The main advantages and disadvantages of bank loans, factoring and leasing. Bank loan attraction management

Bank loans are one of the most popular and widespread types of borrowed resources. They are used not only by ordinary citizens, but also by enterprises to maintain their financial activities. The advantages of a bank loan are different, but at the same time, borrowed funds have significant drawbacks.

Bank loans have advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, they depend on the type of loan that a citizen or organization receives. Much depends on the favorable conditions at a particular moment under which the loan is taken.

Before taking a loan, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of bank lending are:

  • a small list of documentation required by the bank (especially for consumer lending);
  • the possibility of obtaining at any time and for any purpose, if the loan is not targeted;
  • admissibility of issuance for various business transactions, as well as for investment purposes;
  • a wide variety of types of loans issued with the possibility of obtaining money for both short and long periods;
  • accessibility for different segments of the population;
  • the existence of a cashless lending system, in which it is possible to make payments by electronic transfers;
  • the possibility of repaying the loan ahead of time, if there is an agreement on this with the bank;
  • the loan price is an integral part of the production costs of organizations, due to which they have the opportunity to reduce taxable profits;
  • lending conditions allow citizens and organizations to competently plan their budget, which creates control over the flow of funds.

The main advantage of a bank loan is that a citizen can immediately realize his need for something. This applies to the purchase of real estate, a car or a trip on vacation. A loan is a more attractive alternative to simply saving money.

Paradoxically, loans are less affected by inflation. It negatively affects the ability of the population to save money, but at the same time makes it easier to repay the loan. Inflation, although indirectly, serves as a positive factor when choosing a citizen in favor of a bank loan.

A bank loan has one indisputable advantage over another possible alternative - leasing. The essence of leasing is the financial lease by the lessee of an object owned by the lessor. After receiving a loan from a bank, a citizen or organization acquires property and becomes its owner, and not a tenant, as happens in the case of leasing. But at the same time, the loan creates certain encumbrances for property owners in the form of the need to repay the debt.

Disadvantages of loans

Bank loans have a number of disadvantages, including:

  • inflated interest rates;
  • the presence of a system of guarantees and collaterals that burden not only the borrower, but also third parties;
  • the need to use money only for certain purposes, if the loan is targeted;
  • the need to pay commissions to the bank by the borrower when repaying the loan ahead of schedule in some cases;
  • the operation of the bureaucratic system in obtaining loans by citizens and organizations;
  • the presence of a strict schedule for the repayment of the loan amount and interest on it;
  • strict requirements for recipients, detailed verification of their solvency;
  • the availability of additional paid bank services, about which the borrower may not be warned in a timely manner;
  • high risk of fraud when receiving funds, especially when applying for a long-term bank loan.

A loan helps not to waste time on saving money, but to get what you want in a short time

Any type of bank loan has three main disadvantages. The first of them is the urgency of debt repayment, the second is the payment for the service of lending money, the third is repayment, which imposes a burden on borrowers.

Loans taken in foreign currency are often disadvantageous for borrowers. If the exchange rate of the currency in which the loan was taken fluctuates, a multiple increase in the amount of debt and interest on it is possible.

Particularly burdensome for borrowers is the requirement of many banks for the need for collateral when granting a loan. The pledge serves as an interim measure and guarantee for the payment of the entire amount of the debt and interest. Collateral has a whole list of risks for borrowers for the following reasons:

  • pledged property is included in a special register, which prohibits the owner from disposing of it in full without the approval of the bank;
  • pledged property is insured by the borrower at the request of the bank, the borrower himself is also subject to additional insurance, which increases his additional costs;
  • if the borrower becomes insolvent, his pledged property can be sold to other persons through the court, which ultimately means the loss of ownership.

When paying off debt, citizens and organizations significantly overpay, which is beneficial for the creditor. In addition to the principal debt, they pay interest, the amount of which is initially overestimated by the bank. In some cases, banks charge borrowers a fee for conducting a loan business, for individual payments to repay a debt.

