Where to put money at interest opinion. Where to invest money at a high interest rate with a guarantee

Thinking about passive income, you need to invest capital wisely. The investor must carefully approach such a decision, because an unsuccessful investment can lead to the loss of savings. Bank deposits- one of the most reliable ways to invest savings. But here another question arises - in which bank to invest money in 2018?

In our country there is a two-level banking system, Where central bank Russia occupies the first level and conducts settlements between credit organizations by regulating their activities. Public and private commercial banks belong to the second level, providing Financial services individuals and individuals.

The first banks, closer to modern credit institutions, arose in the 7th century. BC e. in Babylon. They provided loans with a surcharge of 20-30% per annum, and took houses as collateral, land, slaves. In Russia, banks have a history dating back to the 18th century.

State-owned banks are institutions in which a controlling stake (at least 50%) belongs to the state. The top five largest state-owned banks include:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB and VTB24;
  • Gazprombank;

As for companies owned by individuals, the leading positions are occupied by Alfa-Bank, as well as Unicredit Bank, Raiffeisenbank, etc. It should be borne in mind that during 2018, changes may occur in this list due to the purchase / sale of shares.

The liquidity of a bank means the ability financial organization fulfill the obligations assumed in full and on time.

Deposits and deposits

A bank deposit is the most optimal and most common low-risk investment that preserves and increases capital. As an investment, precious metals, securities and any other assets can be involved. At the same time, a deposit, as a type of deposit, implies investing only Money.

Today, it is not uncommon for one-day companies to appear that attract deposits with favorable conditions. As a result, they collect money and close, declaring themselves bankrupt. Therefore, it is recommended to make deposits in reliable and time-tested organizations. When concluding contracts, you need to study in detail the conditions of the program, tariffs, interest, paying attention to the text printed in small print.

The bank accepts a certain amount of funds from the client for an indefinite or predetermined period and undertakes to return them with the payment of% in accordance with the conditions and procedure prescribed in the contract. The most popular are demand deposits and term deposits. Additionally, the mode (every month/quarter, at the end of the term) and the direction of payment%, as well as the possibility of withdrawing/replenishing the account, are taken into account. When transferring to a current account, the investor can immediately use the funds, and in the case of capitalization (adding% to the initial amount), subsequent payments are made taking into account the increase in funds. A small income can also be obtained through debit cards, where unspent funds can be charged from 3 to 7% per annum.

Interest rates

In Russia interest rate deposits in financial institutions directly depends on the refinancing rate and on the economic situation in the country. In the summer of 2017, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation decided to keep the refinancing rate at 9%. Given that the investment rate cannot exceed it by more than 1-2%, banks generally offer placement of funds at 7-8% per annum. In addition, inflation, according to experts, in 2018 may reach about 4%. As a result, the investor will actually be able to receive no more than 4% of the profit. For foreign currency investments, the rate does not exceed 2%.

Prestigious and reputable banks give lower interest rates than lesser known or newly founded private financial institutions. The latter do not have state support and a large client base, so they are forced to take resources from the population. To do this, they set the maximum interest on deposits, backing them up with special attractive conditions and high service level. But such credit institutions do not guarantee 100% saving of investments.

In the situation with state-owned banks, the interest on investment is quite low. At the same time, most of their capital belongs to the state, so the likelihood of bankruptcy is significantly reduced. Besides high level liquidity, stable income, insurance by the Deposit Guarantee Fund increase the level of confidence of potential investors. A deposit can be opened at any branch or using an ATM/terminal, as well as online.

Cash deposits are insured by the DIA, so you need to make sure that the bank participates in the deposit insurance system. In the event of bankruptcy, 1.4 million rubles. including % (guaranteed for today by the state sum insured) will be returned to the contributor. If it is planned to invest large funds, then it is advisable to separate them and make deposits in different companies.

In which bank is it better to invest money at interest in 2018? According to Forbes in 2017, the TOP-10 most reliable Russian banks included Sberbank, VTB, Rosselkhozbank, as well as subsidiaries of foreign credit institutions.


This largest bank in the country holds more than 40% of all Russian deposits. For clients, they offer various investment programs that differ in% rates. Among the offers are deposits that can be made online using the Internet banking system and get a higher percentage.

