How to manage money the most effective reviews. How to learn how to properly manage your money

How did I learn how to properly manage money many years ago when the family was very tight with them? I began to multiply them later.

Purely intuitively, I decided that if I take a little from the salary, then the money will become a little less. Even on a very small budget in the family, this smallness is invisible.

What they didn’t teach us at school, but not the most important thing - how not to be poor. For as long as I can remember, while working for an employer, I could never stop thinking about money. How, for example, to carve out for the necessary purchase.

Today, the financial literacy of our people is very lame, there is no money and they don’t know how to earn it. They say happiness is not in money, but without them, nowhere!

Let's learn how to create financial security in advance and multiply money. I will show elementary techniques, later, if you want, you will find more knowledge on this topic.

We all work for money in a job we love or a job we don't love. We always knew, we were taught this, after graduation educational institution we had to go to work. We did it.

Now someone is already far over 19 or 21 or 24, looking back we see that we can do a lot, but we don’t know how to manage money.

And if a situation happens now when we are left without work, then this is a tragedy.

Do your financial skills allow you to live the life you want today?

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who manages money correctly.

Earning 20k. rubles per month, you can be financially secure or financially independent in 5-10-20 years.

At the same time, earning 200,000 rubles. You can spend everything and still end up in debt.

Take a sheet of paper, a calculator and calculate my numbers, you can take your original data.

One day. when it was really bad in the family with money, I decided to leave a certain amount on the passbook every month. At first, without a specific goal.

And when my children and I spent the whole vacation driving Zhiguli around the Baltics, eating in cafes, buying almost everything we wanted, I realized what I had come up with good way saving money for holidays.

When I was able to save a large amount, I easily collected more for some large purchases. I did not make any calculations, I did not even invest in a bank deposit. I learned this later.

Now I will show you how to create an asset correctly and how to increase it.

Let's say you save $100 a month. In 25 years, when you are 50 years old, you will accumulate 30 thousand. You can spend them all!

Let's make our savings work for us, make them assets, that is, we will invest, then our capital will be guaranteed to turn into assets and insure us against any unforeseen situation.

How to increase the accumulated money?

Numbers are the best evidence, when you calculate, the picture becomes clear.

This is what we will do now.

I took an example with 100 dollars. – we save and invest every month, let’s assume our deferred money is at 12%, we reinvest and in 40 years the asset will be $ 1 million.

That is, if after graduation a person at the age of 25 begins to accumulate and invest capital, then at 65 he will become a millionaire.

This number may scare you! Yes, and I want to use my savings much earlier.

Let's look in 15 years at age 40, the monthly return on assets is $500. That is, starting from the age of 40, a person can live on an income from an asset of $ 500 per month. Already good!

After 20 years at 45 years, the monthly income from assets is about $ 1000

At age 50, about 2000 monthly. Nice retirement, right?

Having such elementary knowledge at the age of 25, a person began to increase his assets; he has time to gain financial knowledge and learn how to manage his capital. As a result, his asset could reach a million much sooner.

You need to think about retirement from the very first salary and thus you can go to “retirement” much earlier.

It's just that these skills weren't taught to us. I hope you will start using some of the article, teach your children and pass this knowledge on from generation to generation. May our offspring be much more literate than you and I.

Each of us can become our own banker.
If we put aside at least 10% of our salary, we would not turn to banks, we would not take loans and mortgages. We would be our own bankers, we would be the masters of our lives.

In what niche is it now profitable to invest, invest?

But ... many of us do not have this time to postpone a little .

Let's see how we can do it faster. We need to find a financial niche where we can increase our capital now and in a much shorter period of time, especially those who do not have these 20-30 years

When a crisis begins, at that moment opportunities always appear, you just need to see them! Even in a crisis we dream, life goes on and we must find these opportunities that can end quickly.

Here is a quote that confirms my words about opportunities in a crisis:

“When a hurricane begins, a fool hides his head, a smart one builds a dwelling, and a wise one builds windmills” Abai Kunanbaev

Let's talk today, at a time when financial crises follow one after another, about a million dollar or a million euro idea.

