Topics of plans for the section economy. Topics of plans for the section economy Make a plan on the topic of the economic cycle

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan that allows you to reveal the essence of the topic "Labor Market". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


1. The concept of the labor market.

2. Labor market participants:

a) an employee (determines the offer on the market);

b) the employer (determines the demand in the market).

3. Features of the labor market:

a) is a market for the services of factors of production;

b) demand in the labor market is derivative.

3. The concept of unemployment.

4. Main forms of unemployment:

a) friction;

b) cyclic;

c) structural;

d) seasonal.

5. The impact of unemployment on the social and economic spheres:

a) positive;

b) negative.

6. State policy in the field of employment:

a) social support for the unemployed;

b) help in finding a job.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal interrogative or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or similar wording will reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Answer: none

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic "The role of the state in the economy." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the response, the following is taken into account:

Correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan items that allow revealing the content of this topic on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment.

1. Concept economic policy states.

2. Economic functions states:

a) protection of the competitive environment;

b) legal regulation market;

c) production of public goods, etc.

3. Methods of state regulation market economy:

a) indirect (fiscal and monetary policy);

b) direct (legal regulation).

4. Instruments of monetary policy:

a) change in the key (discount) rate;

b) changes in the norms of required reserves;

c) open market operations.

5. Fiscal policy instruments:

a) changes in tax rates;

b) changes in budget expenditures.

6. Priority of indirect methods of economic regulation.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4/5 points of the plan (presented as paragraphs or subparagraphs) in this or similar wording will allow you to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Answer: none

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to reveal the essence of the topic "Family Economics". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment.

1. Sources of family income:

a) salary;

b) profit;

d) bank interest on the deposit;

e) dividends;

f) income from the sale of products produced in the subsidiary farm, etc.

2. Types of families depending on income:

a) families with a fixed income;

b) families with variable incomes.

3. Nominal and real family income.

4. Structure of family expenses:

a) rent and utility bills;

b) food;

c) transportation costs;

d) large purchases (acquisition of household appliances, clothing

5. Differences in the wealth of families and their smoothing by the state.

6. Influence of inflation on family incomes.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4 points of the plan (presented as paragraphs or subparagraphs) in this or similar wording will allow you to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to essentially reveal the topic "Costs in the activities of enterprises." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the response, the following are taken into account:

The presence of plan items that are mandatory for the disclosure of the proposed topic;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan in terms of their relevance to the given topic;

Correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to the complex type plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for the disclosure of this topic.

1. The concept of firms' costs.

2. Types of company costs:

a) internal;

b) external (constant, variable).

3. Fixed costs of the firm:

a) payment of rent;

b) payments on loans;

c) fixed salary for management personnel, etc.

4. Variable costs:

a) piecework wages for employees;

b) payment for raw materials;

c) transportation costs, etc.

5. Ways to reduce the company's costs:

a) the introduction of more advanced equipment;

b) professional development for employees;

c) economies of scale, etc.

6. The concept of the company's profit.

Possible other number and (or) other correct wording of paragraphs and subparagraphs of the plan. They can be presented in nominal, interrogative or mixed form.

The presence of any two of the 2, 3, 4, 5 points of the plan (presented as paragraphs or subparagraphs) in this or similar wording will reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, draw up a complex plan that allows you to reveal the essence of the topic "Inflation". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.


When analyzing the response, the following is taken into account:

Correspondence of the structure of the proposed answer to a plan of a complex type;

The presence of plan items indicating that the examinee understands the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not counted in the assessment.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of inflation.

2) The main sources of inflation:

a) an increase in the nominal wages, not caused by the growth of labor productivity;

b) rising prices for raw materials and energy carriers;

c) increase in taxes on the producer;

d) reducing production while maintaining the money supply;

e) issue of funds to cover the expenses of the state.

3) Main types of inflation:

a) by the nature of the flow (open and hidden);

b) depending on the growth rate (moderate, galloping, hyperinflation);

c) for reasons of occurrence (demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation).

4) Consequences of inflation for the economy:

a) the positive effects of moderate inflation (stimulating investment, stimulating the growth of production and trade);

b) the negative consequences of high inflation (disruption of the economic regulation system, depreciation of the entire accumulation fund and loans, depreciation of real incomes of the population, reduction in current consumption, reduction in investment).

5) Measures to overcome high inflation:

a) control over the issue of money, the withdrawal of excess money;

b) reduction of budget expenditures;

c) development of production, overcoming the recession in the economy.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, interrogative or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2-5. paragraphs of the plan in this or similar wording will reveal the content of this topic in essence.

Take the test for these tasks

1. The economic growth

2. cyclicality economic development

Topic 1. Economic growth

1. Economic growth: concept, types and indicators

2. Factors, theories and models economic growth

1. Economic growth: concept, types and indicators

In the theory of economic growth central issue is an increase in the scale of social production on the basis of a quantitative increase in the factors of production and their qualitative improvement.