Overpayment on loans issued by banks often exceeds the cost of the loan itself.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate lending

Lending to enterprises has the following advantages for them:

  • free choice of credit scheme;
  • little time spent on raising money;
  • the secrecy of the transaction and the minimum risk of disclosing its data to other organizations;
  • the effect of flexible conditions for the provision of loans by banks;
  • no taxation of borrowed funds received by the organization.

Most often, banks value their customers and are ready to make concessions to regular borrowers in the form of preferential lending terms. The process of attracting a loan takes 14-60 days. At the same time, the specified period is much shorter than the period required for organizations to issue shares or search for a reliable investor.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high overpayment for a loan

Among the disadvantages of a bank loan are:

  • violation of the financial stability of the organization due to the received loan;
  • mandatory collateral equal to the amount of the requested loan;
  • high probability of refusal in extradition;
  • difficulty in obtaining money for a long period of time due to the tough policy of the Central Bank;
  • high lending rates.

In every sense, it is more profitable for organizations to build a business on their own funds, since borrowed funds always need to be repaid, while paying high interest. But attracted bank funds are the only way for the normal functioning of most established organizations.

Loans make up about 10-50% of the total number of all funds that organizations and citizens take as loans. The negative aspects associated with lending are mitigated by the ability of citizens and organizations to quickly resolve their financial problems. With proper planning of the payment schedule, as well as calculating the rate of return, using a loan can bring benefits to the borrower.

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Regardless of the conditions for granting credit loans, this banking product is becoming more and more popular every year among various categories of borrowers, and over time, more and more advantages appear in a bank loan. The reason for this is huge competition among many banking institutions.

A bank loan is a great opportunity to quickly resolve unexpected financial issues or just an opportunity to quickly get the desired benefit. Therefore, even despite the obvious overpayments on the loan, many people still apply to banks for a loan. After all, sometimes, this is the only real way to quickly resolve financial issues.

The advantage of a bank loan - everything you need to know about a loan!

A special form of lending today are consumer loans for personal needs of borrowers. This is one of the easiest and most affordable options for obtaining the required amount in the shortest possible time. The main thing that the borrower needs is to decide on the terms and amount of the loan. Moreover, the profitability of the conditions directly depends on the purposes for which it is planned to receive a loan.

That is, the advantage of targeted loans is that they will be provided on more loyal terms than loans without specifying the purpose of lending. In addition, loans can be provided not only in non-cash form, but also in cash, and can also be transferred to the borrower's credit card. In principle, the advantage of a loan is that there are enough ways to receive funds, so each borrower has a good choice. The same applies to the large abundance of various loan programs, according to which the borrower can easily get the most profitable loan for himself.

When applying for any bank loan, its advantages are that the lender has his own interest, financial benefit from the fact that he lends to his client. This benefit consists in receiving a certain monetary compensation, which is expressed in the payment by the borrower of the loan amount along with accrued interest.

Moreover, the transaction between the bank and the borrower is necessarily fixed in the loan agreement, the violation of which is fraught with the application of penalties for the borrower. Therefore, it is not recommended to violate the terms of the signed agreement, and even more so to violate the established payment schedule.

Well, so that the borrower does not make a mistake when choosing a bank and a suitable lending program, it is first necessary to carefully study the requirements put forward and all the conditions for granting a loan.

The main advantages of bank loans.

But even despite certain disadvantages of any type of loan, this opportunity to quickly acquire money has its own certain advantages of obtaining a loan from a bank, which cannot be denied.

1. Anyone can get a loan.

Naturally, not everyone can earn a large amount in a short time. Especially if the funds are needed for an expensive purchase. Therefore, the first plus of any loan is the availability and ease of obtaining credit funds in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the smaller the loan amount required by the borrower, the faster it can be obtained (for example, take express loans).

Advantages of bank lending - in most modern programs do not require borrowers to provide collateral for a loan. That is, you can get a small loan without guarantors and even without collateral. There are also programs when a borrower can get a loan even without confirmation of official employment and solvency. In general, everyone can choose the most suitable loan program for themselves.

2. Individual loan.

All major banks that value each of their individual clients are constantly expanding the lists of offered loan programs that can satisfy the interests of numerous categories of citizens.

