How can I reset my credit history? Can I cancel (correct) my credit history? How to correct a credit history in case of a technical delay

Age, salary and marital status affect loan conditions, and credit history- to decide whether to give money or not.

A good credit history is important not only in relationships with banks. This data is used by law enforcement agencies, Insurance companies, employers. Bad credit history is a sign of financial immaturity. Such a person will not be trusted to work with money, and insurers are unlikely to offer a lower rate.

How credit history is formed

Previously, each bank kept its own registers of loans and borrowers. Now all data is accumulated by credit history bureaus (CHBs) based on bank reports. Today there are 13 such bureaus in Russia State register of credit bureaus. They help banks mitigate risk and process loan applications quickly.

Credit history is affected not only by debts to banks, but also by unpaid fines, alimony, taxes, bills for public utilities. Provided that their recovery reached the court. Information about such debts is transmitted to the BKI by federal Service bailiffs, providers, utilities. The credit history also contains information about.

Data in the BKI is stored for 10 years. So you can reset your credit history by waiting this time.

If there is no opportunity to wait or there is no credit history (this is bad, because banks cooperate primarily with borrowers who have already proven themselves), financial reputation can be improved.

How to correct a credit history in case of a bank error

You can become a debtor due to a technical failure or the notorious human factor.

For example, you paid, as expected, on the first day, but the terminal broke down or the cashier pressed the wrong button. As a result, money for credit account only the third came. Two days late.

The first step is to clarify your credit history. Perhaps the bank did not report the delay to the BKI.

If you have managed to be credited as debtors, contact the creditor first. The bank, through whose fault the error occurred, must update the data transmitted to the CBI.

If the credit institution does not respond to your request, submit an application for correcting the error directly to the bureau where the incorrect data is stored. The right to this is fixed in the law "On Credit Histories", and you can use it during the entire period of storage of a credit history, that is, all 10 years. The application can be sent by mail or submitted in person at the bureau office.

The bureau will contact the creditor and send him a claim. It is important that there is a bank oversight or a technical problem. If the debt was formed due to the carelessness of the borrower, you will have to resort to other ways to straighten your credit history.

A decision on an application to amend a credit history is made within a month.

How to correct a credit history in case of a technical delay

Many borrowers suffer from a lack of financial discipline. They do not follow the payment schedule, postpone everything until the last day, forget to leave money for, and so on. As a result - penalties and a minus to credit karma. In this case, the significance of the delay plays a decisive role.

A delay of 1-2 days is usually not reflected in the reports and is called a technical delay. After all, a person could get sick, go on vacation, or simply forget.

In the event of a technical delay, in no case should you ignore calls from the bank. The way you communicate with him after the delay affects his loyalty. If the reasons for the delay are objective, the bank may delay the report to the CBI. And vice versa. If the client avoids communication or is aggressive, information will be sent to the credit bureau immediately.

As a rule, after 5-7 days of delay, the bank tries to contact the client. First, the debt department of the credit institution itself works. At the same time, it is important whether the client makes contact, answers calls, how he talks with the operator, which explains the delay. Ignoring such calls is a bad tactic. If the client avoids talking, this is a reason for the credit institution to turn to collectors. But when transferring a debt, it is usually not the term of non-payment that is taken into account, but the amount. If the debt exceeds 50-70 thousand rubles, collectors get down to business.

David Melkonyan, General Director of the Moscow Legal Center "Vector"

Try to repay the delinquency as soon as possible and henceforth strictly follow the credit schedule. Do not try to repay the loan ahead of schedule: banks are more loyal to customers who are with them during the entire loan period.

But most importantly - do not even allow technical delays! Deposit money 2-3 days before the recommended payment date.

How to fix a credit history if the delay is significant

Some banks consider a delay of more than a month to be a gross violation of the contract, others have a negative attitude only to delays of more than 90 days.

Undisciplined borrowers are more willing to cooperate in small banks. They always need customers and are ready to lend to citizens on individual terms.