Types of economic growth

There are two types of economic growth:

1. extensive

2. intense

Extensive economic growth characterized by an increase in the volume of social production through a quantitative increase in the same qualitative factors of production, expanding the field of activity.

Intensive economic growth is associated with an increase in the volume of social production by involving in the economic circulation more qualitatively improved factors of production and technologies.

Economic growth indicators

Economic growth indicators are: the rate of growth or growth of GDP or national income (NI) for a certain period of time, or the same indicators, but correlated with the population of the country, i.e. GDP or NI coming per capita.

Absolute and specific indicators make it possible to assess economic growth from various positions. GDP growth rates and their absolute value are more suitable for assessing the build-up of the state's economic power, its military-strategic potential, and political influence on international relationships, its place and role in the geopolitical alignment of forces.

Specific indicators make it possible to more accurately determine the socio-economic well-being of the nation, the standard of living of the population of individual countries, regional and other groupings.

These indicators reflect in their vast part the level of development of material production and material well-being.

2. Factors, theories and models of economic growth

Factors of economic growth:

1. Natural resources;

2. Labor resources;

3. Capital resources;

4. Socio-economic system as a resource.

Under natural resources the whole set of natural and climatic conditions for the implementation of the process of social production is understood: soil fertility, climate, mineral resources, forests, the wealth of rivers, lakes and seas, virgin lands and spaces not affected by anthropogenic activity.

Russia has all the natural resources like no other country in the world. The country faces the following challenges: On the one side, create all the necessary prerequisites for the revival of economic activity and the rise of economic development, with another - limit or eliminate production technologies that are harmful to the environment.

Labor resources - this is the most important factor of economic growth, the state of which determines the possibility of involving other resources in the economic turnover, the use and interaction of other factors.

Potential labor resources depends on the size of the population, its gender and age structure, the level of general and vocational education, the development of science, which, through the human factor, ensure the interaction of directly living labor in production with general and joint labor, i.e. interaction and cooperation of different levels of labor of contemporaries and previous generations.

capital resources. Despite new trends in social production, in the current economy, capital occupies a dominant position in relation to labor, from the point of view of its organizing principle in social production, its management functions and risk, the desire for effective returns, and competitive force.

The level of technologies used in social production is of decisive importance, an increase automatically leads to a change in the level of requirements for the labor force, its structure, and changes in the technological and reproductive structures of capital. This is the factor that most directly affects the change in structures at all levels of the economic system, from the division of labor to management.

Socio-economic system as a resource. In this case, we mean two aspects of the functioning of the economic system:

first associated with the state economic mechanism on which the rationality and efficiency of the use of available resources depends;

second the moment is determined by the level of income received and their distribution for consumption and supply.

Theories and models of economic growth

IN economics exists two main directions of economic growth theories: 1. neo-Keynesian

2. neoclassical

The neo-Keynesian direction arose on the basis of the ideas of J. M. Keynes about the relative instability of the capitalist economy and macroeconomic equilibrium.

The neoclassical direction has its roots in the views of Adam Smith on the self-regulation of the market economy, Say's factor theory and the theory of marginal productivity. economic factors John Bates Clark.


The most famous are the models of economic growth created by the English economist Roy Harrod (1900-1978) and the American economist of Russian origin Yevsey Domar (1914-1997). The versions of the model proposed by them are similar; they analyze a long transition of sustainable economic growth, one of the main conditions of which is the equality of savings and investment.

Neoclassical direction

At the center of the neoclassical direction is the idea of ​​equilibrium based on an optimal market system, considered as a perfect self-regulating mechanism that allows the best use of all factors of production, not only an individual economic entity but also the economy as a whole.

A significant contribution to the development of the theory of economic growth was made by the laureate Nobel Prize American Robert Solow (born 1924), who modified the Cobb-Douglas production function by introducing another factor - the level of technology development.

Topic 2. Cyclicity of economic development

1. The cyclical nature of economic development and its causes. Phases of the business cycle

2. Types of economic cycles. Counter-cyclical regulation

1. The cyclical nature of economic development and its causes. Phases of the business cycle

Under the cycle refers to the frequency of recurring imbalances in the economic system, leading to the curtailment of economic activity, recession, crisis. Cyclicity is the general norm of the movement of a market economy, reflecting its unevenness, the change of evolutionary and revolutionary forms of economic progress, fluctuations in business activity and market conditions, alternation of predominantly extensive or intensive economic growth; one of the ways of self-regulation of the market economy.


The formal possibility of crises, and consequently of cycles, is already embedded in a simple commodity circulation and is connected with the function of money as a medium of circulation. The discrepancy between the acts of purchase and sale in place and time creates the prerequisites for a break in the single chain of transactions for purchase and sale. Another formal possibility of a crisis is related to the function of money as a means of payment. Credit relations are based on the future solvency of buyers or sellers, a failure in only one link in the credit chain breaks it and causes a chain reaction that can lead to a breakdown in the social production system.

