Arrest of Yandex money by bailiffs. Can bailiffs withdraw money from a Yandex card

unidentified - 15,000 rubles at a time, 60,000 rubles per day and 100,000 rubles per month. Some who write their full name, others only a mobile phone number (this is enough). I (the recoverer) knew the account number and, together with the bailiff, made a request for the account number in the Yandex Money system, two days later they manually gave me an answer to the request, where everything is written, when they put it from which other accounts, when they took it, where (if the card is VISA or MASTER CARD, then the number is not shown as it is Yandex policy (from the rules: “For security reasons, this number is transmitted over an encrypted channel. We do not know it. If you are not sure that you entered the number correctly, just wait. Bank card numbers are designed so that if you make a mistake even in one digit, non-existent details are obtained. Thus, the money should be returned to your account.").

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A debt to the claimant has formed, I want to ask if they can bailiffs seize funds or block e-wallets? Or with him, as with mobile phone, means bailiffs, cannot write off? I have a Webmoney wallet, as well as Yandex money.

A debt to the collector has formed, I want to ask if bailiffs can seize money or block electronic wallets? Or with him, as with a mobile phone, bailiffs cannot write off funds? Igor, Yekaterinburg answered you on 08/27/2013 Yes, bailiffs have the right to do so.
if you used your personal data when registering these wallets, and also went through the certification and verification procedure, then the probability of withdrawing funds increases many times over.

Yandex wallet can bailiffs arrest?

We are writing a statement with a request to remove information about you as a debtor in the terminated enforcement proceedings (indicate the number) from the electronic database of enforcement proceedings.


Since the debt is paid, and the enforcement proceedings are terminated (indicate the date of termination).

Next, put the date and your signature. Submit this application in two copies to the bailiff service that was engaged in debt collection, on your copy the official accepting the application must put the incoming number and date of acceptance.
Your applications must be reviewed within 30 days and you will receive a response.
Bailiffs withdrew money from bank card Sometimes the client cannot return the funds in time due to the loss of the card.

In this situation, if the credit card and funds are arrested, the person will have to pay the bank and loan funds and the interest that is charged.

No. 20: Can bailiffs write off funds from webmoney or Yandex money?


If there is money on the account capable of repaying the debt in full, the account is debited and the arrest is removed from the accounts.


These actions are backed up by law and do not entail violations of established norms, except in cases where the money is withdrawn without good reason: repeatedly or on a non-existent loan or a fine.

What should be done if the money was taken without reason? Not many people know what to do in such a situation.

Everything depends on the situation.

Is it possible to foreclose on electronic money?

A similar situation may arise if the bailiffs have not received information about the execution of the court decision.
Let's say the debtor has already contributed funds to the debt account, but the information about the payment has not yet passed through the system.

In such a situation, it is necessary to write an application addressed to the head of the territorial division of the FSSP to cancel the bailiff's decision and return the funds.

Sample letter to bailiff for refund Money here. But at the same time, the service is guided by the principles of enforcement proceedings and should not engage in unreasonable withdrawals of money.

It is important to note that bailiffs are actively cooperating with Sberbank.

This means that, if necessary, they can get all the information about the funds in the debtor's account, which automatically eliminates the concealment of money.

Can bailiffs have access to e-wallets?

When bailiffs seize a unit wages debtor, remember that maximum size is 50% of the monthly amount.
Withholding more than half of the salary bailiffs do not have the right.

Bailiffs withdrew money from the card without warning Steps and drawing up an application First of all, you will need to confirm that the origin of the money falls under the jurisdiction of the above article, for example, they are alimony or funds received under insurance.

Attention To do this, you need to obtain an appropriate certificate or document, which will indicate that such and such an amount is transferred to the account in connection with certain circumstances.
Important If you have this document on hand, you must draw up an application on the basis of which you will be returned the funds. It is filled out on a standard form and written in the name of the head of the FSSP.