  • "Keep" is a non-replenishable deposit for obtaining a stable income, which is opened for a period of 1 to 36 months. When applying with a bank employee, the rate in rubles (minimum amount - 1,000) will be 3.8-5.15%, and when applying via the Internet - 4.05-5.50% per annum. In dollars (minimum amount - 100) you can get up to 1.35%.
  • "Replenish" (from 3 months) provides an opportunity for depositors to make additional contributions no more than 1,000 rubles. The interest rate when registering at a branch ranges from 3.7 to 4.62%, and online - from 3.95 to 5.05%. These conditions are optimally suited for people who want to save and increase funds. In dollars - up to 1.15%.
  • "Manage" - a program for a period of 3 months. provides for both replenishment of the account and withdrawal up to 30,000 rubles. and $1,000 without loss. The percentage is 3-4.32% (in the branch) and 3.25-4.7% (through the Network). In foreign currency up to 0.8%.
  • "Give life" - a deposit is opened in the amount of 10,000 rubles. for 12 months at 5% per annum, subject to the withdrawal of 0.3% for charity every 3 months.
  • "Savings" (perpetual) gives you the opportunity to freely dispose of deposit funds. Has no restrictions on the minimum contribution, offers up to 2.3% in r. and up to 0.01% in foreign currency.
  • "Savings certificate" - has a higher yield of up to 7.10%, as it is not subject to insurance. You can deposit from 10,000 rubles to the account. for a period of 91-1095 days. Replenishment or partial withdrawal is not provided. A security can be cashed by any person, as it does not have a specific owner.

The bank also offers profitable programs for pensioners and periodically holds promotions with favorable conditions.


Second largest asset Russian bank and the first based on the size authorized capital. At the beginning of 2018, the accession of a subsidiary of VTB24 to it was completed. This integration will improve the efficiency of interaction between business lines. Current clients of the bank do not need to re-execute existing contracts, and for future depositors, VTB offers the following programs:

  • "Loud benefit" - from 30,000 rubles. for a period of 120 days up to 10% per annum.
  • "Maximum income" - from 1,000 rubles. for 91-1095 days up to 7.14%.
  • "Maximum growth" with the possibility of replenishment and a single withdrawal in the amount of 1,000 rubles. up to 6.69%.
  • "Maximum comfort" in the amount of 1,000 rubles. and % rate up to 4.32% with the possibility of replenishment / withdrawal.
  • "Savings account" - unlimited for any amount up to 6% per annum.


Initially, the organization was created to finance infrastructure projects in the oil and gas industry. Today it offers a variety of savings, savings, spending, pension deposits with different conditions.

Among the most beneficial:

  • "Festive" - ​​issued in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. with a payment of 7.25% at the end of the term, which is up to 121 days without the right to early withdrawal and replenishment. The offer is valid until 01/31/18.
  • "Doors are open" - from 300 thousand rubles. at 7.3% for up to 91 days.
  • "Investment income" - 25 thousand rubles / 500 dollars, euros at 8.7%, 2% and 0.4%, respectively. The maximum deposit term is 367 days.
  • "Savings and Protection" in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. and more for 367 days at 8.8% per annum.

Founded to stimulate and develop Agriculture. Among the most interesting programs with increased rates, the Premium and Ultra packages stand out. For example, by making a “Gold Premium” deposit in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles / 50,000 dollars at the end of the period, which ranges from 91 to 1460 days, you can get 7.35%. At the same time, the “Profitable” program, which is issued for at least 3,000 rubles. provides up to 7.2% per annum. An interesting deposit is "Investment", concluded for 50 thousand rubles. and more for a period of 180-365 days up to 8.45% per annum. But this program is available subject to the acquisition of a share from investment funds managed by RSHB Asset Management LLC.

Russian commercial banks

Alfa-Bank is the largest private financial institution in the Russian Federation offering a wide range of deposits. Among the most profitable is Pobeda+ with a maximum income of up to 7.34% per year. An interesting offer is the Savings Bank, which provides the opportunity to receive up to 7% on the balance. The account can be replenished automatically on the day of the salary within the selected amount, or a certain% can be deducted from purchases made using a payment card.

For almost 30 years, a representative of the European banking group, UniCreditBank, has been successfully operating in Russia. A wide range of services allows you to choose a deposit for every taste with convenient deposit options and relatively high% rates, varying up to 8.35% in rubles, up to 2.66% in dollars and 0.2% in euros. All deposit programs provide for both the capitalization of the amount and the payment of interest on a monthly basis.

Raiffeisenbank is a subsidiary of a large Austrian banking holding that has been successfully operating on Russian territory since 1996. It has profitable investment programs, such as "Welcome", which is issued for 50 thousand rubles. and more for 181 days. up to 6% per year or "Profitable season" with conditions - 100 thousand rubles. for 366 days up to 6% per year.

Other most profitable investments with high interest in 2018 are offered by Renaissance Credit (up to 8.25%), Promsvyazbank (up to 8.55%), National Bank"Trust" (up to 8%). More detailed investment conditions can be found on the official website of any bank.

