Methods of payment for freelance work. Optimal payment scheme for freelancer services

Today, the most common way to pay for freelancer services is translation. funds for online wallet. However, this is far from the only method, and in addition to the other usual payment options, there are other, rather exotic methods. But let's look at each method in more detail.

Electronic wallets

As I already said, this method is the most popular. Anyone can easily register on the website of one of the payment systems, receive their account number and receive money from the customer directly to their account. In addition, most wallets allow you to withdraw funds not only through exchange offices, but also to a bank card. We will discuss electronic wallets and systems in more detail in the next article, since this is a very voluminous topic and requires consideration of each of the systems separately.

Bank card

This is one of the very convenient payment methods for both the freelancer and the customer. In this case, there are several options for paying the fee to the card. If both parties have debit cards(not credit), you can transfer money directly from card to card using bank terminal. To do this, you need to insert the card into the ATM receiver, enter your PIN code, and then select the transfer section from the list of transactions Money. But it is worth remembering that if the client’s and freelancer’s cards are opened in the same bank, then when making a transfer it is enough to enter only the number of the card to which you are transferring money. In other cases, you will need other details: INN, BIC and correspondent account number. Also, do not forget to wait until you receive a receipt from the ATM confirming the money transfer.

To transfer money through a bank, a freelancer needs to provide the customer with his passport details, card number or bank account number. As a rule, such transfers arrive within 2-3 days. Another way is to transfer using online banking, for which you will also need Bank details- INN, BIC, correspondent account and freelancer account number. Well, don’t forget about replenishing your card through electronic wallets.

Transfers to current account

This is another option for receiving money through a bank, for those who have a current account, but no bank card. The only significant inconvenience of such transfers is that to check the crediting of funds, you will need to personally go to the bank. Therefore, since you have started freelancing, it is better to immediately attach a card to your account, it will be much easier.

Western Union and others

This method is suitable for freelancers who work with customers from various CIS countries. To transfer money, you can use such popular systems as Western Union, UNIStream or Contact. To send money, the customer needs to contact the office of one of the transfer systems, present a passport and fill out a special form, after which the amount is deposited and a commission is paid according to the tariff. In turn, upon receipt, the freelancer also presents an identification card and fills in all the necessary data. The disadvantage of such transfers is the high commission.

Postal transfer

For residents of the Russian Federation, postal money transfers are possible using Russian Post, which provides an electronic funds transfer service. Just as in the case of a transfer via Western Union, you will have to present your passport and fill out forms, but when sending or receiving money, you will have to stand in a long line at the post office.


This is a rather rare type of payment, but it still occurs. Such payment is possible if the customer and freelancer live in the same city or if the opportunity simply arises to meet in person. At the meeting, you can not only pay an advance or the entire amount, but also discuss the details of the project. Unfortunately, such meetings can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Not long ago there was a case when the police were waiting on the spot for a freelancer along with the customer, arresting him for tax evasion and illegal business.

Mobile phone

This method is often practiced when the amount for the work performed is insignificant. In such situations, you can initially agree with the customer that he will make the payment to the mobile number account, and you can spend it on phone calls. Well, or you can agree with a friend that the amount will be transferred to him, and he will give you cash.


This is the very exotic method that I spoke about at the very beginning. No matter how strange it may seem, I myself have had situations when, instead of paying for work, the customer offered his products or discounts on goods in his store. Barter in the form of advertising is not uncommon. For example, in return for work performed, the customer places an advertisement for the contractor’s services on his website, which can be good for the rating and reputation of the freelancer himself.


As you can see, there are a lot of options and if you dig around, you can find a dozen. In this matter, the main thing is to immediately decide which payment method is most comfortable for you and the customer. Who knows, maybe in search of a compromise, you will find a new method that will take pride of place in the list of the most convenient payment options.

Hello everybody! The most common form of payment with freelancers is fixed rate. A more exotic option is hourly payment. A profitable and safe way to pay for labor on specialized resources, which has some disadvantages.

