The grace period is 55 days, how to count it. How to use a Sberbank credit card with a grace period

Billing period- this is the period during which you make purchases, and the bank keeps records of how much money you spent. Typically this period is 30 days.

Next begins payment period(sometimes it is called preferential). This is the time during which you are given the opportunity to fully recoup the money spent. Please note that you must repay the entire amount of the debt - only in this case the bank will not charge you interest for the use of funds (to the extent of the used credit limit). The duration of the payment period is usually 20 or 30 days - so in total (with a billing period of 30 days) the period of interest-free use of credit money “promised” by the bank is 50, 60, etc. days.

If you were unable to fully return all the money spent to the card, the bank will charge interest on the amount you spent during the billing period. At the end of the grace period, you will need to pay a minimum payment (usually 5-10% of the amount) and interest accrued for using these funds.

From the end of the first billing period (30 days), the next billing period will begin. Please note this occurs at the same time as the first pay period begins. That is, at the same time, both the payment period for the debts of the previous billing period and the new billing period will be valid on your card.

Calculation features

All the nuances of calculating the grace period and calculating interest depend, of course, on the length of the billing and payment periods.Let's look at a specific example.

The billing period begins to be calculated from the moment you received a credit card at a bank branch or activated a previously received one. Let's say it's October 1st. Then within a month you spent 20,000 rubles. November 1st (October 1st plus 30/31 days) will be the end of your first billing period. The bank will calculate how much of the credit limit you have spent during this period and send you an SMS notification (this service is not provided by all banks; in some, to obtain this information, you need to call the call center or look in the Internet bank). In our example, it will be 20,000 rubles.

By the way, during the grace period, you can continue to use your credit card within the remaining limit. For example, before November 21st you spent another 10,000 rubles. What is the nuance? If you do not want to pay interest for using a credit card, you must deposit ALL money spent on the card by November 21st. In our example, this will be 30,000 rubles (20,000 spent in the billing period and 10,000 spent in the payment period).

Let's say you haven't paid off your debt in full. It's okay - by the end of the grace period (November 21), you need to make a minimum payment (depending on the terms of your card: if 5% - then in our example it will be 1,000 rubles, if 10% - then 2,000 rubles) and interest for use 20,000 rubles. The exact payment amount will be contained in the statement that the bank will send you at the end of the billing period (November 1).

An interesting period is from November 1 to December 1. This is the period of time when the second billing period is in progress and the payment period is still ongoing (until November 21st). What does it mean? To use the card for free, you must repay the entire amount spent from October 1 to November 21. But the calculation of the minimum payment amount and interest for November will be made on December 1 (at the end of the second billing period), based on the outstanding balance. In our example, it will be 20,000 rubles (spent in the first billing period) minus 2,000 (minimum payment on November 21) plus 10,000 (money spent in the second billing period) - a total of 28,000 rubles. From this amount the bank will calculate the minimum contribution amount until December 21 (end of the second grace period) - 2,800 rubles and interest from 28,000 rubles. And so on.

Grace period from the moment of the first purchase

Let's consider this example under other conditions - when the calculation period begins from the moment the first purchase is made. This is the most convenient option for the consumer, because... in this case, you can apply for a card, but not use it until you need it. In addition, interest calculations will be carried out fairly.

For example, you received a card by mail on October 1, and made your first purchase for 20,000 on October 28. This means that the end of the billing period for you will be November 27 (October 28 plus 30 days), and the end of the grace period will be December 17 (October 28 plus 50 days) - before this date you must repay 20,000 plus the entire amount that you still spend before 17 December.

Fixed payment period date

Some banks “simplify” life for both themselves and their clients: they fix the end dates of the billing period and payment period with certain calendar dates, regardless of when you issued a credit card or started using it. Typically, banks set the first day of the month as the end of the billing period, and 25 or 20 as the end of the payment period.

