How to withdraw money from WebMoney after blocking: working methods. How to withdraw money from WebMoney without commission: reliable ways

On the Russian-speaking Internet, the WebMoney electronic money system is considered the most popular. Without your own wallet in WebMoney, it is quite difficult to do business on the Internet, work, and make purchases in an online store. It is through this monetary system that the largest number of financial flows in Runet passes. Naturally, users have a natural question: how to withdraw money from WebMoney if necessary. At the moment, there are four relatively simple ways to withdraw money from an electronic wallet:

  • send money from WebMoney directly to your bank card;
  • use the services of electronic exchangers;
  • exchange electronic money for cash using special services;
  • pay for purchases or services via the Internet in webmoney.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney to a card

Most in a standard way output national currency it is considered to conduct a money transfer from an electronic wallet to a bank account. Such a transfer will take several days, but the commission for withdrawing funds from WebMoney will be one of the most profitable.

To withdraw, you need to go to your wallet, select "Transfer VM to bank" in the wallet menu item and log in to the WebMoney banking system. Select the “Withdraw” section in the menu, fill out the payment receipt, which indicates the bank, account number, your full name and other necessary details. That's it - the money will be automatically sent to the bank and you will receive it on the card within the time period established by the regulations.

Withdraw money from WebMoney to Sberbank

You can also withdraw money to Sberbank from WebMoney using the services of special exchange offices. The essence of their work is that they provide intermediary services and you send money from WebMoney to the wallet number indicated in the exchanger. After that, the exchange office will transfer the funds to your card in Sberbank. Naturally, in such exchangers there is a certain commission for transferring funds, which can vary from 2% to 5% of the transfer amount. It is beneficial to use exchangers if you need money urgently: many withdrawal operations are completed within a few minutes - there is no need to wait several days for funds to arrive.

How to withdraw money from WebMoney in cash

There are also special services that offer to withdraw money through a money transfer. In order to receive money in cash (if, for example, you do not want to use a bank card for this or you do not have the card itself or you are not a client of popular banks in the Russian Federation), you need to contact the service, transfer your webmoney to the wallet of the exchange office and enter the data for the money transfer. To receive a transfer in a place convenient for you, indicate in which branch of the bank you would like to pick it up. To receive cash, you do not need to open a bank account, just contact the bank manager with a passport and inform about the need to receive a money transfer.

Webmoney does not withdraw money

Remember that WebMoney will not allow you to withdraw money to a user who does not have a formal passport. Until the monetary system checks your data, any methods of withdrawing money will not be available to you. A formal passport in the system is issued free of charge. When registering, you will need to enter your own real passport data, as well as upload a scan of your passport for verification, which indicates your full name, place of registration, series and number of the passport, as well as a scan of the identification code. monetary system will notify you with a message to your wallet about the verification of your documents, after which you will be able to fully use online wallet. Remember that all data in the system is protected by a confidentiality agreement - documents are checked by WebMoney in order to prevent fraud attempts with electronic money.

How to profitably withdraw money from WebMoney

The most standard way to withdraw the national currency is to make a money transfer from an electronic wallet to a bank card. Such a transfer will take several days, but the commission for withdrawing funds from WebMoney will be one of the most profitable.

There is one more profitable way withdraw money from an electronic wallet - pay with them on the Internet for goods and services. On the network, using WebMoney, you can not only pay for the Internet, mobile phone bills, but also make various purchases. The benefit of using money within the system is that you spend it with minimum commission- 0.8% per transfer. Today, many online stores offer payment in WebMoney for their goods. If you often shop online, this withdrawal method will be especially attractive to you.

Advice from When you cash out WebMoney funds or use electronic currency on the network, follow security measures. Pay for purchases only in trusted stores, use exchange services with a fairly high rating - this will allow you to protect your own funds from fraudsters.

Attention! If the payment does not go through automatically, send payments directly to our wallets with a protection code and passport data.

Withdrawing Webmoney in Moscow

Withdraw funds from Webmoney to cash

Need to withdraw money from Webmoney?. You will receive money as quickly as possible.

Convenient form for withdrawing Webmoney:

  • Now your data is automatically checked for compliance with the requirements of the Webmoney system and substituted in the note to the payment.
  • You immediately see the amount to be received, which is calculated at current rates and rates.
  • You can choose the office closest to you to receive your payment.
You can still use Cash.Exchanger's automatic claim system or send us a direct payment with a protection code.

To withdraw Webmoney from your WM-wallet, you need to do the following:

  1. Contact our operator in any way convenient for you.
  2. Tell the operator the currency and the amount of the exchange.
    Specify which electronic currency you have, as well as in which currency you want to receive cash.
  3. Check the time of your visit to the office.
  4. Transfer Webmoney by filling out the form above, or send a direct payment to our secure wallet. In the note to the transfer, it is necessary to indicate the full name, series and number of the passport, the mobile phone number of the wallet owner, the address for receiving cash.

