. Shuk, 124453 answers, 52628 reviews, on the site from 05/07/2012
17.1. THE BAILIFF IS WRONG - submit an application to the court - the card will be unblocked + moral injury.


18. In 2013, I took out a consumer loan of 100 rubles. (5300 per month for 48 months), in 2012 a credit card 100 tr. (4500 min payment for decades). In 2014, due to a change of job, there were constant delays on loans. In February 2015, I wrote an application to the bank to provide credit holidays, because I was admitted to the hospital for surgery (sick leave is available). Before this, I paid off all arrears and fines, i.e. aligned your payments with the payment schedule. The bank allowed me to pay 1000 rubles for each loan for 6 months. All this happened at KCO home credit in Stavropol at the address: Stavropol
st. 50 years of Komsomol, 62/1, And so I pay for 4 months as agreed, and suddenly, the bank demands me to pay 180 tr. according to demand Credit. Of these, a little more than 90 thousand rubles. principal debt, 24 tr. overdue amount, 5 tr. the amount of the next payment, and, ATTENTION, 60 tr. BANK LOSSES! I began to find out where such amounts came from and why, and I found out. It turns out that in order for the bank to provide such a deferment, it was necessary to make a payment of 2 tr. The operator should have informed me about this (which she naturally did not do, I think so because of her inexperience). Moreover, the bank was silent for 4 months and waited until the delay was 130 days. The collection department pesters me with calls demanding that I repay the AMOUNT of 180 rubles ahead of schedule. They were so kind that they provided me with an installment plan: the first payment was 12 thousand rubles, then 10 payments of 25 thousand rubles each. The total is 262 tr. with an existing debt of about 100 tr. Naturally, I do not agree with such conditions. I think this is robbery! Now they say that there will be no installment plans and on July 10 they are sending my agreement to collectors. What should I do?

18.1. The bank has the right to transfer the debt individual collection agencies only with the consent of the debtor. This follows from the provisions of paragraph 51 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF No. 17 of June 28, 2012 “On the consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights.”

Wait for the trial. Provide the court with documents confirming your financial situation. Please apply Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - on reducing the penalty. After the court decision, apply to the court for an installment plan based on how much you can repay per month (you can draw up a repayment schedule)
In accordance with Article 203 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, persons participating in the case have the right to file an application with the court for an installment plan or deferment of the execution of the court decision, that is, to change the deadline for its execution

19. Bank Home Credit and Finance Bank, the collections department unlawfully seized the patched card from which 50% of the funds were already written off by bailiffs for the individual entrepreneur of another bank. The funds were debited to the Home loan account within 3 months, leaving me without a livelihood. After the bailiffs sent them confirmation that I still have a salary card and 50% of Home Credit Bank has already been debited from it, the arrest has been lifted, but there is no money written off. Can I get my money back? And to whom should I write a statement?

Lawyer Budevich A.A., 596 answers, 207 reviews, on the site from 10/23/2014
19.1. write an application to the bank for the return of illegally withheld funds; if they refuse, file a claim in court

Lawyer Mayorova O.A., 2258 answers, 683 reviews, on the site from 03/06/2014
19.2. Good afternoon
Write a statement (written) about the reasons for the deductions for the period. Then contact the bank with a claim for consumer protection, clearly formulate the requirements, indicate Bank details to transfer the amount. Wait 10 days. If the amount is not returned and/or a response is not provided, file a claim in court.
If you need help, please contact

20. Problem with Home Credit Bank. I have been using a credit card from this bank since 2012. At the moment, the situation has developed that there is nothing with which to pay the next payment, which I inform the collection department specialists about every time (they call often, and every time there is a new person, they are already tired).
In the last conversation, I was recommended to take money from friends and relatives. My refusal to do this was followed by an aggressive reaction: I was told that I was a bad person, that I would be tried (and the trial would take place without my participation), and would be forced to pay the entire amount at once. After my answer that if the court hearing takes place without my presence, I will challenge his decision. The girl from the collection department freaked out and said: Then I will now mark that you refuse to pay, and I will transfer your case to a more high level!, after that she hung up.
Question: what kind of dirty tricks can you expect from this bank? Can I terminate the contract with the bank myself and pay the money to the best of my ability?
Thank you!

Lawyer Korobov P.A., 611 answers, 169 reviews, on the site from 04/17/2015
20.1. Good afternoon, Ilya. In this case, the bank may require the termination of the agreement if it files a claim to collect the debt and interest. After the decision is made, interest will no longer accrue, and therefore the debt can be paid during enforcement proceedings. You can also contact a lawyer for a face-to-face consultation to clarify all the nuances.

