Unified State Exam tests - economics. Types of economic systems

Social studies test assignments for the lesson “Types of economic systems" 8th grade

UMK Bogolyubova L.N.

Lesson type: Learning new material with practicing solution skills test tasks from the OGE options on this topic.

The purpose of the lesson: to learn the key features that distinguish one economic system from another, to develop the ability to find these features and distinguish them from others.

Lesson objectives:



    consolidate the ability to apply skills in solving test tasks using new theoretical material.

    involve all students in the class in active activities;

    cultivate curiosity in students;

    cultivate a communicative culture of communication.

    develop cognitive interest and logical thinking;

    develop students’ teamwork skills combined with independent ability to analyze, highlight the main points, generalize and draw conclusions;

    develop the ability to speak and defend your point of view.

Lesson steps:

1. Motivational conversation, goal setting. (3 min.)

The teacher announces the topic of the lesson, its place in the “Economics” section, its connection with the previous topic “Main Issues of Economics,” the connection with the OGE and invites students to determine the goals and objectives that they set for themselves in the lesson.

The teacher listens to opinions and summarizes this part of the lesson, communicating the goals and objectives that he plans to achieve:

"I would like each of youmastered the key features that distinguish one economic system from another, was able to find these features and distinguish them from others, solving both test tasks with a choice of answers and test tasks for the analysis of specific socio-economic information».

2. Work on learning new material. (22 min.)

2.1.Teacher’s introductory speech: (2 min.)

“An economic system is a set of organizational methods for coordinating economic activity people to solve the main questions of the economy: what, how and for whom to produce? Economists distinguish three main types of economic systems: traditional economy, state (centralized, clan, command-administrative - the teacher always notes that different names are allowed for this type of economy, but they all correspond to one option) and market. However, in real life it is difficult to find a state with a purely defined type of economy, so economists also introduce the concept of a mixed economy. IN modern world mixed economy most often combines the features of state and market, but there may be other options, for example, market and traditional, state and traditional. How does one type differ from another?

2.2.Working with the textbook, highlighting key features for each type of economy (10 min.)

Read aloud, suggest the formulation of the main feature, write it down in a notebook.

Possible variant supporting summary:

Traditional Economics:

1) What, how and for whom to produce is decided by the experience of ancestors, tradition or custom;

2) manual labor, backward technologies, communal farming (farming and crafts);

3) subsistence farming.

Market economy:

1) What, how and for whom to produce is decided by the manufacturer independently (independence, freedom of the producer);

2) variety of forms of ownership, although private prevails”;

3) a market where prices are set depending ondemand, supply and competition.

State (command or planned economy):

1) Decides what, how and for whom to producestate, itcommandsboth producer and consumer, makes plans(plans), what to produce, how much and for whom;

2) existsstate propertyfor all economic resources;

3) the government sets prices on the market.

2.3. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge: (10 min.)

A) completing test tasks orally (tasks on presentation slides or on an interactive whiteboard). The teacher listens to the students' answers and their arguments in favor of their choice.

Examples of test tasks:

1. What is the sign of tra-di-tsi-on-nu-eco-no-mi-ku?

1) color of factory production 2) price of production 3 ) re-gu-li-ro-va-nie of production with the help of customs 4) pre-ob-la-da-nie of private property funds for water production


1) following in the process of production of centuries-old traditions of ancestors 2) private ownership of the means production-from-water-stva 3) unre-gu-li-ru-e-my prices 4) price-tra-li-zo-van-noe plan-ni-ro-va-nie pro-iz- water

3. Market eco-no-mi-ku from other types of eco-no-mi-che-systems

1) state-dominion of state-owned property on production funds 2) economic planning stva

3) central price of resources 4) free price


5. In the countryZ Z ?


4) Use-of-mice-linen-us before-with-the-electric-energy produced by the wind-now- mi electric-stan-tsi-i-mi.

B) task 3 on p. 100 in the textbook (Textbook: Social studies, grade 8. Textbook for general education institutions. - M. “Prosveshcheniye”, 2014) in writing. Assignment: fill out a table in your notebook, distributing the characteristics listed below into the appropriate column of the table.


Market economy

Command economy

Traditional economics.

Signs: dominance of subsistence farming; economic independence of producers; control over the distribution of benefits by the state; predominance state property; “simple labor” as the basis of the economy; equal rights for all forms of ownership; adoption of state plans mandatory for manufacturers; production of products primarily for own consumption; government support for a stable price level; closed economy; centralized redistribution of economic resources, use of production resources based on customs.

Checking the written assignment for evaluation if desired.

3. Testing and mutual verification using keys. Error analysis (20 min.)

Test on the topic “Types of economic systems”

1. Which of the re-number-len-no-go ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et ry-night eco-no-mi-ku?

1) state re-gu-li-ro-va-nie price

2) the dictates of the economic experience of our ancestors

3) planned organization of production

4) many forms of property

2. Which of the re-chis-len-no-go ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et ko-mand-nuyu eco-no-mi-ku?

1) follow-up in the process of production of centuries-old traditions of ancestors

2) private ownership of production means

3) un-re-gu-li-ru-e-my prices

4) central plan for production of water

3. Traditional eco-no-mi-ku differs from other types of eco-no-mi-che-systems

1) state dominion of state ownership of production funds

2) economic planning

3) subsistence nature of the economy

4) free price

4. What is the sign of the ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et of the night eco-no-mi-ku?

1) price

2) significant role of muscle-flax production

3) many forms of property

4) egalitarian distribution of benefits

5. What is the sign of the ha-rak-te-ri-zu-et of the command-eco-no-mi-che-si-ste-mu?

1) free price 2) many forms of property

3) free economic activity 4) central planning

6. In the traditional eco-no-mi-ke, as opposed to the market one

1) freely pro-yes and buys resources from water

2) freely set the course of the official va-lu-you

3) leading in-zi-tion for subsistence farming

4) warehouses, economic proportions

7. Is the eco-no-mi-ki a sign of the market?

1) resolving the basic issues of eco-no-mi-ki

2) state ownership of production funds

3) kon-ku-ren-tsiya pro-iz-vo-di-te-lei 4) na-tu-ral ha-rak-ter of the economy

8. In traditional eco-no-mi-ke, as opposed to the command

1) agricultural and traditional craft production predominates

2) state prices are set

3) leading in position for state property

4) there is state economic planning.

9. In the country of S., production resources are freely available and water resources are available. Along with state property, private and other forms of property exist. To what type does the eco-no-mi-ka state of S. belong?

1) market-night 2) ad-mi-ni-strat-tiv-noy 3) tra-di-tsi-on-noy 4) command-noy

10. For the eco-no-mi-ki of the state-su-dar-stva of M. ha-rak-ter-but the state-subject-stvo of the state-su-dar-st-stvo of ownership of funds about -from-water, lack-of-competition and the-centre-li-zo-van-noe dis-pre-de-le-nie re-sur-sov. To which type of eco-no-mi-ka state government of M.?

1) market-night 2) mixed-shan-naya 3) tra-di-tsi-on-naya 4) team-naya

11. In the countryZ pre-pri-i-tiya sa-mo-sto-ya-tel-but decide what and how much to produce, focusing on the world -de-nie and passion for tre-bi-te-lei. Which type of economic systems can be considered from the eco-no-mi-ku of the countryZ ?

1) ko-mand-no-mu 2) ry-noch-no-mu 3) pla-no-vo-mu 4) tra-di-tsi-on-no-mu

12. In country Z, there is a kind of production and money-making. What additional information can be used to conclude that the economy of country Z has a market-oriented character? -ter?

1) The state government establishes the amount of wages for work.

2) The Ministry of Finance is resolving the question of how to use the received profit.

3) Workers who have not worked for many years are provided with preferential working conditions.

4) Pro-iz-vo-di-tel sa-mo-sto-ya-tel-but determines what and how much to produce.

13. What is an example of evidence of the preservation in a mixed eco-no-mi-ke of elements of tra-di-tsi-on-noy eco- but-mi-che-sy-ste-we?

1) Developing a tech-stylish pre-production of a new collection of fabrics with an old design.

2) Development of manual re-mess-len-no-go-indus-la - from-preparing clay-toys and arts -same-from-dimensions.

3) From-to-to-le-nie headlights for car-to-mo-bi-ley not-big-shoy firm-my-partner of a large car-to-gi-gan-ta.

