Sberbank repeated debit of funds 02/26/18. Why can money be withdrawn from a Sberbank card and how to find out that a debit has occurred

Every day the number of consumers who turn to plastic cards when paying for purchases and services is increasing. People are increasingly convinced of its convenience and safety when paying. A bank card has gained popularity, becoming the main payment method for purchases in online stores and for online payments in general. Number non-cash payments growing day by day. Online shopping has become convenient and fast.

But they also have disadvantages, among which are double debits from the card, including from Sberbank. How to solve this problem? What to do if Sberbank has written off money more than once?

Why is this possible? Money debited from a card twice may be due to problems with equipment, although consumers are confident of bad intent or fraud by bank employees. Basically, this error occurs due to a system failure. How does this happen? When you pay for a purchased product via the Internet or in any shopping center, you receive an SMS message informing you that you have made a purchase, and the money for it has been debited from your card. Everything is as usual. But after a period of time another SMS comes about the same thing. You remember that you didn’t buy anything else and realize that the operation has been repeated. The second write-off duplicated the first. And this can happen again not even with the last purchase, but with any purchase for which you paid with a card.

Card payments are like links in a chain between which requests and responses occur, i.e. authorization. An error may occur at any part of this chain. How?

  1. Requests for cards are accepted by the acquiring bank. He may make a mistake and send the purchase information twice.
  2. Hardware failure, although this happens infrequently.
  3. Poor operation of the terminal or an error when the cardholder operates it is the most common reason why Sberbank can write off money twice.

It’s good if the repeated debiting of funds from the card is noticed by the owner immediately from SMS. Although there is a fee for connecting to this service, it is better to use it for account security reasons.

Cases of fraud are also possible when making a transfer Money through the bank. Consumers notice similar violations when seeking services from small companies.

Repeated withdrawals from a card are not a rare mistake, so there is no need to be alarmed. This problem can be solved. First of all, figure out whether you or the bank’s system made a mistake. If you're guilty banking system, your money will be fully refunded without any problems. In some cases, it is necessary to contact the operator or the bank.

Actions to protect against secondary write-offs

There is no absolute way to protect against possible double write-offs, but you can reduce the risk by following these tips:

  1. If you often make payments via the Internet, it is better not to risk your card - it is better to get an electronic, additional or special one. When you are going to buy something, put money on this card only for the purchase price. Double debiting has already been excluded.
  2. When traveling long distances, you should not rely on the main map. It is advisable to have additional cards and cash. After all, the card may not work, and the lack of ATMs or money in them will be an unpleasant surprise.

Important. In any case, you must follow the rules for safe use of cards.

What to do to return money written off twice

If you find this, contact your bank using a free rate by calling the contact center. Before calling, gather all the specific information about double withdrawal:

  • the name of the trading enterprise or the address of its website;
  • day and hour of secondary withdrawal;
  • the price of the purchase made;
  • number under which the operation took place.

All this can be found in the data of the desired transaction in the Internet bank.

You must have your passport at hand - after the call, the bank employee will ask for personal information. It would be good to remember the control story invented to receive the card - they may also be asked about this.

If all of the above information is ready, you can call hotline your bank. Calmly and accurately describe the situation.

There is no need to look for the culprit of the error. The main thing is to quickly return the lost amount. With a clear explanation, your problem will be resolved promptly.

Important. Sberbank has adjusted actions to correct the situation and is returning funds in a short time.

Phone call didn't help? The next action is to submit an application to the bank in writing, describing the problem and requesting a refund. You can submit a claim in person or by registered mail, by email with the requirement to make a copy and note the receipt. You will have a supporting document in your hands, and the bank will be forced to investigate the situation.

Repeated debiting of money from a bank card– this is more likely a system error (technical error) than malicious intent or bank fraud.

How does this usually happen? After you have paid for an item using a card on the Internet (see how to do it correctly) or at a regular retail outlet, you receive an SMS message about the transaction completed and the purchase amount being debited from your account. After some time, you receive a second message (this can happen immediately or after a few hours) about the same amount being written off, and you are aware that you have not made any more purchases.

The thing is that your card was re-debited for a previously completed transaction. Interestingly, double debiting can occur not for the most recent transaction, but for one of the previous ones, when you paid for a purchase in a certain store.

