Positive reviews. The real story about the fraud of Alfa Bank Alfa Bank legal entity scam deception

Two clients of Alfa-Bank became victims of fraudsters who, using the Internet and mobile phone, wrote off 100 thousand and 99 thousand rubles from their accounts. Criminals used fake documents to reissue SIM cards and thus gain access to Internet banking. Alfa-Bank is now looking into the situation and asking its clients to be vigilant. Experts say the scheme with access to mobile phone the client can hardly be replicated - banks have different security systems.

Two Alfa-Bank clients using accounts via the Internet and mobile phone became victims of a new type of fraud. On March 28, they discovered that their mobile phones were not working - the SIM card was allegedly not registered. Then it turned out that the password for the Internet bank did not match, and after several attempts the client’s account was blocked. On March 30, the client went to the bank, unblocked the account, but the password again did not work.

At the MTS office, where the victim of the scam was a subscriber, he was advised to replace the SIM card, after which the Alfa-Bank client was able to familiarize himself with the account. It turned out that while the phone was not working, three operations were carried out: the sale of 3,500 euros for rubles and the transfer of 100 thousand and 99 thousand rubles to the account of a person unknown to the victim with the appointment " material aid", writes Vedomosti, to the editors of which both clients of Alfa-Bank contacted.

Then it turned out that on March 28, a person contacted the MTS office with a letter from the company where an Alfa-Bank client works (he has a business phone), and asked to reissue the SIM card. The company claims that it did not issue such a letter.

Another Alfa-Click user told a similar story - 100 thousand and 99 thousand rubles were also written off from his account on March 28 and 29. And at the MegaFon office they said that they reissued the SIM card on the basis of a power of attorney allegedly issued by the subscriber.

Is the situation under control?

A representative of Alfa-Bank told Vedomosti that each case is now being investigated with the involvement of the bank's security service. So far, the complaints are isolated, but the number of users of the Alfa-Click Internet bank exceeds 500 thousand, so the bank warns: if your mobile phone does not work for reasons beyond your control, contact your mobile operator promptly and also report it to the bank.

MTS is clarifying the situation, but notes that so far there have not been a single complaint from subscribers about actions using fake powers of attorney. According to MegaFon representatives, it is banks that must create and maintain security systems for the operation of their internal applications.

The bankers with whom Vedomosti spoke believe that the scheme with access to a client’s mobile phone can hardly be replicated - banks have different security systems.

Inventive scammers

Financial fraud schemes are becoming more and more sophisticated. Earlier, the world's first malicious program was discovered in Russia and Ukraine, which can cause financial damage to owners bank cards. Trojan virus allows attackers to steal cash from Diebold ATMs, collecting information about credit cards ah and PIN codes for them . The only thing that scammers using this virus need is to go to an ATM, enter a code and receive a printout on the receipt with the details of potential victims of fraud, including credit card numbers and PINs. The ATM manufacturer claims that the vulnerability has already been fixed.

Let's look at the main methods of Internet fraud and try to understand how to prevent your computer from becoming infected.


What's happened?

Phishing is a type of Internet fraud aimed at obtaining user identification data. Typically, the organizers of so-called phishing attacks use mass mailings to email addresses on behalf of Alfa-Bank. These letters contain a link to a fake website or a request to send a username, password or other confidential information.

How to recognize?

It should be remembered that Alfa-Bank never requests personal information about its clients (login and password, card number, PIN, account number, passport details) by email. If you received an information letter from Alfa-Bank containing a link, check it is correct as a rule, scammers take advantage of customer inattention, for example:

  • Fraudster link address: https://click.alfabank. net.ru/
  • Correct link address: https://click.site/
    Fraudster link address: http://click. alpha bank.ru/

How to protect yourself?

  • If you find a suspicious letter, immediately notify an Alfa-Bank employee by calling +7 495 78-888-78 in Moscow or 8 800 2-000-000 for a free call from the regions, and report it. A suspicious letter must be forwarded to us for detailed analysis at:
  • try to check the Internet banking address every time in the address bar of the browser with which the connection is established, it should be like this ;
  • Do not, under any circumstances, share your password information with anyone, including bank employees. Alfa-Bank employees never ask for your online banking login or password;
  • do not respond to letters whose contents seem suspicious to you;
  • Never open suspicious files sent to you by email.

Computer viruses and keyloggers

What it is?

Computer virus is a malicious program whose distinctive ability is the ability to reproduce. During the process of reproduction, the virus can damage or destroy data on storage media.

Keylogger malicious program that allows you to record all keystrokes on the keyboard, all passwords, logins, correspondence, etc. The program can also record information about the addresses of Internet sites that the user visits, save images of these sites and remember the contents of the clipboard.

How to recognize?

An antivirus program will help you, which allows you not only to detect malicious programs on your computer, but also to prevent infection of your computer. On this moment There are many types of antivirus programs.

Symptoms of infection by a virus or keylogger:

  • increase in Internet traffic;
  • the computer is unstable (freezes) or runs too slowly;
  • Some viruses create a lot of unnecessary files in different folders.

How to protect yourself?