Bailiffs deducted money from the card for an already repaid debt how to return

It also deals with misconduct. How to make a refund if the bailiffs withdrew more than necessary Here, the same actions as described above will be effective:

  • An application is submitted to recognize the actions of the bailiff as illegal.
  • In case of non-return of funds, a claim is drawn up against the FSSP and the Ministry of Finance for the recovery of funds.

The return of illegally debited funds by bailiffs must be done within 3 months.

However, the bailiff may seize certain insurance payments. These include old-age payments, funded payments and disability transfers. Also, a complaint can be filed within 10 days from the moment you learned or should have learned about the action of the bailiff violating your rights, if you were not notified about the actions of the bailiff in writing.

About the possibility of bailiffs withdrawing funds from a credit card

She filmed the beatings after that and walked around with a bandaged head.

I physically couldn't break her iron door, and I'm not in the habit of fighting.

I went in (she opened the door for me), went to the toilet and scooped out all the water.

Then she yelled at her and left. How can I sue for defamation? I want her n...

  • 03/20/2014: How legal is it to hide some information from a document for the court? Good afternoon, The situation is something like this, I filed a lawsuit for violation of the terms of delivery of the goods. (Now it has been left without movement, due to the fact that the documents are in English and have been asked to be translated.)

    Most of the documents are in electronic form, mostly invoices from the PayPal payment system.

    The account was previously registered to a fictitious company, due to the fact that PayPal was not officially registered in Russia and had some limits when making transactions for individuals, now with the arrival in Russia, ...

Can bailiffs withdraw money from a bank card

Yes they can. In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, Articles 96 and 318 of the APC, Article 393 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the arrest of the debtor client's funds can be imposed on the basis of an Executive document.

According to the list defined by Article 12 federal law"On Enforcement Proceedings", the grounds for the arrest of funds may be: performance list which was issued by an arbitration court or a court general jurisdiction; judicial acts or orders; decision of the bailiff. Yandex wallet is the same account as in a bank, it can be blocked only by a court decision. Initially, cards and bank accounts are submitted to the arrest.

Is it legal to write off debts from electronic wallets, and what other powers do bailiffs have?

It is easy to imagine that in the context of a new crisis and an increase in layoffs, the number of debtors who are unable to repay loans is increasing. In these circumstances, they often hear horror stories from bank security officers or collectors about the actions of bailiffs who will come, take everything out of the apartment, seize the property, take vehicles will not be allowed to travel abroad.

The anxiety of borrowers is fueled by rumors that bailiffs have begun to master a new direction in work and have begun to write off debtors electronic money, justifying their actions by the fact that wallets, for example, Yandex, are no different from bank accounts.

When the case is handed over to the bailiff

Note that in order for the case to reach the bailiffs:

  • First, there must be a trial.
  • Secondly, a decision must be made on it.
This path cannot be completed in a day or a month.

Sometimes a decision controversial issue months or years go by. And during this time, the problem may resolve itself: the amount of debt may be reduced by a court order, you will be able to find funds and repay the debt, the term may expire limitation period, and given the current economic conditions, there is a possibility that the bank may collapse.

The bailiffs will show their biased attitude only if the debtor evades his demands and does not try to comply with the court decision. In this case, the bailiff has the right to demand that the bank debit money from your account. Bank, or other credit organization, but not electronic payment systems are required to comply with these requirements.

Funds held by third parties

The law, indeed, prescribes the procedure for collecting funds held in credit organizations and banks. Electronic payment systems are the clients of the bank and have nothing to do with this procedure.

If you temporarily store funds on an electronic account in the payment system, then it, in turn, stores them on current account one of the banks, but is not the owner of these funds.

This is considered as the storage of funds with a third party. When you trust some payment system, for example, Yandex Money, to pay for goods using an order agreement, then it charges you a commission for this service.

