What options may there be for calculating the mandatory payment? Minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card

A credit card is a very convenient financial instrument with which you can put your personal budget in order and save a lot of money. The main thing is to know how to use it so as not to pay interest and not accumulate debt. Therefore, before discussing a credit limit with a manager and signing a banking service agreement, you should independently calculate the future minimum monthly payment on a Sberbank credit card and honestly assess your financial capabilities.

How do standard consumer loans compare to credit cards? That's right: they don't have a grace period for lending. Whatever amount you borrow, you will have to pay it back with interest. Moreover, even if you decide to close the loan ahead of schedule, 3-4 months before its end according to schedule.

A grace period is essentially an opportunity to make purchases in installments. For all Sberbank credit cards it lasts 50 calendar days. During this time, borrowed funds can be used absolutely free, without fear that the bank’s commission will ultimately be greater than the loan itself.

The grace period in Sberbank can be divided into two parts:

  • Reporting period. During this time, you can make purchases by paying with a credit card, without charging interest on the amount spent. Its start date is specified in the contract. Duration - 30 days;
  • Payment period. Follows the date of generation of the monthly account statement. Lasts 20 days. At this time, the client can repay the debt without overpayment and renew the credit limit provided to him.

In order not to pay commissions to the bank, you need to repay the debt during the grace period. Otherwise, the credit card will turn into an ordinary non-targeted loan with interest rates from 23.9% to 27.9% per year and mandatory monthly payments.

The mandatory payment must be made before the end of 50 days, otherwise interest will begin to accrue on the amount owed. The diagram will help you calculate the term and determine the payment date.

What is the minimum payment on a credit card?

If you are unable to repay the debt in full, you will have to make a mandatory payment until the loan is fully repaid. What is the minimum payment?

The minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card is the amount that must be deposited into the account in order to prevent delays and the accrual of increased interest on your debt. This mandatory payment must be received on the card before the end of the interest-free period if the client is unable to repay the debt in full.

The size of the payment directly depends on how much money you owe the bank. The total credit limit is not taken into account. That is, if the maximum limit is 600,000 rubles, and the expense is 40,000 rubles, then you will only be paid for what you managed to spend within 50 days.

Today, the mandatory monthly payment on a Sberbank credit card is 5% of the current debt, but not less than 150 rubles. To this value you must add: costs for additional services (cash transfers, money transfers, etc.); interest on the loan (if the borrower was unable to repay the money before the grace period expired).

Monthly payment is calculated individually, in accordance with the conditions and tariff plan

How to find out the amount of the mandatory payment?

It is very easy to find out the payment amount on a Sberbank credit card. You can do this:

  • In one of the company's branches.
  • Through a personal profile on the website of the Sberbank Online Internet service.
  • Call the hotline: 8-800-555-55-50.
  • Via SMS to number 900.

How to calculate the monthly payment yourself?

If the client was unable to repay the loan in full, he is required to deposit a minimum amount into the account to confirm his solvency. According to the terms of the Sberbank loan agreement, if the borrower does not take advantage of the grace period, interest on the loan will be accrued from the day following the day of the debit transaction. Therefore, the first minimum payment and all subsequent ones will by default include the commission established by the tariff. This must be taken into account in order to correctly calculate the payment on a Sberbank credit card and avoid penalties.


Nikolay is a salary client of Sberbank. He issued a Visa Classic credit card with a limit of 200,000 rubles. at 23.9% on a special offer. A little later, he made a purchase for 70,000 rubles. Nikolai was unable to return the money before the end of the 50-day period, so he decided to repay the loan in minimal payments. The first payment in his case will be equal to:

  • 5% of the debt: 70,000 × 5 ÷ 100 = 3,500 rubles;
  • bank commission - 23.9%: 70,000 × 23.9 ÷ 100 ÷ 12 = 1394 rubles. 17 kopecks

Total: 4894 rub. 17 kopecks

Methods and terms of debt payment

There are two strategies for paying off credit card debt: minimum monthly payments or larger transfers.