In case of long or repeated delinquencies, try to restore your credit history with a new easy loan.

The worse your credit history, the more small loans you will need to pay off to fix it. But remember the golden rule.

Take only as much as you can give. Including interest payments.

Do not submit multiple applications at once. For credit institutions, this is a wake-up call that money is desperately needed, and another reason to refuse.

Most banks use an algorithm developed by FICO, where points are awarded for each answer (gender, age, education, other loans, and so on). If there are less than 600, the refusal comes automatically.

The interest-free period usually does not apply to withdrawals and transfers, and if the grace period is missed, interest is charged on the entire amount spent for the entire time from the date of purchase. The interest rate on cards is usually 2-3 times higher than on conventional loans.

How to fix a credit history if the delay is very large

Many people don't give a damn about their credit history.

Imagine the situation: the guy received a summons to the army, took a microloan, had a good party with friends in the end and left to serve. The matter went to the collectors or the court. Parents found out about the incident, scolded their son, repaid the loan, but the guy remained on the black list of credit organizations. A few years later, he settled down, got married and wanted to arrange. But because of the youthful antics in all big banks he will most likely be rejected.

Financial literacy is not taught in school.

If you have seriously tarnished your honor as a borrower, you can try to become an exemplary bank client, take a loan secured by property, or contact a loan broker.

If you are interested in lending at a particular bank, but it does not cooperate yet, become its debit client. Transfer your salary to the card of this bank, or better, open a deposit.

Many banks, in addition to scoring applications, also carry out “behavior scoring”. This is an assessment of the client's likely financial actions, which makes it possible to predict a change in his solvency. The bank will monitor the movement of funds in your accounts and, perhaps, in a few months, will itself offer you a line of credit.

You can also try taking out a mortgage loan. This is a loan in which you back up your promise to repay with property. For example, land, housing or a car. The main thing is that the collateral should be liquid: a renovated apartment, a car no older than five years, and so on. The size of such a loan is usually about 80% of the value of the collateral.

Loan brokers are very popular these days. A broker is a specialist who selects credit organization for the client based on his credit history. Of course, for a fee.

Loan brokers usually deal with troubled clients who can't seem to get past the millstones of bank security. They not only direct to the right place (it can be both a bank and a microfinance organization), but also give advice on the formation of a package of documents, terms and amounts of loans. In some cases, brokerage houses themselves act as creditors.

Loan broker services are more suitable legal entities because mistakes can be very costly. Individuals with a sufficient level of financial literacy may well manage on their own. You just need to spend time and understand the intricacies of various loan products.

Andrey Petkov, General Director of the "Honest Word" service

It's not as difficult as it seems. There is a lot of information and specialized services on the Internet. For example, on there is a " Loan selection wizard".

If you decide to use a mortgage broker, choose very carefully. There are many scammers in this area.

Do not trust firms that give a 100% guarantee and say that they directly influence the decisions of banks, or, on the contrary, intimidate that none of them will work with you. Run like fire from those who ask you to repay part of the loan approved to you.

How to fix your credit history in case of insolvency

According to Debts of Russians to banks exceeded 12 trillion rubles Central Bank, the Russians in 2017 took over 12 trillion rubles from banks. At the same time, there was an increase in loans with overdue payments. When a person loses, gets sick or gets into trouble, the credit burden becomes unbearable.

Soberly assess your strengths: do not take loans more than you are able to service. Experts consider it acceptable to spend up to 20% of income on servicing loans.

If you take more than half of your earnings to the bank, the situation is close to a stalemate. In this case, it is reasonable to ask the bank for restructuring.

Restructuring is a procedure for restoring the client's solvency. It can be expressed in an increase in the loan term, a change in interest rate, change of currency or deferral of payments. Applying to the bank with a request for restructuring is the first thing to do when financial difficulties arise.

Even if the bank refuses, you will have documentary evidence that you have tried to solve the problem, that is, you are a victim of circumstances, and not a malicious defaulter. This can play into your hands if the creditor goes to court.