We will talk about investing in virtual currency, about the windmill that any wise person uses now.

Someone is hiding from this opportunity, someone is studying for a long time and deeply and is already at risk of being late.

financial windmill

Sincerely, Nadezhda Sheverova

How to better manage money: Method 6 Jars or Method 6 Cans.

I am familiar with 6 jugs methodfor several years, it is not always possible to follow it, butas a principlesaving for personal budget it works. This very simple approach perfectly combines three aspects: managing your expenses, planning (financial discipline) and the psychology of handling money. There are more complex models for managing our budget, but we should only move on to more complex ones when we have mastered something simple. That is why I recommend to all my friends to use the 6 jugs method. Try it in your monthly budget for at least a few months in a row (as a test) and if you like it, then use it for your benefit and the benefit of your loved ones constantly.

For most people it is difficult to financial discipline. The family budget or personal budget is non-rubber: you want to buy something or go somewhere or buy someone a gift, and suddenly it turns out that by this very moment there is not enough money for something, we refuse something, because as something suddenly became more meaningful. The 6 Pitcher Method, once you put it into your life, will start to clean up your finances. automatically and help resolve these issues. He is very simple.

Divide your entire budget on a sheet of paper (actually, it's a good idea to keep your own monthly financial statement, but let's start with at least the 6-jug method), by major expense items. Let's say that in the column "Most necessary expenses", as in the figure, 55% of your monthly budget will fall (this ratio may be different - 30%, 10%). This money goes to pay bills and you can immediately forget about them. Group all other items into 4 or 5 articles and clearly define how much you can allocate funds from the budget for this or that article. And every month immediately, on the day of your salary, for example, distribute your budget for these items.

There are many ways to implement the 6 jar method: you can literally buy 6 transparent jars with lids (as in the video example) and put goal stickers on them - I know people who do just that; you can buy 6 transparent plastic envelopes (for example, when I learned about the 6 jar method, the very next day (all innovations must be put into practice immediately!) I went to the stationery store and bought 6 transparent plastic envelopes of different colors, after which I used them for a couple of months, until I transferred this money from these “6 jugs” to the bank), from my point of view, it is most correct if you immediately issue it in your bank 6 different accounts (or how many to you needed) for the same purposes. I recommend opening 6 different accounts and naming them through the Internet bank with the appropriate names, I do it myself - first of all, this is a guarantee of security, your money will not be stolen from the bank, and secondly, you have the opportunity to digitally track all transactions and manage them. 6 jugs (or "6 jar method") is, of course, a metaphor that should not be taken literally. Optionally, you should have 6 accounts (“jugs where money flows”), there may be 5 or 4. And most importantly, you can experiment with numbers. The minimum percentage of automatic deduction for each account is 10%, it is not recommended to bet less. And, for example, the fact that 55% goes to basic expenses - someone can go much less. But there shouldn't be more.

For example, now my design looks like this, not from 6, but from 5 "jugs", more precisely from 5 bank accounts (it is generally not advisable to keep cash at home, another thing is that your bank must be reliable), for different purposes: 1) Basic expenses (the most necessary); 2) Travel account (money for vacation); 3) An entertainment account or a “Just for Fun” account (spa, cinema, theater, sit with friends in a cafe, buy a book you suddenly like, for example) - for this account, I recommend making a separate debit bank card and always pay for entertainment only to her; 4) Investment account; 5) Savings account.

The main rule of the 6-jug method is responsibility and financial self-discipline.

1) If you, on your savings account there is not enough money for what you decided to save it for, then you can’t run your hand into another account and spend all this money. A pitcher (in my case, an account) “For entertainment” is intended only for entertainment, and this money can and should be spent on entertainment and nothing else. The other account, "vacation", can only be used to purchase air and other tickets and only to book a hotel in another country. Etc.

