Overdraft for legal entities. How and under what conditions is an overdraft for legal entities provided?

Bank overdraft is the provision to the borrower Money, by crediting the bank to his current account within the established limit, in the event of insufficient or absent funds in the account, in order to pay for settlement documents. In simple words We can say about a bank overdraft this way: it is a short-term, constantly revolving loan that can be used by enterprises or entrepreneurs who periodically have temporary, short-term needs for additional funds to make payments.

Such a loan is automatically repaid by the bank from the resulting balance of the client’s funds in his account on the morning of each day. So, for example, on the first day the client was given an overdraft, during the next day money was credited to the account, and already on the morning of the third day the loan was repaid using the accumulated funds.

Features of overdraft lending. This type of lending has its own characteristics, which are as follows:

The borrower at least once every calendar month is obliged to fully repay the existing overdraft debt by crediting funds to his current account. In this case, on the repayment day, the borrower’s account is not credited;

Daily automatic repayment loan for the amount of the credit balance of the borrower's current account, which is formed at the end of each operating day (after all transactions on the current account have been completed). There are no delays in payment of regular payments during the day;

Interest is calculated on the actual debt on the loan, which, with regular receipt of money, reduces the debt by the end of the day and saves interest costs.

Banks offer their clients the following types overdraft:

1. standard overdraft (provided by the bank to the borrower within the established limit for the execution of payment orders of the borrower and payment of expenses associated with their execution, as well as cash documents the borrower, despite the insufficiency or absence of funds in the account);

2. overdraft in advance (provided to a client who meets the bank’s requirements in order to return it to settlement and cash services to the bank);

3. overdraft for collection (provided to clients who meet the bank’s requirements and at least 75% of the turnover on the current account loan is comprised of collected cash proceeds (exactly deposited into the current account by the client himself)); 4. technical overdraft (presented to the client, without taking into account his financial condition, against payments made to the borrower’s account (sale or purchase of currency on the exchange, until repayment term deposit or other guaranteed receipts to the client’s account)).

Overdraft conditions.

The requirements of different banks for clients when considering the possibility of providing an overdraft may differ. But the approximate conditions in all banks are almost identical and consist of the following requirements:

1. The client must have at least one year of experience in the main activity;

2. Must have used the bank's settlement and cash services for the last 6 months, and have non-zero turnover on the current account (except for advance overdraft);

3. The minimum number of cash receipts to a bank account (or deposits of collected proceeds) must be at least 3 times a week (or 12 receipts per month), except for advance overdraft;

4. Do not have any unpaid claims or orders against your current account.

Submit to the bank a standard package of documents for consideration, as well as certificates from banks where the client has current accounts, about credit turnover for the last few months (at least 6-12 months), and certificates from banks where the client has current accounts, about the presence or absence of loan debts.

For getting technical overdraft legal entities must submit an application for a technical overdraft, with a detailed description of the transaction performed by the client, as a result of which they expect the receipt of funds to the current account (indicating the date of receipt). A copy of the agreement, payment orders, and other documents that reliably indicate the transaction specified in the application.

The overdraft limit for each legal entity is calculated individually using a special calculation method. Each type has its own method for calculating the limit. Methods for calculating overdraft in different banks may have their own distinctive features, but the general principle does not change. The limits of standard overdraft, advance overdraft and collection overdraft are reviewed by banks on a monthly basis, taking into account changes in the client’s performance results.

To ensure compliance with the limit, every accountant can calculate the overdraft. And yet, to increase the amount of the overdraft limit, every accountant must be able to control the flow of money and revenue, avoiding single large payments. Maximum payments, if necessary, divided into several average ones.

Overdraft problems arising during the lending period:

Lack of experience in concentrating funds in a current account by a certain date, in order to full repayment overdraft debt at least once a month. Failure to comply with this feature of the overdraft entails the withdrawal of the credit limit;

Inability to regulate cash flows, both by dates and amounts. This leads to a reduction in the overdraft limit or termination of lending;

Signing the first overdraft agreement, with the condition of transferring everything cash flow V this bank, and not a certain part sufficient for lending can hinder the maneuverability of financial flows.