Phases of the business cycle

In the cycle, the economy goes through certain phases (stages), each of which characterizes a specific state of the economic system. These are phases: - crisis;




A crisis - it is an internal mechanism for forcibly adapting the size of social production to the volume of solvent demand of economic entities. This is a general overproduction, a deep shock to the entire economic system from top to bottom. There is a fall in prices, a growing distrust of the subjects of the market economy, the bill ceases to play a role valuable papers many businesses go bankrupt. A crisis gives rise to a new economic cycle or can interrupt phases of recovery or recovery.

Depression characterized by a stagnation of production, the retirement of obsolete fixed capital, primarily machinery and equipment, which is an important prerequisite for reducing production costs in order to adapt to the obsolete low price level. Low prices contribute to the absorption of accumulated commodity stocks, although some of them are destroyed. The low level of economic activity causes massive unemployment.

revival associated with the activation of household activities. Partial renewal of fixed capital, growth in production volumes, an increase in the level of prices, profits and interest rates, the adaptation of the economy to the newly formed price level. In this phase, the unemployment rate decreases slightly, the circulation of capital accelerates, the demand for credit increases, interest rates.

Climb determined by the continuation of the economic growth started in the previous phase, the achievement of relatively full employment, the expansion of production capacities, their modernization, the creation of new enterprises, interest rates continue to rise under the influence of investment growth.

2. Types of economic cycles. Counter-cyclical regulation


Economic theory identifies a number of cycles of economic development:

1. longwave cycles, expressing long-term fluctuations in economic activity with a period of about 50 years and called " Kondratiev cycles"(named after the Russian expert Nikolai Dmitrievich Kondratiev (1892-1938); Kondratiev considered large cycles as long periods of disruption and restoration of economic equilibrium and believed that their causes "lie in the cyclical action of the accumulating fixed social capital and its placement and, accordingly, in the cyclical development and redistribution of productive forces.

2. normal, or large, industrial cycles with a period of 8 to 12 years ( "Juglar cycles"), named after the French expert K. Juglar (1819-1908) for his study of industrial fluctuations in France, Great Britain and the USA;

3. small cycles, or “Kitchin cycles” (named after the American ek-ta - Kitchin (1861-1932), duration from 3-4 years and covering the period that is necessary for the massive renewal of fixed assets.

Counter-cyclical regulation consists in a system of ways and methods of influencing the economic situation and economic activity, aimed at mitigating cyclical fluctuations. At the same time, the efforts of the state-va have the opposite direction of the emerging situation at each phase of the economic cycle.

The two main counter-cyclical approaches are:

1. Keynesian;

2. classical.

Keynesians, focuses on the regulatory role of the state with its fiscal instruments, which are used either to reduce or increase spending, or to manipulate tax rates, contraction or expansion of the system of tax incentives.

Proponents of the classical directions, focus their attention on the offer. It is about ensuring the use of available resources and creating conditions for efficient production, withholding support from low-efficient industries and sectors of the economy and promoting the freedom of action of market forces. Monetary regulation becomes the main tool. The money supply becomes the main lever of influence on national economy a means of fighting inflation.

Topics of plans for the section "Economics"

1. 1. Economy and its role in the life of society.

2. 2. Basic economic systems.

3. 3. The role of the state in a market economy.

4. 4. Taxes and their role in economic life society.

5. 5. Banks and banking system .

6. 6. The role of the firm in a market economy.

7. 7. Factors of production and factor income.

8. 8. Economic freedom and social responsibility.

9. 9. Division of labor and specialization.

10. 10. Business cycle and economic growth.

11. 11. Meters economic activity.

12. 12. Market and market mechanism.

13. 13. Economic content of property.

14. 14. Demand and supply in a market economy.

15. 15. Labor market and unemployment.

16. 16. State budget and public debt.

17. 17. Money and their functions.

18. 18. Inflation and its danger to the economy.

19. 19. Planned economy and its features.

20. 20. Monopoly and its consequences.

21. 21. Loans and credit policy

22. 22. Place information in modern economy.

23. 23. Trade and exchange.

24. 24. Rational consumer behavior in the economy and consumer rights.


"Economy and its role in the life of society" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of the economy. / Economic sphere- an area that ensures the material well-being of society.

2) The meanings of the concept of "economy":

a) science;

b) economy.

3) The main groups of economic relations:

a) the production of goods;

b) distribution of benefits;

c) exchange of goods;

d) consumption of goods.

4) Levels of organization of economic activity:

a) household economics;

b) economics of local markets and firms;

c) the national economy;

d) world economy.

5) Basic questions of the economy:

a) what to produce?

b) how to produce?

c) for whom to produce?

6) Essence and problems of economic choice: opportunity cost.

7) The specifics of economic development in the modern world.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Basic Economic Systems" .

1) The concept of economic systems. / economic system as a way of organizing the economic life of society.