    An example of filling out a note: Ivanov Sergey Petrovich, 1234567890, 89161111111, office on Tverskaya.

    Attention! The passport data in the note to the transfer must match the passport data in the WMID passport from which the transfer was made. When submitting an application in automatic mode, a note to the transfer is generated using the data of your passport. Webmoney transfer is carried out through a merchant, the protection code is not used in this case. You can get cash at our offices in Moscow.

    Transfers without passport data or with inappropriate passport data are returned to the sender minus the Webmoney commission 0.8%

  5. Come to one of our offices at the specified time.
    Do not forget to write down the protection code and be sure to take your passport with you.

site - withdrawal Webmoney

Need to withdraw money from WebMoney? site - Webmoney exchange office in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which allows you to quickly and profitably exchange Webmoney title units for cash. If you are faced with the problem of how to withdraw money from Webmoney, we will help you deal with this and save your time. With our help, the exchange and sale of Webmoney is convenient and profitable. Detailed information about the withdrawal of Webmoney is on our website. If you have any questions - just call a single phone number, calls within Russia are free.

website - a guarantee of the safety of your money

Withdrawing money from Webmoney with us is the most secure process. For our clients, we guarantee the safety and timeliness of issuing money at the company's offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Withdrawing funds from Webmoney using the site is very simple. We guarantee the security of each transaction, the speed and confidentiality of exchange transactions.

Looking for options on how to withdraw money from Webmoney?.

Exchange service site - convenience and security 7 days a week

How to withdraw Webmoney in cash at a convenient time with maximum benefit? site opens to you more possibilities for easy exchange of title characters. Seven days a week we deposit and withdraw Webmoney in Moscow. Today we have 2 offices in Moscow and 1 in St. Petersburg.

We carefully monitor the security of each transaction, so that the risks of fraud or untimely fulfillment of the exchange conditions are excluded. All customers can be confident in the reliability of cashinout. Convenient withdrawal conditions will undoubtedly attract you and become the basis for ongoing cooperation.

Do you need a fast and reliable WMR to cash withdrawal? Follow the above rules of the service and receive funds at any Cashinout office convenient for you in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Rostov-on-Don. We are ready to offer our clients the most attractive Webmoney exchange conditions. Withdrawing WMZ to cash is carried out in the currency you need.

But let's consider for a better understanding the section where all withdrawal methods will be displayed with an indication of commissions. To do this, go to the "Individuals" system menu and open any of the items in the "Withdraw" section. Any, because each of the points leads to the same page with a list of all withdrawal methods. The only difference is that if you select the specific option you need for yourself (for example, “To a bank account”), then on the new page all suitable options will be highlighted in a different color.

All withdrawal methods will be displayed on the page that opens:

In my example, when going to this page, I chose the item "Withdraw" > "To a bank account" and therefore you see that the lines with withdrawal methods to bank accounts and bank cards are highlighted in a different color. If you chose, for example, “Cash”, then other lines (withdrawal methods) would be highlighted, respectively.

Let us consider in more detail to begin with the most popular withdrawal method - to a bank card. To go to information about this withdrawal method, you must click on the link in the line "Bank card" in the column with the selected currency for withdrawal. If you withdraw in rubles, then, accordingly, you need to click on the "Details" link from the "WMR" column:

We get to the page where the banks will be displayed, the cards of which can be easily attached to the WebMoney account:

Also, at the top, using the "Attach" button, you can link any Mastercard / Maestro or Visa card to your wallet. True, sometimes this service is apparently buggy, because when I tried to link a card, I often received a message stating that such an operation is not available with my passport. And I have a professional certificate for a long time, which is interesting :)

To begin with, you should pay attention to the limits, and most importantly, the commissions for depositing / withdrawing from the card and to the card, respectively. You can find out such information by clicking on the button "Limits, tariffs, requirements" in the same window. And then, on the new page, you need to select the bank you are interested in from the list or the entire card system at once. In my example, I requested information on commissions / limits and tariffs for all Russian Mastercard / Maestro / Visa cards:

As you can see, the commission for transferring funds to cards in a Webmoney wallet will be 2.8%. The commission for withdrawal will be 1 or 1.5% depending on the amount + 30 rubles.

And let's take "Ocean-Bank" as an example:

Commissions, as we see, are 1% for both deposits and withdrawals.

Also, looking at the commissions, one should also take into account the standard constant commission from WebMoney for withdrawal, equal to 0.8%.