To understand the essence of the problem, let's look at a simplified card payment scheme.

As you can see, the payment process consists of a “chain” of requests and responses between its different links. This process is called authorization. And an error can occur at every stage of authorization.

Initially, the request goes from the store to the acquiring bank, which services requests for cards from any banks (not just its own). Next, the acquirer generates a request to the payment system (the basis for online card payments). The best known are such international payment systems like Visa, MasterCard, let’s not forget about the domestic WORLD. The acquiring bank can send the information twice - this is one of the reasons for the secondary write-off.

Another unlikely reason– a failure in the payment system itself or in the processing center where transactions (requests) are processed. The equipment may fail, interference during signal transmission, or incorrect actions of employees (during troubleshooting or maintenance) may occur.

But most common reason – this is a problem with payment terminals in stores or retail outlets themselves, or the inability to use them (human factor). If the terminal malfunctions and sends a second authorization request, the request will be processed and “pass” as a repeat purchase.

Here it is important to promptly notice the fact of an unauthorized operation, which the connected SMS notification service will help you with. That is why it is recommended to connect it without fail, even though it is paid service(on average 60 rubles per month).

A similar problem can occur not only when paying, but also when bank transfer . Cases of fraud cannot be ruled out. As noted in reviews on this topic, small companies, for example, car rental offices or small retail outlets, are guilty of secondary payments.

When faced with the problem of a second withdrawal of money from your bank card, you should not panic, since this situation is not so rare and is quite solvable. First of all, it is worth understanding that it is the “banking system” that will be to blame for this, and not you specifically.

It is also worth noting that if the system recognizes an error, the bank will automatically return the money written off again. However, there are also situations when, in order to return their money, the buyer needs to act independently by calling the operator or sending an application to the bank, which we will talk about later.

How to protect yourself from possible double debiting

It is unlikely that you will be able to completely insure yourself against problems and sudden financial difficulties, and the recommendations below will minimize the risks of being double-debited.

When paying on the Internet, you shouldn’t show your credit or debit card at all - get a virtual one (it takes 2 minutes, for example, on Yandex) or open an additional card. At worst, get a special debit card (with the overdraft service disabled). Before purchasing, top up your card balance with the purchase amount - physically they will not be able to debit money from your account again.

When traveling abroad (or to the far corners of our Motherland), it is foolish to rely on a single map– get two or even three (even if it’s credit cards and debit cards), and be sure to have cash – at least a third of your planned expenses. The plastic card may be suddenly blocked, or the ATM, the only one in the area, may be out of money.

In both cases, follow the rules for safe use of cards.

How to get money back after repeated debiting

If you feel something is wrong, then the only right solution is to call the bank’s contact center (usually such calls are not charged).

In order to fully, without unnecessary stress and ambiguity, convey the essence of your problem to your bank’s support service employee, you need to prepare in advance all available data on secondary write-offs:

  1. Website web address or name of the store (outlet);
  2. Date and time of the duplicated operation;
  3. The exact amount of the purchase;
  4. Transaction number.

You can find this data in Internet banking (see the parameters of a specific operation).

To identify you, the employee will ask you to provide your passport information, so it will be better if you have your passport with you during the call. Surely the employee will want to know your control information, which you came up with when filling out the application for a card (if you forgot, then don’t be upset, your passport data is enough).

Now you can dial the hotline number of the bank whose card was debited (look for the number on back side cards or on the bank’s website). You should talk to the call center operator calmly and intelligibly; he is definitely not to blame for what happened.

The main purpose of your call is not to prove anyone’s guilt, but to quickly return your own money. In the case of structured communication and a clear communication of the essence of the problem (sometimes it is worth being persistent), the operator will quickly respond to your request. As a rule, any bank already has a proven set of actions for returning a double debit or for another emergency situation - this will allow you to quickly fix the problem (if it is of a technical nature) and return the money in the coming days.

  • If you were unable to return the funds “over the phone” after a repeated debit, proceed to the next step - prepare a written claim to the bank. It must be taken to a bank branch or sent by registered mail. In the body of the letter: a description of the problem and a request for a refund.

The complaint can be sent in other ways (you can try them first): to the bank’s email address, through the feedback form. But a written complaint is the most effective way. And if you ask to make a copy of your application with an acceptance mark, then the bank will not be able to get away with it. In both cases, if possible, you should have on hand confirmation that your application was accepted (application number, copy of the application, etc.).