In the first case, you can slightly reduce the load on your wallet, but you will pay 5-6 months longer. This means you will overpay more. Therefore, if you have free funds, you should use the second option. And increase the size of the monthly payment on a Sberbank credit card in order to fulfill your financial obligations to the bank and close the loan ahead of schedule.

The date of the first mandatory payment on a Sberbank credit card coincides with the end date of the interest-free payment period. To calculate the payment period in each specific case, Sberbank has developed a special service http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/bank_cards/credit/graceperiod. To use it, you need to enter the date the statement and purchase were generated, and also indicate the interest rate specified in the agreement.

How to calculate the grace period of a loan and find out the date of the minimum payment using the interactive service on the Sberbank website

You can deposit money into your account in different ways:

  • non-cash money transfer from one card to another through the Sberbank Online service;
  • via ATM. Insert the card into the card reader, enter the PIN code and deposit the required amount into the account;
  • at the cash desk of one of the Sberbank branches. Funds are credited according to the card number. You need to take your passport, military ID or any other document confirming your identity with you.

To pay the obligatory payment on a Sberbank credit card and not be on the list of debtors, transfer the money at least 3 days before the settlement date. Transfers take time to process. Sometimes the banking system simply does not have time to record a payment received one day before the end of the due date and automatically charges a penalty.

Penalty for missed payment

Sberbank charges a penalty for missing a mandatory payment on a credit card. Its size varies depending on the terms of the contract. As a standard, an additional fee of 36% per annum is charged for late payments. Together with the base rate of 23.9–27.9%, the total percentage increases to 59.9–63.9%.

A negative account balance may indicate that you are subject to penalties. In this case, you must make the minimum payment, taking into account penalties. Otherwise, the transferred money will not be enough to fully repay the debt.


It is recommended to make the minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card several business days before the date determined by the terms of the agreement. This is necessary so that the system has time to record the fact that funds have been credited to the bank account. The amount of the mandatory contribution depends on the amount spent, the cost of additional services and the base interest rate established by the client’s credit card tariff. Its calculation occurs automatically. Find out how much to pay and when you can via SMS, by phone or through Sberbank Online.

Any owner of a Sberbank credit card should know what payments on a Sberbank credit card must be made to secure their obligations - the presence or absence of losses when using borrowed money directly depends on this.

Mandatory payment by Sberbank credit card

When you issue a Sberbank credit card, you are assigned a credit limit that you can use at your discretion. It is recommended to pay only for purchases with a credit card, since this procedure does not involve any commission.

When withdrawing cash or transferring to another card, a commission is charged, which is significantly higher than the rates for debit cards. In addition, interest rates immediately begin to apply on funds used in these areas.

Sberbank provides an interest-free period for credit card payments. In order not to overpay, it is recommended to study the rules of its use and follow them. The grace period is equal to 50 days from the date of activation. This means that a purchase made on the first day of the reporting period does not accrue interest for all 50 days, and on the last day - 20.

The reporting period is equal to a month, after which a report is generated indicating the amount and date of payment of the debt. The next 20 days are provided for repayment. At this time, you can also use the card if the entire credit limit has not been exhausted.

Interest-free periods overlap, making it difficult to calculate your monthly payment. To avoid paying interest, it is enough to repay the total debt specified in the document from the bank every month.

Minimum monthly payment

If it is not possible to pay the required amount, you will need to make a minimum payment.

At the end of the grace period, the client must pay any of the following amounts:

  • All debt. In this case, only the borrowed amount is returned, without the bank interest rate.
  • Minimum monthly payment. Once paid, interest will begin to apply to the balance.

After repayment, the credit limit can be used again.

The minimum monthly payment on a Sberbank credit card is 5% of the used loan or at least 150 rubles.

The minimum payment may include the following parameters (if any):

  • interest for using a loan (for example, for withdrawing cash);
  • penalties, fines;
  • the amount of exceeding the limit (when spending more than is allowed to the borrower).

