Types of short-term loans. What is a short-term loan for commercial organizations? Interest rates on short-term loans

General terms and Conditions:

· in rubles and foreign currency

· on the loan, along with interest payments, other payments may be established

· loans are provided by transferring the loan amount to the current accounts of the Security Service

· it is prohibited to provide a loan to repay the debt of the borrower on SB loans and overdue loans to other banks

Requirements for borrowers:

· legal person of any legal form, individual entrepreneur

· resident of the Russian Federation

· a bank account agreement was concluded with SB

· from the date of state registration has passed at least 1 year

· there is no delay in SB

· positive net assets as of the last reporting date

Loan terms:

· are established based on cash flow analysis

· cannot exceed 1.5 years

· no more than 1 extension

· except: the general agreement on the opening of a framework CL is concluded for a period of up to 3 years and is not subject to extension

· depends on the loan terms, currency, category of the borrower

· are established for each borrower

· depends on:

Monthly/quarterly receipts

Average daily account balances of the borrower

Activity of the borrower's use of SB services (collection, acquiring)

Amount of credit:

· financial position

· business plan and feasibility study of the loan

· borrower's needs

· assessment of the proposed collateral

1. current activities

· replenishment of working capital (raw materials)

· replenishment of non-current assets (property)

2. financial activities

Sources of repayment:

· only from current activities

Types of short-term loan products:

1. one-time (simple) loan(either partial or full repayment at the end of the term)

2. Non-revolving line of credit (NCL)

· a lending regime in which the full or partial return of previously provided credit funds does not increase the free balance of the credit line limit; one-time contracts

3. Revolving line of credit (ON)

· a lending regime in which the full or partial return of previously provided credit funds increases the free balance of the credit line limit

· use of funds several times

Possibility of limit reduction

· issued to a client who conducts ongoing financial and business operations and who has several permanent contracts

4. Framework revolving credit line

Ø simple loan

Ø ON any type at the discretion of the borrower

· issued to a client who has a contract under which it is necessary to pay for certain types of supplies of goods (services)

5. Overdraft lending

· a lending regime in which settlement ruble (current foreign currency) accounts of clients opened in the Security Service are credited in the absence and insufficient funds on them.

Ø in rubles and foreign currency

Ø does not require collateral

Ø registration as an annex to the open account agreement

Ø only 1 agreement

Ø % rate individually, depends on currency and rating

Ø return within 30 calendar days

Requirements for the borrower:

Ø has an account in SB

Ø has a constant turnover on accounts in the Security Service

Ø + credit history for the last 60 months.

Ø stable financial position

Ø there are no delays in loans and payments to the budget

Submission deadlines:

Ø agreement no more than 1 year

Ø redemption 30 cal. days

Ø standard package of documents

Credit limit:

Ø no more than 40% of the total average monthly turnover on accounts for the last 3 months.

Ø only revenue is taken into account

Ø a commission for opening a limit is charged

Short-term lending- the most common type of borrowing for urgent needs of the population. The bank is not interested in issuing loans for a short period of time: low rates will not bring profit to the financial structure. High interest rates by banking institutions are veiled by a quick response time and a minimum number of documents required for submission.

Forms of short-term lending

Forms of short-term lending expressed in categories:

  • Bank loan. issued only to legal entities. Available only to licensed organizations.
  • Commercial loan. A form that facilitates the creation of non-cash payments.
  • Consumer loan. The most important requirement is the intended purpose of funds issued to individuals.
  • State loan. The state participates in lending to regions or industries, as well as commercial banks when they sell credit resources.
  • International credit. Represents the aggregate debt relationships held internationally.

Usurious credit was previously known. Now refers to the historical form of lending.

Short-term lending to enterprises

Short-term lending to enterprises allows the company to independently manage funds allocated by the bank. A short-term loan is issued for a period of up to one year, in most cases, from one to three months. A short-term loan allows a company to pay off current debts and normalize the current economic situation.

When taking out a loan, you need to calculate many factors, possible force majeure in repaying the loan, since the interest rate is quite high, as well as penalties.

Analysis of short-term lending

Carrying out independent short-term lending analysis, you need to take into account the bank’s performance during the reporting period and compare its financial condition with that of previous periods. Having analyzed the type of lending that is popular due to its ease of obtaining, the bank will receive results of success.

The main documents for analysis are ledgers, turnover sheets, journals, personal accounts, card files, bank agreements and bank balances.

Before taking out a short-term loan, you need to verify the veracity of the analysis received and examine the reviews of real clients of the financial institution.