After all the operations described above, it may take the bank no more than a week to review your application (depending on internal rules credit organization). The bank begins an investigation into a specific case, and if bank employees do not suspect the technical nature of the write-off that occurred, then, most likely, you are guaranteed to receive money back to your card account within a few days.

IN otherwise, if, in their opinion, there were two purchases in a row, then the investigation may last longer - up to 120 days.

If you booked hotel rooms, bought plane tickets, or carried out similar transactions on websites, and a double amount was debited from your card, then, as the reviews advise, you can contact the online service support team directly. Usually, well-known Internet companies meet customers halfway and resolve the issue of refunds at their level.

In general, nothing is impossible, and the money will be returned to you, although your nerves will be a little frayed. But there is a small nuisance that can happen if you are charged the purchase amount again if the balance on the card is insufficient, i.e. the balance will go negative. This phenomenon is called an unauthorized or technical overdraft - it turns out that you take out an unnecessary loan from the bank for a while and are forced to pay interest for it.

It would be good form on the part of the bank to return the accrued interest to the card holder for technical overdraft which happened through no fault of his own. But usually banks don’t do this, although you, as someone who has been illegally “robbed”, could argue with them - write claims demanding a refund or make anti-advertising for them on the Internet, but is this necessary, because the interest, as a rule, is not large, the main thing is - return the amount written off again!

Anna Frantsuzova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Paying for goods or services with a bank card is convenient and safe. This method is used not only when making purchases through an Internet resource, but also in regular retail outlets. The era of cashless transactions has arrived. Although, in addition to the obvious advantages, they are accompanied by a number of negative aspects. There are frequent cases of repeated (double) debits from the card account. Why does this happen and how to fix the situation? Let's try to figure it out.

One payment written off twice - where is the problem?

After paying for the goods using a card, the client receives an SMS message indicating the transaction and the amount that is debited from the account. If such a service is activated. This is a completely normal course of events. However, after a certain period of time, the message arrives again and contains the same parameters, including the amount. This is called repeated debiting. What happened?

In such situations, as a rule, we are talking about errors in the system. Payment using a card is similar to a “chain” of requests, each of which requires a confirming response. This is how authorization is performed, consisting of certain links. Sometimes a technical error occurs.

What happens when a client pays with a card:

  1. The store requests the bank that handles card requests. In the “chain” it is called .
  2. The acquiring bank generates a request for the payment system (MIR, Visa or MasterCard and others).
  3. The payment system processes the transactions and forwards the data to the issuing bank.
  4. Then everything goes in the opposite direction.

What reasons could there be for repeated payments:

  • Two identical requests come from the acquiring bank.
  • The problem occurs in the payment system - equipment failure, interference during signal transmission, the manifestation of the human factor in the process of eliminating breakdowns or during maintenance.
  • Frequent “culprits” are, or inept use of these devices. For example, the equipment malfunctioned and sent a repeat request. Naturally, it will be processed and displayed as a re-written off amount.

That is why it is important to connect SMS - a service that informs about each. It helps to notice unauthorized movement of funds in a timely manner.

The payment was debited again. What should the cardholder do to get the money back?

A call to the Contact Center operator will be the only correct action when charging again. It is important to explain to the bank representative the essence of the current situation.

Therefore, for a constructive conversation, it is necessary to prepare a number of data regarding repeated surgery:

  1. Find out its number and amount.
  2. In which store, or through which website (its address) the second write-off was made.
  3. You also cannot do without a date and exact time.

The bank employee will need to identify the client using passport data (for this reason, the document must be at hand) and the control information specified when issuing the card.

After appropriate preparation, you can call the banking organization’s hotline. Her phone number is posted on the card or on the bank’s website. The main purpose of the call is to return the money.

Therefore you need:

  • Have a calm and intelligible conversation . The operator is not guilty of what happened.
  • Clear facts are presented according to the above scheme.

Banks, as a rule, have a proven algorithm for such situations. A technical problem (if it really is a technical problem) is corrected quickly - within a few days.

If telephone communication did not lead to the return of re-written funds?

In this version in banking organization a claim is submitted. It is delivered personally by the client or sent by registered mail.