And pay attention to the limits that are displayed at the very top of the table. That is, how much you can withdraw / deposit money at a time, per day, per month, including the general limits of the WebMoney system itself.

As you can see, for transactions with large amounts of money (from 600,000 rubles per month and more), a personal certificate is simply needed. Also, in addition to limits, the presence of this type of passport opens up access to many other useful functions, which I already mentioned in my previous article on the WebMoney payment system.

If you already have a bank card, then of course it’s easier to attach it than to open a new account with another bank (Ocean-Bank, for example) for the sake of a 1% difference. On the other hand, when withdrawing certain amounts, 1% of course also plays a role.

If there is no card yet, then the most convenient and profitable at the moment is to get it from the Ocean-Bank. However, I do not consider this bank to be well-known and reliable, so I would get a card at a partner bank Alfa-Bank, which is reliable, and commissions are only 0.5-1% higher.

Thus, you can find out information about limits and commissions from any of the banks available for linking.

The method of withdrawing WebMoney currency to a bank card by linking it to a wallet

As always, I will write down the whole process step by step, because, in my opinion, information is perceived easier this way :) So - the process of withdrawing funds from WebMoney wallets to a bank card:

Ready! Now you can check the presence of the attached card in your WebMoney account. To do this, on the account page, go to the "Cards" section and in the "Card accounts" block we will see the previously linked card:

Now you can withdraw funds from the wallet to the linked card and vice versa - replenish the wallet from the card. It is very comfortable!

But this linking option is not the best, because commissions can be higher than in the case of linking a card from one of the partner banks! Therefore, this method of linking is recommended only if you do not have a card from any of the listed partner banks, and you want to link a card, for example, VTB24 (or any other bank not from the list below). Here is the list:

If you have a card, for example, from PromSvyazBank or any other from the list of partner banks, then it is better to link directly through them. To do this, you should again go to the page for withdrawing funds through a bank card and select one of the partner banks by clicking on its logo. For example, I will take the same "PromSvyazBank":

In general, there is nothing complicated in withdrawing funds to a card from a WebMoney wallet :)
In short, you need:

    Decide on the choice of the bank whose card you will link to WebMoney;

    Get a card at the bank or link an existing one to your WebMoney account according to the instructions from WebMoney or the bank's website. Or link a card of any bank that is not in the list through the Mastercard / Maestro / Visa card linking service.

Let us now consider another way to withdraw funds - a transfer from a wallet to any account in any bank, which may also be needed by someone, if for some reason it is not possible to attach a bank card, or it simply does not exist and you don’t want to start .

Way to withdraw WebMoney currency to any bank account

Consider the process step by step:

Here is such a simple way to withdraw funds from a WebMoney wallet to any bank account. And if your bank card is linked to the account, then you will see the money on it, respectively :) There are no problems with the withdrawal, and you don’t have to start a card. But still, of course, it’s more convenient, in my opinion, not to be too lazy and get a card specifically for withdrawing money earned on the Internet and link it to your WebMoney account.

Of course, there are still many ways to withdraw WebMoney and they are all displayed, as you saw on one page. Previously, when WebMoney had a completely different interface, everything was much less convenient.

You can withdraw immediately into cash through exchange offices, postal orders. Who is comfortable. For me the best option- to the bank card, and then when you just need to withdraw from it the right amount and that's it :) I think that this method is even the most common.

About ways to deposit funds in WebMoney

Input methods Money to the WebMoney payment system, we can say that they do not differ from the withdrawal methods :) I myself have not needed to deposit funds for a very long time, as a rule, at all, since I have a constant stable, good income from the Internet, and I don’t have to add cash from outside to my WebMoney wallet: ) This income is from different areas and, of course, from axle boxes with the help of multi-accounts. And when I need to add, I just transfer funds from other payment systems, for example - QIWI and Yandex-Money, because there are funds and they are always there for convenience.

So, in order:

I didn’t have to use any other replenishment methods :)

From convenient ways replenishment of the WebMoney purse, it is also worth noting "Internet banking". This is an acceptable time (up to 4 hours) replenishment of your wallet from the account of various banks via online personal accounts on the websites of these same banks. The commission is very small and even replenishment without it is possible. Still, of course, it is convenient to replenish your WebMoney wallet from your mobile phone account, if there is a reserve of funds. But this method is more expensive than the others, and the commission is more than 5%. But it happens that the commission doesn’t matter if you need it urgently and other methods are not available or you don’t want to go anywhere :)

And now I’ll tell you about linking other payment systems to a WebMoney wallet, which is very often useful and convenient.