Russians now know a lot about loans. But the overseas word “overdraft” (also known as overspending) is not familiar to everyone. What is this loan product and who is it available to? Let's try to talk about this in simple words.

Overdraft - what is it?

Overdraft is a type of short-term lending that allows you to spend more money than is in your account. For example, in a store you don’t have enough money to pay for your desired purchase. Then the bank will automatically add the missing money to you, allowing you to create a negative account balance. In fact it is renewable credit line for citizens - money can be taken an unlimited number of times and in any amounts, you just cannot exceed the established limit.

However, not everyone can take advantage of such a limit and not always. It is important that this service is connected to your bank card. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of card it is – debit or credit; overdrafts can be set up on any card. The main thing is that receipts for it should be periodic.

The main difference between an overdraft and a regular consumer loan is that as soon as you have a debt (overspending on the card), any amount credited to your account will be used to pay off this debt. In a regular consumer loan, you pay a monthly fixed installment according to the repayment schedule.

Overdraft lending is available not only to citizens, but also to legal entities. Here limits are set regarding the expenditure of funds passing through the client’s current account. To register a service under the Agreement bank account an additional agreement must be concluded.

Overdraft is a non-targeted type of loan, which is very rare in lending. legal entities. With standard lending, they are limited in the directions of expenses and can spend funds only where it was agreed upon when issuing the loan. In addition, many credit products require a report on the intended use of loan funds. Here all this is irrelevant.

Types of overdrafts

There are 2 types of overdraft:

1. Permitted. This is the same loan for which you applied in good faith, and the bank approved the requested limit. In this case, you are using other people's money on a completely legal basis.

2. Unauthorized, which is often also called technical. Such overspending occurs without approval from the bank due to the peculiarities of its operation. payment systems:

  • changes in exchange rates - having paid in euros with a ruble card, after a couple of days you can go into an unauthorized “minus” due to rising exchange rates;
  • unconfirmed transactions - when making a purchase, you focus on the free overdraft balance on the card, and later the funds are debited for a previously approved transaction;
  • technical errors of the bank - for example, double debiting from the card (if the balance on the card account is less than the amount re-write-off, then an overdraft occurs) or an erroneous crediting of money to the account. In the latter case, returning the erroneous amount will also lead to overspending if the balance on the card was less than the refund.

Technical overdrafts occur infrequently, but they must be kept in mind. The cardholder must know what their own balance is in their account before using the card to make a purchase or withdraw cash. In some cases, the statement may include the available credit limit as a balance, i.e. overdraft, going into which can lead to unpleasant consequences: overdue debt to the bank.

For legal entities, the gradation will be slightly different. Here, over-limits cannot arise for technical reasons; all of them must be approved by the bank and documented.

There are also 2 types of overdrafts:

1. Unsecured - this type of lending does not require collateral. Such “overs” are issued most often, but for a period of no more than a year;

2. Secured. Here the loan term is slightly longer - up to two years, but the conditions are different. In this case, the possibility of overspending on the account is supported by a pledge of property or guarantee obligations from third parties.

Banks take real estate as collateral securities, goods in circulation, rights to accounts receivable, bank guarantees and so on.

Conditions for providing credit to plastic card holders

The main condition for providing an overdraft is regular receipts to the account plastic card. This could be a pension, salary, etc. There are not many requirements for the client (they may differ slightly in different banks):

  • registration in the region where the card is serviced;
  • "untainted" credit history;
  • permanent employment.

To obtain appropriate approval from the bank, you need to submit an application for an overdraft and provide required package documents, which are established by each credit institution independently. Basically, they require a passport and any other document (SNILS, driver’s license), a salary certificate in form 2-NDFL or on bank letterhead. Some banks issue an overdraft without confirming your income level.

They easily replaced the salary certificate with a card account statement for the required period of time.

The term of the loan may vary, but generally these are loans up to a year. You have the opportunity to use the money provided for a whole year, but after this period the overdraft will have to be reissued.