When collecting a debt in court, you can ask the court for a delay or installment plan. Having the opportunity to repay the debt in installments according to a convenient schedule or gaining time, it will be easier to cope with credit obligations.

Anastasia Loktionova, Deputy CEO group of companies "Rusmicrofinance"

How to fix your credit history in case of fraud

You live, you don’t touch anyone, and suddenly you receive a letter: “To avoid penalties, pay off the debt under loan agreement No. ...” What kind of loan? Where are the debts from?

Request a credit history. Preferably in several offices at once. Having identified in which credit organizations the attackers took loans, contact this organization. You will be offered to write a claim or an explanatory note and they will check it. As soon as the security service makes sure that you are not involved in fraud, the bank will update the information in the CBI.

If the bank does not want to deal with and makes you pay on other people's debts, contact law enforcement agencies.


Credit history is an important indicator of a person's financial viability. So remember three important rules.

  1. Check your credit history regularly.
  2. If you find errors in your credit history, including due to fraud, contact your credit institution or the BCI with a request to correct the data.
  3. Always adhere to strict financial discipline. If you have ruined your credit history, try to fix it with a small affordable loan. In extreme cases, you can contact a broker or take a loan secured by property.

Credit history is formed on the basis of information provided by banks and MFIs, and contains a very large list of data. If you receive a loan or a microloan, information about this, as well as the progress in fulfilling obligations, will be sent to the credit history bureau (BKI). Today we will talk about whether it is possible to correct or challenge a bad credit history, and how to do it quickly and legally.

The bank and the MFO are obliged to send information to at least one BCI with which the relevant agreement has been concluded. In practice, usually banks and MFIs maintain contractual relations with several credit bureaus at once, while the credit history in each bureau may be slightly different. Possible differences are associated, first of all, with obtaining several loans and microloans in different banks (MFIs) and the presence of the latter agreements with different credit institutions.

As a rule, the need to change a credit history (CI) arises due to the refusal of a credit institution to provide a loan (loan) with reference to a bad or unsatisfactory CI. Rarely, some borrowers are only willing to make changes because they are personally unhappy with the CI, or because they think they may need to change in the future. loan funds, and due to insufficiently good CI, a loan will not be granted.

Be that as it may, at the first stage, you need to get your CI in order to analyze and understand how good or bad it is, what should be changed or improved.

We receive and analyze credit history

To obtain a credit history, you first need to find out to which BKI a bank or MFI sent information about loans and microloans that took place. This information should be requested from banks (MFIs) where you previously received money. Alternatively, you can submit a request to the CI Central Catalog and immediately request information about all the CIs that contain your CIs.

You can get your credit history in the relevant BKI by sending a request there:

  • free - once a year;
  • on a paid basis - at any time.

After receiving a credit history, carefully analyze it, determining:

  • Are all of the information in it correct?
  • Are there any errors.
  • What exactly do you want to change/improve.
  1. Challenge the credit history by filing an application with the BCI, and if a refusal is received, in court.
  2. Take steps to correct your credit history on your own and with your own resources.

Challenging credit history

The Law on Credit Histories grants the subject of a CI (borrower) the right to fully or partially challenge their CI.

For this purpose it is necessary:

  1. Submit an application to the CBI for amendments and (or) additions to your credit history. The application can be submitted in person or sent convenient way, previously certified by a notary.
  2. Wait for a response from the BCI about the results. As part of the consideration of the application, which takes no more than 30 days, the bureau checks the stated facts and requirements, asking the sources of information (banks, MFIs) for the necessary information. The specified 30-day period can be reduced if there are good and justified reasons, about which the applicant must reasonably inform in the application and indicate the desired period for consideration of his application.
  3. If you disagree with the decision of the BCI, challenge it in court.

In the pre-trial procedure, the CBI corrects and (or) supplements the information of the CLI, which contained erroneous or inaccurate information. This assumes that there is no dispute between the source of the information and the borrower. If, at the request of the BCI, banks (MFIs) provide information that is contrary to the facts and arguments of the borrower, then most likely the bureau will refuse to satisfy the requirements for changing the credit history. The fact is that the powers of the BCI to verify the borrower's application are limited to sending requests to banks and MFIs with the receipt of appropriate answers.

