How can I find out if they will give me a loan if there are unclosed loans? We determine the chances and look for options. How to find out if they will give me a loan or not Will they give me a phone on credit?

Many people want to take out a loan because it makes it possible to receive some of the money necessary to achieve various goals. However, not every citizen has the opportunity to obtain approval from any credit institution. The point is that it must meet certain requirements. Any of us who wants to receive the coveted amount can quite rightly ask the question: how to find out if they will give me a loan.

The optimal solution in such a situation is to fill out an application for. You can submit it directly at a bank branch or on its official website. To increase the likelihood of approval, it is recommended to visit several similar credit institutions at once, since each bank has its own requirements for the borrower.

If a decision has already been made in advance regarding which bank the loan will be issued and what lending program will be used for this, then it is important to find out the list of requirements that this organization imposes on each potential borrower. Based on the information received, you can accurately understand whether a particular person has a chance of approval.

To answer the question of how to find out whether a bank will give you a loan, you need to remember that every credit institution sees the main purpose of its existence as making a profit, therefore an indispensable condition for cooperation with it is the mandatory repayment of borrowed funds. Therefore, numerous requirements are imposed on each borrower.

Availability of official income

Every bank is obliged to check this fact. If a person is unemployed or carries out activities without official employment, as a result of which he receives wages “in an envelope,” then you should not count on it.

An important condition for any borrower is the presence of a stable income, confirmed by official documents. Therefore, when a loan for a large amount is issued, the bank requires the client to provide a 2-NDFL certificate, which can be obtained at the place of work. It is also quite often necessary to bring a copy of the work book, which indicates not only the place of work, but also the length of service of the applicant for the loan amount.

If a person working informally needs to get a loan, then the only solution for obtaining borrowed funds is to contact special microfinance organizations that do not require their clients to be officially employed.

Solvency ratio

Whether a loan will be issued or not can be determined by how much income the potential borrower has. A person must make payments on the loan monthly in the amount agreed upon by the two parties during the process of drawing up and signing the loan agreement. Therefore, it is important to have enough income so that you can easily cope with monthly payments.

In accordance with the requirements of numerous banks, loan payments should not be more than a third of the borrower's salary. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to provide himself with an optimal standard of living. Before contacting the bank, you can use online loan calculators located on the Internet to determine what the monthly payments will be if you apply for a specific amount for the required amount of time.

A bank can give a loan for a large amount only upon receipt of the following documents from the borrower:

  • certificate 2-NDFL, which indicates the amount of the citizen’s official salary;
  • the income received by a person who owns preferred shares or other securities for which he periodically receives funds is taken into account;
  • if a citizen is engaged in personal farming, which is a source of fairly high profit, then when drawing up special documents he can submit them to the bank as confirmation of a good income;
  • other documentation indicating the borrower’s additional income.

Availability of other loans

You can determine the possibility of obtaining a loan based on data regarding existing loans already issued. Every person should know that data on all issued loans is available in the BKI, so it is simply impossible to hide the presence of any loan. Any bank, when studying an application for borrowed funds, certainly submits a request to the BKI, which makes it possible to determine whether the citizen has any credit burden.

If you plan to take out a large amount of borrowed funds, then if you have already issued loans, you should not count on the bank’s approval. This is especially true if the monthly payments on existing loans are large, so they take up at least 40% of the borrower’s income.

Some people who regularly use credit cards believe that loans on them are not considered by banks, but in fact such lending is also considered important. Therefore, if there are debts on the card, the bank has the right to refuse to issue a new loan. It is recommended that you check this information yourself before submitting your application.

A situation often occurs when a person with a good credit history, high income and other positive characteristics receives a refusal from the bank without explaining the reason. This is most likely due to the presence of a loan on the card. If it is repaid, then if you re-apply, there is a high probability of receiving approval.

“Scoring” - assessment of the borrower by banks

You can find out information about whether you will be given a loan or not by using special programs that provide special tests. This process is called “scoring” and is used to assign a specific rating to a specific borrower. Based on the points earned, a preliminary decision is made regarding the issuance of a loan to the citizen. It is the passing of scoring that is considered the first stage of the bank’s assessment of a potential borrower. Even if he has a good income and credit history, but the automatic program gives a low score, the loan will not be issued.