2) Functions of economic systems:

a) satisfaction of the material needs of society;

b) rational consumption of limited goods;

c) determination of the method and nature of production and distribution of goods.

3) Types of economic systems:

a) the traditional economy;

b) market economy;

c) command (planned) economy;

G) mixed economy(socially regulated market economy).

4) The main differences between economic systems:

a) the role of the state in the economy;

b) dominant forms of ownership;

c) mechanisms for regulating economic activity;

d) the nature of distribution relations;

e) the nature of the relationship between production and consumption.

5) The specifics of the modern socially oriented market economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The role of the state in a market economy" .

1) The state as a subject of economic activity. / The state is a participant in a socially regulated market economy.

2) Reasons for strengthening the role of the state in the economy:

a) expanding the scale of the economy;

b) complication of the nature of economic activity;

c) increase in the number of economic entities;

d) failure of market mechanisms in solving a number of economic problems.

3) Mechanisms of state regulation of the economy:

a) direct (state planning and forecasting, state property, government orders and subsidies);

b) indirect (credit and monetary, tax, budgetary and financial).

4) Functions of state regulation:

a) the production of public goods;

b) fight against monopolism, protection of free competition;

c) creation of a legal basis for a market economy, guaranteeing the rights of owners;

d) macroeconomic regulation, structural policy;

e) regulation of the labor market, participation in social partnership;

f) maintaining a stable exchange rate of the national currency.

5) The specifics of state regulation during periods of recession in the world economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Taxes and their role in the economic life of society"

1) The essence of taxes. / Taxes are the main source of state budget revenues.

2) Main types of taxes:

a) direct taxes;

b) indirect taxes.

3) The structure of the taxable base:

a) taxes on individuals;

b) taxes from legal entities.

4) Tax functions:

a) social;

b) stimulating;

c) fiscal;

d) regulatory.

5) Development trends tax system in modern Russia.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Banks and banking system"

1) The concept of banks and the banking system.

2) The main tasks of banks:

a) accumulation of free financial resources;

b) investing financial resources in promising economic projects.

3) Structure banking system:

a) the Central Bank;

b) Commercial banks.

4) Main types of banking operations:

a) active;

b) passive;

c) credit-intermediary.

5) Work of banks with clients:

a) accepting deposits and lending to individuals;

b) placement of funds and lending to legal entities.

6) The role of banking investments in the development of the real sector of the economy.

7) Banks in the global financial system.

8) Development of the banking system in the modern Russian economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The role of the firm in a market economy" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The firm (enterprise) is the primary link in the market economy system. / The concept of the firm (enterprise).

2) Signs of the company:

a) the presence of property;

b) legal address;

c) a team of workers;

d) participation in economic activities.

3) Economic goals of the company:

a) profit maximization;

b) cost minimization.

4) The main types of firms (enterprises):

a) business partnerships (full, limited);

b) business companies (with limited liability, open Joint-Stock Company, closed joint stock company);

c) production cooperatives;

d) individual enterprises;

e) unitary enterprises.

5) The production of goods and services is the main function of firms.:

6) The role of firms in the formation of supply and demand; equilibrium price.

7) The activities of firms in a competitive market.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Factors of Production and Factor Income"

1) Factors of production - resources directly involved in the production process.

2) Main factors of production:

a) land (agricultural land, land under enterprises, minerals, forest and water resources);

b) labor (skills, qualifications of employees);

c) capital (buildings, structures, machine tools, equipment, finances in the accounts of the enterprise, products in warehouses, etc.);

d) entrepreneurial activity (combination of other factors in the production process).

3) The most important factor incomes:

a) rent;

b) salary;

c) percentage;

d) profit.

4) Information - new factor production in the modern economy.

5) Changing the role and importance of factors of production in the modern economy. / The dominant role of the human factor in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Economic Freedom and Social Responsibility" . Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Economic freedom is the foundation for the functioning of a market economy.

2) Manifestations economic freedom:

a) freedom of the producer (he independently decides what and how to produce);

b) freedom of the consumer (he independently decides what and how to consume).

3) Social responsibility of the manufacturer:

a) not to produce to the detriment of society (in violation of laws, traditions, morality);

b) not violate the principles of fair competition;

c) not to produce to the detriment of nature (observe environmental legislation).

4) Social responsibility of the consumer:

a) do not consume more than necessary;

b) not to consume to the detriment of society, accepted rules and norms;

c) do not consume to the detriment of nature.

5) The inextricable link between economic freedom and social responsibility is a condition for development modern system management.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Division of Labor and Specialization". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of the division of labor. / The division of labor is the separation of qualitatively different types of labor activity.

2) Stages public division labor:

a) selection Agriculture(agriculture and cattle breeding) from hunting and gathering;

b) separation of industry (crafts) from agriculture;

c) separation of trade from agriculture and crafts;

d) allocation of finance and banking;

e) allocation of management, management.