Therefore, the bailiff should act differently. He must first file an application with the court and obtain an act for the recovery of property held by a third party. The presence of this act gives you the right to write off your money stored on the Yandex service as a debt.

If debts are not allowed in overseas countries

Among the methods of influencing borrowers who do not comply with legal requirements, there is a temporary taboo on traveling abroad.

In order to overcome this limitation, the law provides for two options:

  • the possibility of an amicable agreement between the debtor and the creditor;
  • fully pay off the debts and provide an appropriate document about this.

In the first case, the recoverer will submit a written application to the bailiff that he does not object to the debtor's departure abroad. In the second, the debtor has fully fulfilled its obligations. On these grounds, the bailiff within one day issues a decision on the abolition of restrictions on exit.

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Opportunity block Yandex Money and completely empty the account to them gives the current legislation. In particular, article 70 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, dedicated to foreclosure on the debtor’s funds, in paragraph 12 states that all the provisions of the article may be applicable to the debtor’s electronic money, the transfer of which is carried out using personalized means of payment. The law was supplemented by this paragraph in 2011, and since then personified online wallet ceased to be a good place to store savings for a rainy day.

Can Yandex Wallet be arrested by bailiffs

Hide what arrest Yandex Money bailiffs they can without much difficulty, it makes no sense - if you ask the appropriate question to Yandex employees, you will receive the same answer. It would seem like Yandex Money and bailiffs can they cross at all? It turns out it's very simple.

All electronic wallets that operate legally on the territory of the Russian Federation (this includes not only Yandex Wallet, but also Qiwi, Paypel and some others) are required to obtain permission from financial regulatory authorities for their activities. They either have a license issued by the Central Bank or are registered as non-banking commercial organizations. Bailiffs today can access all legally working wallets in the same way as they can access bank accounts, cards and deposits.

Can bailiffs withdraw money from Yandex Money or Yandex cards

To card or account arrest, bailiffs must have a good reason. This step is preceded by a strict procedure - the FSSP is contacted individual or a representative of the organization, provides a writ of execution issued by the court, and writes an application with a request to start enforcement proceedings on it. Within 3 days, a decision is made, if it is positive, then the decision to initiate enforcement proceedings is sent to the recoverer and the debtor. The latter is given 5 days to pay the debt on a voluntary basis. Since he usually cannot do this, the bailiff levies execution on the money and property belonging to the person (or organization). The former include not only cash, but also funds that are stored on bank accounts, cards, deposits, and since 2011 - on accounts electronic wallets.

In order to fulfill his obligations to collect, the FSSP employee sends a resolution on the search for the debtor's accounts to banks and other credit institutions - among the latter, NPO Yandex.Money LLC (by the way, has recently been a subsidiary of Sberbank). If information is received that there are accounts, the bailiff sends an order to seize the amount corresponding to the amount of the debt. Simply put, it obliges the organization to transfer money from the discovered account to the account of the FSSP, from where they will go to the account of the claimant.

Can they bailiffs block Yandex wallet? They usually don't need it. After all, the main thing is to get cash from the account, and if you block it, you can interrupt their further receipt there, which is unprofitable. By court order arrest bailiffs can only if the cardholder is suspected of having links with terrorists or other illegal activities. Similar, arrest Yandex card they can, but they are unlikely to be - rather, they will withdraw the necessary amount or all the money from it (and the card is tied to the wallet and has a common account with it), depending on the size of the debt and the amount in the account.

There are also situations when bailiff blocks funds in the wallet illegally. More precisely, by mistake, for example, if you have a full namesake in respect of which the FSSP has begun the debt collection procedure. In this case, you need to contact this service and write an application for a refund, attaching a copy of your passport.

Hello! I describe the situation. My money was stolen from the Yandex.Money electronic system. intruders stole my password to enter the system and carried out 3 operations for 15,000 thousand rubles. But the fact is that to confirm each payment, this system requires you to enter a 4-digit code that is sent to the phone number linked to the electronic account. That is, even with a stolen password, scammers would not be able to steal money just like that, since they did not have my phone.