  • 7 concrete examples- where to invest money so that they work, which we will analyze further
  • Deposits or investing money at interest
  • Build your reserve fund before you move on to high-yield and risky investments
  • 3 ways to invest in currencies and stocks
  • My experience - investing in mutual funds with a minus sign
  • Investing money in stocks stock market
  • Exchange trading on Forex and the hype with the growth of the exchange rate
  • Investing in real estate - new buildings, hotel business, apartment building
  • The first property is a new building in the Moscow region, 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road
  • The second object of real estate - Profitable house in the suburbs

I was looking for different options where to invest money. It was a fun and undoubtedly rewarding experience, except for one problem - not knowing was very expensive and required money for each new attempt.

For reference - the price of ignorance in investing is too high:

One of the last houses I bought for investment purposes cost me additional costs for 967,000 rubles, which could really be saved even at the stage of negotiations, about buying a house, if I used one of the principles of investing in real estate:

Anything that is claimed by the real estate seller to add value to the property, but is not connected, must be tested and launched before you shake hands.

Heated floors, heating, gas, drinking water and its analysis, electricity and so on - in my case it turned out that the incredibly expensive heating system had to be turned off, as it was defrosted. Change pumps and water treatment - it did not fit the local conditions and so on.

7 specific examples - where to invest money to make it work, which we will analyze further

3 ways to invest money in the currency and stock markets:

  • Investing in Blue Chip Stocks Using the Four Fools Strategy
  • Investing money in mutual funds - share investment funds
  • Investing in Forex currency

3 options for investing in the real estate market:

  • Investment in new buildings
  • Daily rental business
  • Investing in tenement houses
  • (+) 1 way of temporary storage of money and stabilization fund - bank deposit

One day you suddenly realize that your income is growing, but there is no bank account and savings - everything that is earned just as quickly goes down to maintain a growing standard of living and loan payments. Everyone sooner or later asks the question - where to invest money so that they work for you.

Bookmark so you don't lose

Save in 2 clicks

In order not to bore you with a long theory, I will say that deposits cannot be considered a means for a profitable investment of money, at best it is a temporary place for your savings until you find a more profitable and profitable way to invest.

The income of deposits is at the level of inflation (usually lower), although it is still 2 times better than giving money to Pension Fund, but still not enough to create capital through compound interest - when you receive dividends, you invest them again, and interest is also charged on them.

Build your reserve fund before you move on to high-yield and risky investments

The stabilization fund should be kept on deposit and amount to at least 3-4 monthly expenses of your family, and preferably 6 monthly expenses.

In the event of any interruption in cash flow, you will have enough time to correct it, without affecting your standard of living. With such an airbag, you are much more likely to succeed in high-yield real estate investments and you do not have to urgently sell your assets for next to nothing to pay your current bills.

3 ways to invest in currencies and stocks

on the stock and foreign exchange market there are players and speculators who play on the difference in exchange rates, and this can hardly be called an investment of money, because you need to have quite a lot of knowledge in this area and constantly monitor your open positions - every working day.

From passive investments, one can consider investing in stocks for a long leverage, for example, according to the four fools strategy, as well as mutual funds ( mutual funds), in which the manager trades for you.

PIF is a share investment fund, when you acquire a share (share), and the management company is already acquiring shares and other assets with the money of shareholders and takes its modest small percentage for management.
If you decide to invest in this tool - consider investing in an index mutual fund of shares, as the most independent of the manager.

My experience - investing in mutual funds with a minus sign

When I first started thinking about investing, I bought a mutual fund that seemed to me to have very good upside potential. As a result, for 5 years of investing in this mutual fund, its profitability was MINUS 4%.

I naturally used the averaging method - where you put equal amounts monthly to smooth out possible market drops and compensate for the bottom.

I thought that the PIF is completely passive view investing and missed obvious moments when it was necessary to close positions and go into money, although there is another problem here - in order to sell a mutual fund, you had to go to a bank branch and write an application for redemption, which completely deprived this instrument of attractiveness.

Therefore, after 5 years, I paid off the mutual fund and received a final yield of minus 4%. Although there are probably a lot of people in this market who give out (or say they give out) a lot of profitability. There are no people in my environment who made their fortune on mutual funds, but what about you?

The main idea of ​​the day is to invest in those tools that you understand

The “invest-forget-and-don't-call” principle always leads to the fact that your money disappears.

Therefore, before making your first investment, learn the mat. part, or rather the theory and practice of investing with a sharpening on the instrument that you have chosen.

Investing in stocks in the stock market

Another investment experience is investing in blue chip stocks using the four fools strategy. I will write the full version of the strategy sometime later, the main point is that you choose companies from the list of blue chips, according to the principle of dividend yield - the ratio of dividends paid to profits received.

The logic is simple - the less money a company pays out of its profits to shareholders, the more it invests in its development, and, accordingly, shares can grow in price.

From the list received, 4 companies are selected in which money is invested.