2) One of the most difficult moments is to deposit some amounts on these accounts monthly or once a week. People forget, put off “for tomorrow”, do not pay the entire amount. This issue is resolved with the help of an agreement with the bank (in Internet banking, you can conclude such an agreement yourself). Each bank has the opportunity to sign an agreement, according to which, for example, on the day of your pay, the bank withdraws 10 or 20 or 30% from your main account and distributes these 10 or 20% to your 5 or 6 accounts. All you need to do is determine the amount of interest for each account and the day of the transfer. Why do I recommend this particular system - it is the most convenient, because it is carried out automatically, without your participation. You do not need to be tormented by the agony of choosing every month - to transfer money to such and such an account or not to transfer for a month, the bank will do everything for you.

There is no education bill here (at least not yet), because if I study, now I do it on my own. And there is no charity account, because I have already done too much charity lately - only I gave it not with money, but with my time and helping other people.

Example. Now I have 3,000 euros on my travel account, "Money for Vacation", that is, if right tomorrow or in a month I suddenly want to go somewhere - to Thailand or to Spain, or to Sri Lanka, and 3-4 weeks to live there, then I do not need to find any additional funds, they lie on this account and I have them basically don't touch, it's money just for tourism, recreation and "discovery of the world". You immediately have “freedom of hands” and it is the 6 jugs method that creates it, much more financial independence and freedom appears. If I don’t go anywhere this month, then part of the income automatically goes to the travel account and it is replenished. I repeat, in your bank you can generally set this up automatically so that on one day some amount is automatically transferred from the main account to your target “jug” accounts.

A bank account for entertainment, or as I called it, “Just for Fun” - but this money can be immediately “written off the accounts”, since it is intended specifically for entertainment, that is, this account immediately implies spending it on some kind of entertainment: swim in the spa, buy some interesting books by chance in a bookstore, play billiards or bowling, etc. It is better to have a separate debit card for this account. You can set up a separate account for a specific purpose: “wedding account”, “car account”, “round the world account”, “charity account”, “additional education account”, etc. (I don’t know what attracts you, show your imagination, experiment!)

As soon as you start using the scheme of 6 "jugs" in finance, order begins to set in, the main thing is not to mix them together in the expenditure side. This financial system Building a personal budget can seem rather strange and burdensome for the first couple of months, but once you get used to it, you will begin to enjoy it. It is actually very simple and very effective.

The ability to properly manage money is the main path to financial well-being. This is a whole art, which can be mastered by anyone who really wants it. It is also hard and painstaking work, requiring special endurance and constant self-discipline. People don't just get rich. A person who strives to become financially free is constantly evolving. Reads relevant literature, for example: "How to properly manage money so that money works - 7 sure tips" or "The Psychology of a Rich Man." Financially independent people are constantly analyzing what is happening and looking for new opportunities.

Not so long ago, the pursuit of money was considered a vice. Everyone was taught that the main thing is to get an education and get a good job to work there until retirement. Life is good. But never and nowhere have they been taught how to manage money, how to make money bring profit and work for themselves. And even today, most of our population tends to the first option. Few people think that an employee enriches the director of an enterprise or the state by constantly paying taxes. At the same time, the employee is not always dumber than the entrepreneur.

How to become rich? Only 2 options. The first option is to be born into a wealthy family. The second option is to take action. It will not be easy, but through trial and error we must move forward, no matter what and no one. Everything depends on you. How ready are you to change your life? Here are 7 good tips for you.

Ability to manage money

Let's start with the very basics. Surely you have several friends who, having approximately the same income as you, manage to do home repairs and save up for their business. Do not look for hidden income, it's all about the proper distribution of funds. Of course, it's not as easy as it seems. It is worth arming yourself with self-control and starting with the basic rules.

