Analysis of the financial stability of commercial banks and ways to improve it. Thesis: Development of measures to improve the financial stability of the bank (using the example of Sberbank of Russia OJSC) Directions for increasing the financial stability of the bank

Measures to improve the financial stability of OJSC "Northern Treasury"

According to the analysis financial stability OJSC "Northern Treasury" for 2006-2008, it was revealed that a number of analyzed indicators of financial stability, solvency and liquidity showed positive dynamics.

Thus, it was revealed that the positive aspects financial activities OJSC "Northern Treasury" are:

Sufficient margin of financial stability;

The provision of funds diverted from productive circulation by its own working capital, that is, the Bank’s desire to maintain its financial position can be traced;

No problems with current liquidity jar;

Implementation of balanced management of active and passive operations in terms of timing, volumes of attraction and allocation of resources;

High level of security and safety of banking operations in the event of unfavorable changes in market conditions and accumulation of banking risks;

High level of protection of depositors with bank capital;

Increased level of immobilization of bank capital in investments in other legal entities;

Efficiency of use of bank assets;

Liquid balance;

A sufficient amount of large liabilities necessary to secure the Bank's main income-generating assets;

Accumulated liquidity;

Ability to fulfill obligations on demand;

The ability to fulfill obligations on demand and for a period of up to 30 days within 30 days from the analyzed date;

Balance of assets and liabilities for a period of more than one year;

Sufficient level of fixed capital;

An increase in the level of stability due to the provision of core (fixed) capital of gross own funds used as part of productive and immobilized assets, in addition, this indicates an increase in the solvency of the Bank;

Increased level of capital protection from risk and inflation through investments in real estate and valuables;

Increased ability to provide a sufficient amount of profit in relation to the Bank's assets.

In addition, the analysis revealed shortcomings in the financial activities of Northern Treasury OJSC, which boil down to the following:

A certain degree of dependence on borrowed money, that is, the Bank does not use the growth potential in the balance sheet currency;

The bank is increasing its total provision of liquid funds per unit of borrowed funds, but, nevertheless, there are still not enough liquid funds;

Low provision of customer funds with cash and highly liquid assets: the provision of customer funds with cash and highly liquid assets at the beginning of the analyzed period was 40.0%, at the end of the reporting period - 30.0%, therefore, the Bank needs to increase liquid assets;

Free (non-immobilized) own funds placed in active operations, the funds raised can be covered: at the beginning of the year - 24.0%, at the end of the reporting period only 7.0%, therefore, it is necessary to increase the Bank's own capital;

Decrease in the degree of equity coverage of client funds;

Reduced ability of a credit institution to return borrowed funds in case of non-repayment of loans;

Low level of provision of the bank's activities with its own capital to cover possible losses.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop measures aimed at improving the financial stability of a credit institution.

The following areas are proposed as the main measures aimed at improving the financial stability of a credit organization:

1. Serving corporate clients - in order to achieve the established goals of increasing the scale of the Bank’s business, the Bank’s primary task in the market for servicing corporate clients is to radically expand the client base through the development of active sales, modernization of existing and development of new products. To solve this problem, various approaches must be established that take into account the specifics of individual target segments.

To increase the segment's customer base, it is necessary to ensure the construction of new business processes and products that ensure minimization of the cost of standard mass services.

The financial capabilities and dumping interest rate policy of large Moscow banks contribute to the transition to servicing large corporate clients. Moreover, banks with 100% foreign capital are also coming to the Urals.

Already, there is a clear division of the zones of influence of banks on the client market. The market niche of local regional banks will be focused on medium and small businesses, as well as private entrepreneurs.

The Bank's transition to servicing medium and small businesses, as well as improving the quality of financial management at enterprises, leads to a decrease in the average balance on current accounts. This means that the Bank faces the task of attracting a significant number of clients for settlement and cash services.

Development of an effective system of relations with corporate clients based on the institute of managers and the work of the client committee;

Providing an individual approach to servicing VIP clients by assigning personal managers;

Development of complexly structured products and individual service systems that take into account the unique needs of large corporate clients;

Development modern methods services, including technologies for remote provision of services;

Increasing the productivity and volume of services provided by the bank by increasing the number of documents processed automatically up to 95%;

Encouraging the opening of a current account when selling loans to small and medium-sized businesses, factoring, leasing, other credit products, salary projects, etc.;

Further expansion of the Bank’s network of selling platforms and setting service priorities for versatility, convenience and quality of service;

Maximum involvement of the branch network and additional offices in the process of servicing existing and attracting new clients;

Significant increase in the customer base by increasing active sales volumes through marketing campaigns, mailings, special offers etc.

Participation in tenders for the provision of settlement and cash services carried out by budgetary organizations in terms of business expenses, by large industry companies with an expanded branch network, etc.

2. Deposits of legal entities and issued bills of exchange - the economic growth in the country, the activation of business in the regions, the influx of foreign capital increase the money supply in circulation and the balance of temporarily free funds of enterprises. Increased efficiency of the financial services of enterprises stimulates the process of placing temporarily free funds in the Bank’s paid instruments, such as bank deposits and bills.

At the same time, the bill market continues to lose its position in the ruble debt market. This is due to the decline in the position of the bill as a tool for attracting investment resources for corporate borrowers against the backdrop of rapid growth of the bond market (almost 4.5 times over the last 2.5 years). At the same time, the bill remains a rather interesting tool for quickly raising funds.

High liquidity and relatively short investment terms ensure continued high demand for bills from investors. Although, in our opinion, deposits of legal entities will be a priority for manufacturing and trading companies due to the security and technical simplicity of the transaction.

The success of the development of this area will be determined by solving the following main tasks:

Intensification of work with branches and additional offices of the Bank to attract Money legal entities and entrepreneurs in bank bills and deposits;

Search and cooperation with enterprises and organizations whose business nature requires the availability of free funds;

Attracting foreign investors (foreign companies, their representative offices in Russia);

Expansion of the geography of circulation of bills:

Increasing sales points authorized to issue and repay SKB Bank bills, with the mandatory presence of a professional expert,

Expanding the circle of partners - investment companies ready to organize bill programs,

Concluding agreements for the domicile of bank bills with investment companies in other regions.

3. Lending to large corporate clients - at present, large Moscow banks and banks with foreign participation that have come to the Urals have almost completely captured the market of large corporate clients. Compared to regional banks, they have greater resource capabilities and a more attractive interest rate policy. At the same time, large clients continue to be the objects of attention of the Bank in matters of direct and syndicated lending.

Measures necessary to achieve success in this direction:

Reducing the share of large and low-yield loans in the Bank's portfolio;

Development and implementation of a procedure for securitization of large loans;

Increasing the efficiency of actions aimed at retaining and servicing already attracted clients by offering them the desired services and anticipating their financial needs;

Concentrating the main efforts on highly profitable competitive operations that are an alternative to classical lending, such as factoring and leasing;

Development of project financing.

4. Lending to small and medium-sized enterprises - the main volume of lending to the Bank must be carried out in the segment of medium and small enterprises. This segment uses a simplified technology for issuing loans that takes into account increased risks.

The success of the development of this area will be determined by solving the following main tasks:

Offering the most standardized banking products across the entire network of the Bank’s operating divisions, developing mass lending technologies;

Improving products in a more technological direction in order to organize mass customer service;

Opening specialized lending centers for small and medium-sized businesses providing a full range of related services through partner organizations;

Building the image of the Bank as an information partner;

Implementation of a loyalty system for responsible customers;

Building relationships with industry associations and associations of small and medium-sized businesses;

Participation in regional and government programs on financing of small and medium-sized businesses;

Working with industry media, tax inspectorates, law firms, notary offices;

Personnel training and further development of the product line

5. Leasing - in the conditions of the modern market, leasing for Russian enterprises, firstly, effective remedy to modernize production with minimal disruption working capital, secondly, a legal tool for optimizing taxes when making capital investments.

The growing demand among clients for leasing services poses challenges for the Bank to develop leasing as a separate line of business. The Bank intends to continue to increase the volume of leasing operations, thereby ensuring the diversification of loan investments and expanding the range of products and services offered to the Bank's clients.

Build a sales system for leasing products using the Bank’s existing infrastructure of additional offices and branches;

Provide support in promoting the Bank's leasing business as a leader in this segment of the regional market.

6. Factoring - the introduction of a range of factoring services today is fully consistent with the Bank's strategic orientation towards providing small and medium-sized businesses with various types of their needs.

The use of factoring costs the client slightly more than classical lending. However, this is acceptable for clients, since factoring schemes provide an opportunity to significantly increase sales volumes, cover inflation risks and risks of loss of liquidity, and also guarantee the return of exporters’ foreign currency earnings. Thus, we can expect a steady increase in demand for factoring services in the region in the medium term.

Measures necessary to achieve the goals:

Improving factoring technology (setting up appropriate software);

Development of a system for sales and promotion of factoring to the market using the Bank’s existing infrastructure of additional offices and branches.

7. Documentary transactions - a consequence of the progressive growth in production volumes of the real sector of the economy is an increase in foreign trade turnover, which significantly affects the demand for documentary products from importers and exporters. Russia's expected accession to the WTO and the dynamic increase in foreign trade turnover make it possible to classify documentary operations as one of the priority areas for the development of the Bank's product line.

The success of the development of this area will be determined by solving the following main tasks:

Maximum effective use of the Bank’s existing infrastructure of additional offices and branches to increase the volume of documentary operations;

Improvement of personnel qualifications in line departments;

Expanding opportunities to work on lines in first-class Western banks;

Development and promotion of new products in the field of documentary business with an increase in the share of external financing, the use of schemes such as pre-export financing, post-financing, issuing uncovered ruble letters of credit with collateral securing the client’s obligations, etc.;

Establishing individual work with clients - participants in foreign trade activities.

8. Attracting funds from individuals - in the conditions of increasing competition from Moscow banks in the segment of servicing large corporate clients, the activation of retail activity is becoming one of the key conditions for the development of the Bank.

The current trends in the market for servicing individuals and the expected increase in household income in the medium term allow us to consider this area of ​​activity as one of the main tools for achieving the established goals of increasing the scale of the Bank’s business. The main tools for attracting funds from the population are household deposits and bank cards. In the long-term development of the banking sector, their importance as a source of resource base will steadily grow.

Since 2004, a deposit insurance system began to operate in Russia. This increased citizens' confidence in the banking sector and equalized banks in terms of reliability and guarantees. Thus, one of the competitive advantages - the reputation of a reliable Bank for a small retail client will play a lesser role when placing their savings. Pricing policy comes to the fore, as well as improving the quality and speed of service.

Currently the market plastic cards is developing dynamically. The main volume of cards issued by the Bank belongs to the international VISA system. The bank needs to issue cards payment system MasterCard, which will further increase its competitiveness in the card business.

Currently, the Bank has a well-developed network of remote branches and additional offices, which is a significant competitive advantage and provides the opportunity to significantly increase the volume of card issuance.

