State program for preferential car loans. Which crossovers in Russia will be given a preferential loan?

To support the domestic automobile industry, a state program of preferential car loans was developed and put into effect. It aims to expand the opportunities for citizens to purchase a car and support domestic car production. Similar programs have already worked previously, in 2009-2012, as well as in 2014-2017. What is meant by the term preferential car loans, and what are the conditions for the implementation of this program?

Preferential car loan: what will it be like?

A preferential car loan provides for additional conditions for its issuance or repayment. Their presence should attract the buyer and make repayment of credit funds simpler and more accessible. The following benefits are possible:

  • change in the credit rate (reduction or complete absence);
  • change in loan repayment terms (increase);
  • reducing the loan repayment amount due to the repayment of part of the loan funds by the state.

When providing preferential car loans, the first two items on the list are used most often. The 2017 list of benefits stipulates a reduction in the loan rate. This is how the state subsidizes citizens’ purchase of new cars and stimulates interest in the Russian automaker.

Changes in the new state loan program 2018

The 2018 state program differs from the previous year’s program by increasing the limit on the cost of purchased cars. In 2018 it will be 1.15 million rubles (in contrast to the 2016 figure - 1 million). However, this limit still does not subsidize the purchase of expensive cars. It only covers the increase in the cost of a car associated with the fall of the ruble and its devaluation.

Preferential car loan program: loan conditions and list

  • The car loan applies to new Russian-made cars. The selected car must be new. The period of storage of the car (counted from the day the car was released from the factory) is no more than 1 year at the time of execution of the loan agreement.
  • You can purchase a car on preferential terms if its cost does not exceed 1.15 million rubles and its weight does not exceed 3.5 tons.
  • The loan term does not exceed 3 years.
  • To purchase a car, a minimum down payment of at least 20% is required.

The preferential state program also stipulates the possibility of purchasing a foreign car. For this purpose, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a list of foreign-made cars that can be purchased under this preferential program. The list provides mainly budget models that are collected on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are representatives of the brands Deo, Ford, Hyundai, Chevrolet, Citroen, KIA. The list of the Ministry of Industry and Trade provides a list of models that can be purchased under the preferential lending program. Loan applications are accepted until December 31, 2016.

What cars can you buy?

We present to you a list of cars eligible for the preferential car loan program:
Lada Vesta, Lada X-Ray, Chevrolet Aveo, Kia Rio, Hyundai Solaris, Nissan Almera, Renault Logan/Sandero, Skoda Rapid, Volkswagen Polo sedan, Chevrolet Cruze, Citroen C4 sedan, Ford Focus, Kia cee'd/Cerato, Nissan Sentra/Tiida, Opel Astra (Family/J), Peugeot 408, Renault Megane/Fluence, Skoda Octavia, Volkswagen Jetta, Ford Mondeo, Kia Optima and Hyundai i40, Mazda 6, Opel Insignia, Ford EcoSport, Kia Sportage, Nissan Terrano, Nissan Juke, Renault Duster, Skoda Yeti, Volkswagen Tiguan.

How does a preferential car loan with government subsidies work?

In accordance with the terms of the program, the state provides benefits on loan interest. The state repays it in the amount of 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate (as of January 2016, this figure was 8.25%). This reduces the total amount of payments and makes purchasing a car on credit more affordable. As a result, for the borrower the loan interest is reduced to approximately 10%, the rest is paid by the state.

Who will be given a loan and who will not be given?

Preferential car loans may be of interest to ordinary citizens and organizations. Age conditions stipulate that the preferential lending program works for citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 65 years. To apply for a loan, you will need a civil passport with registration (necessarily in the area where the car is purchased), a driving license, and a 3-month work certificate (provided that you have been working there for at least a year). And also - a copy of the employment contract and work record book. A soft loan may be refused for two reasons:

  • Poor repayment history of previous loans.
  • For women - having children under 6 months of age.

Who gives money?

Funds for purchasing cars are provided by banks selected by the state. The list of designated banks included VTB 24, Sberbank, Rusfinancebank, Rosbank, Rosevrobank, as well as Uralsi, Raiffeisen, Cetelem, Bank of Moscow, Unicredit, Rosbank, Rosselkhozbank, Gazprombank, AiMani, Globex, Baltika, Soyuz, Toyota Bank. What influences the choice of bank:

  • Different banks may vary the period for full repayment of a car loan.
  • The initial percentage of the loan rate from which the refinancing rate is calculated and determines the real interest that the buyer will pay.
  • Set of documents - a wider or narrower list of documents required to obtain a car loan is possible.