  1. Control your expenses. Not just "in your head", but get a notebook and write down where and how much you spent. After a month of such work, analyze everything that you wrote down. Believe me, you will be surprised at the amount of extra spending. On average, this is 20 - 60% of the total costs! So your personal business floats by.
  2. Debts and loans. The entire credit system is financial slavery. A person who lives "on credit" will never achieve anything in life. He will become polluted in a swamp of debts. There are people who take out a new loan to pay off an old loan. We are not talking about individual cases when a loan is taken for business development or critical situations, we are talking about a simple "I want". Take a loan for new phone, refrigerator or repair it is financial illiteracy.
  3. Smart spending money
  • make a list before you go to the store
  • do not overpay, look for a way to get a product or service at an affordable price
  • it is worth living within your means, in pursuit of expensive and branded
  • make seasonal purchases correctly vegetables and fruits in season, and vice versa out of season
  • control emotions, spontaneous purchases in the end only bring disappointment and unnecessary spending.

Assets and liabilities, what you need to know

It is necessary to clearly understand how exactly an asset differs from a liability and limit the costs of liabilities, and acquire only assets. To become rich is all you need to know. For most people, all their financial problems start from the fact that they do not understand this difference. Assets - bring money. At a time when money is only being spent on liabilities.

Take the average person, what does he have? Apartment - payment of bills, requires constant repair, the house is not eternal. This is our passive. Car - gasoline, repairs, maintenance, just left the salon and the price has already fallen by 25%. Also passive. An expensive phone, branded items are just liabilities. Even when the average person's income only increases his liabilities, a new expensive car requires even more money to maintain.

What then is an asset? This person has only one asset - working capacity. Spending funds on multiple liabilities with only one asset is not reasonable. When a person begins to understand this, he looks for additional assets and becomes an investor.

Stocks and forex how it works

Investment, simply put, is the placement or investment of one's money in order to make a profit. One of the simple ways are stocks and forex. At first glance, everything is simple, but there are many pitfalls and this type of investment requires certain knowledge. In such areas as economics, politics, jurisprudence. And an analytical mind.

  1. Forex. Initially, forex was created for conducting foreign trades and attracting investments. Gradually, people began to earn money in Forex by buying and selling currencies. Such people are called traders. The advantage is that everyone can become a trader, and some people who do not have the necessary knowledge play it like roulette. With this approach, they quickly burn out and are left with nothing. To become a successful trader, you need to analyze, understand the market, go through defeats and victories and develop your technique.
  2. Stock. By buying shares, you become a co-founder of the enterprise and the more shares you have, the higher your income. However, when buying shares, you need to understand exactly how much you are buying as a percentage. So buying 100 thousand shares it can be only 0.00001% of the total number of shares, respectively, your annual income can be ten times less than the invested funds. In addition, stocks can rise or fall in price. Most often, shares are bought not for profit, but so that later, when the price rises, they are sold and bailed out on the difference in price.

Bottom line, forex and stocks need to be studied deeply enough and have the appropriate personal qualities.

Never invest because someone has advised or offer very good conditions. Be sure to consult with independent professional experts, and even with several.

Government bonds as a profitable investment

What are government bonds? loan? Simply put, you lend your money to the state, and it gives you securities- bonds. Everything works almost like a deposit in a bank. But much more reliable.

  • The state acts as the borrower, and in case of non-payment of funds on bonds, this will be regarded as a default, which is not beneficial for the state.
  • Loan term - 3 years.
  • The average percentage is 9%, while in banks the most high percent on deposits - 7.5%.
  • Minimum amount investments - 30 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate how profitable such an investment is.

Let's take 100 thousand rubles.

  • 100 thousand rubles * 9% = 9 thousand rubles in year
  • 9 thousand rubles * 3 = 27 thousand rubles for 3 years.

In total, after 3 years, the state will return you 127 thousand rubles. As a passive investment that does not require your time with minimal risks, it is a good option.

commercial real estate

It is worth noting that real estate is the most stable, lowest risk asset. As an indicator, the fact that banks are happy to give a loan for the purchase of real estate. There is such a type of real estate as commercial real estate. These are premises, buildings or land used for commerce.

So, banks began to issue "long money" for the purchase commercial real estate. Easier - loans for the purchase of up to 20 years at 9 - 10% per annum.

What is the point, here you are, having only 500 thousand rubles, you buy on credit, for example, a store in a good place costs 4 million rubles. for 10 years at 9% per annum. And rent it out. But the rental prices are not small, the monthly amount is enough to pay the loan and still remain. Thus, without doing anything yourself, in 10 years you will own a store for 4 million rubles. How do you like this investment?