To get it, they turned to the Beeline dealer, who kindly replaced the SIM card for them!

Lawyer Answer:

Dear Vladimir, Tyumen!

Based on Article 29 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights"

In case of detection of shortcomings in the work performed (service rendered), you have the right, at your own choice, to demand:

Free elimination of defects in the work performed (services rendered);

A corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered);

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate defects in the work performed (service rendered) on his own or by third parties.

In addition, the Consumer has the right:

— renounce the performance of the contract for the performance of work (provision of services);

- and claim full damages,

if within the period established by the designated contract or by you, the shortcomings in the work performed (service rendered) are NOT eliminated by the contractor.

Based on the foregoing, you have the right to apply to the court with a claim against this organization:

1) On termination of the Contract for the provision of Services;

2) On the return of money paid for the Service;

3) About the payment of a penalty to you;

4) About compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

Who is right - me or Yandex money?

Good afternoon

Lawyer Answer:

Who is right needs to be sorted out taking into account all the events and the current rules of Yandex.

I believe that the Funds should be returned to you, since Yandex itself acknowledges that the payment was made without your consent. You need to file a claim with them and seek redress.

These situations are common, it will not be possible to return the funds on a voluntary basis, you need to go to court


Recently, funds in the amount of 22 thousand rubles disappeared from my wallet in the online electronic payment system Yandex-money


Legal advice on: - yandex money stolen

Closed illegally. Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office (Article 124 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation)

Write to the company a claim in accordance with Art. 29 ZOZPP - you have been given a bad financial service- missing website protection.

If denied, go to court

Contact the prosecutor's office. In your case, most likely yandex itself stole funds from you, and therefore is trying to slow things down. In the near future, such cases have become more frequent.

appeal the refusal to initiate proceedings to the prosecutor's office


stole passport, money in the savings bank. The police spend an hour, like wait, we are waiting for some captain, there are no explanations

They stole my passport, money in the savings bank. The police spend an hour, like wait, we are waiting for some captain, there are no explanations

Lawyer Answer:

Submit an application to the duty unit, insist on admission, registration and issuance of a notification coupon to you. You can also send an application to the relevant Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by registered mail with a notice and a description of the attachment (and keep a copy with postal documents for the possibility of an upcoming appeal against inaction or a refusal decision). Good luck.

This can last for a long time, they do everything so that you give up your own venture and then they will have less work.


Ru/, I transferred money through Yandex, but the goods have not been available for the third month, on tel.

Good afternoon I bought goods on the site, transferred money through Yandex, but the goods have not been available for the third month, on tel. the answering machine answers, no one answers the mail, the money is not more than 200 rubles, but there are goods for 50 thousand, I would like to expose the scammers

Lawyer Answer:


Write a statement to the police.


Can a bailiff be arrested Yandex money?

Hello! Can a bailiff arrest Yandex money?

Lawyer Answer:

Yes, they can be arrested.


Can bailiffs withdraw money from my Yandex money account?

Lawyer Answer:

Good afternoon Yes they can.


I have problems with Yandex, or rather with Yandex. money. I have a reason to sue them. I need a good

I have problems with Yandex, or rather with Yandex.Money. I have a reason to sue them. I need a good lawyer who will help me with this since I am not from Russia. It will be possible to sue them for decent moral damage. And which share to get a lawyer.

Lawyer Answer:

Beck, what grounds do you have for claims. If it is only moral hazard, then according to Russian laws, compensation for these requirements is insignificant.


me in the system Yandex money to pay in cash, you need a code, and for this the system asks for passport data (series, number

I need a code in the Yandex money system to pay in cash, and for this the system asks for passport data (series, number, etc.), can I enter them?

Lawyer Answer:

You can enter. This website will not engage in fraud.