Judicial challenge of a credit history is a more serious trial regarding the content of the CI and the borrower's claims to correct it. In this case, the requirements may be stated:

  • about forcing BKI to make appropriate changes (additions);
  • on compensation for damages related to the refusal of the BCI to satisfy the borrower's application or failure to provide a response within the established time frame.

It is important to understand that the court will not take the side of the plaintiff if the bad credit history was caused by the actions of the borrower who violated the conditions loan agreement, allowed delays, etc. The grounds for a positive decision by the court, in fact, are the same grounds as for similar actions on the part of the BKI, but the court, by virtue of its competence, can more extensively, deeply and in detail study the circumstances of the case and conduct a judicial investigation.

The burden of proof lies with the plaintiff (borrower). In addition, the facts and circumstances to which he refers must be documented. So, for example, if you want to refer to the fact that you did not pay the loan through no fault of your own, but due to illegally accrued commissions or fines, then initially, before litigation regarding a credit history, it is necessary to challenge the legitimacy of accruing these commissions and fines.

Changing CI by improving it

​If you have a bad credit history and there are no grounds for challenging it, as well as if you receive a refusal on this matter, you can change your credit history by purposefully improving it. In this case, it will be necessary to carefully consider the whole range of activities and choose the scheme that suits you best.

It is clear that CI can only be improved by obtaining new credits (loans) and impeccable fulfillment of obligations under them. In practice, in terms of efficiency, two schemes (or a combination of them) are most popular:

  1. Applying for several credit cards in different banks and:
  • frequent transactions on them that do not entail the accrual of commissions and interest (use of a grace period during which no interest is accrued);
  • repayment of one loan amount at the expense of the amount on another credit card (schemes are often used here that allow you to withdraw funds and replenish credit cards at the lowest cost (commissions);
  • timely repayment of debt, for which it is advisable to spend minimal amounts from credit cards or find such a scheme for repaying a loan on one card at the expense of another, which would entail minimum commission or its absence.
  1. Frequent micro loans minimum amounts and their rapid extinction. For convenience and simplicity, online loans are better. In this case, it will not work at all not to lose anything in money. But this option allows you to quickly solve the problem of improving your credit history.

As a result of such actions, the CI improves in a natural way, since both MFIs and banks will send the necessary information to the CI on their own. The terms for improving a credit history vary depending on the degree of its poor condition.

According to statistics, every fifth person applied to a bank at least once in their life in order to get a loan. Coming to financial and credit institutions, the borrower is obliged to provide a number of necessary information. First of all, this is the passport data of the client. They become part of the entire credit history, which also includes:

  • various financial obligations under the loan;
  • full schedule of payments on the loan and complete information about its execution;
  • all terms for which credits and loans were issued;
  • available judgments relating to the execution of the loan and the collection of debts from the borrower.

All information received is entered into the credit bureau, which the bank always uses when issuing the next loan amount. This is quite enough to draw certain conclusions and decide whether to issue a loan to a particular person. not every borrower can, so it is important to pay attention to each item from the above list.

The main causes of bad credit history

Very often, customers spoil their credit history when they first encountered the procedure for applying for a loan in a financial institution. The borrower is always issued an agreement, which is the basis for payment full amount loan. But he does not always get acquainted with this document in detail. Most people leave this important moment for later and, without thinking, sign the entire stack of papers. And when the due date for the first payment comes, the client often thinks that nothing terrible will happen if the payment is postponed until the next month. This is where bad credit starts. In addition, the main reasons for it include:

  • complete disregard for payments on an existing loan;
  • systematic violation of the terms of payment on the loan.

It is worth noting that unpaid payment within five days from the date of payment is considered the norm.

Advice: when drawing up a loan agreement at a bank, it is important to always get acquainted in detail with all the clauses of the agreement. Credit history can be damaged not only through the fault of the borrower, but also through the fault of the bank.