Measures necessary for the successful development of this area:

Formation of a recognizable brand and bright image of the Bank;

Improving business process technology in order to improve the quality and speed of service to depositors;

Improving the product line to help meet the interests of target groups of the population;

Optimization of interest rates on attracted resources in the household deposit market while simultaneously increasing minimum amounts accepted deposits;

Increasing the economic efficiency of the process of servicing individuals through new information technologies and remote access communications;

Development and implementation of new forms and methods of sales, promotion of products using active advertising and direct marketing tools;

Intensification of work on the implementation of " salary projects» at the Bank's client enterprises in order to increase the volume of bank cards issued;

Development of salary card projects, using them to promote new products;

Expanding the range of services provided through ATMs;

Issue of credit cards;

Expansion of the ATM network in the cities where the Bank operates.

9. Lending to individuals - lending to individuals is one of the most dynamically developing and profitable markets. Today, the Bank has created the necessary conditions for the active development of this area. By 2011, the Bank intends to significantly expand the volume of various types of operations, including: lending against collateral and guarantees, car loans, mortgage lending, lending to employees under the guarantee of enterprises - clients of the Bank.

The share of loans to individuals in the total volume of loans issued on the market is growing steadily, however, compared to the indicators of banks in developed countries at the moment it is insignificant (10-15% versus 50-60% in developed countries).

Particularly noteworthy is the direction of mortgage lending. The bank is actively working on Federal program mortgage lending and has well-developed technologies. Improvement legislative framework about mortgages in the near future, the continued decline in interest rates will also ensure serious growth in the mortgage market.

Taking into account the Bank’s accumulated experience and the obvious prospects for both consumer and mortgage lending, it is necessary to progressively develop these areas by solving the following tasks:

Improving the technology of mass lending to individuals;

Development of an interest rate policy tied to the level of risks;

Development of a sales system for standardized credit products based on a network of branches and additional offices;

Improving the quality of front office work;

Issue of credit cards;

Implementation of a loyalty system for responsible customers;

Periodically conducting marketing research to update the product line in accordance with changing customer needs.

10. Commission transactions in the retail market - in the context of falling interest margins, expanding the volume of transactions that generate commission income is one of the key strategic objectives. In this direction, the Bank needs to significantly expand the volume of transactions for transfers of individuals, the sale of traveler's checks by attracting target groups of clients while maintaining the current volumes of foreign exchange transactions.

Currently, the Bank provides services for making ruble transfers across the territory of the Russian Federation, ruble and currency transfers through the system Western Union And Contact system- on international and interregional directions, as well as bank transfers according to the system of correspondent relations. In addition, currency transfers, in addition to the direct transfer fee, will contribute to the growth of income from conversion transactions.

Stabilization of the economy and, as a consequence, stabilization of the ruble exchange rate against foreign currency leads to a decrease in the turnover of foreign exchange transactions of individuals. However, for the bank this area of ​​customer service is a stable source of income

With rising costs utilities In the Russian Federation, banks have acquired an economic interest in servicing the turnover of payments for housing and communal services. Banks are already trying to divide the utility payments market, which will become much more attractive as the housing and communal services reform is completed. In this regard, the Bank, which has an extensive branch network, can take a confident position in this market segment.

Measures necessary for the successful development of this area:

Access to various national diasporas;

Acceptance of utility payments at bank cash desks, ATMs (including those with a cash acceptance function) and remote banking services;

Development of translation technology that takes into account the specifics of the mass market;

Maximum effective use of the Bank’s existing infrastructure of additional offices and branches to increase the volume of accepted payments;

Improving the system of intrabank transfers;

Opening of additional offices specializing in translations;

Monitoring the economic efficiency of points of sale;

Introduction of a remote banking system to increase non-cash conversions using plastic cards;

Increasing turnover and income of foreign exchange transactions through cross-selling on other banking products, such as currency transfers, traveler's checks, etc.

Cooperation with successful players in the translation services market (for example, the Unistream translation system).

11. Operations in financial markets - the development of the Russian interbank market, as well as the observed trends in the gradual lengthening of the terms of interbank loans allow us to consider this market as a way to regulate the payment and currency position, as well as regulate the Bank’s liquidity.

The observed systematic increase in Russia's credit rating by the main rating agencies improves the investment attractiveness of Russian enterprises for foreign investors and generally reduces investment risks by stock market. Under these conditions, the Bank intends to pursue a policy of increasing its securities portfolio, both to solve liquidity management problems and to obtain additional speculative income. A necessary condition for the development of this area of ​​the Bank's business will be to ensure the return on stock transactions specified in the Bank's Budget.

Public borrowing instruments, such as corporate loans, have already become a common way for Russian enterprises to attract financial resources. Severnaya Kazna has successful underwriting experience and the necessary components for the development of this area.

The main priority areas of the Bank’s work in financial markets in the medium term will be the following:

1) Bank operations:

Investments in government securities based on the principles portfolio investments to ensure the maintenance of the Bank's liquidity by selling them or completing REPO transactions. The portfolio volume will be determined based on the required minimum level to maintain liquidity. Investments exceeding this level will be considered based on the current market situation and the profitability of the financial instrument.

Investments in subfederal and corporate bonds, conditionally related to the I and II echelons.

Conversion operations on Forex market, development of currency speculation.

Borrowing and placing temporarily free resources on the interbank market. In this market, the Bank acts as a net lender and net borrower, depending on the Bank’s liquidity status. Covered interest arbitrage operations and swap-type transactions are also carried out for the currency transformation of the Bank's liabilities.

Raising funds in foreign financial markets through bonded and syndicated loans, CLN.

Carrying out hedging operations of the Bank's currency, interest and stock risks.

2) Services to clients:

Underwriting - by 2011, it is planned to obtain the status of player No. 1 in this market among regional banks and enter the 30 largest banks organizing bond loans.

Conversion operations based on customer requests.

Introduction of brokerage services for VIP clients on the securities market and foreign exchange market.

Thus, promising directions to improve the financial stability of a credit organization in the financial market should become:

1) Increasing the efficiency of the institute of personal managers in the direction of the Bank’s client business.

2) Establishing a priority in terms of the development of the Bank’s retail services and the sale of standardized mass products.

3) Establishment of medium and small businesses as a target client in the corporate segment.

4) Expanding the network of selling platforms with the main focus on promoting retail products, as well as lending to small and medium-sized businesses.

5) Entering the market for project financing services.

6) Increasing the scale of the Bank's business.

7) Maintaining the current level of return on capital of the Bank and return on assets.

8) Increasing the share of net non-interest income in the structure total income Bank by expanding the range and volume of commission services provided to clients.

9) Increase in average business volumes per point of sale.

10) Expanding the Bank’s resource base by attracting funds from Russian and foreign banks, as well as other financial institutions.

11) Ensuring high-quality growth of the Bank’s business through deep reengineering and standardization of key business processes, improving the quality and speed of customer service through the introduction of modern information technologies.

12) Further modernization and expansion of the network of operational divisions of the Bank in order to increase sales volumes of banking products in the medium term.

It was also revealed that the bank’s activities were provided with equity capital to cover possible losses.

In this regard, in order to increase equity capital, it is necessary to carry out an additional issue of securities.

The issue of an additional issue of securities includes the following stages, presented in Figure 4.

Based on the extraordinary decision General meeting shareholders of OJSC Severnaya Kazna, the Board of Directors of OJSC Severnaya Kazna approves the Decision on the additional issue of securities and registered by the Department of Licensing of Activities and Financial Recovery of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia.

A draft Decision on the additional issue of securities is proposed (Appendix 3).

Let's trace the dynamics authorized capital Bank (see table 11).

Table 11 - Analysis of the dynamics of the authorized capital of OJSC "Northern Treasury"

Figure 4. - Stages of additional issue of securities

According to Table 11, there is an increase in the authorized capital by 135.1% due to the additional issue of ordinary shares.

Table 12 - Dynamics of indicators of financial stability, solvency and liquidity of OJSC "Northern Treasury" after the implementation of the event


Normative value

Before the implementation of the event (2008)

After the implementation of the event (2009)

Deviation, %

1. Financial stability ratio

2. Excess (shortage) of sources of own funds

3. Independence (autonomy) coefficient

4. Coverage ratio of working assets

5. The maximum amount of attracted cash deposits from the population

6. Standard for using the bank’s own funds (capital) to acquire shares (shares) of other legal entities

7. Long-term liquidity ratio, %

8. Local coverage coefficient

9. Fixed capital adequacy level

10. Equity coverage ratio

11. Capital adequacy ratio for deposits, %

12. Debt coverage ratio

13. Capital adequacy indicator based on redundancy indicator

14. Capital protection ratio

According to Table 12, the following changes are observed after the implementation of the proposed event:

The financial stability coefficient was marked by an increase from 0.08 to 0.10 (growth rate of 125.0%). The indicator corresponds to the standard value (0.08), which indicates an increase in financial stability;

The ratio of surplus (shortage) of sources of own funds was marked by an increase (162.4%), which indicates the sufficiency of own working capital. That is, there is an improvement financial situation Jar;

The independence (autonomy) coefficient was marked by an increase (growth rate of 133.3%), thus, there is an increase in financial stability and the absence of problems with the Bank’s current liquidity;

The coverage ratio of working assets was also marked by an increase of 185.1%, which indicates a high level of security and protection of banking operations in the event of unfavorable changes in market conditions and the accumulation of banking risks;

The maximum amount of attracted cash deposits was marked by a decrease (94.5%), but corresponds to the standard value (max100.0%), which indicates a decrease in the dependence of the Bank’s resource base on attracted funds from the population;

The standard for using the bank's own funds (capital) to acquire shares (shares) of other legal entities was marked by a decrease (95.3%). This indicates a decrease in the level of immobilization of bank capital in investments in other legal entities.

The long-term liquidity ratio was marked by a decrease (69.9%). Both calculated indicators correspond to the standard value (max 120.0%), which indicates the balance of the Bank's assets and liabilities for a period of more than one year;

The local coverage ratio showed positive dynamics (growth rate of 114.3%). This indicates that free (non-immobilized) own funds placed in active operations can cover 8.0% of raised funds;

The level of fixed capital adequacy was marked by a decrease (58.8%). Both calculated indicators correspond to the standard value (more than 0.5), which indicates that the Bank has a sufficient level of fixed capital;

The equity coverage ratio was also marked by an increase from (growth rate of 100.9%), which indicates an increase in the level of stability of the Bank due to the provision of core (fixed) capital of gross equity capital used as part of productive and immobilized assets, in addition, this indicates increasing the solvency of the Bank;

The capital adequacy indicator for deposits was marked by an increase (growth rate of 185.7%), which indicates an increase in the degree of coverage of client funds by equity capital;

The loan debt coverage ratio was marked by an increase (growth rate of 183.0%), which indicates an increase in the ability of the credit institution to return borrowed funds in the event of non-repayment of loans;

The capital adequacy indicator in terms of redundancy was marked by a significant increase (growth rate of 730.0%), which indicates a significant increase in the degree of provision of the bank's activities with its own capital to cover possible losses;

The capital protection ratio was marked by an increase (the growth rate was 102.2%), which indicates an increase in the protection of the Bank's capital from risk and inflation due to investments in real estate and valuables.