What the claim contains:

  1. The essence of the problem created.
  2. Request for a refund.

It is advisable to have confirmation of the fact that the application was accepted by the bank employee (application number, copy of the application, etc.). It is difficult for the bank to “get out” if the applicant has a copy of the submitted document with a mark indicating that it has been accepted.

  • If during the investigation the error is determined to be technical, the money will be returned within seven days.
  • If bank employees come to the conclusion that the client has made two identical purchases, the processing of the application may take up to 4 months.

One way or another, it is possible to return funds written off twice.

Every person is concerned about the safety of his funds received on his bank card. In practice, most people trust Sberbank. However, no one is immune from loss own funds and how unpleasant it is to start the day with the news that money has been written off from your Sberbank card.

Withdrew money from a Sberbank card: what to do

As soon as you discover that money has been withdrawn from your Sberbank card, you need to pull yourself together and act quickly. The procedure for returning funds can last from a month to “infinity”, it all depends on the reasons for withdrawing money.

Step-by-step actions of the client after writing off money from a Sberbank card:

The most important thing in this situation is to act as quickly as possible and provide the most detailed information to Sberbank employees. Your assistance will only speed up the trial process.

How to find out why money was withdrawn from a Sberbank card

As soon as you receive an SMS notification from Sberbank about a withdrawal of funds that you did not confirm or plan, you should clarify why the money was withdrawn from the Sberbank card. Actions to write off funds can be carried out not only by fraudsters, but also by bailiffs.

Ways to clarify why money is withdrawn from a Sberbank card:

  1. Call the Sberbank hotline and find out who is collecting this amount.
  2. Visit your Sberbank personal account and view the latest transactions.
  3. Contact the nearest Sberbank branch and check with a specialist for information, and also ask for a statement of the cash flow on your card.

If the funds were written off due to a technical error by the bank, then the “showdown” will quickly end with a refund of the funds. However, it would not be superfluous to submit to the bank a certificate of no debt to the Federal Bailiff Service.

On the website of the Federal Bailiff Service you can view the debt or decisions made against you regarding enforcement proceedings. On the FSSP website you need to go to the tab “ Home page» → « Information Systems→ Bank executive proceedings» → enter the required personal data → “Search”.

Why does the bailiff service withdraw money from a Sberbank card:

  • traffic police fines not paid on time;
  • debts under loan agreements;
  • evasion of alimony;
  • other court decisions.

It can be offensive to withdraw funds from your card when you have paid the fine, but the bailiffs, having not received payment information in a timely manner, have already sent a writ of execution to the Sberbank branch. In this case, it turns out that you paid the fine twice. What to do?

  1. Contact the Federal Bailiff Service and confirm that you paid the fine earlier (provide payment order, payment receipt) and ask for a certificate of no debt.
  2. The UFFSP must also issue a notice of an erroneously sent writ of execution.
  3. At a Sberbank branch, write a statement about erroneously written off funds and attach a package of documents received from the bailiffs.

How to disable debiting money from a Sberbank card

It happens that you purchase something over the Internet or go to some sites, not suspecting that the site or purchase contains such an “unobtrusive” service as an automatic paid connection (“subscription”). Be careful and look at what “checkboxes” you left and gave your consent to connect.

You can disable such a “subscription” by returning to the site where the purchase was made and contacting the service technical support, or by carefully checking the settings of your personal account on the selected site.

The second option could be automatic payment(“Autopayment”). IN personal account Sberbank, you can independently activate/disable this service:

Personal account → My auto payments → Manage auto payments → - Disable.

How to protect yourself from scammers

There are several ways that everyone knows about, but often neglect:

  • Do not transfer the card to third parties, even if they are your relatives.
  • Do not give your card PIN code to anyone.
  • Do not click on dubious links on the Internet.
  • Start virtual card to pay for purchases on the Internet, this way you will secure your main plastic card.
  • Do not communicate or transfer to anyone the data received via SMS notification (especially one-time codes).

Advice! Do not spare money on servicing your Sberbank card and activate the “SMS-informing” service. Thanks to this, you will be promptly notified of all movements of funds on bank card and you can instantly block your account. Time is the most important factor in theft and unauthorized withdrawal of money.