Each banking company uses its own programs, which have unique conditions, tests and parameters. To find out whether a bank will give you a loan, you need to find a large number of scoring calculators on the Internet. By entering basic data into them, you can understand approximately how many points a potential borrower can receive.

The scoring coefficient, calculated by an automatic program, allows the bank to understand how likely it is that a particular citizen will be able to repay the borrowed money on time and with interest. The process of passing the test is considered very simple, since you only need to fill out a special form in which reliable information is entered. If false information is provided, the bank will know this, so this fact will never go unnoticed.

What are the conditions for a high probability of loan approval?

If there is a need to urgently obtain borrowed funds, it is initially recommended to fill out an application for a loan from several banking organizations at once.

Each bank has its own conditions and requirements, so if one institution receives a categorical refusal, then approval can be expected in another.

In order to be sure to receive a positive decision on your application, you should take into account compliance with the following most important conditions, namely:

  • The borrower's age must be more than 21 years and less than 65;
  • work experience in the last place - at least six months, and the total length of service should preferably be more than two years;
  • earnings should only be official, and the higher it is, the greater the likelihood of receiving approval from the bank, but it is important that monthly payments on the planned loan should not exceed 30% of income;
  • the credit history must be ideal, and there must be no other outstanding loans, since the likelihood that under such conditions a new loan will be issued on favorable terms is minimal;
  • It is recommended to make sure that the potential borrower has no other debts to pay taxes, utility bills or other debts that can be verified by the bank, and if this fact is detected, the organization’s decision will be negative.

Thus, it is almost impossible to know for sure whether approval for a loan will be received. However, to do this, you can first check the compliance of the citizen’s capabilities with the bank’s numerous conditions, as well as pass a special test (scoring), on the basis of which a certain number of points will be assigned. The more there are, the higher the likelihood of getting a loan.

Any citizen who submits an application to the bank expects the loan to be approved. Each bank applies its own algorithms for reviewing applications and evaluating creditworthiness potential borrower. Although the banks' criteria are different, in general the approach to considering an application is the same. So let's find out what needs to be done to get your application approved.

The appearance of the borrower and his condition

As soon as you enter a bank branch, they immediately begin to evaluate you. The manager who accepts the application does not make any decisions, but he accepts the application from the potential borrower, and there are points that he can influence.

The manager’s job is not only questioning the client, he also checks the borrower for information and evaluates its appearance and condition. The loan application itself, which is filled out by a bank employee, contains not only fields with the applicant’s personal data. These fields are filled in by the manager, therefore:

1 . Come to the bank neat. If you come for a loan dirty, then you may be thought of as a fraudster. It's possible characterize, as a discrepancy between the appearance and information in the questionnaire. The manager will indicate this in the application form, and in doubtful situations this may become an argument in favor of a refusal decision.

2. Never visit a bank under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or after a wild feast. The manager will mark that the applicant is drunk, and then an automatic refusal will be received.

3. Be polite to the manager. Although he does not make decisions, he has a certain amount of influence on approval. If in his eyes you look like a good borrower, he will indicate this in the application form in special service fields.

The most important thing is the assessment creditworthiness

Bank approval for a loan depends on your creditworthiness. If you receive a salary of 20,000 rubles, then claiming a million is pointless. Your income must be commensurate with the monthly payment. The bank will definitely analyze your income and expenses to understand how much you can borrow.

In this case, the borrower's monthly expenses are taken into account. For example, for rent and for fulfilling other loan obligations. When drawing up an application, you will definitely be asked about the expenditure part of your budget. But you don't have to tell everything. You can keep silent about the fact that you spend money on your child's education or send money to your parents. This information will lower your creditworthiness Therefore, it is better not to talk about such expense items at all.

Some tips:

  1. The loan approval rate will be higher if you document as many sources of your income as possible. From this, your creditworthiness gets taller.
  2. It is not necessary to talk in detail about non-obvious expense items in your budget.
  3. If your passport does not contain a note about children, it is not necessary to tell the bank about their presence. Children are dependents, which reduce your creditworthiness.

We collect points during scoring

For a long time, banks have been using scoring programs when considering loan applications. It is these programs that primarily evaluate the profiles of potential borrowers.

The system is based on assigning a certain number of points for each questionnaire item. The higher the client scores during scoring, the higher the likelihood of approval. In this case, either approval comes automatically, or the application goes to the next stage of consideration, it all depends on the type of loan program. If a citizen does not score the required number of points, he receives a refusal.