For example, you issued a card on October 10, and made the first payment of 20,000 on October 20. All the same, on November 1, the bank will calculate the debt for the first billing period in the amount of 20,000 and will expect you to repay either the entire debt or make the minimum payment by November 20.

How do different banks calculate the grace period?

Alfa Bank has different grace periods for different types of credit cards: for traditional cards, a 100-day period is provided, counting from the date of receipt of the card. In this case, the billing period is 30 days, and the payment period is 70 days. If you are applying for a co-branded card (in partnership with some company, for example, Aeroflot or Cosmopolitan), then the total grace period will be only 60 days (30 days for settlement and 30 for payment).

and Home Credit are provided on the same terms - the calculation period (one month - 30/31 days) begins from the card issue date. The payment period is 20 days, that is, the total duration of the interest-free period is 50 or 51 days (depending on the number of days in the month).

Russian Standard Bank has a total interest-free period on credit cards of 55 days. Of these, 30 days are the billing period (counting from the date the card was issued), 25 days are the payment period.

But atThe calculation period begins from the moment the first transaction is made, and not from the moment the credit card is issued or received. The billing period is also 30 days, and the payment period is 25 days, so the total is 55 days.

Features of using the grace period

Remember that the interest-free period usually only applies to non-cash payments for goods and services (both at points of sale and online). As a rule, the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawals from ATMs, replenishment of electronic money accounts, and non-cash transfers (for example, through Internet banking systems). In most banks, when withdrawing funds from a credit card through an ATM, you will first pay a cash withdrawal fee (approximately 2 - 3% of the withdrawal amount), and then also monthly interest on this amount (even if you fully repay the debt before the end of the grace period) .

Upon signing (or plastic card service agreement), be sure to pay attention to the periodic payments that you will need to make. There are no more commissions left, but monthly insurance, commissions for SMS notifications, fees for annual card maintenance, for example, remain. What's the catch"? Banks directly write off these payments directly from your credit limit without acceptance. And then they charge interest on it as if you were the one who made the transaction.

Pay attention to the specifics of debt repayment. As a rule, the fact of debt payment is not considered the date when you deposited funds onto the card through an ATM, terminal, or bank cash desk, but rather the moment when the money is credited to your card account. Even within the bank itself, money can take 1-3 days from the cash register to the account (alas, this is from personal experience). And if you pay via mail, payment terminals, or other banks, the crediting period may be longer. So always plan to pay off your credit card debt early—don't leave it until the last day.

So, if you really decide that you need a credit card with a grace period, but at the same time you don’t want to pay the bank an “extra” penny, then the only sure way is to pay only by bank transfer and at the same time completely pay off all debt to the bank before the end grace period.

How to find out the amount of debt? Typically, banks send an SMS notification on the last day of the billing period, which contains information about the balance of all debt on the card, as well as the minimum payment that must be made before a certain date. Woo-a-la: the balance of the debt is known, the deadline for payment is also known. Before this date, pay off the debt in full (deposit money onto the card at least in parts). Try not to spend money during the payment period. Well, or before date X, return what you spent.

At Sberbank, the grace period may be maximum 50 calendar days. This is exactly how much you can avoid paying interest on using credit funds. But please note that the LP will only be valid if you paid with a card for purchases or services. If you withdraw money from a cash register or ATM, spend it in a casino or make a transfer, interest will be accrued from the first day in any case.

So, in order not to pay interest, you need to make the entire payment amount during the grace period. Many people think that the 50-day countdown starts from the date of purchase. But in the case of Sberbank this is not the case. As I already said, 50 days is the maximum. In general, the LP can be 20, 30, or 40 days. How do you know when his term ends?

When you receive the card, you will be given a PIN envelope on which the report date will be indicated. This will be the beginning of the grace period.

For example, on the PIN envelope it is written that the reporting day for your credit card is 5th of every month. This means that 50 days will be counted from this date: i.e. 30 (31) days until the next 5th (this is called reporting period) and plus another 20 days (this is repayment period). Those. in our case, the last repayment date will be the 25th.