Making a mandatory payment shows the borrower’s fulfillment of his obligations, and therefore the use of credit funds (if available) is further permitted. But interest begins to accrue on the unpaid portion of the debt. It is easy to calculate the resulting value by applying your tariff (written in the contract). You can also view the current balance in Sberbank Online if you can’t calculate it yourself.

You can return the remaining balance at any time. If this is not done before the next month, the amount will be included in the new report.

How to calculate a payment on a Sberbank credit card

You can calculate the payment on a Sberbank credit card yourself, based on your expenses, or look at it in the report. The latter is sent monthly to the client by email. There is also a reminder via SMS indicating the date and amount.

You can check for yourself how much and when you need to pay in Sberbank Online.

The brief information written next to the selected credit card contains all the parameters:

  • balance of the credit limit;
  • next payment date;
  • minimum payment;
  • total debt;
  • interest rate.

What happens if the required payment is late?

There is no deferment for a Sberbank credit card.

If a client is late with a payment on a Sberbank credit card, a penalty is applied to him. It is 36% per annum and is calculated from the principal debt.

Those. If you are late with a payment, it is better to make it as soon as possible. Otherwise, both interest and a fine are applied to it, which is why the debt increases significantly. Calculating the payment taking into account the fine is not easy; it is better to check the current amount in the online bank the day before making the payment or check with the operator by phone.

When a client is late on a payment, he receives an SMS from Sberbank with a reminder. It is sent the very next day after the date of the obligatory monthly payment. It is recommended to repay it within 1-2 days, as there are cases of card blocking if payment is overdue by more than 5 days. This time is considered technical debt, which may arise due to the length of the procedure for transferring money from one bank to another. For most institutions, the period for crediting funds is limited to 3 days.

Credit card repayment methods

When to make a payment by credit card is recorded in the report, SMS and in Sberbank Online. This can be done at any time after its formation, but 3-5 days before the deadline date, so as not to overdue. Sberbank offers several deposit methods.

Transfer from Sberbank card

  • Transfer from any card to Sberbank Online. The payment is filled out in the Payments section.
  • In the Mobile application, follow similar instructions.
  • SMS to 900 via Mobile Banking. You need to write down: the command (TRANSFER), the last 4 digits of the card from which to write off the money, 4 digits of the credit card and the amount. Everything is written with a space and sent to 900. Example: TRANSLATION 1234 4321 3000.
  • From a debit card through an ATM. You need to go to Payments, write down your credit card number and amount.

Cash replenishment

  • Cash through the terminal.
  • At a bank branch. Be sure to have a passport.

All of these methods do not require payment of a commission.

From a card of another bank

You can also make a minimum or full payment from a card of any institution using its Internet service or an independent resource designed for transfers between cards. In this case, you need to pay for the operation according to the institution’s tariffs.

The average commission is 1%.


To use a credit card without overpayment, it is enough to pay the amount indicated in the message or statement monthly until the end of the interest-free period. If this is not possible, you need to make a mandatory minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card, information about which is received in the same way. You can also calculate it yourself. If you miss a payment, a penalty will be assessed. If payment is not received for a long time, the credit card is blocked.

Lending is one of the main activities of any Russian bank. Sberbank, the largest representative of the banking industry, is considered a recognized leader in the provision of borrowed funds to individuals. The range of loan products offered today by this financial institution is very significant. However, plastic credit cards are the most popular among borrowers. And there are good reasons for this - they are convenient, mobile and profitable with the correct approach to borrowing. An important nuance is that the debt to the bank that a citizen has as a result of using such a credit card must be repaid in a timely manner. Mandatory payments on a Sberbank credit card must be made monthly. How to calculate it? Let's take a closer look.