As can be seen from the calculations made, the proposed measure for the additional issue of securities will have a positive impact on the financial stability, solvency and liquidity of Severnaya Kazna OJSC.

Therefore, the proposed measures are appropriate for implementation.

Thus, measures aimed at improving the financial stability of a credit organization have been proposed. The implementation of these proposals will have a positive impact on the financial activities of the analyzed credit institution and will have an impact on the final financial results of the financial organization.

annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of the scientific work - Gutkovskaya E.A., Kolesnik N.F.

To ensure the modern level of competitive production, stable activity of the organization is necessary, and therefore the problem of ensuring financial stability becomes urgent. This requires further study of the methodological support for assessing financial stability, predictive analytical work of the organization related to the identification and prevention of financial difficulties. The use of effective methods for assessing the financial stability of an organization will make it possible to develop recommendations for improving it and expand the capabilities of information and analytical support for the management of an economic entity. The purpose of the work is to study current methods for assessing financial stability and develop measures to improve the financial stability of the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been identified: to carry out comparative analysis definitions of financial stability and clarify this concept as the most important object of analysis; consider existing methodological approaches to assessing financial stability; conduct an analysis of the financial stability of an enterprise using methods from different authors using a specific example; identify factors that negatively affect financial stability; determine indicators characterizing financial stability; offer recommendations to improve the financial stability of the organization. In this work, using the methods of different authors, we assess the financial stability of a particular enterprise. Using an expert method for assessing financial stability, based on a set of private criteria and calculating a comprehensive indicator of financial stability, the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise in question was identified and a forecast of financial difficulties was made. Based on the results of the analysis of financial stability, factors that negatively affect the financial position of the enterprise were identified, and recommendations were developed to improve financial stability, including accelerating the turnover of capital in current assets, replenishing equity capital, regular assessment of solvency based on the study of cash flows, and others. It is concluded that in order to prevent a crisis situation in the financial activities of an enterprise and increase financial stability, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures.

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Text of scientific work on the topic “Assessment of the financial stability of a commercial organization and measures to improve it”

Gutkovskaya E.A., Kolesnik N.F.

Financial stability assessment commercial organization and measures to improve it // Bulletin of Remar State University. 2015. No. 2 (124). (O. 35-46

E.A. Gutkovskaya, N.F. Kolesnik*


To ensure the modern level of competitive production, stable activity of the organization is necessary, and therefore the problem of ensuring financial stability becomes urgent. This requires further study of the methodological support for assessing financial stability, predictive analytical work of the organization related to the identification and prevention of financial difficulties. The use of effective methods for assessing the financial stability of an organization will make it possible to develop recommendations for improving it and expand the capabilities of information and analytical support for the management of an economic entity. The purpose of the work is to study current methods for assessing financial stability and develop measures to improve the financial stability of the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been identified: conduct a comparative analysis of definitions of financial stability and clarify this concept as the most important object of analysis; consider existing methodological approaches to assessing financial stability; conduct an analysis of the financial stability of an enterprise using methods from different authors using a specific example; identify factors that negatively affect financial stability; determine indicators characterizing financial stability; offer recommendations to improve the financial stability of the organization.

In this work, using the methods of different authors, we assess the financial stability of a particular enterprise. Using an expert method for assessing financial stability, based on a set of private criteria and calculating a comprehensive indicator of financial stability, the probability of bankruptcy of the enterprise in question was identified and a forecast of financial difficulties was made. Based on the results of the analysis of financial stability, factors that negatively affect the financial position of the enterprise were identified, and recommendations were developed to improve financial stability, including accelerating the turnover of capital in current assets, replenishing equity capital, regular assessment of solvency based on the study of cash flows, and others. It is concluded that in order to prevent a crisis situation in the financial activities of an enterprise and increase financial stability, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures.

Key words: assessment, financial stability, analysis methodology, factors, economic efficiency.

* © Gutkovskaya E.A., Kolesnik N.F., 2015

Gutkovskaya Elena Anatolyevna ( [email protected]), Kolesnik Natalya Fedorovna ( [email protected]), department accounting, analysis and audit, Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva, 430000, Russian Federation, Saransk, st. Bolsheviskaya, 68.

also the annual award of the All-Russian Prize “For Contribution to economic development Russia", which, since 2006, has been awarded to organizations operating in the territory Russian Federation, for financial stability and stability of economic activities that directly affect the economic growth of the country.

Of particular importance is the issue of adopting a unified approach to assessing and managing the financial stability of organizations in the conditions of development in Russia financial market, the growing need to provide reliable information to all participants in this market and the increasing frequency of crisis phenomena in the global and domestic economy.

Stability characterizes the state of an object in relation to external influences on it. The state of an object is more stable when, under equal external influences and internal shifts, it is subject to fewer changes and deviations from its previous position.

Financial stability is one of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of an organization; it reflects such a state of financial resources in which the enterprise, freely maneuvering funds, is able, through their effective use, to ensure the uninterrupted process of production and sales of products, as well as the costs of its expansion and renewal. Determining the boundaries of financial stability of enterprises is one of the most important economic problems, because insufficient financial stability can lead to the insolvency of enterprises and their lack of funds for the development of production, and excessive financial stability will hinder development, burdening the organization’s costs with excess inventories and reserves.

When considering the financial stability of an enterprise, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that different authors interpret it differently. this concept. In this regard, we will conduct a content analysis of the concept of “financial sustainability” (Table 1).

Taking into account the opinions of the above authors, financial stability can be determined as follows. Financial stability is the stability of the financial position of an enterprise, its financial independence from external creditors and investors, ensured by a sufficient share of equity capital in the sources of financing, as well as such a state of financial resources, their distribution and use, which ensures the development of the enterprise and an increase in its market value in in accordance with financial management objectives.

Consequently, the concept of “financial stability” is more capacious and complex, including not only the characteristics of financial independence, but also, at least, the characteristics of the organization’s solvency. In reality, an economic entity that has a sufficient level of financial independence, but with a clearly low or unsatisfactory level of solvency, should hardly be considered financially stable.

Financial stability is formed under the influence of a complex of internal and external environmental factors (Fig. 1). Their relationship and interaction are extremely important and relevant not only for individual subjects, but also for the whole economic system. However, the degree of integral influence of the above factors on financial stability depends not only on the ratio of the factors themselves, but also on the stage of the life cycle at which the enterprise is located, on the competence and professionalism of its management.

Table 1

Content analysis of the concept “financial sustainability”

Barilenko V.I. Analysis of economic activity". M.: Omega-L, 2009. P. 43 In the most general form, the financial independence of an enterprise characterizes the structure of its capital and the degree of dependence on external sources of financing. The financial stability of an enterprise characterizes its ability to carry out economic activities primarily at the expense of its own funds while maintaining solvency

Grachev A.V. Analysis and management of the financial stability of an enterprise: from accounting to economic. M.: Finpress, 2002. P. 64 The financial stability of an enterprise should be understood as the solvency of the enterprise over time, subject to the condition of financial balance between its own and borrowed financial resources

Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Analysis of financial statements. M.: Publishing House "Delo and Service", 2008. P. 142 Financial stability is a characteristic of the stability of the financial position of an enterprise, ensured by a high share of equity capital in the total amount used by it financial resources

Efimova O.V., Melnik M.V. Analysis of financial statements. M.: Omega-L, 2006. P. 429 Financial stability reflects the financial condition of the enterprise, in which it is capable of, through the rational management of material, labor and financial resources create such an excess of income over expenses in which a stable cash flow is achieved, allowing the enterprise to ensure its current and long-term solvency, as well as satisfy the investment expectations of the owners

Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: methods and procedures. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. P.256 Financial stability is understood as the ability of an enterprise to maintain the target structure of funding sources

Savitskaya G.V. Economic analysis. M.: New knowledge, 2005. P. 127 Financial stability of an enterprise is the ability of a business entity to function and develop, maintain a balance of its assets and liabilities in a changing internal and external environment, guaranteeing its solvency and investment attractiveness in the long term within the acceptable level of risk

Chuev I.N., Chueva L.N. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. P. 29 Financial stability is the internal side of the financial condition of an enterprise, ensuring stable solvency in the long term, which is based on the balance of assets and liabilities, income and expenses, positive and negative cash flows

Sheremet A.D. Comprehensive analysis of economic activities. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. P. 307 Financial stability is characterized by a satisfactory balance sheet structure and reflects the financial results of economic activity. The ratio of own and total advanced capital indicates the autonomy of the organization in conditions of market relations, its financial stability

Rice. 1. Factors influencing the financial stability of the organization

The financial stability of an enterprise is determined by the degree of provision of reserves and costs by its own and borrowed sources of their formation, the ratio of the volumes of own and borrowed funds and, thus, is characterized by a system of absolute and relative indicators.

As is known, one of the fundamental indicators of the financial stability of an organization is its own working capital. They take part in the calculation of most relative and absolute indicators of the financial stability of an enterprise. Nevertheless, in the economic literature, methods for determining the amount of own working capital are not sufficiently developed.

So, V.V. Kovalev and G.V. Savitskaya in her works propose to calculate them as the difference between the amount of equity capital (SC) and long-term debt capital (DLC) and outside current assets(VA) (or, which is the same thing, as the difference between current assets (OA) and short-term borrowed capital (SLC)):

SOS = (SK + DZK) - VA = OA - KZK. (1)

L.V. Dontsova and N.A. Nikiforova define the amount of own working capital as the difference between equity capital and non-current assets:

SOS = SK - VA. (2)

The technique proposed by V.V. Kovalev and G.V. Savitskaya, seems more justified, since the difference in the level of stability of the insurance company and subsidiary/accounts when financing working capital, the turnover period of which is less than 12 months, does not matter. In addition, in the process of analysis, based on financial reporting data, it is impossible to determine what exactly the organization prefers to invest in non-current assets: its own funds or long-term loans, so it is better to consider them as a whole as a stable source of financing in the aggregate.

However, the two formulas discussed above do not take into account the specifics of the activities of the analyzed organization. As a result, the values ​​of indicators in the calculation of which own working capital is involved may be significantly distorted, and this, in turn, will lead to the formation of erroneous conclusions about the financial stability of a commercial organization.

In order to eliminate these shortcomings, M.I. Glazunov developed a system of algorithms that takes into account the directions of use of sources of funds. Based on the fact that long-term borrowed funds of the analyzed organization are used both to finance non-current assets and to form and replenish current assets, it is advisable to use the following formula to determine the amount of own working capital:

SOS = SK - (VA - (DZK - A)), (3)

where A is the amount of long-term loans and credits aimed at financing current assets.

table 2

An abbreviated form of the balance sheet of Raduga LLC for 2011-2013.