As a rule, customers are not delighted with high rates, since in this case they compare freelancers solely on the speed of completing the task. Speed, in most cases, degrades the quality of work, so a person with a limited budget has difficulty determining the real cost of freelancer services compared to the stated price.

For this reason, a fixed rate satisfies the expectations of both parties. The customer sets a price for the project or agrees to the proposed one, stipulating the terms, and the contractor gets the opportunity to earn more.

Before you choose for yourself best option mutual settlements with performers, pay attention to the following detail - the amount of work.

Project management, resource maintenance freelancer difficult to evaluate in terms of work volume. In addition, hourly payment for constant long-term cooperation is a great luxury. Here it makes sense to assign a piece-rate salary.

For large projects (creation, implementation) and small one-time orders, it is better to set a fixed price (but not always), having agreed with the freelancer on all aspects of the order. This will help avoid “delaying” the project for an indefinite period.

Fixed or hourly payment? What to choose?

Freelancers either work for a fixed salary or prefer to be paid for each hour of work done.

Hourly payment means that based on the results of the work, the contractor issues an invoice with the number of hours spent. Many people use this scheme because it is simple and understandable. This type of payment is suitable for short-term work and clearly defined tasks.

But it’s not uncommon for a customer to be against hourly payment, arguing that the freelancer will spend a lot of time on the project, or will sit around dragging their feet. And this is fraught with unpredictable costs and volumes.

Hourly payment

Recommended when short-term work with a clear task is offered. And vice versa, when there is no exact forecast for the delivery of work, due to the large and complex volume. The freelancer issues an invoice based on the time spent and associated costs for any materials. Most often, hourly wages are charged for performing work, for example, translating text, transcribing text, for or buttons.

Fixed payment

It is recommended when the task and scope of work are clearly formulated. For example, website design, corporate identity development, logo development. When concluding a contract, a fixed price is specified for the entire project. The customer pays only for the result of the work, not for the time spent. All expenses for Additional materials is taken over by the performer.

Before starting work, a freelancer needs to assess the scale of the work. The more specific the customer’s requirements, the easier it will be to calculate the cost of the entire project.

Payment for different types of work:

Prepayment. Large projects that take up a freelancer’s full time. Work with professional freelancers with a high-quality portfolio. Urgent projects, and work that requires some expenses for materials and other investments.

Staged payment. Long-term projects. , logo, corporate identity, etc. Website creation and development.

Post - payment. Translations, transcription of recordings, journalism, writing posts, etc.

Careful study and understanding of technical specifications (as well as the opportunity to find out the nuances directly) are interconnected things. A common mistake new freelancers make is not paying attention to things that raise serious questions. You shouldn’t bet on “I’ll figure it out as I go along.”

Take the time to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the technical specifications in order to find out what skills are needed to implement the project. If some parts of the project require more expertise, mediate the work by delegating the work to competent people. As a last resort, do not take the task to work.

Sometimes work on a project involves (unforeseen) additional labor costs that were not included in the pricing. To insure yourself against such situations, outline all the obligations of both parties. And remember, customers are usually in no hurry to make contact when it comes to edits to a project that has already been launched.

How to make payment?

The ideal option for the customer would, of course, be payment after all the work has been completed. But this option will not suit a freelancer. Optimal scheme will - pay for the work in installments. Payment installments can be negotiated before the freelancer starts work.

It is impossible to foresee everything. The customer always tries to get quality work for less money, and the contractor always tries to raise the rate.

Obstacles such as endless edits and different interpretations of the same tasks and responsibilities can lead to mutual disappointment. The choice of both the client and the freelancer must be appropriate so that cooperation leaves only positive impressions.

What are the features of hiring and working with a freelancer? What should an accountant take into account when taxing freelance income?

Who is a freelancer? A free artist who works whenever he wants? There are some, but there are only a few of them. The vast majority are the same employees, but with some differences. Let's consider these features and pay special attention to issues that an accountant should take into account when taxing the income of freelancers.