When applying for a credit card, you need to carefully study the agreement and clarify the amount of the required payment

Credit cards from Sberbank: what are their advantages for clients

Credit cards issued by Sberbank provide many preferences for clients of this financial organization - holders of bank plastic cards:

  1. The credit card is issued by the bank once. When the established validity period of the card expires, by default it will be re-issued (re-issued). Notification of this fact will be sent to the holder by SMS message. Typically, this practice does not prevent regular withdrawals of money, which can be carried out repeatedly and continuously.
  2. Borrowing with a credit card is a convenient option for solving financial problems in extraordinary situations when the client needs funds urgently and without delay. The borrower does not need to submit a loan application with a package of documents to the bank every time in order to apply for another loan. You just need to use plastic – make a cashless payment or withdraw money through an ATM terminal.
  3. The presence of a grace period within which the credit card holder can attract and repay borrowed funds without paying the prescribed interest.
  4. Regular use of a credit card effectively contributes to the formation or improvement of the borrower’s credit reputation, which is especially important for the upcoming application for a bank mortgage.
  5. The owner of a card that allows you to freely use borrowed funds has no reason to worry about the security of your finances if your card is stolen or lost. A lost card can be quickly blocked by calling the issuing bank's hotline. This will help prevent unauthorized access to the client's money.
  6. If a credit card holder uses it to make non-cash payments for purchases at trade organizations that are partners of the issuing bank, then a certain part of the paid funds is automatically returned to his account. This practice is called cashback. This helps to significantly save the client money.
  7. Credit plastic can be used by the holder as a bank card to which wages are systematically transferred (salary card).
  8. By paying with a Sberbank credit card for purchases in a retail network, the client accumulates so-called bonus points, which can then be used to receive discounts.

The amount of the mandatory monthly payment is specified in the contract

Mandatory payment on a credit card: what is its meaning?

Payments for obligations arising from the use of a credit card must be made in strict accordance with banking regulations and the borrowing agreement. The most important parameter of such lending is the mandatory payment. This is the minimum required amount of money that must be timely deposited into a credit card account every month to repay the corresponding debt to the issuing bank. The size of the loan payment directly depends on the amount of existing debt.

The monthly payment on Sberbank credit plastic must be at least 150 (one hundred and fifty) rubles.

Proper repayment of existing obligations on a Sberbank credit card does not at all imply that the borrower completely covers his entire debt in one payment. Each month, by the due date, an amount equivalent to 5 (five) percent of the total debt must be paid. In addition, it is necessary to pay the corresponding interest charges on the borrowed loan. The repayment schedule for such a loan must be strictly followed. A delay in the next payment or open delays will lead to the accrual of penalties by the lender. They will not only increase the cost of lending for the borrower, but also ruin his credit file.

How can I find out my credit card payment? You can check its size with the operational employee of a financial institution, through Sberbank Online or, alternatively, through a mobile bank. There are several ways to deposit funds to pay off credit card debt:

  1. ATM of the creditor organization that accepts cash.
  2. Payment at the bank office (through a credit manager).
  3. Transferring the salary received to a credit card in order to close the debt.
  4. Non-cash transfer of money using Sberbank Online (from one client account to another account linked to the card).

Certain methods of paying credit debt involve charging a set commission from the payer. The loan is automatically repaid by writing off the money if there is a sufficient amount in the account. You should make a payment on a credit card only if you have an actual debt. As mentioned earlier, if such payment is made by the borrower during the grace period, the bank does not charge interest on the corresponding loan.

To prevent your credit card from turning into a mousetrap, you need to understand how the required monthly payment is calculated

Monthly credit card payment amount

For an existing debt on a Sberbank credit card, the borrower is obliged to pay monthly 5% of the actual debt, but not less than one hundred and fifty rubles. In addition to this payment, the debtor repays the bank for accrued interest on the loan, as well as fines issued for payment (if, of course, there are any).