It turns out that the LP can be a minimum of 20 days and a maximum of 50. To make it clearer, let’s look at a few examples. At the same time, do not forget that our report date is the 5th.

Example No. 1 : you made a purchase on June 7th. In this case, you have 28 days until July 5th plus another 20 days (i.e. until July 25th). There is a total of 48 days of grace period.

Example #2: you make a purchase on June 26th. Accordingly, you have 9 days left until July 5th plus 20 days. The grace period in this case will be 29 days.

It turns out that it is best to make payments using a Sberbank card at the beginning of the reporting period, then the grace period will be as long as possible.

In addition to questions about the length of the grace period, the question often arises about what exact amount should be repaid in order not to fall out of the grace period. I answer: the main thing is to deposit the amount spent during the reporting period. Payments made for purchases during the repayment period are optional! They do not affect the drug.

Example #3: On June 8, you used your card in a store for 3 thousand rubles, on June 25 - for 1 thousand rubles, and on July 9 - for another 2 thousand rubles. Before the payment date (i.e. before July 25), in order not to be expelled from grace, it is necessary to deposit only 4 thousand rubles. (3 thousand + 1 thousand). You can pay the remaining 2 thousand until August 25 (i.e. they fall under the next LP).

By the way, the amount and deadline for payment must also be indicated in the monthly report on the card. There are two ways to obtain such a report:

1) personal appearance of the owner of the plastic card at the place where the account was opened (i.e. you will have to go to the bank every month);

2) via the Internet to an email address (which, it seems to me, is much more convenient).

Initially, the method is indicated in the application for a credit card, but later it can be changed. To do this, you need to contact the branch where the card was opened and write the appropriate application.

If there were no card transactions for a month, the report is not generated.

And do not forget that if you have not paid the entire debt by the deadline for repayment, then interest will be charged on the amount of the actual debt. Those. in the next report, in addition to the principal debt, the obligatory payment will also include interest accrued from the date the transaction is reflected on the card account.

A credit card from Sberbank is an ideal tool for those who want to take out a payday loan. Sberbank has many different offers for lending to the population, and they all have different characteristics. An important condition for lending is the presence of a grace period, during which you can use the money completely free of charge. However, how long the grace period lasts on a credit card from Sberbank using an example remains to be found out in the material.

Sberbank credit cards are famous for having a grace period, the duration of which is 50 days. A grace period for lending of up to 50 days means that during this time the client can use finance by borrowing it from the bank without paying a commission. Moreover, the rules for using a Sberbank credit card state that only in case of non-cash payment using plastic.

The grace period is also called the grace period, which lasts 50 days. Many clients, when using a loan, count 50 days from the date of payment by card, which is not correct. When applying for a plastic card, a bank employee must explain what a preferential credit card from Sberbank is and how to use it correctly. Everyone can calculate the grace period of a Sberbank credit card independently. To do this, you need to know that the grace period is divided into two values:

  1. Reportable.
  2. Payment.

Let's look at the features of each period separately and find out what they are.

Reporting period: what it is and its features

While the reporting period of the Sberbank credit card lasts, the client can pay with it for any goods and services non-cash. During this period, interest will not accrue. The duration of the reporting period is 30 days out of the 50 grace period. The 30-day report is kept not from the moment the balance on the card decreases, but from the day the report is compiled. What does it mean? The terms of use of the loan state that the reporting period begins from the day the plastic is activated. This means that the use of the grace period of the Sberbank credit card begins from the date on which the plastic was activated. Every month the reporting period begins on this date, so for ease of calculation, many people want to receive plastic at the beginning of the month, so as not to get confused later.

This is interesting! The date of the reporting period begins automatically from the moment the plastic is received, but it can be changed when drawing up the contract.

You can ask a bank employee how to find out the reporting period for your credit card. He will check when the card was entered into action, after which he will inform the client of the reporting time date. Based on this number, you can easily calculate how long you can use the grace period.