4) Use-of-mice-linen-us before-with-the-electric-energy produced by the wind-now- mi electro-stan-tsi-i-mi.

14. In country Z, there is a kind of production and money-making. Most of them work in industrial enterprises and in the service sector. What additional information can be used to conclude that the economy of country Z has a market-oriented character? -ter?

1) Pro-muscle production with-environment on large enterprises.

2) In the country, there is no freedom in the country.

3) There are pre-existing relations between the pre-priorities.

4) Not-so-very-year-old workers are provided with benefits.

15. Most of the inhabitants of the country And for-you-you-ra-schi-va-ni-eat cotton, the harvests of which are from-the-right-la- hut beyond the border for re-ra-bot-ki. In the community, each family has a plot of land on which all their relatives work together. What type of eco-system is in state A?

16. In country Z, the government has full control over the production and distribution of resources, ru -ko-vo-dit economic activity with the help of di-rec-tiv-no-go plan-ni-ro-va-niya. What type of eco-system is in the state of Z?

1) market-night 2) tra-di-tsi-on-naya 3) mixed-shan-naya 4) ad-mi-ni-strat-tiv-no-ko-mand-naya

17. In the country of B., the leading type of economic activity is the na-tural economy, dis- pre-de-le-tion of re-sur-sov-sov-la-et-sya in accordance with customs. What type of eco-system exists in the country of B.?

1) mixed-shan-naya 2) market-night 3) central-tra-li-zo-van-naya 4) tra-di-tsi-on-naya.

18. Are the following conclusions true?

A. In the conditions of the market eco-no-mi-ki, the existence of state-owned property is not possible .

B. State-state property is the basis of the command eco-no-mi-ki.

19 . Are the following conclusions about the market economy correct?

A. Ry-noch-no-eco-no-mi-ke property-on the con-ku-ren-tion pro-iz-vo-di-te-ley.

B. Ry-noch-naya eco-no-mi-ka pe-ri-o-di-che-ski under-ver-same-na kri-zi-sam.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are incorrect

20. Are the following conclusions about the forms of property correct?

A. The main plan of eco-no-mi-ki is state-owned property.

B. In the traditional eco-system, there is no private property.6


4. Reflection, summarizing the lesson, assessment, homework. (5 minutes.)

Option 1

1 Write down the word missing in the table.

2 Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

  1. republic
  2. form of government
  3. form of state
  4. form of government
  5. federation

3 Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are forms in which they can be created legal entities, which are commercial organizations.

  1. religious association
  2. economical society
  3. Joint-Stock Company
  4. production cooperative
  5. business partnership
  6. consumer cooperative

Give two terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

4 Select the correct judgments about cognition and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Purposeful systematic perception of phenomena in the surrounding world is called observation.
  2. Thanks to sensations, the general, essential information about the subject is identified.
  3. Sensory cognition and rational cognition are closely interrelated.
  4. Sensory cognition records the essential general characteristics of a group, a class of objects.
  5. The formulation of assumptions to explain the available facts characterizes the method of putting forward hypotheses.

5 Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column


  1. weak commodity-money relations, predominantly subsistence farming
  2. turning information into the most important factor of production
  3. emergence of mass culture
  4. organization of mass industrial production

widespread screen culture


  1. traditional
  2. industrial
  3. post-industrial

6 Vadim Andreevich is 40 years old. Find in the lists given his features that are of a social nature. Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Vadim Andreevich - Colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  2. Vadim Andreevich easily tolerates physical activity.
  3. Vadim Andreevich is an honest and principled person.
  4. Vadim Andreevich attends French language courses.
  5. Vadim Andreevich's height is 176 cm.
  6. Vadim Andreevich is kind and sympathetic, he has many friends.

7 Choose the correct statements about financial institutions and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. Financial institutions are organizations participating in the financial and credit system.
  2. Commercial banks are engaged in attracting household savings.
  3. The central bank carries out cash settlements between citizens and organizations.
  4. Commercial banks carry out a monopoly issue of money.
  5. The Central Bank forms and stores the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the state.

8 Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of economic systems: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


  1. competition between producers
  2. Directive management of production and distribution
  3. equalizing principle in workers' compensation various organizations
  4. freedom of enterprise
  5. government pricing


  1. market
  2. command (planned)

9 Inna works as a middle manager; she placed one part of her savings on bank deposit, the other was spent on purchasing shares of various companies. Inna took out a loan to buy a car. Which of the following applies to Inna’s income? Write it down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. wage
  2. interest on deposit
  3. dividends
  4. loan interest
  5. transport tax
  6. communal payments

10 Choose the correct judgments about social conflicts and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. A conflict situation objectively contains obvious preconditions for conflict and provokes the outbreak of confrontation.
  2. The consequence of any social conflict is a change in government power.
  3. The causes of social conflict are related to the interests of the warring parties.
  4. One of the effective ways to resolve social conflict is to continue confrontation between the parties.
  5. Social conflict is always generated by the economic inequality of the warring parties.

11 Choose the correct judgments about the political elite and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. The formation of political elites is facilitated by the importance and prestige of managerial work.
  2. Factors in the formation of political elites include the possibility of obtaining various privileges.
  3. In any society, serious contradictions can arise between the composition and interests of elite and non-elite groups.
  4. The political elite controls certain information and status resources.
  5. The ruling elite consists of politicians, party leaders who are in opposition to the current political course.

12 Establish correspondence between functions and subjects of government Russian Federation who perform them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

  1. amnesty announcement
  2. resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation
  3. appointment of the highest command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  4. ensuring the implementation of a unified financial and monetary policy
  5. appointment of the Chairman Central Bank RF


  1. President of the Russian Federation
  2. Council of the Federation
  3. The State Duma
  4. Government of the Russian Federation

13 State Z is a federal republic. What additional information will help to conclude that a democratic political regime has been established in state Z? Find the characteristics of country Z in the list below and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. The principle of separation of powers has been implemented in the country.
  2. Subjects of the federation have a certain political independence.
  3. Country Z is divided into five regions.
  4. In country Z, the rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed by law.
  5. The country regularly holds elections on an alternative basis.
  6. Several parties compete in the political arena.

14 Find in the list given the provisions characterizing the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial.
  2. To enter into a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the man and woman entering into marriage and their attainment of marriageable age are required.
  3. A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship or the right to change it.
  4. The child has the right to communicate with both parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives.

15 Establish a correspondence between actions and elements of the employee’s legal status in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


  1. participation in the management of the organization
  2. obtaining complete reliable information about working conditions
  3. compliance with labor discipline
  4. compliance with established labor standards
  5. timely receipt of wages in full


  1. rights
  2. responsibilities

16 Anna works in a production cooperative, and Maria works in joint stock company. Find in the list the features common to these legal forms of enterprises and write down numbers, under which they are indicated.

  1. distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their labor participation
  2. obligatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees
  3. obligation of employees to comply with labor discipline
  4. requirement for employees to treat the employer's property with care
  5. an association of several craftsmen personally involved in the provision of services
  6. receiving dividends at the end of the year

17 Read the text below, each position indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Global problems are problems that pose a threat to the survival of humanity as a biological species. (B) A group of scientists led by A. Peccei organized the so-called Club of Rome - an international non-governmental organization whose goal is to study the global problems of the modern world. (B) The aggravation of global problems indicates, in our opinion, the crisis of modern civilization. (D) At the same time, we admit that attempts to resolve global problems strengthen the unity of countries and peoples. (D) Experts from different countries take part in the work of the Club of Rome.

Determine which text provisions have

  1. actual character
  2. nature of value judgments
  3. nature of theoretical statements

18 Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

"The concerns of trade unions are directly related to ____________ (A) of the work in which their members are engaged. Yet all trade unions have common tasks.

The most important of them is improving ____________ (B) and ensuring its safety. They are also concerned about providing ______________ (B) to adolescents and women (especially those who are pregnant or have young children). A constant concern of trade unions is to reduce the _____________ (D) of workers at work or their injuries. It is under the pressure of trade unions that most civilized countries of the world have now adopted ________________ (D), regulating working conditions and ensuring a reduction in industrial injuries.

But in the world of economics, everything has its price. Such activity of trade unions leads to a real increase in the cost of labor for ____________ (E)."

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used one once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that the list of words (phrases) contains more than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

  1. working conditions
  2. professionalism
  3. risk of death
  4. special laws
  5. privileges
  6. wage
  7. peculiarities
  8. purchasing companies
  9. insurance

Make a table with the given letters representing the missing words (phrases). Write down in the table under each letter the number of the word (phrase) you have chosen.