Preferential car loans from the state are helping to restore the Russian car market and intensify demand for domestic cars.

A car loan is funds provided by a bank for... It is not necessary to make a down payment (only the bank sets the conditions), and the lending percentage will be reasonable. Also, a car loan can be classified as a group of consumer loans; it is a subtype of them. If the bank has approved the loan, then the funds can only be spent on a specific car. Moreover, the borrower will not receive the money in hand; it will immediately go to the seller’s account.

The loan can be taken in the amount of either a partial cost of the vehicle or the full amount. If the car was purchased with credit funds, then until the full amount is paid to the bank, the owner cannot donate, sell or simply exchange the car. This cannot be done without the bank's permission. In order for the bank to have at least some guarantees, the bank keeps the registration certificate. If the entire debt is paid, the owner has the right to receive a certificate.

It is important to know that if a person buys a car, then he must also purchase an MTPL policy.

Car dealerships can be directly involved in issuing loans. This way, the car dealership can draw up an agreement with the bank, which will allow them to issue a loan in the future. In this case, there will be too much paperwork that the buyer must do.

Car loans are very popular. It is enough to deposit the initial amount, which usually ranges from 20 to 30%, the rest will be done by the bank with which the agreement was concluded. A car loan has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. The purchase can be completed in a short period of time. Usually the bank issues a loan quickly enough, a couple of days are enough to consider it.
  2. You can choose any car. The more equity the buyer has, the more expensive the vehicle can be purchased.
  3. Funds are protected. The buyer's debt will be fixed and will not be linked to inflation.

Features of car loans with state support

In 2020, the state offers two lending programs. One of them is a car loan with state support. It is a loan given by a bank on preferential terms. The main principle of the proposed preferential loan is that the state pays 2/3 of the loan refinancing rate. In principle, this results in a fairly acceptable amount that the borrower himself must pay. A car loan under the state program has advantages.

  1. Any citizen has the opportunity to buy a car at a lower cost.
  2. Banks have the benefit of their own development and the opportunity to earn money.
  3. Dealers are encouraged to increase sales.
  4. With an increase in demand for the purchase of a car, the state begins to develop the automobile industry more.

Of course, any type of lending has both its positive and negative sides.

  1. When issuing loans, the bank must be sure that the person is solvent. To do this, you need to provide a number of documents that prove that the client has a high salary, and a white one at that. Work experience in one place is also taken into account.
  2. The client will have to pay for the insurance themselves, since the state pays only part of the cost of the car itself.
  3. You have less time to repay a car loan than when taking out a regular loan.

Conditions for receiving benefits

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can take advantage of benefits from the state. In this case, some conditions must be met:

  1. A car loan is available to those citizens who want to purchase a vehicle worth no more than 1,450,000 rubles. Until some time, this amount was less and amounted to 1 million rubles.
  2. The bank may require you to make a down payment, but this depends only on the bank. Now the state no longer requires making first payments.
  3. If the car was released in 2017 or 2016 in Russia, then you can purchase it now and at the same time use preferential car loans.
  4. The bank issues loans only in Russian rubles.
  5. You are given exactly three years to repay the entire amount borrowed from the bank.
  6. The car must be “from scratch”, that is, new.
  7. In the Russian Federation, there are two programs that help you purchase a car. "Family Car" and "First Car". You can also use the ten percent discount that is offered when purchasing a certain brand of car.
  8. Only an official dealership can help you buy a car.
  9. The state transfers the funds to the seller’s account.

Typically, the bank provides a loan only for the purchase of one vehicle. But at the same time, the law does not indicate anywhere that preferential lending is provided once. Of course, you can try to contact the bank again.

As already mentioned, the state has developed two programs: “Family Car” and “First Car”. What is included in these programs and what you can expect:

  1. Family Car Program. Families can use it if they have two children, as well as more, who have not reached adulthood. They can also take advantage of an additional 10% discount.
  2. The First Car program. If a person has not bought a car before, then he can use this program. A 10% discount will be significant. For example, if a car costs 1.3 million rubles, then the discount amount will be 130,000 rubles. This discount can only be obtained once when purchasing a passenger car.

What cars does it apply to?