This experience was pretty good, I made money by buying and selling stocks, but it was not like investing, but just fun trading at the monitor, which you need to do all the time:

groundhog day at the trader's monitor

My conclusion about investing in stocks - the stock market is not suitable for creating passive income and cash flow:

This method can be considered as one of the investment options, but at the same time it is necessary to regularly monitor the market and, in case of a change in the course, withdraw it into money. My opinion is that this is a rather risky and unpredictable investment if you do not do it regularly and do not track the daily dynamics. Therefore, either study and go to the stock market as a job, or get ready to lose money.

Therefore, for me, this option as a source of passive income is not suitable.

Exchange trading on Forex and the hype with the growth of the exchange rate

One of the advantages of my business is that income comes in different currencies, they gradually accumulate on accounts, and one day I issued a VIP card in one of our banks and received a personal manager as a gift. It is also possible to trade Forex through your broker without the retail spread (the difference between buying and selling a currency).

This gave me the opportunity to simply dial a phone number in a matter of minutes to conduct a deal to sell one currency and buy another. When the hype began with the growth of the dollar, I did just that, the rate rose from 52 rubles to 69 rubles.

I was certainly glad, remembering the first principle of investing. Invest in what you know. I armed myself with courses and books on Forex trading and began to regularly look at exchange news about the cost of oil, a bunch of other information and the activity of the Central Bank in the market.

When the dollar rose to 69 rubles, I bought more and immediately it began to fall to 54-55 rubles. As a result, from all my actions, I lost about 300,000 rubles, simply because I did not want to take losses and sell, hoping that the rate would grow back.

When you read this advice in books worth 300 rubles, you think that I am certainly not one of these naive guys, but only when you lose real serious money does it get to the head and well .... py.

Investing money in Forex and PAMM accountsis a roulette and a game

In this topic, you must constantly keep your finger on the pulse if you trade on your own. This can be done, but again, the experience will cost you a significant amount of money, plus this topic requires a fairly large amount of time and attention, in my opinion.

If you select PAMM accounts (when your account mirrors the deals of top traders for modest deductions), in principle, you can consider it as an investment option, but again, you need to understand how justified the risk is and how much capital you are willing to risk, I would allocate about 20% of the savings for this topic, and invest the rest in real estate. More about this

Investing in real estate - new buildings, hotel business, apartment building

After various experiments, I came to the conclusion that investing in real estate is the most interesting in my case, and here's why:

  1. Real estate, unlike stocks and currencies, usually grows in price, but this growth in the value of an object is like a cherry on a cake, because. basic money gives cash flow from renting out
  2. Regardless of the current value of the property, we rent the property and receive passive income monthly
  3. Leverage can multiply the return on investment in real estate
  4. Further, this income can also be taken into account in the bank, in order to use leverage to purchase the following objects, which also generate income, and so on to increase income by leaps and bounds.
  5. It turned out that you can invest even with minimal amounts of 200-300 thousand rubles + there are options to start in general with minimal amounts(rental house, daily rent, co-investment, etc.)

The first property is a new building in the Moscow region, 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road

Initially, an apartment was purchased with an area of ​​100m2 in a house under construction 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road, its cost at the time of purchase was 7,500,000 rubles.

After 12 months, when the house was handed over and the keys were received, the market value of the property amounted to 9.5 million rubles, an increase of + 2 million.
The first installment amounted to 1 million rubles, the rest was mortgaged - 75,000 rubles a month for 20 years.

At the time of commissioning the house, the personal capital invested in the new building amounted to - 1,000,000 (down payment + insurance) + 75,000 * 12 = 1,900,000 rubles.

About 100,000 rubles were paid off on the mortgage (for the first year)

In total, when selling an apartment for 9.5 million rubles, it turns out

  • Mortgage debt repayment - 7.5 million (initial cost) - 1 million (first installment) - 100,000 rubles (loan paid off) \u003d 6,400,000 rubles
  • It remains 3,100,000 rubles minus personal capital (1,900,000 rubles) = 1,200,000 rubles (profit for the year)
  • Return on investment for the year was (1.2 million / 1.9 million) = 63% per annum

Mistakes made in the implementation of the strategy

Many who have available funds are willing to invest money to make them work. At the same time, it is important that the income received exceeds the rate of inflation. At the same time, every investor wants the risk to be minimal. It is impossible to do without studying modern investment options in such a situation.

Before you start analyzing and comparing options for investing money, you should remember a number of rules. They help you make the most of your investment. Here are some expert tips to help you avoid most investment problems.