Therefore, in our time there is a huge number of various loan products provided on different conditions. Thus, each person always has a good choice of which bank to contact and which program is best to use.

3. The bank itself will help you get what you want.

The advantage of a loan is that in order for a person to get what they want, it is enough for him to turn to the bank for help. There is no need, as before, to run around friends and beg for a loan of money, just as there is no need to save up for many years to buy some expensive thing or go on vacation. All that is required of the borrower is to convince the bank of its reliability and solvency.

4. The loan can be received remotely.

Since all major banks keep up with the times and modern technologies, the advantages of lending at a bank are that now the borrower has a unique opportunity to apply for a loan without leaving home. You can do this in almost any bank, and all that is needed is to visit the website of a suitable bank and leave an application - an online questionnaire.

In a matter of minutes, the application will be accepted for consideration, and within a day it will be possible to receive the coveted loan. So, now it is not at all necessary to visit the bank to resolve the issue of lending. And the bank does all this for the convenience and comfort of its customers.

5. No need to notify the bank what exactly the funds will be spent on.

When applying for a loan, the borrower does not have to submit a report to the bank on exactly what purposes the funds were spent. That is, the advantage of a non-purpose loan is that there is no need to warn what exactly the loan will be spent on. Funds are received and used at the personal discretion of the borrower, which is very convenient in our time.


This article outlined the main advantages of consumer credit. As you can see for yourself, everyone can get a bank loan, and it is not at all necessary to report to the lender about what exactly the funds will be spent on. But this rule does not always work.


The essence of forfeiting as a form of lending to foreign economic activity is the sale by the exporter of his claims against the importer (usually bills) to a bank or a special financial company. As an addition to the traditional methods of lending to foreign trade, forfaiting has found wide application in the export of machinery and equipment.

Forfeiting is the purchase by a bank or a forfeitor for a full term on predetermined terms of bills of exchange (drafts) and other financial documents. Thus, the exporter transfers to the forfetor the commercial risks associated with the insolvency of the importer. As a result of the sale of a portfolio of debt claims, the structure of the balance sheet of the exporting company is simplified, the time for collection of claims, accounting and administrative expenses are reduced.

Promissory notes issued in German marks, US dollars and Swiss francs are accepted for forfeiting. A necessary condition for the purchase of a bill accepted by the importer is to obtain a guarantee from a major bank in the importer's country.

There are certain similarities between export factoring and forfaiting. The difference lies in the terms of lending, factoring - medium-term (from 6 months to 3 - 5 years) lending for sufficiently multiple amounts, and factoring - short-term (from 30 to 120 - 180 days). In factoring, unlike forfaiting, a bank assumes only a part of the exporter's risks. In addition, forfaiting is a one-time transaction associated with the collection of funds under a specific document, while export factoring usually involves constant communication between the parties and the availability of a comprehensive service system. Another characteristic feature of forfaiting is the presence of a secondary market in which resale of purchased commercial bills is possible.

Bank loans to the buyer as a form of export financing mean the transfer of responsibility in the issue of mobilizing funds for lending to foreign economic activity from individual exporters and importers to banks and banking groups with large financial capabilities. The participation of the state in financing exports by insuring loans, refinancing and subsidizing them also facilitated the participation of banks in lending to foreign trade.

Buyer Credits

Bank loans to the buyer are provided by the bank of the exporting country directly to the importer's bank or, less commonly, to the importer himself. In this case, the crediting bank pays the exporter the full value of the shipped goods upon presentation of the shipping documents. Exemption of the exporter from the need to provide a loan at his own expense, which leads to their freezing, or with the help of bank resources, which, in conditions of high domestic rates, leads to an increase in the cost of goods, allows the seller to supply goods at lower prices. The obligation to make cash payments are promissory notes sent by the importer's bank for the amount of the loan and interest. Thus, the exporter's bank directly finances the trade transaction by providing a loan to the importer's bank.