What they give the highest points for:

  1. Married status.
  2. Great experience (the more, the higher the score).
  3. Leadership position.
  4. Age (highest score for middle age).
  5. Purpose of the loan (lower score for non-targeted loans).
  6. Job title state employee
  7. Availability of real estate.
  8. Own car.
  9. Good credit history.
  10. No credit debts.
  11. Absence of children, dependents.
  12. Higher education .

If your credit history is damaged

The easiest option is to take out a microloan. This way, two goals are achieved - you correct your credit history and get the money you need. We recommend that you use the following services:

  1. Excellent cash - fast loan disbursement, and online - Excellent cash
  2. Turboloan - even faster and more reliable, they give even with a not very good CI - Turboloan
  3. Zaimer - the name speaks for itself, a fairly old resource with a proven reputation - Zaimer

How to influence approval when applying for a loan online?

Many banks use services for receiving questionnaires from citizens via the Internet. In this case, the application is not accepted by the manager, but the applicant himself fills out his application form without leaving home. This is good for the applicant because he avoids the manager's assessment; the bank takes into account only the information indicated there.

If your loan application is approved online, you are invited to the bank to issue funds. But for now the solution preliminary, the office may refuse you for the following reasons:

  • you entered the document data incorrectly (there should be no errors or typos);
  • your documents have aroused suspicion (damaged, torn, flooded with water, etc.);
  • the income indicated in the online questionnaire does not correspond to the income stated in the 2NDFL certificate;
  • suspicion of fraud.

If, after approving the loan, the bank sees no reason to refuse to issue funds, then you receive the money. So, be careful when filling out the online application yourself.

How to find out if they will give me a loan

Greetings, friends! In life, of course, it is better to rely on your own strength, but there are situations when you cannot do without external help.

This especially often concerns the financial side of everyday life, which is confirmed by the persistent interest of the population in bank loan products.

For many, this situation is exciting. “How do I know if they will give me a loan?” – this is the question that is perhaps the most popular from clients. Do you want to hear the answer to this? For you, I have outlined everything in as much detail as possible in the article below. Enjoy reading!

Who gets a loan from Sberbank and on what terms?

In the comments, readers often ask the question: “Will they give me a loan? Will Sberbank approve my application, etc. There are several restrictions that will be decisive in Sberbank’s approval of a loan application.


This is one of the main factors that is taken into account. The client must be able-bodied and solvent both at the time of applying for the loan and until it is fully repaid. Let's clarify from what age and up to what age they give a loan at Sberbank.


If the loan is issued under the guarantee of individuals, then the age limit is from 18 to 75 years. If without security - from 21 to 65 years.

The minimum age must be at the time of registration, the maximum - at the time of full repayment under the loan agreement.


The client must be employed, have a permanent job and a stable income. Therefore, the answer to the question “Do Sberbank give the unemployed a loan?” is already clear from the beginning. It’s another matter if there is some other stable source of income, for example, renting out an apartment, pension, dividends

Amount of credit

The client must be solvent in the full sense of the word. Therefore, before submitting an application, be sure to use a loan calculator and calculate the maximum loan amount. This way you will know what amount you should not indicate in your application - otherwise, they will refuse.

Currently, Sberbank, as well as other banks, have various options for issuing a loan: with all the necessary certificates and documents, with partial provision of certificates and documents, or only with a passport. The maximum loan amount and the terms of its provision (interest rate and repayment terms) will depend on the option you choose.

If you provide the necessary certificate of income for the last 6 months, provide the rest of the documents and guarantors, then the loan amount will be the maximum possible (of course, taking into account the size of your average income for 6 months) and the conditions for its provision will be optimal (the interest on the loan will be lower and longer payment period).

Credit history

If your credit history is damaged (there have been late payments), this may negatively affect the decision of the credit department.


It is possible to take out a second or third loan from Sberbank without repaying the previous one, but these unpaid debt obligations will certainly affect both the amount of the new loan and the decision to approve your application.

If you have already decided on the type of loan, amount and term, then to speed up the process and save time, you can submit an online application.

source: http://site/

Will they give me a loan?

Over the past five years, the lending sector has reached a fundamentally new level and has become an integral part of the lives of citizens.