Protecting yourself from infection is quite simple; just follow a number of rules:

  • install and use an anti-virus program, regularly update the anti-virus database;
  • install and use a personal firewall (a program that prevents access to data on your computer from outside). We recommend using software solutions from leading companies, such as:
    • comprehensive computer protection: Norton Internet Security 2011, Kaspersky Internet Security 2011;
    • antivirus protection: Norton Antivirus 2011, NOD32;
    • protection against unauthorized access: Agnitum Outpost, ZoneAlarm.
  • never open attachments in letters from unknown senders;
  • When working on the Internet, be vigilant; install additional applications only if you trust their developer.

Did you know that

You can always block your card if it is stolen or lost, using online banking.

You can instantly pay for mobile services without commission through Alfa-Click.


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Greetings. This real story began with the fact that my beloved Svyaznoy Bank was given a long life, conditions worsened, bonuses were canceled, and restrictions were introduced on cash withdrawals. Due to the fact that I often pay with a card and actively use it, I had to look for another bank. After looking at the list of banks, the location relative to my office, as well as the conditions, I chose Alfa Bank.

I ordered 2 gold pieces from the bank plastic cards, one visa, the other master card. Actually, I only used a visa.
Well, now the story itself. I use the card, as I wrote earlier, actively, making payments for about 300-400 thousand per month. The breakdown of monthly expenses barely fits on 6 A4 sheets, so you can imagine how many transactions there are.
Illegal write-offs.

I rested at the Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel, a 5* hotel, and paid with a visa. The total bill for the room per night was 24,000 rubles, of which 16,000 rubles. number, remaining 8000 rub. mini bar. When leaving the hotel, I paid for everything by card, i.e. total amount 24,000 rubles. After 2 days, looking at the balance of my card, I noticed that there was 8,000 rubles on the card. became less than it should have been. At the same time, no SMS, no notifications, nothing came. I began to understand in detail the balance in the Internet bank and discovered a write-off amount of 24,000 rubles. also 8000 rubles. by separate write-off. I called the bank, wrote a statement, and the money was returned. The first time I thought it was a mistake at the hotel, maybe it is, God bless him.

The story of this month, which clearly showed how money is stolen. I paid for services on sites known to me, I have been using them for a long time, I have never had any problems with incorrect charges over the years of use. So, I pay 2 amounts in April, for 7,000 rubles. and for 4000 rubles, I make payments on different days: April 3 and April 15. When making a payment, you immediately receive SMS notifications that the money has been debited from the card and the balance has been reduced by the corresponding amounts. In the subsequent period, the balance did not increase by these amounts, this is important, I checked everything in detail via SMS. On April 21, when I went to the Internet bank, I saw that the amount of my money had decreased just like that, without notification, without calls, etc. for 11,000 rub. I called the bank - come, they say, write a claim.

At a bank branch. Actually, I arrived at the bank, since I am a VIP client, they should let me in without a queue - but that was not the case, I spent time in the queue. Having described to the bank employee her problem with the illegal withdrawal of money, she printed out the details of my transactions on the card on 6 sheets, threw it in front of me and said - look for yourself where we wrote off your money. To say that I did not expect such impudence is to say nothing. Okay, after arguing a little, I started looking for where my legitimate ones were written off. And I found that transactions worth 7,000 rubles and 4,000 rubles were duplicated twice. Please note that the transaction code is the same, the amount is the same, etc., disguised as the same operations.

If you don’t carefully read the details, you might think that the transactions are really real, but the amounts are doubled by 2 transactions, i.e. one and the same operation is repeated 2 times. To my question - how could it happen that without my knowledge money could be debited from my card - the girl answered something incomprehensible, something like the retail outlets sent them a request 2 times. BUT, there is only one transaction code and money cannot be debited twice under the same code, this is how the payment system works. When asked why they didn’t write off the same amount 10 times in a row, she answered rather rudely - they could have written off 10 times. My nerves could not stand it, I wrote a claim in the book of complaints.

The next day I went to another branch and wrote a claim for illegal debiting of funds from my account. A bank representative said they will consider from 30 to 60 days. I told them that I would submit the same claim to law enforcement agencies, 7,000 rubles. returned in the evening, 4000 rubles. are considering.

Actually, I withdrew all the money from ruble and foreign currency accounts, so as not to steal again and unknown amounts, put it in a safe deposit box for storage, now I am looking for a sane bank with which I can work and which will not steal money. I am waiting for the remaining amount of 4,000 rubles to be returned, after which I close all accounts with Alfa Bank.

Honestly didn't expect this from large bank. I wonder how much money they steal from clients who simply do not pay attention to their balance during the payment process, how much they double the amounts and in what amount. I recommend that clients of this bank, especially those who carry out many transactions, check their balance more carefully.

I would never have believed it if this had not happened to us.