Linking a Yandex-Money wallet to WebMoney for the possibility of a two-way exchange

The function of linking a WebMoney wallet to accounts in other payment systems can be very useful. For example, it happens that the WebMoney wallet is empty, and you need to pay for something right now through WebMoney. In this case, having funds on other well-known payment systems, for example, Yandex-Money or QIWI, you can transfer some necessary amount to WebMoney and perform the necessary operation: purchase, transfer to someone, or whatever. Therefore, having wallets in other payment systems, I recommend linking them to WebMoney, besides, this is not at all difficult and fast.

The commission for the transfer from Yandex to WebMoney will be 4.5%, which, of course, is not so small :)

Now I will describe step by step the process of linking a Yandex-Money wallet to WebMoney:

    The first thing that is absolutely necessary, and without which you will not be able to complete the binding, is the presence of a formal certificate for WebMoney, as well as an identified account in Yandex-Money. On WebMoney, many probably already have at least a formal passport, but many people forget to go through identification on Yandex-Money :) Or they simply don’t want to do it, because, for example, they rarely use this payment system and don’t store large amounts there :)

    Identification in Yandex-Money is easy and you can see the methods on this page: Yandex account identification

    I went through identification by simply coming with a passport and an application to the nearest salon to me, working with Yandex-Money, and the process took 10 minutes :)

    If the account in Yandex-Money is identified, then in WebMoney we need to go again to the page of all withdrawal options through the menu "Individuals" > "Withdrawal" > "To a bank account". In the window of withdrawal methods, click on the button for more details at the intersection of the "Bank card" line and the "WMR" column

    As a result, we will find ourselves in the withdrawal section to various bank cards, but below there will also be a section “Electronic wallets of different systems”. This is what we need at the moment.

    In the "Electronic wallets of different systems" section, click on the heading "Yandex.Money of the Russian Federation":

    In the pop-up window, you must specify the WebMoney wallet (if there are several), to which the Yandex-Money account will be linked, and below the Yandex-Money account number itself. After entering the data, click "Continue":

    After logging in to the Yandex-Money payment system, at the top right, where your balance is indicated, you will see an icon (number) notifying that there is an unfinished operation. Open this menu and at the bottom click on the link "Confirm the binding":

    A page will open where you will be asked to enter the binding code (remember I advised you to copy it right away? That's it). Enter it in the appropriate field and click "Confirm":

    If you accidentally closed the WebMoney window where the binding code was, then it still came to you as a message to your WebMoney account. To view it, you need to open the main page of your WebMoney account and go to the "Inbox" > "New Messages" section. In the list of messages you will find the one you need - about linking a Yandex-Money account to your wallet. Just copy the code from there:

    Return to the page in the Yandex-Money system where you had to enter the code and paste it.

    At the next stage, you need to confirm the binding operation by clicking the "Get password" button:

    A confirmation password will be sent to your mobile phone. It must be entered in the "Password from SMS" field and click the "Confirm" button:

    At this point, the binding of the Yandex-Money wallet to the WebMoney account is completed and the inscription "Confirmation sent" will be displayed. Just click the "OK" button:

It remains to check the appearance of a linked wallet in the Yandex-Money and WebMoney systems. First, let's check in Yandex-Money. Go to the "Wallet management" section:

We go down to the very bottom until we see the section "Payment systems"

And opposite "WebMoney" should be the status "Linked". So everything is in order. Now, to transfer money from this payment system to WebMoney, just click on the "Transfer" link a little to the right and indicate the amount to be transferred :)

Now let's make sure that the Yandex-Money wallet has been linked to the WebMoney account.

Go to your WebMoney account on the "Cards" page and in the "Electronic payment systems"Your linked Yandex-Money wallet will be visible:

Well, this is the end of linking an account in the Yandex-Money payment system to a WebMoney account. As you can see, there is nothing complicated :)

Binding QIWI wallet to WebMoney for the possibility of two-way exchange

If you have a wallet in the QIWI payment system, it is also possible to link it to WebMoney, which is sometimes very convenient :) The process of linking a QIWI wallet is almost identical to the process of linking a Yandex-Money wallet. The peculiarity is that in QIWI you do not need to identify an account to link it to WebMoney, unlike Yandex-Money. But, nevertheless, I will go through step by step and show in full the process of linking QIWI to WebMoney...

I talked about creating an account in the QIWI payment system in the article How to create a Qiwi wallet and what you need for this

    As before, we need to go to the page where all banks that can be connected to WebMoney, as well as payment systems are displayed: (go to).