3) Levels of social division of labor:

a) international;

b) interregional;

c) intersectoral;

d) between firms;

d) within the company.

4) Specialization and cooperation of producers as a consequence of the division of labor.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Business Cycle and Economic Growth". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of the economic cycle. / The economic cycle is a period of cyclical business activity. / The economic cycle is a model for the development of a market economy.

2) The main phases of the economic cycle:

a) economic recession (crisis);

b) economic contraction (recession);

c) recovery in a number of sectors of the economy;

d) economic recovery.

3) Reasons cyclic development economy:

a) external causes (armed conflicts, changes in the international environment for energy production, major infrastructure projects);

b) internal reasons (the quality of the government's monetary policy, changes in the ratio of aggregate demand and aggregate supply, the accumulation of large stocks of goods in excess of demand).

4) Economic growth and correlation with the business cycle.

5) Ways of economic growth:

a) extensive (expanding the use of raw materials, labor, etc.);

b) intensive (qualitative improvement of factors of production, equipment and technology).

6) Scientific and technological progress and advanced training of workers are the main factors of economic growth in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Measuring Measures of Economic Activity". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Measures of economic activity (macroeconomic indicators) and the system of national accounts. / The concept of meters of economic activity.

2) Functions of macroeconomic indicators:

a) measuring the volume of production at a particular point in time;

b) determination of factors that directly affect the development of the economy;

c) tracking the dynamics and determining the forecasts of economic development;

d) development of state economic policy.

3) Main macroeconomic indicators:

a) gross domestic product (GDP) (this is the value of the final product produced in the territory of a given country for a certain period);

b) gross national product (GNP) (this is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by the citizens of the country both in this country and in other countries for a certain period of time);

c) personal income (PD) ( total income received by the owners of economic resources (factors of production));

d) the volume of GDP per capita or per person employed in the economy;

e) the volume of investments in the national economy;

f) the volume of national exports and imports, etc.

4) System of National Accounts - information about the state of the country's economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic Market and Market Mechanism. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The market is a self-regulating system for organizing economic activity.

2) Signs of a market economy:

a) economic freedom of the producer and consumer;

b) formation of prices for goods and services depending on supply and demand;

c) operation of the mechanism of free competition;

d) variety of forms of ownership, guaranteeing the inviolability of the rights of the owner.

3) Market participants:

a) manufacturer (forms the offer of goods and services);

b) consumer (determines the demand for goods and services).

4) Market equilibrium - the formation of an equilibrium price.

5) The main functions of the market:

a) intermediary (connection of supply and demand);

b) informational (providing information on the size of a particular production and satisfaction of consumer demand for specific goods);

c) regulatory (redistribution of capital and resources from less efficient industries to more efficient ones);

d) sanitizing, healing (identifying and withdrawing from the market unprofitable, inefficient enterprises, forcing them to bankruptcy);

e) stimulating (introduction of new technologies, development of new ways of managing).

6) Types of markets:

a) the market for land and natural resources;

b) the market for consumer goods and services;

c) the market for raw materials and materials;

d) capital market (credit and stock);

e) labor market;

f) information and innovation market;

g) the foreign exchange market.

7) The specifics of market relations in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Economic Content of Property". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of property. / Property is an economic relationship between people about things.

2) The unity of the legal and economic content of property.

3) Subjects of ownership:

a) person, family;

b) labor collective;

c) social group;

d) the state.

4) The most important objects of property:

a) land land, land;

b) money, currency, securities;

c) natural resources;

d) labor force;

e) buildings, structures, real estate;

f) spiritual, intellectual, informational resources.

5) Basic rights of the owner:

a) possession (actual possession of property);

b) use (extraction of useful properties of property);

c) disposal (the possibility of changing the legal fate of the property).

6) The main forms of ownership in the Russian Federation:

A) private property(property of citizens and legal entities);

b) state property (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation);

c) collective, joint form of ownership (cooperative, joint-stock);

d) municipal (property of urban and rural settlements).

7) The specifics of relations and forms of ownership in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Demand and supply in a market economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Demand and supply are the key concepts of a market economy. / The concept of supply and demand.

2) Formation of prices and the magnitude of supply and demand in the market.

3) Demand formation factors:

a) price (the price level for goods, the price level for substitute goods, the price level for related goods);

b) non-price (fashion trends, the number of buyers in the market, folk traditions and customs, seasonal, level of consumer income).

4) Factors of formation of the offer:

a) price (prices for resources, prices for other goods, expected price changes);

b) non-price (number of sellers in the market; production technologies, taxes and subsidies, costs of transportation, storage, promotion of goods and services).

5) The law of market equilibrium - the formation of an equilibrium price as a result of fluctuations in supply and demand.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The Labor Market and Unemployment". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The labor market is a special segment of the market economy. / The labor market is a mechanism for combining supply and demand for labor.

2) The formation of prices and the magnitude of supply and demand in the labor market.