I took out a loan from Home Credit Bank, 180,000 rubles, paid for a while, then problems arose, after some time a bank representative came home and said that the collections department had accrued 460 or 470,000 rubles for all overdue payments! I didn't pay. Now they are starting to write again and demand immediate repayment in order to avoid selling the debt. Read answers (1)

21. Hello! I have such a problem! The collection department of Home Credit Bank calls me and threatens to describe the property of me and my relatives. A! I am disabled group 2 with epilepsy. My pension was seized and now I have nothing to live on. This is good! I live with my mother and she receives a pension. She's feeding me for now. Ah! Now I can’t help but eat, not wear anything at all. Because my pension was seized. What should I do if my property is seized and how can I live then? Home Credit Bank took my pension; it seemed to them that this was not enough. They still refuse and say that no payments have been received. The bailiff service tells me that my pension was seized precisely because of debts to Home Credit Bank. Ah! as soon as you tell the bank. They refuse and that’s it. What’s the pension? We don’t know anything about any pension. I’m already afraid that they will come and take away everything that I bought with my pension, and not with the bank’s money. How should I deal with this? How can I prevent the bailiffs from coming and seizing my property? Sincerely! Sergey.

Lawyer Zekrina A.A., 119467 answers, 42234 reviews, on the site from 10/03/2013
21.1. The joint venture has the right to seize accounts. It is necessary to provide a certificate stating that a pension is transferred to this account. Then they should keep 50%.:sm_bs:

22. We took out a loan from Home Bank, 45,000 rubles. 48 days overdue, the bank gave three days to repay the overdue debt, which amounted to 7125 rubles. 46 kopecks. or otherwise will refer the matter to the Legal Department for collection of the full amount owed.

There is no money, nothing to pay with. The family has little income, I work alone, my husband is temporarily laid off, and I have a minor child.

In real estate there is an apartment that I received from the state as an orphan. The apartment is not indicated in the contract as it was received after the loan was issued.

The question is what to do in this situation? Can bailiffs describe this apartment in case of trial?

Thank you very much in advance!

Lawyer Faizrakhmanova K.R., 34 replies, 11 reviews, on the site since 02/09/2015
22.1. Good evening, Oksana Sergeevna!

You need to contact the bank with an application for debt restructuring, perhaps the bank will come to a meeting with you. But the bank may refuse you. Still worth a try.

If you are no longer interested in the cleanliness of your credit history, then pay only the principal cost of the loan, no matter what lawyers or collectors tell you over the phone.

Let them themselves go to court to collect interest from you, and in court, when you provide explanations, the court most often significantly reduces the amount of penalties and fines of banks.

Regarding your apartment, I can say the following:
in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1. Collection under executive documents cannot be applied to the following property owned by a debtor citizen by right of ownership:
residential premises (parts thereof), if for the debtor citizen and members of his family living together in the premises owned, it is the only premises suitable for permanent residence, with the exception of the property specified in this paragraph, if it is the subject of a mortgage and on it in accordance foreclosure may be subject to mortgage laws;

23. There is an overdue loan debt from Home Credit Bank. The bank has not yet applied to the court; there have been no subpoenas. Collection service employees came to my residential address twice, but I was not at home at those moments. The first time, the officer knocked on the door of a neighbor and introduced himself as an employee of the Department of Economic Crimes, asked him for information about me and handed him a letter with a note in person, with information about the amount of the debt, so that he would give it to me. The second time, the collection service officer knocked on another neighbor’s door and introduced himself as a police officer, again found out information about me and explained this by saying that I was suspected of theft. How legal are their actions and what should I do in this situation?

Lawyer S.V. Myshyakov, 118,780 answers, 38,678 reviews, on the site since 04/17/2014
23.1. Hello. The actions are not legal - file a police report regarding extortion

24. Due to the current situation in our country, the employer, an individual, has not paid wages for the second month, there are overdue loans, the bank does not want to talk and does not make concessions. I do not refuse to repay the loan, but I am asking the bank for a deferment and refinancing due to a difficult financial situation. Home Credit Bank answers your problems, the country has nothing to do with it... and stuff like that. They promise to send employees from the collection department to me. Do these employees have the right to enter my apartment and what rights do they have? Thank you very much in advance. Sincerely, Vladimir.