One of the forms of export lending is an acceptance-reimbursement loan based on a combination of acceptance of the exporter's bills of exchange by a bank of a third country and transfer (reimbursement) of the amount of the bill by the importer to the accepting bank. In this case, the exporter agrees with the importer that the payment for the goods will be made through the bank by accepting the last draft issued by the exporter, if he is not sure of the solvency of the importer or is interested in quickly receiving the proceeds from the sold goods, before the due date of the bill. Upon reaching an agreement, the importer instructs his bank to conclude an acceptance agreement. The accepting bank, in turn, requires a guarantee of timely payment of the bill and issues an irrevocable acceptance letter of credit to the exporter's bank, which provides for the acceptance of the draft. Having received a notification about this, the exporter ships the goods, draws up a draft and commercial documents, sends them to his bank, where he usually takes into account the bill. The exporter's bank sends the draft and documents to the accepting bank, which, having accepted the draft, sends it either to the exporter's bank, or to its correspondent or branch, and the shipping documents to the importer's bank. The importer's bank delivers the shipping documents to the importer against appropriate security, usually a safe receipt, which retains the importer's title to the goods. The exporter's bank rediscounts the accepted draft. She then circulates on the world loan capital market, which acts in this operation as an aggregate creditor.

bank lending foreign economic forfeiting


The peculiarity of leasing, in particular, is that the lessor (often represented by commercial banks, investment funds, insurance companies, as well as specialized leasing companies) transfers property specially acquired under a purchase and sale agreement for use by the lessee, himself without using. This makes it possible to consider leasing not only as a type of lease, but also as a kind of long-term lending (investment), in which credit funds (i.e., funds spent on the purchase of equipment) are repaid by the lessee by regular payment to the lessor in the amount of rental agreed between them. payments. The amount of these payments is made up of the cost of the equipment, the lessor's expenses associated with the acquisition of equipment (for example, in the case of using credit funds), as well as the amount that directly constitutes the lessor's profit. After the expiration of the leasing period, the equipment can be transferred into the ownership of the lessee.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bank loan

Bank loans in the field of foreign economic activity have advantages over firm ones. They allow borrowers to use their funds more freely to purchase goods, free them from the need to apply for loans to supplier firms, and make cash payments with the latest for goods at the expense of a bank loan. Thanks to the attraction of public funds and the use of guarantees, commercial banks are increasingly issuing export credits for 10-15 years at below-market rates. Factoring, as well as accounting for bills of exchange, bank guarantees, and other debt obligations, is beneficial for exporters, primarily due to the acceleration of the turnover of funds in foreign trade operations. All leading Russian commercial banks engaged in international settlements carry out the above operations when lending to foreign economic activity of Russian enterprises and organizations.

However, banks tend to limit the use of credit only within their own country, and often put conditions on spending it for certain purposes, such as buying goods from firms in which they are interested. At the same time, a bank loan acquires the properties of a corporate loan, a target character.

The essence of a commercial loan and methods of provision

THEME #13. Commercial credit, its features and limits of use

Commercial credit can be described as credit provided in the form of goods by sellers to buyers in the form of a deferred payment for goods sold. It is provided against the obligations of the debtor (buyer) to repay within a certain period of time both the amount of the principal debt and accrued interest.

A commercial loan is a credit transaction between two exchange counterparties: an enterprise-seller (creditor) and an enterprise-buyer (borrower). Therefore, a commercial loan is a loan provided in a commodity form by sellers to buyers in the form of a deferred payment for goods sold. Historically, commercial credit arose earlier than bank credit.

A feature of a commercial loan is that the loan transaction is not the main goal: it only accompanies the purchase and sale transaction, contributing to the fastest sale of goods. The credit transaction is executed by the supplier and the buyer at the time of the conclusion of the trade transaction. Therefore, this loan involves the relationship of trade and credit transactions. In this case, the end of a trade (commercial) operation here coincides with the beginning of a credit transaction, which, in turn, will be completed when the borrowing enterprise repays the loan debt.

The scope of commercial credit is limited, since it serves only the process of circulation of goods. The object of a commercial loan is - commodity capital (goods shipped, work performed, services).