Deadlines for clearing bad credit history

So, almost any of us can become a victim of bad credit history. Not everyone is able to accurately distribute their opportunities and repay the loan on time. But as you know, any credit history is reset over time. But how much it is stored, not everyone knows.

To begin with, it is worth recalling that the history of loans is stored in the BKI (credit history bureau). There is an opinion that the credit history in the BKI is reset after 3 years from the date of conclusion of the contract. But this is not true. Such false information appeared due to the policies of some banks. Any financial and credit institution tries to meet the needs of the client. Often like this. Therefore, if the history has already been corrupted before, but over the past 3 years all payments have been timely, the bank is happy to issue sum of money on loan.

In fact, the information in the BKI is stored for 15 years after the last operation. After this time, the entire credit history (both good and bad) is updated, and the old one is canceled. But there are also such cases that for some reason the history was not reset. And it turns out only when the borrower decides to check the status of his credit history. By the way, absolutely any client of the bank can complete this procedure in several ways:

  • with the help of a written request to the BKI to obtain this information. To do this, you must provide documents proving the identity of the subject making a request for this information. Moreover, this option is suitable for those who wonder how;
  • make an official request online on the portal of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This service is provided free of charge only once. For each subsequent request, you will have to pay an amount of 250 to 500 rubles;
  • Get acquainted with the CI online, having previously registered on the website of the Credit Information Agency.

Advice: if the last option for obtaining information about a credit history is selected, then the client needs to find out his personal history code. It can be obtained from any financial and credit institution that previously provided a sum of money on loan.

No banking institution likes it when debtors borrow funds and do not return them. If at least once the borrower took the need to repay the debt lightly, this can completely cross out his further opportunities to communicate with banks, because their employees will subsequently consider applications very reluctantly.

All data on which loans were taken by individuals, how fully and on time they were repaid, as well as what interest payments were made, are entered in the register - the so-called credit bureau, and stored there for 15 years from the date of completion of the transaction. If the loan debt is not repaid, then the data is stored for about 40 years or more. Therefore, in such a situation, an important role is played by correcting a credit history and restoring trusting relationships with a banking organization.

The main violations of borrowers

Not every time after the credit relationship was violated, the credit history became bad. The fact is that there are three types of violations, according to which banks classify the insolvency of customers.

If in the first two cases the banks "turn a blind eye" to violations, then in the last one they will have to seriously think about how to correct the situation and "get out of the water." Another point is that not all violations are the fault of the borrower. Often even conscientious clients have difficulties. For example, delays in funds by banking institutions or delays in wages at a state enterprise. It can be anyone's fault, but you should still think about correcting your credit history.

How to find out your credit history

Before making a decision and thinking about how to fix your credit history, you need to know it. When applying for a new loan, customers must contact the bank, where employees make an inquiry about what the credit history is. Based on the information received, an appropriate decision is made: to refuse to issue a loan or to provide the required amount of funds. So that the borrower does not have to get into a difficult situation, it is necessary to know in advance the history of loan payments. Or if the bank has refused to grant a loan, the borrower must independently or at the bank find out the reason for the refusal.

The most complete information is reflected in special bureaus, but if you need to get detailed results, then it makes sense to contact the Central Bank of Russia by looking at the catalog of credit histories.

Based on the current legislation, once a year, every citizen can visit this resource and check their history. This procedure can be completed at any of the bureaus, for this you will need to have a passport with you and fill out an application on the spot.

Obtaining information by banks

Back in the days when there wasn't much banking institutions, each institution independently maintained a database of credit histories, access to which could not be obtained by every person. Therefore, in order to obtain history data from another bank, one had to go unofficial ways.

After the number of loan transactions between specialized institutions and individuals increased significantly, it became necessary to create single base providing data through the bureau. How does credit recovery work? - the service does not inform, however, based on the data received, the client can objectively assess the cause of the received refusals and make the right decision aimed at improving the reputation.