Buying a business

Buying a business is still an underestimated type of investment, but in vain. It so happened that in our country to buy a business is much cheaper than, for example, in the West. In Europe, the price of a business is estimated at an amount equal to its profit for 36 months of operation. We have this price is equal to only 6 months of work. It can be a simple barbershop or a cafe. But in order to buy a business correctly, you need to understand how profitable it is and whether there is a prospect.

  1. Calculate how much money sales of products, goods or services brought in for a certain period, let's take a month.
  2. Calculate all expenses for the month (goods, rent, fees, wages, utility bills, taxes, depreciation of equipment, additional expenses).
  3. Now we subtract all expenses for the month from the total income for the month. This is the amount that remains and is the income from this business.

After analyzing in this way for several months, you can roughly understand how promising the business is.

You should not take the word of the seller about the profitability of the business, he needs to sell. Watch for a while yourself, don't rush. It is much better to miss an option and look for a new one than to invest in a loss-making enterprise.

Cryptocurrency as an investment

Until recently, such a term as "cryptocurrency" did not exist and still not everyone understands what it is. We explain. Cryptocurrency is electronic (virtual) money that exists only in the system and is protected electronic code. You can't hold them in your hands.

This virtual money is pegged to real money at the rate of financial market. There are different types of cryptocurrencies, the most common being bitcoin. How to make money with this kind of money:

  • simple collection of bitcoins (visiting certain Internet resources and performing certain actions are paid for with bitcoins)
  • earn money online games
  • affiliate programs (for attracting customers or promoting sites)
  • performing simple tasks on the Internet (viewing ads, etc.)
  • cryptocurrency mining (requires the purchase of powerful computer systems that will earn cryptocurrency themselves)

This type of income has its pros and cons. But time does not stand still, everything changes and electronic money is our future, you can’t get away from it.

08.06.2015 23 687 4 Reading time: 15 min.

Today we'll talk about how to manage money properly, competently, reasonably, so that they bring maximum benefit to a person or family, and do no harm. Pay attention to this article, because the correct disposal of money is a very important factor in strengthening or maintaining the financial condition of a person or family at the proper level.

Why is it important to manage money properly?

As you know, now a very large number of people, to one degree or another, constantly or temporarily experience various kinds. They always consider some external circumstances to be the reasons for this: loss of income, increase in expenses, etc. But in fact, this is only half of the reason, and the second half is always internal in nature and consists in the inability to properly manage money.

Many people also think that the reason for their financial difficulties is that they do not earn enough money. But this is also only one side of the coin: the other is how much and how they spend. Financially literate people who know how to properly manage money are able to maintain their own at an acceptable level even with a small income, while people and families who do not pay due attention to financial literacy are “deeply in debt” even with fairly solid incomes.

The financial condition of a person or family equally depends on the level of income and on the level of spending, as well as on external and internal circumstances. By changing your internal factors, learning how to properly manage money, you can strengthen your financial condition even under constant income and deteriorating external circumstances.

So, how to manage money wisely and as efficiently as possible? In fact, it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. And therefore, they are already working in full swing abroad, and we only have people who call themselves and are engaged in learning how to properly manage money for money (sorry for the tautology). Their services are in a certain demand, good consultants always have their own clients, however, I believe that it would be much more effective and correct to improve your financial literacy yourself and learn how to properly manage money. Moreover, this can be done absolutely free of charge, for example, on the Financial Genius website or other resources that consider planning and accounting issues.

Now I will outline the main directions that will tell you how to manage money correctly, and I will give links to other articles on the site, in which certain points are considered in more detail.

How to properly manage money?

1. Cost control. The biggest financial problem for most people or families in financial difficulty is the lack of control over spending. Very often people spend money on what they have not yet earned, what is called "living beyond their means." Because of this, many are in a state of financial instability (that is, they spend everything they earn) or, even worse, a financial hole (they spend more than they earn, have debts).