The subject of a commercial loan is the agents of a commodity transaction: the seller-supplier producing goods or services, and the buyer (consumer). Therefore, commercial credit is a commodity form of credit, expressing relations regarding the redistribution of material assets between enterprises. With a commercial loan, only the resources of a supplier selling their products or providing services are included in a credit transaction.

The use of commercial credit requires the seller to have sufficient reserve capital in case of a slowdown in receipts from debtors.

There are five main ways to provide a commercial loan:

ü bill method;

ü open account;

ü discount subject to payment within a certain period;

ü seasonal credit;

ü consignment.

Commercial credit has a strictly limited use, due to the fact that it can only be provided by industries that produce certain goods to those sectors of the national economy that consume them, and not vice versa. With a commercial loan, the lender and the borrower are producers of products or an intermediary in its implementation (trading, supply and marketing organizations).A commercial loan has boundaries that depend on:

a) on the ability of the creditor to provide a loan in a commodity form and the availability of a mass of commodity resources;

b) sufficiency of the creditor's funds to advance funds in the next cycle;

c) the possibility of obtaining a bank loan against bills of exchange;

d) the level of creditworthiness of the borrower.

Commercial credit is always short-term. The volume of commercial credit and its dynamics are affected by:

a) economic development of the state;

b) availability of free credit resources in banks;

c) development of other forms of credit.

Commercial credit is interconnected with direct and indirect bank lending. Thus, direct bank lending enhances the supplier's ability to provide commercial credit and reduces the buyer's need for commercial credit.

A commercial loan has a number of positive aspects:

ü For a supplier enterprise, a credit transaction is intertwined with the moment of sale of products (rendering of services) and not only accelerates the sale, but also brings additional income in the form of a percentage included in the cost of goods sold or services rendered.

ü It is often more profitable for a borrower to resort to a commodity form of credit than to receive a cash loan (for example, a bank one) for immediate payment of material assets. At the time of obtaining a commercial loan, the borrower does not need to advance money into the next circulation of funds. This leads to temporary savings of funds for settlements with the supplier. Accordingly, the completion of the borrower's circulation of funds and the appearance of free cash will allow him to repay the commercial loan in cash.

The advantages of a commercial loan are:

a) efficiency in providing funds in a commodity form and technical simplicity of registration;

c) expands and facilitates the sale of goods, ultimately contributing to the acceleration of the circulation of capital

d) mobilization of free commodity resources and their redistribution;

e) expanding the capabilities of enterprises in maneuvering working capital, as well as facilitating the acceleration of the turnover of working capital;

f) the opportunity to provide financial support to enterprises to each other;

g) promoting the development of the loan market;

h) improving the quality of credit and settlement services based on expanding the types of services and the possibility of a greater choice by the client of the most convenient forms of credit relations.

Disadvantages of commercial loans include:

1. the limited nature of its direction, time of use and size;

2. sometimes forced by the supplier, the nature of the deferred payment due to the financial situation of the buyers;

3. the presence of a risk for the supplier;

4. strong influence from the banking sector when accounting for bills;

5. slowdown in the velocity of circulation of money as a result of a delay in payment;

6. Accounting for bills in banks with a commercial loan can lead to an increase in the money supply.


    Theoretical foundations of commercial credit………..

1.1 The essence of a commercial loan…………………………..

1.2 Functions and types of credit……………………………………

1.3 The role of a commercial loan: its advantages and disadvantages……………………………………………………….

    Analysis of the attraction and use of a bank loan by the enterprise Ural Plate Factory LLC………..

2.1 Brief description of the enterprise……………………….

2.2 Financial and economic analysis of the activities of enterprises………………………………………………………

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of attracting a bank loan ..

    Issues of lending in modern Russia…….

3.1 Improving the efficiency of using a bank loan by an enterprise………………………………………………


List of sources used……………………………..


With the development of market relations in our country, the emergence of enterprises of various forms of ownership (both private and state, public), the problem of clear legal regulation of financial and credit relations of business entities is of particular importance.

Enterprises of all forms of ownership increasingly need to attract borrowed funds to carry out their activities and make a profit. The most common form of raising funds is obtaining a bank loan under a loan agreement.