The most important points that banks are interested in are the fact that there are loans in other banks, the timeliness of payments and the absence of delays. If the client has positive story payments on loans, then the bank usually "means" and is interested in issuing a loan at an affordable cost, that is, at a reduced rate.

Fix Features

In connection with the information provided, the question arises: how to restore a credit history in order to establish trusting relationships with banks and receive loans for the required amounts? If you went to the next credit institution, and it refused to issue you a loan, you should not blame the bank for this, it is quite possible that the problem is something else. You need to find out the reasons why the bank refuses. Sometimes it is a banal impossibility to obtain an extract from the register and, accordingly, reliable information about credit experience. If the cause is in the other direction, then you also need to find it and solve the problem.

In the event that the request was denied, the decisive role is that you received fame bad faith borrower. In such a situation, a request is made to the register and the extract is checked against the documents you have. If the data does not match, it is possible that the history contains errors. Are there few bank employees who could allow them due to their inattention? In this case, correcting a credit history for free is quite simple - you need to submit a request to the KBI and state your version. The bank will then receive the necessary data with records.

Request for information about credit bureaus

Situation with a bad borrower

If there are no errors in the history, and bad story- this is your personal merit, then you can correct the situation by re-taking loans and repaying them in a timely manner. But the problem is already in another aspect: how to get a loan if you are a bad borrower, and banks do not even want to communicate with you? In fact, this vicious circle can be broken if you are a solvent person.

Each bank offers its customers express loans, and this category may apply to you in full. Of course, the conditions for providing such programs are less favorable than the basic rules, but in order to receive the coveted amount, you will not need to provide any income statements, bring guarantors, or check your credit history. If this type of lending is within your power, and the interest is paid carefully, then a bad credit history can develop into a neutral position (in the worst case) and even into a positive one. The main thing is not to neglect the payment again.

If the violation is noted again, then it will be much more difficult to correct the situation. There is also one more nuance: if you do not arrange a bank for some reason, he has the right to refuse without explanation. In such situations, an effective method comes to the rescue, associated with obtaining a credit card, without the provision of certificates and the presence of guarantors.


Thus, the situation when a credit history is damaged is familiar to many borrowers, and there are a few simple steps that will help correct the situation, and you can turn from a bad borrower into a positive client of any bank.

Zeroing credit history

You can also reset the credit history, that is, completely remove it from the database and start managing the situation from scratch. This can only be achieved in certain cases:

  1. First, if the statute of limitations of 10 years expires. The method is simple, but inconvenient, since not everyone can wait that long.
  2. Secondly, if a court decision comes into force in which you managed to challenge the story.
  3. Thirdly, if the bureau itself made changes to the situation based on the statements provided by the client. This method is acceptable in case of mistakes made in history.

It is also possible, as in the previous case, to receive several loans, and then pay them off in a timely manner, without violating the terms of the contracts.

Thus, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to correct a credit history is positive, but it is worth having certain information in order to obtain such an opportunity.

What is a credit history?

Loans today issued every second.Some people get loans and some get rejected. What is it connected with?

One of the factors, contrary to popular belief, is the credit rating, and not the salary of the borrower.

Credit history is a term we hear more and more. What is it and how does credit history affect obtaining a loan? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

How to fix your credit history for free?

Correcting a credit history is possible in one way - you need to take a loan or a loan and repay it within the period specified in the contract. Regardless of whether you need to create a credit history from scratch or correct a damaged history in the past, the methods of correction will be the same.

Method number 1 - issue a credit card

To correct the CI, pay with it in stores for a month, and return the spent funds to Grace period from salary until the 25th day of the current month. Make the next credit card activation on the 1st of the next month. So you will correct your credit history for free, because. the bank will record the taking of the loan and its repayment.


grace period

Credit limit


Interest rate


120 days

up to 1 million rubles

from 25 years old

from 12.0%

2.9% - cash withdrawal fee

100 days

up to 1 million rubles

from 18 years old

from 11.99%

590 rub. - annual maintenance

0% - commission for cash withdrawal

Method number 2 - we issue a microloan for a minimum period

Recommended Seimer - there are practically no refusals, but the amount depends on your credit history.