A loan, and even a few, is a completely normal phenomenon in the life of every resident of St. Petersburg or Moscow, as well as all major cities of Russia - car loans are especially developed in them. But still, not everyone is given loans, and how do I know if they will allow me to get an urgent loan?

The information that it is easy for everyone to get a loan is nothing more than an advertising ploy to attract as many clients as possible. But in fact, it is much more difficult to get a loan for workers in areas where unexpected layoffs occur, i.e., which are based primarily on the country’s economy.

This includes all employees of financial and economic structures, and some types of entrepreneurship. Still, a lot depends on the specific activities of the applicant. It is necessary to first determine the purpose of the loan. When receiving a car loan without a down payment, there will be some conditions, and for other types - completely different ones.

Nowadays, it has become especially important for banks to intensify checking and studying the credit history of the loan applicant, as well as a thorough check of his solvency. If you don’t work anywhere and have given yourself a wrong certificate from work, think again! You could be arrested and fined, including prison time, for forgery.

But they won’t give you a loan... So arm yourself with authentic documents, your work record and go ahead. What if you are lucky and the manager is in a great mood that day? In most cases, the question is only about where it is more profitable to take a cash loan, and whether they will give it at all.

If the bank refuses to give you money, then you can try to “persuad” it into doing so, but to do this you need to use arguments that, if something happens, they can confiscate and put up for auction. These are real estate, businesses, and other properties that can help pay off debt.

Currently, banks have become more attentive to the marital status of the applicant. Now you will need complete information about the second spouse - work, salary, and so on - this will also increase the chances of getting a loan. After reading this material, questions about whether they will give me a loan should simply disappear.


If the wife has a bad credit history, will the husband be given a mortgage or loan?

If a wife has a bad credit history, this does not mean that her husband will not be approved for a loan. We’ll talk about situations where the spouse’s payment reputation is really important in this article.

My wife has a bad credit history. Mortgage

The quality of fulfillment of credit obligations by both spouses is important when they take out a joint loan for a large amount. This could be a bank consumer program, a car loan or a mortgage. In this case, one of the spouses acts as the main borrower, and the other as a co-borrower/guarantor.
If the wife has a bad credit history, the bank decides whether the husband will be given a mortgage. Approval can be obtained if:

  • His credit history shows no recent delinquencies.
  • The husband’s income is enough to service the mortgage, and the additional debt burden is small (below 5–10% of salary) or absent.
  • The spouse’s employer is a reliable company, has been around for a long time (3-5 years), demonstrates growth in profits, and regularly pays taxes.

If the husband does not meet the bank’s requirements for one or more of the listed parameters, and the wife has a damaged credit reputation and cannot act as a guarantor or co-borrower, the couple will have to look for a third party who can vouch for them to the bank and will suit the lender. This could be immediate family or friends, or work colleagues.

It is important to remember that the bank checks the loan guarantor in the same way as the main borrower. He checks his credit history, asks to provide certificates confirming his income, calls his phone numbers - work, home, cell phone. If you involve third parties in the loan, warn them that this is a big and responsible “work”.


They will have to travel with you to the bank branch several times, and a guarantee record will also appear in their credit histories, which will influence the banks’ decision on their own applications. In addition, the fulfillment of your obligations to the bank will fall on their shoulders, if you can fulfill them yourself.

For a husband to take out a loan, information about his wife’s payment discipline may not be useful. In the case of consumer lending, the borrower can obtain the “reliability” that banks lack by attracting collateral (real estate and other valuable property) and third party guarantees.

But before resorting to these tools, you must first assess the quality of your wife’s credit history. Perhaps her credit history only seems damaged.

Assessing wife's credit history

To adequately assess the history, ask your wife to complete a document request - the easiest way to do this is through Mycreditinfo - and run it according to the following parameters:

  1. Compliance of real passport data with those reflected in the document. It's good if the data matches. It's bad if not.
  2. Availability of loan records. It’s good if the wife has discussed loans in the past. It’s bad if your credit history is “empty”.
  3. Presence of active arrears. It’s good if there are no active delays. It’s bad if there is even a minimum, the bank will refuse to issue a loan if the co-borrower does not pay another organization right now.
  4. The presence of historical or closed delinquencies. It’s good if there are none, or 18–24 months have passed since the last delay. It’s bad if there was a delay of 90 days or more, and after that there were only two or three payments.
  5. Number of credit history requests in the last month. It’s good if there were 2–3 of them, bad if there were more than 7–10.
  6. Number of loan refusals. It's good if they don't exist. It’s bad if there is, and the reason why banks refused was “the presence of signs of fraudulent activity.” With such a reason for refusal, further ones can follow “automatically”.
  7. Availability of information on debt collection through court, bankruptcy. It's good if there are no such records. It’s bad when it exists, especially in the recent (up to three years) past. They indicate that the borrower is unreliable and high-risk for the bank.