The overspending limit is also an individual matter. It depends, first of all, on the amount of receipts into the account. In addition, each bank has its own maximum size provision of funds under an overdraft, expressed as a percentage of the amount of receipts. For example, Sberbank sets a limit not exceeding 50% of average monthly income, while at Rosselkhozbank this maximum reaches 150%.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of an overdraft is its interest rate. As a rule, it greatly exceeds the level of interest on conventional consumer lending and starts at 30% per annum. But many banks here also met the borrowers halfway and established Grace period on debt repayment. So, if you return the overspent funds within a strictly specified period (usually from 30 to 60 days), then you will not be charged any interest at all.

On the other hand, given the short loan period and small amounts of debt, overpayment, even taking into account the large interest rate, not that high. If you express it in rubles, and not as a percentage. That is why many are accustomed to “intercepting” debt, while paying not such significant amounts.

Repaying overdraft payments, on the contrary, is a huge plus - you do not need to go to the bank or transfer funds with the help of intermediary organizations, paying interest to them as well. When the next amount arrives wages(pensions, etc.) repayment is made automatically. Moreover, first of all, the “body” of the debt is repaid (i.e. the overspending itself) and only then the accrued interest, and after all this - penalties and fines if you are late. Delays with this type of lending are extremely rare, because the next amount of income will certainly cover the debt, at least partially.

The difference between overdrafts and consumer lending

An overdraft is a loan that is easy to apply for, use and repay. This is where its similarity with ordinary “consumption” ends, and the continuous differences begin, presented in the table below.

TermBoth short and long. Depending on the requested amount, the conditions for a specific product and the financial capabilities of the borrowerExclusively short-term lending. The limit is set for a period of up to 2 years, and full repayment is made at least once a month
SumCan exceed average monthly earnings many timesNo more than double the amount monthly income(depending on the bank)
Payment amountThe amount due for repayment is divided into equal parts. They must be paid monthly, regardless of the amount of account balanceThe next time you receive money, the entire debt is paid off at once. And only if the salary was not enough, the rest of the debt will be written off the next time you receive it.
OverpaymentOverpayment is agreed upon in advance by agreement (according to fixed rate) with the possibility of reduction upon early repaymentInterest accrued daily on the actual loan debt
Interest rateDepends on the creditworthiness of the loan and is determined at the approval stageFixed value
Issue dateThe loan amount is issued one-time and in full immediately after signing the necessary documentation. During the entire validity period loan agreement there will be no other income.With an overdraft, money is provided instantly as soon as the need arises. At least at one o'clock in the morning, at least at 5 o'clock in the morning. Such loans will continue for the entire duration of the agreement.

Overdraft for legal entities

Overdraft for legal entities is provided for the purpose of replenishment working capital. That is, if the enterprise temporarily does not have money to pay for raw materials, goods, tax payments, etc. It is a preferential form of lending and is issued only to borrowers with good financial standing.

Why is it called overdraft? preferential loan? This is due to simplicity in everything:

  • in quenching;
  • in use;
  • in a short time for consideration of the application;
  • the ability to take out a loan without collateral.

In order for a legal entity to apply for an overdraft, it is necessary to open an account with a specific bank and enter into an agreement for settlement and cash services. Overdraft lending is formalized by an additional agreement to the bank account agreement.

TO potential borrower have the following requirements:

1. Constant turnover on the current account. If it has just opened, you will be asked for an official letter indicating the expected amounts of funds received and spent.

2. Stability of monthly turnover. The option “January – 500 rubles, February – million” will not work in every bank.

3. Lack of file cabinet No. 2 for the current account. It reflects the claims of third parties (requirements tax service and so on.).

4. Good credit history.

5. Good financial situation.

The lending limit is set as a percentage of the average monthly amount credit turnover according to the account. This percentage is set individually in each bank. Turnovers are calculated for the last six months, rarely for 3 months.

The interest rate on an overdraft for legal entities is lower than on targeted loans. But in addition to it, the bank will take a commission for providing each tranche and servicing the loan account.

The loan term is up to 2 years, and the last tranche can be issued no later than 45 days before the closing of loan obligations. These terms are also set individually and depend on the conditions of a particular bank. For loans with relatively a small amount and for a period of up to a year, no collateral is required.

A distinctive feature of loans in the form of “overdraft” is the requirement to maintain a certain level of credit turnover on the account. This means that the borrower must ensure monthly receipt of funds in the current account for the entire loan period at least in the amount established by the bank.