Freelancer is a person who performs work without concluding a long-term contract with an employer, hired only to perform a certain list of work (freelance worker).

At the same time, the concept of “freelancer” is used by some authors both in relation to homeworkers and individuals working under a civil law contract. The latter include contract agreements, services agreements, and author's order agreements.

However, home work and work under a civil contract have significant differences.

Thus, a home worker formalizes an employment relationship with the employer to perform work at home. Whereas the employer does not enter into an employment relationship with an individual hired under a civil contract.

Thus, the approach to calculating and paying taxes and insurance contributions from the wages of such persons also has its own peculiarities.

Let's consider the features of relations with a home worker and an individual working under a civil contract.

Homeworker and his family

So, in accordance with Art. 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, homeworkers are considered to be persons who have entered into an employment contract to perform work at home using materials and using tools and mechanisms provided by the employer or purchased by the homeworker at his own expense.

A home worker can perform work determined by employment contract, with the participation of his family members. In this case, labor relations do not arise between members of the homeworker’s family and the employer.

If a homeworker uses his own tools and machinery, he is paid compensation for their wear and tear. Payment of such compensation, as well as reimbursement of other expenses associated with performing work at home, is made by the employer in the manner specified in the employment contract.

Homeworkers are subject to labor legislation and other acts containing labor law norms, with the features established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Such features are also established by the regulations on the working conditions of homeworkers, approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated September 29, 1981 No. 275/17–99, valid to the extent that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

From a tax point of view, hiring a homeworker is no different from hiring a regular employee.

...a homeworker can perform work stipulated by an employment contract, with the participation of members of his family...

The situation is similar with regard to insurance premiums - payments under a fixed-term employment contract with a homeworker are charged insurance premiums, which follows from Part 1 of Art. 7 Federal Law dated July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ “On insurance premiums in Pension Fund Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund compulsory health insurance and territorial funds mandatory health insurance"(hereinafter referred to as Law No. 212-FZ).

In addition, these payments are subject to contributions for compulsory insurance from industrial accidents and occupational diseases. This is established in Art. 5, 20.1, 20.2 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ “On compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 125-FZ). And when transferring these funds to the homeworker, personal income tax must be withheld from them. This is indicated in paragraph 1 of Art. 210, art. 226 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Freelancer compensation

If home-based workers use their own property (computers, telephones, printers and other office equipment) to perform their functional duties, the employer is obliged to pay them compensation for wear and tear, as well as reimburse other expenses associated with performing work at home.

For profit tax purposes, the amount of compensation paid to a homeworker for the use of his own equipment is taken into account by the employer as part of other expenses on the basis of Art. 264 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. But provided that they meet the criteria in paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which expenses associated with generating income must be economically justified and documented. Moreover, these amounts are taken into account as part of other expenses only in the amounts established by the fixed-term employment contract.

Thus, if an employer pays a homeworker compensation in a larger amount than is provided for in a fixed-term employment contract, then he will be able to include in expenses only the amount specified in the contract.

Since these payments are compensatory, they are not subject to personal income tax, insurance premiums and contributions for compulsory insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, but only within the limits established by the fixed-term employment contract. This is indicated in paragraph 3 of Art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs. “and” clause 2, part 1, art. 9 of Law No. 212-FZ, paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 20.2 of Law No. 125-FZ.

Thus, the remuneration of a homeworker does not have any special features. Perhaps the main advantage of such a relationship is the absence of the need to rent a room and equip it with appropriate furniture and office equipment.

Civil contract

The relationship between a customer - a legal entity and an individual under a contract, paid service or author's order, on the contrary, has a number of features.

Employers often use such relationships to optimize their costs in terms of deductions of insurance premiums to extra-budgetary funds. That is why regulatory authorities pay close attention to these agreements.

...hiring a homeworker from a tax point of view is no different from hiring a regular employee...