If the negative assessment of your wife’s credit history is confirmed, and there are no other options to ensure your obligations, you can always correct the document, work on its quality, restore your wife’s reputation as a reliable payer, and only then apply for a loan.

So, the action plan:

  • Check your spouse's credit history through the websites of credit history bureaus or Mycreditinfo (you can request a report from four leading credit history bureaus at once).
  • Assess the quality of the document. Errors and inaccuracies should be corrected through an application to the bureau; more serious flaws - late payments, information about loans brought to collection - will be covered by payments on new loans.
  • After the quality of your spouse’s credit history improves, submit a joint application to the bank.
  • If you need a loan urgently, consider the option of using collateral or third parties for lending.


Consumer loan at Sberbank

A consumer loan from Sberbank is the most popular banking service over the past few years. The demand for this loan is explained by the respectability and stability of the bank, as well as by the advertising that Sberbank actively promotes on central channels.

What lending conditions does Sberbank offer us? Is it so profitable to take a loan from Sberbank compared to other banks? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a consumer loan from Sberbank?

You can clarify all the information below on the official website of Sberbank - There is no online application for a loan at Sberbank, despite the fact that this bank was one of the first to develop an industry called Internet Banking.

Terms of a consumer loan from Sberbank:

  • Loan currency - Russian Rubles;
  • The minimum loan amount is 15,000;
  • The maximum loan amount is 3,000,000;
  • Loan term - from 3 months to 5 years;
  • There is no fee for issuing a loan;
  • There is no collateral for the loan / guarantee from individuals.

Sberbank's lending conditions are not much different from the programs of other banks. The most important thing is to decide on the loan amount, term and security for the loan. The last question is quite acute, since the presence of a guarantee greatly affects the loan amount.


If you are going to take out a consumer loan from Sberbank without guarantors, then you should be prepared to reduce the loan amount (up to 1,500,000 rubles).

No commission for issuing a loan means no headaches. Not so long ago, borrowers began to demand that banks return commissions that were considered illegal. This issue has already been discussed in more detail on our website in the article on how to return illegal loan fees. In the case of Sberbank, the commission does not interest us, since it simply does not exist.

Interest rate for a consumer loan from Sberbank

Standard conditions:

Interest rate for working or receiving pension individuals:

  1. Loan term up to 2 years - from 14.9% to 20.9%;
  2. Loan term from 2 to 5 years - from 15.9% to 21.9%.

Interest rate for persons not falling into this category:

  • Loan term up to 2 years - from 16.9% to 21.9%;
  • Loan term from 2 to 5 years - from 17.9% to 22.9%.

Interest rates on a consumer loan from Sberbank greatly depend on the loan term and the category you belong to. Unlike many banks, at Sberbank you can actually get a minimum interest rate.

This fact has been confirmed more than once by me personally, as well as by members of my family. If you are interested in a loan for a short period, then Sberbank of Russia can offer you one of the most favorable offers in terms of interest.

Requirements for a consumer loan borrower from Sberbank:

  1. Age at the time of loan provision - at least 18 years (without collateral - at least 21 years);
  2. Age at the time of loan repayment under the agreement is up to 75 years (without collateral up to 65 years);
  3. Work experience at the current place - at least 6 months;
  4. The total work experience over the last 5 years is at least 1 year.

The lack of collateral greatly reduces the number of borrowers among people of retirement age. You can get a consumer loan from Sberbank for pensioners only up to the age of 65, after which it will be impossible to get a loan without a guarantee.

An important fact is that Sberbank is willing to accommodate pensioners who receive their pensions into the account of the same Sberbank.


It is also quite difficult for the younger generation to obtain a consumer loan from Sberbank. From 18 to 20 years old, you can get a loan only with the guarantee of other family members, and the borrower must work in his current place for at least 3 months (after 21 years - more than 6 months).