    From the options offered on the page, select "QIWI Wallet":

    In the pop-up window, we indicate the WebMoney wallet that we will link to QIWI, and at the very bottom - the account number in QIWI. Then click "Continue":

    In a new pop-up window, the binding code will be indicated, which is better to copy right away. After that, you need to click on the "payment system" link and you will be transferred to the QIWI website, where the account linking will continue:

    We go into our account in QIWI, after which we click on the account balance at the top and in the pop-up window we click on the link "Working with accounts":

    In the menu on the left, select "List of accounts" and the "Additional accounts" section will now display your WebMoney wallet, which you have started linking. Click on the "Confirm Link" link:

    A new window will open where you need to fill in the basic information on the passport and set a limit on the amount that can be transferred to WebMoney or back to QIWI per day, week or month (your choice).

    So, first of all, in the very first field you need to specify the binding code that you were shown in the window at the very beginning. Then last name, first name, patronymic, series and passport number. Next, you need to specify the limit, i.e. - maximum amount, which can be received or transferred to / from WebMoney for the set period: day, week or month. After filling in all the fields, click the "Bind" button:

    Now, in the next window, you need to confirm the linking of the QIWI wallet with the code that will be sent to you by SMS to the phone (to which the QIWI wallet is registered). Usually SMS arrives almost instantly, but there may be delays. In any case, you can use the function - "Send the code again" if it does not come to your phone for more than 10-15 minutes.

    So, we look at the code in the SMS and enter it on the page, after which we press the "Confirm" button:

    We get a message about successful binding:

    You can now transfer funds from QIWI to WebMoney from the "Working with accounts" section (how to get there is described in paragraph 5 of this chapter) by clicking the "Transfer" button:

    Now let's check if your QIWI wallet is displayed in your WebMoney account. To do this, go to the "Cards" tab of your account, and in the "Electronic payment systems" section you will see your QIWI wallet. If it is not displayed, it means that your wallets in WebMoney have not yet been updated. Usually, it is enough just to log out of your WebMoney account and log in again.

Here is such a simple procedure for linking a QIWI wallet to WebMoney :) No more difficult than linking Yandex-Money. Commission for transfer between QIWI and WebMoney will be 3%.

On this, on linking the wallets of the payment system, I will finish :) I described all the stages of linking and didn’t seem to miss anything.

Exchange of electronic currency of different payment systems through exchange offices on the Internet

Here is another interesting way to get WebMoney currency, which I had to use several times until the moment I still had no wallets linked to WebMoney and didn’t understand all this very well. This method consists in obtaining the desired currency to the desired payment system by exchanging the currency of another payment system through special exchange offices on the Internet.

Of course, each exchanger will take a commission, and sometimes it is high. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze and compare different types of exchangers. I also met with many exchangers - scammers who simply take the funds that you give for exchange and in the end you get nothing :) But there is one very good site - monitoring exchange points on the Internet, and there are safe exchangers, with a description , reviews, commissions, exchange mode and other information.

Here is this site: bestchange

All safe Internet exchangers will be presented on the site. In the window on the left, you need to select which currency, which payment system, and what you are changing for, simply by clicking on one of the options in the “Give” and “Receive” columns, for example: Yandex-Money to WebMoney rubles (WMR):

Exchange offices will appear on the right side of the page, working in the exchange direction you need. In the table, opposite each exchange office, you can immediately see how much you need to give and how much you will receive, i.e. the difference is the commission. More detailed information can be obtained by clicking on the letter "i" opposite the desired exchange office:

And by clicking on the name of the exchange office, you will go directly to the site of the selected exchanger, where you can already make an exchange. Exchanges can be instant and take a day or more, depending on the chosen exchanger. All this will always be stated in the rules on the exchanger's website.

It should also be borne in mind that if you change WebMoney, then some exchangers will require a verified formal passport in this payment system, but not all. Therefore, going through the list, you can also find exchangers that change with the simplest “pseudonym” passport.

This site may be useful to someone, because I had to use it to output to VTB card 24 :) It is not difficult to understand it and everything is intuitive, and the exchange process itself in the selected exchange office does not cause any difficulties at all :)

Well, that's probably all that I wanted to tell you in this article. I hope this information will help someone, and you won’t have to figure it out yourself for a long time, deciding to withdraw funds from WebMoney or, on the contrary, enter. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments :)

Have a nice day, everyone! Bye;)

All freelancers want to spend money earned in the WebMoney system for their needs without restrictions. But not all real stores still accept such a currency. Therefore, you have to think about how to withdraw money from WebMoney in cash. This means withdrawing the required amount from the system and getting rustling banknotes into your own hands.

Most often, a withdrawal is required from your WMR wallet, which stores rubles. After all, basically the movement in the virtual world takes place in the ruble equivalent. Less often, there is a need to cash out the dollar equivalent of WMZ. Well, other currencies, for example, the equivalent of the hryvnia WMU or tenge WMK, will be needed only in those countries that use such money.