After the end of the 30-day period, the bank sends the client a statement of all payments:

  1. The amount of money that was spent.
  2. When the funds have been spent.
  3. Total debt to the bank.
  4. Recommended minimum payment amount to be made.

To make the most of the interest-free period of a Sberbank credit card, you must pay off the debt over the next 20 days. During these 20 days, interest will not be accrued, however, after their expiration, if the entire amount is not paid, then interest will be calculated along with penalties. If the minimum payment is made, interest will accrue, but there will be no penalty. The twenty-day period is called the payment time during which the client must repay the debt incurred in the previous 30 days.

How to find out the payment deadline

You can return money not only during the payment time, but also during the reporting period. If possible, it is recommended to carry out the calculation within this period of time. If this is not possible, then you need to deposit the minimum payment into the account, which will prevent the accrual of penalties.

An example of a grace period on a Sberbank credit card can be considered as follows:

  1. If the start of reporting time falls on the 10th, then purchases that will be completed on the 15th will have the grace period reduced by 5 days. This means that the client will have 45 days instead of 50 to return the money without paying interest.
  2. If purchases are made on the 9th day of the next month (i.e., on the last day of the reporting period), then the client will have only 20 days to repay the debt in order not to pay the commission. To prevent this from happening, you need to wait until the 10th or 11th and then make a purchase. In this case, the client will have 50 days to repay the loan.

Not many people know how to calculate the grace period, although almost every person uses credit cards. Some people use a loan calculator for calculations, through which you can quickly make calculations.

This is interesting! If the client knows the principle of calculating grace time, then he can accurately calculate when it is better for him to make a purchase in order to use credit funds without harming himself. After all, the probability of repaying a loan in 50 days is higher than in 20, especially if we are talking about impressive amounts.

Example of card payment calculation

The maximum grace period is 50 days. This duration will be provided to the client if he uses the loan on the day the reporting period is formed. With each subsequent day after the report is generated, the time will decrease.

This is interesting! The time the report is generated is also called day X. During the reporting period, you can spend money from your credit card, but you must return it within the next 20 days.

Now let’s look at an example of debt on a Sberbank credit card based on a grace period with specific amounts.

  1. If the beginning of the reporting period falls on the 1st day, then within 30 days you can spend any amount that is available on your plastic balance.
  2. If you spend 10 thousand rubles on the 5th of the current month, and another 10 thousand on the 15th, then you will need to pay off the debt in the amount of 20 thousand by the 19th of the next month.
  3. To pay off debt, many rely on wages, which are received at the beginning of the month, and an advance at the end. This means that you can cover the debt until the 19th day of the next month with an advance payment, which is accrued after the 20th day of the current month, or with a salary accrued at the beginning of the next month.

If the salary is not enough to repay the debt in full, then the money can be withdrawn from the savings account. Many clients have several credit cards from different banks. Through accurate calculations, you can move money from accounts without losing interest on the use of money.

If problems arise during independent payments, then in the “Credit Cards” section in the personal account of the Sberbank Online service there is a credit calculator. To use this calculator, you need to know the following information:

  1. Report start date.
  2. Loan interest rate.
  3. The date you planned to make the purchase.
  4. Approximate amount of expenses.

The advantage of the calculator is not even that it will show the exact date of debt repayment, but the presence of an option to show savings if you pay off the debt within a specified period. If you are not in a hurry to make a purchase, then calculate when it is more rational to do it in order to have time to pay off the debt without loss to yourself.

This is interesting! Do not forget that the grace period only applies to non-cash payment methods. Even if you transfer money from a credit card to a debit card for the purpose of withdrawing cash, a 3% commission will be charged upon transfer, and the grace period will also be disabled.