Short-term lending to legal entities

Short-term lending to legal entities contributes to the implementation of various business projects, replenishing the working capital of the enterprise in difficult times for the company. For legal entities, loans can be offered in business and government forms.

The following types of lending are distinguished: overdraft, short-term loans, short-term lines of credit. Entrepreneurs prefer to use an overdraft. This method does not require the conclusion of additional contracts.

Overdraft is a common way to receive funds from a current account in the negative. When using an overdraft, the interest rate for the agreed period in most cases is not charged.

Short-term lending objects

The current funds of the borrowing company are considered as objects of short-term lending. Short-term lending objects here - the borrower's possessions, fulfilled obligations.

For successful lending, the property must be liquid. With short-term lending, it is possible to pledge some property.

When issuing short-term loans, in most cases the amount issued is less than the value of the collateral property. This fact is due to the fact that when selling objects, the risks of losing the banking structure are compensated.

The interest charged on a short-term loan is small; it is not profitable for banks to issue these types of loans.

That's why they artificially increase the rates on such programs. But in addition to this, financial institutions are also successfully trying to disguise high annual rates by offering quick registration with presentation.


A short-term loan is a loan that is issued for a period of no more than a year. But in practice, some banks, especially large financial corporations, groups and financial communities, increase this period.

It turns out that a short-term loan is a loan for a period of 2 years, but nothing more.

The size of the amounts in this case is also strictly limited, but basically the limits of the money supply are determined depending on the purpose. And the amounts will always be limited by the financial enterprise itself, because banks are not legally limited in this regard.

All loans, including short-term loans, have their own interest rates, which banks set and are formalized strictly by a written agreement (). Accordingly, all obligations for the timely issuance of money by the bank and payment on time in the due amount of the debt with interest by the client must be carried out on the basis of the concluded agreement ().

Today, banking institutions often begin to issue short-term loans in a non-cash form.

These are bank cards issued with borrowers, transfers to current client accounts in banks, and even processing through electronic wallets in interactive payment systems. Similarly, it can be assumed that debt repayment will be welcomed by banks in a purely non-cash form.

Although there are no special restrictions on this matter, and lenders do not have the right to oblige their borrowers to repay debts exclusively by bank transfer. It is more important here that banking structures in no case deviate from the regulations of the law - paragraph 2).

Types of short-term loans

They appear in the following list of categories when we understand this or that model of providing loans to the population.

By date of issue:

  • ordinary;
  • express loans;
  • credit lines – consist of several short terms included in one agreement.

According to the mechanism of application:

  • overdraft;
  • factoring;
  • to the current account of a legal entity;
  • one-time loan – consumer loans to individuals.

By the volume of the occupied limit:

  • conventional short-term loans;
  • microloans.

The whole point of an overdraft lies in the way in which the borrowed amount is applied. Today this is one of the most famous forms. And it is used mainly by enterprises that need to make regular purchases of raw materials and goods, periodically pay employees and for other purposes.

These expenses are guaranteed to always be covered by profits, from which regular deductions are also made to the accounts of the bank that provided the borrower with an overdraft. At the same time, even if there is no own money in the account, the banking organization undertakes under the contract to regularly replenish it.

Due to the fact that borrowers using the system must have demonstrable stability of their income, this type of loan is considered to be preferential.

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Factoring refers to a triple relationship between the lender, the bank and the buyer, who is an average entrepreneur. The buyer can also be a novice businessman, as well as a client if we are talking about the service sector.

In this case, the creditor will be the seller of receivables and goods (services). The factoring company will be the bank. Because his share in this scheme will be the repurchase of receivables. The buyer of goods (services) will act as the lender's client.

In a word, in such a scheme the buyer will repay his debts not to the seller (the original creditor), but to the intermediary - the bank (factoring organization).

A one-time loan will always require the client to present a certain package of papers to the lender each time the contract is executed. If a potential client is not too lazy to collect papers every time to get a loan, then he can use short-term loans from time to time.

But if there is a certain pattern in such a need, then it makes sense to take out a long-term loan. Or choose a different form of agreement for short periods of time for lending, which will be included in one agreement.

A line of credit can also be classified as a short-term type of loan. Forms of this type of loans are divided into medium-term and long-term services.

What does it mean? This means that one contract contains several short time intervals during which the borrower is provided with a certain amount of debt.

This type of loan security is divided into the following two subtypes:

  • revolving loan;
  • non-revolving loan.