  1. You can only invest free money. In other words, the amount that can be invested is determined as the remainder of income after payment of basic payments and needs. It is also not worth risking money that is not your own, borrowed or on credit. If you do not follow this rule, you can get into a difficult financial situation. There are cases when the investor's families were left without a livelihood. In addition, there is a risk of losing funds, which will lead to the inability to repay the loan. The result can be a damaged credit history.
  2. You should not expect that you will immediately be able to provide for yourself by receiving passive income. Most likely, at first it will be too small to provide a comfortable existence. Therefore, at first, most of the earned funds will have to be reinvested, that is, sent to increase the invested capital.
  3. It is imperative to draw up an investment plan. It should clearly indicate all the parameters of investing money. First of all, such a plan should fix what investment options and in what proportion will be carried out. At the same time, it must be flexible enough and easily adapt to changing conditions.
  4. In order not to lose all the invested funds, the risks should be diversified. That is, you cannot invest all your capital in one investment project. It is best to choose at least 3 suitable options. The probability that three projects at once will be unprofitable is small. With proper analysis, at least one will bring profit.
  5. It is important to constantly monitor the invested money. Regular monitoring of the situation allows you to make the right decision, as well as adjust the financial plan if necessary.
  6. Do not get involved with dubious projects that promise huge profits. In this case, there is a high probability of encountering scammers, which means losing the invested funds.

These simple tips help even novice investors to competently enter the market financial investments. Do not forget that investment is also work. Without a regular analysis of the situation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make money.

Top 10 most profitable investments in 2020

The instability of the economic situation leads to the fact that the profitability of investment products is constantly changing. It is important to calculate all possible options and coordinate them with the circumstances prevailing in the country and the world. In search of an answer to the question of where to invest money profitably in 2020, experts have compiled a rating of the best options.

Investments in the development of small businesses (Alfa.Digital platform)

For those who decide to start investing with an amount of 100 thousand or more rubles, investments in small businesses through specialized platforms are great. Most often, such options are offered by large banks. They develop investment products. By investing money in them, the owner of the funds essentially lends to the companies selected by the bank.

Despite the fact that the risk in this case falls entirely on the shoulders of the investor, it can be noted that it is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the money invested is distributed among a large number of organizations.

An excellent example of a site that offers to make a profit in this way is Alfa.Digital, organized by the bank of the same name. The following investment conditions are offered here:

  • yield up to 30% per year;
  • payments are made once a week with accrued interest;
  • minimum amount investments from 100 thousand rubles.

Investments in P2P lending

P2P lending service allows you to invest almost any amount. In fact, it is a so-called social loan. Both the borrower and the lender in this case are individuals.

This option is very profitable investment funds. The interest on P2P lending is about one and a half percent per day. True, about half of them will have to be paid to the service that performs intermediary services.

Those who are looking for P2P lending services can explore two interesting portals - Vdolg.ru and Loanberry. The first site accepts investments ranging from 4 thousand to 10 million. This amount is enough to invest money and receive monthly income. Loanberry allows you to start investing in loans to individuals from 1000 rubles with interest from 20-30 percent per annum. Moreover, now there is such a function when, for a fee of 5%, you can connect insurance against default, when the site takes over the payment of the debt in the event of a default of the borrower.

Investments in Forex (currency market)

Many have heard what Forex is. However, not everyone understands that it is not limited to independent trade. To make money in the foreign exchange market through trading, you will need a significant amount of serious knowledge. In addition, without experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to make money with independent trading.

However, you should not refuse to invest money in Forex, just choose one of two popular methods:

  1. Pamm accounts are a certain type of transfer of funds to the management of professional traders. In this case, you can invest even a small amount. It is determined solely by the conditions of the selected PAMM account.
  2. Those who dream of entering into Forex transactions on their own can use social trading systems or copy the transactions of professionals. In the first case, based on the opinion of experienced traders, forecasts of market behavior are made that help beginners make the right decision. When copying trades, you should choose a trusted trader in order to find out about all the trades he concludes.

When opening positions with an investor independently more possibilities reduce risk. This is explained by the fact that in the absence of confidence in one or another forecast, you can refuse to conclude a deal. In PAMM accounts, all decisions are made by the manager himself.

Investments in startups

Investing in a startup is a profitable investment that can bring serious profits if successful. A startup in the financial world is a business project or an idea that is on initial stage development. It is only natural that even the most best projects need funding for their implementation. However, not all idea owners have free funds. Therefore, they are forced to seek help.

It is unlikely that a bank will be able to get a loan for the development of the project. This is due to the lack of confirmation of the profitability of new projects. Investors who prefer to invest in promising projects at the stage of their inception come to the aid of novice businessmen. The main difficulty of investing in startups is that it is very difficult to determine which project will be profitable and which will bring a loss.