There is naturally a possibility that you have programs on your computer that record the information you entered on the keyboard and send it to someone. Not all antiviruses will even protect against this. But I won't scare you, it's also unlikely

Yes, you can trust NPO Yandex-money, the system has been working for a long time, including with legal entities.


Is it possible to trust passport data to the Yandex. money?

They seem to be connected with the Tinkoff bank. Needed for a loan

Can I trust the Yandex.Money service with passport data?

Lawyer Answer:

No, I would never trust my passport data to this service. You do at your own peril and risk. Bank Tinkoff can't be trusted either.


I wanted to order a customs pass to work in the port. I was sent to the mail "requisites" Yandex money, payment in advance

I wanted to order a customs pass to work in the port. I was sent an email "details" Yandex money, payment in advance. Is this a scam?

Lawyer Answer:

Should we guess?


Can a qiwi wallet be arrested or webmoney or Yandex money and withdraw money from them by bailiffs on executive

Can a qiwi wallet be arrested or webmoney or Yandex money and bailiffs for enforcement proceedings withdraw money from them

Lawyer Answer:

If they establish that it is yours, then they can. but hard to install.


If he paid the agent through Yandex money, he connected SMS for a month with addresses, but it did not help. wanted to return the money but they

If he paid the agent through Yandex money, he connected SMS for a month with addresses but it didn’t help. They wanted to return the money, but they answered that we didn’t violate

Lawyer Answer:

The court should be contacted.


Hello, I transferred money from the card to Yandex money can i get my money back on my card

Hello translated money from the card to Yandex money can I return the money back to the card

Lawyer Answer:

You can if the account is yours. Otherwise, only through the court.


I paid for the goods through Yandex money, but the goods did not arrive. How can I take my money back?

I paid for the goods through Yandex money but the goods did not arrive. How can I take my money back?

Lawyer Answer:

Who is the sender of the product - an individual, an individual entrepreneur?


The woman stole the money and all the documents from the barn, where I put it for the time of repair. investigator says what to prove

A woman stole money and all the documents from the barn, where I put it for the time of repair. the investigator says that it is useless to prove if she left without being searched. how to be. ?

Lawyer Answer:

Apparently the investigator knows better. If you do not agree with his actions, complain to the prosecutor's office (Articles 123-124 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation)


Can fssp withdraw money from a qiwi card or Yandex money

Lawyer Answer:

If the bailiff sees the funds in this account. it can arrest


Are there any chances to get money back from a scammer with Yandex. Money, if he has a false name. You can, after all, probably break through,

Are there any chances to return the money from the Yandex.Money scammer if he has a false name. After all, you can probably break through to which card he transferred the money, for example. This is true?

Lawyer Answer:

You certainly cannot do this on your own. Make a complaint to the police.


At my friend stole

At my friend stole money from Yandex money what will happen to the one who stole it and will they be able to find it or is all the money gone?

Lawyer Answer:

Contact the police with a statement. They can find it if they want.


On the Yandex website. money scammers transferred all funds from my account to another account, also owned by the Yandex service

On the site scammers transferred all funds from my account to another account, also belonging to the service. is it possible to get a refund? I wrote to the support service, they have so far unsubscribed with a template letter.

Lawyer Answer:

Yes. Write to the support service + to the police. If the amount is harsh, to the prosecutor's office.


Can bailiffs detect and arrest an account in the Yandex payment system Money?

Good afternoon Can bailiffs detect and arrest an account in the payment system Yandex Money? How does such a process take place if the decision on recovery was made about six months ago? Does the bailiff check again open accounts debtor, including in electronic payment systems ( Yandex Money)? Thank you!

Lawyer Answer:

Such an account can be arrested, but in practice bailiffs check electrical systems very rarely. Store funds on foreign web services.