Indicators 2011 2012 2013 2013 as a percentage of 2011

Amount, rub. Ud. weight, % Amount, ru6. Ud. weight, % Amount, rub. Ud. weight, %

I. Non-current assets 302468 29.2 342542 28.3 591776 32.4 195.6

II. Current assets 733954 70.8 868942 71.7 1233888 67.6 168.1

III. Capital and reserves 48433 4.7 51183 4.2 54607 3.0 112.7

IV. Long-term liabilities 220154 21.2 348804 28.8 775319 42.5 352.2

V. Current liabilities 767835 74.1 811497 67.0 995738 54.5 129.7

BALANCE 1036422 100 1211484 100 1825664 100 176.2

The information base for the analysis of financial stability is the data of one of the enterprises producing confectionery products with the code name Raduga LLC for 2011-2013. (Table 2).

According to Table 2, we can say that in the period from 2011-2013. there was an increase in the share of non-current assets by 3.2%; and a decrease in the share of current assets of the enterprise by 3.2%. The share of long-term liabilities in

balance sheet liabilities - by 21.3%, and the indicators of capital and reserves and short-term liabilities decreased by 1.7% and 19.6%, respectively. In general, the company’s balance sheet increased by 76.2%, which amounted to 789,242 thousand rubles.

Table 3

Values ​​of financial stability indicators of Raduga LLC

No. Indicator Calculation method based on balance sheet data Value

2011 2012 2013

1 SOS (f. 1), thousand rubles. (page 1300 + page 1400) - page 1100 -33881 57445 238150

2 SOS (f. 2), thousand rubles. page 1300 - page 1100 -254035 -291359 -537169

3 SOS (f. 3), thousand rubles. p. 1300 - (p. 1100 -(p. 1400 - A)) -58462 9047 15235

4 Inventories (3), thousand rubles. page 1210 209116 305605 322878

5 S/As in total, thousand rubles. page 1400 220154 348804 775319

6 Financial independence coefficient (K1) p. 1300/ p. 1600 0.047 0.042 0.030

7 Financial stability coefficient (K2) (line 1300 + line 1400)/ line 1600 0.259 0.330 0.455

8 Maneuverability coefficient (K3) f. 3 / p. 1300 -1.207 0.177 0.279

9 Coefficient of provision of current assets with own funds (K4) f. 3/ p. 1200 -0.080 0.010 0.012

10 Inventory coverage ratio with own funds (K5) f. 3/page 1210 -0.280 0.030 0.047

Based on the data in Table 3, we can conclude that the financial position of the analyzed enterprise is unstable, since its own working capital is not enough to cover the amount of inventories and costs. Accordingly, the enterprise is forced to attract insufficiently justified additional sources of coverage.

From the calculation results it follows that the actual values ​​of the coefficients of financial independence, financial stability, maneuverability, provision of current assets and reserves with own funds are significantly lower than their estimated optimal values. Only the agility coefficient at the end of 2011 was within the recommended norm (0.2-0.5). The low indicators of these ratios are due to the fact that not only own funds, but also loans and credits are not enough to cover reserves. This means that the most important element of current assets is secured by “short” money. Based on the above, the financial condition of Raduga LLC should be considered financially unstable.

If the method of V.V. was used to determine the amount of own working capital. Kovaleva, G.V. Savitskaya, then, based on absolute indicators of financial stability, the enterprise would have normal stability of its financial condition, in which the amount of reserves and costs is equal to the sources of their formation and the solvency of the enterprise is guaranteed. However, relative indicators indicate an unstable financial position of the organization.

In the event that the formula from the work of L.V. was used to calculate the amount of own working capital. Dontsova, N.A. Nikiforova, then the absence of equity capital in the organization’s turnover would indicate that all the organization’s current assets, as well as part of the non-current assets, were formed from borrowed funds. The values ​​of the coefficients of maneuverability, provision of current assets and reserves with own funds would be negative throughout the entire analyzed period.

Further analysis of financial independence should be aimed at identifying opportunities for its growth, which are associated with improving the composition of assets (reasonable formation) and increasing the efficiency of their use (since with an increase in capital productivity and acceleration of asset turnover, ceteris paribus, less financial resources are required), and also with an increase in the volume of retained earnings.

To assess the level of financial stability of Russian organizations, it is proposed to use the expert method of assessing the financial stability of the authors L.S. Vasilyeva and M.V. Petrovskaya, the essence of which is as follows. Experts select a set of private criteria that characterize various aspects of financial stability. Such criteria could be:

Inventory turnover ratio (X1);

Coefficient of coverage of short-term liabilities with working capital (X2);

Capital structure ratio (X3);

Total return on assets ratio (X4);

Return on sales at book value (X5).

Then the significance of each particular criterion is established in accordance with its influence on financial stability: "ШХ1) = 25, "ШХ2) = 25, "ШХ3) = 20, = 20, = 10, "^(Х1) = 100.

The relationships between the values ​​of particular criteria and their standard values ​​are calculated: K1 = X1/X1n, K2 = X2/X2n, KZ = X3/X3n, K4 = X4/X4n, K5 = X5/X5n.

A complex indicator of financial stability of the form is formed: I = ^^Х1)хК1 + ^^Х2)хК2 + 1^Х3)хК3 + ^^Х4)хК4 + 1^Х5)хК5. (4)

If the value of the complex indicator is at least 100, then the financial situation of the organization is considered good. If the value of the complex indicator is less than 100, then the financial situation of the organization is not favorable. The greater the deviation from 100 downward, the more difficult the financial condition of the organization, the more likely it is that the organization will encounter financial difficulties in the near future. Forecasting financial difficulties using the above indicator will make it possible to take timely measures to reduce financial difficulties and more objectively draw up plans for the development of the organization.

The analysis showed that Raduga LLC has not only an unstable financial position, but also insufficient liquidity of assets, and therefore, the likelihood of bankruptcy is still present.

Factors that negatively affect the financial stability of the enterprise are:

Lack of own working capital, i.e. working capital to finance current activities;

Low share of own and, accordingly, high specific gravity borrowed capital in the total value of the enterprise's assets, which indicates a strong dependence on external creditors;

Excess of accounts payable over accounts receivable (i.e., the organization is a net borrower, and the enterprise has more obligations than the organization’s debts to other creditors, and therefore it uses borrowed funds in circulation);

Low return on equity and product sales, i.e. insufficient profitability per 1 ruble of invested capital and 1 ruble of sales volume;

Low turnover of the enterprise's assets, indicating insufficient efficiency of their use;

Insufficiency of the most liquid assets (cash and short-term financial investments) to cover current obligations, i.e. insolvency of the enterprise for the near future;

The calculated bankruptcy methods confirm the unsatisfactory financial condition of the enterprise and the likelihood of bankruptcy in connection with this.

To get out of this situation, Raduga LLC first of all needs to increase economic efficiency production through the introduction of new equipment and technology, reducing production costs. The company can also be recommended to increase the flow of income over expenses, which, in turn, is achieved by reducing the consumption of financial resources and increasing the positive flow of growth in its own financial resources. The greater the positive gap between the inflow and outflow of funds, the faster the company will achieve a stable financial position.

Increasing cash flow can be achieved in the following ways:

Accelerating capital turnover in current assets;

Replenishment of own working capital from internal and external sources;

Leasing of surplus production and administrative space;

Sales of unused space.

The consumption of financial resources can be optimized by:

Deferments of accounts payable;

Attracting to the use of the necessary types of fixed assets and intangible assets on leasing terms.

Let's look at each event in more detail.

a) Acceleration of capital turnover in current (current) assets.

As a result of the acceleration of capital turnover in current assets, there will be a relative reduction in turnover per ruble. Accelerating capital turnover can be achieved through:

1) reducing the duration of the production cycle due to the intensification of production, which can be achieved by reducing the inventory turnover period, reducing the turnover period of work in progress, reducing the turnover period finished products.

To reduce the time spent in reserves, it is necessary to eliminate excess reserves and use them more rationally.

Reducing the time spent by working capital in work in progress is achieved by improving the organization of production, improving the equipment and technology used, improving the use of fixed assets, especially their active part, and saving at all stages of the movement of working capital.

To reduce the time spent by funds in finished products, it is necessary: ​​rational organization of sales of finished products, the use of progressive forms of payment, timely execution of documentation and acceleration of its movement, compliance with contractual and payment discipline;

2) reducing the time spent in funds accounts receivable, which can be obtained by accelerating the collection of receivables, refinancing receivables, filing a property claim against the debtor in an arbitration court.

Acceleration of collection of receivables may be a consequence of a reduction in the terms of commercial and consumer loans.

In modern conditions, there are many tools for refinancing accounts receivable, such as factoring, bills of exchange and others.

As a result of factoring, the selling company cedes the right to receive financial receivables from the factoring company (bank) and immediately pay 70-90% of the debt amount. After the debtors pay for the goods, the factoring company transfers the remaining 10-30% of the funds. For these services, a payment of 3-5% of the entire contract amount is charged.

The use of a bill allows you to defer the promised payment until a specified date. A bill of exchange is a strictly established form that certifies an unconditional obligation of the drawer (a promissory note), or an offer to another payer specified in the bill of exchange (a bill of exchange) to pay a certain amount of money upon the maturity of the bill of exchange.

b) Replenishment of own working capital from internal and external sources involves increasing the share of own sources of financing, which can be achieved by increasing the authorized capital and increasing profitability by reducing costs.

To increase the profitability of an enterprise, it is proposed to study downtime and reduce downtime costs, as well as reduce management costs.

Expanding core activities through various activities will further resolve this issue, for example, increasing the volume and range of products in order to attract new consumers and thereby strengthen the financial stability of the enterprise.

c) Renting out surplus production and administrative space.

This event will lead to more efficient use of fixed assets and additional profit. Another positive thing is that you can expect an influx of cash every month.

d) Sale of unused production and administrative space.

The company incurs costs for maintaining the space even if it is not used; therefore, it would be more expedient to sell it, which would result in an influx of cash.

e) Deferment of accounts payable.

Restructuring of accounts payable is the process of preparing and executing a series of transactions and operations between the debtor organization and its creditors. It leads to a reduction in the burden of obligations on the finances of organizations in the current period and thereby makes it possible to increase or restore solvency. Restructuring of tax debt is carried out through its phased repayment based on a decision tax authority and in accordance with the schedule approved by him.

f) Involvement in economic circulation of the necessary types of fixed assets and intangible assets on leasing terms.

Leasing as a financial transaction of an enterprise provides for the transfer (or receipt) of the right to use certain types of fixed assets on a paid basis during a specified period. In operational leasing transactions, the transferred property belongs to the lessor and must be returned to him. In financial leasing transactions, the transferred property remains with the lessor after its full redemption.