3) Labor market participants:

a) an employee (determines the offer on the market);

b) the employer (determines the demand in the market).

4) Wages - the price of labor.

5) Unemployment is a characteristic feature of the labor market.

6) Main forms of unemployment:

a) friction;

b) cyclic;

c) structural;

d) seasonal;

e) stagnant.

7) The specifics of the modern labor market:

a) an increase in demand for complex, qualified demand;

b) establishing state guarantees living wage and the minimum wage;

c) indexation of wages depending on the level of inflation;

d) the responsibility of the state and business for the level of unemployment in the country;

e) development and improvement of labor legislation.

8) Social partnership is the basis of the modern labor market.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "State Budget and Public Debt". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of the state budget and budget policy. / Budget - the costs and revenues of the state for a certain period of time.

2) Procedure for consideration and adoption of the state budget:

a) development by the government;

b) approval by the Federal Assembly;

c) execution by the government.

3) Parts of the state budget:

a) income (taxes and fees, state loans, privatization, issue of securities, income from state property, repayment of debts by foreign states);

b) expenses (financing of the defense order, maintenance of the state apparatus, financing of the public sector, social programs, basic science, public debt service, subsidies to enterprises and infrastructure development).

4) Options for implementing budget policy:

a) a balanced budget

b) a deficit budget (expenditures exceed revenues);

c) a budget surplus (income exceeds income).

5) Factors affecting the state budget:

a) trends in the formation of the taxable base;

b) the phase of the economic cycle;

c) current government policy.

5) Public debt and its service.

6) Structure public debt: external and internal debt obligations.

7) The specifics of the budget process and the state of public debt in the Russian Federation.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Money and its functions". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Money is the universal equivalent in the exchange of goods and services.

2) The main functions of money:

a) a measure of value (expressed in the price of goods and services);

b) medium of circulation (they are an intermediary in exchange transactions);

c) means of payment (payment for goods on credit, with a gap in time);

d) means of accumulation (preservation of funds and values ​​for the future).

3) The structure of the money supply in the modern economy:

a) cash cash(paper money and change coin);

b) non-cash money (checks, bills of exchange, banknotes, electronic money).

4) Forms of money movement in the modern economy:

a) circulation as means of payment and settlement, servicing transactions;

b) movement as borrowed money or loans;

c) the movement of money and securities in the financial market.

4) Electronic money, network payments - the main type of money in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Inflation and its danger to the economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Inflation - the process of depreciation of paper money. / Inflation - a danger to the economy.

2) The main sources of inflation:

a) an increase in nominal wages that is not due to an increase in labor productivity;

b) increase in prices for raw materials and energy carriers;

c) an increase in taxes on the producer.

3) Demand inflation and supply inflation.

4) Main types of inflation:

a) by the nature of the flow (open and hidden);

b) depending on the growth rate (moderate, galloping, hyperinflation).

5) Consequences of inflation for the economy:

a) decrease in employment, disruption of the entire system of economic regulation;

b) depreciation of the entire accumulation fund and loans;

c) depreciation of real incomes of the population, reduction of current consumption;

d) decrease in investments;

e) money losing its value.

6) Measures to overcome inflation:

a) control over the issue of money, the withdrawal of excess money;

b) reduction of budget expenditures;

c) development of production, overcoming the recession in the economy.

7) The specifics of anti-inflationary measures in the Russian Federation.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Planned economy and its features". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Planned economy - the economy of a state-regulated economy.

2) The emergence of a planned economic system - a reaction to manifestations of market failure.

3) Signs of a planned economy:

a) the dominance of the state form of ownership;

b) the dominance of the producer over the consumer;

c) directive prices for goods and services;

d) lack of economic freedom, centralized distribution of resources;

e) directive definition of the nature and nomenclature of production.

4) Advantages of a planned economy:

a) stability of economic development;

b) high level employment;

c) high mobilization capabilities during the war period;

d) support for unprofitable industries.

5) The main disadvantages of a planned economy:

a) shortage of consumer goods and services;

b) inability to respond to changing world conditions;

c) lagging behind in the development of new equipment and technology.

6) The need for elements of a planned economy in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Monopolism and Its Consequences". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Monopoly is the enemy of free competition.

2) The main features of the market imperfect competition(monopoly):

a) there is only one seller on the market;

b) the formation of a monopoly high price;

c) ousting medium and small commodity producers from the market;

d) reduction of incentives for economic activity, technological modernization.

3) Measures of the state antimonopoly policy:

a) the prohibition of a number of agreements on the merger of firms;

b) adoption of antimonopoly laws;

c) application of economic sanctions against monopolists;

d) the division of enterprises recognized as monopolies into several firms.

4) Monopoly and oligopoly - similarities and differences.

5) Maintaining the mechanisms of free competition is the main means of combating monopoly.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Credits and credit policy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The concept of credit. / Credit as an integral element of the modern economy.