Lawyer Gataullina R.R., 59539 answers, 20059 reviews, on the site since 11/05/2014
24.1. They do not have the right to threaten you, call you, come home and generally demand payment of the debt. Call the police, then report them to the prosecutor's office. Say that you will pay only according to a court decision, and in court, demand a reduction in interest rates, write-off of all penalties and fines, as well as installments. Good luck!

25. The question is this: I deposited 45,000 to repay the loan at Home Credit Bank so that they could slowly withdraw their 4,300 and not bother me. Home Credit Bank, without notifying me, without my application, wrote off this money as partially early repayment and now he demands payment of the remaining amount in full in the amount of 53,000 of course there is no such money. Today I talked to the home loan collection department with a girl, she extracted from me the phrase I refuse to pay, I never said it, please help.

Law firm Consulting Group "LAL", 111 answers, 39 reviews, on the site since 01/14/2015
25.1. Everything is simple for you, but I can’t tell you in absentia. You need to look at the terms of the contract and the payment schedule. if you did not violate the payment deadlines and simply deposited it into the account ahead of schedule and did not write an application for early payment, then it is generally strange. but if you wrote an application for early payment, then they wrote off the amount from you and demanded the current payment.
Without seeing the contract, schedule and what you paid, I can’t say more

26. Urgent consultation needed! I took out a loan (from Home Credit Bank, let everyone know) for goods for a year, and decided to repay it early. I came to the bank employee, she made me a printout, paid the amount + interest. He clarified that nothing else is needed - no. A month later, a message comes and then a call that I have to pay 110 rubles a month, because I did not pay an additional 50 kopecks. There was no one to explain it over the phone, but they made a note about the appeal. The next day I wrote a complaint to the manager. They looked at it for a month, then they called and said that everything was fine and they would decide within 20 days, but 1.5 months had already passed and the collection department started calling. Is there a solution through the bank?! In my opinion, the people working there are unqualified, so everything will drag on for a long time. What to do?!

Lawyer Kolotusha D.V., 12,600 answers, 5,475 reviews, on the site since 01/30/2013
26.1. it is necessary to decide either in the bank or in court, there are no other options

27. Please tell me whether banks have the right to transfer anyone’s personal data other than mine to collectors. The fact is that I have not paid for 4 loans in 3 banks for 3 months already. One bank calls my relatives from the collection department, and another bank has transferred support to the business asset collectors and they also call and put moral pressure on my relatives. Naturally they call and tell me about my criminal record, they say I stole money from them visiting group Bank employees, the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are already coming to me, and another employee of the collection department of the Home Credit Bank said that I and my whole family would cry and beg them on our knees. I fully and completely acknowledge that I owe them all and do not waive my loan obligations, but I have financial difficulties It seems that I just found a job now on a probationary period. WHAT SHOULD I DO HELP.

Lawyer Samarin A.V., 51786 answers, 16433 reviews, on the site since 07/23/2009
27.1. Hello. Don't pay anything if you can't pay
full amount immediately, and revoke your consent to processing and transfer
personal data from the bank (this is so that the debt is not transferred to collectors). Meaning
there is no need to pay, since this will only extend the statute of limitations, and the entire amount
still won't pay. And there will be delays, fines will be imposed, and so on. This is if you cannot pay for a long time. Really evaluate the prospects. If you can, let's say a month. after 3, repay both the arrears and the amount of the principal debt, that is, it makes sense to pay in small amounts, otherwise, it is pointless for the reasons stated above. You'll end up paying more. They still have no right to collect more than 50% of your income from you.
Tell them to sue. And to reduce the penalty, after the court decision comes into force, payment by installments. The bank doesn't really care what you have
difficulties, children, wives and dogs are hungry, so the bank will meet halfway
For you from the category of fiction.
The advice of some lawyers that you can terminate the contract yourself in accordance with Article 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is at least not based on anything; 99% of courts refuse in such cases.

Remember that according to

Federal Law of December 21, 2013 N 353-FZ
(as amended on July 21, 2014)
"About consumer credit (loan)"

Article 12. Assignment of rights (claims) under an agreement consumer loan(loan)
1. The creditor has the right to assign rights (claims) under a consumer credit (loan) agreement to third parties, unless otherwise provided by federal law or an agreement containing a condition prohibiting assignment, agreed upon when concluding it in the manner established by this Federal Law. In this case, the borrower retains in relation to the new lender all the rights granted to him in relation to the original lender in accordance with federal laws.
2. When assigning rights (claims) under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, the lender has the right to transfer personal data of the borrower and persons who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data.