This amount is not taken “out of nowhere”, but is calculated using a formula that takes into account the actual amount of receipts. For failure to comply with this requirement, the bank has the right to suspend the issuance of the next tranche.

Debt repayment occurs in the same way as bank cards individuals. All proceeds are first used to pay off overdraft obligations, and any surplus is deposited in the account as a free balance. If there is enough money in the client’s current account to pay current payments, a tranche will not be provided under the overdraft.

Any loan must be taken wisely, and overdraft here is no exception. For legal entities, such lending is more of a lifesaver, but for ordinary citizens it can drive them into a real debt hole. Uncontrolled withdrawal of money from the card and the extremely easy repayment procedure greatly relaxes and dulls vigilance. Therefore, before using an overdraft, analyze all the pitfalls and avoid falling into a credit trap.

Every citizen knows what lending is and what benefits it provides for regular users of the programs. But few people are interested in an alternative solution, namely the overdraft service.

In some cases, this can be a worthy replacement for conventional consumer loans and will allow you to get more benefits. Let's talk about arranging an overdraft for a legal entity.

Overdraft concept

The Bank offers the use of this service to individuals and legal entities who have an open salary card. It is slightly different from conventional lending and, if all conditions are properly met, you can get benefits.

What is an overdraft service? Thanks to it, the client has the opportunity to make a purchase if there is not enough money on the plastic card.

For example, if a client has collected goods worth 1,000 rubles in a store, but only has 500 in his account, then the bank will allow him to “go into the minus” a little and the remaining 500 rubles will be provided on credit terms.

The term “overdraft” itself is translated as overspending of funds. You can connect services only by signing an agreement with the bank and submitting an application in advance. It differs from conventional lending in that “credit” funds have a short issuance period and the debt must also be repaid quickly.

In most banks, the conditions for providing an overdraft include a grace period of 30 days, during which no interest rate is charged. Interest is charged as for regular short term loan. Bank employees approach the issue individually and assign a different limit for each client.

An overdraft for legal entities may depend on income, its stability, the presence of expensive property, and other things.

For entrepreneurs, this cooperation can help establish a business. After all, there are situations when there is not enough money to purchase a new product or supply equipment. current account, but you need to make a payment urgently.

In this case, the bank will issue the missing amount and then write off the debt along with interest on the loan. This service can only be obtained if you submit an application to the bank in advance and sign an agreement.

Thus, an overdraft helps businesses maintain cash flow and pay bills on time. There are 3 types of overdraft available for legal entities:

  1. on standard conditions;
  2. advance. This option available only to verified and reliable clients;
  3. for collection. Provided in cases of collected revenue of at least 75%.

What are the benefits of an overdraft for legal entities?

The algorithm for obtaining an overdraft for a legal entity is simple. For each case, a cash limit is calculated.

Thanks to such short-term lending, the borrower has the opportunity not to wait for goods or services to pay off, but to make payments to suppliers and employees on time.

For enterprises, the costs will be minimal, because the loan amounts are small and are constantly repaid from the proceeds to the current account by the end banking day. Thus, using an overdraft helps to avoid unpleasant situations and production delays.

How to get a?

A legal entity has an available credit limit that it can use if necessary. To do this, you will not need to prepare documents for obtaining a loan and additionally burden your accounting department.

To sign an agreement, you will need to collect a package of several documents once and submit it to the bank. This will save working time and reduce the burden for financiers and accounting employees of the enterprise.

First of all, you will need to prepare:

  • accounting reports about the activities of the enterprise;
  • fill out the borrower form and submit an application on behalf of the company;
  • reports on cash turnover;
  • documents that will show the status of accounts payable and receivable.

The bank has the right to request from company representatives any other information that can confirm solvency.

He also needs guarantees that the company will not go bankrupt in the near future and may be asked to provide production and sales statistics or other similar documents. If the type of activity of the company requires a license, the bank may ask to provide copies of current licenses.

Limits for each client are calculated separately, because this can be influenced by many factors, ranging from income to financial forecasts for the growth of the company’s income.