Loan amount

Credit term

Interest rate per day

Overpayment example*

up to 15,000 rubles

up to 30 days


350 rub.

up to 100,000 rubles

up to 308 days


350 rub.

up to 30,000 rubles

up to 30 days

from 0.76%

from 190 rub.

up to 15,000 rubles

up to 25 days


350 rub.

*An example of an overpayment is calculated for a loan of 5,000 rubles. taken for 7 days.

Method number 3 - If you have a very bad credit history:

Zaimer - The only service of its kind that approves microloans for almost everyone. Our client with a very bad credit history was turned down by all banks and all microfinance companies. Zaimer approved 3,500 rubles, which has already made it possible to start correcting a credit history.

Just be careful when applying.Don't forget to uncheck:

"Correction of credit history"

"SMS notification"

"Acceleration of the processing of the application"- these services do not affect anything.

Method number 4 - Cash loan up to 100 thousand rubles.

To correct your credit history, as an option, use a cash loan of 50 to 100 thousand rubles. for up to 6-9 months. True, if the credit history is damaged, the bank will refuse you, but you will spend 10 minutes and get a decision online.



Loan amount


Interest rate

from 20 years old

up to 1 million rubles

Only a Russian passport is required

from 0%

from 24 years old

up to 700,000 rubles.

Bank decision in 1 minute

from 10.5%

from 21 years old

up to 2 million rubles

Bank decision in 1 minute

from 11.99%

from 18 years old

up to 1 million rubles

Bank decision in 15 minutes

from 12.0%

from 21 years old

up to 3 million rubles

Bank decision in 15 minutes

from 13.5%

Method number 5 - Check credit history for free

There are three ways to check your credit history online for free:

  1. On the Platiza website, in the section "Credit rating" you can find out the rating for free;
  2. On the site Mig credit fill out a questionnaire in the "Credit Rating" section and get a free CI;
  3. On website, register and, after confirming your identity, get a credit history.

See an example of a free credit report

Method number 6 - Special program in Sovcombank

If you have a bad credit history and need to urgently fix it, of course it is better to try microcredits, but because of the reputation, not everyone wants to contact them. Then use the special program "Corrections of credit history" in Sovcombank.

The bottom line is that Sovcombank gives you a small loan for a period of 3 to 9 months.

Method number 7 - Microcredits at 0%

If your credit history allows, then you can take a microloan at 0% for a minimum period.


Interest rate per day

If bad credit history

Credit term

Loan amount

Overpayment example

0% OK 7 to 30 days up to 30,000 rubles -

Method number 8 - Refinancing

If you have several credit cards and for example there is consumer credit, then refinancing will allow you to lower your monthly payments. These banks successfully practice loan refinancing:



Loan amount


Interest rate

up to 3 million rubles

Refinancing of credit cards, microloans and consumer loans

from 13.50%

Method number 9 - Fix your credit history at the credit bureau

If you have a bad credit history due to the mistake of a bank employee who did not provide information about the timely closing of the loan, or you did not take a loan and, for example, became a victim of fraudsters, then in such cases, in order to correct your credit history, you must send an application to the credit history bureau by registered mail . They are obliged to double-check the data on the basis of the application, make a request to the bank and within 30 days give you an answer on making changes to the credit history.

Download the application form at the credit bureau.

PS: You have a good credit history

Banks have certain rules for lending to the population. These rules are based on recommendations from Central Bank RF. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation monitors banks very closely and for compliance with these recommendations. The main one is not to lend to the population, i.e. do not issue a third or fourth loan.

You have a positive credit history, but you are applying for a 3rd or 4th loan. Keep in mind that spouse's loans are also taken into account, because. You are treated as a whole.

If you have any questions regarding your situation, ask the consultant below in the feedback form with a detailed description of your situation. Consultant advice is free.