Option 2

  1. Write down the word missing in the table.

Political participation of citizens


  1. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) faith; 2) cult; 3) rituals; 4) religion; 5) performance of divine services.

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “market economy”.

1) Competition among manufacturers; 2) variety of forms of ownership; 3) centralized distribution; 4) demand; 5) proposal; 6) directive pricing.

4. Select the correct judgments about the forms of spiritual culture and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Morality is the sphere of values ​​and norms that regulate people’s lives from the standpoint of humanism, goodness and justice.

2) Ideology is the manifestation of emotional experiences and actions based on belief in the supernatural and sacred.

3) A component of scientific knowledge is ethical assessments of natural and social phenomena.

4) The purpose of education is the transfer of social experience and accumulated knowledge to new generations.

5) Art involves the reflection of reality in artistic images.

5. Match:


A) ability to procreate 1) social

B) adaptation to climatic conditions 2) biological

C) the ability to accumulate knowledge and work skills

D) the ability to determine the purpose of one’s actions

D) the ability to evaluate oneself and others

6. Country's economyZbased on agriculture. What signs indicate thatZ develops like a traditional society?

1) the predominance of partner-type families

2) low level of social mobility

3) massive industrial production

4) active participation of the church in the life of society

5) widespread use of high technology

6) class division of society

7. Choose the correct judgment about the role of the state in the economy.

1) The state, under market conditions, organizes the production of public goods.

2)B market economy the state protects the rights and legitimate interests of owners.

3) In a market economy, the state sets prices for all goods and services.

4) the state in a market economy carries out centralized planning of production volumes.

5) Government intervention in the economy is associated with imperfections in the market mechanism.

8. Match.


A) insurance payments 1) constant

B) acquisition of raw materials 2) variables

B) payment of interest on a bank loan

D) piecework wages for hired workers

D) rent for premises

9. Find factors that may help increase demand for a new TV model released by company A.

1) the manufacturer has reduced the production of other TV models

3) sellers offer favorable terms for consumer loans to the client

4) value added tax has increased

5) prices for the new TV model are higher than for the old model

6) household incomes are gradually declining

10. Select the correct judgments about social norms.

1) Social norms reflect models and standards of proper behavior

2) Ethical standards are always reflected in political principles

3) Customs, as a rule, are recorded in regulatory documents

4) Corporate standards are ensured by the sanctions provided by the organization

5) The procedure for applying legal norms is established by the state

11. Choose the correct judgments about democracy.

1) In a democracy, civil society has a real opportunity to influence the development of political decisions.

2) In a democratic regime, there is a mandatory state ideology.

3) In a democratic state, respect for the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is guaranteed.

4) The implementation of separation of powers provides a system of checks and balances in a democratic state.

5) In a democratic state, all positions in the highest bodies of state power are elected for a certain period.

12. Match.


A) management of federal property 1) Federation Council

B) deciding on the possibility of using 2) State Duma

Armed forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation 3) Government of the Russian Federation

B) declaring an amnesty

D) ensuring the implementation of a unified financial,

Credit and monetary policy

D) appointment of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

13. In countriese Z parliamentary elections took place. Find the features of the choice of parliament in the countryZaccording to the majority system.

1) The elections were general, equal, direct, by secret ballot

2) The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the election wins

4) The number of seats received by parties in parliament depends on the percentage of votes cast in the elections for lists of political parties

5) There is the possibility of nominating independent non-party candidates

14. Which of the following refers to the socio-economic rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

1) right to private property

2) freedom of entrepreneurial activity

3) the right to health protection and medical care

4) freedom of conscience, thought, speech

5) the right to protection of honor and good name

15. Establish a correspondence between offenses and their types.


A) crossing the road in the wrong place 1) administrative

B) failure to fulfill obligations 2) disciplinary

B) absenteeism 3) civil

D) violation of the terms of the loan agreement

D) violation of fire safety rules

16. 16-year-old Christina concluded employment contract with the employer. What distinguishes her legal status from the legal status of an adult worker?

1) the obligation to observe labor discipline

2) mandatory preliminary medical examination

4) performing work in accordance with the employment contract

5) annual basic paid leave of 31 calendar days at a time convenient for the employee

6) the need to obtain consent from parents to conclude an employment contract

17. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) According to sociologists, every year an increasing number of people change their social status. (B) Change of individuals or group of social position, place in the social structure - social mobility. (B) The negative side of high social mobility is a person’s loss of a sense of permanence and stability of his position. (D) Sociological research data show the increasing role of education as a social elevator. (D) Obviously, high social mobility is not always a good thing.

Determine which provisions of the text have:

  1. Actual character
  2. The nature of value judgments
  3. Nature of theoretical statements

18. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“A person, through knowledge and on its basis, transforms the surrounding _________ (A), himself, forms his __________ (B), his culture.

Cognition is a complex phenomenon. It represents the active ________(B) by a person of the external world through a special type of ______(D).

There are two main stages of cognition: sensory and ______(D). These two stages of cognition are internally delimited into a number of forms, from the sequential ascent of which from simple to complex, cognitive _______(E) is formed.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that the list of words (phrases) contains more than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

  1. Perception 4) natural world 7) theoretical
  2. Rational 5) judgment 8) representation
  3. Process 6) activity 9) spiritual world.

Option 1


Option 2


1 .

2 .



1) Society is the totality of all forms of association of people and ways of their interaction. 2) Revolution as a form of social change, as a rule, is carried out on the initiative of the authorities. 3) The basis for delimiting spheres of public life is basic human needs. 4) The humanistic criterion of progress is associated with increased production and increased labor productivity. 5) Society is a system consisting of interconnected and interacting elements.



5) a market economy is being formed; 6) mechanization and automation of production occurs


1) Central Bank - National Bank, which issues money and is the center of the country's financial and credit system. 2) All financial institutions accept deposits. 3) Pension funds specialize in financing consumer goods sales in installments and issuing consumer loans. 4) The Central Bank sets the discount rate. 5) Financial institutions provide services for transferring funds and providing loans.



1) traditional

2) command (planned)

3) market


3) banknotes 4) coupons 5) bonds 6) shares

10. S to positionS 1 . (On the chartR - the price of the product,Q

1) increase in customs duties on fruit imports; 2) increasing tariffs for freight transportation; 3) decrease in consumer income; 4) high fruit yield; 5) fashion for healthy eating

11. 1) The reproductive function is manifested in providing a certain social status to family members, in fulfilling the role of a social elevator. 2) Family members are connected by a common life, mutual material and moral responsibility. 3) The family is one of the subjects of social control. 4) The family is called upon to create conditions for the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of the child. 5) The uniqueness of the family lies in the fact that it simultaneously represents both a social institution and a small social group.


1) Half of the respondents who received secondary education work in a private/non-governmental organization. 2) Among respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work in a budgetary/state organization than of those who work in a private/non-governmental organization. 3) Among the respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work for themselves than of those who work in a budgetary/state organization. 4) Equal shares of respondents from each group work for themselves. 5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who received higher education than among those who received secondary education

13. 1) Democracy recognizes the people as the only and supreme source of power in the country. 2) Democracy is characterized by state control over the private life of citizens. 3) State power in a democracy can be considered legitimate if its formation and existence is supported by the people in accordance with the rules of law through the free expression of the will of voters in free elections. 4) Democracy recognizes the unconditional priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of the state. 5) Democracy is characterized by the dominance of the ideology of one party in the political arena.


15. In country Z, elections B=parliament are held every 5 years. Find in the list below features that indicate that in country Z parliamentary elections are held according to proportional system, and write down the No. under which the corresponding traits are indicated. 1) Voting is carried out according to lists of political parties. 2) There is the possibility of nominating independent non-party candidates. 3) Voting is provided for in single-member constituencies. 4) The government is formed by the bloc of parties that won the parliamentary elections. 5) The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the election wins. 6) The number of seats a party receives in parliament depends on the percentage of votes cast for it in the elections.

16. Select from the list given the provisions that characterize the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) In relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights. 2) The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. 3) A citizen is liable for his obligations with all the property belonging to him, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed on in accordance with the law. 4) Unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited. 5) Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

17. Find the legal facts that are events in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) As a result of the earthquake, dozens of houses were destroyed. 2) Citizen K. crossed the road in the wrong place. 3) The body of the car was damaged as a result of a falling tree. 4) Upon reaching 14 years of age, a teenager has the right to receive a passport. 5) Spouses V. bought a country house on credit. 6) Citizen U. filed documents to enter into an inheritance.