2) The main functions of the loan:

a) redistribution of funds between industries, firms and regions;

b) ensuring the possibility of replacing real money in circulation with credit money (banknotes and non-cash payments);

c) reduction of distribution costs;

G) effective use temporarily free funds.

3) Principles of lending:

a) urgency (the bank provides the borrower with money for a certain period of time);

b) payment (the bank provides money on a fee basis);

c) repayment (the bank first studies the solvency of the borrower);

d) guarantee (the bank requires collateral from the borrower).

4) Main forms of credit:

a) by the method of lending (in-kind credit (goods, resources), cash credit);

b) by the term of crediting (short-term, medium-term, long-term);

c) by the nature of lending (mortgage, consumer, commercial (commodity), banking, state).

5) The role of credit in the development of the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The Place of Information in the Modern Economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Information is an important factor of production in the modern economy.

2) The main properties of information as a public good:

a) the possibility of simultaneous presence in many people;

b) indestructibility during transfer and use;

c) the difficulty of dividing into separate parts.

3) Stages of formation of the information economy:

a) penetration information technologies into production;

b) massive introduction of information technology and the predominance of standardized systems;

c) the excess of productivity in the production of information and information technology over other industries;

d) the transition to the predominant production of information and knowledge, the fundamental sciences, technologies for the production of scientific knowledge begin to play the greatest role.

4) The special nature of the formation of prices for information (determined by the usefulness of information).

5) Limited use of information in time.

6) Main types of information:

a) by media (digital (statistical), textual (verbal), graphic, audiovisual);

b) by nature (technical, social).

7) Features of the development of the information economy at the present stage.


"Trade and Exchange". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) Trade is the most important instrument of exchange relations in society.

2) The main links of trade:

a) wholesale trade;

b) retail trade.

3) Trading functions:

a) the sale of goods and services produced in society, the implementation of the connection between production and consumption;
b) bringing consumer goods to consumers, carrying out a number of operations to continue the production process in the sphere of circulation (for example, transportation, storage);
c) maintaining a balance between supply and demand impact on production in terms of the volume and range of products;
d) reduction of distribution costs in the sphere of consumption (costs of buyers for the purchase of goods);

e) product development, market research, distribution organization, price determination, creation of service departments, etc.

4) Main types of retail trade:

a) independent retailers;

b) retail franchises (use of well-known trademarks by small firms);

c) specialized stores;

d) supermarkets (supermarkets) and shopping malls;

e) retail trade networks (retail);

e) warehouses-shops;

g) electronic stores.

5) The development of electronic commerce and online stores is the most promising direction in the modern economy.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Rational consumer behavior in economics and consumer rights". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

1) The consumer in the economy is the party that forms the demand for goods and services.

2) Consumer goals:

a) getting the maximum benefit from the goods and services consumed;

b) making a rational choice in favor of the most necessary goods.

3) The main sources of consumer income:

a) salary;

b) income from placement of funds in banks;

c) income in the form of a dividend from shares;

d) allowances, pensions, scholarships;

e) income from entrepreneurial and other activities;

f) income from property.

4) Basic consumer rights:

a) the right to receive reliable information about the product;

b) the right to safe use of the goods;

c) the right to protection of consumer rights.

5) The structure and level of income and expenses of the consumer - an indicator of the development of the country's economy.

Drawing up a plan on the topic "Economics"

  1. "Economy and its role in the life of society"

1) The concept of the economy. / The economic sphere is a sphere that ensures the material well-being of society.

2) The meanings of the concept of "economy":

a) science;

b) economy.

3) The main groups of economic relations:

a) the production of goods;

b) distribution of benefits;

c) exchange of goods;

d) consumption of goods.

4) Levels of organization of economic activity:

a) household economics;

b) economics of local markets and firms;

c) the national economy;

d) world economy.

5) Basic questions of the economy:

a) what to produce?

b) how to produce?

c) for whom to produce?

6) Essence and problems of economic choice: opportunity cost.

7) The specifics of economic development in the modern world.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Basic Economic Systems".

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of economic systems. / The economic system as a way of organizing the economic life of society.

2) Functions of economic systems:

a) satisfaction of the material needs of society;

b) rational consumption of limited goods;

c) determination of the method and nature of production and distribution of goods.

3) Types of economic systems:

a) the traditional economy;

b) market economy;

c) command (planned) economy;

d) mixed economy (socially regulated market economy).

4) The main differences between economic systems:

a) the role of the state in the economy;

b) dominant forms of ownership;

c) mechanisms for regulating economic activity;

d) the nature of distribution relations;

e) the nature of the relationship between production and consumption.

5) The specifics of the modern socially oriented market economy.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"The role of the state in a market economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The state as a subject of economic activity. / The state is a participant in a socially regulated market economy.

2) Reasons for strengthening the role of the state in the economy:

a) expanding the scale of the economy;

b) complication of the nature of economic activity;

c) increase in the number of economic entities;

d) failure of market mechanisms in solving a number of economic problems.