Required consumer loan documents from Sberbank:

  • Application form - your application for a loan is completed at the bank;
  • Passport of the Russian Federation with a registration mark - temporary registration is allowed, along with it registration at the place of stay is submitted;
  • Documents confirming the financial condition and employment of the borrower - in 2-NDFL format;
  • Documents confirming relationship with the guarantor(s) - when issuing a loan to a borrower aged 18 to 20 years.

There seem to be few documents, but based on my experience I can say that there will be a lot of fuss with papers. Sberbank pays special attention to the borrower’s income, which must be supported by certificates.

Sberbank does not take into account the borrower’s additional earnings, which are not included in the list of income (you can find it on the official website of Sberbank), these include dividends from securities, insurance payments, alimony, scholarships, and so on.


Stability of the State Bank of the Russian Federation. Sberbank will function stably until a serious economic crisis or default occurs.

Moreover, our bank has already gone through these cycles (the 90s) and now occupies a confident first place in the field of lending to the population. Sberbank has existed for more than 150 years for a reason; it is the result of hard and productive work.

Low interest rate on the loan. It is at Sberbank that you can get the lowest interest rate when receiving a short-term consumer loan. Let me remind you that the minimum rate at Sberbank is 16.5%.

Possibility of early repayment. Unlike many banks, Sberbank does not charge any penalties for early repayment of a loan. If you have a confident financial situation, you can pay all payments early, thereby saving a decent amount of money.

No hidden fees. The State Bank of Russia has always tried to look as respectable as possible in the eyes of its clients, so it does not cheat money from hidden commissions. The clients get benefits, and the bank gets its reputation.


Convenient loan calculator from Sberbank. On the official website of Sberbank you can fully calculate your interest rate, as well as the monthly payment and the total overpayment on the loan.

To do this, you do not need to call a broker; the calculation procedure is quite simple - the loan calculator does everything for you.


Only the official income of the borrower is taken into account. If you are unable to provide the bank with proof of any earnings, and your total income is not enough to pay off monthly payments, then Sberbank will most likely refuse to issue you a consumer loan.

Fussing with documents. Sberbank has always been distinguished by its particularly thorough checks of borrowers, so prepare in advance for going to the bank.

Before going to the bank, collect a complete package of required documents, and also take with you any additional certificates (even if not the most pleasant ones) that the bank may be interested in (non-repayment of loans, certificates of dismissal from a previous job, and so on). The more pieces of paper, the better in any case.

Loan guarantee is important. Without collateral, a consumer loan greatly loses its relevance - the number of potential borrowers decreases and the loan amount decreases. If you need an amount of more than 1.5 million rubles, then immediately look for guarantors among your friends - without them, Sberbank will not issue you a loan.

“Large” minimum loan amount. Unfortunately, Sberbank does not belong to the category of banks that issue microloans for a short period. Considering the stability and transparency of the bank, such a service would be very relevant among the population, but since it does not exist, it means that it is not profitable for the bank.


This can be explained, firstly, by the undeveloped area - after all, not everyone will risk ordering a loan on the Internet, and secondly, by the older generation of borrowers, many of whom are not Internet users.

source: http://site/

Reasons for bank refusal of a loan in 2018

Today on, I will tell you what are the reasons for refusal of a loan, both from small banks and large ones, such as Sberbank of Russia, Rosbank, etc. What must a person be like to be given a loan or mortgage? Naturally, all the information had to be scraped together, so to speak, since it is usually a trade secret, and no one will share it.

The first thing that surprised me was that having a rented apartment, being married or having a small child in the family is a plus. Strange, isn't it?

What does a borrower look like when the bank will not refuse him?

The image is this: this is a woman with two children, not too young (somewhere over 40), married, not leading a nomadic lifestyle and not living near hot spots, having a permanent place of work (preferably a civil servant) and residence confirmed by documents.

Moreover, most often the assessment of the borrower is carried out by scoring - an automatic system for calculating the risks of loan non-repayment, especially for consumer loans, since when applying for a mortgage, communication with a loan specialist cannot be avoided.

Banks have such concepts as: Stop factors and Go factors. Stop factors are data about the borrower that contribute to the refusal of a loan. Go factors are data about the borrower that contribute to loan approval.