1) to be heard during court proceedings to determine the place of residence in the event of a divorce of parents; 2) manage pocket money provided by parents; 3) make deposits in credit institutions and manage them; 4) enter into an employment contract (courier work) with the consent of the parents; 5) make small household transactions; 6) bear criminal liability on a general basis.


List of terms: 1) joint ownership regime; 2) personal non-property relations; 3) time restrictions; 4) notarization; 5) certain deadlines; 6) marriage; 7) property rights and obligations; 8) divorce; 9) medical examination


J. Keynes)


The most significant evils of the economic society in which we live are its inability to provide full employment, and its arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income...

As for me, I believe that there are known social and psychological justifications for significant income and wealth inequality, but not for such a large gap as currently exists. There are such required types human activities, the successful implementation of which requires mercantile interest and General terms private property for capital...

The State will have to exert its guiding influence on the propensity to consume partly through an appropriate system of taxes... and perhaps in other ways... I imagine, therefore, that a fairly broad socialization of investment will be the only means to ensure an approach to full employment, although this is not should exclude all kinds of compromises and ways of cooperation between the state and private initiative. But apart from this, there is no obvious basis for a system of state socialism that would cover most of the economic life society... If the state could determine overall volume resources intended for increasing the instruments of production, and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources, this would achieve everything that is necessary...

The establishment of the central control necessary to ensure full employment will require, of course, a significant expansion of the traditional functions of government...

Let's remember for a moment what the traditional advantages of individualism are. These are partly the efficiency benefits that come from decentralization and the influence of self-interest. The efficiency benefits flowing from decentralized decision-making and individual responsibility are perhaps even greater than B XIX B. believed, and the reaction against the appeal to self-interest has perhaps gone too far. But individualism is most valuable if it can be cleansed of defects and abuses; it is the best guarantee of personal freedom in the sense that, compared with all other conditions, it enormously expands the possibilities for the exercise of personal choice. It is also the best guarantee of the variety of life which flows directly from the wide possibilities of personal choice, the loss of which is the greatest of all losses in a homogeneous or totalitarian state. For this diversity preserves traditions that embody the most faithful and successful choices of previous generations. It colors the present in the iridescent colors of fantasy, and, being the handmaiden of experience as much as tradition and fantasy, it is the most powerful means of achieving a better future. ( J. Keynes)


The most significant evils of the economic society in which we live are its inability to provide full employment, and its arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income...

As for me, I believe that there are known social and psychological justifications for significant income and wealth inequality, but not for such a large gap as currently exists. There are necessary types of human activity, the successful implementation of which requires mercantile interest and general conditions of private ownership of capital...

The State will have to exert its guiding influence on the propensity to consume partly through an appropriate system of taxes... and perhaps in other ways... I imagine, therefore, that a fairly broad socialization of investment will be the only means to ensure an approach to full employment, although this is not should exclude all kinds of compromises and ways of cooperation between the state and private initiative. But beyond this, there is no obvious basis for a system of state socialism that would cover most of the economic life of society... If the state could determine the total volume of resources intended for increasing the instruments of production, and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources, everything would be achieved. , what is necessary...

The establishment of the central control necessary to ensure full employment will require, of course, a significant expansion of the traditional functions of government...

Let's remember for a moment what the traditional advantages of individualism are. These are partly the efficiency benefits that come from decentralization and the influence of self-interest. The efficiency benefits flowing from decentralized decision-making and individual responsibility are perhaps even greater than B XIX B. believed, and the reaction against the appeal to self-interest has perhaps gone too far. But individualism is most valuable if it can be cleansed of defects and abuses; it is the best guarantee of personal freedom in the sense that, compared with all other conditions, it enormously expands the possibilities for the exercise of personal choice. It is also the best guarantee of the variety of life which flows directly from the wide possibilities of personal choice, the loss of which is the greatest of all losses in a homogeneous or totalitarian state. For this diversity preserves traditions that embody the most faithful and successful choices of previous generations. It colors the present in the iridescent colors of fantasy, and, being the handmaiden of experience as much as tradition and fantasy, it is the most powerful means of achieving a better future. ( J. Keynes)






1 . Write down the word missing in the table. Social institutionsOption No. 2778937

Answer: evidence

2 . Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent operations (techniques) of thinking.

1) description 2) synthesis 3) observation 4) abstraction 5) analysis 6) generalization

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series, and write them down in the numbers under which they are indicated.

Explanation. description and observation are methods, so we remove Answer: 13

3. Below are a number of signs. All of them, with the exception of two, belong to the traditional family type.

1) cohabitation of several generations; 2) the economic dependence of a woman on a man; 3) assigning household responsibilities to a woman; 4) fair distribution of household responsibilities;
5) male leadership in the family; 6) decision-making by all family members after joint discussion

Find two signs of a family of a different type and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. Answer: 46

4. Choose the correct judgments about society and its changes and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Society is the totality of all forms of association of people and ways of their interaction. 2) Revolution as a form of social change, as a rule, is carried out on the initiative of the authorities. 3) The basis for delimiting spheres of public life is basic human needs. 4) The humanistic criterion of progress is associated with increased production and increased labor productivity. 5) Society is a system consisting of interconnected and interacting elements

Explanation.1) Society is the totality of all forms of association of people and ways of their interaction. YES, right.2) Revolution as a form of social change, as a rule, is carried out by initiation ¬a¬ti-ve power. NO, incorrect. Mostly violently by the masses and against the authorities. 3) Based on the development of spheres of social life - the basic needs of a person. YES, that's right.4) Humanitarian criticism of progress is associated with the growth of production and production She¬em production of labor. NO, incorrect. Humanism is, first of all, love for humanity. 5) Society is a system consisting of relationships and interactions -ying elements. YES, that's right. Correct answer: 135

5. Establish a correspondence between the distinctive features and types of societies.

Answer: 11233

6. The economy of country Z is based on subsistence farming and craft. What signs indicate that country Z is developing as a traditional country? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) public consciousness is based on religious values; 2) the leading sector of the economy is industry; 3) extensive technologies predominate; 4) the communal form of ownership prevails;
5) a market economy is being formed; 6) mechanization and automation of production occurs Answer: 134

7. Choose the correct judgments about financial institutions of the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are listed.

1) The Central Bank is a national bank that issues money and is the center of the country’s financial and credit system. 2) All financial institutions accept deposits. 3) Pension funds specialize in lending for sales of consumer goods in installments and issuing consumer loans. 4) The Central Bank sets the discount rate. 5) Financial institutions provide services for transferring funds and providing loans. Answer: 145

8. Establish a correspondence between the examples and types of economic systems: for each position.


A) in country F, producers compete for the most favorable conditions for the production and sale of goods; B) in country C, under conditions of free enterprise, consumers have the widest choice of goods and services; C) the only producer and seller of goods and services in country G is the state, private entrepreneurship is prohibited; D) in country A, the state centrally distributes factors of production and sets prices for goods and services; D) the basis of the economy of country Z - Agriculture, the land belongs to tribal communities and is cultivated by them

1) traditional

2) command (planned)

3) market

Answer: 33221

9. Pyotr Fedorovich invests his savings in purchasing various securities. Find in the list below securities, which he can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation‚ and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) investment share share investment fund 2) property insurance agreement

3) banknotes 4) coupons 5) bonds 6) shares Answer: 156

10. The graph shows the change in the situation in the fresh fruit market: the supply curve has moved from position S to positionS 1 . (On the chartR - the price of the product,Q - quantity of goods.) Which of the listed factors can cause such a change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) increase in customs duties on fruit imports; 2) increasing tariffs for freight transportation; 3) decrease in consumer income; 4) high fruit yield; 5) fashion for healthy eating Answer: 45

11. Choose the correct judgments about the family and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) The reproductive function is manifested in providing a certain social status to family members, in fulfilling the role of a social elevator. 2) Family members are connected by a common life, mutual material and moral responsibility. 3) The family is one of the subjects of social control. 4) The family is called upon to create conditions for the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of the child. 5) The uniqueness of the family lies in the fact that it simultaneously represents both a social institution and a small social group. Answer: 2345

12. During a sociological survey of adult citizens of country Z with different levels of education, they were asked the question: “What organization do you work for (budgetary/state or private/non-state)?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Half of the respondents who received secondary education work in a private/non-governmental organization. 2) Among respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work in a budgetary/state organization than of those who work in a private/non-governmental organization. 3) Among the respondents who received higher education, there are fewer of those who work for themselves than of those who work in a budgetary/state organization. 4) Equal shares of respondents from each group work for themselves. 5) The share of those who found it difficult to answer is greater among those who received higher education than among those who received secondary education. Answer: 123

13. Choose the correct statements about democracy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) Democracy recognizes the people as the only and supreme source of power in the country. 2) Democracy is characterized by state control over the private life of citizens. 3) State power in a democracy can be considered legitimate if its formation and existence is supported by the people in accordance with the rules of law through the free expression of the will of voters in free elections. 4) Democracy recognizes the unconditional priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of the state. 5) Democracy is characterized by the dominance of the ideology of one party in the political arena. Answer: 134

14. Establish a correspondence between the functions and the subjects of government of the Russian Federation that perform them.