For example, several well-known banks can offer the following limits for legal entities:

  1. Alfa-Bank can sign an agreement if all conditions are met and will issue a limit ranging from 750 thousand to 6 million rubles. Legal clients, which are on cash service– from 500 thousand to 10 million rubles;
  2. UralSib issues a card with an overdraft of up to 500 thousand rubles;
  3. Mezhtrustbank calculates limits for each client separately;
  4. Absolut Bank allows its clients to use an overdraft of up to 750 thousand rubles.

Such banks give overdrafts to legal entities quite willingly, especially if the clients’ solvency is high.

Bank conditions for overdraft lending

There is huge competition between banks, each of them is trying to create the most profitable tariff package.

For example, at Absolut Bank the limits are high, so all documents will also have to be accompanied by a certificate from the employer. Usually the presence of a source stable income and registration in the region of issue plastic card required.

Depending on the financial situation client, the interest rate can be charged in the range from 18% to 30% per annum for using an overdraft.

You will also need to enter minimum payment in the amount of 10% of the principal amount of the debt monthly. Usually, issuing a card is free, but you will have to pay about 48 thousand rubles a year for maintenance.

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Credit from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • According to the passport, without certificates;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Credit from Eastern Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • The solution is instant;
  • Loan up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

More about the loan

  • Duration up to 4 years;
  • Loan up to 850,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.

Loan from Sovcombank.

Overdraft for legal entities is established on the current account. Most often, it is approved before the account is opened, but this does not happen in all cases. Let's consider the types and main conditions for the provision of the service, as well as its advantages compared to classic lending.

Basic Concepts

Overdraft in general understanding is a credit limit on an account. For example, a company has an account that it uses for business activities. When it was opened, the bank approved an overdraft of 10 thousand rubles. Then, when making settlements with counterparties, the company can rely not only on its own money, but also in excess of the limit by 10 thousand rubles. In this case, the account will have a negative balance. When funds are received, all the money goes to repay the loan, and what remains above it goes to the current account. That is, the company will immediately repay the entire debt, if, of course, the money received is enough for this. You can use the overdraft many times.

Money must be deposited into this current account; banks do not approve an overdraft if there is no movement of funds. This account can be linked, for example, to a terminal in a store.

Types of overdraft

Loans always have a wide range of options, banks are developing new tariff plans. Let's look at the main types of overdraft offers:

  1. Standard - for paying payments and orders. It is usually calculated as the company's minimum turnover for the month divided by 2. The month is selected based on the truncated turnover for the last quarter. Larger deposits and loan payments are deducted.
  2. Advance - provided to new clients who are just opening an account. It is usually calculated as the minimum turnover in third party bank for the last 3 months, divided by 3. Plus set by the bank limit values possible limit.
  3. For collection. If collected proceeds regularly arrive in the client’s current account, the bank provides overdraft lending for more than favorable conditions. Calculation formula: the collected amount is divided by 1.5 or 2, depending on the bank. There is also the possibility of receiving a new tranche before the previous one is fully repaid.
  4. Technical – one that occurs unintentionally after some transactions, for example, purchase and sale foreign currency. As a result, a small overdraft may occur, which must be covered usually within 3 days after receiving the relevant notification from the bank. IN otherwise he may apply penalties.

There is also an unplanned overdraft when a technical error occurred. There is nothing terrible, but you need to contact the bank to write a claim. Credit organisation should remove interest on accidental write-offs.

Conditions of receipt for legal entities

Overdraft is one of the ways to attract customers. Every legal entity has payments that need to be paid now, but there is no money. This is where the bank comes to the rescue. But the entrepreneur must be a client of the lender. The main condition for an overdraft is to be serviced by the bank you apply to for a loan.

Secondary conditions change taking into account tariff plan and a bank. The borrower must work in his field for at least 1 year. To calculate the overdraft amount, you usually need to use the bank’s services for at least six months. Receipts must be regular. And at least 12 times a month, that is, 3 times a week. There should also be no debt on payment orders.

What documents need to be presented to apply for a loan in the form of an overdraft:

  • usually it is enough to provide certificates of existing loans and that there are no late payments or debts;
  • if the conditions provide for the presence of a guarantee, then the same documents are required for the guarantor as for the borrower.

Overdrafts with high credit limit. Typically, this is a personal guarantee from the business owner for the company.