How to withdraw money from Webmoney - an overview of available methods

There are some of the most popular ways to withdraw online currencies to bank accounts or through various systems translations. All of them differ only in the time during which the cash will come, or in the commission charged by the system for the withdrawal of these funds.

The most popular withdrawal destinations are:

  • transfer using the Russian Post;
  • payment to the bank to your own current account or plastic card;
  • withdrawal with the help of Contact translation systems, etc.;
  • sending to other electronic systems;
  • transfer to issued own virtual card systems.

You can also withdraw money through an intermediary simply by transferring finances to his wallet, and, having agreed on a meeting, get cash from him.

How to withdraw money from Webmoney to a card

To send finances to a card, it must first be linked to a WebMoney account. This is done on the site. after authorization. On the service page, you need to select the attachment point bank cards. In this section, you must click the "Attach" button.

Step 1. Enter the card binding menu
Step 2. Choose a wallet to link
Step 3. Enter card details

Step 4. Find a card among wallets

The system on the next page will prompt you to select a wallet to link to bank account. Also, if necessary, it will be necessary to set a limit on operations. After that, continue binding.

In the next paragraph, you need to enter the details from the card. There will be three such data:

  • card number;
  • expiration date;
  • secret CVV or CVC code.

After the entered data, the phone linked to the card will receive a message with a code that must be entered in the specified field on the site page, after confirmation.

Now you can see your own map among open accounts in system. Transferring to the map in this case takes only a few clicks. The checkout is also very fast. In addition to the fact that you can withdraw money from Webmoney to a card, it is also possible to replenish your WMR wallet in this way.

Withdrawal to a bank account

Of all available ways Withdrawing funds from WebMoney, many people prefer to transfer funds to a bank account. To do this, click on the “Withdraw” link on the website, and a choice of various cashing methods will become available. In the middle of this table is a line with the output to the bank account "Bank transfer".

Possible withdrawal options

Step 1. Choose a wallet for withdrawal
Step 2. Enter data to send

In the next window, you need to fill in bank data. Be sure to check all the details with the bank. They are also specified in the account opening agreement. After entering them, you need to click on the "Forward" button. Next, the amount that will be debited from the wallet is prescribed. The transfer itself must be at least one hundred rubles. For sending it, the system will take a one-time payment of 15 rubles for processing a payment order to the bank. After that, the payment is confirmed.

The next step is to pay the bill that will come to Keeper. He can either come right away or stay for a short time, up to an hour. After paying the bill, you can be sure that the money went to the bank. Payment is usually made no later than the next business day.

How to cash out money from a WebMoney wallet using a postal transfer

Users of the system can withdraw money from WebMoney in cash using the most common postal orders of the Russian Post. Having no other means of withdrawal, the inhabitants of distant settlements thus earning money. The commission in this case will be from two percent. However, the minimum will need to pay no less than forty rubles. Delivery of funds may take three to five days. At the same time, there will be another WebMoney commission, as a standard it will be 0.8%.

Filling form for mail order

You need to know that in this way citizens with a certificate from “formal” to higher ones can receive money. Therefore, you first need to upload a passport photo to the site for identification. Having received the desired passport, you can select the item with "Postal transfer" from the list available to users. Further, on a new page, a form is carefully filled out, in which the details of the recipient are indicated. The transfer takes about three days, the commission is taken by mail about three percent.

You need to take your passport with you to the post office.

Withdrawal via money transfer

On the page for withdrawing funds from the system, you need to select the line with "Money transfers", click on the "Details" link and select the desired direction for withdrawing your finances. Of the most popular transfers, we can distinguish the Contact system and the Golden Crown.

Step 1. Choose a convenient transfer system
Step 2. Fill in the details for sending

Withdrawal from WebMoney via CONTACT takes about half an hour. To do this, click on the logo of this system money transfers and then fill in a special form with your passport data. Taking your passport with you, after that you can go to the nearest branch for payment and receive cash.

If it is not possible to immediately withdraw money, then you need to know what is in the system CONTACT translation stored for up to thirty days.

This is quite enough to get to the point of issue of such transfers.

Withdrawal of funds using terminals

In some cities, withdrawal of money from WebMoney using terminals is available. The location of such points is available on the website. The list of countries providing this function includes ninety states. There are also regions of Russia, with a detailed description of the withdrawal points and their commission.

You can also find replenishment points there. All information is presented very conveniently. Distribution points are sorted by type.

Many people now use electronic payment systems. This is very convenient: electronic money can be withdrawn into cash or used to pay for any goods or services online. One of the most popular payment systems is WebMoney (WebMoney). It allows you to open wallets equivalent to almost any currency, and also offers many ways to cash out electronic money.