One of the biggest fears of holders plastic cards- this means that when you purchase a product, extra money will be debited from your account. It is this thought that most often flashes through our minds when we give the treasured plastic into the hands of the cashier or waiter. Are these fears really justified? Let's try to figure it out together.

To begin with, it is worth considering the payment mechanism itself when paying, for example, for goods at a supermarket checkout. So, in front of us is an empty tape, we slowly put the scanned goods into bags, give plastic for payment, vigilantly and anxiously peer into the cashier’s face. The cashier, meanwhile, pushes out a small device called a PIN pad towards us and invites us to insert the card or lean it against it to use the pay pass service, after which the machine prompts us to enter the PIN code.

But there are also situations when money is debited from your card for one purchase twice - double debiting.

There may be several reasons for such a write-off. The first is the error of the acquiring bank, which can send the same file twice for processing to payment systems. The second reason is a failure within the framework payment system. This may be caused by failures in the processing system or actions of employees. However, most often the merchants processing payments are to blame for double debiting.

When paying for goods or services with a card, the bank receives an authorization request from the store terminal. The bank gives permission to carry out the transaction and blocks the purchase amount on the card account. If a technical failure occurred and the authorization request was duplicated, then the corresponding amount will be blocked twice. Such situations are not uncommon and occur due to a cashier’s mistake or due to technical problems in the terminal. The bank can either simply block the amount if the transaction seems suspicious to it or write it off. If the credit institution does not recognize the “doubling”, then it writes off the blocked amount.

In such a situation, it is important to promptly notice the fact of an unauthorized transaction, which the connected SMS notification service will help you with. That is why it is recommended to connect it without fail, even though it is a paid service (on average 60 rubles per month).

A similar problem can occur not only during payment, but also during a bank transfer. Cases of fraud cannot be ruled out.
It is very difficult to completely insure yourself against problems and sudden financial difficulties. Follow the recommendations below to minimize the risk of double debiting.

Important to remember!

When paying online, you shouldn’t show off your credit or debit card at all - get a virtual one or open an additional card. Or get a special debit card to pay for goods on the Internet, on which your savings will not be stored. Before purchasing, top up your card balance with the purchase amount and they will physically not be able to debit money from your account again.

When traveling, you shouldn’t rely on a single card - get two or even three (these can be both credit and debit cards), but do not forget about small amounts cash.

How to get money back after repeated debiting

First, contact your bank’s contact center (you can find the phone number on the back of the card or on the bank’s website; such calls are usually free).

In order to fully, without unnecessary stress and ambiguity, convey the essence of your problem to your bank’s support service employee, you need to prepare in advance all available data on secondary write-offs:

  • Website web address or store name;
  • Date and time of the duplicated operation;
  • The exact amount of the purchase;
  • Transaction number.

You can find this data in Internet banking or via SMS message. To identify you, the employee will ask you to provide your passport information, so it will be better if you have your passport with you during the call. Surely the employee will want to know your control information that you came up with when filling out the application for a card.

As a rule, any bank already has a proven set of actions for returning a double debit or for another emergency situation - this will allow you to quickly fix the problem and return the money in the coming days.

Another option is to prepare a written claim to the bank. It must be taken to a bank branch or sent by registered mail. In the body of the letter: a description of the problem and a request for a refund.

The complaint can be sent in other ways - to the bank’s email address or through the feedback form. But a written complaint is the most effective way. If you request a copy of your application with an acceptance mark, the bank will not be able to get away with it. In both cases, if possible, you should have on hand confirmation that your application was accepted (application number, copy of the application, etc.).

After all the operations described above, it may take the bank about a week to review your application, but it may take longer, depending on the internal rules of the credit institution. The bank begins an investigation into a specific case, and if bank employees do not suspect the technical nature of the write-off that occurred, then, most likely, you are guaranteed to receive money back to your card account within a few days. Otherwise, if, in their opinion, there were two purchases in a row, then the investigation may last longer - up to 120 days.

If you booked hotel rooms, bought plane tickets, or carried out similar transactions on websites, and a double amount was debited from your card, then, as the reviews advise, you can contact the online service support team directly. Usually, well-known Internet companies meet customers halfway and resolve the issue of refunds at their level.

In general, nothing is impossible, and in this situation the money will be returned to you.

The material was prepared as part of the program of the regional Ministry of Finance “Increasing the level of financial literacy of residents of the Kaliningrad region”