Features of using a credit card

Cardholders must carefully read all terms and conditions of service. This must be done so that misunderstandings and disagreements do not arise later. After the end of the interest-free period, interest will accrue on the credit card. What percentage will be charged depends on each individual case. First of all, it depends on the type of credit card, as well as the minimum payment. On average, the interest rate ranges from 19% to 35%. The rate is specified in the contract, but it can be changed. If the minimum payment is not paid, the bank has the right to increase the interest rate from the minimum level to the maximum. In addition, it is important to consider that a penalty of 0.1% of the debt amount will be charged daily. The debt, if it is not repaid on time, will only increase.

After repaying the debt in full, you can withdraw money again the next day, since the grace period will again be valid for 50 days. For clients who use Sberbank Online, it is possible to control the need to repay debt in their personal account. Here you can track not only all expenses, but also control when the debt should be repaid, as well as how much the minimum payment needs to be made.

When using a credit card, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. During the reporting period, you can use your credit card for non-cash payments without restrictions.
  2. When withdrawing money from an ATM, you need to understand that there will be no grace period.
  3. Interest is accrued immediately upon expiration of the grace period. If the money does not arrive in the account within the specified period, interest will be automatically deducted.
  4. A penalty is charged only if the client does not pay the required payment.
  5. There are many different options for topping up your account. You can choose any one that is convenient for the client.
  6. It is imperative to take into account the time of crediting the money, since if it is sent ahead of schedule but arrives after the grace period has expired, then interest will already be calculated.

To avoid problems when crediting money to the card, you should print a receipt in any case. This check is the only proof of the transaction.

Conditions for cash withdrawal

The grace period applies only to certain types of payments. Some of these payments include:

  1. Payment for goods in retail stores.
  2. Purchasing goods in online stores.
  3. Carrying out payments for rent and similar transactions.

The grace period does not apply to the following types of payments:

  • If a client makes an internal transfer between their accounts.
  • When withdrawing cash from a credit card at an ATM.

If you need to use real money, it is recommended to take out a direct loan from a bank. This will avoid the accrual of interest and penalties, as well as the accrual of commissions for withdrawing money from an ATM.

This is interesting! The main purpose of credit cards is to convert customers to non-cash payment methods that are beneficial for the banks themselves. The more transactions in a country are carried out non-cash, the more cash flows into the bank.

The grace period on a Sberbank credit card is not the only advantage provided by the bank. Another positive feature is a unique promotion called “Thank you from Sberbank.” This is a bonus program through which points are credited to the client’s account for each non-cash transaction. These points are equal to the ruble 1:1. You can spend points in any store that is a partner of Sberbank.

The grace period is 50 days, but you should not take this information directly. Before you rush to spend money on credit cards, you need to first understand the features and conditions of their return.

Grace period- the number of days during which interest is not accrued for using a credit line or overdraft opened to the client’s card account.

Depending on the capabilities of the card system used by the bank, the “grace period” can be set for each individual transaction (for example, 30-50 days from the date of the transaction) or for a calendar period (for example, from the 1st to the 15th day of the month).

The grace period is a variable value. The number of days indicated in the advertisement, during which you can use the loan almost free of charge, in practice often turns out to be much less. A common misconception among owners of preferential credit cards is the belief that the grace period starts from the day the purchase is made. In fact, for most banks, the advertised 40-55 days of interest-free lending on a card are counted from the 1st of the current month. The resulting debt must be repaid strictly before a certain date of the next month (usually the 10th-25th). So the closer to the end of the month the payment is made by card, the fewer grace days for using the loan will remain.

When can you use funds again after closing your credit limit?from a credit card free of charge, within the grace period?

Funds are usually available immediately upon receipt of the account, but it is important to remember that between 5 minutes and several days may pass between the funds being deposited and the funds being credited to the account, depending on how the client deposited the money. For example, transferring funds from a salary card via the Internet and depositing money through a self-service terminal will have different times for the funds to arrive in the account.

It should be noted that the grace period is often valid only for trading transactions (settlements in the trade and service network and purchases on the Internet), and the grace period does not apply to funds withdrawn in cash. In order for the grace period to apply again, it is necessary to fully repay the debt, both for purchases and for cash withdrawal transactions for the previous reporting period.