On Friday, June 30, 2017, by substituting the details of the recipient of funds when uploading a payment order file to the Internet Client-Bank system, a very large amount was written off from our company’s current account to the scammers. The payment was generated in 1C, then uploaded to the Client-Bank Internet. The operation is standard, we make payments almost every day. At some stage of unloading and loading, the recipient's TIN, current account, BIC, correspondent account and recipient bank were replaced. The recipient bank turned out to be Alfa-Bank JSC, Nizhny Novgorod branch. The name of the recipient remained the same, without changes. When the payment was loaded into the Client-Bank, everything looked normal in the list of payment bills. The same number, date, recipient and amount. Suspicions didn't cause anything.

Literally half an hour later, when printing out the completed payments, I noticed that the details were not the same as those originally specified. The servicing bank was immediately notified and since the payment had already been executed, a letter was sent to the bank specifying the recipient’s details. All this was done 30 minutes after the payment was made.

Over many years of work, of course, there have been cases when errors were made in payments, both by us and addressed to us. The procedure has always been standard - if a discrepancy is detected, the receiving bank sends such amounts to the account of outstanding payments, and the recipient is sent a letter asking him to contact the sender and clarify the details. Or the money was simply returned to the sender’s account after 5-6 days.

Alfa Bank refused to respond to a letter about clarifying details; they do not make adjustments. Okay, since such a recipient organization does not exist in nature (with the simultaneous coincidence of the indicated TIN, the name of the organization and the current account number), I was sure that the money would be returned back in 5 days. Imagine the horror when the security service of our bank reported that, according to information from Alfa Bank, the money had already been credited to the account and someone had already withdrawn a large amount of cash from the account. How could this even happen if the details in the payment order do not match the details of the Alfa-Bank client? It turns out that Alfa-Bank doesn’t bother checking details at all. The money is credited to the current account specified in the payment, and it does not matter who is indicated in the Recipient field. If you follow the logic of Alfa Bank, then any company engaged in illegal activities, such as cashing out or financing, can open an account with Alfa Bank, distribute the details to interested parties, and they can send money to this account and at the same time indicate the recipient as a completely harmless company, for example, Lastochka LLC, the money will still go to the right people. And if the scam is discovered, then we can always say that we didn’t pay money to OOO “Obnalichka”, but paid to OOO “Lastochka”. Everything ingenious is simple. Truly a paradise for scammers.

We checked the recipient company by TIN - it turned out to be M**na Plus LLC, created on June 1, 2017 in Nizhny Novgorod. The main activity is "Wholesale trade of fruits and vegetables." And the basis of our payment is payment for work performed to repair equipment under an agreement concluded back in March 2017. The recipient does not have any documents (agreements, acts, invoices) confirming the validity of receiving funds. Our company does not have any business relations with M**na Plus LLC. If any documents are provided on behalf of our company, these documents
considered fake.

All these facts that a newly founded company selling vegetables and fruits suddenly receives a huge amount into its bank account for equipment repair work performed, that the name of the recipient does not correspond to M**na Plus LLC, that this “Recipient” immediately rushed to withdraw cash at cosmic speed, did not lead Alfa-Bank employees to suspect fraud. Only after cashing out a large amount and repeated letters from our bank did Alfa-Bank employees block the account for 1 (one) day. Also, employees of Alfa Bank JSC did not carry out mandatory control in accordance with Article 6 of Law No. 115-FZ, according to which mandatory control by credit organization operations on bank accounts with funds are subject to transactions if the amount for which it is performed is equal to or exceeds 600,000 rubles and funds are credited to the account or funds are debited from the account legal entity, the period of activity of which does not exceed three months from the date of its registration. I understand that it’s partly my fault, I had to double-check it 100 times and open the payment card, but who knew that Alfa Bank never returns erroneously transferred money, as other banks do...

The essence of the complaint against Alfa Bank is that the bank, seeing a lot of inconsistencies, seeing an error and inconsistency in the details, seeing that a fictitious recipient, a newly created company, suddenly receives a very large amount that is not due to the nature of its economic activity, did not check, did not send money to the account of unknown payments for subsequent return, did not block the money, but allowed it to be cashed out large amount. And what’s also very surprising is the time during which all this happened. We began to act 30 minutes after the payment was executed, wrote all the necessary letters to our bank, our bank immediately notified Alpha, but the money was very quickly credited to the account and the scammers immediately withdrew the cash. Were you warned, were you on duty at the ATM? But it is impossible to withdraw money from a legal entity’s account without leaving traces. The withdrawn money must be capitalized on the same day at the organization's cash desk with the execution of a cash receipt order and the formation of a cash book. These are not personal funds that can be spent left and right without reporting. All this raises an unpleasant idea about the scale of the scam and the possibility that there may be someone in Alpha who was very interested in carrying out the fraudulent operation.

I wrote a statement to the police about initiating a criminal case on the same day, provided the notification coupon to my bank, and they sent it to Alfa. Application addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank, Mr. Sokolov A.B. I wrote, I also wrote a complaint on the Alfa Bank website, and now I’m preparing a complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor’s Office. I will provide all the necessary payment information, as well as the contact information of our organization, in the additional information.

Based on the above, we ask the responsible persons of the bank to understand the situation, block the fraudulently stolen funds to prevent further cashing out and return them to the bank account of our company. I really want to believe that Alfa-Bank does not cover up the scammers and will make every effort to return the stolen amount to us.