3) Mechanisms of state regulation of the economy:

a) direct (state planning and forecasting, state ownership, state orders and subsidies);

b) indirect (credit and monetary, tax, budgetary and financial).

4) Functions of state regulation:

a) the production of public goods;

b) fight against monopolism, protection of free competition;

c) creation of a legal basis for a market economy, guaranteeing the rights of owners;

d) macroeconomic regulation, structural policy;

e) regulation of the labor market, participation in social partnership;

f) maintaining a stable exchange rate of the national currency.

5) The specifics of state regulation during periods of recession in the world economy.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Money and its functions".Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) Money is the universal equivalent in the exchange of goods and services.

2) The main functions of money:

a) a measure of value (expressed in the price of goods and services);

b) medium of circulation (they are an intermediary in exchange transactions);

c) means of payment (payment for goods on credit, with a gap in time);

d) means of accumulation (preservation of funds and values ​​for the future).

3) The structure of the money supply in the modern economy:

a) cash (paper money and change coin);

b) non-cash money (checks, bills of exchange, banknotes, electronic money).

4) Forms of money movement in the modern economy:

a) circulation as means of payment and settlement, servicing transactions;

b) movement as borrowed funds or credits;

c) the movement of money and securities in the financial market.

4) Electronic money, network payments - the main type of money in the modern economy.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Demand and supply in a market economy".Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) Supply and demand - the key concepts of a market economy. / The concept of supply and demand.

2) Formation of prices and the magnitude of supply and demand in the market.

3) Demand formation factors:

a) price (the price level for goods, the price level for substitute goods, the price level for related goods);

b) non-price (fashion trends, the number of buyers in the market, folk traditions and customs, seasonal, level of consumer income).

4) Factors of formation of the offer:

a) price (prices for resources, prices for other goods, expected price changes);

b) non-price (number of sellers in the market; production technologies, taxes and subsidies, costs of transportation, storage, promotion of goods and services).

5) The law of market equilibrium - the formation of an equilibrium price as a result of fluctuations in supply and demand.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Economic Content of Property".Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of property. / Property is an economic relationship between people about things.

2) The unity of the legal and economic content of property.

3) Subjects of ownership:

a) person, family;

b) labor collective;

c) social group;

d) the state.

4) The most important objects of property:

a) land, land plots, lands;

b) money, currency, securities;

c) natural resources;

d) labor force;

e) buildings, structures, real estate;

f) spiritual, intellectual, informational resources.

5) Basic rights of the owner:

a) possession (actual possession of property);

b) use (extraction of useful properties of property);

c) disposal (the possibility of changing the legal fate of the property).

6) The main forms of ownership in the Russian Federation:

a) private property (property of citizens and legal entities);

b) state property (federal, subjects of the Russian Federation);

c) collective, joint form of ownership (cooperative, joint-stock);

d) municipal (property of urban and rural settlements).

7) The specifics of relations and forms of ownership in the modern economy.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"Taxes and their role in the economic life of society". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The essence of taxes. / Taxes are the main source of state budget revenues.

2) Main types of taxes:

a) direct taxes;

b) indirect taxes.

3) The structure of the taxable base:

a) taxes on individuals;

b) taxes from legal entities.

4) Tax functions:

a) social;

b) stimulating;

c) fiscal;

d) regulatory.

5) Trends in the development of the tax system in modern Russia.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"The role of the firm in a market economy". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The firm (enterprise) is the primary link in the market economy system. / The concept of the firm (enterprise).

2) Signs of the company:

a) the presence of property;

b) legal address;

c) a team of workers;

d) participation in economic activities.

3) Economic goals of the company:

a) profit maximization;

b) cost minimization.

4) The main types of firms (enterprises):

a) business partnerships (full, limited);

b) business companies (with limited liability, open joint stock company, closed joint stock company);

c) production cooperatives;

d) individual enterprises;

e) unitary enterprises.

5) The production of goods and services is the main function of firms.:

6) The role of firms in the formation of supply and demand; equilibrium price.

7) The activities of firms in a competitive market.

  1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic"The Labor Market and Unemployment".Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The labor market is a special segment of the market economy. / The labor market is a mechanism for connecting supply and demand for labor.

2) The formation of prices and the magnitude of supply and demand in the labor market.

3) Labor market participants:

a) an employee (determines the offer on the market);

b) the employer (determines the demand in the market).

4) Wages - the price of labor.

5) Unemployment is a characteristic feature of the labor market.

6) Main forms of unemployment:

a) friction;

b) cyclic;

c) structural;

d) seasonal;

e) stagnant.

7) The specifics of the modern labor market:

a) an increase in demand for complex, qualified demand;

b) the establishment of state guarantees of a living wage and minimum wages;

c) indexation of wages depending on the level of inflation;

d) the responsibility of the state and business for the level of unemployment in the country;

e) development and improvement of labor legislation.

8) Social partnership is the basis of the modern labor market.