How is the grace period calculated if the loan funds were withdrawn twice - partly last month, partly - this month?

The grace period applies to each billing cycle separately. The billing cycle is usually 30 calendar days. Thus, the debt that arose in October is repaid in November - the client receives a grace period for October transactions, and at the same time the deposited funds are available to him for transactions in November. Credit card holders should note that outstanding debt from a previous period does not affect the availability of a grace period for the current billing cycle.
To obtain a grace period in this case, it is necessary to repay the full amount of debt that was incurred during the previous billing cycle. To continuously benefit from the grace period, you must repay the debt in full from the previous billing cycle every month.

It happens that it is very difficult for a client to independently calculate how much amount needs to be repaid in order not to pay interest to the bank for using the loan. This depends on the bank’s internal regulations and contractual relations with the client. It is recommended to find out the repayment amount at the contact center before the repayment date.

What is necessary for successful use of a credit limit?

It must be remembered that the credit limit is renewable; funds deposited to repay the used limit are again available for use.

The rules for applying the grace period should be taken into account in terms of the timing of depositing funds to use the grace period.

The grace period may not apply to all card transactions. For example, a cash withdrawal may be a transaction for which there is no grace period.

Using the credit card installment purchase service allows you to reduce the burden on the client’s budget.

To successfully use your credit limit, you must:

  • familiarize yourself with tariffs and interest rates in order to understand what costs may arise when using credit funds;
  • find out what the minimum payment and within what time frame must be made monthly in order to avoid late payments and the accrual of fines;
  • clarify what additional services can be used to make using a credit card more convenient (for example, the availability of SMS notifications, Internet banking, smartphone applications - mobile banking);
  • use a credit card constantly when making payments at retail outlets, since many banks have additional bonuses for using credit funds in the retail network, which will allow the client to take advantage of bonus and preferential offers.

How to correctly calculate the end of the grace period?

In this case, the funds must be returned (deposited into the account) on a specific date. As a rule, this is either the so-called day. billing (calculation date), for example, the 1st day of each month for all clients, regardless of when any of them started using the credit limit. Or the last day of using the grace period (most often, Ukrainian banks use the so-called grace period of 30-45 days). In this case, the grace period will work. Theoretically, you can “make it in 60 minutes” if the money arrives in your account even at the last moment before billing starts. The system will carry out the necessary calculations and again set (set) the credit limit on the client’s account.

The main difference in the approaches to accounting for the grace period for a credit limit for Ukrainian banks is the accounting period itself: it is either a specific day or a clear time period. In the first option: if for all clients the end day of the grace period is (for example) the first day of each month, then, regardless of the day they start using credit money, the settlement day will be the same. Thus, a client who used credit money on the 5th is in a more advantageous financial situation compared to a client who took out a loan on the 25th. Since for the first the real grace period will be 26-27 calendar days, while for the second it is only 6-7 days. With the second approach, regardless of what day of the week the client “got into debt,” he has a strict 30-45 days, during which the use of the loan is carried out on preferential terms.

The grace period (sometimes called the “grace period”) allows you to use credit on the card for free. The grace period applies to transactions for paying for goods and services using a credit card, including those made via the Internet, as well as transactions for paying for utilities. As a rule, it does not cover cash withdrawal operations through a cash register or ATM, transfers to electronic wallets of any payment system, transfers to other accounts, or payment transactions for the services of gaming houses and casinos.

Obviously, since such a service exists, it should be beneficial to banks. It is no less obvious that the service should also be useful to clients. In this case, banks are counting on the fact that you will not be able or want to repay the debt on time. As a result, interest will be accrued for the entire time from the moment the debt arose, and this is not to mention the fines that appear if you fail to make the monthly minimum payment. On the other hand, with a competent approach to the grace period, you will be able to use the bank’s money for free, while your own funds can gradually generate income on the deposit.