Thus, in order to prevent a crisis situation in the financial activities of an enterprise and increase financial stability, a number of preventive measures can be used. One of the classic areas of current prevention of the financial stability of an enterprise can be a regular assessment of its solvency based on a study of cash flows. When the management of the enterprise takes a number of measures, such as increasing revenue, profit, optimizing the management of current assets, maintaining the share of borrowed sources at the same level, a positive trend in financial stability indicators will be observed. Another effective measure could be consultations with independent experts regarding the enterprise being analyzed, specialists and analysts on the stock and commodity markets, the opinion of business partners, etc. The measures under consideration will generally help to increase the financial stability of the enterprise.


1. Anushchenkova K. A. Anushchenkova V.Yu. Financial and economic analysis: educational and practical guide. M.: Dashkov and Co., 2009. 404 p.

2. Barilenko V.I. Analysis of economic activity". M.: Omega-L, 2009. 414 p.

3. Vasilyeva L.S. Petrovskaya M.V. The financial analysis. M.: KNORUS, 2006. 544 p.

4. Glazunov M.I. Assessing the financial stability of a commercial organization based on balance sheet data // Economic analysis: theory and practice.

2009. No. 21. pp. 28-36.

5. Grachev A.V. Analysis and management of the financial stability of an enterprise: from accounting to economic. M.: Finpress, 2002. 206 p.

6. Grigorieva T.I. Financial analysis for managers: assessment, forecast: textbook M.: Yurayt, 2013. 462 p.

7. Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Analysis of financial statements: textbook. 6th ed., revised. and additional M.: Business and Service, 2008. 368 p.

8. Efimova O.V., Melnik M.V. Analysis of financial statements. M.: Publishing house Ome-ga-L, 2006. 451 p.

9. Analysis of financial statements: textbook. allowance / O.V. Efimova, M.V. Melnik, E.I. Borodin [and others]. M.: Omega-L, 2013. 388 p.

10. Ionova A.F., Selezneva N.N. Financial analysis: textbook. M.: TK Velby, Prospekt, 2009. 624 p.

11. Kazakova N.A. Financial analysis: textbook and workshop. M.: Yurayt, 2014. 536 p.

12. Kiryanova Z.V., Sedova E.I. Analysis of financial statements: a textbook for bachelors. M.: Yurayt, 2014. 428 p.

13. Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: methods and procedures. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2002. 560 p.

14. Litovchenko V.P. Financial analysis: textbook. allowance. M.: Dashkov and Co., 2013. 216 p.

15. Markaryan E.A. Financial analysis: textbook. allowance. M.: KnoRus, 2014. 192 p.

16. Plaskova N.S. Strategic and current economic analysis. M.: Eksmo,

17. Savitskaya G.V. Economic analysis: textbook. 11th ed., rev. and additional M.: New knowledge, 2005. 651 p.

18. Selezneva N.N., Ionova A.F. Analysis of financial statements of an organization: textbook. allowance. 3rd ed., revised. and additional M.: Unity-Dana. 2013. 583 p.

19. Chuev I.N., Chueva L.N. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. 368 p.

20. Sheremet A.D. Comprehensive analysis of economic activities. M.: INFRA-M, 2008. 416 p.

1. Anuschenkova K.A., Anuschenkova V.Yu. Financial and economic analysis: educational and practical guide. M., Dashkov i Ko., 2009, 404 p. .

2. Barilenko V.I. Analysis of economic activity. M., Omega-L, 2009, 414 p. .

3. Vasilieva L.S., Petrovskaya M.V. Financial analysis. M., KNORUS, 2006, 544 p. .

4. Glazunov M.I. Assessment of financial stability of commercial organization on the basis of data of balance sheet. Economic analysis: theory and practice, 2009, no. 21, pp. 28-36.

5. Grachev A.V. Analysis and management by financial stability of an enterprise, from accounting to the economic accounting. M., Finpress, 2002, 206 p. .

6. Grigorieva T.I. Financial analysis for managers: estimation, prediction: textbook. M., Iurait, 2013, 462 p. .

7. Dontsova L.V., Nikiforova N.A. Analysis of financial statement: textbook. 6th edition, revised and enlarged. M., Delo i servis, 2008, 368 p. .

8. Efimova O.V., Mel"nik M.V. Analysis of financial statement. M., Izd-vo Omega-L, 2006, 451 p. .

9. Efimova O.V., Mel"nik M.V., Borodina E.I., Berdnikov V.V. Analysis of financial statement: tutorial. M., Omega-L, 2013, 388 p.

10. Ionova A.F. Selezneva N.N. Financial analysis: textbook. M., TK Velby, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2009, 624 p. .

11. Kazakova N.A. Financial analysis: textbook and practical. M., Iurait, 2014, 536 p. .

12.Kir"yanova Z.V., Sedova E.I. Analysis of financial statement: textbook for bachelors. M., Iurait, 2014, 428 p. .

13.Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: methods and procedures. M., Finansy i statistika, 2002, 560 p. .

14. Litovchenko V.P. Financial analysis: tutorial. M., Dashkov i K, 2013, 216 p. .

16.Plaskova N.S. Strategic and current economic analysis. M., Eksmo, 2010, 384 p. .

17.Savitskaya G.V. Economic analysis: textbook. 11th edition, revised and enlarged. M., Novoe znanie, 2005, 651 p.

18. Selezneva N.N., Ionova A.F. Analysis of financial statement of an organization: tutorial, 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. M., Iuniti-Dana, 2013, 583 p. .

19.Chuev I.N., Chueva L.N. Comprehensive economic analysis of economic activity. M., Dashkov i K., 2008, 368 p. .

20.Sheremet A.D. Comprehensive analysis of economic activity. M., INFRA-M, 2008, 416 p. .

E.A. Gutkovskay, N.F. Kolesnik*


For ensuring modern level of competitive production stable activities of an organization is required, in connection with what the problem of ensuring financial stability is actualized. This requires further study of methodological maintenance of assessment of financial stability, predictive analytical work of an organization related to the identification and prevention of financial difficulties. The use of effective techniques for assessing financial stability of an organization will allow to develop recommendations on how to improve and expand the capabilities of information and analytical support of management by business entity. The aim of the work is to study the existing methods for assessing financial stability and the development of measures to improve the financial sustainability of an enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following objectives are defined: carry out comparative analysis of definitions of financial stability and refine its concept as the most important object of analysis; review existing methodological approaches to the assessment of financial stability - carry out an analysis of financial stability of an enterprise using the techniques of various authors on a concrete example; identify the factors negatively affecting financial stability; determine parameters characterizing the financial stability; make recommendations to improve financial stability of an organization.

In this paper, using the techniques of various authors, assessment of financial stability of a particular company is carried out. Using peer evaluation method of financial stability, based on the totality of particular criteria and calculation of complex indicator of financial stability, the probability of bankruptcy of an enterprise is revealed and the prognosis of financial difficulties is composed. According to the results of carried out analysis of financial stability of the factors adversely affecting the financial position of the company are defined and recommendations on increasing financial stability, including the acceleration of capital turnover in current assets, replenishment of net worth, regular assessment of solvency on the basis of examining cash flows and others are developed. It is concluded that in order to prevent crisis situation in the financial performance of an enterprise and increase of financial stability it is necessary to carry out a series of preventive measures.

Key words: assessment, financial stability, method of analysis, factors, economic efficiency.

The article was received by the editor on November 29, 2014. The article received 29/XI/2014.

* Gutkovskaya Elena Anatolievna ( [email protected]), Kolesnik Natalia Fedorovna ( [email protected]), Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, 430000, Russian Federation.

Ermolina L.V.

The importance of strategic management in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and developing the country’s economy // Bulletin of Samara State University. 2015. No. 2 (124). pp. 47-54

UDC 658.011.4

L.V. Ermolina*


The article compares and analyzes existing models of enterprise competitiveness, and as a result, a multidimensional dynamic model of company competitiveness is proposed. In the process of conducting the research, the hypothesis is tested according to which strategic management is the main factor in the competitiveness of enterprises and a vector of development national economy, the cause-and-effect relationship between strategic management, competitiveness of enterprises and the development of the country’s economy as a whole is revealed.

Key words: enterprise competitiveness, strategic management, development, national economy.

Today, during a global recession domestic economy and general world economic crisis, it is especially acutely felt that the competitiveness of each individual enterprise is the most important link in increasing the competitiveness of the entire country as a whole. The ability of national companies to successfully compete in certain international markets depends on the overall level of efficiency of production factors in the state. Therefore, the most important task in managing modern enterprises is undoubtedly maintaining high level their competitiveness.

The very concept of “competitiveness of an enterprise” affects quite a few different aspects, touching all aspects of its activities, starting from the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the product, ending with the organizational, production and financial characteristics of the enterprise itself. The term “competitiveness” is widely represented in the economic literature, for example: “The competitiveness of an enterprise is the ability to profitably produce and sell products at a price no higher and in quality no worse than that of any other counterparties in its market niche...”. Also, all definitions emphasize the fact that competitiveness is a key guideline for modern companies and their most important tool on the way to achieving their main goal - maximizing profits. The development of the national economy is the primary task of any country, since it determines not only the standard of living of the population in a given country, but also its ability to realize its own interests in interaction with other countries. Based on this, we can conclude that the analysis of factors of competitiveness of enterprises and vectors of development of the national economy is a relevant area of ​​modern economic research.

* © Ermolina L.V., 2015

Ermolina Liliya Valerievna ( [email protected]), Department of Industrial Economics, Samara State Technical University, 443100, Russian Federation, Samara, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244.


Yarullin Raul Rafaelovich,

doctor economic sciences, Professor

Department of Finance and Taxation

Ufa, Russia

Murzagulova Guzel Gabdulkhakovna,

Institute of Economics, Finance and Business,

Bashkir State University

student of the Department of Finance and Taxation

Ufa, Russia


Problems of financial stability are considered commercial bank Using the example of Sotsinvestbank JSC, the relevance and essence of the category of financial stability are revealed. The key categories of the bank's financial stability are analyzed. Based on the research, ways to solve these problems in this area are proposed.

Keywords: financial stability, commercial bank, bank profitability, bank capital

The banking system is an important component of the implementation of reproductive relations in the economy. The bank ensures the functioning of the “savings - investments” process. On the one hand, it attracts free monetary resources of the population into deposits at a certain percentage and, thus, preserves them purchasing power. On the other hand, the bank provides organizations and citizens with these resources on the terms of urgency, repayment and payment.

Thus, the state of small and medium-sized businesses and the population as a whole depends on the state of the banking system.

In the Russian Federation, the Central Bank, when assessing the financial stability of credit institutions, uses the Directive of the Bank of Russia dated April 30, 2008 No. 2005-U “On assessing the economic situation of banks.” With the publication of this normative document a modern model for assessing financial stability has been formed.

During the study, an analysis and assessment of the financial stability of Sotsinvestbank JSC was carried out based on the above-mentioned legal act. Data used for analysis financial statements and financial results report for 2013-2015.