The cost of the car is not the only limitation. It is also worth knowing that subsidized loans are carried out only for the purchase of certain cars. You need to know what dimensions and brands of cars are suitable for preferential lending. The list of cars can be found on the banks' websites. The specified weight of the purchased vehicle is no more than 3.5 tons. Banks approve loans for the following brands of cars:

  • Chevrolet Niva;
  • Chevrolet Cobalt;
  • Citroen (but this does not include all models);
  • Kia Rio;
  • Lada Kalina;
  • Lada Granta;

It’s worth knowing that the car’s equipment is usually offered at the bare minimum, so you need to take this into account.

Rules for applying for a car loan

To avoid confusion, applying for a loan can be divided into several stages. What needs to be done?

  1. First of all, the client must choose a car. In this case, the car must meet all the requirements that must be met in order to qualify for preferential lending. The make of the car, its price, as well as the year of manufacture are what you need to pay attention to first.
  2. The bank and the dealership from which the car was selected must cooperate with each other. You can find out this either at the bank or on its website, or at the salon itself.
  3. If the client can use any program (“First car” or “Family car”), then he must document this. For the first program you will need a certificate, which can be obtained from the traffic police. If a person wants to use the Family Car program, then he must have a birth certificate for his children, and two must be minors.
  4. When choosing a bank, it is worth considering that the conditions under which the loan is issued may vary significantly.
  5. When the entire package of documents is ready, you can send the application to the bank.
  6. After waiting for the bank’s approval, you can start preparing documents such as a car purchase and sale agreement.
  7. In the documents, the bank indicates the initial amount that the client must deposit.
  8. The car must be registered with the traffic police.
  9. , after concluding an insurance and collateral agreement.
  10. The next stage is concluding an agreement for a car loan.
  11. When funds from the bank arrive at the seller’s account, you can take possession of the car.

The person for whom the car will be registered is obliged to come to the bank to complete all documents. The bank has the right to determine how long it takes to collect all documents. Usually this period ranges from 1 month to 3. And the application itself can be considered in just a couple of days. It all depends on what form of lending the client needs.

List of documents to be prepared

It is possible to obtain a car loan for domestic cars provided that the client collects all the documents. Which package should I collect? Usually all banks require approximately the same documents:

  • To receive a loan you need to write an application;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • driver's license;
  • at work you need to take a salary certificate for the last three months;
  • It is necessary to have a certificate stating that the client has been working at his last place of work for more than a year. You can bring a copy of your work record book or employment contract, certified by a notary.

Having chosen a bank, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the list that it requires. What other documents may be needed:

  • military ID;
  • certificate of insurance (pension);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • In the Russian Federation there is a list of banks that offer to take out a loan with government support:

    • Rosbank;
    • PrimSotsBank;
    • VTB 24;
    • Mitsubishi Bank;
    • Volkswagen Bank;
    • Sethelem;
    • Rosselkhozbank.

    Of course, this is not a complete list. The state makes its own adjustments to the list of banks. Each organization must obtain accreditation. The bank is capable and can set the interest rate itself. As practice shows, this percentage is usually no more than 20. Most often, by going to the bank’s website, you can find a calculator that works online. There you can make all the calculations: what the monthly payment will be and the amount of overpayments. The bank determines for itself which companies and car dealerships to work with and which not.


    If someone decides to buy a car on credit with government support, it is important to know all the nuances. Having purchased a car, additional expenses will be required. A new car needs to be maintained, which entails quite a lot of expenses. Therefore, you need to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to buy a new car or not.

Which allows you to get discount when buying a car on credit. In 2017, this program was expanded and the state began to provide an additional discount on purchases.

This article will discuss the latest changes that have been made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars, and reimbursement of part costs of loans issued to individuals in 2018 - 2020 for the purchase of cars" from August 7, 2018.

Extension of the preferential lending program until 2020

1. These Rules establish the procedure and conditions for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars (hereinafter referred to as credit organizations, loans, subsidies, respectively).

1. These Rules establish the goals, conditions and procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate for lost income on loans issued by Russian credit organizations in 2015 - 2017 to individuals for the purchase of cars, and to reimburse part of the costs of loans issued in 2018 - 2020 to individuals for the purchase of cars (hereinafter referred to as loans, credit organizations, subsidies).

The first important innovation is the program is extended for 3 years(2018, 2019, 2020). However, if you are planning to get a soft loan, I recommend not putting it off until the last minute, because... Due to the large number of participants, subsidies may end much earlier. In previous years, cars sold out in 3-4 months.

Number of cars in 2018

And in order to sell 408.35 thousand cars in 2017, including 58.35 thousand cars under loan agreements...

In order to sell 45.1 thousand cars in 2018 under loans issued in 2018 - 2020....