Most banks divide the grace period into two parts: 30 days, when you can make a purchase on credit, and the following 20-25 days, when the debt can be repaid. Thus, the maximum grace period for the loan can be up to 50-55 days, depending on the date of purchase.

Grace period = calendar month +

The grace period scheme described below is the most common. In accordance with it, the grace period is equal to the number of days before the end of the month plus 20-25 days following it. In this case, the minimum grace period will be 20-25 days, the maximum - 50-55. If by the 25th day of the calendar month following the billing month you do not repay the full amount of the debt indicated in the monthly statement, then interest is charged on the entire amount of the debt from the moment it arose. Moreover, in order to continue using the credit card, you need to make the minimum payment indicated on the statement (usually it is 5-10% of the amount owed). Otherwise, penalties will be applied.


March 1: a refrigerator in a retail chain worth 20 thousand rubles is paid for with a credit card.
April 1: You will receive a monthly card statement showing this amount.
March 1 - April 25: Your grace period will expire.

You can continue this example, based on the assumption that you suddenly did not repay the debt on time.

April 25: The bank charges interest for the entire term of the loan. If we take the average rate on cards with a grace period (25% per annum), then the amount of interest will be 753 rubles. advice: Don’t limit yourself to the minimum payment. Pay the full amount of the debt, otherwise interest cannot be avoided.

Grace period = billing period +

As you use your credit card, you will receive invoice statements that indicate all transactions carried out during the reporting period, as well as debt indicators calculated for this period. In some banks, the settlement period is not tied to a calendar month. Then the duration of the grace period for you will directly depend on how much the date of purchase lags behind the date of receipt of the last statement.


The bank statement arrives monthly on the 3rd.

March 1: you pay with a credit card for a refrigerator in a retail chain worth 20 thousand rubles.
March 3: the bank issued an invoice statement.
March 1 - March 23: Your grace period. advice: Carefully monitor the dates of statements and count the “grace days” from them. Do not tie the grace period to the dates of card transactions.

Grace period = calendar month + next

When applying this scheme, the grace period can be up to 60 days. The first month you make purchases using your credit card, but the next month you are required to pay for those purchases in full. The caveat is that if you have an outstanding debt for the previous month, you will not be able to use the grace period in the next month.


March 1 - April 1: you made purchases with a credit card for 20 thousand rubles.
March 1 - May 1: grace period during which you must pay the bank in full.

If, for example, on April 5 you spend 10 thousand rubles from your card, then the grace period will not apply to this amount. It will be possible to “turn on” only from May, having fully repaid the entire debt in April (i.e. 20 thousand rubles for March and 10 thousand rubles +% for April). advice: Set reminders on the last day of each month to repay your card loan on time. And in order to avoid unwanted interest when repaying a loan, always check the amount of your debt with a bank employee.

Grace period = date of first purchase on credit +

In some banks, the grace period begins to operate not from the beginning of the reporting period or calendar month, but from the moment the card transaction is completed. The period lasts on average up to 50 days: 30 days is the billing period, 20 days is the payment period.

March 14 - April 16: you made purchases for 20 thousand rubles.
March 14 - April 26: grace period.

To prevent interest on the loan from accruing, you must pay the full amount of the outstanding debt any day before April 26 inclusive. advice: Do not forget that despite the length of the grace period, the minimum payment must be made monthly.

Fixed grace period

A fixed grace period is set for each purchase separately. As a rule, its duration does not exceed 30 days. This scheme is typical for inexpensive cards.


March 1: you paid for groceries in the supermarket in the amount of 3 thousand rubles.
March 1 - March 30: Your grace period.
March 4: you purchased a cell phone for 15 thousand rubles using your card.
March 4 - April 3: your grace period for telephone debt. advice: Remember the dates of your card purchases in order to meet the deadline set by the bank. Otherwise, high interest rates cannot be avoided.

Remember that the grace period is a double-edged sword. Careful study of the terms of the loan agreement will help you turn the benefits to your side. Read the product description, understand which grace period scheme applies to your card. Always be careful and repay your card debt on time.