People who do not properly control their spending always live “from paycheck to paycheck”, and, a few days before the next cash receipt, their personal or family budget is already completely wasted, they have to either “shrink” and not buy anything at all, or borrow money, use loans and credit cards, which further aggravates the situation.

Interestingly, many of these people do not even admit that they have this problem. They think they know how to manage money and control their spending. How are they controlled? Well, in the head! Think about what to buy and what not. The result is there...

Imagine what would happen if, say, the state or an enterprise controlled its expenses “in the head”? They would go bankrupt very quickly! A family or a single person has exactly the same budget, family or personal, and in the same way, they must carefully and competently control their expenses. That is, to keep house books.

Clearly and competently control your expenses will only help you. No "calculations in the mind" in this case are ineffective (you can see this on own example). Therefore, if you want to know how to manage money correctly and efficiently, first you need to determine exactly where and how much money goes, and then optimize these expenses. This can only be done with the help of a full accounting of household finances, which can be kept different ways(You can check them out at the link above).

2. Life without debt. The next problem that is worth mentioning when talking about how to manage money correctly is the problem of having debts. Unfortunately, the availability and mass promotion of all kinds of consumer loans and credit cards led to the fact that many people and families started, that is, ended up in a financial hole, and they are digging it deeper and deeper.

By consuming what they have not yet earned, a person or family always overpays, and the simpler and more affordable the loan, the more expensive it is and, accordingly, the greater the overpayment.

Of course, if there are individual situations, when, when it is really beneficial, but there are very few of them, and most often we are not talking about such situations, but about the banal “I want!”, Which leads to the formation of debts and life in debt.

It is already quite common to meet people or families who have 2, 3, 5, and even 10 loans, constantly taking new loans to pay off old ones, constantly increasing their amount of debt. And you know how they justify it? They say that it's all "not from a good life": small salaries, high prices, and all that stuff. No, it's all from financial illiteracy and inability to properly manage money! If you do not think about it, do not rethink your position, then soon you can be left on the street without property that will be sold for debts!

The correct disposal of money is the complete absence of consumer loans and life in debt! This consumption is only what you have earned. And to buy what you have not yet earned will help you, but not loans!

3. Smart spending. And the third, very important point that will tell you how to manage money correctly is, of course, reasonable spending. Here you can highlight several important rules for managing personal or personal money. family budget.

Don't overpay. A financially literate person will never overpay for any product or service, he will find an opportunity to purchase it at the best price.

Live within your means. Spend your personal finances only on those goods and services that you have already earned and that you really need. You should not buy expensive things and accessories without an objective need.

Follow your goals. If you went to a store or market for certain goods, buy these particular goods, do not make related and “accidentally turned up” purchases.

Control emotions. In dealing with money, emotions are one of the main enemies. To ensure the competent management of money - do not make any expenses and do not make financial decisions under the influence of emotions: they are likely to result in financial losses for you.

Don't go for it. No one: not colleagues, not friends, not children, not spouses, not fashion, etc. A very common reason for rash and unnecessary spending lies precisely in the fact that a person goes on about someone else.

Buy in bulk. Of course, when it makes sense, when you really need a large batch of goods. It is better to buy the same products in advance and cheaper than to buy a little regularly and pay more.

Bargain and take advantage of discounts. Especially when it comes to large purchases, and small ones too. You can bargain not only in the markets (as many used to think), but also in many shops. There is no need to think that bargaining is beneath your dignity, by bargaining, you, in fact, earn on your own purchases, get an additional source of income for your budget. Read more about this in the article.

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but who knows how to manage money. You can learn how to manage your money. Once you learn the basics of saving, you'll be surprised how much money you can save. Learn to control costs.

People manage their personal property in different ways. in cash. Some people know how to manage their earned money, and 20 thousand rubles a month are enough for them, while others do not know how to manage money, and they lack a salary of 70 thousand rubles.

The ability to manage money is a whole science. It is not for nothing that in Western countries there have long been special agencies that provide services called "Money management" - assistance in managing money.