The relevance of the research topic determines the impact of lending on the financial and economic activities of enterprises, which generally affects the general economic situation of the country, which makes it appropriate to develop recommendations for a development strategy that takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of lending.

The object of study of the thesis is credit and the credit policy of Ural Plate Factory LLC in particular.

The subject of the research is ways to improve the credit policy.

The purpose of the course work was an objective study of the credit instrument through the prism of the commercial activities of the enterprise.

As part of the course design, it is necessary to perform the following tasks to achieve the goals set, which determined the structure of the course work:

    explore the theoretical basis of lending;

    determine the role that credit has in the system of economic relations;

    identify the advantages and disadvantages of the loan;

    consider the credit policy of the enterprise;

The source base of the course work is the work of domestic and foreign scientists relating to the field of lending. During the course design, the educational literature of Orlinovsky Ya.G., Bezoglazova N.G., Gadzhiev A.A. and many others, as well as the system of legislative and regulatory acts, was considered. Materials of special editions, periodicals and Internet publications on lending issues, materials of the magazines "Finance" and "Money, Credit, Bank".

    Theoretical foundations of commercial credit.

    1. The essence of credit.

Russia's transition to a market economy, increasing the efficiency of its functioning, and creating the necessary infrastructure cannot be ensured without the use and further development of credit relations.

Credit as an economic category is a certain type of social relations associated with the movement of value on terms of repayment. In a credit transaction, an equivalent commodity-money exchange is not carried out, but the value is transferred for temporary use with the condition of return after a certain time and payment of interest for its use. The repayment of the loaned value, which cannot be canceled by the will of one of the subjects of the credit transaction, is the basis and universal property of credit as an economic category.

Speaking about what constitutes the essence of a loan, it is necessary to consider its structure, because a loan consists of elements that are in close interaction. First of all, they are the subjects of credit relations - the lender and the borrower. The lender is the party that makes the loan. “In the early stages of the development of commodity production, the creditors were usurers. With the further development of commodity production, banks began to provide money loans. When goods are loaned (in the form of a deferred payment), commodity producers are creditors. 1

The creditor is always the owner of the loaned funds, for the transfer of which for temporary use he receives loan interest.

Another subject of credit relations is the borrower - the party receiving the loan, obliged to return the loaned value within the prescribed period and pay interest on the loan. Borrowers can be legal entities and individuals experiencing a temporary lack of their own funds - state-owned enterprises, joint-stock companies, private firms, banks, the state, citizens, etc.

The economic role of the borrower in a loan transaction differs from the role and place of the lender. The borrower is not the owner of the loaned funds, he acts only as their temporary owner. Also, the borrower uses loaned resources both in the sphere of circulation and in the sphere of production (for the purchase of materials and expansion, modernization of production). And the lender grants the loan in the exchange phase, without entering directly into production.

The borrower is obliged to return the funds taken on credit, having paid the loan interest for their use. Therefore, he must organize the reproduction process in such a way as to ensure the effective use of the loan and the release of the funds necessary for its return within the time limits established by the loan agreement.

In addition to creditors and borrowers, an element of the structure of credit relations is the object of transfer - what is transferred from the creditor to the borrower and what makes its way back from the borrower to the creditor is the loaned value.

It has special features that characterize it as an object of credit relations:

    The movement of the loaned value is reversible, that is, from the lender to the borrower, and then from the borrower to the lender. Having used the loan in its reproduction process, the borrower must return to the lender a value equivalent to that received on credit.

    An important feature of the loaned value is its advance character. After all, the purpose of obtaining a loan is not only to cover the temporary shortage of the borrower's own funds, but also to generate income as a result of using the loaned value.

    The loaned value temporarily stops the movement of the creditor and continues it in the economy of the borrower.

    The use of the loaned value makes it possible to ensure the continuity of production and, on this basis, to accelerate the reproduction process.

In a market economy, the loaned value takes the form of loan capital. Usually it is defined as money capital, given on loan and bringing income to the owner in the form of interest. The following definition is often given: a loan is a movement of loan capital. Indeed, having entered into a credit relationship, the borrower is obliged to realize the value received in the loan, and in such a way that it can function as capital as such and make a profit.