When concluding such an agreement, in order to avoid the risks of its reclassification into an employment relationship, it should be taken into account that:

  • As a rule, controllers pay attention to the frequency with which such agreements are concluded. If it is compiled from time to time, then this may be the reason for requalification;
  • a clear start and end date for work (services) must be indicated;
  • The subject of the contract is of great importance, namely: if the contract is not concluded for the performance of a specific service (for example, to draw up financial statements, write a report, prepare a report, etc.), but to perform functions (keep accounting records, perform the duties of a press secretary, draw up analytical reports, etc.), then this is fraught with retraining.

Income and deductions

When making payments under a civil contract, the customer legal entity is a tax agent who is obliged to withhold personal income tax. However, there are exceptions to this rule.

Thus, personal income tax is not withheld from the remuneration amount if a civil contract is concluded with an individual entrepreneur (IP). This category of persons pays personal income tax on their own (clause 1, clause 1 and clause 2, article 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The customer should ask the performer (contractor) to provide a certificate of tax registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Then you should pay attention to whether the activities of such a person registered as individual entrepreneur, type of services (work) provided under the contract.

If the nature of the work differs from the type of activity of the individual entrepreneur, there is a risk of disputes with the tax authorities regarding failure to perform the functions of a tax agent.

Also, personal income tax is not withheld from the remuneration amount if a civil contract is concluded with a contractor who performed work (provided services) outside Russia and is not a tax resident of the Russian Federation.

Payments to these persons are not income subject to personal income tax (clause 9, clause 3, article 208 and clause 2, article 209 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 11, 2009 No. 03–04–06–01/206).

An individual who is a tax resident of the Russian Federation performing work (providing services) within the framework of a civil contract may be granted a tax deduction.

The deduction can be provided by a legal entity-customer, which is a tax agent, based on an application individual.

Regarding professional tax deductions, please note that:

  • if a legal entity-customer compensates an individual contractor for expenses under a civil contract, a professional deduction for such expenses is not provided (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated April 21, 2008 No. 03-04-06-01/96);
  • Only individuals performing work or providing services can reduce their income by professional deductions (clause 2 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Other types of civil contracts are independent. There are no special rules (in Chapter 23 of the Tax Code) that would classify them as contracts for the provision of services for the purposes of personal income tax payment. Therefore, professional deductions cannot be applied to them (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 29, 2006 No. 03-05-01-05/290).

For example, a deduction cannot be provided in respect of income of individuals received from renting out premises.

Individuals who receive remuneration for the creation, performance or other use of works of science, literature and art may also have their income reduced by professional tax deductions(Clause 3 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The deduction is provided in the amount of actually incurred and documented expenses associated with the creation of such works, inventions and industrial designs (clause 3 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

However, if expenses are not documented, they are accepted for deduction according to the standard costs (clause 3 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 2, 2009 No. 03–04–05–01/847). These standards are provided for in paragraph 3 of Art. 221 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Freelancer insurance premiums

Insurance premiums for compulsory medical and pension insurance are charged for payments under civil law contracts (Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ). At the same time, insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity are not accrued on these payments (clause 2, part 3, article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ).

Insurance premiums must be levied on payments only under civil contracts, the subject of which is the performance of work (provision of services), as well as under author’s order contracts (Part 1, Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ).

Contributions are not accrued for remuneration paid under civil contracts:

  • individual entrepreneurs (Part 1, Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ);
  • foreign citizens working under civil contracts abroad (Part 4, Article 7 of Law No. 212-FZ);
  • foreign citizens and stateless persons temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation (clause 15, part 1, article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ).

In addition, the amount of reimbursement of expenses incurred by the contractor in connection with the performance of work (provision of services) is not subject to contributions (clause “g”, paragraph 2, part 1, article 9 of Law No. 212-FZ).

Individuals performing work under a civil contract are subject to compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. But only if the policyholder is obliged to pay premiums to the insurer (Clause 1, Article 5 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ). It is up to the parties to the agreement to decide whether or not to pay these fees.