In the first option, the client can repay the amount either partially or in full, both on demand and before the date specified in the contract. The second option is to use regular tranches that come to the account regardless of the intensity of repayment of the previous ones.

Providing to legal entities and individuals

If it is most convenient for a legal entity or individual entrepreneur to use an overdraft mechanism, then they should be aware of some features in the conditions of this type of loan issuance.

After all, such a short-term loan is, as a rule, a strictly limited amount, beyond which it is better for the borrower not to go. Otherwise, he will simply be forced to pay the penalty.

Overdraft agreements will always clearly define certain terms:

  1. General periods of overdraft loans - a long-term loan, which consists of parts of short-term loans.
  2. Short-term agreements – each new loan is drawn up in a separate agreement.
  3. Combined options, drawn up in one agreement, which stipulate both short-term borrowing periods and longer ones - for an overdraft they should not be more than several months.

The amounts are used to repay the debt automatically, debited from the borrower’s account strictly in the order determined by the agreement. Therefore, when using bank money, an individual entrepreneur or legal entity must immediately replenish their account so that the automatic system can make transfers in a timely manner.

Factoring includes closed and open subtypes of the lending mechanism. With an open option, the person who is the payer of the loan will always be aware of the assignment of the rights of claim to the bank (intermediary financial enterprise).

Then all payments to repay the debt are sent directly to the banking institution. But in the case of a closed factoring mechanism, some measure of confidentiality must be maintained with respect to the seller.

Accordingly, the buyer has no idea of ​​the assignment scheme involved. Then the buyer pays directly with the seller, but the seller undertakes to always transfer a certain percentage of the profit to the intermediary - the bank.

Individuals often use a one-time lending method, which refers to one-time loans and is drawn up in one agreement for each time.

Even if the client has several current accounts or bank cards, one account will still be used for each type of loan product. The terms of payment in such cases are either the same lump sum or according to a schedule.

For each client, schedules are selected separately.

When using a credit line, it will always be easy for the borrower to use the borrowed money when the need arises, and not necessarily strictly on the day of signing the agreement or the schedule for using the funds. The only thing that is required is to invest in the total term of the contract while it is valid.

Typically the duration of such a mechanism is 1 year. In addition, there are some banks that can provide clients with a benefit - they do not require additional payment from him if he does not use the money offered as a loan. The agreement can always be extended if the client successfully copes with the tasks of repaying the debt.

Re-registration of short-term into long-term

Any transfer must always be accompanied by mutual agreement. All transfers from one loan system to another are regulated, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 27, 2008, No. 12523. This Regulation was also approved, which was edited on April 6, 2015.

If the client is ready to declare his insolvency, this may be the reason for his desire to change the terms of the contract - transfer from a short-term to a long-term loan.

However, such a borrower should first of all formalize his insolvency through the court. citizens or other type of loan imply their fulfillment within a certain period of time.

If you need to change this time interval, then you need to prepare the following documents:

  • short-term loan agreement;
  • a new schedule reflecting payment dates and extension of the total contract term;
  • a court ruling approving such a transaction;
  • accounting entries to ensure the correctness of registration.

If all payments are repaid on time, the loan will not be considered overdue. Therefore, the bank will not charge penalties from the client.

But if the monthly amounts are overdue, the lender has the right to collect a penalty from the client - 1/300 of the entire loan. In the event of the insolvency of a borrower recognized as such by a court decision, the debt can be restructured for a period of no more than 5 years.

Where to get

Today, almost any bank issues these types of loans. True, the subtleties of lending conditions will always be considered individually.

In general, the following features inherent in short-term loans are distinguished:

  • the amount of money borrowed is determined only by the bank;
  • You can borrow the maximum for a period of up to 2 years;
  • the minimum period for which you can borrow money for a short time is 1 month;
  • it is permissible to use borrowed amounts for any purpose;
  • only some programs can include collateral in their structure;
  • guarantee is practically not used as a way to provide loan guarantees;
  • in most banking offers there are fees for opening and maintaining accounts
  • completely absent;
  • annual interest rates are calculated in foreign currency in average amounts from 12 to 14%, and in rubles - from 14 to 18%;
  • Most often, the type of repayment of a short-term loan is carried out once a month in equal parts;
    If desired, bank employees can draw up individual payment schedules with the client.

This type of lending is used:

  • for the purchase of consumer goods of various levels (from small household appliances to large equipment);
  • You can pay with quick loans in supermarkets;
  • for a certain period of time - for example, to pay for 1-2 semesters.;
  • You can also pay off medical expenses with a short-term loan.