Investments in mutual funds

A mutual fund or a mutual investment fund is a promising investment that can be classified as a type of collective investment. Contributors (in this case they are called shareholders) acquire a part of the fund's property, which is called a share, and wait for its value to grow. In fact, such investments should be long-term, in which case the probability of making a profit is the highest. The advantages of a PIF are:

  • high degree of protection from the state;
  • no need to have special knowledge;
  • low entry threshold - the cost of a share starts from two thousand rubles.

Yield mutual fund depends on the investment strategy he uses. Allocate moderate, conservative and aggressive funds. In the order in which they are listed, profits increase. But do not forget that the risk is directly dependent on it.

Experts recommend that if an investor, in the course of choosing where to invest in 2020 profitably and safely, gave preference to mutual funds, choose funds for investment that invest the collected funds in the field of IT technologies. To date, they are the most promising. In addition, such mutual funds are distinguished by the best combination of profitability and risk.

Investments in investment or endowment insurance

Investment and accumulative insurance are a combination of a profitable financial product with insurance. When drawing up an investment insurance contract, the client receives a number of advantages:

  1. guaranteed profitability of 13% from the state due to a tax deduction;
  2. investment profitability due to the management of your money by an investment or management company;
  3. the opportunity to open a deposit for a longer period than ordinary deposits.
  4. Free life and health insurance;

Cumulative insurance allows you to solve two problems:

  • protect yourself in case of financial problems;
  • accumulate a significant amount of money through effective management cash.

Investing money in securities (Through IIS)

Those who decide to invest in stocks and bonds should open an individual investment account. This can be done by contacting brokers or management company. Most often, investors make money in the stock market in one of two ways:

  1. Independent trading involves opening deals solely on the basis of the knowledge of the investor himself. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a profit without experience and certain skills.
  2. Copying the strategies of experienced managers. Such profitable investments, for example, are offered by Finam. It is implemented using the Trade center service. It is enough to choose a strategy and connect to it so that all transactions made on the professional account are transferred to the investor's IIS.

Investing money in real estate

This method requires the investor to have a sufficiently large sum of money. The amount of capital depends on the region and the type of property purchased.

In order to make a profit, you can purchase both residential and commercial real estate. There are several options for making a profit with this method of investing:

  1. purchase of real estate for the purpose of subsequent leasing;
  2. purchase for resale.

In the second case, you can increase the amount of income by buying real estate under construction or by acquiring dysfunctional or “grandmother's” apartments and selling them after repair.

It is important to remember that the sale of real estate that has been owned for less than five years leads to an obligation to pay income tax.

Bank deposits

Deposits have recently lost their popularity. This is explained by the decrease in the level of interest rates. However, they deserve attention. Despite the fact that this option is not a real way to make money, if you invest money at interest on a deposit, you can reduce the impact of inflation. Deposits are suitable for those investors who do not have sufficient financial knowledge, as well as large capital.

A deposit can be opened even for small amounts - many banks offer to conclude an agreement for one thousand rubles or even less. For many, the determining factor when choosing a deposit is the interest rate. In connection with the current system of deposit insurance in our country, the choice of a bank faded into the background. In search of where it is more profitable to invest money, you should pay attention to the programs offered Tinkoff bank. The stakes here are always at a fairly high level.

Investments in MFIs

Investments in MFIs allow you to invest under high percent equity. In this case, you do not need to have any additional knowledge and skills.

However, this option is not for everyone. Most companies set a fairly high minimum entry threshold. Traditionally, it is at the level of one and a half million for individuals and 500 thousand for legal entities.

Thus, there is no universal answer to the question of where it is better to invest money. The decision must be made on a case-by-case basis, based on the available amount, as well as the desired risk and return.

How to reduce risks

How to reduce labor intensity

How much money to invest

Current types of low-risk investments

What to look for when choosing where to invest

To understand whether it is worth investing in a particular source of income, it is necessary first of all to determine the criteria by which it will be determined whether this idea is worth it or not.

If we limit ourselves to three simple criteria, then we would like to highlight the following:


Profitability is undoubtedly one of the determining factors when choosing where to invest money in order to earn. It is measured most often as a percentage per annum on the amount of invested capital and determines how much the capital will increase in a year, that is, how much the investor will earn. If we want the invested money to work, and not just save it, then, at a minimum, the rate of return must be higher than the annual inflation rate. To date bank deposits in Moscow, they cannot boast of this, since the average rate for them is about 8.5% - this is below the level of average annual inflation, which for the last three years until 2017 is 9.9%. Therefore, in order to invest money at a high interest rate and earn on it, it is necessary to use other opportunities, which we will consider below.