Calculation example

What is a required payment on a credit card? The procedure for calculating the minimum monthly payment on a credit card issued by Sberbank can be considered using a conditional example. Let’s assume that the client received a credit card with the following parameters: the maximum borrowing limit is 150 (one hundred and fifty) thousand rubles, the annual interest rate is 20%. By the way, the cost of such lending can be clarified through Sberbank Online by reading the information on a specific credit card.

Using a bank account, the client withdraws cash on October 10, 2017 in the amount of 20,000 rubles. For withdrawing cash from a credit card, the card holder pays a commission to Sberbank. It is 3 (three) percent of the withdrawn amount, but not less than 390 (three hundred ninety) rubles. In this case, such a commission will be 600 rubles (3% of 20,000 rubles). Thus, the client’s total debt amounts to 20,600 rubles (the actual withdrawal amount plus the commission for cash withdrawal). Interest is accrued to the borrower from the first day the corresponding debt is formed, since the grace period does not apply to cash withdrawal transactions.

After the thirty-day period, that is, by November 10, 2017, the client will have to pay at least 1,369 rubles on the credit card. This amount is calculated as follows:

  • the total amount of debt (20,600 rubles) is multiplied by 5 (five) percent. It turns out 1030 rubles. This is the principal amount of the debt, subject to monthly repayment;
  • the total amount of debt (20,600 rubles) is multiplied by 20 (twenty) percent - the annual rate;
  • the resulting value - 4120 rubles - is divided by the number of days in a year (365) and multiplied by the number of days between two regular payments (30). The result of the action is 339 rubles. This is the amount of interest accrued for one month.

The total minimum monthly payment on a credit card is 1,369 rubles (1,030 plus 339). The balance of the principal debt is 19,570 rubles (20,600 minus 1,030).

Every adult Russian can get a credit card from Sberbank. Plastic significantly simplifies the process of purchasing goods and makes it possible to effectively control costs. The holder must make a required minimum payment on the credit card.

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What is a mandatory payment on a Sberbank credit card

Each credit card has a certain limit that you can use at your discretion. The minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card is the amount that the owner of the plastic card is obliged to deposit onto the card once a month to pay off the debt. The day of such payment is established by the banking institution and is specified in the agreement.

Important! The payment date refers to the end of the reporting period, which is usually 25 days.

Such monthly payments ensure gradual repayment of the debt and guarantee the solvency of the card and its further servicing. During the reporting period, the owner of the plastic can spend money from it. After completion of this period, the banking system generates a detailed information certificate describing the payments made. Simply put, it establishes when and how much money was spent.

There is also the concept of a grace period - a period during which interest-free payments are possible. This period is equal to and consists of 30 days of reporting and 20 days of payment periods.

Example: if the reporting period begins on September 8 and the first purchase is made on the same day, interest-free repayment of the debt is possible until October 27, i.e. within 50 days. But even if you make your first purchase at a later date, the debt repayment time will remain the same.

How to calculate the minimum payment on a credit card

Credit card owners need to be able to calculate the minimum payment on a credit card from Sberbank. The following conditions currently apply:

  • The minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card is 5% of the total loan amount.
  • Payment amounts are never lower than 150 rubles.
  • Loan recipients pay interest on the use of money, as well as fines (if any).
  • It also includes online transfers between cards.
  • The bank charges a fee for SMS notification and insurance.

Example: if the card limit is 100 thousand rubles, and the bank’s interest rate is 35% per annum, with an expense of 30 thousand rubles, the principal debt will be 1.5 thousand rubles (30,000x0.05). Interest is calculated as 30,000 x (0.35/12) = 875 rubles. Accordingly, the owner of such a credit account must deposit at least 2,375 rubles (1,500+875) per month. Starting next month, interest will be accrued on the remaining amount of the debt.

The minimum amount is calculated taking into account the percentage of the monthly payment and the approved limit, as well as the maximum threshold value established by the banking institution.

Important! If you have spent less on your card than the required minimum payment, you do not need to pay extra money.