As you know, Sotsinvestbank JSC is a republican bank with state participation and, first of all, cares about the interests of the region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, offering the most favorable terms of service for both individuals and legal entities.

In the third quarter of 2015, the Bank encountered financial difficulties due to the revocation of licenses from Russian Credit banks and AMB Bank. These two credit institutions were counterparties to Sotsinvestbank JSC. To cover bad loans, a reserve was formed, which influenced a significant reduction in the bank's own funds (capital). Moreover, the change in the reserve also affected the financial result for this reporting period, which had a negative value.

Thus, the deterioration in the financial statements of Sotsinvestbank JSC affected the amount of the bank’s capital, the quality of assets and the level of profitability.

Also, indicators indicating a deterioration in the financial condition of the bank and an increase in risks in its activities are:

— general indicators (mandatory standards N1, N2, N3 and N4 in accordance with the requirements of Instruction No. 139-I);

— credit risk indicators (assessments of loan quality indicators, loss risk, share of overdue loans, size of RVPS and RVP, N6, N7, N9, N10 in accordance with the requirements of Directive N 2005-U);

— indicators of operational risk.

According to the Directive of the Bank of Russia No. 2005-U, Sotsinvestbank JSC belongs to the 4th group of banks since, in accordance with clause 2.4.3, the Bank does not comply with the adequacy ratio of its own funds (capital) in the aggregate for no more than 5 operating days within one month of the reporting quarter

During the structural analysis of the bank's income and expenses, it was found that the basis for profitability management is the growth of income due to the stable part and the growth rate of interest income exceeding expenses.

Thus, the following way out of the crisis is proposed - the accumulation of profit as an internal source of increase in equity capital.

The main source of equity capital for the bank is the accumulation of profits in the form of various funds and in undistributed form. This is often the easiest and least expensive method of raising capital. In addition, the bank’s profit is the result of its credit, investment, financial and dividend policies, so the results of operations can lead to both an increase in equity capital and a decrease due to losses.

However, the downside to this domestic method of raising capital is that the earnings used as capital gains are fully subject to federal taxes.

The main problems and directions for improving the financial stability of a bank branch are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 – Problems in maintaining the financial stability of the Bank*

For the optimal ratio of borrowed and own funds of the bank, it is necessary to issue securities. This will allow increasing the bank's own capital, which will make it possible to increase the volume of active operations, as well as further expand the bank's activities. The increase in equity capital will increase the reliability of the bank.

Also, you can increase your own capital by increasing the profitability of the bank by reducing expenses, as well as increasing the number of income instruments.

The reduction in expenses will be made by reducing unproductive costs, namely the reduction of 4 operational offices, which, due to their close proximity to each other, interrupt the flow of clients and the results of the operation of the operational office.

However, the legal aspect of this management decision must also be taken into account. First, the Bank's management should issue an order to reduce staff and change the staffing table.

The liquidation of four offices will lead to a reduction in expenses for renting premises and employee salaries. The data is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 – Results of elimination of unproductive costs*

The reduction of offices leads to an increase in the share of clients per 1 operating office. Consequently, queues may appear at the box office. This problem is solved by installed terminals in offices or the Sib-online program.

To increase profits, it is proposed to introduce commission payments. If you issue bank card is possible for free by consulting a loan specialist, then filling out a quick registration application, as well as paying monthly loan payments through the terminal, may charge a commission of 45 rubles. Presumably, 5 people will use the terminal per day. In annual terms, one terminal in the office will bring commission income in the amount of 82.1 thousand rubles. In total, 11 offices in the city of Ufa – 903 thousand rubles.

This management decision is negative in relation to customer trust. However, the Bank needs to get out of the crisis situation.

Increasing the share of income-generating assets will provide the Bank with more stable operation and increase its stability and reliability.

Since the Bank receives its main income from lending operations, the bank is invited to use the funds received from the investor PJSC JSCB "Russian Capital" for development consumer lending. Control priority active operations must be individuals, since this is a group of first priority creditors.

As part of measures to improve the bank's stability, improvements to retail lending are proposed: a reduction in the interest rate depending on the loan term.

The proposed lending conditions by terms and number of clients who took out a loan, with a projected number of 100 loans per year, are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 – Lending terms by terms and number of clients, people*

The interest rate depends on the loan term. They are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 – Interest rates on proposed lending, %*

Thus, within 12 months after the introduction of this banking product, the Bank will be able to receive a profit, which is calculated in table 4. In the calculations, only the minimum and maximum dimensions loans.

Table 4 – Projected interest income, rub.*

Income received from loans issued, with the planned distribution of the number of clients, will amount to 3,076,980 rubles.

Current bank expenses associated with direct implementation credit operations during the year are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 – Current bank expenses, rub.*

Thus, the net profit from increasing lending volumes will be 2,247,304.8 rubles (less current costs and 24% income tax).

The expansion of retail lending allows the bank to have additional financial resources, attract new clients and form a stable client base for the loan period, and further develop its loan portfolio. This makes it possible to implement the development strategy developed by the Bank’s management, aimed at finding further ways to grow the bank and ensuring its stable financial position.


  1. Instruction of the Bank of Russia dated December 3, 2012 No. 139-I “On mandatory standards of banks” // Reference and legal system GARANT. [Electronic resource] URL: date 06/14/2017) – Cap. from the screen.
  2. Directive of the Bank of Russia dated April 30, 2008 No. 2005-U “On assessing the economic situation of banks” // Reference and legal system GARANT. [Electronic resource] URL: date 06/14/2017) – Cap. from the screen.
  3. Lavrushin O.I. Assessment of the financial stability of a credit organization. / Team of authors; edited by O.I. Lavrushina, I.D. Mamontova. – 2nd ed., erased. – M. KNORUS, 2016. – 302 p.
  4. Lavrushin O.I. Banking management / ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. O.I. Lavrushin. – 4th ed., erased. – M. KNORUS, 2015 – 554 p.
  5. Markina E.V. Features of credit organizations / ed. Markina E.V. – 2nd ed., erased. – M. KNORUS, 2014 – 341 p.
  6. Pukhov V.I. Formation of a system for managing the financial stability of a commercial bank: abstract. dis. Ph.D. econ. Sciences: 08.00.10 / Pukhov V.I. – Moscow, 2013. – 30 p.
  7. Fetisov G.G. The stability of a commercial bank and rating systems for its assessment. / G.G. Fetisov. – M. Finance and Statistics, 2016. – 317 p.


1 Theoretical foundations of bank financial stability

1.1 Essence and classification of types of financial stability

1.2 Factors affecting financial stability

1.3 Financial stability indicators

2 Analysis of the financial stability of OJSC “Belgazprombank”

2.1 Analysis of the main indicators of the financial performance of the JSC


2.2 Bank balance sheet analysis

2.3 Liquidity analysis

2.4 Capital adequacy analysis

2.5 Factor analysis of regulatory capital adequacy

3 Ways to improve the financial stability of a bank

3.1 Problems of bank financial stability

3.2 Reserve assets as a source of financial enhancement

bank stability

3.3 Economic and mathematical model


List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D


The concept of sustainability implies the stability of a financial institution and is identified with a related concept - reliability.

The stability of a commercial bank is its qualitative state of equilibrium in motion, in which the achievement and strengthening of reliability, constancy and trust in terms of invulnerability to destruction is realized.

Issues of sustainability of a commercial bank should be considered from the point of view of a bank that has all the signs of an open system - an orderly, self-stabilizing and self-organizing integrity.

Financial stability is an important part of assessing the financial condition of a bank, both from its investors and owners. Supervisory authorities, represented by National Bank The Republic of Belarus. During a period of economic instability, when systemic risks in the banking sector increase many times over and a threat arises to the stability and dynamic development of the economy as a whole, the importance of assessing the parameters of financial stability increases.

Despite the fact that the domestic banking system is fully formed and has passed the main stages of development, periodically emerging crisis phenomena determine the need to find new methods for solving the problem of assessing and regulating the parameters of a bank’s work in order to ensure its financial stability.

Problems in the banking sector are caused both by internal reasons of a financial and economic nature, and by the influence of global world processes associated with the deepening integration of the domestic economy at the international level, which increases the vulnerability of the banking sector from external influences.

In the context of growing crisis phenomena in the economy, assessments and analysis of the financial stability of commercial banks become important.

One of the conditions for the sustainable development of each bank and the banking system as a whole is the improvement of approaches to financial management of commercial banks. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that assessing the financial stability of commercial banks requires the development of a system of criteria that determines the reliability of the bank, and methods for conducting analysis according to these criteria.

Thus, the subject of this course work will be the financial stability of the bank.

The object of study is OJSC Belgazprombank.

The purpose of this course work is to conduct an analysis of financial stability based on data from a specific organization.

The tasks set in this course work:

Study the theoretical foundations of the financial stability of the bank;

Conduct an analysis of the financial stability of OJSC Belgazprombank;

Explore ways to improve the financial stability of the bank.

1 Theoretical foundations of bank financial stability

1.1 Essence and classification of types of financial stability

Financial stability is the most important characteristic of the financial activities of a commercial bank in a market economy. Its provision is one of the most acute problems in the activities of commercial banks. If a commercial bank is financially stable, then it has a competitive advantage over other commercial banks, which is expressed in attracting additional resources, dominance in a particular market segment, increasing household deposits as the main source of banking resources and, accordingly, expanding the scope of investment, opportunities to develop new non-traditional types of services, etc. In addition, a financially stable bank creates a favorable external environment, that is, it does not enter into conflict relations with the state and society, since it pays taxes to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, wages to workers on time and in full and employees, dividends to shareholders, and returns borrowed funds to its creditors.

V.V. Ivanov, in his works concerning the consideration of issues related to the financial position of commercial banks, believes that the financial stability of a bank can be assessed by the quality of assets, capital adequacy and operational efficiency. According to R.M. Karimov, the position of a commercial bank is stable if it has stable capital, has a liquid balance sheet, is solvent and meets the requirements for the quality of capital. O.M. Bogdanova attaches paramount importance in determining the financial stability of a bank to its own funds. V.B. Tikhanin understands the financial stability of a bank as its ability to withstand destructive fluctuations, while performing operations to attract deposits of funds from individuals and legal entities, opening and maintaining bank accounts, as well as placing raised funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on terms of payment, urgency and repayment. That is, the author focuses on the bank’s ability to provide a range of specific banking services of appropriate quality.

Economists and practitioners in the field of banking agree on one thing - that the financial stability of a commercial bank is the stability of its financial position in the long term. It reflects the state of financial resources in which a commercial bank, freely maneuvering funds, is able to effective use ensure the uninterrupted process of carrying out its economic activities.

Describing the concept of “financial stability of a commercial bank”, we will define its main features.

The first sign is that the category “financial stability” is a public category, which is manifested in the interest of society and its members in the sustainable development of commercial banks. Thus, the population is directly interested in the sustainable development of banks; thanks to their savings, they form the resource base of a commercial bank. Deposits from the public are not only significant, but also a stable resource of the bank.