The level of risk is also the main criterion when choosing where to invest money at interest. Risks are the probability of occurrence of events in which the investor may lose profits or even his investments. If, when considering ready-made investment proposals, the amount of return is most often immediately determined, then the quantitative assessment of risks is almost always unknown. This is due to the fact that it is often very difficult to predict the likelihood of certain negative consequences. And not all consequences can be determined. Therefore, when choosing where to put money at interest, it is best to delve into yourself, and what the project actually earns on, how long this process has been established and whether a situation can arise in which something goes wrong. If you do not have sufficient experience in these processes, then it is better to involve experts who understand and understand this. You also need to understand that most often, the higher the yield, the higher the risks. If you are a novice investor, then at the initial stage it is better to invest money at a low percentage, and as you gain experience, switch to more profitable offers at a high percentage.

Labor intensity

If in pure investing, when you have invested money and do nothing else, it is enough, in our opinion, to understand the levels of profitability and risks, then, for example, when investing money in your own business, it appears additional factor, as labor intensity is the amount of working time spent, multiplied by the experience and expertise of the performers. In other words, how much time you or your team will spend developing the business, and how much knowledge and skills you have. The development of your own project can have the highest profitability: hundreds or even thousands of percent per annum, but at the same time, the necessary labor intensity of the process greatly increases, especially if you yourself participate in business processes. At the same time, risks have an inverse relationship with the experience and expertise of the team, that is, the more experience and knowledge, the less risks.

Where to invest money in 2020 so as not to lose - advice from Moscow experts

When there is an understanding of what factors are decisive when choosing where to invest money so that they work, you can already consider and evaluate specific investments, which we will now do.

All options will be connected in one way or another with secured loans.

We believe that such investments, for objective reasons, are the least risky, but at the same time they have a high return.

At the same time, everyone will be able to find an acceptable type for themselves, based on possible labor costs and the availability of expertise.

To begin with, we will tell you in more detail what secured loans are and why the risks are minimal. Secured loans are loans issued by financial companies (IFIs, CPCs, car pawnshops, leasing companies) or private lenders secured by real estate and cars. All this activity is legal and regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. Interest rates on such loans are much higher than those of bank loans, and range from 40% to 100% per annum on average. Borrowers are most often entrepreneurs - the level of profitability of their business allows them to cover high interest rates, and they do not have the opportunity to undergo long and thorough bank checks. The second category of borrowers are people with spoiled credit history, the road to the banks for which is closed. Or people who do not have the opportunity to confirm their unofficial income.

All loans are issued either secured by real estate or secured by cars. Wherein maximum amount loan usually does not exceed 50% of the market value of the collateral, and the loan term is usually not more than one year. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the collateral object is sold at market value, which allows covering both the principal amount and the amount of accrued interest. If there is a difference, it is transferred to the borrower.

It is the presence of collateral that ensures the minimum level of risk for the investor, financial companies and this activity in general.

In 2020, according to experts, activities with secured loans have become especially popular and in demand among borrowers, while worthy players have appeared on the non-bank lending market, allowing ordinary individuals without any effort to invest in this area and not only not lose, but also make good money on it, having received your interest with a guarantee secured by collateral.

Now that we have figured out how it works and why the risks are minimal, let's move on to considering specific types of investments, their profitability and labor intensity. There are three options in total:

  • Profitable treasures from 14% to 22% per annum
  • Investing-Easy at 24% per annum
  • Investing-Profi up to 100% per annum

Let's dwell a little more on each of the options, and you can learn more about each by clicking on the appropriate link, where you can also leave an application for participation in the corresponding program.

Profitable savings

This type is suitable for those who do not want or cannot devote time to investing. Everything is simple here: you invested money and received income at the end of the term or in monthly payments, depending on the type of savings. No labor costs on the part of the investor, but the profitability is not the highest, but 2.5 times higher than deposits in banks - from 14% to 22% per annum. Profitable savings are suitable for those who want to invest, for example, 100,000 rubles, since the minimum amount is 1,000 rubles. Savings companies:

This type is for those who want to immerse themselves more in investing in secured loans and get a higher return on investment than in conventional deposits. Here, the investor directly issues secured loans on his own behalf, but all other business processes, such as searching for borrowers, underwriting (risk assessment and verification of the borrower), collateral assessment, drawing up contracts, accepting payments and others, are carried out by qualified specialists. The labor costs of the investor are the consideration and selection of investment proposals and the presence at the conclusion of the contract. Yield 24% per annum. Suitable if there is an investment of 300,000 rubles, it is optimal to invest 500,000 rubles or more.

The most profitable, but also the most time-consuming type of investment. This method is suitable for those who are well versed in secured loans. Unlike the previous method, all business processes, except for the search for borrowers, must be carried out independently. Profitability up to 100% per annum. A good option, where to invest 1,000,000 rubles and in a year and a half to earn a million rubles from above.