Please note that the available number of cars is only known for 2018. It amounts to 45 100 pieces. In the previous year 2017, 58,350 cars were sold under similar conditions. Demand in 2018 was no worse, so the cars ran out in mid-autumn.

As for the limits for 2019 and 2020, they were not set. However, funding is limited in any case.

How to get a subsidy of 25% of the cost of the car?

Providing for reimbursement of the cost of paying a down payment in the amount of 10 percent of the cost of the car (25 percent of the cost of the car purchased in the Far Eastern Federal District) ...

So, in 2019 and 2020 there are 2 subsidy options:

  • 25% - when purchasing a car in the Far Eastern Federal District;
  • 10% - when purchasing in other federal districts.

Those. the maximum discount in the Far Eastern Federal District is 1,000,000 * 0.25 = 250,000 rubles.

In other regions - 1,000,000 * 0.10 = 100,000 rubles.

The Far Eastern Federal District includes the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

If you live in one of these regions, then you are in luck and can receive a subsidy of 25 percent.

If you live in other regions of the federation and are planning to buy a car on credit, then it makes sense to think about going to the Far East. Still, the difference is 150,000 rubles and in some cases the trip can be profitable. Especially for residents of neighboring regions (Siberian Federal District).

I do not rule out that for the sake of a discount someone will travel to the Far East and from the European part of Russia. However, such buyers should carefully calculate everything to find out whether the trip will bring benefits.

Cancellation of discount on loan interest

Another important change. In 2017, in addition to the discount on the down payment (10 percent), the state also compensated for part of the costs of paying interest on the loan:

h) the lending rate stipulated by the loan agreement is determined as the difference between the credit institution’s rate in effect on the date of loan issuance and:

two-thirds of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date the loan was issued - for loan agreements concluded in 2015 or 2016;
a discount of no more than 6.7 percentage points - for loan agreements concluded in 2017.

This paragraph was not supplemented with information about 2018, i.e. interest on loan you will have to pay in full.

Conditions for participation in the program

The basic conditions for participation remain the same:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • having a driver's license;
  • the car must be the first ("First Car" program) or the borrower must have 2 or more children ("Family Car" program).

The changes affected the clause prohibiting taking out other car loans:

did not enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which is confirmed by a credit report provided by the credit history bureau in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”, and also undertake not to enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which confirmed by written statements from borrowers submitted to the credit institution;

did not enter into loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2017, which is confirmed by a credit report provided by the credit history bureau in accordance with Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Credit Histories”, and also undertake not to enter into other loan agreements for the purchase of a car in 2018, which is confirmed written statements of borrowers submitted to the credit institution.

Please note that in 2017 the condition was more strict. During the year the borrower should not have borrowed no car loans, except for the preferential one.

The updated program says that the car buyer should not take out car loans in 2017, as well as in 2018 after receiving a subsidy.

Maximum car cost

no more than 1,450 thousand rubles - for cars purchased in 2017;

b) the total weight of the purchased vehicle does not exceed 3.5 tons, and its cost:
no more than 1,450 thousand rubles - for cars purchased in 2017 and 2018;

In 2018, the maximum cost of vehicles has been maintained and is 1,450,000 rubles. Let me remind you that in previous years the cost gradually increased.

Year of car manufacture

d) the purchased car is manufactured:

  • in 2016 or 2017 - for cars purchased in 2017;
  • in 2017 or 2018 - for cars purchased in 2018. In this case, a vehicle passport for a car produced in 2017 must be issued no earlier than December 1, 2017;

In this case, the conditions have become more stringent. In 2017, it was possible to buy a car manufactured during 2016, i.e. last year's

In 2018, you can also buy a car from last year (2017), but a title must be issued for such a car after December 1, 2017.

For example, if a car was manufactured in September 2017, and the title for it was received on October 15, 2017, then you will not be able to buy it at a discount.

Increasing the term of the loan agreement

g) the validity period of the loan agreement does not exceed 36 months - for loan agreements concluded before December 31, 2017 inclusive;

Previously, the maximum term of a preferential car loan was 36 months, i.e. 3 years. And this condition did not allow some buyers planning to take out a loan for a longer period (for example, 5 years) to participate in the program.

This condition has not been carried forward to 2018, i.e. Currently the maximum loan term is is not limited.

In conclusion, I would like to note that preferential car loan programs in previous years allowed many citizens of the Russian Federation to purchase cars at a good profit. So if you are planning to take out a loan to buy a car, then I advise you to take a closer look at these programs.