Answer: 22112

15. In country Z, elections B=parliament are held every 5 years. Find in the list below the features that indicate that in country Z parliamentary elections are held according to a proportional system, and write down the number under which the corresponding features are indicated. 1) Voting is carried out according to lists of political parties. 2) There is the possibility of nominating independent non-party candidates. 3) Voting is provided for in single-member constituencies. 4) The government is formed by the bloc of parties that won the parliamentary elections. 5) The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the election wins. 6) The number of seats a party receives in parliament depends on the percentage of votes cast for it in the elections. Answer: 146

16. Select from the list given the provisions that characterize the fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) In relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights. 2) The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people. 3) A citizen is liable for his obligations with all the property belonging to him, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed on in accordance with the law. 4) Unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited. 5) Land and other natural resources may be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. Answer: 125

17. Find the legal facts that are events in the list below. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. 1) As a result of the earthquake, dozens of houses were destroyed. 2) Citizen K. crossed the road in the wrong place. 3) The body of the car was damaged as a result of a falling tree. 4) Upon reaching 14 years of age, a teenager has the right to receive a passport. 5) Spouses V. bought a country house on credit. 6) Citizen U. filed documents to enter into an inheritance. Answer: 134

18. Establish a correspondence between actions and elements of taxpayer status: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Answer: 12121

19. Tatyana is 13 years old. Find the items in the list below that reflect its legal status and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) to be heard during court proceedings to determine the place of residence in the event of a divorce of parents; 2) manage pocket money provided by parents; 3) make deposits in credit institutions and manage them; 4) enter into an employment contract (courier work) with the consent of the parents; 5) make small household transactions; 6) bear criminal liability on a general basis. Answer: 125

20. Read the text below, in which a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the list of words (phrases) that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.
“A marriage contract is an agreement between the persons entering into marriage, or an agreement between the spouses, defining _______ (A) spouses in marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution. A prenuptial agreement can be concluded as before state registration _______ (B), and at any time during the marriage. The marriage contract is concluded in writing and is subject to _______ (B).

By means of a marriage contract, spouses have the right to change the _______ (D) established by law, to establish a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all the property of the spouses, its individual types or the property of each of the spouses. The rights and obligations provided for in a marriage contract may be limited by _______ (D) or made dependent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of certain conditions. A marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of the spouses, their right to go to court to protect their rights; regulate _______ (E), the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children.”

List of terms: 1) joint ownership regime; 2) personal non-property relations; 3) time restrictions; 4) notarization; 5) certain deadlines; 6) marriage; 7) property rights and obligations; 8) divorce; 9) medical examination Answer: 764152

21. What advantages and disadvantages of “the economic society in which we live” did the author consider? Using the text, indicate any two advantages and two disadvantages.

The most significant evils of the economic society in which we live are its inability to provide full employment, and its arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income...

As for me, I believe that there are known social and psychological justifications for significant income and wealth inequality, but not for such a large gap as currently exists. There are necessary types of human activity, the successful implementation of which requires mercantile interest and general conditions of private ownership of capital...

The State will have to exert its guiding influence on the propensity to consume partly through an appropriate system of taxes... and perhaps in other ways... I imagine, therefore, that a fairly broad socialization of investment will be the only means to ensure an approach to full employment, although this is not should exclude all kinds of compromises and ways of cooperation between the state and private initiative. But beyond this, there is no obvious basis for a system of state socialism that would cover most of the economic life of society... If the state could determine the total volume of resources intended for increasing the instruments of production, and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources, everything would be achieved. , what is necessary...

The establishment of the central control necessary to ensure full employment will require, of course, a significant expansion of the traditional functions of government...

Let's remember for a moment what the traditional advantages of individualism are. These are partly the efficiency benefits that come from decentralization and the influence of self-interest. The efficiency benefits flowing from decentralized decision-making and individual responsibility are perhaps even greater than B XIX B. believed, and the reaction against the appeal to self-interest has perhaps gone too far. But individualism is most valuable if it can be cleansed of defects and abuses; it is the best guarantee of personal freedom in the sense that, compared with all other conditions, it enormously expands the possibilities for the exercise of personal choice. It is also the best guarantee of the variety of life which flows directly from the wide possibilities of personal choice, the loss of which is the greatest of all losses in a homogeneous or totalitarian state. For this diversity preserves traditions that embody the most faithful and successful choices of previous generations. It colors the present in the iridescent colors of fantasy, and, being the handmaiden of experience as much as tradition and fantasy, it is the most powerful means of achieving a better future. ( J. Keynes)


1) advantages:


Guarantee of economic freedom;

Opportunities for personal choice;

Guarantee of diversity of life;

2) disadvantages:

Failure to provide full employment;

Arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income.

22. The author mentioned the traditional functions of government in economic life. Illustrate with an example the influence of government through taxes on the propensity to consume. Using your social studies knowledge, name two other traditional functions of government.

The most significant evils of the economic society in which we live are its inability to provide full employment, and its arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income...

As for me, I believe that there are known social and psychological justifications for significant income and wealth inequality, but not for such a large gap as currently exists. There are necessary types of human activity, the successful implementation of which requires mercantile interest and general conditions of private ownership of capital...

The State will have to exert its guiding influence on the propensity to consume partly through an appropriate system of taxes... and perhaps in other ways... I imagine, therefore, that a fairly broad socialization of investment will be the only means to ensure an approach to full employment, although this is not should exclude all kinds of compromises and ways of cooperation between the state and private initiative. But beyond this, there is no obvious basis for a system of state socialism that would cover most of the economic life of society... If the state could determine the total volume of resources intended for increasing the instruments of production, and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources, everything would be achieved. , what is necessary...

The establishment of the central control necessary to ensure full employment will require, of course, a significant expansion of the traditional functions of government...

Let's remember for a moment what the traditional advantages of individualism are. These are partly the efficiency benefits that come from decentralization and the influence of self-interest. The efficiency benefits flowing from decentralized decision-making and individual responsibility are perhaps even greater than B XIX B. believed, and the reaction against the appeal to self-interest has perhaps gone too far. But individualism is most valuable if it can be cleansed of defects and abuses; it is the best guarantee of personal freedom in the sense that, compared with all other conditions, it enormously expands the possibilities for the exercise of personal choice. It is also the best guarantee of the variety of life which flows directly from the wide possibilities of personal choice, the loss of which is the greatest of all losses in a homogeneous or totalitarian state. For this diversity preserves traditions that embody the most faithful and successful choices of previous generations. It colors the present in the iridescent colors of fantasy, and, being the handmaiden of experience as much as tradition and fantasy, it is the most powerful means of achieving a better future. ( J. Keynes)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) example, let’s say: the government increased excise taxes on tobacco products, making their price unaffordable for many consumers;

(Another example may be given.)

2) two other functions of government, for example:

Establishing a legal framework for economic activity;

Production of public goods;

Maintaining stability financial system.

23. What two possible government measures to ensure full employment did the author consider? What is the danger of such measures? Using the text and social studies knowledge, identify two hazards.

The most significant evils of the economic society in which we live are its inability to provide full employment, and its arbitrary and unfair distribution of wealth and income...

As for me, I believe that there are known social and psychological justifications for significant income and wealth inequality, but not for such a large gap as currently exists. There are necessary types of human activity, the successful implementation of which requires mercantile interest and general conditions of private ownership of capital...