Stop factors - a list of reasons for loan refusal:

  1. Inaccurate information about the borrower;
  2. Different information about the borrower in different banks. For example: in one bank in the questionnaire you indicated an income of 30,000 rubles, and in another bank 50,000 rubles. etc.;
  3. Lack of permanent registration in Moscow (if the loan is taken out in Moscow);
  4. Lack of a landline home telephone at the registration address or at the actual place of residence;
  5. Lack of a landline work telephone;
  6. Your mobile number is registered to another person;
  7. Place of residence in a life-threatening region, for example: Chechen Republic;
  8. Having a criminal record;
  9. Evasion of paying alimony, the presence of a large number of fines through the traffic police, the presence of writs of execution through bailiffs;
  10. You have a mental illness;
  11. Unpresentable appearance: sloppiness, dirt on clothes, state of intoxication. Simply put, it looks like a homeless person;
  12. Lack of higher education;
  13. Your close relative has a bad credit history;
  14. Dangerous profession, for example: policeman;
  15. You work for an individual entrepreneur;
  16. You are a business owner;
  17. Short work experience;
  18. You are unemployed;
  19. The advanced age of the borrower (you are a pensioner);
  20. You are not married and you are a man;
  21. For males, the absence of a military ID or registration certificate with a mark on deferment from military service;
  22. Absence of any property (cottage, apartment, land, car);
  23. If the purpose of the loan is to repay an existing loan, replenish your LLC’s working capital, purchase equipment, or start your own business;
  24. You have “gray” income;
  25. Low income. The amount of all loan payments should not exceed 30–50% of total income. Banks take into account the average income for the last 3, 6 or 12 months;
  26. You have more than 3 active loans;
  27. You often take out and pay off loans early, within 3-6 months. Such a borrower is not profitable for the bank;
  28. You have no credit history;
  29. Bad credit history;
  30. Often, a loan is denied simply because of a bank error.

Go-factors - a list of reasons for loan approval:

  • Positive credit history
  • Registration in Moscow for more than 5 years
  • You live in a prestigious area of ​​Moscow
  • You have a prestigious profession, for example: oil worker
  • You are 30–50 years old
  • You are married and you are a woman with a small child
  • You have a high income and it is documented. This is especially important when obtaining a mortgage; in Moscow it is approximately 2.5 thousand dollars per family member.

After receiving this information, the bank considers the characteristics of the borrower and awards points for each of them.


Based on their totality, a decision is made to issue a loan or to refuse.

The bank is not obliged to inform you about the reasons for refusing a loan; in this case, the law is on its side. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part Two) dated January 26, 1996 N 14-FZ (as amended on May 23, 2016) Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 821. Refusal to provide or receive a loan:

  1. The lender has the right to refuse to provide the borrower with the loan provided for in the loan agreement, in whole or in part, if there are circumstances clearly indicating that the amount provided to the borrower will not be repaid on time.
  2. The borrower has the right to refuse to receive a loan in whole or in part by notifying the lender before the deadline established by the agreement for its provision, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts or the loan agreement.
  3. If the borrower violates the obligation for the intended use of the loan provided for in the loan agreement (Article 814), the lender also has the right to refuse further lending to the borrower under the agreement.

Reasons for refusal to obtain a mortgage

In mortgages, everything is approximately the same as in consumer and auto lending. The only thing that the bank can cling to is the area in which the object is located, meaning its prestige.

And the borrower’s ability to make a down payment of at least 10% will be a plus when deciding to issue a mortgage.

It is not recommended to falsify documents in any way or contact special credit agencies, as this may lead to you being added to the blacklist of banks - a credit graveyard. As a result, you will not be able to get a loan from any bank.

Many citizens are interested in what principle banks use to approve loans. For example, can you get a loan if you have a valid credit card with the selected limit? What happens if you are late on your credit card? It is impossible to answer such questions unambiguously. It all depends on the specific situation and on the approach of a given credit institution.

Is it possible to get a credit card if you have loans, and vice versa?

The presence of a credit card (as well as a classic loan) in itself is not a reason for refusing to issue a new loan to a client. If the borrower repays his credit card debt on time and does not make any delays, he may well count on a positive decision on a classic loan. At the same time, the bank will evaluate the citizen’s financial capabilities taking into account the new credit load.

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that a person always makes payments on a credit card on time, but there is actually nothing to repay the new loan with. The borrower himself may miscalculate his strengths or hope for additional income in the future.