If you cannot calculate the payment yourself, you can always contact the bank or ask your question to the employees online. To do this, individuals need to log into their account. A list of issued cards will appear on the first page; here you can also find detailed information on the credit card, including the minimum payment amount, limit and debt repayment date.

At the end of the 50-day grace period, the bank client is allowed to repay the debt in full. Then he will return only the borrowed amount, without taking into account the interest rate. When the minimum amount is paid, interest is charged on the balance. The credit limit can be used again after repayment. If the amount is not repaid within the interest-free period, interest will be charged for the entire period of use of the money.

You can find out about card payments from the report that is sent to the Sberbank client’s email. You can also obtain information about payment calculations from a financial institution branch. You need to take with you not only a card, but also a passport. The operator will print out the necessary information, which will indicate the repayment date, the amount of the total debt and the minimum contribution.

For a convenient and quick calculation, you can use a calculator.

What happens if you don't make the required payment?

If so, you will have to face penalties. The penalty is 36% per annum and is calculated based on the amount of the principal debt. Both interest and penalties are charged on overdue debt, and as a result it increases noticeably.

In case of late payment, the cardholder receives an SMS reminder about this. The message arrives the next day after the date specified in the contract as the due date for payment. Sometimes the card is simply blocked if the holder is overdue for payment by more than 5 days. This is a technical debt arising from the slow transfer of money between banks.

Important! In most institutions, funds are credited within three days.

Debt repayment options

For clients of a banking structure who are overdue on a card payment, it is better to make it as soon as possible. There are several payment methods, among which you can always choose the most convenient for yourself:

  • Via an ATM or terminal.
  • Using the service.
  • Electronic money.
  • At the bank's cash desk.

The easiest repayment option is available to debit card holders of the same bank. To make a payment through the online service, just log in, select the “Credit” tab in the payments section, indicate the agreement number and the amount to transfer to a credit card.

At the terminals you can pay off your debt in cash or by card. Here you need to dial the account number to be replenished and deposit funds. True, you will also have to pay a commission, and transferring funds sometimes takes up to 3 days.

For those who are interested in quickly transferring money, it is possible to carry out the procedure at a bank cash desk. You can contact any branch. The funds will be credited to the account within a maximum of 24 hours, but there is also a commission involved.

Important! You can also pay off your debt at a third-party bank, but the funds will take longer to be credited.

You can pay by credit card through mobile banking. A command is sent to number 900 containing the word credit, the number of the plastic to be replenished, the amount of the contribution and for write-off.

For people who have not registered with Sberbank’s online service, electronic money is a good alternative in terms of paying off credit card debt. To make a monthly payment you need:

  1. Log in to your wallet account.
  2. Select the withdrawal function.
  3. Specify the card account as the direction.
  4. Indicate the card number and transfer amount.

In this case, the system charges a commission fee.

Features of full repayment

There is only one situation where it is realistic to ignore your monthly credit card payment for the required amount of time. We are talking about full repayment and closing of the borrowed account. The loan can be repaid ahead of schedule without notifying the bank in advance.

This procedure is carried out through an employee of a banking institution. The client will be given an application form, where the savings account for the transfer and the amount of replenishment should be indicated. Full repayment is available any day. Interest will have to be paid only for the period of actual use of the loan funds.

How to avoid penalties

A credit card is a very convenient payment instrument, but it involves certain user obligations. By violating these obligations, a person risks not only the money that will have to be paid in the form of a fine. Having outstanding debts damages your credit history and can become a problem when trying to get loans in the future.

Poll: are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


To avoid these and other problems, you should:

  • Deposit funds on time.
  • When calculating the contribution, take into account all the necessary data, including the commission for withdrawing money.
  • Do not violate the stipulated payment schedule.
  • Be sure to save payment documentation - receipts.

Paying off debt within the grace period allows you to save on interest. It is advisable to transfer funds a couple of days before the expiration of the established period, since it may take some time for the money to be credited.

A good option for monitoring the status of your credit account and timely depositing the required amounts would be to connect to the Sberbank Online system. Here you can always find all your credit card information, as well as due dates for mandatory payments.