The State will have to exert its guiding influence on the propensity to consume partly through an appropriate system of taxes... and perhaps in other ways... I imagine, therefore, that a fairly broad socialization of investment will be the only means to ensure an approach to full employment, although this is not should exclude all kinds of compromises and ways of cooperation between the state and private initiative. But beyond this, there is no obvious basis for a system of state socialism that would cover most of the economic life of society... If the state could determine the total volume of resources intended for increasing the instruments of production, and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources, everything would be achieved. , what is necessary...

The establishment of the central control necessary to ensure full employment will require, of course, a significant expansion of the traditional functions of government...

Let's remember for a moment what the traditional advantages of individualism are. These are partly the efficiency benefits that come from decentralization and the influence of self-interest. The efficiency benefits flowing from decentralized decision-making and individual responsibility are perhaps even greater than B XIX B. believed, and the reaction against the appeal to self-interest has perhaps gone too far. But individualism is most valuable if it can be cleansed of defects and abuses; it is the best guarantee of personal freedom in the sense that, compared with all other conditions, it enormously expands the possibilities for the exercise of personal choice. It is also the best guarantee of the variety of life which flows directly from the wide possibilities of personal choice, the loss of which is the greatest of all losses in a homogeneous or totalitarian state. For this diversity preserves traditions that embody the most faithful and successful choices of previous generations. It colors the present in the iridescent colors of fantasy, and, being the handmaiden of experience as much as tradition and fantasy, it is the most powerful means of achieving a better future. ( J. Keynes)


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) government measures:

Quite broad socialization of investments;

The state determines the total volume of resources intended to increase the instruments of production and the basic rates of remuneration for the owners of these resources;

Establishment of centralized control;

(Measures may be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.)

2) dangers, for example:

Suppression of private initiative;

A sharp decrease in the volume of Investments;

Deterioration in the quality of labor services.

24. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “social mobility”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about the types of social mobility, and one sentence revealing the essence of any of the types of social mobility.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: social mobility is a change in the social position of an individual, a social group;

2) one sentence with information about the types of social mobility, based on knowledge of the course, for example: Sociologists distinguish vertical and horizontal, individual and group social mobility.

(Another sentence may be written containing information about two or more types of social mobility.)

3) one sentence, based on knowledge of the course, revealing the essence of any type of social mobility, for example: Vertical mobility is associated with the movement of a person or social group up or down the social ladder, improvement or deterioration of their social position.

(Another sentence can be drawn up that, based on knowledge of the course, reveals the essence of any type of social mobility.)

Proposals must be formulated correctly and not contain elements that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its aspects. Sentences containing essential errors are not counted towards the assessment.

25. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “demand”? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, compose two sentences: one sentence containing information about any of the non-price factors influencing the formation of demand, and one sentence revealing the law of demand.


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the meaning of the concept, for example: the dependence of the volume of a certain type of product that consumers are willing to purchase (the amount of demand) on the prices at which these goods can be offered by producers/sellers;

(Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about any of the non-price factors influencing the formation of demand, for example: One of the factors influencing the formation of demand is cultural and religious traditions.

(Another proposal may be drawn up containing information about non-price factors influencing the formation of demand.)

3) one sentence, based on knowledge of the exchange rate, revealing the law of demand, for example: An increase in prices usually leads to a decrease in demand, and a decrease in prices leads to an increase. (Another sentence can be drawn up that reveals the law of demand based on knowledge of the exchange rate.)

Proposals must be formulated correctly and not contain elements that distort the meaning of the concept and/or its aspects. Sentences containing essential errors are not taken into account when grading.

26. In the process of socialization, mutual influence occurs between those who carry out socialization and those who are socialized. Illustrate this interaction with two examples.


The following examples of mutual influence can be given:

1) Peter tells his son Anton about how to behave correctly in the theater. Anton listened to his father and pointed out to him that Peter himself did not follow these rules. The father thought about it and turned off the phone the next time during the performance;

2) One of the social studies lessons was held in the form of a role-playing game “Elections”; schoolchildren were able to justify the importance of each vote for the future of the country.

The teacher, who had previously missed elections, was influenced by this lesson and went to the polling station on election day and voted for one of the candidates.

27. Arkady offered Yegor his help with renovating the apartment, but was forced to go on a business trip. Yegor was offended and did not answer phone calls. Friends took the incident seriously. What type of behavior in interpersonal conflict does this example illustrate? Explain why this method cannot be called effective. What do you think is the most effective method resolution of this conflict?


The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) method: getting out of a conflict situation;

2) an explanation, for example: this method is not effective, because the cause of the conflict has not been eliminated and the threat of its further aggravation remains, in addition, the participants are having a hard time experiencing the current situation;

3) the most effective way: discuss the current situation, find out the motives of each party, come to a compromise and improve relations.

28. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The Government of the Russian Federation as an institution of the executive power of the Russian Federation.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.


One of the options for a plan for covering this topic:

1. The procedure for forming the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) appointment of the Chairman of the Government with the consent of State Duma;

6) The Chairman of the Government represents the structure of the Government to the President;

c) The Chairman of the Government submits to the President candidates for members of the Government.

2. Powers of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) determines the directions of the Government’s activities;

b) organizes the work of the Government.

3. Powers of the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) development and execution of the state budget;

6) ensuring the implementation of a unified financial, credit and monetary policy in the Russian Federation;

B) ensuring the implementation of a unified public policy In the field of culture, science, education, health care, social security, ecology;

d) management of federal property, etc.

4. Procedure for resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation:

a) on the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation;

6) on the initiative of the Chairman of the Government;

c) voluntary resignation of the Government;

c) a vote of no confidence in the Government;

d) election of a new President of the Russian Federation.

A1. Which principle is characteristic of an industrial society?
2) The emergence of mass culture.
A1. Human needs for work and social activity are classified as needs.
1) Social.
A1. Highlighting the main elements of society, their interrelation and interaction, scientists characterize society as:
1) A developing system.
A1. Ethical norms, thanks to which relationships between people are regulated, are a direct product of activity.
1) Material and production.
A1. The manifestation of a person as a person is (are)
1) Participation in the life of society.
A1. Reorganization of the structure federal bodies executive branch is an example of activity.
4) Socially transformative.
A2. In the knowledge of society, as opposed to the knowledge of nature.
2) The object and subject of knowledge coincide.
A2. The subject of cognitive activity is.
4) Scientist - researcher
A2. Knowledge corresponding to the subject of knowledge is considered to be.
2) Truth.
A2. What method of obtaining knowledge is used primarily at the theoretical level of scientific knowledge?
4) Proposing a hypothesis.
A2. Humanization of education involves
1) The ability for the child to choose an individual curriculum.
A2. Culture, in the broadest sense of the word, is...
2) All the achievements of mankind since its inception.
A3) The problem of a scientist’s social responsibility has become particularly acute, since
3) Scientists have come to discoveries that have unpredictable consequences
A3)1) The percentage of those who believe that to achieve success in life a person needs a complete (secondary) education is the same in both countries.
A3) Literary work N is simple and clear in content, it contains national flavor. What additional information will allow us to conclude that work N belongs to folk and not mass culture?
3) It is passed on from generation to generation.
A3) What function of science does the practical introduction of frost-resistant, early-ripening plant varieties illustrate?
1) Production.
A3) When characterizing a post-industrial society, the student will make a mistake by naming one of the features characteristic of a traditional society. Find the mistake made by the student.
1) Class privileges make social mobility difficult.
A3) The activities of the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and transnational corporations are in line with the process.
1) Localization.
A4) Are the following judgments correct about the global problems of modern society?
A.Global problems can be solved by individual countries.
B. All global problems are a consequence of economic globalization
4)Both judgments are incorrect.
A4) Are the following judgments about social institutions true?
A. Education as a social institution is united with other social institutions by the presence of professionally trained personnel and the regulation of their activities.
B. Social institutions arose in connection with the objective needs of society to regulate the sphere of social relations.
3) Both statements are correct.
A4) -//- about a person.
A. All human actions are rational in nature, consistent with reason
B. Human behavior is influenced by the subconscious, natural institutions and drives
2) Only B is correct
A4)-//- about absolute truth.
A. During the period of industrial society, the industrial revolution occurred.
B.V post-industrial society a person is valued primarily as a representative of a tribal or ethical community
1) Only A is correct
A4)-//- about true knowledge?
A. True knowledge is necessarily shared by the majority of people
B. True knowledge always corresponds to a cognitive object
2) Only B is correct