I paid for the order in the online store on a prepaid Yandex money. The order was lost in the mail. The store refuses to ship

Hello. I paid for the order in the online store on a prepaid basis for Yandex money. The order was lost at the post office. The store refuses to send a receipt for sending the parcel in order to file a search at the post office. I want to terminate the sale and purchase agreement with the store, but I only have a receipt with the Yandex wallet number. How can I arrange that the wallet belongs to this store.

Lawyer Answer:

Hello, sue, consumer protection law applies here, yandex wallet receipts are enough and order printouts on the Web, you only need to know the defendant's (merchant's) legal address and the name of the legal entity.

Write to the court statement of claim on termination of the contract of sale and compensation for damage - no special evidence is required (the defendant will provide them to the court).


stole money from a VTB24 debit card through a payment system Yandex. money, wrote a claim and filed a police report

stole money from debit card VTB24 via payment system Yandex.Money, wrote a claim and filed a police report. I waited a month, the bank refused to return. What to do next amount 103.000 rub.

Lawyer Answer:

Wait for the result of consideration of your application by the police (Article 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation). If they don't work, complain.


What to do if the bailiffs withdrew money from the card? In conclusion, we will consider the instructions for action if money was debited from the card for no reason (it is not clear, to pay a fine or alimony): You will have to make a lot of efforts, but with a competent approach, you can achieve a full return of the debited funds. They organize the forced collection of funds on the basis of a writ of execution.

The powers of this service include: search for the debtor and his property, including funds in bank accounts; seizure of property; the use of other methods of forced collection of debts.

About the possibility of bailiffs withdrawing funds from a credit card

they belong to the bank. However, such a measure does not contradict the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, which, in particular, allows the withdrawal of funds on account of a debt. However, such a measure should be based on a number of reasons.

Yes they can.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, Articles 96 and 318 of the Arbitration Procedure Code, Article 393 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the arrest of the debtor's client's funds should be imposed on the basis of an Executive document. According to the list defined by Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", the grounds for the seizure of funds may be: a writ of execution issued by an arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction; judicial acts or orders; decision of the bailiff.

Yandex wallet is the same account as in a bank, it can be blocked only by a court decision. Initially, cards and bank accounts are submitted to the arrest. I arrest electronic currencies in extreme cases and very rarely.

Theoretically, I think it's realistic, but I have not heard of such situations.

The bailiffs must know about your electronic wallets, and if you do not tell them this, they will act according to the instructions: they will send requests to big banks in order to find out if there is where your money is.

Can bailiffs withdraw money from a bank card

Contractors can withdraw money on a Sberbank card to pay off a debt.

They can do this regardless of what kind of funds are on the card, personal or borrowed. Fed. The Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" allows you to withdraw money from a Sberbank card against debt by a court decision. The object of imposing a penalty can be both the personal account of the debtor in any bank, and the funds on his bank card.

At his own request, the bailiff cannot arrest the Sberbank card account. To apply to the debtor coercive measures grounds are needed for the execution of a court verdict.

Many mistakenly believe that funds from a credit card cannot be written off by a court order, because.

they belong to the bank. However, such a measure does not contradict the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, which, in particular, allows the withdrawal of funds on account of a debt.

However, such a measure should be based on a number of reasons.

For example, bailiffs must carry a number of documents confirming the grounds for seizing funds. First of all, bailiff is obliged to notify the debtor of the debt with the commencement of court proceedings.

Yandex wallet can bailiffs arrest?

Can bailiffs seize money on a Yandex account (purse)?

Yes they can. In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings”, Articles 96 and 318 of the APC, Article 393 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the arrest of the debtor client's funds can be imposed on the basis of an Executive document. According to the list defined by Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings", the grounds for the seizure of funds may be: a writ of execution issued by an arbitration court or a court of general jurisdiction; judicial acts or orders; decision of the bailiff.

Yandex wallet is the same account as in a bank, it can be blocked only by a court decision.

Initially, cards and bank accounts are submitted to the arrest.