If you accidentally missed a payment deadline or find yourself in a difficult financial situation, contact the bank contact center. The employee will register the appeal and determine the time for repayment of the debt. At the same time, he will inform you about the amount of payment on the day of application.

Important! There is no possibility of deferred payment for Sberbank credit cards.

Payments on Sberbank credit cards must be made every month before the day specified in the agreement. If it is impossible to repay the debt in full, you will have to pay the established minimum. Even if no credit card transactions were carried out during the month, it is necessary to monitor the status of the account. A small debt may arise if there is a subscription fee for connected services.

Almost every person now has a credit card. This type of plastic is easy to use, quick to maintain, and if handled skillfully, brings benefits to the owner. The vast majority of our compatriots are owners of credit cards from Sberbank. The largest bank in Russia has an expanded loan portfolio, where each consumer can choose the optimal product for himself.

But many people, especially those who have only recently become the owner of a credit card, ask many questions about its use. One of the most common interests is the determination and payment of the stipulated minimum payment. How can I find out what the required payment is on a Sberbank credit card, and within what time frame it must be repaid so as not to become overdue?

The main rule for the borrower is not to forget to make the monthly payment on the credit card

Mandatory monthly credit card payment - the essence of the concept

This term refers to a certain, specific amount that the credit card owner must deposit onto the card every month to reduce the debt. When explaining what a mandatory payment on a Sberbank credit card is, it is worth understanding that funds must be received no later than the specified time (the deadline is specified in the agreement).

The monthly payment date indicates the end of the next payment period. Sberbank almost always sets it within 25 days.

If situations arise when the borrower does not keep up or is late with making the next payment, the banking structure has the right to charge him penalties. Therefore, you should be very responsible about your obligations to the banking organization, so as not to run into trouble.

Formation of a regular payment

But many owners of credit cards do not know exactly what the minimum payment is on a Sberbank credit card. At the moment, this banking structure has established a payment with monthly deductions amounting to 5% of the total loan (but not less than 150 rubles). There are also additional payments that are charged to the borrower for using the funds provided on credit.

Common questions regarding credit cards

In addition to mandatory payments, a banking organization may include in the payment and settlement for SMS messages, insurance and commissions for cashing out a loan.

To better understand how mandatory payments are calculated, it is worth knowing where and in what sequence Sber writes off received funds:

  1. Credit card debt.
  2. Fines. Unfortunately, this item, included in expenses, happens too often to borrowers who simply forget about the date of the next payment.
  3. Established interest rates. This includes the same annual interest that is determined by the terms of the credit card.
  4. Commission. This percentage is accrued when withdrawing money from the card in cash, for some transfers and credit card services.

Not all borrowers know about this scheme, so they are sometimes surprised that their monthly and timely payments do not reduce the amount of their debt. This situation happens when the loan debt is not repaid..

Experts advise periodically taking a card invoice statement in order to have complete information about payment. Or learn how to calculate payment amounts yourself.

  1. We calculate the debt: 15,000 (money spent) x 0.05 (monthly payment set by the bank at 5%) = 750 rubles.
  2. We calculate the interest: 15,000 x (0.36 / 12) = 450 rubles.
  3. We calculate the total amount: 750 + 450 = 1,200 rubles.

Debt payment methods

In order not to be late with your next payment and not face penalties, you should follow some useful recommendations. Namely:

  1. Make monthly payments on time. In this situation, Sberbank met its borrowers halfway and allowed them to independently plan the amount of payments. The only thing you need to do is make a payment every month.
  2. Remember that if the next payment is late, the bank has the right to also impose payment of fines.
  3. By contacting a Sberbank employee and asking him for a credit card statement, you can see what the monthly payment amount is.
  4. If the borrower has a situation where they are unable to make payments, it is worth transferring amounts in excess of the recommended payment. This will help reduce your overall loan.