A5. A market economy is characterized by.
2) Limited role of the state in the economy.
A5. The distinctive features of the traditional economic system include:
1) The predominance of manual labor.
A5. Russian citizens receive general education financed from the state budget. What function of the state is directly manifested in this fact?
1) Production of public goods.
A5. An example of an economic phenomenon studied by microeconomics is(are)
3) Bankruptcy of a large enterprise.
A5. In country Z, the government makes specific decisions on the volume and structure of production, the level of wages of all categories of workers, and sets prices and tariffs. What type economic systems Can we attribute the economy of country Z?
4) Team.
A5. The obvious advantages of a market economy include:
1) Variety of goods and services produced.
A6. Economic resources, are directly involved in the creation of a specific product and service, called.
2) Factors of production.
A6. The Vasilki company announced the conditions of a competition for the vacant position of a product manager. This is an example of how the market works.
1) Labor.
A6.Two large energy companies announced their merger. This event caused an increase in the stock prices of most energy companies in the country. The example reflects price fluctuations in the market.
4) Stock.
A6. The direction of state policy that ensures an increase in the level of employment of the population in a market economy is.
4) Creating opportunities for retraining.
A6. During economic crisis The country's production and employment declined in all sectors of the economy. The unemployment that arose in connection with this is of a nature.
2) Cyclic.
A6. What is the consumer's income from the use of the property?
3) Dividends on shares.
A7) Income of individuals has an individual approach. The objects of taxes are
4)Employee's salary
A7) Tax is indirect
3)Added value
A7) State budget items include
4) Expenses for servicing external debt
A7) citizen D. acquired securities certifying his right to own a share in a construction company and giving him the right to receive an annual income. These securities are
3) Shares
A7) A tax scale that provides for
1) A single rate for any size tax object
A7) State budget items include
1) Expenses for servicing external debt
A7) Commercial banks
1) They accumulate the savings of citizens and the capital of firms.
A8) 4) Increasing citizens' concern for their own health.
A8) 3) The end of the school year.
A8) 1)Increasing taxes on company profits.
A8) 2)Increasing taxes on company profits
A8) 1) Increasing the volume of construction of affordable housing
A8) 2) On sale effective means for self-care of hair.
A8) 2) Having a pet has become popular among the population.
A9. Are the following statements true about the command economic system?
A. Characteristic feature command economy is government regulation of prices.
B. A characteristic feature and advantage of a command economy is the weak differentiation of the population by income.
3) both judgments are correct.
A9. Are the following statements about the state budget correct?
A. The state budget provides for expenditures on the production of economic goods.
B. Traditionally in the Russian Federation the state budget is drawn up for five years.
4) Both judgments are incorrect.
A9. Are the following statements about the labor market correct?
A. The object of purchase and sale in the labor market is the right to use the mental and physical abilities of people to produce goods and services.
B. The demand in the labor market is not for labor services in general, but for services of a certain type and complexity.
1) only A is correct.
A9. Are the following judgments about the functions of the state in a market economy correct?

B. In a market economy, only the state distributes resources between industries and enterprises.
1) only A is correct.
A9. Are the following statements about the world economy true?
A. At the present stage of the international division of labor, industrial production is transferred from Western countries to other countries.
B. In the modern world, a number of countries specialize in the production of information and high technology.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A9. Are the following judgments about the functions of the state in a market economy true?
A. The state in a market economy provides economic freedom economic entities.
B. In a market economy, only the state distributes resources between industries and enterprises.
1) Only A is correct.
A9.Are the following judgments about the firm's costs correct?
A. Part of the firm's costs does not depend on the quantity and quality of products produced.
B. The company's costs are associated with the acquisition of necessary factors of production and the organization of sales of goods.
3) both judgments are correct.
A10) By what criterion is such a social community as villagers determined?
A10) In the birth certificate of citizen K. it is indicated that the nationality of his parents is Russian. This emphasizes their belonging to the community
4) Ethnosocial
A10) A family of any type is characterized. ..
A10) General features of the language, historical memory, customs, traditions, norms of behavior, habits-signs of community
4) Ethnic
A10) One of the manifestations of deviant behavior is
1) Violation of the rules of corporate conduct.
A10) Various forms of organized and spontaneous influence of society on people, as a result of which they acquire social experience, represent a process
4) Socialization.
A11) 1) The opinion that everyone in the family should have different rights prevails among respondents with higher education
A11) 1) Sergei Stepanovich solves all the most important family problems alone.
A11. During sociological surveys conducted in 2004 and 2008 in country Z, it was proposed
This is the wording of one of the questionnaire items: how do you feel about your work?
What conclusion can be drawn based on the data in this table?
1) The share of respondents working outside their specialty has increased
A11. Recommendation: When communicating with people, think not about your own benefit, but about the benefit of the person you are communicating with
example 1) Social norm
A12.Are the following judgments about social mobility correct?
A. Social mobility is the division of society into groups that occupy different
Proposition B. Horizontal social mobility involves a change in a person’s social status
4) both judgments are incorrect
A12.Are the following judgments about the characteristics of social mobility correct?
B. Family and marriage are a social elevator if representatives of groups marry
different social statuses
3) both judgments are correct
A12 Are the following statements about family true?
A. One of the most important functions of the family is raising children.
B. Thanks to the family, the child acquires his first experience of work and communication.
3)Both judgments are correct
A12.Are the following judgments about the types of social mobility correct?
A. The horizontal type of mobility refers to a person’s transition to a higher social stratum
B. Vertical mobility includes demotion
2) Only B is correct
A12.Are the following statements about the characteristics of social mobility correct?
A. Education is one of the channels of vertical mobility
B. Family and marriage is a social elevator if representatives of different social groups get married
3)Both judgments are correct
A12.Are the following judgments about social inequality true?
A. Social inequality is manifested in the availability of benefits and privileges
B. Social inequality stimulates social mobility of the individual
3)Both judgments are correct
A12.Are the following judgments about social norms true?
A. All value ideas of people can be embodied in legal norms
B. Social norms include traditions and customs
2) Only B is correct
A13. Has the right to dissolve the State Duma of the Russian Federation
3)President of the Russian Federation
A13 Subsystem political system, including states, parties, socio-political movements, is called
A13.The cultural component of the political system includes
1) Political ideology
A13The state is the main institution of the political system because
1) Has sovereignty
A13.According to the form of government, states are divided into
3) Unitary and federal
A13. The head of state receives power by inheritance, but in fact only has
representative functions and personifies the unity of the nation in
1)Parliamentary monarchy
A14.What concept is used to designate methods and methods of implementation
state power in society?
3)Political regime
A14.A proportional electoral system is characterized by
4) Conducting election campaigns
A14.Indicate the type of party identified on an ideological basis
3) Social Democratic
A14. Only for the proportional electoral system is it characteristic
4) nomination of candidates from a list of political parties of movements
A14.The proportional electoral system differs from the majoritarian one in that
2) The voter votes for lists of candidates from electoral associations or parties
A14.Which of the following features is characteristic of both a majoritarian system and
proportional electoral system*?
2) Conducting several rounds of elections with the elimination of candidates
Nomination of candidates from various political parties and movements, their competition
each other characterize the principle of political
2) Pluralism
A15. The highest bodies of state power in country Z are formed by election. What additional
does the information allow us to conclude that this state is a parliamentary republic?
1) The head of government becomes the leader of the party that wins the parliamentary elections
A15. Is the supreme power in state z a parliamentary manarchy?
4) The government is accountable to parliament
A15. In state Z, the rights and freedoms of citizens are guaranteed by law in the media, presented
a wide range of political views. Which political regime has these features?
A15 In state Z, elections are regularly held on an alternative basis. The opposition has
equal rights to propagate their views along with the ruling elite. Which political
regime has developed in state z?
A15.The leader of the opposition party took part in a television debate. Which of the functions
political party in society illustrates this example?
4) Propaganda of the ideology and program of the party
A15.On the eve of the parliamentary elections in country z, sociological polls were carried out
survey Respondents had to answer the question how you participate in political life
society (deogram)
What conclusion can be drawn based on the given data?
4) There are no consistent unambiguous trends in the development of forms of political participation of citizens.
A16. Are the following statements about democracy true? One of the conditions for the formation and development of democracy is.
A. The presence of a single ideology common to all citizens.
B. Literacy of the population, civil political culture.
2) Only B is correct.
A16. Are the following statements true about the values ​​of democracy? In a modern democratic society.
A. Authorities are responsible to citizens for their actions in the public sphere.
B. Citizens realize their interests through competition and interaction between their elected representatives.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A16. Are the following statements about political parties true?
A. Signs of a political party can be the stability of its composition and the presence of a program.
B. The party strives to achieve and exercise political power.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A16. Are the following statements about political power true?
A. Political power is based on recognition of its powers by society.
B. State bodies participate in the exercise of political power.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A16. Are the following statements about the media true?
A. The media are outside the sphere controlled by laws and the state, obeying only their owners.
B. The media in a democratic society can freely advocate any political views, including exiremist ones.
4) both judgments are incorrect.
A16. Are the following statements about the media true?
A. The media is a political institution that influences the formation of public opinion.
B. Under the influence of the media, a number of voters are deciding how to vote in the upcoming elections.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A17. Which of the following offenses will be punishable under administrative law?
2) Citizen O. She destroyed a forest anthill in a clearing where she regularly walked her dog.
A17. The constitutional duties of citizens of the Russian Federation include:
4) Protection and security natural resources.
A17. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the highest direct expression of the power of the people is (are)
4) referendum and free elections.
A17. Legal norms, as opposed to other social norms.
1) Having a mandatory nature and supported by the power of the state.
A17. Seventeen-year-old boys, returning from a football match, sat on the steps of the subway (Obscene language).
3) Administrative
A18) Mandatory participant in civil proceedings 4) Plaintiff
A18)According to Civil Code Russian Federation legal entities that are commercial organizations can be created in the form of 3) Unitary enterprises
A18) According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity pursuing profit as the main goal of its activities is 1) A commercial organization
A18) According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, legal entities that are commercial organizations can be created in the form of 2) a unitary enterprise
a18) According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer’s responsibilities include 2) Ensuring safety and working conditions
a18) A voluntary professional association of qualified lawyers, the main task of which is to provide legal assistance to citizens and organizations - this is 2) Advocacy
A19) Firm "Gladiolus" 2) Producer Cooperative
a19) Irina claims inheritance 2) Plaintiff
A19) Production Cooperative “Comfort in the Home” 2) Arbitration
A19) Nikolai went to court 4) Civil
A19) Between the production cooperative “bagel” and CJSC “Kond.Fabrika” 3) Administrative
A19) In which of the following situations actions 4) For failure to show up for work without a valid reason
A20) Are the following judgments about the right to a favorable environment and methods of protection correct?
A. The right to a favorable environment means that everyone has the right to reliable information about its condition.
B. The state establishes standards for the permissible withdrawal of natural resources in order to prevent their depletion
3)Both judgments are correct
A20)-//- about the rights and obligations of taxpayers?
A. Taxpayers are required to register with the internal affairs bodies at the place of registration.
B.Taxpayers have the right to receive free information about current taxes and fees.
3) Both judgments are correct.
A20)-//- about the right to a favorable environment and methods of protection?
A. citizens of the Russian Federation can defend their rights to a favorable environment...
B. The right of citizens to a favorable environment presupposes the opportunity to participate in the preparation... of environmental decisions
3) both judgments are correct
A20)-//- about Russian citizenship?
A. One of the conditions for acquiring Russian citizenship is the presence of a legal source of livelihood.
B. A person who does not have Russian citizenship automatically acquires it by marrying a citizen of the Russian Federation.
4)Both judgments are incorrect
A20)-//- about the legislative process in the Russian Federation? In the Russian Federation, the right of legislative initiative is vested in
A. Candidates for deputies of the State Duma
B. President of the Russian Federation, Federation Council, members of the Federation Council
2) Only B is correct
A20)-//- about the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation determines the political and legal status of the subjects of the Russian Federation
B. The Constitutional and ordinary laws or by-laws must not contradict the Fundamental Law of the state
3)Both judgments are correct