WebMoney Wallets

Each wallet of the WebMoney payment system corresponds to any currency. The rules for its use are governed by the laws of the country where this currency is national. Accordingly, the requirements for users of an electronic wallet, the currency of which is equivalent, for example, to Belarusian rubles (WMB), may differ significantly from the requirements for those who use a ruble (WMR).

A general requirement for all users of any WebMoney wallets: you must be identified in order to be able to use the wallet

Usually, identification is offered within the first two weeks after registration in the system, otherwise the wallet will be blocked. However, if you missed the time, you can contact the support service and they will help resolve this issue.

Limits on the amount of storage and financial transactions directly depend on the WebMoney passport. The certificate is assigned based on the identification passed and based on the amount of personal data provided. The more the system can trust a particular client, the more opportunities it provides him.

Table: comparison of parameters of WebMoney wallets

R wallet Z wallet E-wallet U wallet
Wallet type, equivalent currencyRussian ruble (RUB)American dollar (USD)Euro (EUR)Hryvnia (UAH)
Required documentsPassport scanPassport scanPassport scanTemporarily not working
Wallet limit
  • Alias ​​certificate 45 thousand WMR.
  • Formal: 200 thousand WMR.
  • Initial: 900 thousand WMR.
  • Alias ​​passport 300 WMZ.
  • Formal: 10 thousand WMZ.
  • Initial: 30 thousand WMZ.
  • Alias ​​certificate 300 WME.
  • Formal: 10 thousand WME.
  • Initial: 30 thousand WME.
  • Personal: 60 thousand WME.
  • Alias ​​certificate 20 thousand WMU.
  • Formal: 80 thousand WMU.
  • Initial: 360 thousand WMU.
  • Personal: 3 million 600 thousand WMU.
Monthly payment limit
  • Alias ​​certificate 90 thousand WMR.
  • Formal: 200 thousand WMR.
  • Initial: 1 million 800 thousand WMR.
  • Personal and above: 9 million WMR.
  • Alias ​​passport 500 WMZ.
  • Formal: 15 thousand WMZ.
  • Initial: 60 thousand WMZ.
  • Alias ​​certificate 500 WME.
  • Formal: 15 thousand WME.
  • Initial: 60 thousand WME.
Temporarily unavailable.
Daily payment limit
  • Alias ​​certificate 15 thousand WMR.
  • Formal: 60 thousand WMR.
  • Initial: 300 thousand WMR.
  • Personal and above: 3 million WMR.
  • Alias ​​passport 100 WMZ.
  • Formal: 3 thousand WMZ.
  • Initial: 12 thousand WMZ.
  • Alias ​​certificate 100 WME.
  • Formal: 3 thousand WME.
  • Initial: 12 thousand WME.
Temporarily unavailable.
Additional features
  • Withdrawal of money to cards of Russian banks.
  • Transfers within the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • Possibility to pay for many services with electronic currency.
  • Withdrawal of money to currency cards.
  • Transfers within the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • Possibility to pay for many services with electronic currency.
  • The ability to issue a PayShark MasterCard card and link it to a wallet.

How to profitably withdraw money from WebMoney

There are many options for withdrawing electronic money: from transferring to a bank card to cashing out at the offices of the payment system and its partners. Each of the methods involves the accrual of a certain commission. The smallest one is when withdrawing to a card, especially if it is issued by WebMoney, but this feature is not available for ruble wallets. The largest commission for some exchangers and when withdrawing money using a money transfer.

On the map

To withdraw money from WebMoney to a card, you can either link it to your wallet, or use the "Withdraw to any card" function.

In the first case, the "plastic" will already be tied to the wallet, and subsequently you will not have to re-enter its data every time you withdraw. It will be enough to choose it from the list of cards.

In case of withdrawal to any card, the user indicates the details of the card to which he plans to withdraw money

Money is credited within a few days. The withdrawal fee averages from 2 to 2.5%, depending on the bank that issued the card.

The most popular banks whose services are used for cashing out:

  • PrivatBank;
  • Sberbank;
  • Sovcombank;
  • Alfa Bank.

In addition, you can order the issuance of a WebMoney payment system card called PayShark MasterCard - this option is available only for currency wallets (WMZ, WME).

Here one more condition is added: in addition to the passport (which must already be uploaded and verified by the employees of the certification center), you need to upload a scanned copy of the invoice for public utilities"age" is not older than six months. The invoice must be issued in the name of the user of the payment system and confirm that the address of residence indicated by him in the profile is correct.

Withdrawing funds to this card involves a commission of 1-2%, but the money comes instantly.

Money transfers

Withdrawing money from WebMoney is available using direct money transfers. For Russia it is:

  • Western Union;
  • Unistream;
  • "Gold Crown";
  • contact.