Most of us, of course, are not able to turn to such agencies for services. But take smart advice and understand how to spend money we can. And so, how to learn how to spend money correctly.

Control your expenses

One of the common problems is that many people try to live without taking into account their real income. For example, if you “paint” their earnings point by point, it becomes obvious that they cannot afford to visit an expensive restaurant three times a month.

However, they still spend money on it. As a result, 7-10 days before their payday, they have to borrow money, because there is simply no money - there is nothing to buy food, refuel the car, replenish the balance of the account mobile phone etc. At the end of the month they have to practically starve.

First, calculate all fixed expenses for the month. This is the fee for public utilities, Internet, communication services, payments on existing loans, transport costs, meals.

Secondly, add the planned "inevitable" expenses to the amount received - for example, a trip to the dentist or hairdresser.

Thirdly, we subtract the amount received from your monthly income, and divide the remainder into two parts. The first part you allow yourself to spend. The second you put aside “in a stocking” (in a safe, on a deposit, etc.), and the more you managed to put aside, the better your financial affairs are and the higher the chances of “not drowning” in case of hard times.

Today on the Internet you can find dozens of home bookkeeping programs that will teach you how to manage money. One of the most common is Family 10.

Get out of debt and stay out of it

Debt is a terrible thing. And because they put pressure on us psychologically, and because we are forced to work for debts instead of enjoying life.

Therefore, borrow only in the most extreme cases, apply for loans only after carefully weighing and analyzing your capabilities (a loan is also a debt, only to the bank) and only in special situations (for example, buying an apartment - without a loan, you will have to collect about 20 years).

In all other cases, refuse loans and any loans, coping on your own. Do you want a new car? Save up. Thinking about upgrading your computer software? Save up. Apartment renovation? Save up. Foreign vacation? Save, save and save again.

Be pragmatic

A financially successful person always manages his money wisely, no matter how much he earns. He always prefers budget solutions and never overpays.

Not for brands, not for brands. But do not forget the well-known truth - "The miser pays twice", which warns us that we must save wisely. Chasing only for the cheapness of goods, you can lose a lot in quality, which will entail additional costs.

A pragmatic attitude towards life is something you need to learn. Do not act like a child in the store, shouting “I want! Want! want!”, but to be able to stop and concentrate on current goals (since I need a sweater, it means that today I will buy only a jacket, despite the fact that the sale in the shoe department is 30%).

While buying shoes at a discounted price seems very reasonable, in reality, if you already have a lot of shoes, boots and boots, you will simply throw your money away.

Try to write down absolutely all purchases for a month. After 30 days, sit down and calmly think about what can be crossed off this list. You will be horrified at how many unnecessary things you have acquired during this time.

Follow your emotions

The most important enemy that can cause significant damage to your finances is emotions. When you work a lot, and the state of affairs does not change, the only joy is the acquisition of things for yourself that can add variety to everyday life.

Buying new products, you make yourself a kind of emotional injection, the duration of which is limited. Here is what Miguel de Cervantes advised on this matter: “Let it be your business to know yourself - the most difficult science in the world.” Get to know yourself and what attracts you to any expenses - whether it be cars, fashionable outfits, fashionable knick-knacks.

This is the most important step that will help you learn how to manage your finances. It also helps a lot to think about the difference between a million dollars in retirement savings and zero savings.

More often than not, the purchases we make on the spur of the moment bring us little joy and do nothing to improve or enrich our lives. Just think about it a little and you won't make the same mistake again.

Don't follow the lead

As Will Rogers aptly put it, “Too many people spend money they don’t earn on things they don’t need, all to impress people they can’t stand.”

Very often, in our spending, we follow someone's lead. Did your friend buy a new bag? So I need it too! The neighbors went to Goa - and I want to! Cousin drives a brand new Jeep, when will we stop driving an old BMW? Equating others very much and the desire to please them greatly interferes with our plans and poses a danger to the family budget.

Principles to help you spend money wisely

Buy in bulk

Real money savings can be obtained by buying goods in bulk. All rich people do this because they know the value of money too well.

Bargain and demand a discount