The financial institution views the issue differently. A loan is issued only when available income exceeds the loan payment with some margin. This will allow the client not to fall into arrears even with a slight deterioration in their financial situation.

If repayment is problematic with current income, the bank will refuse to issue a loan. There are cases when the bank simply reduces the loan size based on the borrower’s income and his obligations for other loan products.

One of the purposes of obtaining a loan may be to refinance debt in another bank. It is appropriate to do this operation if the new conditions are better than the existing ones (that is, you will save on interest). You can also pay off your chosen credit card limit.

Any credit relationship between the client and the bank is recorded in a specially provided Bureau. One of such institutions is NBKI - National Bureau of Credit History. This organization has been operating since 2005. Information about existing and closed loans and credit cards in various financial institutions is stored here.

To find out your credit history and check whether you have activated credit cards, you need to contact the office of an NBKI partner bank or use the online service on the Internet.

Every person can receive NBKI services for free once a year to find out their credit history. The number of paid requests is not limited (the cost of preparing one report for an individual is 450 rubles). You can submit a request to generate a report using one of the following methods.

1. By mail:

2. By telegram:

  • visit a post office where telegraph services are provided;
  • send a telegram to NBKI (indicate full name, place and date of birth, telephone number, address, passport details);
  • present your passport to the postal employee so that he can verify your signature;
  • Send a copy of the receipt for payment for the service by fax (if the previous report was received less than a year ago);
  • receive the report by mail.

3. Online on the Internet. You can order a report through the Credit Information Agency. The cost of the service is determined by the tariffs of the organization that provides it. Additionally, you can activate the service of notification of changes in your credit history (150 rubles).

4. Personally contact an organization that cooperates with NBKI (Binbank, Uniastrum Bank, National Bank Trust, Petrocommerce Bank, etc.). A complete list of institutions can be found. There is no need to have the signature certified by a notary. The service itself will be paid, according to the organization’s tariffs. If desired, you can order delivery of the report by courier to a convenient address.

5. Personally contact the office for work with borrowers (Dmitrov, Moskovskaya St., 29, 2nd floor, office 204).

What does a credit card affect if there is debt on it?

If there is a debt on a credit card, the bank must take it into account when assessing the financial capabilities of the payer. For example, the balance on a credit card is 50,000 rubles. Based on the practice of repaying 10% of the debt (5%, 3% are also found), a monthly contribution of 5,000 rubles is accepted as the base.

The result is the total amount of expenses (for example, 13,000 rubles). Next, the contribution on the loan in question is taken into account and the level of salary that the borrower should have is determined. Today, banks mainly approve loans to those clients who receive RUB 20,000 monthly. and higher. If you have existing loans or cards, this indicator increases.

If a client has a credit card, but the limit on it has not been used, the bank treats this situation with caution. In most cases, the decision is considered taking into account the maximum limit on the card. After all, nothing will prevent the client from withdrawing money from the card immediately after receiving the loan or at any other time.

What are the chances of getting a loan if there was a delay on the credit card?

The presence of unfulfilled obligations on a credit card does not mean anything. What is important is not the fact of delay itself, but whether information about this is included in the credit history. Typically, a technical delay (the first 3-5 days) is not considered a violation of obligations. It is assessed from the point of view that some external factors prevented the borrower from making the payment on time. Typically, such violations are not reflected in the NBKI if they occur in isolated cases.

If the delay is long, for a large amount, information about it will certainly be reflected in the credit history. Neither the borrower himself nor the specialist servicing him at the bank can influence this.

Moreover, if the bank understands that the delay is not technical, that the borrower does not have the ability or desire to pay the current installment, it can take the following measures:

If a delay is included in the credit history, this significantly reduces the borrower’s chances of obtaining a new loan in the future. But each bank assesses the client’s reliability in its own way and makes a decision on lending.

If several years ago you had a long overdue loan, and then you repaid the loan in full, then you can well count on a positive decision.

Just don’t hide from a bank employee whether you have been in arrears in the past. On the contrary, warn the specialist yourself that you have previously had problems with repayment and explain the reason. This will be evidence that you are not planning to deceive the bank and are not hiding your experience of relationships (even negative ones) with other institutions. The fact of delay will still come up when the borrower is checked by the bank’s services, even if it is kept silent about it.