There is no such requirement for an individual entrepreneur, since he is already liable with his personal property for all obligations related to commercial activities.

With the collected package of documents, you need to contact the bank, write an application and wait for the application to be reviewed. Then, if approved, go to the office again and sign the agreement.

The convenience of this loan is that approval for small businesses is almost 100%. Often a small limit is provided immediately upon opening an account. At high turnover, the bank can automatically increase the overdraft amount, and the client does not need to contact you for this.

Business requirements

In addition to the fact that the business must exist for at least a year, there are additional requirements:

  1. The organization must be registered in the Russian Federation. Foreign businesses usually cannot get this type of loan.
  2. Sometimes there are restrictions on annual revenue.
  3. For individual entrepreneurs Another rule is introduced: age, which should not exceed 70 years.

These are standard requirements; they may vary depending on the bank’s conditions and the type of overdraft.

Procedure for receipt and use

An overdraft for legal entities is different in that it cannot be spent for any purpose. You can pay for any purchases for the company (repairs, equipment, machinery, etc.), payments for obligations, orders, public utilities for a company selling goods, the list is quite large.

For some more loyal banks, this list increases, but, as a rule, money within the limit cannot be withdrawn in cash or spent on the personal purposes of the business owner. Also, many banks prohibit the use of overdrafts to repay loan obligations.

Repayment can be made as follows:

  • the entire debt is written off when the client’s money arrives;
  • a certain amount is charged, that is, part of the loan is repaid.

Usually an overdraft is approved for a period of up to 1 year, which is why it is called short term lending. But, as a rule, if the company works diligently, it is extended.

Which banks offer an overdraft?

Many people trust Sberbank, so let's start with it. Credit is provided for up to 1 year. Interest rate from 12%. Determined individually for each client. Amount from 100 thousand rubles for agricultural companies and from 300 thousand rubles for others, maximum 17 million rubles. Security: guarantee from the heads of the organization and legal entities associated with the enterprise.

Overdraft for business at Sberbank

Limit amount

from 100 thousand rubles
up to 17 million

overdraft terms

from 12%
per annum

* - a guarantee is required from the heads of the organization and legal entities associated with the enterprise

VTB approves a larger amount - from 850 thousand rubles. The percentage is slightly different: from 12.9%. But what’s good is that the period increases from 1 year to 2 years. There are no deposits or commissions.

Offers amounts from 300 thousand rubles at an individual percentage. The amount for an advance overdraft is not higher than 30% of confirmed turnover, for bank clients - no more than 50%. Minimum bid: 12%. Loan term up to 1 year. Guarantee only for business owners. from 300 thousand rubles at 13.5% -16.5%. For existing bank clients maximum amount 10 million rubles, with an advance payment - up to 6 million. Lending for a period of 1 year or less. A 1% commission is charged for opening a limit.

Advantages of an overdraft compared to a loan

Each bank product has both positive and negative sides. An overdraft often helps entrepreneurs out; this is how it differs from a loan:

  • it can be used several times, or it can not be used at all if the company has enough of its own funds;
  • loan repayment occurs automatically when funds are received, the borrower does not need to contact the bank;
  • interest is accrued on the withdrawn amount, that is, the company does not pay anything for the remaining funds of the limit;
  • usually does not require collateral;
  • simplified approval and registration procedure.

Compared to a loan, there are a number of disadvantages:

  • smaller amounts;
  • short loan period - repayment of the tranche usually needs to be made within 1-2 months;
  • not suitable for investment purposes;
  • cannot be taken to open a business or by new enterprises - usually six months of activity with confirmed turnover is required;
  • always available credit funds psychologically incline the borrower to use them - as a result, there is a risk of “getting into debt” more often than is really necessary, and will not be able to cope with the credit load.

Today there are several overdraft options for a legal entity.

It can be standard (classic), issued in advance to the most reliable clients, for collection, or be technical. At the same time, it is always necessary to remember that when concluding a transaction, the bank branch can always:

  1. Automatically debit money from your account to repay the loan and interest rate;
  2. change tariffs with the client’s consent or unilaterally (this nuance must be indicated in the contract);
  3. receive commissions on time;
  4. interrupt service due to violation of contract agreements.