Article 15. Features of actions aimed at repaying debt under a consumer credit (loan) agreement

1. When taking actions aimed at repaying out-of-court debt incurred under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, the creditor and (or) entity with whom the creditor has entered into an agency agreement providing for the performance by such person of legal and (or) other actions aimed at repaying the debt incurred under a consumer credit (loan) agreement (hereinafter referred to as the person carrying out debt repayment activities), has the right to interact with the borrower and persons who provided security under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, using:
1) personal meetings, telephone conversations (hereinafter referred to as direct interaction);
2) postal items at the place of residence of the borrower or the person who provided security under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, telegraph messages, text, voice and other messages transmitted over telecommunication networks, including mobile radiotelephone communications.
2. Other, with the exception of the methods specified in part 1 of this article, methods of interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, at the initiative of the creditor and (or) the person carrying out debt collection activities, can only be used when the presence in writing of the consent of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement.
3. The following actions are not allowed on the initiative of the creditor and (or) the person carrying out debt collection activities:
1) direct interaction with the borrower or the person who provided security under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, aimed at fulfilling by the borrower an obligation under an agreement that has not come due, except in the case where the right to demand early fulfillment of an obligation under an agreement is provided for by federal law;
2) direct interaction or interaction through short text messages sent using mobile radiotelephone networks on weekdays from 10 pm to 8 am local time and on weekends and non-working days holidays from 20 to 9 o'clock local time at the place of residence of the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer credit (loan) agreement, which was specified when concluding the consumer credit agreement (agreement ensuring the execution of the consumer credit (loan) agreement or about which the lender was notified in in the manner established by the consumer credit (loan) agreement.
4. The creditor, as well as the person carrying out debt collection activities, does not have the right to take legal or other actions aimed at repaying debt incurred under a consumer credit (loan) agreement with the intention of causing harm to the borrower or the person who provided security under the consumer loan agreement (loan), as well as abuse the right in other forms.
5. When interacting directly with a borrower or a person who provided security under a consumer credit (loan) agreement, the creditor and (or) the person carrying out debt collection activities are required to provide the last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available) or the name of the creditor and ( or) the person carrying out debt collection activities, or the location, last name, first name, patronymic (the latter if available) and the position of the employee of the creditor or the person carrying out debt collection activities who interacts with the borrower, the location address for sending correspondence to the creditor and (or) the person carrying out debt collection activities.

28. There is a loan debt from Home Credit Bank. I haven’t paid for more than a year, the bank has already stopped calling and suddenly the phone rang yesterday, they introduced themselves as the Department before judicial recovery, the conversation took place as follows: - The bank is holding a campaign to write off debts
They offered me to pay 130 thousand and supposedly the bank would no longer have claims against me
That's the question, could it be true or is it a ploy by the debt collection department?

Lawyer Shevchenko O.P., 177970 answers, 77656 reviews, on the site since 04/27/2009
28.1. maybe it’s true, in this case you will need to sign a corresponding agreement with the bank

Lawyer S.V. Kravtsev, 2597 answers, 705 reviews, on the site from 09/18/2014
28.2. Most likely not true. This is a collection agency trick. Contact me, I’ll help.

29. There is a debt to Home Credit Bank under two agreements (I paid everything regularly, but due to financial difficulties that arose in the last three months, it was not possible to make a single payment). The bank is threatening to go to court (which I have no objection to, I talked about this in conversations with employees of the collection department, and did not refuse to repay the loans, however, having learned that I could only pay small amounts, temporarily the specialists stated that the bank would not be satisfied with such an amount, and they will not record this answer, but will indicate that I refuse payment). Now the bank has announced that it will petition the judge to seize my property pending trial. In fact, all my property is a salary account, from which 50 percent is written off. writ of execution for my husband's old loan. Do they have the right to seize my account until the trial?

Lawyer Neklyaeva E.V., 79738 answers, 26382 reviews, on the site from 03/10/2014
29.1. Before the trial, they do not have the right to seize your bank account.

Lawyer Ponomareva I.A., 36948 answers, 11332 reviews, on the site since 10/16/2002
29.2. This is not about an arrest, but about the imposition of interim measures. As a rule, on salary cards interim measures are not imposed. In any case, this has not happened in my practice.