In Part 7 of Art. 8 of Law No. 212-FZ establishes that the base for calculating insurance premiums from remunerations under copyright contracts is reduced by the amount of documented expenses for the creation of works of science, literature and art. case homeworkers need to perform functional responsibilities use their own property (computers, telephones, printers, etc.), the employer is obliged to pay them compensation for its wear and tear...

If expenses are not supported by documents, they are accepted for deduction in the amounts established in Part 7 of Art. 8 of Law No. 212-FZ.

It is worth noting that a freelancer working under a civil contract is exposed to a number of risks.

So, in accordance with Art. 2 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), civil legislation regulates relations between persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities, or with their participation, based on the fact that entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one’s own risk, aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance works or provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Thus, if an individual systematically provides services or performs work, such activity will be recognized as entrepreneurial, and therefore, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such an individual must be registered in in the prescribed manner as an individual entrepreneur.

Otherwise, an individual may “run into” fines as a result of conducting activities without registering with tax authority in the amount of 10% of the income received during the specified time as a result of such activity, but not less than 40 thousand rubles (Article 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). But that's not all.

A freelancer for carrying out such a business (especially without an appropriate license, if required by law) may face both administrative and criminal penalties (Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

To summarize, we note that when hiring a freelancer or working as a freelancer, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of the relationship between the employer and the individual, a number of which are given in this article, but nevertheless are not limited to the above.

Elena Pogodina, expert of the magazine "Consultant"

When starting freelance work, you need to take care of all the nuances and details in a timely manner. You need to plan all the intricacies of completing projects while you have time for it. Once you start completing projects one after another, you will have less and less free time to plan. One of the important details is wages. You need to make sure that the issue of payment is resolved in advance.

What payment methods are there?

Freelancing has a large number of payment options. Some people accept money to their current account, others just to a card, and others to special electronic wallets like Yandex.Money or WebMoney. It all depends on where the person is going to transfer money next and in what form he needs it. You can even agree with the customer to pay in cash during a personal meeting. It all depends on you.

To know what and how best to do, you need to understand how popular payment methods work, what is needed for this and how they differ. Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of popular payment methods

Freelancing uses everything for payment possible ways that the system itself offers us. In addition, people can themselves suggest how they will accept funds. The most popular methods are payment by card directly and payment by e-wallet.

  1. Payment by card. It's very simple and convenient way for both parties, provided that both have a bank card from the same country. Transfers to another country get a little more complicated here. For this you have to pay large commissions and such a transfer is not always possible in principle. But in general, this method is the most convenient for both parties, since money is transferred instantly and with virtually no losses (no or small commission).
  2. Payment via electronic wallet. This includes WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money. All these electronic wallets have one big advantage - you do not disclose personal data to anyone and do not risk your payment details in any way. If something happens, they can be changed without problems in a few minutes. In the case of a card, for this you will have to go to the bank and spend your time on it. In addition, electronic wallets allow you to pay for almost everything that can be paid with a regular card, which makes them more attractive for use. In addition, some e-wallets allow you to create virtual card. It is no different from a regular plastic one, except that you will not physically have it. It will be virtual. But there is a “but”. Such payment systems, as a rule, charge large commissions for use. Especially if you are going to cash out your money. In some cases, you have to use exchangers to transfer money first to a regular plastic card, and then cash it out. It all depends on the e-wallet itself, but in any case, these amounts are much higher than with credit cards.
  3. Cash payment. Here, it would seem, everything is clear. Among the advantages - you receive money immediately, you don’t need to withdraw anything, cash out in any way, or pay commissions. You have the money here and now. But, among the disadvantages, there is no anonymity, you need to personally meet with the customer and spend time on this.
  4. Payment through the exchange itself. Some freelance exchanges offer their clients to use their payment systems. They have a balance on the website, which can be withdrawn at any time in a way convenient for you. This is beneficial to both parties, since the customer simply deposits money in the way that is convenient for him, and you withdraw it in the way that is most convenient for you. The exchange itself controls all financial processes and takes only a small percentage for this.
  5. Payment to bank account. Legal entities or companies rarely want to pay in cash. It is much easier for them to pay everything into a bank account. To do this, the freelancer must be an entrepreneur and registered as a sole proprietor. Then he will be able to accept such payments through the bank and then cash them out without any problems, while paying all taxes and fees. This is convenient for working with legal entities, but requires some effort to complete the paperwork. This is more complicated than simply accepting money onto a card.