In rare cases today, for short-term loans, commissions for registration or maintenance of client accounts are charged in the amount of 1%. But most often, banks no longer want to apply commission fees, because this scares away most of the clients.

The percentages shown on average, of course, can be higher - it all depends on the individual indicators of the client’s solvency and reliability.

Advantages and disadvantages

The identified advantages or disadvantages of such short-term loan schemes resonate with clients. After all, if we take into account that short-term loans are used for short-term needs, it becomes clear what the disadvantage may be for all borrowers.

Despite the strict conditions of the agreement concluded with the bank, the following advantages emerge for corporate clients:

  1. The existing opportunity to regularly work on increasing your working capital without raising your own funds.
  2. Rationality in the use of borrowed funds and a high probability that all overpayments can be minimized.
  3. Limiting a loan allows companies to be flexible in how they use it.
  4. No additional collateral is required.

Each legal entity can conveniently use a short-term loan to solve its financial problems that need to be solved regularly and systematically.

For example, if necessary:

  • provide stability in regularly paying people their earnings;
  • when paying for services;
  • to purchase goods or raw materials every month;
  • to pay taxes;
  • to neutralize any shortage in the enterprise.

When working with corporate clients, the collateral for the loan will always be their profit, so there is no need to provide additional property collateral.

The following nuances may arise for a legal entity using a short-term loan:

  1. Risks still exist. And all because of frequently changing percentages, which are sometimes very difficult to predict.
  2. The risk of bankruptcy may arise when the lender refuses to extend the repayment period of the loan if the client fails to repay it on time.
  3. Limiting a loan is not always convenient for companies, enterprises, firms and organizations to conduct their activities.
  4. If a legal entity is “young” enough, has been on the market for 3 or 6 months, then it will be practically impossible for it to get a short-term loan - the period is too short for the lender to understand the solvency and reliability of the client.

Individuals see the advantages of quick money, which they pay in a short time:

  1. Very fast processing of applications - maximum 3 days.
  2. The required amount is quickly issued.
  3. There is practically no strict requirement for having an excellent credit history.
  4. Most programs are not accompanied by a voluminous package of documents.
  5. With the help of short-term loans, you can quickly correct your damaged credit history.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. High interest rates per annum.
  2. The amount limit is small.
  3. The short period for repaying the loan may be unaffordable for the client.

Short-term bank loans are an excellent solution for those who urgently need a certain amount of money. Such loans always require some degree of stability in the client's income.

Therefore, not only the bank, but also the client himself, before signing the contract, must be confident in his abilities - his reliability and solvency. One fact is noteworthy about this mechanism for lending money.

The fact is that you can choose one or another program to suit your capabilities. This can greatly facilitate the client’s task of subsequently paying off the debt to the creditor on time.

Video: Short-term business loans.

This is a sum of money provided by the bank for a short period of time, issued on the terms of urgency, payment and repayment. As a rule, contracts with borrowers specify the period for which the loan must be repaid and the interest rate, and the conditions for lending to individuals differ from the principles of work of banking institutions with the public. Currently, short-term bank loans aimed at financing enterprises are divided into one-time loans, overdrafts and lending in the form of a non-revolving or revolving line of credit.

Pledge: Private companies can obtain a short-term loan by providing a banking institution with liquid property as collateral, the sale of which, in the event of non-payment of funds taken from the creditor, can cover the amount of debt to the bank. As collateral, companies can use residential or commercial real estate, vehicles and land, specialized machinery and equipment, funds deposited, and goods in circulation.

Overdraft: An overdraft offered by bank offices is a short-term loan issued to enterprises to cover a temporary shortage of national currency used by the company, so that the company can carry out current payments. Currently, the provision of an overdraft is carried out by paying payment documentation in excess of the balances of funds in the company's current account, within the limits of the initially agreed amount. And the overdraft is repaid from all funds received by the client enterprise.

Commercial companies with an unblemished credit history can count on receiving an overdraft. The meaning of this type of short-term loan is that the banking institution makes up for the amount insufficient to pay the client company’s bill in a situation where there is less money in the organization’s current accounts than is necessary to make the payment. Moreover, the financial institution’s funds are transferred directly to the recipient’s current account, the name of which is indicated in the payment documentation, and not to the account of the enterprise that is a client of this bank.

An overdraft is usually repaid automatically when funds are credited to the client account, and the terms of this type of lending are clearly stated in the agreements signed by the borrower and the lender. As a rule, the overdraft service is based on a trusting relationship between the client company and the bank representative, so the borrower does not need to draw up loan agreements every time the company lacks funds.