All the best,

30. Bank Home Credit. Delays. I was unemployed for a long time. Got settled today. I start working tomorrow. First salary in two weeks. Enough for monthly payments. Today I spoke with the collections department. They require a response within two days. Either I give the entire amount of 124 thousand at once (which is impossible. Well, I don’t have that amount now.) or they prepare papers and file a lawsuit (according to them, the court will be without me. They will come to describe the property at the place of registration. But I don’t live there anymore more than six months. And my grandfather has nothing to describe there. I have no real estate or property.) 1) why will the trial supposedly take place without me? Is that possible? 2) I do not refuse to pay, but if possible. What to do and what to answer them? ps: they don’t give restructuring.

Lawyer Shpadyrev A.A., 72516 answers, 23652 reviews, on the site since 12/25/2013
30.1. Don't pay more to banks if you can't. Require banks to go to court.
Don't be afraid of judgment. Of course, it is better not to bring the matter to enforcement proceedings and communication with bailiffs. From a moral point of view, this is not the most pleasant procedure. But it also has its advantages. Firstly, civil law has many “loopholes” that help insolvent debtors, and with the help of an experienced lawyer, your case can be resolved in a favorable way - the bank will agree to an agreement and provide restructuring, even if it was initially against it. Secondly, in court you can reduce illegally accrued fines, commissions, and sometimes interest on the loan. On March 2, 2010, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation made a decision on the illegality of charging commissions on overdue loans, the illegality of changing the loan rate, etc.

Lawyer Iskenderov E.E., 143123 answers, 44027 reviews, on the site since 06/30/2013
30.2. Collectors (no matter what they call themselves) are arrogant and unceremonious people, but at the same time, in principle, they have no rights. Everything they allow themselves is what you allow them. Entering into negotiations with them means giving them a reason to believe that they can “put pressure” on you.
Contrary to what they say, these people DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT:
- enter your home;
- inspect, describe or seize your property or accounts;
- prohibit you from traveling outside the Russian Federation or arrest you;
- take your children away from you, deprive you of parental rights, fire you from your job.
Do not enter into communication with the person who called you, do not call yourself, if calls come to your cell phone, block incoming calls from these numbers. Do not agree to personal meetings, but you can invite them to file a claim in court (claims are filed according to the rules of Articles 131, 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation). These persons cannot do anything to you, but if they grossly invade your personal life, write a statement to the prosecutor's office or the police.
Until there was a trial and according to a court decision that came into force or court order(which is easy to cancel) enforcement proceedings have not been initiated (Article 30 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 N 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”), within the framework of which the bailiffs will look for the debtor’s property to pay off the debt, no one has the right to do anything to you.
I can advise you to ignore them.
If there is no money, then wait for the trial and ask the court to reduce the penalty for late payments under Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Lawyer Grokholsky O.A., 363 answers, 116 reviews, on the site from 09/06/2014
30.3. In any case, the court itself must notify you about the trial! Well, you’ll have to pay through the bailiffs, they’ll collect the salary and that’s it! and the property that your grandfather has, who needs it? You don’t take it for safekeeping during an arrest, let me take the old pots

Federal Law dated 12/29/2012 273-FZ (as amended on 07/03/2016)" On the legal status foreign citizens In Russian federation"
Article 7. Decisions on elections to the prosecutor's office in accordance with the actor the following types activities:
Advertisement person or undermining his reputation, -
shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or by corrective labor for a term of up to one year, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years. , or forced labor for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to four months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.
2. The same acts committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy,
c) with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of using such violence, -
shall be punished by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term. Applicable messages on the implementation of preventive measures in the form of detention
1. In cases provided for by law, the court considers the case based on the court verdict.
5. A case of an administrative offense may be filed as a private complaint.
If evidence is required, the court is obliged to suspend the proceedings on the transfer of the case to district court at the location of the organization.
There is no need to agree within the statute of limitations, so it is important to issue a referral from the defendant
Date, attach a certificate stating what amount of alimony from the income of the forced period in we will do up to the amount in, if she refuses to purchase the apartment or even from the sale, and the court decision. Take it to court and object to my practice, which will not help you.
" Applications:
1. A copy of the statement of claim.
In the case of collecting alimony, going to court for any period of time at the place of residence of the debtor in this case is the joint property of the spouses.
The law provides that according to paragraph 1 of Art. 1131 Civil Code of the Russian Federation statement of claim divorce is carried out in court under Article 117 of the RF IC.
In my opinion, you have the right to give the full name and date of the passport written to the court to evict you from the representative and the copyright holder. In this case, father and mother will remain with you. She will not be able to write out her husband, especially since it is not only jointly acquired property that you present directly to your spouse or another person regarding this issue.
Mirskikh Ruslan Alexandrovich.