There are several ways to make a payment

If you make a payment that exceeds the established amount of the regular payment, then Sberbank will only take the percentage established by the rules of the credit card, and the rest of the money will become available for use. Payment can be made in several ways. For example:

  1. Through a bank teller.
  2. Using terminals/ATMs.
  3. By transfer from another card (via Sberbank-Online).

When choosing a payment method option, it is worth remembering that many of them have their own transfer fee.

Using Sberbank Online

This method becomes quick and accessible if the owner of the credit card has a savings account or debit card. Payment is made according to the following instructions:

  • log in to Sberbank Online;
  • in the “Payments” sub-item, select and click on “Credit”;
  • make a payment, indicating the card number where the money is sent and its amount.

Via mobile banking

You can also make a payment by sending an SMS message to number 900. The text should be composed as follows: “to, No...., amount..., numbers...”, where:

  • k – the word “credit”;
  • No... – card number;
  • amount... – deduction amount;
  • digits... - indicate the last (four) digits of the debit card number from which the money will be debited.

Making payments to a credit card using mobile banking becomes possible only if the debit and credit cards were received at Sberbank branches located in the same region.

By terminal

This method of repaying a loan is quite convenient. To make a payment, you must use a debit card or cash. Before making a payment, do not forget to indicate the credit card number where the money is being received.

An important condition is to avoid delays and pay fees regularly and on time.

Payments made using the terminal are subject to commission. It is worth considering that the money does not arrive immediately, but within 3 days.

At the bank office

One of the most common methods for making regular payments is the Sber cash desk. This operation can be carried out at any Sberbank branch. In this case, the payment will be in the right account within the next 24 hours (if you make the payment in a third-party bank, the receipt of money will take 2-3 days). It is worth remembering that when making a payment you will also have to pay additional commissions.

Via Russian Post

You can also pay a visit to the nearest post office. To complete such an operation, you will need the payer’s passport, details of the payment being made, credit card number and Sberbank address. All this information is given out by Sber employees already at the stage of concluding the contract.

You will have to wait about 2 weeks for a completed payment through Russian Post. This period should be kept in reserve so as not to delay payment.

Electronic payments

Electronic payment systems can also help with monthly payments. To make the required payment, the borrower must have an E-wallet. The main advantage of this method is the almost instant payment is credited. But many are put off by too high commissions for cash transfers.

An important advantage of credit cards is the presence of a grace period

How to clarify the minimum payment on the card

So, if you don’t want to calculate the term of your minimum payment yourself, you can find out it. And this is done in several ways. In particular:

  1. In the bank from the employees from the received statement.
  2. Having learned information on remote access (via Sberbank-Online).

Penalties for late payment

It is worth remembering that Sberbank does not provide any deferments for clients in paying for credit plastic. Therefore, if the next payment is delayed, the consumer will be subject to a fine.

The penalty for a credit card issued by Sberbank is set at 36% per annum. The amount of the fine is calculated based on the principal debt.

Therefore, it is extremely important to avoid delays in regular payments and deposit funds before the specified payment date. Otherwise, the debt will only grow - because it depends on the amount of debt. Sberbank necessarily warns the client about the emerging debt via SMS messages. If you do not remove debt obligations within the next 5 days, the bank has the right to freeze the card.

Advantages of credit cards from Sberbank

In modern life, more and more people are switching to non-cash payments using plastic cards. According to many, this is comfortable and profitable. One has only to remember the Grace period and participation in various promotions, in which anyone who makes non-cash payments can become a participant.

The only thing you need to watch out for is to remember to make your monthly payment regularly. By the way, on your own Sberbank-Online page you can use the automatic payment service. In this case, the system itself will regularly replenish the credit card with the required amount, and the consumer will not face delays and subsequent fines.


There are many ways to make the minimum payment on an active credit card. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which method to use is an individual matter. Just don’t forget about the payment itself, otherwise you will have to face troubles in the form of increasing penalties and subsequent blocking of the card.

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