How to choose a payment method

First of all, it is necessary to determine based on plans for the use of funds. If you want to cash out this money, choosing an e-wallet payment method is not a good idea. Exceptions may occur if you are accepting payment from another country. Then there are often simply no other options. But there are more profitable ways to accept payments within the country in order to cash out this money later.

If you are going to use this money to pay via the Internet, you can accept it either on a card or on an e-wallet. But, as practice shows, many people prefer to keep money precisely on plastic card. Therefore, if you are a supporter of this opinion, you should not spend money on commissions when accepting electronic wallets. Transferring from there to the card will cost you a lot. Moreover, this is not always very easy to do. Such payments are often processed manually or require the use of special exchangers.

If you don't know which payment method to choose, try different options. Only by comparing, you will finally decide where it is easier and more profitable to accept money. Later you can choose another method if you are not satisfied with the initial choice.

When the payment method has already been selected and you have prepared the necessary tools for the job, you can start working on projects. But if you don’t know how and where to start working as a freelancer, try yourself as a executor of coursework, diplomas or tests on the Avtor24 exchange. Here you can earn serious money from your knowledge, which can be derived using any of the above methods.

When, after many sleepless nights, your diploma is finally ready, you want to submit it and forget it. But the university will not easily leave the student behind. After all, only the academic supervisor read the full text of the diploma, and a whole commission will gather to evaluate it. Therefore, in many respects, his grade depends on how the student defends his diploma.

So what is a successful defense?

  • competent defense text
  • positive review of the diploma
  • confident answers to the commission's questions

In the introduction to the coursework, it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the coursework, it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the coursework, it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use when researching the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

Speech structure

Of course, what exactly to say during the defense depends mainly on the topic of the thesis and what exactly is written in it, but there are general recommendations that are suitable for everyone.

  • First, you need to greet the members of the certification commission. (“Dear members of the certification commission! We present to your attention a final qualifying work on the topic...”)
  • Introductory part. Here you need to reveal the topic and identify the issues that are addressed in the work.
  • Relevance of the topic. At this stage, it is important to prove the relevance of the chosen topic and the degree of its development in other people’s works. Identify the subject, object, objectives and purpose of the study.
  • The structure of the topic. Here you just need to list the paragraphs that are in the work and briefly describe them.
  • Formulation of the problem. To confirm the relevance of the topic, it is necessary to state the problem and outline controversial opinions on this matter.
  • Conclusions. At the conclusion of the speech, the commission should hear the conclusions that the student came to while writing his thesis, which contain ways and methods for solving the stated problems.

On the one hand, it seems that it is much easier to write a speech for a diploma than the diploma itself. However, high-quality speech is a skillful extraction from the work, as well as its competent presentation. And it often happens that the thesis is written with the highest grade, but the student receives a worse grade. Therefore, if you are unsure of your abilities, you can order a speech on our website. And then the likelihood of failure due to poor speech will disappear. After all, we give a twenty-day guarantee on the work, and if something doesn’t suit you, you can ask the author to revise the order for free. We make sure that students are satisfied, so if the final version of the work does not meet the stated requirements, you will get your money back.

Formal requirements

When writing a speech to diploma work It is also necessary to take into account that there are also purely formal requirements.