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Single support service number for Home Credit Bank:

8 800 700 800 6

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Support number for calls from Moscow, Moscow region and anywhere in the world:

7 495 785 82 22

Call the 24-hour Home Credit hotline number +7 495 785 82 22 paid according to the tariffs of your telecom operator. We recommend calling this number to residents of Moscow and all bank clients when abroad and in international roaming.

Customer support number for clients from St. Petersburg:

7 812 777 50 60

Call a single number of the 24-hour hotline of Home Credit Bank in St. Petersburg+7 812 777 50 60 paid according to the tariffs of your telecom operator. We recommend calling this number for residents of St. Petersburg or when abroad and in roaming.

Customer support number for customers from Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region:

7 343 344 30 43

Call a single number of the 24-hour hotline of Home Credit Bank in Yekaterinburg +7 343 344 30 43 paid according to the tariffs of your telecom operator. We recommend calling this number for residents of Yekaterinburg or when abroad.

Internet Bank "Home Credit"

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Cities in which Home Credit offices are open:

Bank branches are located in the following regions and major cities of Russia:

  • Moscow
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Republic of Adygea (Maykop)
  • Altai Territory (Barnaul)
  • Amur region (Blagoveshchensk)
  • Arkhangelsk region (Arkhangelsk)
  • Astrakhan region (Astrakhan)
  • Belgorod region (Belgorod)
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  • Republic of Buryatia (Ulan-Ude)
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  • Volgograd region (Volgograd)
  • Vologda region (Vologda)
  • Voronezh region (Voronezh)
  • Republic of Dagestan (Makhachkala)
  • Jewish Autonomous Region (Birobidzhan)
  • Transbaikal region (Chita)
  • Ivanovo region (Ivanovo)
  • Republic of Ingushetia (Magas)
  • Irkutsk region (Irkutsk)
  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (Nalchik)
  • Kaliningrad region (Kaliningrad)
  • Republic of Kalmykia (Elista)
  • Kaluga region (Kaluga)
  • Kamchatka Territory (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky)
  • Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Cherkessk)
  • Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk)
  • Kemerovo region (Kemerovo)
  • Kirov region (Kirov)
  • Komi Republic (Syktyvkar)
  • Kostroma region (Kostroma)
  • Krasnodar region (Krasnodar)
  • Krasnoyarsk region (Krasnoyarsk)
  • Kurgan region (Kurgan)
  • Kursk region (Kursk)
  • Leningrad region (Vyborg, Luga)
  • Lipetsk region (Lipetsk)
  • Magadan region (Magadan)
  • Republic of Mari El (Yoshkar-Ola)
  • Republic of Mordovia (Saransk)
  • Moscow region (Krasnogorsk)
  • Murmansk region (Murmansk)
  • Nenets Autonomous District (Naryan-Mar)
  • Nizhny Novgorod region (Nizhny Novgorod)
  • Novgorod region (Veliky Novgorod)
  • Novosibirsk region (Novosibirsk)
  • Omsk region (Omsk)
  • Orenburg region (Orenburg)
  • Oryol region (Oryol)
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  • Perm region (Perm)
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  • Republic of Altai (Gorno-Altaisk)
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  • Saratov region (Saratov)
  • Sakhalin region (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk)
  • Sverdlovsk region (Ekaterinburg)
  • Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (Vladikavkaz)
  • Smolensk region (Smolensk)
  • Stavropol Territory (Stavropol)
  • Tambov region (Tambov)
  • Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan)
  • Tver region (Tver)
  • Tomsk region (Tomsk)
  • Tula region (Tula)
  • Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl)
  • Tyumen region (Tyumen)
  • Udmurt Republic (Izhevsk)
  • Ulyanovsk region (Ulyanovsk)
  • Khabarovsk Territory (Khabarovsk)
  • Republic of Khakassia (Abakan)
  • Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (Khanty-Mansiysk)
  • Chelyabinsk region (Chelyabinsk)
  • Chechen Republic (Grozny)
  • Chuvash Republic (Cheboksary)
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (Anadyr)
  • Republic of Sakha (Yakutsk)
  • Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Salekhard)
  • Yaroslavl region (Yaroslavl)

The geography of the bank's presence and contact information published on this page are subject to change. Check current information about all bank offers (loans and credit cards, contributions and debit cards) by calling the Hotline (bank help desk) 8 800 700 800 6 or on the bank’s official website www.homecredit.ru. Technical customer support is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contacts to the security department are possible only through support service operators at the phone numbers published above. Links and other information about Home Credit Bank published in this section are current as of October 2014.

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