Unlike leasing or consumer lending, here interest is calculated on the remaining debt. In case of systematic replenishment of the account, you reduce the debt by the end of the term, and also reduce interest costs.

List of required documents

To receive a loan, a legal entity must provide a list of required documents, which includes:

  • Application for a loan;
  • copies of statutory and constituent documents with additions and changes, which confirm the client’s legal capacity. All copies are certified by the body that registered the document, or by a notary;
  • charter (amendments to the charter);
  • registration certificate;
  • protocol of the authorized body on the appointment of a manager (extract and photocopy certified by the seal of the enterprise or organization);
  • permission to engage in an activity;
  • photocopies of passports of the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise who have the right to sign financial documents;
  • employment contract with the head of the enterprise regarding powers, terms, responsibilities and rights;
  • financial statements on the last date with a note from the tax authorities.

The period for drawing up an agreement to receive an overdraft is no more than 6 months. A limit is set based on the average monthly income to the client’s account. The loan is credited to the account within 3-6 months.

Of course, the procedure for drawing up an agreement differs depending on the bank. Loan application can be reviewed within 3-4 business days, but processing will then take a lot of time. If the amount is up to 6,000,000 rubles, then the application can be considered without a business assessment by a credit specialist.

Interest rate

How is such a loan repaid? Very often, a financial institution writes off the principal amount after the money is received in the current account.

In this case, the accrued interest rate will be withdrawn both monthly and at the end of the term of the loan agreement. In most banks the interest rate is in the range of 10% -20% per annum.

In addition to the standard interest rate, an additional commission may be charged - monthly or one-time. It is about 0.2-1% of the loan limit. Minimum amount the cost of servicing the account may be less. For example, in Baltinvestbank it is 0.17%.

At Sberbank of Russia you can pay from 1,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles. It all depends on the size of your salary.

The interest rate is 16% in euros and US dollars and 18% per annum in rubles. If the spending limit is exceeded, the interest rate will be 33% per annum in the case of euros and dollars and 36% per annum in rubles.

It is charged on the amount spent over the overdraft limit. This rate applies similarly in case of late repayment of the loan. For example, in case of delayed wages.

If you want to avoid such a turn of events, top up your account balance with cash or from any other sources.

If you decide to take a loan and already know how for legal entities, ask the branch financial institution, how much you can expect.

No bank will provide the opportunity for unlimited use of its own financial reserves. In this case, there is a so-called limit - the maximum amount that the client can spend. It is calculated based on solvency and income.

The limit does not exceed 70-90% of the profit of the institution’s client. In this case, the higher the monthly profit, the greater the amount that the bank will provide.

The maximum size in Sberbank of Russia is related to the company’s turnover on the account. It ranges from 15% to 40% of the total monthly turnover. But at Alfabank the maximum amount of debt can be up to 50% of all receipts to the current account. This loan is issued for a period of up to 60 days.

Indeed, this financing option is carried out for a short period (30 - 60 days) and only by bank transfer.

Debt repayment does not involve personal transfer of funds to the cash desk. The debt amount is automatically written off from the client's account after funds are received.

The interest rate amount can also be written off automatically for the period of use of all funds or as a total amount for the entire period of using this service. It is more profitable to draw up such an agreement than a number of others, which is why today both individuals and legal entities turn to it quite often.

Check out bank offers

Cashback card in Rosbank Apply for a card

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  • Cashback up to 7% - on selected categories;
  • Cashback 1% - on all purchases;
  • Bonuses, discounts on goods and services from VISA;;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile bank- for free;
  • Up to 4 different currencies on 1 card.
Card from PromsvyazBank Apply for a card

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  • Up to 5% cashback;
  • Cash withdrawal without commission at partner ATMs;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
Card from Home Credit Bank Apply for a card

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  • Up to 10% cashback with partners;
  • Up to 7% per annum on account balance;
  • Withdrawing funds from ATMs without commission (up to 5 times a month);
  • Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay technology;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.

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  • Cashback up to 10% from filling stations at gas stations
  • Cashback up to 5% on bills in cafes and restaurants
  • Cashback up to 1% on all other purchases
  • Up to 6% per annum on balance
  • Card maintenance is free;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
Card from Tinkoff Bank