Clients and counterparties who are directly related to the formation of the resource base and operate promptly in various market segments also show a direct interest in the sustainability of credit institutions. A commercial bank traditionally serves enterprises of various sectors of the economy, organizational and legal forms of ownership, and areas of activity. Noteworthy is the fact that, given the possibility for enterprises and organizations to open several current accounts in different commercial banks, a plurality of interests is actually formed, since the same enterprise becomes interested in the activities of several commercial banks with which it interacts. From this point of view, counterparty banks that have direct correspondent relationships with each other can also be considered.

The sphere of direct interest in the sustainable functioning of commercial banks also includes the state, which is interested in timely tax revenues. However, the state’s interest also has some specific features related to the need to maintain the stability of the banking system, its development and strengthening. This is one of the main goals of the activity Central Bank RF. Carrying out supervisory and regulatory functions, the Bank of Russia strives to ensure the stability of the banking sector of the Russian economy.

The second feature of the concept of “financial stability of a commercial bank” is the dependence of financial stability on the volume and quality of resource potential. The bank's resource potential determines the qualitative level of the bank's financial stability. The greater the amount of resources a bank attracts and the better the quality of these resources, the more active it is in investing its resources, the more it strengthens its financial condition and, accordingly, financial stability.

The financial stability of a commercial bank is a dynamic category (third feature), which is the ability to return to an equilibrium financial state after leaving it as a result of any impact. Based on the financial stability of the bank, its performance is largely determined, since in order to be efficient and function normally, a commercial bank must be insensitive to extraneous disturbances of various kinds for a sufficiently long period of time.

The determining factor in this case should be the relationship between clients and counterparties with the bank. Clients when establishing partnerships with commercial bank They count on uninterrupted settlement and cash services, the ability to obtain loans if necessary, and the provision of various banking services. Otherwise, in the conditions of banking competition, the client can switch to another bank that meets all the requirements. Counterparty banks are also interested in stable, guaranteed relationships with partner banks, focusing mainly on the partner’s reputation and actual financial position. Thus, clients and counterparties of commercial banks are directly interested in their uninterrupted operation, both at a certain point in time and in the long term.

In general, when considering the category “financial stability of a commercial bank”, it is important to emphasize that all the considered signs must be simultaneously present in the object under consideration. This is explained by the fact that each feature carries its own burden; the absence of any of them weakens the bank’s position and inevitably leads to the emergence of various problems.

      Problems and prospects for enterprise development

The problem of ensuring financial stability is one of the most pressing for most enterprises. In their activities, they face difficulties in determining a mechanism that would ensure financial balance, and achieving their goals at the same time for domestic enterprises, ensuring financial stability is quite problematic at the present time. One of the main problems is the predominance of borrowing over measures to increase equity capital, including the preference for acquiring borrowed funds in non-financial form (i.e. acquiring material assets on credit, without taking into account the real possibility of paying for them with money). Moreover, this trend is typical for most enterprises in almost any sector of the economy. This is why it is quite difficult for small businesses to get loans for their activities, since many banks simply do not trust the solvency of these enterprises.

The second problem follows from the first problem, which is the presence of long-term overdue debts to suppliers, banks, personnel, the budget, extra-budgetary funds and other creditors. The ratio between accounts payable and accounts receivable has worsened. Overdue accounts payable for enterprises as a whole account for half of this type of debt.

Such a high increase in overdue debt in economically means an equally rapid and significant reduction in financial sources for restoring production.

The main reason for the negative dynamics of the ratio of receivables and payables, as well as the steady trend towards an increase in overdue debt in its total amount, is the physical reduction and destruction of fixed production assets, the cessation in most cases of not only their expanded reproduction, but also simple ones.

The result is a sharp drop in production volumes, which is accompanied by a reduction in its own sources of production financing. This leads to a significant decrease in the solvency of the enterprise, as well as to a breakdown in relations with suppliers, investors, and creditors, since such an enterprise will be considered an unreliable partner.

Another key problem that has caused a decrease in the current financial stability of enterprises is the shortage of cash working capital necessary to ensure current production. The lack of free funds in settlement, currency and other bank accounts has a negative impact on the financial stability of the enterprise and practically means its bankruptcy.

Excessive dependence of the enterprise on external creditors and investors also indicates that the share of borrowed funds in the capital of the enterprise is too high and has a negative impact on financial stability.

The listed problems are, to one degree or another, typical for most enterprises. This trend has been observed over the past few years and is associated with the post-crisis period, which the state is trying to overcome, alas, at too slow a pace.

As for StavroPos LLC and increasing its financial stability, the following series of measures can be implemented. Firstly, it needs to be improved organizational structure and management structure, the creation of a service that carries out constant financial analysis of the enterprise’s activities in order to manage financial stability and control the level of solvency of the enterprise. Secondly, it is necessary to reduce accounts receivable, because a fairly large part of it in the overall asset structure reduces the liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise and increases the risk of financial losses for the company. Thirdly, it is necessary to create a reserve for doubtful debts.

3.2. Directions for increasing the financial stability and solvency of the enterprise StavroPos LLC

Event No. 1. Creation of a financial department.

Any measures to improve the financial condition of an enterprise cannot be carried out without the active work of the employees of this enterprise. At the present stage of its operation, StavroPos LLC is not able to solve various financial problems, including conducting financial analysis, both internal and external. The company not only does not have a department or service that resolves these issues, but also specialists who can be entrusted with carrying out individual measures to improve the financial condition of StavroPos LLC. Accounting employees are engaged in calculating individual indicators of financial and economic activity, but they are not competent enough in matters of planning and finding ways out of the current situation.

The department will solve the following problems that are currently not being considered at the enterprise or are not being addressed fully enough, namely:

    providing financial resources for the current activities of the enterprise, finding reserves for reducing costs, increasing profits and increasing profitability while fully fulfilling obligations to the budget, banks, and suppliers

    analysis of the current economic activities of the enterprise;

    participation in financial and economic activities;

    constant analysis and control over tax legislation, control over the timeliness of payment of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds, as well as over debt to the budget and funds;

    constant analysis of receivables and payables, analysis of agreements and contracts;

    preparation of operational information on the movement of funds in the accounts of the enterprise.

Naturally, the creation of another structural unit at the enterprise will lead to an increase in costs and will require additional financial investments. But the effect that can be obtained from this event is obvious.

It is planned that the department will consist of the following units that will perform specific functions.

Department composition:

    financial planning bureau;

    bureau of operational accounting of financial and settlement operations;

    bureau of operational accounting of financial investments.

The main functions of a financial planning office include:

    participation in the preparation and endorsement of contracts concluded by the enterprise, in particular the terms of settlements with suppliers and consumers in accordance with the financial plan;

    ensuring the fulfillment of financial obligations to creditors;

    conducting systematic monitoring of the financial condition of the enterprise based on accounting analysis, statistical and operational reporting;

    control over the state of standardized working capital.

The Bureau of Operational Accounting of Financial and Settlement Operations performs the following functions:

    conducts systematic monitoring of the status of accounts receivable and takes measures to collect them;

    prepares materials for filing claims arising from non-payment of bills by consumers of products;

    regulates daily payments to suppliers and contractors.

The Bureau for Operational Accounting of the Enterprise's Financial Investments will monitor the enterprise's long-term and short-term financial investments and analyze agreements and contracts.

Let’s assume that 3 specialists will initially be hired to work in the financial department, and as necessary and as the department’s activities expand, management will decide to hire additional employees

The costs that the enterprise will be forced to bear in connection with the creation of a financial department will consist of capital investments in the amount of the cost of a personal computer and furniture (90 thousand rubles) and costs associated with payment wages(15 thousand rubles * 12 months + contributions for social needs, total 54 thousand rubles).

Total: 90+54 = 144 thousand rubles.

Thus, the ineffective structure of the enterprise’s property, in particular the increased accounts receivable, requires immediate work to stabilize and improve the financial condition of StavroPos LLC. This work should be entrusted to specialists from the financial department, which are proposed to be created at the enterprise.

Event No. 2. Creation of a scoring system for the reliability of the counterparty in order to reduce receivables. Introduction of a fine system.

A well-constructed database and analysis of statistical data on the counterparty’s fulfillment of its obligations allow one to make an informed decision on the possibility of providing a commercial loan.

At the LLC StavroPos enterprise, it is necessary to create a system for scoring the reliability of the counterparty based on an analysis of work with him. All counterparties must be grouped into four groups according to reliability level:

  • increased attention;

    reliable clients;

    "golden" clients.

The reliability of counterparties is assessed based on the period of work with the client, the volume of sales to the client and the amount of overdue debt of this client at the end of the period (see Table 3.1).

Table 3.1

Client reliability rating scale

The assignment of a counterparty to a particular group is carried out on the basis of an integral assessment, which is calculated as the product of scores for all three indicators.

The risk group includes enterprises with an integral score from 1 to 4, the high-attention group includes enterprises with 5-12 points, reliable clients - from 12-27, and "golden" - from 28-64.

The next measure to reduce accounts receivable is the introduction of a system of fines for late payments.

One of the most effective tools for maximizing cash flow and reducing the risk of overdue accounts receivable is a system of discounts and fines. A system for calculating penalties and fines for violation of payment deadlines established by the debt repayment schedule must be provided for in the contract. Discounts are provided depending on the term of payment for the goods. For example, with full prepayment a discount of 3% of the cost of the goods is provided, with partial prepayment (more than 50% of the cost of the shipped batch) - a 2% discount, with payment upon shipment - a 1% discount. There are no discounts when providing payment in installments for 7 days. In case of delay in payment, the penalty is 1% per day of the total amount due. These conditions must be specified in the contract.

Events No. 3. Creation of a reserve for doubtful debts.

The organization creates reserves for doubtful debts if accounts receivable are recognized as doubtful.

In this case, the receivables of an enterprise are considered doubtful if they are not repaid or with a high degree of probability will not be repaid within the time limits established by the contract and are not secured by appropriate guarantees.

Creating a reserve for doubtful debts in tax accounting is an element of tax planning that allows an enterprise to save on paying income tax. With the help of contributions to the reserve, the organization increases its non-operating expenses and thereby reduces its taxable profit.

Payment of income tax in this case is carried out only after the organization receives payment from the buyer for goods shipped, work performed, services rendered (clause 7 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The Tax Code does not establish a requirement to reflect the creation of a reserve for doubtful debts in accounting policy enterprises.

The procedure for creating a reserve for doubtful debts is given in Art. Art. 266 and 313 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A doubtful debt is a debt to a taxpayer that:

Not repaid within the terms established by the agreement;

Not secured by collateral, surety, or bank guarantee.