So, each structural element of the loan is characterized by significant originality and reflects the specifics of credit relations. To fully define the essence of credit as an economic category, it is necessary to express the characteristics of all its elements in unity and its functions. Credit is:

    relationship between the lender and the borrower;

    the movement of the loaned value;

    movements of loan capital;

    a special form of money movement on the basis of repayment, urgency, payment in the interests of social needs;

In her article, N. Valentseva defines the essence of a loan as “the relationship between the lender and the borrower regarding the return movement of value, the essence of the loan is expressed in the unity of all the diverse and contradictory forms of manifestation of these relations.” 2

Credit is of great importance in the development of economic ties between industries and regions, in increasing the efficiency of production, in creating and using income and profits. Credit is able to have an active impact on the volume and structure of the money supply, payment turnover and velocity of money.

Thus, the difference in the time of production for various economic entities necessitates the emergence of multi-temporal exchange and commodity circulation, on the basis of which special economic relations arise - credit relations. Within their framework, counter obligations are created, which give rise to a close relationship and interdependence of commodity producers. The fulfillment by the debtor of his individual obligations on time allows him to continue lending and contributes to the development of the economy as a whole and of all participants in the exchange separately.

In a narrow sense, a commercial loan is a loan provided by the seller to the buyer in the form of a deferred payment for the goods sold. It is provided against the obligations of the debtor (buyer) to repay the amount of the principal debt and accrued interest within a certain period of time.

In a broad sense, a commercial loan is a set of homogeneous economic relations designed to serve the reproductive sphere, and go beyond just commercial relations between sellers and buyers. Commercial credit is directly related to the production, trade, consumption and promotion of goods, works and services on the market.

The concept of a commercial loan is given in Art. 823 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to clause 1 of this article, “contracts, the execution of which is associated with the transfer of ownership of monetary amounts or other things determined by generic characteristics, may provide for the provision of a loan, including in the form of an advance payment, advance payment, deferment and installment payment for goods, works or services (commercial credit), unless otherwise provided by law. 3

And we can say that the provision of a commercial loan is possible only within the framework of the main agreement concluded between business entities.

The main elements of a commercial loan can be distinguished:

    Creditor-supplier of goods, works or services, funds;

    Borrower - the buyer of goods, works or services, cash

    Credit - deferred payment for goods, works, services, cash

    The object of a commercial loan is commodity or money capital;

    The subject of a commercial loan is a commodity or monetary transaction;

    Commercial loan instruments;

    Legal and informational fields of commercial credit.

A commercial loan is fundamentally different from other forms of credit in a number of specific properties and qualities that give us an idea of ​​the characteristic features of a commercial loan. For clarity, let's compare it with another common form - a bank loan.

With a commercial loan, not only specialized financial institutions, but also any legal entities associated with the production or sale of goods, works or services can act as a lender.

The purpose of a commercial loan is to speed up the sale of goods and make a profit. The size of this loan is limited by the size of the reserve capital of industrial and commercial enterprises. The transfer of these capitals is possible not only in the directions determined by the terms of the transaction: from the entrepreneur, at whose enterprise the means of production are produced, to the entrepreneurs, at whose enterprises they are consumed, or from the entrepreneur, who produces goods, works and services, to organizations that sell them. . In the case of registration of a commercial loan by a bill, it becomes a representative of capital and can freely circulate until the moment of repayment in the bill market in various directions.

So, commercial credit is the original form of credit. Let's define it as a credit transaction between two enterprises. The seller is the creditor and the buyer is the borrower. Under the conditions of a commercial loan, the supplier provides a deferred payment for goods or funds under the obligation of the debtor to return the amount of the principal debt within a certain period, and in some cases the accrued interest. This form of credit accelerates the sale of goods and the entire process of capital circulation. Now, in accordance with the definition, we will describe the main types of commercial credit that characterize it in more detail, and the functions that represent a specific manifestation of the essence as a holistic phenomenon.