Commission for the use of money transfers starts from 3%, and the transfer can be received on the day of its execution in cash at the offices of most banks and at the offices of the Russian Post

A postal transfer is also available, the commission for which starts from 2%, and the money arrives at the recipient within seven business days.


These are organizations that help withdraw money from WebMoney wallets to a card, account or cash in difficult conditions (for example, as in Ukraine) or when you need to withdraw money urgently.

Such organizations exist in many countries. They take a commission for their services (from 1%), so it often turns out that direct withdrawal to a card or account can be cheaper.

In addition, you need to check the reputation of the exchanger, because in the course of cooperation, confidential data (WMID) is transferred to its employees and money is transferred to the company's account.

The list of exchangers can be seen on the website of the payment system or in its application in the "Withdrawal Methods" section

One of the ways to withdraw money on the Webmoney website: "Exchange offices and dealers." You need to select your country and city in the window that opens, and the system will show all exchangers known to it in the territory you specified.

Is it possible to withdraw money without commission

Withdrawing funds from WebMoney to a card, bank account, in cash or to another payment system without a commission is not possible, since not a single organization with the help of which money is transferred to a card, account, another wallet or cashed out provides its services for free.

The commission is not charged only for transfers within the WebMoney system, if the participants in the transfer have the same level of passport

Features of withdrawal in Belarus and Ukraine

Only those citizens of Belarus who have received the initial passport of the payment system can open a WebMoney wallet equivalent to Belarusian rubles (WMB) and freely use it.

Technobank acts as the guarantor of WebMoney on the territory of this state. It is in his office that you can get a certificate, the cost of which is 20 Belarusian rubles. A personal passport will cost 30 Belarusian rubles.

If the owner of the wallet does not have a passport of the required level, the money on his WMB wallet will be blocked until he receives a passport. If this has not happened for several years, then according to the current legislation of Belarus, they become the property of the state.

However, Belarusians can use other WebMoney wallets (and, accordingly, currencies), pay for certain services with them and transfer to bank cards.

Attestation of a WMB wallet automatically "brings to light" the money passing through it, which is associated with possible questions from the tax office

Recently, the use of the WebMoney payment system in Ukraine has been limited - more precisely, its WMU hryvnia wallet is now inactive: users cannot use it at all, and the money is frozen for an indefinite period.

Many bypassed this limitation thanks to VPN - a virtual private network connected via wi-fi, for example - and the ability to transfer hryvnia to other WebMoney wallets (currency or ruble), and then withdraw money through the services of exchange companies.

Alternative ways

If for some reason there is no possibility or desire to withdraw money from the WebMoney electronic wallet to a card, bank account or in cash, this does not mean that you cannot use this money.

The possibility of online payment for some services or goods is available, and if the conditions for cashing out from WebMoney do not suit the user, he can withdraw money to the wallet of other electronic payment systems, and then cash out the money in a convenient way.

It is worth making sure that in this case there will not be even greater losses on commissions.

Payment for services and communications

The WebMoney payment system makes it possible to pay for certain services, including:

  • communal payments;
  • replenishment of the mobile phone balance;
  • replenishment of the game balance;
  • payment for the services of an Internet provider;
  • purchases in online games;
  • purchases and payment for services in social networks;
  • payment for transport services: taxi, parking, public transport etc;
  • payment for purchases in partner companies - for Russia, the list of such companies includes the cosmetic companies Oriflame, Avon, the services of hosting providers Beget, MasterHost, the Legion security service and many others.

With a precise list of services and companies for different countries and different regions can be found on the website or in the WebMoney application

You need to select the “Payment for services” section in WebMoney and indicate your country and region in the upper right corner of the window that opens. The system will show all available options.

Withdrawal to Qiwi

Users of the WebMomey system can link a Qiwi wallet if the following requirements are met for the user:

  • he is a resident of the Russian Federation;
  • has a formal certificate or even a higher level;
  • passed identification.

After that, you can withdraw money to your Qiwi wallet without any difficulties or extra time costs with a commission of 2.5%.

What to do if the wallet is blocked

In this case, it is obvious that you will not be able to use the wallet. If this happens, the first thing to do is contact WebMoney technical support. Operators respond quickly enough and help to solve the problems that have arisen. Most likely, they will explain the reason for the block, if it is not clear, and tell you what can be done in a particular situation.

If the wallet is blocked at the legislative level - for example, if a loan payment is not paid on time, usually through Webmoney - unfortunately, technical support will not help until the situation is resolved

To withdraw money from WebMoney, it is enough to choose the most convenient and profitable method for yourself once, and for sure in the future the withdrawal will be much easier. You just need to decide on its methods available for a specific wallet in a given territory, an acceptable commission amount and the optimal withdrawal period.