The amount of the reserve for doubtful debts is determined based on the results of the inventory carried out on the last day of the reporting period or tax period(clause 4 of article 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax legislation does not establish the specifics of conducting an inventory for the use of its data for tax purposes. Therefore, on the basis of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, when forming reserves for doubtful debts in tax accounting, inventory data must be used, which is carried out in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations for the Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 N 49). This is stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 26, 2006 N 03-03-04/1/612.

The number of inventories in the reporting year, the date of their conduct, the list of property and financial obligations verified during each of them are established by the head of the enterprise in accordance with the law. Information on the inventory procedure is reflected in the approved accounting policy (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 17, 2008 N 03-03-06/2/84).

When conducting an inventory, the organization checks the correctness and validity of the amounts of receivables that are listed on the enterprise’s balance sheet (clause 3.48 of Methodological Recommendations No. 49). The results of the accounts receivable inventory are documented:

Act of inventory of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors (form N INV-17, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 N 88);

A certificate to the Inventory Report of settlements with buyers, suppliers and other debtors and creditors (Appendix to Form N INV-17).

They reflect only those amounts of receivables for which the statute of limitations has not yet expired.

Deductions to the reserve for doubtful debts are included in non-operating expenses on the last day of the reporting or tax period (clause 3 of Article 266 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If the reporting period for income tax for an enterprise is a quarter, then deductions to the reserve for doubtful debts are charged to non-operating expenses on the last day of the quarter. If an organization reports income taxes on a monthly basis, then deductions to the reserve for doubtful debts must be included in non-operating expenses on the last day of each month.

Let's consider the possibility of creating reserves for doubtful debts for the enterprise StavroPos LLC.

Based on the results of the inventory of accounts receivable for services provided, as of January 1, 2013, the following was identified:

Debt in the amount of 2170.8 thousand rubles. - the period of occurrence is more than 90 calendar days;

In accounting, all debts are recognized as doubtful. Sales revenue for 2012 amounted to 9322.02 thousand rubles.

Let's define RSO: 2170.8*100% = 2170.8 thousand rubles.

Let's determine PSO: 9322.02 thousand rubles. x 10% = 932.2 thousand rubles.

Thus, in tax accounting, the amount of the reserve as of 01/01/2013 will be 932.2 thousand rubles.

Creating a reserve for doubtful debts creates the opportunity to save on income tax in the amount of 186.44 thousand rubles.

The creation of a reserve mitigates the negative consequences of writing off bad debts, but does not eliminate them; in this regard, the basis for managing accounts receivable at StavroPos LLC should be measures to prevent the occurrence of debts and the enterprise from collection.

To summarize the above, it should be noted that a decrease in financial stability and solvency is, to one degree or another, characteristic of most enterprises. This trend has been observed over the past few years and is associated with the post-crisis period, which the state is trying to overcome, alas, at too slow a pace.

As for the enterprise StavroPos LLC and increasing its financial stability, the following series of measures can be implemented. Firstly, it is necessary to improve its organizational structure and management structure, create a service that carries out constant financial analysis of the enterprise’s activities in order to manage the financial stability and control the level of solvency of the enterprise. Secondly, it is necessary to reduce accounts receivable, because A fairly large part of it in the overall asset structure reduces the liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise and increases the risk of financial losses for the company. Thirdly, it is necessary to create a reserve for doubtful debts.


Financial stability guarantees the strong position of a commercial enterprise. The higher the stability of an enterprise, the more independent it is from unexpected changes in market conditions and, therefore, the lower the risk of being on the verge of bankruptcy. Assessing financial stability in the short term is related to the liquidity of the balance sheet and the solvency of the enterprise.

Ensuring a stable financial position of the enterprise allows you to attract additional investments, improve the quality of customer service, the range of products sold, increase sales volumes and, ultimately, increase the profitability of the enterprise. If the financial stability of an enterprise is considered reliable, then this allows not only to attract investments, but also to obtain a deferred payment from suppliers, to attract funds at a higher low percentage, and this reduces costs and increases its competitiveness.

Summing up the final qualifying work, I would like to note that the goal of the study, which is to develop recommendations for improving financial stability, has been generally achieved.

Completing the objectives of this work allowed us to obtain the following main results of the study:

The financial stability of an enterprise is the ability of a business entity to function and develop, to maintain a balance of its assets and liabilities in a changing internal and external environment.

To ensure financial stability, an enterprise must have a flexible capital structure and be able to organize its movement in such a way as to ensure a constant excess of income over expenses in order to maintain solvency and create conditions for self-financing.

The financial stability of an enterprise is determined by the level of its financial independence and the level of its solvency.

Analysis of the financial stability of an enterprise is the most important stage in assessing its activities and financial and economic well-being, reflects the result of its current, investment and financial development, contains the necessary information for investors, and also characterizes the ability of the enterprise to meet its debts and obligations and increase its economic potential.

Financial instability is considered normal (acceptable) if the amount of short-term loans and borrowed funds attracted for the formation of reserves does not exceed the total cost of raw materials, materials and finished products.

Assessing the ability of an enterprise to meet its long-term financial obligations is the essence of assessing its financial stability. To calculate analytical indicators, data on all sources, long-term sources, and sources of a financial nature, which are understood as equity capital, bank loans and borrowings (long-term and short-term), can be used.

One of the most important criteria for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise is its solvency. In the practice of analysis, long-term and current solvency are distinguished. Long-term solvency refers to the ability of an enterprise to pay its obligations in the long term.

The ability of an enterprise to pay off its short-term obligations is usually called current solvency. In other words, an organization is considered solvent when it is able to fulfill its short-term obligations using current assets.

As a result of the research carried out in the second chapter, the following results were revealed:

As a result of the technical and economic analysis, it was revealed that revenue from product sales tends to increase. In 2010, product sales amounted to 3,500.38 thousand rubles. In 2011, this figure increased by 35.74% and amounted to 4571.50 thousand rubles. Due to the increase in production volume, sales revenue in 2012 increased by 96.19% and amounted to 9322.02 thousand rubles. The increase in sales revenue indicates that the products of the StavroPos LLC enterprise are in demand among the population of the city of Tolyatti and production activities are increasing every year.

During the analyzed period, the number of employees increased due to an increase in production volume. In 2011, the number of employees of the enterprise was 21 people, which is 26.3% more than in 2010, incl. the number of workers increased by 21.43%. In 2012, the number of employees increased by 14.29%, incl. workers 13.33%.

The largest share in the structure of workers is made up of blue-collar workers.

The share of workers in the total number of personnel tends to decrease. In 2012, the share of workers was 70.83%, which is 2.85% less than in 2010.

The annual wage fund in 2011 increased by 22.39% and amounted to 2,432.23 thousand rubles. And in 2012, this figure amounted to 3002.34 thousand rubles, which is 23.44% more than in 2011.

The average salary of employees in 2012 was 125.1 thousand rubles. Wages per 1 ruble of products sold in 2011 amounted to 0.512 rubles, and in 2012 this figure decreased by 37.08% and amounted to 0.322 rubles.

The rate of growth in labor productivity exceeding the rate of wage growth was 1.59 in 2012.

The average annual output of 1 worker in 2011 was 316.77 thousand rubles, and in 2012 this figure increased by 73.11% and amounted to 548.35 thousand rubles. The average annual output of 1 employee was 388.42 thousand rubles.

The average daily output of 1 worker in 2012 was 2211.11 rubles, which is 73.81% more than in 2011.

The average hourly output of 1 worker is 184.26 rubles. in 2012 and 106.01 rubles. in 2011.

Gross profit in 2011 increased by 25.39% and amounted to 1,446.36 thousand rubles. In 2012, gross profit increased by 148.35% compared to 2011.

Selling expenses tend to increase in 2012, this figure amounted to 3232.61 thousand rubles, which is 157.47% more than in 2011, as a result of which there was a decrease in sales profit, and together with administrative expenses, which increased by 39 .6% was a loss on sales. As a result, sales profit in 2011 and 2012 is negative. Profit from sales is declining at a rapid pace, and gross profit is increasing - which means that commercial and administrative expenses are dragging the enterprise down.

Net profit in the period 2010-2012 has a negative value. In 2010, net profit amounted to minus 88.01 thousand rubles. In 2012, net profit amounted to -132.51 thousand rubles. In 2012, net profit amounted to minus 1015.82 thousand rubles. As a result of this analysis, we can say that the company receives losses from its activities. This was due to an increase in selling and administrative expenses. Therefore, the company needs to pursue a policy to reduce these costs.

An analysis of financial stability showed that the balance sheet of the enterprise is not absolutely liquid in the period 2010-2012. The enterprise StavroPos LLC has a payment surplus for the second group of assets and liabilities. This indicates that the organization can repay short-term and long-term loans and borrowings in full. However, there is a shortage of the most liquid assets, as indicated by the negative difference between the first group of assets and liabilities. But this situation cannot indicate a crisis of non-payments, given that this group of liabilities includes all accounts payable and other short-term obligations, which, as a rule, are not presented by creditors for payment at the same time.

In 2011, there was a decrease in solvency indicators compared to 2010. There was a need to attract additional sources of financing. In 2012, the solvency of the StavroPos LLC enterprise was restored. The company uses borrowed funds rationally.

All the results obtained indicate that the company is financially unstable. This is evidenced by the increased financial risk ratio. Over the period from 2010-2012, this coefficient increased by 0.97 units. The financial balance coefficient in 2011 decreased by 0.24 units. And in 2012 it increased by 0.9 units. This indicator characterizes the security of borrowed funds with own funds. It shows the amount of equity capital that falls on 1 ruble. borrowed funds invested in assets. The higher this indicator, the more stable the financial position of the enterprise.

The autonomy coefficient in 2012 was 0.25 units, which is 0.7 units less than in 2010.

The financial stability coefficient was 0.75 units, which indicates that the StavroPos LLC enterprise is not sustainable.

An analysis of the probability of bankruptcy using E. Altman’s model showed that the probability of bankruptcy of StavroPos LLC is high.

Summarizing the entire analysis, it can be noted that despite the fact that the enterprise increases production every year and the products are in demand, sales profit and net profit are negative, which indicates that the enterprise’s activities are ineffective. The negative value of these indicators occurred as a result of an increase in commercial and administrative expenses; at the same time, the company’s balance sheet is only 25% liquid. The enterprise is financially unstable, despite the fact that the enterprise has restored its solvency. The probability of bankruptcy is high.

A decrease in financial stability and solvency is, to one degree or another, characteristic of most enterprises. This trend has been observed over the past few years and is associated with the post-crisis period, which the state is trying to overcome, alas, at too slow a pace.

As for StavroPos LLC and increasing its financial stability, the following series of measures can be implemented. Firstly, it is necessary to improve its organizational structure and management structure, create a service that carries out constant financial analysis of the enterprise’s activities in order to manage the financial stability and control the level of solvency of the enterprise. Secondly, it is necessary to reduce accounts receivable, because A fairly large part of it in the overall asset structure reduces the liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise and increases the risk of financial losses for the company. Thirdly, it is necessary to create a reserve for doubtful debts.


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