Loans to replenish working capital: Firms are provided with a short-term loan to fully finance their business activities. Loans can be used to purchase raw materials, various materials for the production of finished products, and wholesale purchases of all kinds of goods, the purpose of which is their subsequent resale.

Credit line: Often a short-term loan is issued through opening. In this case, money is issued to the client in the form of separate tranches over a specific period of time, within the limit initially specified in the agreement, and no special additional negotiations are required.

A non-revolving line of credit is a type of lending when, within the limit set by a banking institution, a commercial organization receives tranches for a specific amount pre-specified in the agreement. In the case of opening a revolving line, the client’s company receives cash tranches, and after they are fully repaid, it can receive new cash loans within the established limit and on the terms set out in the loan agreement.

Lending forms the necessary mechanism for the redistribution of funds between economic sectors and business entities.

The value of credit is characterized by the results of its application for the economy, the state and the population, as well as the characteristics of the methods by which these results are achieved. The results of using a loan are important and varied. A loan used to repay funds affects the processes of production, sales and consumption of products and the sphere of money circulation.

Lenders who have free resources have the opportunity to receive additional funds only by transferring them to the borrower. A loan provided in cash creates new means of payment.

Most credit transactions in our country are carried out within the framework of short-term loans. This is one of the most active and promising areas of lending.

Recently, short-term loans have gained great popularity. For ordinary people, this is a way to easily and hassle-free buy goods and services, without worrying that personal funds may not be enough, and for entrepreneurs, such loans significantly simplify the entire process of work, including settlements with counterparties, payment of wages and other everyday issues.

A short-term loan is a loan, as a rule, provided to individuals for the purchase of goods (or for urgent needs), and to enterprises - to update production or to replenish working capital for a maximum of a year. Short-term loans can be called the least risky credit operations for banks, so they usually offer a fairly wide selection of credit programs that are distinguished by loyal and flexible requirements for potential clients.

Speaking about the positive aspects that distinguish a short-term loan from a long-term or medium-term loan, it should be noted that it is with short-term loans that banking companies quickly make a verdict on granting a loan (most often, this decision is made within three days). If the loan amount is relatively small, then banks do not require the presence of guarantors or collateral. Or they may not even require proof of income. It is quite easy to repay such a loan in cash at any bank branch. Many organizations do not charge fees or penalties in case of early repayment of the loan. To get a short-term loan, you just need to present your passport and a second document of your choice (foreign passport, Taxpayer Identification Number, driver’s license, etc.).

Regarding the main inconvenience that a borrower may encounter when deciding to take out a short-term loan, first of all, it is that such loans can hardly serve any needs other than current ones. When you need an amount for a more significant purchase, this option will be “unaffordable” for many due to high monthly payments.

Among the main types of short-term loans for the population, the largest part is occupied by consumer loans. Their big advantage is the ease of registration and the speed of decision-making by banks. In addition, when concluding a loan agreement, the borrower can use the money at his own discretion; there is no need to indicate and confirm the intended purpose of the loan.

Another type of short-term loans for individuals is credit cards. This tool has long been part of everyday life, and many people are happy to use credit cards instead of cash. Banks have a very loyal policy regarding the issuance of credit cards: they are very easy to obtain, do not require a whole package of documents, and often in this case there is a fairly long grace period. Modest credit limit and high interest rates.

Overdraft is an alternative to credit cards. Its principle is similar: you can also withdraw cash or pay using a terminal using a plastic card. But this is usually a debit card, the account of which has periodic movements of funds. Most often this is a salary card, and an overdraft is an opportunity to withdraw more from it than you have your own funds. As soon as money appears in the account, it goes to pay off the debt. In fact, this is the same as “borrowing until payday” from a friend.

Microloans from non-bank credit organizations are a popular service for the population, which every adult resident of our country can receive. The ease and availability of “quick” money is compensated by very high interest rates and short loan terms - a month or two.

Short-term loans for legal entities can also be targeted. These are, for example, loans to replenish current assets, to purchase machinery and equipment, or even to pay wages. These types of loans are advantageous by the speed of processing and the loyal attitude of banks - there is no need to collect a large package of documents and certificates. On the other hand, banking organizations control the intended purpose of the loan. In addition, banks issue such short-term loans to their regular customers and to those organizations that have been successfully operating in the market for a long time.

Short-term lines of credit are also an option for such loans, but usually entrepreneurs prefer to use an overdraft.

Below we will take a closer look at the types of short-term loans: line of credit and overdraft.