Good luck on the roads!

In the article:

The state car loan program was specially developed back in 2009 and is aimed at stimulating citizens of the country to buy domestic cars, as well as Russian-assembled cars. The essence of the car loan subsidy under the state program in 2018 is to provide favorable conditions for the purchase of a new car. To become a participant in the promotion, you must meet the necessary requirements.

Requirements for participants in the subsidy program

Absolutely any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a participant in the car loan subsidy program, with registration in the subject where the purchase is planned. Banks providing such services usually impose the same conditions and requirements on borrowers. Differences may be in the list of documents provided or in the amount of the down payment, but the main requirements for the borrower include:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Age from 21 to 65 years;
  • Availability of a permanent job with a minimum of 1 year of experience in the last place;
  • Confirmation of basic income by providing a certificate in form 2-NDFL;
  • Providing additional documents upon request of the bank.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation has extended the preferential car loan program for 2018.

An important nuance that concerns almost all banks participating in the state car loan program 2018.

The smaller the set of documents that can be provided for a car loan, the larger, as a rule, the down payment on the loan, in some cases up to 30% of the total cost of the car.

A negative credit history may result in a refusal to issue a car loan. Women with children under 6 months of age will also be denied a loan.

Conditions of the state program

You can’t get a car loan under the state program for just any car; it must meet the following requirements:

  • the age of the car from the moment of assembly to the moment of purchase should not exceed one year;
  • maximum cost of a car is 750 thousand rubles;
  • the total weight of the vehicle is no more than 3.5 tons;
  • only Russian assembly;
  • The car should not have been registered before.

If you select a model that meets the above requirements, you can safely purchase a car on credit under the state program in 2018.

Requirements for borrowers

  • maximum loan term – 3 years;
  • down payment – ​​15% of the total cost of the car.

According to the terms of the program, the state assumes the cost of paying off the loan in the amount of 2/3 of the total cost of the car. For example, if a rate of 15% is specified when applying for a loan, then in reality the borrower will pay only 8%.

On the official websites of banks that participate in the promotion, you can calculate the size of a car loan under the state program in 2018 using a loan calculator. To do this, you must tick all the required fields in the appropriate section and click the calculate loan button.

Please note that the program will only show an approximate result of the expected loan amount and monthly payment. More precise conditions can be obtained by directly applying for a loan from a bank employee.

List of cars

A complete list of cars eligible for the government subsidy program can always be found on bank websites, where you can also calculate a car loan using a loan calculator.

The list of banks is not that long; it includes well-known companies, such as Sberbank, VTB, Rosbank, Bank of Moscow, Unicredit and Rosselkhozbank.

Each has its own requirements and conditions for preferential lending under the state program. If you go to the appropriate section on the website, you can find all the necessary information about cars.

The list of cars is quite extensive. It mainly includes domestic cars and some foreign brands assembled in Russia.

  • Lada, almost all models and modifications;
  • UAZ, including Patriot;
  • Volga;
  • Some Niva Chevrolet models;
  • Renaud et al.

More complete information must be clarified at the bank’s representative office if it is not on the official website. An important condition for obtaining a car loan under the state program in 2018 is that the required model must be on a special approved list. The presented list of items is gradually updated. Compared to 2014, in 2018 it was replenished with 50 additional models.

A car loan subsidy under the state program in 2018 allows you to purchase a car from the list of cars approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The program was developed only a few years ago, but has already gained popularity among Russian citizens.

Despite the fact that there was a risk of oversaturation of the market for purchased cars, this did not happen. Some conditions for receiving subsidies have improved. The requirements for banks from the government have been relaxed and in the near future their list will only grow. And the successful operation of the program has led to the fact that the interest rate on car loans will gradually decrease.

This program was developed taking into account the crisis, which helped save jobs at domestic automobile factories and increase sales.


The car loan subsidy under the state program in 2018 managed to prove its effectiveness, even despite the unstable financial situation in the country. It allows you to purchase a long-awaited car on favorable terms. Additional insurance programs will allow you to remain confident in unforeseen situations. The promotion does not require a large down payment, and the low interest rate and small monthly payments will not be at all burdensome for the family budget.