Where is it profitable to invest money at interest - a comparison of options

  • Risks
  • Payouts
  • Labor intensity
  • Investment amount

Living without a financial reserve for a rainy day is a very reckless decision. Even despite the difficult situation in the country, you can revise your family's budget so that you start saving money, thus forming a financial safety cushion. Soon, the question of where to invest money at a high interest rate will inevitably arise, because experts do not get tired of repeating that finances should work, and not lie dead weight somewhere in the closet.

Deposit as a savings instrument

A bank deposit is the most common and simple method of saving money. Unfortunately, only conservation, not multiplication. However, if your savings are still small, then you can use the deposit programs of banks as a tool for accumulating an amount sufficient to invest in other projects. At the same time, there is often a desire to invest money at a high percentage, because you want to get the maximum benefit. However, on banking market a simple rule applies: the highest interest rates are offered by young and little-known banks, while old and proven organizations that survived the previous crisis keep a more moderate interest rate. Is it worth the risk, trusting your little money to a one-day bank?

Of all the banks operating in our country, Sberbank of Russia enjoys global support and the trust of depositors. It is this bank that opens the largest number of deposit accounts, accepting deposits from the population. The maximum interest rate on ruble deposits is 9.07% per annum on a deposit without the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal. Is it possible to invest money at a high interest rate in Sberbank? Of course you can. In this case, the projected inflation for the entire term of the deposit should be taken into account. It will not work to get rich on deposit accounts, but you can save and accumulate money for subsequent investments. In addition, the habit of setting aside a portion of one's profits disciplines and sets one up for capital accumulation.

Where to invest money at a high interest rate: choose the type of investment

Deposit account in reliable bank considered one of the most risk-free, while the income is minimal. For many, peace of mind is more valuable than the likely profit, although this is not a progressive point of view. This is largely due to lack of self-confidence or lack of relevant knowledge and skills. Where else can you invest money at a high interest rate in order to significantly increase your capital?

In most cases, experts offer the following areas of investment:

  • real estate and;
  • securities (shares and bonds);
  • all kinds of mutual funds, PAMM-accounts, game on currency exchange"Forex";
  • own business;
  • other types of investment.

Each of these directions is good in its own way, carries its own risks and offers different degrees of profit. Consider all types of investment in more detail.

Investments in real estate and precious metals

There are short term and long term investments. Real estate is just a long-term investment and can bring really good profits. You can invest money at a high interest rate by buying a certain amount of bank gold. The ingot must be stored under special conditions, since its unsatisfactory condition (scratches, dents) can reduce the sale value. It will be possible to say that the invested capital has increased significantly in ten to twenty years, or even more.

The situation is approximately the same with real estate, however, there are some nuances here. The real estate market fluctuates, falling prices below the purchase price is a clear loss. It is also possible that the acquired property is located on a site that will be rebuilt. No one wants their investment to be demolished, this is an additional hassle and possible losses.

and bonds

Securities have high liquidity, especially if you are lucky enough to invest money in a bank at a high interest rate in reliable shares of a promising company or in profitable bonds. To calculate the reliability and profitability of such an investment, you either need to understand the market well enough valuable papers, or find a good investment advisor.

Shares, of course, do not pay fixed interest, however, as a shareholder in a profitable enterprise, you have the right to count on your share of the profits. Dividends can be compared to high interest, in the end it is also a profit received as a result of investing. In addition, the shares of a promising company are growing quite quickly and steadily in price.

Forex, PAMM and PIF

Trading on the Forex currency exchange can be more than profitable, and this turns the head of many novice traders. Advertising on the Internet assures that practically nothing is required - you need a computer, a certain amount of money for starting participation in the auction, and you will become a millionaire. It is possible to profitably invest money at interest received as a profit after the sale of a currency that has risen in price. In practice, most novice traders go bankrupt without having time to really understand the rules of the game. The probability of big profits here is adjacent to high risks.

PAMM accounts also belong to the Forex market, only in this case you entrust your money to a more experienced trader, counting on a part of the profit.
A PAMM account is much calmer, all decisions are made by the manager, but the risks do not decrease from this. This is where the human factor comes into play, the manager may make a mistake with the deal, and your contribution will be lost.

Mutual investment fund - this You can invest money as a share through a bank, and you will also need a manager or manager who will manage all investment affairs. The risks here are somewhat less than in the Forex market, but the success of investments in this case is also very unpredictable.

Own business

You can look for ways to invest money at a high percentage per month and hope that the bank's license will not be revoked, and inflation will be kept within some decent limits. However, there is a more dynamic option - to open your own profitable business. Depending on the chosen direction of work, profitability can reach 300%, no bank will give such an increase in welfare.

Of course, you will need to first study the issue, invest money and wait for the first time until the business reaches self-sufficiency. If the return on investment and self-sufficiency can be reached within a year, this is a great start, however, a longer period, from three to five years, is not considered a disaster, subject to stable development and a positive forecast.