Part B

B1. Majoritarian. PROPORTIONAL.
B1. One of the forms of social progress is REVOLUTION.
B1. Physiological. SYSTEM.
B1. Experiment. OBSERVATION.
B1. Revolution. REFORM.
B2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to employee rights.
5) Carry out your job duties conscientiously.
6) Treat the employer’s property with care.
B2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent methods of scientific theoretical knowledge.
2) Recording of instrument indicators.
4) Conducting an experiment.
B2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are forms of art.
1) Museum.
2) Library.
B2. Below is a list of terms. All but two of these are examples of services.
1) A pair of shoes.
5) Passenger car.
B2. Below is a list of qualities (properties) inherent in a person. All of them, with the exception of two, are of a social nature.
2) Temperament.
5) Makings.
B2. Below is a list of properties and qualities inherent in a person. All of them, with the exception of two, are of a social nature.
3) Sensitivity to pain.
4) Genetic predisposition.
B3) A. The dominant role of the church and army in society
A-1; B-3; AT 2; G-1; D 2
B3) A. expansion of sown areas
A-2; B-1; AT 2; G-1; D 2
Q3) A. For half a year, residents of a town on the sea coast serve tourists, and the rest of the time, most of them cannot find work.
A-2; B-3; IN 1; G-4; D-1
B3) Promotion
A-2; B-1; IN 1; G-2; D 2
B3) Contracts for the supply of grain
A-3; B-1; AT 2; G-1; D-3
B3) Expansion of sown areas
A-2; B-2; IN 1; G-2; D-1
Q4) Find in the list the features inherent in the scientific understanding of the truth of knowledge.
B4) -//- examples illustrating the use of informal positive sanctions.
B4) -//- formal positive sanctions.
B4) -//- manifestation of the economic function of the family.
B4) -//- manifestations of the economic function of the family.
3;4;6(1)raising children)
B4) -//- features inherent only in the proportional system
B5)A-2; B-1; IN 1; G-2
B5)A-1; B-1; IN 1; G-2
B5)A-1; B-1; AT 2; G-2
B5)A-1; B-2; AT 2; G-1
B5)A-1; B-1; IN 1; G-2
B6) 731458.
B6) 354867.
B6) 732518.
B6) 218549.
B6) 594672.
B6) 926843.
B7. According to the constitution, state Z is social.
B7. Imagine that you are helping your teacher classify cards.
B7. The economy of country Z is based on subsistence farming and crafts.
B7. Which allows for the inclusion of legends, epics, and ritual songs.
B7. In country Z, the urban population is growing faster than the rural population.
B7. French physicist Joseph Lune Gay - Lussac.
answers 100%

“Reading natural numbers” - Physical education lesson. What are we going to do now? What is the name of the fourth class in number writing? How many digits are there in a number if it has 45 third class units? Name a number in which there are 3 units of the fourth digit and 5 units of the first. Write down all the numbers in ascending order. Read the numbers. Oral work.

“Natural numbers in mathematics” - Mathematical dictation. For those interested, the task is more difficult on the card. Henri Poincaré. Place is the place (position) of a digit in a number record. Ten. 8. What is the place of a digit in a number called? 4. Name the largest natural number. Math trick. Replace the asterisks with numbers so that you get the correct equation: 97* + **5 + 1*86 = 2230.

“Prime and composite natural numbers” - The lemma says that the number p is prime. No, because no one guarantees that the factors written out are prime. There are an infinite number of prime numbers. In the example with the number 1001, we ended up with the same expansion in two ways. Let's say the number 1001 is composite: 1001 = 7 143. Composite number? - a natural number greater than 1 that has 2 or more divisors.

“Topic of natural numbers” - Complete the task in your notebook: The set of numbers that we have studied can be divided as follows: Numbers. Fractional. How many numbers are there in total? Let's remember how numbers are designated. What are the categories called? 3) Multiplication: 345*68= 53467*3= 532*657=. 4) Division: 504:63= 2088:58= 1416:4=. Now let's repeat the basic arithmetic operations with natural numbers:

“A power with a natural exponent” - 1 to any power is equal to 1 1n=1. Earth mass – 5.976 × 1024 kg Electron mass – 9.11 × 10-31 kg. 0 to any degree is equal to 0 0n=0 (“00” does not make sense). If a?0, then a0=1. Multiplication of powers with the same bases. (-1)2k=1, (-1)2k-1= -1. Degree with an integer exponent. Raising to the power of a product.