To understand what advantages and disadvantages a car loan with state support 2017 will please or, conversely, upset Russian drivers, you need to understand exactly what this process is all about. We can say that we are talking about a service that the Russian government provides to its citizens, namely to those who know how to drive a vehicle. A certain amount is allocated from the country's budget, which should compensate part of your costs for buying a car. A state car loan is both an opportunity to save money and a real chance to buy a car for an amount that you do not have at the moment, but which you could pay over the next three years (this is the loan period provided for by the current year program). The borrower has access to a reduced interest rate, part of which is subsidized by the government. Thus, a car loan under the state program can be useful to those Russians who have enough money to pay the down payment for a car and the ability to pay for this purchase monthly in the future. We will tell you in more detail about the list of cars that a car loan with state support includes in 2017 below.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan under the state program. Interest rate calculation

The first thing to emphasize is that the state program of preferential car loans is available only to those residents of the Russian Federation who have Russian citizenship. In addition, all individuals from 21 to 65 years old will be able to take advantage of the subsidy. It has already been partially mentioned that a participant in the state program will be required to immediately pay the down payment - its average size is 20% of the total cost of the car. Some banks agree to terms that are more favorable to the borrower, which we will discuss in the corresponding section a little later. Of course, in order to do this, the buyer must have a permanent place of work and receive a stable income, which will need to be proven by providing a special certificate (form 2-NDFL). However, there are banks that will be able to approve a car loan under a preferential program without proof of income. Now about the requirements for a vehicle, the purchase of which is possible on the terms of car loans with government support - there are only three of them:

  1. This may be a passenger car assembled on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  2. The car should be released no earlier than 2016;
  3. The cost of a car cannot exceed the amount established by the government (last year it was 1 million 150 thousand rubles). This year it is planned to increase the limit.

If you are satisfied with all of the above, you, as a borrower, meet the requirements of the state and the bank with which you are to enter into an agreement - all that remains is to find out which cars are included in the list of vehicles subject to state subsidies. The list of brands and models of such machines is approved by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Connoisseurs of foreign-made cars will definitely be pleased with the conditions for obtaining a state loan for a car for 2017, since some of them are finally included in the list, namely:

  • Hyundai Sonata;
  • Ford Focus;
  • Chevrolet Cruze;
  • Kia Spectra;
  • Fiat Albea and others

A complete list of vehicles that meet the conditions of this program can be found in the table “Car loan with state support 2017 list of cars.”

Ident. Vehicle number (VIN)

1117, 1118, 1119, 2105, 2107, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115,2121, 2131, 2170, 2171,2172

Fabia, Octavia

Hunter, Patriot, Pickup

Hunter, Patriot

2206, 2860, 3303, 3741, 3909

2217, 2310, 2705, 2752, 3221, 3302

Sonata, Accent

Tiger, LC100, Road Partner

For those who decide to purchase one of the car models presented in the table, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the interest calculation scheme that will be available to Russians taking out car loans with government subsidies. To do this, you need to know the refinancing rate of the CBRF (Central Bank). From the amount of current interest (20%, on average), it is necessary to subtract the product of the mentioned Central Bank rate by 2/3.

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How car loans with state support work in different Russian banks

As mentioned earlier, some banks treat their customers more loyally than required by the rules of the preferential car loan program in 2017. For example, Sberbank, Gazprombank, UralSib and Rosselkhoz work with clients who have an amount of 15% of the total cost of the car. Some of them do not require additional income certificates (Sberbank), and it is possible to apply for a loan using two documents (Loko-Bank). Interest rates will therefore also differ from bank to bank. Those where the down payment should not be less than 20% (VTB24, Loko) prescribed in the state program can offer their clients 15% per annum, as opposed to the 9.5% available in the same Rosselkhoz. So, which bank to choose is up to the borrower.

The state car loan program does not oblige participants to use the services of any specific financial institutions.

The only obstacle to contacting a particular bank may be the absence of a branch in the area where you are registered.

Pros and cons of applying for a car loan with government support

So, before you decide for sure whether you need a car loan under the state program, we suggest weighing the pros and cons. Let's try to briefly understand the advantages and disadvantages of government subsidies. The obvious advantages of this procedure include the possibility of purchasing a car on credit at a reduced interest rate (for example, 10% instead of 14%). In addition, among the advantages that state-subsidized car loans provide, the small amount of the down payment (15-20%) clearly stands out. The number of car models (about 50) approved by the Ministry can also be considered a plus. At the same time, the program of state subsidies for car loans is fraught with certain pitfalls, the main one of which is the limited loan period (no more than 3 years). It should also be remembered that the cost of the car chosen by the borrower should not exceed a certain amount, all transactions are carried out only in domestic currency and you can only purchase a new passenger car, the assembly of which was carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.