  • Time. Do not forget that there are many students, but one commission. Therefore, the time for defensive speech is regulated and ranges from 5 to 7 minutes. At the same time, you should remember the time it will take to answer questions from the commission.
  • Intonation. Where else is it important to win over your listeners during your thesis defense? Therefore, it is better to read the speech not monotonously, emphasizing intonation.
  • Style. When presenting a speech, it should be remembered that the main goal is understanding on the part of the commission. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too “clever,” but you also shouldn’t switch to colloquial speech. In this matter, a golden mean must be observed.
  • Pronouns. As in the diploma itself, during the defense it is important to remember that although the author of the diploma is clearly stated, there are a lot of true owners of the knowledge reflected in the work (the authors of all the sources on which the student relied plus the supervisor), so first-person pronouns are not appropriate here.
  • Questions. After the end of the speech, questions from the commission will inevitably follow, and you need to be prepared for them. You need to write down the expected questions as you write your thesis, work through all the questions that arose during the pre-defense, and you can also look at the questions at the end of chapters from textbooks on this topic.
  • Pre-protection. In a matter such as thesis defense, it is better not to be arrogant and neglect pre-defense. You can use it to practice giving a speech and write down possible questions from your listeners. This will allow you to feel more confident during the official defense.

Of course, these are just recommendations, and no one forces you to strictly follow them. However, discarding some positions during the defense will create additional questions from the certification commission, which is not always loyal. Therefore, it is best to think through all possible questions and answer them in advance in a defensive speech. Then teachers will have a minimum of questions, and they will be grateful for the time saved.

The other day, a friend turned to me with a question: “Tell me, how do you pay for a freelance order?” And I thought, why don’t I jot down my thoughts on this matter. This question arises very often, both among beginning freelancers and clients. And this is not the first time I have had to answer.

There are three ways to get paid for a freelance project.
1. Use the services of a freelance exchange and the “Safe Deal” service (financial guarantee, risk-free deal, fair play).
2. Work on an advance payment basis.
3. Work without prepayment (postpayment).

It is clear that the first method is the safest for both the contractor and the customer, and the latter is the most unsafe for the freelancer. Based on my personal long-term work experience, I will tell you in more detail about everything in order.

Risk-free transaction

With a risk-free transaction, everything is simple and clear. The Freelance Exchange becomes an intermediary between the customer and the contractor, and, of course, takes a commission for this. The commission is 10-15% of the amount due for the work.

In order for payment to take place on a transaction without risk, both the customer and the contractor must want this. You need to ask the customer in advance whether he is ready to add commissions “on top”.

Although this model is the most secure, not everyone uses BS.


Everything is more complicated here. Prepayment is a guarantee for a freelancer, but it causes stress, headaches and insomnia for clients.

How to convince a client to make an advance for work that has not yet begun? The main key is trust. Experience, a portfolio with real works (that you can find and hold in your hands, and not with beautiful pictures drawn “for a portfolio”), and adequate communication help to win over the customer.

I work with new clients only on an advance payment basis.

Prepayment is 30-50% of the total amount of the project. After receiving the advance, you can and should start working. The sooner you start work, the calmer the client will be. If the work is large, multi-stage, send the customer at least sketches or write him your thoughts in a letter if you are in the early days of thinking about the concept. If you suddenly cannot complete the work or part of it at the agreed time (force majeure), honestly explain to the customer what happened and set a new exact deadline. Of course, it is better to avoid such situations altogether. You need to plan your schedule and calculate the time in advance.

I send clients files for approval in a lightweight, previewable version (for example, jpg or pdf with low quality). After making all the edits, improvements and adjustments, that is, complete approval of the project, the customer pays the balance of the amount, and only after that receives the source files (in good quality).


This is when a freelancer receives money only after the customer has seen the work completed.

This method is very bad for a freelancer, but sometimes customers categorically insist on postpayment. I don't work with people like that at all.

It may happen that an unscrupulous customer promised to pay several freelancers at once, and in the end does not pay anyone. It may happen that the customer pays, but with a long delay or less than originally agreed.

But there is a way to protect yourself from risks if the nature of the work performed by a freelancer allows you to put “protection” on the file. For example, if this is a graphic file, you can “cross out” it with “SAMPLE” in large letters. In general, in any way, make sure that the file for approval is not suitable for further use, but the client is convinced that the work has been completed and he is satisfied.

Here, this is a short description of how payment for freelancer orders generally occurs. Ask questions in the comments.